Harry Prepares 4 Daughters For Marriage free porn video

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Sir Harry Higgins sat in the drawing room absentmindedly reading some very dull articles about unrest on the Continent. He really had no interest in other people's problems right at the moment. Poor Sir Harry had troubles enough of his own.

He had been a widower for these three years past after the unfortunate riding accident that had claimed his spouse of two decades, Lady Eugenia Higgins. Eugenia had been a shy virgin of only 16 when he claimed her maidenhead on their wedding night. It seemed not very long ago. It was almost as if it was just yesterday. Her premature demise at age 36 left him with total responsibility in raising his 4 young daughters alone.

When she passed, they ranged in age from 16 to 19 and now the youngest was 19 and the oldest was 22 years of age.

To most readers that may seem not to be a serious problem; but in 1890 in rural England with its strange societal nuances, it was a predicament of some consequence.

The eldest daughter, Petunia, was a classic beauty possessed of a long graceful neck and a cleavage of some considerable magnitude. He had very great hopes for her just this summer past when Colonel Winter bottom's son, Rudolph had shown a high degree of interest in Petunia's winsome smile and generous breast development. That had all been dashed beyond repair when he was recalled to his regiment for deployment to some God forsaken post near the Khyber Pass.

It did not help at all for poor Petunia to be so disturbingly shy with males. She was much at ease with her sisters and all female members of the staff, but seemed to tense up whenever brought into close proximity to anyone with a cock.

He knew he was somewhat at fault in that regard. He had sheltered all four of his daughters far beyond the norm after the traumatic passing of his spouse.

His second oldest daughter, Rose, was not quite as attractive as Petunia. She did possess a superior intellect that never ceased to amaze him. She did have a stunning shade of natural hair that all her sisters marveled at in sheer envy.

Rose had a bit of a sharp tongue that seemed to put off her male admirers. She was aware of this shortcoming and made serious efforts to curtail it to no avail. No sooner had she opened her mouth than Sir Harry witnessed many a young man do an about face and head for the nearest available female. She, at least, was not in the least bit shy and made every effort to come into close contact with cocks of all varieties at every opportunity. Even now, Sir Harry suspected she was doing something quite unseemly in the pantry with the cook's helper.

Sir Harry's third daughter was Lily. Lily was a very religious girl. She professed a desire to enter into God's service and petitioned her Father to facilitate her vocation with dispatch. Sir Harry would like nothing better but he had not the funds to pay the poor girl's dowry for such an enterprise. Bad investments had seriously reduced the latitude for such a transfer of funds.

The youngest of the Higgins girls was sweet little Daisy. Daisy had just celebrated her 19th birthday and was easily the most beautiful of his daughters. She had long flowing dark hair and her facial features made most young men take immediate notice of her. As the youngest daughter, she had been a bit deprived of opportunity in favor of her older sisters. Now, at age 19, it was every girl for herself and Daisy moved in quickly to grab any interested male suitor for her own.

Daisy was very well shaped and there was ample meat to grab hold of in all the right places. Sir Harry had attended to her bath on several occasions and he could vouch for her desirable form.

After his wife's death, Sir Harry had allowed his youngest daughter to hop into his bed for comfort. She was only 16 at the time but still gave satisfactory pleasure with her hind quarters. For the past three years, He had been sliding in an out of Daisy's shapely posterior on a nightly basis. The young girl showed a very carnal desire to be anally impaled at every opportunity. He was very careful to keep her virginity intact for a proper husband. The other three sisters were jealous of their younger sister's activities with their Father, but they did not suspect the extent of their depravity.

Sir Harry knew that he had to get one or more of the young ladies "on the market" as quickly as possible to reduce his expenses. Harry figured Daisy was the most likely candidate for a quick attachment and whirlwind courtship. Her stunning good looks added to the likelihood of an advantageous marriage.

As part of his plan to get Daisy married off, Harry sent her to her Aunt Edith's in London. He knew the old dowager was a dabbler in match-making and an inveterate social-climber of the boldest sort.

He decided that his next project would be the immediate outing of his eldest daughter, Petunia, into the local "pool of available unattached females" without further delay. He informed her that he would be escorting her to the debutante dance at the parish hall on Saturday. Petunia was a little taken aback. Her Father had not taken such an interest in her before. She figured his lack of interest was because of his obvious preference for Daisy's company.

His other two daughters were all a giggle as Petunia came down the staircase dressed all in creamy white. Harry could see she was a most desirable young lady. She made no bones about presenting her breasts in a tantalizing manner sure to induce the attention of many prospective suitors.

At the hall, the music was quite good and the company was both interesting and in a festive mood.

Harry watched his daughter juggle several young men unashamedly like puppets on a string. He realized she was all aglow from the attention she was receiving from her young admirers. He noticed that one of the men was not all that young. In fact he was nearer to Harry's age than Petunia.

The unknown gentleman allowed his hand to slip down to Petunia's flanks once or twice and Sir Harry saw that his daughter was not in the least bit upset with the liberty. Her face was flushed and her breasts were noticeably heaving with her excitement. Harry could not help but be aroused at the sight of his daughter's well-endowed breasts struggling to be free of the restraint of the ball gown.

A rather plain but well-dressed woman standing next to him in the parents section addressed him unexpectedly.

"Your daughter seems to be having a good time, Sir Harry!"

"Quite right, you seem to have the advantage of me, madam. Sir Harry Higgins at your service!"

"That is my son over there by the band. He is more interested in the musicians than he is in the company of young ladies, I am afraid. I am Lady Camilla Jones-Smythe. That is my son Rupert."

"Well, a taste for music is a sign of good breeding, I always say."

The tall woman placed her hand on Harry's arm. Her fingers were long and delicate. Harry imagined them wrapped around his long, hard cock. He looked down into her eyes and could have sworn she was reading his dirty mind.

"Would you like to have a go?"

Harry was startled and then realized she was referring to the dance floor.

"Certainly, Let us trip the light fantastic. I will have a care for your toes."

They moved out onto a corner of the dance floor and Harry encircled the narrow waist of the woman with his strong hands. Egad! She was a delicate creature. They danced together at a respectable distance for several minutes. Then, after a slight change in tempo, Lady Camilla somehow wound up pressed tightly against his legs. His semi-dormant member sprung to full attention and pushed in between the gentle ladies legs searching for her private little nest.

Camilla smiled up at Sir Harry.

"Oh, La, Sir. You have a most impressive staff. I have not felt a member of that dimension for many years. It is ever so nice to have it rubbing my little cunny all over. Pray, take a care or I will be forced to release my inside juices before this dance is finished."

Harry felt his pre-cum oozing from the end of his aroused cock. His hand on Camilla's back pushed her forward on his erect member. She was a bit disoriented and fanned furiously as they moved off the dance floor. He tried to hide his obvious erection from curious eyes. Harry saw Camilla staring at his still semi-stiff cock poking against his tight trousers.

He took a cup of punch to Lady Camilla. She ran her gloved fingers over his hand as he passed it to her. It was obvious the Lady was in heat. Harry was more than happy to oblige except his plans for Petunia took precedence at the present time.

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear.

"May I have the pleasure of calling on you in the morning, dear lady?"

"Of course, Sir Harry. My son will be away with friends. We can have the whole morning together and discuss whatever comes up."

Camilla gave a pointed glance at his still protruding bulge as she stated her invitation.

Harry kissed her glove and moved off to gather in his eldest daughter. The music had stopped and the ball was quite over.

Petunia was all a flutter. She had made two engagements with the dance partners. One was for tea at a young man's club on the morrow. The other was to the opera with the older gentleman Harry had noticed earlier. Harry learned the young man was both landed and had an income of some 5,000 pounds. His name was Oliver Westcott and he resided in London. The older gentleman was a member of the current government. Petunia called him, The Honorable Clement Tarkington. Harry had never heard of him, but the prospect looked very encouraging. He would make a point of researching the gentleman's background immediately.

His daughter was so excited; she never stopped talking all the way home. He would have to devise a way to remove some of the fear she had of the male anatomy to increase her chances for a satisfactory union. He could hear the three of them talking and whispering for a long time after they retired for the evening.

Harry knocked on the girl's door and told them to desist from the merry-making at such an ungodly hour. His stern warning was met with stifled giggles.

"Petunia, you get out here right now. You will sleep in your Mother's room tonight. You other two get to sleep right now. I am adamant about this."

Petunia came out with her head down low so her Father could not see the smile on her face. He urged her along the hallway with a few well-placed spanks on her sassy bottom.

In the double bedroom suite that held the Lord and Lady of the manor, Harry told Petunia to go straight to her Mother's bed and lay down on her tummy.

Petunia was a bit fearful. The last time her Daddy had given her those instructions, she had received a very strict spanking that made her bum stay red for a full day. Her worse fears were realized when she saw her Father come in with his belt in his hand. She immediately began to beg and plead for his forbearance if only she were given another chance.

Harry knew he should spank her roundly for her impertinence, but he considered the fact that his special little daughter Daisy would not be available for anal trysts anytime soon. He decided he would kill two birds with one stone and tutor Petunia in recognition and acceptance of male genitalia at the same time he would relieve his own need to release his seed in a friendly, wet and tight, female hole in the lonely night time hours.

Petunia watched her Father put down the belt and hitch his bed gown up to his waist revealing an enormous looking penis of considerable length and girth. She looked over her shoulder in disbelief that her very own Father was going to use her bum for his own pleasure. Then again, it was far preferable to the spanking she knew she well-deserved.

Harry told his daughter to put her head in the pillow and to bite it hard if she felt any pain. He told her it would hurt only for an instant and then she would experience a very satisfying release of her virginal female juices in copious amounts. Petunia was no stranger to various masturbation techniques and she had also used some unusual objects to exercise her rectal muscles achieving great orgasmic results.

This was new to her and she was a little bit frightened but she trusted her Father and she knew he was doing this mostly for her own good if she was ever to entice a man to her bed.

Harry was a little perturbed at Petunia's cavalier attitude and her wretched shyness that put off most males. He, therefore, did not waste much time in preparing her for the anal impalement and speared her tiny pucker hole with little wastage of time.

Poor Petunia squealed like a stuck pig and bit down hard on the pillow. It was just as her Father said it would be. The initial stab of pain was replaced by a deeply satisfying sense of fullness. She felt the butterflies begin to roam about inside her gut and her neatly trimmed little pussy leaked little spurts of pussy juice onto the clean white sheets.

Harry rode his eldest daughter's ass hard and for a very long time. He was enjoying it immensely. He felt himself a dunderhead for not attending to Petunia's needs years ago. He had been a bit biased in just giving his seed to the youngest daughter Daisy alone.

Petunia was moaning and humping her bum up high to get her Father's long cock in deeper. The sound of his balls slapping against her bare legs made her squirt her female juices in a wild frenzied dance under his muscular legs. When her orgasm swept over her, she cried out in a plaintive wail heard only by her and her Father.

Harry shot his load deep into Petunia's gut. He grabbed her long flowing hair and pulled her head up so he could see her eyes and her face when his seed spurted deep inside her fiery rectum.

They held each other tightly and fell off into a deep and peaceful sleep. He awoke the next morning as Petunia moved off to her bath to soak away her scent of carnal sex. First, she bent over to kiss her Father full on the lips and thank him for his kind attentions to her needs.

Harry was glad he had a good night's sleep. His appointment with Lady Camilla was at mid-morning.

(Continued in Part II)


The domicile of Lady Camilla Jones-Smythe was tucked away in an up-scale neighborhood not too distant from the seat of Government. The overabundance of servants impressed Sir Harry Higgins far more deeply than normal in light of his recent financial reversals.

An extraordinarily fine-featured maid with a trim figure took his cloak and cane and directed him to the study. He made a point of not being too early for fear of appearing too eager for the delicate creature's company.

Camilla swept into the well-appointed study with an air of flustered female agitation. Harry was much excited by her gown with a very low cut over her bosom. When she leaned forward, he could see the full outline of a fine pair of beautiful English tits swaying in perfect unison. Harry wanted to reach right out and grasp the orbs in each hand and bring them to his mouth for prolonged sucking.

Of course, Sir Harry did no such thing; it would be too unseemly at their first private meeting. The maid entered demurely and inquired if tea would be required. Harry was glad Camilla declined and told the Maid,

"Far too early for ingestion, Polly, kindly secure the door and see we are not disturbed. Sir Harry and I have some serious business to discuss."

The maid turned away from Camilla and as she moved past Harry, he could have sworn the little tart winked at him.

"Do sit here next to me, Harry; I do so detest straining to hear people's words when they are not in close proximity to my person."

Harry happily moved to the settee next to Camilla. Now he could inhale the fragrance cast so delicately by the handsome woman. He took in the enticing tendrils of sensuality that penetrated his very core and caused his sensitive member to swell up into uncontrollable prominence.

His view of Camilla's glorious breasts was completely unobstructed.

He could see her soft white curves moving in delectable rhythm. She was breathing rapidly now. Harry saw that Camilla's eyes were focused on his obvious erection. The flustered gentlewoman was nervously fingering her upswept hair and she moved her bottom in different directions on the settee as though possessed by an unladylike itch.

Harry knew all the signs.

Lady or no, this is a cunt that needs to be laid.

He reached out his hand and took her hand in his. The touch of her soft female flesh spurred him to lean in and place his lips tentatively on her soft rose tinted mouth. Her thirsty mouth opened up to him and she allowed her tongue to rub against his in a passionate dance of lust and desire.

Harry was almost beside himself with his base need to bury his pulsating cock deep inside Camilla's yet unseen pussy. He valiantly restrained himself and moved his greedy lips to the comely ladies breasts. He used his tongue to flick the tender nipples and licked and sucked the little nubbins into rock-hard buttons at the end of her heaving breasts.

Slowly, Harry raised the lady's gown to gain access to her female parts and exquisitely shaped legs.

Her ripe female scent was mingled deliciously with the fragrance of the expensive French perfume she had liberally applied to her inner legs. Unexpectedly, he found that she had removed all hair from her little nesting place. Harry was overjoyed. He did dislike getting the nasty hair strands into his mouth and he wanted to bury his tongue deep inside Camilla's womanhood in order to satisfy his strong desire to pleasure this lovely lady.

Camilla shuddered and covered her face with both hands at the touch of Harry's tongue on her pulsating clitoris. She raised her stately buttocks up off the settee to welcome his mouth into her vaginal recesses. Harry could see her need, and he could sense her appreciation for his oral efforts. He could taste her sweetness left long unattended since the demise of her husband.

Camilla peeked out from behind her hands and saw Sir Harry's head buried deep into her female anatomy. She was moved to a height of dizzying passion at the licking of her womanly love button. Totally disregarding appearances, she moved her hands down and cradled the back of Harry's head to guide him to the more needy areas of her seldom exercised pussy.

Ever accommodating, Sir Harry licked and sucked the impassioned mature Lady into a state of arousal not to be ignored any longer. Camilla was giving voice to some very unladylike language to spur Harry on to greater efforts and her luscious posterior was beating a frenzied tattoo on the settee surface.

"Oh, sir! You have me at your mercy. I beg you drive your lovely tongue up deep into my opening with haste. I must release my fluids this very instant. Yes! Yes! Don't move, dear Harry, I am there."

Harry felt the juices spurt out of Camilla's pussy. He lapped them up to her great delight. Some of them ran back into her little pucker hole and he sucked them out of her nether regions forcing poor Camilla to immediately succumb to a second and even more violent orgasm.

Harry held the trembling woman in his arms and calmed her back into a semblance of propriety. She held on tightly to him like a drowning person reaching for a lifeline. He took her delicate soft hand and moved it to his raging erection waiting for respite from inactivity.

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Harry Potter The Boy who Fucked

Introduction: Harry Potters 6th year at Hogwarts becomes a little more exciting. NOTE – This is supposed to take place at the beginning of the Sixth Book. A few things are changed, more prominently the beginning. Ill do my best to get all the details correct! Enjoy. Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked – Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents deaths and the other horrible things he...

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Mrs. Rose Ayola of Number Eight Privet Drive was in need of a help in the backyard, because it was just to damn hard for her to do what a man should do and her husband just wasn't interested to do those jobs. But, somehow, she could understand. He was at work all day long and when he came back at night, he was just to tired. So, she had to hire someone to do those jobs. Then she remembered something one of her friends in the neighborhood told her about the Dursley's nephew. So, after her...

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Harry Potter The Boy who Fucked

Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked - Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents' deaths and the other horrible things he had seen throughout the last 6 years in the Wizarding world had began to occur more often; around three times a night. Groping his bedside table for his glasses, Harry swept them on and muttered 'Lumos'. A small orb of light appeared at the tip of his...

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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts1

Chapter 1 – In the Beginning Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mmfff, exhib, grope, magic, unif, voy Harry Potter’s fifth year of education was one of the most difficult times of his young life. Publicly slighted by both the Ministry of Magic and the influential magical media, Harry had been called a liar, attention-seeker and...

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Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun crept into the smallest bedroom in the house at # 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter fought the urge to wake up. Harry was having a nice pleasant dream. He dreamt that he was sitting on the shore of the ocean with his feet in the cool water, while reading a book about lighthouses. Two odd things about the dream stood out for Harry. The...

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Harry Potter and The Order of the Sex Appeal

Chapter Three by Simon Fear As the days dragged on at Grimwauld Place Harry was beginning to get anxious about going back to Hogwarts. The one thing he hated was the fact that he still could not bring himself to talk with Ginny Weasly, or Hermione. After having witnessed them having sex together and seeing their beautiful naked bodies, he always found himself blushing and turning away when either one of them approached them. Harry had shown his best mate Ron the charm that George...

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Harry Potter 3

As the days dragged on at Grimwauld Place Harry was beginning to get anxious about going back to Hogwarts. The one thing he hated was the fact that he still could not bring himself to talk with Ginny Weasly, or Hermione. After having witnessed them having sex together and seeing their beautiful naked bodies, he always found himself blushing and turning away when either one of them approached them. Harry had shown his best mate Ron the charm that George Weasly had given him. Ron being...

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Harry Potter and the Passion Potion

“Where am I?” Harry thought to himself as he picked up his school uniform and began to get dressed. As Harry continued to think, he realized that his last thoughts were from his 6th period potions with Professor Snape, the greasy-haired head of Slytherine, who hated him more than anyone at Hogwarts. As Harry began to think more, looking very puzzled as he scratched his messy brown hair, “Something had to have happened in potions class…” As Harry thought more and more he reached down to...

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Harrys Journey part 3

By pleasing himself and remembering every detail of Pansy and Hermione�sfemininity, Harry got through the first week of school in very good mood. AsHogwarts started for real however he felt himself fall back into depression. Hehad considered going to Pansy and try to persuade her to have sex again but hedidn�t want her anymore. She was just a last resort and Hogwarts was full overattractive nice girls.Harry slowly realised that he wanted more then sex, not much just a littlekissing and some...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 5 Katie Bell

There was no stopping the rumours about Harry sex life. The fact that he had fucked Pansy and then Cho spread across the school like wild fire, especially as Cho was heart broken. As Harry had suspected Hermione wasn’t too happy with him sleeping with Pansy just one day after he had been with her. But as he hardly saw her anymore he couldn’t tell any greater difference in her mood. Hermione wasn’t her old self at all, she didn’t even volunteer information in class ymorymore. Harry had never...

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Harry and Barbara

The morning sun was still young, yet it was already turning an uncomfortably warm evening into another damned hot July day in the midwest. Seeing the brown patches of grass in his front lawn didn't put Harry in any better of a mood as he backed out of his drive. His car's magnificent sound system played his favorite music and the air conditioning was on full blast as he started his daily commute to the office. In spite of his comfortable surroundings, Harry couldn't help but become more...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 3 Cho Chang

By pleasing himself and remembering every detail of Pansy and Hermione’s femininity, Harry got through the first week of school in very good mood. As Hogwarts started for real however he felt himself fall back into depression. He had considered going to Pansy and try to persuade her to have sex again but he didn’t want her anymore. She was just a last resort and Hogwarts was full over attractive nice girls. Harry slowly realised that he wanted more then sex, not much just a little kissing and...

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Harrys Journey part 4

Harry was lucky there weren�t any lessons the following day because he didn�tleave his bed at all. Ron had slowly accepted the lie that Harry was in lovewith Cho and forgiven him for hurting Hermione. Ron now thought Harry and Chohad broken up and accepted that his best friend wanted to stay in bed. Ron was agreat friend.Cho sent him several owls, each letter more desperate and more tear streakedthen the last. Harry read them but couldn�t bring himself to reply. The messagewas pretty much the...

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The Prefect’s Bathroom was quite large. It actually consisted of a few connected rooms. As you entered, the entry hall split off two ways for the prefects to get changed. Harry Potter slipped through the passageway to the left. He entered a small room where a handful of benches sat on the ground. A dozen open lockers sat empty along the walls. Harry passed them by without a second glance.Re-entering the hall where the two changing rooms connected, Harry passed through a doorway to enter into...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 4 Luna Lovegood

Harry was lucky there weren’t any lessons the following day because he didn’t leave his bed at all. Ron had slowly accepted the lie that Harry was in love with Cho and forgiven him for hurting Hermione. Ron now thought Harry and Cho had broken up and accepted that his best friend wanted to stay in bed. Ron was a great friend.Cho sent him several owls, each letter more desperate and more tear streaked then the last. Harry read them but couldn’t bring himself to reply. The message was pretty much...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 11 part 1 an unlikely last hope

Chapter 11 part 1 Though there were only a few weeks to go before the summer exams, Hermione decided that she, Harry and Ron needed a break from revision; something that Harry and Ron quickly agreed with her on. It was a fine afternoon and so they made their way down to the Lake to relax in the Sun. Each of them rolled their jeans up to their knees as they let their feet dangle in the cool waters of the Lake, whilst they sat on the bank and talked. ‘I had another private lesson with...

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Harry Potter Gets Charmed

This is a fanfic of 'Charmed' and Harry Potter, the characters are owned by their respective owners. Harry Potter gets 'Charmed' By Eric Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were trapped in Snape's Office after hours. Snape was at the door blocking their escape! "I know you're in there, Potter!" he said happily, gloating. "At last I have you red handed, Mr. Perfect Porter! This time not even Dumbledore will keep me from punishing you all!" He started to open the...

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harry potter and the snake eyes

"nagini!" said valdamort in parsletounge. "make yourself known." a huge python slithered out of a hole in the floor and rapped itself around the back of valdamort's chair. " are you ready for our little indever my sweet." he said. nagini nodded, flicking her tounge . aloud sound like the backfireing of a car echoed through the room and wormtail appeared, his decreped form bent in a low bow. " master i have returned with good news." he said. " good then i won't have...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 0

Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires – Chapter 1 - Camping Introduction: Harry Potter discovers the Spell book of Desires in his fourth year at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Spell book of Desires Chapter One – Camping Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. I didn't write this i found it on the internet and wanted to share it with you Harry was having the best time...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 15 Hogwarts Champion

Chapter Fifteen – Hogwarts Champion Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, mf, exhib, hand, grope, spank, unif, voy The selection process for the Triwizard Cup had begun the night before, after the arrival of the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students. Any student over the age of eighteen and wanting to try their hand at being selected as Hogwarts Champion had only...

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Harry Potter and the Shrieking Shack 2

Harry got out of bed and woke Ron up so that they could go down for breakfast before school started. Ron was always rubbish at getting up, but today, he bounded out of bed and stood there, proud, right up to the point where Harry said warningly, “Err mate. You’ve got a boner.” “What? Oh shit!” Ron quietly exclaimed and sat down again so as to hide himself. Ron looked around the dormitory and saw that luckily there was no one there, and he wasn’t that uncomfortable about Harry...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of Seven Chapter One

It wasn’t just that, he suspected that magic was in play as his normal six-inch member had grown by a few inches and thickening, he also noted that his balls had gotten bigger and heavier and he had been producing larger amounts of sperm, even after masturbating a few times a day. He knew about puberty having gone few it in his second year, but this was something else. Part of him was scared another part was proud of his size and stamina. He stroked himself until he could feel his...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 1 Camping

Chapter One – Camping Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, first, grope, magic, mc, Harry was having the best time of his life; he was with the people he cared about the most, and he was at the event of the year; the Quidditch World Cup. Harry, Hermione, and most of the Weasley family had just arrived at the campground, and Harry already knew it was going to...

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Harry Comes To AmericaChapter 1

Harry Potter opened the front door to number four, Privit Drive and stepped inside. For the first time that he could remember, Harry Potter actually felt happy in the home of his Aunt and Uncle. That was mainly because his Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and their son, Dudley weren't at home. His aunt and uncle had gone out to have dinner with Uncle Vernon's employer. Right about now, Harry thought, his uncle was busy seeing how far he could stick his nose up his bosses ass. His cousin, the...

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Harry Goes to Heaven

The elevator doors opened and Harry stepped back to make room before looking up. Coming into the elevator were two angels, positive angels! Harry was stunned as one of them smiled at her and the other smirked at her reaction. The angels were both in white, wearing very thin white robes over some of the sexiest lingerie she had ever seen. The tall brunette was in a teddy, the sheer white robe did nothing to cover that fact. She pulled it tight around herself, which just emphasized her amazing...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires 1

Chapter Twenty-Eight – Ron’s Happy Birthday Part Three – An Evening Snack Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, f-mast, ncon, cream pie, grope, magic, morph, rape, spank, unif, voy Ron’s birthday had been an interesting one to say the least; not only had he gotten an early morning surprise by his very own sister, he had been given the best birthday present...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 5 Double Trouble

Chapter 5 November descended upon Hogwarts and along with it came even rain and even a few flakes of snow. It was the final week of November and there was only a fortnight left before the Christmas holidays started. Ron began to feel his bad mood coming again. A month had passed since his fun with Lavender and they had been dating ever since. Though the sex was incredible, they did not really share much in common and Ron had started to lust after his true love; Hermione once more. ‘If...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 10 The Fall of Ron

Chapter 10 If anybody had happened to be passing by the 7th floor corridor, they would have heard a faint cry of joy emanate from within the stone wall itself, opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy attempting to train trolls for the ballet. The voice seemed to belong to Draco Malfoy. * Long rays of clear morning sunshine shone through the high narrow windows of the 6th year boy’s dormitory as Harry Potter awoke from a nice long lie-in. A yawning Harry stretched out his legs, as he...

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Harry Potter and the Hot Blood Prince

She didn't want Alfred to know she has had sex, so until now, Harry was only allowed to fuck her ass. "By the way, Harry. My cousin is coming to our school as an exchange student and wants to meet you." "What's her name?" "His name is Ping, I'll introduce him to you after dinner, tonight!" "Oh, sure! I guess everyone wants to meet the boy who lived!" "It's not like that Harry. I have told him so much about you, he wants to meet my best "friend"." "Friend? Is that all you...

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Harry Potter Birthday Surprise

Ginny Weasley thought about it long and hard, and wondered what to get Harry for his birthday. What did you get for the man who had pretty much anything? For several weeks, Ginny thought about it, fished for suggestions and came up short.The answer to the question to what to get for the man who has everything is something extremely practical. The youngest Weasley smiled and waited for Harry to return home. In their bedroom, Ginny stored a surprise which would knock Harry's socks off. Along with...

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harry potter 3 Party at the Burrow

They all marched into the kitchen and Hermione jumped up gave Harry a hug. All Harry could feel were those great ample breasts pushing into his chest. Therefore, Harry wrapped his arms around her and squeezed extra firm. They both sat down with the others and ate diner while discussing what was going on around the world with Voldemort and his death eaters. He was killing all over young and old he did not care. After the fall of Dumbledore, things really got worse. If you were not going to...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 40 The Third Task

Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...

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The Leaky Cauldron was a bustling hub of activity during the day. Witches and Wizards used the old pub as a means to reach Diagon Alley. It was also a popular place to grab a quick bite to eat.Generally, the Leaky Cauldron was open until midnight. The upstairs functioned as an inn for weary travelers, though it didn’t see much use these days. Since the death of Voldemort, Britain still didn’t receive many international visitors. The rooms were left empty as their was no one to fill them.On this...

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