Adventures Of Nick Nelson Ch. 01 free porn video

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Nick Nelson was walking towards the bus stop, as usual. It was just after 7am, the sun was shining, and there was a light breeze, making an almost perfect day. He crossed the road and started up the hill. At the entrance to a group of town houses, a smartly dressed redhead stepped out of the driveway just as he reached the same spot.

‘Good morning,’ he said, with a wide smile on his face.

‘Good morning,’ she replied, and stopped a short step away from him.

‘Heading for the bus?

‘Yes,’ she replied, ‘and you?’

‘The same. You must be new in the neighborhood, right? My name is Nick Nelson.’ he said, holding out his hand. She stepped forward and shook his hand.

‘My name is Julie Ward.’ she said, ‘and how do you know I’m new here?’

‘That’s easy. I usually ride the 7:14 bus and I surely wouldn’t have missed someone as beautiful as you.’

Julie blushed slightly and said, ‘Why, thank you. As it happens, I just moved in over the weekend. I’m renting a unit in the complex.’

Nick turned and pointed across the road. ‘Do you see the house on the far corner, the high set with the white fence? That’s where I stay.’ Turning back to face Julie he continued, ‘We had better walk up the hill or we’ll miss the bus. I realize this may sound like the inquisition,’ Nick started out as they walked alongside each other, ‘but conversations between relative strangers usually become a series of questions.’

‘What would you like to know?’ she asked.

‘Just for starters,’ he replied, looking at the sky ‘how about your age, IQ, size of your bank account, and marital status.’

‘Gee, for a minute there I was afraid you were going to ask something tough.’ she said with a grin, realizing the joke value to his question. ‘OK, I’m 51, my IQ is about average, my bank account is really low but I start a new job today, and I’m divorced with two grown children. What about you?’

‘Firstly, I don’t believe for a minute that you’re 51! Pull the other one, it has bells on it.’

‘Well,’ she asked, ‘then how old do you think I am?’

They stopped and looked at each other. Nick studied her face for a moment, then said, ‘If you’re a day over 35, I’d be really surprised.’

‘Nick Nelson, you just made my week.’ she said, ‘Thank you so very much.’ Julie stepped forward and kissed him lightly on the mouth, then started walking up the hill.

Nick was shocked by her response but recovered quickly and caught up with her in two steps.

‘What was that for?’ he asked, ‘Not that I’m complaining.’

‘That was for being a wonderful liar.’ she said, ‘I really was telling the truth. I turned 51 this past March. And you haven’t answered the questions yet.’

‘Right. Well, I’m 54 going on 27, my IQ is about average, my bank balance is reasonable now that I have a permanent job, and I am divorced with grown children and subsequently remarried to the wrong woman.’

‘What do you mean by 54 going on 27?’

‘That will take a little longer to explain.’

When they reached the bus stop, Nick introduced Julie to the other regular members of the commuter group, then just listened to the morning chitchat while they waited for the bus. As usual, he allowed the women to board first when the bus came, then he boarded.

Julie picked an unoccupied seat and moved towards the inside, allowing him to sit with her. Nick asked about her job and she told him the details as they rode into the city. It turned out that Julie was starting with the same company as Nick, but in a different department and floor. Nick explained that he was in the habit of stopping for coffee and a doughnut in the morning as he wasn’t due in the office until 8:30. Julie accepted his invitation to join him and they ended up seated next to each other in a booth at the coffee shop.

‘So tell me, Nick, what did you mean by 54 going on 27?’

‘Just that I have decided to enjoy life in the way I want to enjoy it, not necessarily in the way other people think I should behave. As an example, I have been taking motorcycle-riding lessons these past few months and I am nearly ready for my license test. I absolutely love it and wonder why I didn’t do it thirty years ago!’

‘I think that’s marvelous. Will you take me for a ride when you get your license?’

‘Absolutely.’ Without warning, he leaned over and kissed her lightly on the mouth. ‘Now it’s time to go to work.’

On the short walk to their office building, they quietly held hands and Nick told her of the ‘first day’ ritual of the company, an indoctrination course that would probably bore her to tears, but it was required. Nick had completed just such a day only a few months previously. When they reached the lobby of the building, he asked if she would like to share the ride home. When Julie said yes, his heart soared.

‘Since you’ll be out of contact at your indoctrination all day may I suggest that we meet here at 5 PM?’

‘Great. ‘I’ll look forward to it.’

Still holding hands, they walked across the lobby to the lifts and entered when one came, along with a number of other staffers. Julie’s floor was reached first and she squeezed his hand as she whispered good bye and left the lift. He returned the squeeze and mouthed good bye, along with a smile. As the doors closed behind her, he realized how long this day would be until he could see her again at the end of it.

Five O’clock! Finally! He shut off his computer, grabbed his glasses, and headed for the lifts. As usual, he was forced to wait for what seemed like an interminable time but was in reality only a few minutes. The lift then stopped at nearly every floor on the way down, making him more nervous with each passing second. Finally the doors opened on the ground floor and he was the last one to exit. As he started for the lobby, he saw Julie waiting by the door. She brightened considerably when she saw him, he noticed, and was amazed at the reaction the sight of him seemed to cause in her. Surrounded by fellow employees, they opted to just touch hands and walk out into the fading sunlight.

‘Hi, how was your indoctrination?’

‘You were right about boring but there were a few interesting things. How was your day.’

‘Pretty normal but it seemed longer than usual. I spent a lot of time watching the clock, waiting for 5.’

They were well away from the building by this time and stopped under a tree. She looked up at him and said, ‘I know just what you mean.’

Still holding hands, they kissed with a little more fervor than before. Her arms went around his neck and he encircled her waist with his, pressing their bodies hard against each other. When the kiss broke, she rested her head on his shoulder without moving her arms from around him. He held her a little tighter for that moment then they began to walk arm in arm towards the bus station.

‘We need to talk.’ he said, ‘I have to explain some things to you.’

‘So do I, but can we do that later, after we’re off the bus? Maybe you could come to my place, since it’s on your way home.’

‘Sure that suits me.’ For the rest of the walk and the ride home, they just held each other’s hands without talking.

They didn’t talk all the way to Julie’s unit. She unlocked the door and walked in, leaving the door open for him to follow. He entered and shut the door behind him. Suddenly, she was in his arms, her mouth fastened to his, her tongue darting into his slightly open mouth, and her body pressed hard against him.

The fever of her kiss sent his own temperature soaring as he moved his hands over her back and buttocks while returning the kiss with a passion of his own. She looked him in the eye when the kiss broke.

‘I don’t care what your situation is, Nick, I want you…now.’

He crushed her to him and kissed her passionately. As her pussy ground into his hardening cock, she began to moan s
oftly and tighten her arms around his neck. The kiss became feverish and she began to rotate her hips in imitation of the moves she would make with his cock inside her. Nick was going crazy! He was sure his cock would burst out of his pants at any moment with the pressure she was creating. Finally, gasping for breath, they broke the kiss and just stared at each other. Without losing eye contact, she began to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt.

‘Julie, I’m not prepared. I’ve had a vasectomy but you only have my word that I won’t give you anything else. I don’t have any condoms.’

‘I’m not prepared either, Nick, but I trust you. I’ve had my tubes tied for years and I promise I won’t give you anything either.’

By this time, she had his shirt completely unbuttoned and was kissing and caressing his chest.

‘Please fuck me, Nick. I want you so badly.’

He was in no condition to deny her anything. As she kissed his neck and shoulders, he unbuttoned her blouse and released the catch of the bra. She took a step back to allow him to slip the garments off her. She stood there then, naked to the waist, nervously letting this man look at her. He reached out and caressed her breasts and she caught her breath at his touch. His fingers moved lightly over the velvety texture of her breasts then moved across her nipples, causing an electric sensation to race through her body. Her eyes closed as she immersed herself in the feelings being generated by his touch.

His hands moved down, cupping the underside of her breasts, then caressing her rib cage, and finally her belly. As his hands moved to her sides, he pulled her gently to him and their naked torso’s met as their lips met in yet another kiss. She slipped her arms around his body and held him tightly, wanting the feeling of his naked skin next to hers forever. At just that moment, he whispered in her ear, ‘Let’s go into the bedroom.’ Without looking directly at him, afraid she would break the trance of this moment, she turned and, taking his hand in hers, began to lead him to the bedroom, only a few steps away.

Once inside the bedroom, she stopped, not sure what she should do next. He moved up behind her and placed his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck and her ear as his hands began to move about her belly and lightly touch the underside of her breasts. She leaned her head back, giving him complete access to her neck, and began to guide his hands upwards, towards her breasts. As his lips kissed her neck and his hands cupped her breasts, she moaned and placed her hands on top of his, pressing his into her flesh.

He molded her breasts for a short time then encased her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and pressed them lightly. She moaned again, more seriously this time, and ground her hips backward into him, feeling his rock hard cock in the crack of her ass.

Her hands moved behind her to begin releasing his pants. She urgently needed to feel that hard cock. As his belt and zipper were undone, she pushed his trousers and underpants down, freeing the monster that was trapped there. She moaned loudly as she finally gripped his swollen cock in her small hands and marveled at the size of it. Although average in length and thickness, the fact that she now held it in her hands made her senses reel.

When she unbuckled his belt, he moved his hand to the zipper of her skirt. He released the zipper, allowing the skirt to fall from her hips. When she moved her hands to push down his underwear, he removed her panties. Just after she wrapped her hands around his now completely hard cock, he placed his hand over her pussy. She stiffened at his touch and turned her head to kiss him. He pressed his palm onto her pussy, increasing her temperature considerably.

She released his cock and turned in his embrace. He removed his hands from her breast and pussy and wrapped his arms around her. She stood on tiptoe and felt the tip of his cock press against her pussy lips. She spread her legs and allowed his cock to caress her pussy lips as it slid between her thighs. She was overwhelmed with the feel of him between her legs. He slipped his hands under her ass cheeks and lifted her off the floor.

She was suspended, with her arms around his neck and her thighs wrapped tightly around his cock. In that pose, he walked the few short steps to the bed and, kneeling on the bed, bent over and laid her down upon it. She clung to his neck as he lowered her to the bed but her thighs released his cock. She spread her legs wide, inviting him to enter but he began to explore her breasts with his mouth and tongue instead. As his mouth closed over her breast, she cried out and pressed his head hard against her breast. He used his tongue to swirl her nipple, causing her to cry out again.

‘Oh Nick, Oh my god.’ she repeated over and over as he bathed her breast with his tongue. He gripped her nipple lightly in his teeth and she screamed, ‘Yes, Nicky, yes, lick them, suck them, bite them, Oh yes.’

After administering to both of her breasts, he began to move down her torso towards her now inflamed pussy.

‘Oh God, Nick, fuck me.’ she cried, ‘Please, Nick, now. I can’t stand it anymore. Please, please, fuck me.’

Her cries and her squirming on the bed were more than he could handle. He adjusted his position, supported on his elbows and knees, and pressed the head of his cock to her pussy lips.

‘Oh God, yes, push it in. I want it now.’ she screamed.

He began to push the head of his cock into her burning hot, wet pussy. As his cockhead passed through her pussy lips, she moved her hips violently.

She gasped loudly, ‘It’s so big. Oh Nick, you’ll tear me in half.’ she moaned.

He stopped with his cock only part way inside her and, kissing her lightly.

‘Do you really want me to stop?’

‘Oh God No. Fuck me, rip me apart, push it all the way in, you bastard, don’t you dare stop now!’

He plunged forward, shoving the rest of his cock into her in one long push. She smashed her mouth onto his and screamed, wrapping her legs around him at the same time.

‘Oh Nick, you’re fabulous. Fuck me with that thick cock, baby, fuck me now, fuck me hard.’

He pulled out nearly to the tip, then pushed in to the hilt.

She screamed ‘Ohmigod.’

He pulled nearly out again and slammed back into her steaming pussy.

‘Oh yes, like that. Keep fucking me like that.’

He began to pump in and out of her hot, wet pussy with deep, hard thrusts, urged on by her cries with each plunge. Then suddenly, he began to thrust with only the tip of his cock, rapid shallow thrusts. She was suddenly beside herself.

‘Oh Nicky, what are you doing? Don’t tease me like that. Oh no, Nick, I can’t take it – – fuck me hard!’

After several shallow thrusts, he plunged deeply into her hot, pulsating pussy.

‘Ahhhhh, Yes, Yes, Yes.’ she cried as his cock slammed deeper and deeper into her.

After several more teasing shallow thrusts, her voice changed. Her tone was deeper and her words were more urgent.

‘Nick, I’m coming. Fuck me, Nick, fuck me hard. Harder, baby, faster. Make me come, Oh Nick, Finish meeeeeeeeee!’ she cried as her entire body convulsed.

He held on and continued to slam his cock into the depths of her being. He felt her hot juices explode over his cock, forcing his own juices to fill the depths of her steaming pussy. She bucked and screamed and tightened her hold on him with both her legs and her arms. He held her as tightly as he could, riding her fury to its eventual ending. When it was over, they were both completely spent!

Still locked together, they began to struggle to regain their breath. He began to kiss her face, hundreds of kisses all over her forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, and finally, when they could breath easily, he kissed her lips gently. She lay with her eyes closed, reveling in the wondrous feelings of reaching a level of ecstasy sh
e hadn’t dreamt was possible and, as she was beginning to come down from that incredible high, the marvelous feel of his lips all over her face. She clung tightly to him, knowing that he was still semi-hard inside of her and fearing that she would lose this precious feeling if she moved even the slightest bit.

Finally, she opened her eyes and saw two incredibly blue eyes staring directly into hers.

‘Oh darling, that was incredible.’

‘Nothing but the best for you, my sweet.’

He kissed her gently on the lips.

‘Thank you, Nick. I have never been happier in my life.’

‘I’ll tell you a secret, love. Neither have I.’

They kissed deeply then and she felt him move inside her and it thrilled her yet again.


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Jenny With Pam and Nick

Pam texted me on a Friday afternoon, asking if I wanted to stop by after work for some wine and cheese. She wrote that her boyfriend Andre was away for the weekend attending a destination bachelor party for his buddy. She added, “Besides, you owe me the scoop on what happened the other night with that guy with the big dick!” She was referring to a few nights ago when she left Rick and me at the bar. She had just met him. I guess the wine influenced her to grab his crotch on her way out. Later...

2 years ago
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Nick moves back home 1

Nick’s sister Rebecca, meanwhile, had married her high school boyfriend Jake, and settled down in her parents’ house to raise a family. She worked part-time as a secretary at the local high school. Back in high school, Jake was the starting quarterback of the football team; dating Rebecca, the head cheerleader, was an obvious choice. After high school, Jake got a job at a local machine shop. It wasn’t the glamorous life of his brother-in-law Nick, but Jake and Rebecca had a happy, rewarding...

3 years ago
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Jenny and Nick Date a Wife

Nick and I plan a date night with another woman at least once a month. These women come from different venues. Someone we met on a porn or swingers site, or met at adult parties, or met out somewhere.  And on occasion, someone that we already know who knows a little about our non-vanilla wild side.Often, these women are wives or are in a committed relationship. If they tell us they do this “on the side” it takes some convincing before Nick, and I are comfortable with that. We prefer it when the...

1 year ago
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Paula Meredith Nick and Mom

I lay naked in bed on my stomach with hands rubbing my back and moving across my naked little butt. I love the feeling of someone touching my ass. Nick’s hands moved in all the right ways. He moved down my thighs while Meredith massaged my back and shoulders. I sighed as their hands caressed my skin, moving slowly across every inch of my naked young flesh. Nick’s hands carefully inched up between my thighs. My feet were crossed as I usually do when I’m lying in bed. His hands moving up toward...

1 year ago
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Jenny and Nick Date a Wife

Often, these women are wives or are in a committed relationship. If they tell us they do this “on the side” it takes some convincing before Nick, and I are comfortable with that. We prefer it when the women have a “hall pass” to play when they want.  Nick and I are happily married for over thirty years now. For the last six years or so, we have played together with women. It is something we role-played about for years, and after discussing and agreeing on rules and boundaries, we decided to...

3 years ago
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Jenny and Nick Cocktails and Dessert

Here is a brief recap of a recent adventure for those that follow my stories. As you have probably read, recently in Jenny Confesses to Nick (written by Nick) and Jenny and Pam – Girls Night Out, our marriage has taken a different, interesting turn. Earlier in the day, Nick text to say that he wanted us to go out for dinner and more tonight. He ended the text message with, “Be prepared for anything!”I had butterflies of excitement for the rest of the day, wondering what Nick might have in mind...

3 years ago
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Nicks Roast

The invitation sat in the other room. It said long pig roast, starting at 6 PM. He wondered what was meant by longpig? Some special type of pork perhaps? Nick finished his shower, stepping out onto the bath mat. He toweled himself dry thinking of anticipation of the party he would be attending tomorrow. Alicia had told him this would be a special party. Anything with Alicia was special as far as Nick was concerned. He'd met Alicia just six months ago. Six months that had drastically changed his...

2 years ago
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Becoming Nicks girl

My husband and I were trying to concieve #2 for about a year with no luck. Lord knows we screwed enough and he generates huge loads. A fertility doctor was seen. Turns out I was fine but for a reason we don't yet know for sure, Gus has sperm which does not move too well. Options were in-vitro or donor. We were considering both with in-vitro as the best option. I now have 3 boys and here is how it started. Gus had a West Coast business appointment the coming Monday. Nick was up for...

3 years ago
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Welcoming Holly and Nick to the Group

On Thursday afternoon, Holly sent an e-mail at the end of the day telling me that she and Nick looked forward to Saturday night and being introduced to our group. This month's gathering was set for Jennifer and Jerry's. I smiled couldn't help but smile. I looked forward to Saturday myself. Saturday afternoon, Jennifer dropped the kids off at her parent’s house at noon and the three of went off to the grocery store for food, snack items, beer and liquor for the night. After shopping, we were...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Jenny and Nick Cocktails and Dessert

I had butterflies of excitement for the rest of the day wondering what Nick might have in mind for us to do. Fantasizing about what he might specifically instruct me to do. Of course, I would gladly do anything he wanted and asked! Furthering my excitement, when Nick got home and began to get ready, I could tell he was in a highly playful, mischievous mood. We headed to a bar/restaurant down the Jersey Shore. I wore black slacks, heels, a black top, and leather jacket. We had a great meal,...

1 year ago
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Nick and Jake

Introduction: This story is long, but well worth it. Believe me Nick Lombardo was the most beautiful creation in the history of this world. I ached to see what lied between his legs. I had dreams of fucking him, and dreams of seeing his beautiful, big dick. We had just moved, and Nick was coming out to see the new house. We have known each other for around five years. Neither of my parents were home, and Nick was just getting dropped off. I was going to show him around. A tour. When we...

4 years ago
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Nick and Jake

We had just moved, and Nick was coming out to see the new house. We have known each other for around five years. Neither of my parents were home, and Nick was just getting dropped off. I was going to show him around. A tour. When we finished the tour, we had gone into my family room to watch a movie on the new 42 inch plasma. I just so happened to glance over when he was sitting that his dick was making a small bulge, which ALMOST made mine explode. “So…..Nick…..can I…ask you something?” I...

3 years ago
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Nick Nikki

NICK/NIKKI BY JANICE Nick and I had been friends since I moved to this town about a year ago. I was, and still am, a sort of a loner. Nick was the first kid I met that first day at school. I am sixteen and he is fifteen but because of my wild ways I was left back a year, we were in the same class. We got along fine, considering we were so different. I, as I said, am a bit wild while he, Nick, is very quiet and...

4 years ago
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Nick and Kathy Capter 1

Chapter 1 A Friend of the Family I am 31. I have been married nine of those years to the woman of my dreams, not even my dreams because this is a reality so she is the woman of my life. My name is Nick Bradley. I am a computer consultant who does freelance computer work for groups in my area. I make a lot of money, and I mean a lot. I am a tall 65, slim, and in fairly good shape. I have strong, toned arms, a nice flat four-pack stomach, and a nice muscular ass, which my wife loves. I work out...

4 years ago
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Nicks Hospitality

I moved in with Nick when I finally hit rock bottom Thank you readers!? I welcome ANY and ALL feedback- good or bad.? This is my first time doing this, as I know it is for many others-and I really would appreciate the comments.? Oh, and there is more to the story- this first part is slow, but the second part is not. I moved in with Nick when I finally hit rock bottom.? Jobless and homeless for over two months- having crashed in apartments of family for too long now, starting to stink...

2 years ago
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stay the course part four Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club

Stay the course: part four: Admitting Nick to the Mile High Club Please read the previous chapters to this story, it helps for the story line. My eyes widened and my hands shot to my collar wondering what had given it away. I felt my face a deep red when I realised that in my playing with it I had turned it right around so that the ring for my leash and the lock was visible. I just stared at Robert at a loss for words. Robert was still smiling at me then he whispered, “It’s ok Taatiana, I won’t...

2 years ago
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Nick moves back home 2

Rebecca and Anna spent Saturday at the outlet mall while Nick helped Jake with weatherizing the windows. As usual, Nick and Jake hardly said a word to each other. Noah mostly kept to himself, lifting weights in the gym in the garage and hanging out in his room. Everyone spent Sunday relaxing around the house after a big breakfast, football on the TV from afternoon through the evening. All weekend, Nick tried to keep his eyes off Anna, but when she innocently yet provocatively modeled her new...

3 years ago
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What About Nick Chapter 2

I awoke the next morning with a nice wet, warm sensation on my cock.  I was lying on my back and as I opened my eyes, Michelle was down between my legs sucking my dick.  She was sucking me nice and slow, stroking the length of my cock while sliding her mouth up and down.  As she slid my dick out of her mouth, she stroked me with her hand.  My cock was growing hard in her hand and mouth.  Noticing my cock head growing thick and plump, she teased and licked it with her mouth and tongue.I slid one...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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Morgan and Nick

Morgan got out of the steaming shower, hair dripping wet and plastered to her body. Grabbing the fluffy green towel off the counter she towel dried her hair and quickly dried the rest of her. With out looking in the mirror she reached for her lotion and began moisturizing her limbs. Bent at the waist her long brown hair touched the floor as she applied a liberal amount of lotion to her legs, she continued upward until she was standing again. Hands poised at her breasts she...

3 years ago
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A New Taste Part 18 Nicks Thick Dick

Nick had been trying to be a good husband. He tried to stop inviting me to his garage to give him a regular lunchtime oral service. I was fine with it, I was busy servicing my two other beauties and Nick could be quite aggressive sometimes which wasn't always welcome.He sent me a message asking for my skills. He said his wife was away and he was feeling exceptionally horny. I thought about his request for a few minutes but after a few months without sucking him the prospect was too tasty to...

3 years ago
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NEW BOSS NICK Nick was the best Boss, I never thought what my new Venture in finding a better paying Job. I did like my job, but worked my butt into the ground, Heating and Air cond. great certain times of the year. Summer was the best me being Bi was great i did service you be suprised when people get hot they do not wear much clothing, well Damn. remember one call it was over 100deg. 4:30 in afternoon after 7 calls fixed most of them. Longt day The office called well kinda begged me to go...

2 years ago
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 28 Introducing Nick Fitzgerald

Nick Fitzgerald, a balding, well built thirty-four year-old former guard for a UNCW college basketball team, sat in his plush leather recliner. He was staring at the architectural drawing of a huge development pinned to the wall on the opposite side of his office. He was richer than he'd ever thought he would be. He had a great looking wife in Janet, and a secret lover in Harrison Von Damm, who he was helping to get rich selling his real estate properties. Nick had a good thirty minutes...

2 years ago
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Nick and Nicole visits Sweden

This is a story I've written for the nice cuckold couple nickandnicole1 I've been chatting with. Horny lovely people who enjoyed my verbal fucking of his luscious wife. Enjoy!----------------------------------------------------------------------------I meet you in a town in southern Sweden. We’ve talked and Skyped so it’s like seeing old friends. Nicole you even kiss me deep. She tells me she’s been longing for those lips. Nick...

2 years ago
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Nick and Nicole visits Sweden part 2

An evening to remember with Nicole and Nick - went downstairs all three of us, and the blonde portier smile as she sees us. I see her slowly lick her lips as she’s eyeing us. We smile back, and head out. Nicole you walk with your head held high, and Nick you are proudly hoping people will see your cuckold shirt.We go to a nearby restaurant in the old part of town. It’s small and cozy and dark. A lot of fun things can happen in the dark. The young...

2 years ago
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Swim With Nick

The house was built in the 1950’s but was added on; it was sort of at the top of the hill overlooking the setting sun as the birds would bath in the berry bushes. Other than the view the other reason I went there was they had a pool! Damn it was nice to have a pool in that hot sun, especially what was weird about it was you could not see it from the house, as it was deep down the hill in the woods. We had some kind of hors devours, I think that’s how you spell it, and they were deliciously...

2 years ago
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The Roommates John Nick and Nicole

This story contains scenes of an erotic nature, and is not intended for minors. Further if such material is considered illegal in your area, you should bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this story. All characters in this story are the creation of the author (unless otherwise noted), and any resemblance to...

1 year ago
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My Buddy Nick and the Stripper

August 30, 2011 We are at a strip club in a city known for such places. Me, Nick and a couple other of buddies. At one point or another we all have girls approach us for a dance or just to chat. Nick has this chick walk up to him and sit down and she strikes up a conversation with him. I knew from the other night Nick didn't have an issue with getting a lap dance from a stripper because he said he told his girlfriend after and she pretty much expected as much. I could tell this chick was really...

1 year ago
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Nick and Kathy Ch 2

Introduction: A Few Good Men This story is a continuation of chapter 1 so if you havent read it you should check it out. Otherwise Enjoy The next morning I woke up before Nick. I quietly got out of bed and started the shower. I noticed that the bathroom blinds had not been closed and the sun was shining in. From the window, I could see my neighbors as they left for work. I was messy still from the night before but I had dried up so I was a bit sticky. As I got in the shower, I felt the hot...

1 year ago
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Nick and Kathy Ch 2

The next morning I woke up before Nick. I quietly got out of bed and started the shower. I noticed that the bathroom blinds had not been closed and the sun was shining in. From the window, I could see my neighbors as they left for work. I was messy still from the night before but I had dried up so I was a bit sticky. As I got in the shower, I felt the hot water massage my muscles, which were aching from the over-exertion of last night. My holes that were stretched so far last night, seemed to...

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