Poor Barry
- 2 years ago
- 26
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"Oh God, oh God," the twenty-two-year-old cried loudly as she flung her naked body down once more, impaling herself on the hard cock of the equally naked twenty-five-year-old man underneath her.
Sweat ran down her small heaving breasts. She flung her head back, sending long brunette hair in every direction as she approached the edge of orgasm. The equally dark-haired young man beneath her neared the same pinnacle with equal ferocity, grabbing her waist tightly and thrusting his cock deep inside of her. His breaths were no less labored, his skin no less damp. They had been fucking like rabbits, to use one of the girl's favorite expressions, for the last half hour.
"Fuck!" she yelled in an even louder voice. "Fucking yes! Fuck me, give me that big beautiful cock! Shove it in me!"
The sound of her voice at that level, they both knew, made it a certainty that they would undoubtedly hear another complaint from Mrs. Merriman, the seventy-five-year-old woman who's bedroom was on the other side of the wall. Hardly a week went by that the woman didn't complain about the noise of their lovemaking, or the young woman's propensity to scream during it. Curiously, they had yet to ever get a complaint from Mr. Merriman.
"Oh, baby, I'm ... going ... to ... come," the young man said, his words punctuated by attempts to catch his breath.
"Not yet!" the girl yelled back, throwing herself against him one more time. "Just another minute..."
"I can't," he panted, "I can..."
His words never finished as he felt his cock explode within her. An eruption that didn't even give her pause as she put everything she had into one final burst of energy and followed him into a paroxysm of passion.
Their bodies shook with erotic energy as they thrashed back and forth, lost in the blind fury of their climax. Neither was aware that the other was even there until the last of their bodyquakes subsided and they collapsed into a hot, sweaty heap upon each other.
"Oh, Sally," Barry said almost too low to be heard as he closed in eyes in exhaustion.
Her eyes closed, the young woman was tired to the point that she felt she didn't even have the strength to answer. At least not yet.
Barry had met Sally at a singles mixer at the community center two years before and had immediately fallen in love with her. Something that wasn't an unusual occurrence for the then twenty-year-old. Young men had been falling for her almost since she had turned thirteen. What was an extraordinary development, at least from Barry's perspective, was that almost from the same moment, Sally seemed to feel the same way about him.
Barry Adams stood five seven and weighed a hundred and fifty pounds. He had short brown hair and a face that some women considered handsome, but that he had always thought of as just average. Prior to meeting Sally, he'd had five relationships in his life, only two of which could ever have been considered serious.
Sally Liebowitz was an inch shorter, forty pounds lighter and three years younger. A long-haired brunette with a slim figure and medium-sized breasts, she had astonished the then assistant office manager when not only did she accept his invitation to dance at the mixer, but agreed to have dinner with him the following week.
Several dates followed that and by the end of the month they were sharing a bed as well. Neither Barry or Sally had been a virgin the first night they slept together, but when faced with his new girlfriend's seemingly unlimited sexual energy, Barry felt almost intimidated.
They had moved in together a year later, much to the envy and in some cases, disbelief of some of his friends. Deep in his heart, Barry sometimes had difficulty believing it too.
In the weeks and months that followed, Barry found that their first night together had been only the tip of the iceberg. It became apparent that Sally was a sexual adventurer, constantly looking for new and exciting thrills. Thrills that she wanted Barry to share.
It took a little getting used to. Barry was hardly in the habit of having his girlfriend go down on him in public places as Sally liked to do. Or even, on a few occasions, fucking him in public as well. Still, despite what he had to admit was a strange relationship at times, he couldn't argue that life with Sally was certainly a lot of fun.
And it wasn't just his sex life that Sally made a big improvement in. With her help, he had moved up from one of four assistant office managers to the office manager when the current department head retired. He wasn't sure how she did it, but somehow Sally convinced old Mr. Johnson that Barry was the best choice, despite two of the other assistants being his senior.
It was a promotion that caused some resentment at the office, but Barry worked twice as hard as before to prove he was the best man for the job. "If the others didn't like it," Sally constantly told him, "Screw them, they can go work somewhere else."
Yes, the woman lying naked against his shoulder certainly had turned his life totally around.
"Did you enjoy yourself lover?" Sally asked as she pressed up against Barry some time later, her hand stroking his still spent manhood.
"You have to ask?" Barry said as he looked down and grinned as his male pride failed to respond to her touch. "I think we can be certain that we'll be hearing from Mrs. Merriman again."
It had become a running joke between the two lovers that a complaint from their neighbor was the best indication of how good a lovemaking session had been.
"Fuck Mrs. Merriman," Sally laughed. "Not literally of course, I wouldn't let her get within ten feet of this wonderful cock. Still, maybe someone should give the old lady a thrill. She probably hasn't been laid since my mother was in diapers."
Both of them laughed at the joke.
"So it's safe to say that you're in a pretty good mood right now," Sally continued as she abandoned her attempts at resuscitation.
"I'd say yes," Barry replied, wondering where this was going.
"Great!" Sally said excitedly as she exhibited a burst of new energy and jumped off the bed, running to the nearby dresser and taking a long white envelope from the top drawer. "I have a surprise for you."
Whenever Sally said that, Barry was never sure if he should feel excited or worried. The brunette gave no inkling of which as she smiled and with a running start, jumped back onto the bed. She landed hard enough to cause the heavy headboard to crash against the wall once more.
"Guess what I got?" she said as she lay across the bed and held up the envelope.
"I'm almost afraid to," Barry replied, looking down at her ass sticking up in the air and feeling the first stirrings of renewed life between his legs, "but I'm sure you're going to tell me."
"I got a response to our ad," Sally said excitedly as she opened the envelope and pulled out the three sheets of paper that had been inside it.
"Our ad?" Barry repeated.
"Okay, my ad," Sally corrected herself.
Barry watched as Sally unfolded the pages and handed them to him. A glance showed them to be a hard copy of an email and two printer generated photographs. Sally watched silently as her lover read the letter and looked at the pictures.
"You can't be serious about this one?" he said as he looked at the photos.
"I most certainly am," Sally replied in a hard tone.
Realizing that she was indeed quite serious, Barry took another look at the images in his hand and read the letter again. As he did, his thoughts drifted back to a night fourteen months before.
Sally and Barry were having dinner at a nice restaurant to celebrate their one-year anniversary. Barry had been in a really great mood that night as well, most of it due to the unexpected suggestion Sally had made the night before. Seeing that things were going so well between the two of them, she had said, maybe they should give some real serious thought to maybe moving in together. It wasn't marriage, a subject he would rather have discussed, but it a pretty positive step in that direction.
Over dinner, Barry told Sally that he had indeed given it serious thought and he felt it was a great idea. Sally had been overjoyed, a feeling her lover shared, at least until the woman on the other side of the table dropped her second bombshell in twenty-four hours.
In between the main course and dessert, Sally unexpectedly said that since they were so secure in their relationship, maybe it was time for them to add a little more spice to their sex life. Considering the spices the audacious twenty-one year old had already brought in the last twelve months, Barry couldn't imagine what she was considering now. When she told him, he was utterly speechless.
"I think we should try a three-way," she said, taking a long slip of wine as soon as the last word left her lips.
Barry had already taken a drink from his own glass and almost spit it out in surprise. Somehow, he managed to swallow it without choking.
"A three-way?" he repeated when he was able to speak again.
"Yes," Sally said in that same tone. "I think it would be a lot of fun. That is, if you think that our relationship is solid enough for us to share a lover." she paused a moment, taking another small sip and added. "After all, it's just sex."
A small incident from the previous week now made sense to Barry, at least he thought it did. Waiting in line for a movie, they had run into Sally's college roommate, Rachel Brown. The blond was coming out after having seen the same film. Sally introduced the two of them to each other and took a few minutes to catch up on things with her former classmate. While she did, it was all Barry could do not to stare at Rachel's prodigious chest. As inappropriate as that might be, it was almost impossible not to look. He was, after all, a guy.
The line began to move and the two old friends said their good-byes, promising to have lunch later in the week. As they did, Barry was just relieved that neither of them had caught him checking out her assets.
Once they were in their seats and waiting for the film to start, Barry commented that Rachel seemed a nice girl and that the two of them must've been good friends back in school.
"Rachel had a lot of friends," Sally had replied. "Back in college she chased after other girls just as much as she did guys."
The lights dimmed at that moment and the picture began, cutting short any chance Barry might have had to ask Sally if she had been one of those Rachel had caught. Not that he was sure he would even ask the question. If Sally didn't feel the need to volunteer the information, he didn't think he was brave enough to ask.
Now, sitting at the restaurant table, he thought he had that answer. Obviously, they had that promised lunch and Rachel was the one Sally wanted to join them in bed.
A broad grin filled Barry's face. How lucky can a guy get, he asked himself. To have a girlfriend who invites another girl into your bed and not only lets you fuck the girlfriend, but then gets it on with her too.
"Well if it's really something you want to do," Barry said, "then I'm up for it."
If his ladylove had chosen that moment to look under the table that separated them, she would see that truer words had never been said.
"That's great!" Sally gushed. "I know you and Ray are going to get along fine." Then, leaning closer to him so that only he could hear what she said, she whispered, "Just the thought of having the two of you fuck me is getting me wet already."
Normally, the thought of Sally getting hot and horny would make Barry hard as a rock. This time, her words suddenly transformed him to limp as a noodle. All he kept hearing was the name, Ray, over and over in his head.
"Ray?" he finally said out loud.
"Yes, Ray Thompson from my office," Sally said. "You met him at the holiday party last month, tall, blond hair, very handsome. He's being transferred to the San Diego branch next month and I thought this would make one hell of a goodbye gift. I know he'd be interested."
"But I thought you were talking about Rachel?" Barry said.
"Rachel?" Sally replied somewhat surprised. "Why would you think that? Rachel stopped seeing men right after we graduated. She's totally into girls now. Didn't I tell you that?"
"No, you left that part out," Barry said.
"That's funny, I really thought I did."
A few heartbeats passed as the two of them just looked at each other.
"Look, Barry," Sally finally said, "if sharing me with Ray for a night is a little too far out there for you, then maybe we should just forget it."
Resisting the urge to let out a deep breath, the twenty-four year old felt a wave of relief wash over him.
A wave that lasted a few seconds longer until Sally then added; "I just thought that we had something really special going and that you could handle a little free-spirited challenge."
A cold fear replaced Barry's sense of relief. What if Sally now felt that they didn't have that something special? Would she still want them to move in together, or worse, reconsider being with him at all?
"No, it's not a problem," Barry quickly said, figuring damage control was the best thing he could do right now. "I just thought you were talking about Rachel, that's all."
"I'm glad," Sally said, a smile again filling her face. "I'd hate to think I was wrong about us."
"Of course you weren't wrong," Barry said, telling himself that after all, like Sally had said, it was just sex.
When the night of their ménage-à-trois finally arrived, Barry was surprised to find that once things got started, having Ray in bed with the two of them didn't bother him all that much. Sally was totally hot and all over the two of them. They, in turn, were all over her as well, taking turns fucking her. The one with his cock not buried deep in her pussy got to rest in her equally wet and warm mouth.
It wasn't until, in the mists of passion, Barry realized that the mouth so expertly sucking his cock wasn't Sally's that the whole situation turned strange again. Having a man give him head set him back for a few moments, but even that faded when he realized that he didn't feel any real difference. In fact, Ray seemed to be better at it than some of the women Barry had dated.
Thankfully, Ray didn't seem to expect his host to reciprocate, because that was something Barry really didn't think he could handle. Instead, Sally slid Ray's cock into her mouth and spread her legs to let her lover go down on her as well. Locked in a circle on the carpeted floor, the three of them sucked each other off until one by one, each of them came.
Lying in bed after Ray had gone home, Sally asked Barry what he thought of the experience. It wasn't unusual for her to ask him questions after they tried something new. Honestly, he told her that it actually had been fun and more than a little interesting. He also said that he didn't think that he could ever do to a guy what Ray had done to him.
Sally listened and then said that she understood. Bisexuality wasn't something everyone was comfortable with. Of course, she added, since she wasn't going to get to see Barry play with another man, then he shouldn't expect to see her with a woman either.
That caused him a certain measure of disappointment since like many guys, the idea of seeing his girl with another woman was a perennial fantasy. Yet on the positive side, he thought as he drifted off to sleep, that should be the end of any more three-way encounters.
A month and a half later, after they'd moved in together, Sally made yet another startling announcement. She had invited another couple to dinner and she told Barry that the invitees were into swapping partners.
Like Ray Thompson, Thelma Warren also worked for the same company as Sally. Barry remembered her as a tall, very attractive black woman about his age with tightly braided black hair that hung half way down her back. Her husband, Larry, he learned when they arrived, was an even taller, powerfully built man. He was bigger than Barry, Sally told him later, in every way.
After socializing over dinner and a few more drinks afterwards, Sally walked over to Larry and gave him an open mouth kiss as she reached down and felt between his legs. In response, the tall man reached over and squeezed Sally's left breast, massaging the braless nipple through her dress. The hostess then took his hand and led him in the direction of the bedroom, saying that Barry and Thelma could have the living room to play in.
Watching the bedroom door close behind the two of them, Barry was unsure what to say to Mrs. Warren. Turning to face her, he found that words weren't really necessary at that point. Thelma had taken off the black dress she had worn to dinner and was now standing there in black panties, a bra cut so low that her ample bust was practically spilling out of it and a set of matching garters.
Walking over to Barry, she slipped her tongue into his mouth and her hands down his pants. A smile of appreciation filled her face as her fingers took the measure of his manhood. In no time at all, Barry's pants were down around his ankles and Thelma, who had dropped down to her knees, had traded the tongue in her mouth for his cock.
Again later in the night, Sally questioned her boyfriend about the experience. Yes, he had a really good time with Thelma, he said, stating that she had turned out to be just as uninhibited as Sally. It was also interesting to be with a black woman, he admitted. This had been the first time he had even seen one naked, other than in a men's magazine.
Sally told him that was one of the reasons she had invited them over when Thelma confided in her that she and her husband were into swinging. She had never been with a black man either, and while she didn't believe the stories about them all having monster cocks, she thought it would be interesting as well.
Barry didn't have to ask if interesting was all that Sally found being with Larry to be. Not when her cries of "Fuck me harder" carried all the way to the living room. It had been another night that Mrs. Merriman wasn't going to get a good night's sleep. He was curious, however, as to why Thelma told her that they were into swinging in the first place. It wasn't exactly the sort of thing that came up over a coffee break.
Actually, their discussion really didn't start out as being about swinging, Sally explained. The truth was that Thelma had been trying to pick up the brunette for over a month. Thelma, like Rachel, was into girls.
After Sally had explained to Thelma what she had told Barry about not having a girl/girl scene with him, the ebony-skinned woman had suggested that maybe they could start off swapping partners for the night. Maybe after he got to know them, or at least her in the biblical sense, he might change his mind.
Barry thought it best not to mention that while he was screwing Thelma, the thought of her with Sally was very much on his mind. The image of the two of them together only added to the force of his climax. But as enticing as the mental picture was, the price of having her husband's cock in his mouth, or god-forbid, a much more personal orifice, was too high to even consider.
What he did mention, was that the more he thought about it, the more he thought it a bad idea for them to keep getting involved with people from Sally's office. People they had to interact with on other levels as well. If things were to go bad over something that happened during one of these sessions, it could cause some on the job problems for Sally. And they definitely wouldn't want her nocturnal adventures to become the stuff of office gossip.
Sally said she could see his point and would think about it. Then, just as easily, she kissed him goodnight and rolled over and went to sleep.
As in the case of the last sex play session, the subject didn't come up again for a number of weeks. Sally came home one Friday afternoon and said that she wanted to go to a hotel out on Long Island. The lounge in the hotel played host to a pretty active swingers club, she'd found out from online chat rooms and the hotel itself rented rooms by the hour for those who cared to make use of them.
"You don't have to come with me of course," Sally said, "but I'm going either way. Single women are always welcome I'm told."
Giving in to what seemed to be the inevitable, Barry said he would go. It took a while to make the fifty-mile trip out to the hotel, but when they got there they found that the information Sally had gathered wasn't wrong. There had to be at least forty couples of all ages in the bar.
They hadn't even had time to order drinks when one man his age came up to Barry with his wife in tow and tried to strike up a conversation. Sally abruptly cut them off and said she was sorry but they weren't what they were looking for.
It would've been much more accurate if she said that they weren't what she was looking for. On the ride out there, she had made it very clear to Barry that if anyone approached him, he should refer them to her. She was the one who would decide if anything was going to happen, and with who.
Content to just hang back with the drink he had finally gotten and let Sally do her thing, Barry was surprised to see her pass on several rather good looking couples who had expressed an interest. As was the case with the Warrens, Sally had told him that she was looking for something new and different. He was on his second drink when Sally reappeared at his side with a couple in tow. Taking a look at them, Barry had to say they certainly were indeed different.
The man, who Sally introduced as Clayton Hiller looked like he juggled cars for a living rather than repaired them as he said. A hair under six feet, he had a shaved head topping a body even more muscled than Larry Warren's had been. It was the kind of body that you got from hours a day in a gym or a lifetime of heavy physical work.
Bridgett Hiller, was almost a total opposite. A half foot shorter than her husband, she had to outweigh Barry by a hundred pounds at least. What the attraction was between the two of them he couldn't imagine.
Still he had promised Sally he would go along with tonight's venture so he just told himself he'd make the best of it. After all, he'd never been with a woman as large as Bridgett, so if nothing else it would be a new experience.
An experience he found little to say about on the equally long ride back home later that night. Once more, Barry would've had to be deaf not to know that Sally had her usual great time. He, on the other hand, had the most disappointing sexual encounter of his life.
Worse than even the night he'd lost his cherry to Connie Mason during senior year of high school. He'd been so excited about winding up in bed with her, even though all of his friends had told him that Connie was a sure thing if there ever was one, that he'd climaxed less than fifteen seconds after getting inside of her.
In Connie's case, he had at least come out of it having lost his virginity, however brief the experience had been. In this instance, he didn't even have that to fall back on.
No sooner had he been left alone with Bridgett, she slipped out of her clothes and laid out on the bed. This time, Sally had graciously offered him and Bridgett the use of the sole bedroom, leaving the couch for her and Clayton. Barry had climbed on top of the larger woman and without any effort or help on her part, slid his manhood inside of her.
Her expression barely changed as he pumped in and out of her. In fact, she just laid there and didn't even move or utter a word. It was so depressing that after a few minutes, Barry did the unthinkable and actually faked an orgasm just to be done with it.
Once he rolled off of her, she disappeared into the bathroom and didn't emerge until her husband called out to her that it was time to leave. Just before she walked out the bedroom door, she turned to Barry and said her first words to him.
"I fuck you good, yes?"
Unable to even say that he thought that was good, Barry simply nodded his head yes. An action that brought a smile to the woman before she turned and left.
It was also on that ride home that Sally had said that she thought she would place an ad on some of the bulletin boards she had heard about in the chat rooms. Totally unhappy at the evening, the words didn't even register with Barry as he kept his eyes on the long road back to Manhattan.
Back in the here and now, Barry again looked at the letter and photographs. His first reaction still held true, these people were old enough to be their parents. Only a few minutes before, Sally had joked about fucking Mrs. Merriman. With these two, they were more than half way there.
"Is this is the only reply you got?" he asked, buying himself a little more time before he had to give a serious answer.
"No," Sally replied. "Actually I got over a dozen but this was the one I found the most interesting."
Interesting wasn't the word that first came to mind when Barry looked at the images of the man and women in his hand. From the letter, he learned that the man's name was Dave Carter and he was a fifty-five year old retired Police Officer. Six foot two with a muscular build, he had a closely cropped white hair and an equally trimmed beard and mustache. For an old guy, Barry had to say he was in pretty good shape.
The woman with him, the letter said, was Beatrice Carter, who was three years younger and with equally white hair cut just above her shoulders. Her body was what one would expect from a woman her age, with time and gravity having taken their toll on her five foot four form.
Looking deep into her face, Barry guessed that she might have been quite attractive when she was younger. Not to say she wasn't still pretty. Beatrice just wasn't what he pictured as a woman he wanted to go to bed with. And the encounter with Bridgett Hiller had soured him on just fucking someone for the experience.
"I don't know," he finally said, surprising Sally with his show of reluctance.
"Oh come on," Sally said, putting on her sexiest pout, "haven't you ever been curious about what it would be like being with someone really older?"
"Actually, no, I haven't," Barry said as he put the pictures down.
Her pout turned into a scowl in response to her lover's disinterest. Especially after she had just rocked his world. Usually, that was when he was the most compliant.
"And before you fall back on that old you'll go alone bit," he went on, "I'll tell you right now that if that's what you want, then go right ahead."
If Sally were to take a step back and look at the situation, she might consider the idea that she was pushing a little too hard. That it might be wiser, in the long run, to back off and let this particular one of her adventures pass. Unfortunately, all that occurred to her was that she didn't like to lose and she pushed ahead on a different track.
"I would," she said, responding to his suggestion in what she considered a conciliatory tone, "but they were quite clear that they were only interested in swapping as a couple. They aren't interested in a three-way with a woman."
"Then I guess you're out of luck this time," Barry said, not feeling conciliatory himself.
But Sally wasn't ready to give up so easily, not when she had one last card to play. A trump card she had held in reserve for the day she wanted Barry to do something he really didn't want to.
"I'll tell you what, love," Sally whispered into his ear as she pressed her breasts up against his chest, "you do this for me, and I promise that the next time it'll be just you, me, and any girl you pick. And when we're together, I'll do all those nasty things to her that I know you fantasize about."
Barry didn't respond right away, but Sally knew he was thinking about it. And if he was at least thinking about it, then she was already half way there. When he picked up the picture of Beatrice to look at again, she knew that she had won without him saying another word.
The following weekend, all the arrangements had been made and the two of them took a taxi to the Upper East Side and the condo where the Carters lived. Sally was totally impressed by the building, a luxury high rise with both a doorman and a desk attendant in the lobby.
She was even more impressed when, after getting off the elevator on sixteen, they found that the apartment they were looking for occupied almost a quarter of the floor. It had to be at least three times their apartment downtown.
"This is where a retired Cop lives?" Sally asked out loud as Barry rang the doorbell.
If the question had been intended as anything but rhetorical, Barry didn't have time to answer as the door swung open a moment later. The attendant down in the lobby had, after checking that their names were on a list of expected guests, called upstairs to let the Carters know that they were on the way up.
The first impression both of them had of the man in the blue golf shirt and black slacks was that the photograph Dave Carter sent them didn't do him justice at all. The phrase tanned, fit and handsome easily applied, as he was a man who had indeed aged well. Barry's second thought, as they were invited inside, was that he hoped Beatrice's picture had been just as unflattering.
This was at the time when I already had a fuck buddy (Bob from the dogging Series) I cannot remember why I didn't go with Bob on that particular weekend, I had met Barry a week earlier while I was with Bob he asked for my number but I didn't think anything of it, I've swapped numbers with a few men and nothing became of those. So a week after I met him I got a call out of the blue, Hiya it's Barry, I'm the fat hairy tattooed bloke from last week, are you doing anything this morning he said, I'd...
After leaving Barry out in front of my apartment complex for 5 minutes, Jenna and I went to check on him. Actually, we went to laugh at him. What we saw was Barry trying to hop (handcuffed and anklecuffed) towards some bushes for cover. If you remember, Barry was wearing only a purple thong panty - wedgied up his ass. We watched through the glass in the apartment stairwell and laughed until we cried. Barry hopped towards some trees as a car approached him. Barry quickly jumped into the bushes...
FetishAfter leaving Barry out in front of my apartment complex for 5 minutes, Jenna and I went to check on him. Actually, we went to laugh at him. What we saw was Barry trying to hop (handcuffed and anklecuffed) towards some bushes for cover. If you remember, Barry was wearing only a pink thong panty. We watched through the glass in the apartment stairwell and laughed until we cried. Barry hopped towards some trees as a car approached him. Barry quickly jumped into the bushes and straight into...
CrossdressingA few days after the extreme humiliation revenge that we put on Barry, both Jenna and I were still thinking about it. The story was spreading wildly and tons of people were asking us all about it. Jenna and I would be riding in her car and one of us would just start giggling and the other would join in. We both knew that we had pulled off the biggest revenge scene in the history of Girl Power. The satisfaction was incredible. I was called by Sara, an acquaintance of mine who had heard all...
SpankingA few days after the extreme humiliation revenge that we put on Barry, both Jenna and I were still thinking about it. The story was spreading wildly and tons of people were asking us all about it. Jenna and I would be riding in her car and one of us would just start giggling and the other would join in. We both knew that we had pulled off the biggest revenge scene in the history of Girl Power. The satisfaction was incredible. I was called by Sara, an acquaintance of mine who had heard all about...
FetishWhen I first met Barry, I immediately noticed that his smile was gorgeous. The second thing I noticed about him was how great his ass looked in tight jeans. He was flirtatious and playful. Barry and I had been dating just a month when we made a bet on a basketball game. I won the bet and jokingly said that I wanted Barry to wear a pair of my panties. Barry blushed but agreed. I did not think he would really go through with it but he went into the bathroom with a pair of my...
CrossdressingWhen I first met Barry, I immediately noticed that his smile was gorgeous. The second thing I noticed about him was how great his ass looked in tight jeans. He was flirtatious and playful. Barry and I had been dating just a month when we made a bet on a basketball game. I won the bet and jokingly said that I wanted Barry to wear a pair of my panties. Barry blushed but agreed. I did not think he would really go through with it but he went into the bathroom with a pair of my lace string-bikini...
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Now that Barry had been completely and deeply humiliated, we felt that female superiority had been firmly established. I had witnessed his decline - from cute boyfriend to total cock-gobbling slut. The problem was that I really was entertained by seeing him slurp on all those cocks - I feel vindicated. And I felt powerful. Watching Barry get force-gagged repeatedly with tons of cock had placed a strong desire within Jenna and myself. That desire was to simply see Barry suck more and more...
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Straight SexIt’s even better when a man or men watch me. I love an audience. I love pleasuring the audience when they want me to suck on their cocks while the dog knots me. I had a torrid sexual relationship with an older man who moved in next door to me. His name is Barry and he lives alone with a Doberman he called Sam. We flirted a lot when we first met. He reminded me a lot of my grandfather. Barry would see me getting out of the car in the parking lot with groceries. He would offer to help...
It was the beginning of summer and all the kids were out of school for the next three months. As was usual all the kids were ecstatic about not having to go to school for three whole months and Brad and Barry were no different. They had just had their fifteenth birthday at which their mother told them that if they did as well in school the next year as they did this past, that she would be willing to talk about buying them a car. Not a separate when for each of the but one that they could...
Now that Barry had been completely and deeply humiliated, we felt that female superiority had been firmly established. I had witnessed his decline – from cute boyfriend to total cock-gobbling slut. The problem was that I really was entertained by seeing him slurp on all those cocks – I feel vindicated. And I felt powerful. Watching Barry get force-gagged repeatedly with tons of cock had placed a strong desire within Jenna and myself. That desire was to simply see Barry suck more and more...
When Bonnie and the twins saw that bid grey bus roll to a stop they could hardly contain themselves long enough to let Amy get off the bus. They seen each other for six long months and each was dying to see how the other had been and to let them know how much they had been missed. When Amy stepped off the bus Barry was the first to sweep her up and he gave her a squeeze that nearly crushed her ribs. She immediately noticed how he had grown. She couldn't beleive that this was her baby...
They met in the downstairs bar of the hotel. When Harry met Sally, they were sitting side by side on the high bar stools. The small talk followed. Stilted at first. Chatting about this and that and a bit of the other. It was late afternoon when they met and as time passed they became more comfortable in each other’s company. Both on business, both alone, both bored, both married, both partners sexually disinclined. Artificial formal conversation turned to relaxed smiles and laughter. Then onto...
BDSMThey met in the downstairs bar of the hotel. When Harry met Sally they were sitting side by side on the high bar stools.The small talk followed. Stilted at first. Chatting about this and that and a bit of the other. It was late afternoon when they met and as time passed they became more comfortable in each other’s company. Both on business, both alone, both bored, both married, both partners sexually disinclined. Artificial formal conversation turned to relaxed smiles and laughter. Then to...
I have written this story as purely fiction with deep a deep rooted fantasy in the back of my mind and for any critics that have issues with grammar and punctuation etc, I am not an academic so if you want to read further and intend bagging me for it I ask you READ SOMEONE else’s story, it is after all a sex site which people write about fantasies or real events. I hope you enjoy never the less. This is a story that occurred during a track works on a train in Australia, my Thai girlfriend...
Living alone in Fresno, Emily was finally on her own. She had finished college and had found a job here in her field perfect for her. She was no longer near her parents or her old friends, but she was making the best of it. She had a great apartment with a pool that she could sunbathe beside, and cool off in the pool when the California sun got too hot for her. She didn't mind the stares when she went down to the pool. She knew that her long, blond, wavy hair was beautiful. And because of her...
Paul was at a friend’s party when he bumped into his neighbours Barry and Steve and they got chatting. During the conversation Barry mentioned a friend of theirs, Ross, who Paul had also met.Since they all knew what Ross did there was an immediate unspoken understanding about some of the sexual interests they shared.Barry and Steve were openly gay and a very nice older married couple. Paul was probably 15 years their junior and the common friend indicated he was either gay as well, or at least...
NOTE: Feel free to add alternative routes - first story of mine and may not be continued. Or if you enjoyed, like up the routes you want continued and I may do so. Amelia "Millie" Satra was an office bombshell of a woman. Currently in her late 20's Millie was always the center of attention at her workplace. She had long, voluminous brown hair, curvy thighs, excellent legs and breasts which were so perfectly shaped you'd think they were fake (but completely natural). She worked as the Personal...
Barry opened up another suitcase and started putting away his clothes. He was moving in to his new dorm for his first year of college. He was very excited to see what life had in store for him and to make new friends! However, Barry was also extremely nervous. He was gay and hadn’t come out to anyone yet. He didn’t know how his roommates would feel, especially because he’d met a few of them already and they were really cute. He didn’t know what he would do if he saw any of them naked. Focusing...
March 18th, 1995, 5:57 AM PT, Mile 2368/2230, 3 miles east of Fullerton, CA John decided that due to the closeness of the trains, it would be wise to alert his son to his presence before the train got in to LA. He whispered to the still mostly-asleep Gretel his intentions, and quickly got dressed. He ambled down the stairs to the door waiting for the train to come to a stop. When it finally did, John jumped to the ground and was off like a race horse. He knew that the Chief would leave him...
I spent a long part of my life trying to figure out who the hell I was and what was wrong with me. Ever since I was a little kid in preschool, a tiny boy trying on princess dresses for dress-up and learning to fear being caught wearing one when my parents came to pick me up, I've had a thing for girl's clothing and makeup and everything feminine. I thought about it, joked about it, and feared maybe more than anything else to be forced into girls' clothes and makeup, not because it would...
It didn’t start in high school. It could have I suppose, but it didn’t. Melissa was in my class (class of 92 if you need to know), but we never dated. Friendly yes, but we moved in different social circles. My main squeeze from the tenth grade to graduation was Pauline French, but Paulie went back east to go to college and I stayed home and went to State and I didn’t see her again until our tenth class reunion. She was married and was pregnant with her fourth child. Melissa also went to State,...
March 18th, 1995, 1:00 PM PT, Private Varnish Yard, Los Angeles, CA Why did people want to be carried around in these ugly old antiques? Barry thought as he walked around the rail yard filled with privately owned, Amtrak-certified rail cars. There were old Budd sleepers, diners, lounge cars, and even coaches. There were old Pullman and Budd streamliner observation cars, and even a few Pullman sleepers. There were also some beautifully restored heavyweight business cars. As he walked around,...
After leaving Barry out in front of my apartment complex for 5 minutes, Jenna and I went to check on him. Actually, we went to laugh at him. What we saw was Barry trying to hop (handcuffed and anklecuffed) towards some bushes for cover. If you remember, Barry was wearing only a pink thong panty. We watched through the glass in the apartment stairwell and laughed until we cried. Barry hopped towards some trees as a car approached him. Barry quickly jumped into the bushes and straight into...
A few days after the extreme humiliation revenge that we put on Barry, both Jenna and I were still thinking about it. The story was spreading wildly and tons of people were asking us all about it. Jenna and I would be riding in her car and one of us would just start giggling and the other would join in. We both knew that we had pulled off the biggest revenge scene in the history of Girl Power. The satisfaction was incredible. I was called by Sara, an acquaintance of mine who had heard all...
Sixth Appointment Wednesday, November 17 "Hello Barry. How are you today?" Dr. Haverty said as I entered her office and sat on the couch. "I'm doing better Dr. Haverty." "Have things gotten better for you?" She asked. "I am feeling a little better. Not so depressed but I haven't been able to get a date yet. I am almost afraid to even try to talk to women I meet. I have no confidence that my charms still work." "It may take some time for you to feel good again. When you do you...
It was a warm summer afternoon. The sun was gradually making it's way to it's setting and there was a slight breeze. There was a low moaning sound coming from a group of bushes in the woods about a mile behind Brad and Barry's house. When Barry first heard these intimate sounds he wanted to walk right in there and see who was at the center of those seductive sounds. But he had learned that it might be better for him if he quietly snuck up and peeked on whoever it was that seemed to be...
Note: This story takes place a little while after A Night At The Metro(2) NormaA NIGHT AT THE METRO 2: SALLYI got home, jumped into the shower and went back to enjoying my weekend. Memories of Norma fresh in my mind I went online for a while, visited a few sites, Xhamster first, all the time I kept looking at my jacket, thinking about the card in the pocket. I went over, took it out and phoned Sally. “Hi there. Remember me?” I asked. “Of course.” She said. “Thought you’d call later.” I...
When I first met Barry, I immediately noticed that his smile was gorgeous. The second thing I noticed about him was how great his ass looked in tight jeans. He was flirtatious and playful. Barry and I had been dating just a month when we made a bet on a basketball game. I won the bet and jokingly said that I wanted Barry to wear a pair of my panties. Barry blushed but agreed. I did not think he would really go through with it but he went into the bathroom with a pair of my lace...
After I broke up with Tracy, Karen and I dated for about two years and then we got married. I had some one-night stands while we were dating, but I had planned on not fooling around after we got married. That lasted about six months. I found that it was easy for me to pick up women and I just couldn't deny myself the pleasures of the flesh available to me. I was very careful to not let Karen find out what I was doing. I did love her and didn't want to hurt her. I was having sex with other...
His name was Harry Balzer but I called him Hairy Balls he was my college professor in advanced arts class we became friends after a term paper that I wrote caught his eye I think what really caught his eye was my cute round butt that I inherited from my mother but I like to think my term paper was good too! We stayed friends even after college and one weekend Hairy invited me over to his lake house he said he wanted to show me a painting he just acquired I said sure I had nothing going on...
Bikini Beach - Teaching Sally By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 Author's Note: When I wrote "Swim Date", I got several comments about how rotten I was to Sally, the young transformee that Paula met briefly on Sunday. It wasn't right, the comments said, for the Old Woman to take her memories away. Here's the whole story of Sally's transformation. Judge again, now that you have all the facts. * * * * * * * * * * * * "There's some cops out here to see you, Mitch,...
Sally Company Slut, follows “Sally” Hi I am Rob and I have already told you how Sally, my wife, rose to the occasion at a bank client meeting, greeting clients naked and getting banged by three men for most of the day. She secured lots of new business and not only did she receive a handsome bonus but also her bosses cock up her arse. This situation was the climax of Sally moving from fairly frumpy clothing to outfits that displayed her beautiful body – not in a slutty way but certainly...
Sally Company Slut, follows “Sally” Hi I am Rob and I have already told you how Sally, my wife, rose to the occasion at a bank client meeting, greeting clients naked and getting banged by three men for most of the day. She secured lots of new business and not only did she receive a handsome bonus but also her bosses cock up her arse. This situation was the climax of Sally moving from fairly frumpy clothing to outfits that displayed her beautiful body – not in a slutty way but certainly...
The Warthog’s express stood hissing at the platform nine and three-quarters of King Cross station as if straining at the leash, wanting to be set free, to thunder along the steel ribbons delivering its cargo of students to the academy of wizardly and witchcraft. Most of the students had boarded the train, ready for the Halloween term. Among those still milling around was Warthog’s star pupil, Barry Potter and his friend Ron Weasel. Barry was whispering in his ear, Ron’s eyes widened as he...
Lisa and I had moved on from one another. I was quite relieved in some ways. She’d do almost anything I wanted and I was feeling guilty. I honestly think that some things cost you small chunks of your soul. Threesomes, gangbangs, public displays, cummy fingers of strangers in the dark, going to her house at a moments notice, banging her mouth and leaving her in a puddle on the floor. I thought that in the end I’d do her permanent damage. She went on PoF and found a nice ineffective guy who was...
Sally Introduction to Sally.. I met Sally at work in the Bank we both worked for. She was a quiet girl in her late 20s and very conservative both in terms of how she dressed and socially. Sally had a great figure, small waist and big firm breasts which were hidden by loose fitting clothes and a beautiful long chestnut brown hair. She had a few friends from school but like her they were fairly introverted preferring a trip to the cinema rather than a night out at a club. At work she was very...
On Thursday morning, during her scheduled run through Hyde Park, Sally’s long blonde hair was tied behind her head. Running past the statue of Peter Pan, along the lake and up a small incline, the sexy dancer felt a lightness in her step she could not explain. The sensation was not enough to warn her about what was to happen to her.She was too busy figuring out how to throw out her boyfriend, Jake, and how she got involved with him in the first place. She did not even notice the dazzling...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIn a small urban town just north of LA where the people fit loosely around church nor state lived a young woman coming of age in this world of information. She wanted guidance, support and inspiration. Her parents raised her by one motto: 'Plain girls that want to be included in sports can't be shy. Be Courageous.' This taught her two things; 1. Don't be plain, and 2. Just go for it. Coming of age in the modern age was tough, fraught with too many choices and not enough boundary to be...
Sunday morning was bright and sunny, a lot brighter than my wife, Sue. She awoke sometime after me and entered the kitchen where I was preparing breakfast, complaining of a headache.“What time did you get home last night?”“About five minutes after Jon left I imagine.”“What do you mean, after Jon left?”“I saw him walking down the road away from our house when I arrived home.”“Oh, I’d forgotten, he came over asking could you help him out with a couple of jobs. I’ll call him to tell him you’re...
CuckoldHi, I'm Faye. So, let me tell you how it all began. It started, as things like this normally do, with a crush on someone I shouldn't have had a crush on. Her name is Sally; she's a twenty-eight-year-old primary school teacher and she's married to a friend of my parents. I first met the couple when they came around to our house for a late dinner when I was seventeen. We hit it off and honestly, I think meeting her that night confirmed to me that I was definitely gay. They came around once...
Standing at her bedroom sink, patting her vibrator dry, the last remnants of last nights orgasm draining down the sink. As intense as the orgasm was, and as relieving as it had felt, Sally yearned for the intimacy of sex with her husband. Bob had left only a couple of weeks before on deployment to the middle east. Being a military wife Sally recognised the stages she was going through, the same as all Bob’s previous deployments. At 36 she was now one of the older wives living on base. Their...
Mustang Sally By Heather St. Claire They say love is eternal. They say love can accomplish impossible things. Tom and Sally Fuller, a retired couple living a seemingly ordinary life in the city of Westport, are an amazing testament to love's power. It's hard to find a starting point for their story, because it's really a loop of time....The best place to begin may be in the year 2008. Tom Fuller, sixty-three years old and twice a widower, had just sold his insurance agency,...
Deedee's Night Out Deedee takes Sally to a strip club for their first date... It was Thursday night and I was really excited. I had a really hot date that night with Sally, the new girl at work. Only Sally didn't know it; she thought she was doing the town with my cousin Deedee. Sally and I had worked for the same company for about 5 years, she in the Boston branch, and me at the home office in New York. We had been introduced at a one-day training seminar shortly after she was...
"You know what you have done wrong, don't you?" Master said, holding onto her leash close to her thick leather collar. Sally was naked, kneeling in front of him between his knees as he sat forward on the sofa. He was dressed in his usual tight black jeans, tight black muscle shirt, heavy square-toe biker boots, and mirrored aviator-style sunglasses. The whole picture would normally be very sexy had it not been for the circumstances she was in. Earlier that week, Sally had had an appointment...
SpankingSally was very worried. Colin, her boss, called her into his office before she had left for the evening and given her a final warning. "Either improve your sales or get out." Sally was a pensions sales rep, but for the last six months she had had no takers. There had been many meetings and promises but no one would make a final commitment and sign up. It was not that she wasn't trying, she had more prospective clients than any of her colleagues but they just wouldn't close the final deal....
CAUTION: This is a forced fem story. If this is not your thing, please move on. All rights reserved. Sissy Sally Sam Smith fretted anxiously at the kitchen table while he waited for his mother to return from the district attorney's office. How could he have been so stupid? Breaking into the new neighbor's house had been a disastrous idea from the start. Ms. Johnson was an attractive, impeccably dressed older widow who had moved into the house-...
Beth and SallyIts taken me a while but here is the addendum I promised to “BETH - THE FIRST” that I wrote last year. To recap - Beth was a mature woman of about 45 (30 years my senior) who, while she didn’t take my virginity she taught me the delights of the mature woman that I have cherished and continued to enjoy all my life.Beth and I had been lovers (or really just fuck friends) since she seduced me as a 15 year old when ‘babysitting me and my brother. She was a regular visitor to our home...
I occasionally write stories for publishing on internet websites, and in response to one that I wrote that was actually true, I received an email from a guy named Dave, who had a wife named Sally. They said they enjoyed my true story so much, that Sally wanted Dave to suck my cock, and have sex with me, similar to what transpired in my story, and that she wanted to watch. They went on to say that my story turned them both on so much that Sally would blow Dave as he read my stories out loud....
She had tied Tim in the same way as the man in the porno. She told him he either participated in what was going to happen, or that she would leave him and tell everyone why This is a partly true and partly fiction story.True Part.Some years ago, I worked as a tutor and had several students for one-on-one training in English, Math, or I.T. At that time, I also did computer repairs as a hobby, and people would bring in their laptops for me to either fix or upgrade them.One student called Sally...
MatureThis story is completely fiction. Sally is a very interesting girl with a very handsome boyfriend. She was really excited because her birthday was coming and she knew she was going to have a good time, she was going to be 17 in one day and couldn't wait. Her parents really trusted her boyfriend Tony, he's 19, muscular guy with green eyes, 5'9 tall and wide chest. Every girl's dream at high school. Sally was 5'6 tall, with round and firm breasts and ass, brunnete with dark brown eyes and a...
First TimeI woke early on Friday morning, and lay in bed idly strumming at my clitoris. I opened my legs just far enough to allow me to slip a couple of fingers inside my vagina, and was pleasantly surprised to find how sloppy I already was up there. It was the last full day of my holiday, and to be honest, it hadn’t been anything like I’d expected. I’d had a hell of a lot of sex, for a start, and not just of the normal “in, out and wipe yourself clean” kind, either. Peeing, fisting, anal: I’d had my...
IncestI woke up in the morning feeling a bit dirty and sticky after the previous night’s shenanigans. I glanced over at Matt’s bed: he was still dead to the world, although judging by the bulge under the sheet he was going to wake up with a pretty impressive morning erection. I smiled to myself, tempted to lift the sheet and have a look, but decided against it. It wasn’t time to get up for breakfast yet, so I lay in bed playing quietly with my pussy until I could put it off no longer, then got up and...
IncestSally By Kyle Plumer Sally was filled with bitterness for twenty years. It was the blackest bitterness anyone could feel. It was like a seething rage. Her mother did it and her own brother had kept hurting her. She thought her mother would protect her, but she was wrong. Her mother continued to abuse her. A terrible grin smile slowly spread across her face brightened by red lipstick. Yes, indeed. She would return and when she did, all hell would break loose. Everything was...
Introduction: My wifes baby sister comes to live with us It was Friday afternoon. My wife was due to fly out about now to attend a week-end conference for her work. I was thinking that, rather than go home to an empty house and boring TV, I might join the single guys and girls from my work at the pub that they visit every Friday after work. Then my mobile phone rang. It was my wife, Julia. Hi Julia. Whats up? Hi Phil. I hope that you dont mind. Sally has had to leave her boyfriend. I said...
"I know this is a strange town but I'm sure you'll be safe," I told Sally, "I'll be with you." We were on vacation and I was trying to persuade her to go with me to an adult video shop I'd seen a few miles from our motel. "We can look for a new vibrator for you," I continued. "Well, okay, it might be interesting," Sally finally replied. I then told her about some of the women I had seen in other shops. I remember one foxy blonde in particular who had dressed in a very revealing outfit and was...