Mr. Nelson free porn video

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you're shivering... because you've been in this fucking place... literally... for weeks now... quickly turned out... and made into a whore... a black Man's whore... and now... today... another indignity... because you've been switched out... as part of some fucking deal... literally... to Someone Else's cell... another black Inmate... of course... since you're already black owned anyway... He won't shut the fuck up... or leave you alone... even for a moment... it's as though... you're His little toy... as He makes you... interact with Him... verbally... whether you want to... or not... when He tells you... that His last name is "Nelson"... and for you to ask Him... His first name... "uhhh... what... what's Mr. Nelson's first name?..." you ask... in the meekest... and most timid... trembling... and scared little white girl's voice... not even wanting to know... the answer... but... a bitch's curiosity... knows no bounds... in your own... typical... whorish... and morbid fascination... to try and learn... what might happen to you... next... "wail... meet Mr. Nelson... bitch... hiz fust name... is 'Full'... end yew'll git tuh meet his two bruthas in heah tew... 'Quartuh'... end 'Half'... from the very first day... and every night... before They even locked the doors... He's made you strip down... to just your tee-shirt... and no underwear... a long tee-shirt... that comes down... to just below the curve... and tempting crease... of your jiggling white ass... or... an even much shorter one... that comes down... to just above... your sweet looking ass cheeks... at least to Him... and He makes you stand here... right in front of Him... and the stainless steel toilet... while you hold your tiny little penis... daintily... between your thumb... and index finger... and pee... and He makes you go through some variation of this... every time you pee... and makes you slide one side... of your tee shirt... upwards... so that it rides up... a little higher than the other side... more than just enough... to tease Him... and anyone Else... who walks by the doorway... and looks... and every single time... even though you don't look at Him... and make eye contact... you can feel His eyes on you... and even when He's lounging back... on His bunk... that you made for Him... that morning... you know... that He's looking... always looking... but you're much too embarrassed... to look back... behind you... over your shoulder... and catch Him staring at you... and now... there's not a time that goes by... whenever you're alone with Him... trapped... and imprisoned... where He's not touching you... openly... blatantly... and crudely... except that He's been getting increasingly... rougher with you... even though you've been compliant... and sucked His cock... and gave up your boi pussy to Him... every single time... even when He didn't ask... because you know you're place... and He doesn't have to ask... at least... not anymore... certainly not Him... and not Anybody Else either... He knows it... and so do you... as comes up behind you... with the rather transparent ploy...and guise of play wrestle holds... and He likes to catch you... when you aren't looking... but... it makes no difference... because even when you're looking right at Him... you're always off guard anyway... especially... when He places you... in a play choke... of sorts... sometimes a half nelson... but then very quickly after that... constructing your upper body... into a full nelson... and laughing... a creepy... unnerving sound... in your let ear... as you gasp... and whimper... and plead... begging Him... as He always stops just short... of actually choking you... or worse... breaking your fucking neck... laughing... and kind of playing with you... even though you take... with utmost seriousness... everything He does... treating it... as some kind of perverted foreplay... on His part... in not actually trying... to cut off your breathing... except just a little... perhaps just to see... for Himself... if you might like... being choked... since He's already told you... and hinted... that He's heard... that lots of girls like being choked... especially white girls... and now... every time He comes up behind you... wrapped His strong arms... and sliding His coarse and rough hands... all over and around... your thin... birdlike chest... and then up underneath... your lily white arms... and armpits... you always feel Him... totally naked... completely naked... as he drags you backwards... with His long... hard black dick... slipping... and bouncing... back and forth... between your naked upper thighs... dragging you backwards... until He flops back down... onto His bunk... with you... His new girlfriend... folded... and wrapped tightly... in His arms... as you... knowing what's expected... reach down... and help Him out... by guiding that long... slithering black python... into your own pussy... while He keeps His hands... and forearms... up underneath your armpits... and around the back of your neck... this is so ridiculous... your fucking new Cellmate... He's somehow got you convinced... first... that you can put Him... in a full nelson... and not break out of it... but... you already figure... that He probably can... get out of it... but... you don't want to... put Him in a full nelson... or any other other kind of wrestle hold... because you don't like touching Men... and you especially don't like... Men touching you... even in something as seemingly harmless... and supposedly nonsexual... as a fucking wrestling hold... but... you also don't want... to make Him mad enough.. to make you do it... or even worse... do it to you anyway... so you agree... instead of putting him in one... to let Him put you... in a standing full nelson... because you figure... that you can just stand here... and let Him do it... maybe struggle a little bit... and then quickly give up... and then perhaps... if you do that... then He'll just let you go... besides... if you let Him do it to you... while standing up... then it won't show anything... because you're other primary concerned... other than what everything else... always seems to lead to... is that all you've got on right now... is a long thin tee shirt... that just barely covers... your jiggling white ass... and fear shrunken clit... yes... it's that fucking short... and everything else... that you... including Him... had to wear... is still in the dryer... and now... it's too late... because you're not even sure... if you said yes to Him... or if you balked... and hesitated... or refused... and wehter or not... He's simply ignoring... whatever it was... that you might have said... as He now... steps up to you... covering the distance... in about three steps... from the edge of His bunk... and you're noticing... that he's wearing nothing else... but a pair of boxer shorts... that are surprisingly clean... bleached white... and unwrinkled... as though they've been ironed... and yet... you try not to notice... that His dick... that black... anaconda... Alabama black snake... is swinging heavily... like an elephant trunk... down one leg... of His boxers... and the head... uncircumcised... as you quickly found out... hell... aren't They all?... because you've seen it... ever since you got put in here... as He frequently... and casually... always strips Himself naked... in the cell... and lounges on His bunk... the uncut head of His dick... always peeking out... from the bottom of the leg opening... of his boxer shorts... but now... as He stands in front of you... you can feel him breathing down... right in your face... and without warning... He slaps you... hard... right across your flinching white face... the force of His slap... ringing loudly... in your ear... and stunning you... while also... spinning you around... in a perverted looking... teasing pirouette... of sorts... until you're now... facing away from Him... with your back to Him... and somehow... you can feel His cock... His entire cock... pressing lewdly... against your trembling buttocks... as you quickly look down... and see His boxer shorts... now pooled... in a dirty heap... around His ankles... and even thougn you can see all of this... your bimbo mind... already cock fried... fails to even register... the more immediate implications... as you now go into... reactionary mode... simply responding... mentally... to the visual... and tactile stimuli... of whatever He wants... to do to you next... as you now... feel His hot breath... smelling horribly... of stale cigarettes... tobacco... whatever He ate... from His leftover breakfast... and pruno... from the night before... you can feel His breath... along with His tongue... slopping up and down... and along the back... of your delicate... soft little neck... as you just stand here... letting Him do to you... whatever He wants... while trembling... and helplessly shivering... in that same familiar... hopeless rape fear... and then... instead of Him doing to you... what you expected... with a standing full nelson... He's instead... and strangely... beinding down... really low... behind you... and placing the insides of his biceps... against the backs of your knees... and lifting you up... with both of your bare feet... lifting clear off the floor... pulling your whole body... high in the air... as He stands up... holding you back... against his sweaty... and hairy... clammy chest... and stomach... your feet... and both legs... spread lewdly... and widely apart... splayed outwards... and both knees... close to your face... as your clit and testicles... flounce and jiggle... between your wide open... naked white thighs... as you instinctively... reach behind Him... to try and grab onto Him... to hold on... to His arms... with both of your dainty... lily white hands... fearfully clasped... around the back of His neck... looking to Anyone... like an intimate love embrace... as you struggle against Him... uselessly... with the backs of your knees... still trapped... underneath his arms... in the crook of His elbows... as He raises His dark... scary looking hands... up towards your face... reaching around... the back of your thin little neck... and then grabbing the back of your head... and both sides of your fear stricken... poor white face... in both hands... and you can still smell the tobacco... on His breath... even stronger now... along with the feel... of the coarseness... of His rough palms... against your cheeks... as He pulls you back... and tighter... against His bare body... and literally... folding your ass in half... against His body... as His hands... and fingers... crawl over the back of your neck... and head... and His fingers suddenly... interlock together... as He literally squeezes... the life... and the last remaining breath... out of you... and as you're about to lose consciousness... and pass out... your hands... finally let go... of the back of His neck... and your arms flail uselessly... and helplessly... in the air... above your head... as He walks you around the cell... naked... both of you... just like this... with you... still weqaing your tee shirt... and then... He actually walks you... right out of the cell... and down the tier... with your legs spread wide... and everything you've got... helplessly exposed... to the rest of the Inmates... somehow... He's completely lost... His boxer shorts altogether... and He's butt naked... his black cock swinging... and His hairy balls bouncing... and flopping... between His legs... as He slowly walks you... right into the TV room... as the catcalls... just keep on coming at you... from all sides... "fuck huh... fuck dat nasty white bitch... teasin' liddle hoe... shee awreddy bee nekkid ennyway"... and while you're still wearing... that same teasing... short ass... flimsy tee shirt... as He drags you down... into one of the vinyl chairs... with His black cock... like a truncheon... sticking up... long and hard... between your ass cheeks... as he guides it in... and rapes you... just like this... with your feet and legs... flailing uselessly... in the air... folded in half... with His cock... pounding up and down... into your soon to be... sperm dripping... filthy hole... as the rest of the men line up... for their turns... and when He finnaly jerks... spasms... and cums... and before His dick... even slips out... another Inmate... is already standing in front of you... ready... and waiting... to plunge His own dick... into you... from underneath... while you're still folded up... in this stupid looking... green institutional... vinyl chair... and after He finishes... then the rest of the Inmates... begin alternating... one black dick... after another... and when one dick slips out... of your abused asshole... then another one... replaces it... as Everyone... takes the place... of the One before... over... and over... and over... again... and again... and again... all morning long... until lunch... taking turns... until They all cum... inside you... and after a few more days... you're going through the same... repetitive routine... as soon as you quickly get Him... completely... and all the way naked... bare assed... and not a stitch on... for either of you... as you find yourself... once again... with both of the Bastard's arms... wrapped tightly... and almost intimately... around your soft... white middle... squeezing the breath out of you... as you just sit here... gasping... and bouncing... up and down... in His lap... as He casually reclines... back on His unmade bunk... with his long.... black dick... shoved to the balls... up inside... your tight... naked white ass... from underneath... and behind you... before He once again... slips his elbows... up underneath your legs... as you even help Him... raising your knees... and offering yourself up... already knowing... what He wants from you... as He slips His elbows... behind your knees... and then then slides His arms... and both hands... upwards... along your sides... past your thin... delicate... birdlike ribcage... and His forearms... up underneath your armpits... until His black hands... are once again... clasped together... and with such utter familiarity... around the back of your neck... into a brutal full nelson... and you're helplessly... submitting to Him... as this perverted scenario... has now become... His favorite way... to rape you... at least once... every single day... just like this... He's brutally raping you... with this same kind of crude... and ugly familiarity... reserved only for white girlfriends... who can never say no... to a black Man... and for wives... who simply have to give up their pussies anyway... as He cruelly... grabs you now... in His hands... and strong arms... folding you in half... for an especially brutal... and hard fucking... full nelson... anal rape... for the next hour and a half... a dirty... anal full nelson... fucking you... so damn hard... and every time... it accidentally slips out... of your stretched hole... He offers you... helpful suggestions... "pick up dat muthafuckin' dick... grab it bitch... take hol' of it... and shove it awl duh way... back up yo' white ass"... and before long... and after much encouragement... from His Pimp beatings... and loud ringing slaps... back and forth... across your besseching... and upturned... pleading white face... you find yourself... actually begging Him... for the privilege... of taking care... of His needs... "please... I... I need to service you... I mean... I... I want to service You... with my lily white ass... and pussy hole... properly... in the most violent... and brutal fashion... in another cruel and unforgiving... full nelson anal rape... that You seem to like so much"... and after several minutes... of verbal foreplay... in the form of your pitiful begging... until He's convinced... until even you're almost convinced... that this is what you really want... He takes you up on your offer... and brutally rapes you... in yet another... anal full nelson... several times a day... for days... and days... as He cums... deep in your asshole... and far up.... into your belly... with both arms... and hands... and both feet... helplessly flailing... and bouncing... up and down... because of the position... until you hear... again... in your left ear... and He's cursing you... for being such a weak... white assed whore... and then He starts talking to you... casually... and almost conversationally... about how He'd like to double team you... just like this... in exactly this position... a dirty full nelson... while He holds you... like this... while another Man... helps Him... and now you're really crying... because as bad as this is... even though you already know... that Everybody Else... already knows about... what He's been doing to you... you just can't stand the thought... of two Men... doing this to you... at the same time... He likes to make you... get naked... and then lean all the way back... against His chest and belly... with His dick... shoved all the way up... inside your asshole... and then bring your knees... all the way back... and up underneath... your own armpits... as He wraps His strong... and sinewy arms... like a gorilla... around the backs of your naked thighs... and then clamping both of His hands... and wrists... around the back of your head... and neck... subjecting you... once again to a helpless submission hold... a complete full nelson... as He takes His sweet assed time... to fuck you.. with both of your bare feet... waving helplessly... high in the air... above your head... until He cums... violently... all the way up your asshole... as you just lie here... in His arms... and let Him do... exactly what He wants... and then... a few days later... while you're gently... and submissively... almost sweetly... sucking His black cock... you can hear His voice... as He follows through... on His most threat... "iffen sum- boddee walks in... den yew jest keep rat own... suckin' own Mah muthafuckin' black dick... yew liddle bitch... jest lack yew iz now... end iffen yew don't hurry yo' nekkid white ass up... den when dey pop op'n duh door's... den Evuhbody gonna see fo' Deyselevs... dat yew bee lackin' whut yew bee doin'... end dat yew don't mind... Evuhbody knowin'... dat yew bee suckin' Mah black dick... now... suck own it... bitch... end hurry up... make Mee cum... befo' Sumboddee seez yew"... and in fact... this is exactly how... Everybody finds out anyway... because He's taking such a long time... cumming... and now... no matter how much... or how hard... and how teasingly... you're sucking... on His penis... suddenly... the door opens... and another Inmate... walks in... just as black... except that He's overweight... absolutely huge... fat... and burly... as He easily catches you now after all... just like your Pimp said he would... with dick in your mouth... black dick... noisily sucking... and slobbering... as you're twisting your bimbo head... whorishly... and sluttily... all over... and around and around... and up and down... His black dick... from tip to balls... back up again... and then choking yourself... with mouthful... after mouthful... of dirty black dick... desperately... trying your very best... to make Him cum... and shoot His load... as you realize... that from this moment on... you've now become... the white bitch... in the most perverse... and lewd... interracial sandwich... and perverted love affair... interracial love affair... with you... as the white bread... in a black meat sandwich... as your Pimp... pulls His dick out of your mouth... and grabs you... by the upper arm... that silky part of your upper arm... between your elbow... and armpit... pulling you upwards... with your back... lying against His chest... the familiar prelude... to what He wants next... as you helpfully... and instinctively... lift your arms... to help Him... get you into position... again... a hard... and brutal full nelson... as His dick... once again... forces its way... past the opening... of your asshole... and as He tightens His grip... the other man.... His friend... is stepping forward... between your legs... and holding onto your ankles... as your Pimp... underneath you... holds still... to give His friend... enough time... to slide His own dick... up underneath... the first dick... already stretching your asshole... and double stretching you... to fit both cocks... and you're almost... embarrassingly grateful... that your Pimp... has been fucking you... for weeks now... to stretch you out... as both Men now... and immediately... begin sandwiching you... between them... in this brutal rape... tearing you apart... in Their need... double teaming your white ass... and from now on... They... and Everyone Else... will be double tapping the little whore... from your mouth... to your much abused... and forever stretched out... pussy hole... brutally strong arming you... first... into a dirty full nelson... and then picking you up... standing up... with you folded over... and staring down at yourself... between your own splayed legs... and your own ass cheeks... in all its spread cheeked vulgarity... at one black dick... stretching your hole... while another black Inmate... simply walks up... and stuffs His own dick... thick... and wide... forcing it deep... alongside your Pimp's dick... raping you to hell... while your legs... and calves... and feet... flail helplessly... in the air... "Ah'm 'bout tuh fill it... Ah'm 'bout tuh fill huh pussy"... as They both clutch your naked thighs... or grab you around the throat... choking you out... again... as They unload their dirty nutsacks... emptying Their balls... beating a steady tattoo... and slapping... loudly... against your jiggling white ass cheeks... pumping you full... again... with Their sperm... you're such a dirty white bitch... and He makes you tell Everybody too... afterwards... about some of the perverted things... that He's doing to you... and about how He shares you... with His friends... as you haltingly... try and speak... to your next rapist... "Whut He been doin' tuh yew... white bitch... tail me awl 'bout it"... as you look up... into His cruel black face... searching... for the tiniest bit of mercy... and finding none... as you realize... that He's the plantation owner now... instead of you... "He... He calls me... He calls me... miss nelson"... "Why's dat... bitch?..." "Here... I... I mean... let me... let me show you"... as you mince over to your next Customer... stripping yourself... the rest of the way naked... for His entertainment... turn around to face away from Him... and utterly... helplessly submit... to the most brutal... choking... oxygen stealing... and breath robbing... almost neck breaking... full nelson... that Any of Them have ever seen... as you flail around... in His arms... hopelessly... gasping... in pain... as your tiny clit... and withered testicles... accidentally slip out... from between your legs... flopping around... in weird little circles... as He jerks you around... your whole body... flopping nakedly... in the air... in front of all the onlookers... and after He's done you... blowing yet another... boiling load of sperm... deep into your body... bent completely in half... from another full nelson... you repeat the same routine... as you snuggle up... nearly naked... and teasingly... cuddle up... for another rape... from your next benefactor... after this... He always take you... in exactly the same way... as you find yourself... desperately... riding his black dick... like a real trooper... a true whore... to try and please him... facing away from him... lewdly bouncing... all the way up... to the very tip... just barely clasped... and about to slip... out of your clasping fuck hole... and then back down his cock... to his balls... bouncing and slapping... your soft and silky... naked white ass cheeks... against his hipbones... but... it's not enough... it's never enough... as he once again... reaches down... and hooks his right arm... and elbow... up underneath... the back of your right knee... and then his left arm... and elbow... up underneath... the back of your left knee... lifting you up... and then clasping both hard and hurting... black hands... around the back of your neck... his hands so large... that they easily cover the back of your head too... putting you into the same brutal... and painful... neck creaking... shoulder and back breaking... full nelson... forcing your head... between both knees... and making you look down at yourself... at His huge black cock... zooming in and out... of your quaking asshole... with His black nutsack... swinging up and down... and slapping up between your legs... and against your belly... your belly quaking also... from the pain... and humiliation... even the Guards... walking by... on Their nightly rounds... for the mandatory count... and shining Their flashlights... into the cell... catches you... riding your Pimp's... extremely long... hardened black dick... as the Guard mutters to Himself... "one Inmate... and one helpless white pussy"... with you... entrapped... in a brutal... bone breaking full nelson... but... you can't even look up... because your neck... is cranked down... between your legs... peeking out... from between your own knees... and then peeking up... from underneath your eyelashes... looking to the side... and seeing only your feet... and ankles... and calves... bouncing wildly... and freely... in the air... beside your face... and you're so ashamed... that He's told everybody... in the block... about how you've been turned out... nightly... without even getting a night's sleep... because you're too busy... sucking black cock... bouncing... and jiggling... up and down... on His nigger cock... and keeping your man happy... and now... almost daily... He's walking you out of His cell... with your back... and legs... and ass cheeks... pressing hard... against the front of His barrel chest... and hairy groin... and thick legs... both of His black arms... wrapped tightly around your middle... and sinking deep... into your soft white stomach... and thin... delicate ribcage... literally squeezing the life... right out of you... every time you try... to open your mouth... to draw enough breath... to even try and scream out... your indignation... embarrassment... shame... and hopeless... naked plight... and while you're suspended... in midair... against the front... of His partially naked body... He relaxes his girlfriend hug... from around your middle... sliding His hands... up your sides... and soft white flanks... allowing you... for just a moment... to finally get enough air... into your lungs... so you can at least... try to scream... but His hands are clamping firmly... around the back of your head... and thin white neck... and slowly... forcing your head forward... and your face downward... as he carries you... walking slowly... one step at a time... in a lewd lovers embrace... of sorts... He's got you. trapped... in the hellish world... of yet another... obscenely naked... full nelson... and your head... is forced downward... even harder... with the relentless pressure... from his iron hard hands... pressing down... against the back of your neck... making your neck... and fragile spine... creak... with the eerie sound... of your tiny bones... grinding together... almost breaking... and the more you struggle... albeit weakly... and ineffectually... in His cruel... and loving arms... the harder He presses down... on the back of your neck... forcing you... to peek upwards... through your own... tear soaked eyelashes... to try and see for yourelf... without any help... just how many men... black men... are already out... on the tier.. openly staring... at your white nakedness... your prison booty shorts... pulled all the way down... your thin white legs... and dangling around your ankles... trapping them together... and it's clear... to Everyone... that He's already... gotten His dick into you... in a hurry... and to the rest of the Onlookers... it looks as though... you must have gone along with your Rapist... at some point... for Him to get your booty shorts... pulled all the way down... like this... down... and at some point... before this... things must have gone awry... where you might have changed your mind... and then resisted... and perhaps struggled too much... and whined... and wheedled... at the very last minute... after it was already too late... much like a white gurl date rape... protesting... uselessly... until the very last... possible second... before He had the time... to fuck you properly... in the way He usually does... with little white whores like you... because Everyone can now see too... that His own pants... are also... pulled all the way down... around His ankles... and shoes... and hindering His own progress... as He shuffles you forward... with every step... turning you this way... and that... showing off... and completely exposing... all... of your helplessly displayed... and naked charms... to the growing crowd... of oversexed black Men... your soft and weak... flaccid white clit... jiggling... from side to side... and bouncing... up and down... between your plump thighs... with every single step... that He takes... "duh muthafuckin' white bitch... sez sheeze gittin' lonely... wif'out enny uhh huh white friends 'round... so... thawt Ah'd he'p make huh feel rat et home... wid duh homeboys..." and His hard black dick... is already... more than halfway up... your white jiggling ass... as you're violently... and cruelly impaled... like a torture victim... on one of Vlad's medieval stakes... bouncing you... further... and further down... His long black cock... with every single step... a millimeter at a time... because your still... near virginal... white asshole... is even now... after all of His sexual assaults... inflcited upon you... night after night... is still... so damned screamingly... and fucking tight... from rape fear... with the stretched tube... of your tightly clasping... and bone dry asshole... helplessly quaking... all around His black cock... rippling... like tiny... imaginary white fingers... fluttering up and down... His dick... a kind of perverted... and surprising manner... of actually jerking him off... inside your sweet ass... with the lewd promise... of everything that's to come... literally... your gently clasping and squeezing asshole... fluttering... up and down... the remaining portion... of his black cock... being slowly... and teasingly buried... all the way up... deep inside you... the only lube you've got... from just a scant amount... of your own slippery spit... that you inadvertently provided... in an unintentional... and lewd... helpless... perverted kiss... when He had you first... on your His cell... just afew moments ago... and had swiped the leaking head... of His ugly... uncircumcised... huge black cock... back an forth... across your mouth... and you had refused to suck... making it your fault... again... that your asshole... is so dry and tight... that it feels like it's about to tear... and split wide open... around his cock... and down the full length of his dick... causing expected... and irreparable... incidental... and usual damage to the typical whore... of having her unused little asshole... ripped open... and rip apart... in a brutal and careless... pitiless... and violent... prison rape... some of these Niggers though... are too damn lazy... to even take the time... to fold you up... in a full nelson... since some of the black Bastards... simply leave you tied up... in a perverted fashion... with your own self inflicted full Nelson... the backs of your knees... held inside your elbows... and your wrists... and thin delicate ankles... tied together... above your head... with several variations... sometimes... just a quarter nelson... half nelson... or full nelsoned... nearly half to death... and the closer They All get... to cumming... inside your twitching... and spasming asshole... hoping like hell... that you won't pass out... again... this time... or... sustain a neck injury... broken shoulder... or dislocation.... They're still choking you out... over... and over... repeatedly... again... and again... until They can heave... and brutally lunge... their big cocks... all the way... up inside you... and then relaxing... feeling your twitching pussy... exquisitely... and involuntarily squeezing... around Their thick cocks... your twitching pussy hole... rippling... up and down... the full and ghastly lengths... of Their dicks... from tip to balls... just like... a pair of hands... and even when They untie you... letting you wake up... you're already twitching... and still squirming... spasming... and jerking... up and down... in small circles... on Their thick meat... even without... the full nelsons... and just choking you out... with Their hands... and a couple of fingers... is enough to weaken you... while the continuous fucking... weakens you... even more. again... another day... and it's just after breakfast... as He puts you... in yet another... naked full nelson... and then carrying you... around the cell... like a floppy rag doll... your thin... delicate... silky arms... weakly flailing... just like a gurl's... and every time you struggle... albeit... in token resistance... just the way He likes... to try and ineffectually fight Him... to get away... He squeezes your neck... and creaking shoulders... even harder... getting Himself off... on the perverted sounds... of your bones... grinding together... like sugar... (sometimes... He calls you "Sugarbones")... while He exerts more pressure... on the back of your neck... and shoulders... to make you submit... and beg... and moan... and plead with Him... not to hurt you anymore... at least... not any more... than He has to... He's done this same thing to you... several times... over the past several days... toying with you... and playing with you... purely for His own amusement... with what you foolishly thought... at first... as casual... and almost playful... man play... in the form of wrestling holds... but now... your Pimp... is laughing at you... as He comes over... and simply jerks your booty shorts... all the way down... to your fucking skinny ankles... "now... white bitch... iffen yew know whut's good fo' yew... den yew'll shut up dat gotdam beggin'... end hide dat mutahfuckin' useless clit yew gotz... 'tween yo' legs... so's Ahh cain't can't see it no kmo'... o' Ah'll cut it awf... wif' Mah shiv... end make yew e'en closuh tew uhh white bitch"... as He grabs your upturned... beseeching white face... between His hard black hands... to hold you still... while you now... only silently beg Him... with your eyes... as He kisses you... hard... right on the mouth... the horrible mixture... of stale tobacco... and morning orange juice flavored tongue... snaking down... deep... between your already open... and submissive... parted lips... as you control your automatic gag... as He swabs the whole inside of your mouth... with His tongue... and nearly reaching your tonsils... as you gag... once again... unable to help it... as you move your own tongue... defensively... around and around... inside your mouth... submitting to Him... in participation... of His own foreplay... in not having to taste Himself... on your lips... before He starts making you suck His dick... for the rest of the day... as you submissively... open up your legs... to trap your clit... between them... and then crossing both of your naked thighs... one over the other... to keep it there... so that He won't even have to look at it... and you can help Him... to further the illusion... of being His gurl friend... "dat's wht Ahh lack... uhh liddle white hoe... kissin' mee back..." before slapping your face... hard... and then pulling away from you... while dropping His own pants... to finish up the foreplay... to help Him... get His filthy black dick... the rest of the way hard... "now... lessee how you kin move dat fuckin' bitch tongue... awl ovuh... end 'round my dick, muthafuckuh"...

Same as Mr. Nelson Videos

1 year ago
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My InheritanceChapter 49 Birthday Party

Mary was with me on the morning of January 15 when I rang the bell at a luxury high rise condominium in Denver. A very attractive woman opened the door. She was about forty years old with a dark sun tan. The platform high heels she wore brought her to five nine or so. Her hair had been some other color but now was blonde and cut short and pert. She wore a pair of shorts and a halter top. Her breasts were huge and perfectly shaped, with that pouched, symmetrical look of surgical...

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The FreshmanChapter 7 A Sunday with Cecilia

Jason and Cecilia only spent a few minutes relaxing before she had to get up, get showered and turn on her duty radio. Midnight was fast approaching, the beginning of her 24-hour shift as duty RA. She would have to go to the front desk at about 11:30, get a briefing from her co-worker going off duty, and fill out a duty roster checklist. She had no illusions of any peace, given that it was a Friday night and the fraternities were in the midst of rush. After he got dressed, Cecilia escorted...

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The Reluctant Cuckold Part IV

Billy stopped by the local newsagents before visiting the pub to buy a local newspaper. He always liked to keep up to date with events in any locality he visited. As he crossed the road he glanced up at the cottage on the hill. He thought about what was happening at that very moment in the master bedroom. A boyfriend and girlfriend were busy pleasuring one another; a married woman and a single man were expressing their lust for one another. He felt his cock stiffen and turned away as he...

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Schoolgirl fun

Back when I was a batxillerat student, for those of you from the UK that means the sixth form, we always used to do this sort of joke on some of the guys in the middle of a party. I guess this is a pretty common joke but bear with me. We would take a couple of chairs and normally select a couple of guys to be sat down with all of us girls. They were blindfolded and told not to stand up. If we could do this in a private room where the other guys couldn’t watch then all the better. Then we would...

2 years ago
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Celestial WarsChapter 4 Black Flames

The Royalty of the Dark were once Angels. Betrayal sent them to Hell, but it was Hell that corrupted them. They are the original Fallen. Other Angels have been corrupted by Hell since, but none can compare to the Original Ten. They are to be scorned. They are to be pitied.-A scrap of Parchment that burned at Alexandria Devnik I had almost forgotten. Strange really ... how I could have almost forgotten. Like a piece of gristle between a tooth, or a pain that lingered and wouldn't go away,...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 13

Jeff spent the next three days ordering equipment and running errands. In addition, he also spent several hours with a small accounting firm in Boulder. He promised the accountant a sizeable bonus if he would substantially, and legally, cut down on the taxes he was going to have to pay. “Incorporate. Only eight percent of the top one thousand corporations in the US pay any taxes at all,” the accountant told him. When Jeff arrived back home, he was more confused than when he left, but the...

2 years ago
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The Yearbook GirlChapter 5

Our love affair started that weekend, and scarcely a weekend went all that spring when we didn't fuck. By that time, Cindy had signed with a modeling agency and was getting regular work as a model, and the agency would routinely assign her shots to me, since we had such a rapport with each other. She was the ideal model. Now most models can be temperamental, obsessing about their clothes and makeup and pitching fits when everything wasn't exactly right, and making every shoot a living hell....

1 year ago
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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 26

It was a particularly harsh winter, that of 1942/42. It hit the Germans hard, partly because they didn't expect to have to endure it. The temperatures were some of the lowest on record, but for the Russians, this was their country, their climate. Like the others, Benin wore felt boots without metal studs. The metal caused frostbite, a lesson the Germans were slow to learn. The troops at Novgorod were issued with Winter uniform of white snow suits and fur hats. Flying was possible on clear...

3 years ago
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Hotel bang Part 3 the last

Hotel Bang Part 3 This is the last part of our story, hope you like it!! What a sight I had now. Karen, fist up her pussy and cock in her mouth!! All four men were taking it in turns to use and abuse my sexy wife. If they weren’t fucking her pussy or her mouth they were sucking on those big tits of hers. Spunk dripped out of her cunt and her mouth till all the men were drained. My cock was so hard I was wanking till I shot over the wall in front of me. Fuck she...

3 years ago
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Universal RemoteChapter 13

Okay, last chapter. I hope you’re not superstitious. Just as Aphrodite said, Sherry was waiting for us when we got home. The poor girl felt so wretched about how she’d been behaving that she couldn’t go to school. As we walked in the door, she ran across the room to throw her arms around Mom and sobbed, “I’m sorry, Mommy! I don’t know why I was being so awful to everybody. Please don’t stay mad at me!” Mom hugs her and rubs her back. “It’s okay, sweetheart, that’s all over now. And you know...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Anie Darling Until You Cum

Anie darling is ready to rinse off after a long day. Climbing into the shower, she points the warm spray at her tits and ass until she is clean. When she’s done, she wraps herself in her towel and struts out wearing nothing else to where Ricky Rascal is waiting in the living room. As soon as Anie joins him on the couch, Ricky urges her to drop the towel so he can fill his mouth with her small boobs and hard nipples. He takes his time feasting on those delightful assets as Anie practically...

3 years ago
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The Love God

“Gods should be exempt from human passions.” -Euripides, “The Bacchae” *** Eros arrived. He could already tell he had quite a mess on his hands. There were two of them, a man and a woman, both in love with the other, though neither knew it yet. Eros plucked the string on his bow over and over (an idle gesture that annoyed friends, but helped him concentrate) while the two humans slept and the red numbers of the clock glowed in the dark. Why did he always show up for the hard...

2 years ago
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Good Times With A Divorcee

Hello Friends, Hope you all are having a healthy and happy sex life. It has been a long time since I had some real fun. I wanted to share some great experience with a young petite chubby lady who I met in the smoking area of my office building. I have been seeing her coming for a smoke since I joined my new company. She is wheatish, short, and chubby and has an awesome ass. It all started when I went to get a cigarette, suddenly I heard a heated argument with the shop lady and the sweet, lovely...

2 years ago
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Alone In My Room

We were upstairs in my room, and I was admiring the trees outside my window when our conversation subsided. Ryan looked at me with his flat brown eyes and short, oil black hair. He wore glasses, but you really didn’t notice them unless you looked hard enough at him. I usually felt like a midget standing 5’2′ beside his 5’9′. Even though we were both 19 I felt that I wouldn’t be growing anymore, while he just kept getting taller. Lucky. We were sitting on my bed next to each other and I hadn’t...

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Caribbean Heat Part 4

For the next few days, Josh and I spent every day and night together. We explored the island on Vespa scooters, discovered remote waterfalls and swimming holes, went deep-sea fishing, and spent relaxed days on the beach or by the pool. We were especially fond of a certain beach cabana that we staked out, which was a comfortable respire from the heat and offered a certain degree of privacy with drapes that closed, a queen-sized bed and comfortable pillows. Of course, once we were alone, our swim...

3 years ago
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Close Encounters of the Christmas Kind

There weren't many people about on the roads and while we had had a pleasant Christmas Eve visit with Charlie's mum—my mother-in-law—it was getting late, blacker than a witches hat outside and the kids—Suzie and Jake—were frustrated by the enforced restraint of the seat belts and boredom of long-distance travelling. "Muuuuum," whined Suzie in a voice that could curdle milk at a hundred paces. "Jake keeps poking me." The one thing about a six-year-old girl, is the range of vocal...

2 years ago
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The Sandwich of Insane Greatness

Connections. That was the name of a show that I remember seeing a few years ago on the History Channel (or maybe Discovery, who knows). It was hosted by an English gentleman and dealt with the unexpected chains of events that lead to discoveries through the ages. One of the ones that I remember was a connection from frogs to the space shuttle. In any case, human history is littered with discoveries that came about in ways that wern't necessarily intended at the beginning. It is even the case...

3 years ago
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Happy Easter

For those who don’t know me, my name is Brianna.  Everyone calls me Bri (pronounced Bree).I recently turned twenty-six. I’m a tall, curvy redhead. And I’m bi.My steady girlfriend of the past eight years is a short, small-breasted brunette named Tina. We met during our first week in college. I made the first move on Tina, who I thought - and still think – is the most beautiful and sensuous woman I’ve ever seen.Tina said no.She came back the next day and told me she had dreamt a very wet erotic...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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A Bettered LifeChapter 16

Bob came home from the rehab hospital three months to the day of the robbery. It was a pleasant and unseasonably warm afternoon in late March, made all the more sunny to the Liebkind family by the fact that Bob walked from his room to the waiting minivan without any assistance save that of a sturdy hospital crutch. The paralysis of his left side was very much in evidence—he dragged his left foot, and his gait was laborious and unsure—but two months under the tutelage of a very skilled and...

3 years ago
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Model Sluts

Chapter 1 You may have read my previous stories when I was married to Jane, we had several adventures before the children came along which meant we had to slow down.(read my Slut Wife series) You will be aware that I was happily married for 14yrs and working as an area manager for a large UK company. With the kids and Jane I took up photography as a serious hobby and built up my skills and equipment in that area, I was now in my very early thirties and totally bored with my job. Me and Jane...

1 year ago
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I’ve been here dozens of times, but the door’s always been closed. I often wondered what it looked like inside, and today—on a whim—I see. The room is small, maybe eight by twelve, and most of it is occupied by the padded table in its center. A few shelves mounted high on the walls hold towels, oils, candles, a CD player, and a small collection of discs—classical music and nature sounds, although none are currently playing. On the ledge beneath the table are stacks of clean sheets, neatly...

3 years ago
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My First Taste With My Best Friend

Hello. I wanted to share my experience with someone but did not know whom to confide in. Now I have all of you to share my feelings all thanks to iss. Well, let me tell you the story which has been bothering me for all these years. The story of my life begins some 4 years back when I was in college,let me say few things about myself.I am Sonam ,height 5’4″.I have a curvy figure of 34 28 34. Back then I had gone to study in the most reputed college of one of the cities of India and as a result,...

1 year ago
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Eagle in the Sunset 2019Chapter 21 The Red Herring

October 10th, 1995, 7:30 AM MST, Holiday Inn Express, Phoenix, AZ Jill was up first between the two of them, and stretched and rolled out of bed. She was a bit groggy, and simply walked half asleep to the bathroom. There, she used the toilet, and then splashed some cold water on her face to help her get awake. It helped a little, not too much. She needed coffee, fortunately there was a coffee maker in the room, and so she went out to it and figured out how to use it, filled it with water,...

2 years ago
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Cum Medicine

My wife Kellie and her sister Kristin sat in the doctors office waiting for him to return with results for Kristin’s recent blood work. She had been losing weight recently which wouldn’t be a big deal if she wasn’t already so petite. Kellie was worried enough that she had demanded that Kristin see the doctor. Kellie was shocked when the nurse had weighed in Kristin at 87 pounds when they arrived. She seemed to be losing an addition pound every week or two. She was very short, under 5’ tall...

1 year ago
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Aggy Book 1Chapter 51

It was an odd collection of people waiting in the corridor outside the conference room of the First Space Lord. All were in mess dress uniform and were lined up with most senior nearest the door down to the most junior. Vice Admiral Milligan, RMN, Rear Admiral Rowan RMN, Lt Cdr McCock GDF, Chief Yeoman Writer McGraw, Petty Officer 1st Denholt., Petty Officer 1st Gort, Petty Officer 1st Indira and Petty Officer 1st Kowalski. Polack was feeling very exposed on the end of that line. He had been...

1 year ago
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Chavs use ball gag and cuff me

I decided to see Jake again for another sex session. I wore my sexy number from last time as he really liked it. I wore purple lipgloss this time instead of red and no knickers I met Jake at his house as it was empty. He opened the door and dragged me in. He got hold of me and dragged me up the stairs. However halfway up we just started snogged hard and fast. We could not resist and we went at it on the stairs. I was sat on the stairs halfway up and him on top of me. He snogged me and his hand...

2 years ago
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A Chance Encounter Part II

Introduction: Hello everyone, Here is part II hope you like it, i tried to make it a bit longer but i dont think it is, still hope everyone enjoys. 2 months later Marie sat in the back seat of her best friends Aé,litas Chevy sonic listening to the conversation going on around her. She couldnt believe she has let Aé,lita talk her into going to Colorado. But she had to admit she really did want to go because she wanted to see Jeremy again, or at least attempt to see him again. So,...

3 years ago
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Alone Mature Housewife

Hi I am 29 tall with average physique boy. My email id Ye sex story us waqt ki hai jab main apna room change karke ek nayi jagha gaya. Mere ghar ke samne ek widow aunty jo 55 ke aas paas hongi apne bete bahu ke saath rahti thi jo dono job karte the. Aunty educated thi par housewife thi. Main balcony se dekhta tha aunty daily sham ko apne ghar ke bahar khadi ho jati. Wo akali rahti thi raat 8 baje tak .Wo kafi akeli ho gayi thi husband ki death ke baad. Aunty hamesha suit hi dalti thi aur...

4 years ago
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My First Time

The evening had been wonderful. The first one in the several months since my wife had left. A few drinks after work, a movie, and then a late dinner. And Jamike.Meche works with me in the law firm. We both share research duties as we prepare for the BAR. He, and his wife Chy, had been friendly with my wife and me. After she left they had seen me through some very difficult times. Now, as I was preparing to re-enter the social arena, they were making every effort to see that I enjoyed...

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Affair of the Heart

John and Beth had been having an affair for over 20 years. They had shared their most intimate secrets with each other. They knew everything about each other. Their hopes, their dreams, their fears, nothing was kept secret. John was there when Beth had concerns about her children and she was who he turned to in his doubts about his job. They were there for each other in times of joy and sorrow, in triumph and failure. Over the 20 years they had become soul mates. But what was so unusual about...

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TandraChapter 35

The next morning, I loaded the last of the repaired combat suits, there were only six ready. I took my Bo, my new sword and knives. The last battle I wished for this weapon and its matching knives. I almost felt like an ancient Japanese Samurai going into battle. I left before the girls started crying. It was hard on me, as well as them, to part that way. Carlton flew at the maximum acceleration of four hundred and thirty six gees, till we were past the Mardaf Limit. Then we really started...

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The Trade

A while back me and a friend of mine and his twenty year old girlfriend went to the next town over from ours for a long weekend. We were putting away some drinks in the hotel bar when a couple of older men approached us. My buddy, Mike, and I are twenty five and okay looking guys. Mike's girlfriend, Lisa, is a super hot twenty year old blonde, 100 lbs., nice "C" cup tits, about five foot tall. A petite thing that looks like she is ready to fuck. These men I am going to guess are in their...

2 years ago
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Summer 4

I slept like the dead. If Summer had spent the night masturbating, I’d missed it although, spent as she was when I’d put her to bed, I doubted she’d woken even once.The next morning, I woke early, feeling energized, curious as to what the day would bring. It was like being a kid on Christmas morning. I was also impatient for my niece to come out of her room, curious about what she’d be wearing. Or not wearing. First things, first. I prepared breakfast. French toast and strawberries. I put the...

1 year ago
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The lactation room

CRASH!! "What the hell was that," Andy Ozinski said to himself, as he walked passed the closed office door on his way to the copy machine room! The long corridor was empty, as most of the staff were out to lunch, and Andy wondered who could possibly using the vacant office at this hour. Well who ever it was, they sure as hell were making quite a racket in there, so Andy put his ear to the door, listened for a few moments, and then slowly turned the handle and pushed into the supposedly empty...

4 years ago
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Girls Aloud to have fun with each other

It’s mid June and British girl group Girls Aloud are halfway though their sell out UK tour. All the girls have worked hard over the past few months and the sell out shows have been a success getting great reviews from everyone in the music business. For Sarah Harding and Nadine Coyle however this tour was putting a massive strain on their personal lives. Nadine’s American football star boyfriend was in the States training hard for the next NFL season and couldn’t come over to visit and Nadine...

2 years ago
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My MIL part 1

My MIL part 1It all started in 2005, while working for a doctor and his wife, I was remodeling their ranch house. When I got to the hardwood floors I needed to find someone who would help. It all came down to my mother in law. Here is a woman in 80's, 82 to be exact. When I first met her before I married her daughter, she didn't like me but over the years she changed and really began to like me. We would sort of tease back and forth with each other. Every once in awhile I would grab her tits....

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FateChapter 18 Brouden

I loosened my seatbelt a little so I could relax as the plane reached altitude. We were the only two in first class. I was surprised Tony had OKed first class. Pam looked very professional in a suit but still sexy as hell. The skirt was tight and short displaying the goods nicely. The coat was open and her full breasts looked yummy. You just can't hide some things. She was sitting on the inside and the Flight Attendant was kneeling in the seat in front of Pam leaning over the back of the...

3 years ago
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Walking In The Rain

When I was first married my wife and I would go for a walk in a nice warm summer rain. She was eighteen, tall, thin, and had the cutest 32-A titties you ever wanted to see. And I always wanted to see them. Like they say more than a mouthful is a waste! Back in those early days of marriage she would wear one of my white T-shirts without a bra and go for a walk with me. It wasn’t a downpour by any means, it was just one of those light rains on an eighty degree evenings. We would hold hands...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 19

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 19 Paul returned home and went upstairs to change. He had a small number of womens clothes to choose from, something he was keen to improve on. Still, he had some clothes to wear. "Thats better," he sighed, as he came downstairs and accepted Laura's offer of a drink. "How was your day at school, Paula?" asked Laura. "Fine, no jokes, and Alicia is ok with the plan," he replied. "Thats good. How're you going to arrange visits?" she...

3 years ago
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Pathways Part 11 Darker ending

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

3 years ago
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Adam Martin The Pupil Ch 01

Edited by Sherry November-10-2009 Please let me know if you like the story so far. By leaving a comment or sending me a message. DISCLAIMER: This story is copyright © 2009 by Christian G. Kay. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The characters, concepts, and plot are original, and are the property of the author. All rights...

3 years ago
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My sister Followed Up On Her Promise

After my sister had taken my virginity on purpose we hardly talked. A few months later we got on a phone plan with our mother and we started being able to text. Every now and then she would send me a picture of her body or her tight ass. She was a little embarrassed about her tits so she never sent those. (Once again my sister was about my height at the time 5'7" with long brown hair and brown eyes, tight body and a flawless face.)On the 3-level house we lived on my bedroom was upstairs and...

2 years ago
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Vayeitzei/Vayishlakh by shalimar I am crying, just looking at the dirt covering my baby sister. 'Why?' the only thing I could think of. 'Why did she have to die giving her son life?' I remember when we met Jacob. She had tendered the sheep that day; I was at home weaving. I knew Rachel was smitten with love that day, but so was I. He was so handsome, those strong muscles. And that jovial smile. I longed to have him hold me. I would have settled for a kiss, a touch, but I...

2 years ago
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More at the Dollar General

I had been working here for about two weeks and already getting to know the local studs really well? Most of my customers were from the surounding black comunity some just came in to talk and get out of the heat, and others just to have little fur out of the heat. I had walked into some really hot shows as some of the local studs found out that I didn't mind a little bathroom fucking and? I was walking through the store one evening checking shelves when I heard the unmistakable sound goming...

3 years ago
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Foie De La ViergeChapter 2

I tipped my head casually to the side as a gentleman does when he's standing before a lady, because the woman in the bright red dress was in front of me, frightened, covering her pretty little breasts with her arms. "Who's chasing you?" I growled, staring at her dress while wondering how best to remove it. I hesitated, and then I smiled, imagining it gone. "What have you done, my lady?" I drawled. "Have you broken the law or something? There must be a powerful reason for you to have...

3 years ago
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The Girl and the Kites

Warnings and Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental This is adult entertainment! Be warned! If you are not into graphic depictions of sex and/or sexual situations, this is the wrong story for you! If you're too young to be legally reading this, go elsewhere! Pursuant to the Berne...

3 years ago
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Sex With Best Friend8217s ExGirlfriend 8211 Part 2

My name is Aswin, working in Bangalore in IT Company. This is the continuation of the first part; guys, who have not read the first, read the first part from the couple’s category. In first part, I told about how I got used by my best friend’s ex- gf without allowing me to insert into her. In this part, I will narrate how I slowly changed the table and fucked her. Before starting the second part, let me tell about me and her. I have athletic body with 67 kg weight and 5ft 7in height, hairy body...

2 years ago
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Summer Camp Chapter 2

Emma and Kate were still rubbing their bottoms and tears were still streaming out of their eyes as Dan and Lana were told to go to one of the blankets to give each other an orgasm before their spanking.Miss East spoke to both Emma and Kate. She asked carefully, "You too both seemed to enjoy being spanked, although to be fair you didn't look as though you enjoyed the belt anywhere near as much. However, Miss Roberts and I would like to understand whether being spanked is something that we would...

2 years ago
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My Love Making Goddess

Hello, everyone! AndI love interacting with you people! My name is Venkat. Looks fair and having a 6-inch tool and that can be more enough to satisfy any girl or women. I stay in Hyderabad and working with an IT company ISS gave me a platform to have many married women at my dispense! A big thank you to Indian sex stories! This is a story of a rather horny woman who knew what she wanted!And would stop at nothing to get it! This smoking hot lady was so hot that my boner would never go in her...

4 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 71

Chuck Man, o man, what a night that was. The women were very aggressive last night and were all over me. I think our bed was overly full and I know there were more bodies than the Fab Five, Lisa, Tina, and Lena. A couple of times, some very small bodies were in the mix, and once, I could tell it was Maria's cute little puffy nipples I was sucking. It's hard (no pun intended) to believe a guy can make all those women happy, but I think I did. With the help of the women helping each other...

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BugsChapter 7

The nest came down in a blaze of glory and burned to complete destruction; Jeff guessed that said a lot for the high oxygen content of the air. Fortunately, it missed him, and the morning rainstorm that he had been counting on showed up right on time, killing the fire and keeping it from spreading. Jeff had been lucky to be able to escape the falling nest, so that he was unharmed, but he could not say the same for the hornets. Jeff did see a couple fly away, and he did not expect them to...

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More of Paula and her playing around

Paula had agreed to meet with Alistair and Gary again on a Saturday night. This time they were to take her dogging to a local spot known for late night fun in East Lothian: Longniddry car parks along the shore front.Gary had been trying to persuade his girlfriend to try it and she had agreed. He had told her that his work mate Alistair was seeing a 'complete tart' who was game for a bit of fun. So they had set it up between them.She had been horny all week and on the Saturday morning Paula got...

3 years ago
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Ghost Girl Chronicles Chapter 2 Release

Stretching as I yawn I look around my room and smirk. Lining my walls are band posters featuring Linkin Park, Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy and a few others. My floor is littered with discarded outfits from days past and I wince as I recall my mother yelling at me to clean up my room. "It's my room, noone ever comes in so why should I have to clean it if I'm fine with it?" I think to myself. My room isn't very big, mainly because my bed takes up 75% of it. It's huge and I love it....

3 years ago
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Giselles Private Boutique Part 1

My husband and I have been married almost five years. We're both thirty-two years old, and we have a darling one-year-old baby girl who is the light of our lives. We're both very physically active, working out and playing sports. We take Charlotte with us when we run, pushing her in the stroller while we talk. We have the perfect relationship, and we're in the prime of our sexual lives.During our time together, our sex life has ebbed and flowed like the waves on a beach. Before Char, we were...

First Time
1 year ago
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My Tutor

My first time with another girl I had to stay over her house one night after a late study session she was my tutor Jan, She was 24, I was in HS. It was too late for a pick up or her to take me home. All I had on was my denim mini, a midriff top and no panties (blush). Jan gave me a t shirt to sleep in she told me to put it on while she showered. I did but it came all the way up to my belly button and my lil peach fuzz area was totally Xposed. So I hopped in her bed to cover myself. Jan came out...

4 years ago
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My Sex Story In Goa With A Sizzling Hot Girl

Hi, sex cravers. This is Varun again. For all who don’t know me, I am Varun, 25 years old now, with 5.9″ height and weighing 70 kg which is neither skinny nor fat. The story is about a random girl whom I met on a dating app and how we happened to go to Goa and have sex there. I don’t know how do I start this off. You guys might think this is a fake story but this genuinely happened to me in my life. I never thought there would be a day like this. Without making you wait, I will dig into the...

2 years ago
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A Meeting With My Gym Teacher

I did something very naughty last week. It really was quite terrible and I wouldn’t recommend doing it. However, there was really no way around it. I had not been dressing for gym class for the last four months. I was given zeros for each day I wasn’t prepared. I had already done the detention route several times. I knew that my teacher wasn't happy and did talk about a possible suspension. He had asked me to come after school to discuss the situation. I needed to come up with a way to get good...


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