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Mentoring By Beverley Anne Miles I couldn't believe my ears! "Sorry. What was that again?" I asked the pretty girl sitting next to me. "I said 'I absolutely love sucking cock'!" said Krystal. What can you say when you finally get to be alone with the girl you've lusted after for years, and the first thing she says to you is that she's a cocksucker? I tried to be nonchalant about it; it seemed like pretty good news to me. "Any particular reason why?" I prompted. "Let me think." She smiled prettily at me. "There's the sensation of having something alive in your mouth, it's warm, but soft and hard at the same time. There's the taste and smell of the flesh. The knowing that it's hard like that because of me, and the guy is really turned on. "I like the fact that it seems like I'm serving him, submissively kneeling in front of him maybe, but I know that I'm the one in charge. Unless of course he's tied me up! "And then there's the anticipation that he's going to cum. Will it be soft and loving, or will he lose it and start fucking my mouth? Will I gag 'cos he's gone too deep, will I choke when he cums, 'cos there's just too much to swallow? He might even pull out and spay it all over my face and in my hair. "Finally there's the cum. Every time it's different. Sweet, sour, little or a lot. I like cum!" she finished, giggling. All of this was said, as she looked me straight in the eye. "Alistair? You know you're cute, don't you?" That's me... *** I'd known Krystal for years - she was in the same year as me at school, although due to the timing of our birthdays she was about a year my senior. I think she was the oldest kid in the class - I knew I was the youngest. Because of that, whilst I wasn't the smallest, I was the smallest guy. Someone had to be. So I'd watched Krystal grow up, from pretty girl, to sexy young lady. But I watched from afar, believing that pretty girls have no interest in puny guys. When I hit puberty and began to get urges, it was Krystal I thought about when I wanked off. Being small was generally a disadvantage in most sports, but there was one thing where I excelled, where brute strength and size could be beaten by power to weight ratio and technique. I could swim. Fortunately for me, our school had a swimming team, and the annual tryouts were coming up in February. They recruited then to allow the older members, who were due to leave that summer, the opportunity of mentoring the new kids. I'd tried out last year, but didn't quite make the grade, but this year, I knew I had it. I was obviously good enough to impress the coach and the team, because when they came to allotting new members to their mentors, I got Bob. Bob was the captain of the team. Bob was also Krystal's big brother - and that is not just a term of speech. Bob was seriously big, over 6 feet tall on his bare feet, and built like a Greek god. I looked pretty puny next to him. He was 18 already, but I still had six months to go until I reached 16 - that three year age gap looked real. *** Bob and Krystal's parents were quite well off, and they had a pool. Naturally Bob invited me around so that I could practise my techniques. I wasn't about to complain, especially as there might be a chance of seeing Krystal out of school uniform. Of course they weren't rich enough for it to be a covered pool, so practising in February was bloody freezing. I'd emerge from the relative warmth of the pool water into the cold air, and I'd immediately get covered in goose pimples. I'd shrivel down below as well! Bob wrapped me in a thick towel, and led me inside so I could have a shower. It was after the second time that he asked if I'd considered shaving all over... "Oh come on. None of us is good enough that we need to cut down on the drag to go a smidge faster!" I responded. "Yeah, I know that." Bob responded "But there's other reasons. For a start it means that you can get dried quicker - the water on your skin gets trapped by the hairs - it's the surface area or something. Look at me, I just quickly towel over once and I'm dry." I must admit I did notice he was dry. And naked. As I said before Bob had a body to be proud of, but he didn't flaunt it. I couldn't help but notice his cock. Even hanging down flaccid between his thighs it was still bigger than mine when I had a full hard on. His groin area was hairless. He noticed where I was looking, and grinned at me. "Stops me getting too sweaty down below as well! The girls like the fact that I'm nice and smooth - and don't stink in the summer either." Either he hadn't noticed I was looking at his cock, or he chose to construe that I was checking out his hairlessness. "And finally, although it may not actually help that much in the water, it does give you a bit of a psychological boost. You feel like a Pro." What could I say? One of the fittest and obviously heterosexual boys in the school was shaved all over, and in no way did it diminish his masculinity. I had no defence left. "OK. You've convinced me." I said. "Any tips for those difficult to reach places?" We both grinned at that! "Seriously" Responded Bob "Just don't try to do bit's you can't see - get someone else in the swimming team to help you." I blushed at that, but he went on "They'll want someone to do them. Someone they can trust!" I wasn't really all that hairy anyway, so what did I have to loose? "We can do it tomorrow night if you want?" he offered. "I need a trim in those difficult to reach places too." *** It was very odd being naked with Bob, just the two of us in the bathroom he shares with his sister. In the changing room at the pool there are so many bodies in various states of undress that it just doesn't seem to matter. I stood under the shower and got wet, then Bob helped me to get smooth. He explained the tricks to not getting nicked or cut, and made me do my legs, arms, armpits and chest myself - merely pointing out the spots I missed. Then he turned me to face away from him, asked me to pull my hair up out of the way, and started on my back. I'd forgotten to mention my hair? My Mum liked long hair on her men, so I had shoulder length hair. I thought it looked cool too - very Lord of the Rings - and liked it like that. I tied it back at school, and wore a swimming cap in the pool, but it was quite full bodied when freshly washed, and quite the envy of some of the girls, being a glossy black with a straight fall. Anyway, Bob shaved the hair on my back, then kept working downwards, until long sweeping strokes of the razor smoothed my bum fluff. "Now it's one of the delicate bits." he announced. "Just lean forward and reach back with both hands to grab your arse. That's right." I felt incredibly exposed, and slightly aroused - much to my embarrassment. Dead serious "Now don't move. Don't flinch." Then he lightened up, changing the mood "And definitely do not fart!" I laughed at that. My embarrassment subsided as I concentrated on what he was doing - shaving my crack. I did think 'Why is he doing this? After all I am going to be wearing Speedo's' But it just seemed to be part of the deal. As I was to find out, all the team did it that way. Then he turned me around, and very carefully shaved my pubes. He used a pair of scissors to trim the hairs on my ball-sacs, carefully holding my limp prick out of the way by holding the foreskin between forefinger and thumb. I stayed rock steady throughout the process - not really surprising I suppose! Of course then it was my turn to help my mentor, so razor in one hand, and shaving oil in the other I went to it. First I tidied up his back and buttocks. Then I knelt down as he pulled his crack apart, revealing his arsehole to me. I shaved the area with extreme care - immediately understanding Bob's previous comments about Trust. Then he turned around. Oh my God! His massive phallus reared erectly above me. It truly was huge. I didn't have any choice. I had to touch it! - Well hold it actually - so that I could move it out of the way whilst I shaved his pubic area. I tried to hold it between finger and thumb, as Bob had with me, but it was too big and muscular, so I had to get a grip. Quite literally! Naked, kneeling in front of him, I wrapped my hand around his erect cock. My fingers did not reach my thumb, and in getting that grip I accidentally managed to pull down on the shaft unhooding his knob. It was about the size of a ping-pong ball. I immediately blushed red, especially as I could feel my own cock responding to the one in my hand. "Sorry about that Alistair. It's just that I'm a bit sensitive back there, and it does tend to set me off!" The whole scene must have been incredibly erotic. So of course that was exactly the moment that Krystal decided to enter the bathroom! *** At that moment, I wanted to die, but Krystal just laughed, apologised for interrupting us, then turned around and left the room. I let go of the cock in my hand. It stayed exactly where I left it, pointing at the ceiling. "Alistair? Earth calling Alistair? Hey, look I'm really sorry about that. I'll explain to her. OK?" I nodded in acknowledgement, but my mind was in overdrive. This will be all over the school tomorrow. I'm dead. But I've still got a job to do. So I took a grip of myself, and that monster dong, and did what I was there to do. *** In hindsight, he was right about most things. It is much easier to get dry, I don't get sweaty armpits or groin anymore - and any self-conscious teenager will tell you that is a great relief - and it does give that psychological edge in the pool. What he didn't mention is that I notice the feel of my clothes on my body much more now. I am incredibly sensitive to the way my trousers move around my legs as I walk. *** After a few nervous days I realised that Krystal had not said anything; I wasn't going to be beaten up for being a fag, and I relaxed. It was the next evening - a Friday - that I went round to Bob's, that I finally got to spend some time alone with Krystal. I had a pre-arranged practice session with Bob, something to do with breathing exercises, although he hadn't been too clear about the details. I'd been home first, changed and dumped my school bag, then headed round to Bob's place - walking distance. However, as soon as I got in the door, Bob got a phone call, and said he had to go out. He wasn't sure how long he was going to be, but said he'd call Krystal so she could let me know whether to stay or go home. Till then I was to 'just chill' in the lounge; put the telly on. So I was veging out in front of some stupid cartoons when his sister walked in. Prior to the incident in the bathroom, we'd been polite to one another, and since I'd been round her house, she'd even talk to me at school. This was great, and other kids had been impressed - 'the body' had deigned to talk to a mere mortal. My street cred had gone up. She was a gorgeous chick - curves in all the right places - long blonde hair and a pretty face. To be honest I didn't notice what she had been wearing when she came into the bathroom a few days earlier, so I still hadn't really seen her out of school uniform. Admittedly she had the sort of body that looked good in anything, so she looked pretty hot in uniform, but tonight she was even better. She was just in comfy clothes for slobbing around at home - which in her case meant a tight fitting cropped vest top with spaghetti straps, and loose hipster combat pants. Her feet were bare, and her toenails were highlighted in a bright fuchsia pink. I desperately wanted to have a normal conversation with her. Just to prove that I wasn't the usual hormonally driven gibbering wreck that most teenage boys were. The problem was that I had no idea where to start. She plonked herself down on the other end of the sofa from me, then pulled her legs up to curl them under her as she leant back. Even that usually un-decorous descent was sexy when executed by Krystal. I wasn't worthy. To keep things simple I just said "Hi. Bob had to go out. Told me to wait." Short, simple and too the point. "Ummh." was her only response. I tried to ignore the fact that she was there and concentrate on the cartoon. It worked for about a minute, but then the volume dropped off - Krystal had the remote. I looked up at her and put on my best lop-sided grin. "It was crap wasn't it?" She nodded, then held my gaze with her own. "I hope you noticed that I didn't tell anyone about you and my brother?" "Er yes. Thank you." Then I tried to be smart. "I know it's difficult to prove a negative, but I think the fact that no-one has beaten me up by now was the biggest clue!" She smiled. At me, then giggled. "You mean you don't want to be beaten up? I could arrange it!" she was smiling as she said it, so I knew it wasn't a threat. But then she assumed a thoughtful expression. "All I'd have to do would be to mention it to Dave..." *** She didn't have to say anymore. Everyone knew Dave. He wasn't quite the school bully, he just was a bit 'socially limited' and tended to deal with things he didn't like by either ignoring them, or beating up the person involved. He got this delightful character trait from his dad. I knew this as I had the dubious pleasure of having both of them as next-door neighbours. Although we went to the same school, Dave was a year ahead of me, and neither of us wanted to be seen in each other's company. I thought he was a thug, and he thought I was a wimp, so we made our way to and from school separately. But, of course, he had been known to go out with Krystal on occasions. No one was quite sure why. *** "Ah. You wouldn't, would you?" I asked, trying not to sound too concerned. She grinned back, sensing my nervousness. "I promise I won't tell him." I relaxed. "So" she continued "what was it like, holding my big brothers big dick in your hand?" How on earth should I answer that!? "Er. Very odd. Embarrassing, and slightly intimidating." "Sounds about right. After all, he has nothing to be ashamed of, has he?" I blushed. I wasn't an expert in these things, but when you've been in a boys changing room, it is almost impossible not to notice things, and mentally compare notes. Krystal continued, "I've seen a few in my time, and I know he's quite impressive." She paused, replaying the sentence in her head, then added, "Of course I've only seen his the once." She was trying to keep a straight face as she said that. Trying and failing. Was that an admission that she had seen her brother's cock at other times? I decided to try and push a bit. "So exactly how many is a few?" I'll give her credit, she didn't blush, but came back with "Well actually a lot. I haven't kept count!" It was then when she admitted to me that she was a cocksucker, and why she loved it so much. She went on. "Alistair? You know you're cute, don't you?" "You think so?" "Yeah, sure. You got a girlfriend at the moment?" "Er. No." Easy one, that. "Let me put that another way. Have you ever had a girlfriend?" I'm sure she knew the answer to that one already, but I said "No" anyway. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make you embarrassed, I just wanted to know if you'd ever enjoyed..." she left it hanging. I just blushed. She smiled apologetically at me, then said, "I'll tell you what. I'll make you a deal." Oh my God! My thoughts immediately went to what could be on offer. Krystal was about to offer me a blow job. I immediately got hard down below. "Yes?" I prompted. "Well my big brother is mentoring you, so why don't I mentor you. I know you've never enjoyed a blow job. Do you want to find out what it's like?" I thought long and hard - for about one pico-second. I'm accepting. "This is a deal right? So what do I have to do? "Just don't tell anyone else, and do exactly what I say. Not too difficult? Not too bad a deal?" "OK, sounds good to me. I accept." So Krystal took my hand, and led me up to her bedroom, a sanctum of femininity. She instructed me to get undressed and to sit on the bed, as she bustled around getting things from drawers and wardrobes. I recognised sexy underwear, and though 'Oh wow. She's gonna dress up to do me!' I was wrong. *** For the second time in a week, I was kneeling in front of Bob's monster cock, with my hand wrapped around the thick shaft, while Krystal looked on. But this time neither of us was naked. I was clad in that lingerie I'd seen earlier. *** At first Krystal asked me if I liked the lingerie. It was a matching set of bra, thong, suspender belt and chemise, all in cream satin with ice- white lace trim. I had to admit it was stunning, and said it would look great on. She smiled at that, then she told me that I was going to wear it! I was a bit surprised at that, and said so. But as Krystal pointed out, I was doing exactly as she asked, I could hardly say no. "Unless of course you don't want to know how much fun a blow job is?" So I acquiesced. "Stand up" she instructed, then she showed me how to put on the suspender belt, and then the bra. "You'll need these too." Into the cups of the bra were inserted some flesh coloured jelly like mounds - false breasts. "I used to need these to get the attention I wanted, but now I think you need them more than I do!" Then she knelt down in front of me. 'Oh boy' I thought. 'This is it!' But I was wrong. I looked down at her through my new cleavage - a very odd point of view - and saw her breaking open a new packet of stockings. These too were cream, with white lace tops. She scrunched one up onto her fingers, then told me to give her one of my feet. There was something slightly kinky about wearing a bra, but the sensation of Krystal sliding that first stocking up my smooth leg was incredible. It was so sensuous and erotic that my cock immediately leapt to attention, and only got worse as her hands reached higher and she smoothed the nylon onto my thighs. Then there was the attachment to the suspender belt and the adjustment of the tension in the straps. To this day I have never felt anything quite as good as the feeling of pulling new stockings up smooth freshly shaven legs. And then she did the other leg. At that point I lost all control, but not Krystal. She saw the state I was in, and grabbed my shorts off of the floor and wrapped them around my cock so that when I climaxed, I just resulted in turning my own underwear into a sticky mess. "Well that will teach you to get too excited by all this lovely clothing!" laughed Krystal. "I can tell you've never tried this before. But I'm sure you will again." I was speechless with embarrassment - what was I? Some sort of pervert? It did feel good though. Maybe Krystal did know what she was doing? Certainly I'd never ever cum before without even touching myself. She wiped my now subsided dick clean with a wet flannel, dried it, then tucked it away inside the thong that she put on me. With my cock now small I looked pretty much like a girl. Lastly she dropped the chemise over my head. It was cut to flatter, tight at the waist, then flaring out over my hips, to terminate in a circuit of lace at the level of my crotch. I was made to sit for the next stage. As I bent down I was aware of the satin chemise moving against my skin, the weight of my breasts and the straps pulling over my shoulders. The suspenders and stockings pulled across my thighs was exciting, which turned to humiliation as my arse was total exposed as the chemise lifted clear and the rear of the thong pulled tight into my crack. The naked flesh of my buttocks felt the softness of the makeup stool. I could feel my cock beginning to swell within the snug confines of the thong - it wasn't showing though as it was hidden by the satin fall of the chemise. The lace trimmed hem tickled my naked thighs above my stocking tops. Next Krystal took my feet, and placed a pair of sandals on them. White again, with straps criss-crossing up the foot, to finally fix around my ankle. The heels were 3 inch high stiletto spikes, and they looked awesome - although I seriously doubted my ability to walk in them. "You really do need nail polish on your toenails." decided Krystal. "Maybe next time?" Wow! She's already decided we'll be doing this again. Last of all was the make-up. She took it slowly, explaining what she was doing and why, as if teaching me. Concealer, foundation, powder and blusher across the cheeks. Then the eyes; multicoloured eye shadow, followed by eyeliner and finally mascara - not waterproof so it would come off easily. "And finally" said Krystal "The most important bit. A pair of full red lips. Now, do you want to go traditional fire engine red or a more subtle deeper burgundy?" I thought, but before I could answer Krystal had obviously already decided. "The red. A bit sluttish and trashy I know, but given the occasion, I think sluttish and trashy is good!" She started with a base coat "Gives it a bit more staying power", then used a thick soft pencil to give a more defined shape to my lips - emphasising and sharpening up the edges - then over emphasising by drawing outside my natural lip line "to give a fuller, more sensuous shape." Finally the lipstick. The tube was held up to my lips, and the waxy cream applied thickly. To my surprise, I realised that it was slightly flavoured. Tasted nice too! Krystal made me bite down on a piece of tissue, blotted a few points, then added another coat. Blot, then the lip coat. This was applied with a brush - slightly astringent - it was supposed to make it last longer and give a glossy topcoat. I looked in the mirror. Wow! I pouted. Double wow! "Just what I thought" announced Krystal beside me. "Perfect cock sucking lips! Bob's gonna love you!" What! *** I heard the front door open downstairs and jumped. What had I got myself into? Here I was in Krystal's bedroom, dressed like a lingerie model in a catalogue - I kept on looking in the mirror to check - Yes I still looked fantastic. And I was waiting for my mentor, an 18 year old muscle bound heterosexual hero to come and find me. Or was that find me and cum? I kept remembering the look and feel of Bob's cock in my hand. That was worrying me, especially as I had worked out what Krystal had not said to me. She'd never said she'd give me a blow job. She offered me the chance to enjoy a blow job. Then she'd given me a pair of luscious cock sucking lips. I could have ripped the clothes off, and dived into the bathroom to clean the makeup off of my face. But I didn't. I looked across at Krystal, who was reclining on the bed, regarding me with one of those secret smiles. She winked at me. *** Bob's voice carried up the stairs. "Krys. You in?" She called out "Up here!" then whispered to me "Just sit there. Head up. Shoulders back" The door opened, and Bob stepped in, looking at his sister. "Hey. Have you seen Alis..." he stalled as he saw me. His eyes bulged in surprise. He started to mumble an apology for coming into the room, but then he realised who I was. "Holy shit Alis..." Krystal interrupted "Yes Alice. Bob, meet Alice. Alice?" she waved to me "Stand up and say hi to Bob" I carefully rose to my feet, the first time I'd stood in high heels. It felt unsteady, and the way my calf muscles pulled plus the pull of my stockings made me very aware of my appearance. I gingerly took a step towards him, noting that he was still taller than me. My stockings and suspenders pulled, and my cock began to swell in its tight satin confines. "Wow!" said Bob, obviously impressed "You are quite beautiful" Now I was blushing, and so distracted I lost my footing and began to fall headlong towards him. Bob was quick, and stepped up closing the distance between us. I'd raised my hands to catch myself, whilst he reached out low. Bob pulled me to my feet. Somehow my arms were over his broad shoulders, whilst his hands were around my slim satin clad waist. My breasts, even fake, transmitted the pressure from my body as I slightly leant against him. "Thank you" I said in almost a whisper, aware of his face only inches from mine. "My pleasure" he grinned. "Now, about those breathing exercises we were going to do. Are you ready?" Slightly confused by the change of tack, I nodded. "Right. Take a deep breath..." my breasts rose against his chest. "But keep your mouth open slightly. Now shut your eyes" In the darkness behind my eyelids I concentrated. I felt his hands move, one sliding up my back to hold the back of my neck, and the other slid down to cup my arse through the satin fabric. He tilted my neck to one side. "Just keep holding that breath Alice" Then his lips met mine. *** I couldn't understand it. I'm not gay! Another boy is kissing me. And actually it's quite nice! His soft lips mashed against mine, and I didn't want it to stop. So I wrapped one arm around his neck, and placed the other on the back of his head, holding to my face. The kiss became firmer, and using his lips he forced mine further open. What was that? His tongue, tasting my lips. I melted against him as he held me closer. My thoughts were a mish mash of conflicts: Oh God this is great! I feel so sexy! What am I doing? What is that I can feel against me... I knew the answer to that one. Bob's tongue began to intrude into my mouth. I pushed back with my own tongue - it seemed the right thing to do - and we intertwined passionately. *** Finally we broke for air, but we still held each other close. "Good lung capacity" he approved "And quite good technique. But it needs more practice." I blushed, but leant in again, this time pulling his head down towards mine. Our lips met, but this time there was more pressure. Bob was in control, and being dominant. I felt my lips squashed against my teeth, and his action forced my willing mouth open. His tongue intruded again, but this time probing deep, to twine with mine. The sensation of his muscle in my mouth was intriguing, and I explored the sensation, sucking it further in. This was all incredibly erotic and I was fully aroused - well as aroused as that tight fitting thong would let me. It was pretty academic, as I could feel Bob's enormous erection pressing against me through his clothes. It was big enough for both of us. We finally came up for air after what seemed about ten minutes. I say seemed, as Krystal had been timing us - only six. "Alice?" she asked, distracting me from her brother "How's your makeup holding out?" I blushed, checked the mirror to my side, then blushed again - my lipstick was a mess. I looked in apology at Bob, and then helplessly at Krystal. "OK, I'll help you this time. But you must learn to do this yourself, otherwise everyone will know what a you are a slut you are, with your smeared lipstick!" Krystal sat me on the low stool in front of her make up table, wiped me clean, then reapplied another thick coating of 'brazen red'. I could see Bob beside me in the mirror - his huge erection distending the front of his jeans, and even making the waistline bulge. She saw where I was looking and smirked. "Well that's unfair isn't it? You've given my big brother a big hard-on, so it's only right that you should make him more comfortable!" I didn't know how to respond, although I knew what was going to happen next. I just looked at her wide-eyed. "Alice" she instructed "This is the bit where you have to do exactly what I say - as we agreed. Now kneel down in front of Bob, and ease the pressure on that monster of his." I slid off of the low stool onto my knees, and reached up and undid his trousers. As I unzipped him, the bulge in his white shorts swelled towards me. I slid the jeans down his thighs, then reached up to deal with his underwear. His shiny purple knob was just visible poking out the top. Grasping the elastic of the waistband either side of the head, I pulled his pants down, careful not to snag on his shaft. Then I looked up to see his massive cock projecting towards me. "Suck it," commanded Krystal. Bob's bloated erection thumped against my face. He then took his thick organ in his hand and pushed it against my closed mouth. I couldn't move from the shock of the sensation, but Bob's blunt, spongy cockhead kept pressing against my lips, threatening to push in my teeth. To save them I slightly parted my lips, and Bob's swollen pole slid in to my mouth. "That's it, Alice. Now don't even think about biting him" whispered Krystal. She held onto the sides of my head whilst her brother began to pump his hard cock in and out of my helpless mouth. At first I was repulsed at having a cock in my mouth. I like girls, and I thought my friend did too. But Bob obviously liked my mouth, and Krystal enjoyed watching the perverse rape. I had no choice but to sit there and let Bob fuck my mouth. My lips were stretched in a wide 'O' around his thick shaft as he thrust into my mouth, nearly gagging me as his bulbous knob shoved against my throat. "Use your tongue and suck," Krystal whispered close in my ear as Bob fed his engorged tool between my slutty red lips. I did as I was told and began to lap my tongue along the thickly veined underside of Bob's throbbing penis. The shaft of his cock tasted clean, and I realised that I didn't particularly mind the musky flavour of his manhood. His silky flesh even began to feel kind of neat against my tongue. I still didn't like the fact that I was being made to suck a bloke, but the unpleasantness began to go away. Bob seemed to enjoy my tongue-work and groaned with satisfaction when I began to suck on him. His cock was so thick and so filled my mouth that there wasn't much room for my tongue to manoeuvre. But I did my best. "You're doing much better now, Alice" Krystal encouraged as her brother pumped his massive organ with increased tempo into my suckling mouth. "Before we're finished we'll make you quite the cocksucker." Resigned to my predicament, I focused my attention on Bob's flat, muscular stomach and the enormous pillar of flesh he was pistoning between my lips. It's hard to explain, but the longer I sucked on Bob's cock the less disgusted I felt. It's not like I asked for it, but the kinky situation was exciting me. I even started to like the taste of Bob's dick, and the erotic feel of his thick shaft sliding between my lips and filling my mouth. I began to suck and lick his swollen member more fervently, not only because I was being forced to, but because I actually wanted to. "Mmmmm," I moaned as I slurped noisily on Bob's cock. "See? I told you you'd like it," Krystal chirped. I was embarrassed that my new enthusiasm for sucking cock was evident. "Almost there," Bob groaned as he thrust his engorged penis more frantically between my lips. My tongue lashed against his throbbing manhood and my cheeks hollowed with suction. His shaft then swelled and before I knew what was happening, my mouth was suddenly filled with his sticky cum. "Mmmph! Urrrgh!" I protested as Bob's pulsating organ spurted load after load of hot sperm. I nearly gagged when the first stream of his thick spunk shot down my throat. I didn't like the taste or consistency of it at all! Krystal held my head in place and panted, "Swallow it! Hold it all in. Don't you dare spill his cum on my underwear, cocksucker!" I had no choice. I tried to swallow, but his cock was so big and he came so much, that the excess of salty cream burst from the corners of my mouth. He continued to spew his glutinous sperm in torrents, and I gradually got used to the flavour. I even started to like the feel of his huge member throbbing and shooting in my mouth. It seemed like Bob had shot a gallon of cum when finally his cock was still; most of it seemed to be still in my mouth or covering my lips and chin. Bob then pulled his now subsiding organ from my mouth with a pop. My mouth had been so stretched to accommodate him, that it did not immediately close, so it was like removing a plug, and a mouthful of warm glutinous cum began to flow out over my bottom lip and chin. "Alice!" shouted Krystal. Amazingly, I shut my mouth, and cupped my hand under my chin to catch the overflow. Krystal's lingerie was saved, but what was I to do with all this cum? "Remember what I told you?" I remembered, and swallowed, forcing the sticky mess down my throat. Then after looking at her, I also sucked the rest from my hand into my mouth, and swallowed that too. Krystal clapped, ecstatically. "Very good Alice, but you just missed one small bit!" And much to my surprise, she leant in, and licked around my mouth, cleaning my of her brothers spunk. Then she kissed me - full on the lips - feeding it to me. I sucked it off of her tongue. There was only a small amount, and as I was kissing I couldn't swallow, so I explored the texture and taste of it. As the kiss broke, I decided that I actually liked the taste of Bob's cum, and let it trickle down my throat. "If I hadn't just cum" announced Bob, interrupting my thoughts "The sight of you two girls just now would have done it! Alice, you are an amazing cocksucker. Especially for a first time." He held out his slack but still impressive member like Exhibit A for us to examine. "Just see how much you took in" A good halfway down the shaft was a red ring - the furthest point to which my lipstick had smeared off of my lips. I was impressed! "Yes Alice, that was a very good first effort" said his sister "But you have to learn to swallow. It's very sexy to have it spurt out when he is coming, but you have to control it - and remember what you are wearing. After all, you may not be able to go and get cleaned up immediately! You need more practice." "So" asked Bob "When can you make your next mentoring session?" *** It's Monday evening and Krystal and I look like we've just got back from school - in matching school uniforms of short tight fitted blouse, and short black pleated skirt. Our lingerie is identical too, which I know as we got dressed together. This is to be my second mentoring session with Krystal, and this time she is to demonstrate too - on her boyfriend. In the fun and anticipation of getting ready, I forgot to ask who her current guy was... Krystal had gotten a very realistic dildo out of a drawer, and demonstrated to me a few techniques... "Things I can't show you when we are both on our knees!" she said as she waved it about in her neatly manicured hand. My hands were fully feminised this time too, with nail varnish to match my lips. "You're sooo lucky." she had announced, "With your glossy black hair you can wear the sluttiest red!" I heard the door open downstairs and male voices drift up, when she finally added, "Now Alice, my boyfriend doesn't know that you are a guy, and I'm sure you want it to stay that way, huh?" I agreed "But seeing as you look so gorgeous and fuckable, then I don't suspect he'll even suspect. And anyway, he should be looking at me!" I was about to ask who it was, but then my brain caught my attention again. Fuckable? *** I was concentrating more on my walk and balance on those ridiculously high stiletto heels that Krystal had made me wear, that I hadn't registered that we were in the room with the boys. "Hi Dave, I'd like you to meet Alice." I looked up in surprise. How could she? It was my Neanderthal neighbour Dave! Fortunately, as Krystal had predicted, he didn't recognise me, but smiled a sweetly as he could (not very) and announced "Hi. Bob told me he had a new girl, and that you were learning how to give blow jobs. I supposed that's why you wanted me here!" Oh God, what a set up! I can't protest, cos' either Krystal or Bob could blow my cover, so I did what any girl would do; giggle, blush and turn my head away slightly, to regard him through my eyelashes and fringe. "Well, that's got the introductions sorted, so why don't we get to it?" asked Krystal. "Dave, I'm gonna suck you, so Alice can watch and practice with Bob." Dave looked disappointed, but then she added "Don't worry Dave, I'm sure Alice needs lots of practice, and I know that you're always able to deliver seconds." *** Moments later, kneeling on the carpet with my mouth full of Bob's massive cock again, I found myself wondering about my own reaction to what was happening. On the one hand, Dave's presence was worrying and I suspected if I struggled, or objected in any way, he could recognise me and hurt me. But what confused me was that I didn't feel like struggling or objecting. I actually liked the sensation of having my mouth filled by a smooth rounded knob and thick muscular shaft, but also there was something liberating about the threat - it made what was going to happen inevitable - and relieved me from taking responsibility for my actions. All I had to do was watch, copy, learn - and give good head. I had arranged myself so that I could see Krystal giving Dave's rigid shaft a good tongue lashing, and followed suit. I soon had Bob's pole glistening with saliva for its entire length, before saturating his balls by taking them into my mouth too. At that point I was thankful that Bob was clean shaven as I could see Krystal fight the urge to gag on Dave's hairy sacks. Finally, we moved up to the main event, and I watched in admiration as my tutor engulfed Bob's shiny domed end. I copied again. The penis in my mouth tasted clean but slightly salty from Bob's pre-cum pooled at the tip. His balls were big and smooth as lemons, the skin taut to my touch as I reached my fingers into his trousers and fingered the twin globes, heightening his pleasure, as I rubbed in the slickness of my saliva. I glanced over to Krystal, but it was obvious that she had forgotten me, and was fully concentrating on satisfying Dave. So I followed my instincts. I bobbed my head up and down on Bob's cock, taking the head into the back of my throat and then releasing the shaft, now dribbling with my saliva, until my lips ovalled round the crown and I squeezed gently, cutting off his orgasm as Krystal had taught me. I could tell from the laboured breathing coming from above me that my man was enjoying what I was doing, and to tell the truth, so was I; my own cock felt hot and swollen and I could feel warm fluid seeping from my own tiny slit onto the tight satin of my panties. I twisted my head up as much as I could to see the expression on his face. Bob's eyes were closed, his mouth open slightly and I guessed he was enjoying what I was doing, so I slowed my movements, savouring the warmth and thickness of the penis in my mouth, the flavour of Bob's pre-cum which I tasted every time the big head entered the back of my throat, the masculine scent which filled my senses every time I buried my nose in his pubic area. He responded by threading his fingers in my hair, holding me down a fraction longer when I did something he liked, but letting me lift my head up when I needed to breathe. Then the pressure of the hand on the back of my head became more insistent. I sucked harder, my cheeks hollowing against his ridged shaft. Long slow sucks that gave Bob such pleasure he was moaning softly deep in his chest. I could feel the skin of his balls stretching in my fingers, and I knew his balls were bubbling with hot spunk just for me. The thought turned me on so much that I wanted to reach down under my skirt and wank myself to an orgasm at the same time as Bob emptied his balls into my mouth, but I dared not with Dave present. And then the hand in my hair was joined by another, holding my head in place, my mouth still, lips stretched wide round the shaft. The huge cock in my mouth swelled, spasmed, and a gush of hot creamy sperm spurted into my throat closely followed by another. I swallowed that huge load of salty gloop, feeling it slide down the back of my throat, a sticky mass that felt sensual as descended. The cock in my mouth pumped out more and more spunk, so much that I found it difficult to swallow fast enough and so let some of the creamy rivulets of saliva and semen escape the oval of my lips to trickle down his shaft. Bob grunted softly, obviously enjoying the slippery friction of my lips on his sensitive skin. Eventually the flow eased and Bob allowed me to release his still-hard cock from between my lips and sit up. My eyes met his and I found herself wanting praise for emptying his balls, as I knew my training session was not yet over. "That was nice," Bob said. "Thank you," I replied as I leant in to lick the overflow dribbles from his still thick shaft. Finally, I wiped my mouth with my fingers and then licked them clean, making a show of enjoying the taste. *** I looked over to Krystal to see her clamped onto Dave's member as he shuddered with bliss. He was obviously filling her mouth, but she did not appear to be swallowing. She finally pulled off of Dave's subsiding member, then turned to face me. She put on her best dazzling blonde smile - then slowly opened her mouth. It was full of cum, thick strands hanging down from the roof of her mouth to pool on her tongue. The sight was incredibly erotic, and Bob, who had enjoyed the view too, groaned above me. Krystal looked up at her big brother, winked, then closed her mouth. She shuffled over to me on her knees, and grabbed hold of my face, leant in and kissed. I knew what to expect, as my mouth was flooded with Dave's spunk. As Krystal pushed it into my mouth with her skilled tongue, I sucked it too. The taste was different to Bob's - slightly stronger and less sweet - but I devoured it anyway, the thick ropy strands following each other down my gullet. "Well, that seemed to go okay." announced Dave, smirking at me. "It looks like Alice is a natural. What do you guy's think?" Bob nodded, a big grin on his face, but Krystal wasn't totally satisfied. "Yes Alice, you did well. You didn't spill any this time, but Bob made it easy for you. So this time we are going to make it a bit more challenging!" She thought for a minute, then reached under the sofa, to pull out a pair of softly lined handcuffs. My hands were pulled behind my back by Bob and Krystal snapped the cuffs in to place. "Now miss, make that big brother of mine stiff again." No rest of the wicked... I waited for Bob to come over to me, but he was relaxed on the sofa, sitting next to Dave, so I had to shuffle over to him on my knees. They were both unbothered by the fact that they were naked from the waist down, as they concentrated on my movements. He certainly was not going to make this easy for me. Before my 'boyfriend', I bent my head down into his lap, resting my shoulders on his thighs, and took his turgid cock into my mouth. Without the blood to engorge the muscle, it was a heavy dead weight, and I had to suck it in quite firmly just to be able to grip it. Once the knob was in my mouth, I began to explore and caress it with my tongue, which soon had the desired affect. In fact it was so good that Dave started to get a hard on too, that I could see rearing up out of the corner of my eye. Bob's cock began to transmogrify into the monster I knew, in the process choking me as I had too much of the shaft in my mouth. I began to struggle, but felt Krystal's hands on my shoulders pulling me up and off - my lips now stretched around his shaft, came off of the end with an audible 'pop'. I looked up, and Bob winked at me, then slid sideways and stood up, allowing Dave to slide across into his place. *** Dave sat in front of my face and tilted my head back. I opened my mouth automatically and moaned softly as his swollen pole slid into my mouth. Dave's cock wasn't as long as Bob's, but it was every bit as thick. My lips were spread in a wide 'O' again as he thrust his meaty stalk in and out of my mouth. I was busy sucking Dave's engorged tool when I felt hands around my rear. My skirt was lifted and then my panties were pulled down at the back to expose my crack, still trapping my own swollen cock in the snug satin front panel. I pulled off of Dave's cock, and looked round to see Krystal rubbing lube over Bob's massive member, and I knew my virgin anus was their next target. Now I was scared. I knew my arsehole must be tight, and Bob's cock was huge. Giving head was one thing, getting fucked up the bum quite another. Krystal grinned at me as Bob positioned himself between my splayed legs and pressed his blunt knob against my clenched hole. Then Dave grabbed my head and reintroduced his angry purple knob to my mouth "Unnnnh," I groaned as Bob's bloated knob slowly stretched my tender sphincter. The pain was intense, but I couldn't cry out because my mouth was crammed full with Dave's throbbing dick. My anal ring finally yielded and I nearly bit down on Dave's manhood as Bob's fat dome became lodged inside me. "Oh yes! This is so damn tight!" Bob panted as he stuffed another thick inch up my brutalised passage. "How exciting" I heard Krystal giggle as she watched my painful sodomy from close-up. The lubrication on Bob's tool made the buggery somewhat easier than it could have been, but the pain was still unbelievable. My tight rose expanded around the monstrous column of muscle until it felt like I was going to split apart. Eventually I felt Bob's smooth balls snug against my nether cheeks; it felt like his bulging knob was in my chest and his thick, pulsating shaft filled my rectal passage to the brim. Bob didn't give me time to get used to having his arse-splitting tool inside me. He pulled out, my sphincter nipping at his hard length along the way, so that only his knob was inside my tortured rear entrance. He then thrust deep back inside my churning guts and began to fuck my bum in long, steady strokes. My attention was focused on the acute pain in my rear end, and Dave wasn't happy that I was neglecting his cock. He pinched my nose shut and, with my mouth clogged with his fleshy pole, I struggled for air. "Don't forget about me" said Dave. "Ummmmph," I gurgled as I resumed sucking and licking his swollen erection. Dave let go of my nose and my nostrils flared as I greedily breathed in air. I could smell the musky aroma of his sex, and it began to turn me on. So I knelt as my mouth and anus were fucked by the two well-hung schoolboys. The pain in my convulsing hole gradually dissipated as my anus accommodated the thick foreign object. An odd pleasure blossomed deep inside my back passage and my body began to respond to the buggery. I began to rock back and forth on my knees, skewering my distended arsehole on Bob's plunging member. "Now we've got her" I heard Krystal say as she noticed my movements betray my passions again. My initial training was complete, and I sucked and humped the two massive cocks deliriously. My penis throbbed desperately in its silky confines, as my body shook in tormented ecstasy. Dave was the first to cum. I felt his cock swell between my lips, and I thought I would soon be drinking his creamy sperm. But he had other plans though, for he pulled his twitching shaft from my mouth and stroked it in front of my face. I watched in anticipation as he jerked on his big, purple organ. "Ohhh, maaan!" he cried out as he erupted. Thick streams spurted from his spasming cock and splattered against my face. Spurt after spurt of hot, white cum landed on my cheeks, forehead, in my eyes, and in my open mouth. By the time Dave was done ejaculating, my face was a gooey mess. He pushed his cock back in my mouth and I licked him clean, loving the taste of his tangy seed. My balls then tightened and I cried out in bliss as my cock erupted in my panties. This caused my anal muscles to clamp around Bob's steely shaft and I shuddered as I felt his cock leap deep inside me. "Ahhhh" I moaned as Bob's cum surged the full length of his pulsating cock and blasted into my guts. My orgasm was brought to a higher plane as Bob pumped my sensitised anus full with his thick semen. Each time his organ flexed inside my clenching anal canal and spurted his cum, my own cock shot another jet. My orgasm seemed to go on forever. But finally I drifted down from my foggy daze and panted for breath. I groaned when Bob pulled his sated cock from my ravaged hole. I felt empty. "Hey" cooed Krystal as she toyed with my limp meat in my sodden panties, hidden beneath my skirt "She came too!" I was speechless, left gasping by the ferocity of my climax. I couldn't believe how intense it could be to get fucked up the ass. My abused loins tingled with pleasure as I felt Bob's cum bubble from my gaping anus. My face flushed, I looked wearily at my lusty friends. "Dave sure gave her a full facial," Krystal laughed. She scooped a sticky strand of her boyfriend's cum from my chin and licked it up. She then lapped up the creamy ropes from my gleaming face, happily smiled at me, and pressed her lips to mine. Once again I found myself kissing the gorgeous girl, and she probed into my mouth our tongues swirled together and we shared our saliva and Dave's spunk. Krystal's kiss left me breathless. *** I was alone with Bob. Krystal had taken Dave by the cock and led him out of the room. I heard them going the stairs to her room, and the door closing. I later heard from her that she had "A damn good fucking!" - thanks to me, as I'd taken the pressure off so that he could keep going for ages without climaxing. Anyway, Bob looked after me. He carried me upstairs and stripped me, cleaned me up, and wrapped me in a large towelling robe, then led me downstairs again - the sounds from Krystal's bedroom were a bit too distracting. "Alice" he began "I feel I ought to apologise, but I don't want to." "Why?" "Well I never meant it to go this far. I admit that I noticed you at the swimming trials, and you looked so cute I just wanted to know what it would be like to see you as a girl. And to see you with your lips wrapped around my cock! But honestly, I never meant to fuck you..." I was slightly surprised at that "You mean that your cock accidentally slipped into my bum?" "No, no! It's just that I asked Krystal to help me. To get you in a position where you would suck me off. But she is a devious little schemer, and I went along with it." "So it's all her fault?" I sounded sceptical. "Well no. I went along because after that first time I wanted more too. And I got more, and I loved it. And I think you did too?" "Well..." I gave him a sly smile, then pulled him towards me and kissed him. *** The End

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With Sophie's true nature of the relationship between her and her 27 year old Romainian lover Andrei now out in the open i thought it was time that i met the man i would be sharing my partner with. (*see previous stories) When Sophie next met with him at work she talked to him about meeting me and reassured him that i was totally fine with the situation and that it actually turned me on. He thought i was very weird and couldn't understand my behaviour but agreed nonetheless. She had told me...

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A Teen Sluts SagaChapter 20 Epilogue

Amy refused to cooperate with the prosecutors. She would never forget the day they made her sit in that office downtown to watch video after video of her masturbating. The videos had been taken by her father, they told her, who had secretly recorded her for several months. Obviously they had hoped that this betrayal of her privacy would make her so angry that she'd agree to testify against him, to say he had raped her. They had him on murder, cold. But they wanted him on child molestation...

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NuruMassage Valentina Nappi Secret NURU Caught By Surveillance Cam

Our massage parlor may LOOK like a normal parlor, but we have a dirty little secret: every now and then we secretly film sessions with our clients and sell the footage. But these aren’t just ANY sessions. These are the ones where our stunning masseuses go…the extra mile, if you know what we mean. For this particular recording, we had the pleasure of welcoming first time client Jay into the parlor. Jay had been feeling tense lately and needed some relief. Well, he was about to get...

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Fucked by Father in Law

Visit here to see fully updated savita bhahi series along with my personal sex galleryDear readers, this is shashi here again who works as a secy and have wild sex with my boss, and here is one of my personal true episodes, I have read so many episodes and yet to read anything similar to what I experienced with my 55 year old father in law.This happened 4 yrs back when I was 23 years and newly married, other than sex with my hubby I never had any sort of a experience with any...

3 years ago
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The Story Of Two Brothers

Hi . I am back with a new story of two brothers. Which get to know by this month when I received the mail. Now I am going to continue with story. Mera naam sameer h . Aur meri family me mai bhaiya aur bhabhi h mere bhai mujhse 5 saal bde h. Meri umar 20 saal h. Saadi ke do saal baad bhabhi ki maleriya se death hi gayi . tbse bhai bahut dukhi rhne lage bhai bhabhi ko Jaan se bhi jyada pyar krte the. Maine socha saayad kuch dino me Thik ho jaye. PR ek saal bit gaye aur woo abi bi bhabhi ke gaam...

Gay Male
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At The Park

In this fictional story, I take a walk to the local park not far from my house one pleasant afternoon. I bring along a snack bag in case I get hungry and a book all about birds from the state I live in. When I get to the park, I sit down on one of the park benches and just enjoy the scenery. There's a small pond with some fish, ducks, geese, and a few large swans. Some people are here enjoying the day. I glance to my right to see a small bird perched on the bench only inches away from me. I...

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Ruths Room

Some asshole had tried to explain to me, back in April, that the single-room in Waterford was “the size of a postage stamp.” What a lying little bitch. “Oh my god,” Stacy had squealed, “I hear there isn’t even, like, a real bed in there, it’s just, like, a mattress thrown on the floor.” “REALLY?!” I had exclaimed, genuinely excited. I had always enjoyed visions of debauched Thoreaueanism. Keeping things simple and skanky. That mattress could get awfully dirty, then. Good way to bring a princess...

4 years ago
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Copyright © 1997 and 2002, Phil Phantom I am a mother with a problem child in that my fourteen-year-old son has a shit fetish. I know all kids go through that stage, but he didn't get through and has it bad. He has become a major problem, because he won't behave himself or hide his fetish. He has suffered every type of punishment there is and is currently grounded until the year 2034, but he refuses to submit to potty training and will not leave the tits in our family alone. I have had...

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Magic Pantyhose

Magic Pantyhose By Paul G. Jutras One warm Friday evening in early summer, Louis sat in his father's lounge chair with a curly blonde wig, purple dress and matching two inch pumps. His pink toe polish looked good through his suntan pantyhose. The tape of Cinderella he was watching was just at the part where the fairy godmother had appeared to start using her magic. Louis let out a sign and glanced out the window at the twinkling stars. "I wish I had my own fairy Godmother."...

1 year ago
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Want some voyeur porn from Hot Scopes? Don't we all get bored of overproduced premium pornography after a while? I sure know that I do. I mean, seeing all those fake titties, fake asses, and even fake dicks (I think those have become much more popular in the last few years, actually) got me hiding from mainstream pornography, and I'm sure it is repulsive to some of you as well. Well, if it isn't, it should be. I mean, what does it feel like having a shitty taste in pornography?I sure don't...

Voyeur Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Chasing the Last Road to StockholmChapter 3

Take the burden Carry the weight Dodging the eye Away from the light Make it work hard Keep it sightless of fate Pay it dear and precious Always, (always, always) out of that sight Rings (B. Lake) 2005 Zero hour +1 Summer and I were lost in a crossword. At least that’s how it felt. Intersections would appear every couple of miles, forming a never-ending grid of regimented crops with no sign of civilisation on either side. I guessed that even wheat needed roads to get to mills, feed stores...

1 year ago
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PropertySex Gianna Dior Anything For My Clients

Chuck answers a knock on the door to find stunning real estate agent Gianna Dior, of Dior & Dior, waiting for him. Having just sold the neighbor’s house, Gianna tells Chuck that she could get him upwards of a million dollars for his property. Chuck invites Gianna in for a visit, and she tells him how she became so successful: she does everything she can to keep her clients satisfied. With this revelation, Gianna pulls her pink panties to the side and shows Chuck her wet pussy. Gianna...

2 years ago
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My moms discipline3

My mom Sarada, age 38 years with longest sexy nose, 42-38-44 sizes, very sexy woman. From the very beginning I find her very cruel, sadistic and sex maniac. In front of us, she fucks with her boy friend Kiran along with her friends Janaki, Sudha. They all fuck together encouraging each other. My dad, unfortunately became impotent, became her feet slave and obey her orders. At the age of 7, One day when saw her fuck with kiran, my rod was erected and I went into bath room and masturbating....

1 year ago
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 90 Yucanojo

The ice flows spread out below in all directions, stretching to and past the horizon. Snow that hadn't seen liquid form since before man discovered fire wafted ghost-like about fissures deeper than the Grand Canyon. Born aloft ever so briefly not by wind but vibration generated through tectonic stress caused when continent size five mile thick sheets of ice slammed ponderously together in an eternal ballet of titanic destruction. Seen from orbit as long spider-web cracks, gave the surface...

2 years ago
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 29 September 11 1984 Natalie

It's funny how some chapters of your life start so unexpectedly and without your realizing that they've started until you take a look back and clearly see their beginning point. Natalie sat alone with the radio softly playing in the background of her small apartment. What did I ever do to deserve this? Natalie thought bitterly. She had struggled in college, working her butt off to get the same grades her peers had found so easy to achieve. While she had not been blessed with the brains in...

1 year ago
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Women No Shirts Drink Free

The new sign read, “Men No Shirts, No Service. Women No Shirts, Drink Free.” It was huge and was just hung up on the front of my bar. I couldn’t wait to see how it worked. My ad in the paper came out today too announcing my new policy. This was a college town and an awful lot of underage girls try to get in all the time. In our state girls over eighteen can have their wrist tagged so that they cannot buy drinks. Then of course at twenty-one they can drink legally in this state. The...

3 years ago
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tution sir ne ki chudai

hi i am ayushima …..19 yrs olddd yeh baat hai jab main +2 main thi aur main maths bahut kamjor thi….. mere ghar pe ek tution sir ate the padhane jinki umar 28 yrs saal ki thi aur unki sadi bhi nahin hui thi aur woh bahut hi handsome the…….mere liye unke bahut se feeling jag uthe jab maine unka lund dekha jo ki kaphi mota tha aur lamba bhi..ek din ki baat mere ghar pe koi nahin tha meri maa aur behen market gaye the aur main ghar pe akeli thi aur tabhi ghar ki ghanti baji aur main bhagte hue...

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The Queen of Spades QoS lifestyle

Queen of Spades - Meanings(I) The queen of spades is one of the 52 that is in a normal deck of cards. In the game hearts, she can be a real pain in the ass to get because she is worth 13 points, which you would not want to get - I hate when I get that bitch in hearts.(II)Alexander Pushkin's "The Queen of Spades" is a short story about Hermann, a calculating officer in the Army Engineers whose extreme greed leads him to obsess over finding out an old countess's magic formula to winning at the...

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Stockholm in 1940 1

The story is set in Stockholm in 1940 when Sweden had declared itself neutral the year previously. Nevertheless tensions were high as the British German and Russians already had consulates there, so inevitably there was a considerable amount of spying. ______________________ Commander Richard Evans Special Operations Executive shivered as darkness began to fall, the temperature already well below freezing, yet still no sign of the beautiful long haired blonde Swedish waitress who...

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Character Creation Showcase

Note: Last Update: 2016-09-24. gene.sis also created another story to present this same example in a different way:Conditional Branches Showcase (examples) Showcase Note: The "source of the chapters" as copyable text can be viewed on the forum For this to work, it is mandatory to start the Game Mode on the right tab under "Score". In the Intro Chapter, the player is awarded 5 character creation points, which he can spent freely at the character creation screen. This is achieved by ticking...

3 years ago
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Getting out of a ticket

Whe I first got my liscense my parents told me that if I got a speeding ticket they would have my liscense until 18. So when I was going a good 15 over, and those blue lights came on in my rear view mirror, I freaked out so bad I almost wrecked. When the officer came to my window, I began crying, saying I could not get a ticket, or my parents would ground me from driving, and begged and begged, saying I would do anything to just get out of the ticket, and never go over the limit again! He said...

1 year ago
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A Cougars Story

After my indiscretion with Bob that Oktoberfest weekend, Jim and I's sexual activity increased considerably, mostly if the truth be told, because of my initiating 'fooling around'.There was no doubt about it anymore, at least for me, that the night with Bob had reawakened a part of me that wouldn't go back to sleep. One evening, after Jim and I had finished a very delightful 69 session, I lay with my head on his thigh, enjoying the cleaning I was doing of Jim's cock after he had climaxed.He had...

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Lockdown Fun With Neighbor Savitha Aunty

Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident… Hello Friends,I am writing my new experience which in encountered with my new neighbour during this lockdown.I'm Akash working as an software professional in bangalore this incident took place few days back with my hot neighbour her name is savitha aged around 32 yrs very fair with dick raising asset 34-32-34...

2 years ago
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First of all, I must warn you that this is more like a blog post, rather than a story. I want to share to you all, my fans, haters, perverts, stalkers or just visitors, the thoughts I have about one of my favorite profiles here.She posted that she is from Russia, but she seems more like Turkish to me. When you look at her avatar pic, you can guess she has a slight smile in the corner of her mouth, but if you look at her whole face, you can see that, in fact, she`s got that “dream on” kind of...

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The Gavin McClain Stories 1 Career Move Part 1 of 2

Alicia received the text at the worst possible moment.She was standing in front of the bedroom mirror, jostling her boobs into prime position within the confines of her mini-dress, when the phone blipped from its resting-place on her bed. Her heart lurched at the sound. God, please no. It could have come any time that week, surely not tonight ... Not when Matt was treating her for her birthday, for God’s sake. Taking her to The Biarritz―so she had wheedled out of him―a restaurant so exclusive...

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Threesome at the Hot Tubs

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story. The names and places are not real and in no way are meant to resemble anybody or anyplace in the real world. The story is, however, based on a not-so-far-fetched situation I may, or may not, have been involved with. Enjoy.There are great Mineral Spring hot tubs near where we live. We usually try go to there at least every other month to rent a private tub where we basically fuck for an hour with some breaks for drinks and dessert. We turn our music on and...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 378

The Retreat ... Jeff's eyes locked with hers and it was all she could do to keep from orgasming. Charlotte bit her lip, her body shivering as she forced herself to look away before she embarrassed herself and actually had an orgasm. What has this man done to me? He just looked at me, but it was as if he knew what I was feeling. And more than that, I want to sit in his lap and have him hold me. I've never felt this way about a man in my whole life, but he hasn't said or done anything...

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My Wifes Halloween Party Revenge

My wife and I had been invited to a Halloween bash. It had been hosted by one of my co-workers. They do this party every year and it is an adult party only. What I mean about adult party is that you are allowed to dress as provocatively as you would like. That night right before we left for the party we got into a heated argument over nothing. One thing led to another and before we knew it things had gotten out of control. She said some things to me that pissed me off so I went off on her...

3 years ago
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My BF and his BF Hypnotized FoxTrot PT2

"Foxtrot, I want you both to follow me inside to the sauna." As they got out of the spa they finished drying off and then headed inside to the sauna that Kristy's parents had put in that previous year—this was one of her favorite features of the home.They all stepped into the sauna naked as Kristy cranked up the controls to 160 degrees Fahrenheit and the three of them got comfy on the U-shaped wooden benches that spanned the small room.The boys seemed completely oblivious to the fact that they...

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Sighing, Ed sent a text to Laura's phone. He was surprised by the immediate response. Rather than a reply it said "messages to this number are not in service. If this is a real number then the recipient has refused to receive your messages." "What the…?" Ed gasped in confusion. Had Laura really blocked his phone? Why would she do that? Ed can think of only one reason. She had dumped him and rather than telling him, she stood him up on what was supposed to be their first full night...

1 year ago
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I Love Watching

Most women would call me crazy, but one of my biggest turn ons is watching my man fuck other women that we meet. We do it about once a month and it's always one of the hottest fucks we have. Last week, we went to Vegas for a friend's wedding. Vegas has no shortage of hookers or women who are looking for a quick, anonymous fuck. It didnt take long for me to spot a woman at a club who was looking at us with that look in her eye. My name is Sherry, my man is Ben, and she went by the name Emme....

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Never Wanted To Be Your Girlfriend Ch 03

Derrick really took advantage of having me captive that first weekend. He spent the entire time making me watch porn videos, and then had me recreate the scenes with him. He said, that he needed his girlfriend to be fully versed in all the ways he liked to be pleased. His appetite for sex was unreal. The only time we ever really took a break was to eat. And I have to admit, he made the most amazing strawberry milkshakes to go with the food. It was almost worth the humiliation of being fucked...

1 year ago
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Daddy Urges 2 revised

Tom was concerned that their relationship would be hampered by what had occurred even though they both consented. Lately, he did not see much of Jenna and was worried that maybe she was avoiding him but convinced himself that her school and work schedule was the reason. He realized in a strange an unnatural way that his love for her had grown more deeper due to their intimacy. As time went by he had the craving to taste the forbidden fruit and to have more time with her than the last one....

2 years ago
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First Time Lesbian Horny With BFF After A Party

Carolyn's tongue explored me in a way that no boy's ever had. I squirmed and moaned as she found places buried in the folds of my pussy that even I hadn't discovered. "Oh godd..." I whispered as I surrendered to the idea of my friend going down on me. It felt so good, I was losing myself to it!We'd been at a party, dancing with boys and came home drunk and horny. I took most of my costume off, leaving just the fishnet body suit and flopped on the bed. "Gahhh, I'm so FUCKING horny right now. You...

1 year ago
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KarenChapter 5

Messy “No hickeys, Greg.” “No hickeys. Mmmm. Wasn’t that gentle? Mmmm...” “Oh, yes!” “And hickeys wouldn’t show there.” “Boys don’t take a shower after gym?” “Okay, no hickeys, and I’ll balance my attentions. Mmmm. Mmmm.” “Now, come up. Mmmmm.” “Mmmm. Gladly. Mmm. You taste so sweet.” “Greg!” “But you feel so sweet, too. Your thighs are so smooth, and...” “But I’m all messy down there.” “That isn’t messy. It’s soft and warm. It’s...” “It’s messy. I warned you.” “It’s delightful....

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