Slave of the OutcastChapter 5
- 4 years ago
- 21
- 0
cabin tents rented for $25 a day summer.$30 a night winter rate
trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50
John Boyd 28yrs old
Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old.
Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse
Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom)
Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering
Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make
Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant
Deputy Angie Davenport
Marion Davenport Angie’s mom
Clyde Summers suicide victim
Edward Gaines suicide victim while serving time with John
Max Bork Gabby’s fancy man
Willow computer geek
Martin cameraman
Vanessa producer
”Mr Boyd, you have been a model parolee. You report on time and you have kept a job. You have not been in any trouble in the last eighteen months. At the half way point I have to make a recommendation. I’m going to recommend that your parole be terminated, and you be free to live your life. I’m also going to recommend that your civil rights be restored completely,” my caseworker suggested.
”It will be nice not to have to drive all the way to Jackson once a month,” I said. “Not that our visit isn’t nice and all that.”
”I appreciate the kind words, even if I recognize that they are self serving,” she said.
”Aw I mean it,” I said. It was kind of true. She was a lot easier to look at than the six foot two inch two hundred and fifty pound black man who had previously been my parole officer.
I left her office wondering how it would be to move from parolee to true ex-con status. Even with my civil rights restored, they wouldn’t expunge my record. The shit I did was going to follow me forever as it should. I played a part in the murder of a friend. I hadn’t known it was going to happen and I was out cold when it did happen, but I still shared in the responsibility for the act itself.
Menendez had said that I wasn’t ruthless enough for the heavy drug trade and he was right. That is part of why I did my time without objection. I deserved to be inside. I even needed the time to find myself. My life had always been too easy. Everything I needed handed to me on a plastic platter. In the joint, if you caught a cold and didn’t feel like eating, you went hungry. There was no mom to make you chicken soup.
All those thoughts ran through my mind as I drove home from Jackson. I had made my run of the line before I visited the parole officer, so I just had to skin and fillet the morning’s catch. I had also cleaned the cabins so I only needed to clean the catfish before I needed to run the line again. I had an hour or so to kill.
I had showered before my drive to Jackson, but I was pretty sure that I still smelled of catfish. That was probably the reason the parole officer chose to terminate me. It really wasn’t the real reason, but it might have had some influence on her decision.
I spent the hour in reflection. I had finished a hell of a busy boar season. The Country Channel ran a three part documentary on the explosion of the wild boar population. It covered a different aspect every week. One of the weeks was on the control via an open hunting seasons. During the season that they filmed the year before, Jasper Amos our local boar guide was followed around. Jasper mentioned the cabin/tent camp where his clients stayed. The Country Channel even showed some footage of people at the campground.
Mom had given her permission to film, but I really paid no attention to it. They were in and out in a couple of hours. It was during my first year running the campground, so it made no real impression on me.
Reservations picked up after the show ran. Several people mentioned it when they booked their stay. Those people booked through Jasper’s website. Jasper’s site was linked to mine just as mine carried a link to his site. Keith’s campground had always benefited from the relationship he had forged with Jasper. Not only monetarily, but I got more boar sausage than I could possibly eat.
The small freezer Keith started out using was the place of choice for storing wild boar sausage. When it was full, all the friends of the catering business, and the camp ground got a couple of pounds. It always came with the admonition to cook the pure hell out of it.
I fell into my old routine with only one exception, I had more units to clean. With that reality came more time spent in the campground, which meant less time on the catfish line. I honestly didn’t mind emptying the trash and sweeping the cabins, but the I really wasn’t very good at deep cleaning. I decided that I at least needed someone to scrub the cabin’s sinks, and clean both sides of the communal bathhouse.
I put the word out that I needed someone half a day two days a week. I didn’t expect anyone to apply to be honest. The word went out to our family and friends first. After a week I hadn’t heard from anyone. I was ready to give up when on a Wednesday, I was on the river running the line, I got a call.
”Mr. John, this is Joy, Edwardo’s daughter,” she said.
”Of course is everything alright?” I asked because you just never knew with the immigrant families.
”Yes, I am calling about your job. Popi mentioned it to me at dinner last night. I told him I was interested in an after school job. He had to talk it over with mother. They finally said it was alright to call you,” she said.
”I know you Joy, and that you are a good worker. I just don’t have a lot of work for you. It is also not very pleasant working conditions,” I explained.
I went on to explain it would only be a couple of hours three times a week. I also promised her ten dollars an hour.
”I know it isn’t much but it’s the most I can afford,” I said. “So talk it over with your dad to see if it is satisfactory first.”
”He is right here,” she said and put him on the phone before I could object.
”You promise she will not get into trouble with your guests?” he asked.
”I certainly hope not, and if I find out someone gave her a hard time, I will personally put a stop to it,” I promised. That was the beginning of Joy’s becoming a necessary part of the campground. During the summer months I ran the line twice a day and concentrated on filling the freezers. Joy came any three days she wanted as long as they were at least two days apart. She usually worked at least one day a week in mom’s catering business.
She and her sister Jen were valued employees to mom. Mom also sent as much work the girl’s way as possible. She recommended them anytime anyone needed casual labor. If a friend of mom’s went into the hospital, one of the girls was apt to do companion duty when mom’s friend returned home. The girl stayed with the old lady while she got her strength back. To say mom send the girls was the best recommendation of all. Soon the girls were busy as hell.
I allowed Joy to send Jen when she had other things to do. I also allowed them to set their own schedules. Just as long as it was no less than two days between visits.
When one of the Country Channel producers just showed up out of the blue, the summer season was in full swing. He actually waited in his car for me to show up. When I pulled the rusty old truck, and the kayak trailer into the yard of the Circus Tent, he was there waiting.
”Mr Boyd,” he said.
”Yes can I help you?” I asked guardedly.
”God I hope so,” he said. “I’m from the Country Channel. Last year we filmed a segment in your campground. Actually in one of your cabin/tents. I think that’s what you call them.”
”It’s what they are. Is there some point to this?” I asked.
”Yes sir there is. We are hoping to follow you around and film a typical day here during the off season. We need some background for the shows. You know you on the river with the catfish. We could even do a few interviews with you about what you do,” he suggested.
”What is it worth to you?” I asked. I had absolutely no intention of letting him upset my schedule without paying for it.
”Well this isn’t really for a show so it’s kind of just filler,” he said.
”Not what I asked, what’s it worth,” I repeated.
”How about a hundred a day,” he suggested.
”No thanks,” I said. “I’ll take three hundred a day with no contract. If you want more than two days we can negotiate.”
”Done, I can have a camera crew here at 10AM tomorrow,” he informed me.
”Okay but I’ll be running my line no later than 8AM,” I said. “They can wait until I get back to begin, if you want. Otherwise they need to be here and ready to go by 7:30 AM.”
I took a long cleansing shower complete with lemon juice and bleach. It wasn’t just for the cameras but I admit that they were part of the reason for the cleaning shower. I didn’t want to stink of catfish on the first day.
When I went to bed I had a problem falling asleep. I couldn’t make my mind shut down. I couldn’t even slip it into neutral. I was completely fixated on the film crew. After what seemed like hours, I must have fallen asleep. I awoke with the sun beginning to lighten the sky. I fought my way into reality. I did my morning things including making coffee. I sat on the covered deck front in of The Gatehouse with a cup in hand while I waited the crew.
When I finished that cup, I went to the Circus Tent to attach my trailer for the trip up river. I was inside the truck with my thermos of coffee when the Land Rover pulled into the yard of The Gatehouse. I pulled up close and blew my horn.
”Hi, I’m Martin,” the single guy said. “The boss said you had a kayak for me.”
”Sure it’s laying beside the big green tent back there. Get it and I’ll make room on the trailer for it,” I said.
Marty was a truly skinny guy. He was either an addict, or he enjoy starving himself and running. It was one of those or something like them. He was foolish at best. Even in my worst drug using days, never looked that bad. Of course my drug usage was purely recreational. Just at a party now and then. I sold a lot of recreational drugs to a lot of bar type users.
He could still be an addict and a camera man. There was always a period when an addict could function, then after a while they became a helpless slave to the addiction. If Martin was an addict he was between worlds. Since I didn’t care to judge, and had no interest in helping, I decided he was an exercise and diet addict.
By the time I figured out how I felt, and my next course of action, Martin was back with a green kayak. The green color was blemished by a large black patch. The result of me dragging it up the rough concrete ramp. It never leaked but the patch was to prevent a future leak.
”How about I take the Land Rover and stop for coffee?” he asked.
”Sorry there is no place to stop. The trip up river will only take a couple of hours. If you can’t wait that long for your latte, you can go find one and meet me back here later,” I suggested.
”I’ll survive,” he said getting into the truck. He had a large black canvas backpack with him.
The drive to the access ramp took only a few minutes longer than it would have had I not been pulling the overweight trailer. Still it took only twelve minutes. When we arrived there, I couldn’t back the truck and trailer down the ramp. I usually did that to submerge the trailer and float the kayak off. I could not do that as they were tied on their sides on to the trailer. They would have just sunk.
We had to park close and hand carry them to the launch site. Then slip them into the water. We could guide them to the small pier and tie the first one up while we launched the kayak with the black patch. After another five minutes in which we loaded my bait, and his camera bag, we were ready to go.
That is when I found out Martin didn’t load a paddle. To be honest I already knew he hadn’t loaded one. It would be a good lesson for him, I thought. Ask if you don’t know everything, which most folks never do. They think they know until their stupidity bites them on the ass.
In Martin’s case he just had to suffer with my nasty look. I broke my paddle down into its two halves and gave him one. It would be awkward, but it wouldn’t really add much time to the trip. I led the way as I paddled to the first limb where I had attached a yellow ribbon of cloth. It was my marker for the beginning of my line.
From there I paddled into every bush and tree limb that held a hook. The strings holding them were made of white cotton line, so they were noticeable even if there was no movement. If there was a fish on and it were still alive there would be noticeable movement.
Running to every limb hook and removing any fish on it, or re-baiting any empty hook took about two hours. The trip to and from the public access added a half hour to the chore. It was a little after ten thirty when we arrive back at the Circus Tent storage building. I dumped the trailer and the five gallon paint bucket half full of fish. Martin stayed and filmed me until I had a couple of them filleted.
”I have got to have coffee,” he said.
”Sure, there is a McDonald’s back where you got off the highway, and Crossroads Diner on the way there,” I said. “The diner only has truck driver coffee, so you might want to go a little farther to have a McCafe moment.
”Is it just me or do you not like everyone?” he asked.
”Pretty much everyone,” I replied.
”Good,” he said.
”I also don’t trust junkies,” I added.
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I was so excited a friend of mine was throwing a a bash of a party after midterms. He told me I could crash in the spare bedroom so no need for worrying about getting home drunk. This was going to be my first college party. have been invited before but schoolwork always got in my way. These parties of his always had the hottest girls there and I was determined to get laid this weekend. Unfortunately, I still was a virgin. All the stories about these parties made it sound like nobody ever...
Merry-Go-Round by Eric and Dale Prelude Beautiful young Meredith Macintyre was used to people staring at her. After all, she had been the first runner up in the Miss Massachusetts contest eight years ago when she had been twenty. But this was somehow different. She felt somehow like a small animal with a bird of prey circling overhead. Meredith looked around and saw nothing but a bustling Boston street, and yet - A watcher in the shadows smiled. The girl was perfect for...
© 2001 Kenny N Gamera Okay, I was having a day. You know, the kind where the little yellow smiley face has Xs for a mouth and eyes with a red dot in the center of the arc which would be a person's forehead and drops of blood dripping down. The sort of day where you write whole paragraphs in sentence fragments that really freak out the grammar check in MS-Word (R). The sort of day where you recycle old gags from other stories. That sort of day, with nuts and a dab of whipped cream on...
"I told you men wear things like this," she said. "See, look atthese catalog pictures." Susan held open a thick department store clothing catalog. The pagesshe had opened were from the women's undergarment section. Theydisplayed color photos of models wearing panties, girdles, bodybriefers, corsets and other women's foundation garments. Although he never admitted it to anyone, Pat had always enjoyed lookingat the gorgeous female models in such photos. She held open twoparticular pages. Eleven...
After three o'clock it had become rather quiet in the parking lot. Except for a horny, about 60-year-old man who jerked off hectic when he watched me and jizzed after two minutes, no one had come. I had set a limit until four o'clock and wanted to go home afterwards. At half past three it was already dawning and by the suddenly approaching headlights I became aware of a new visitor. I recognized the car early and was confirmed when the car parked right in front of mine and I could read the logo...
It was a hot day and as soon as I could finish work I headed home with the intention of having some cold drinks and lazing around the pool. I’m in my early 40s (OK, 44) and live alone with my 18-year-old daughter, Suzie. My divorce was settled recently and I’ve got no plans other than seeing Suzie through university and living a comfortable uncomplicated life.I had just changed into swimming briefs and was pouring a scotch over a tumbler of ice when the doorbell rang. It was Jamie, one of...
An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who’d exceeded their expectations. Chapter 1 In late spring the Mornington Daily News reported at length the death of the Duke of Beaulieu in the county of Hampshire, England, aged eighty-seven. The obituary was noted with considerable relief in the small city of Mornington-on-Test...
Stunt Double By Bob Stein "Remember the setup." The director peered from behind the camera, lining up the shot. "I want you to run to the burning car, open the door, undo the safety belt holding the child seat in, and drag the baby 9 feet from the car. You think a smart girl like you can handle that?" Stunt man Eric Stoltz nodded, knowing this would be a tough gig. Any fire stunts were hazardous, and he was doing this one as a dog. If only the public knew. The recent...
The author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of exhibitionism, rough sex, light bdsm and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.Grace 10 – Graduation (1-4)(Uni student Grace Worthington graduates, gets flogged, exposes herself to her parents and fellow students, and inspires her friend)It was late Saturday evening as Uni student Elizabeth Montgomery returned home from a local café, the favorite watering hole of most of her fellow classmates. It...
Slamming the front door shut my date and I made our way into my bedroom. My cock was rock hard, its length unmistakable along the front of my jeans. We had kissed and held each other all the way home in the back of the cab. We had whispered how much we wanted each other. Her hands had stroked my thigh and my cock as I leaned over kissing her lips, while my hand had felt her fantastic breasts. The cab driver must have gotten an eye-full, but we didn’t care. I sat on the bed and she sat astride...
Turn Towards The Dark By?Lauren?Westley Authoress note: All disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc. These are just stories although some of the events mentioned really happened to me. As life goes on the motivation of being forced fem never fades instead the curtain closes. Thanks?to?all?my readers. Also, these are stories of humiliation and degradation and aren't for most people. So if the subject bothers you don't read this. I do enjoy those of you who have written...
I've always loved fast motion videos. They seem to get me so turned on so I thought I would share a story about a MILF who does almost the impossible.One afternoon MILF returns home from being out and about. She walks in her house and notices that it hasn't been kept up as much as it should be. Her kitchen is a mess, living room is dirty, clothes all over the laundry room, etc... She ponders for a sec and decides she will clean it up later. She's married to a wonderful husband who doesn't...
"Get up!" I groggily became conscious. Someone was shaking me. "Get up, Joe! Tina!" Sharon's voice. I opened my eyes. Sharon stood next to the bed in boxers and a t-shirt, looking alarmed. Tina stirred next to me, shifting so she could see Sharon. "My mom's coming back in a couple of minutes. You need to get in the shower, Tina!" "Huh? Oh!" Tina bounded out of bed, looking around wildly. "I told my mom you were already in the bathroom getting ready for your shower—so you...
I went home leaving my wife, Kay, alone with Jim the father of her unborn c***d. I heard nothing from Kay from 1 am Saturday until 11:30 Sunday morning when she called me to come and pick her up. When I arrived Jim and Kay were waiting for me in front of his trailer. Kay looked a mess as she stood up to come to the car, but Jim called her back to the steps of his trailer where he stood. Jim told her that she could leave after he had cum as he slid his pants down to reveal his cock. Jim stood on...
After the bar fight in the BDM (Big Damn Movie. i.e. "Serenity"), Mal tells Simon "You had a gorram time bomb living with us! Who we gonna find in there when she wakes up? The girl? Or the weapon?" Well, what if the doctors at the lab had inserted more than one trigger in River, each designed to ser off a different program? And if one was an empathy program that could, as always happens, pop into existence at the wrong time. A spaceship in flight is never completely quiet. No matter how...
"Jeez, Sam, settle down. I've been climbing the corporate ladder, I just never got as high as you - then again, Donald Trump hasn't gotten as high as you," Tim chuckled. "Tim, it's really good to hear from you. It's been too long. I mean it. We need to stay in touch. All of the guys do. We were a band of brothers." Tim heard the emotion in Sam's voice and it choked him up a little. "You're right, Sam. I think that we should take some steps to organize that, but first, I need a...
Cowboy let his cab roll the final fifteen feet as he steered the taxi to the curb in front of Philip’s converted hardware store. He dropped Mei Chun with a cheerful, ‘See ya soon, little lady.’ It was a cheerfulness Mei appreciated, one which showed her that not everyone thought her a whore, because she was certain Philip would. ‘But I was so happy half an hour ago,’ she thought as she tipped the loquacious taxi driver a ten. ‘Happy to be useful. So what happens now and what do I do...
But he was different, she could tell right away. All because of his lips. They were beautiful. She wanted to feel those lips against hers. It was late at night, or early in the morning depending on your mindset, and a pipe had burst. Water, water, water. He came to help, the royal blue sweatshirt that he wore had his name emblazed on the back, Kevin. He was finally finished; the clock shined a bright 4:06. Samantha yawned, usually in bed hours earlier. She hopped up from her...