Barry FoxChapter 3 free porn video

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Sixth Appointment Wednesday, November 17

"Hello Barry. How are you today?" Dr. Haverty said as I entered her office and sat on the couch.

"I'm doing better Dr. Haverty."

"Have things gotten better for you?" She asked.

"I am feeling a little better. Not so depressed but I haven't been able to get a date yet. I am almost afraid to even try to talk to women I meet. I have no confidence that my charms still work."

"It may take some time for you to feel good again. When you do you may find that you are not the same person you were before."

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"I can't say now, we will just have to wait and see about that," was the less than satisfying answer she gave me.

"Barry, before you tell me about your meeting with Mrs. Harris I'd like to ask you a few questions," Dr Haverty said.

"Mrs. Harris? Oh, right. Tracy. I still think of her as Tracy Fowler."

"Over the last few weeks you have told me about many of the relationships you have had," she said. "I would like to know why you always went after married women."

"Single women don't want the kind of relationship I offer," I said. "What single woman is looking for a long term sexual relationship with a man she only sees once or twice a month? For a married woman who needs some excitement in her life this kind of relationship works fine."

"Is that the only reason?"

"No. It's the conspiratorial element of the relationship that makes it exciting for both the woman and me. The secret phone calls or e-mails, and secretly meeting in hotel rooms behind the husband's back make this exciting for the woman," I said.

"You obviously have been successful at this. How do you talk married woman into engaging in a long term sexual relationship with you?" Dr. Haverty asked.

I was glad she asked that because it would give me a chance to brag about my ability to seduce these women.

"The first one, Tammy, was a fluke. I just fell into that. As I gained experience I honed my seduction skills. The seduction would start the moment I saw a woman that interested me. What I looked for was an attractive, married woman out socially without her husband. When I approached her I would use an obvious pick up line that was based on flattery. I might say something like 'I can't believe a woman as beautiful as you is sitting her alone.' Women who have been married for a while like any kind of compliment even in the form of a pick up line. They know it's just BS but the fact that you are showing an interest in them is a boost to their egos."

"What if the woman is insulted by being approached that way?" Dr. Haverty asked.

"If she is insulted then she isn't the kind of woman I am looking for. The line works on the woman because that is why she is there in the first place. I don't mean she was looking for someone to have an affair with. She is married, happily or otherwise, but is at the point in her marriage where she is bored. So she goes out hoping that someone will make her feel special even if it's just for a few minutes. I try to make that few minutes last for months or years."

"Okay, after your opening line, what's next?"

"I use alcohol and charm to get her interested in me. I buy her drinks and spend a lot of time complimenting her. I also ask her a lot of questions about herself. Women like to talk about themselves but their husbands probably don't listen to them anymore. Sometimes the woman is hot to go to bed with me that night and that's great but I like the women that are a little harder to get into bed."


"From my experience, the woman who is ready to have sex with me the first time we meet probably does that sort of thing all the time. I usually only have a one night-stand with these women. I enjoy the challenge presented by a woman that isn't ready to throw herself at me. During that first meeting I try to keep the woman talking for as long as I can and try to find out some things that interest her. The kind of books she reads or movies she likes. That sort of thing. At some point during our conversation I let the woman know that I am in town on business and that I come there once or twice a month. When I feel that the woman is very comfortable talking to me I tell her that I have to go because I have customer meetings in the morning. Then before I leave I say something like, 'I really have enjoyed talking to you tonight. I spend so much time on the road that it gets pretty lonely. It's nice when I can spend an evening talking to someone as interesting as you.' Then as kind of an afterthought I say, 'Would it be possible for me to call you sometime, just to talk?' The women seldom say no."

"Are you saying these women simply agree to let you call them?" Dr. Haverty asked.

"No. They usually say something like, 'I don't know. My husband might get the wrong idea.'

"My response to that would be to ask her if she had a cell phone or how about an e-mail address? I would really enjoy talking to you again or swapping notes over the Internet."

"And this works?" The doctor asked.

"I'd say it worked about ninety percent of the time. Once I have a phone number or e-mail address I wait about two weeks and then contact her. In that first contact I would tell her that I had seen something that reminded me of her and I just had to call her or write to tell her about it. I would come up with the topic of conversation based on information she gave me in our first meeting. Once I was sure she would take my calls or answer my notes I would start to contact her more frequently. There was never any sexual innuendo in these calls or notes. I wanted her to feel comfortable with me. When I got to the point when we were talking or exchanging notes more than twice a week I would tell her I was going to be in town in a week and ask if we could get together for coffee or a drink. If she agreed to that, I would try to see if I could change that to a dinner. Wherever we planned to meet I would make sure I showed up five or ten minutes late. I did this to make her a little more anxious. If she began to worry that I might not show up she would be happier to see me when I did arrive.

"Once we had met for coffee, drinks or dinner I would step up the frequency of my calls or notes. Still no talk of sex, only of how much I enjoy her company until eventually on one of my visits she ends up in my bed. After that the tone of my calls or notes changes. I start telling her how great she was in bed and how no one had ever made me climax that hard before. Over time our calls or notes would become very explicit. My women loved talking in explicit detail about what we did in bed. I would question them about things she did in bed with her husband. I would ask her if there were things that her husband would not do that she would like to try or if there were things she wouldn't let her husband do. I would then incorporate these into our lovemaking. This kept her coming back for more."

"Why do you think these women would be willing to behave this way with you?" Dr. Haverty asked.

"It is the nature of marriage. In the beginning of the marriage the couple are madly in love and a big part of their love is tied up in their love making. They not only make love often, they talk about it often. Later, after ten or twelve years of marriage sex isn't as big a part of the marriage. The couple no longer talks about sex because they have too many other things to talk about; the kids, their jobs, the bills that need to be paid, cars that need repairs, vacations they need to plan, etc. Then I come along and bring hot sex back to the woman and because our relationship is based only on sex and we are not together all of the time it stays exciting for her. At least that's my theory. It worked for me until those bitches ruined everything."

"So you never saw anything wrong with the way you manipulated these women?" Dr. Haverty asked.

"So I manipulated them. I gave them a fantasy and helped them live it out. They had great sex while they were with me and I'll bet it made them better wives too." I said.

"How do you think that made them better wives?"

"The guilt that they felt for cheating would make them be nicer to the husbands to make up for their screwing around with me." I said.

"That's an interesting idea. We may come back to that later," Dr. Haverty said. "What about the marriages that broke up because of your affairs?"

"There weren't that many and it was usually the woman's fault she got caught. I was always very careful to make sure I didn't do anything that would raise the suspicions of the husbands," I said.

"Did any of these women leave their husbands because they were dissatisfied with their marriages after they got involved with you?" She asked.

"Perhaps two or three," I said. "That's not my fault if their husbands couldn't satisfy them. I will admit that it would be hard for the husbands to compete with me."

"Why don't you tell me about Mrs. Harris now?" Dr. Haverty said.

So once again I began my narrative.

Once I had told Tracy that I wanted her to meet me in the bar at the Marriott at seven o'clock Tuesday evening I didn't contact her again. I had told her that I was going to get there Monday but I drove up from Paducah on Tuesday.

After I checked into my room I called room service and had them send up a bottle of Champagne on ice and then I went down to the bar. There was only one other person in the bar when I got there so I ordered a beer and walked around the room. I found a table that looked like it would give us some privacy so I could start warming Tracy up before dinner. I went over to the bartender and asked if he could put a reserved sign on the table and then told him that I was meeting a woman here at seven o'clock.

I said, "If I am not here and a woman asks you if Barry Fox has been in, send her over to the table and tell her I will be there shortly."

The bartender said he would take care of it and I gave him a ten-dollar tip. Then I walked around to the far side of the bar where the only other patron was sitting. He was sitting there nursing a drink and he gave me a strange look as I sat down next to him. I ordered another beer and just to kill time, I struck up a conversation with the guy.

We mostly talked about baseball and then at 6:45 I ended the conversation. I said, "I have to run up to my room and get cleaned up for my date. I have a hot one meeting me here in fifteen minutes." I couldn't help bragging a little.

I went up to the room and made sure there was enough ice in the Champagne bucket. Then I shaved for the second time that day and put on a clean shirt. At seven o'clock I left my room and headed for the elevators.

I got to the bar just a few minutes after seven and I could see Tracy sitting at the table I had reserved. I knew from the way she was dressed that I was going to get laid. She was dressed in a short black cocktail dress with black stockings. The top of the dress showed enough cleavage to make my mouth water. She looked really hot.

I waited a couple more minutes before entering the bar. I walked to the table and leaned over to kiss Tracy but she turned her head at the last second and I had to be satisfied kissing her cheek. Tracy seemed more nervous than I expected.

"It's great to see you again Tracy," I said as I sat down.

"Barry, I'm sorry but there has been a change in my plans for this evening," Tracy said. I can't have dinner with you tonight."

This was a shock to me. I asked, "Why not?"

"I have to meet my husband for dinner at eight o'clock." She said just as a waitress came to ask for our drink order.

We ordered drinks and as soon as the waitress left the table I said, "Tracy. How could you let your husband screw up our plans for tonight?"

"My husband didn't plan this dinner, I did. I should never have agreed to me you in the first place. I don't know what I was thinking," she said.

I couldn't believe that all my planning was falling apart. I wasn't about to give up that easy. Her statement was a bit of a shock to my system and I suddenly had to pee.

"Tracy, I have to make a visit to the men's room. You will be here when I get back won't you?"

"I can stay another half hour but then I have to leave."

I was washing my hands and looking at myself in the mirror and said out loud, "What the fuck just happened?" When I couldn't answer that question myself I decided to go back and ask Tracy that question.

When I walked into the bar I saw a guy leaning over the table talking to Tracy. I thought, "What the hell is this? I leave the table for two minutes and some other guy starts hitting on her?'

I walked over to the table and said, "Hey man, she's with me... Is he bothering you, Tracy?"

The guy turned to face me and I recognized him as the guy I had been talking with at the bar earlier.

"Oh, it's you," I said. "Sorry but she is already taken. I told you I had a hot date tonight."

"That you did, Barry," he said.

I was sure I had never told him my name.

"How did you know my name?" I asked.

"Let me introduce myself," He said. "I am Allen Harris as in the Mr. Harris to her Mrs. Harris."

I thought, 'Oh shit, ' and I stepped back from the table in case he took a swing at me.

"I am sorry, man. I didn't know," I said.

"Didn't know what?" He said. "That she was married or that I was the wimp that was supposed to be at home talking care of our children while you were seducing my wife?"

He looked over at Tracy and back at me.

"Why don't we sit down and have a little conversation," he said. I couldn't believe how calm he sounded.

I had encounters with jealous husbands before but none of them ever scared me the way this guy did. He seemed so calm but there was a fire in his eyes. It was like the fire from a gas torch, extremely hot but totally under control. I knew just by looking that this guy could kick the shit out of me, so I decide not to piss him off anymore than he already was.

"Listen, I don't want any trouble," I said. "I'll just leave and let you two work this out."

"Barry, stop worrying so much," he said. "There isn't going to be any trouble tonight so just sit down."

I sat down and he pulled a chair over from another table.

"Allen, this isn't what you think," Tracy almost shouted.

He stopped Tracy and said, "Tracy, I don't know what to think this is. I only know that it is not proper for a married woman to be on a date with a former lover."

He stopped Tracy from speaking again.

"I know what you want to say, that this was just going to be dinner between two old friends. I just can't accept that explanation. If that were true, I would have been invited to have dinner with the two of you and you would not have lied and told me you were going out with your girlfriends and if this was truly just dinner and conversation, you certainly would not have dressed like this. I have to say that you do look beautiful, which is very upsetting for me to think that you would dress this way for another man," he said.

I butted in and said, "That is all it was. I was just in town for the night and I didn't want to dine alone. There was nothing else to this."

He laughed at me. "There is no way you drove all the way from Paducah to Cincinnati and paid two hundred dollars for a hotel room just to have dinner with my wife," he said.

Same as Barry Fox
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Hi this is sanjay from mysore. The following story is a real one with names changed.I hope u would like this story.I got courage to write this story after reading stories on this website. My name is sanjay. my family comprises of 5 members me,dad , mom, my elder eldest sister name is anusha.We call her anu.My present age is 24. This happened few years back. In the year 2003, ANU was studying engineering in one of the reputed colleges.My other sister was in 1 pu.In my home there are...

1 year ago
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Finally Banged My Maami

Hey there readers this is “Ayobitches” writing my first story in which I made up a plan which I had never thought I would do , which was to trap my maami into fucking her. The story goes on how I used to look at my maami and drool over her assets.Beginning with my maami, she is short about 5 feet 3 and has the most gorgeous face I have ever seen. Her boobs are not that big but enough for a guy,I mean any guy can fall for those lovely titties and she has a slim waist and finally the most...

1 year ago
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The OutsiderChapter 11 An Answer to Ruthies Question

The following day was Friday. As usual Mike did his morning trek to the Student Center to buy his normal cup of regular coffee. As usual, Ruthie was wearing her apron and little else: just a pair of old running shorts, a thin t-shirt, and her battered running shoes. Mike wondered how she withstood the walk from the dorm; because it was drizzling and the temperature outside was 48 degrees. It was obvious that she was not comfortable at all, because her skin was covered with goose-bumps and she...

2 years ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 13 Damsel Trudirsquos Revelation

Riding back to the rendezvous, Charles told Maggie and Sarah, “I think Monica’s reached a decision, but she’ll have a real job convincing Pēteris.” His two wives nodded in agreement, and Maggie responded, “We’ll be okay with Monica as a family friend – a close family friend – but not a wife. Let’s wait and see what she wants.” After two days of driving rain, they rode into the clearing on a warm, sunny afternoon. Every possession or item of clothing was damp or soaked. Looking forward to the...

1 year ago
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Jen and Her Brother

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jennifer Ellison was sitting in the front room of her spacious Liverpool home. Tired after two weeks on a cooking show called Hell’s Kitchen in which she had been tortured and put through the grinder by Britain’s most famous swearing chef Gordon Ramsay. She was thinking back on all the experiences that she had during the show. Her legs curled up underneath her on her brand new Lazy Boy she bought with the winnings from Hell’s Kitchen. She spotted...

3 years ago
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The Path to Manhood

I was at a solid 36%. God damn it. My computer seemed to be crawling at a snail’s pace today like it knew something important was happing. I shoot back, telling PussySlayer69 that It was updating now. I felt lucky, the developers released such a good update on my birthday. I must admit, a few years ago if you asked me how I would be spending my sweet 18, I wouldn’t necessarily have said “playing a borderline porn MMORPG with a guy I met online” but eh, whatever. I heard my father's truck...

1 year ago
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The Computer Room

The finished basement in our house is also the “computer room”. There are three PCs set up there, two along one 14 foot long worktop and the other across the room with its own worktop. I manned one of the two on the same worktop and my stepdaughters worked the other two. The room was set up such that there was the TV on the far wall, and the two girls were between the TV and me. Allison, the elder, shared the worktop with me and also slept in the bedroom adjacent to the computer room. Brenda...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing my brothers girlfriend into bei

I would say for most of the time I don't try to have sex with straight women as most of my girlfriends are fems and studs,but with my brother's girlfriend, I had to make an acception.Just the way her V line pussy would show in her tight jeansbeautiful as a blossoming spring flower beckoning me to taste the nectarbreast that aged like fine wine with a little of sagging that made me even wanther more,enjoying licking every curvaceous flaw of her body. I only dreamed of the steamy passion between...

4 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 9

I had been drinking a small amount sure, but the other three were screwed up on something more. I had no idea what they were smoking, so when Marty handed me the tube they had been puffing on, I passed it on to Jo Anne without trying it. I figured I had enough problems. I really couldn't afford any more bad habits. "Aren't you even curious?" Jo Anne asked. "Sure, I'm also curious to know what's comes after life, but I'm not in a hurry to find out. Dope is like that for me. One day I...

2 years ago
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Skool Daze

Your name is Matt. You go to Humpalot high, the name kinda explains itself. You've been waiting for tomorrow for what feels like forever. Unfortunately there is one more day of school to go. So what is your school Schedule?

3 years ago
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First Time in the BehindChapter 2

He pulled her upward, his hands filling with her hot, sweat- damp tits. Nicole climbed atop Bill Archer, grinding her excited body down upon his. Her mouth covered his. She sucked his tongue the way she'd sucked his cock, and beneath her body, she could feel his prick, as big, as hard, and as eager for her pussy as it had been for her mouth. "You just passed one of the tests," she whispered. "I won't fuck a man who doesn't want to kiss me after I've sucked him off!" He kissed her...

3 years ago
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Back to SalomeChapter 3

I parked my somewhat old, slightly beat-up Toyota Corolla behind the Spearmint Rhino under one of the few trees in the parking lot. I was making great money now and I really wanted a flashy new sports car, but since I was still living with Mom and Dad I didn’t want to look too suspicious. The air conditioner worked great, though, and that was all that really mattered in the hot, humid Dallas climate. Lucius, the huge security guard, gave me an appreciative smile and a crisp high-five as I...

4 years ago
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Balling Hot DaughterChapter 7

As Ben walked back to the beach for the afternoon session of shooting, he found himself in a real dilemma. Although he hadn't told Chrissy, he'd just met a girl who might be suitable wife material. For a long time after Chrissy's mother had died, Ben had played around, with no thought of ever marrying again. But the time had come to settle down, and he just might have found the right girl to do it with. So it was a helluva time to start an affair with his own daughter. Meanwhile back at...

4 years ago
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First Date

It’s 6:55 in the evening and I’m sitting on a marble bench in the atrium of the Chicago Stock exchange. In five minutes you will walk through the sculptured glass double doors that lead into this magnificent lobby. You insisted on meeting me here rather than picking you up at your hotel. You mentioned something about a ‘grand entrance’. I have been here since 6:30 (a lady should never have to wait on her e****t.) I look at myself in one of the many mirrors that line the hall. I cannot see that...

1 year ago
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A Friend in NeedChapter 26

"Yeah, Charlie, I'm sure it's all right with Greg and Mandy. I'll ask them. But what's happened that you want to come up that quick?" Traci was concerned about why her brother Charlie had called. "Dad's leaving Mom for sure this time. She took almost all their life's savings and hired some shyster lawyer to try and get Ricky an appeal. She still can't accept that he's done what he did. Dad's locked their accounts up, including the credit cards, and she's been screaming at him...

2 years ago
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Journey to JanusChapter 9

I put my hands on my head, and Oxy followed suit as I said, “Okay, Sweetheart, take us to the lock-up.” Trix took us through office areas and a hanger to get to the lock-up. It was a much shorter route than the one we had planned to take to avoid populated areas. No one questioned that mercs were escorting prisoners through their office area, hanger and the central courtyard. It took about 15 minutes to get to the lock-up. We stopped at a yellow line at the beginning of a seven-meter hallway...

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Jay The Gym And Sexercise Ch9 Of Love and Loss

Over the next six months, Stretch and I watched several relationships bloom and mature. In fact, we had a party to celebrate our blissful first year anniversary together. Bear and Sheila were now a couple, and Stretch couldn’t remember any time that Bear seemed happier. Little John was actively dating Steve, a young and very handsome architect.But the most unusual couple was Juice and George. George, the porn exec that arranged Juice’s porn debut, was now an intimate part of her life. Working...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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A New Way of LifeChapter 5

The next few days were busy. The village was unstable, loosing one leader to what they saw as magic, and the other severely injured. At least Frank was mending quickly. Between Leonore and my efforts we had repaired the damage and now it was up to his body to finish up. Healing can take a lot out of a body, and Frank was starving all the time. So I went hunting. This time as well as my girls, 4 of the men came with me. Again I furnished knives, telling them of the responsibility that came...

2 years ago
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The Question

The Question Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The question was not would I leave the safety of the house, the real question is, do I have the nerve. I thought that I looked wonderful but maybe not, and by leaving my room, then the house, I would be putting myself at risk of exposure and discovery, but I have no choice. I have to do it, so gathering myself, and for the very first time, I yanked open my bedroom door ready to step out into an unknown future, and found...

4 years ago
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Teachers Punishment

As the new assistant dean of the Business department, I was determined to increase the caliber of our offerings to that of a four year university's. I planned to start by auditing some of the courses of the more experienced teachers to see what techniques they may be able to share with the rest of them. From the instructor evals, I see that Prof Randy PSR is very popular. I think I'll start with him first to see what the secret to his success is. Evening classes are typically filled with...

3 years ago
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Hotel frenzy

I was back visiting my home town and met up with some old friends for drinks and Alison was there as usual. She is unusually tall at about 6ft  and a huge pair of tits and has long legs, quite well built and I always imagined she has a nice big pussy to match.  She had always made it clear to me that she more than liked me but I always resisted because I have a girlfriend and kids. Things with my girlfriend had gone a bit off the boil recently and we hadn't had sex for 3 weeks because I'd lost...

Straight Sex
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I call you late at night

I call you late at night. You’re sleeping and it takes a couple of rings for you to pick up the phone. I tell you that you need to get up and meet me somewhere. You tell me that it’s late and you're not dressed. I tell you it doesn’t matter and to put on a coat; then I give you the address. You do as you’re told. You get in your car and you drive over to the address. It’s a bar that you've never been to before. When you get inside there are a half of a dozen people but you don't see me.Everyone...

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Eat a yankee

It was 1864 in North Carolina and Charlot was alone on the plantation. Her husband was fighting for the south and she did not know where he was. The yankees were camped five miles away. Charlot feared for her life. She went to bed that night and burned a candle in her cold room. It was almost winter and soon the snow would come. She wondered how she would survive the hunger. Her slaves ran away with all the livestock. Maybe the soft light would sooth her fears. She drifted off to sleep thinking...

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Chronicles Of Amy Started Whoring

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned story are fictional. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. This is a completely new series and none of the characters has any kind of association with the old stories submitted by me. Alex woke up at 10. He fucked Amy and left at 12 noon. He went to the brothel which was located in the middle of town. Prostitution was legal in the town so everyone was aware of the brothel. The manager of the brothel was a friend of...

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The Wild World of Jessica

Hey there! I'm Jessica. No family name. I don't need anyone finding me. But feel free to call me Jess, or Jessie, or any of those shortening names. Of course, I also go by Crystal, Jasmine, Mindy...pretty much anything that pops into my head and could be a girl's name. Sometimes I just don't trust people with my real name. And for no real reason. Just a vibe or something. Anyway, I started this story to tell the world a little about myself. CHYOA seemed like a good choice since it also means...

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Ron and Ronnie Chapter 17 I need help

I had been at Ron’s place where he had continued his story. Ron had warned me to stay away from Shirley who lived next door to him. He said it was because of concern for Ted and Shirley's marriage. I took him on his word but there was a nagging thought that perhaps Ron was more interested in Shirley than he was saying. Ted had sent a message for me to visit with him. When I knocked on the door, Ted opened it almost immediately. It told me that he may be on tenterhooks either because Shirley had...

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While they were gone

I first started dating when I was 16. I never had sex until I first met my brothers friend Sam, when I was 18 and he was 19. Hi. I’m Jill. I’m about 5 ft 3 in, and I have B-cups. One day my brother Jack, and his friend Sam, were in his room. I passed by and I noticed they were looking at Playboys. They always looked at Playboys for some reason. I just peaked in for a couple seconds. “Uh Jack, mom wants to know if Sam is gonna stay for dinner?” I asked. “Yes, I think so, is that OK if he does?”...

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muslim men 2

So after getting myself home and taking stock at what just happened I was disgusted with myself for letting Tariq take me so easily, I showered and layed on my bed thinking awful thoughts," what if he tells Morgan about me coming to the shop and that he used me, I couldn't bear the thought, it was then I heard the front door opening and Morgan shouting to me as she was coming up the stairs" Hi mum are you asleep" Hi love no im in the bedroom" are you ok mum are you ill or something" no dear I...

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