British Becci #3 free porn video

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The drink must have made me pass out. The sleep was restful. Morning dawned. I stretched my body and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. The happenings of last night gradually filtered back into my mind. I tried to analyze everything that happened, or I had learned last night. Aunty Pam and Daddy were fucking each other. My father went to and held orgies at regular intervals. My father was involved in photographing pornography and I had fucked a guy in my father's house with everyone watching!

Or was it all a dream I thought as I tossed back the duvet. The duvet was the catalyst. When I went to bed last night, I remembered that I just laid on top of the duvet - too drunk and too tired to undress and get into bed. This morning I'm naked! Either someone has undressed me and put me to bed, or I had woken in the night, taken my clothes off and got back into bed - and that was something I couldn't remember doing! I went to bed last night with my clothes on. Now I was naked! What had happened?

My mind started to race and fill with thoughts that I couldn't explain. I know I was a little drunk but surely, I would have remembered what happened once I got to bed. Obviously not so my common sense was telling me! I was on the bed clothed last night. This morning I am in bed - naked! My summer vacation from university was becoming as strange and as fictional as "Alice in Wonderland."

I decided I needed some answers. I got out of bed and threw my new summer dress over me. I looked around for my panties but couldn't find them but then decided after yesterday what difference did it make if I walked around the house without any panties.

I walked downstairs in bare feet. I could smell coffee so someone was certainly up and probably in the kitchen. I opened the door quietly, peeked inside and saw Aunty Pam sitting at the table sipping a mug of coffee. I pushed the door open and entered. Aunty Pam looked up, coffee mug in hand, and said, "Good morning Becci. Or should I call you Penny?"

"Good morning," I replied, pouring myself a cup of freshly brewed coffee and sitting down at the table. The coffee tasted good. I looked around the kitchen. We were alone.

"What happened last night, Aunty Pam? My mind is so confused. I can't seem to remember much at all. I don't know what was real and what might have been a dream."

"Do you remember anything at all?"

"I remember you telling me Daddy and you have been holding orgies and fucking each other for the last three years. I remember being undressed in front of everyone and being fucked by Paul and I remember flopping down on the bed and the room starting to spin. After that I was waking up this morning."

"Well," said Aunty Pam, "everything you remember so far was not a dream. It all happened. I saw you and Paul making out on the couch and fucking each other. You seemed to be enjoying yourself, as was everyone else at the orgy."

"The next time I saw you was when I looked in on you last night before going to bed. You were sleeping like an angel and looking so peaceful. You even had a slight smile on your face."

"Was I naked?" I asked.

"I don't know. You were under the duvet so I couldn't really see. Why do you ask?"

"When I went to bed last night I was dressed, albeit only in this dress. When I woke this morning, I was naked. How did I get undressed?" I asked.

"That's easy to answer," Aunty Pam declared. "That was your father. He went to check on you after Paul told him you were staying the night. He found you laying there and decided to make you comfortable and put you to bed."

"Daddy undressed me?" I asked.

"Yes, I did," I heard from behind me. I turned and saw Daddy standing there. His hair was a little disheveled and he looked like he had a hangover. He stood there dressed in just his boxer short.

"Oh!" I replied turning back and looking at Aunty Pam. I could feel my cheeks starting to blush.

"I hope you don't object to what I did Becci. I was just trying to make you comfortable."

"Of course, she doesn't," Aunty Pam said looking me straight in the eyes. "After what she saw and learnt about her family last night, I doubt there is anything left for her to complain about. She knows everything John. What I didn't tell her I'm sure Paul filled in the missing parts. Am I right, Becci?"

"Paul told me that Daddy was taking pornographic photos and that he was a model for Daddy, and he wanted to be photographed with me. He said I was a natural for the pornographic industry."

"And what do you think about that?" Aunty Pam asked.

"I don't know really."

"Well," Daddy said, "he told you the truth about my career. I do take pornographic photographs for different men's magazines and he is one of my models. And he was also right about you, Becci. You have the perfect figure and the looks to make a good model. When I undressed you last night, I had a good look at your body. It is perfect Becci. Absolutely perfect. You would be an instant success if you were to do any modelling for me."

I was listening to Daddy but looking at Aunty Pam. She seemed to be nodding in agreement with what Daddy was saying. At least I'd found out who had undressed me and put me to bed. My head was starting to spin again! Was Aunty Pam and Daddy advocating that I should become a porno star?

Daddy came and stood right next to me. He put his hand on my hair and ruffled it a little bit before saying, "It's your decision whether to become a model. Only you can make that decision. The choice is yours. There will be no pressure from either Pam or myself."

"What about University?" I asked.

"You only have a year left before you graduate," Aunty Pam said. "If you want you can wait until you have graduated, or you could do some part time modelling whilst still in university. Or you could just forget the whole idea and we will all return to our normal way of life."

"How can it be normal again?" I asked. "You and Daddy are fucking each other and there will be regular orgy parties. How is that normal?" My mind was racing. I didn't know what I wanted. Aunty Pam and Daddy fucking each other came as a shock yesterday but today it was beginning to seem normal. Daddy knelt by my side and hugged me.

"I know it's hard for you to understand, Becci, but this has been our life for the last three years. We didn't plan it ... it just happened." He finished his hug and stood up but put his hand on my shoulder.

I turned in my chair and stood to face my Daddy. I could see in his eyes that it was difficult for him to be telling me everything. I just looked at him, put my arms around him and hugged him hard. "I love you Daddy. I just want what's best for you and I want to be part of you and Aunty Pam's life." I started to cry openly. Daddy hugged me tighter, but I broke the hug and kissed him on the lips. Not a small kiss but a long one, my mouth slightly open.

I felt Aunty Pam standing behind me and her arms went around both me and Daddy. Her ample bosom was pressing into my back and I could feel her breathing. I broke the kiss with daddy and we all just stood there hugging each other. I turned to Aunty Pam and she kissed me on the lips in much the same way as I had kissed Daddy. Her mouth slightly open. I felt her tongue occasionally touching, exploring my lips. It was the first time I had been kissed by a woman and I found it, to my amazement, sexually arousing. My nipples started to harden. Aunty Pam broke the kiss, looked me in the eyes and said in a quiet voice, "Welcome to the family, Becci." I could see that Aunty Pam's nipples were aroused and I could easily make their shape out under her blouse. She sat down at the table and picked her coffee mug up. I did the same, closely followed by Daddy.

There was an awkward moment of silence between the three of us. I wasn't sure what to say and I don't think Aunty Pam or Daddy did either. It was Aunty Pam who came to the rescue yet again when she commented on my pretty summer dress. "I can see why Paul was attracted to you in that," she said. "It shows your figure off perfectly. Don't you think so John?"

Daddy was looking at my nipples trying to poke their way out of my dress. "Yes," he muttered. "I have a very beautiful daughter." As he stood up to get himself another coffee, I noticed the erection in his boxer shorts. It was hard to miss as it caused the boxer shorts to tent and there was a small damp patch there. Aunty Pam noticed it as well. She looked at the erection and then looked at me with a knowing smile. I blushed immediately. Did she know about Daddy and me? She moved her hand and placed it on top of mine and squeezed it gently. As if she could read my mind she whispered, "Your father and I have no secrets. No secrets at all." She threw me a smile that seemed to lift all my worries and concerns from my shoulders. So, Aunty Pam knew about me and Daddy. Everything was out in the open - at least between the three of us.

"I'm going for a shower," Daddy said after a short time.

"I think I'll join you," said Aunty Pam, pushing her chair backwards as she stood up. Will you be all right for a short time, Becci?" she asked. "We won't be long."

"Yes. I'll be just fine," I responded. "Take as much time as you need."

I watched them leave and heard them go upstairs to the bathroom. It was quickly followed by muffled voices and some laughter. I suspected they were going to have another fuck.

I finished my coffee, put everyone's mugs into the dishwasher and made my way upstairs. As I approached the bathroom, I could hear Daddy's moans clearly through the door which was left slightly ajar. I wanted to peek but didn't want to be caught. I thought about it and then decided that if I did peek the shower would probably be steamed up and they wouldn't see me anyway. I pushed the door open enough just to peek into the bathroom.

There was Aunty Pam, naked, kneeling on the floor, her back to me sucking my father's cock. Her hand was holding his cock in her mouth and she was sucking and licking it as if there were no tomorrow. Only occasionally did she remove her mouth from his cock and that was to kiss and suck his balls before using her tongue back up the shaft to the glans. Daddy's cock glistened, from the tip to his balls, with her saliva. She was certainly making sure that his cock would slide into her pussy easily. As she sucked and licked him her eyes were concentrated on his face.

The shower was running but they hadn't even managed to get in it! My thoughts about the steam would be my camouflage was wrong! There was my Daddy looking straight at me. I think Aunty Pam sensed that there was something different because she stopped sucking Daddy's cock and turned her head to look at me. "Ah! Becci," she said. "Come and join us if you want. I'd like you to and I'm sure your father would as well."

I didn't know what to do. I was cemented to the floor. It appeared that I couldn't move forward towards them nor could I move backwards out of the bathroom. My eyes were transfixed on Daddy's erect cock and Aunty Pam's large breasts with nipples erect, hard and swollen. "Come on Becci. Don't be frightened. No secrets. Remember?" Aunty Pam said with a large smile on her face. It was the smile on her face and the compassion I saw in her eyes that seemed to release me from my cemented spot and I walked slowly towards them.

As I approached, Daddy held his arm out to me, and I snuggled in close to him. With his arm snuggling me he bent his head and kissed me on the lips. Gently at first but then with a little more ardor as his slightly opened mouth released his tongue which pushed its way easily into my mouth. Our tongues met and it was like an electric shock passed through my body. My body trembled. I felt a hand, under my dress, caressing my upper legs and realized it could only be Aunty Pam. My whole body was on fire and I had no way of dousing the fire that burned inside me.

Daddy's mouth now opened wider and his kiss contained a wanton desire that would work me up to a sexual frenzy. His tongue explored every part of my mouth. His hand found my breast hiding beneath my dress. My nipples were hard and pointed and his deft fingers found it and played with it increasing my heat and desire. Meanwhile, Aunty Pam's hand had crept further up my leg and was now just below my pussy. I could hear her sucking and licking Daddy's cock as my love juices started to wet my pussy and leak out onto Aunty Pam's hand.

Daddy broke away from our French kiss and started to pull my dress up and over my head. Aunty Pam immediately stopped sucking Daddy's cock and turned her attention to my pussy. It was just a little quick lick and it didn't even find my pussy lips, but it sent a tremor and a shudder through me from my toes to the roots of my hair. I had never known anything so sexual or exciting as what was happening to me right now. Daddy was playing with one of my nipples and licking the other while Aunty Pam's tongue was now approaching my pussy lips. I let out an unintentional moan as my sexual frenzy grew to a new height. My legs felt week and turned to jelly. It felt like I was melting from the toes up. My head was spinning, and my heart was thumping.

Aunty Pam noticed the change in my body. She stood and said, "I think it would be more comfortable for us all if we go to the bedroom." Daddy agreed. I just nodded, unable to utter anything except a low moan. Aunty Pam took my hand and led me into Daddy's bedroom. The bed was still an apple pie from the night but that didn't worry Aunty Pam. She grabbed the top sheet and yanked it from the bed. She fell onto the bed dragging me with her. Her mouth went to my nipple and her hand went to my pussy where her fingers found my pussy lips and with an adept move, she parted my lips and found my clitoris. She knew what to do as I was soon writhing on the bed. She pushed a finger gently inside me and without any problem immediately found my G spot. Aunty Pam was obviously an accomplished lover. I was in a hypnotic sexual world where my pleasures were soon going to be accomplished. A minor climax rumbled deep inside my pussy releasing more love juices into my channel.

I opened my eyes and saw Daddy standing over me by the side of the bed. He had his cock in one hand and was masturbating as hard as he could. He was aiming his cock so that any cum that squirted out would hit me in the face or neck. I reached my hand out and rested his swinging balls in my cupped hand. I squeezed them gently feeling them starting to swell as he approached his climax. Daddy was sweating and I knew that it wouldn't be long before his love fluid would be shooting out over my face and neck.

Aunty Pam had felt my first minor climax and had removed her fingers from my pussy and replaced them with her tongue. I could feel and hear her lapping at my pussy juices as her hands played with my breasts. As if by remote control my backside suddenly lifted off the bed and pushed my pussy closer to Aunty Pam's mouth. The moan that I uttered came from deep inside me. My second orgasm started in my nipples and finished in my toes! My whole body was trembling with excitement. My hand on Daddy's balls tightened slightly as my orgasm hit me which was enough for him to reach his climax. Squirt after squirt of his spunk hit me on my face, chin and breasts. He continued to wank long after his last string of spunk had shot out the tip of his cock.

Aunty Pam now worked her mouth upwards over my mound of Venus, over my belly until it found the white love juices that Daddy had squired on me. She lapped it up with her tongue and mouth. Every drop she devoured with a passion. And only when she had finished lapping it all up did, she flop down on the bed next to me. We were laying down face to face. She had a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye. "Did you enjoy that, Becci?" she asked. I could only utter a positive moan, but she understood it was a yes. "So did I, and there is a lot more of that to come in the future," she said.

It was then that I realized that she had not had a climax. I lifted myself up on one elbow and pushed her flat onto the bed. I then shifted my body over hers and moved my tongue down her body all the way from her breast to her pussy.

My tongue licked at her and my lips gave her gentle kisses over her tummy and down to her mons pubis. She moaned and writhed on the bed as her body grew more excited and eager for the pleasure, I was about to bestow upon her.

Her legs opened wide allowing me access. I licked her pussy lips which were wet from her love juices. She tasted sweet. I parted her lips with my hands, found her extended and enlarged clitoris and started to suck it into my mouth. Her body was soon writhing with pleasure.

She suddenly stiffened, her hands held my head to stop me removing my mouth from her pussy and she started her climax. Her love juices were flowing freely and what I couldn't drink I let dribble down my chin. She shuddered and trembled and writhed for a good minute before her body started to go limp and she released her hold on my head. I removed my mouth from her pussy and rested my head on her stomach. Her hand caressed my hair. We said nothing - we didn't need to. We both knew that we had satisfied each other fully and we both knew that this was just the beginning. There would be other times.

Daddy, sitting on the chair by the side of the bed smiled down at his two female lovers. His legs open and his cock now flaccid his sexual appetite was satisfied. At least for the time being.

I think we all slept a little because when Aunty Pam woke me it was midday. I looked around the bedroom. Daddy had gone. Aunty Pam was holding a cup of tea in her hand. "Here you are baby. I thought you would like a cup of tea."

I sat up in bed and took the cup and saucer from her. I can't remember the last time I had been brought a cup of tea in bed. Probably when I was about f******n and recuperating from my appendicitis operation. Aunty Pam was dressed in a summer dress, her hair had been brushed and she had put some make up on her face. As I looked at her, I could see that she was indeed a very pretty woman. When she was younger, she could have caught any man she wanted but she had remained single all her life.

"Your father has suggested that we can all go out for Sunday lunch. What do you think?" It was then that I realized I had not had any food for 24 hours and my stomach was beginning to complain. My sexual appetite had been satisfied several times over the last 24 hours, but my nourishment appetite had been left to want.

"I think that would be a great idea," I said. "I could eat a horse!"

"That's the sex my love," she replied. "I am always hungry after a good fucking as well. I'll tell your father that we are both happy to accept his invitation for lunch." She turned and smiled at me as she left the bedroom.

I finished my tea, picked my dress up and went to my bedroom. I was wondering what to wear for the lunch date. Perhaps slacks and a blouse would be a good thing, I thought to myself. I searched through my wardrobe looking for my white slacks and a light turquoise blouse and tossing them onto the bed when I did find them. I rummaged through my draw for a new pair of panties and then back to the wardrobe for a pair of flip-flops. The longest part of getting ready was putting my make up on. Some foundation, rouge and pink lipstick was applied followed by some mascara and eye shadow.

As I walked down the stairs, I looked at myself in the mirror - as I always do. I had decided not to wear a bra as it was too warm. I noticed that my nipples were clearly visible through my top. I didn't care a dam! So what, I thought to myself. Daddy and some guys in the restaurant will get a cheap thrill by looking at me and my nipples!

We went to the local Beefeater Restaurant and ordered the standard Sunday Carvery. We sat at a table close to the window so we could see the ducks and the swans on the lake. Aunty Pam sat to my left and Daddy sat on my right. The chat was a little dull. Nothing was said about what had happened over the last couple days. Aunty Pam kept moaning about a plumber she employed to replace a toilet and what a bad job he had done of it.

Then Aunty Pam mentioned last night's orgy. "I think everyone enjoyed themselves," she stated looking first at Daddy and then at me. "I know Becci and Paul did, didn't you dear?" she asked putting her hand on mine, "and you had your little bit of fun to, John," she continued squeezing my hand a little more and looking directly at Daddy.

"Yes Aunty Pam, I did" I responded looking a little embarrassed. Daddy saw my embarrassment and put his hand on my knee. It was such a comforting touch. Daddy knew how to look after his little girl. He had looked after me from the age of 15 and he knew when I was hurt or just needed some comforting. As Daddies go, he was the best.

"The next party will be at my house," Aunty Pam stated. "Will you be coming, Becci?" she asked me.

"Yes, I think so," I replied. "Depends if I'm back in university or not," I added.

"It's a week on Saturday," Aunty Pam confirmed, "at six o'clock. I think all the usual people will be there, John."

Daddy's hand was still on my knee. Now I cursed my white slacks! If I had worn a skirt or a dress Daddy's hand would now be feeling flesh instead of cotton twill. His fingers started tapping out a tantalizing dance on my knee and I moved my leg closer to him, encouraging him to continue. For some reason my moving my leg made Daddy remove his hand. Was someone watching us? I glanced around the restaurant to see if anyone was watching us, but all I saw were a few men glancing over and admiring my nipples poking through my blouse. There was no way they could have seen Daddy's hand on my knee.

To know people are watching you and obtaining pleasure from what they see is quite exciting, and it was excitement or perhaps some entertainment that I needed now.

I rested my hand on my Daddy's left leg and gave it a squeeze. He seemed to ignore it as he continued to chat to Aunty Pam about what she should do to make the party even better! I started to run my hand up and down his leg between his knee and his crotch. It wasn't long before he opened his legs slightly to allow me better access to his cock. My hand moved a little further and I cupped his balls and cock in my palm of my hand through his trousers. I squeezed them gently. During the time that this was happening he continued to chat to Aunty Pam about the party as if nothing was happening. I pretended to be listening to the conversation, looking from one to the other depending in who was talking, as if I was interested in what they were talking about. I could feel his erection getting bigger through his trousers. If he stood up now it could be quite embarrassing for him!

I held his cock firmly and started to wank him while his cock was still in his trousers. I had done this several times in University and the guys always seemed to cum quickly and intensely. My father was no exception! Stuttering to get his words out to Aunty Pam and make some sense about the party, he became more and more excited as I wanked him. His breathing increased and he started to fidget in his chair. I checked around the room to make sure no-one could see me.

I felt his body stiffen and as he took an intake of air, I brought him to an orgasm! He let out a light audible moan as he came and I felt his trousers dampening with his cum. Aunty Pam glanced at me, smiled and asked Daddy if everything was OK. "Just a little cramp," he managed to reply. I'm sure Aunty Pam knew exactly what I had just done! I smiled back knowingly and wondered how Daddy was going to hide the wet patch in his trousers when he left the restaurant.

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British Becci 2

I woke next morning to the smell of bacon frying. There never has, nor ever will be, anything like the smell of bacon cooking. I threw the duvet off me, found a pair of panties to wear and slipped a T-shirt on and let my nose guide me towards the kitchen. As I enter, I saw Daddy, spatula in hand looking at the bacon in the frying pan. He looked up at me when I entered, smiled and wished me a good morning. I went over to him kissed him on the cheek, wished him good morning and holding his arm...

2 years ago
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British Indian NRI HotTart

English Suburban Naughty Secretsthings started to get more horny and exciting for Mrs Nasima Patel. Hello I am Nasima . I'm 32 from Yorkshire moved to London when I married Omar and As far as I know, Omar has always been a faithful BF and I have no reason to believe that he has ever cheated on me. 

I, on the other hand, cannot say the same about myself. 

I am a good Indian girl use to wear the hijab innocent Muslim girl my old white boss and company directors ask me to change my dress code.So...

1 year ago
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British exhibitionist wife masturbates on the beac

This is not my story, but I found it very hot so thought I better share it with you guys..My husband and I were on a holiday near Studland in Dorset - that's in England on the south coast. There is a very long sandy beach backing on to a big expanse of sand dunes, so it's easy to find somewhere to hide away from the public gaze - well that's what I thought.Our holiday was slightly out of season so the area wasn't packed with too many visitors and, luckily, the weather was hot and sunny. What...

1 year ago
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British Girls First Anal Experience

Pay attention guys! Here one more hot experience of me..This the story of a woman who I met on nude camp a few years ago..Her name is Celine and I can say she definitely has a pretty voluptuous body which taken all the men’s attention all the time.. She is a 24 years old hot blonde from England.. In fact I didn’t expect that I would date with this chick even though I knew that a lot of guys would catch her before I do..But I just pushed my luck on her and finally took all her attention by my...

1 year ago
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British Swinging Hotel

Hello readers this is a story for the benefit of people who have never been to a swinging hotel. in other words this is a fetish club with lots of fetish equipment in the hotel and many areas to play out ur fetish. this story is based in hotel outside london. i had heard about this hotel from various people. people normally cover long distance travel to this particular hotel. if you guys are interested to know about me then let me tell you. I am a regular guy with a regual life and lot of...

3 years ago
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British Brothers Buggeed in Bolivia

My brother Peter was a year older than me. He had taken a gap year before starting at university, and had been working on an urban support project in Chile. I intended to go straight to uni from school, so we would both start together. That summer I flew out to Santiago as we had made plans to tour Chile, Peru and Bolivia. We kept well off the tourist route, traveling by local trains and busses, staying at cheap hotels and hostels. After going north along the coast we crossed into Peru,...

Gay Male
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No Ordinary LoveChapter 6 A Fresh Perspective

My second year was as different from my first as night and day. First of all, I knew what to expect and what was expected of me. Secondly, I was beginning to get a sense of what my career path might be. My exposure to political life was, if nothing else, exciting. I was part of a machine dedicated to getting a man elected to office. Whether or not he was fit for that office never entered my thoughts. I had chosen to take Political Science, along with European History as two of my main...

2 years ago
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Driven Ch 02

The two men were sitting at the kitchen table still drinking, when Katie emerged from the bathroom. They watched her enter the kitchen and then stop short when she saw them. She was clutching her bundled clothing in both hands in front of her. She looked freshly scrubbed and they could smell the aroma of soap. ‘Oh,’ she stammered. ‘I, ah, just needed my bag to put my clothes in.’ She walked quickly over to it and knelt down, stuffing her bundled clothing into it. Reaching up she pulled the...

3 years ago
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Helping Hands

Liz sighed, watching an especially amorous young couple who had obviously forgotten they were on a public beach. He was gorgeous, and as much as Liz would have liked to live vicariously through the redhead he was pawing for a few minutes, she blew her whistle anyway. The pair looked more than a little embarrassed when they finally realized after the second tweet that the whistle was meant for them. Shaking her head to toss her tawny curls, a few of which were sticking to her lotion-covered...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Anya Olsen Has An Assgasm With Manuel Ferrara

Anya Olsen makes her JJV debut in this scorching anal scene with Manuel Ferrara. Anya’s got a tight/ toned body with a nice set of tits and piercing blue eyes. This girl oozes sex, from the first second you see her there’s no doubt that she can handle anything we throw at her, including Manuel’s huge cock. Anya’s dressed in a sheer red stockings with a matching top and a white bra on underneath. She teases us by the pool as she slowly undresses, leaving only her...

2 years ago
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Sexy Reader In Saree

Hi everyone, this is Nani again. Thanks for your comments for my previous sex story! Drop your comments for this story at Here with my another counter which happened few days back. The lady was one of the readers from chennai, she read my story and gave a review for it, later we chatted for a while. Let me say about her. She’s Akahaya (name changed) 25 married and business women has a boutique store. Her figure is 34-24-36 brunette she was looking sexy. Her husband went for 4months work trip...

1 year ago
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Heads or Tails

Holding a penny up, the light from your lamp glints of its side. Time to have some naughty fun! The rules for the penny are simple. Make a wish, and if the penn lands on heads your wish comes true. There are some stipulations though. Someone near you has to make a wish as well, and if then penny lands on tales their wish comes true instead. You can not say what your wish is until after you flip the penny. After your wish is granted, you are allowed to make conditions for your wish. For example,...

2 years ago
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Sinnndys First Time

I was at home alone, my parents were on vacation, and my older brother who was supposed to be watching me, was staying at his girl friends house, I was busy playing with my pussy when the door bell rang. I pulled up my thong bikini, that’s all I ever wear, I love my body, and I love showing it off, and I answered the door, it was Jim looking for dad, he was in the neighborhood, and decided to drop by. I told him dad was on vacation. Jim was and still is a damn fine looking guy, whenever my...

2 years ago
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Fiona gets a job Chapter 7

I sat on the bed rather gingerly as my bum was a bit tender. Nevertheless the memory of Goldie’s cock deep in my anal opening was a memory that would stay with me for ever. I wondered whether Mrs Walden had done it. I was now a three-hole expert. Was she? I smiled. Maybe I had done something she hadn’t. All these thought whizzed around in my head. Masturbation got me calmed a little. I slept very well that night. The week took on a sameness. I would clean the house, get undressed and spend...

2 years ago
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Mera Pahela Sex Experience

Hello Friends,Mera nam siddharth hey. Me Mumbai se belong karata hu. Me married hu aur meri sadi ko aabhi 2 saal ho gaye he. Waise to akshar meri sex fantasy ko me kisi k sath disclose nahi karta lekin pata nahi meri life ki anokhi aur paheli sex fanrasy ko me jab yaad karata hu me romanchit ho jata hu… q ki wo pal bas ek iqtefase aaya tha… Abhi me aapani marriade life se bahot khush hu. Aur aj me aapane best frnd ki shadi me jaane ki taiyari me laga hu..!! Me :- Ragini(my wife)…… Ragini :- ha...

2 years ago
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Taking Her

I would have her, completely and absolutely, There was one of my major faults. My lust and desire could easily take over my way of thinking and lead me toward the wrong path. Now my lusts were focused on one person whom I had become recently acquainted with. She was simply gorgeous. Her hair was a dark red, dyed of course, and her figure was that of an athlete. She had full C's that filled out her shirts quite nicely. They were truly orbs that no man could resist. I had only seen her once, at a...

1 year ago
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FidleChapter 10

I’m so sore. Unable to rub the ache out of his protesting muscles, he settled for turning up the shower temperature until it was on the very edge of what he could withstand, hoping without much confidence that the excess heat would ease the pain shooting through his limbs. Three days of the most athletic sex I’ve ever had, and the price is that I feel completely spent after a relatively short run. I know I’ll never be able to bring myself to abandon her to go for a jog or a lift, but I’m...

2 years ago
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Princess Lindens Weapon Masters Sash

By Princess Linden's fourteenth summer she had so perfected her secret skills at sword and knife play Sir Klaron himself was hard pressed to guard against her blurring speed and aggressive tactics. Then came the fateful day she beat his guard twice in one session, once with knives and once with the swords! When their sword practice ended, Sir Klaron bowed deeply before her. "You are no longer my student at arms, Your Majesty; you are my equal! From this day onward, we'll both be learning...

3 years ago
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My Naughty Wife

My wife was the manager of a toy store in town It was her fourth job since we moved from the city, she mostly worked because she was bored and wanted to get out of the house. Our house was in a residential area next to my company, some 40kms from town, basically in the middle of nowhere. Every now and again when my wife had to work late, she would stay over in a guest house, the roads can be dangerous at night with all the animals around. I was alone one night, she had to stay over again, when...

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Company Barbecue

I idly fanned the flames over the grill, making sure the gusts that came by every so often didn't leave me with a half-lit charcoal pit. "You see the Warriors game, Elliot?" Evan. I'm technically his boss, but we do equal work. I've just been on the team longer. He's gonna be promoted soon. He was sitting in a lawn chair watching me work my barbecue magic. "What, are you kidding me?" I answered, "They killed the #1 Mavs. Had to be the biggest upset in Playoff history. You think...

4 years ago
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Discovering Mommys Secrets

"Pleeeease, baby?" my mother whined. My ears pricked up. I knew she wasn't talking to me, for she did not realise I was home. But who else could she be talking to? We live alone, my mother and I, and we had for many years now. I had gone out to a friend's 21st birthday, and it had broken up early, too many of the revellers too heavily drunk to go on. For my part, I drank steadily rather than heavily, knowing my tolerance for alcohol. And despite that had almost half a decade on the others...

3 years ago
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The Teachers Pet part 2

Sitting out in the water, waiting for my turn to catch the next wave, I just couldn't keep focused. The beaches were lined up with some of the most beautiful women you would have seen, but try as I must, I just couldn't manage a hard on for any of them. I sat in a surfer line just off the coast while a group of bronze-bodied beach jewels watched and cheered from the beach. It was one of those days you'd wish would never end, but my mind wasn't even in Fiji anymore. It was back in my office with...

Group Sex
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 1

Tommy Andrews was eighteen years old and about to graduate high school in his Texas town of Sweetwater. Tommy had grown up in Sweetwater after his parents moved there when he was only five years old, and he was well-known in his neighborhood. A star of his Sweetwater High School football team, Tommy had grown into a handsome, wide-shouldered, stout built young man, six foot tall and two hundred fifteen pounds.It was early May and Tommy was set to graduate in less than a month. He had already...

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My Office Affair

I was 17 when I went to work for my father. I’d had other jobs before – I had delivered newspapers for about six months and I had a small time lawn care ‘business’ I ran. I cut grass and shoveled snow for people in my neighborhood, but it was nothing too serious. To be quite frank, I was having too much fun now that my school career was coming to a close. I was in my senior year of high school, set to graduate that spring, and my father had the idea that I should probably start thinking of...

3 years ago
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Ever Pleasant Journey To Remember

I am Ruman, 24yrs old. It happened just couple of yrs ago. I was on an official visit to a coastal city. I don’t want to mention the city for obvious reason. It was a night journey by luxury ac bus. It was almost six hours trip. As usual the seats are arranged two seats in a row on both side of the isle. I was on a window seat in the mid section of the vehicle. I was in the left side and all three seats on my right side were empty. In the evening dark, only a dim light was on. I was doing with...

2 years ago
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Sissy boy James is butt pounded

A sat on the hard floor and made little squeaky whimpering noises like a chipmunk. His brain had been fried with intense embarrassment. He wore only a tiny pink lace thong panty. Nuzla and Garima stood nearby giggling at their blushing panty boi. Nuzla reached down and grabbed his left arm, Garima grabbed his right arm. Each girl lifted James about 8 inches off the ground and then slammed his butt cheeks firmly down on the floor with a hard PLOP! James grimaced, rolled his eyes, and blushed....

Gay Male
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Christmas party fun

My wife and I recently went to a friends christmas party.They were a new couple who we met out one night and had been out about 3 or 4 times before with them.. My wife wore a sexi tight red dress, black pantyhose and 4 & 1/2 inch high heels. the sight of her put a instant lump in my pants. I was so horny seeing my wife.I wore shiny black pantyhose with a black leotard under my pants and shirt( I didnt tell my wife but she knows I wear ).When we got to the house there were...

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Mother and son get together

My name is Kathy. I am a 42 year old single mom. My husband and I finally got a divorce after years of bad blood and out an out hatred had erupted between us. One thing my husband did for me that I will always be greatful for is my son. His name is Ken. He is 21 years old.Kenny looks nothing like his father. If I didn't know better. I would swear that he was fathered by someone else. Kenny is six feet tall, weighs about 180 pounds, all of it muscle. He has a full head of black hair and he has...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 9

Friday, June 18, 2010 Jake found Harris waiting for him when he arrived back at his car. They got in and Jake reached into Harris’s jacket for the digital recorder. “Did you do anything that worked against my plan?” Jake sensed his frustration. “I didn’t tell him about all of my property.” “What part did you leave out?” “I’ve got a yacht in Galveston.” “Anything else?” “No.” “Call him on your cell phone and tell him.” While he did, Jake started to listen to the tape. He...

3 years ago
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Car shopping after our argument

After my husband and I sorted out our difference of opinions regarding me wanting a new car, Saturday morning after breakfast he took me to a few car dealerships and we looked at verious cars. After test driving a few cars, I ended up buying a new 3 series BMW , which would be ready for collection on Friday morning once all the licensing was completed.   After completing the paperwork for the car, my husband took my daughter and I to a lovely little coffee shop for lunch. After lunch we went...

2 years ago
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A Week In The Mountains Ch 29

Passion in James County XIV: A Week In The Mountains Chapter twenty-nine Frankie and Kay didn’t go back to Jamestown until the day of the wake. After they got there, they took showers, changed, and went to the funeral home. They talked to the funeral director on the phone and had decided that the caskets should be closed. When they arrived at the funeral home an hour before the calling hours were to start, the funeral director asked them if they wanted him to open the caskets. Frankie shook...

2 years ago
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fantasy and desires 2

Hello everyone I come again with another story part two of asking for fantasy desire....if you've been keeping up with our stories stories between NPHW and my self.. you know our history what happened how and when where the before and after.. so to continue with this story in this case titled “ THREE IN ONE ” involving my my “ NPHW ” hubby, Shelley and my self.. as you all know they had something going when he was very young such as we did and do now.. well as you know she came looking for him...

3 years ago
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Surprise Chance for Love Ch 03 Sunday

This is a fictional story with all characters over eighteen and all rights reserved to the author. I offered to do the dishes, but Elly instead asked me to play with the boys while she did them. The boys and I started by playing trains. That lasted about half an hour before we moved into cars and trucks. They had a toy chest in the family room and soon much of its contents was out onto the floor. Some of the toys we played with, and others were removed just to get them out of the way so we...

2 years ago
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Time in New England Part One

Rosalind is an exciting British woman whom I met quite by accident on the internet. Because we share similar interests, we became fast friends. After nearly a year of emails, chats flirting, sharing fantasies and generally getting to know one another by our lifeline on the net and sometimes by phone, we decided to take our relationship to the next step and actually meet. I’ve been to the UK several times but Rosalind had never left is so we decided that she would come and visit the US and I’d...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Owned TeacherChapter 9

Mary struggled to carry all of the packages upstairs on her aching feet. After the second trip everything was in the bedroom and Mary began putting all of the new clothing away. She placed the "toys" on the bed with the 6" heels as Lisa had requested. When everything was done as ordered she wanted to sit and rest her feet but she remember what happened the last time she sat without permission. Her plugged ass was now just uncomfortable as she adjusted to the invasion but her nipples were...

1 year ago
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Ex gets paid to Fuck

A few weeks after she started working at the club my ex told me she had an offer from one of her regulars. The guy told her he would give her $500 if she would meet him at a hotel and let him fuck her. Now she was giving BJ's at the club every night but she said this guy was hung with a 10" cock and thick as her arm. She wanted his cock. I agreed and she made the deal for her next night off.On the appointed night she showers and shaves and gets dressed. She came out of the room wearing a garter...

3 years ago
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New Neighbor New Mother

Introduction: Tara was left to raise her baby on her own. The least I could do was make her feel like a woman again. Fuck! It was more a grunt than a word, and it tumbled over my lower lip while my right hand squeezed my sticky cock. I looked down and watched a tablespoon of white semen appear from the tip. She gasped as the hot, viscous substance landed on her stomach. I propped myself up with my weary left arm and tried to catch my breath. I looked down at her, sweat droplets formed on her...

3 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 25

One of the first things I noticed, as the plane accelerated off the runway and began gaining altitude, was a gradual, yet very perceptible, decrease in the emotional baggage I'd been carrying and had nearly gotten used to. The higher up we went, and the further from the masses of people below we got, the better I felt. It's trite, I know, but it actually did feel like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Of course there was still the air crew, Lucy and her bunch to put up with,...

4 years ago
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Too Early

Karen woke from a deep sleep with a sudden panic. Had she emailed the committee regarding the time change? She glanced at her clock radio and saw it was fifteen minutes before her alarm would go off anyway. Slowly her mind began to remember things from yesterday. Yes, the email was sent just as her boss barged into her office and ogled her while spouting a whole litany of garbage about a new dress code. Putting up with him would distract the most organized person. She burrowed back down into...

1 year ago
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Submissived Rharri Rhound A Warm Welcum Bone

Rharri Rhound is happy to finally get home after a long trip. She is even happier when she finds a cute note written by her man. It lets her know that he cleaned up the house for her. She is so pleased by this, that she plans a surprise for her man while he takes a rest on the couch. She slips into the other room and puts some sexy, long see through black stockings and a body suit on. Then she toys herself with a long purple dildo in the shower. She sticks it up inside her for her man to find...

4 years ago
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Pleasures of His Success

When he tried to inject his huge whanger A young man aroused his girl's anger. As they strove in the dark She was heard to remark, "What you need is a zeppelin hanger." I knew mother was trying very hard not to disrupt my life or my home. In the first few days, after she moved in, mother stayed in her room and apologized frequently for interrupting me, no matter what the reason. She did not say a word as she moved about my home unless spoken too and in all respects, treated me...

4 years ago
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AgainChapter 7

And we were back ... but not exactly where we went from. I was dressed as befit a young man of the age; Wendy was wearing her Audi fire suit ... the suit was blue ... the dragon tapestry was blue ... she did bear a startling resemblance to the dragon. I wonder how long before I let her live that down. Great Grand Children? Perhaps. "Time travel," she said and looked at the watch. "Impossible," I said. "But we did it," Wendy said. "You come up with a better explanation." "Physics...

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