British Becci #5 free porn video

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My thoughts, that morning, turned to Sharon. I had promised to call her early this week so we could get together and I could keep her company while she nursed her broken leg. I picked up my mobile phone and called her.

"I'm sorry I haven't been in touch sooner, but my brother David is here for a few days and I've been a little busy looking after him."

"Is he the handsome one or the dead gorgeous one?" Sharon asked with a giggle.

"Whichever one you want him to be," I replied laughing. "When can I come over and keep you company for an hour or so?"

"How about this afternoon," she said. "Bring that hunk of a brother with you. It will be fun to see him again. I haven't seen him for years."

"I'll mention it to him, but I can't guarantee anything as he might have made plans already," I said. "I'll see you about two."

"That's ideal, " Sharon said. "Knock him u*********s and drag him with you if you have to!"

I laughed and just said "Bye, see you later," as I pressed the end call button on my phone.

I mentioned it to David and to my surprise he seemed quite keen on meeting Sharon. He had met her before but all he could remember about her was that she had large tits. "I expect your eyes didn't travel any higher than her tits," I said with a smirk on my lips.

David's face broke out into a smile at that comment. "That depended on whether she was wearing any panties," he said winking at me.

"You're incorrigible," I replied throwing a tea-towel at his head.

We arrived at Sharon's house a little after two o'clock. We walked around the back because I knew that the back door was always unlocked if there was someone in the house. I opened the door and called Sharon.

"I'm over here", she shouted, "by the pool."

I turned my head and spotted Sharon lounging on a sun bed close to the outdoor swimming pool. "I hope you've brought your bikini with you?" she asked.

I was smiling as David and I walked up the garden towards the swimming pool. Sharon was wearing her bikini, but she looked a little funny with her bikini on and a white plaster cast on her leg. Her black bikini was so mini it only fitted where it touched. I could see David taking an immediate interest in Sharon as he went to stand quite close to her.

"Sharon, this is David," I introduced. David held his hand out to Sharon who took it but didn't shake it. She just held it for a while.

"Very nice to meet you, David," she said.

"Likewise," David retorted as Sharon let go of his hand. She leaned to her side and opened a cool box that was sitting by the side of the lounger. She took out two cans of Coca Cola and handed one to each to us.

"Sorry I haven't got anything stronger," she said. "Dad doesn't like me drinking during the day, especially with a broken leg. He thinks I might get drunk, fall over and break the other one," she said laughing and patting the plaster cast with her hand.

David pulled a small deck chair up while I made myself comfortable on the second lounger. David positioned the chair just behind but to the side of Sharon. He had a perfect view down Sharon's cleavage. He didn't miss a trick!

We chatted about nothing and everything for an hour or so. Sharon relating how she came to break her leg and how she fell in love with the male triage nurse who attended to her in A & E. How the male nurse that applied the plaster was even dashier than the triage nurse. Without question he was the man she was going to marry until the taxi driver came to pick her up to drive her home and he suddenly went to the top of the pile of 'the most attractive man I have ever seen' list. Sharon always thought that the last man she met was always the most attractive man in the entire world until the next man came along. Her constant glances over towards David confirmed my analysis of Sharon.

The sun was beating down and I was getting just a little too warm. Sharon started to notice my discomfort as I gripped the lapel of my blouse and started to fan it trying to get some cooler air circulating under my clothes. “Take a dip in the pool if you're getting to hot, Becci," she said.

"I'd love to, but I didn't bring my costume," I replied.

"Who cares about a costume. You're wearing bra and panties. They are almost a bikini. Strip down to them and jump in," Sharon said.

"If I could I would," I replied, "but I'm not actually wearing a bra."

"In that case just dive in with panties on. There's no-one here to see you except me and David. The neighbors don't overlook the pool and I'm sure David won't mind. In fact, David would probable relish the idea!"

I laughed and continued fanning myself with the lapel of my blouse.

"Go on Sis. I won't mind. It's not as if I haven't seen your titties before," David chuckled.

I threw David a disapproving glance which he noticed. Unfortunately, though, Sharon saw my disapproving glance as well. "Oh! Is that true! What do you mean by that, David?" Sharon asked.

David started to stammer and found it difficult to string a sentence together or to get a reasonable answer to come out of his mouth.

"You two have been doing naughty things together, haven't you?" Sharon said. "Do tell. I love a little naughty gossip. Tell me everything." Sharon shifted on her lounger to make herself more comfortable, ready to listen to whatever she was going to be told.

I just stared at David wondering how we were going to get out of the hole that he had dug for us.

I stood up and announced, "I think I will have that swim after all." I pulled my blouse off over my head and dropped my white shorts to the ground, kicked my sandals off my feet and dived into the pool.

The pool water was considerably cooler than I thought it was. My nipples suddenly hardened, and I could feel goosebumps forming on my breasts. When I surfaced, I spat some water out of my mouth and then swam to the opposite side of the pool from where Sharon and David were. I was hoping that my sudden rash action would deflect Sharon from the topic that was being discussed. I was wrong of course. Sharon looked at me and said, "Well. If he hasn't seen your titties before he certainly has now." She was laughing as she said it.

She turned to David and said something to him that I didn't quite hear. David looked away from Sharon directly at me. He stood, stripped down to his underpants and dived into the pool surfacing just a couple of inches away from me. He reached out and grabbed the pool side and steadied himself next to me.

"I've lost my underpants," he announced. "The force of the water ripped them off when I dived in." Sharon and I both burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter at the same time.

"I promise I won't peek when you come out, David," Sharon said whilst showing us her crossed fingers on both hands.

"What the fuck am I going to do Sis?" he asked. "Will you get out and throw me a towel? I can't just get out and let Sharon see my cock."

"Why not dear bother," I replied. "Has it shrunk in the cold water and you're frightened she will laugh at your teensy-weensy cock?"

As I had said it David grabbed my hand and placed it on his cock. "Does that feel like a teensy-weensy cock to you?" he asked. The cold water had obviously not affected on his cock. It certainly hadn't made it smaller. If anything, it was larger than I remembered it yesterday. I should have moved my hand away immediately, but I couldn't. I was enjoying the feel of his cock in my hand.

His face was close to mine and with no regard for Sharon he kissed me passionately on the lips. I tried to pull away from the kiss, but his mouth followed mine. I could feel my resistance weakening. Suddenly I felt his hand inside my panties and his finger seeking out my pussy.

I broke the kiss and my hold on his cock. I yanked his hand out of my panties. "Behave," I said, "Sharon's watching."

"Sharon certainly is watching and listening," Sharon called over. "Don't mind me. You two carry on as if I'm not here," she added laughing.

I was now so embarrassed I just wanted the earth to open and swallow me. I swam over to where Sharon was and looked up at her from the pool. "Sorry about that, Sharon," I said.

"Don't mind me," Sharon said. "I found it very stimulating. In fact, so stimulating, I've got a really wet patch on my bikini bottoms!" I looked down at her crotch and sure enough there was a damp patch there where her pussy had been leaking.

In her hand she was holding David's wet underpants. She whispered, "I leaned over and fished them out of the pool when they floated to the surface." She tossed them under her sun lounger to hide them from David. I looked into Sharon's eyes as we both started to laugh again.

"What are you two laughing about?" David asked.

"Nothing," Sharon yelled back.

I climbed out of the pool and laid down on the sun lounger. David swam over to our side of the pool and parked himself close to my lounger and stared at my tits. Occasionally he would dip his head under the water and then surface again.

"Are you getting out?" Sharon asked.

"I can't," David replied, "without you seeing everything I've got."

"Well. That's OK with me," Sharon said. "It's not every day I see a handsome man's cock at close quarters. Becci won't mind either because it's obvious that she has seen your equipment before. What I really want to know is has she felt your equipment inside her? Now that would be exciting to find out!"

I was embarrassed again. Sharon looked over at me with an inquisitive look in her eyes. My eyes, full of guilt, looked back at hers. Sharon saw the guilt in my eyes, and she understood. She winked at me and blew me an imaginary kiss.

"Just get out, David, and show me your cock," Sharon demanded.

David must have heard the threatening tone of Sharon's voice. He did as he was told. His cock stood out like a steel rod. "Come over here so I can have a good look at it," she demanded.

David complied and was now standing just inches away from Sharon's face. She leaned over and took his cock between her thumb and forefinger. I saw it twitch and grow even bigger. She held it for a short while, then lifted it to look at his balls. She moved it to the left and then the right before lifting it up again. It was like she was examining it - examining it in minute detail.

I watched Sharon manipulating David's cock. I could see the glistening head which meant he was leaking pre cum. I know that Sharon must have seen it as well.

What was she thinking? What was she planning to do, if anything at all? It wasn't long before I found out.

She pulled David closer to her by pulling him by his cock. Her mouth opened and her tongue flicked out and licked the head of his cock. Then she placed her lips around his shaft and started to suck and lick him. David's eyes were closed. His hands were now either side of Sharon's head holding it in position. His cock was deep in her mouth. His hips were thrusting gently forward and backward. He was fucking Sharon's mouth.

My hand automatically went inside my panties to my pussy. My love juices were already flowing freely, and my finger found my clitoris with ease. I rubbed it in a circular motion and knew it would not take me long to reach a climax. I looked at David again. His eyes were now open and watching me fingering myself. This acted as an aphrodisiac on me and as I rubbed a little harder my orgasm mounted from deep inside my pussy. It exploded within me and ripped through my body sending electric shocks to the tips of my fingers and toes. My mouth let out a gasp of pleasure as my eyes closed and my hand ceased rubbing. My body felt limp and exhausted.

I looked at Sharon sucking on David's cock. Her one hand was holding his cock and the other was helping her prop herself up on the sun-lounger. Her one leg was over the edge of the lounger while the one in plaster was securely placed on the lounger. Her hips were writhing with pleasure. I leaned over toward her and put my hand on her crouch. Her bikini bottoms were soaked with pussy juice. As she felt my touch, she stopped sucking David's cock and glanced in my direction. Her lips broke out into a smiled of approval. She then returned her attention back to David's cock.

My finger traced the line around her bikini bottoms. It was an easy maneuver to push a finger between her skin and her bikini to feel her trimmed pubic hair, and her pussy lips. She wriggled a little with excitement as my finger touched her lips and doused itself in her sweet love lubricant. I stroked her pussy lips gently before finding the entrance to her secret treasures. My finger entered slowly, and I pushed it upwards towards her pubic bone. She cried a cry of enjoyment and I knew I had hit the right spot. I gently massaged her until her body started to twitch quite violently and her hips started to jerk spasmodically. She was reaching her climax. There was a sudden and increased release of love juices as she let out a cry. She had achieved her orgasm.

David had sensed her approaching climax and while she achieved her height of ecstasy he released his cum into her mouth and throat. She sounded at first as if she would choke but she managed to swallow most of his cum. What little she couldn't swallow leaked out of her mouth and dribbled down her chin.

Sharon slumped back onto the lounger and at the same time used her finger to scoop the cum that remained on her face into her mouth. I removed my hand from inside her bikini bottoms and David flopped down onto his deck chair.

We were all exhausted. No-one spokes for at least 5 minutes.

Sharon was the first to break the silence when she said, "I didn't expect that this afternoon. I was happy thinking we would just sit here and have a chat. If that was 'just a chat' I'll have some more any day of the week." She looked over at me and winked. I returned the wink with a smile.

David stood up and pulled his shorts on. "Just in case someone comes," he explained when Sharon gave him an inquisitive look.

"My father is not due home from work until five o'clock."

David checked his watch. "That is in exactly two minutes time," he announced triumphantly, pulling his shirt on.

As if on cue we heard Sharon's father's footsteps nearing the pool. He approached cautiously not knowing who his daughter's visitors were. When he got to the poolside he bent down and gave Sharon a kiss on the cheek. "How's my angel been today?" he asked.

"Thanks to Becci and David here, I've been well entertained this afternoon," she replied nodding over at me.

"So, this is Becci," he said holding out his hand for me to shake. It was only then that I realized I was still sitting there in just my panties! He smiled when I tried an amateur attempt to hide my tits with my hands. He went over to David and shook his hand instead. I looked around for my top but couldn't find it.

"What have you all been up to?" he asked Sharon.

"We've just sat around the poolside enjoying the sun. The highlight of the afternoon was when Becci and David jumped in the pool for a cooling dip," Sharon declared.

Sharon's father looked at all three of us, one at a time. He gave a little laugh, then came over and stood close to me. I was still looking for my top when I saw David holding it in his hand waving it at me. "Is this what you're looking for, Becci?" he asked. I threw him a death glance and he smiled. This was obviously payback time for not getting him a towel when he lost his underpants in the pool!

"Shall I get it for you Becci?" asked Sharon's father.

"If you would be so kind," I replied. He walked over to David who reluctantly gave him my blouse.

As Sharon's father approached me, I saw him lift my blouse up to his nose. Was he smelling the scent on my blouse? He then held the blouse out for me to reach it. He was astute because he knew if I took the blouse from him, I would use one of my hands which were hiding my tits.

A week ago, I might have hesitated but today I didn't care anymore. I lowered both my hands letting him have a good look at my 32B size tits and then reached up and took the blouse from his. "Thank you," I said.

"My pleasure," he responded still looking at my naked breasts. As I looked him straight in the eye, I noticed he was quite a handsome man. Well-built and fit. Obviously, the results of visits to the gym. Bronzed skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. I could see where Sharon got her looks from.

He didn't flinch. He just kept looking at my breasts. I got up from the lounger without putting my blouse on. Now he could see me in all my glory. I allowed him to ogle me for a while longer before I put one arm in my blouse sleeve, threw it around my back and struggled to get my other arm in. He came to the rescue and held my blouse while my arm searched for the arm opening. I noticed that he was still admiring my breasts. I thanked him again for his help and started buttoning up my blouse. I did it slowly, like a reverse striptease! It was only when I fastened the last button on my blouse did he avert his eyes. I found my shorts and stepped into them and finally stepped into my sandals.

"I'm going in for my shower, Sharon. I'll see you later. Goodbye Becci. Goodbye David. It's been nice meeting you both."

We watched him entering the house and then close the door behind him.

"He certainly fancied you Becci," David said. "He couldn't take his eyes off you. Mind you, you did get dressed in a very seductive way. Were you making a move for him?"

"Don't be so bloody silly," I said.

"It turned me on, that's for sure," he said.

"Turned me on as well, " Sharon added. Then she gave a little chuckle.

"I think it's time we went now David. I've enjoyed myself Sharon. It's been a fun afternoon."

"It certainly has," Sharon said. "We must all get together again, soon!"

I bent down and kissed Sharon on the cheek. "I'll give you a call later in the week," I said.

I sat in the car waiting for David to get in. Eventually he did and I started the car, honked the horn as a 'goodbye' message to Sharon and we drove away.

We drove for a few miles in silence. Eventually David broke the silence and asked if we were going to stop and have something to eat. "I don't mind what I eat but I am rather hungry. My afternoon exercises have given me quite an appetite," he said looking at me. I glanced at him and he had a smile on his lips.

"Will the Hungry Horse be OK?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me."

I pulled into the car park of The Hungry Horse public house and brought the car to a stop. We entered the pub and I noticed that it was quite empty. We sat at a table and a waitress brought us a menu. I chose a chicken and bacon salad and David ordered a medium rare steak. He also ordered a pint of lager for himself and a diet coke for me. The waitress returned quite quickly with our drinks order.

David picked his glass up and said, "Cheers." I repeated the toast with my glass of coke.

"That was quite an afternoon," David said. "I didn't think it was going to be like that. I was expecting to listen to two giggling schoolgirls reminiscing about what they got up to years ago while I sat there counting the bubbles in the wallpaper on the wall. Instead of that I had a fantastic blowjob, a good look at my sisters’ boobs and a bird's eye view of my sister playing with another woman's pussy. Quite a coup, I think."
"I'm glad you enjoyed," I said a little sarcastically. "I promised Daddy that I would look after you and I think I have lived up to my promise so far."

"You certainly have," he said as he placed his hand on my knee.

Surely, he wasn't after more sex! Hadn't Sharon's blowjob emptied his balls? Obviously not, I thought, as I felt his hand creeping up my legs towards my crotch. I should have stopped him I suppose, but I didn't. I was enjoying the attention that he was paying me. His hand had reached my crotch and his fingers now started to fondle me through my shorts. Rubbing my sex gently with his fingers was starting to turn me on. I slightly changed my position in my seat to allow him easier access to my crotch.

I looked around the pub to see if anyone was watching us. We were safe. There wasn't anyone this side of the pub.

I reached over and placed my hand on his cock. It was already erect and waiting attention. I gripped his cock and played with it, feeling its strength and size through his shorts. He let out a moan as I fondled it. His hand moved from my crotch back to my leg and I felt his fingers intruding under my shorts between my skin and the leg of my shorts. I let out a sigh as I felt his fingers probed deeper towards my waiting pussy.

I started to masturbate him through his trousers but before I could bring him to a climax I saw the waitress approaching our table with two plates of food. I immediately removed my hand from David's cock and put it on the table. David, by now, had also spotted the waitress bearing down on us but instead of removing his hand from my crotch he pushed it further up my leg toward my pussy. I let out a moan just as the waitress arrived at the table. She looked at me with a smile on her face. I'm sure she heard my moan, but she said nothing. She asked which meal was mine and placed my plate in front of me and the other in front of David. "Is there anything else I can get you?" she asked looking at David with a smile.

"No thank you," I replied.

"Are you sure?" she replied, looking at me with a knowing look on her face. "Any condiments or sauces?"

"We have enough sauce already," David said with a slight chuckle in his voice.

The waitress glanced between us and before turning to returning to the kitchen said, "If there is anything else I can do for you just ask. Enjoy the meal and enjoy yourselves."

The way the waitress looked at us and her last few comments convinced me that she knew exactly what we were doing under the table. I mentioned it to David, but he just smiled - a 'devil may care' smile. He removed his hand from my shorts and was now shaking the salt cellar over his meal.

"Don't let it get cold," David said, looking at my plate of food.

"It's a salad David. It's supposed to be cold!" I replied.

"I wasn't talking about your salad," he responded lifting the first forkful of food to his mouth.

We finished our food in silence. David woofed his food down which indicated that he must have been hungry. I finished my salad sometime after David had pushed his plate away.

"Right," David said. "You go and get the car and I'll go and pay for the meals."

"I need the ladies room first," I said, as I stood up from the table and pushed past him.

When I emerged from the toilet I could see David, in the distance, paying our waitress for the food. I left the pub, unlocked the car door, and sat in the driving seat. Fumbling with the ignition keys, I eventually managed to start the car and I drove it to the front entrance of the pub, where David was now waiting.

He climbed into the passenger seat, clicked his seat belt into the retainer and said, "Come on Sis. Let's go to Sunset Point and watch the tide come in and the sun set over the water."

For some reason I didn't object. I think I knew why he wanted to go there, and it wasn't for watching either the tide or the sun! It was recognized locally as a courting couple's parking area.

Twenty minutes later I pulled the handbrake on and we were overlooking the sea on the cliff known locally as Sunset Point. We both released our seat belts at the same time. The spot was aptly named as the sun was just dipping its toes into the sea when we arrived. In another 30 minutes or so it would be swallowed up by the sea. We both sat there enjoying the view in silence.

I was waiting for David to make a move on me. After all, wasn't that why he wanted to come to this place? I glanced down at his lap and noticed that he did have an erection. Should I initiate the proceedings I thought to myself? Instead I turned my attention to the radio, turned it on and found some soft romantic music. I turned the volume down quite low, settled back in my seat and closed my eyes.

I heard a zip being undone. I opened my eyes and through the eerie light of dusk I saw David sitting with his cock in his hand. He was masturbating himself. He must have sensed I was watching him because he turned his head toward me and said, "Sorry Sis. I thought you were asleep. Now that you're not would you mind helping me out with this little problem?" He looked down at his cock. It did look a lot bigger than normal. It certainly looked a lot thicker unless it was the semi-darkness of dusk playing tricks with me. David continued pulling his foreskin back and forth over his mushroom tip.

"We must stop doing this sort of thing, David," I said. "It's wrong!"

"You're right Sis. It is wrong. Enjoyable, but wrong." He opened the car door, got out and went to the front of the car. He peered in through the windscreen and simply said, "Come on."

Why I did it I don't know, but I joined him at the front of the car. Leaning my bottom against the bonnet of the car I stared out to sea. Suddenly and without warning, David turned towards me and pushed me back onto the bonnet. He kissed me passionately on the lips. His tongue seeking my tongue and his hands seeking my breasts. He was fumbling with the buttons on my blouse but eventually managed to undo them all. I felt the cool of the evening air on my nipples as he opened my blouse fully. His mouth moved down my neck, nibbling as it went. He found my nipple and started to suck and lick it.

My passion was rising. I could feel that magical tingle deep down inside me as his hands undid the clasp of my shorts and he pushed them off my hips toward the ground. He pulled my panties down, fully exposing my pussy to him. He kicked my panties and shorts away from my feet and then removed his own shorts. I felt the tip of his cock touch the top of my leg as he positioned himself. He placed his hands under my bottom and lifted me further up onto the bonnet of the car directly in line with his throbbing cock. He inched forward and I felt his glans penetrating my pussy. Another push and his cock were fully in and he started fucking me hard and deep. He was like an a****l.

His pace quickened and his thrusting became harder and harder with each movement. I had never been fucked this way - out in the open by a wild a****l desperate to plant his seed within me! I found David's a****listic ways erotic. Tonight, I needed his cock deep inside me and I wanted him to come and explode and fill me with his seed. As David worked up to a sexual frenzy, I closed my eyes and felt the first signs of my orgasm starting deep in the pit of my stomach. I also felt his hands on my nipples. Pinching and squeezing them and rolling them between thumb and forefinger. David's hard cock pounding my pussy and his hands playing with my nipples soon made me climax. As the first wave of my climax hit me, I locked my legs around David's waist holding him in a vice like grip.

David let out a groan of relief as his seed exploded and shot into my pussy. He kept fucking me until his balls were empty and my pussy full. My climax erupted a split second after I felt his cum squirt into my pussy. David's thrusting eased and he leaned more heavily on me. We were both panting from the exertion, both exhausted. I could still feel David's fingers playing with my nipples.

As his cock softened it flopped out of my pussy and I felt him step away. I was enjoying the moment of sexual gratification and just lay on the bonnet of the car with my eyes closed. His hands resumed their task of nipple playing and I moaned with the sensation I was feeling.

I felt David's cock at the entrance to my pussy again - pushing its way in toward my cunt. How did he get another hard on so quickly, I thought to myself? I opened my eyes to see what David was doing and to my horror saw a stranger. As I went to push him away his hands grabbed my wrists and he pinned me down on the bonnet. I felt his cock entering my love channel. I wanted to struggle but my body refused. A feeling of butterflies in my stomach seemed to immobilize me. And then I felt it. Another orgasm ripped through my body sending little electric shocks to every part of my body. No sooner did it subside than another took its place. This time it was more intense. More electrifying! I moaned loudly with delight.

This stranger was giving me intense orgasms that I had never experienced before. His cock deep inside me he was pounding me into the bonnet of the car. Suddenly, and involuntarily, my legs clasped the stranger around his waist trapping his cock inside my pussy. As I did this his hands released their grip on my wrists, and he started fondling my breasts again. We both knew that my body had submitted to his and now he could do anything he wanted to me!

His fucking increased to a frenzied speed. I felt another climax building. Was this the third or the fourth I asked myself? I felt the stranger stiffen and knew that he was about to offload his cum deep in my fuckhole. As his pounding increased so did the approach of my orgasm.

I felt his hot cum hitting my cervix. One squirt after another. It seemed to go on forever. How much cum did this stranger have? As his fucking slowed to a standstill my next orgasm hit me. This sent involuntary shock waves to all parts of my body as I writhed on the bonnet.

I sense something different about this climax. I soon found out what. I started squirting liquid out of my pussy. It was like urinating but with a different, nicer feeling. The hot liquid just pumped out of my pussy one gush after another.

It took several minutes for me to regain my composure. I virtually slid off the bonnet of the car and finished up sitting on the ground leaning against the bumper of the car. I was panting. I was wet. I was happy. I was satisfied! I looked around for the stranger but couldn't see him. He had disappeared into the night.

David was sitting on the grass close by smiling at me. I had never had a day like this in my life before.

It was the very first time I had squirted during a fuck.

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British Angel

Please be patient in that part I has little sex but I promise it will get better in subsequent parts.I am a business man that travels in my job and therefore have met some very interesting people, in a lot of different places. This story is of one meeting that changed my life in ways that I could never have imagined.I was on a business trip to England with a large group of businessmen from all over the US, Great Britain, and Europe. The meetings were held from Tuesday through Friday in the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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British Railway Modelling Aka Frank

Danestone Tesco was quiet, but then that was to be expected at half past eleven on a Thursday night. Reaching down and picking up the latest issue of British Railway Modelling, Frank flicked through it to see if there was anything of interest. A pretty pointless act since he would buy it regardless of content. He was more interested in the pictures of trains and layouts than the accompanying text. Frank was pretty much stereotypical of popular belief as to what a train-spotter looked like....

3 years ago
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British Naked News Cures for Violence

“Welcome, this is the BNN network, and I am your host Sarah Patel. The network that reveals all.” Her eyes widened in excitement, posing her tall frame for the full-frontal shot; she was loving being at the center of attention. She wore a well-tailored, black skirt-suit with a deep “V” neck blouse, flouting her huge chest. The logo of British Naked News hung in the background, the silhouette of two naked women. Sarah continued, “Greetings my lovers, let us get to the news! Time and again, we...

2 years ago
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British Friend in LA

It's a beautiful sunny day as Cat walks towards my office. She enjoys these warm summer in the U.S. knowing she can wear a light sundress......with nothing on underneath. Cat knows that the eyes of the men on the street...and some women too, are undressing her as she walks down the sidewalk. Smiling, she makes sure to accentuate her every move, her dress caressing her thighs as she walks and a slight breeze running over her body. Reaching my office, she strolls into the outer office....

3 years ago
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British Brothers Buggeed in Bolivia

My brother Peter was a year older than me. He had taken a gap year before starting at university, and had been working on an urban support project in Chile. I intended to go straight to uni from school, so we would both start together. That summer I flew out to Santiago as we had made plans to tour Chile, Peru and Bolivia. We kept well off the tourist route, traveling by local trains and busses, staying at cheap hotels and hostels. After going north along the coast we crossed into Peru,...

3 years ago
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British housewives

John had looked forward to this day for weeks. His advert on the Swingers website advertising his services as a "Naked Cleaner" had finally paid off. Arrangements had been made by a man wanting to surprise his wife for her birthday and finally the day had arrived. John stood at the door and rang the bell. Not quite sure what to expect, John was pleasantly surprised by what he say. Judith was a 40 year old, slim, attractive blonde. She was wearing a white blouse that was semi-transparent where...

2 years ago
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British Babe Fantasy

You're housesitting a friends cottage in the English countryside- it's pissing down outside, the phoneline has been blown down in the gale, but... the heatings on, the fridge is well stocked and your pal's left you a fine selection of booze. It's close to midnight and your sat in front of the fire, thoroughly contented, when there's a knock at the door. "Who's that?" you wonder, the rain is lashing down against the outside of the cottage. You are a little reluctant to open the door, until you...

1 year ago
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British Bengali slag

My name is rima I'm bengali from London age 27 and I'm gonna share my story of me being a slut. It all started when I was going through the channels at night was was at my khalas houseI and saw a phone girl squeezing her boobs moving her hips in such a sexy way, I straight awayKnew that this was sexy and felt like doing it myself, I went to my room to practice some poses in the mirror and warn many different outfits like knee high boots and different colour bras, after 45 I get a knock on the...

2 years ago
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British Becci 6

I'd been having vivid and wild sexy dreams all night. All of them were about me being forcefully fucked against my will by a stranger. When I say against my will, it was, but only up to a point. After that point was reached it was me who wanted the pleasure of being forcefully fucked and I didn't care what stranger did it to me as long as he put his cock in my box and left his cum deep inside.I was slowly but surely becoming a 'cum slut'.There was a tap on my bedroom door which hauled me up...

2 years ago
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British Becci 4

It was at breakfast the following morning that Daddy told me my brother David was coming to stay for a few days. "He's only staying a few days, but he's had to pick the days that I am away on that photo shoot in London. He should be here early this afternoon if everything goes to plan. Can I rely on you to look after him and to make sure he behaves himself, Becci?""Sure Daddy. It will be nice to see him again. I haven't seen him since Christmas, and it is only for a couple of days.""I think he...

1 year ago
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British Becci 3

The drink must have made me pass out. The sleep was restful. Morning dawned. I stretched my body and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. The happenings of last night gradually filtered back into my mind. I tried to analyze everything that happened, or I had learned last night. Aunty Pam and Daddy were fucking each other. My father went to and held orgies at regular intervals. My father was involved in photographing pornography and I had fucked a guy in my father's house with everyone watching! Or...

2 years ago
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British Becci 2

I woke next morning to the smell of bacon frying. There never has, nor ever will be, anything like the smell of bacon cooking. I threw the duvet off me, found a pair of panties to wear and slipped a T-shirt on and let my nose guide me towards the kitchen. As I enter, I saw Daddy, spatula in hand looking at the bacon in the frying pan. He looked up at me when I entered, smiled and wished me a good morning. I went over to him kissed him on the cheek, wished him good morning and holding his arm...

2 years ago
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British Indian NRI HotTart

English Suburban Naughty Secretsthings started to get more horny and exciting for Mrs Nasima Patel. Hello I am Nasima . I'm 32 from Yorkshire moved to London when I married Omar and As far as I know, Omar has always been a faithful BF and I have no reason to believe that he has ever cheated on me. 

I, on the other hand, cannot say the same about myself. 

I am a good Indian girl use to wear the hijab innocent Muslim girl my old white boss and company directors ask me to change my dress code.So...

1 year ago
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British exhibitionist wife masturbates on the beac

This is not my story, but I found it very hot so thought I better share it with you guys..My husband and I were on a holiday near Studland in Dorset - that's in England on the south coast. There is a very long sandy beach backing on to a big expanse of sand dunes, so it's easy to find somewhere to hide away from the public gaze - well that's what I thought.Our holiday was slightly out of season so the area wasn't packed with too many visitors and, luckily, the weather was hot and sunny. What...

1 year ago
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British Girls First Anal Experience

Pay attention guys! Here one more hot experience of me..This the story of a woman who I met on nude camp a few years ago..Her name is Celine and I can say she definitely has a pretty voluptuous body which taken all the men’s attention all the time.. She is a 24 years old hot blonde from England.. In fact I didn’t expect that I would date with this chick even though I knew that a lot of guys would catch her before I do..But I just pushed my luck on her and finally took all her attention by my...

1 year ago
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British Swinging Hotel

Hello readers this is a story for the benefit of people who have never been to a swinging hotel. in other words this is a fetish club with lots of fetish equipment in the hotel and many areas to play out ur fetish. this story is based in hotel outside london. i had heard about this hotel from various people. people normally cover long distance travel to this particular hotel. if you guys are interested to know about me then let me tell you. I am a regular guy with a regual life and lot of...

3 years ago
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British Brothers Buggeed in Bolivia

My brother Peter was a year older than me. He had taken a gap year before starting at university, and had been working on an urban support project in Chile. I intended to go straight to uni from school, so we would both start together. That summer I flew out to Santiago as we had made plans to tour Chile, Peru and Bolivia. We kept well off the tourist route, traveling by local trains and busses, staying at cheap hotels and hostels. After going north along the coast we crossed into Peru,...

Gay Male
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HotMovies Voyeur

There are two types of voyeurs out in the world. The first has a true voyeur fetish. They get rock hard at the thought of watching other people have sex. These are the fuckers you'll see hiding out in bushes in front of bathroom windows and shit.On the Outside Looking InAmong my readership, there are plenty of those types. You guys hope porn will be enough to chase away your darker urges, and perhaps it does. I'm glad to do my part to keep you fuckers from hiding in people's garbage...

Premium Voyeur Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Laurie Ch 2

Laurie looked up at Daniel, with a smile. ‘Yummy,’ she said a moment before noticing some more cum slipping out of Daniel’s cock. She swooped in, and sucked on his cock some more, getting what she had missed the first time, her teeth rubbing at Daniel’s now sensitive cock head. She could feel the cock stiffen in her mouth again, and Laurie continued to bob her head, wanting to feel Daniel fuck her with it very shortly. The desire to be fucked flowed through Laurie’s veins, and once she was...

2 years ago
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House Arrest

You're sitting in your sister's living room, watching her get around in handcuffs and legirons. Other than the chrome jewelry, she's nude. At some point in her marriage, she's had her nipples pierced, something you never thought she'd do. On the coffee table sits the ballgag you's taken out of her mouth when you arrived. You'd originally intended to ask if she felt like shopping with you, but she was obviously in no condition to join you in public. She's been telling you about how she came to...

3 years ago
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Banging The Women Matched On Tinder

Hi everyone, this is secretlysaucyguy, a 32-year-old guy from Mumbai. This is my first submission on ISS. So there will certainly be some quality lag despite me supposedly putting my best storytelling efforts. About me. I am blessed to have a great height(six feet) with a fair and handsome face. I have a pleasing communication skill which has always kept me occupied as a center of attraction. The story ahead is 100% real without an ounce of fiction. Tinder enters life. Started using it five...

3 years ago
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StockingsChapter 11 Teacher

MOM IS PATIENT. She answers every question and her explanations are clear. In short, she’s a great teacher, and Danny and I were her best students ever the following day when we began our lessons. I think Danny’s heart-to-heart talk with Dad the night before had relieved his worries, most of them, anyway, to judge by the laughter I heard from time to time. After breakfast I took Danny outside and down to the pier for a little heart-to-heart of our own. I hugged him and kissed him, his mouth,...

2 years ago
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A very nice trip of commission in train P very good these two videos also i have had a good situation like in these two videos in a nice commission trip by train with my sister. It was late summer, September, I remember, and there was a tepid weather, I'm very happy to take a trip with my sister for to can stay near to her :-P because it was from a bit of time that she makes at me very excited to the maximum, not that I...

1 year ago
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The TravellerChapter 7 Chris Beaker

Chris had been working in his library; he was trying to see how to send Sar'ha's spirit back to her own body without affecting his. He noticed that his range of colours had altered; along with the White and Black books he now had Grey and Yellow books. He looked into the grey books and found the story of The Traveller, how she was supposed to find a major mage of the Art, called the stranger, and to bring him back her home planet. He noticed how it failed to say how this would be...

3 years ago
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Training Gloria

© 1994 - 2002 LaffWithMe Press Internet [email protected] [email protected] One of my early forays into writing erotica. The First Session As he wraps the bindings around your wrists, your mind shifts into high gear. Upper most in your mind is a gnawing feeling of impending danger. It is like a neon sign flashing in red letters "Do I REALLY want to do this?". The fear, which until now had merely been a fantasy, is now a very real emotion spreading through your body....

2 years ago
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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version BravoChapter 6

Francine found herself somehow holding Brady's hand. She lifted it and, despite the noise and furor that was going on all around her, noticed that the hand she held was his left one ... and that the ring finger was not wearing a ring. "Where is your ring?" she yelled, automatically. "I'm divorced," he answered back, tersely. He was looking ahead of them, pulling her through the throng. She was glad of that, actually, because the noise and crush they pushed into was insane. She...

3 years ago
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My Slut Wifes Day Off Part Two

It was in the middle of August on a Friday when I was scheduled to work from seven a.m. until one p.m. Then from one p.m. to five p.m. I was to go do some special training in the next town. I told my wife I would probably be late and I would call on the way home. She knew these training exercises always take longer than scheduled. She warned me that it was supposed to be a scorching hot day that day, and for me to drink lots of water. I packed up all my gear, loaded up my truck, gave her a...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Mistaken Identity Scotts Chapter 10

And now the finale for Scott. A long adventure that started over a year ago for me, and about ten months for most of you! I'm glad to have had you here for it, and look forward to the next big adventure we see played out over months! Let me know if you are happy with the conclusion! Apologies that it is late! :( Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that...

3 years ago
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Sweet Coupling With Bharathi Teacher

Hey readers, this is Vibhav from Bangalore. And it’s my real story which happened in my school life. Now Am an Engineering student studying in a reputed college of Bangalore. This Incident happened when I was in 12th standard. It is my first and the best sex experience with I ever had in my life. The way I got the chance and opportunity and the way I had my sex is such a cinematic but real experience which I must share. I am the most brilliant and was active guy in my school days. I was good at...

2 years ago
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43 Years in HidingChapter 6

I mentioned my triggers. Somehow my wife and I repaired our marriage 15 years ago. I know that I took a lot of the blame. I knew most of the fault was mine. At the time I was able to see I was distancing myself. Running away. It would be another 15 years until I found most of the basis for this. My sister took me out to dinner for my 53rd birthday. We made plans to go out for her 49th in April. We're still trying to get that into our schedule. Hopefully this Monday :) We hope to try...

1 year ago
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The Script

The script is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. My lack of self-esteem, The Eiffel Tower, and my aunt Christine's breasts, however, are very real. I repeat, for the purpose of writing, the story and characters are 100% fictitious. Certain long-standing institutions, agencies, and public offices are mentioned, but the characters involved are completely imaginary. I'm joking lol, but for real though, this story ain't my own....

Mind Control
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Dragon Ball Z Universe Tournament Saga Onwards

{{{AUTHORS NOTE: THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY TO BE CONSIDERED DISCONTINUED, AS THE CHARACTER IS NOW IMPLEMENTED AS A SECONDARY PROTAGONIST AND MAIN CHARACTER IN DRAGON BALL: THE SON OF KARKOREAN! PLEASE SEE LINK BELOW FOR STORY:}}} THE LINK:!:!!:!!: Craiger was the Grandson of Cruegiuse, and a Pure-blooded Saiyan who was considered Royalty by all the Gods of Destruction, but since Cruegiuse sacrificed himself to Wound Goku Black and died...

3 years ago
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RebootChapter 9

By the time Jeremy awoke, the sun was already in the western sky. His view from the bedroom window faced south. Looking out of his window, he could see the groves that stretched from one end to the other. To the east was lemon trees which had already been picked but had enough fruit left for him to identify. The olives trees on his right were thick with fruit, which swayed softly in the wind. To the far right, Jeremy could see harvesting bins for the olives. A sense of nostalgia for his time...

3 years ago
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Betrayed by HalloweenChapter 2

Right as Robby reached out for Doug's door, it flew inwards on its own and an impressively inebriated young man stumbled out. He took two steps and stopped, just before impacting the opposite wall. The wood paneling would have made a significant dent in his head, yet the man stood with no awareness of the near calamity. He mumbled incoherently and wandered off down the hall, clearly on a mission of some importance to him that involved counting doors and bouncing off walls. Near the end of...

1 year ago
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The Farmer

It was a glorious, hot, late summer’s day. We had been hiking on the fringes of Exmoor, spending lunch on a ledge high above the Bristol Channel, the bracken tumbling steeply away to the sea in front, south Wales glimmering on the horizon to the north. During the afternoon we worked our way inland, eventually taking a track on the edge of the moor next to meadows full of grazing sheep. It was here that disaster struck when I slipped and twisted my ankle. After hobbling on for a few hundred...

3 years ago
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My Chennai Experience With Neha

I am 30 year old south Indian working in Bangalore currently. It’s a real incident which happened to me in 2011, when i shifted from Chennai to Bangalore. In Bangalore i found a PG, and started staying. Those were lonely days. Since I am new in Bangalore i didn’t had any friends, and couldn’t even go out because of rainy climate then. Though I was in touch with my Chennai friends, I really missed all of them, and workplace. Any way thanks to Vodaphone for 500 sms/day offer, this changed things...

2 years ago
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Tory DaughterChapter 20

In mid-October Anne's stepmother returned from her farm bringing several hams and a brace of gamebirds along with a house guest, a mature gentleman named Pierce Joseph Amboy who styled himself "esquire" and was, in fact, a part-time lawyer as were many of the land-rich planters. At their first meal together, Mrs. Conroy raised the topic of marriage. "You are nineteen now, are you not, Anne?" she asked sweetly. "I'm sorry I missed your birthday this summer, but my place very much needed...

1 year ago
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Maa Ke Saath Anokha Maza

By : Miraforu Mer umar 21 saal ki hai aur mer pyari maa 43 saal ki hai. Mere pitaji ka swagwas ho gaya hai. Ghar me mai aur maa rahte hai. Mer maa ekdm sexy hai, lekin mad mast jawani hai. Uske kulhe bahut acche lagte hain. Main eik bar jab who soti hui thi tab uske kamre mei jaa kar uske gaan dekhi hai aur bada uttejit hua tha. Mujhe Gand chatne ka man hota tha leki mauka nahi milta tha aur himmat nahi hoti thi. Lekin ekdi mauka bhi mila. Mer maa bhi mere khade hue lund ko baar baar dekhti...

4 years ago
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Nerdy guy gets lucky part 5

Time to start the revenge plan; I used both hands, one on each girl. They were already excited so it didn’t take long for them to climax again. As soon as Jenny finished cumming, I rammed my dick inside her. She let out a small scream of shock, which quickly turned to a moan of pleasure. At the same time, I continued fingering Lindsey’s pussy and slowly, her ass. > > As the first finger approached her asshole, Lindsey gasped at the intrusion, but didn’t move away. Although, it was obvious...

3 years ago
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Haunted by the Past Ch 13

Charles and Diana Richards spent Sunday afternoon, November 4, 1956 with her parents. Retired Air Force Colonel John G. Maitland and Josephine VanDorn Maitland enjoyed the interesting sights around Los Angeles. They had come for Charles and Diana’s birthday party the night before and were only in town for a few days. Then they took them to their home in Brentwood. Her parents spent the late afternoon resting on the patio in the warm sun, enjoying the view of the ocean in the distance while...

1 year ago
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Sheila 22

------------- Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6'7'') - Leader Serafima (dark red head) - support/medical Karina (blonde Hair) - Sharpshooter sniper Timur (Dark hair 5'2''} - computer/hacker expert Egor- Electronics expert - killed in fire fight Stas - Explosives expert - killed in fire fight Pibald group ------------ Evelyn (Auburn hair) - Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper Christine/Chris (blonde) - personal combat expert- Evelyn's daughter Trina (red head) -...

2 years ago
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Cousin Sue

This is my first story, please be gentle.I had just gotten home from work that afternoon, when I walked in the kitchen to find my mom on the phone. She waved with little interest to me as I made my way to the fridge, whoever she was talking to must have had serious news. As I pulled a pop out of the fridge, I heard her say “Okay Peg, he just walked in, I'll let him know, and we can be off in the morning.” Peg was my aunt, she was a widow (uncle Dave died when I was young) and lived about a...

3 years ago
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The Story of Finch and Stiflers Mom

Well, it was the begining of an amazing summer. but of course i had no idea what would unfold for me. I had been a troubled young man and times were now turning better for me. I mean i just found a life of happiness and comfort. I moved next door to a really beautiful woman. Married and her husband was away on business. Like always. He left her sexually and emotionally unsatisfied.Don’t get me wrong, this guy was a very nice, very kind man….but he didn’t really give her what he needed. ...

3 years ago
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Agrave fitness session with Abbie

- Hi Abbie!- Hi Flynn, she answered me with her hot lovely smile :)- Ok, so it's time for your weekly fitness session, hope you're excited!I actually knew she was because she was already in her sport's outfit when she opened the door... It was skin-tight, I loved it ;)We started the workouts with the warrior 3 pose and I maintained Abbie's pelvis to help her... It's started to make me really hard because let's be honest, this girl is so fucking hot!Suddenly she complained about a pain in her...

3 years ago
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Closing the Deal

The crate arrived about 4 PM from CF Freight Lines. Vicki had received noticenearly two weeks ago to expect it and to make arrangements with work for severaldays off. The crate was to be picked up and shipped tomorrow. It stood 42 inchestall and was thirty inches square. Vicki opened the envelope Jack had mailedher a few days before. I will be requiring your services to entertain and close a businessdeal over the next week. You will need to make the necessary arrangementsfor the time off. You...

2 years ago
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Trolling 4 BBCs in My Younger Years

With the help of two drag queens and friends,I perfected my "Sheila" persona many years ago.I looked a lot like Nancy Allen when dressed.Out on the town,I was completely passable as a hot,fuckable woman.When trolling for my DARK DESIRES,I never failed to tell them that under the make-up I was a man.I never lie and I didn't want to get beat up.Just like in my "Black Cannon" story,I've had many pricks pressed against my thigh.Even after learning the truth,a lot of the straight black guys I was...

2 years ago
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A Trip Full Of Surprises P1

Like every year my wife and kids goes to her village for the two months for the summer vacation as for me I stay in the city for my work obligations but I do visit them any time I am free. Up to now it has been two weeks I haven't seen them. It was last Sunday, after work I knew that I was off for the next two days I called my wife telling her that I'll be coming to spend my off days with them. After passing from our house to pick up my personal things also taking a shower, by the time I...

2 years ago
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sister Sucks Best pt8 Deepthroat and Anal Stuffi

Judy scrambled off the bed. "Go to it, Tommy. Ream herfuckin' asshole." She dropped to her knees in front of her fatherand hauled out his cock. Dolores leered at her son's prick. A lump clogged herthroat. She touched his cock, caressing it with the tip of herfingers. "Your cock is gonna feel so good up my ass, Tommy," shesighed as the trembling spasms finally left her body. "So damnfuckin' good." Tommy moaned, his prick aching. "Get on your knees, Mom." Dolores stretched,...

1 year ago
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My first gay sex

***This is my first story. None of the events are true and it is purely fictional***I'll start off with a bit about myself. I'm a 20 year old male with an average build and average height. My cock is about 6 inches long. This is a story about how I found out I liked cock and my first gay sex experience. I was staying at a mates place because we went to the footy that night and it was just too late to take the hour long journey home and I hadnt seen this particular friend for a good year or 2 so...

4 years ago
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Summer Seminarpart 1

The mid-sixties found Travis and I in Chicago for a six week training seminar. About the same age and single, we’d worked together in Denver for about eighteen months, during which time we gradually became good friends.I’d seen him around for a few months, nodding greetings and exchanging occasional small talk, before I got my first glimpse of his dick. I was taking a piss one morning when he came into the washroom, said “Hi,” and stood at the adjacent urinal. That’s when I saw his dick out of...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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1st time BBW wife swap

It's a Sunday afternoon in Montego Bay Jamaica at the Sandals resort. My wife and I arrived on a flight a few hours before, all checked into room 269 as planned and are just sitting in the lobby bar, people-watching the new arrivals, sipping on some watered down rum & cokes when you and your wife arrive with luggage in hand. You and I know what's going to take place over the next week but keep it cool with not so much as a half second of eye contact. Not just to keep from blowing our...

2 years ago
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Gay Slave Training PT2

There he was, this petite teenage boy kneeling and tightly handcuffed in my shower with a winter hat covering his eyes, drool and piss spilling from the ring gag onto his chin and down his hairless belly to his small rock hard cock. I slapped him hard a few times on his face, then knelt down next to him and slowly smeared his saliva all over his chin and chest with one hand, while slowly tugging on his now slimy little shaved cock with the other.Every so often, I'd shove my fingers roughly into...

2 years ago
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My Hot Virgin Saali Prerna

Hello ISS readers. This story is one of my reader friend’s . But it has been written by me on behalf of him. He wanted to post it under my ID. This story is about me and my hot saali (wife’s sister) Prerna. She is the youngest of the 4 siblings in my wife’s family. My wife Yogita is the eldest. There is a good difference of 15 years between them. So Prerna was like a daughter to Yogita, always pampered by her. This incident happened when Yogita and I were celebrating our 10th wedding...


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