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Parte 3
Después del sacrificio y la toma de posesión por mi Dueño, quedé en el suelo tirada y llena de fluidos y meos de mi Dueño y su gorda esclava. Esta, me limpió y secó con una toalla de baño y toallitas húmedas. Se entretuvo en untarme el coño, por dentro y fuera con una pomada que me daba frio. “Esto reducirá el escozor del coño” me decía, mientras rodaba su dedo dentro de mí. Al terminar, se fue y volvió al poco, llevando un bowl en cada mano. Los dejo en el suelo, ante mí. Uno tenía agua y el otro lo que me pareció una pasta de arroz con trocitos de carne. “Come perra, y ya sabes que los a****les no usáis las manos o las zarpas” dijo empujando con el pie, el recipiente. Yo estaba famélico por lo que hundí el hocico en el arroz y comí casi con desesperación. Estaba bueno y el agua, fresca. Yo solo veía los pies de ella y oía su risa burlona. “Vaya, se ve que la perra tiene hambre” Entonces, metió uno de los pies en el cacharro de la comida, removiéndolo y pringándoselo todo. “Ahora cómelo todo y déjame los pies limpios a****l” Lo hice como me dijo, acabe la comida y le lamí los pies y entre los dedos para quitarle todo trazo de comida. Cuando creí que había terminado, me dio una patada en la barriga “Aun lo tengo sucio” me dijo enseñándome la planta. La tenía muy sucia de ir siempre descalza y con algún resto de comida, por lo que se lo lamí a conciencia.
Estábamos en el porche de la casa y me señaló un rincón, donde había en el suelo, un colchón. “Bien, ahora tírate allí y duérmete” Así lo hice. Enganchó al collar una cadena y el otro extremo una argolla de la pared y se fue. Me encontraba a gusto allí tirado, podía dormir y con las tripas llenas, me entró una somnolencia muy agradable, por lo que quedé dormido casi enseguida. Me desperté con la luz del sol. Hacia un calorcito agradable y me notaba descansado.. Noté movimientos y levantando la cabeza, vi que mi Dueño, estaba sentado a la mesa desayunando. Únicamente llevaba puesto una pantaloneta de baño roja. Su cuerpo grande barrigón y peludo, lucia al sol como el de un dios. Su esclava estaba a cuatro patas, lamiéndole los pies. Miró hacia donde yo estaba. “Vaya, mis perros ya se despiertan” dio unas palmas. “Vamos, vamos, venir aquí perritos, ya habéis dormido bastante. Yo no pude por la cadena que me sujetaba a la pared. “Suelta a la perra, inútil” le gritó a la esclava, dándole una patada en la cara. Aquella vino hacia mi soltándome la cadena. y apoyé la cabeza en su muslo. “ Muy bien, (decía acariciando la cabeza) habéis dormido bien perros?”. Yo lancé un tímido ladrido de asentimiento. Siguió acariciándonos todo el cuerpo y terminó con una palmada en el culo. “Tu puta, llévatelo a dar una vuelta por el jardín y que haga sus necesidades mientras termino de desayunar” le ordenó a su esclava.
Aquella, me sujetó con la correas al collar y llevándome a cuatro patas, me bajó del porche, llevándome al jardín. Ella llevaba un arnés de cuero y sujeta a su muslo vi una fusta. Hacía rato que me estaba meando, pero me cortaba mucho. Me decidí y acercándome a un árbol levanté la pata, y en ese momento un fuerte fustazo en el culo, me hizo gemir. “Sólo los machos levantan la pata al mear. Tú no lo eres” me chilló la gorda. Otro fustazo me hizo entenderlo a la primera. De modo que abrí las patas traseras y agachando el culo, me puse a mear. Siguió el paseo hasta la trasera de la casa, donde vi un rincón con el suelo de azulejos, un desagüe con rejilla en el centro y una manguera en la pared. La gorda, me soltó diciendo “ya sabes lo que tienes que hacer, vamos”. Me dirigí al centro del recuadro. Pero no podía. Era mi primera vez en esas condiciones. Estaba sudando de vergüenza y solo miraba al suelo. Un fustazo y una advertencia “O cagas como una perra o te meto la manguera a presión y te sale el agua por el hocico.” Y la confirmó de nuevo con la fusta. La creí capaz de hacerlo, por lo que mansamente, separé las patas traseras, abrí las nalgas e hice un tímido intento. “Vamos, perra, haz más fuerza. Así, ya se te abre el agujero. Un poco más, aprieta. Ya te sale, bien.” Noté cómo me salía, cayendo al suelo. Entonces, cogió la manguera y se puso a limpiarme. “Así será todos los días. Cagaras y mearas al aire libre, a cuatro patas y sin ninguna intimidad. Para eso quisiste ser una perra. Y te aviso que todo esto se está grabando en la cámara de la pared, para que el Dueño lo vea y juzgue mi trabajo de doma”. Otra vez las correas y nos llevó al porche.

Mi entrega
Nos recibió el Dueño, que ya había desayunado. “Cómo se ha portado la perrita?” “He tenido que usar la fusta” dijo la gorda. “Estaba muy cortada y no podía. Pero al final, lo ha cagado, pero muy poco”. El Dueño me cogió del collar y me forzó a mostrarle el culo. Me pasó la mano por las nalgas “Vaya, le has dado fuerte. Pero es preciso. Pobre perrita”. “Bueno, puta, tu túmbate a su lado”. Así lo hizo ella, se sentó en el suelo con las nalgas descansando en sus talones, pegada al macho. Yo no sabía lo que iba a pasar, pero suponía que nada bueno para mí.
Mi Dueño, se agachó y me cogió por una oreja retorciéndomela y estirando de mí. Me hacía daño y solté algún quejido, pero no hizo ni caso. “vamos, tengo trabajo contigo y es pronto para quejarse” Se sentó en un mullido sillón sin brazos, y tirando de mi por la oreja, me tumbó sobre sus muslos. Noté cómo sus manazas me apretaban las nalgas, me las separaba y volvía a apretar sin ninguna delicadeza. “Hermoso culo” decía mientras seguía con sus manoseos.
Acto seguido me cayó una lluvia de azotes muy fuertes. Aguanté todo lo que puede sin queja. Cuando paró, me acariciaba el culo con suavidad. Notaba un dedo acariciarme el agujero y cómo se introducía con delicadeza. “Relájate que es sólo el principio” decía acariciando. Sin previo aviso, empezó otra tanda de azotes más fuertes. No paraba. Era una tanda más larga que la anterior. Yo no podía más me dolía mucho. Empecé a gemir, a patalear y estaba a punto de llorar. Parece que esto le excitaba, pues lejos de parar, aumentó el ritmo y la fuerza de los golpes. Chillé y gemí más fuerte. Como a lo lejos, oía su voz alterada por el esfuerzo. “Entiende que esto es preciso. Quiero conseguir el sometimiento perfecto y al 100%”. Seguía azotando. “Ya lo tienes muy rojo, pero aún le falta un punto”. Y siguió, hasta que se puso en pie, dejándome caer al suelo, con el culo ardiendo, dolorido. Me quedé allí, viendo cómo se secaba el sudor que perlaba su frente y le caía por todo el cuerpo.
Se dirigió a su esclava “ponle la pomada del culo, mientras me refresco”. Ella vino con un bote de pomada y sujetándome con un pie en la espalda, me untó el culo extendiendo la pomada por toda la superficie de las nalgas. Y riéndose con mala leche “Esto no es nada. Es solo la primera parte. Todos los días tendrás sesión de azotes”. Sinceramente me acojoné de verdad. Noté un gran alivio en el culo con la pomada era fresquita. Pero mi Dueño volvía. Se había tirado a la piscina y cambiado de pantaloneta. Estaba fresco.
Se sentó en el sillón con las piernas abiertas. “Sigamos. Ven siéntate aquí”. Me dijo señalando su muslo izquierdo. Me senté como dijo y en esa posición mi cara quedaba a la altura de su pecho, casi del cuello. Cerró las piernas, quedando las mías aprisionadas entre sus muslos. Su brazo izquierdo lo pasó por mi espalda abrazando la cintura. Su mano derecha, la pasaba por mi cara, el pecho, la barriga, los muslos, en una caricia que me descolocaba pues a la vez me besaba el cuello con mucha delicadeza. Lo que pensé que sería dolor, se convirtió en unas caricias amorosas y dulces. Me relaje, apoyé mi cara en su peludo pecho y mientras acariciaba el mío, saqué la lengua y lamí su poderoso pecho. “Así, eso es lo que quiero. Tu sumisión. Pero necesito más”.
Justo en ese momento, un terrible dolor en un pezón, me hizo chillar. Me lo estaba retorciendo con todas sus fuerzas, sin piedad. Retorcía y estiraba brutalmente. Mientras, me besaba el cuello y me hablaba suave en la oreja. “Aguanta bonita. Ya te he dicho que es preciso. Chilla si lo necesitas” El dolor era horrible. Paró de golpe y suspiré, pero soló cambiaba de pezón. Volvió la terrible tortura. Apretó retorció y estiró con auténtica crueldad. Chillé y me puse a llorar. Las lágrimas me caían y se mezclaban con los mocos y la baba. Yo no sé qué pensaba, podía dar un empujón echar a correr y escaparme…pero algo me lo impedía. Justo con esa reflexión, cesó la tortura. Me abrazó con fuerza contra su pecho, ensuciándose con mis lágrimas y babas. “Muy bien,” me acariciaba y besaba con cariño. Yo no dejaba de llorar. “Sigue llorando, desahógate. Te he dejado los pezones morados y sé que te he hecho mucho daño” Decía mientras me besaba “vas a ser una perra muy buena. Estoy seguro”.
No me explicaba lo que me ocurría, a pesar del dolor y la brutalidad con que me había tratado, estaba lamiendo su pecho entre lágrimas. Y sus caricias, sus besos y sus palabras, me confortaban. No sentía deseos de escaparme.
Cuando notó que yo estaba más tranquilo, me dijo que separara las patas. Noté que su mano derecha bajaba por el vientre hasta las ingles y los genitales. Su manaza me cogió los testículos y estirando un poco, me los separó del cuerpo, hasta tenerlos bien cogidos. “Bueno perrita, queda una última prueba por hoy. Notarás que tengo en mi mano tus testículos. Te los voy a apretar con todas mis fuerzas e intentaré reventarlos”. No lo pude evitar, me meé de miedo en ese instante sobre sus piernas, el sillón y suelo. Y empecé a llorar amargamente de nuevo. “Te doy la oportunidad de que en este momento, te vayas y aquí no ha pasado nada. Pero ten en cuenta, que tus lágrimas, tus babas por dolor y tu meada de miedo, son el placer de tu Dueño. Tú decides”.
No lo pensé mucho. Incliné la cabeza sobre el pecho. Se lo besé y empecé a lamérselo de nuevo. Noté que entendió mi actitud, pues en ese momento, empecé a notar un dolor horrible, oscuro. Lo estaba haciendo, apretaba con saña y fuerza en su intento de reventar mis testículos. Estiré mi cuerpo al máximo y recuerdo que lancé un aullido terrible. Lo siguiente que recuerdo, fue que estaba tirada en el suelo, lleno de mis meados, con un terrible dolor en las ingles. A lo lejos, Oía a mi Dueño que hablaba con la gorda. “Ponla de rodillas, levántale la cara y ábrele el hocico” noté cómo me ponía en esa posición y miré, ya más despejado, hacia arriba. Vi a mi Dueño, completamente desnudo y las piernas abiertas, encima de mí. Se cogió la polla y sin descapullar, empezó a mear en mi boca que su esclava mantenía abierta con el sistema de cerrarme las narices. “Trágalo todo”. Me atragantaba, no podía tragar todo. Notaba por todo mi cuerpo, el meado caliente y abundante de mi Amo. Cuando terminó, mi estado era lamentable, Me empujó con un pie tumbándome en el suelo. Vi que mis testículos estaban morados.
“Bien perra, que crees que debes hacer ahora”
Solo se me ocurrió arrastrarme hasta él y abrazando sus piernas, lamí mansamente, sus pies sucios.


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Misha Grace Part 2 Danielle Comes Home Early

Id had the most amazing night so far with my little sister and her hot friend. I had never imagined my visit would have resulted in a sexual revolution. As I sat in the hot tub with these two nubile young girls I had just plowed, there was some noise coming from the driveway. It was the hunting dogs at the lower house, something had set them off and they were barking up a storm. Misha and Grace looked at each other with a surprised look on their faces and before I could ask them what was...

4 years ago
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Misha seduced her little brother Chapter 3

There was nothing as sexy as seeing his elder sister.  Her bedroom seemed dreamlike as he pulled himself back whenever he was free.  Her new outlook and teasing game set her face aglow.  Without speaking, just with charm and naughtiness, Misha urged him closer.  She was also desperate to see his young face all the time.  She couldn’t really believe it; she was doing this to her younger brother.  After dinner that night, he went into the kitchen to help with the dishes. Her elder sister...

2 years ago
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Misha Hethan Freaky Friday by Emma

Misha had always admired Hethans heavily sported bulge. Despite being small, he loved the way it almost looked inverted. She always looked so hot walking down the hallways with a tootsie roll in her pants. Misha had almost forgotten how small it was, when Hethan walked by and winked at him. He came in an instant, almost as if Hethan had imprinted him the last time they slept together. Misha would never forget that day with their daughter meth, may she rest in peace. They hadn't spoken in almost...

3 years ago
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Misha seduced her little brother Chapter 2

The same routine went on for the rest of the week, once her hubby was on his night duty; she called her young brother to her bedroom for their task. Lost in the quietness of her cozy chamber, the young brother was feeling like the prince to witness how her elder sister’s beauty brightens his boring night. Misha opened her blouse slowly, twisting each button with her thumb and third finger, then running her finger along her breastbone, her shirt finally fell open, he studied her. Then, he...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 17

When Carol and Misti returned home,it was only 11 in the morning. They had stopped at a drive-in and got a malt to drink on the way home. Misti had parked her car in her garage so as not to block the drive for Dave and Sharon. The went into the house to use the bathroom. The coffee they had drank that morning, and bottles of water needed release. After this chore was taken care of, Misti, as usual, wanted to get naked. Carol decided she wanted to strip down with her. A few minutes later, they...

4 years ago
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Misha seduced her little brother Chapter 1

Holding his result in his hand, he rushed home impatiently. Rahul was desperate to share the good news with her sister. Without her constant support, he would never have attained it. Rahul hadn’t tried his best for the exams because of the unknown surprise gift that Misha did promise him but rather to reduce her sister’s stress and burden. It was well-known that Misha loved her younger brother more than herself and was always anxious about his future. Taking birth...

3 years ago
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Amisha Ki Hot Aur Jabardast Chudai

Hi doston mera naam rishab hai main delhi ka rhne wala hun meri height 6 ft ki hai aur main 23 saal ka hun main ye sachi ghatna aapke samne leke aa rha hun main logon ki tarah yahan jhoot nhi likhta ye ek sachi ghatna hai mera lund ka size 8 inch hai aur 4.5″ inch ka hai ye mujhe isliye pta hai kyunki maine khud napa hai ise ye jab soya hota hai tab ye 2 inch ka hi rhta hai isse aapko pta lag jayega ki main sach bol rha hun ab jyda na bor karte hue story pe aata hun ye baat aaj se 6 mahine...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 8

The next morning, Misti heard a knock at her back door. She turned off the exercise video, and, naked, as usual went to see who it might be. She looked out the patio door, and saw Carol standing there. She opened the door and Carol told her, "Sharon and I are going to go do some shopping. She has gone next door to ask Mary, and I came to get you. We wanted to go out for a little hen party, and wanted you to go with us. We are going to do our shopping, eat brunch, and maybe get something to...

1 year ago
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Mistys Family Ties

Note :This story is completely fictional! The girl with the ring through her eyebrow hadn't yet put back on her clothes and was standing naked in the kitchen, her head tilted back as she took a long swig of the bottled water she had found in the fridge. Maxine, wearing only a bath robe open at the front, stood by the kitchen door and smiled. She wandered over to the girl, so slim and sensuous, her body still a little clammy after their early morning sex, and placed an arm over each shoulder,...

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Mistis Adventures Part 57

That evening they had all sat talking until around 8 or 9 o'clock. There had been much catching up on the events of the last several days, and some further planning for the BIG day. Mary had given Friday off to her people so she and Sharon could attend the wedding. Sharon had, earlier that week, gone with Misti to see Dr. Immelmann for a check up. She was in her third month of pregnancy, but, in spite of Mom Campbell's pronunciation, Misti still wasn't positive she was pregnant. She determined...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 16

The time had passed fairly quickly over the last two weeks. The news Misti had referred to was that she planned to quit her job at the club so she could take care of Carol. She would arrive in time to talk to Sharon and have a cup of coffee before she left for work, usually arriving either carrying her clothes or wearing just a towel. Many mornings she would arrive in time to send Dave to work with a deep kiss, and a good look at her bare pussy. She had had only a few strands on her mons, but...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventure Part 11

Carol went into the house, still chuckling ov her last look at her neighbor's face. He had looked, at the very least, completely thunderstruck. She was imagining what he was thinking, and wondering if he would be outside in the morning. Thinking about it was making HER wet. She was very tempted to go out and see if he was still there. If he was, would she let him fuck her right therein the alley, bring him into the backyard, or bring him into the house. They were ALL possibilities.Instead she...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 5

Sharon was overjoyed at the offer. "When do you want me to start?, she asked. Mrs. Hinkle answered, " As soon as you get situated, Hon. I need a new face in the office, especially one as pretty as yours, but, I need one that is ready to hit the ground running. I have people who think they are owed something, and I have a surprise for them. I only ask that you don't come in dressed provocatively, or showing too much skin, as pretty as it is. I want the others to be thinking about their work, not...

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Mistis Adventures Part 2

Everybody was having such fun that Joe and Tommy didn't want to leave, but they had to take the truck back to the office, and clock out for the evening. It would be nearly 4:30 by the time they finished.They unloaded a few things for Michael and Misti, and told them that someone from the company would be by in a few days to check and make sure everything was working right with their new pool. There were four other people who worked there, so they couldn't tell who it would be. Misti kissed both...

1 year ago
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Amis denfance

Amis d'enfance. Quand j'y pense, c'est ?tonnant que Christian et moi soyons si proches. Nous n'avons rien en commun. Christian est tr?s sportif, il est grand, viril et muscl?. Il est le type m?me du beau mec qui fait craquer les filles. Je ne sais pas combien de copines il a connu... Je les ai pratiquement toutes rencontr?es, mais j'ai renonc? ? les compter. De mon c?t?, j'?tais plut?t petit et malingre. Je cachais mon visage encore enfantin derri?re de grosses lunettes qui faisaient de moi une caricatu...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 15

Everyone had come back into the living room. Misti, Mary, and Sharon had gone in to clean up the dishes and the kitchen. The three of them finished in a matter of minutes, and joined Carol and the men in the living room. They discussed their upcoming trip home, assuring Hank that he was not only welcome, but that he was just as much a part of their group as anyone there. Sharon told him that if anyone asked, he was her boyfriend. They would all want to meet, and probably try him out.They didn't...

2 years ago
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Mistys Lesbian Present

Misty smirked inwardly as she defeated Marina's last pokemon only using her newly evolved Golduck. Marina pouted. "Well, I guess you're a true trainer," she sighed, and headed back towards her cottage. "Wait!" Misty called out, but she had already gone inside. She looked around, and saw Ash and Brock sitting at a bench far away and feasting on ice cream. She then quickly ran towards Marina's house. She wrenched open the doorknob, but Marina wasn't there. 'Strange,' Misty said inwardly, then she...

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Mistis Adventures Part 6

Misti was feeling a pressure that she had to go pee. She excused herself, and went into the bathroom adjoining her and Michael's bedroom. After doing her business, she decided it might not be such a bad idea to "clear the deck." She retrieved a bottle of douche from under the sink and, after warming it, used it to clean her pussy. She used the bottle, then, to rinse herself with 3 more bottles of warm water, to make sure she was clean and fresh, again. She checked and saw she had several more...

3 years ago
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A couple of years went by and we would have lunch together, usually on Fridays and engage in small talk. It was enjoyable to have someone to talk with who was intelligent and interesting, as well as always willing to listen. She had been dating a plastic surgeon for the two years I had known her, but I could tell she wasn't really into him either. I could never put my finger on it, but I always knew there was something "different" about her. It was two days before my birthday and...

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Mistis Adventures

Misti was amazed at how much Mrs. Hinkle was enjoying the young delivery boys dick. She was acting as if she hadn't been laid in years. Also, try as she might, Misti couldn't see a single grey hair ANYWHERE on her. The only possible sign of her age was, possibly, her breasts. They hung down a bit, but, as large as they were, that was to be expected. They HAD to be 38 or 40 DD. They were absolutely HUGE!The others had stopped what they had been doing so they could watch the women pull a train on...

2 years ago
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Amish No More

Amish No MoreBy Beagle9690March 2008I have been watching her for the past year, planning; learning her habits and schedule: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, her brother drove her into town to sell their baked goods.  Everything she sold was homemade and delicious. During the week, he worked at Shultz's Saw Mill.   Sarah rented a small booth in a co-op located in a run down strip mall. I had plans for that little cunt; all women are cunts to varying degrees. I should know, I was married to the...

1 year ago
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Mistys driver

ride home from soccer practice. I had just finished dropping off the Baxter twins a couple of real bratty 13 year old boys who had just about worn my patience thin playing with all of the controls and knobs in my van. I had one kid left to drop off, a cute little 12 year old girl named Misty. Her house was out in the country about 15 miles away, but I didn't really mind because I figured it would be a nice quiet drive and would help relieve the tension brought on by...

3 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 21

Sharon had been so excited over Bill proposing to her that she had barely slept at all. She finally gave up around 6 in the morning and went in and started a pot of coffee, and made a pan of her "scratch" biscuits. When they were made, and in the oven, she sat down and did something she rarely did. She lit a cigarette and took a couple of drags on it. She had smoked for a short while while in college, but, had never smoked more than two or three cigarettes a week. She liked to have one when she...

4 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 12

Carol and Sharon went into the living room, after quickly washing the dishes. The first thing they noticed was that Hank had been seated on the loveseat, where he had room on both sides of him, so they went over and sat on either side, immediately letting their hands drop onto his legs, their hands VERY close to his manhood. He looked a bit startled, but didn't say anything. Jerry went on describing what he was doing to the car he was working on, and Hank had been asking VERY pointed questions....

3 years ago
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Amish Delight

Amish Delight By: John MadduxCHAPTER 1: AMISH ACRES      Amish Acres is a tourist attraction whose proprietors are all Amish.  While on our family vacation we saw the brochure and decided to check it out.  The attraction featured a museum & general store.  The people who ran the attractions were real life Amish who took turns working the place between their other jobs and duties.  We had a week to see all the area attractions including this one so it worked out for me that I would have time to...

3 years ago
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My mother and I had agreed that we'd have a quiet Christmas - she'd just broken off with her latest lover, and I had no plans, so we decided we'd spend the day at home together, just the two of us. But on Christmas Eve we learned that my oldest and best friend, Frank, would be on his own – his family had gone on a short skiing holiday and got snowed in. He and I had visited each other's homes innumerable times, and he was almost like a member of the family, so of course my mother insisted that...

4 years ago
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Mistletoe Party continues to a Dinner Party

As we drove to our hotel room, my hand was rubbing Sam’s cock. I asked him how far he and Ashley had gone. Sam said that they found a nice empty bedroom and he had fingered her, getting her to cum. She had told him she wanted to suck his cock so he could cum too. Ashley had just got his cock out and kissed it when a couple walked into the room interrupting them.  Sam said that he realized that it was getting close to midnight and figured that they better get back into the main room for the...

3 years ago
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Mistletoe Party continues to a Dinner Party

As we drove to our hotel room, my hand was rubbing Sam’s cock. I asked him how far he and Ashley had gone. Sam said that they found a nice empty bedroom and he had fingered her, getting her to cum. She had told him she wanted to suck his cock so he could cum too. Ashley had just got his cock out and kissed it when a couple walked into the room interrupting them.  Sam said that he realized that it was getting close to midnight and figured that they better get back into the main room for the...

Wife Lovers
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Amisha Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hello frnds I’m Ammy. ye meri first story hai so pls spelling mistake ko avoid karna aur koi bhi widow, aunty ya koi girl muje mail kre at mai apne aap ko introduce karta hu. Mai 23 years ka hu, 5 foot 6 inch lamba hu, fair colour and mai Delhi mei rehta hu and mera Lund 6 inch lamba aur 4 inch mota hai.Now let me introduce my cousin Amisha bhabhi(name badla hua). Unki shadi ko 10 years ho gye hai aur wo mujse 8 years badi thi but unka koi bacha nhi hai kyki shayad bhaiya mei kuch problem hai....

4 years ago
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Amish No More

By beagle9690 January 2009 I HAVE BEEN WATCHING SARAH for a year; planning how to abduct her while learning her habits and schedule. Sarah’s younger brother Jacob works at Shultz's saw mill and wholesale lumber yard. He gets a ride into town with John Dobson a non-Amish neighbor who also works there. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Sarah shared a ride with them. Sarah’s older brother Saul sublets a tiny store front located in a rundown and mostly empty strip mall. Sarah has...

3 years ago
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Mistletoe Party

This is the story of Sam and I meeting a new couple to play with. As background, Sam and I (Taylor) had been swapping with another couple for almost a year and a half. We did a lot of fucking with them but they were the only couple we'd played with. We'd talked about several ways to find others to play with but none had worked up till now. Our friends were going to be out of town for the holidays so Sam and I were looking for other fun to have on New Year’s Eve. Sam told me that we had been...

Wife Lovers

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