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The journey to the hypermarket for a cheap new computer printer had been a complete waste of time and I was fed up that I'd wasted an afternoon. Being mid evening now, the bus was crowded and I had to stand for a while. But as we went through one small town a lot of people got off and I finally managed to get an empty seat.

This was early spring in the outskirts of Buenos Aires in Argentina and it was warm in the bus. I wished that I could get a window seat so at least I'd get the breeze from the open window, but the girl I'd ended up sitting next to had the window seat. She was leaning against the window looking either bored or miserable.

I looked out of the window again and as I did so, I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"What's the matter?" I asked, in the best Spanish I could manage.

"Nothing," she answered sullenly, then bit her lip trying desperately not to cry any more and failing as more tears followed the first down her cheek.

"You know. They say a problem shared is a problem halved." By the puzzled reaction, I gather they either don't have that saying here or my translation of it was wrong. She still didn't say anything, but gave up trying to wipe her tears away.

"You'll never see me again, so why not tell me what's wrong?"

I was having to raise my voice above the noise of the bus, but at that moment we stopped at a level crossing and the driver stalled the engine, so my last two words sounded like a shout.

In the sudden comparative quiet, I heard her tummy rumble. She looked embarrassed.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

She cast her eyes down.

"Why don't I take you somewhere for some food? Then you can think about telling me what's wrong."

She replied simply, "No, thank you."

"I'm not going to rape you in a restaurant," I promised. "The owner wouldn't like it."

Almost a smile.

"Burger or pizza?" I asked her.

She thought for a long minute, then finally gave in. "Burger, please," she muttered.

By now we were getting into town and there were quite a few takeaways and restaurants.

"MacDonalds?" she asked, which I took as being encouraging as it was the first thing she'd said without me dragging it out of her.

If I live to be a hundred I shall never understand why so many Argentines love McDonalds. In a land where meat is king, (I'm sure that being vegetarian is probably against some law or other, ) there are so many parrilla restaurants serving fantastic steaks at a price you could only dream of in England, as well as others serving delicious home-made burgers, yet many crowd into their local McDonalds to eat their pre-packaged comparatively tasteless and often dried up version of a burger. But I didn't hold it against her. I'm sure she never knew what a sacrifice she was asking of me to eat at McDonalds.

She ate her burger so quickly that I insisted that she have another. She looked embarrassed, but finally picked it up and began to eat. (By the way if you're ever in a Spanish speaking country and hear the word embarazado, it doesn't mean a girl is embarrassed, although she might be, it means that she is pregnant. So if you're a guy and you're embarrassed don't say you're embarazado or they'll either piss themselves laughing at you or call the newspapers so you can sell your story.)

"How long is it since you last ate?" I asked her.

"Yesterday morning," she replied.

"Have you got a place to sleep tonight?"

She nodded. "I'm going to see my aunt in..." and she named a town not too far away.

When she'd finished her second burger, she got up to go. "Thank you," she said simply, then turned away looking like she was about to start crying again.

As she walked out of the door, I had the sudden impulse to call her back but I didn't even know her name, which shows how much we'd talked. I ran to the door, "Just a minute."

She looked panicky.

"It's okay. I just wanted to know your name."

"Oh." She actually smiled. "It's Dulcinea."

"Like you," I said. Dulcinea means sweet. Then I realised that I'd embarrassed her again.

She shook her head sadly and began to walk away.

"Dulcinea. I'm James. This is my number. Keep it. If you need help, please call me."

"I don't need help," she said, but all the same, she almost snatched it out of my hand and ran away. I didn't follow her.

I walked sadly to the bus station and caught my bus home. It felt even emptier than usual. I didn't even bother to check my emails, but read a book until my eyes hurt and then I went to sleep.

The next day passed like every other for the last year, that is slowly. I did the things I had to do, like get dressed, cook and eat and wished it was over. The morning had been hot, like most of the previous week, but in the afternoon there was a terrific thunderstorm and the temperature dropped a lot. By the evening it was actually quite cold.

About eight-thirty my phone rang. I picked it up, expecting another automated reminder to pay my phone bill, but instead I heard, "James?"

"Yes?" There was silence at the other end. "Dulcinea?"

"Yes." She sounded hesitant.

"What's wrong?"

Then I realised she was crying.

"Where are you?"

She told me she was at a service station not far from where we'd eaten the night before.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. Please stay where you are. I have to take a bus, so I may be an hour or two. Promise me you'll wait."

"I'll wait."

I had to wait ages for the bus and not for the first time I cursed the fact that I didn't have a car. Of course if I had a car, I wouldn't have met her yesterday anyway.

Finally it came and it seemed to take forever to get to the nearest stop to the service station. I jumped off and ran across the road. I couldn't see her anywhere. I checked in the toilets and everywhere. "Dulcinea?"

"James?" Her voice sounded weak.

I found her sitting behind the rubbish bins, shivering with the cold. I reached to pull her up and she shrank away from me.

"Dulcinea. It's me. What's happened?"

She struggled to her feet and I saw the top she was wearing was torn. She saw me looking and held it together with her hands. I took off my jacket and put it around her.

"Where's your bag?" I asked.

"They took it," she answered.

"The boys who tried to..." then she burst out crying.

"They didn't?"

"No." She shook her head. "They heard people coming so they left me, but they stole my bag."


"Last night."

"You've been here since then? Why didn't you call me?"

"I didn't have any money. I didn't know what to do, so I hid here all night and all day. But when it turned cold I started begging. Nobody wanted to give me anything. Finally I went into the service station and asked if I could make a phone call. A man gave the cashier a peso to let me call you." She giggled. That sounded so good and I felt my heart twist. "I said you were my uncle."

"You must be starving. Let's get you something to eat."

We walked to a pizza libre, where, for a fixed price, you can eat as much pizza as you can handle. Both of us did pretty well. Of course they make their money on the drinks, so we shared a big bottle of coke.

I wanted her to relax and eat and feel better so it wasn't until we finished that I asked, "Why didn't you go to your aunt?"

She looked down at her plate. "I wasn't going to my aunt. I just said that."


She couldn't meet my eyes and I guessed.

"You thought I was trying to... ?" I didn't finish the question.

She nodded.

"So why call me now?"

"I didn't know who else to call."

I looked at the time. "Come on. We have to hurry or we'll miss the last bus."

"Where are we going?" she asked in a worried tone of voice.

"To my house." I could see her hesitate and tense up. "You got anywhere better to go tonight?"


"Come on then."

Of course we had to stand most of the way on the crowded last bus, but finally we stepped off and I held her hand as we walked to my house.

When we got into the light of my house I could see that even standing all that way had worn her out again.

"You're exhausted," I told her. "You need the bed."

She slipped off my jacket and her top hung open. I didn't want to look but I couldn't help seeing one of her boobs before she pulled the top to cover herself.

"I'll find you something to wear."

I found a bag with all my wife's nightwear in it and told her, "Choose what you like. You can change in the toilet, there."

I started working on the computer and didn't hear her return until she tapped me on the shoulder. "This okay?" she asked.

She'd chosen a little top and shorts pyjama set which made her look even younger. I didn't trust myself to answer so I nodded.

"Where do I sleep?"

I pointed to the bed and she suddenly looked even younger and frightened.

"Hey. It's okay. I'll sleep on the floor."

I turned off the computer and dragged a few spare pillows and a blanket onto the floor and lay down. "Good night, Dulcinea."

I couldn't get comfortable and I thought it's going to be a long night, when I hear her say, "James. I feel bad. I should be on the floor. It's your bed."

"No. It's okay."

"Get into bed. It's big enough for two."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I trust you," she said simply.

"Thank you."

I wasn't sure that getting to sleep with her laying beside me was going to be much easier, but I was wrong.

I was woken by Dulcinea trying to climb over me to get out of bed.

"Good morning."

She ran to the toilet, then asked if there was a shower. I showed her the feeble excuse for a shower and left her to enjoy her shower.

Afterwards, she returned, still dressed in the pyjamas. I put the water on for another shower and said, "If you look through those cases you should find some clothes. You can get dressed while I have my shower when the water's warmed up."

I made us some coffee, which she took without milk, something I cannot get used to.

"Whose are all these clothes?" she asked.

"My wife's."

"You're married?"

"I was. She died six months ago."

"I'm sorry."

"Me too." Feeling a little awkward, I said, "Quite a bit will be too big for you, but you should find some stuff that'll be okay."

I think she was quite surprised at some of the clothes as I'd always tended to buy young-looking clothes for my wife, at least for her to wear when we were alone even if she wouldn't wear most of them if we went out.

"What plans have you got?" I asked her. "Have you got anywhere to go?"

She turned round and shook her head, then turned back to the cases and I saw her shaking. "Dulcinea?" I asked. She didn't answer. I didn't need to see her face to see that she was crying. I touched her on the shoulder. "Dulcinea?"

She turned to face me, tears running down her face. Suddenly she clung to me, sobbing into my shoulder. After an age she calmed down and said, "My name's not Dulcinea."

"You didn't want to tell your real name to a stranger? That's okay." I deliberately didn't ask her what her real name was, but I didn't have to.

"It's Esperanza," she said bitterly. Esperanza means hope.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked.

"I haven't any hope."

Realising that she was going to start crying again, I pulled away and said, "You're a pretty girl. There's always hope."

I went for my shower and called out to see if she was ready (i.e. decent).

She said yes and so I walked into the main room of the house to be greeted by lying on the bed in a black lacy body. "If I'm very good, can I stay here?" she asked. She patted the bed beside her.

I groaned. "You don't have to do that," I said. "You can stay. Now I'm going to a room I use as a storeroom. If you get dressed properly, you can help me make space for you. There's a bed in there under all my things."

"You don't want me to stay here, with you?"

I didn't answer her. I was trying not to look at a nipple almost poking through the lace. "When you're are dressed, turn right outside the front door and you'll see the other building. That where the storeroom is."

I left her quickly before I gave in to her oh-so-tempting offer.

I'd barely started on moving the things around in the storeroom when she joined me. She'd worn something more decent, but not much more. She'd chosen a short yellow skirt which just about covered her bum and a white vest top, which didn't actually show anything but which clung to her every curve. And, unusually for an Argentinean, she wasn't wearing a bra.

I knew she was teasing me and I wasn't going to rise to the bait. "If we pile this stuff on this side, there's a bed under here and enough space to bring in some other furniture if you need anything, a table and some chairs. I haven't a wardrobe at the moment, but I'll find some boxes to put your clothes in."

"I haven't any clothes," she pointed out.

"You can take what you want from my wife's clothes. She doesn't need them now." I felt my voice choke a little as I said it.

The bed was actually a built in bunk bed and she said, "How about if I store the clothes up here?"

"Okay, we'll put the boxes and stuff over here then. I'll get them down."

"It's okay. I'll pass them to you." With that she climbed on the bottom bunk and pulled herself up. As she passed me the things that were on the top bunk I tried, I really tried, to keep my eyes from looking up her skirt. At least she'd worn knickers, I thought. But the tight material only seemed to emphasise the tightness of her bum and that I could have her if I wanted.

When she climbed down I saw her glance at my erection. She pretended to ignore it but the next time she was turned towards me I noticed a smile of satisfaction.

I brought some hot water and we began to clean the room. It was filthy. "I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't realise it was this bad."

"I guess I didn't choose the best clothes for this, did I?" she said, looking down at the now grubby top and skirt.

"It doesn't matter."

"I'll wash them before they are ruined," she said. "And your clothes too."

As it was already hot this morning, I'd chosen a light green shirt simply because it was thin and cool with short sleeves. I'd picked some dark blue shorts with it, but the shirt was marked.

The washing machine was in the same building as the storeroom so I showed her where it was. I turned on the water heater. "There's also a toilet and shower here so you don't have to come over to my place just to use the toilet."

"You don't want me there," she said, sadly.

I picked up some bubbles from the now dirty cleaning water and put it on her nose. "Don't be silly. You can come when any time want to come. But if you wake up in the night you won't want to walk over there to use the toilet. And your own shower will give you some privacy."

"Okay," she said, but still looked sad.

I flicked some water at her. "Eww," she cried, "It's dirty." But at least she didn't look sad any more, so I splashed her again. She tried to splash me back, but I moved out of reach.

Some of her top was wet and it clung to her even more. "It's too hot to play," I said. "I'll get some clean water and we can finish the cleaning."

When I came back with some clean hot water she surprised me by throwing a whole bucket of cold water at me. Actually, being a sunny day, even the water from the tank wasn't very cold, but cold enough.

"You said you were hot," she teased and began to run away.

I caught her in a few seconds and pulled her back to me. She looked at me expectantly, then I scooped her up in my arms and began running.

"Where are we going?" she shrieked.

I ran round the back of the house and threw her unceremoniously in the pool.

"No!" she cried as I let her go, then jumped in myself. God, it was nice.

We splashed each other in the pool, dunking each other until we'd had enough.

She climbed out of the pool. She'd lost her loose skirt somewhere and her decent white knickers weren't so decent any more and the top was almost see-through.

She looked at me looking at her and grinned. "Can you give me the skirt?" she asked.

I found it floating and handed it to her. She ran off, laughing.

I found her back in her room, still cleaning and still wet through.

We finished the cleaning without another word and I brought bedding from the other house. She came to help me carry the cases of clothes. "I never knew there was another bed under this lot," she said.

"Yes. The house was a weekend cottage, that's why there's so many beds everywhere, but it hasn't been used for ages until I rented it."

She insisted on making the other bed, "because it looks better that way."

"Perhaps I could sleep here instead of in the other house?" she asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said. "you are too much temptation and you deserve to find someone of your own age."

"Nobody will want me," she said.

"Don't be silly," I snapped.

"It's true."


She hesitated, then said quietly, "I'm pregnant."

"Why didn't you say?"

"I knew you wouldn't want me if you knew."

"Don't be silly. But I wouldn't have let you do all that work if I'd known."

"I'm pregnant not disabled," she said. "Most mothers still have to run a house and look after the other children when they are pregnant. I don't think moving a few boxes is going to harm me." She laughed, then added, "or the baby."

"What happened to the father?" I asked.

"As soon as he found out he ran away. And my father threw me out. He's very Catholic."

"And that's when I found you?"

She nodded, then said, "So if you do want me, nobody will care. I can give you lots of children and do anything you want."

"I'm a bit old for children," I said and she looked sad again. "And I'm sure you're wrong. Someone will want a beautiful sexy girl who can drive them crazy."

She looked up at that, and smiled. "I drive you crazy?"

"Yes. Now I'm going to have a shower and change into some clean clothes. You can do the same. Then we can wash these clothes before they are ruined."

She left to go to the other house and I stood in the shower until it finally ran cold.

"What do I do with her?" I asked my wife, searching for inspiration.

When I went to the other house to show her the washing machine, she was dressed in a pair of trousers which were too big for her and a blouse which she'd tied below her boobs leaving her tummy bare and made her boobs almost fall out when she bent over.

"I know how to use a washing machine," she protested when I tried to help her.

She took her hand off the jeans and they began to fall down, so she pulled them back up.

But every time she had to move something with both hands they fell down again. And this time, I noticed, she'd picked a thong. Finally she grew inpatient and just left the jeans hang round her feet.

"What are you trying to do?" I asked.

"As you said," she grinned. "Driving you crazy."

"You do that anyway," I said. Then bent down to kiss her. She opened her mouth in expectation but I kissed her lightly on the nose. "We're gonna have to buy you some trousers which fit."

"Do we have to?" she asked.

"Yes," I said firmly. "And anyway, you'll need something you can wear if we go out."

"You want me to go out with you?"

"For a start we need to do some shopping and you should have a check-up from a doctor."

"Oh," she sounded disappointed.

"I need to work. When you finish this, find something that won't fall down and we'll go buy you some clothes."

"There are more clothes here than I've ever had in my whole life," she answered.

"Yes, but you need some trousers that fit you. My wife had bigger hips than you."

I went back to my computer and went through all my emails, telling myself not to get too attached to this girl. Too late, self replied.

She dressed in a respectable long skirt and a blouse, then we took the direct bus to Once, (pronounced On-Say), which is the cheapest area for clothes. On the way we got stuck in traffic, as usual, and I noticed that Esperanza was watching a group of schoolgirls waiting at the traffic lights. To my surprise, they were covered in what looked like eggs and flour.

"What's that for?" I asked her.

"Last day of school," she said with a sigh. "We write all over each other's blouses then have a big fight with eggs and flour and oil and ketchup. But I had to miss it because my father wouldn't let me go back."

"Well look on the bright side," I said, "at least you missed all that."

"I didn't want to miss it," she said. "It's a crazy way to end school, trashing your uniform because you're not a schoolgirl any more. At my school, some of them even go back afterwards in their gym kit and have a water and mud fight to ruin that as well."

The only disadvantage to Once is that quite often the quality isn't that good and also most shops don't have somewhere you can try things on. She said she was fine for tops and blouses, and even found some dresses she liked in my wife's stuff, but didn't have any trousers and most of the shorts and skirts were too big for her too. She also wanted some underwear.

She took me to a tiny little café for lunch, which was dirt cheap and served enormous burgers and milk shakes.

She went to the toilets and came back in a pair of white trousers and a crop top, though she wasn't brave enough to wear it without a bra, I noticed. She bought one of those bra with invisible plastic straps. The white trousers stopped not far below her knees and were tight enough to have been painted on.

"They look a bit tight for you," I commented.

"They're supposed to be. I noticed you liked me all wet, so I got these for you."

"Don't tell me. To drive me crazy."

"Yup," she said happily.

"You don't need to buy them to do that," I told her. We started eating and halfway through I said, "I quite like the idea of you as a schoolgirl."

She grinned. "I could dress up as a schoolgirl if you like. There's even a shop that sells my old school uniforms. Shall I buy one?"

"Okay," I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Shall I get a normal uniform, or a gym kit? The gym kit has a shorter skirt."

"You choose. I'll wait here."

To my surprise she was back in under ten minutes and said cheerfully, "I couldn't decide, so I got both. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind."

As we approached home, I got up to get off. "You go home," I said. "I've got some ordinary shopping to do."

"I can help," she said.

"No, I know you're dying to try on your new outfits."

"You trust me with your keys?"

"Yeah. I won't be long."

She looked like she was about to start crying, so I was glad it was time I got off the bus.

When I arrived home, I wasn't surprised that we met me wearing the school uniform.

"Wait there," I told her. "I must take a photo." I got my camera and she posed trying to look sexy for the camera. Finally I put the camera down.

"You've bought a lot," she commented. "What did you buy?"

"Close your eyes," I told her.


"Close your eyes."

She closed her eyes and I took out the marker pen I'd bought and started scribbling over her new blouse. She opened her eyes with surprise.

"No. Tightly shut," I warned her.

I smashed two eggs together over her head and rubbed them into her hair. Then two more. Then I tipped half a bag of flour over her head and rubbed it in.

She squealed and opened her eyes.

I broke two more into my hands and rubbed them on her chest. She moved my hands to rub them over her boobs.

Then she looked into the bags and cried, "oh my God, how much have you got in there?"

I made her sit down and I went to get a bucket. We both broke all the remaining eggs into the bucket and I poured them over her head and down both her back and front.

"Cold," she protested.

"It needs to be to cool you off," I quipped, then squirted her with ketchup. "But maybe a load more flour will warm you up again.

She was a gooey mess by the time I'd finished and her hair was a matted lump of eggy-flour.

"You can stand up now. I'll wash my hands and take some souvenir photos."

When I came back she was saying, "I'm never going to get this out of my hair."



"Okay, Watch the camera." I took several photos.

"Are you done now?" she laughed.

"Almost. Do you think your uniform's trashed enough now?"

"I'm the most trashed schoolgirl in Argentina," she said.

"We'd better wash you down then. Close your eyes, I don't want this to sting them." I picked up the first of the bottles of cooking oil and poured it over her head.

Then I soaked her blouse and skirt, and even through the muck I could see her bra underneath through the now sheer blouse.

As she had to keep her eyes closed because of the oil, I decided to take a chance. I pulled her skirt up and her knickers out a bit. She didn't protest, so I emptied another bottle of oil into her knickers.

I dried off my hands and took some more photos. She insisted on having one with her holding her skirt up showing her now totally see-through knickers.

"Hmm. You'll mess up the place if I let you indoors like that. Hang on." I pulled the end of the hose out to where she was and turned it on. She squealed from the sudden cold water.

I just squirted the worst off of her before letting her into the shower. "It's gonna take me ages to get my hair clean," she warned.

It did take her ages. I loaded all her photos onto my computer and I confess I wanked over the one I'd taken without her realising, where I'd zoomed in on her oily see-through knickers.

I was close to cumming when she opened the door. I hid my erection, but couldn't hide the photo I'd been staring at quickly enough. She grinned.

"Ready for round two?" she asked. She was in her gym kit, a tiny blue skirt and far too tight white T-shirt.

"You want more?" I asked, surprised.

"Water fight next and mud wrestling. Don't you want to mud wrestle with a sexy schoolgirl?" she asked.

"What's the prize?" I asked.

"Me," she grinned.

"And if you win?"

"You make love to me," she answered seriously.

"Just as well I'm going to win, then," I said.

I took the obligatory photo of her beforehand and we went outside.

"Aren't you going to change into swimming trunks or something?" she asked.

"I think I'm safer fully dressed when you're around," I answered her.

She pouted.

It had been a hot day, and wanking over photos of her hadn't exactly made me cooler so I was glad of the water fight. Not that the sight of her in that white T-shirt made me much cooler. She'd "forgotten" to put on a bra.

She made me take a photo of her like that, "to go with the other one you like," she said.

As soon as I'd put the camera down safely, she threw some mud at me, hitting me in the face, so I pounced on her, pulling her down into a muddy area. I held her down with one hand, while the other smeared mud all over her, even her face.

She struggled free at one point and her skirt rode up and I realised she also "forgotten" to put any knickers on.

She wanted another photo of her all muddy, but I drew the line and insisted that her skirt stayed down which made me a spoilsport, she said.

After we'd hosed each other off, I insisted that she shower first. When she came out wrapped in a towel, I had a quick shower, got dressed again and loaded the new photos on the computer as she wanted to see them straightaway.

She was sitting on the bed, still in the towel and I suddenly realised that she'd let the towel slip and was showing me her pussy. Feeling strangely annoyed I snapped. "If you don't get dressed, you can go back to your room." She snapped her legs together as if she'd been stung.

I cooked some burgers and we watched a film on the telly, but since I'd told her off we were a little awkward with each other until she decided to go to bed early when the film finished. I gave her a deliberately chaste goodnight kiss.

"James. Thank you for today," she said quietly.

"I know it wasn't the same as with your friends," I said, "but you looked really sad when you saw those girls."

"It was better. And I've got the photos to remember it."

The next day she insisted on washing all the muddy and messy clothes. She actually managed to get them all clean, except for the white top, which was now rather grey and the marker marks on the blouse.

"I can still wear them round the house when I'm cleaning," she said. "But you were silly to waste them like that."

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It did not seem incongruous to me that an event as momentous as this would be taking place in an undistinguished courtroom, in a nondescript county building, in a bland rural county, in the midst of a featureless Midwest State. As a child, I always thought that history’s major events occurred on a grand stage. I knew that ordinary events happened in small places like in the kitchen at home, in the classroom at school, or that tiny cubicle that my dad called his ‘office’. But things like...

4 years ago
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best with mistress

We bet big. To the winner, anything goes for the weekend and the loser must comply. I thought I had it in the bag, but she won. And now I had no hair, the hard way. Except for my head, she waxed me stem to stern Friday night. This morning, she dressed me in sexy lingerie and gave me a world class handjob. Lilla had plans. After an early dinner Lilla called me upstairs. A pretty woman briefly caught my eye as I passed the foyer mirror and strutted up the stairs in my 3 inch pumps, sexy green...

3 years ago
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Liquid Body

"Liquid Body" by Olivia Evans James Conner, the youngest and brightest faculty member of the University's Biochemistry Department, was wearing a lab coat and a very concentrated look on his face gently squeezed an eyedropper bulb directly over a steaming dark brown liquid in a white ceramic vessel. One, two, three drops of the clear, colorless liquid fell into the dark brown, almost black liquid. Each drop barely made a ripple. "That should do it," he sighed,...

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The Return

H. P. Lovecraft stands as one of the all time masters of the horror story genre. His works have been brought to life in movies and television. He inspired other writers in his own time, and down to the present date. Writers such as August Derleth, Clark Aston Smith, Frank Belknap Long, J. Ramsey Campbell, Brian Lumley, among many, many others, have found inspiration in Lovecraft's writings and have added both to Lovecraft's pantheon of Old Ones and to the names of the forbidden books of lore,...

1 year ago
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New Years Kiss

Janice really liked her special occasions. Didn’t matter which one, Ney Years, birthdays, July 4th, May day, they were all good. Ever since last New Years Eve. She wasn’t really at the party, except it was at her parents’ house, and when the hour struck she was sort of hanging in the periphery, wishing she was part of it. She had been kissed before, but not like these guys kissed, long and so sensual. At the time she was only 16, almost ready to call herself a grownup, but not really knowing...

2 years ago
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Late Night Movies chapter 10

I peered around the brick wall and my eyes nearly exploded when I saw the three of them, naked as they day they were born. Mommy was now on her ass, her pale cheeks on the cold dirt and her hands and knees muddy from the crawl up there. Chris knelt beside her, one of his hands running along the inside of Mommy’s thighs while the other tugged slowly on his extremely hard dick. Daddy stood just above mommy, stroking his cock inches from her face. She panted, her eyes looking drowsy with lust....

1 year ago
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Lost Virginity to teacher part 6

I must have slept well that night because when I woke I found myself tied up with a couple of pillows wedged under me making my ass point into the air and I was tied in a way that I could not move an inch and I could not move my head round to see what was happening.I felt some wet and soft touch the entrance to my ass and I could feel it circling my hole still nice and slow and soft and then it stopped and I felt movement on the bed between my legs and then the distinct feeling of lube being...

3 years ago
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Vandhana and RadhaChapter 2

Radha was hesitant, she couldn't make sense of what happened with Vandhana and her. She had never felt so, about any woman. She made her way to Vandhana's room, avoiding anyone she knew. Vandhana was still sleeping, though it was quite late. She observed the sleeping figure of Vandhana, the blanket covering Vandhana's lower body. Her eyes moved over her sharp nose, full lips, doe shaped eyes, her firm chin. As Radha gaze fell over Vandhana's chest, and excitement rose within Radha. She...

2 years ago
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My Life With Alex I

I became a widow a few months ago, as my wife got cancer and passed away. we were married for nearly 30 years. A calm and very pleasant marriage. I am retired and with a decent amount of money, so I bought a small motor home. The idea was to travel around and visit the fantastic wildlife in our country. The lady that sold me the motor home, a beautiful woman in her early forties and very good looking, became my friend. I could take her to lunch, or sometimes to a fancy dinner or a movie. She...

2 years ago
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Mother reclaims son from Aunt Shobha

They met next in the kitchen downstairs. It was the morning after the wild night of sex in the household. Shobha had woken up, her body wonderfully tired but well rested from the deep slumber through the night. Her clothes were draped around her, and the bed sheet covered one part of her bare body that lay beneath. As she overcame her drowsiness she remembered the events of the night before. She felt the bed next to her and discovered that her husband was not in the room. She remembered the...

1 year ago
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Soft Summer Rain

There is a soft rain falling tonight and all I can think about is what I would love to do to you, with you, if I was there with you on your boat. I’d start the evening by bringing you several adult beverages, not enough to get you drunk, just blissfully relaxed. Then I’d pull you up, full length against me, to kiss your lips softly until your hands were in my hair, showing me how you want it. I would take both your hands in mine and pull you out onto the deck and into the rain. Gently, I’d push...

3 years ago
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A Gift For My Son

I first started to playing with my mum's knickers around the age of twelve, when I was starting to learning about women and sex. I guess I did because I had read about it in porn mags, and out of curiosity and for a cheap thrill back then. But two months ago, I found myself sniffing then again, this time fantasising about fucking and licking my mother's cunt. My mother has shapely hips and wonderful 38C breasts The laundry hamper in the bathroom in our house, and I often take a pair and wank...

3 years ago
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FaithfulChapter 5 Welcome to Maryland

By early afternoon the captain and his purser had worked their way down to the last score of apprehensive men, a scrawny bunch that included several transported criminals, those they had labeled the dregs in discussing the sale beforehand. In the narrow quarterdeck cabin, Elizabeth awakened from her dream-filled nap with a shiver and a foul taste in her mouth, and she now paced the room, impatient to have her humiliation ended. She stopped and pressed her ear to the thin door to hear what was...

2 years ago
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The Christmas Present

Paulette walked across the parking lot towards her car, clutching her coat against the biting wind Paulette walked across the parking lot towards her car, clutching her coat against the biting wind.? The temperature had dropped a few degrees and the air had the scent of a snowstorm.? This would be her first winter outside Florida and she was apprehensive about the possibility of inclement weather.? She had just about reached her car when she heard her name being called from across the...

1 year ago
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Just got through security. The wait was boring, and boarding was tedious. Neither of us were searched or pat down though, which is nice. That always feels like a bad portent for the coming trip, no matter how random it is, or how benign their motivation might be. Harry’s nervous enough, and I don’t want her to start adding uncomfortable and self-conscious to her emotional palette. She’s never been out of the country, and here we are, getting ready sitting on the tarmac waiting for a plane bound...

2 years ago
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My husband and his friend

My husband and his friend By: Ritu My husband and I were married just over a year when he suggested we do a threesome with another man and I was really taken aback with this coming from him. My husband was not a ball of fire in the bedroom and lately he had not even lasted long enough to almost make me cum, so I thought real hard about his idea. We were laying in bed, I had started to play with him and he came so fast, it splashed al over my face before I could even to react to his cumming so...

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Fun in the car at the adult bookstore

Me and my wife true story back in our younger married years we owned a 79 Camaro and decided to go to the adult bookstore we got there and it was off the interstate and one of them small book stores that's way out of the way in the country where nothing is around we're truck drivers stopped in to get their adult novelties and videos so as you can tell by the previous stories me and my wife are a bit into the Voyager side so when we got to the adult bookstore which was rather small after we made...

2 years ago
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Extraordinary power for an ordinary man

My name's Harry. I'm 33 now, but this story starts 2 years ago, when my life changed. I woke up that day with no idea of what was to come. It was just like every other Saturday morning - wake up slowly, feel my wife asleep next to me, gather my brain, stumble downstairs for breakfast. Tv on, kettle boiling, toaster on. Just like every Saturday. It had been a long week at work, and I was pretty tired still, but apart from that, nothing was out of the ordinary. I wish it had been, because that...

3 years ago
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Confidence ManChapter 3

I was always one of those driveway heroes; you know, the type of guy who would spend hours shooting baskets all alone, monkeying up do-or-die scenarios in which the game is on the line, three seconds, two seconds... A lot of being able to shoot a basketball accurately is muscle-memory; your reflexes taking over due to constant repetition, sort of like typing. The other part is confidence; a combination of focus and relaxation that allows the best aspects of an athlete's total self to come...

2 years ago
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Mutual Benefits Chapter Two

Taylor sighed in resignation. “Can we go back to factorials?” she asked, her voice strained.She wasn’t understanding permutations at all. We were hitting a bit of a roadblock - while we hit it off well in our first week, all things considered, there was a factor in our arrangement we hadn’t considered: I may have known the math, but I did not have the communication skills to teach them.“Well, we have n and we have r, so we just need to take n factorial and divide it by n times r factorial,” I...

3 years ago
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I Saw Him Shave her

The next morning, the voices of Liu and Melinda interrupted my light sleep. I heard them talking in the kitchen. I got out of bed and hauled my bare ass near the kitchen. They couldn’t see me, but I could see them and boy was I glad I could! Melinda giggled at something Liu had said to her. She stood before him in all her naked glory, while Liu was fully dressed. I didn’t think he had work today, but I could never keep track of his schedule. Liu tapped his hand twice on the kitchen counter....

Oral Sex
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Great Maui Young Couple

I had been working very hard for about 8 months and Cindi, my wife, finally tole me she had booked us for 12 days in Maui. We live the high life, our house is in a gated community, we have country club membership and we enjoy any amenity we desire. This all requires money and I spend long hours at work.We have a modern design house with a pool and tennis court. There is a pool house and we enjoy entertaining. Often times we end the day swimming naked in the pool. We finish with sucking and...

1 year ago
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The Chance For Love

I'm a twenty eight year old white female, five foot seven inches tall, a thirty four C twenty three thirty five figure, brunette CPA for a big company and am still single, although I've had my share of fucked up relationships. I just can't seem to get what I need out of a relationship from any of the men I've dated, so I am the last of my girlfriends that is still single. We had our usual bachelorette party for the latest to get married, at our usual favorite haunt and I met a girl who I had...

4 years ago
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A Tale of Two Best FriendsChapter 4

The next afternoon, there was little pretext; we simply paired off and Taylor and Andy went to his room and Zach and I went to mine. The tongue kissing began as soon as the door was closed and we were soon both prone and moaning. Zach's hand was on my breast again and I decided to let it stay. He's pushing his groin against me and kneading my breast as I have my hands under his shirt rubbing his back and chest. As we're kissing, I feel my shirt being tugged up and decide to let it...

2 years ago
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Noor Arora A Sexual Journey Part 8211 2

Hi Guys and Girls, This is Romy bringing you the second part of Noor’s journey. At the onset, I would like to apologize for the typos in the first story. Hopefully, as I keep writing, I will keep getting better. Thanks for all the great feed back, I am passing it on to Noor. Also, sorry, but Noor has settled down now, so the chances of a meeting with her are low. Anyways, I will shift to her perspective and continue the story. It is highly advisable to read the Part 1 Noor Arora: A Sexual...

1 year ago
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I caught her and She caught me

If you know me you would know that my life has been fairly boring. In high school I never really went to a whole lot of parties, I didn't drink much (never liked the taste) but I did have fun with my friends. Nearing the end of summer my friend Bobby and I went Florida where we stayed with his sister for a week while we were down there. Bobby's sister was the girl of my dreams. She was 5'10' and about 105 lbs. Ashley (was her name) has natural red hair and green eyes. She has a beautiful tight...

First Time
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My Life With Allison Part 2

“So, this generally works a few ways. No of that is important because this is only how I want it to work. I paid for you and you agreed to be bought. We are going to play until you understand that you will submit to me. Not in that fake groveling bullshit so many people do. ‘Oh mistress this and oh mistress that.’ I am going to break you and you are going to find such divine pleasure in submitting to my will. “She paused for several seconds. I swallowed hard in anticipation. “I am going to make...

3 years ago
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My Encounter

Hi iss lovers & sex lovers , I am Saroja from tamilnad, house wife. I have a great figure measuring 36-32-38. I have already come out with few of my love bits before. This is also one among a special incident happened to me. One day, my husband had said that his elder brother’s son Senthil is coming from chennai for a few interviews to attend. Senthil had finished his studies two years ago. Since Senthil is not having a job, he wants to save money by staying with us. During his few days stay at...

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Flat mate part 2

It had been a few weeks since the hot polish girl and her friend had moved into the shared flat I stay in . we had been getting on really well a good bit of flirting from both sides half the time she would be walking around with just a little pair of shorts on with just a vest top her nipples were always hard she just knew she was cock teasing me . Sometimes if I went for a shower I would proposely leave the bathroom door unlocked so that she would walk in on me .as soon as I heard her coming...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 9 A Way Through the Minefield

July 11, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “You’re still up?” I said to Elyse who was sitting on the couch in the great room. “Good.” “Uh-oh,” she said. “What’s up?” “I need to tell you something and get your opinion, and it’s better I do it before I talk to Jessica and Kara in the morning.” “It’s nearly 1:00am!” she protested. “I know. But honestly, I can sleep in if I need to, and so can you. There’s no breakfast or Guys’ and Girls’ Nights because we had the back-to-back parties last week, plus...

4 years ago
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A super romance

Max was with me today, being a good work colleague he sometimes shares his lunch hour with me rather than his new wife. He'd go on about her sometimes, which is fine and I'm happy for them both, but it simply serves to remind me just how single I really am. Today was my lucky day though. She showed up almost right after I did, and ordered a mint chocolate coffee and a muffin. Her name's Karen. I discerned that from her orders being called by the barista, but I knew very little...

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Kerry BDSM Slut

Kerry couldn't wait until the next week came around. She had contacted Jamie and told him just how much she enjoyed the previous Friday with him and his friends. Her cunt and asshole had only just recovered from the abuse she had received. She wanted to meet up again the following Friday for some extreme BDSM. She wanted to be fucked and punished hard and would bring all the equipment and toys to satisfy the needs of a nasty cunt like her. So Kerry got herself ready dressed up in a short latex...

4 years ago
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MaquisChapter 24

Birmingham. August the same year. The Chief Executive of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, looked up, startled, as two men entered his office unannounced. “What?” he asked in surprise, before gathering himself. “Who are you and what do you want?” he asked, wondering slightly why his PA had not even tried to inform him. “Mister Sturgeon? Mister Connor Sturgeon?” the taller, younger, of the two men asked. “Yes. Who are you? You need to make an appointment. I’m a busy man, now please...

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VeronicaChapter 12

The unctuously smiling Mr Spiro watched as Veronica's hands fumbled reluctantly with the last but one item standing between her and total nudity. Looking at the almost liquid quality of her shimmering bosom when restrained by the thin fabric, he was half expecting to see her breasts sag down to her stomach. He was delighted when they remained firm, pointing proudly ahead, the rose pink nipples hard and prominent. How sorry he was not to be going for a ride on that train later on! He handed...

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FantasyMassage Megan Winters Shower Pressure

Megan Winters comes in to the massage parlor, glistening with sweat and still wearing her ear buds. She’s slightly out of breath as she approaches the reception desk, and pulls the ear buds out of her ears when masseur Jake Adams starts trying to talk to her. Sorry, she says, she just jogged all the way here. He asks if Megan is ready for her massage, and she says yes but then touches the sweat all over her arms and asks if she could take a shower first before he touches her. He says...

2 years ago
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AllyChapter 2 The Trip

The next morning they were on the road. They chatted for hours but also had some hours of quiet companionship. Her mind wandered during these silences. She kept thinking about the night before. The view she had of her dad's hardon, his masturbating and the way the girls warmed up to him. He seemed in such a good mood this morning but she thought he must be frustrated sexually. Nasty thoughts entered her mind. After 10 hours in the car, they found the motel where they had a reservation....

3 years ago
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Game Show

A smile broke out on Meena's face as she heard the news on TV. Her producer had asked her to wait until this legislation was passed before going ahead with her idea. "We don't need any legal trouble from those rights watch groups.""Finally", she thought with an air of expectant nervousness she dialled her producer and scheduled for an appointment. She then called Archana. Archana, her assistant producer had been with her for the longest time and was almost like a younger sister by now. "Guess...

4 years ago
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AngelicaChapter 41 Blissful Reunion

Angel and Jordan slept until late morning and then Jordan rolled over on his side and looked down into her eyes. Neither of them could believe they were finally home. Jordan reached over and took her in his arms, "good morning." Angel rested her head on his chest and gave him a squeeze. She wasn't in the mood to ever leave the house again, not after everything she had been through, but she knew her family needed to know she was OK. She watched Jordan slowly get out of bed and walk into...

1 year ago
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Dungeoneering HaremChapter 13

Gathering among the crowd of adventurers Elinore and Bonny ready themselves as they enter the structure jutting out of the mountain. Elinore’s eyes widen as the group finds themselves in a wide-open field with fountains of water across the area. The crowds dissipate surprised by the extensive amount of space in the area as Bonny raises her guard. “Where is this?” Kaito asks. “This is the Wasser Dungeon, the Dungeon of Water,” Bonny says. “Or at the very least it’s the entrance, but I don’t...

1 year ago
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The Filipino maid

Not my story but I enjoyed and thought you would tooCurt drove the 36″ wide mower up the ramp on onto the trailer attached to the back of his pickup truck. He cut the engine and wiped the sweat from his face with a clean rag. He couldn’t remember when it was so damned hot. He tipped his hat back on his head and took the pruning sheers and weed wacker out of the back. He still had at least another hour of work before he was done here, and he was out of water. Fifteen minutes later, he’d had it....

1 year ago
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Lady In Waiting Part One

It was Monday evening and I had finished a long shift on the construction site in downtown LA. I was still getting used to the climate change and the pace of life change, being a guy from out of town, the company I work for bringing me down from my home town in Canada to take advantage of my special knowledge and experience that would be needed for the project we were working on. I made my way to the little restaurant located on the ground floor of my hotel and sat at what had become my...

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Cog in the Machine

She had long ago given up her name. Of course, the vanilla world insisted on her using it still, but at times like this she was 440-424-135. A machine somewhere on the Internet assigned that number to her at her request. It was who she was now to the extent that it mattered. She lived with her Master. He too had a name in the world, but using it herself would imply that she was an equal to him rather than his possession. She called him Master when they were with each other, and he called her...

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Fucked my own sister

Dear people,i am Sankar(20) eng std Chennai.i want to share my 1st fuck with you.i had 2sisters,ammu(19)long hair,big boobs sharp brown tits milky whitf§viji(18)white color dumb bell shape boobs blak titsmy parents r doing business.i came to home after+2 exams from hostel.i got sexual feelings when seeing my sisters tried many attempts to fuck her.i wakeup 12oclock from my room and went to sister room to touch her boobs.i am eagerly wait to fuck my sister..1find day came my parents went abroad...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Paisley Page Brickzilla Vs Paige

Paisley Page has an insatiable lust for monster cocks. After being stood up by her boyfriend, she decided to call bangbros to satisfy her cock craving. She knows that they have the biggest cocks in the game. And in just a few minutes, they delivered a monster cock to her. Brickzilla has a massive dick that is sure to stretch her tight little pussy further than ever before. Paisley took his enormous cock deep inside her her pussy. Seeing his monstrosity slide in and out of her tiny pussy is a a...

2 years ago
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My Wet Days And How It Was Taken Care By A Male Doctor

Hi all, today I am going to narrate yet another incident which took place recently. As many of you know, I am Ramya 18 years of age and 31 24 32 are my stats and 5feet 6inches in height. I guess that has been the norm here that every female author re-states her stats in all her stories for the horny folks ;) ok story starts here. After the last story, I did receive many good comments and many of them started chatting with me online.Some of the chats turned very horny that I started experiencing...

1 year ago
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Chess kings Tape

You appeared at a party. You were kind. You made friends with me quickly. Your caring attitude was a breath of fresh air. You appear in a time when I was making the biggest leap of faith in my life, to walk out on a bad boss with no plan. Sometimes I find that life begins when the trail ends. I'm a wanderer at heart. Fast forward through several great dates to October. Fresh mountian air filled her lungs and she scurried through the busy airport. Her eyes were darting in every...

3 years ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 7 Hamilton

“Auntie Martha!” Happy screams from two bouncing Munchkins, newly arrived at the Kuh’s homeport. Martha Grayson, Governor of Azahar, stood to greet her returning friend. Inez Nadenka Key, I. N. Key, the extracted pop singer Inkie, known to the Tuull as S’Rndult T’Blssut, in English: ‘Principal Master of the Arts, Harmony’. With Inkie were Dinky and Armand, her adopted children who ran to Martha and her similarly aged daughter, Joan. The image of a beautiful woman, the AI Helva, came into...

2 years ago
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Rough and Ready Rachel

"I'm gonna take off, Rachel." Keri rose from the barstool. They had only been there an hour. "Okay," Rachel said, swiveling toward her friend. "This place wasn't at all like what I heard it was supposed to be like," Keri apologized. "It's okay," she said with a shrug. "You going too?" "No. You go ahead," Rachel said, taking a sip from her drink. "I don't want to go home yet." "Okay. See you Monday." "Okay. Bye." Keri walked away. The place was supposed to be nice...

2 years ago
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A Late night follower

Friday night, and after a long week of files and paperwork at the office I was finally glad to be leaving my dull workplace. I worked in an over crowed office in central London. I liked to stand out from the crowd so I often wore the shortest possible skirts and the lowest tops that my boss would allow. Today was no different. I wore a tight black skirt, that I'm sure if I bent down would have made my sexy hot pink panties visible to all my work colleagues. My matching bra was just visible...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Oklahoma Hot Black Trucker Leon

Was away on a small biz trip to Jackson Mississippi about 3 months ago and decided to stay at a Sleep Inn not far from a Waffle House shop across the way from my hotel. I always liked Waffle House food and their places so I strolled in about 7 that evening after checking in to my room.The places are always nice and have good cheap fast food and great coffee so I sat down in a booth and noticed a black older guy who was sitting behind me eating some breakfast stuff ,Waffle House serves breakfast...

2 years ago
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Even More Trucker Sex

The sun was just going down as I pulled into the rest area. There were a few trucks and a pickup in the parking lot, but nothing seemed to be happening. I got out of my pickup and walked around to the passenger side, lit a cigarette, and leaned against the bed. I finished the smoke, and, still, nothing was going on. Then, I heard the jake brake of a truck on the highway, and I knew it was coming into the rest area. I lit another cigarette.The truck quickly rounded the bend and topped the hill...

4 years ago
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Legacy of the Wars

I have the misfortune to be named Alejandro del la Mancha. The other children in school used to tease me unmercifully, asking where my donkey was and was Pancho coming to kiss my wounds better. I learned to fight well and willingly those early years in Valencia. I had thirteen summers when these events began. I was a fair-skinned, blue-eyed, blonde Spaniard, very rare and often cursed. My uncle was a swarthy skinned, curly haired flamboyant drunkard of a man who made his living renting out...

4 years ago
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Imagine You I

When I see your dick, imma kneel down in front of you, you look up into your eyes and just lick the tip over and over again. Then slowly inhale your dick like it’s the last breath of air on earth. Hold it in the back of my throat as long as I could. Pull my head off it slowly so the drool falls out of my mouth and off your dick. Take it in my hand and stroke it a little as I look at you while licking my lips. Suck the tip of it so nicely your hand finds its way on my head. I take my hand off...

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