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Mustang Sally By Heather St. Claire They say love is eternal. They say love can accomplish impossible things. Tom and Sally Fuller, a retired couple living a seemingly ordinary life in the city of Westport, are an amazing testament to love's power. It's hard to find a starting point for their story, because it's really a loop of time....The best place to begin may be in the year 2008. Tom Fuller, sixty-three years old and twice a widower, had just sold his insurance agency, packed up and left the home he had shared with his second wife Lisa for almost thirty years, and moved to a newly-built suburban subdivision. It had been a difficult change for Tom, who was a real creature of habit. He had been in the workforce for more than forty years. Tom's second wife had been dead for more than a decade, a victim of breast cancer, but her clothes still hung in the closet exactly where they were on the day she went into the hospital for the last time. Tom had a few golf and fishing buddies, but no truly close friends. Sally Fuller had died while pregnant with their first child, and Lisa Fuller had been unable to conceive, so Tom was without any immediate family. He feared becoming an aging hermit, the kind of person you see shopping for groceries alone late on a Saturday night. He thought the move to the suburb might force him to re-engage with the world. It was one of those new developments designed to harken back to the world Tom had known as a child with wide sidewalks, porches on the front of every house, and stores and other amenities within walking distance. Gradually, as he settled in, Tom started making new acquaintances. Most were his own age, like the morning coffee group at the local McDonalds, so his friendship with the 17-year-old son of his next-door neighbors was unusual. Tom had found himself drawn to Justin McDowell almost immediately. It didn't make a lot of sense at first. Tom was a Reagan Republican and still wore the crew cut he had had for fifty years, though it was mostly gray now. Justin was a slight, gentle young man and a passionate liberal whose greatest disappointment in life was that he wouldn't be old enough to vote for Obama that November. Still, Tom thought the kid was unusually bright, kind and funny, and he enjoyed matching wits with him. They argued about the current overseas wars and about past conflicts. Justin thought we had no business overseas while Tom's complaint was that we weren't doing enough. For a youngster born in the early nineties, Justin seemed to have an unusually strong passion for all aspects of life in the 1960s. The youngster and the oldster shared a love for the music of the era (though Tom was a Rolling Stones fan, while Justin thought the Beatles were the greatest band of all time). One day the subject of Vietnam came up. Justin asked Tom, "Did you fight there, Mr. Fuller? I notice you have a limp?" "No," Tom said. "it's not a war wound. Nothing that heroic. I was ROTC in college, and I was supposed to go over right after I graduated in '65. But that was when we were in the accident. I lost Sally and our baby, and my leg was smashed up pretty good. That ended any opportunity for me to serve." He swallowed hard and was silent for a long moment. "And my best friend, Dave Ramsey, was killed over there. I always wondered if I could have saved him if I had been over there." Justin said softly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Fuller. I didn't know." Tom forced a smile and patted Justin on the shoulder. "It's OK kid. Ancient history. I still miss her, and him, but you move on...because you have to. I found Lisa a few years later, and we had a pretty good life together." Justin wondered if it was really possible to truly love more than one person in a lifetime. He sensed that Tom missed both of his wives; but the real spark of passion had shown when he talked about his first wife. There was something about his eyes; something intense and something strangely familiar. The feeling left Justin both curious and disturbed. Because of his careful nature, Tom Fuller seldom acted on whims. So he even surprised himself when he found himself pulling into a vintage car dealership that had recently opened in downtown Westport. There was a nice looking '57 Nomad, a couple of sharp late sixties Corvettes, a gleaming black Pontiac GTO, and a classic Jaguar XKE out front. But Tom gave them little notice. It was one car in particular that was speaking to him--a metallic blue 1965 Mustang coupe that looked like it had just left the factory. He soon learned that it was a four-speed with the 289-cubic inch engine. The young salesperson was talking about how much expense and attention to detail had gone into restoring the car, but Tom wasn't listening. All he could focus on the fact that this car was identical in every detail to the one that he had been driving on the day of the accident. As the young hotshot (I must be getting old, they all seem like young hotshots these days, Tom thought) was writing up the paperwork, he asked, "Did you have one of these when you were younger, Mr. Fuller?" Tom got a wistful look on his face as he said, "I had one EXACTLY like it." He wrote out a check for the purchase on the spot and left his Lexus on the lot, promising to retrieve it later. For some reason he couldn't wait to get the car home and to show it to the neighbors--especially Justin. "Wow!" Justin exclaimed when he came over to inspect Tom's new acquisition. "This is really beautiful. Talk about an ultimate sixties ride." "They weren't performance cars, they were sport cars," Tom said. "But it was a lot of fun to drive...for the few weeks I had mine." "What are you talking about, Mr. Fuller?" "I was driving a car exactly like this one when that semi jackknifed and hit us on the highway." There was an awkward silence. With a bit of forced bravado, Tom said, "Hey, like I said before, ancient history. Want to go for a ride, kid? See what cars were like back then. Not so much damn plastic, for one thing." Soon they were cruising through the neighborhood. "How do you like it, Mr. Fuller?" Justin asked. "I haven't driven a stick in a long time," he said with a grin. "I almost forgot what it was like to actually drive, instead of just ride. You know what I mean?" Justin didn't quite understand, but he smiled and nodded. "What do you say we take her out on the freeway? Like I said, this isn't exactly a hot engine, but she's got respectable performance." Justin nodded and they were on their way. Almost without realizing it, Tom Fuller found himself approaching the site of his accident of more than four decades earlier. He usually tried to avoid this spot, but there was no easy exit nearby. He found himself boxed in behind a motor home and impatiently signaled to pass. As he pushed down on the accelerator, he didn't notice the speedometer begin to glow when it approached 65 miles per hour. But he couldn't help but see the blinding flash of light when he reached that speed. For just a moment, everything was white. When his vision cleared again, he beheld a sight he never expected. The sensations were coming at him so rapidly they were hard to process. The first thing he realized was that Westport's skyline was dramatically different. Buildings that should have been there were missing. Then he noticed the vehicles around him all seemed to be of a similar vintage to the Mustang. When he caught a glance in the rearview mirror and saw a smooth, unlined face that he hadn't seen looking back at him in more than forty years, he exclaimed, "Oh my God!" But the biggest surprise of all came when he glanced to his right. Justin wasn't there any longer. Sitting in his place was a slim young woman in a polka dot mini-dress. He recognized those lovely legs he hadn't seen in so long; she was wearing a pair of white vinyl go-go boots. Her freckled face, upturned nose and sparkling brown eyes were recognizable in an instant. She wore her reddish-brown hair in the same bouffant flip he remembered so well. "Oh my God! Sally???" The woman spoke. It was clear she was confused. "What are you talking about, Mr. Fuller? It's me, Just--....oh my God!" A feminine scream followed. Tom knew that whatever the hell had just happened, he needed to get off the freeway so they could sort it out. He found an exit ramp moments later and pulled into the parking lot of a steakhouse he remembered well. "The Ringside?" he thought. "They closed this place down in the eighties." He turned to Justin, or Sally, or whoever was riding with him, and said, "I'll be right back." The woman, who seemed on the verge of tears, said, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." Tom walked up to the newspaper box sitting by the restaurant's front door. He found a silver dime in his pocket and dropped it in the coin slot. He pulled out a fresh copy of the Westport Journal, dated May 15, 1965. It was a newspaper he had delivered after school during his boyhood. It was a newspaper that had ceased publication in 1982. What had appeared to have happened had really happened. He--and the woman with him, whoever she might be-- had traveled back in time. As he climbed back into the Mustang, he glanced at its license plate. He turned to the woman who appeared to be his first wife and said, "This isn't the car I just bought. This is my original Mustang. And're my original wife." "But I'm not!" Sally protested. "I'm Justin. I'm Justin." Good God, though Tom, the way her lip quivers when she's crying. It is her. It has to be her. "I don't understand this," he muttered. "This isn't a DeLorean and there's no flux capacitor." Sally reached into the purse in her lap for a handkerchief. "I'm scared, Mr. Fuller...and what on earth are you talking about?" "Haven't you ever seen the movie Back to the Future?" Sally shook her head. "Well, you'll have to see it when we get back to our own future," he said, wondering if they would be able to find a way back. "Let me try to figure this out," Tom said after thinking for a few minutes. "I was driving the same kind of car I was driving in 1965. I must have been going sixty-five miles an hour when this happened. And it happened at the same spot as the crash." "But," Sally said, her lip still trembling. "That doesn't explain why I was changed into a copy of your wife." The shock was just starting to wear off; Justin/Sally ran her hands over her face; she then cupped her new breasts for a moment. She felt a shudder of delight when she gave them a squeeze, and quickly let go. "The only thing I can think of is to go back to that spot and hit sixty- five again, and see what happens," Tom said. "Let's go." Sally put a hand up. "Wait, Mr. Fuller. I think we ought to take this opportunity to see the world as it was." Her unspoken thought was that it might also give her a chance to further explore the sensations of her new form. Tom nodded. "Okay then. It might be nice to spend a few hours in a body without arthritis, bad vision and a leaky bladder. But that's probably too much information for you," he said with a laugh. Sally smiled at him. It was her smile, her smile. He didn't realize until that moment that it was possible to feel incredibly happy and indescribably sad at the same moment. He got back on the freeway for a few miles and then exited near the Westport Plaza, the city's first big shopping center. It still stood in 2011, though considerably expanded and changed. "It's so small," Justin/Sally said as they pulled into the lot. Tom chuckled. "It was big for its day," he said. As they walked though the mall's main entrance, Sally found herself reaching for Tom's hand. He took it. They held hands for several minutes before Sally realized what she was doing. "Oh," she said, letting go of Tom's hand. Tom was lost in the bittersweet joy of holding his wife's hand, but accepted the momentary disappointment. Sally looked with wonder at the world around her. Everyone was dressed so differently from the world she had known. Although a few women were in Capri slacks, the majority wore dresses; many of the men were in jackets and ties, and even those who weren't wore sweaters or neatly-pressed sport shirts. There didn't seem to be a pair of jeans or a t-shirt in sight. No one wore pajama bottoms or baggy pants. She didn't spot any baseball caps, but knew if she did see one, the bill would be pointing forward. Tattoos and extreme body piercings were also absent. No one was talking into a cell phone. It truly was a different place. Of course it wasn't all better in her eyes. She wasn't used to people smoking indoors. People of color were noticeable by their absence. It was a lot to take in. On further reflection, Sally/Justin also realized the deceptive nature of what she was seeing. Currents were moving through society that were about to bury so many of the old norms. Some of this change would be good; some would be difficult and painful. "Look!" Tom said suddenly, pointing to the mall's ice rink. "They took this out when they remodeled in the nineties. God, we used to spend a lot of time here." "It's where you and Sally met," the woman said quietly. "How do you know that?" "I don't know how I know...I just know." "Do you remember the details?" "Not really." "Well I do--like it was yesterday. It was October of '62. I was a sophomore at State, must have been 19, and you, er, Sally, was seventeen, still in high school. It was a Sunday afternoon. It was Sally's first time on skates. She fell down--" "--and you were the knight in shining armor who came to her rescue. You taught her how to skate that day." She was smiling wistfully. They looked into each other's eyes with a mixture of hope, fear and confusion. Sally finally spoke. "I guess...I guess I acquired some of Sally's memories when I became her double." "I suppose so. Well, I think we better try to see if we can get back. I don't think I'm up to living through the last forty years a second time, and I doubt that you want to stay female." Sally nodded, but didn't say anything. When Tom started the Mustang, he noticed the gas gauge was showing a nearly empty tank. "Don't want to run out of gas in the middle of our trip," he said. "We could get stuck in the eighties or something." "That's a television show, Mr. Fuller," Sally said. But his attention was diverted as they pulled into the Enco station. Sally gasped when she realized full service premium gas was twenty-nine cents a gallon. When the attendant checked the Mustang's oil level and tire pressure and washed the windshield, she turned to Tom and said softly, "Now I've really seen everything." "Yeah," he said with a grin. "Some things really were better in the old days." After he had paid the attendant, Tom turned to Sally and said, "Ready?" She nodded, and they were onto the freeway. When they approached the accident site, Tom floored the accelerator. There was the same flash of white; when things cleared, they were back in 2011. "I'm me again," Justin said with a mixture of surprise and relief. Tom sighed, "And I'm the old me again." There was little conversation as they made their way back to their neighborhood. As Tom pulled into his driveway, Justin said, "I've got to work on a report for school, Mr. Fuller." He was already out of the car and closing the passenger door when he said, "I'll see you around." Tom nodded. "See you, kid." He sat in the car for several minutes before going into his house. When he did he made a beeline for his liquor cabinet and poured himself a double shot of his favorite scotch, Chivas Regal. Then he settled into his favorite overstuffed chair and began to cry. "Oh God, Sally," he said to no one. "I didn't realize how much I still missed you." The drink was still mostly unconsumed when he went to bed several hours later. He spent a long time wide awake staring at the ceiling. Finally, as the clock clicked over to read 2 a.m., Tom got out of bed, got dressed, and walked to his driveway. He had to find out if he could go back again. He started the Mustang, drove through the quiet suburban streets, headed for downtown. First, he had to make a detour to the cemetery. It was a clear night and the moon was almost full. He really didn't need the flashlight he carried. The moonlight, and forty years of memories, made it easy for him to find his way. The grass was slightly damp from the dew. He made his way steadily until he found a simple brass marker, flush with the ground. It read: "Sally Fuller 1945-1965." Tom stared at the grave marker for a long time, reading the description to himself over and over. Then, not trusting the evidence of his eyes, he dropped to one knee, and traced the letters and numbers with his fingers. "Are you really in there, Sally?" He looked heavenward. "Or are you out there, somewhere?" He returned to the car and headed toward the heart of the city. Before long he was northbound toward the place that he had come to think of as The Spot. He had turned on the car's AM radio, which he had tuned to the local oldies station. The first thing he heard out of the speakers was "Mustang Sally." It was Wilson Pickett's version, the mainstream hit that came out in '66. "Mustang Sally, h'uh, h'uh, guess you better slow your Mustang down." His Mustang Sally had never lived to hear it. Tom flipped off the radio; he wasn't about to slow down now. He gripped the steering wheel tightly and accelerated toward sixty- five.... ....and felt a sense of crushing disappointment when he reached that speed and nothing happened. He drove home, climbed back into bed, and was finally able to fall asleep when exhaustion caught up with him. For the next week, Tom found it impossible to focus on much of anything. He would turn on a baseball game and turn it off a few minutes later. He'd pick up the newspaper and fling it down in frustration when he realized he couldn't concentrate on it. He went to his garage meaning to find a project of some kind and ended up just shifting boxes around. He didn't see Justin the entire week; he figured the kid was avoiding him, and who could blame him? So he was more than slightly surprised when he heard a knock at his front door the following Saturday morning and found Justin standing there. "Hi Tom, er, Mr. Fuller, mind if I come in?" Tom gestured for the young man to enter and sit down. "Well, I have to say I'm not surprised I haven't seen you for a few days." Justin nodded. "Have you tried to go back again?" he asked quietly. Tom was surprised by the directness of the question. "Why yes, yes, I have. Later that same night, as a matter of fact. But it didn't work for some reason. I suppose it was a one-time thing." "Don't you know why, it didn't work, Tom?" Fuller wondered about the boy's sudden familiarity. He was still old school and thought young people should address their elders as Mr. or Mrs., but he let it pass, simply shaking his head. "It should be obvious. Your wife wasn't with you." "What do you mean, 'My wife?'" "Isn't it clear to you? I wasn't just transformed into a copy of your dead wife. I was--I am Sally, reincarnated." Justin had been looking directly at Tom. Now his gaze shifted, as if he was looking at something invisible in the distance. " I had the most powerful dream that night. I was Sally again. I was walking along a path. I couldn't see its beginning or its end. For some reason, I wandered off onto a side path for a time. But I finally realized I was going the wrong way. It took some effort, but I found my way back to the main path and I knew that I was headed toward my correct destination again. We have to go back and pick up our lives where we left off." "You're sure of this." "Completely sure. It makes so many things I've never understood about myself before perfectly clear. It's more than the fact that I've never been into sports, power tools or big engines." He chuckled. "And it's not just that I've been attracted to theater and literature. It now makes sense that my best friends have always been women. I've always been able to relate to them in a way I never could with most men." He smiled at Tom. "You've been an exception." He blushed slightly, paused, then went on: "I've never had a conscious desire to be a woman, but I've always known that something....something wasn't quite right. For all the good in my life, something fundamental in my life wasn't right. I never felt at home in this time...or in this body. I could never put my finger on what the issue was...until now." "Do you want to say goodbye to your the McDowells...before we go?" "No, that would be too hard. I don't pretend to understand all of this, but if it works like I think it will, Justin will be erased from existence. It was like I--he--was never born. At least I hope so. They're wonderful people, and they've been wonderful parents." "Well then....let's get going." Without another word, they climbed into the car and headed toward the city center. As he accelerated toward The Spot, he found himself reaching out to Justin. He gripped his once and future spouse's hand tightly as they headed back toward 1965. Justin closed his eyes and said a silent prayer that the portal in time would open once more. Even though his eyes were closed, he was still aware of the flash...and of the fact that he was now Sally again. Tom, young once more, looked over at his wife, smiled, and said, "Welcome home, darling." "Oh Tom," she said, unable to hold back the tears. "I love you so much." As soon as they were able to exit the freeway and park, Tom Fuller wrapped his arms around his wife and pulled her toward him. Before he kissed her he said, "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this." "Oh yes I do," she said. She tilted her head back, closed her eyes and parted her lips in anticipation of the moment she had been waiting for for so long. After a long time had passed--or at least it seemed that way to both of them--Sally finally asked, "It's a beautiful Saturday. What do you want to do?" Tom Fuller smiled. "I was thinking I'd like to take my wife out on a date." He started the Mustang and pulled away from the curb. His destination turned out to be Westport Plaza, site of their first date. After paying for their skate rental and putting on their skates, the Fullers were soon heading out onto the ice hand-in hand. Sally looked up at her husband. "I've got a confession, Tom," she said. "About that first day we met? I had actually learned how to skate when I was eight years old. I caught one look at you and fell in love on the spot. So I fell down on purpose. I figured that would catch your attention." Tom shook his head, and tried to feign disgust. "Women," he said with a snort. The rest of the day went by in a blur--lunch at a drive in where they were served by car hops ("This isn't even retro yet," Sally said with a giggle), a matinee showing of one of the year's biggest films, "The Sound of Music" (Sally marveled at the one dollar ticket price, plus tax), and then, at last, home to their downtown apartment in a sturdy old brick building a few blocks from the State University campus. On an impulse, Tom picked up his wife and carried her across the threshold. "Home, darling, such as it is." He walked over to the black-and-white television and turned it on. He adjusted the rabbit ears to bring in a clearer picture on Channel 2. "One of the four channels we have to choose from." "Oh, the Hollywood Palace!" Sally exclaimed. "I love this show!" Tom crossed the room to the table where the sturdy green desk telephone sat and picked up the receiver, triggering the hum of a dial tone. "And this is it if you want to call somebody. Cell phones are something out of Dick Tracy in this day and age. Are you sure you're not going to miss all the gadgets of the next century?" Sally shook her head, walked over to her husband, and said, "You silly man! Don't you understand that I have what I really want?" She pointed toward the television. "Now, as much as I'd love to hear Edie Adams sing and watch Ann Miller dance, there's something I'd like even more, and I'm counting on you to know what it is." And with that, she walked over to the television, turned it off, and headed toward the bedroom. "I don't need an engraved invitation," Tom said. Justin had ended his brief journey on earth as a virgin. But Sally soon remembered how much she loved giving and receiving pleasure as a female. Her whole body was soon shaking with multiple orgasms. And that night, their daughter was conceived. The next few of weeks passed in a pleasant blur. Tom wrapped up his classes at State, while Sally spent her days at her clerical job in the university's admissions office (When one of her co-workers found herself smeared with black goo from carbon paper and muttered there needed to be a better way, Sally overheard and thought, 'someday, but not yet'). Yet life for the couple could never be ordinary again, given the miracle they had experienced. In the mornings, as he was getting ready for class and Sally was getting ready for work, Tom would watch his wife put on her bra, apply her lipstick, slip her feet into her high heels. He found it hard to believe that someone so comfortable with the rituals of womanhood had ever been a young man named Justin. It was as hard to process as the idea that he could ever wake up as a female one day. As the Fullers were having their after-dinner coffee one evening (Tom had never forgotten how much he loved Sally's meatloaf) he asked her, "So, do you remember everything now?" "You mean about this life, my life?" she asked. He nodded, and she continued. "Yes, yes I do. It's all scared I was when I was five years old and my daddy went to serve in Korea; how hard I prayed that he would come home safe, and thank God, he did; going to school and ducking under my desk when we had the air raid drills; doing the twist at school dances; it's all there. "What I don't remember is what happened between my death and being reborn as Justin. And I don't know if there have been any other lives. I feel like been given a priceless gift, but there's so much I don't understand about it." Tom nodded. "And we probably never will understand it." He paused. "You know what day tomorrow is." "Yes," Sally said softly. "It's the day I'm going to die." "Except this time it's going to different. This time we're not going to be on the freeway when that semi jackknifes. This time we're going to spend the entire day in this apartment." "But what if death can't be cheated? What if the building catches fire, or there's an earthquake, or--" "Look darling," he said. "Every day is an adventure and every day is a risk. But I can't believe that we went through all we went through only to have us lose each other again." "You really think so?" He reached out for her hand, which rested atop the dining table, and held it tightly. "I know so." So they stayed in on that Sunday. Even though they tried to make it seem like an ordinary day--having breakfast, reading the Sunday Journal, laundry and housecleaning--it was hard not to think about what wasn't happening. The next day, they opened the Westport Journal with a sense of curiosity and fear. "I'll never forgive myself if someone else was killed because of this," Sally said. Tom was scanning the pages with haste. Finally, near the back of the first section, his eyes alighted on a small item. He handed the paper to Sally, pointed, and said, "Take a look." She read the item with a sense of wonder and relief. "Traffic on Interstate 605 in both directions was stopped for nearly three hours Sunday afternoon after a tractor-trailer rig driven by Russell Clemons, 53, of Atlanta, Georgia jackknifed in the northbound lane near the Riverfront exit. Clemons suffered cuts and bruises but was not hospitalized. No other injuries were reported." Sally looked up at her husband smiling. "I guess I'm in the clear." That night, Sally enjoyed the most peaceful sleep she had known in ages. It was a good thing, too, because she had many sleepless nights ahead. Sunlight was already streaming into their bedroom on this beautiful early summer Saturday morning. Even before she opened her eyes, Sally sensed that her husband was moving about with a sense of purpose. She looked over and saw he was sorting through the contents of his sock and underwear drawer. "What are you doing, love?" "Packing, of course." "What do you mean, packing?" "Sally, don't you remember? I'm due to report tomorrow. I'm going to Vietnam." "You're what?" The fog suddenly lifted from her brain and she threw back the covers and was on her feet. "No, no, you can't. You, more than anybody else alive right now, ought to know the utter futility of this war. By the time it's over, fifty-eight thousand will be dead, and for what? For what? You can't go Tom, you just can't go over there and leave me a widow with a new baby. Not after all we've been through. You can't!" She started to cry. Tom wrapped his arms around her. She buried her face in his chest and continued to sob. "Don't you understand, honey? I made a commitment. The government paid for a good share of my college. I have to go." Sally looked up. Her face was red and puffy from crying so much. "This is about more than that, isn't it? It's about Dave Ramsey, isn't it? You figure if you go over, you can save him, just like you saved me. But you might just get yourself killed instead." "Honey," he said. "I don't have a choice in the matter. I really don't." And so it was settled. There was a tearful sendoff at the airport, and Sally drove home alone to begin her life as a single expectant mother. Fortunately she wasn't alone--her parents, her older sister and Tom's parents were all close by, and they all were a frequent presence in her life. She was especially grateful to be able to draw on the other women's collective wisdom and experience with pregnancy. This year was the only time when Sally truly missed the technology of the twenty-first century. It truly felt like Tom was a world away. In a strange way she envied the military wives of coming generations, who would have Skype at their disposal. Yes, you couldn't hold and kiss a computer screen, but at least you could look into your beloved's face...see how he was holding up under the strain of war. The highlight of her week was the arrival of a letter from Tom. The letters, which she would carefully preserve in a jeweled music box, were long on romance and bravado and short on details of the horrors of war. Of course, he wrote a lot about how great it was to see Bob Hope and his group of stars that December (though he didn't go too deeply into detail about how sexy he found Joey Heatherton to be). He almost made it sound like a grand adventure. But all Sally had to do was turn on the Huntley- Brinkley Report to see the reality of what her Tom was experiencing. Sally thought about tying a yellow ribbon around the sturdy oak in the apartment building's courtyard, but realized no one else would understand its significance, since the Tony Orlando song was still a few years in the future. As her abdomen kept growing steadily, she began marking the days off of two calendars. One was for the expected arrival of her child. The other was for the date of Tom's homecoming. As it was, both events came sooner than anticipated. Michelle Fuller arrived on December 29, 1965, a few weeks before her due date but without complications. She was a healthy six-pound, eight ounce child. "Dear Tom," she wrote the next day. "You are going to fall in love with your daughter the moment you lay eyes on her. She is so very beautiful. Speaking of eyes, she has your eyes--big, brown and beautiful. She has my face--a little on the chubby side--but I'd know those eyes anywhere. I can't wait until I'm looking into yours again." Sally didn't expect to see her husband until summertime. But one cold February evening, the telephone rang, and her feminine intuition instantly told her that something was wrong. Sally was exhausted--Michelle was going through a bad spell of colic and hadn't slept more than an hour at a stretch for days. Sally didn't know how she would be able to bear the strain of any bad news. She picked the receiver up and heard a deep male voice on the other end of the line ask, "Mrs. Fuller?" That was the last thing she remembered clearly until she found herself on the couch, her sister at her side, saying, "Easy, sis, easy. Remember, he's alive, and they say he's going to be fine. That's what matters. He's going to be fine." Even after the passage of almost fifty years, Tom was reluctant to give up too many details of what had happened in that village. Sally did learn that his unit was tracking a Viet Cong cell when they came under attack. Tom had led the counter attack that saved at least a dozen lives. But among those who fell that day was Second Lieutenant Dave Ramsey. "You're sure, you're sure they said he's going to be OK?" Sally sobbed. "Yes," her sister said evenly. "Yes he is. He took a lot of shrapnel in his left leg, and they said he's probably going to have a limp for the rest of his life, but he's going to be fine otherwise." Sally bit her lip, trying not to cry again, and failing. But this time they were tears of relief. She knew her husband would be coming home. She sensed the years ahead would not always be easy; she was sure Tom would carry scars of guilt over his inability to save his friend every bit as painful as his physical injuries. Three more children would follow Michelle into the world, and their collective lives would be filled with the kind of joy and pain most of us know in our own lives. But they would be a family, and Sally knew the bonds of love forever binding them would be enough to see them through.

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By Samantha G. It was 1987. The year Bo Didley, Chuck Berry, and Marvin Gaye made it to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Marvin Gaye was a favorite of my Dad, and Ford Mustangs were a hot topic at our dinner table on most nights, but tonight was extra special for me. It was my 16th birthday. I had my pick for our dinner on this night and, to nobody’s surprise, it was my Mom’s homemade pizza. My Mom really didn’t have time to do this in one day, so she would start the night before...

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Thanks to the knee doctor for editing assistance. It was seven o'clock in the morning, and my wife was out in the driveway washing her car again. I got her the 1965 red Mustang convertible for our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. It was a special present, and I was hoping it would be well worth the twenty thousand dollars it cost me. I was wrong. Julie had been having an affair with one of the guys who worked in my office complex. She thought that she was being discrete, but it just wasn't...

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Bikini Beach Teaching Sally

Bikini Beach - Teaching Sally By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 Author's Note: When I wrote "Swim Date", I got several comments about how rotten I was to Sally, the young transformee that Paula met briefly on Sunday. It wasn't right, the comments said, for the Old Woman to take her memories away. Here's the whole story of Sally's transformation. Judge again, now that you have all the facts. * * * * * * * * * * * * "There's some cops out here to see you, Mitch,...

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Sally Company Slut follows Sally

Sally Company Slut, follows “Sally” Hi I am Rob and I have already told you how Sally, my wife, rose to the occasion at a bank client meeting, greeting clients naked and getting banged by three men for most of the day. She secured lots of new business and not only did she receive a handsome bonus but also her bosses cock up her arse. This situation was the climax of Sally moving from fairly frumpy clothing to outfits that displayed her beautiful body – not in a slutty way but certainly...

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Sally Company Slut follows Sally

Sally Company Slut, follows “Sally” Hi I am Rob and I have already told you how Sally, my wife, rose to the occasion at a bank client meeting, greeting clients naked and getting banged by three men for most of the day. She secured lots of new business and not only did she receive a handsome bonus but also her bosses cock up her arse. This situation was the climax of Sally moving from fairly frumpy clothing to outfits that displayed her beautiful body – not in a slutty way but certainly...

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hellipand then along came Sally

Lisa and I had moved on from one another. I was quite relieved in some ways. She’d do almost anything I wanted and I was feeling guilty. I honestly think that some things cost you small chunks of your soul. Threesomes, gangbangs, public displays, cummy fingers of strangers in the dark, going to her house at a moments notice, banging her mouth and leaving her in a puddle on the floor. I thought that in the end I’d do her permanent damage. She went on PoF and found a nice ineffective guy who was...

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Sally Introduction to Sally.. I met Sally at work in the Bank we both worked for. She was a quiet girl in her late 20s and very conservative both in terms of how she dressed and socially. Sally had a great figure, small waist and big firm breasts which were hidden by loose fitting clothes and a beautiful long chestnut brown hair. She had a few friends from school but like her they were fairly introverted preferring a trip to the cinema rather than a night out at a club. At work she was very...

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Quest For The Sacred Three Sally

On Thursday morning, during her scheduled run through Hyde Park, Sally’s long blonde hair was tied behind her head. Running past the statue of Peter Pan, along the lake and up a small incline, the sexy dancer felt a lightness in her step she could not explain. The sensation was not enough to warn her about what was to happen to her.She was too busy figuring out how to throw out her boyfriend, Jake, and how she got involved with him in the first place. She did not even notice the dazzling...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Culdesac 1 Sally

In a small urban town just north of LA where the people fit loosely around church nor state lived a young woman coming of age in this world of information. She wanted guidance, support and inspiration. Her parents raised her by one motto: 'Plain girls that want to be included in sports can't be shy. Be Courageous.' This taught her two things; 1. Don't be plain, and 2. Just go for it. Coming of age in the modern age was tough, fraught with too many choices and not enough boundary to be...

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When Barry Met Sally

"Oh God, oh God," the twenty-two-year-old cried loudly as she flung her naked body down once more, impaling herself on the hard cock of the equally naked twenty-five-year-old man underneath her. Sweat ran down her small heaving breasts. She flung her head back, sending long brunette hair in every direction as she approached the edge of orgasm. The equally dark-haired young man beneath her neared the same pinnacle with equal ferocity, grabbing her waist tightly and thrusting his cock deep...

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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 8 The Night Out With Joe And Sally

Sunday morning was bright and sunny, a lot brighter than my wife, Sue. She awoke sometime after me and entered the kitchen where I was preparing breakfast, complaining of a headache.“What time did you get home last night?”“About five minutes after Jon left I imagine.”“What do you mean, after Jon left?”“I saw him walking down the road away from our house when I arrived home.”“Oh, I’d forgotten, he came over asking could you help him out with a couple of jobs. I’ll call him to tell him you’re...

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Seducing Sally

Hi, I'm Faye. So, let me tell you how it all began. It started, as things like this normally do, with a crush on someone I shouldn't have had a crush on. Her name is Sally; she's a twenty-eight-year-old primary school teacher and she's married to a friend of my parents. I first met the couple when they came around to our house for a late dinner when I was seventeen. We hit it off and honestly, I think meeting her that night confirmed to me that I was definitely gay. They came around once...

3 years ago
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Standing at her bedroom sink, patting her vibrator dry, the last remnants of last nights orgasm draining down the sink. As intense as the orgasm was, and as relieving as it had felt, Sally yearned for the intimacy of sex with her husband. Bob had left only a couple of weeks before on deployment to the middle east. Being a military wife Sally recognised the stages she was going through, the same as all Bob’s previous deployments. At 36 she was now one of the older wives living on base. Their...

2 years ago
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Deedee Does Sally

Deedee's Night Out Deedee takes Sally to a strip club for their first date... It was Thursday night and I was really excited. I had a really hot date that night with Sally, the new girl at work. Only Sally didn't know it; she thought she was doing the town with my cousin Deedee. Sally and I had worked for the same company for about 5 years, she in the Boston branch, and me at the home office in New York. We had been introduced at a one-day training seminar shortly after she was...

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Punishing Sally

"You know what you have done wrong, don't you?" Master said, holding onto her leash close to her thick leather collar. Sally was naked, kneeling in front of him between his knees as he sat forward on the sofa. He was dressed in his usual tight black jeans, tight black muscle shirt, heavy square-toe biker boots, and mirrored aviator-style sunglasses. The whole picture would normally be very sexy had it not been for the circumstances she was in. Earlier that week, Sally had had an appointment...

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Sally was very worried. Colin, her boss, called her into his office before she had left for the evening and given her a final warning. "Either improve your sales or get out." Sally was a pensions sales rep, but for the last six months she had had no takers. There had been many meetings and promises but no one would make a final commitment and sign up. It was not that she wasn't trying, she had more prospective clients than any of her colleagues but they just wouldn't close the final deal....

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Sissy Sally

CAUTION: This is a forced fem story. If this is not your thing, please move on. All rights reserved. Sissy Sally Sam Smith fretted anxiously at the kitchen table while he waited for his mother to return from the district attorney's office. How could he have been so stupid? Breaking into the new neighbor's house had been a disastrous idea from the start. Ms. Johnson was an attractive, impeccably dressed older widow who had moved into the house-...

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Beth and Sally

Beth and SallyIts taken me a while but here is the addendum I promised to “BETH - THE FIRST” that I wrote last year. To recap - Beth was a mature woman of about 45 (30 years my senior) who, while she didn’t take my virginity she taught me the delights of the mature woman that I have cherished and continued to enjoy all my life.Beth and I had been lovers (or really just fuck friends) since she seduced me as a 15 year old when ‘babysitting me and my brother. She was a regular visitor to our home...

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Dave and Sally

I occasionally write stories for publishing on internet websites, and in response to one that I wrote that was actually true, I received an email from a guy named Dave, who had a wife named Sally. They said they enjoyed my true story so much, that Sally wanted Dave to suck my cock, and have sex with me, similar to what transpired in my story, and that she wanted to watch. They went on to say that my story turned them both on so much that Sally would blow Dave as he read my stories out loud....

1 year ago
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She had tied Tim in the same way as the man in the porno. She told him he either participated in what was going to happen, or that she would leave him and tell everyone why This is a partly true and partly fiction story.True Part.Some years ago, I worked as a tutor and had several students for one-on-one training in English, Math, or I.T. At that time, I also did computer repairs as a hobby, and people would bring in their laptops for me to either fix or upgrade them.One student called Sally...

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This story is completely fiction. Sally is a very interesting girl with a very handsome boyfriend. She was really excited because her birthday was coming and she knew she was going to have a good time, she was going to be 17 in one day and couldn't wait. Her parents really trusted her boyfriend Tony, he's 19, muscular guy with green eyes, 5'9 tall and wide chest. Every girl's dream at high school. Sally was 5'6 tall, with round and firm breasts and ass, brunnete with dark brown eyes and a...

First Time
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Mustang Romance Ch 02

Dinner was passed pleasantly enough, much better than the last four years of dinners that Amy had grown accustomed to. The whole dining room was a mass of conversations held across the table, across the room, even across the house! Laughter and warmth was so heavy in the air, that to an unacquainted soul, Amy suddenly felt like her life had been empty without these new friends. Cowboy after cowboy had strode into the house, and she had been pleasantly surprised by the drop of countenance in...

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My SexPacked Holiday Incest Version Chapter 9 A Final Threesome With Matt and Sally

I woke early on Friday morning, and lay in bed idly strumming at my clitoris. I opened my legs just far enough to allow me to slip a couple of fingers inside my vagina, and was pleasantly surprised to find how sloppy I already was up there. It was the last full day of my holiday, and to be honest, it hadn’t been anything like I’d expected. I’d had a hell of a lot of sex, for a start, and not just of the normal “in, out and wipe yourself clean” kind, either. Peeing, fisting, anal: I’d had my...

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When Kaylee met Sally

I spent a long part of my life trying to figure out who the hell I was and what was wrong with me. Ever since I was a little kid in preschool, a tiny boy trying on princess dresses for dress-up and learning to fear being caught wearing one when my parents came to pick me up, I've had a thing for girl's clothing and makeup and everything feminine. I thought about it, joked about it, and feared maybe more than anything else to be forced into girls' clothes and makeup, not because it would...

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My SexPacked Holiday Incest Version Chapter 3 Sexy Fun With Sally

I woke up in the morning feeling a bit dirty and sticky after the previous night’s shenanigans. I glanced over at Matt’s bed: he was still dead to the world, although judging by the bulge under the sheet he was going to wake up with a pretty impressive morning erection. I smiled to myself, tempted to lift the sheet and have a look, but decided against it. It wasn’t time to get up for breakfast yet, so I lay in bed playing quietly with my pussy until I could put it off no longer, then got up and...

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Sally By Kyle Plumer Sally was filled with bitterness for twenty years. It was the blackest bitterness anyone could feel. It was like a seething rage. Her mother did it and her own brother had kept hurting her. She thought her mother would protect her, but she was wrong. Her mother continued to abuse her. A terrible grin smile slowly spread across her face brightened by red lipstick. Yes, indeed. She would return and when she did, all hell would break loose. Everything was...

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Sister in law Sally

Introduction: My wifes baby sister comes to live with us It was Friday afternoon. My wife was due to fly out about now to attend a week-end conference for her work. I was thinking that, rather than go home to an empty house and boring TV, I might join the single guys and girls from my work at the pub that they visit every Friday after work. Then my mobile phone rang. It was my wife, Julia. Hi Julia. Whats up? Hi Phil. I hope that you dont mind. Sally has had to leave her boyfriend. I said...

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Gloryhole Sally

"I know this is a strange town but I'm sure you'll be safe," I told Sally, "I'll be with you." We were on vacation and I was trying to persuade her to go with me to an adult video shop I'd seen a few miles from our motel. "We can look for a new vibrator for you," I continued. "Well, okay, it might be interesting," Sally finally replied. I then told her about some of the women I had seen in other shops. I remember one foxy blonde in particular who had dressed in a very revealing outfit and was...

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Glory Hole Sally

"I know this is a strange town but I'm sure you'll be safe," I told Sally, "I'll be with you." We were on vacation and I was trying to persuade her to go with me to an adult video shop I'd seen a few miles from our motel. "We can look for a new vibrator for you," I continued. "Well, okay, it might be interesting," Sally finally replied. I then told her about some of the women I had seen in other shops. I remember one foxy blonde in particular who had dressed in a very revealing outfit and was...

Group Sex
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Adventures in Sally

Chapter 1 Steve had heard that ketamine was a dissociative drug, but he hadn't expected it to be anything like this. "Whoa..." he said... or thought? It was hard to tell. Certainly, his lips didn't move. He could tell, because he found himself floating above his body, looking down at his slumbering form. "Weird. I wonder if I can..." Steve tried to move, tilting his perspective... and his vantage point glided across the room. A grin slowly spread across his face. It was like the...

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Red and Sally

I had gotten off work early. A localized power outage downtown had shut us down. I'm Red Benson; the Red is short for Redeker, and no I have no idea where such a name came from, supposedly my grandmother came up with it. Oh, and I have brown hair not red. I work as a lathe operator in a machine shop: XL-Fabrications. The pay is good, the work dirty, and the days can sometimes be long. It was Friday. I headed home a little before 11:00AM, way earlier than my usual 5:00PM. Sally, I knew, would...

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Sunday Sally

======================================== Riding in the limo; Sally’ cuddled up to me sleeping... I think back to how this began two nights ago with me dreaming about her and baptizing her the Warrior Princess. The late night pick up surprised the hell out of me. Her trouble in China ranked a close second. Now, as I think back ... boy, did I ever undersell her. ... ... ... Watching the scenery go by, reflecting. More miles click by and my thoughts keep me occupied. The sun...

3 years ago
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Sweet Sally

As (almost) always, this derives from real life, in this case, real life was merely a spark to ignite the story, which is mostly fictional. * What do two teenagers — one a tall, gangly male, the other a roly-poly female — have in common? Well, more than one might think. I was the tall male, a skinny kid with big thighs who had to wear pants three sizes too large to accommodate them. Sally was the female, a rotund blond with lots of girlfriends and not a single male suitor. It was the first...

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Fun with Aunt Sally

Both of my parents traveled a lot mostly to Europe and the like. As result I grew up going from place to place, never really developing many friends. As far a my sex education was concerned my parents simply didn't have the time to explain much to me. They were well off and always had business meetings and traveling to do. So I had to learn on my on so to speak. As I matured I discovered the pleasures of masturbation and finding some of dads porno magazines helped me learn a lot about sex. In...

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Strip Club Sally

Sally and I paid the cover charge and walked into the club. Looking around we saw gorgeous women writhing on raised stages while rock music pounded. Single men sat around the stages, eyeing the half naked women, while a few couples talked at tables. We had been occasionally going to this particular strip club over the past several years. It had a large dance floor where couples were encouraged to dance. On the weekends the club featured topless dancing by its female customers. When Sally and I...

Erotic Fiction
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Cleaning Sally

My girlfriend is a very busy lady and works long hours doing her job. However the harder she works the more money she earns to keep us in the style to which we have become accustomed. Her long working hours mean that sex between us is a rarity and unfortunately we do not make love that often. Sally, my wife has a very high-powered professional job, which entails traveling round local businesses giving advice and sorting out their I.T. problems. It means lots of traveling and long business...

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When Harry Met Sally

They met in the downstairs bar of the hotel. When Harry met Sally, they were sitting side by side on the high bar stools. The small talk followed. Stilted at first. Chatting about this and that and a bit of the other. It was late afternoon when they met and as time passed they became more comfortable in each other’s company. Both on business, both alone, both bored, both married, both partners sexually disinclined. Artificial formal conversation turned to relaxed smiles and laughter. Then onto...

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When Harry met Sally

They met in the downstairs bar of the hotel. When Harry met Sally they were sitting side by side on the high bar stools.The small talk followed. Stilted at first. Chatting about this and that and a bit of the other. It was late afternoon when they met and as time passed they became more comfortable in each other’s company. Both on business, both alone, both bored, both married, both partners sexually disinclined. Artificial formal conversation turned to relaxed smiles and laughter. Then to...

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My Daughter Sally

My daughter, Sally is a pretty girl. She is also shy, and managed to get through high school without having a real date. Her only close friend was Susan. Once, Susan arranged for the same boy to take both of them to a school dance. Sally wanted to go. She was also nervous about it, and almost relieved when the boy got the flu, and could not attend. Susan came over, and spent the night with my daughter. Like many girls, Sally feels self conscious about her weight. Susan, who dated several boys...

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Cougar Sally

I have noticed that as some women age they manage to stay slim but their skin and the flesh beneath it starts to wrinkle, making them look their age or older. Other women put on weight as they age but their flesh and skin does not wrinkle as much as their thinner counterparts. As a result they look younger than their age. My fifty-something wife Sally is one of the latter group. She is neither thin nor overweight, she is plump, usually defined as full of form or well-rounded. Sally is...

Group Sex
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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 7 Ron meets Sally

Ron had told me about the night that he followed Sue and Ronnie to their meeting with ten guys. When I had arrived home, Sue was waiting up for me. She came out to open the front door to welcome me back. She was dressed in a silky see-through nighty and it was obvious she was not wearing a bra or panties. I took her into my arms and kissed her.“Hhhmm, someone is horny tonight.”“You should know by now that is what happens when I have good food and a couple of beers.”“Some guys can’t get it up...

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Better Living Through ChemistryChapter 3 Sally

Since I found out that Janet and Patty were experienced, I decided that I needed a new formula for my experiments. I then got on the internet and researched to find what I had read about. What I needed was a dis-inhibiter drug that would do away with roadblocks to my sexual pursuits. I could do almost everything using my sleepers but after a while the thrill started to fade. I got physical reactions from my test subjects but I wanted to get more. I wanted to experience emotional responses...

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Annas Friend Sally

I pull out the external drive from the box as Sally pulls up my shorts and carefully make my way down the ladder with Sally now holding the sides and as I brush my softening bulge against her chest the zipper comes down a couple of inches and as I got the ground I can see she isn’t wearing a bra and I notice her nipples showing through the fabric of her dress. Sally takes the drive and torch as I fold the ladder up, “You definitely need a new ladder sir” she says smiling. “Indeed I do” I...

2 years ago
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Looking After Anna Part 6 Meet Sally

Julie returned a few minutes later with Anna’s panties, “OMG Frank” she said, “These are so wet” as she handed them to me, I licked the gusset tasting my own cum that had leaked out. “Anna loved it Frank, thank you” she said smiling as she went into the kitchen and removed her own wet panties to get a wash started, tomorrow was Saturday so we could all have a lie in. I finished my beer and collected the glasses and went into the kitchen to see Julie naked and loading up the washing machine, her...

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Martin and Sally

Sally is a 24 year old nurse, petite in stature, but a giant in experimentation, Martin is 52 and eager to please, and the teller of their tale. You drive home from work, eager with the knowledge I was waiting for you. You had given me a key to let myself in, but you knew, it was your house, your pussy, so your rules, no matter what I devised, you knew ultimately you could stop anything you might not like.You had worn the corset all day to ensure the anticipation lasted. As you came into the...

Straight Sex
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Meeting Sally

The story until now.Sue, my wife had been cheating on me for years. I initially didn’t respond but as time passed and she continued to be unfaithful I responded by having an affair with Marg. Eventually, I decided to leave my job and travel to the west. In doing so I told her that if she wanted to come with me then she had to stop her cheating. She agreed but within weeks of arriving in the west, I found that she was having an affair. This was directly after we had decided to have another...

Wife Lovers
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The Transformation of Sally

She saw him in the dance club many times before. He was easy on the eyes, good looking with a nice build, but not extreme with either. He had the reputation of being a bad boy, and that was what she was looking for. It took all her gumption to flirted with him. He ignored her. That was disappointing. She tried again the next weekend. She flirted and he gave her a quick smile, nothing more. Sally blamed it on the fact that she was too plain looking. She didn’t know whether to give up or try one...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Sally

For the longest time I've had the huge desire to see my wife with another man. I kept that to myself for several years because I knew what Sally's response would be -"No! Not just no, but hell no!" That would have been followed by several week of her not talking to me. One night we went to a party given by some friends. It was a friendly group and we knew almost everyone there and we were having a great time. We both had just enough to drink to put us in a really great mood and soon some...

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Please Call Me Sally

It was my sophomore year in college and I was home on Spring Break. I was hanging out in my basement thinking about my girlfriend Shelly. She was a senior in high school, the hottest girl in town. I was looking forward to our evening. With any luck I would make some progress with the girl. For a full year we'd done nothing but make out. At the very least I hoped to stroke her breasts for a while. Of course it didn't really matter because I loved her so much. When she graduated I intended to...

Gay Male
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Lean Mean Sally

I'm a single, attractive 26 year old female who is attracted to both males and females. Last, week my company sent me to Boston to meet with a prospective new client and his secretary turned out to be a fellow high school graduate. I didn't recognize Sally at first. Besides the eight-year gap, she had lost a tremendous amount of weight and undergone a complete makeover. It was hard to believe that she was the same chubby girl I'd teased back in twelfth grade gym class. I would have thought that...

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Sweet Sally

As (almost) always, this derives from real life; in this case, real life was merely a spark to ignite the story, which is mostly fictional. What do two teenagers -- one a tall, gangly male, the other a roly-poly female -- have in common? Well, more than one might think. I was the tall male, a skinny kid with big thighs who had to wear pants three sizes too large to accommodate them. Sally was the female, a rotund blond with lots of girlfriends and not a single male suitor. It was the first...

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Master PC Mind MagiChapter 22 Ral Finds Sally

The store looked fantastic. All sorts of costumes, toys, aids and paraphernalia were there for customers to peruse and buy. Much like Victoria's Secret, the store catered to intimacies but with leather, rubber and other exotic materials to enjoy. I had entered by the employee entrance and stood next to the office door, ready to speak with the new manager Renée and Erin had hired. Watching as some of the store's clerks walk by I thought about the store policy which required very open minded...

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Adolescent AdventuresChapter 3 Seductive Sally

The summer was a bummer. At least most of it was. There were lots of girls in the village but they were either too young for me or too old. Except for Barbara, but that didn't help. I'd tried with her two years ago and got told off in no uncertain terms. I usually slept outside on the verandah and one morning in July when I awakened at my usual time, probably about nine o'clock, I saw Norma walking up the road in front of our house. As usual my teenaged hormones were raging and, when she...

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Mustang Cocksucker

This is a blast from the past. It is about a night I had the old Mustang Bookstore in Upland, CA.I've been sucking cock at the Mustang Book Store for years. This is the first in a long series of events that are 100% true to the best of my memory. Here is what happened yesterday.After arriving around 4pm I settled into one of the corner booths upstairs waiting for my first cock to suck. Finally a guy who looked to be in his forties about 6 foot tall came into my booth and asked me if I wanted...

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Mustang Niece

Mandy peered at the currying brush she'd just dropped inside Widowmaker's stall. Widowmaker, though he was perfectly nice to her, got his name from his propensity to kick and his stall had been equipped with plywood on the slats to keep him from kicking them out, or kicking through them. And now the brush she needed was inside his stall. Widowmaker stood placidly, facing her, waiting for her to feed him another sugar cube or apple. She'd been winning him over bit by bit ever since she'd...

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Introduction: Can an 8 year old seduce? Sally We were on holiday in Devon. Every one else, my wife, kids and our friends and their children wanted to go into town shopping. The weather was not good (another British summer) and I preferred to finish the book I had started that morning. There was one other dissenter, our friends 8 year old daughter, Sally who was complaining of a pain in her stomach. As their car had broken down on the way there we were restricted to trying to go out in the...

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I don't believe in love at first sight. Not for me, anyway. I need three dates. Exactly three. The first date it's all physical attraction stuff. You know, tits, ass, face, eyes, butt. Shallow, but that's the way it is. The second date is more cerebral. Conversation ability, opinions, beliefs, and so on. Of course, that first date stuff is interfering all over the place. But it's the third date that matters. I mean, I can handle two dates with any girl on the planet, almost. But that...

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