A Ghost Story free porn video

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There is a old urban legend, told from senior to frosh pledge year after year. This sorority house, filled with the dumbest, sluttiest girls in school, burns down, only a few things were saved from the fire. Knick-knacks mostly. But three mirrors too. Vanity table style mirrors, with a rose carved into the intricate woodwork at the top. And if the moon is full, blah blah blah, the spirits of three of those girls can be seen in the mirrors, longing for the life they had before. The pledges were made to stand in front of mirrors, usually with a fake looking paper rose on top. in the dark for a scare. No one ever got scared, because, really, who believes in ghosts anymore? Or, perhaps, those who DO see the other side don't live to tell about it. A ghost story: by Serenity 1 Brandon looked around the apartment. It was clean, well kept and mostly furnished. Nondescript bargain store furniture, probably built out of a box. It was a three apartment unit on the outskirts of the college campus, recently renovated. Some sort of fire or something. Either way, it was in good shape now. Brandon walked into the bedroom, acting like he was looking for flaws in the paint, hoping the annoyed looking landlady might come down a bit on the rent. Not that it would have mattered. The other two units were being rented by two of his best friends C.C. and Dan, and if they landed all three, this building would be party central! One piece of furniture that did look somewhat valuable in an antique way was the bedroom mirror, framed in woodwork that Brandon was sure must have been carved by hand many, many years ago. A delicate and amazingly well done flower adorned the crown. A little girly, but also antique-y, too. Classy. "I'll take it," said Brandon. The landlady smiled, and began shoving forms in front of him to sign. All three units rented in one day. It made for easy work. As she walked out, she turned and wished her new tenant well. She didn't know she would never see him again. As she went to the other two units to fill out the paperwork, she had no idea that with each stroke of the pen the boys didn't just sign away 650 a month, they had just signed away their lives. The three of them took little time wandering throughout each others apartments, pointing out how each was better than the others, typical male posturing and all. But one thing Brandon did notice were the identical mirrors in the other two apartments. One in C..C.'s room, the other in Danny's hallway. But not one of them thought anything strange. Later that night, Brandon was finishing hooking up the stereo wires to his entertainment unit, and stopped to look out the window. The moon, bright and full, shone into the living room, blue and peaceful. He smiled a bit then stood and stretched. As he turned to the tv to turn it on, he saw a woman behind him in the screens reflection. Brandon quickly turned around and saw nothing but an empty couch. He looked back at the screen, a chill running up his spine, and saw only himself looking back. He just chuckled a bit at himself and turned on the TV. Hopefully the Sox would be on. Brandon woke up on the couch, and wiped some drool from his chin as he sat up and looked at the clock. Damn, it's late. He thought as he went to the bathroom to piss, then head off to bed. He turned on his bedroom light and started to take off his dirty jeans when he saw something move out of the corner of his eye. He started and looked up into the eyes of the most gorgeous woman he ever laid eyes on. Long golden tresses framed an angelic face, beautiful large emerald eyes, pouty lips...her small fit body adorned by two massive fake breasts. It took Brandon a second to realize that she was in the mirror though. It also took him a second to realize he had fallen down in shock. This woman looked like she was on the other side of a window, looking into Brandon's room. And as Brandon stood up and moved in front of the mirror, he could see his reflection behind hers. Like she was standing in front of the dresser checking her make up or something. He waved his hands, but the woman took no notice. She just stood there staring ahead, and slightly down as she gently lifted her boobs and let them drop. Brandon realized then what he was seeing. This woman was looking at her reflection, not him. He slowly walked forward and waved his hand in the space where she was standing and in the reflection he could see his fingertips poke through her belly. Brandon couldn't believe it. A ghost! Here! Just as he was contemplating running over to tell his friends, the woman turned in the mirror and walked towards him, then through him on her way to the hallway. For a split second, when they were overlapped in the reflection, Brandon could swear he felt...hungry? Hungry? The image of the woman was gone as she walked out of the door and Brandon left the room to follow. He ran down the hallway, and must have run through her again, as his gut rumbled for a second. He turned on the kitchen light and looked around frantically for something that gave a reflection. He pulled out an aluminum pan and flipped it over to it's shiny bottom and looked at it, moving around the kitchen. There! The woman, naked and amazing, walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Well, the fridge in the reflection, anyway. Brandon's fridge stood unmolested. In the hazy reflection he saw her take something out and head back down the hallway. Of course, right behind her, with reflective pan in hand and walking backward, Brandon followed. The woman headed into the bedroom, and in the clear reflection of the vanity mirror, Brandon saw her carrying a plate of strawberries. He couldn't peel his eyes off of her. Every curve a exaggeration of feminine perfection. She sat on the bed and...the bed is pink? Brandon looked at his blue comforter, then looked in the mirror. The mirror bed was pink. Was it pink before? The rest of mirror-room was still his, but the bed was definitely a hers. Looking in the mirror to get his bearings, Brandon sat on the bed opposite of mirror-girl. Mirror-girl didn't notice of course. He reached out and put his hands on mirror-girls breasts. And while his hands felt only air, the reflection looked awesome. Like something out of his horniest wet dreams. He could feel his erection straining his pants, as he leaned in looking at the reflection as he gave the air in front of him a kiss. Mirror-Brandon of course looked luckier, as he was kissing oblivious mirror-girl.. Just then though Brandon slipped a bit and fell forward a couple inches, his face going through hers and then right then he could taste them. Strawberries. Juicy and cold strawberries. His senses were flooded with sensations. The pull of his large fake tits, the coolness of his silk sheets against his moist pussy, the afterglow of a nights sex and mmmm. Strawberries. Almost as tasty as cum. Brandon shot straight up. So many sensations in such a short split second. All from his head being where her head was? Brandon was breathing heavy, shocked. He didn't notice right away that he could still taste the berries. And as he realized that he could he also realized that mouth was full. He put his hand to his mouth and spit out a bite of strawberry. A Strawberry that was only a mirror-strawberry a second before. And as he looked into the mirror, he saw his eyes...his large emerald eyes. His eyeshadow covered, large emerald green eyes. He ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror as he rubbed and scrubbed the make up off. Touching the ghost must have brought back the makeup and strawberry from the mirror-world. But his eyes? Why did he have her eyes now? What the fuck is happening? He noticed though that despite his shock and fear, his pants were still straining. Something about when they merged....he couldn't remember. Just that she was horny, and that made him horny. He sat down on the toilet cover and slowly began to jerk off, not really knowing why. Just feeling a need to get off. It didn't take long. Before long he cried out as his orgasm hit like a wave, and his hand and thighs were drizzled with cum. He reached for the toilet roll to clean up, and forgot that he didn't unpack the bathroom box yet with all the ghost action going on. He stood up and went in front of the sink to wash his hands. As he looked down to turn on the faucet he didn't see mirror-girl walk in. As he looked up and saw her behind him, it was too late, she walked forward into him, and as she disappeared into his reflection he was assaulted by the same sensations. His high heels pinching his feet a bit, the taste of lipstick being applied, the smell of hair spray.Is this cum? How did that get there? The taste of his favorite treat... And then it was gone as mirror-girl walked out of the bathroom, leaving Brandon shaking behind, his hand still covered in come, although his thigh was clean. He just stood there as his mind began to organize all the sensations. So much at once almost overloading him. As he came to his senses, he looked in the mirror at his naked body. His mind combining information, and he turned sideways a bit and looked at his ass. Smooth and hairless and sorta bubble-y it was a perfect ass, Brandon thought. He faced the mirror straight on and looked at his huge nipples with a unapproving smirk. He went to pinch them a bit, firm them up a little, when he noticed the cum on his hands, cold and gooey. And in one swift, unthinking motion, he brought his hand up to his lips and started to lick it clean, moaning a bit at the salty taste of his favorite....treat? Wasn't it mirror-girls favorite? Wait, was it? Brandon couldn't remember. All he could think of was how just, like, fucking good it was. Brandon walked down the hallway, his gait slightly changed, absently sucking on a finger on his way to the bedroom. Mirror girl was in her mirror-bed. Already falling asleep. Brandon thought it was a good idea too, and laid down on the other side of the bed, his back to hers identical asses facing eachother. Neither one noticed. Morning came quickly and Brandon looked all over the apartment with his mirrored pan but could not find mirror-girl. Then he had an idea. A damned good one. He was in such a rush out the door he didn't even notice the sounds of giggling coming from C.C's apartment, and in no time flat, Brandon was pulling into Home Depot. As he pushed the way to large and rusty cart around the giant isles towards the mirror section, he kept fiddling with his pants, which just didn't fit right this morning. Tight as all hell in the rear and hips, but practically falling off in the front. Almost as if they were cut wrong. But three hundred dollars and many pants adjustments later, Brandon was hanging the last mirror in the kitchen. Every angle in every room was covered now, and now he would have good warning before he and mirror-girl did any merging. Which was weird, because Brandon knew he changed a bit after the little mind meld on the bed, but for the love of him he didn't know how. It had been bugging him all damned day. Just like his way too sensitive nipples. Just then the door knocked, and in flew C.C.. and Dan, chatting fast and giggling faster. They both threw their purses on the kitchen counter and practically dragged Brandon into the living room as they talked at light speed about some boy they met last night and how cute he was and ohmigod and all that. Brandon just stared in awe. His two friends were like different people..not LIKE...they were two different people.. The flailing hands and giggles and moaning...they were talking like two airheaded chicks or something! Brandon stared at Dan's chest...were those tits budding under there? He looked across the room at one of his new mirrors and did a doubletake. In the mirror, instead of his buddies were two women, two beautiful women sitting on the couch, mirroring his friends exactly. What the hell? "Guys! Stop for a second! Are you even listening to yourselves? You, like, sound like airheads or something. I mean, like, look at the mirror, you guys totally look different!" Brandons hand crept up to his mouth as he realized what he sounded like. His voice sounded so high, so cute! It sounded just. like. them. C.C. stood up and walked to the mirror, looking at himself, er, herself, this way and that. "Oh. My. GAWD! You are like, so right Brandi! How did I leave with my hair like this! I gotta go! You wanna go to the hairdressers Danni?" And in a whirl of airkisses and flying purses they were gone. Brandon just stared at the door, his heart thumping. His friends...what? How? They changed so much! And him too! How much of him was different? "Testing! One! Two!" His voice just dripped appeal. It looked so weird to see his face creating such a sexy sound. He thought about Dan's, or Danni's breasts, and pulled up his shirt. His nipples looked the same they always had, the aureole about two inches wide with his nipple a good half inch long and just as thick... Man, if he started getting boobies...wait, boobies? Who the hell says boobies? If he started getting tits, he'd kill himself. Brandon knew he had to get to the bottom of this, he just didn't know how... It wasn't long after that he saw movement and he watched as mirror-girl...Brandi...walk in the door. And she wasn't alone. She was practically dragging a tall, well built guy behind her and they quickly made their way to the couch. Brandon had to dive out of the way to avoid getting touched. In the mirrors he watched as the guy ripped what little clothing she was wearing off, and started to cover her neck in kisses as she fumbled with his belt. He lowered his head to her tits, suckling in earnest, and Brandon felt a strange longing coming from his own chest. In one deft motion Brandi flipped the two over, the man falling on the couch, laughing, his cock swinging this way and that, and Brandi just dove on it. Licking, kissing and sucking with abandon. Brandon couldn't get a good angle with the wall mirrors, so he took a hand mirror he bought and knelt at the couch to get a good close view, his erection growing quickly. Here he was kneeling next to a invisible woman the kind a man would only dream about, and all he could look at was the impressive cock, wet with saliva. He felt so, damned right, kneeling there...and he felt his mouth water a bit as he thought about his...treat? Was that right? He needed to free his own cock, so he set down the mirror and began to undo his pants, and as soon as he pulled it out, (Was it smaller than before?) his hand flew back to the mirror, to get a good look at that beautiful cock, err, chick. Brandon didn't know. His mind felt torn in two. Part of him wanted to sit in the guys place so bad, and feel those lips, but another part...a growing part of him wanted something else entirely. He watched as Brandi mouthed words up to the mirror-stud. Her lips moving soundlessly. Let me taste it? Brandon was sure that's what she said. "Let me taste it" He repeated. It sounded to good, so sexy coming from his new voice. Her lips moved again and again Brandon mimicked her... "I love your cock, It's so big" Again, the voice of the sluttiest angel. Something is so wrong here, Thought Brandon. Then he realized he was even thinking in her voice. He didn;t have time to worry about that though, because in mirror-world, things were coming to a climax. The man had his hands wrapped up in Brandi's hair, and he could tell the man was close, very close. And as he saw the man's balls clench and the base of the cock swell on Brandi's lips he knew he had just blew his load (given his treat). Brandon's own cock trembled and a few drops of pearly white cum dribbled out. Brandon just stared at Brandi's face, how happy she looked. His free hand absently collected what little cum he produced and brought it to his mouth just as Brandi let the impressive cock out of her mouth, a line of cum dribbling from her chin. She looked up at her man the same time Brandon sucked off his treat, and as Brandi mouthed a word, Brandon said it at the very same time. "Tasty" Brandon noticed that Brandi was still rolling that delicious looking cum in her mouth, and he remembered what happened with the strawberries. Thoughts of any changes that happened along with those strawberries didn't occur to him though. All he wanted was more of that taste. And before Brandi had a chance to swallow, Brandon shoved his face right into hers. Salty. Creamy. Wonderful. Men. So easy. So FUN! I am So fucking wet right now. I wonder what Danni and Sissy are up to? I wonder if he can get hard again... And just like that the connection was severed as Brandi moved in mirror-world. Brandon was left kneeling by the couch, trembling and shaking as millions of neurons and nerve pathways were quickly being rewritten to accommodate the ton in information forced upon him a once. As he slowly regained his senses, he slowly smiled. His plump lips smeared with cum, and he turned to look at a mirror. He stuck out his tongue and looked at the fresh hot load upon it. It looked like a little shot of heaven. He swirled it in his mouth a bit, moaning in pleasure. The fact that his voice sounded like a porn star didn't even phase him, it was like it was always his voice. And he slowly swallowed his treat, already eager to taste more. Sissy and Danni would tease him of course, he was always the most slutty of the three... Like a distant headlight on a foggy night, a tiny bit of thought poked through Brandon's cumdrunk state. C.C.....Dan? How much they changed. Did they change? They looked so cute, Brandon couldn't remember. Did he change? He stood up and looked in the mirror... His perfect green eyes were on either side of his small, slightly upturned nose and his plump, red cocksuckers were ever girls...guys...dream. His face was framed with golden tresses, which fell upon the slopes of his perky breasts. Brandon frowned at this. Something seemed wrong. He turned this way and that, running his small hands with the candy red fingernails along the slopes and curves of his titties. What was it. His chest wasn't always like this....he knew it. Weren't his boobies bigger? It was so hard to think. Brandon didn't know that the new routes through his new mind were slower, less efficient. That his IQ had dropped by an alarming degree, was of no concern. Brandon wanted to know why his tits got smaller. (You don't have tits, you are a man) Brandon heard the voice, panicked and urgent, but didn't understand...of course he was a man. He looked down at his two inch cock nestled between two creamy thighs. See. He was a guy. Like, that voice is, like dumb. Brandon thought. Just then he remembered the mirror-girl. Like, where did she go? He wondered as he wandered through the apartment. Mincing steps on heels he wasn't wearing a half hour before. He noticed that everything seemed so much bigger to him, but he never thought that he might have gotten shorter. (wake up, brandon!) That silly voice again. Brandon walked down the hallway, and he entered his bedroom, and smiled at how pretty it was. Then he saw Brandi in the mirror...and Oooo what a mirror-man! Brandi was on all fours, her huge fake titties swinging in time with each thrust she was getting from behind. The stud had his big hands on her hips, and he was giving to her, hard. Brandon looked on his bed, and was shocked to see indents in his comforter right where Brandi's hands were in the mirror...he could almost see the bed shaking. I wonder if I could feel that? He thought. You don't WANT to feel that. You are a man! Men like chicks! That voice. So familiar. Brandon looked at Brandi. He felt no attraction at all. She was more like a sister to him. Like a twin sister...who was getting the fucking of her life...Brandon began to walk towards the bed. No! You have to stop! Break the mirror, it's what is changing you, ME! You don't want to be a dumb slut! Brandon hesitated a bit, unsure...he turned to look at his mirror...at Brandi. She looked up right then, right into the miror, right into Brandon's eyes. And as her mouth moved, Brandon knew what she was saying, and his lips followed suit, his slutty sex filled voice echoing in his empty room... "You know you want to" Brandon knelt on the bed. Time seemed to slow as he leaned forward, placing his hand in one of the spots, and his knees in the divots that Brandi had put in the comforter. The bed started to move underneath him, moving in rythym. He looked into the mirror and the image he saw was that of a cute girl with small boobs sticking out of a goddess with the most perfect titties a guy could want. He stared at the mirror as he reached down to put his hand where hers was in the mirror, their bodies fully merging, his face melting into hers until there was only one guy...one..girl in the mirror. One girl...mmmm...Brandon could feel the wonderful cock in his pussy, he could hear the sloshy slurpy sounds of that wonderful dick sliding in and out of him...of her. Brandi looked up in the mirror, loving the feel of mirror man's cock in her, her mind overflowing with sex positions, cocksucking techniques...ways to flirt, to tease, to dress..To clench her pussy just right and to...to...mmmm....oh fuck right...and as orgasm after orgasm came crashing over her, she could feel her boobies stretching, filling becoming the match of her reflection. The underside gaining small scars where her wonderful doctor put in the implants. She loved her fake tits. Sure, like Sissy and Danni teased her alot, but she was the one who always got laid, night after night... and...Ooooo.Ohmigawd.....More!!!! She could feel her mirror-stud tense as he shot wad after wad of ooey gooey cum into her cunt. The warmth and thrill of his seed sending her over the edge again like a rocket...And as Brandi rolled over in bed away from mirror-stud she just laid on her empty bed, moaning and giggling with every single amazing aftershock of her orgasms. Brandi reached down to her dripping pussy and pulled out a glob of cum, lazily suckling on it as she rolled out of bed. The weight of her giant boobs a blessing, an advertisement for the sex she craved so much. The walls of the apartment had changed, many of the mirrors gone, replaced with posters and sorority banners. She walked to the kitchen for some strawberries, and giggled a bit. With her best girlfriends and sorority sisters getting the other two apartments, this place was gonna be hunk central. Her pussy already felt empty, and in need of a man. As she walked back to her room, a line of cum slowly dribbling down a leg, Brandi didn't notice a faint reflection of a man in the hallway mirror, slamming and banging his hands against the other side of the glass. She was too busy with the strawberries and her favorite treat running down her thigh.

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Ghost StoriesChapter 11

The person coming towards Josh was the same stranger he met earlier that day at the cafe. Josh: It's you!! The Stranger: Nice costume. You're supposed to be Batman. Is that your way of telling the world how fearless you are!! Josh: Well I need a costume for Halloween. The Stranger: It seems that the only ones wearing costumes around here are you and your friends!! Notice that no one else is wearing costumes for Halloween around here!! Josh: Well Caleb said that this was a gathering of...

3 years ago
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Ghost of a different gender

Ghost of a different gender --------------- What happens when a spirit is the wrong gender? Can they be helped? --------------- The teacher called my name; it was my turn to present my report. We had spent the last two weeks studying the American Civil War and it culminated by each of us being required to present an oral report. We were required to speak on a famous figure from that era, either Union or Confederate, our choice. Many people chose figures such as...

1 year ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 15

Gabriella ran as fast as she could. She ran all the way towards the stairs on Block C. She stopped by the stair rail and clung to it. She was panting, trying to breathe well and could still her own heart beating like really fast. Normally people's hearts beat for 60 seconds a minute. But she could hear hers beating for more than 70 seconds. She was extremely scared. She then saw John and Daniel coming to join her. But no sign of either Lena or Kira. She thought they ran elsewhere. All of...

1 year ago
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Ghost Hubby Haunting Ch 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! When Marla got back from the bathroom and bandaged the tears in Andrea’s ass, Alexander suddenly entered her. Picking up the vibrator again, he shoved it brutally up Cherry’s butt, making her squeal. While he did this, he stuck two fingers inside Michelle‘s cunt, as if it to say that she wasn’t off the hook yet. “Get out of me!” Marla demanded in her head to the ghost possessing her. “No thanks! I’m having FAR TOO MUCH FUN to do that!” Alexander...

2 years ago
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The call caught everyone by surprise, but Tim seemed to have taken the news of his cousin Jacob’s un-expected passing especially hard. Tim was only five or so years older than Jacob and the two had been more like brothers for much of their lives. Both had similar interests (fast cars chief among them), racing and just in general having a good time together. A year ago Jacob moved to New Orleans to attend a University and that’s when he had begun to grow apart from Tim and the rest of their...

3 years ago
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Ghost Hunters

Our heroes are three geeks Benjamin, Aaron and Julian. They are currently film students looking to make a movie about ghosts. Ben and Aaron had known each other since childhood, Julian they just met at film school and quickly bonded with. Ben was sat at a computer researching supposedly haunted places. "How do we do this? I mean ghosts will require some special effects" said Aaron. "I'm thinking we do something like the Blair Witch Project where we don't actually see the ghost" Julian...

1 year ago
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Ghost Riding Fergus Riordan

Story Title: Ghost Riding Fergus Riordan WARNING: You must be 18+ to read this. If you are not allowed to read these where you are from or don't like reading stories about boys under 18 please leave now. Please Note: This is a fabricated story about Fergus Riordan (I Want To Be A Soldier; GhostRider2) and is narrated through the eyes of a fan.The story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about...

2 years ago
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Ghost StoriesChapter 16

Gabriella landed on the floor, along with her stool. She tried controlling herself from screaming and even hoped that the ghost didn't hear anything from this side of the door. Gabriella panicked. Gabriella: (in her thoughts) It's the ghost!! She knows I live here!! Gabriella was so scared that she turned off the TV and crept all the way towards her bedroom, closing the door as silently as she could and locking it. She did not want the ghost to hear her every move. She heard the door...

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Ghost Story

My husband and I moved from our home town to a secluded place in northern Wisconsin. To get away from my past and his family and to start a new life together all our own. We got a great deal on our first home because it was a real fixer upper. My husband is handy with a hammer and I at decorating so we were looking for a deal. The add said it would need a little work but little did we know what we were really getting ourselves into. When we arrived at our new property I have to say we were a...

3 years ago
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Ghost Of Me

I felt myself dissolving. Darkness. A thought. A wish. A vision. A flash. And there… Madrid. Spain. Midnight. I’m actually here. Finally. I’m standing in this street. This very street. Near the driveway that leads up to Tate’s House. I can’t believe it. I need to savour it. This moment of reckoning… Grey rays of pale moonlight filtered through the trees that were being battered and blown in the fierce wind. A storm. But I felt none of it. I felt as if I’m floating in a breezeless street. Calm....

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Ghost Writer Part Four

Ghost Writer - part 4 - By circe ([email protected]) I stared at my keyboard and felt a vibrating on my ankle. It took me a couple of seconds to break from my reverie and realize it was the cell phone I had bought - that Becky had made me buy - yesterday. Only three people in the world knew the number (I wasn't counting myself, as I still had no idea) and Charlie was in her workroom, clattering. This left Becky and James. I felt a momentary rush of excitement at the thought of...

1 year ago
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Ghost Of Me

I felt myself dissolving. Darkness. A thought. A wish. A vision. A flash. And there… Madrid. Spain. Midnight. I’m actually here. Finally. I’m standing in this street. This very street. Near the driveway that leads up to Tate’s House. I can’t believe it. I need to savour it. This moment of reckoning… Grey rays of pale moonlight filtered through the trees that were being battered and blown in the fierce wind. A storm. But I felt none of it. I felt as if I’m floating in a breezeless street. Calm....

3 years ago
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Ghost Lover

Ghost Lover “What’s that you’ve found?” Jo asked her husband John as he fished something from under the floorboards. “Looks like a dusty old diary of some sort,” John replied. “But it’s got a small lock on it.” John passed the diary to his wife and took the cup of coffee which she had brought him. “Ooh, this looks intriguing,” Jo said excitedly. “I’ll see if I can pick the lock.” “It’s probably full of dirty little secrets,” John said raising his eyebrows suggestively. Little did he know,...

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Ghost or Spirit soul

Tommy had walked her to her door, and she had thanked him once more for the pleasant evening and had given him a warm hug with a lingering kiss. As he had turned and walked away to leave, Jackie had closed her eyes and said a prayer for a peaceful night of sleep without interruption. She had really needed some rest and felt as if she could sleep for days on end. She had decided not to take a bath, but rather go straight to bed. She had put on her pajamas and, leaving the bed stand light on,...

1 year ago
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Ghost or Spirit soul

Tommy had walked her to her door, and she had thanked him once more for the pleasant evening and had given him a warm hug with a lingering kiss. As he had turned and walked away to leave, Jackie had closed her eyes and said a prayer for a peaceful night of sleep without interruption. She had really needed some rest and felt as if she could sleep for days on end. She had decided not to take a bath, but rather go straight to bed. She had put on her pajamas and, leaving the bed stand light on,...

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Ghost Lover

Ghost Lover“What’s that you’ve found?” Jo asked her husband John as he fished something from under the floorboards.“Looks like a dusty old diary of some sort,” John replied. “But it’s got a small lock on it.”John passed the diary to his wife and took the cup of coffee which she had brought him.“Ooh, this looks intriguing,” Jo said excitedly. “I'll see if I can pick the lock.” “It’s probably full of dirty little secrets,” John said raising his eyebrows suggestively.Little did he know, but it...

1 year ago
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Ghost Of Kareema An Erotic Sex Tale 8211 Part 11

17 June 1985 Monday By the time Kareema hit home, it was dark. Anita was at the doorstep, looking outside.”Kareema, my darling,” she said as she came forth with a smile. “I was about to phone you. What took you so long?” She was about to hug Kareema when she saw her clothing was in pieces. “Oh my god! What happened?” She asked in astonishment. “Long story, Anita,” Kareema said in a tired tone, but with a happy smile. “Before anything else, I need a wash, and some of your ayurvedic stuff.” “Oh...

1 year ago
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Ghost Hubby Haunting Chapter 1

"I just don't think it's a good idea, Andrea. I remember how it was, right before he left us that night, furious over your infidelity. He was boiling with rage. He could well have crashed specifically because of that. In any case, there's a terrible aura in this house. For once, listen to me- I am a Wiccan, you know! Don't hold that seance tonight!" Andrea Wallace had always been somewhat reckless, and this seance idea was just her newest, and worst, idea at that. She had shoplifted, committed...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Ghost Chasers

A car pulled up a long overgrown driveway and stopped in front of a long abandoned house and stopped. Chris Ryan sat in the driver’s seat looking out on the bleak scene and shook his head wishing that he were anyplace but here. The house was a familure one for it belonged to his family but no one had lived in it for some time. "Why am I doing here sis?" He groused. "What I would like to know is why did you drag me into this?" "Oh, come on Chris where is your sense of adventure." Linda Ryan...

3 years ago
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GhostChapter 3

Marek drove quickly to his small flat, parking the car he walked to the door, if anyone had seen him they would have thought he was talking to himself, fortunately there was no one about this early in the morning. Letting himself into the flat Marek turned to where he sensed Heather was standing. “Well lover, it’s not much but it’s home.” Marek took off his jacket and hung it from a hook in the hallway. “Let me show you around and then I’ve got to get some sleep.” Leading Heather around the...

2 years ago
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Ghost of Statum ShoresChapter 6

Alexander walked out of the courthouse and felt amazed, but some-thing bothered him and he didn't know what it was. He started back home and arrived to find, Marlowe playing with the children outside. The children ran up and greeted their stepfather with open arms. Marlowe kissed him on the lips and welcomed him home. "There is much to be done today," he said. "I have to tend the fields and groom the horses and fix that shutter on the house. For some-reason that shutter doesn't stay...

3 years ago
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Ghost Riding Fergus Riordan

Darkness. A thought. A wish. A vision. A flash. And there ... Madrid. Spain. Midnight. I'm actually here. Finally. I'm standing in this street. This very street. Near the driveway that leads up to Fergus Riordan's House. I can't believe it. I need to savor it. This moment of reckoning ... Grey rays of pale moonlight filtered through the trees that were being battered and blown in the fierce wind. A storm. But I felt none of it. I felt as if I'm floating in a breezeless street. Calm....

4 years ago
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Ghost of a Chance

I’m dead. The worms crawl in. The worms crawl out. The worms play pinochle on my snout. Well, I assume they do. I’m dead, I wouldn’t really know, you know? Actually, I’m a ghost. I thought about peeking in on my body, but decided it was just a bit too morbid and creepy. Pretty strange, coming from a ghost, don’t you think? How did I die? You might ask. Then again, you might not. It doesn’t really matter, because I’m going to tell you anyway. I was a geek when I was alive. I graduated high...

3 years ago
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I thought today had been a little off, what with everyone, even teachers ignoring me all day, but I didn't piece it all together until I walked into a door on my way to fourth period English. Or rather I walked through the door. I stood there in shock as one second I was walking and the next a door flung open and I had passed through it. Then it all came back to me. I was riding my bike to school and I heard a car honk and the next thing I know I'm chaining up my bike in front of the school. "I...

1 year ago
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Ghost Girlfriend

(Hey there! In honor of Halloween coming up soon (and also because I love supernatural shenanigans anyway), I present to you a new story! It has themes of "death" and may be a little dark at times. However, if you came into a story called "Ghost Girlfriend," you probably already know what to expect. This chapter is pretty much a downer and has nothing even remotely titillating in it yet. But relax, we're just getting started. Enjoy!) You stand over the gravestone of your girlfriend... You sigh...

2 years ago
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Ghost Of Kareema 8211 Part 3

Welcome back, readers, sorry for the long delay. I, Qamar, had lost document of the story. Now that I’ve found it, let me continue with the story. For those who are interested only in the sexual part, I’ve numbered the parts where they begin. Others can enjoy the entire stories. Qamar waited for a while to gain full control over his ‘boys’. He felt it. Kareema had no idea about his next move. “Alright boys, hold your mother against the wall, and ask her to give me my story, so I can leave!”...

4 years ago
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Ghost Writer

Ghost Writer By Circe Since I was little I always wanted to be a writer. One of my earliest memories are of writing a huge (for me at the time) five-page epic story of a Prince and a Princess. I loved reading about people, and so I wrote about people. When I was eight I started a journal, just observing the people I saw every day; my mother, my father, my sister, my schoolteacher. I think when puberty hit me and hormones began coursing through my body that the tone of my...

1 year ago
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Ghost Mistress

This is my first attempt at writing a story. I have borrowed ideas from many stories that I have read on the net, but the overall idea is one that came from the gray matter between my ears. Ghost Mistress By xyzpdqus Chapter 1 Once upon a time... not really. I bought an old Victorian fixer-upper house. It was in an older part of town. The place was a firetrap. The attic and basement were filled with old newspapers and unsalvageable junk. As soon as I moved in, I...

3 years ago
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Ghost Writer Part Three

This is part three of the Ghost Writer story - a long time in coming. For that I apologize. I hope it was worth the wait. I thank everyone who has sent words of encouragement, criticism and eagerness. I've been bad - I won't do it again. For Laurie Ghost Writer - part 3 By Circe ([email protected]) I have never felt as cold, or naked, in my life as I felt that morning. My whole body shivered as I felt Charlie's hands at work, removing appliance...

2 years ago
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Ghost Gift

Ghost Gift It's Christmas eve, and it seems like everybody is rushing around, trying to get the last things done before the stores close. Except for me. I'm a ghost. No, not the house-haunting kind. I actually have a job. Given to me by The Big Guy Himself. Hey, it beats going to the Hot Place, you know what I mean? My name is ... was ... Andrew Conner. There isn't a whole lot I could tell you about me as a living guy. I was a nobody, a tiny cog in the machine, and I...

3 years ago
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Ghost Boyfriend

Jeff held Courtney's hand as she cried. Nick, Courtney's long time boyfriend of 2 years had passed away in a horrible car accident. Nick was also Jeff's best friend since grade school. The funeral ceremony was short and Courtney felt as if her world had been torn apart. Nick had been a wonderful, caring, and understanding boyfriend. They would stay up late at night talking about how they would marry after college and live happily ever after. Now all of that was gone. Courtney dried her eyes...

3 years ago
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Ghost Hubby Haunting

Chapter 1 "I just don't think it's a good idea, Andrea. I remember how it was, right before he left us that night, furious over your infidelity. He was boiling with rage. He could well have crashed specifically because of that. In any case, there's a terrible aura in this house. For once, listen to me- I am a Wiccan, you know! Don't hold that seance tonight!" Andrea Wallace had always been somewhat reckless, and this seance idea was just her newest, and worst, idea at that. She had...

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Ghost StoriesChapter 8

It was the 31st of October. It was Halloween, sometimes known as All Hallows Eve. Everyone in Waterdale was preparing to celebrate for Halloween. Some of the townspeople planned on a night parade, marching the streets in their costumes, with some of them playing loud musical instruments. Adults and teenagers alike were planning to throw Halloween costumed parties. Kids were going to go door-to-door trick-or-treating. As for Josh and friends, they were sat down drinking colas in some cafe....

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Ghost MaitresseChapter 2

Clothilde grimaced for a second as she found her face planted between the cheeks of Lilith’s ass. Before she could stop Ursula from rimming the angel, her tongue slid along the crack of her derriere. The dead Frenchwoman only persisted in making her rim Lilith, who naturally creamed herself at every turn while having her butt licked by the possessed lady! It was a truly delicious spectacle, the woman tasting another’s bottom that way. It was the last straw and Clothilde could no longer...

4 years ago
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Ghostly Sisters of Salem Town

PART I Harry was sandwiched in between two beautiful young girls. They both had jet black hair and the greenish eyes he had ever seen. He tried his best to ask them their names, but no sounds came out of his mouth. So strange, he could not even hear his own voice. His thoughts were tumbling out but no audible sound was emitted. The fact that they were both stark naked and sweating profusely, as they rubbed against his more than willing body, did not escape his keen eye. It had been a long...

2 years ago
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Ghost Haunting

(Author's note: I am going to say ahead of time that I am very sorry for the amount of errors that you may find in this story. My grammar skills are not the best but I am going to try my best to help minimize the errors. As well this is just chapter 1 of this series, so this is just an introduction basically to the story.) One day I was working at my cubical office space doing a bunch of paper work that needed to be done by the end of the week. The people I work with are smart people as...

3 years ago
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Ghost of Christmas Past

‘What do you want for Christmas?’ The child on Santa’s lap began a recitation of toys and gadgets that television had persuaded him were cool to have. Jenna Ritter stood at a distance. The scene did not delight or amuse her. What did she want for Christmas? Charles Ritter of course. Charles in the flesh, by her side, as he had been a week ago. Charles had died on December 10th. It was a senseless accident. He’d gone to the grocery and been hit by a drunk driver. Jenna had not wanted to...

1 year ago
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Ghost Angels

A few weeks ago, I told you about the awful day at the hospital, centering on the deaths of two teenage studs in a car crash, followed by Dr Meadows making me service him me for the umpteenth time, like he does with all the other nurses, too.Well, this is a happier story. Maybe. Not sure. But on Sunday night, I got the fucking of my life from the shades of those young stallions!I had already checked out their pre-crash photos, and they were both gorgeous! Their faces and torsos, which had been...

1 year ago
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Ghost Part 1

Ghosts: Part 1 by Harry Merck En route to Guatemalan demilitarized zone: 0135 hours local time The angry thudding of the Osprey blades shook me out of my stupor. "Can't sleep now, have to focus," I thought, quietly reprimanding myself. Here I was again, flying into the enveloping darkness of hostile airspace in a near-silent aircraft, about to drop into unknown territory where thousands of American-hating extremists were scouring the Honduran mountainsides for resistance of...

1 year ago
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GhostChapter 7

Walking arm in arm into what Marek had called the great hall Heather gasped in amazement. The room was a vast ballroom, decorated in a Georgian style and lit by huge crystal chandeliers. On the floor of the ballroom stood about forty people. All but one of the people present curtsied as the couple entered the room. Marek led Heather to the woman who stood at the front of the group. “Heather I would like to introduce you to the housekeeper Ms Anderson, Ms Anderson this is my fiancée...

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Ghostly Fantasy

He had been fascinated with ghosts and ghosts stories since he was a young c***d. Telling scary stories around a campfire with friends, or simply reading books about ghosts and paranormal experiences, it quickly became his life. One myth in particular always piqued his interest. It was the story of a ghostly lover, who would appear floating through a window in sheer white robes, slowly killing its victim with passion and desire. The eroticism always got to him, and many nights he lay in bed,...

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