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The Leaky Cauldron was a bustling hub of activity during the day. Witches and Wizards used the old pub as a means to reach Diagon Alley. It was also a popular place to grab a quick bite to eat.

Generally, the Leaky Cauldron was open until midnight. The upstairs functioned as an inn for weary travelers, though it didn’t see much use these days. Since the death of Voldemort, Britain still didn’t receive many international visitors. The rooms were left empty as their was no one to fill them.

On this particular night, there were no customers. The pub was empty except for the young landlady, Hannah Longbottom née Abbot. Only two rooms were occupied that night.

Hannah was a tall, busty woman. Barely being twenty years of age, her body was as perky as it ever had been. Her body was slim, though with just the faintest hint of fat. She would never be as thin as some of the models that she had seen in magical magazines, but she was quite pleased with her body. Her long blond hair was done in an intricate braid that ran down her back.

She was just finishing up wiping clean the last glass with a sigh. The clock on the wall chimed twelve times. With a flick of her wand, Hannah locked the doors to the pub.

Slowly, Hannah made her way to the stairs that led up to the inn. She flicked her wand at the chairs she walked by, making them float up onto the tables so that she would be able to easily clean the floors in the morning.

The old, creaky stairs gave away her approach. Hannah walked past a half dozen rooms before she reached the final two rooms. They were side by side on one wall. She could hear a happy couple spending some time together in the room closest to her.

Hannah quickly walked past that room to reach the last door in the hall. She gave a quiet knock on the door before pushing it open.

The room was sparse and dimly lit. A torch and a few small candles gave a gentle light to the room. A small cupboard to store clothes in and an old desk and wooden chair. A nice loveseat was placed beside the door. A small window overlooked Diagon Alley but the curtains that normally framed the window were currently shut tight. The best thing in the room was the large bed, placed up against the wall that adjoined with the room next door.

A man was laying in the bed under the sheets. A mop of black hair on his head was splayed on the pillow. Hannah held back a chuckle as she heard him groan as the bed rattled due to the actions of the couple next door.

“Mr. Potter?” Hannah called out.

Instantly, Harry’s head sprung up and he turned to face her. “Hannah!” He exclaimed happily. “Merlin, I feel like I’ve been waiting so long to see you.”

“I’m sorry,” Hannah said with an apologetic look on her face. “I’m still a little slow closing up the place.”

“Well,” Harry said slowly, “at least you’ve been doing a wonderful job since you took over for Tom.”

“Thanks,” Hannah smiled brightly. “It’s a nice place to work. Tom did a good job getting me up to speed with running the place.”

“Shame that he doesn’t come by more often, though I suppose that it must be difficult since he can’t walk much anymore,” Harry noted with a resigned sigh.

“I think he’s enjoying his break,” Hannah commented thoughtfully. “He did run the place for over sixty years after all.”

“At least we got a young and pretty new innkeeper in return,” Harry grinned and winked at her.

Hannah gave a small giggle at his comment and then paused. She almost never giggled like that. It had to be her nerves getting to her.

The woman in the neighboring room gave out a particularly loud moan which made Harry chuckle. “They’ve been at it for the past fifteen minutes. Probably be going at it for a while longer too.”

“Should we get started too then?” Hannah asked, looking away from Harry. She quickly walked over to the chair at the desk, her fingers digging into the palm of her hand. She hesitated behind the chair. Her heart was racing wildly and she couldn’t remember ever being this nervous. She took a deep breath.

From behind her, Hannah heard Harry shift on the bed. “We don’t need to do anything tonight, Hannah,” he told her, as though he knew that she was nervous.

“No,” Hannah said with a surprising amount of resolve in her voice. “This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while. We’ve wanted to do,” she corrected herself.

The pounding on the wall from the neighboring couple came at such a quick pace, Hannah swore that the thumping of her heart was matching the beat. Carefully, she reached up to the front of her robes and fiddled with the clasps that held it shut. A couple of swift motions and it was undone.

Hannah stayed facing away from Harry as she let her robes fall down to the ground around her. She hadn’t put on any extra clothes underneath her robes in preparation for tonight. The only thing she did have on was a pair of black, fishnet stockings that went up to the middle of her thighs. Her smooth, milky skin looked stunning in the flickering torchlight of the room.

Behind her, Harry drew in his breath as he saw her. Hannah’s plump ass was on full display. Her firm cheeks hung suspended in the air just a few short inches above the black fishnets. Her smooth back was lightly muscled from working in the inn. Her blond braided hair went down to the middle of her back.

“Turn around,” Harry told her hungrily.

Hearing the desire in his voice helped Hannah lose much of her nervousness. Confidently, she turned to face him. She loved the look on his face as her large breasts giggled as she came to a stop. “Well?” She asked him with a hint of a blush on her face.

Harry was in awe. Her body was so different from anything he had seen before. Her figure was quite slim. Her creamy stomach was almost flat, just the gentlest curve to it that showed a combination of good abdominal muscles and a bit of fat. Her large breasts barely sagged at all and had small, rosy-pink nipples that completed the image. Hannah had clearly shaven herself completely in preparation for tonight.

“You look stunning,” Harry admitted quickly.

Harry threw the sheets back on the bed to reveal that he had been completely naked underneath them. His body was fit thanks to years of playing Quidditch and from his new training practice as an Auror. His long cock was already erect and ready to go.

“Come here,” Harry waved her over.

Hannah walked over, stretching out her legs as she did. It made her feel sexy, powerful. She slowed her movements as she neared Harry, looking down at his face. She tried to give him a serious look but she couldn’t maintain it.

Hannah cracked a smile. “Sorry, I’m not sure if I’m great at acting sexy.”

Harry chuckled. “You don’t need to act. You are sexy,” he said, emphasizing the ‘you.’

Hannah didn’t blush this time. She smiled brightly at Harry. “Let’s get started then.”

Without needing to be prompted, Hannah slowly got down onto her knees. Harry rested his hands back on the bed and looked down at the blond woman. Hannah brought her naked body in between Harry’s legs. His large member was right in her face.

A week ago, Hannah and Neville had dinner at Harry and Ginny’s flat. After a bit of raunchy after-dinner talk, both couples admitted that they had been interested in swapping partners for a new experience. Both couples sex lives were still going well but, after several years of being together, the excitement and sense of adventure had begun to dim. This was something new that they could try.

A loud cry of pleasure from the adjoining room made Hannah smile with pride. Neville must really be giving it to Ginny for her to be reacting like that. Hannah knew that she needed to get started soon. She wanted to try this out for herself.

Rather than start with his cock, Hannah followed the game plan that she had prepared. She had spent the past week constantly pestering Neville with questions about why he liked certain things she did to him in the bedroom. After this, she had come up with a few of her best skills to show off to Harry.

Hannah placed her hands on Harry’s knees and gently kissed Harry’s thigh, right above his right knee. Harry’s cock twitched as the top of her head just barely brushed up against his cock. Hannah slowly began to place kisses on Harry’s thighs, gently suckling on the flesh as she went.

By the time she was at his pelvis, Hannah could hear Harry’s breathing deepen. He was excited, filled with anticipation for what was to come. Hannah grinned as she kissed his thigh again, this had been a brilliant idea.

Suddenly, she pushed her face up against the base of the shaft of Harry’s cock. Harry sucked in a deep breath. His cock was laid out across Hannah’s face. Her mouth was right at the base of his shaft.

Hannah opened his supple lips and lowered them towards his balls. She appreciated the fact that he had shaven himself bare as well as she took one of his balls into mouth. She sucked on it and played with the gentle gland with her tongue. One of her hands came up from Harry’s knee to touch his cock.

Hannah’s smooth and surprisingly soft hand wrapped itself around Harry’s shaft. As she switched to suck on his other ball, she began to stroke his cock. Her hand was wrapped loosely around the shaft, and she only moved lazily, but it seemed to excite Harry even more than he had been.

It was time to move on. Hannah released his balls to leave a kiss at the base of his shaft. She stopped stroking his cock and instead let it rest in the palm of her hand, as though she were holding it on display.

The kisses moved their way up his shaft. Just before reaching the head of his cock, Hannah switched over to the other side of Harry’s shaft and began to lay kisses all the way back up from the base.

“Merlin, Hannah,” Harry said breathlessly.

One of Harry’s hands came to run along the side of her head. “As nice as this braid is,” Harry said, taking the braid into his hand. “I kinda want to see you with your hair down.”

Finally, Hannah kissed the head of Harry’s cock. Opening her lips slightly, she let them gently slide over the head of his cock. As she took his hot member into her mouth, Hannah reached back with her hands to undo her braid. With practiced ease, she quickly found it give way and soon she was running her fingers through her messy blond hair.

“Beautiful,” Harry said as Hannah shook her hair out.

“You’re just saying that because your cock is in my mouth,” Hannah joked. To prove her point, she took him back into her mouth. She took him in a couple inches more than before and looked up at his face with wide, curious eyes.

“I mean, it doesn’t hurt your look,” Harry laughed. “But truly, you are stunning.”

That was deserving of a reward. One of Neville’s favourite techniques of hers was about to be put into use. It had taken some practice to get it down right, but Hannah found that she had become quite consistent with it.

Without warning, Hannah took every inch of Harry’s cock into her mouth. The head of his cock reached her throat and Hannah expertly held back the urge to gag. She shut her eyes as she did this, unable to see the look of pure shock and bliss that came over Harry’s face.

Instinctively, one of Harry’s hands reached around to the back of Hannah’s head. He pressed her head even further onto his cock so that her nose was pressing into his skin. “Oh!” Harry moaned at the pleasurable sensation.

After holding the position for a few seconds, Hannah had to pull back. She coughed on all the extra saliva in her mouth as she removed Harry’s cock from her mouth. A couple long strings of saliva stretched from the underside of Harry’s cock to her lips.

The way Harry was looking down at her, like she was the most amazing thing he had ever seen, made Hannah grin up at him. “I take it your a fan too now?” She asked him.

Harry could only nod dumbly and let out the deep breath that he hadn’t realized that he had been holding. “That was . . . wow,” Harry muttered.

Hannah took Harry’s cock back into her mouth and chuckled. The vibrations of that sent little shocks of pleasure through Harry’s cock, making him shiver.

“Slow down, Hannah,” Harry grunted as Hannah’s tongue circled around the head of his cock. She brought one of her hands down to cup his balls and gently roll them around in her hand.

She knew that she was not going to slow down. She could finish him off here. Redoubling her efforts, Hannah bobbed her head up and down on Harry’s cock. Harry groaned as Hannah’s actions brought him closer to the edge.

With a final push, Hannah deep-throated Harry’s cock again. Harry grabbed her head with both hands, holding it in place. His cock pulsed as hot streams of cum shot out from his tip and straight down her throat. The impact of the semen in the back of Hannah’s throat made her lips tighten up around the base of his cock. She would be damned if she let a single drop escape.

After a few more streams of cum shot down Hannah’s throat, Harry let out a satisfied sigh. “Incredible,” he sighed. “I’ve never had anything like that done to me before.”

Hannah slowly pulled her lips back off of his cock. She kept them tight around his member though so that when she finally removed the head of his cock from her mouth, it made an audible ‘pop’ sound. “Most girls can’t do it,” Hannah noted. “I guess I’m just lucky.”

“More than lucky. You’re probably blessed,” Harry laughed.

As Hannah stood back up, she noticed that her wet pussy had been dripping down onto her thighs. The sticky substance shone slightly in the faint light in the room, leaving a short trail that ended just above her fishnets. Hannah brought two fingers down and scooped up a tiny bit of the liquid and looked up at Harry. Slowly, she moved her fingers to his lips. They parted easily and she was surprised at how fervently Harry sucked and licked her fingers clean.

Hannah rubbed her thighs together, eager to feel his cock inside of her. This time, she would take charge.

Harry was still seated at the edge of the bed when Hannah put her knees on either side of his body. She straddled Harry’s waist and her pussy lightly brushed up against Harry’s still-hard cock. Removing her fingers from his mouth, Hannah went to kiss him but was stopped by Harry. “Refreshing charm,” he smiled lightly.

Harry snatched his wand from the bedside table and gave a quick wave. Hannah felt a minty freshness come over her breath. Harry waved his wand at his own mouth and quickly placed it back off to the side.

This time when Hannah leaned in to kiss Harry, he met her halfway. She instantly opened her mouth and let their tongues duel. Hannah ground her pussy onto Harry’s cock. The man groaned and pushed back against her.

Quickly, Hannah moved her hips up so that she was hovering above Harry’s waist. She braced herself on Harry’s shoulders as they continued to kiss. Harry’s cock twitched beneath Hannah as she positioned herself.

She found the head of his cock with her pussy. She slowly sunk down onto Harry’s long member, enjoying the sensation of his cock pushing through her folds. His cock was nice and warm inside of her body, stretching her out pleasurably.

Hannah moaned into the kiss. Her back arched, pushing her ample breasts up against Harry’s chest. His arms wrapped around her and his fingers dug into the meaty flesh of her ass. He squeezed and spread her ass as Hannah sunk down further onto his cock.

Hannah stopped sinking down near the base of his cock. The throbbing members inside her twitched, wanting to move the last inch or two inside. Instead, Hannah slowly slid back up. She broke away from the kiss to look down at where their bodies met. She loved the sight of her wet juices coating Harry’s cock.

Sinking back down with a forceful thrust of her hips, Hannah cried out in pleasure. Harry’s cock hit just the right spot inside of her. Her nipples hardened as they brushed up against Harry’s chest.

Quickly, Hannah began to truly ride Harry’s cock. Her ass moved up and down, flesh hitting flesh, as her pussy repeatedly devoured Harry’s cock. The man beneath her seemed to be thoroughly enjoying himself as he kissed Hannah’s neck and grabbed her ass firmly.

“Fuck me, this is good,” Harry panted as he thrust his hips up to meet Hannah’s downward movements.

“Your cock,” Hannah moaned and threw her head back as she sunk down completely on Harry’s cock. She ground their hips together, moaning as her clit rubbed up against Harry.

Harry cupped one of Hannah’s breasts in his hand as she rode him. The pleasure of simply fondling her large breast in his hand was something that Harry loved. His cock twitched inside of Hannah’s hot pussy as Hannah shoved her tits forward towards Harry’s face.

He took one of her breasts into his mouth, licking it all over. Hannah wrapped one hand around the back of Harry’s head to hold him in place. Her hips seemed to be moving automatically as she fucked him.

Silently, the door to the room opened. It was behind Harry so he couldn’t see who was there but Hannah could.

Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom, their respective partners, walked into the bedroom. They were both completely naked and had clearly already finished up.

Hannah looked Neville in the eyes as she continued to ride Harry’s cock. The hungry longing in his gaze wasn’t lost on her. A moan escaped her lips as Harry’s cock hit another particularly wonderful spot inside of her pussy. Neville only beamed brightly in reply. He looked truly pleased to see his wife so happy.

Ginny and Neville seated themselves side by side on the loveseat beside the door, curled up together. Hannah could see Ginny give her a smirk and a wink as she took Neville’s erect cock into her hand. She stroked it lazily but Neville’s cock still twitched in her hand.

In reply, Hannah forcefully slammed down on Harry’s cock causing the man to groan audibly. “Fuck, that’s good,” Harry said as he kissed Hannah’s nipple.

“We have guests,” Hannah murmured to Harry.

Quick as anything, Harry’s head snapped around to see Neville and Ginny resting comfortably on the loveseat. “Oh, it’s just you two,” Harry laughed. “You scared me for a minute, Hannah.”

Hannah slowed her movements on Harry’s cock. She rested on his lap with his cock buried deep inside of her pussy. Her arms were wrapped around his back and her head rested on his shoulder. “Do you think we should give them a show?” She whispered in Harry’s ear.

His reply was to stand up with his cock still sheathed inside of Hannah’s pussy. Instantly, Hannah scrambled to stay on, wrapping her legs around his waist, but Harry’s strength seemed to be enough. He carried her around the bed so that they were standing right in front of Neville and Ginny.

From her position, Hannah couldn’t see Neville or Ginny but she didn’t need to. The muttered notes of approval from the pair made her blush. They could see right where Harry’s cock was stretching her pussy open. The momentary embarrassment quickly passed though as Hannah only got more turned on by what was happening.

Harry moved them over to the edge of the bed. Hannah could see Ginny and Neville now. Neville was resting back in the loveseat while Ginny had moved to curl up beside him. Her head was resting on top of his stomach, the head of his cock inside of her mouth. One of Neville’s arms went down Ginny’s back and his hand was firmly placed in between her thighs. Hannah saw her husband smile at her as Harry gently lowered Hannah to the bed.

Harry grabbed Hannah’s delicious thighs and pulled her so that her ass was right at the edge of the bed. “Are you ready for something new?” He grinned at her. “This is one of Ginny’s favourites.”

Hannah nodded up at him. Laying on her back, she could only watch as Harry climbed up onto the bed. He gripped the nearby bedpost for support as he bent Hannah’s legs back towards her head. Thankfully, Hannah was much more flexible than she may have first appeared. Her legs bent back easily until they were only a foot or two above her.

Suddenly, Hannah was quite aware that her pussy and asshole was on display for Ginny and Neville. She instinctively went to cover up but immediately relaxed. It was her time to show off.

Harry put his legs on either side of Hannah’s torso. He squatted down and leaned forward as he readied himself. With one hand, he angled his cock down until the head of it rubbed up against Hannah’s pussy lips. It spread them nicely and he moved down until he started to push back inside of her.

Hannah’s legs were trapped in their position as Harry leaned over her. She realized now that Ginny and Neville would have a perfect, direct view of where Harry’s cock would plunge inside of her pussy. The thought of that made her tremble in excitement.

It took Harry a few more seconds to adjust his position before he was ready. Hannah wrapped her arms around the back of her knees to help hold her legs in position. Suddenly, he found a good spot to be in. He shoved his cock the rest of the way inside of Hannah, enjoying the sensation of having his balls rest up against her ass.

Now that it was time to get to business, Harry didn’t start slow. He quickly pounded in and out of Hannah’s pussy. As their bodies first slapped together, the two of them both moaned out loud at the pleasurable sensations.

Hannah loved this new position. Harry’s cock could reach so deep inside of her pussy and it was hitting all of the right spots. She loved the feeling of Harry’s body hitting hers and when his balls bounced off her ass.

Hannah knew that Ginny and Neville must be getting quite the view of Harry’s cock thrusting in and out of her tight pussy. Her pussy clamped down on Harry’s cock as her mind was excited by the fact that she knew that she was being watched right now.

Harry leaned down to kiss Hannah as he buried his cock completely inside of her. He ground their hips together, swirling his cock around inside of her pussy. The added sensation of his pelvis grinding against her clit sent Hannah into a lust filled frenzy.

Hannah pushed her hips up, trying to get even more contact with Harry’s body. She could feel his cock twitching inside of her, practically begging to be pulled out just so that it could be slammed right back into her.

After a few moments, Harry did just that. He lifted his hips so that just the very tip of his cock still remained inside of Hannah’s pussy. Then, he slammed his hips back down. The sound of their flesh hitting together made Hannah smile in delight.

Hannah bit Harry’s lower lip, pulling out of the kiss just enough so that she could stare into his eyes. It was incredibly erotic to make eye contact while she was getting fucked. The shared pleasure between them hung in the air like electricity.

Her nipples, hard as anything, sent waves of pleasure throughout her body as they rubbed against Harry’s chest. With each thrust into her pussy, Harry’s chest rubbed up against her. Hannah felt like her entire body was being stimulated all at once.

Harry let loose with several fast and deep thrusts. Hannah did her best to tighten her pelvic muscles every time Harry pulled back so that he was getting the tightest experience that she could offer. He seemed to appreciate as he let out several long groans.

Another voice joined the mix. Hannah recognized the sound of her own husband groaning. She craned her neck to the side to get a brief glimpse of him on the loveseat with Ginny.

Ginny was still curled up beside Neville. She was stroking his cock with one hand and her lips surrounded the head of his cock. The way that his head was thrown back, Hannah knew that Neville was cumming into Ginny’s mouth right at that instant. The redheaded girl pushed the hair out of her face with her free hand as she sucked Hannah’s husband dry.

All of the pleasure was too overwhelming for Hannah. Without warning, she felt her body start to contract as she came. The orgasm ripped through her body, making her toes curl in delight and her pussy clamp down on Harry’s cock. Her grip was so tight that Harry could barely move inside of her. Hannah cried out in ecstasy, letting everyone in the room know just how good she felt right at that moment.

Her body was still trembling as she came down from her orgasm. Aftershocks of pure pleasure still coursed through her body even as she regained control. Her pussy’s grip on Harry’s cock loosened slightly but he didn’t move quite yet.

“Merlin, Hannah. That was incredible,” Harry groaned as he sunk onto her body.

Hannah giggled. “Well thank you for giving me that. Somehow I sense that we aren’t done yet though.”

“No, we’re most certainly not,” Harry grinned at her. “But I’m quite close.”

“Then fuck me,” Hannah all but ordered him.

Harry’s cock pulled out completely of her pussy before he slammed back in roughly. The impact made Hannah’s thighs tense and the shock of it caused a moan to escape her lips. Her heightened sense of pleasure after her orgasm made her pussy incredibly sensitive.

“You’re so tight now, it’s hard to even fuck you,” Harry muttered with a light smile on his face. Regardless of his words, he was doing his best to fuck her.

With every thrust, Hannah knew that Harry was getting closer to finishing inside of her. For her own husband to watch another man cum inside of her was something that she would have never expected to turn her on so much.

Her pussy clenched around his cock. She could intimately feel its wonderful shape inside of her. The long member was plunging deep into her pussy, ready to shoot its seed.

Their bodies were covered with a thin sheen of sweat now. After fucking for so long, Hannah and Harry were both breathless. But there was still a job to be done.

Harry’s balls slapped against her ass as he thrust into her again. That little shock made his cock twitch inside of her and Harry grunted loudly. Hannah knew that he was about to cum inside of her. She wanted it.

Harry pulled back one last time before making a final thrust into her pussy. Hannah tightened herself around him as much as she could as Harry emptied his hot load inside of her pussy. Spurt after spurt of his thick semen filled her. Harry made tiny thrusts, barely moving, even while his cock was completely buried inside of her.

Hannah could feel his cum inside of it. It was so warm. She knew that it was mixing with her own juices inside of her. Harry’s cock was already stirring it all together. Harry let out the breath he had been holding as he finished emptying himself inside of Hannah.

Hannah let go of her legs and allowed them to wrap around Harry. She crossed them over Harry’s butt, keeping him in place. With her hands, she reached up and cupped Harry’s face. She brought their lips together and kissed him deeply. Harry sunk into the blissful kiss.

The two of them stayed like that for a couple minutes. Finally, they broke apart their kiss. Harry smiled down at Hannah and she smiled back at him.

Hannah loosened her legs around Harry. Slowly, Harry pulled his still mostly erect cock out of Hannah’s pussy. Hannah could see that his cock was coated with her juices.

Hannah felt Harry’s cum start to dribble out of her. The thick, creamy liquid slowly seeped out of her pussy. It slid down her asshole and then down her butt until it reached the bedsheets. Their combined fluids stained the bedsheets.

Throwing her arms over her head, Hannah let out a long content sigh and closed her eyes. This had been wonderful. Even better than she could have possibly predicted.

The sound of footsteps made her look up. Her husband, Neville crawled onto the bed beside her. He cuddled up to her on his side. Hannah could feel his slick semi-erect cock press against her thigh. The knowledge that it was Ginny’s juices and saliva that coated her husband’s cock sent a wave of horniness through her.

“How was it for you?” Neville asked, kissing Hannah’s cheek.

Hannah let out a quiet giggle. “It was wonderful,” she whispered in his ear. She rolled onto her side as well as kissed her husband on the lips. “How was Ginny?”

“Amazing,” Neville told her honestly. “It was really different from sleeping with you.”

Hannah hummed her agreement. “It was really nice though. A good change of pace.” Her hand reached down and gave his cock a squeeze. “But I can’t wait to go back home so you can fuck me again.”

Neville laughed. “I might be tapped out for a little while.”

Hannah smiled at him. “That doesn’t matter, we have all the time in the world together.”

Harry and Ginny walked up to the bed hand in hand. As they stopped, Ginny pressed her lithe form into Harry’s side. “So, would you two ever consider doing this again?” Ginny asked them with a grin.

Hannah and Neville locked eyes. In unison, they answered.


Forty minutes earlier

“Do you think we should wait for them?” Ginny asked, shrugging off her outer robes. The young chaser of the Hollyhead Harpies had just returned to Britain only a week ago. Her body was in peak physical form from all of her practices and matches that she had played.

She wore a small crop top, a muggle design, which hung just above her bellybutton and a pair of denim shorts that only barely went down the top of her thigh. Ginny loved the muggle fashions. They were all so much less restrictive than magical designs. It felt nice to have the heat of the sun on her skin.

Her flaming red hair was tied in a loose ponytail behind her head. A few strands hung loose around her face but she didn’t mind. It only served to add to her look. She ran a hand down her lithe body. Though her breasts were small, they were perfectly perky and just wonderful. Her stomach was flat and nicely toned. Importantly to her, her butt was stunning. It protruded nicely and was still quite firm.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to wait,” Neville said breathlessly from behind her.

Ginny looked over her shoulder at him, flashing him a winning grin. The young man who had once taken her to the Yule Ball had definitely filled in nicely over the past couple of years. Gone was the baby-fat and awkward body of the boy she remembered from Hogwarts.

After years working in greenhouses, Neville had developed a nice body. He was well-muscled all over and his skin was lightly tanned from working outside so often. The man had his black hair cropped short on his head and just a hint of stubble on his face. He had already taken his shirt off and Ginny took a moment to admire his well-defined chest and abs.

“Mmm,” Ginny licked her lips eliciting a look of pure desire from Neville. “I don’t think I can wait either.”

All it took were those words for Neville to shed off his pants and rush Ginny from behind. Ginny laughed as Neville pushed her to the bed, coming onto it with her. He helped roll her onto her back and instantly captured her lips in a deep kiss.

One of his hands was already pawing at her breasts. She pushed her chest up, getting herself closer to him. Neville shifted himself so that he could spread her legs and plant himself right in between them. He pushed forward with his hips and Ginny could feel his erection up rub up against her even through his trousers.

Ginny’s hands fumbled with his belt but once they found the buckle, they deftly undid it. She yanked his trousers down, pulling his underwear with it. Neville’s thick erection flopped out of his pants and Ginny quickly wrapped a hand around it.

The two continued to kiss even as Ginny stroked Neville’s cock. His cock seemed to jump and twitch in her hand as Ginny worked the shaft expertly. Neville’s hips bucked forward and the head of his cock pressed against Ginny’s inner thigh. She giggled into the kiss as Neville’s lust-addled mind drove him to push the encounter along.

Ginny didn’t even see the man get his wand into his hand. With a quick wave, Ginny found that a new set of bedsheets wound themselves tightly around her wrists. Reluctantly, she let go of Neville’s cock so that her hands could be pulled above her head. The bedsheets wrapped themselves around the posts at the top two corners of the bed that were up against the back wall.

Neville grabbed the hem of her top and roughly pulled it upwards to reveal her tits. Instantly, his mouth descended upon the small globes of flesh. Ginny let out a loan moan as Neville latched onto one of her nipples and very gently applied pressure to it with his lips.

Suddenly, Neville pulled away from her. Ginny looked up and saw that his eyes were clouded with lust. She shivered in anticipation for what was to come.

Neville waved his wand again and Ginny felt a light breeze of cool air come across her naked body. She looked down to see that he had removed everything on her. Instinctively, she made to close her legs but Neville’s body was still in between them. He quickly laid back down on top of her and returned to kissing her lips.

Ginny could feel her wetness already dripping out of her pussy. She had been thinking about this night all week since they had first planned it. Earlier today, she and Harry had sex to try to calm themselves down but they had called it quits after that one time didn’t work. They didn’t want to accidentally wear themselves out before the night arrived.

Without really looking to see what he was doing, Neville pushed his hips forward. His cock poked all around Ginny’s pelvis blindly. Finally, he found what he was looking for. His cock pressed in between her folds and slipped into her hot pussy.

The two let out near-simultaneous moans as their bodies connected. Neville pushed even deeper into Ginny, fighting against her tight inner walls for space to fit.

It took a few seconds for Ginny to adjust to the new sensations. After being with Harry for years, she had become used to his cock. Neville’s filled her differently, hit different spots inside of him. It was all so exciting and a wonderful change.

She knew that Harry was in the room behind the wall. Undoubtedly, he could hear everything that was going on in the room. She got even more turned on at the thought of that. They had both wanted to try this. The thought of Harry shagging Hannah made Ginny’s mind fill will lust. She wondered if it would be possible to watch them go at it later.

Ginny rolled her hips, letting Neville know that she was ready to proceed. After years of hard Quidditch practices and games, she had grown to used to being sore most days. Neville of course knew this and she hoped that he put his skills to good use.

Neville slowly pulled out of Ginny until only the head of his cock remained inside of her. Suddenly, he thrust forward. His hard cock plunged back into Ginny’s depths making her gasp at the suddenness of it all. Neville seemed determined to replenish her lost breath by giving her some of his own.

Ginny moaned into the kiss. Her body felt like it was on fire with electricity sparking through her veins. Neville’s cock was pressing right up against the best spots inside of her. Already, she was chastising herself for not deciding to do this before. The novelty of the encounter alone made it all worth it.

Picking up the pace, Neville began to hammer into her pussy. The bed shook and the frame of it rattled against the wall. Ginny let out a long moan as Neville fucked her hard.

Her breasts ached to be touched. Ginny arched her back, shoving her breasts up against Neville’s chest that was above her. The man reached down with calloused hands to rub her breasts, cupping them in his hand. Ginny wanted to touch him too. She tried to move her hands but they were still tied above her head.

Neville chuckled at Ginny’s whine. “A naughty girl like you needs to be tied up so she can learn her lesson.” Those words sent a wave of lust through Ginny’s mind. Had Harry told Neville how much she liked dirty talk in bed? She wondered.

Her thoughts were broken as Neville pulled out of her completely. The loss of his cock from inside of her pussy almost made her sigh. She quickly changed her tune though when Neville buried his face in between her thighs.

Ginny let out a pleasurable gasp as Neville licked her clit. He put her legs over his shoulders so that he could get a better angle. Ginny let her head fall back in bliss as his fingers began to explore her depths.

It surprised Ginny to experience first-hand as to how skilled Neville was at cunnilingus. His tongue rolled around her clit with practiced care to not be too rough. His fingers rubbed against the top wall of her pussy, hunting for the rough patch of her g-spot.

As soon as his fingers made contact, Neville gently flicked her clit with his tongue while pushing up against her g-spot. The pleasure overwhelmed Ginny and made her mind go numb for a brief moment. She looked down to see Neville looking up at her, mirth evident in his eyes.

“Enjoying yourself?” He grinned before returning to eating her out.

“Oh yes,” Ginny hissed as his tongue went back to work. Her thighs squirmed on either side of Neville’s head.

Normally, she would have her hands in Harry’s hair when he ate her out. As much as she liked that, it was also really hot to have her hands tied above her head, unable to do anything. Her hips raised slightly off the bed as she pushed her pussy closer to Neville’s mouth.

Without warning, Ginny moaned again as an intense wave of pleasure hit her again. Her powerful sensation had been slowly building and she knew that she was close.

“Neville, I’m-” She couldn’t get the words out before she came. Her thighs squeezed Neville’s head, locking it into place. For his part, Neville didn’t seem to mind. He slowed his ministrations but helped Ginny ride her orgasm by gently rubbing her clit and keeping his fingers inside of her.

Ginny’s pussy clamped down on his fingers. Her inner walls pulsed and twitched as her orgasm overrode her control over her body. Her back arched, breasts pointed firmly up at the ceiling. She let out an incredible moan that she knew Harry must have heard next door.

Ginny barely had time to catch her breath before Neville was ready to continue. Truthfully, so was she. This was an experience that she didn’t want to miss out on.

Neville scooped his hands underneath Ginny’s body and flipped her over onto her stomach. Her arms had to cross over each other since her wrists were still bound. The bedsheets that bound him seemed to extend slightly, as though by magic, to give her enough slack in the bounds so she wasn’t uncomfortable.

From behind her, Neville grabbed her hips and lifted them up into the air. Sensing what he wanted to do, Ginny got onto her knees.

She knew that she must have been quite the sight. Bound wrists with her arms crossing over. Her face planted down on a pillow, her breasts just teasingly grazing the bedsheets. Her tight ass up in the air, looking perfectly fuckable.

Ginny wiggled her ass as Neville settled onto the bed behind her. She giggled as Neville slapped his hands onto her cheeks and dug his fingers into the round flesh. The deep breath he took in made her even more excited for what was to come.

“Come on, Neville,” Ginny said with urgency. “Fuck me.”

Neville replied by shoving his cock inside of her. Her inner walls were still tight from her orgasm but he seemed determined to continue on regardless.

Ginny moaned as her pussy molded itself to fit around Neville’s cock. His thick, hot erection filled her up nicely. She let out a moan which sounded more like a growl as her thighs shook in pleasure.

Ginny let out a yelp at Neville slapped her ass. He did this just as he pushed another inch of his cock inside of her, causing her to tighten up slightly as he did so. Wanting more of him, Ginny thrust her ass back to take the last inch of his cock inside of her. She moaned at how amazing the heat of his cock felt inside of her.

As Neville pulled back out of her, Ginny moved her ass away from Neville. Then, as soon as he began to push his cock back inside of her, Ginny thrust her ass back against Neville. The man seemed taken aback and he sputtered, trying to vocalize his pleasure.

Ginny laughed at him. “You like that?” She asked, giving a flirty look back at him.

Neville could only nod. He was completely buried inside of Ginny. Clearly the burst of pleasure had surprised him. However, it didn’t take him long to recover. He returned to thrusting in and out of Ginny.

Her hands gripped the bedsheets which bound her wrists as Neville plowed into her from behind. Her pussy was being stretched wonderfully from Neville’s thick cock. She loved the feeling of Neville’s hips slamming up against her ass.

Neville’s rough treatment of her pussy had Ginny practically constantly moaning. Her head was being pushed down onto a pillow. Every time Neville thrust his cock back into her, her nipples grazed against the bedsheets, sending waves of pleasure through her body.

The sensations were getting overwhelming. Her legs and knees shook as Neville had his way with her. She couldn’t take it anymore. Her legs gave out and her hips slumped down onto the bed. Neville’s cock slipped out of her.

“Really pound into me, Neville,” Ginny practically begged. She knew that she was getting close to another orgasm.

Neville put his knees on the bed on either side of Ginny’s hips. With one hand, he angled his cock down. Ginny’s legs were spread open slightly so he had access to her pussy. Ginny raised her hips ever so slightly just so that it would be easier for Neville to enter her.

When she felt his cock penetrate her pussy again, she was surprised at how different it felt from this angle. It took a few experimental thrusts, but Neville quickly adjusted to the new angle and returned to fucking Ginny.

Ginny let out a content sigh as Neville fucked her. Neville groaned at the different tightness he was experiencing from Ginny’s pussy.

“I’m getting close again,” Ginny warned Neville. She spread her legs more as Neville planted his hands on the bed to give him better leverage as he fucked her.

“Hang on, almost there,” Neville told her.

Ginny tried to hang on but Neville’s cock was just too good at hitting all of the right places inside of her pussy. With a shuddering gasp, her inner walls clamped down on his cock as she came. The arms shook, causing the bed to rattle up against the wall.

“Fuck!” Neville cried out.

Ginny felt hot spurts of Neville’s cum shoot out of his cock and into her pussy. Her walls were wrapped so tightly around Neville’s cock that she swore that she could feel the semen flowing through his shaft as he came inside of her.

Neville buried his cock completely inside of Ginny, pushing the cum he had already shot inside of her to the back of her vagina. His body slumped on her back as his cock shot out the last few bits of cum that he had left to give.

The two lay there silently for a moment. “Mmm, now that was nice,” Ginny moaned with a sultry smile on her face.

Suddenly, the bedsheets that bound her wrists disappeared. Ginny ran a hand down Neville’s side. Squeezing her other hand under her body, she reached for her pussy where Neville was still buried deep inside of her. Her fingers found where their two bodies met. As her fingers brushed past her clit, she couldn’t help but shiver at how sensitive she still was.

The base of Neville’s cock was slick from her juices. Ginny gently rubbed down the little bit of exposed shaft, moving her fingers towards his balls. She gently fondled the two small orbs in her hand, eliciting a moan from Neville.

“I can’t handle any more, Gin,” he muttered lazily into her hair.

Ginny chuckled quietly and reluctantly let go of him. She placed her hand beneath her pussy. “Pull out of me,” she told Neville.

Neville’s cock made one last deep push inside of her before he slowly pulled his organ out. Ginny cupped her hand and waited. As soon as Neville’s cock flopped out of her pussy, a messy trail of his cum mixed with her juices slowly spilled out of her. Ginny managed to save the initial discharge in her hand.

Neville rolled over onto the bed beside Ginny and watched as Ginny rolled onto her back. She brought her cum covered hand up to her mouth and stared Neville in the eyes as she licked every last bit off of her hand.

“Merlin, Harry must have his hands full dealing with you all day,” Neville muttered, shaking his head. “I don’t know how that bloke manages to even go into work whenever you’re at home.”

Ginny winked at him. “We keep quite busy when we’re both home. Sometimes we just stay naked all day, waiting for one of us to jump the other.”

“What a life,” Neville sighed, imagining fondly what it would be like. “I’ll have to get Hannah to try that sometime.”

“Trust me, she’d love it,” Ginny reassured him. Subconsciously, she snuggled up a bit closer to Neville. She enjoyed the feeling of a warm body beside her in bed. Not sharing her bed with Harry was her least favourite part about traveling for work.

The two just laid there for a few minutes. After some time had passed, Ginny heard a loud moan come from the other room. “Looks like they finally got started,” she pointed out to Neville.

“Yeah. I bet they’ll have a really good time together. I know I did,” he said, a faint blush suddenly appearing on his cheeks.

Ginny smiled. “You’re too sweet, Neville.” After a moments pause, she tilted her head. “Say, you wanna go watch them?”

“You mean right now?” Neville asked.

Ginny nodded and grinned at him. “Don’t you want to see your wife having a good time?” She saw Neville’s cock twitch and start to grow again.

“Yeah, I kinda do,” Neville admitted.


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Harry Potter Gets Charmed

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part II

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Harry Potter and the Ring of Salazar

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Harry Potter and the Ring of Salazar

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Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: ncon, exhib, grope, spank, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 2 – Clothing Optional by Avatrek ([email protected]) Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood were on a very important mission. A mission which had taken them back in time to...

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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 5 Classes Begin Part 1

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: Mf, mf, exhib, f-solo, grope, magic, spank, unif Harry Potter: Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts Part 5 – Classes Begin Part 1 by Avatrek ([email protected]) It had been a very tumultuous first day of Hogwarts for Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Luna. Harry and Hermione had spent their first night...

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Harry Potter and the teachers

Elizabeth felt a pair of calloused hands roam her body and she moaned. Merlin, the lad had magical hands. They knew how to touch her and where. They then cupped her swinging breasts and she groaned. She was on her hands and knees with Harry in back of her thrusting in and out of her gushing cunt.“Mmmm, Harry” she moaned.“Yes professor?” Harry asked.“Harry, you know you should call me Elizabeth during your tutoring sessions” Elizabeth chided gently.“Sorry, Elizabeth” Harry said.“No problem...

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Harry Potter Full Length

sorry about not writing as much. I found this on my hardrive from when I was infatuated with Harry Potter. For my b-day on Sept. 5th, I'm releasing this harry potter Complete Works special. This was posted already under my other aliases. constructive feedback only, no dissing me out. I apologize in advance for grammar. Fun at the Park Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Epilogue

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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 6

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Harry Potter That Need Part 7 8

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Harry Potter and the Legacy of Hogwarts

Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the actual Harry Potter series, its author, characters or book and movie franchises. This story has not been sold or created for profit. Story Codes: mmfff, exhib, grope, magic, unif, voy Harry Potter: Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Hogwarts Part 1 – In The Beginning by Avatrek ([email protected]) Harry Potters fifth year of education was one of the most difficult times of his young life. Publicly slighted by both the Ministry of Magic and the...

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Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter Two

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?" Hermione screamed as she dove off of Harry. He absently noticed that her hand was still covered with her own spittle and his pre-cum. "Please, don't stop on my account," Gryffindor's ghost implored. "Continue. Pretend I'm not here." "Is that..." began Hermione as she crouched in the corner while clutching her half-opened blouse in front of her. "Is that Godric Gryffindor?" "See that?" Gryffindor said to Harry. "She didn't take a kip...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 5 Katie Bell

There was no stopping the rumours about Harry sex life. The fact that he had fucked Pansy and then Cho spread across the school like wild fire, especially as Cho was heart broken. As Harry had suspected Hermione wasn’t too happy with him sleeping with Pansy just one day after he had been with her. But as he hardly saw her anymore he couldn’t tell any greater difference in her mood. Hermione wasn’t her old self at all, she didn’t even volunteer information in class ymorymore. Harry had never...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 10 The Fall of Ron

Chapter 10 If anybody had happened to be passing by the 7th floor corridor, they would have heard a faint cry of joy emanate from within the stone wall itself, opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy attempting to train trolls for the ballet. The voice seemed to belong to Draco Malfoy. * Long rays of clear morning sunshine shone through the high narrow windows of the 6th year boy’s dormitory as Harry Potter awoke from a nice long lie-in. A yawning Harry stretched out his legs, as he...

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Fire the Goblets on FireChapter 4

The following week was rough on everyone as the Dr.'s Granger had to get used to their little girl now being married at the age of fifteen, but also for Harry and Hermione for pretty much the same reason. Dan spent several hours the first couple of days with Emma in the study talking to the portrait of Danielle Granger, who had been the last Lady Granger, painted 300 years earlier, and filling her in on as much family and world history as they could. Dan assured her he would dig through the...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 5 Double Trouble

Chapter 5 November descended upon Hogwarts and along with it came even rain and even a few flakes of snow. It was the final week of November and there was only a fortnight left before the Christmas holidays started. Ron began to feel his bad mood coming again. A month had passed since his fun with Lavender and they had been dating ever since. Though the sex was incredible, they did not really share much in common and Ron had started to lust after his true love; Hermione once more. ‘If...

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Fire the Goblets on FireChapter 6 Revenge is a Dish best served cold

Harry went from his room and into the Library "Hermione What should we do to the ones who Betrayed us?" Harry asks as he enters. Hermione Looks up from the Huge book in front of her. "Well we can get a Piece out in the paper. We can name all names. And we should contact the twins." She says. Harry Replies," Well I already sent Fumbledore a nice tainted box of Lemon Drops. I surpose we can use this Rita Skeeter for our Mud raking." "Harry what do you mean tainted Lemon Drops?" She...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 30 The Twins Come of Age

Chapter Thirty – The Twins Come of Age Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmF, mmf, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, magic, orgy, preg, spank, voy As March wound down and April approached, the school was abuzz from the latest sex scandal involving Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and nearly half of the school. So prodigious were the circumstances of the abnormally...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 2 Chos Jealousy

Chapter 2 A fortnight had passed since Harry and Hermione’s session and Harry had thought of nothing else since. With the pressure of losing his virginity lifted, Harry felt a lot more confident around the girls and a lot happier then he’d ever been. Both Harry and Hermione were desperate for an opportunity for round 2 to happen but with the immense work-load that was piled on the 6th years, both were too busy to hook up again. Harry’s cock was aching for some more action and little did he...

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Harry Potter Helping Out

Gabrielle Delacour graduated with top marks out of her year, and she could pretty much have any job in the world. And not because of the fact she was a pretty face either. The eighteen year old Veela princess had golden blonde hair, a soft complexion with soulful blue eyes. Her sizeable breasts squeezed into a tasteful white blouse, which came down to the plaid skirt she wore. She wore white stockings over her long legs which stretched down for miles.The Veela Princess could have any job she...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 5 The Train

Chapter Five – The Train Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, rape, x-gang, first, unif, voy The Spellbook of Desires was once again in Harry Potter’s grasp; having lost it for nearly two weeks, he was relieved to have finally regained it. Harry was so relieved because he knew it would be his single best companion, other than Hermione and Ron, during the...

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Harry Potter The Boy who Fucked

Introduction: Harry Potters 6th year at Hogwarts becomes a little more exciting. NOTE – This is supposed to take place at the beginning of the Sixth Book. A few things are changed, more prominently the beginning. Ill do my best to get all the details correct! Enjoy. Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked – Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents deaths and the other horrible things he...

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Harry potter meets the sisters black

Harry potter was taking a walk thinking about how crappy his life is. The dursleys have ruined his life for the first eleven years and the past five summers. He is so ready to leave their house, but he still has two more years left till he is a legal aged wizard. Then there is voldemort, who killed his parents, and has tried to kill him at least once a year since he turned eleven. Then last year he heard the damnable prophecy about him and voldemort. "Why is my life so screwed up!?" the 15...

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part IV

PART IV For a moment, nothing happened and the full feeling was freed from her mind. She thought she had beaten The Emerald Curse. Suddenly, the amulet chain tightened and began to squeeze tightly on her throat. She tried to pull it off as it dug into her skin but it was much too strong. She trashed about the place, gasping for air, wrenching and choking. "The old man must DIE!" screamed Alys. "Arrrrrgh!" croaked Heather, pleading for Alys to stop. She started to feel woozy and...

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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 9

Introduction: As the Battle of Hogwarts comes to an end Harry Potter would like nothing more than to have a peaceful life with Ginny Weasley, unknown to Harry theres still one man that seeks his death. Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Part 9 Mr Weasley appeared outside of Lunas house. Hed had a long day at work trying to cover the whole saga about Luna hexing the poor muggle boy. ...

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Harry Potter sex story

Wyldbrdmn25 Fun at the Park Harry was laid up in his bed thinking about his last few years at school. He had just had his seventeenth birthday. His friends all sent him presents. He had received a work planner from Hermione, a Play witch from Fred and George, Ginny had sent him some personal nude photos of herself (Hermione helped her out with those) and some condoms from Ron which had a note attached to it. "I don’t need a niece just yet," signed Ron With Dumbledore dead, Harry was...

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Harry Potter The Boy who Fucked

Harry Potter: The Boy who Fucked - Chapter 1: A Muggle Encounter Harry Potter woke with a start, saturated in cold sweat and shaking. His nightmares involving a recollection of his parents' deaths and the other horrible things he had seen throughout the last 6 years in the Wizarding world had began to occur more often; around three times a night. Groping his bedside table for his glasses, Harry swept them on and muttered 'Lumos'. A small orb of light appeared at the tip of his...

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Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor Chapter One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun crept into the smallest bedroom in the house at # 4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter fought the urge to wake up. Harry was having a nice pleasant dream. He dreamt that he was sitting on the shore of the ocean with his feet in the cool water, while reading a book about lighthouses. Two odd things about the dream stood out for Harry. The...

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Harry Potter As One War Ends Another Begins Part 7

Part 7 Ginny ran out of Luna's house quickly and made her way down the path towards the local village. She needed some time to think. She still couldn't believe she'd just kissed Luna. Luna who looked so sad when she had told her about wanting to have sex with someone, and now Ginny had mislead her. And there was Harry. Was she going to have to tell him? Would he be angry if he found out? Would he leave her? Her thoughts were spinning and she felt sick with worry when she noticed a...

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Harry Potter the Sexaholic Part 3 Cho Chang

By pleasing himself and remembering every detail of Pansy and Hermione’s femininity, Harry got through the first week of school in very good mood. As Hogwarts started for real however he felt himself fall back into depression. He had considered going to Pansy and try to persuade her to have sex again but he didn’t want her anymore. She was just a last resort and Hogwarts was full over attractive nice girls. Harry slowly realised that he wanted more then sex, not much just a little kissing and...

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Harry Potter and the Shrieking Shack 2

Harry got out of bed and woke Ron up so that they could go down for breakfast before school started. Ron was always rubbish at getting up, but today, he bounded out of bed and stood there, proud, right up to the point where Harry said warningly, “Err mate. You’ve got a boner.” “What? Oh shit!” Ron quietly exclaimed and sat down again so as to hide himself. Ron looked around the dormitory and saw that luckily there was no one there, and he wasn’t that uncomfortable about Harry...

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Harry Potter and Shrieking Shack

(All events that are in this story take place during the 6th book, “The Half Blood Prince. Also, it is during the first term of school about October time.) Harry awoke with a start. He had been having nightmares about Voldemort again. He found himself to be sweating so he got up and decided to go down to common room to cool off for a bit before going back to sleep. Just as he was about to enter the common room from the dorms, he heard two people arguing. He looked round the corner and saw...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 40 The Third Task

Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 11 The Owlery

Chapter Eleven - The Owlery Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, preg, spank, unif The Spellbook of Desires was now in the safe confines of the Weasley twins’ room, locked in Fred’s trunk and sealed magically to prevent anyone from taking it from them. The only problem was Malfoy had copied down several useful spells before the twins...

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