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It didn’t start in high school. It could have I suppose, but it didn’t. Melissa was in my class (class of 92 if you need to know), but we never dated. Friendly yes, but we moved in different social circles. My main squeeze from the tenth grade to graduation was Pauline French, but Paulie went back east to go to college and I stayed home and went to State and I didn’t see her again until our tenth class reunion. She was married and was pregnant with her fourth child.

Melissa also went to State, but again we moved in different social circles. Still friendly, friendly enough that we could sit together in the student cafeteria and chat if we happened to be there at the same time and not with anyone else.

I graduated and took a job that caused me to move to Atlanta and it was there I met Shelby Taylor. We knew each other through work, but never got together until the company Christmas party. We both had attended stag and when the dinner and speeches were over and the band started playing I asked Shelby to dance with me. By the time the party was over I had a date with Shel for the next evening.

That date led to several more and on the tenth date we made love for the first time. From then on we were an established couple and after five months I asked her to marry me, she said yes and we were married in a civil ceremony.

The first three years were great ones and we were saving money to buy a house. Once we had the house the plan was for Shel to go off the pill and we would start our family. The only bad part of our marriage was that Shel was a buyer in purchasing and she had to travel a lot to different vendors. I didn’t much like it as I would rather have had her home with me, but I did recognize that we needed her income to build up the house fund.

My little world came crashing down one Monday in late August. Shel and I worked slightly different hours and since we each had a car she usually left for work forty-five minutes before I did. Shel was scheduled to leave that afternoon on a two day trip to Chicago and I needed to catch her before she left and give her her cell phone charger that she’d left on the kitchen sideboard.

It was lunchtime and the outer office was empty. Shel’s office door was open, her back was toward me and she was on the phone. When I reached the door I heard:

“I can do with some hot monkey sex tonight. As soon as I get to the hotel I’ll call you with the room number.”

“Me too. I can’t wait to see you again.”

I knocked on the door jamb, she turned and saw me and her face went pale. “Got to go” she said and hung up the phone. I tossed the charger onto her desk, said “Here; you forgot this” and then I turned and left.

I went back to my office and told my secretary that I wasn’t feeling well and I was going to take the afternoon off and go see the doctor. I went home and started packing. The good thing about apartment living is that you don’t have much room to accumulate stuff. I had everything I wanted packed and out in the car in half an hour.

I left the apartment and twenty-two minutes later I was checked into a hotel that offered weekly and monthly rates. It would serve until I could find an apartment. Next stop was the bank. Shel might have been an adulterous bitch, but she wasn’t a stupid one. The way I left her office told her that I’d overheard her talking to her lover and she figured that she was toast. While I was packing she’d hit the bank and cleaned out the accounts. I was only going to take half, but she had taken it all.

Strictly my own fault. I should have been smart enough to stop at the bank on my way home. But there was a bright side. She got it all except for the house fund. When we first decided to set up a house fund and each put ten percent of our take home pay in it I’d set up the account and had never gotten around to putting Shelby on it. Always meant to, but just never got around to it. The fund was almost twice the size of the other two accounts combined so I wouldn’t be hurting.

Not knowing how things were going to play out I decided not to bank at the same place Shelby did so I closed the house account, took the money, and went to a different bank and opened an account. Luckily we were between paydays so I had time to change the direct deposit of my paycheck. I didn’t have to do anything with credit cards. We had none jointly. She had the ones she’d had when we’d married and I had the ones I’d had before taking the vows.

The money and the credit was not going to be a problem, but there as something that was going to be a huge problem and that was going to be both of us working at the same place. I liked my job and didn’t want to leave it and I knew Shelby loved her job so unless one of us quit and moved on we were still going to be thrown together and frankly I wasn’t sure that I could handle it.

Tuesday morning I went in early and had a word with my boss. I told him what was going on and asked for a couple of days off to find a place and get moved in. He told me to take what time I needed, but to keep in touch in case he had questions for me on some of my accounts.

As I left his office I saw Shelby waiting for me outside my office. I was tempted to just walk to the elevator and leave, but I knew we would end up having a face to face sooner or later so I decided to get it over with. I walked to my office and when I got there Shelby said:

“We have to talk Barry.”

“I knew we’d have to, but I didn’t think it would be until after your trip to Chicago.”

“I put the trip off for a day or two. Talking to you was more important.”

“Your lover okay with that?”

“Fuck him; he isn’t all that important.”

“But isn’t fucking him what has us here having this talk?”

“Please Barry; can we go in your office and close the door? We don’t need everyone here knowing our business.”

“They will all end up knowing it anyway so what does it matter?”

“What do you mean?”

“When we divorce the reason is bound to come out sooner or later.”

“Divorce? Why are you talking divorce?”

“Why? Let’s see. Husband catches wife making a date to have ‘hot monkey sex’ with another man. Husband not cool with the idea. Not cool with it in the slightest. Husband is so pissed he is going to divorce the cheating wife. That about cover it?”

“That’s what we need to talk about. In your office please?”

I shrugged, opened the door and waved her on in. I sat down behind my desk and she took the chair opposite and then I said:

“You wanted this meeting so go ahead.”

“I don’t want a divorce Barry. I love you and I want to spend my life with you. I know you may doubt it given what you heard, but it is true. I do love you.”

“If you love me why are you fucking other men?”

“It isn’t other men Barry; it is just Jeff.”

“Same thing. If you love me why are you fucking Jeff?”

“It isn’t making love; it is just fucking.”

“Oh right. The hot monkey sex I heard mentioned. How come I, the man you love, has never seen the hot monkey sex you seem to want?”

“It isn’t all that hot. Jeff just likes to talk like that. What he calls hot monkey sex is just no frills fucking. No foreplay, no tenderness or soft touching; just get to it and get it done as many times as possible.”

“I could have done that if I’d known you wanted it like that.”

“I don’t want it like that.”

“You are losing me here Shelby. You are telling me that you don’t want it like that, but I heard you tell this Jeff guy you wanted some hot monkey sex.”

“I was just saying that for his benefit because that is what he likes to hear.”

“You are beating around the bush here Shel. We have only been married three years and you are fucking around on me. What kind of sex you have with him and what he likes or doesn’t like doesn’t mean jack shit to me. The bottom line is you are cheating on me. You are stabbing me in the back. What usually happens in cases like this is divorce.”

“Damn it Barry; I love you. I don’t want a divorce. I want you! I want to grow old with you.”

“Then why in hell are you fucking another man?”

“I guess you could call it guilt sex.”

“Now that is something that you just have to explain.”

“Jeff and I were high school sweethearts and we planned to get married, but not until we graduated from college. We were in our senior year when there was a death in his family and he had to go back to Michigan for the funeral. He called me after the funeral and told me he was going to have to stay there for a couple of weeks because of some legal things that came out of the reading of his grandmother’s will.

“He called me every night for a week and then the calls stopped. I called him and got his voice mail. I called two or three times a day for four days and they all went to voice mail and then I got the mail box is full message. I tried for another week and got the same message so I stopped calling and waited for a call that never came. I put Jeff behind me, finished school, got a job here, met and married you.

“A month ago on my trip to Chicago we ran into each other in the bar at the Hilton. It was a tearful reunion. It turned out that he had been involved in a hit and run that left him in a comma for fourteen months. When he finally came out of it he had some memory loss. When he got his memory back he came back here for me, but by then I was already married to you. He decided it would be best to just walk away without contacting me.

“He ended up in Chicago and then we met at the Hilton. We sat and talked, drank and danced some. By the end of the night I was feeling guilty for not waiting for him. I’d probably had more to drink than I should have and he offered to walk me to my room. If I’d been a little more sober I would have said no, but I didn’t. He walked me to my room and the next thing I knew we were in bed fucking. I honestly don’t remember going from the door to the bed, but it happened and he was still there in the morning when I woke up. He was sitting on the bed crying. Sobbing out how much he missed me and how what we were supposed to be never happened. I tried to comfort him and all that did was lead to him fucking me again.

“We both had to go to work so he asked me to have dinner with him that evening and when I told him I didn’t think that was a good idea he said it would just be dinner and talking. He wanted to know what happened after he went back to the funeral and what happened to all our friends. I didn’t see any harm in that which just goes to show how stupid I can be at times. Dinner, drinks and a few dances later we were in my room fucking.

“The next day was my last day there and in the morning he asked me when he could see me again. I told him we wouldn’t get together again and what we had done was a big mistake on my part and I wouldn’t allow it to be repeated. He begged and pleaded, but I held firm and said no. I told him I would never see or contact him again.

“The rest of the day and on the flight home I felt guilty as hell for cheating on you and I vowed to never let it happen again. I got home and dedicated myself to spoiling you rotten. Since I returned from that trip have you seen any decline in my love or affection? No you haven’t. I’m still doing my best to fuck your socks off. Half the time I’m the one who starts the ball rolling. I fucked up Barry. I admit it. It was a huge mistake on my part and I regret it. We can get by this Barry. I know we can.”

She sat there looking at me and waiting for me to say something. There was maybe twenty seconds of silence and then I asked:

“Just when was it that you developed your low opinion of me? When did I become a dumb ass as far as you are concerned?”

“I don’t have a low opinion of you and I know you aren’t dumb.”

“You have to think that of me Shel. You have to think I’m dumb or stupid if you expect me to buy the load of horse-shit you just dumped on me. You seem to forget that I overheard part of your phone conversation. Let us start with the basics. You were on the phone with him. That means you either gave him your phone number or you had to be the one calling him. That shoots down your never to see or contact him again in the ass.

“Next we have your telling him that YOU would call him and give him your room number. Again, that shoots your never contact in the ass. Then we have the hot monkey sex thing. You said that you could do with some. That is definitely not something you would say to someone you were never going to see or contact again.

“No Shelby, it just won’t wash. Even if you didn’t give him your phone number and he found it by some other means the conversation I overheard should have been more on the order of “Why are you calling me? I told you I never wanted to see or contact you again.” I should have heard “No Jeff; I can’t see you again.” I should have heard “No Jeff; it was a big mistake on my part and I won’t let it happen again.”

“But that isn’t what I heard Shelby. What I heard was you telling him you couldn’t wait for some hot monkey sex. I heard you telling him you would call him with your room number. I heard the eagerness in your voice when you said couldn’t wait to see him again.

“We are history Shelby. You have two choices. Sign the papers when you get them and send them back or fight the divorce. If you fight I’ll drop the divorce, but I won’t get back together with you. I’ll just move on and wait for you to want a divorce so you can marry someone else. Maybe even this Jeff guy you are fucking.”

I got up and headed for the door saying “I took the rest of the week off to look for an apartment and get moved in. Make it easy on both of us and just sign the papers when you get them.”

I walked out and left her sitting there and sobbing.

I found an apartment, got moved in, saw an attorney, filed and Shelby signed the papers and sent them back.

It was awkward with both of us working in the same place, but we mostly managed to avoid each other. The few times we had to work together we were able to keep things on a professional level.

Once the paperwork was filed I considered myself a free agent and I started dating again and occasionally my date and I would end up somewhere where Shelby would also be and we never failed to get nasty glances from my ex.

Apparently Shelby was able to talk the Jeff guy into moving from Chicago to our town and two months after our divorce was final she married him.

I saw him for the first time at our company Christmas party. I wasn’t introduced to him and we sat on opposite sides of the room, but I saw Shelby point me out to her new hubby.

About two hours into the affair, after all the speeches had been made and the bonus checks handed out I had to use the bathroom. I had just finished taking care of business and was zipping up when Shelby’s new hubby came in. I turned to him and said:

“Thank you for the favor you did me.”

“Favor? What favor?”

“Helping Shelby stab me in the back. Catching her at it that early in our marriage kept me from investing more in our relationship. It would probably have made it harder for me to sever ties with her when I caught her cheating on me which she no doubt would have. You know what they say; once a cheater always a cheater so get ready for it because she will eventually cheat on you” and then I punched him in the face. It shook him and when his nose started bleeding I said:

“I owed you that. She was married, but you didn’t give a shit. I should wail on you some more, but I figure that punch and you being married to the slut is punishment enough.”

I walked out of the bathroom and left the party.

Of course on the first day back to work Shelby came storming into my office and started to give me a ration of shit over what I’d done to her hubby and she was a little shocked when I yelled:

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In the Showers

Prologue: Do not skip this part, or I will take no responsibility for anything that might turn you off as you read further. This story is true. It was told to me by a very good friend one night when he was somewhat drunk, and we were sitting in front of a dying campfire at the cottage, having our last drink before putting out the fire and retiring. The events in the story happened to him. I am the only person to whom he ever related the description of the incident. Before you go all "yeah,...

2 years ago
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The Secret Life of a Robot Fuck ToyChapter 2 Slave

Soon it came time for us to meet potential buyers. Hanna went first, and after her first interview, she rushed into my room and clapped her hands. "So," I said, "how'd it go?" "Great! He was so cute." She plopped down on the bed beside me and took me into her arms. "I'm so excited." "Did he fuck you?" She blushed, actually blushed. "Yeah." "So? Good?" She squirmed and giggled, so I supposed that it was. I wondered, though, did she know what this meant, did she think of...

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The Only Welcome Hurt

That photograph I took of you in Paris when we were kids, was in my wallet for the best part of ten years, before it slipped out and got lost. I saw your face everyday. I could pick out your laugh from a thousand people, I’d know your touch, know your smile. There’s never been a period in my life that you haven’t been on my mind. Not once. You are my safe place, my trust, my heart. You’ve unknowingly helped carry me through some of the hardest times in my life, simply be being. ‘You are...

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I Love Older Women

Hi my name is Chase Andrews and I have an admission to make: I love older women. I always found it funny when people say they would never date someone ten years or older. As far as I'm concerned I can never remember a time I wasn't attracted to girls and women that fell under the category of being older than me. This is not to say that I didn't try to have relationships with girls my own age. I actually had a girlfriend in high school. Her name was Jennifer. She stood at about 5'6 and was...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 575

This One Is Compliments of John A... Sometimes religious emails are better than some of the funny ones we get and pass on... Billy Graham was returning to Charlotte after a speaking engagement and when his plane arrived, there was a limousine there to transport him to his home. As he prepared to get into the limo, he stopped and spoke to the driver, “You know,” he said, “I am 87 years old and I have never driven a limousine. Would you mind if I drove it for a while?” The driver said, “No...

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My baby and I move in with my brother

My name is Jill I was was a new single mother who was experiencing some hard times the father of my baby left when I was about 3 months pregnant and I could not afford my place. I did not know what to do then my wonderful brother Steve said I could stay with him till I figured it out. Steve was 3 years older than me fairly fit about 6 feet tall. He had a three bedroom place so it was not to bad and it seemed like a good fit. Bye was so good and helped me during the pregnancy and even...

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Patchwork People XXIV Cactus Country

XXIV. Cactus country. The day was cool and clear. An auspicious day for new beginnings. The cloudless sky stretched tight, a blue tarpaulin snapped to the horizon. It was almost enough to give Marcia a feeling of hope. Between all the preparations, hastily made as they'd been, throwing together a pair of travel bags, gassing up the truck, collecting maps and whatnot, they were on the road a little later than they'd planned. Traveling south on I-640, traffic was still light but picked...

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Me and my stepmom part 2

DISCLAIMER! ALL OF THIS STORY IS FANTASY AND WHAT I'D LIKE TO DO WITH MY STEPMOM ( THE ATTRACTION IS REAL THOUGH ) After the first time we fucked we couldn't help but feel more than the stepmother-stepson love for each other. We'd look at each other with joy and love, knowing that the next time we were alone we'd have fun with each others body. One day while my dad was at work, Sarah walked in to my room and said "hey sweetie wanna take a shower? I looked at her and realized she was already...

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Life in the NeighborhoodChapter 28 Solving Problems

"Cathy, can I talk with you in private for a minute?" "Sure Greg, let's go to our bedroom." We went to the bedroom closing the door and sat on the bed. "Ok, so what's up?" "Have you talked with Chris yet?" "No, I've been trying to think of how to approach the subject. Let me get with her this afternoon." "Ok, but this morning she was waking from the bathroom in a towel which was too small for the job. She was showing off her charms and smiling at me. I was just dumbfounded...

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Mo Bia Ku Mo Pura Gehiki Melei dela

Mo nan sarita das mate 38 age heba mora gotie pua achhi nan bitu taku ebe 16 barsha 100 re padhhuchhi.dine mun ta room re pasijiba time re dekhili se ta pc re gote blue film dekhuchhi.trouser ku kholi dei hatare ta banda ta ku dhari bhari jor re upara tala karuthila mun jhat se dekhi tike pati kari deli are bitu eei kan karuchhu ?sethu se pura darigala aau bed cover ku nei ta ku gudei hei padila but ta bhitare mun ta banda ku dekhi sarithili.ta banda ta praya 7 inch heba aau mota 3 inch. mun...

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Late For DinnerChapter 47 Good for You Kathy

Mommy put her head of Kathy's shoulder. "I just don't know about Billy," she sighed. "We've tried and tried, but he just doesn't understand the limits. I guess we're going to do something to get his attention." "How about," Kathy snapped her fingers, "we give him a birthday party he'll never forget?" "I don't think he's getting a party after what he's done," Mommy shook her head, "and he's NOT going to pop little Kim's cherry." "No, wait!" Kathy's mind raced...

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NubileFilms Aubree Valentine Maya Woulfe The Doppelganger

Ryan Mclean and his girlfriend Aubree Valentine are at a party. Things are winding down, and this Little Red Riding Hood wants to ride her Big Bad Wolf. Aubree tells Ryan to find a room while she goes to freshen up. As Ryan is wandering down the hall, he sees what he thinks is Aubree. Her back is turned, so Ryan comes to kiss her on the shoulder. Little does he know that it’s Maya Woulfe, not Aubree. Taking her mystery lover by the hand, Maya leads Ryan into a bedroom where he crawls into...

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Something to be Thankful for

She had just turned eighteen and she was smoking hot. Long, wavy black hair than hung halfway down her back, plump lips, sexy brown eyes, an adorable little button nose, little B cup titties that would just be enough for a handful, a slender waist, and an ass that looked very spankable. He walked downstairs and found his mom in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. "Anything I can help with", he asked after hugging her. She handed him a bowl with potatoes that needed to be mashed and pointed to...

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Cheating wife and her lover discuss her cuckold

Based on a true story*"Wow! You drain me. Between your mouth and that big guy between your legs, my pussy is so sore. I think I'm going to call you, 'Bruce the Bull'. Wow!"Bruce: "Oh, I bet you tell all the guys that.""Just the well endowed guys like you."Bruce: "Have you had many experiences? Oh, maybe that's not a proper question?""Oh, that's okay. I've had only a couple. All through high school, I went steady with this one boy, Paul. He was a star basketball and football player. God, he was...

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First Threesome with a Married Couple

The year: 1994. or was it 1993. No matter. Just remember this was before everyone had a computer and 'surfed the net.' Back in the day, there were several phone chat lines. Some were of an adult nature, of course. I had met a few women off one line in particular. I even had a long term relationship with one married woman. But, that is saved for maybe another story. Here is how this phone service worked. Anyone could call in and listen to profiles (well, we called them ads back then) But, if you...

Group Sex
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BangBrosClips Melody Foxx The French Maid

The maid, Melody Foxx, showed up at a new home to clean. After having some trouble with one of the blankets, she accidentally covered herself. However, fortunately for us, the only thing sticking out from the blanket was her perfect ass. The owner of the house walked by and noticed this. He thought that his wife was the one under the blanket. Believing his wife was just trying to roll play, he walked up and pulled her underwear to the side and quickly inserted his cock. They fucked for sometime...

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A Critical PathChapter 30

They were scarcely through the front door before they fell into each other's arms. "Oh, my Nick," whispered Sally in his ear. "I miss you even when we're only fifty feet away from each other separated by my beloved Megan. I see you properly at lunchtime but I can't show you my love as I want to in case someone comes to see you. Nick, I enjoy my work. I enjoy the people I work with, thanks to you, but I have that longing to be with you, to be able to touch you, to kiss you, to be...

2 years ago
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Naughty Motel Maids

Millie and Mary were maids at the Southside Motel, several buildings comprising approximately 50 units. Millie was a brunette in her late 20s. She was about 5'7" tall and, while she was carrying probably 20 pounds too much, she still had nice big protruding breasts and a narrow waist that emphasized her ass. Mary was younger, in her early 20s and dishwater blonde. She had a nice figure with large, conical shaped boobs. While working at the motel they became friendly, working on...

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Swimmer Boy

I and eleven other teen boys walked into the locker room, dripping wet, and towels draped over our shoulders. We’d just finished the last practice of our training camp, and all the guys were joking with each other and horsing around, relieved that we had three months before swim season started. Even though I was a sophomore, and in my second year on the team, I didn’t really join in on the joking. Most of my friends were girls; the only boys that I was close to were boys I had a crush on. Even...

Gay Male
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A Friend in Need

Kim sat across from her friend, Vicky, and listened to her rant about Brian, her husband. She had known both Vicky and Brian for awhile. Being neighbors, they spent a lot of time with Kim and her husband, Jerry. Since Brian worked nights, Vicky often came over on her days off and spent time with Kim. “God! He’s always hounding me, Kim. Why can’t he just accept that when I’m not in the mood for sex, then I don’t want to be fucked with?” Vicky said, in a huff. “I don’t know, Vic,” Kim...

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A Fresh StartChapter 128 Stormy Weather

Thursday, July 20, 2000 They learned, all right! By Thursday they were heartily bored and sick and tired of the whole thing. The first day or two had been interesting. Marilyn and I had never taken the kids to Kentucky or Tennessee, not even on vacations, so everything was new and interesting to them. We would roll into some little town, and the local Republican committee would have a stage set up somewhere, maybe the local school or the courthouse or veteran’s hall. The local organizer...

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She Woke Up Feeling Frisky

It was 6:30 in the morning on a Saturday when Jane stirred under the sheets. Her eyes were closed but her mind was wide awake with sexual thoughts of the man beside her. Sean was her husband of 29 years and her lover for much longer. She’d had other lovers before their marriage but none could match what he brought, and still brings, to their loving relationship. His loving skills please her sexually and she does her best to return the sexual pleasure. They both had slept without any clothing...

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Stuck in bed

So… I thought I would tell you guys my story. It’ll be a short story, I’m afraid. But it’s to the point and 100% true. Let me know your thoughts and maybe I'll share some more.This happened some years ago, I was having the worst case of the flu you can imagine. Stuck in bed with nothing to keep me company but my laptop. Now, a good and trusted friend my laptop is, but after less than a day, I had had enough. After all, I figured, I knew how to shake this off. I’ve never been one to take any...

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Nude Beach Voyeur Jerks Off And Cums In Front Wife

Lana and her husband went to the nude beach because she is an exhibitionist and he likes to see her being watched by voyeurs at the nude beach. He filmed her laying out with her legs wide open as one guy after another would walk by and try to get a good close up look at her body. We cant blame them. She has 38DD tits and an incredible shaved pussy! Her husband gets horny knowing that other men will get to see her in very provocative ways right in public. Normally you would never see Lana...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 226 From Samurai to Descendent of Samurai

The next day. Excerpt of the report submitted by Shin'ichi Saburou. At that time, I didn't understand the truth of what had happened. A flash of light, a sudden gust of wind and a roaring sound--I thought lightning had struck before my eyes, but I was wrong. An instant later I realized that the great man had fallen face-up, and a swordsman had appeared in my field of vision. He was truly--awe-inspiring! Aoshi:... Looks like he found his answer. Saitou: I wonder. Misao: Awright! Let's do...

1 year ago
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Shreya Fingered By Strangers In A Train

Hello everyone, this is Ricky back with another experience with my cute little cousin, Shreya. This encounter happened recently about a few weeks ago when we were traveling to Nagpur by train. This incident is about how we had fun with two complete strangers we met during our journey. For people who are reading my sex stories for the first time, let me introduce you to Shreya and myself. I am Ricky living in Mumbai. I am 5’11″ tall, decent looking, 21-year-old guy. I am a gentleman kinda person...

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Tara 5 BoasChapter 3

It took them nearly three days to get to the mine. Serpin couldn’t push Collin too hard. He needed frequent stops and time to heal from his ordeal. She also learnt he couldn’t hunt or cook to save himself, other than cooking fish. The time that she spent teaching him how to live off the land, was about equal to that which they spent walking. The path they took was not straight walking and climbing really took it out of Collin. This end of the mountain had many steep sections and gullies...

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Auntie Mabel Ch 12

Chapter Twelve. Fivesome. Alison had hated men, ever since her father had raped her on her eighteenth birthday. He had beaten her naked arse and fucked her from behind, when she had told him that she was a lesbian and wouldn’t give him any grandchildren to inherit his empire. In moments of introspection, since that incident. She had been honest enough to accept that had he not raped her, she may well have grown out of being a lesbian. Looking back she realised that being brought up by nannies...

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