MUSTANG GT350 free porn video

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Introduction: It was a very special night on the hood of that car.. Mustang GT350: Innocence Lost

By Samantha G.

It was 1987. The year Bo Didley, Chuck Berry, and Marvin Gaye made it to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Marvin Gaye was a favorite of my Dad, and Ford Mustangs were a hot topic at our dinner table on most nights, but tonight was extra special for me. It was my 16th birthday. I had my pick for our dinner on this night and, to nobodys surprise, it was my Moms homemade pizza.

My Mom really didnt have time to do this in one day, so she would start the night before on the pizza sauce. The thick rich aroma of her delicious tomato sauce was wafting through our house all night last night. And, of course, it was Dads job to stop at Beccos market on his way home from work and select the finest of the Italian sausage. After all, Nobody knows more about meat than I do! he always said with pride. And, he had a point, because Grandpa was a butcher in Apache Junction ages ago when Dad was growing up. I worked in that shop sixteen hours a day! he would always remind us and me in particular. He also reminded me that he had to walk to school every day, even on Sundays, fifty miles each way, and through buffalo stampedes.

You know, Sammie, I can still hear his lectures of life, You can be anything you want to be. I always dropped my head down.Oh no, here we go again.

Yes Dad. I know, I know. I always got The Look when I said those words. He would pull down his large black-framed glasses and look over them at me. Uhm. The usual reply.

I usually got As and a few Bs in school. I could have applied myself more, but I had a lot of chores to do. Feeding and tending to our horses, fixing broken fences, and working on that damn car.

So, just what do you want to do with your life? Dad always kept after me.

I dunno, maybe waitress at Hooters. That always pissed him off.

He abruptly stood at the table

Sit down Julius! My Mom was shaking her head with her back to us, laboring on the sauce for my birthday feast. My Dad was and still is a mountain of a man, six-foot-five and a solid 260 pounds. But Elaine could put him in his place in a heartbeat. My Mom ruled with an iron fist, and we both knew it. In fact, she grounded me for life last year. I came home from a trip to the city with a Harley Davidson tattoo on my left arm.

I love you, Mom. There, Dad. Its now two against one. My Mom didnt want to be called by her chosen name here at home. Her parents immigrated to America from Vietnam, when she was a little girl. They wanted her to have an American name on her naturalization papers, so they picked Elaine Mae. But she really liked to hear, Mom.

You know, tomorrow is a big day, Sammie. My Dad was trying to get on our good side now. He knew he didnt have a ghost of a chance to pursue my employment issues any further.

Yep, a biggie, Dad. Now I can drive your car. That was just pushing his buttons now. Again, Julius stood up. Only to feel the wrath of Moms dishtowel on the back of his neck.

SIT DOWN! Mom now gave him the look. You promised her.

I know Honey, My Dad was still very much in love with her, and it would never fade, only get stronger, as they went on their journey of life together. I could only pray to find such happiness as these two shared. It made growing up something special, to have parents like them.

Be right back. My Dad got up and walked towards bedroom hallway.

Your father has a surprise for you. My Mom turned and looked at me.

What? What surprise? My heart was now racing. The butterflies in my stomach were overwhelming. I glanced down the hallway.

Oh My God!! I was now squirming in my kitchen chair. I could see my Dad coming back into view, his eyes absolutely beaming, and I distinctly heard the jingle of car keys. He had his arms behind his back, foolishly trying to hide my surprise. I sprang at him when he got into range.

Oh Dad, you didnt!! I squealed in pure delight, hugging him, trying to reach around him and pry my present from those huge hands. It was no use, he was too big. I stepped back with my hands to my mouth, my dark hazel eyes bulging with excitement. I began bouncing up and down. My eyes glued to his hands as they came into view.

For you, Sammie. I stood frozen in time, unable to speak. The keys to his Mustang swayed in front of my stunned face. Not just any set of keys. My very own set!!

At first I was afraid of them. They would hold so much responsibility, but I quickly grabbed them anyway and launched a hug that my Dad would never forget. My Mom just stood at the stove and watched us, silently nodding her pretty head with approval. I could hardly get to sleep that night. I couldnt just leave My Keys on the nightstand, nope. I had to hold them again. I grabbed my flashlight from the drawer, and clicked it on.

I laid on my back in my bed with my legs propped up knocking together and held my sweet independence high in the darkness. The beam from the light made them shimmer. They had the Ford logos, and I read Sammie embroidered inside a large red heart on the big black leather tab. Everyone will think I drive a Sammie. What the Hell is a Sammie? What kind of a car is that? Maybe it should have said MUSTANG, but it didnt matter to me. I got the car.

That car became a big part of me. So many events in my life would take place because of it. Some were happy, and some were sad. And some would change my life forever, as though that Mustang gave me so many choices at the crossroads along lifes journey. It seems like such an easy decision to go straight, or turn left or right, but the path we choose will alter who we are today. To fall asleep on that Thursday night was impossible. And school the next day was just eight wasted hours. I couldnt get home fast enough.

Happy Birthday, Sammie! Mom sang as she finally presented the scalding hot delicacy from the oven, the steam blasting my face as she placed it front of me on the table. I squirmed, feeling my keys as they caressed my butt in my back pocket.

Ah, can I get this to go? I silently begged. I had a ton of places to go to, people to see, and things to do!!

We slaughtered the pizza in short order. The only sounds were that of our lips smacking together, and some moans of delight. Dan Rather was on TV, talking about President Reagan and the Iran-Contra stuff, and the Unibomber struck for the second time at a Utah computer store.

Can I go? I beamed at my parents. I had wolfed down four big slabs of Moms present. But I was a growing girl, five foot four inches and a nicely toned one hundred and ten pounds.

What? No McGyvver tonight, Sammie? My Dad was teasing me. Friday was also our night to watch whatever impossible predicament hed escape from.

Go ahead, dear, but be careful. And my Moms voice was serious, my Dad nodding in agreement. Be home by midnight, ok? I kissed them each goodbye.

I grabbed my Phoenix Suns windbreaker off the hook at the back kitchen doorway, and flew out the door. I would come home a totally different person, at three in the morning.

Holy Shit, I mumbled to myself as I pulled up the doublewide aluminum garage door. I knew they were watching from the kitchen window. The sun setting in the Arizona desert is, for me, always breathtaking. I will always call this place my home. I stood silently and took in this beautiful view. The blazing sunset filled the inside of the garage with a bright orange glow.

My Mustang was parked facing out, looking like a primer gray missile ready for launch. The last rays of sunlight bathed the hungry grill and glared off of the center fog lamps. The small hood scoop was ready to eat some Chevys. I slowly approached my steed, petting the front of the hood, and touching the hood pins whose job it was to keep the damn thing from flying open in event I went five hundred miles an hour.

Thanks Dad! I turned and shouted at the kitchen window and the two figures standing at it. The only thing this machine needed was a navy blue paint job and the two big white stripes. It was all-original, matching numbers, with an honest to God 351 Cleveland engine. Hell, I knew more about cars than most of the boys in school or the entire valley.

I guess thats why the gear heads sought out my company at school. I was born and raised by a father that was a racing nut besides teaching at the University. Ever since I was 10 years old, I helped him on most Saturday afternoons putting this beast together. When most teenage girls were at the mall flirting with older boys, looking for anyone to say how beautiful they were, I was bent over a fender, tightening header bolts or pulling an alternator off, or working on the jets to that fucking carb. We just couldnt get it to idle quite right. The three-quarter race cam had some to blame, but it was supposed to idle rough.

And thanks to that unreliable Holley carburetor, I would find out about very real sex, on this very special night. The night of my 16th birthday.

Thanks again, Dad! I opened the door and climbed in. I got my butt just right, and leaned forward sliding that key in, pressed down the clutch pedal and the heavy duty Hayes clutch we had just put in, and I turned it. The beast roared to life. I was honest to God, WET!

There are two aromas that can really get me going, my Moms homemade pizza, and the sweet smell of high-octane exhaust. And I had a tank full of 104, courtesy of the small airport down the Interstate. I put the animal in first gear. Dad said it dynod at 450hp.

Four years ago, my Dad began to teach me how to drive. Hours and hours of driving up and down our long gravel driveway at first, so I had mastered how to dirt track in the corners and slide without spinning out, and all that crap. I gradually worked up to the super speedway events on the asphalt Interstate that ran by our land. I could speed-shift with the best of em, as my Dad would say. He would sit in the passenger seat and cheer if I laid rubber in all four gears.

But town is waiting for you, Sammie, I thought, and slowly eased out of the garage. At the end of our gravel road, I looked in the rear view mirror and noticed how different I looked. I had a more sensual look in what used to be girls eyes. I had just a little eyeliner on, but it made me look really sexy now.

Theres nothing in the world that compares to cruising down the Interstate at 85 miles per hour with the Mustangs deafening growl and the music of TOTOs Hold the Line blaring out of the sound system. I was on my way to being an independent woman. The windows were rolled down, even though it was only about fifty degrees outside. I just wanted my long black hair to flow out the window.

I blew by a semi and the driver hit his horn in approval. There goes a hot chick, he would have said. The lights of town were slowly coming into view as the Mustang roared down into the valley.

My headlights picked up on the reflecting railroad crossing sign, and then it died. My Mustang, chugged a few times, sputtered, and went quiet. I was almost downtown too. I coasted to a stop just a few blocks away from Donavans Speed Shop.

Shit, thats a break. I rolled up my windows, locked the doors and got out.

Donavans is where everyone goes to get the hottest hop-ups. Clyde Donavan, the owner passed away some years ago, so his oldest son Jason took it over. Jason was a high school star athlete until he got partially paralyzed in a real bad car wreck when he was drag racing through town a few years ago. With any luck, hed still be open. I began walking into town.

Oh good! Hes still open. I could see Jason sweeping out the big stall in the garage. As I was running towards the open garage door, Jason spotted me and suddenly stopped sweeping and dropped his broom. I jogged into the stall, and stopped a few feet from him. Still open?

Ive had a crush on this guy ever since I saw him play football in high school. Jason could have gone to any college in the southwest to play defensive back or wide receiver, but when his dad died, he took over his family responsibility, and kept the shop going. My Dad really didnt care for him that much, only because, Donavans Shop had high prices on everything! Ive always liked Jason and considered him a good friend to share Ford racing secrets with.

Hi Sammie! Is that you? He looked surprised to see me. He struggled to pick his broom back up. His right leg and hip were bolted together after being shattered in the wreck. It took more than just his football career away, girls didnt want to date a cripple. But to me, he was my hero. I had had countless, intimate encounters with him in my privacy of my bedroom.

Hi Jason. Jason could always get me to smile. I got major problems.

I told your dad to get a new Holley for the GT, His voice was crackling.

Well you know my Dad, save a dollar, spend a penny.

Wheres the car, Sammie? He was trying not to make eye contact, which I thought was strange.

A couple of blocks away. Now I moved to get in his vision. Again he looked away.

Ok, lets go get it. He dropped his broom against the workbench and I followed him to the tow truck outside.

Hey, Sid! Ill be right back, he yelled to his little brother, who was busy cleaning the front office area. Ok Jas, the little 12-year-old yelled back. We climbed into the truck.

Shitty thing to have happen on a birthday. I looked at him for an eye to eye. He slowly turned and looked at me.

No shit? Its your birthday?

Jesus, Sam, youre really growing up fast. He was blushing and trying desperately to hide the fact.

Lets go get the car. He quickly glanced down at my legs in the skintight jeans.

Jason did all the work hooking up the tow strap to my car. He was still in fantastic shape. He had really muscular arms and a big chest. He looked a lot like a young Paul Newman.
I couldnt get enough of watching him, or how the cool desert breeze made his blond hair flow so sensuously. I could look at him as a sexy man now. He was only six years older than me, so that made it all right.

We pushed my car into the far right stall, and Jason hit the button to drop the garage door shut. I could see out the back door window from this stall. His mangled wreck of a car was still in the yard. Its engine was pushed into the front seat from the impact of hitting the train on that night. His brakes failed because of a bad fitting and all the fluid leaked out. The streetlight from the alley served as a reminder that the Angel of Death took only his car that night.

Got to go, Jas! Sid yelled from the office. And we heard the door slam shut. We were alone now. Jason pulled the hood pins out and raised the hood.

What have we here, Samantha? He didnt call me Sammie? I watched him take the air cleaner off. Then I leaned in right next him.

Thats the whole problem uh Jas? I leaned a lot closer to him pointing to the front of the carburetor. I had my right breast rub against his arm. They werent very big, but they were breasts. I could feel my nipple become instantly hard, and he knew right away that I wasnt wearing a bra!

Jason stood up quickly and forgot he was under the hood of my car. He almost knocked himself out.

Oh shit, Sammie! What the heck are you doing? He stepped back and sternly looked at me. He rubbed the top of his head. Jesus Christ, Sammie. He checked his hand for blood. He didnt even notice the look of utter despair in my eyes.

Im sorry Jas, My voice was weak and sad. My Boyfriend just yelled at me.

You trying to get me in trouble? I felt terrible. How could he say a thing like that? His face sank when he saw the tears beginning to well in my eyes.

Im sorry, Sammie, He now came to comfort me, I just thought you were-

I quickly turned and ran into the office, sobbing all the way. I slammed the door behind me and, leaning against it, I began to really cry. Jason stayed in the work stall tending to my car.

How could I be that stupid? I scolded myself in his dark office. You think hed be interested in a kid like you?? I looked at the big clock on the wall behind his desk. It was nearing ten oclock.

Just great. I sat in Jasons chair at the desk. Happy birthday, Sam. I stared out the huge store window and pouted, the distant streetlight trying to put me on a stage so everyone could see my foolishness.

Hey everyone, look! Its little Sammie, an imaginary carnival barker was announcing. Look how she moves through the night, like a sensuous snake, about to strike its preyed.

Oh, fuck you, I debated the carnival barker. My big night lay in ruins. I imagined my ideal night would have been to ride around town with my Jason, just a little while, so everyone could see I was with him. He could be driving my car, and I would be sitting on the console right next to him with my arms wrapped tightly around him.

Jason? Please take me home and make love to me. His apartment was right above me, right above this very shop.

Ill just wait here till hes done with my car. I saw the lit numbers to his nearby radio. I reached over and clicked the FM button. Suddenly the whole office and shop was filled with music. The band Journey was on, and they were singing the song Dont Stop Believing. The words to the music went straight to my broken heart.

Almost got it, Sammie! Jason yelled from his distant workplace. I quickly looked at the big clock, 11:15. Cinderellas night is almost over. I felt sad again.

I heard my car roar to life. Excited, I quickly left Jasons chair and ran back to the shop.

Oh my God, what a sight! Jason leaning against my car with a huge smile of satisfaction with his big arms folded across his chest in triumph. I shyly walked towards him, hiding my happy face. My car rocked as the race cam did its stuff.

I replaced the carb jets, Sammie, and adjusted the floats, he said as he twirled a screwdriver. Call it a birthday present. He had a look of concern. OK, Sammie? I stood directly in front of him, afraid to look up. He lightly tapped my nose with the screwdriver, trying to get me to look at him. I couldnt hear him. The engine was too loud. Jason turned and shut off my Mustang.

I said I replaced those bad jets, but dont tell your dad. He reached out and gently held my shoulders. I slowly looked up. My boyfriend didnt want me. He saw the trails of my tears. He knew I wanted him. Music was softly filling the garage. It would be hopeless to escape this pending seduction.

Jason? My voice was shaky but I had to know. Do you think Im pretty?

Yes! he exclaimed and went to the front of my car, gently closing the hood.

Sammie, he continued as I walked to him at the front of the Mustang. You could be on the cover of Vogue. Wow! I didnt know he read that magazine.

Youve got the senior girls beat by a mile. We stood side by side, looking at the front of the car. I felt him turn to look at me. Youre the most beautiful girl in this valley. There was a hint of sincerity in his voice. Maybe it was that he liked what I knew about cars.

Happy birthday, Samantha, Jason bent down to kiss my cheek just as I turned to face him. Our lips met.

Theres an eternity of time to that very first serious kiss. Every pair of lips that would touch mine from that day forward would be compared to Jasons. And for a girl of 16 to get that first very special kiss from her biggest fantasy, its pure heaven.

We stood together frozen in time. I slowly put my arms around his neck and quietly pressed against him. He dropped the screwdriver. I felt his hands around my waist. My mouth opened as his soft warm tongue brushed my moist lips. Jason was breathing so fast and heavy it was triggering a hunger deep inside me. I wasnt afraid of where this was going. My knees shivered in weakness, his strong hands were at my small firm breasts.

Jason didnt know about my parents collection of porno, that I had found and studied. For two long years, I read all the magazines and watched every movie, hundreds of times. I had a library of sex at my disposal. And I knew he didnt have a girlfriend and since I had a crush on him for so long, I wanted him to be with me. I wanted him to make love to me. I needed him to be the one.

He moaned in complete surprise as my hands pressed from his neck, down to the front of his jeans. He followed suit, by gently rubbing my damp pussy through the crotch of my anxious skin tight Levis.

My hands were at his crotch, rubbing and grasping. I moaned long and loud, feeling his rock hard penis that was trapped in his jeans. My first ever, very real penis. And his was very erect.

My tight jeans, quick pull them off! The words wouldnt come out. I unzipped his greasy jeans. He groaned. His hands were now at my own jeans, working to release them. My hand was going inside, sliding under the band of his jockey shorts. I felt his rich pubic hair, and the heat from his groin.

Sammie, he whispered, his lips worked around my cheek to my ear. My jeans were going down my legs. His hands held my butt, squeezing my small firm cheeks. My hand found his beautiful naked cock. It was so smooth and rock solid. My fingers slowly grasped it.

Jason, I quietly whispered his name. He pushed his jeans and underwear down to his knees. I watched his manhood spring straight out. It looked huge. Not nearly as big as some of those actors in the pornos, but for a sixteen-year-old virgin, it was big.

This scene of innocence lost will be forever stamped in my mind. A dimly lit service garage, in the farthest stall two people standing and facing each other. One with his jeans and underwear around his knees, his rock-hard penis sticking straight out. He was holding my shoulders. He had his eyes closed and his head tilted back, because I was stroking his cock with my hand. My fingers were squeezing and pumping his ridged shaft. Im looking down in awe at this sight. My own jeans are around my ankles, but my panties are still on, and so is my jacket and tee shirt. To me, it looked like two lonely people finding each other on a dark, cool February night in the Arizona desert.

Oh, Sam, Oh, Jason was whispering. I stepped out of my jeans and knelt on them. His beautifully hard cock throbbed as I held it. I slowly took his penis into my mouth, closing my warm wet lips around his smooth velvety head. My hands held onto his hips. I could feel the poor attempt the surgeons did to reconstruct it. I slowly moved my mouth back and forth on his erect cock.

Oh, sweet Jesus! I heard him whisper out loud. I could make him mine forever. After all, I learned a lot watching those movies. But I didnt consider the end result of my expertise. He held my head and began to pump his cock in and out of my mouth faster and faster. I could barely hold his hips now. I grabbed the base of his wet stiff penis and pumped it feverishly.

Oh, Oh, I felt his ass tighten, as his penis swelled in my mouth. He stopped moving. The flood of hot cum poured onto my tongue, and hit the back of my throat. Instinctively, I tried to swallow, but there was way too much. It just kept pumping out. I had a huge load in my mouth as I released his penis, and it was still flying out of the tip, landing on my jacket, my cheek, and in my hair. The bittersweet salty taste overwhelmed my full mouth. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and gulped it down as he gently held my head in his shaking hands. I could feel his warm cum dribbling onto my naked thighs.

He brought me to my feet and began kissing me, as I began to slide myself out of my drenched black panties. I held onto his still very erect penis, to keep my balance and also to remind both of us that this wasnt over yet.

Losing My Religion. I heard the R.E.M. song on the radio at the very moment that I lay on the hood of my car, naked from the waist down with my legs spread wide. Jason approached, his hard cock swayed towards my hot young pussy.

This is MY man, Jason, I told myself. My heart began to beat out his name. He gently held my hips and pulled me down to the front of the hood. His hard cock bumped the inside of my hot smooth thigh, making me gasp in excitement and finality. His eyes were shut as he rubbed the head of his stiff cock around my sweating pussy. My head was swimming with excitement and raw lust. He found the tight opening, hot, wet and slick.

Ohhh, I felt the head go in just a little. Arching my back, I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck. Desperately seeking his sweet kiss at this moment in my life.

Owww, Ouch, Ohhhh. He was pushing just a little. I clenched my teeth. It hurt and it burned at the same time. The pressure was painfully sweet. Jason looked down and kissed me, taking my head in his hands, thrusting his hips forward. Jason was making a secret commitment to me. He would never leave my side, Forever, Samantha.

AHHH, OH my GOD!!! The searing hot pain filled my stretching new womanhood. I looked down with tightly clenched teeth. Puffing, and panting, his penis was half way in.
It had broken through. My body was shaking as he slowly pulled his hard penis out a little. I saw my blood and juice coating his glistening shaft. He slowly pushed it back in making me yelp sharply. He was going deeper.

I hung on to his neck for dear life. It was so painful, but also very, very wonderful. He slowly pumped my young pussy. My tightness made him dizzy with lust. Every stroke was more than the one before, as his cock glided effortlessly in and out. My wetness was louder than the music in the background. My butt was riding in a pool of blood and juice on the hood of my car.

Oh my God, oh my God, I was loudly breathing the words over and over. He held my hips, slowly pumping his wonderful cock. Pain was building, he was going deeper. My hips were a flurry of humping back against his organ. He pulled me down to lay my back on the hood of the car. He wrapped his large arms around my spread thighs, pulling me and plunging his cock in and out. My arms shot straight out, there was nothing for me to grab. My head and hair flung from side to side, as my cries of passion echoed throughout the empty garage. He pumped slow, then fast. His cock went deep, then shallow. My stuffed pussy was splashing with juice

Oh, what he does with his cock! That wonderful, hard thrusting, pumping, hunk of manhood, my sex glazed mind whispered over and over.

I watched him straighten up and felt him sink the entire length into me. My mouth hung wide open. I was silent. I was full. A great pressure was washing through me. My head was spinning. My whole body was shaking. I couldnt stop it. The tidal wave of a climax engulfed every inch of me. I locked my legs around him, and quickly gripped his strong arms, trying to ride it out, terrified at where this euphoria was taking me. My eyes were closing as the heat in my loins exploded, sending a bath of warmth cascading through every fiber of my gripping vagina. A seductive darkness closed in.

Oh, Dear God, Samantha, a small voice echoed faintly through my thoughts. I was drifting away. Dont bother me, I replied to the voice. I was weightless, and drifting. My entire being was warm and tingly. On and on, I drifted so wondrously. Barely conscious of where I was, or that Jason had pulled out of me and was passionately kissing my mouth. I was elsewhere now, in another world, where time didnt exist. The fruits of passion. A womans orgasm. I faintly felt the heat of his cock pumping out a huge load of cum onto my belly. I was vaguely aware of holding his penis, and stroking it, pulling on the shaft, milking more of his precious seed onto my body.

Theres that little voice again. Sammie? What the fuck do you want! Im busy here in ecstasy, Im getting mad now.

Sammie!! I slowly began to remember.

Sammie? I felt him. He slowly came into view. My mind was a broken jigsaw puzzle of thoughts. I slowly sat up and hugged my Jason.

He held me so close on that night. We stayed like that for quite a while, sharing touches, and sweet kisses. Until I glanced at the shop clock, 2:45 a.m.

Holy Shit! Im going to get killed! My panic was obvious and urgent. I could just see my Dad waiting at the driveway with his twelve gage shotgun. Im sorry Sammie, but we have to shoot you now. And my Mom would be standing right behind him with a rolling pin. Let me beat her first, OK, honey?

We quickly got dressed without much talking. I jumped into my car. Then Jason leaned in and kissed me and touched my cheek. My heart began to sing with joy. The love was very deep in his blue eyes at that moment, and it would carry me through the next two years of school. Jason would be my guy.

I lucked out when I drove up the long gravel driveway. The house was totally dark, except for the yard light near the garage. I shut off the car and coasted into my parking place. I quietly snuck into the house. I could hear my Dad snoring. I went to my bedroom and got undressed. I took a long hot shower to wash away the evidence. I crawled into bed and stared out my bedroom window. All I could see was Jason beautiful face.

Whats Jason doing right now? Is he thinking of me?

I love you Jason. Was the last fleeting thought my mind would have as I drifted off to sleep.

My Mom was surprised to see me do the Saturday morning wash so early. I had more evidence to destroy. A guys cum stains are very distinct. And mixed with a virgins blood, it is a dead giveaway.

Hey, Sammie? My Dad came in from tinkering in the garage. Just then a bolt of fear jolted me. He had secret spies follow me all night, and he knew.

What happened to the car? Oh good, he had his back to me as he poured himself a glass of water at the kitchen sink. Did he say the car?

The car? What?

Theres blood on the hood. Oh My God! He knows! Quick thinking will save the day.

I hit a rabbit. Jesus Christ! Did I just say that? I scratched my head and rolled my eyes.

Dad slowly turned my way, pulled down his big black-rimmed glasses, and peered at me.

I gave him a slight grin and shrugged my shoulders.

Must have been a tall rabbit, huh? And he didnt pursue it. He and Mom would get ready for a drive into Phoenix that morning, leaving me alone with my thoughts and my music.

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I lay down between her spread thighs and just looked at the banquet laid out before me for a few moments. Sally had the prettiest pussy I'd ever seen–the lips were tucked in nice and tight and there was no droop or hanging down in them.I've known some women whose pussy reminded me of a Basset hound, but such was not the case with Sally. Her small "man in the boat" was peeking out from under his hood wanting to know what was going on, and I could see the beginnings of wetness as I looked at...

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Mustang Sally Chapter 1

I came home from work one Friday for lunch–my office isn't that far from home and occasionally I do come home just to get away from work for a bit and regroup. When I got there, I noticed a flat-bed tow truck loading up my neighbor's prize 1965 Mustang convertible. Curious, I went over to see her."Hi Sally, I saw the tow truck outside. Are you having car troubles?"She looked down sadly. "No, it's being repossessed." "Repossessed? What happened?""Well I got fired about a week ago and I...

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Mustang Sally

I was recently reading one of the stories on this site and it brought to mind some of the early adventures that I enjoyed with a woman named Sally. I had known her for about two years when the following story happened. We had flirted back and forth for most of that time. It was harmless, as we were both married. Then one week she told me that her husband had moved out the past weekend and they were through. I sympathized with her of course and gave her a shoulder to use.About a month later when...

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Mustang Sally Chapter 2

I learned quite a lot about my new roomie while walking on the beach that day. I learned that her father was in the military and they moved around a lot when she was younger. Then one day they got word that he had been killed in an accident overseas. Sally was just getting ready to start high school at the time. I learned that despite a lot of hardships on both her and her mother, Sally managed to finish high school. But unfortunately, her plans and dreams of college were killed when her father...

3 years ago
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The tickets went unused and the hotel suite stayed empty. Phone calls went straight to voice-mail. My wife, our two kids and my parents did not attend my unit’s redeployment ceremony at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Fifteen months in Iraq, seven months since I last saw them on my mid-deployment leave. I talked to them over a week ago from Kuwait confirming their attendance and my love. My wife had mentioned ‘payback’ before hanging up. Now, nothing. Have to think about this. Put on a happy face....

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Art Of Fucking

Hi, guys, this is Rathan, please send all your communications to am a simple normal guy of 5 feet 9-inch tall weighing about 70 Kgs. No big porn star dick, but normal as 6 inches. This is a story where I fucked my dream girl day and night to make her pregnant. Believe me guys this is real….First part is lengthy but important….second part is really a life-changing for everyone if you do as I did….. I will begin the story. I am from Mangalore Karnataka. Those days I was studying Engineering in a...

1 year ago
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What if a Second Chance

I sat at my computer, reading through my Facebook posts for the last year. Some were funny, some were poignant, and others were about ordinary things, the goings on of a normal life. My life had not been normal for eight months. My wife was killed in an auto accident, leaving me alone, since we’d had no children. The next three months were a blur of the funeral, expressions of sympathy from friends and family, and dealing with the insurance companies and the attorneys. After that, it took...

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video fun

Hello again, ive been flicking through M's diary again, to be honest Ive been encouraged by the response i ahe had to the stories so far, its good that some of you appreciate them. It also gives me a kick to think people might be out there getting wet or stiff on the strength of my wifes stories.As I said before her diary gives brief notes which I then get the details of when I ask questions of her while having a wank.This next one goes back to 1990 when she wrote in her diary, "Tunde came...

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Meeting Ebony

Introduction: A story I wrote awhile ago, most of it was inspired by reading stories on here. I would like to write more, but I wanted to get an idea how posting and view worked. Anyway, hope you like it. After some time, Ebony finally got a place of his own. Speaking with Agatha she arranged some work and money for him to be able to support his own place. For the price he was paying for it he was indeed impressed. The apartment loft was huge. Just a giant empty space for him to do what ever he...

1 year ago
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A Visit to the North Part V

A Visit to the North - Part 5 by MadQuill This is a mystery story of Annabelle's life and the changes she encounters. The characters are all fictional. Please read the earlier parts. Please leave your comments. Florence was a beauty that had left Indiana at the age of seventeen. She had met an interesting older woman and they became lovers. This mentor taught her the languages and the character of a lady during those three years. At twenty-seven she had joined Mastress. She was...

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Saturday Night Escapades 5

Quick warning: As with the last story this has an “icky” part. Not my cup of tea, and it is just coincidence that it happened in two straight weeks. I include it because it is what actually happened, but it’s really not important to the story and I do give a warning before it comes up, so feel free to skip it if you like. Following our long weekend together, Jess and I got back to our traditional one-night hook-ups. We didn’t really make any plans during the week, just for Jess to...

1 year ago
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Double TimeChapter 56

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” —Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running 18 AUGUST 2019 What a weird day. All my girlfriends had their own quirky little needs. There was Joan eating Rachel to an orgasm while the two lay on my lap. Then Brittany using my finger to trace her nipple and down between her legs, then suggesting that the two of us should do her aunt this winter. And my surprising little Beca who just crawled into my lap and went to sleep...

4 years ago
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Great Offer

Great OfferBy: Londebaaz Chohan “A young guy in his 40’s with perfect health should be getting laid very regularly. I know it as much as you know, a man needs sex for his emotional and physical well-being both. It is no secret and it is God’s decision. You are no exception to it. As a matter of fact a widowers might need it much more often because he had been used to having it”. Frag was glad, Aneesa stopped because he thought she was going on and on. Her points were simple and logical. No...

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The Hike

Arriving home early, I was greeted by the sound of squeaking bed springs. On route to my own room, I caught a glimpse of a woman on top of him through the open door. They were too busy having a fuck to notice me, as I quietly slipped past them. The scene in the neighboring room put a damper on the excitement of the gift I bought myself.Feelings of self-pity washed over me, as I reminded myself how I landed up in this situation. It reminded me of Dad's divorce from Mom when I was sixteen years...

Love Stories
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Clients satisfaction fully guaranteed

That morning I was submerged in a pile of folders, papers and numbers, when my slutty Boss called me.Barbara told me to go to her office and she needed it right now.As I put down the phone, my pussy began to tingle, because I thought Barbara just wanted a wild licking of her hot cunt.But I was wrong; my filthy Boss was saving for me a sweeter pie…Entering her office, I found the most exciting and sexy red haired woman I had met in my whole life. The lady was amazing.She was older than me,...

3 years ago
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Sleep over at Roberts ll

It felt funny laying in bed naked and my butt hurt. I pulled the sheets back over me and rolled over. Next thing I knew the bed was shaking. Looking around the sun hadn't come up yet. Mr Baker was sitting in the edge of the bed. He ran his hand up my leg to my crotch. As he rubbed my groin, I spread my legs. Good you're awake, he whispered. He pulled down the sheets till I was fully exposed. My dick stiffened as I thought about what he was going to do. Leaning over he kissed my nipples and...

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Mami Ki Chudai Unexpectedly But Expected Tareeqey Se Ki

Hello all me mirza apni pehli chudayi ki kahani apse share kar ne wala hun it’s my own story happened dis year chalo story pe chaltey hai. My socha ni tha ki apni maami naam tha simran ko chodunga it’s like a dream come true simran maami ki age hi 32 aur unke 3 bacche b hi aur woh dikne me gori thi aur shape tha 36-28-36 aur thodi height km thi minimum size k boobs perfect hip aur back damm hot jab b wo chalti thi tight salwar ya nighty me uski chuttad idhar udhar tumke laga ti thi.Ok now story...

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A cuckold journey pt 2

" Yes, Kate, your Aunt Teri and cousin Jenny keep me shaved. I have no hair below the neck. They like my skin smooth, so I can where stockings or anything else they like. Mostly around the house I am naked or just in panties. Well, and my cage." " You have a cage? Like to sleep in?" "No, it's for my penis. It keeps me from getting a, uh... an, you know... erection. She flicks my panties where my penis is and hits the metal chastity belt that I wear. I didn't like it...

4 years ago
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My Father In Law ndash Part Six

Friday morning when I awoke in my father in law Doug’s arms he said he had a special treat for me. I asked what it was. He said that his brothers had such a good time with me and I was so intent on wanting their babies in me that it would be nice if I spent the entire weekend with them. I smiled & giggled, asking him if he remembered that this weekend would be the prime time of the month to get me pregnant. He said yes he remembered and that’s why he wanted me to be with them taking all the...

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moms roommate

Mom's RoommateDoug gave his wife a final kiss before boarding the military aircraft."I don't want you to go." She whimpered."Honey, I have to...I'm sorry."Kristen gazed up at him, her big green eyes full of tears. "What if you get hurt...or get killed?""Babe, that's not gonna happen...I promise you." Doug said confidently.As he boarded the plane with the rest his battalion Doug gave a final wave back at his family. Kristen forced a smile and waved back, her 6 year old daughter Cassie stood by...

1 year ago
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First Painful Sex At Her House

Hello friends, how are you? I am Amit and love to share my first sex experience that happened last week. I am 21. A friend of mine introduces Pooja (name changed) on my birthday through Whatsapp. She was a yr older than me. We used to chat everyday especially at night. While talking I came to know that she used to stay at home alone between 11 to 6, as her parents were govt employees. So one day I asked her to met in a restaurant for dinner, there I met her first time. She was very hot with...

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A New Hunger Awakened

A new hunger awakened A new hunger awakened ??????????? ??????????? I have always been the strong dominant one in my relationships. I always lead the way fixed the problems and just plain took charge of everything. I was always the aggressor in the bed room and got what ever I wanted from the woman. That all changed for me in the weirdest of ways. I was in my current relationship for just about 3 years; the Lady I was with did some searching about me and found my interest in BDSM. I...

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Kim Comes Home

Kim tiptoes in her front door. She's a short 18 year old girl, only about 5 feet tall, with a slender, somewhat muscular build. Her short, spiky hair is dyed deep purple, offering a sharp contrast to her pale freckled face. She's wearing a short, black, loose-fitting skirt, combat boots, and an oversized black fishnet shirt which reveals clearly the black lace bra and B-sized breasts beneath. It's night, or just before morning rather, and she stayed out way too late. She's hoping that no one...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 218

After the detectives left we told Crash he was going to spend a few days in a house filled with women. Then we had a discussion about a replacement house, we had agreed to fix it up and now it was gone. We would replace without question. Marcy with her 'it has to be done right' ethic had taken out insurance on the complete package as soon as we signed the papers. The house, the antique biplane and the turboprop were insured with full replacement value on the house. If Crash had insurance...

4 years ago
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He needed my Ass Badly

I chat with guys online all the time. I have a girlfriend i'm bi-sexual but she doesn't know. She think I'm only into women. I'm feminine. so is my girlfriend. I've been doing this for over two years. Just chat with guys all over the world. 99percent of them are trying to get me to take off my clothes. I do most of the time. Just to see what they would do. It's a lot of fun. I let my best friend Irene send her brother a picture of me. She told him he NEVER have a chance with me...

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River PiratesChapter 1

I was born in Pennsylvania in 1825 in that section of the state called "Pennsylvania Dutch," but my pa was German, not Dutch. He always said he was Deutsch, which most people heard as Dutch, so I guess that's where the name came from. Anyway, I was the last of 15 kids, Ma didn't last long after I was born. Pa didn't blame me, at least he said that he didn't, but that didn't keep me from blaming me. Back in Germany, Pa had been a gunsmith, but he got conscripted into the Hessian Army...

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Fishing ! Mom and Dad were gone for the weekend. My brother Dave was home for the weekend of rest from playing baseball on the collage team. He's built like a model six foot , nice body. If I wasn’t his sister I would **** him. I decided to go out by the pool and get some sun. I put on my sexy bathing suit, and a towel and laid by the pool, reading this love story. Some girls get it all, rich boy friends and all. I don’t believe half of this stuff.Just then she heard the door open, her brother...

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Keeping the Womenfolk in Line Karens TaleChapter 14

Karen left Betty behind as they walked out of the tattoo parlor. “You are just going to leave mom with that weird guy, Ma’am?” Cheyenne asked politely. “Yes, Piggy fucks strange men all the time at home. I don’t see the problem?” Karen answered. Cheyenne and Savannah couldn’t think of a reason to complain. They were still adjusting to their new nipple shields. “I did want to offer you some constructive feedback,” Karen said as she walked the girls to the car. “You were obedient, and I am...

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A Most Happy Birthday

Alone, again, on his birthday. Another year had passed as many have. The obese, lazy cat, the dog and he were celebrating by sitting around the living room watching MASH reruns. Of course, maybe next year, she would be there. His heart leapt at the thought. He glanced at the wall clock and was dismayed to find it was nearly 4:30 p.m. He had expected to hear from her before now. He settled back into the worn settee and tried focusing on the slapstick comedy of Alan Alda, but his thoughts kept...

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Making Memories of Us

You probably already guessed, but I’ll tell you now anyway. These have all been for you, you know. You’re my biggest fan, my most loving supporter, and my inspiration in so many ways. Thank you for being you, for making this so easy, and for being my ‘Christian’. Always and forever, M. **** I wanna stand out in a crowd for you A man among men I wanna make your world better Than it’s ever been **** The day had been overcast and I was feeling lethargic. Early in the evening, I wandered...

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Rachel Crossing The Line Part XVIII

Authors Note... Thank You Beth and Tina for the emails! Hopefully this chapter makes up for what was missing in the last. Comments, questions, whatever are always appreciated. XOXO - Rachel December 3rd, 10:28 AM Shit! I looked at the phone and battled with whether I should answer it or not. The information Nate provided me sure screamed there was cause for concern, but I hadn't even had a chance to process it fully. Damn it! I slid the phone icon to Answer, "Hey..." and there...

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This Was Not Supposed to Happen

Donna came into the room holding her cellphone and said to her husband, "Dear, it will have to be a raincheck on making pottery tonight. Alice called, she sounds really down." Martin Gahan was as happy as a poker player holding the nuts when his wife said she had to cancel their plans for the night. He loved spending time with his wife, but wanted to actually be the poker player holding the nuts tonight instead. His friends threw together a spur of the moment poker game for this...

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At the park

I woke up feeling pretty horny and wanted to suck cock and get fucked today . . I remember a friend told me of this park where a lot of guys cruised, so I thought I check it out. So I showered and put on some of my sexiest panties and a nice pair of stockings. I love to dress and become a little cum slut. I just love sucking cock and swallowing cum and I love having my smooth ass fucked. I drove to the park and went to the area my friend said where all the fun is. There was a few cars some with...

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My Stay At The Kink Hotel

I am a white male in my late thirties. I'm currently single. The main reason is that I really like BDSM and have had difficulties in finding women who share or even tolerate my passion. So I visit a local dominatrix on a fairly regular basis. During my last session, a few weeks ago, my mistress, Ariana, had trapped me in a cock and ball vice, and while she was crushing my family jewels by further tightening the screws, she interrogated me."What are you thinking about while I crush your pathetic...

4 years ago
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CD Rebeca Vegas Play Pt 5 Binge Pt 3

In this story the night shifts into high gear. I am still 19 and finding my way into hot sex in Las Vegas. I encourage you to read all of my stories, but these Vegas Play stories are really hot and present a younger portion of my experiences. Message me if you want, and always comment- Thanks!!Vegas Sex Binge Pt 3 My eyes rolled back in ecstasy as I kneeled in the dim light of the adult theater's hallway accepting a cock into my mouth. My knees were spread wide, like a crotch stretch, or...

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First Night at A Swingers Club

In my story, ‘First Foursome’, I told you about our experience at an ‘Adult Club’ we attend now and then. I also mentioned that although it was our first proper foursome, it wasn’t our first night at the club and that I’d write about that at a later date.Well, this is how the night went.Jay looked terrific in white, high heels, white fishnet stockings and a little short, tight white dress that only just met her stocking tops. Her full round breasts were almost bursting out over the top and her...

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The Beach House

It’s 3AM in the morning of the third day we’ve been together. I am on the second floor deck of the beach house, wrapped in the soft flannel bedspread I dragged off the bed as I awakened a half hour ago, comfortably nestled down in the lone chaise lounge, listening to the surf and the wind. The bedspread’s the only thing from the bed other than the sheet in which I left you wrapped that appears to still be mercifully dry, as one of us either had the good sense to move it before it became another...

1 year ago
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Private Nika Charming Cute Teen Fucks Like An Anima

Just because you’re an intellectual that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to fuck and today in Private Specials, Adorable Teens 4 Nika is here to prove it! After meeting Nik Rock XXX out reading at the park Nika decides its time to take him home as she ditches the books and glasses ready for the real fun to begin. Watch all of the action on where this teen beauty shines, sucking, fucking and enjoying a real hard pounding as she moans with pleasure until finishing up with a hot...

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Indore Ke Savitha Bhabhi Ka Game Bajaya

Hi Guys main hoon Abhay and aaj mai aapke lia ek real life incident laya hoon jo aapke lund or chut mai sansani faila dega. Yeh bilkul real story hai and names he badale gaye hai. My Bio… Age: 22 Height: 5 ft 11 inch Complexion: Dusky Build: Average Dick: 6 inch Location: Indore. Email: Bhabhi Ka Bio Age: 31 Height: 5 ft 7 inch Complexion: Fair Build: Got the curvers and slim figure 34-28-36 Pussy: Tight Chalo ab or der ni karte hue direct story pe aate hai. Main Indore aaya kyuki meri job...

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Unfortunate Encounter With Sexy Aunty Mother8217s Brother8217s Wife

Hi all sexy ISS readers. I am reading sex stories in ISS from my college days. This ISS had given me ideas that made me fuck lots of woman. Sorry as this is my first story if any mistakes there please excuse me. About me Rocky, age 26, Andhra Pradesh. I am normal guy with 5’7 height, brown in color, with 6 inch long dick with huge thickness. I am working as a consultant, Bangalore. I had lots of fun with many matured ladies and less with girls. I am greatly attracted with matured ladies; they...

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My Sons Growing Up

Chapter 1 "Gee you're pretty, Mom." I turned to look at my son, Mike, where he sat on the edge of my bed watching me, at my dressing table, put on the finishing touches before we went out to our meal and movie. "Why, thank you very much. What suddenly brought that on?" "I don't know. I suppose I just suddenly realised how beautiful you were. I'm going to feel so proud when we go out tonight." Mike blushed as he said this and my heart went out to him. I placed my hairbrush down and...

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Zaks FoundationChapter 3

Yoshiko stepped off the plane and caught sight of the car waiting for her. She could sense Victor waiting for her within. The others got into the other cars, leaving her and Victor to their own devices. She closed her eyes once the door was closed. He fastened her seatbelt for her with his telekinetic abilities. His mind touched hers, pulling open a valve hidden even from herself, releasing the pressure within her and freeing her to express her grief. Only pain had awaited her on her return...

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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 43 Preparations

Kayla and I had made a connection over the holidays, but it was much weaker than I would have liked. Still, it was a connection. By the time I got back to school, I was determined to keep up my writing campaign. I didn't want her to forget me. Lightspeed came over to my apartment the first week back, pulling up on a big Japanese motorcycle. He took off his helmet and shook his head, letting his long hair fly around and rearrange itself however it wanted. Spencer and I were on the front...

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The New Swimsuit

“Really?” I looked at mom in surprise as she held the swimsuit up from the store rack. “But it’s a two piece.” I had to keep my reply short, I didn’t want my voice to give away my excitement at the idea. I knew that there was no way dad would ever let me wear anything like it. Sophie wasn’t even allowed to wear one until last year. I thought maybe this was some kind of trick. Or a joke. Mom wouldn’t be that cruel would she? “A bikini.” Mom corrected me. “And why not?” I blinked, still in...

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What a honeymoon

They decided to cut loose on the second night. They went to the bar and were drinking and dancing. Finally, Matt was tired and went to sit down at the bar. Tina was drunk and said, "C'mon I want to dance." A local said, "I will dance with her. Is that alright, man?" He looked to Mattt for approval. Mat figured what the hell and shook his head yes. Tina was a big girl in all the right places. Her tits were big, 44DD. Thedy were natural and they dropped without a bra because they were just...

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A Birthday Surprise My Son Will Never Forget

--------- It’s Saturday morning and I was wide awake at the crack of dawn excited for tonight’s celebration. I spring out of bed and throw on my robe, head downstairs and start the coffee. I start doing the dishes from last night and find myself singing and fantasizing in my head about how tonight might go. Chad, the birthday boy, comes downstairs and in the middle of a yawn “Morning mom” “Morning birthday boy! What do you want for breakfast today, anything you want!” “WELL first you can...

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Bengali Mom Becomes A Whore

I am a guy living in Mumbai, we moved here when we were very young. This story is about my mother, and for better or for worse I felt like sharing it. She got married when she was very young and had me when she was 19. Now that I am 18 myself she is 37 years old and is still a typical Bengali bombshell. We moved here in search of better opportunities, and it was good for a few years until my dad became an alcoholic. After that, he contributed little to the household. My childhood was not spent...

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The Lawyers Package

About a year ago, I was introduced to one of the latest additions to the firm, Terry Penn. Terry was brought on as a specialist in bankruptcy cases and reported to the partner that handles much of the Business and Financial Law. Of course as an attorney, Terry was always dressed in professional suits, had well-manicured hands and hair that looked coiffed as if done just before walking into the office. Terry struck me as very confident in everything she did, her walk, her mannerisms, her...

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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy pt22

Chapter 24 "Okay Marcy, now get back up and Minthe back to the vanity table. Jutht like it'th important to know how to apply makeup, it'th important to know how to remove it ath well. After all we don't want you developing a bad thkin cauthe of all the makeup you're uthing," Stephanie ordered not even giving Marcy a few minutes to deal with what had just happened. She wanted Marcy Looking at least somewhat more presentable already by the time her stepmother would be coming...

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Loving Lashes

The heels of my stiletto boots click sharply against the basement stairs as I stalk down them, tugging the zipper on my latex catsuit down to between my breasts. My dungeon is not built for comfort and I'm sure that after this long, Warren's joints were aching. I pause at the dungeon door to tuck my cat 'o' nine tails in my belt and shove the door open. Warren's head jerks towards me, eyes wide, as the door swings open, my silhouette framed in the doorway. I walked towards him slowly, letting...

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GirlsWay August Ames Lana Rhoades Naturally Stacked Stories 8211 Chess Match

August Ames and Lana Rhoades were best friends in high school and co-captains of the chess club. The girls drifted apart since Lana moved away for college, but they always make time for their annual chess match over the phone. When August finds out Lana’s in town, she invites her over to play their game in person. When they meet in August’s bedroom, August can’t stop fawning over Lana’s beautiful tits. And she finally opens up to Lana about having a girlfriend. But when...

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A Little Shopping Time With Sam

I had promised Sam that I would take her shopping - for some sexy underwear and some equally sexy shoes too. First stop was an out of the way lingerie shop that was tucked away on the first floor of the shopping mall. It was by appointment only, and they specialised in underwear for ladies with ample tits and slim bodies. The shop was owned and operated by Heidi, a petite and spritely 60 year old lady with a body that many 20 something year old ladies would be jealous of. She was a true...

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