On Forgetting Ch. 06 free porn video

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I think it’ll take 3 more instalments to wrap up this story. Thanks to everyone reading! I appreciate the comments and feedback. I know some people loved the twist, some people hated it… It was planned from the start, and I’m sorry if it’s not what you were looking for. As this is the first story I’ve posted here, I know I don’t have much of a track record to judge against. I just hope you stick it out and see where it goes.

I plan to finish this before I head back to work (which happens to be Jan 5th… Ah! Soon!) so all the chapters should be up shortly after the 5th, if not before then

Again, I do appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for reading,



Langdon held her breath as Connor’s lips met hers. His kiss was gentle at first, his lips feathered across hers, teasing, tempting, and leaving her wanting nothing more than for him to kiss her like he meant it. She sighed as the kiss ended, shivering at the sensation of his chest brushing against hers. ‘Don’t for a second think,’ he whispered, his lips tracing a line along her jaw. ‘That you’re getting off that easily.’

She gasped as he found a sensitive spot just behind her ear. ‘I wish I could get off that easily.’

Connor froze, his lips resting against her neck. Langdon realised what she had said and a deep blush suffused her face. She could feel the movement of his mouth when he smiled before whispering, ‘If getting off is what you want, I’m sure I could oblige you.’ She hesitated. Perhaps it took her a second too long to respond, and Connor groaned, pushing himself up onto his elbows. ‘Yeah, I know. Too much. Too fast.’

Langdon wanted to deny it. She wanted to grab him by the front of his shirt and drag him back, to have him kiss her until she couldn’t remember which way was up. She wanted so many things, but she couldn’t begin to find the words. She furrowed her brow and tried to come up with something, anything to tell him. Connor spoke first, ‘I get it, it’s ok.’ He pressed a kiss to her forehead and rolled off to the side, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and sitting up. ‘Laney,’ he began.

‘No, Connor,’ she scrambled up to her knees, reaching for him.

He turned and captured her hand as it reached his arm, patting it gently. ‘I have an idea.’ His smile was strained, but comforting. ‘I know this is weird. And apparently I have trouble keeping my hands to myself.’

‘Connor,’ she tried to interrupt.

He squeezed her hand and gave a wry smile. ‘It’s not often that you get the opportunity to hit the reset button. And as strange as it is, we’ve got that. So, how about we take advantage of it?’

She shook her head. ‘I don’t understand.’

‘I’m suggesting that we start over.’ Her continued blank look drew a chuckle from him. ‘Tomorrow, I’m going to take you out on a date.’

‘A date?’

‘Sure.’ He chucked her under the chin. ‘I’ve got a few errands I have to run tomorrow, and when I get back, we’ll have a first date. A second, first date.’

‘So… we’re going to start dating?’ Langdon asked.

‘We’re already dating,’ he corrected. ‘Well, we’re past dating, so we’ll just take a step back and start at that again. We can play the ‘get to know you’ game. What do you say?’

‘Are you asking me out?’ she asked softly. A blush coloured her cheeks. Self-confidence when it came to work was never a problem. Self-confidence when it came to the opposite sex, she was quite lacking. And while Connor seemed to put most of her insecurities at ease, Langdon couldn’t rid herself of all of them.

Connor’s mouth pulled up at the side into a sexy, lop-sided grin. ‘Only if you’re saying yes.’ Langdon nodded a yes that had Connor laughing. ‘Pick you up at six?’

‘Well, I’ll have to ask my dad first,’ she muttered, his humour slightly infectious.

‘Then I promise to have you home by curfew.’

Langdon rolled her eyes, ‘No fun.’

‘Ok, I have a bit of work to get done before tomorrow morning. And you,’ he tweaked her nose, ‘need to get your beauty sleep if you want Prof to let you back on the wards.’ Langdon pouted. Regardless of how tired she was, she didn’t like being told what to do. ‘Don’t give me that look, you’ve been running on empty for awhile now.’

‘I’ll run you on empty,’ she muttered.

‘As much as I’d like to see what that means, you’re going to bed.’ He stood and stooped to kiss her forehead. ‘Get some sleep. Big day tomorrow.’

Langdon couldn’t suppress a smile. ‘Fine.’

But it wasn’t fine. Try as she might, she couldn’t find peaceful sleep. Her body was still tingling from Connor’s embrace, and she was craving completion. It left her restless and tossing in the bed, and even when sleep came, it wasn’t restful.


She was running. Langdon could feel her lungs burning from the combination of the cold air and the exhaust from traffic, but she kept running. She could hear feet pounding on the pavement behind her and a jolt of fear and adrenaline gave her a burst of speed as she cleared the alleyway. She flew out on to the quay, dodging traffic to reach the bridge. Somehow she knew if she could make it to the other side of the river, it would be ok, but the quay was open and exposed. She knew she could be seen, and she was vulnerable. She put her head down and sprinted for the bridge.

The Millennium Bridge was just ahead and she winced as her heels hit the rough metal grating, losing traction for a moment on the icy surface. This winter was colder in Dublin than any in recent history, and the early sunsets made for complete darkness by half four every afternoon. But the dark gave her anonymity. A loud metallic ping sounded from nearby and she flinched. Her muscles were burning, but she ran harder. It was less than 200 yards to the South side, and she knew she could disappear into Temple Bar.

The usual pedestrian traffic on the streets was lighter due to the cold, but Langdon was still dodging people. The dark outline of broad shoulders loomed in front of her and she skidded to change directions in an attempt to avoid ploughing into the person. And then she was airborne. Her body flipped through the air and she saw sky and river in one breath. She screamed. She flailed her arms in a desperate attempt to catch the bridge. Her fingers clutched at the slick edge of the bridge, her body jerking roughly as she momentarily stopped her descent. Pain shot through her arms and shoulders as her fingers slipped, unable to find purchase in the metal. She screamed again as she fell, the ice rushing toward her. The last thing she heard was Connor yelling her name, ‘Laney!’


‘Laney!’ Connor shouted for a second time as her body convulsed sharply in his arms. He shook her until she opened her eyes.

Langdon’s fingers reflexively dug into Connor’s tee shirt, as her eyes struggled to focus in the dim lighting of their bedroom. ‘Wha…?’

‘Hey,’ Connor breathed softly, brushing hair back from her forehead. ‘You were having a nightmare.’ Connor rested the back of his hand against her forehead then her cheek. ‘God, Laney, you’re ice cold. Stay here.’

Langdon shivered as Connor left the bed, the loss of his warmth was palpable. Her heart was still racing and she could feel sweat running down her back, but neither could distract her from the chill that seemed to permeate every inch of her body. She huddled under the blankets and took a few deep breaths to calm herself before Connor returned.

Connor flipped on the lights as he came back into the room, carrying an armful of warmth. He set a steaming mug down on the nightstand and tucked a hot water bottle under her feet. Ignoring her protests, he helped her into a large hooded sweatshirt and pulled a goofy knit hat onto her head. ‘Oh, come on. This isn’t necessary,’ she complained.

‘That would be much more convincing if I couldn’t hear your teeth chattering.’ He slid into the bed behind her an
d pulled the blankets up around them, pressing the warm mug of hot chocolate into her hands. ‘Drink that.’ His arms folded her into the curve of his body and he rested his chin on her shoulder.

‘Cocoa?’ She laughed.

‘Trust me,’ he whispered against her neck. ‘I’m a doctor.’ Langdon closed her eyes and let the heat of the mug soak into her hands, the heat of Connor’s body warming her from the outside as his calm presence and comforting murmurs warmed her from the inside. She sipped the hot chocolate and a final shiver chased through her frame. ‘Better?’ he asked softly.

Langdon nodded. ‘I think so.’

‘You’re still cold,’ he rubbed his palms up and down her arms.

Langdon giggled. ‘You’re going to make me spill my cocoa.’

He reached around and pulled the mug from her hands, returning it to the bedside table. ‘There, now we don’t have to worry about it.’ He pulled her closer to him, nuzzling the side of her neck. ‘Want to talk about it?’

She wove her fingers into his and brought his arm across to her shoulder, rubbing her nose against his forearm. He was so warm and he smelled good. She shook her head. ‘I don’t really want to talk about it.’

‘Ok,’ he kissed her cheek where it emerged from beneath the woolly hat. ‘How about we just do this for a while?’ Langdon shifted to press her side against Connor’s solid chest, snuggling under his chin. Connor chuckled, ‘Your nose is freezing.’

Langdon rubbed her nose on the exposed patch of skin just above the collar of his tee shirt. ‘You’re still going to let me into work tomorrow, right?’

‘Can we talk about it tomorrow?’ he responded softly. Langdon nodded, grumbling when Connor shifted to turn out the light. He laughed again, ‘Good.’ He scooted down in the bed, bringing Langdon with him. ‘Because I think I’m just going to hold you for the rest of the night.’ Langdon burrowed in the blankets, murmuring her consent.


Langdon fidgeted with the hem of her dress. Connor had accompanied her to meet with Prof and negotiate her return to work, which was now set for Monday morning. He had dropped her back at the flat with instructions to ‘dress fancy’ for their date. Now, he was out running his errands at God only knows where, and she was feeling nerves the likes of which she had never experienced. Connor was due back in five minutes and Langdon thought she was going to throw up with the butterflies in her stomach.

Her cell phone rang and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Glancing at the display, it read as a number neither she nor the phone recognised. ‘Hello?’

‘Langdon, it’s Paul.’

She frowned. What was he doing calling, especially after work on a Friday night? ‘Hey, Paul. What can I do for you?’

‘Oh, well, me and some of the guys are going out for a few drinks and thought you might want to join us?’

‘Paul?’ The noise in the background on his end was making it hard for Langdon to hear what he was saying.

‘Yeah? Um, you know the Glimmer Man? Can you hear me?’

Langdon frowned again. ‘I’ve got plans tonight, Paul. Connor’s taking me out. Maybe some other time, ok?’ She found herself practically shouting the last sentence into the phone.

‘Oh, ok.’ He sounded defeated. Or was it annoyed? ‘Maybe later.’

‘Later, Paul,’ she said then stared at the phone incredulously when the call was disconnected suddenly. Did he hang up on me? Langdon slowly released her fingers from the couch pillow she didn’t realise she was clutching in her lap. If he was always this socially awkward, no wonder he creeped her out a little. Her phone rang again. ‘What?’ she answered.

‘Hey, babe. You ready to go?’

Langdon couldn’t help but smile as Connor’s voice carried through the phone. Even his voice was sexy, and she felt suddenly at ease. ‘Yeah, I’ve dressed up all fancy just like you asked.’

‘Well, what are you waiting for? I’m downstairs.’

Langdon shot up from the couch and scrambled into her shoes and coat, nearly falling down the stairs in her rush. She flew out the door and nearly collided with Connor where he was waiting on the stoop. He caught her, standing her back on her feet and holding onto her arms for a little longer than necessary. Langdon giggled nervously, gave an apologetic shrug, and tried to straighten her dress and coat.

Connor swallowed over the sudden dryness in his throat, giving into the urge to stare. Laney had curled her hair into loose ringlets that spilled over her shoulders. Where her coat was still unbuttoned, he could make out the folds of a simple, little, black dress-his favourite dress. She looked gorgeous, and he was in big trouble. Maybe the date thing was a bad idea. He shook himself and plastered a brave smile on his face, producing a single long-stem rose from within his coat.

Her eyes went wide and two adorable pink spots suffused her cheeks, ‘Thank you.’ ‘Are you sure you want to do dinner?’ he grinned wickedly. ‘I suddenly have the urge to stay in.’

This time she blushed completely and a confusing flutter of fear and anticipation seemed to twist her tongue. The embarrassingly loud rumble of her stomach saved her from the awkward silence.

He chuckled, ‘Good point. I promised you dinner. And this is a first date. You have to go OUT on a first date.’ Connor offered his arm, ‘Your chariot awaits.’ Langdon smiled and allowed him to lead her to his old, beat-up car.

Dinner was a trial of patience for Connor. Everything Langdon did made his fingers itch to touch her. She had been overtly excited by the restaurant he had chosen. He didn’t tell her it was the same place they had come for their six-month anniversary. She had let him order for her when he assured her that he knew what she’d like the most, which he knew only because it was the same thing she always ordered when they came here. As they waited for the food to arrive, Connor gave her free reign of the conversation, opting to watch more than speak. She had this habit of biting her lip every time she was about to giggle. And her lower lip quirked ever so slightly when she was about to say something mischievous. And when she was unsure of what to say, she would cover her mouth with the back of her fingers and blink at him from beneath those dark lashes. And every few minutes he had to shake himself to keep from staring. He wanted to call for the bill and take her home and… well, that line of thought would only land him in a cold shower. He cleared his throat and shifted his tie.

What Connor didn’t know, was that Langdon was having a similar problem. Maybe it was the fact that they were talking, really talking, but she could feel her well-developed defences slowly wearing down. She had suffered through a large number of bad boyfriends, some of which Connor knew and quite a few that happened before she came to Ireland. Maybe she had told him about them, but she had trouble trusting men. They tended to make much better friends than anything else, it made them far less likely to disappoint if they were just friends. But she trusted Connor. Through this whole ordeal, he had never once let her down. He worked so hard to make her happy. She never doubted his sincerity.

She studied him while they conversed. He smiled while he was talking and the grin was wide enough that it spread to his eyes and into his voice. His voice alone made her feel tingly, but the intensity in his eyes when he met her gaze warmed her down to toes. She caught him staring and she blushed, his expression changing to one of guileless chagrin, the cat that swallowed the canary. That expression, contrasted with the suit and tie, gave the appearance of a little boy dressed up in his daddy’s clothes. His dark brown hair was eternally mussed from his nervous habit of running his hands through it and she had to bite back the urge to play with the renegade lock that continually fell across his forehead. His tie was just the tiniest bit crooked, her fingers itched to straighten it. He laughed and eyes
lit up, making him look absolutely adorable, and Langdon found it hard to keep track of what she was saying. Turning the conversation back on him, she asked, ‘So tell me, Connor, where did we go on our first date?’

‘You mean, date date? Or where did we first hook up?’ he winked at her guilty blush.

‘Date date.’ She remembered where they first hooked up. She remembered being quite aggressive in making that happen.

He shrugged, ‘Date is such a flexible term.’ She blinked and the urge to scold him shone on her face. He chuckled. ‘When we officially started dating, I suppose the first date was dinner and a movie. I took you to see the new Disney movie and then out for pizza.’

She made a face, ‘And I went for that?’

‘Hook, line, and sinker. You are a total sucker for Disney movies.’ He reached across the table and brushed his fingers along her cheek.

‘Disney movies?’ she raised a brow, trying to keep the shiver that ran down her spine from showing in her face. Every time he touched her, she felt herself go up in flames.

‘Or me,’ he smiled as she felt her face colour deeply. Connor battled with the idea of kissing her, having just decided that it was a brilliant idea when the food arrived. He almost groaned aloud when he realized that he was going to have to sit and watch her eat, because somehow, she managed to be sexy when she was eating.

‘Connor, this is fantastic!’ she cooed after sampling her meal.

‘Knew you’d like it,’ he smiled. ‘But I have a request.’ Langdon flushed having just taken a larger than necessary bite of food, but nodded for him to ask. ‘Dessert. We’re getting it to go.’ Langdon giggled in spite of the food in her mouth.

They took their time, enjoying the combination of food, wine, and each other’s company. The more time she spent with Connor, the more comfortable Langdon became with the idea of Connor as a boyfriend. Once she managed to start him talking about things that were important, she began to recognise how compatible they were. The idea of Connor holding her while she slept actually left her feeling warm all over. When dinner was over, she blushed, but allowed Connor to help her into her coat before taking his arm as he led her from the restaurant.

Outside, the wind was blowing fiercely, and Langdon drew her coat closed against the chill, a shiver raced through her shoulders nonetheless. Connor wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into the shelter of his side. He pressed a kiss to her temple. ‘I’ll blast the heat as soon as we get to the car,’ he whispered. They paused across the street from the car. It was a busy main street and the crosswalk was showing a red hand, gathering a large number of pedestrians. ‘Hold this a minute?’ he handed her the paper bag holding the surprise dessert he had ordered and began rummaging in his pockets for the keys.

‘Hey!’ an angry cry rang out from the back of the group waiting to cross the street. ‘Somebody help! He just stole my purse!’

The whole crowd shifted as the larger man barrelled into it running at full speed, and people jostled about, either to avoid the thief or attempt to catch him. Langdon had turned when the woman cried out, and found herself on awkward footing with the slant of the curb. One pedestrian stumbled and Connor was bumped sideways, almost crashing into her. ‘Hey, buddy, watch it,’ he warned, steadying himself with the help of Langdon’s free hand on his shoulder.

Langdon turned from Connor back to the crowd and caught the flash of a black ski mask just as a gloved hand planted on her upper arm and shoved. She felt her whole body pitch backward into the street. Her shoes lost traction and her arms wind milled. The dessert bag went flying into traffic, and her scream was drowned out by the blaring horn of a rapidly oncoming bus.

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The Preacher His Wife and Me Part 2

Darla and I, being at least momentarily spent and drained of energy after masturbating one another to orgasms at the level of volcanic eruptions, drifted around the swimming pool on our floats for several minutes while regaining our senses and our stamina. Paul, Darla’s preacher husband continued sitting on his stool at the edge of the pool grinning foolishly from ear to ear. After several minutes Paul spoke up saying, “It’s time for you two to get out of the pool and for me to start cooking...

2 years ago
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A Revenge Sex To Say Sorry

Hey all, first of all, I want to thank all those who have provided wonderful feedback about my previous stories. Indeed it was good to hear from you all. Again a small intro, I am from Bangalore, 32, fair and fairly good looking with good enough body and a decent you know (wink). I had to pen this experience as it is one of the good experiences I had. This is about a revenge sex which a girl had with me because she was angry about her BF and also wanted to apologize and make it up to me. So let...

1 year ago
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Ab auf den Bauernhof

Der 19 jährige Sebastian war mal wieder bei seinem Onkel Manfred 55 und Tante Brigitte 41, genannt Biggi zu Besuch. Er sollte die Ferien bei den Verwandten auf dem Land verbringen. Da Biggi gerade einen kleinen Jungen bekommen hatte, sollte er der Tante im Haushalt zur Hand gehen. Für die dick-tittige Biggi schwärmte Sebastian schon, seid er seinen Schwanz das erste Mal abgewichst hatte. Er hatte seine Tante oft heimlich beobachtet. Biggi war die Frau, die seine Wichsfantasien immer wieder...

2 years ago
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My First Cock As A Swinger

After I found my husband cheating on me I had told him I was becoming a swinger and was going to fuck as many guys as I wanted as his punishment, however I feel he didn’t think I actually would go along with it, so when I brought two young studs home from work with me his face was a picture, who are these he cried, these are going to be my lovers for the night meet Jason & Mark, this is my husband guys the cheater I told my love doves, you must be mad to cheat on such a fine woman Jason...

3 years ago
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Too young too dumb

Years ago I was hanging with some high school friends on a week end. We were only lads. We spent most of our time cruising around on our bicycles in a gang of six or so, looking for cool places to hang out, searching for girls, swimming at the beach and just looking for normal hol some fun. On this particular day, we bumped into a girl who we all new from school. Her name was Lesa and she was a real beauty! Lesa was a dark girl who had a Polinesian Islander look. At school in the locker rooms,...

4 years ago
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The lights are off. The room is lit only by scented candles and the shimmering glow from the soft lights below the water of the hot tub. You've been soaking now for about 20 minutes, sipping the chilled white wine I'd set beside the tub for you. I get out before you and towel off, returning quickly with a thick, large heated terrycloth towel for you. I assist you from the tub and slowly begin to towel you dry, standing behind you that I might admire your reflection in the mirror behind the tub....

Love Stories
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Peters Story Part one

I first met Peter twenty eight years ago. He picked me up in a pub where pretty young boys went to be picked up by men who had a preference for them.He got into nervous conversation with me and bought me a drink. I was dressed more like a girl than a boy and being the swinging sixties I was wearing make up. He couldn't resist stroking me bum as we talked and we moved to a secluded booth. Peter was most concerned that I had a fully functioning cock and that I could cum. I suggested he had a feel...

4 years ago
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Candida and How She Caught My Eye and Then Me

After having a long time live-in girlfriend situation dissolve over religious and medical reasons I wasn't anxious to get back in the game. That was 5 years ago, and except for a few one night flings, a string of 3 and 4 date semi-commitments that didn't progress to interest me any further; I have been a single guy who has some interest in the natural urge to get laid from time to time, but pretty picky about who might stay beyond leaving a wet spot in the sheets. I've been to the Mustang...

3 years ago
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Disappointing finish after 69 Premature Ejaculat

We had just gotten home from dinner with a friend of hers. As soon as we walked in, Nicole pushed me against the wall, and we began to make out. She was already primed. For most of the 30 minute drive home, I was rubbing her pussy through her blue and white striped VS panties. She was wearing a cute summer dress that night. As she got into the car to drive us home, her skirt rid up her legs enough for me to barely see the tip of her panties. As she pulled out of the complex and reach the first...

1 year ago
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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 2 Alternate Story

Chapter 2 Alternate Story Stranger Danger Going with the "lighten up" theme you decide to go back to the room to catch Wendy before she leaves. You drop the lost and found box off hurriedly with the pool guy and head toward the main hotel on the beach. There are a lot of well lit paths on the way, but it's a tourist trap so they tend to wind toward every where imaginable to get you to spend your money on little key chains with your name on them along with millions of other worthless...

3 years ago
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When In Rome 06

Authors Notes Sorry Chapter 6 took so long – Ive had some pretty annoying computer issues and it took longer to fix than the computer guy estimated. Plus, this chapter is 8,000 words long, so it took a little longer and I couldnt find an acceptable way to split it. If youre a fan of this series, but rape isnt something you want to read – just skip scene one. The next two are perfectly consentual. (For now, this rape scene looks like just a random, gratuitious act of violence – but I assure it,...

3 years ago
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my insatiable cravings for cock part 2

After leaving Harvey's house, i went to my favorite sex shop that had tons of movie cubicles in the back. There has been many times that i have watched moves and masterbated while an eye was glued to the glory hole in the side wall. Iwas never a dissappointment as i would always completely strip before playing. Tonight would be different as i had set my mind on an anything goes night I got my rolls of quarters and made my way to the back where the boothes were. As usual there were plenty of men...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Cayla Lyons Make A Move

Cayla is out for seduction as she struts out of the bedroom in a bra and thong that highlight her every sultry curve. Lutro doesn’t stand a chance with his lover so bent on getting him to bed, so with an ass squeezing kiss he gives in to her womanly charms. Taking things to the bedroom, Cayla presses Lutro onto the bed and then works her way down his body until she can pull his dick out of his pants. Once she has revealed her prize, Cayla drops a kiss on the head of Lutro’s dick and...

2 years ago
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Erica Olafson Rise of the Dark One Vol 10Chapter 8 Angela

Circuit checked his readouts.”The towing connectors are holding, but we are crawling despite our engines almost running past Red Line, Captain,” I acknowledged as I watched Roghor come onto the bridge.”Everyone with med-training is assisting Cateria and her team. We triaged the liberated slaves, but there are a lot of them.” “They are contained though, right?” I asked.”I am sure not all of them are friendly toward us.” “Yes, Captain. They are all on deck eight and every access point is...

3 years ago
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Suprise Homecoming

I was recently away from home for a few weeks, however, I was able to complete my task ahead of schedule and come home early. I didn’t want to tell my wife as I wanted to surprise her, but it turned out that I was the one in for a surprise. As I turned onto my street after a long drive home, I noticed a strange vehicle in my driveway. At first I didn’t think anything of it, however, I decided at the last minute to drive by and park the car around the block. I got out of my car and walked over...

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A Theory

Authors Note: The original post was written by dingomandingo. This account no longer exists. I have taken the original, reformatted it, modified it and added a few extra thoughts to it, but the basic wording and premise is his.A Social Theory - BBCWhite Pussy is and Should be Exclusively for Black Cock!White boys are becoming cuckolds at record rates because of deep seeded interracial porn addiction developed during the digital age. Their entire basis of sexuality is continuously watching...

2 years ago
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Meat the Preachers Wife

Cassie Chanson sat at the kitchen table, sipped tea, and thought about her husband and her marriage. The day before had been her third wedding anniversary, but her husband had not mentioned it, had not acknowledged it. She sighed and a frown crossed her face. It's not as if he forgot it, she thought; it's as if he ignored it, as if it didn't mean anything to him. Three years ... and he ... She sighed again. Of course, Michael had a lot on his mind, and he was a minister, and he naturally...

3 years ago
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Picnic with Karen Ch 2

We phoned each other during the week, of course, just the usual chit-chat, but each time we talked I visioned her on that day, and imagined that she was next to me, very much in my arms. The week dragged by, I knew it would! Saturday came….Hooray!… but the weather? ….the summer seemed to have disapeared, a light rain was falling but the temperature was still carrying over, being more warm and humid, rather than cool. Nip around to the local Deli, pick up ready-made sandwiches, fill up a...

1 year ago
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Porn Studio Simulator

"Hello" said Mason after answering the ringing phone. "Who is this?" "Oh, ok. Yes I have an uncle name George living in Monaco." "Mmhm, yes, ok, that's awful. Yes I am free this afternoon. I will see you there." Mason remembered his uncle George from when he was a child, he was always very jovial and generous. Still, Mason was surprised that he would have left him money in his will. He wondered why the executor wanted to meet in person as he knew these things were usually handled remotely. Joel...

3 years ago
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Mistress Jessica and her Asian boytoy

Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. I always welcome comments and suggestions so please feel free to email me – kace.lee at gmail dot com. Thanks!Lee was bored. He was a 14 year-old student at Osborne High, a large high school that catered for thousands of students, and in his freshman year. Like most Asians, he was a top student in most of his subjects, but also like most Asians, he sometimes found it hard to score with western girls. Not that there were many good-looking ones in this...

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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 36 Grandmotherly Love

It had been a vigorous end of the morning in Jessica’s room, with the three women using and abusing Bill for various ‘deviant sexual purposes.’ So said Molly, in any case, just after Bill had dramatically clutched his chest and feigned a heart attack. The three had taken pity on him at that point and climbed off the bed. Bill had staggered off to Toby’s room and collapsed onto the bed without even bothering to wash up. Not so for Jessica, Molly, and Sarah. After sending Bill off for a nap,...

2 years ago
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Carlys first threesome

I've been fucking Carly for five months now and for the most part things have remained pretty hot between us. Fucking a married woman behind her husband's back has always been a major turn-on for me, and over the course of our affair I have noticed her becoming more uninhibited during our sex sessions. It started early with her telling me to pull her hair while I took her from behind, and has progressed to letting me fuck her in the ass on occasion.What I've been a little surprised by has been...

Wife Lovers
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Mr Wongs Happy Hours Part 2 The Dance Hall

The case had shocked and then fascinated all of South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand and had also been given extensive coverage in the UK, due to the nationality of some of prisoners. Three months earlier in a combined police operation, the Singapore and Philippines authorities had acted at the same time and arrested all those they suspected of being involved in a heroin smuggling ring orchestrated and run by a number of Qantas airline staff. The stewardesses had been smuggling the...

3 years ago
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Stealing Black Men From Black Women

My name is Melissa Joan Rhodes. Friends call me M.J. I’m originally from Plymouth. I’m currently a student at Norris College in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. At first glance, most people dismiss me as another Valley Girl type. I don’t know why. It’s what I come off as. Simply because I stand five feet ten inches tall, lean and athletic, with long, straight blonde hair and pale blue eyes. I’ve got face, I’ve got body, I’ve got chest and I’ve got ass. Just in case you people were wondering....

4 years ago
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Andersonville 14 The Mailman

Flashback - Three months earlier... Judge Jasper opened up the chamber door with such great force that he almost ripped it from its hinges. Behind him followed Andrew Marshall (Mars), Pete Akins (Apollo) and Ashlee Gang. Jupiter slammed the crumbled note down on his desk in rage and faced his two sons. "This is intolerable!" he almost screamed. "A few months ago it was just one person, today it's two. What's he going to do the next time, bring in a busload?" "Father,"...

2 years ago
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My Cuckolding by Sara Part Seven

Part Seven We are now six months into the denial lifestyle and things are fantastic. Our third bedroom is now my room at the weekends, Sara sleeps at Doug’s every Friday night, but sleeps with me from Monday through Thursday, albeit clothed, but we hug and sleep in each other’s arms. Sara sucks me off almost every day and swallows my cum and we couldn’t be closer. It seems that ever since I confessed to her that I get more pleasure and excitement from hearing about her sex with Doug and her...

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A Saturday of Cheerleader Pleasure Ch 10

It was 10 P.M. on a warm Friday evening when I returned to the house that Becca and I shared. “Hi, sweetie,” Becca said, as I opened the front door and stepped into the house. “How did your day go?” “Pretty good,” I replied, as I set two large brown bags down on the floor. “Work was uneventful for the most part, and, for my line of work, uneventful is always a good thing.” “Good to hear,” she replied. “That means I can make your day even better.” At that moment, Becca walked over to me. She...

1 year ago
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Sex in movie theatre

Hi ! I am a 22 single male from Chennai. I am working in an software company. I am regular reader of ISS. I like to tell my story which happened when I am doing my college. I am from Chennai and this incident took place when I am 20. In the evening after I had finished my college, I was feeling bored so I thought of going for a movie for the 6 p.m. Show. The theatre was good, but quite isolated. There were very few patrons and more males then females. I went and sat in one of the last rows....

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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 53

Sunday after church was a quiet day, but then I was reminded that I’d yet to inform Grandfather on the date of the fight. So, after dinner, I sat down to make the call. It surprised me that the phone wasn’t answered in the usual 3 rings. If there was one thing my grandparents were adamant about as we were growing up was that you answered the phone in 3 rings with a proper greeting. “Hello.” “That’s not the proper way to answer the phone you dumb Polack.” “So, what do you want...

3 years ago
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An interesting Ride Home

A few years ago, I was dating this girl named Judi. She was my first "serious" girlfriend, so the whole "I love you so much, together forever" rubbish was the norm. We spent as much time together as we could, despite the fact that neither of us had a car. One evening I was with her/her family at her place, hanging out, having a good time, but mostly trying to ignore the palpable sexual tension between us.We were always sneaking off somewhere to fool around for a minute or two, making out...

1 year ago
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Asha Aur 2017 Ki Holi 8211 Part 11

Mera ye submission padhne se pehle aap sab mere pichle submission padhein. Mohsin se hamare bistar par chunne ke baad Asha viagra lene hall mein aayi. Asha bahar aayi aur pehle mujhe check kiya. Main tab bhi neend mein tha. Usne Mohsin ki jeb se viagra ka packet nikala aur use apne saath kitchen le gayi. Uske baad Asha kitchen mein doodh garam karne chali gayi. Uske ek minute baad Mohsin bhi bahar aaya. Iske baad Mohsin mere kaan ke paas aaya aur bola, “Teri biwi raand hai raand, tu sota reh...

2 years ago
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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part XIV

Chapter 49 Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Bzzt,Bzzt. Nothing again... C'mon Fay-fay, where are you? Rach couldn't remember the last time she'd been so hard to get to on the phone. It made her wish she could cry over something so trivial. Rach felt her eyes dampen. She knew it was the painkiller they'd given her. She got all emotional the last time they gave it to her; which, oddly enough, was due to a completely different snowboard injury. They'd gotten her out on the snow, fitted...

1 year ago
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Giving her the slip on the Euston Road Part 5

Give her the slip on the Euston Road Part 5: I took a long drag on my cigarette as I sat there with the girls in our French Maids outfits. We were discussing Dave, Dominic and Steve and the subject of Flunitrazepam, neuromuscular blocking drugs or chloroform. 24 hours ago I would have been horrified to have been part of this discussion but right now I wanted revenge for the humiliation my former friends had put me through. It is true that dressed as I was if I had been asked what...

3 years ago
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Ted loved his afternoon jog. Not only did it keep him in shape, but the path he usually took was always filled with gorgeous young women and girls, most of whom used jogging as an excuse to show off their firm, sexy bods. They were invariably clad in tight, skimpy running shorts and even tighter tee-shirts, leaving little to the imagination. The sight of so many pretty young things bouncing along the path usually made Ted hotter than the exercise itself, and by the time he got home to his wife,...

4 years ago
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NatalieChapter 6

Life went on; Natalie was offered, and accepted the post of administrative manager for the charity; she worked at riding the motorbike, finished the CBT and began riding on the road with L plates; of course, having passed the driving test for a car she had a head start on "Roadcraft" and the Highway Code. She put in for the test, but it wouldn't be until March. The both regularly visited the stables, and if Charles would never be an expert horseman, at least he knew what to do with the...

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