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It was with nothing but disgust that Susan regarded the musicians whose subtle and accomplished performance was so enrapturing most of the other guests. Susan was conscious that she was a fraud in so many ways and her presence at the recital a sham. It was the music she should be appreciating rather than the musicians. She should be somehow transported to the higher plane that Franz Schubert had prepared for listeners to his String Quartet No. 14 in D minor : otherwise known as Death and the Maiden. Instead, her thoughts were chiefly focused on the huge bald spot in the middle of the cellist’s pate. On the fringe and at the back his brown hair was abundant, but in the midst of this luxuriance was an obscene expanse of pink baldness His head was bowed while he scraped his bow back and forth across the cello’s strings, and all Susan could concentrate on was this naked excrescence that was in such total contrast to the lank long hair that flowed around the tonsure and over his shoulders.

All four musicians in the string ensemble were equally as disgusting to behold in one way or another. The man playing the viola was so fat that it was only by a miracle that the buttons of his white shirt dammed in a bloated discharge of pink belly that would otherwise overflow onto his lap. With every backward thrust of his bow, a hairy jelly-like engorgement extruded from between the straining buttons. The first violin was played by a man who had one eye at least an inch below the other and such an apology for a beard that it could only be excused insofar as it obscured his receding chin.

And as for the other violinist—the only woman in the quartet—however unprepossessing her musical colleagues might be, could even they stomach the horror of ever having to fuck her? From her scrawny neck to her swollen ankles, the entire length of her body was shapeless and plain. Her skin was pale and blotchy. Her greying hair was tied back in a severe bow. And, only partly obscured by the frame of her unfashionable glasses, her left cheek was overshadowed by a nauseatingly prominent brown mole. Fuck! Susan was sure she could see three long sprouting strands of black hair. Couldn’t the woman have at least plucked them out before she ventured into a public space?

The musicians were clearly in some kind of rapture as they scraped their bows back and forth. Their bodies were so tense and energetic that they each resembled some kind of large insect as their arms jerked backwards and forwards. Perhaps the music was good. Maybe it was the greatest music that had ever been performed—Susan was in no way qualified to pass judgment—but while she remained transfixed by the sheer ugliness and ungainliness of the musicians she could make no sense of the actual music at all: whether it was Allegro, Andante or Scherzo. The printed sheet promised that the fourth movement, after which all this torture would be over, would be a Presto, whatever that was. She hoped it would sort of invoke a sense of magic, like ‘Hey Presto!’, or even a bit of excitement, but all the lurching about from one almost-a-tune to another only made her suffering the worse.

The musicians weren’t the only plug ugly people in the outsized music room. The private performance of the Aspettare String Quartet’s recital was for the benefit and pleasure of guests hand-picked and invited by none other than Sir Kenneth Chandler: knight of the realm, patron of the arts and private philanderer. To Susan’s eyes almost everyone in the audience was grotesque, with the exception of those younger women who were there for much the same reason as she was. How was it possible for so much of God’s creation to be so unhealthy, unwholesome and seemingly in-bred? In fact, if evidence was ever needed that God, if He existed, was either far from omnipotent or just playing a cruel and elaborate joke, then this could be confirmed by a scan of the corpulent, sallow-skinned, aging or misshapen men and women all sitting stock still in one of Sir Kenneth’s more opulent chambers and at least pretending to listen intently to the Aspettare String Quartet.

Susan was familiar with most of Sir Kenneth’s chambers, from the billiard room to the library, from the private cinema to the indoor swimming pool, and from the vast kitchen to the opulent bed chambers. And it was in this last room that Susan, and a few other of her colleagues and acquaintances, became most familiar with the most grotesque and least appealing aspects of Sir Kenneth and his many friends and associates. Sir Kenneth’s naked body exhibited a blend of the scrawniness of middle age and the corpulence of good-living. But at least he was a man whose stomach didn’t obscure or even flop over the proof of his manhood which he, like so many men, was so keen to flaunt at close proximity in Susan’s face.

Susan had seen it all before, of course. She’d seen fat ones; thin ones; ones with a prominent bend; ones where the balls put the penis to shame (although they were most often also nothing to be proud of); dark ones; crinkled ones; circumcised ones; and very many that were either far too eager to jump to attention or needed a huge amount of attention to coax into any kind of useful life. There was always some consolation for the awkward fumbling, the clumsy manhandling and the unreasonable demands on her body. And these most often eventually found their way up her nose or ingested in a ceremony more elaborate and often more pleasurable than the lovemaking it was intended to supplement.

At long last, there was the customary uneasy halt to the performance where the audience looked around at one another to judge whether an applause was required. And this would soon break forth when the cue was given by a couple of firm handclaps: usually initiated by Sir Kenneth who himself relied on a discrete nod from his decidedly cultured and foul-breathed cultural curator. And then like waves crashing on the beach or, more often, a strong wind against the window, applause would break out amongst Sir Kenneth’s thirty or forty guests and continue until Sir Kenneth judged that it was time to stand up and stride, still clapping appreciatively, to the dais in front of the gathered audience.

Inevitably, this wasn’t to be the end of the tedious cultural entertainment. Susan wasn’t going to be let off that easily. As always, when Sir Kenneth congratulated a String Quartet he made a special request on behalf of everyone that they should perform an encore. The musicians would make an unconvincing show of not being prepared and then play the one memorable and even sometimes tuneful piece of music in their repertoire. Every so often, it would be a piece of music that even Susan recognised. Like Greensleeves or the Hamlet Cigar theme tune. These encores never usually lasted much more than five minutes, but this was usually the first time in the whole performance that the musicians and even some of the audience looked like they were genuinely enjoying themselves. Susan often wondered why these chamber music ensembles didn’t skip the actual concert and just play a series of encores: seeing as it was the most enjoyable part of the evening. With, of course, a very real promise that it would all finally come to an end.

“How did you enjoy the recital, Susan dear?” Sir Kenneth asked afterwards and when the far more important guests had been attended to and the musicians given enough evidence of the knight’s knowledge and appreciation of culture to speak well of him in future.

Susan couldn’t say what she really thought or she might never be invited to such an evening’s entertainment again. She would never say that it had been yet another excruciating hour and a half of having to stifle a yawn and trying not to fidget.

“Excellent as always, Sir Kenneth,” Susan said deferentially. “You have such excellent taste in music.”

Susan knew exactly which buttons to press. The knight smiled graciously and placed a discreet but firm hand on her wrist that was as bare as the rest of her arm from the sleeveless shoulder to the elegant bracelet.

“I’d like you to get to know Benedict Cosgrove,” Sir Kenneth said in a low voice. “He’s the chap with the short beard and cravat chatting to the cellist in the corner.”

“Who is Benedict Cosgrove and what is he to you?” Susan asked.

“Well, I’ll leave it to you to find out more about the man yourself. In fact, I’ve never spoken to him for more than thirty seconds at a time. All you need to know is that he’s a private investor and that I want him to invest some of his not inconsiderable wealth in my East European enterprises. Just make sure he associates an evening of high culture with a high degree of satisfaction that even Franz Schubert doesn’t normally offer.”

“Schubert wasn’t gay, was he?” Susan asked with some alarm.

“I don’t believe so,” said Sir Kenneth. “A bit of an old romantic I gather. Or a young romantic really. He died when he was about the same age as our Mr Cosgrove. It was from typhoid I think, but if young Benedict were also to die young I’d rather it was from a broken heart. Now, if you don’t mind…”

“Of course, Sir Kenneth,” said Susan as the knight wandered off to chat to a party of society ladies who dressed much the same as she did, but with rather more conspicuous expense and rather less sartorial success. There wasn’t much even the best dress designers could do to add polish to such turds. Their bare arms had neither the elegant slenderness of her own nor a pleasing plumpness. Their necks didn’t spring swan-like through a pearl necklace to culminate in a smooth face framed by a healthy head of angular-cut straight hair that almost but never quite brushed on the shoulders. Their faces were either thrust up on thick necks and squashed beneath frayed blonde-dyed hair or sprouted like stalks of asparagus topped with a head of hair that appeared to have been borrowed from someone else.

Benedict Cosgrove, mind you, wasn’t as much a crime to fashion and good taste as most of the corpulent, aging and mottled-skin gentlemen in the music room and accompanying salon, but he was scarcely graced with the looks of a movie star. However, as Susan steadily but deliberately weaved her way through the men (mostly) and women who greeted her stately progress, there was much she could already say about Mr Cosgrove. He had money. Lots of it, judging from the cut of his tailor-made suit and the apparent weight of his Swiss watch. And it was likely that he took moderate but not excessive exercise judging from his generally trim body and the healthy sheen of his lightly freckled skin.

The best way to introduce yourself to someone to whom you’ve never actually been introduced before, Susan discovered, was to make your presence felt gradually rather than to break into a conversation presumptuously. And with so much mingling amongst guests it was a simple matter to walk straight up to the cellist who’d already attracted Mr Cosgrove’s attention and shower praises on him.

“I’ve rarely heard a better rendition of Schubert’s Rosamunde Quartet,” Susan declared, hoping that this wouldn’t be challenged or that her pronunciation as recalled from earlier in the evening wasn’t too unconvincing. “Wouldn’t you agree?” she added with a meaningful glance at Benedict Cosgrove while she tried to determine from his reaction whether he was gay, self-confident or socially awkward.

“I’ve never heard better,” said the man, who from his inability to focus directly at her eyes was probably evidence that he wasn’t overly self-confident and almost certainly not gay. In this company of unprepossessing women, Susan stood out as a beauty guaranteed to generate a spark in the eyes of all but eunuchs and the most steadfast homosexuals.

Susan now had to move for the kill. Someone else might net Mr Cosgrove or he might decide to quiz the cellist yet further. She slightly furrowed her brow.

“Excuse me, sir,” she said directly to her target. “Haven’t we met before somewhere? I can’t recall where exactly. Was it at Covent Garden perhaps? Or maybe the Wigmore Hall.”

“Goodness, madam,” said a clearly flustered Benedict Cosgrove. “I really don’t remember. I doubt that it was the Wigmore. I’ve not been there for several years.”

“I do recognise you,” Susan persevered. “Maybe it was at a party somewhere. Mr Cosgrave, isn’t it?”

“Cosgrove,” the mark corrected. “Benedict Cosgrove. But you can call me Ben. I don’t recall your name?”

“Susan Worstenholme,” said Susan using one of several assumed surnames. “So, Mr Cosgrove, how well do you know my cousin Kenneth?”

“I didn’t know you were related, Mrs Worstenholme,” said Benedict Cosgrove.

“By grace of marriage only,” said Susan. “But I must correct you, Mr Cosgrove. I’m not yet a married woman. Worstenholme is the surname I’ve had from birth. I guess I still haven’t found the man whose surname I wish to take. Is your wife here?”

“My wife?” said Mr Cosgrove, for a moment looking sufficiently startled for Susan to wonder whether there might actually be one. “No,” he continued with his eyes trained meaningfully towards Susan. “I haven’t found my life partner yet either.”

Careful, thought Susan. This was a fish that could only be netted once and then thrown away. And, in any case, there was not a single man associated with Sir Kenneth who could become a meaningful long term association. Not, that is, if she wanted to remain in his good favour.

“I’m sure that day will come soon,” said Susan. “So, tell me, how is it that you know my cousin?”

Susan had practiced such gambits many times before. If she hadn’t, she could so easily stumble and then fall very badly. And then where would be her reputation? And it was her reputation rather than her birth-right or even her sexual stamina that kept her in jewels, pearls and designer clothes. It was her reputation for elegance and the promise she could deliver when required in a manner that wouldn’t shame prospective clients that paid for her twice-weekly hairdressing appointments, the apartment in Lisson Grove, and an occasional coke habit. As an inevitable result of having been married and divorced several times over, Sir Kenneth had many cousins, most of them through marriage: But Susan was one cousin Sir Kenneth would most definitely deny if challenged, especially as any such consanguinity would have compromised the sex he’d enjoyed so many times with her.

As Susan understood it, there were two duties she was expected to perform for Sir Kenneth. The first was easily dispensed with.

“I have absolute faith in my cousin’s business concerns,” she said when Benedict mentioned that he wasn’t convinced whether the proffered business opportunities in Azerbaijan and Georgia were really such sound investments. “I’ve always taken his advice in such matters and it’s been more than enough to supplement my private income. But as they say, you should never invest more money than you can afford to lose.”

“Sound advice,” Benedict said, as if he’d never heard the cliché before. “But I would be foolish to lose money when I don’t need to. Are these markets really performing quite as well as Sir Kenneth would have me believe?”

“I’m not a businesswoman, Mr Cosgrove,” said Susan. “I’m simply someone who’s profited many times over from the good advice of a cousin who’s always more than delivered on his promises.”

First job done.

Of course, Susan knew that offering a confident assessment on Sir Kenneth’s business proposals was only likely to be successful if there was some kind of follow-through that would persuade Benedict Cosgrove that there were benefits from an association with Sir Kenneth that had little to do with the value of the stocks and shares he was eager to offload. Thankfully, this was a man in every way as predictable and malleable as Susan expected.

As she expected, Benedict was currently residing in a suite in a five star hotel in Central London while he conducted business in the City. His room boasted an excellent view over the River Thames towards the Houses of Parliament, and if Susan was so minded, Benedict would be more than happy to show her an almost unparalleled panorama of the city.

Susan didn’t want to admit that she’d seen many great views of London from the hotel rooms of many of Sir Kenneth’s business associates and even some who’d never had the pleasure of his acquaintance. Furthermore, Susan had no intention of telling Benedict who these men were nor what they invariably revealed to her in all its flabby, fleshy, grotesque glory. Nor would she divulge just how little she enjoyed being squeezed beneath the sweaty, hairy, overweight body of a man who farted loudly, smelt foully and sometimes took rather too long to get his business over with.

At least, when Benedict revealed his cock, not long after downing many more whiskeys than Susan would ever permit herself on a working day, it was nothing he needed to be ashamed of. It wasn’t of porn star dimensions, for which Susan was quite grateful. On those few occasions when she’d sampled such delights—on a professional basis only—she felt that engorged mass far too deep inside her for rather longer than she cared for. In truth, she preferred something she could very easily forget. However, if only it was always so easy. Men’s cocks were so often disgusting and when they didn’t seep out urine or semen, Susan would rather she’d never get to find out. Thank goodness for prophylactics, without which Susan would never go anywhere. Not only did they protect you from the feel of a cock and whatever might spurt from the end of it, condoms disguised and even improved the very look and taste of the bloody things.

Presentation was key. Not only in bed, but in all the stages before. Susan had to be a convincing society heiress: if one rather more self-confident and liberal with her body than any you’d ever met sober. And after too much imbibing alcohol, snorting lines or necking pills, such women when young and unattached often made an unseemly virtue of demonstrating just how far they could go. Nonetheless, most society gels—whether debutantes or otherwise—however bold they were, could never pass muster in Susan’s profession. So many of them had horsey laughs that matched so well their horsey faces. Many of them so took for granted their natural superiority over the plebs, the downtrodden middle-class or the servant classes, that they mistook bold experimentation as sufficient experience to boast about for the rest of their married lives. This often meant that they were able to claim they didn’t need sexual experimentation after marriage as they’d already had enough of it before their father had given them away on the aisle. But few society women, even the young ones, had skin as smooth and sensuous as Susan’s. Few, very few, had such a naturally beautiful face that didn’t need to be caked with foundation and cream. And few could satisfy a man quite as well as Susan could.

It wasn’t that Susan actually enjoyed it very much. If she thought deeply about the paunchy, pot-bellied, saggy-arsed, drooling men who’d fucked her, she’d be frigid. Like women of an earlier century who didn’t believe in sexual pleasure for themselves, Susan was expert in making the men who fucked her believe that she’d truly enjoyed every thrust, that she savoured the taste of their semen and that she quite enjoyed being fucked up the arse. And, for a tad more money and with the right client, Susan could pretend to enjoy rather more than was strictly vanilla. Even bondage and a light spanking was an available option and given the demand for it amongst the moneyed and privileged, one worth enduring on occasion.

However, it was vital that Benedict wouldn’t be left with the impression that Sir Kenneth’s cousin was anything less than a lady—however good a fuck she might be. So: not too much eye-contact, appreciably laboured reluctance to remove her clothes and a show of tightness in a twat that had long since gained an elasticity denied most society women. Fortunately, the fashion for shaven pudenda had become so prevalent that it no longer inspired comment except amongst the older and least experienced men of her acquaintance. A tattoo, however, was definitely out of order. It had cost her rather more to remove the discreet tattoo of a spiky red rose on her shoulder than it had been to acquire. That had been when she was younger, more naïve and probably still had a residual belief in true love despite the already considerable evidence to the contrary that the only men worth surrendering for love alone would never be the ones who could keep her in the luxury to which she’d now become accustomed.

And so with enough reluctance and reserve to appear more like a woman of good-breeding than one of easy virtue, Susan was able to convince Benedict that he was truly taking her to places she’d very rarely, if ever, been before. The two fucked on the bed, fucked on the floor and fucked against the window to the hotel suite that looked over the Houses of Parliament. Benedict fucked her vaginally and Susan sucked him off royally. Benedict achieved orgasm three times with a decent pause between each spasm, while Susan faked hers at least twice as many times. Susan was sure Sir Kenneth would be delighted with the services she’d provided his prospective investor.

Eventually, Benedict slumped on his back exhausted in the way men usually were after sex while Susan took the opportunity to examine the man who’d just been fucking her.

In comparison, even without his clothes, he was still much more presentable than most of the men Susan did business with. He wasn’t perfect, of course. Few men were and almost no man in a comparable situation to Benedict’s ever could be. Judging from the lines beginning to furrow his face and the paunch swelling over his waist, he was a bit older than first appearances suggested, but not excessively so. And he’d farted at the most inopportune moment during the fucking.

But then Susan wasn’t expecting to see him after they had breakfast together, which they did, of course, in the hotel suite pushed in on a trolley by a nervous maid who must surely have seen a naked woman in bed with an older man before.

Susan was expecting some kind of a gratuity or tip from Benedict. These were normally more substantial than the agreed price for her services. This was already quite substantial thanks to Sir Kenneth’s generosity and the value he attached to the value of her services. But how to get a tip from a man who, despite everything, still seemed to believe that Susan was the woman she’d claimed to be?

Thankfully, Susan knew exactly how to stage an opportunity for a gratuity. While Benedict was settling his bill at the hotel reception, Susan idled just by the tourist shop in front of a glass cabinet which presented a selection of jewellery and timepieces. She was less concerned about the quality of the items on display and more on the price being asked for them and the question of how easily she could sell them for the hard cash she really wanted.

“What are you looking at, my dear?” said Benedict, who could scarcely now address her any longer as Miss Worstenholme.

“Such a beautiful watch!” Susan said pointing at a £5,000 item which would surely not exceed Benedict’s budget.

“It is, isn’t it?” he agreed, with barely a glance. “And it can tell the time as well. Would you like it, my dear?”

“I would give anything for a watch as beautiful as that,” said Susan.

“No trouble,” said Benedict who pulled out his American Express card just as Susan expected.

As Susan watched the transaction take place, the only regret she now had that couldn’t be washed off in the shower, was that she could have set the amount that Benedict Cosgrove could afford substantially higher.

And, as Susan slipped on the watch on her elegant slim wrist, this was one thing that for the brief while she’d be wearing it wouldn’t disgust her at all.

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NuruMassage Maddy May Test Run Gone Wrong

Maddy May eagerly welcomes Seth Gamble, who is her wife’s sibling, into her home. Maddy wants to give her wife a romantic gift — a massage — but is afraid that she’s going to botch it. Since she’s comfortable and familiar with Seth, who’s also a very close friend of hers, she’s reached out to him for some practice. Luckily for her, he’s on board with letting her practice on him so that things go just right with the wife. But once Maddy takes out...

2 years ago
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Late night after office

That Friday had been such a tiring day at the office. At late evening I was leaving work about two hours behind everyone else. I had always hated walking through the darkness in that lonely parking lot. Even though nothing had ever happened there, I still did not feel safe. The dim lighting and confusing echoes made me nervous. Walking quickly with my head up, I clutched the car’s keys tightly in my hand. Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, pulling me off my feet. I dropped my purse and...

1 year ago
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Courting Miss Greene Ch 03

Upon returning to her room, Abby was disappointed to see the dresser still as empty as she had left it that morning. She knew the drink had something to do with the man who had appeared in her dream. When she undressed, she decided to take off her chemise as well, just in case he would return after all. Abby was stark naked when she got into bed. She had never slept nude before. The sheets were cool against her skin. She yawned and stretched her arms above her head. While she arched her back...

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EvilAngel Jillian Janson Aidra Fox Star Sluts8217 Filthy Anal Threesome

Gorgeous, All-Star porn sluts Jillian Janson and Aidra Fox flaunt their winking buttholes and alluring, all-natural bods for stud Mike Adriano. The ravenous hellcats make a slobbery mess of Mike’s thick tool in an intense blow job. Mike pummels Jillian’s bunghole and then plucks his dork from her sphincter; drool pours into her gaping rectum as Aidra deep-throats Mike’s thick prick ass-to-mouth. Jillian and Aidra enjoy a three-way of sloppy sodomy and nasty rimming with a...

3 years ago
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CommuneChapter 26

Jack escorted Melissa towards the community house for Thanksgiving Dinner. There were twenty cars parked up and down the street in front of the house. There were a lot of strange cars in the neighborhood that day. Almost every occupied house had a strange car parked in front of it and Jack was pretty sure that he knew the reason why. He sighed and said, “This is not going to be a good day for a lot of people.” The reminder of people facing bad days reminded Melissa of Jack’s roommate. She...

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Betsy CarterChapter 7

Betsy was pacing around outside the construction site. The site engineer (Stan Kubrick) and one of the foremen (Jim Franklin) were there with her, wondering why she had literally dragged them away from their homes. Chuck was standing under a palm, enjoying the shade, while George was nervously licking his lips. A man wandered by and stared at the group for a second. Finally, he approached and said, “Hey, Jim!” “Hello, Kirk.” “What are you doing here?” Kirk asked. He had been working on...

2 years ago
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Wrong panties for cleanup 2

So I almost get in trouble, my wife came up the stairs and mised what had happend by about two minutes maybe less, so when she walks in I am there with my dick in my hand with cum still coming out, (what are you doing) I was waiting for you and go to exited. (Well let me shower and you can show me how excited you are) my wife is a gorgeous woman she takes real good care of her self so when she showers she is in there for about 45 min, she will wash with different soaps then shave ,...

4 years ago
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Adventure Of Jeya 8211 Part 2 8211 Mission Siva

Hi,enoda peru siva…Nan college 2nd year b.Com padikiren..Enga amma, jeya.. Akka priya college 3rd year padikira..Oru annan velaiku poran.Enaku oru girlfriend iruka ava peru raji Enakum sex aasai iruku … But nan adha enoda control la vechi irudhen…Ellame nalla dhan poitu irundhudhu… Andha oru naal ah thavira..Oru nal enga annan oda phone la bf pathenadha pakkum bodhu dhan enaku 1st sunny full size nattukuchi…Apuram iruku ella frnds kita yum sex pathi discuss pannen… Sex books vangunen… Sex...

3 years ago
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Dark Secrets

It was a dark night and I stood naked staring out through the Patio doors into the garden. There was nothing to see at this time of night so I just sipped my drink and let my mind wander. I had got up from my lonely bed as I'm not able to sleep much when Chuck's away on business. Only two more days and he'll be home again and what a time we'll have rolling about naked on our big bed. I finished my white wine so I moved to get a refill, then back to my memories. I suppose everybody has some...

3 years ago
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The NIS Scholars BlogsChapter 11

Jerry Shrum, June 22, 2009 At the beginning of class today, Dr. Wagner announced that she would be going to a conference about The Program after the end of the course, and asked if anyone wanted to go and present their research. The conference was near Orlando, on the way to my house, so I volunteered. So did Justin Robinette, Pete Nowak, and Will Travis. Today was the first day of the last week of class, next week we'll present our projects one on one to Dr. Wagner. After the end of the...

4 years ago
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Chatting With A Stranger

The Internet is an amazing thing. It can take us anywhere in an instant. It can take us to amazing sensual heights, or to our darkest deepest fantasies. I suppose that's how my story started. I still can't decide whether it's an amazing sensual height, or if it's a deep dark fantasy. I guess I should start by telling you a little about myself. I'm 23 years old, white, five foot six inches tall. I have dirty blonde hair, and green eyes. I'm pretty busty, and feel somewhat sexy with my...

3 years ago
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The ReturnChapter 3 The Preparation

"Well how did you two spend your day, are you still convinced there are other time warps," asked Marjory over dinner. "I think Charlie may be right Marjorie, there are some strange happening at these places." Carol answered. "Well what are you going to do about it Charlie?" "Well firstly I'm going to go and see if I can see any shimmering, and maybe I'll go and try to bring these people back, that's if they are still alive." "You are going back, how do you know it will be to...

3 years ago
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A Flawed DiamondChapter 46

After a relaxing – and stimulating – time in the hot tub (and after enjoying where it led in the bedroom), the lovers relaxed on the cool cotton sheets to catch their breath. As the sweat dried on her naked skin, Meredith rolled over to cuddle with Brock. He wrapped his arm around her and drew her close to him. "I've been thinking of the future," he said softly. "What about it?" she asked. "Have you thought about a few years down the road?" he wondered. "A few times," she...

1 year ago
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Janin treated The Way she Needs it

This is a requested story, Janin http://xhamster.com/user/xxxsweetgirlxxx Wanted to know what I would do if we ever meet.I had been going to the broken down shabby old restaurant for a couple of days in a row now, it was perfect for what I wanted to do, never any people between four and five except for me and the brown haired waitress that always tried to get may attention when I was there.I had indulged in some causal flirting so far, stringing her along to give me a free beer with my early...

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god of darkness

"Another day has passed..." you lie down and think about your life Your name is Amin ،Amin Kirato A 20-year-old depressed boy who lives with his hot aunt: (sara) You have always lived with him and you have no memory of your parents You never cared about school and were not interested in continuing your studies. You have no real friends only a few internet friends You don't have any job or talent and you spend all your time in virtual space In this world, 3 things are called power: magic,...

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Amissum Codex The Book of LossChapter 11 Malleus Hammer

September 14th 1993 Marco and I strolled into the Sand-Dune hotel about 9 PM that night. I could feel an electric ozonitic crispness to the air about me, alive with possibility. I settled into a booth in the lounge off the casino and Marco curled up at my feet. I closed my eyes. I came unstuck. I went away. Vegas pulses at night with a sexual beat. Warm bodies in tiny clothes dance on stages to tribal rhythms. Businessmen from Pacoima prowl for strange pussy. Nurses from Nashua feel set...

3 years ago
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Sexual Adventures Of Seetha Part II

So one day came when there were no one in the house. All the men were busy out and my Saass went out to pilgrimage. So I thought I had a chance. I went to my Mamaji’s room. His name was Dasarath and He was around 65 years man well built. So went and woke him up. So without any explanations or reasons I told him that since my Saas is not at home I would take care of him for few days. He was shocked and I served him tea. So, while doing that I wantedly dropped my pallu and already tied my saree...

4 years ago
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My best friends boyfriend

My best friend's boyfriend and I have always had this crazy chemistry. In the beginning we tried to hide it, but soon others noticed how we looked at each other. Even my friend would ask me if there was anything going on between us, and I would tell her no. It got so bad that I decided to stop coming around. One night after about six months of not seeing them, I had a dream about him. The dream was so powerful that I decided to find out where they had moved to and pay them an unexpected visit....

Love Stories
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escorting a special lady

This is for a certain lady , i escort a young lady to a local pub , her fantasy is to have strangers cover her in come . but she wants to feel safe im her minder should i say, we start off getting a drink, she is dressed in a short black dress ,she has lovely gorgeous legs, slim figure ,beautiful blonde hair, whenever she walks into a room everyone notices, the bar is full of older men , shes only 18, sweet looking but also slutty at the same time. we take a seat all the men are looking at...

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Of Course She Loves a HorseChapter 7

Tall in his well-polished boots, handsome under his fawn- colored Stetson and lean in his park service uniform, Richard Wood stood on the porch of his mountain cabin, surveying the rolling landscape through binoculars. Wood was a game warden doing double service as a fire watcher, and lived year round in his isolated cabin with his wife, Michelle. She was bored shitless by their lonely life--but she had found certain interesting compensations that made the boredom more sufferable. Wood...

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PromiseChapter 8 Brown Girl Dreaming

WE’D BEEN DOZING TOGETHER that afternoon, exhausted after our prolonged session earlier. When I opened my eyes she was still asleep, the brown curve of her hip solid against me, against my growing erection. I heard her breathing, and below us in the courtyard the cries of kids and the slap of a soccer ball hitting the wall at the end of the garden. Our sweat had dried in the high desert heat. When I put my nose against her hip her aroma, pungent and yet sweet, filled my nostrils. Sweat...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 23 Interesting Developments

February, 1985, Chicago, Illinois When the plane touched down at Meigs, I thanked Patrick Shaughnessy and said that I’d see him on the 16th. I walked to my car and fired up the engine. Before I backed out of the spot, I went over in my mind what I was going to say to Cindi when I saw her. I’d thought about the conversation during the flight back from Blue Ash, and had concluded that there was no way to avoid upsetting her. I backed out of the parking spot carefully, then moved to first gear...

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Caught in the Act

Following on, but not a serial, from my story Back to the Old days, Nancy’s grand daughter experiences events which she is never sure how and why they happened. 2002 Celia Cumming spouted enthusiastically to her fellow students and select visitors at St. Hilda’s, Oxford University on her graduation subject – the research, manufacture, materials, marketing and usage of sanitary pads, tampons and nappies, being of a similar fabric. The over fat, black, twenty year old girl with the wild Afro...

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A Sex Fantasy With Neighbour Bhabi

Hi all iss readers. I’m a boy from Maharashtra n it’s my email id. I’m 21+ n having somehow athletic personality with 5.10″ height. Mai ye nhi kahunga k mera lund itna lumba h ya utna. But itna bta skta hu, kisi bhi desired female ko satisfy kar sakta h. So any interested female just check out me. Here imp presenting my greatest moment had with my neighbour bhabi. Iss kahani ki suruwaat kuchh 7-8 months pehle se hoti h. Jab maine bhabi ko first time dekha tha. Some intro about bhabi, name...

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Guy from the bar

Guy hubby had arranged to meet in the local it got a bit naught After meeting in the bar we all sit around and chat, not much small talk, it’s already been said. Just her sitting between us and getting slightly loosened up on southern comfort and American dry We are sitting facing away from people. A good idea as my hand is running up the inside of the short skirt I insisted she wore and stroking her inner thigh, up to her already juicy cunt lips. I nod my head to him inviting him to do...

Sex With Stranger
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I Lust My Sister Meridian

Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 1 Meridian is my younger sister by two years. Since we were little she and I have been best buddies. For the most part we have always gotten along great together. I love playing games and hanging out with her. She's the happiest person I know and has the cutest smile and the most adorable laugh ever. She is so fun to be around and she's kind and friendly to everyone. As her older brother, naturally I enjoy teasing the hell out of her. I learned...

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Chriss hard Choices Index5

Chris's first weekend at home was great, his mom and Lea made sure his cock stayed wet, either with their mouth, or with their cunts. Today was Monday and they both had to work, and for once his life, he was glad to have the day to rest from sex.His life was looking up, he had movement in his legs but needed help in strengthening them. He decided to call Maria (his physical ther****t) and see if she could give him a helping hand. Once he had her on the phone, he began explaining to her what he...

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Devar ke saath maje

Mera naam Sunita hai. Mein Himachal mein raheti hun. Mein aapko ek sachcha kissa bata rahi hun. Baat us samey ki hai jab mein 35 saal ki jawan thi. Mera dever saal chhta tha. Uska deel dol mujhe bahut pasand tha. Mein uske sath bahut frank thi.Ek din mein ek net wali bra kharid kar layee. Jab ghar par pahunchi to dekha ki mera devar sofa par betha hain. Bahut handsome lag raha tha. Usne poochha ki kya layee ho. Maine bahut chupane ki koshish ki, par usne lifafa chheen liya. Phir bade dhyan se...

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Mirror Of My Soul

She was like me in everyway, the things she like and didn't like mirrored my own. She was tall, about 5,10 with slim dancer's figure. Her dark almost black hair was cut very short and her black eyes would flash from under her fringe. We met at work, I didn't broadcast that I was the boss's son but then I didn't hide it either. Dad was all for me starting at the bottom, seeing how it was done on the shop floor. If you had looked closely at me you could see that my clothes and my car were...

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Husband and wife have gotten into playing around with bondage

Mary tried to shift around and get more comfortable. But it was impossible. Her husband had gagged and tied and her down tight and regardless of the moans and grunts she made he continued to walk by and ignore her. The leather covered O-ring in her mouth stifled her noise, but did nothing to constrict her breathing. Her arms were tied to the legs of the old upright piano in their living room and then her feet and ankles were tied down to the heavy couch that was on the opposite wall. She was...

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Broken In By Brother

Most people would think it was odd for a boy to be ramming his big hard prick into his little sister's sopping pussy until he fountained his sperm into her unprotected womb. But I didn't. You see, I was that sister. Let me tell you the story, and then maybe you'll understand. In 1954, our parents lived on a small farm in Wyoming, and our closest neighbors were 40 miles away. Daddy raised horses and sheep. Momma kept some chickens and a huge garden that produced most of the food we ate all...

3 years ago
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Fuller House Fourth of July WeekChapter 3

“So, first of all, how does everyone feel right now? It seems that this family has a lot of secrets and it’s high time that we let them go. We should all be honest and open with each other as we should have been all along. Here’s my start. My name is Kimberly Louise Gibler, but everyone calls me Kimmy, and I’m ... in love with DJ Tanner. My best friend. My lifelong best friend. I’m far more in love with her than I could have ever guessed. “I’m also in love with Fernando, my fiance who is...

2 years ago
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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 20 Pursuit

17 May, 1980 Lightning topped the ridge and slid to a stop beside Lian's still form. He sniffed her one time before continuing to an area of disturbed dirt and grass. His head swiveled back and forth and frantically for a moment before taking a few steps down the ridge. He scratched the ground three times, leaving three long gouge marks in the dirt and grass, pointing the direction. "Even humans can follow that!" Lightning thought, in a rudimentary way. He began running down the ridge...

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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE FIVE Raquel Fuentes was taking little satisfaction from the fact that the...

1 year ago
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Alexa Chapter 36 London Calling Part 2

Alexa Chapter 36: London Calling, Part 2 My head was pounding for the second day in a row as I awoke from Jenny cuddling into me. I laid there and tried to force myself back to sleep, but it became a lost cause. No matter how much I wished I could drift back into the land of the Sandman, both my alcohol soaked brain and other more pressing matters urged me to get up. After stumbling into the bathroom to take care of the morning rituals and search for some aspirin, I made my way to...

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How I became a pornographer part 2

So Saturday dawned and I eagerly skipped down to the kitchen when I heard my mother cooking breakfast. She was in her dressing gown and her curlers were in. She handed me a plate of bacon, eggs, toast and beans. The she fixed herself a cup of coffee and gave me a glass of milk (she said I was too young for coffee still). Sitting down with me at the table she told me what the days schedule would be. After breakfast she would go up to the bedroom and get ready - she said it would take her at...

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How I became a GURL Part III Fulfilling the

Now that I was fully versed in being a gurl, I needed to know if I could turn a man on in person, not just looking through a glory hole. I wanted to have a man treat me totally like a woman, take me to a hotel and make love to me, completely as a woman.But where to find the guy?The answer was a chat line. I got an account as a girl -- I signed on as Jennifer, explained what I was and what I was looking for. As you can tell my voice is very fem (listen to my voice into or watch my vid it you...

4 years ago
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Ellen Goes to Amateur NightChapter 2 The Dance

Ellen heard the announcement and it made her jump. She quickly downed the rest of her drink as though the half a glass of tequila would help her through this. Seemingly from out of no where two other girls joined her in the march to dressing room. Every guy focused on the girls and as Ellen weaved her way between the tightly packed tables she felt her ass brush up against some of the boys. She didn't think it was accidental. A few made comments either to her or to the other members of their...

3 years ago
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Fucking with the neighbours

My name is Tony and my wife and I have been together now for seven years and are both 31. We have just bought our first house in a quiet area of Sussex. Both of us work hard and between us we earn enough to consider ourselves well off. Because of work and unpacking it was quite some time before we actually got to meet any of the other villagers; and as our house was about a hundred meters from our next-door neighbors, we hadn’t even bumped into anybody. It was two weeks before we met anybody...

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finally two cocks

I have a sexy girlfriend who loves to suck cock and fuck I want her to have a threesome but she always says no One night we were lying on the couch watching tv when we got a visit from a old friend of mine My girl got up and let him in even though she only had on panties and then she climbed back on top of me one thing led to another before I had my cock in her mouth and my friend had his cock in her pussy we fucked her all night long she sucked both of our cocks together and licked our...

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