TempestChapter 4 free porn video

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The next thing I knew, he was getting out of bed. The train had stopped. I knew we were in New Orleans and my training was about to begin. I stretched, amazed at the feel of silk, and cleanliness of my smooth, lush body.

"Come. Get dressed." I looked at the sour, threadbare blouse and dress on the floor.

"Yes. I see. You will never wear such dirty rags again."

"Thank you, Master." I wrinkled my nose at the odor emanating from my clothes. And to think, only yesterday I had to be intimidated into taking them off!

He led me out the back of the car, locking the door. We walked out onto the platform in the morning light. It was hot and humid. We walked off the platform and into yet another Union Station. People looked at us. Now I realized how odd we were. A handsome, beautifully dressed man with a beautiful woman dressed like a dirty rag picker clutching his arm. It made me angry. I straightened up and walked tall.

"Ah, little slave. You have pleased me yet again. Yes. Let them look. I am handsome. You are beautiful. They are all jealous of us anyway."

We emerged into the morning sunlight. Mason waited with the car door open. Everyone stared as we slipped into the back and Mason closed the door behind us. I ripped open the blouse and threw it off in disgust. My skirt went next.

"Yes, they do stink."

"Yes Master. I did not know any better."

"And how will you get into my house?"

"However I have to, Master."

He threw his head back and laughed.

"Oh well done, slave. Well done."

I looked out the window, amazed at the sights of New Orleans. I loved the strange trees. They were tall and smooth, with a tuft of odd leaves at the top. Like Master's cock hair, I giggled to myself. Colored people were everywhere, in many shades from dark black to a light tan. There was less traffic than St. Louis and more wagons. The buildings were shorter and many had balconies almost overhanging the street. The car slowed and pulled into a driveway. Mason jumped out, unlocked and opened a tall, ornate gate. The car eased up the drive and Mason got out to close and lock the gate. He drove the car up a curving drive and stopped in front of a huge mansion.

"Home, little slave."

He helped me out of the car and I looked in amazement, forgetting my nakedness. I saw a gleaming white palace surrounded by green lawns and the funny trees. Massive white columns held up a third story. I saw a gushing fountain and neatly trimmed bushes.

"You live here in this palace?"


"Oh! You live here, Master?"


The door opened and two people rushed out. Then another woman glided out like a dream behind them.

"Welcome home, Sir." The man bowed. The man was dressed in a black suit. Later I learned it was called a tuxedo. The woman did a funny dip, holding her skirt and apron wide. Neither one had a second glance for my nakedness. "Welcome home, Sir."

The other woman glided to a halt. She looked me up and down with interest. Somehow it didn't really bother me to be naked before her.

"Ayala, she was called Tempest. She will be trained. Then I will name her." I shivered at the tone in his voice. "She's also the most responsive girl I've ever had. In the last 24 hours she climaxed 14 times. And when she does, her juices spray out of her."

"14 times? Impressive." She looked at me, tapping her chin. "Yessssssss. I see the potential."

He gripped my chin; looked in my eyes and said, "Don't disappoint me."

"No Master. Never." I saw an elegant eyebrow rise as Ayala looked at me.

"Interesting." She murmured and gestured for me to follow her. She was so poised, that I followed her meekly. She didn't walk, she glided like a swan. She was tall, with light brown skin, high small breasts and long reddish hair. She wore a dress like a tube, and I soon realized there was nothing underneath. Sometimes, as she walked it would pinch between her buttocks. Her body was lithe, flaring at the hips and her ass was round and tight.

She was so impressive that I felt very small. I followed her into my Master's mansion. The entryway floor was blocks of white and black tile. Then I stopped in shock.

Three naked, young women were kneeling on the floor. Their knees were wide apart and they had their arms behind them, gripping their elbows. I remembered that from the bedroom on the train. Their heads were held high with their faces pointed up, which thrust their firm tits out. All three had a gleaming silver collars on with rings on the sides and in front. Then I noticed they also wore cuffs with rings on their ankles and wrists.

Ayala looked at me. "Your sister slaves. They belong to your Master. The blonde one is called Salome, the brunette is Mira and the black haired one is Sura." I saw their names on their collars. That is when it really hit me. Soon I was going to be a slave for real wearing a collar with a new name and kneeling like them.

She gestured at them. "You may speak."

They all turned their heads to look at me. Salome said, "You are very beautiful."

Mira and Sura looked at me with lust filled eyes.

"I can't wait to taste you." Salome said.

Ayala laughed, "Predators indeed," she said.

I shivered to be looked at like that from naked women. They all appeared to be in their early 20's and quite lovely. They were also shaven and I could see their pussies clearly.

Ayala gestured at them. "That is one of many things you will learn." The sight of them kneeling, knees wide apart, aroused me and I felt my moist pussy lips ooze. Ayala led me past doorways opening onto smooth, waxed wooden floors gleamed in the morning light, displaying fine furniture, paintings and draped windows.

Ayala gave me a moment and said. "Come, slave. I will show you your room."

She led me under a huge, curving staircase to a small corridor and then a door. She opened the door and led me down another corridor and then up a staircase. We went down yet another corridor, passing doors with nameplates on them for the other girls. She stopped in front of another door with an empty nameplate and opened it. The room was large and a carpet covered the floor. In the corner, a large bed sat next to a cabinet with a lamp on it. The bed had tall, carved wooden posts at each corner that were connected at the top. There were many rings on the posts. Across the room was a sofa with a low table in front of it. There was also a bookcase with many books and a desk. All I had ever been given to read was the bible. It was a vision from heaven.

"Come" she said. She led me another door and opened it. It was a bathroom with a tub, shower, flush toilet, bidet, sink and cabinets.

"For me, Mistress?"

"I am not your Mistress, just Ayala. Yes, it's for you. Our Master expects his slaves to wash and shave everyday." I looked at her face. She was beautiful in a different way than I had ever seen.

"Are you a slave?" I asked timidly.

"I will answer this one question. I am, but now I am not used as one." She turned away from me.

"Wash and shave, slave." She said and closed the door as she left. I was and now I am not used as one? "What did that mean?" I wondered.

Feeling dirty from having to wear my old clothes in the train station, I went to the tub, turned the red faucet and marveled as the water turned from cold to hot. I mixed it until it felt good. There was a round tub next to the tub. I twisted it open and smelled flowers. I dumped some of it in the water. Bubbles formed quickly and I smelt an aroma such as I had never had smelled before. Later, I learned it was lavender.

Groaning with pleasure, I slipped into the warm tub. Never had I felt such delight unless it was my Master, using me, making me come. I washed my hair, using the odd handle to spray myself. I lingered until I saw tips of my fingers were wrinkled. I panicked, wondering if it was permanent. I rose out of the bath to see a naked girl looking at me.

"Hi." It was Mira. She was short, sleek and sexy. Her skin was dusky, her breasts high and firm. Her cinnamon colored hair curved around her face and was cut along her jaw. There was a dusting of freckles across her nose. The cuffs and collar was all she wore.

"I can see why he bought you." Her gaze raked me up and down. She licked her lips. "You're the sexiest girl I've ever seen."

"I, uh, I'm Tempest."

"Not anymore. Master will give you a new name. Have you shaven?"


Mira slipped forward. Her hip first gait caused me to flush hotly. She yanked a towel off the bar and dried me. The towel was so soft!

"Sit on the edge of the tub." She turned on the water, went to a cabinet and came back with soap and a razor. "Raise your arm." She soaped my armpit and expertly shaved it. I raised my other arm and she shaved. "We often shave each other. It's easier for someone else to do it. I lowered my arm, aroused by her sexuality. She kissed me softly.

"Mmmm, you are exquisite," she whispered. Mira parted my knees and sat cross-legged in the tub. "What a pretty pussy. It's kind of red, though. Master must have fucked you a lot."

"Many times. I lost count." She leaned forward and kissed my clit. "I'll be gentle." She said. Then she shaved my pussy and my legs. She rinsed me with the hand shower and dried me off. The towel and her hands rubbing me made tingle with desire.

I was so clean! She had me sit in front of a mirror and she brushed out my long hair.

Then she took me by the hand and led me to bed. Her assuredness made me comply. She had me sit on the edge of the bed and urged me to lie back. She knelt so gracefully I felt like a clod. Mira parted my knees and her tongue lashed wetly over my clit.

Then her tongue slipped into me, again and again. It was very different, being eaten by a woman. She knew exactly how much or how hard or how long to please me. When I came, I howled at the ceiling, moaning my pleasure and spraying her face.

Mira sat up, looking a little shocked. Her face and chest were covered with my juices.

"I'm sorry Mira, its just way I am."

"Sorry? Its really sexy."

"That's what Master said."

"Lick it off me," she kind of moaned at me and lay on the bed. I crawled over to her and began with her face. When I got to her lips, she kissed me hotly. Our tongues swirled and she moaned into my mouth. When I got to her tits, I was on fire again. I nipped at her nipples and my hand slid down her belly to cup her shaven mound. Mira moaned and her hips rose against my hand.

"Eat me ... Eat meeeeeeeeee." She moaned. My clit sparked hotly at me and then she pinched my nipple. I nibbled down her belly and found her clit. Mira took me by the hips and then we were eating each other, moaning. I heard the door open and looked up. It was Sura and Salome. They pounced. In an instant, I was on my back. Mira was straddling my face as I ate her wildly. Sura was crouched between my legs sucking on my clit and fingering me. Salome had squeezed my tits together and nipping my nipples. I heard footsteps.

"Watch out Sura, she sprays like a fire hose when she comes, which she does frequently."

His voice set me off again. I bucked like a pony, raising my hips and splattering Sura. Mira groaned and moisture filled my mouth. I heard Salome grunt and saw that the Master had entered her from behind. It made me jealous.

Then I realized, I belonged to him, not he to me.

He fucked her for a few minutes while we watched then and he said to Mira, "Get the cream."

"Yes, Master." She instantly went to the bathroom and came back with a jar. He pulled out of Salome and Mira bent over at her waist. She swallowed every inch of him effortlessly.

After a moment she pulled off of him, knelt and applied the white cream to his cock. Then Salome reached back and spread her cheeks apart. My Master stepped up to her ass and as she moaned, he slid smoothly all the way into her bud.

He gestured to Mira. Instantly she rolled over and presented her ass to him, right next to Salome. My Master turned to Mira and she smeared more cream on him.

"Open up the new slave," He said. I rolled over and joined Salome and Mira.

My Master went to Mira. She spread her cheeks and he stroked into her, hard and fast. "Oooooohh, Master," she moaned.

I felt Mira's small finger enter me, rotating and twisting. Soon, I had all of hers in me and I felt my asshole relax. Mira felt it too.

"She's ready, Master." He slipped out of Sura and Mira applied more cream. He gestured to her and all four of us were lined up in a row, asses in the air, tits pressed into the bed and spreading our cheeks with our hands. It occurred to me that spreading our cheeks did nothing to ease his entry. It was an act of submission. I felt Master's cock press against me. A moan leaked out of me as he forced his cock into my tight, untrained ass. The pressure increased and I felt him slide all the way into me. It hurt. The soap on the train had worked much better. He locked his hands on my shoulder, withdrew and then powerfully thrust into my ass. I cried out in shock and not a little pain. My Master pounded me violently. My tract ached and the pain merged with the molten center of me.

"Uh ... Uh ... Uh ... Uh ... Uh ... Uh..." He grunted as his cock slid home. My hands dropped to the mattress. He slapped my ass with a loud, painful smack. "Put your hands back!" He growled at me. I obeyed instantly. "Mira, get the crop." I felt a burst of fear. "What is a crop, I wondered?" My Master continued to ravage me. My pussy sparked and juice flowed down my inner thighs.

Then there was a whistling smack and pain exploded from my back and I cried out from the shock of it. Master was whipping me! He continued to thrust violently into me as he whipped my back. As he beat me, my back grew warm and then hot. I cried and sobbed into the mattress. Then the heat from my back seeped deeper into me and merged with the heat from my pussy and ass. The blistering orgasm that resulted shattered me and I must have fainted.

When I woke, I was still presenting my ass. I quickly grabbed my cheeks. My back burned. My Master was pounding Mira. Then he pulled out and took Sura. He made two savage thrusts into her and then slammed himself into Salome. Then he slammed it back into me. He went back down the line of us. When he got back to me, I felt him tense up and his cock swelled hugely inside me. I sighed, "Oh Master, come in me..." He pulled out, gripping his cock and jumped up on the bed, towering over us. Then the semen arced out of him and splashed all over our backs as he shouted his pleasure, panting and sweaty. I was stunned by his assault on my body and the incredible power of my orgasm.

He jumped off the bed. "You have all pleased me greatly," and left the room.

Salome turned to me and very gently began to lick off his semen. Sura and Mira licked each other clean. Then Salome went to the bathroom and returned with a cream. She gently smoothed it on my burning back. Sura came over and licked My Master's come off of Salome.

"Why did he whip me?" I asked her softly.

"You removed your hands without permission." The burning eased as the numbing cream took effect. I staggered to the bathroom, peed and washed my face. When I came out, Ayala was there.

"Come here," she said to me. She turned me to inspect my back. "Did anyone treat her?"

"Yes, Ayala. I did," said Salome.

"You'll be sore for a couple of days. I know how it feels." Ayala said. "Come, slaves it's time for lunch." She led us down a back staircase into the kitchen. It was huge, spotlessly clean and smelled divine. A woman heard us enter and turned. She looked me over. "Yes. Now I see what all the fuss has been about." Her skin was coppery and her hair raven black with streaks of gray. She was lithe and quite beautiful. I saw echoes of her looks in My Master. She saw my eyes widen. "Mmm, aren't you a sharp one. Yes, I'm his mother. My English name is Otter."

"Salome, set the table," she said and looked at me, "And you watch how she does it. I'll expect you to set it tomorrow. Perfectly, or your Master will punish you again. Mira, set the dining room table for three."

"Yes, Mistress."

Salome went to a huge cupboard and opened the doors. I'd never seen so many dishes before.

"You all may speak."

"First we need placemats." She picked up 4 rectangles of beautiful cloth and placed one exactly in front of each chair. "They must be centered before each chair. Next, the lunch plates. She set one on each placemat, exactly centered. Silverware is next. Come." She gestured to me. "Take these," and she handed me 4 small forks, 4 big forks, 4 big spoons, 4 small spoons and 4 knives. They were silver and surprisingly heavy. "Watch. Hand me the forks." Salome carefully placed a large fork on the left side the plate and then a small fork outside it. "Forks on the left, parallel and aligned at the base. Knives on the right also aligned at the base. Then the little spoon and then the big spoon go here. Come." Salome went back to the cupboard. I followed her and she handed me small pieces of cloth and two glasses. She took two more glasses. "The napkins go outside the forks. Glasses here." I looked at it carefully. "Looks easy enough," I thought. "This is a setting for us. Settings for the Master are different." She said.

Sura came over with a platter of roasted chicken. It smelled wonderful; spicy and tangy.

"Salome, come and get the rice."

"Yes, Mistress."

"Slave, bring the salad and the iced tea to the table."

"Yes, Mistress." All the settings were carefully served and tea poured in the glasses.

Mira appeared, "The dining room is ready Mistress."

"All 4 of you will carry these platters to the dining room. Ayala will serve us."

I carried the salad. Salome had a bowl of what looked like stew. "Mmmm, gumbo," she whispered to me.

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My Whole Family Needed Me 5

Introduction: From Blackmail to Jail My Whole Family Needed Me 5 I fell into the room from the window. Three sets of eyes were fixated on my actions. The asshole who I thought was my best friend still had his cock buried into my twelve-year-old sisters pussy and her homeroom teacher was still balls deep inside of her ass. Alright Zack before you go crazy let me exp POW right in the middle of his sentence I threw a right cross and knocked him right out of my sister and onto the floor. I...

2 years ago
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Homeless Amazon

Before I start my story, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I've never been married and I live alone. A few years ago I bought a small cottage on a lake and converted it into a full time residence. I'm self employed as small engine tech, I repair small engines at my house. I built a heated building to do it in. It keeps me busy. During winter I snow plow when I can. I try to live a boring, quiet life. I have one weakness though, bad girls. They are drawn to me like metal to a magnet. My...

3 years ago
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Experiencing Raw Lust With My Reader

Hi ISS readers! Hope you are doing great and enjoying your life. Well, this time, I thought to write my story in a different way. I wanted you to feel the heat, which built up between me and my partner in this story. That’s why I gave a small preview of what will happen next. Many people on ISS know me and have read my stories. For those who don’t know me, I am Akash, living in Mumbai and enjoying each moment as it comes. You can go to my Author’s page and read my other stories and know more...

2 years ago
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Third Time Part Fifteen

Author's note: This chapter is the second of final three chapters of this long and sordid tale. Your patience, and your comments - good and bad - have been most appreciated. G.A. The next morning, the small room where Janet spent the night bound, gagged and drugged provided a surreal sight to Elizabetta as she entered. She greeted her victim warmly, much like someone might greet a friend who was ailing in the hospital. Unlike the night before, Elizabetta was now dressed in a...

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Debbie the Mature Woman

Debbie the Mature WomanNow at my present age, any woman in my peer group is a mature woman…many are grandmothers now. I was encouraged to write about a relationship from my past when I did have the pleasure of sharing some time with an older woman. Our meeting was nothing special. She and I worked at the same place and we had seen each other numerous times but had never spoken to each other. One day a friend of mine that worked her section came through and I asked him about her. He said...

3 years ago
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Kinky explorer

It's dark inside and it takes a while for his eyes to adjust to the light, it appears to be an old stable block, long corridor with rooms off each side, there's a light on in one of them and he creeps slowly down the hall glancing into a few half open doors as you pass. All seems empty, and some of the doors are heavily locked and bolted. Reaching the door with the light on, it's slightly ajar and he glances in. Inside is a table with a guy sat on it, his back is towards him. But you can see...

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The Bounty HunterChapter 9

Chaos. That’s what reigned in this universe. Or at least, that’s what the books said. Personally, he didn’t care for it. Order. That was his calling. The arena where he thrived. When it came to choosing between order and chaos, order triumphed for him every time. He craved order, especially in this new world where chaos reigned supreme. This latest conundrum had all the signs of being a very chaotic event indeed. For a person as obsessed with control and details as him, these latest events...

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Mr BrightsideChapter 4

Jen and Mike were lingering over their wine. Mike knew something was bothering his wife, and he had a good idea what. "Jen, listen, I'm sorry about what happen last night." Jen rolled her eyes. "Don't lie to me. You loved it when I told you about it." Mike couldn't deny it. "I'm just saying I wasn't expecting anything to happen." "No, but you were hoping it would happen." "Come on, you get excited by playing around, don't deny it." "I'm not denying it. I've told you I...

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Helping the Elderly Ch 05

This is the fifth chapter in the series "Helping the Elderly." It is written without recaps, so please read chapters 1-4 to fully understand the plot and its characters.*Tracy came up to bed. She was washing her face as Jim lay "working" on his laptop.He looked up to ask, "So, how's Harry's condition? Did your work with him help?"Tracy knew Jim was most likely watching her massage and have sex with Harry a few minutes ago via his "hidden" cameras, but she couldn't know for sure. She became...

1 year ago
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Pat And Freds Swinging Initiation

We had for a long time wanted to find out what real swinging was about and whether it was as exiting as friends and contacts had made it out to be.We had been corresponding with a couple, older than us, but seemed a real nice couple and the photos that we had seen of them were very inviting. After numerous email and photo swaps it was arranged that we should meet them, if only for a drink at a "go between" pub one night.That day we went to Oxford Street and looked in the shops for something...

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Dynamics of a Human Heart Ch 02

We watched our friends grow up togetherAnd we watched them as they fell.Some of them fell into Heaven.Some of them fell into Hell. -The Pogues ‘A Rainy Night in Soho’ ‘Let’s go ouuuu-wwoooooooo—out tonight!!’ I’m dead. ‘Oh, take me ouuuu-wwoooooooow—out tonight!!’ I am dead and I am in Hell and I’m being tortured for my ‘sinful’ ways. I can hear mom saying, ‘I told you so’ from here. Miranda opened one, bleary, violet eye and scowled as she lay face down upon the mattress. Sam was busy...

4 years ago
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Pleasure In Punishment Lessons Learned Part 2

Looking at the clock on the nightstand, I see that I have about thirty minutes until the rehearsal.“I have to get to the rehearsal but I would much rather hold you!”  I whisper as I wrap my arms around her and hug her into me even tighter.“Do you mind if I shower off before I head back?”  she says as she stands up.I look at her standing there.  My body is wanting to grab her and finish what was started, but my mind has other plans.  I break myself out of my short daydream and look at her...

3 years ago
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My Cheating Wife

It's Saturday night and I'm sitting here watching my beautiful young wife making a few final adjustments to her appearance before we go to a party thrown by her boss and his wife! She's wearing yet another new dress, one of dozens that she's bought recently since starting her new job as the personal assistant to the managing director of a large property management company. It's the type of dress that until recently, she wouldn't have looked at twice, but suddenly it's become one of her...

1 year ago
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My First Time as a Lady

I was at my thinnest and finally took some time to try shaving my legs and arms, bikini zone, anyplace on me that had hair. I had been applying generous lotion to my skin on a nightly basis and tweezing my eyebrows. People took notice but said nothing. I still wasn’t ‘out’ but I wasn’t worried about being obvious. It had been a few years since my last cock fix and my wild inner woman needed to play again. I had gone in drag for Halloween that year to work, wearing gogo boots with three inch...

2 years ago
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Saint and a SinnerChapter 13

Michelle tossed the wrapper to her hamburger in the trash with a flick of her wrist. Then she scattered the rest of her fries on the ground for the birds and the squirrels and sipped on her chocolate shake. The sun was hot on her bare shoulders, the breeze cool on her cheeks. She actually felt better, almost human again. Nick was sitting next to her, drowning french fries in ketchup and munching on them. "So," he started, keeping his tone of voice light despite the feeling of dread he...

1 year ago
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A Prank Too Far

A Prank Too Far A "Timber Grove" Story by TGTrinity ///// 1 ///// "Planning" Hank's mind was moving a mile a minute. As he perused the aisles of the Timber Grove thrift shop, he thought of what had led him to this point. He was in his second year of College, and was having the time of his life. In Portland he had been somewhat of a nerd, but since moving to Timber Grove he had really come into his own. Part of that had to do with becoming friends with Patrick Reynolds, one...

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Doing a Naughty NieceChapter 6

I was rapidly beginning to enjoy having Jessica living there at my house, whether it was a temporary arrangement or became something even more long-term. I'd harbored these longtime sexual fantasies about her and now I was more than realizing them. I'd seen Jessica grow up and mature into a sexy young woman, and now within a couple of days I'd had her suck my cock, let me fuck her several times and I'd even taken her cherry asshole. It turned out that both Jessica and I had numerous...

4 years ago
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Lawn Boy

(If this is not your first time here, just go to the bottom and pick the next job.) Chuck paused from mowing the wide, green expanse of lawn to wipe the sweat from his brow. His bandanna was soaked and not doing much good; his t-shirt was also very wet and only after an hour. He removed his shirt over his head, and he hung it on a nearby bush, along with the bandanna. He took another bandanna out of his pocket and tied it around his collar-length brown hair. He liked working outside with its...

2 years ago
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The Bounty HunterChapter 5

The holo display AI units stripped off the string bikinis that they wore in their start up mode and dropped them to the deck. From there, the bikinis dematerialized. Ok, I was lost in the moment. The possibilities filled my mind, but the proximity alarm was raging in the background. 'Proximity warning! Oh shit!' I jumped into the command chair and watched as Bonnie took her chair. Bonnie yelled "Combat Mode!" to the AI units. To my shock, the other two bridge chairs were filled with...

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A Dream A Dare A Beach

My dream was coming true… actually what was happening was beyond my wildest dreams. The sensation of her mouth enveloping my cock, a cock that was almost painfully hard. Watching my wife, Ann, sucking more and more hard flesh into her mouth as I lapped the musky taste of pussy milk and nibbled on the protruding nub of clitoris. Ann’s eyes were shut tight as she relished the texture, the heat, the hardness and the girth as she slid her head back and forth so that her mouth wanked the cock. Added...

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19 Vayathu Ramyavai Sex Seithen

Hi makale, en peyar Vincent vayathu 24 aagugirathu, naan innum velai thedi kondu irukum oruvan thaan. Naan engineering mudithu veetil velai ilamal thaan irukiren, en veethil ilamaiyaana oru virgin pen irunthaal. Aval peyar ramya parka azhagaga irupaal, iru mulaiyum sirithaaga azhagaga irukum. Naan thinamum avalai sight adipen, ramya ennai paarthu vetkap paduvaal. Aval kalluri muthal aandu padikiraal, ramyavai eppozhuthu parthaalum kaiyai matum asaithu kanbipen. Iruvarum sight adithu konde...

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Tiffanis Struggle Chapters 1 and 2

1.Tiffani and Dean had been together for three years now, one year as a “vanilla” couple spending much of our time trying to figure out what we really wanted with each other, one year living a more experimental lifestyle while away from each other with work obligations, and the last year married with her being his complete submissive. Dean had spent a lot of time guiding Tiffani through her sexual exploits, opening doors she never knew she had, and he was so proud of how far she had come.When...

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Daughter by the Pool

I had previously submitted this story but it was deleted because it was too short.   In my original version, I made it sound like it all happened in one afternoon but it actually took about two weeks.   I have also put in some things that I left out in the original.I was working from home because my car was in the shop.  My daughter, Jess, was at a friend's house all night so didn't know I was home.  I heard her come home and it sounded like some friends were with her so I didn’t say anything...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 1 Ch 1

“Sir, Colonel Sattersby will see you now,” the aide said, stepping out of his superior’s office. The lieutenant stepped into the dark, wood paneled office. Colonel Sattersby looked very fit and professional in his gray uniform as he browsed through a manila folder. The Confederate flag hung from a pole behind the desk next to a wall map of the territories claimed by the Confederacy and the few outlying areas of civilization that still existed. The Colonel looked up at the junior officer...

4 years ago
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A Good Fucking Night Part 2

Tyler couldn't help but grin as his eyes took in the sight of the downstairs living room. There was Allison, bent over the coffee table, her exposing shirt had long been removed, Tyler saw it lying on the other side of the couch. There were two guys having their way with her. A stranger that Tyler didn't recognize was facefucking her, slapping her face and calling her a whore for breaking Jeremy's heart. Jeremy was behind her, fucking the poor girl with force, calling out "Come...

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Jesus Mdchen

Fussgänger Zone. Die freie christliche Gmeinde hat einen Stand. Da sind blutjunge natürliche Mädels, bestimmt ohne Verhütung und Jungfrauen. Gerne lasse ich mich anquatschen. Eine blutjunge rothaarige vollbusige Schönheit ungeschminkt, einen weiten Rock und ein nettes T-Shirt spricht mich an. Sie heisst Vanessa und erzählt begeistrt wie Jesus ihr Leben verändert hat. Ich frage mich eher ob sie rasiert ist und ob sie ihre fruchtbaren Tage hat. Gut sie will mit mir beten. Wir gehen in eine Park...

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Picture Painting

It was very easy to paint a picture in my brain of you standing before me in my garage, you see the hoist hanging down from the ceiling and a bench top full of rope, toys, and play items, each sending exciting messages to your brain. You are fully clothed, processing my request for stockings, garter, panties, skirt, top and a sexy bra. I move close and hug you giving you are hard kiss on the lips, feeling your melt into my arms. I pull back slightly and move my lips to your ears, whispering...

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Learing Sex

I am 22 years old, 5ft 8in tall guy. I have just completed my MBA and joined the MNC as the management trainee. We have many ladies in our office and few beautiful in my department. All of them are married and having children. There age is around 30years. And I am the only young guy in the department. We are total 5males and 4females.And all are almost equal age, we all make jokes and parties with each other. After drinking in the parties the girls sometimes comes out with adult jokes and it...

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Hang in There

“Hang in there” he said as he walked away. I had to smile a bit when he said that. The story of my life in three little words. That’s pretty much all I’ve done in life is hang in there. When I was dead and gone that is what it would say on my tombstone. Frank Dalton 1962 -20?? He hung in there When I started school I was a chubby kid and all the kids would laugh at me and call me “Fatso” and when I told my dad about it he said: “Things will change son. All you have to do is hang in...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 37 Moves and CounterMoves

November 29, 1996, Chicago, Illinois Friday was going to be organized chaos at the house with Paul and Nancy, as well as Elyse’s parents visiting, not to mention Jake and Joyce and their kids. I left the house early because I had to take a computer and printer with me to DePaul for the first trial run of the tournament software I’d written. “Good morning, Kyōshi Steve!” Ailea said when I walked into the field house pulling a cart with my Mac and the printer. “Good morning!” “I have the...

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A Visit with the Khan

Her arms hurt. All she remembered was the white van at the curb and a handkerchief over her nose. It was warm and her unclothed body was stretched vertically against a tile wall. There was water running nearby, and steam in the air. She tried to move, but restraints were around her wrists, her waist and her ankles. She said, ‘Help, where am I?’ A gentle spray of warm water was directed over her body. Gentle soapy hands washed her. Someone poured some nice smelling shampoo on her head and...

4 years ago
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The Girl Scout 11 Lights Out Dark Ending

Introduction: 1970s – Italian city school girl goes out to deliver her scout cookies but finds trouble in a changing neighborhood. Please rate and comment Previous: The Girl Scout-1, The Girl Scout-2 Daddy, The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man, The Girl Scout 4 Tag Teamed , The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die, Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied, The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You, The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty, The Girl Scout 10 WORK IT GOOD Lamont straddled the exercise bench....

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Two Sons Two LoversChapter 7

We had been home for almost 5 weeks when it happened. It was more or less inevitable... end school until an hour later on Fridays, thus leaving us all by ourselves. We went up to the bathroom, like we oftenly did these days, and started caressing our bodies, playing tightly against eachother, letting the cool and soothing water run down our hot flesh. John whispered something in my ear while sliding his manhood between my naked thighs. I lovingly fulfilled his request when getting down on...

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The Whore Did The Whole Town 8211 Part II

I reached the parking lot at Palika Bazar by 5 pm and Ghumar’s assistant drove away after he dropped me. I was very sore and tired with all the screwing I’d experienced in the past 24 hours. So, I first went in the market at Pallika Bazaar to get something to eat and grab a drink to get my sugar levels up. After that I went down to the basement to get in my car. When I reached near my car I saw the same security guard of the floor sitting on the boot of my car chatting to another of his...

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Sexy Shopliftsters Caught on Camera 58

Since we set up shop at a canal in ancient Amsterdam exclusive erotics for females only we caught lots of them!Since I have hidden cameras covering all shop from every angle, nothing goes unnoticed also when I am absentSince the month I opened shop hot help of my great granddaughter precious Princess pretty Petra we had themSince that time our average is one each week, of course always a tight teen, unable to afford our lovely luxuries!Since they are unaware of all our cameras everywhere we...

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