SparksChapter 6 free porn video

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Sandy and Ben dressed in Class-B's, the short-sleeve variant of the Class-A uniform. This was a uniform unfamiliar to, and uncomfortable for, both. Each wore "garrison caps", Sandy's the female version which reminded her of what English Bobby policemen wore.

Ben and Sandy checked everything again this morning. Almost all was In Accordance With (IAW) Army Regulation 670-1, Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia. Ben and Sandy both wore Expert Marksman Badges, Sandy with Rifle and Pistol, Ben's with only a Pistol bar hanging beneath it. Though AR 670-1 directs one to wear every medal one is entitled to wear, together they reasoned it was best not to display to the world Ben's woeful marksmanship with the rifle during his Basic training.

Together, they marched into the new-appearing building just south of the airport grounds. The receptionist at the desk asked them to wait in the cafeteria until Agent Munoz arrived in the building.

They bought coffee and breakfast pastry, and sat down to eat. Sandy considered their reception. Agent Munoz was no stranger to the building, though he was from another sector of the Border. He had left a message for them and apparently kept an office here.

Ben made a choked sound and started to rise from the table, but froze before he'd moved an inch. Sandy, startled, reached for him. When she realized he was staring at the general direction of the cashier, she turned to look as well.

A fairly-pretty young girl of Spanish features, though a tad on the heavy side, fought to stuff a wallet into her purse. Sandy saw she wore a Border Patrol uniform, and was attempting to balance two coffees in the pressed cardboard tray with her left hand while replacing her purse on her shoulder.

She glanced over at Sandy and Ben as she turned for the door. Sandy noted her startled reaction to Ben's presence. The girl positively fled out the door.
Sandy turned back to Ben, questions at the tip of her tongue. Ben was white and shaking.

"Sandy, that was her!" he hissed. "The girl in the desert, the one I let go, and Silverman gave me such shit for!"

"Ben? What are you saying, Ben?" Sandy's answering whisper was no less quiet for its urgency.

"I'm saying I saw her in the fucking desert with another man, and she told me some bullshit story about being forced to cross the desert." Ben was as angry as Sandy could ever imagine him, she felt the heat from him radiating at her side. "She was acting..."

"Ben. Ben! You have to calm down ... we're way far from home, Ben. Look at me." When he met her eyes, she said, "Ben ... we need to be very careful. I don't think we should let on that we saw someone you'd seen in the desert. Ben, she was wearing a Border Patrol uniform. What does that tell you?"

Ben calmed visibly, his voice still tight. "It tells me we were set up, and I was stupid enough to buy it."

Sandy made an impatient gesture. "But I don't think it was you they wanted to fool. I bet it was the First Sergeant, and the people who make decisions in the Army, as far as they could tell. But why?"

Ben nodded, almost calmly, though he was still shaking. "'Cui bono?' Who benefits? We're here because of it, but I doubt Munoz was doing us any favors. We're here to report on the mission ... but I bet it's supposed to get us to take more border patrol into the desert with us, to keep us on the mission. No, that's not right..." He snapped his fingers. "To get the Border Patrol a much bigger force, to use our gear over a wider area – Sandy, it's the two-way radios. Remember how interested Munoz was? How things started really happening..." he broke off, matching Sandy's look of wonder. "They wanted more feet on the ground who could call Border Patrolmen quickly when something was found. And we talked the First Sergeant into it. Oh, shit, Sandy, what are we doing here?"

Sandy took his hand from across the table. "Well, we are here, mister, and you and I will find our way back out. But we need to act like we don't know anything about it ... like what Munoz thinks we are: bright, but young and inexperienced soldiers."

Ben nodded. His eyes widened as he focused behind her. Sandy grabbed her coffee and raised it to her lips, so she'd have an extra second of concealment to compose her features.
Munoz walked across the cafeteria dining area toward them.

"Sandy, Ben," Munoz spoke as they walked up a flight of stairs, headed toward a conference room. "I'm going to give a briefing on the general state of this program, where we're going and what the plans are. You two should be prepared to answer questions. Just answer them, if someone wants more information, they'll ask. There's nothing unexpected going to happen, I think. The people in the room will be a few counterparts of mine, one from the El Paso region, one from San Diego, and an Intelligence guy."

Rey ushered them into a plain conference room, with pastel colors and a plain carpet. The furniture was utilitarian, but what struck Sandy was the newness of the room. Rey supplied that the Chief Border Agent for the region used the office for meetings of 'less than Congressional-level interest'.

A moment or two later, as Sandy and Ben took seats halfway down the table, three other men entered. Munoz introduced them as the El Paso and San Diego region 'Forward Presence task leaders', and 'Agent McFarland, Intelligence'. Agent McFarland wore civilian rancher's clothes, and looked similar to Ben's father, hard and weatherworn, like a rancher.

For the next hour or so, Rey droned on, referring to notes he took from his briefcase, pre-positioned at the table. Sandy and Ben gave intermittent responses, confirming a point or making a clarification. The other two 'counterparts' recorded the occasional note, and the Intelligence agent never took any.

McFarland left the room for a moment, then returned, taking a different seat. Rey paused while pouring a cup of water from a pitcher on one of the side cabinet/drawer units in the room. The second door in the room, at the far end of the table, opened.

All the men in the room stood up, so Sandy and Ben did as well. The newcomer was a shorter, heavyset man with thick Hispanic features. "Good morning, gentlemen, lady," he said, nodding at Sandy. "I'm Chief Agent Rojas." He scanned Sandy, then Ben. He gave Rey a quizzical look, which Munoz returned with a shrug and a smile. For some reason, the San Diego agent gave a bark of laughter.

Sandy observed the byplay. Munoz is working for Rojas, but not entirely. He's independent of Rojas, but they share a goal.

Aloud, she said, levelly, "Chief Rojas, perhaps you expected someone more senior?"

The Chief Agent smiled. "Specialist..." he read Sandy's nameplate, "Sparks, I'm an Army vet, twenty years. I wasn't a Chief Master Sergeant." He sat. "In that amount of time, I've learned to judge a person by their actions, not their rank. Agent Munoz reported he'd brought the people who best knew the operation and could best interpret the Border Patrol's needs and translate that into the help we can expect. Munoz reported nothing but competence on your side, and I trust Munoz."

Sandy felt the calm slip upon her. We're being soft-soaped, she realized. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ben seemingly relax, and give a small half-smile.

Sandy sat down. Ben and the others followed suit.

Rey spoke up again. "Chief Agent, Specialist Sparks set up the sensor perimeters and the first telemetry net. PFC Collins has been instrumental in getting the logistics and the organization out into the field. Both are able to fill the other's shoes at need."

The Chief Agent beamed at them for a moment. "Well, Rey says your organization is in full swing over there. He says we have some Joint Staff force up and ready to give us telemetry notification, I guess when someone crosses the sensor line. I hear that you've got essentially a whole company ready to deploy out into the field?"

"Yes sir," Ben answered. "I don't think you'll be disappointed, sir. We have four platoons ready to rotate through, depending on how many agents you can pair with them."

Sandy listened to Ben sounding eager to please. She supposed that was better than her cool reserve. She was under no illusion that the Chief Agent would find her anything but bitchy.

Rojas seemed content to query Ben for twenty minutes. Ben answered questions on telemetry nets, distances, support of the links, monitoring, contacts for the Border Patrol, skills and disposition of soldiers with Agents, and the like. Just as they'd discussed, the conversation eventually drove to the number of two-way radios the soldiers could obtain.

Ben turned to Sandy to answer this question. "I requisitioned eighty radios, Chief Agent. Twenty four-man teams, five deployed over a linear mile, two linear miles of sensor maintenance or installation, thirty hours' standby battery, less with use. Half the radios on a charger would give you more than four linear miles of sensor placement or maintenance daily over the 24 hours, with some margin for overuse or equipment failure."

The Chief Agent regarded Sandy with sudden respect. "I see what Munoz reported is correct, Specialist. Both of you have it on the ball. I'd been worried that we'd not get enough cooperation from the Army. You were right, Specialist, I expected to have an officer show up to explain how the Army wasn't going to help us as much as we'd requested. Instead, I got two very competent people who have put into motion more than I could have hoped. Three weeks from now, we'll have twenty-two Border Patrol agents report to you at Huachuca for a sixteen-day field exercise planting and maintaining the sensor line. Two weeks after that, we'll have twenty replacements to maintain the emplaced sensors.

"Please bring back my regards to your company commander, and, if he should mention it, my respects to the Battalion Commander. I'll convey my gratitude to the Defense Liaison Committee, and suggest that this be shown as a model of interagency cooperation."

Ten minutes later, in the hallway, Rey Munoz touched Sandy on the elbow. She fell back to talk with him, wondering what he could want.

"Sandy, this thing has gotten big. Chief Agent Rojas is getting what he wanted, but I'm a little worried, this probably won't stay in your hands much longer. Are you going to be all right?"

Sandy looked across at him, and searched his eyes and face for a moment. He did seem genuinely concerned, now, even though she suspected strongly that he'd played her, and Ben, and others, to get something that would make Rojas and the Border Patrol come out ahead somehow.

"Rey. I'll be fine. I can defend myself down at the Coronado Forest. I'll be with a lot of other soldiers. If you're asking me if I'll stay behind while the rest of them go put themselves at risk for some Border Patrol political game, the answer is no."

Rey closed his eyes at the words 'political game', and bowed his head slightly. "You're too smart, Sandy, Ben too. But you'll see this through, to the end, won't you? I'll probably be there, too, most of the time. Rojas won't. The other two are going to watch and take notes of what works and what doesn't. We're going to go to Congress next year and ask for a lot of money to position a lot of Border Patrol up against the border, and aggressively interdict smuggling and illegals crossing. I..."

Sandy interrupted him abruptly. "Okay, Rey. Cards on the table, as my First Sergeant would say. You come brief us fully on the dangers. Heck, my company's so stir-crazy, they'll probably look forward to the excitement. You tell them exactly who and what they'll face, and how you'll protect them if things go wrong. That last part, Rey, that's the part that'll keep the men in the field. You'll have to convince my First Sergeant and the Company Commander each week we send someone out. When things go wrong, it'd better be minor, or Chief Agent Rojas will find the Army's cooperation drying up."

Rey watched Sandy, with a rueful look on his face. "Jesus, Sandy, why the hell aren't you working for me?"

"Rey, I read about situations like this, these politics. In novels. I didn't think I'd ever live one. Ben is pretty much the best thing in my life, then the Army, which says my life isn't very much. I feel kind of like both are in danger somehow, and somehow it's your fault. I like you, but not very much right now." Sandy clamped her jaw shut so she wouldn't say anything more.

Rey stopped in the hall, and Sandy kept walking.

"I'm so mad, I could spit," Ben said as they drove down Montana Avenue back towards the downtown area. "We're not even important to them, just a means to get what they fucking want."

Sandy was driving, still wrapped in her calm. Almost distractedly, she said, "Ben, I love you, and so does your family. And I think the people we work with like us a hell of a lot. I don't want any of us hurt." She drove for a minute or two more, pulling into a parking lot.

She slipped out of the truck, and Ben followed. On the way into the restaurant, Sandy told Ben, "Wednesday morning, we're talking to the First Sergeant, and then the Captain." Ben just nodded.

11:55 Monday, May 27th, 1991
L&J Cafe
3622 E Missouri Ave, El Paso, TX

Ruben was having an enchilada for lunch. He'd just hauled himself up from bed, having gotten into town around 2 AM last night. The damned Cat turbodiesel whistled in his ears, the ratty cab of the truck leaked air and highway noise all night long.

He'd been fighting the fucking truck the whole way, with a compressed-air leak, something fucked up in the steering box making it notchy, and a trailer dragging brake shoes on the front axle driver's side. After a few hours fucking with it at a truck stop in Kingman, he'd just disabled the damned thing and hoped he wouldn't get pulled over for inspection. This afternoon, he'd get it looked at.

He was supposed to meet Joaquin tomorrow in Juarez, with a load of empty pallets for the southbound trip. Then it was drop the trailer off and have a siesta while Joaquin did business. When the business was completed, he'd return with Joaquin in a car, then pick the tractor-trailer up in Paso again, and drive back to LA.

But until then, he was free, left to his own devices. He'd come in for an enchilada, to take a load off in the dark, air-conditioned cave of the restaurant.

He was watching people, the local businessmen and such, here in this place in the middle of the day. Two young soldiers in short-sleeved green uniforms drew his attention. They stood out, not a part of the normal ebb and flow of a crowd in a place like this. The two sat down at the next table over.

Idly, Ruben watched them out of the corner of his eye. The blonde was fucking beautiful, he decided, trim, fairly tall, and poised. She looked pretty damned sturdy, too. And pissed off at something.

The boy she was with was just leaving that long-assed stage, starting to put on muscle, Ruben thought. He seemed pissed as hell at something too.

"Damnit, the platoons rotating through should have MP coverage with them. I don't trust the Border Patrol to not leave them hanging if there's trouble."

"You'd think that was what the radios are for, Sandy. So that they come swooping in, and take the credit for any bust or whatever. That's why they're important."

The blonde looked at him darkly. "You hope. But I'm worried, Ben. If there's something bad enough ... A gunfight, a soldier gets shot, I bet the Border Patrol is nowhere to be found."

Ruben agreed with the blonde. It'd be just like those assholes, just like when Sammy was gunned down. They'd left it to the fucking Imperial County Sheriff's office to take the heat, but Ruben knew it was a Border Patrol asshole who did it.

Same as Sparks
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"I hate to add to your burden honey, but there is something else." Fred looked at her as she continued, "What happened today wasn't my fault and I fought it as best I could, but in the end I loved it and I want to do it again and again as often as I can." "What?" Fred asked, "Fuck black men?" "No" Mary replied, "I don't care about color, but I do want a lot of cocks. I'm sorry baby, but I'm afraid your little Mary is hooked on gangbangs." With those words Fred knew that...

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Falling With Aunt Apeksha

By : Krish12 1st of all let me tell you this is a real story you believe it not it’s real the character here have changed their name as privacy issue let me tell you about myself I am a 18 years boy slim love reading books I always wanted to write my own book but here I am starting to write my own story about my relation with my fathers sister oopz I forgot to tell you my name it’s Krish I hope you love my story. Like every boy at this age I always fantasised about having sex with my...

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My Sex Fantasy

My sex fantasy the one that if i lived it i could die happy would have to be me in a room just an average sitting or bedroom nothing weird about it no leather on scary creepy stuff just me in a normal room with about 10 or 12 guys or trannies but the majority of the time it is with guys and there is a reason for that because i prefer trannies to guys and in this fantasy i do not enjoy myself but that wud be impossible if i was in a room full of trannys you get it i know confusing but it will...

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Ill Wake You Up

"Do you mind if I spend the evening with my friends tomorrow?" my wife asked me last night. "Humm, I don't know," I teased. I have never kept her from doing anything and she knows it. I am sure she would be very surprised and I did tell her I minded. Still, I appreciate her asking; it shows that she cares about my feelings on the subject. "We want to have a knitting evening, I should be back around midnight," she needlessly explained. "I'll wake you up!" she finished in a sultry...

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Real life fucking all of hubbys friends in g

Omg it was so fucking good!!.. I got fucked by the one guy he was probably the biggest out of all of them at first in the center of the room he was maybe 8" i felt so full.. everyone's eyes were glued to me getting pounded hard. My pussy was so creamy from leaking out the first creampie... he kept saying omg your so wet and I kept saying cumm in my fuck me harder... I could see others rubbing them selves off preparing to ride my pussy some were definitely pitching a tent under there sheets......

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Lipstick Slave

LIPSTICK SLAVE Two pretty office workers convince their boss that it is in his best career interest to let them dress him as a girl and be their femininzed sex slave. They train him to get erect at the sight of a girl putting on lipstick, and they make him beg to wear lipstick too. Forced dildo sucking, penis bondage, and a trip to the mall dressed as a girl where he meets some more pretty office workers are part of his ordeal. Chapter 1: I Begged Them to Put Lipstick on...

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Discovering Clara Pt 02

‘So, you’re really meaning to tell me that you haven’t been staring at me all night?’ I pressed as we walked through Goodnight’s extensive gardens. Pierce moved slowly, I noticed, taking long strides as if he expected the rest of the world to kiss the ground he walked on. The entitlement is strong in this one, I thought. ‘Pierce!’ I insisted when he didn’t answer. Suddenly he swiveled toward me, his face just centimeters from mine. ‘I prefer it when you call me sir, Clara,’ he whispered,...

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I Fucked My Neighbor Wife Shobana

First of all i have to tell about my babhi her name is shobana aged 22 but she got married at her younger age..She has 2 child .Boy age is 2 and girl age is 5.She has perfect structured body perfect boobs and perfect round ass and she has long hair it was her main attraction. Lets come to the story i am raju handsome guy of age 20 tall with 6 inch tool living in trichy.We have shifted to our new house which my father bought for some amount i was very bored that there is no young girls around my...

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Operation Triskelion

Thanks The well-built man looked up from the report he was reading, the paper copy resting on the dark wooden desk of his office, an anachronism in these days of holographic displays. Behind him hung the flag that represented the survivors of the human race, its deep blue field covered in the silver stars that signified the myriad colonies they now occupied. The flag and its reflection in the desk's polished surface were clearly visible in the mirror suspended over the marble fireplace...

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Rough Sex With A Asian Whore

She screamed in agony as he forced his cock deep into her bowels, stretching her ass until she thought it would tear, her slender fourteen year old body shaking and jerking in revulsion and terror, her body bent over and tied achingly to a large chair. She couldn’t believe, her mind a whirl of pain and humiliation, that she had left her house just a few hours ago to go on a date-it seemed like another world altogether. She had taken over an hour to prepare, combing out her long,...

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Julies story

ONE ONE ?I have to get to Tonga today!? Can?t you help me?? My name is Julie Hudson.? I am a freelance photographer and I?ve been hired to do a photo shoot on the small island of Tonga.? If I don?t get there today, the job will go to someone else.? To say that I am desperate is an understatement. The person I am talking to is Jim Carmichael, the pilot of the local air service here in Brisbane.? He is a tall, handsome man, about thirty, with sparkling gray eyes and a mouth that is in...

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My girlfriends granny

This happened a long time ago. I was in my first year of college. Being just 18 at the time, I was always horny and felt the need to masturbate practically every day, however, being a somewhat religious young man I tried my best to avoid masturbation. The tension would build up after a few days to the point that my balls would ache and my throbbing cock wanted me to stroke it. It was a constant struggle.Anyway, this incident with her granny happened during a break from college. I traveled to...

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Happy Birthday

Here's a story loosely based off a true story a friend told me he did. I say loosely because I can't remember exact details haha. If people enjoy this I might post more. I hope you enjoy.It was Sean's birthday. His friend was throwing him a party. Jim showed up too. When he arrived Jim gave him a "brohug" and whispered in his ear.''I'll give you your present later."Later after the party broke up, Sean and Jim left together. They were both going the same way. They went down a dark alley. Jim...

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Chesterbury Tales Pt 09

It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. The Host had told of a birthday orgy involving a current top film star, the Theatre Company Manager of her oral exploits with a famous actor and the Director of how the ‘wife of Bath’, with her daughter, had seduced a whole management...

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MylfXEvilAngel Brett Rossi Lisa Ann Ride 8217em Cowgirls

Iconic super-MILF Lisa Ann is in the stables making hay (making out) with busty blonde girlfriend Brett Rossi when along comes lucky cowpoke Ryan Driller. Ryan watches the curvaceous ladies exchange passionate lesbian kisses and tongue-worship each other’s body. Next, Lisa and Brett share the young stud’s throbbing cock in a double blowjob. He fucks both stacked ladies as they coo, kiss and suck the other’s pussy juice from his raging boner. The stud service and barnyard...

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I Caught My Daughter Fucking On Webcam And I Joined In

I continued to log in to my laptop most nights to see if my daughter and her boyfriend were putting on a show... Usually it was on a weekend when she went to stay at his house. If I was lucky I got to see my daughter taking dick twice a week, sometimes she even did a solo show from her bedroom which drove me crazy knowing my little girl was fucking herself with different toys in the next room. One weekend, Natalia and Jeremy were staying in my house, which they didn't do too often but I didn't...

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For The Love Of A Daughter

For The Love Of A Daughter By Lindsay Hart I could hear the awful sound as I past my daughter's room. Debbie was sobbing softly, yet again. I knew that she was still hurting... at least emotionally. She didn't understand. But then, even I was having a hard time with it. Debbie was only six years old. It's a given that she wouldn't understand. I, on the other hand, am twenty- seven. I'm Tommy Hart and I'm old enough to know that sometimes things don't work out the...

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Lucky Alex Ch 03

Chapter 3 Decisions I followed Lorraine down to the kitchen where she filled the kettle. ‘We’ll try not to let this cup of tea get ruined shall we?’ She plugged the kettle in and switched it on then walked over to where I was leaning against the worktop and removed two cups from the cupboard next to me. I cupped her face and turned it toward me and softly kissed her lips, she returned my kiss and I let my hand fall down to her breast and gently cup it through the soft cotton. ‘No promises.’ I...

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Hot Girl Like Sunny Leone Fucked So Nice

I am Vinayak….Dis is my first story It was d tym when i was in intermediate 2nd year i used to go to cllg by bus i used to see her every day nd my dick used to stand up like a rod…My dick is 7inch but very fat around 3 inch…. Mai hamesha bus ke beechme jake tahr jata tha taki use touch kar sake… Wo ek aise ladki thi ki mere sabi dost uske liye marte the use dekhne ke liye tharaste the…Lekin wo kisi ko dekh bi nhi rhi thi wo ekdam sexy thi Sunny Leone ki tharah hi dikhti thi body white thi boobs...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision

Characters Introduced: Maize, 34, 5'8 Black maid Hazel, 33, 5'6 Black maid Dominic, 35, chef 6'2, white, Derrick, 18, Dominic's assistant 6'0, White Charmaine, 14, 5'2 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chellise, 14, 5'2 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chemier, 14, 5'2 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chrystyna, 16, 5'7 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Cleona, 16, 5'7 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Corine, 17, 5'8 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Kasmira, 17, 6'0 Black maid,...

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Damsel In Distress Part 2

"DAMSEL IN DISTRESS - PART TWO" by Marcher Watt I guess I must have drifted off for a while, but we were still on the road when I woke up. Rachel lived a little way outside of town, so I figured we were about 20 minutes from her place. I looked again at my little hands, at my legs, at the expensive high-heeled shoes I was wearing and shook my head. I glanced across at Rachel, her eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead. She didn't seem to be taking too many looks in her mirrors. I could...

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Intro to Sissies X School part 1

Intro to Sissies X: School, part 1 By latexslut John Phillips, groggy, felt himself being woken. Someone had unlatched the cuffs that had kept him bent during the long, so very long, evening. Someone smacked his hood, but it didn't hurt all that much. It just squashed the mucous of mayonnaise and sweat and fear around. The night had been long indeed. While bent over, uncomfortable, dead and silent and corseted and plugged, the heels hurting him, he had been whipped....

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Allyson Ch 02

Allyson involuntarily leaned back on the steps, her naked rear end on the edge of the third step from the bottom brushing up against the rough pile of the carpeted stairs. Her clothes were in a pile on the floor around her socked feet, her hands were tied behind her back with the shoes strings from the saddle shoes Hannah had bought her. Her hair was mussed, and had she been able to see, her lipstick was smudged. Standing in front of her were two young men, a third, the one who’d knotted her...

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KennedyChapter 16 Older Friends

Kennedy snapped her locker shut and turned to head off to American Lit and the start of a new school day. Juan Baptiste was leaning against the corridor wall, behind her locker door. "Chica, you have a second?" She inclined her head and walked over to him, ignoring the others in the bustling hallway. "That cop, Harrison, came to me a coupla days ago, tol' me about what you did. That it was you that got Dwight sent away, that I should thank my lucky stars because if I kept on, Dwight...

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Young Stud

May was sixty and her stud was just twenty five. He had a strong sex drive and constantly had his cock or fingers in the her mouth, cunt or ass. He was nine inches long and very thick. He was the third young man she had brought into her house for sex. His job was to keep her fucked and that was all. She paid for all for him. She had big tits that sagged a little at her age but she still looked quite good. This morning she was in the kitchen and he came in naked and got behind her and began...

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Training of a Husband Part 4

Dear friends, I am once again sorry for being absent for a very long time and keeping you waiting. Actually, I was so busy in my new role as a house wife that I couldn’t write. I was under the training of my mistress Sunita mam after our marriage. She wanted me to become perfect in my new role and when I was trained to her satisfaction, then only she allowed me to publish the next part of my story. For new readers, I would like to present a brief summary of my story. I, Mrs. Deepali Sunita Roy...

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Garden of Eden Generation Seven 2

Kandi kisses Centiger goodbye as she leaves with her parents through the green meadow, feeling like she’s in Paradise. But, of course, she is! Soon they meet her good friend Danny who greets her with a huge kiss. Yet, disappointment runs all over his face. Her parents smile, then hug him empathetically, “Good to see you, Danny. You mean a lot to us. We’ll leave the two of you alone.” Kandi sees his sadness too, so she gently runs her fingers through his long, silky brown hair, watching...

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I got the job yesterday, and it doesn't look good that, if I am not mistaken, the owner is trying to flirt with me. It's just a waitress job, but it took me long enough to find this. His wife hired me. She was impressed by the fact that I have experience, but my being a size 7 clinched the deal. The woman before me was a size 7 which meant she wouldn't have to order new uniforms. Beatrice explained that the colors of the uniforms had just been changed before the previous girl left. She was...

First Time
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Its a Man ThingChapter 10

The next day, Tuesday, I got a call from ... Philippa. Could she come and stay for a few days? "Of course, petal. A few days, a week, a month ... whatever you like. I told you, you'll always be welcome here, Pip." "Thanks. Only, I had a talk with Sam this morning. He's not happy. I don't think he'll make trouble – he's not the sort, I don't think – but ... I just don't want to be alone in the house. Don't let me cramp your style, though." I continued to work at the computer and...

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