British Becci #4 free porn video

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It was at breakfast the following morning that Daddy told me my brother David was coming to stay for a few days. "He's only staying a few days, but he's had to pick the days that I am away on that photo shoot in London. He should be here early this afternoon if everything goes to plan. Can I rely on you to look after him and to make sure he behaves himself, Becci?"

"Sure Daddy. It will be nice to see him again. I haven't seen him since Christmas, and it is only for a couple of days."

"I think he said he would have to leave on Thursday because he had a job interview on Friday. I tried to put off this bloody assignment until next week, but they wouldn't agree to it. I'm off to London today and won't be back until Friday evening."

"That's ok Daddy. I'm sure I can entertain David for a few days. We could go to the gym and maybe the cinema or the swimming pool. There's lots of things we can do to pass the time of day."

"I'll leave you some money. Perhaps you could take him out for a couple of meals and a drink or two."

There was a car sounding its horn outside. "That sounds like my taxi," Daddy said. He stood, approached me, kissed me on the forehead and gave me a hug. He pushed some rolled up bank notes into my hand, gave me another hug, picked up his small suitcase in one hand and his heavy camera equipment bag in the other and walked to the back door. He stood there and waited for me to follow and open the door for him. "Bye Becci, take care precious," he said as he struggled through the door and out towards his waiting taxi.

The house was suddenly quiet. I unfolded the money that Daddy had squeezed into my hand. As I started to count it I was thinking about what I could do to keep David entertained for the next few days. Best wait for David to arrive and find out what he would like to do. At least Daddy had left some money - £200 to be exact.

The morning went quite quickly. I busied myself with some general housework around the house. In my room I made my bed, tidied my drawers and put some clothes into the linen basket ready for washing. Daddy's room was already spick and span. He always made his bed and tidied up before going to work. I laid on his bed remembering the session I had had there with him and Aunty Pam. My body began to tingle as I remembered the intimate touches that he and Aunty Pam had made on my body. I must have dozed off to sleep with a smile on my face.

I only cat napped for about 20 minutes. I was woken by a strange calling. I first heard it in the distant remoteness of my dream, but it was getting closer. As it neared, I heard the name of 'Becci' being called out. Not loudly but soft and gentle. As I opened my eyes, I saw David standing next to the bed looking down at me. "Hello Sis," he said through a big grin. "Sleeping in father's bed I see!" He let out a little chuckle. I shook off my dream and woke fully up. As I swung my legs off the bed to get up, I realized that my skirt must have risen up while I was asleep, and David had had a good view of my legs and possibly my panties. As I stood I pulled my dress down and then I hugged David.

"It's so nice to see you again," I said.

"It's nice to see you as well Sis ... especially as it was more than I was expecting to see!" This was an obvious reference to my legs and possible panty view he had been enjoying while I slept. I pretended to pummel him on his chest as I bent forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"You should have woken me sooner," I said.

"What! And miss the view of the year. You must be k**ding." He gave me another hug and a kiss to let me know he was only joking. "Anyway, I always think that someone who sleeps during the day must need the rest. What have you been doing that makes you sleep in the day or shouldn't I ask?"

"Best not to ask," I said laughing. "Come on, let's put your things away and then we can have a cup of tea and a chat and you can tell me all about what you've been up to in the city."

"I'd sooner have a beer if you've got one," David confessed.

"I think I can find you a can or two," I said laughing.

I was right. After we had put David's bags in the spare bedroom and he had taken a shower, I found him a six pack of canned beer that he could drink. He yanked a can from the plastic retaining tie ring and then ripped the tab off the can and downed the contents in one go. Then he separated another can from the plastic tie and pulled the tag of the can and had a drink from that before putting the can down on the table. "That's better," he said running a hand over his mouth to wipe away any spills. "I needed that. It was so hot and stuffy in the train I think I almost dehydrated."

"You should have phoned me. I could have picked you up from the station in Daddy's car," I said.

"And woken the sleeping beauty from her erotic dream?" he responded. "Not on your life!"

I blushed a little and said, "It wasn't having an erotic dream."

"Oh! In that case do you always finger your pussy while sleeping?"

"David! I know I wasn't doing that," I said in a raised voice.

"I know you weren't. I was just hoping that you would," he said with a wide grin on his face.

I was blushing. I could feel my cheeks getting flushed and I couldn't keep eye contact with David. I got up, went to the fridge and took out a bottle of wine. "I'll join you for a drink," I said as I placed the wine bottle and a glass on the table. David leaned over, took the bottle, unscrewed the cap and poured me a large glass of wine.

"Here's to us," he toasted holding up a can of beer.

I picked my wine glass up, tapped it against his can, said "Cheers. Here's to us," and took a long sip of wine. I didn't really want the wine, but it was an excuse to change the subject about my sleeping habits and I must admit it did taste rather nice. I also helped my blush to disappear.

"They were pretty panties though," David added between sips of his beer. "The little yellow flowery lace trim really added that extra touch of class to what otherwise would just be a pair of plain white panties."

My God! He had had a good look at my panties otherwise how did he know about the yellow lace trim. What else had he seen while I was sleeping? Did David raise my skirt while I was sleeping to have a good look at my panties? I blushed again. I was the same color as a lobster. "No need to blush Sis. I've seen your panties before when you were younger."

"That was different," I said. "I wasn't wearing them then; you only saw them in the laundry basket and anyway we were a lot younger than. Young and innocent!"

"You might have been innocent Sis. I wasn't. Did you know I used to take your dirty panties out of the laundry basket and sniff them? The smell of your sex was a real turn on for me."

"You did what?" I cried, hardly able to control my shocked voice.

"I started off just by sniffing them but later I would take them back to my bedroom, wrap my cock in them and wank until my cum filled them. Only then did I put them back in the basket ready for the wash. Yes, I had hours of fun with your panties Sis. They were great days!"

I was stunned and a little annoyed. I was shaking my head in disbelief. I had had so many shocks recently that anything new should not have phased me, but what David had just told me was beyond belief. With shaking hands, I poured myself another large glass of wine. The thought of David sniffing my panties and then masturbating into them was way beyond my comprehension. What did he get out of it? Was it that much of a turn on?

I took in a deep breath to calm my nerves. "I didn't know you used to do that," I said calmly, trying to regain some composure.

"Mum caught me once laying on my bed masturbating into your panties. She slapped me across the head and told me not to be such a dirty little boy. But that didn't stop me. It just seemed to increase the pleasure I got from it. Instead of doing it maybe once or twice a week I found myself looking in the laundry basket every day. Every time I found a pair of your panties, I would sniff them and then masturbate into them. Mum must have known that I carried on doing it because she was doing the laundry and she must have noticed your panties were always filled with cum. She never mentioned it again though. Even now, Sis, I think about the smell of your panties when I'm masturbating. It's a real horny turn on."

I was numb with the shock of such a candid admission. David had never spoken so openly about sex before.

"I'll have to be careful where I leave my dirty underwear while you're visiting," was all I could manage to say. David just smiled at me and threw me a cheeky little mischievous wink.

"Will a cheese sandwich do you for lunch?" I asked David.

"If I can't have your panties then I suppose a cheese sandwich will have to do," came the reply.

I rose from the table, made a cheese sandwich and placed it in front of David. "Hmm, looks delicious," he said before picking it up and eating it in a few hungry gulps.

"We could go out for a meal tonight or I could send out for a takeaway. What would you prefer, David?" I asked when he had finished his sandwich.

"I think a nice Indian take away would be ideal followed by a good sniff of your panties for desserts."

"Will you stop talking about my panties!" I shouted. "Are you weirdo? You're just obsessed with my panties!"

"Yes I am," came the reply, "The same as I'm obsesses with the sexy young girl that wears them."

My thoughts just vanished: my mind was a blank. I didn't know what to say or what to do about his last comment. Was it a deliberate statement to see how I would react or was it just a throw away pick up line that he might have used a hundred times on his numerous girlfriends.

"Please excuse me, I have a few things to do," I said as I left the table and went upstairs to my bedroom. I had nothing to do ... I just needed some space to get my mind working normally again. David's revelations were unexpected and had taken me unawares. Now I had time to think and maybe if he broached the subject again, I would have some answers ready for him.

I got my laptop out and searched 'fetish - sniffing dirty underwear'. There were hundreds of websites. I never realized that it was such a popular pastime! Some women were making a small fortune out of selling their soiled underwear to men! It was quite common, by all accounts, for men to sniff dirty panties and then masturbate into them. So perhaps David wasn't such a weirdo after all!

This vacation was turning into something weird. With the revelations about Daddy and Aunty Pam followed by David's fetish confession I wondered what was going to happen next. I smiled to myself, remembered what Aunty Pam had said, and whispered under my breath, "No secrets."

It was some time before I eventually went downstairs. David was nowhere to be seen. I busied myself tidying the kitchen and looking for the Takeaway Menu. I studied the menu and made my choice of food writing it on a pad that was always kept in the kitchen. David came in through the backdoor. "Hi Sis," he said. "I've been talking to Mr. Johnson, next door. He tells me that he sees you at your bedroom window quite often and you always wave to him."

"Well," I responded. "I flashed my tits at him the other day, if that's what he's referring to."

David let out a loud laugh. "I see," he said. "You show him your tits, but I can't smell your panties. That's means you are either being over generous to Mr. Johnson or you're penalizing me for being your brother."

I must admit, I did see the funny side of that argument. Was I to support the old man next door or treat my brother with the same equality? What I did next shocked even me. I lifted my dress, pulled my panties down, stepped out of them and threw them at David. "There you go brother. Soiled panties on the house. Have a good sniff, do whatever you want to do. Just make sure you put them into the dirty linen basket when you're finished. I can't afford to be giving my panties away willy-nilly!"

David caught my panties and immediately put them to his nose. Looking at me and sniffing my panties at the same time he grinned and winked at me before saying, "Thanks, Sis. I will. Promise."

The panties had the desired effect on him. I saw his erection growing in his trousers - each sniff seemed to pump up his penis until it could get no bigger. I expected him to disappear upstairs for him to complete the cycle with a masturbation session but instead he undid his trouser zip and pulled his cock out in front of me. He wrapped my panties around his cock and started masturbating. I was mesmerized. It was the first time I had ever seen David's cock and certainly the first time he had masturbated in front of me.

I lost it. My mind and body didn't belong to me anymore. It was as if an alien had entered my body and taken control of my faculties. I walked up to David smiling, unwrapped my panties from his cock and placed them back in his hand just under his nose. My other hand grabbed his cock and set to work masturbating him. He was moaning loudly and sniffing my panties every now and then. His cock was large, hard and red and was thrusting forward with every stroke of my hand. My hand working faster to bring him to a climax. His breathing increased. His moans got louder and then it happened. His cock jerked forward and started to pump his semen out. String after string of white cum hit my dress covering my front with warm sticky goo. David gave a final moan as the last little squirt shot out of his cock and dribbled down my skirt.

David was panting hard whilst looking me full in the eyes. "Fuck, Sis. That was amazing!"

I took a step back from him. Grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it off over my head. David caught his first sight of my tits and my pussy. I screwed the dress up, placed it in his hand and said, "Put this in the laundry basket with my panties." I turned on my heels and walked away wiggling my bottom with every step. As I reached the door I turned and blew him a kiss then continued my journey to the bathroom. David's innocent little sister was not so innocent anymore!

The shower was soothing. Warm water trickling down my body always seems to soothe me. The shower gel cleaned my skin and the water took away all the unwanted ugly and nasty thoughts that I might have been harboring before entering the shower. Not that I was harboring any such thoughts this time. I had just wanked my brother and I didn't feel cheap or nasty about it. The shower was more a thing to do than a thing needed.

I heard the bathroom door open and David entering. "It's only me," he shouted. "Is it OK for me to come in and put these things in the linen basket?"

"Sure," I shouted above the noise of the shower. I knew he was watching me but the misted glass panels were steamed up and if he did manage to catch a glimpse of anything I figured he deserved it.

"You need a hand in there, Sis," he asked.

"No thanks. I think I can manage. Why don't you go down and order the Indian take away while I finish off here? I've written my order down on the pad in the kitchen. You pick what you want and ask them to deliver it about 8 o'clock."

"OK, Sis," I heard him shout as he closed the bathroom door.

I probably stayed in the shower another 5 minutes or so - just enjoying the calming effect the warm water always having on my body. I eventually turned the water off, slid open the glass door and stepped out of the shower. I picked a clean towel from the cupboard and quickly dried myself. I wrapped the towel around my body and secured it by tucking it in at my breasts. I brushed my teeth which always made me feel better. I opened the bathroom door and walked to my bedroom. To be perfectly honest I expected David to suddenly appear, maybe hopeful of a quick flash of flesh, but there was no sign of him. I sat on the edge of my bed and dried my hair with the hair drier. Then a quick brush through and a touch of hair spray and at least a part of me looked respectable. A touch of talc here and there and a dab of deodorant under the arms and I was ready to get dressed.

I picked a light green polo shirt, a short denim skirt, light blue panties and a pair of sandals. Again, it was too warm for a bra so I didn't bother with one. I returned to the bathroom to put the towel in the linen basket. I opened the lid and saw my dress there complete with the damp patches in the front. The smell of semen was quite strong. I made a mental note to do the washing before Daddy got home. I picked my dress up to look for my panties, but they weren't there! I dug down a little further but there was no sign of the panties I had worn earlier. What had David done with them?

I tossed the towel in on top of my dress and shut the lid of the basket. Then I went downstairs, again checking my appearance in the mirror on the stairs. There was no sign of the debauchery lifestyle I had been indulging in over the last few days. In fact, I think my skin had taken on a rosy glow! I smiled, winked at myself in the mirror and then proceeded down the stairs.

David was in the lounge holding a rather large whisky in his hand. As I entered, he looked at me, smiled and said, "You look fantastic, Sis. I've ordered the takeaway and it should be here in fifteen minutes." He looked at his watch as if to check he hadn't lied to me. "I've poured you a Vodka and tonic with ice. I seem to remember from last Christmas that it's your favorite tipple," he added pointing to a glass sitting on the coffee table.

"Your memory serves you right," I said as I picked up my drink, took a swig of it and flopped down in one of the armchairs.

"Dad has a good taste in whisky," David stated looking at the whisky in his glass. "This malt has a really smooth taste and doesn't need anything with it except a little ice."

"What have you done with my panties," I asked outright, ignoring his comments about Daddy's whisky.

He didn't bat an eyelid. He just looked at me and said, "Don't worry Sis, I have them safe and sound. You noticed they weren't in the laundry basket then?"

"Yea, I noticed," I replied.

"No point in washing relatively clean panties, is there? When I have used them to their full potential, I'll put them in the laundry basket for you."

I smiled knowing exactly what he meant.

The doorbell rang at exactly 8 o'clock. I answered it, paid the delivery boy from the money Daddy had left. By nine o'clock the takeaway was history.

We both settled back down in the lounge, drinks in hand, and our stomachs full of Indian cuisine.

David picked up the remote control and was flicking aimlessly through the television channels looking for something to watch. Not happy with the television offerings he stood up and went over to the DVD display and looked through the titles there. There must have been a hundred or so DVD to look through and when he was about halfway through he stopped and looked more intently at one of the DVD's.

"Well, well, well," I heard him say. "I didn't know Daddy was into porno films."

"Nor me," I lied.

David pushed the DVD into the player. The TV screen first went blue and then started to play the film. The film had obviously been played before because the player started the film from where it had been stopped previously. There was a nude woman, laying on the bed with a man's head between her legs. The speakers were producing the usual grunts and groans that is so familiar in porno films. The camera scanned the male and then moved up to the woman's face.
As the woman's face came into clear focus I froze. My heart skipped a beat. It was Aunty Pam!

David was watching the film but was probably only concentrating on the breasts that the camera was showing in full zoom. At least, that's what I thought! Without any sign of surprise, he turned to me and simply said," That woman looks a bit like Aunty Pam."

"Do you think so?" I answered hardly skipping a beat. "I think Aunty Pam is a lot prettier than her."

"Yea, you're probably right," David said as he pressed the button to eject the DVD.

I sighed a silent sigh and took another gulp of my drink. It was obvious that not only did Daddy shoot porno films he also used Aunty Pam as an actress! What did Aunty Pam say? ... "No secrets." She certainly kept that a secret from me.

David was flicking through the TV channels again. After finding nothing to watch he stood up, looked at me and said with a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes, "I think I'll go to bed and make full use of your panties. You can join me if you like," he commented.

"I think you've had enough Becci excitement for one day," I answered.

"That's impossible," he answered. "There can never be enough Becci excitement. You sure you don't want to join me?"

"No thanks," I replied. "I'm off to my bed to sleep."

"OK. But never say you weren't invited," he said with a smile on his face. "Goodnight gorgeous Becci," he said as he made for the door.

"Goodnight David. I'll see you in the morning."

As David made his way up the stairs, I finished my drink, turned the TV off, tidied the room and then followed him up the stairs.

The drink had its effect on me. I fell into a deep dream filled sleep quickly. In my dream I was in a porno film. Aunty Pam was there clad in leather with a whip in her hand. She was the Madame of a brothel and she was allocating girls to her male clients. When she came to me, she sent me to a room where a client was already waiting for me. I opened the door and walked in, only to be confronted by David. I hesitated but knew I had to go through with it. I removed what little clothes I was wearing. Rather than fuck me all David wanted to do at first was look at me while playing with his cock. Eventually though his hand rested on and played with my tit while his other hand played with my pussy. I reached down and started to play with his cock, making him hornier and hornier. When I thought it was time, I led him to the bed, pulled him on top of me, opened my legs and tried to guide his cock into my pussy. I heard his voice muttering, "No! No! No!"

I could feel the head of his cock at the opening of my pussy. As I held his cock with one hand, I rubbed the head against my pussy lips. Some of his pre cum spread onto my pussy lips and some of my pussy juices spread onto his cock head. Again, I heard David mumbling, "No," but by now I was so sexually aroused all I wanted was his cock deep inside me. I wrapped my legs around his body and crossed my ankles to form a cage that he was trapped in.

The pressure of my crossed legs on the bottom half of his body pushed his cock further into the opening of my pussy. Another slight squeeze from my legs and I felt his cock slide deep into my pussy. By this time David had stopped any kind of resistance and was no longer objecting. He starting to grind his cock deep inside my pussy. In my dream his moans were getting louder and louder. As he shot his load of cum into me, he shouted, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

That was when I woke up!

David was laying on top of me, his cock banging away at my pussy - my legs tightly wrapped around him preventing his cock escaping. In my dream I was close to achieving my climax and as I woke, I felt the shudder starting deep within my belly and gradually intensifying until the explosion hit me and my pussy walls contracted to hold David's cock tight inside me. His cum squirted deep while my climax reached its crescendo - the last thrusts of his climax was enough to bring my climax to its peak. David groaned as he emptied his balls inside me. I felt his hot and sticky cum mix with my juices close to my cervix.

We both fell quiet at the same time. Our moans had turned into quiet whimpers. We were both panting, and we were both sweating. I uncrossed my ankles and relaxed my grip on David. Opening my legs, a little further allowed David to roll off me and lay by my side. I was staring at the ceiling while he lay on his side looking at me.

"I'm sorry, Sis. I didn't mean to do that. I just wanted to look at your body and touch your tits. I lost it when you pulled me on top of you and guided my cock inside your pussy. By then I couldn't stop and all I could think about was that I was fucking my little sexy sister. I thought at first that you were asleep but when you joined in with so much passion, I knew that you were awake and wanted it so bad. But please believe me Becci - I did not have the intention of fucking you and committing i****t."

The word i****t suddenly seemed to gather my thoughts together. A few days ago, the last thing on my mind was committing i****t. Just a week or so later and I had had an i****tuous relationship with my father, my aunt and now my brother! I was becoming a slut!

I climbed off the bed, turned and looked at David. He looked perplexed and frightened. He held his hand out to me as if he was seeking forgiveness. I took his hand and sat down on the edge of the bed. "I don't blame you David. It was as much my fault as yours, maybe more. I needed it more than you did which is why I allowed it to continue. Perhaps I should have stopped it, but I was enjoying it too much. Was it i****t or just a couple of adults having a fuck? Whichever it was it must be our secret. Neither of us should tell anyone about what happened here tonight." As I said this the image of Aunty Pam came into my head and my conscience spoke the words 'No secrets!'

"Agreed," David replied.

I was still holding his hand when, for some unknown reason, I placed his hand on my breast. His touch felt good. My nipples were beginning to harden again. His fingers started to caress my breast and as his fingertips passed over my nipple and areola, I felt that familiar tingling again in my pussy. I reached over and wrapped my hand around his cock. That too was hardening again.

I knew then that tonight was not going to be a one-off fuck. We would fuck again.

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My name is rima I'm bengali from London age 27 and I'm gonna share my story of me being a slut. It all started when I was going through the channels at night was was at my khalas houseI and saw a phone girl squeezing her boobs moving her hips in such a sexy way, I straight awayKnew that this was sexy and felt like doing it myself, I went to my room to practice some poses in the mirror and warn many different outfits like knee high boots and different colour bras, after 45 I get a knock on the...

2 years ago
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British Becci 6

I'd been having vivid and wild sexy dreams all night. All of them were about me being forcefully fucked against my will by a stranger. When I say against my will, it was, but only up to a point. After that point was reached it was me who wanted the pleasure of being forcefully fucked and I didn't care what stranger did it to me as long as he put his cock in my box and left his cum deep inside.I was slowly but surely becoming a 'cum slut'.There was a tap on my bedroom door which hauled me up...

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British Becci 5

My thoughts, that morning, turned to Sharon. I had promised to call her early this week so we could get together and I could keep her company while she nursed her broken leg. I picked up my mobile phone and called her."I'm sorry I haven't been in touch sooner, but my brother David is here for a few days and I've been a little busy looking after him." "Is he the handsome one or the dead gorgeous one?" Sharon asked with a giggle."Whichever one you want him to be," I replied laughing. "When can I...

1 year ago
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British Becci 3

The drink must have made me pass out. The sleep was restful. Morning dawned. I stretched my body and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. The happenings of last night gradually filtered back into my mind. I tried to analyze everything that happened, or I had learned last night. Aunty Pam and Daddy were fucking each other. My father went to and held orgies at regular intervals. My father was involved in photographing pornography and I had fucked a guy in my father's house with everyone watching! Or...

2 years ago
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British Becci 2

I woke next morning to the smell of bacon frying. There never has, nor ever will be, anything like the smell of bacon cooking. I threw the duvet off me, found a pair of panties to wear and slipped a T-shirt on and let my nose guide me towards the kitchen. As I enter, I saw Daddy, spatula in hand looking at the bacon in the frying pan. He looked up at me when I entered, smiled and wished me a good morning. I went over to him kissed him on the cheek, wished him good morning and holding his arm...

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British Indian NRI HotTart

English Suburban Naughty Secretsthings started to get more horny and exciting for Mrs Nasima Patel. Hello I am Nasima . I'm 32 from Yorkshire moved to London when I married Omar and As far as I know, Omar has always been a faithful BF and I have no reason to believe that he has ever cheated on me. 

I, on the other hand, cannot say the same about myself. 

I am a good Indian girl use to wear the hijab innocent Muslim girl my old white boss and company directors ask me to change my dress code.So...

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British exhibitionist wife masturbates on the beac

This is not my story, but I found it very hot so thought I better share it with you guys..My husband and I were on a holiday near Studland in Dorset - that's in England on the south coast. There is a very long sandy beach backing on to a big expanse of sand dunes, so it's easy to find somewhere to hide away from the public gaze - well that's what I thought.Our holiday was slightly out of season so the area wasn't packed with too many visitors and, luckily, the weather was hot and sunny. What...

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British Girls First Anal Experience

Pay attention guys! Here one more hot experience of me..This the story of a woman who I met on nude camp a few years ago..Her name is Celine and I can say she definitely has a pretty voluptuous body which taken all the men’s attention all the time.. She is a 24 years old hot blonde from England.. In fact I didn’t expect that I would date with this chick even though I knew that a lot of guys would catch her before I do..But I just pushed my luck on her and finally took all her attention by my...

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British Swinging Hotel

Hello readers this is a story for the benefit of people who have never been to a swinging hotel. in other words this is a fetish club with lots of fetish equipment in the hotel and many areas to play out ur fetish. this story is based in hotel outside london. i had heard about this hotel from various people. people normally cover long distance travel to this particular hotel. if you guys are interested to know about me then let me tell you. I am a regular guy with a regual life and lot of...

3 years ago
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British Brothers Buggeed in Bolivia

My brother Peter was a year older than me. He had taken a gap year before starting at university, and had been working on an urban support project in Chile. I intended to go straight to uni from school, so we would both start together. That summer I flew out to Santiago as we had made plans to tour Chile, Peru and Bolivia. We kept well off the tourist route, traveling by local trains and busses, staying at cheap hotels and hostels. After going north along the coast we crossed into Peru,...

Gay Male
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TogetherChapter 5

It was dark when I woke up. I looked up to where the clock ought to have been, and then realised I wasn't at home. Was I with Dennis? No, not Dennis. Oh! Rissa. Oh yes, Rissa. As soon as my head registered that, I realised that I didn't just wake up. Things were a little muddled, because I was sure I'd been dreaming ... something sexy. Something naughty. I remembered, as well, what I'd been doing before I fell asleep. Yes, Rissa. And then I figured it out. I knew why I was awake. I knew...

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His Angel part 5

She was mad, for letting herself fall in love again. When she knew she had not even given her heart time to heal. God, she was doing the same damn thing she did, when her first marriage failed. She met a man while still married. Then, fell in love with him for all the wrong reasons. She wanted to crawl inside a deep hole and die. In her mind, she vowed she would never love again. The pain was more than she could bear. She tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep so she got up and sat down at...

2 years ago
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Bake ShopChapter 9

With the girls finishing up preparations for the Christmas party at Shatto Enterprises in the company’s banquet hall, Chance finds himself up on the top floor, handing over the invoice to Mr. Shatto’s secretary, Lenore. He had brought with him a small box of chocolate-caramel sandwich cookies as a pre-party gift for her. Needless to say, the cookies were a hit, and what was supposed to be a quick and simple business transaction quickly turns into something else entirely. “Is it just me or...

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We all laughed at that for a while, until ‘Mad-Eye’ himself walked in to say, “Honey, I’m Home!” While he doesn’t limp or have only part of his nose or a glass eye, my father does sound like the actor. After giving Gennessee his ‘Home from work’ kiss, he asked “What’s for dinner, I’m starving!” “Hold your horses,” she said to him. “Redden, introduce your girlfriend to your father, first thing.” Walking to him, with her on my arm, I said, “Mr. Fields, I would like to introduce to you, the...

4 years ago
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Son Swapp Part 1

On the outside, Nancy seemed like your typical Midwestern wife and mother. She was 48, worked as a hospital nurse and had almost completed her task of raising two boys. Nancy was a very attractive mature lady who took care of herself. She was 5'7, weighed 135 pounds with brown eyes and short auburn tinted brunette hair. She kept her figure looking great because of her love for exercise. There was rarely a day that passed where she wasn't bicycling or at the gym working on the machines or in...

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Saturday Nightorgy

Sorry it took me a while to get this story up, I been degbating if I wanted to make my total debasement public.After the night of sex with Mr 9er and his cousins, I got a few hours sleep at home and had a text waiting when I woke up. I had insturctions on what I was expected to wear and when to be back at Mr 9er's for the evening. I was to dress in a camisole and thong, stockings and heels and to wear a short bob wig and to take an UBER to his place so I would not have a way to leave. That last...

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Serena And The Flutist

I was absolutely right. She did fit right in my lap. I thought she would, so that wasn't a surprise. What was a surprise though was that she seemed to be a mighty aggressive woman who was both femme and barely five feet tall. Her name was Nan. I had met her after a concert by the city's Symphony Orchestra, where she occupied the position of first flute. I had enjoyed a solo performance she had done as well as meeting her after the concert and having a very pleasant chat. It was only after I...

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Massage RealityChapter 2 Debbie Crosses the Line Again

It had been several weeks since Debbie had her sexual encounter with one of her clients. At firs she was afraid that he was a state inspector and she would lose her license but as time passed she became more confident that he wasn't. Today she had two clients, both female. The morning appointment was at 9:00am and the afternoon wasn't until 5:00. At 8:45 the doorbell rang. Gina was right on time as usual. She has been a client for almost two years now and was never late. Debbie walked her...

3 years ago
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Listen To This You Bastard

Copyright© 2003 Edited by Big D, circa 2005 There was a young girl from Annista Who dated a lecherous mister. He fondled her titty, Got one finger shitty, Then screwed up his courage and kissed 'er. The shrill scream of the phone violently wakes Ron up from a deep contented sleep. The darkness is total and his eyes see nothing, but with the familiarity of years of living in the same home and with the same layout, he turns upon his bed and fumbles for the receiver. It seems to...

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Mother In Law Blows Best

I met my wife in college and have a pretty great life. Her family is wealthy and I mean the type of wealth that allows you to shop in Paris over a weekend or take a private jet for a ski vacation, I can’t complain.I have worked my way up the ladder in the family company and spend the majority of the work week travelling for business and away from home. My wife spends her days playing tennis, organizing fundraisers and socializing with her set. Whether she has remained faithful to me, I have...

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Its not so magical being a girl

Magic arises from the union of the animus and the anima. Every person has a male spirit, the animus, and a female spirit, the anima. In men, the female spirit is hidden away and the male spirit dominates, in females, the reverse is true, but the person who unifies both of their spirits becomes a magical girl! Once you have achieved this union, you may find there are some surprising changes to your body. -excerpt from So, You're A Magical Girl, Now What? "Don't care about that monster...

4 years ago
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Meri Rangraliya Or Mastiya

Hello friends mera nam puja kaur hai mere ghar me mere alava mera bhai , mummy or papa hai . Mera bhai mujhse 1 saal bada hai per hum dono ek hi class me padhte hai . Kyunki school time me mujhe ek class promote kiya gaya tha . Meri umar 19 sal hai or mera bhai 20 sal ka hai , mere mummy papa dono govt job karte hai or hum dono apni city se door dusri city me study karte hai . M dikhne me khubsurat hu . Or fig 34,30,34 hai . Mera bhai bhi khubsurat hai or ek dum fit hai . Ab jada bor nhi...

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Double The TroubleDouble The Fun

Casey was born in the fifties, twenty minutes later her twin sister Tracey was born. Both had strawberry-blonde hair, blue-green eyes, but Tracey was the chubbier one. As the years went by, they were inseparable. They’re now in their 50’s, both single, after a failed marriage, and the two, have decided to date, play, and fuck together. After all, each one knew what turned the other on, and a man in the mix, just added to the term "double-the-pleasure-double-the-fun.Casey was five-two, with a...

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RockmanChapter 29

The first impulse Ged felt was to leave his house for somewhere else – anywhere else. Then he realised it was what he always did when there was a setback in his life concerning Cassie, and with characteristic obstinacy, he decided against it. He would stay. He rather took it to extremes. Indeed he stayed in the house or the grounds, seeing no one but Gwen his housekeeper, and answering no phone messages, of which there were mercifully few. He didn't even go to see his mother, though he...

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Bettyrsquos Betrayal Part 4

my blouse torn, breasts hanging out, Jorge’s spit running down my face, and my pussy filled with his cum. I was crying, but also wet. What was happening to me? Who was I becoming? Why would Mr. Thompson let that happen? Didn’t he love me?I heard a bang on the door, and drunken slurs. Someone wanted in. “Give me a minute!” I shouted.I washed my face and straightened my hair. I opened the bag and found makeup and a dress. I touched up my makeup and pulled out the dress. It was black, short, with...

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Claudias Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 4

Claudia finally had an opportunity to look closer at her prison room and wondered what the building had been used for in the past. Placed on the door and four corners of the walls, ceiling and floor were moulded packs of cream-coloured clay. She recognized it as C-4 explosives. Each one had a blasting cap and wires connecting them. She had seen Military displays of C-4 detonations and the destruction just one brick of it can cause. She counted twelve pieces moulded in the room. On the other...

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Billys Hot MomChapter 4

They had a late dinner. Donna could hardly believe they had been at it so long, that her son was still eager and willing. She wore a man's shirt, white, which failed to conceal the lovely cheeks of her ass or the curls of her cunt. The three top buttons were left open, and her tits peeked provocatively at her son everytime she leaned over. She knew how she looked, and she could see the interest in her son's eyes. Wearing something that revealed while it teased had value, Donna knew....

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The Dragon Maiden

The naked maiden’s holes were thoroughly lubed with lard. It helped, she was told. But her father never said sex with an ancient dragon was painless, even if he must have known that is what she wanted to hear most of all. Not many girls in the history of the realm could say they ever had sex with a dragon. Fewer still lost their virginity to one. The responsibility fell onto her shoulders earlier than her predecessors. Young Greta pondered vows of celibacy to put an end to the family curse...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 9 Dagger in the Heart

March 25, 1990, Chicago, Illinois “How was church this morning?” Jessica asked when Kara and I arrived at the hospital on Sunday afternoon. “I always feel good when I leave there,” I said. “The music, incense, icons, and everything just work together to give me peace.” The three of us exchanged hugs and kisses. “Did Jesse go?” “Yes! Do you think I’d be alive if he found out that Kara and I went to church and didn’t at least offer to take him?” Jessica laughed, “Probably not. How was the...

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Sexy Nurse Adventures

Hi guys, this is me, back with another story. My first story was ‘sexy sister seduced me’. This is my second story. I am a 6 feet guy with a great tool of 7 inch in size that is much on the fairer side. Any girl or ladies in kolkata interested in one night stand can ping me at I am not interested in any relationships so please, only one night stands. This story is about how I fucked a sexy girl whose name was Mahima. She used to work as a nurse at a doctor’s place where i used to visit once in...

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Her First Threesome

My best friend Joe and I had been nearly inseparable since junior high. Throughout high school Joe and I hung out together most of the time. When I met my wife Sharon our senior year, she often tagged along with us and we joked with her regularly about various things, including how she had one of the best things a girl could want, two guys to play with. Joe and I talked about our mutual attraction to my future wife and how much we both wanted to get her into bed. I was not jealous and Joe and I...

Group Sex
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Halloween Is Here Again

When the summer is all over and the outside weather is getting a little colder even in the daytime, the special Holiday of Halloween pops up on the calendars all over the place. Most boys and girls look forward to Halloween not because they like all the witches, ghosts and goblins running in every direction but because it was a time to get all the free candy they could collect when they went out "Trick or Treating" on Halloween night. It was the first Halloween that Amy was going out on...

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For Kitten

She stood at the end of the bed, her long legs shoulder-width apart. Her six inch stilettos were a slutty red and she wore a black pair of fishnet stockings clipped in place with a red garter belt. He had insisted on no bra and panties tonight, and so the only other accessory was a patent leather collar, the same color red as her shoes. There was a thick D-ring at the back so that he could fix a lead if he chose.He stood at the door of the room and smiled to himself, seeing her exactly as he...

2 years ago
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A New PastChapter 18 Conflict and Consequences

“So, Paul, are you working on anything new and exciting?” Richard asked as we settled into the hot tub. Snow was just starting to fall but the warmed flagstone melted it as soon as it touched the ground. The peaceful quiet of the mountain was a pleasant contrast to the chattering discussions taking place inside the house. We had both opted to escape as mothers and daughters reconciled and discussed the past. “Nothing significant. I’ve got some long-term plans, but need some other...

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Making mom pt2

Now I started getting cold feet. I almostchickened out, deciding to just go to my room and let my mom get to her roomand get dressed. But then there was there statement she made to Aunt Angel. Shehad gotten turned on from just seeing me. That made me blush a little, but italso strengthened my nerves. I decided to do it, even if she didn’t make amove, I wanted to give her a little show like she had given me. It was onlyfair right?” I looked at the clock, “Only 1:48PM . I said. Plenty of...

2 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 20

“Quit yer fuggin’ laughin’ ye arsehole!” the gorgon yelled up at Kal. With his lips tight and teeth clenched in poorly contained mirth, the mage said, “You’re ... slithering along the floor. How am I supposed to not find that funny?” “It ain’t funny an’ it fuggin’ itches!” snapped Sera. She was lying on her back and using her feet to scoot across the carpet in an attempt to relieve the intense prickly sensation as her new skin beneath pushed off the older layer above. Kal wanted to offer...

3 years ago
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My Girlfriends and IChapter 2

For my next project I was setup in a straight sex movie called, "Creampies and Asian girls." It was a fun movie to do especially since the director let us adlib and have fun with it. No pressure or awkward scripts to memorize like you see in some adult movies. In one scene I was with a famous Japanese Porn star named Hitomi Hanaki. To say she was beautiful would have been an understatement. She was a small woman with a gorgeous body, and lovely face with nicely braided black hair. I loved...

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Preeti8217s House Warming Party Turns To Bed Warming

Hi.. All. This is Mrs. Preeti Kulkarni from Aurangabad (Maharashtra) narrating of House Warming Party turns Bed Warming from one of my Husband’s far relative who screwed me in a wild way. After successful fucks from winning the Beauty Queen Crown, Suhaag Raat with a BBC in our house and my regular visits to clients for pleasure fucks my Mom decided to rename her residence in the name of my husband Preetam Kulkarni. In the last week of November 2013 all the formalities of the registry and...

2 years ago
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The Most Wonderful Follow Up The True Meaning Of Christmas

The Most Wonderful Follow-Up: The True Meaning Of Christmas By Katharine Sexkitten I left the security guard clothes in the public washroom. They smelled. In fact they reeked. No doubt about it. Up until earlier this morning, I would have thought the odor was unusual, and not altogether attractive. Now I thought they smelled like heaven. They were completely covered in my own cum, more or less dried. I remember vividly making the mess. It was more cum than I'd ever...

1 year ago
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PervMom Arielle Ferrera Taking Advantage Of Stepmom

My stepmom greeted me in the kitchen and was automatically on my case. She made me feel like a good for nothing idiot. She even accused me of taking advantage of her. In order to help me become more independent, she thought it would be a great idea to teach me how to make breakfast. As she was showing me how to scramble eggs, her titty popped out. It looked way more yummy than what we were about to cook. The eggs were taking so long that stepmom got restless. She had her breasts out and was...

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Sylvia in Fucking Fuckland

I looked up from my place on the soggy bathroom floor and there was Amy, again, behind Donnie, giving me the thumbs-up sign. This time she looked like Carole, the fat girl from Zellerbach, with the black curls, glasses, and the bib overalls with her boobs falling out. She pointed to a little table in the hallway. On the table was a hefty strap on dildo. I didn't bring it here. This was getting to be like ''Alice in Wonderland'', except for me, it was more like "Alice in Fucking Fuckland!'' I...

4 years ago
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wild halloween night

WILD Halloween PARTY EVERFirst sorry everyone it’s been a several month since I been here was busy with my life. Anyway Halloween comes once a year and we all wear custom and I know personally lots of guys like to wear female custom. I am cross-dress and love Halloween, this Halloween was wild first ever wild Halloween party I ever been too. It was black party nothing but black guys and very few white guys but lots of white, Asian and black shemale was their and soon I walk in lots of black...

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Geralds Infidelity

Gerald Gordon had it all. He had just turned 46 that year and was a successful criminal lawyer. He was married to his beautiful wife Margo and had two well-behaved children, Myra who was 15 and Ryan who was 17. To top it all off, he also had a gorgeous 27-year-old mistress named Elle. He’d started seeing Elle over two years ago when she became his personal secretary. Everything was going as planned. He had his sweet dedicated wife at home and his sexy siren girlfriend at the office. It was as...

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Back in Skirts Part 6

Back In Skirts Part Six: Summer. It was my least favourite time of year. It was upon us and somehow despite living a term now as an almost normal boy, save for my makeup, I was profoundly unhappy, even for a Goth. It was time to return home. Jade wanted to come with me to meet Mum and Trudy, and although she did not say it, she wanted to work out a way of cheering me up. Me, I was running out of money, and I needed a job. While I was sleeping on my first day back Mum and Jade...

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My Pleasure Female Pleasure Masturbation

Of course I have someone who gives me pleasure. He's very attentive and he knows all of those special places that really drive me wild. But his touch isn't as gentle as I would prefer. He licks my pussy and massages my clit but uses a little more force than is necessary for my pleasure.Yes, I'm relaxed when the lovemaking is over, but my body doesn't necessarily tremble with excitement when he finally rolls over, once his dick has filled my pussy with his seed. And his breathing becomes the...

4 years ago
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Adventures of DonnaPart 2 Little girl swallow

Adventures of Donna--Part 2 (Little girl swallow)Donna could feel his large hands pulling her face down on his penis, forcing the huge member down her throat. She started choking and her natural reaction was to resist the force of his hands. There was nothing she could do to stop him, he was too strong. Besides Donna was gambling that the mystery man was determined to make her eat this entire length. He did not reduce the pressure on her head; either she managed her breathing and opened her...

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