Six Forty Five Part 2
- 4 years ago
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The old man hobbled on his arthritic knees making slow progress in the beach sand that gave way beneath him and made him sink up to his ankles with each painful step. He carried a small cooler in one hand and one of those cheap old lawn chairs made of aluminum and with plastic straps in the other. He walked towards the brown wire and wood fence that acted as a windbreak and trap for the blowing grains of sand. Quite a pile was drifted up and weighing down the fence, tipping it towards the north. He found his normal position close by the windbreak, but giving him a view of both sides of the little eroded basin where the river drained into the ocean. He set up his chair and put the cooler on the shady side where it would stay cold longer and still be within easy reach. He had a little trouble sinking down into the lawn chair, but once seated, he stretched out his knees and welcomed the relief from the pain. He held off on opening the cooler, waiting to savor that first beer of the day. At his age, and living on a fixed income, anticipation served more than a single purpose.
He was just about to give in to his thirst and temptation when two young girls, perhaps sixteen or so, walked around the wind break and startled him by their presence. They seemed surprised to see him as well, since few people from the Island ever walked out this far from town. The old man had spent the last thirty years out there alone, only going into town once or twice a month to check his mailbox and pick up fresh supplies. In the average year, perhaps as many as thirty people ever came out his way, and so he welcomed the break in his daily routine.
"Where you girls heading, if you don't mind me asking?" He spoke before he really had a chance to think about whether he'd scared them by being there when they hadn't expected to find anyone. The two girls just stared at him and then they giggled together. The taller skinnier girl shoved the shorter brunette towards the old man, But she was able to halt herself before running into him. She turned around and hissed at her friend, asking her to please be good for once.
"We were just seeing if we could maybe wade across the river here to get over to the mainland." The short one told him. When she said that, the three of them looked out at the river as it emptied itself. It wasn't exactly awe inspiring, the current and the back wash, but people had been known to lose their lives attempting just such a crossing. Conventional wisdom on the Island said it should never be attempted with fewer than four people, and then only if they had plenty of safety rope with them, and it was at low tide. The tide was coming in then, and wouldn't crest for two more hours.
"I wouldn't advise it, pretty dangerous thing to do. If you swim out about a quarter mile to the sand bar, you could probably wade across okay and then swim into shore that way. But why would you want to go there anyway?" That part of the mainland was wooded and desolate and there was nothing of civilization for at least twelve miles.
"We just wanted to see if we could do it, and maybe do some topless sun bathing over there." That from the taller girl. You could tell right away that she was the more feisty of the two of them, a natural born leader. The little one looked away from him in embarrassment at her friend's words.
"Well you can do it if you want to, I won't stop you. Thing is though that I'm an old man and I couldn't help you at all if you was to get tipped over and carried away out there. You'd be on your own if you were to try it, and I never heard of two people making a successful crossing before."
The two girls put their heads together in whispered conversation, obviously in disagreement over what they were going to do. The short little girl was wanting to leave, edging off back towards the village. The skinny one was standing her ground and pleading with her friend to not be such a chicken. "Donna, you never want to do the fun things. He's just trying to scare us is all. That water isn't even very deep. I'm sure we can do it easy. Come on?"
"If you're so sure, you go ahead and I'll watch from here. If you make it okay, then maybe I'll do it too." The old man opened his cooler and removed a cold bottle of beer. He twisted off the cap and put it in his front shirt pocket. He had quite a large collection at home and was sure they'd be valuable as collector's items someday. He watched the feisty one head over to the water and tentatively put one of her feet in rather gingerly, in order to check the water's temperature. She hesitated for only a few seconds and then began moving away from the bank. The old man admired her spunk.
"I should have mentioned the leeches, they're pretty fierce this time of year." He stopped talking, and took a big swig on his beer, keeping the bottle raised up in order to keep the sun out of his eyes, and so he could continue to watch the progress the girl was making.
"Karen, he says there are leeches in that water! You better come back here." The old man was surprised, not even knowing that he'd spoken out loud. That was another habit he'd acquired living all alone for so long. He just spoke out loud his thoughts to keep himself company. Karen turned back and looked at Donna and the old man, wondering if they were just making it up about there being leeches. Not willing to risk it being true, she reluctantly returned to the river bank and walked back over to them.
"I don't care what you do Donna, since you're so afraid of everything anyway, but I'm going to sun bathe right here then. Mister, I bet it's been a long time since you saw two pretty girls running around without their tops on. Well, you're in for a treat." She opened her backpack and spread out a blanket right there in the sand, not fifteen feet from his chair and in plain sight. She put her pack on one end of the blanket and took out a pair of sandals to weigh down another end. Donna dropped her pack on still another corner and sat down on the remaining end. Karen reached behind her and unclasped her bathing suit top and shrugged out of it. She turned so that she was facing the old man and struck up a pose with her hands on her hips and one foot thrust in front of the other. The old man took another swallow of beer and casually watched to see what the other girl would do. "Well, Donna, are you going to sit there or are you going to do what we came out here to do?"
Donna looked over at Karen and then looked at the old man. She waited for a moment, like she was trying to decide what to do, then she lowered her eyes to the blanket and did nothing.
"Sorry mister, it looks like you'll have to settle for only me. Donna, you just wait and see if I ever ask you to go places with me again. It's no fun me having to do things by myself all the time. I don't even know why you wanted to come with me." She sat back on the blanket and faced the open water. The old man looked at her back and tried to remember when he'd last seen a woman's naked breasts. It had to be more than forty years ago, he thought, that little girl over in Charleston. He spent a few minutes trying to remember the girl's name. It was at a picnic, he remembered, but he didn't remember why she'd taken her shirt off. Oh yeah, he thought, it was Agnes, and we were at that-anti war rally in the summer of 1966 or 67. He hadn't done anything with Agnes, other than look at her like a thousand other students and protesters in the park. He tried to remember what it had felt like to be young and looking at a half naked girl.
"Forty years. That's how long it's been since I saw half naked girls. That's a long time, forty years." Both the girls turned and looked at him. Karen just laughed at him, but Donna gave him a little smile of understanding.
"How long since you've seen a totally naked girl?" She thought that was a funny thing to say, maybe thinking she'd get a rise out of him or something. Karen wasn't only feisty, she had a little mean streak in her too. The old man didn't mind, why should he? This was a lot more interesting than watching the tide come in. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had so much fun and excitement.
"That would be never, I guess. Nope, I'm sure I'd remember if I'd ever seen a totally naked girl. Of course I had two younger sisters, so probably, if you counted them, it's been about sixty years or so." Donna and Karen both stared at him then, wondering if that old man was pulling their legs. Neither one could imagine someone as old as him never having seen a naked girl or woman. That was impossible almost.
"Are you a priest? Or maybe one of those homos? How could you do that? Are you a virgin?" Karen kept firing off questions, not even stopping long enough for him to get in an answer. Donna looked like she had questions for him too.
"Never been religious, always enjoyed fishing too much to go to church. Don't like boys either. I just never found a woman that would want to get naked with somebody like me. After awhile, why you just give up and quit looking for anyone. I guess that's why I moved way out here, I'd just given up on finding someone." He reached down in the cooler and brought out another cold beer, popping the top and taking a little sip. He could see that Donna was feeling sorry for him, but the other one, she thought he was just making it up.
"So, you're like a seventy year old virgin?"
""Seventy four last May. I'm not ashamed of it either. Of course, when you get older, you regret having missed out on so many things other people take for granted."
"Have you done anything with a girl or woman, ever?" This was from Donna. She'd turned all the way around so that she was facing him. "Like kissing or petting or stuff?"
"I danced with a girl once in a dance hall in Conroy, Texas. I think it was right after the big war. I didn't really know how to dance, but she let me pull her along to the music. If I'd known then it was going to be my only time, I'd have asked her for another dance. I wish now that I had." While he was talking he could see Donna reaching behind her and then he watched as she wiggled out of her top too. He took a good long look at her breasts on display. She was naturally modest and he could appreciate the gift she was offering to him. He smiled encouragingly at her and tried not to make his staring too obvious.
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********************************************************************************disclaimer: another one of my favouritesI DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY....ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 of visit his page for more creative and bust a nut hot stories.CIAO********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 04bychasseur11©I rolled out of bed late in the morning. Having nothing to do I was in no hurry to start a lazy day....
*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: Another one of my favourites.I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 or********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 03bychasseur11©As the evening rolled around I got ready for my date with Marisa. Dressing nicely I was going to leave early to make sure I was there on time. Checking myself one last...
*******************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: this is another one of my favs...I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY...ALL CREDITS GO TO CHASSEUR11 of the community. Visit his page for more creative, and worth-the-read stories.ciao*******************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 01bychasseur11©It was just another slow Friday evening. Sitting alone on my couch with a drink flipping...
I was laying out catching some rays I was all oiled up and I had a margarita on the tableI had my allure and cosmo mags to browse through. It was one of those blah days, we all get them. The hot sun on my body helped lift my spirits though. I had my mp3 player on and was listening to my music. I bought the perfect mat for laying out as it has a built in pillow and it has another pillow for your knees. The only draw back was it wasn’t good for lying on your stomach. My house faces north and...
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********************************************************************************DISCLAIMER: This is one of my favsALL CREDIT GOES TO CHASSEUR11 of thier page for more creative and worth-the-read storiesciao********************************************************************************Catching the Wife Vol. 02bychasseur11©I woke up late the next morning from what little sleep I did get. It was a rough night being very restless. Had a hard time trying to get what...
This is a true incident happened in my teenage, I was living in a small village in Kerala, from childhood I was seeing sex by chicken, cow, got, etc, this made a lot of curiosity… and one day I happened to see the hairy pussy of one beautiful lady in my neighborhood, little did I realize she was showing that to me and inviting me for something……. All the neighbor ladies take bath in stream which flows through the village, which had lot of bushes and plants on both the sides. I was so much...
My first story:Catching sister with dildoArianna! Come here! I came down the stairs wearing a white blouse and black and red boy-shorts. Ari, I got Amanda a little something for her 18th birthday. Dont tell okay. Uh huh. I opened the box to find a blue dildo. Really mom? Well, I thought she might want one. Will you give it to her? but you just told not to tell her! just go! I run upstairs with the box. Amanda! I knock on her door a few times. no answer. I walk in hearing what seemed like soft...
I Caught Her Masturbating!I had an ex-girlfriend, Elise, who claimed to have never masturbated. She said she didn’t believe a real “Lady” should EVER masturbate! As a guy, totally into watching women get themselves off, this was disappointing; VERY disappointing. I decided to try to test Elise, to see if she was telling the truth.Elise was a cute little package, standing about 5'1". She slept in thin nighties and lacy lingerie. Our first night together, it seemed like she was presenting herself...
Marina is a normal career woman. At 35, she is divorced and has no children. She is an active member of the community. Though she is a conservative dresser, her cute face and gorgeous "B" cups still turn heads. At 5'8" and 120lbs; she's a classy woman. She has a very modest demeanor, but her ex knows she has an amazing libido. Her friends in the community are stunned when they found out, she had went on a date with me. I surprised her with a call, telling her to meet me Friday evening at...
Chapter 1: Reuniting I faintly remember coming to this house thirty something years ago for play dates when I was allowed and then a few times with my mother to visit during the holidays and different occasions, but I never realized her family called this side entrance the “back” door. Karen did say over the phone to come to the back door near the driveway. And she was right about the front door having too much snow in front of it. She must struggle to handle such a hefty house all alone,...
My fortieth birthday had just gone by the previous week, with quite a fanfare of celebration. The years just seemed to have flown by. I sat back at my desk in the basement and reminisced the last twenty years. Moreover, perhaps puzzling what changes I should have made, if any at all. Or would all that had gone on this last month be an indication of the next decade. My teenage life was uneventful, I had a few girlfriends but nothing much happened until I was nineteen, then Jane appeared on the...
I was a younger man at the time around 45yo 6’2′ 210lbs and had been separated from my ex wife for several months. I was a frequent patron of a local bar after work, and stopped in for a few beers after work. The bar was pretty quiet except for the juke box playing country music, with only a few people sitting at a table at the back end of the bar. I noticed Judy sitting at the bar alone talking with her friend the owner. I had always been attracted to her so I sat down on the stool next to...
Bonjour, je m'appelle Marie-Claude, j'ai aujourd'hui 45 ans, et, vu le faible niveau de mon anglais, c'est dans ma langue maternelle, le français, que j'ai choisi de vous raconter mon histoire. Elle commence d'une façon sordidement banale. Mariée et menant la vie paisible d'une épouse bourgeoise avec deux grandes filles, j'ai découvert que mon mari me trompait depuis des années avec plusieurs femmes plus jeunes que moi, et peu après nous avons divorcé. Ma vie s'est écroulée, j'ai dû quitter...
Yes, ladies, that’s me. Getting to a semi-retired state I thought I would turn a hobby into and a part-time job. You see I am very keen on photography and like all subjects, but one experience gave me a whole new meaning of life. My other half has given up the bedroom delights preferring sleep and travel with other ladies. So, I have been a little dormant on the sexual seen for about four years. I mentioned this in passing one night to a friend in my local when Jon mentioned he did agency work,...
Part 4: Epilogue Things didnt get better right away. I still got bullied at school, and at home was stuck in the middle of several fights between my mom and my step-father. I also had to cope with flashbacks so bad that sometimes, all I wanted to do was cry or throw up, or maybe both. But by summer, once the doctors had finished poking around in my head, they made the pronouncement - I was a girl. Just one with a little bit of misplaced skin between my legs. With that piece of...