Soy Elvi, Te Cuento Como Me Hice Maestra Y Amante free porn video

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Hola mi amor, soy Elvi;
Por las fotos que recien publique donde muestro en una orgia lesbica y luego con un chico, a mi sobrina, mucho me preguntan como se dio esa situacion, como fue que ella se convirtió a una mujer plena como yo, (pero plena puta je je); veran mas o menos ocurrio asi:
Desde chica este nena mi sobrina siempre trato de imitarme, mis gustos por el maquillaje, luego mis vestidos sexys, mis gestos, siempre “es tu fan numero uno” decia mi hermano; yo lo tomaba a broma, pero cierto la comunicación entre ella y yo era muy fuerte; yo veia claramente que esta chiquita cuando creciera, iba a seguir mis mismos pasos, o mas alla todavía.
Cuando tenia 15 o 16 años, recuerdo en una fiesta familiar, llevaba yo un vestido muy corot y muy sexy, mis familiares ya me conocen y no dicen nada, peor ahí habia otros invitados, y fui el iman de muchos hombres y chicos, y ancianos, que no me quitaban la vista de encima: a mis muslos, a mis senos descubiertos generosamente por mi gran y generoso escote, mi carita, etc; se acerco mi sobrina y me decia.
“Tia elvi, ya viste como los traes? Mira aquellos nomas sonriendose y viendote, estan apostando quien te invita a bailar primero”. Y asi seguia divertida diciendo y viendo como me echaban los perros y me deseaban otros chicos;
y me dijo “bueno tia, y mi tio Uli no se enoja que salgas asi, que te miren asi estos hombres, como perros en celo?” y mi respuesta fue “no hija, al contrario, le gusta que otros me deseen, sentirse dueño de una mujer asi le causa orgullo, y luego cuando quedamos solitos, los dos nos onemos muy cariñosos pensando en todos estos que me vieron”, y contesto ella, para mi sorpresa “aaa,,, cogen rico después, bien calientes por como te desearon, verdad, son swingers?” la pregunta me dejo sorprendida, por la franqueza, pero bueno, a estas generaciones ya no s eles puede ocultar nada; y co naturalidad, me sonrei, dandole a entender un si….
Paso el tiempo, ella un poco mas grande, y un dia al llegar a visitar a mi familiar, ella estaba en su recamara, como contrariada; no habia nadie mas; “que tienes chiquita?” le dije; “nada tia, bueno, a ti no te puedo ocultar, sali con mi novio Luis, y este cabron nada mas me da unas calentadas de aquellas, me lleva revistas y vemos cachos de pelicular porno, pero al final puro agasaje y nada, nomas me deja con mi cosita palpitando”… no me extraño lo que e contaba, ella era ya una belleza, delgadita, bonita. Solo le pregunte “como que cosita palpitando, mi cielo?”.
Y mi sobrina, sin mas, tomo mi mano y la instrudo en su pequeño shortcito, para que le tocara su vulva mojada, “ya ves, como estoy mojada elvi” dijo; lo bueno o lo malo es que en ese momento me traicionaron mis instintos, asi que en lugar de sacar la mano, mi dedo casi por instinto empezo a moverse sobre su vagina, senti su clítoris empapado, en ese momento un shock electrico de sensualidad brto en mi, me prendi, y no ude quitar mi mano… ella musito “asiiiii tia, que rico se siente, hasme maaaasss…” , aquello estba convirtiendose en algo fuera de control, y cuando quize sacar mi mano, mi sobrina, se despojo de su blusita, dejando al descubierto dos hermosos senos, tiernos, y dos pezones rozados, en forma coniva, con pezones paraditos y negros como los mios, mi otra mano se dirigo hacia ellos los toque, sobe sus tetitas paraditas; eso arranco el primer gemido en ella.
Entonces la magia de la dioa Lesbos se hizo presente, y sus labios y mis labios se buscaron, trenzandonos en un beso largooooo y con una feroz batalla de lenguas, luego le bese el cuello, los oidos, me perdia en los placeres de eros y Lesbos.
La verdad no supe a que horas me quite toda mi ropa, ni la que a ella le quedaba, y cuando me iba a quitar mis zapatillas, mi sobrina me dijo “no tia elvi, con zapatillas, ais le gusta a mi tio no” te deja ir a coger con otros pero con la condicion que no te quites tus zapatillas de puta teibolera”, esa frase me fulmino, casi me enfrio¡¡¡ “como sabes?* le pregunte, y contesto “pues porque hace un para de meses fui a la casa de mi novio, y el entro al baño, asi que abri su compu y tenia tu pagina, donde estan todas tus fotos historias, video, etc., asi es que me di cuenta tu estilo de vida tia , mas y creeme que me alegre porque yo presentía que eras asi”… le dije “y tu novio, que onda con mis fotos nena?” solto tremenda carcajada pues contesto “se la jala todos los dias, eres su idolo, su diosa de la sensualidad, junto con todos sus amigos que tienen tambien tu pagina, ja ja,… tia, eres a causante que todos sus amigos se vengan y deslechen a diario en sus compus viendo tus fotos¡¡¡”.
Eso nos prendio aun mas a las dos, y seguimos besandonos, como novias, tocandonos en clítoris, los senos…. Ella me dijo al oido casi jadeando “Tia, enséñame a ser como tu, hazme el amor”, guauuuu¡¡¡ asi que la tendi boca arriba en la cama, me le monte y empece a besarla desde la frente, la boca, el cuello, los senos, el oblligo, su sexo y a velludito, sus muslos, sus rodillas, sus piesm los dedos se sus pies…era un manjar deliciosos; como gimió, y cuando estab yo bebiendo sus clítoris, estallo en pleno, agarrandome fuere de mi cabeza para que me la comiera, era una energia sexual increible… luego me puse yo, y le dije como irme dandome masaje y haciendo el amor…
Pronto repetiríamos estas “lecciones” cada semana, con mas pasion cada vez.
Y un buen dia me dijo “tia, quiero que me ayudes con mi profesor de… en un hombre de unos 45 años, muy seri y exigente, pero quiero desquitare de un cero que me puso, y quiero que lo seduzcas en el salon de clase, que dices, te avientas?” me lo dijo como una travesura, y no pude decirle que no, asi que pusimos manos a la obra.
Ese dia, un jueves a eso de las 11, ya se habia ido en la escuela los alumnos, ella mi sobrina, le dijo que queria aclarara unas dudas de su examen; yo me vesti en especial sensual provocativa para ese dia, uso shorts muy chiquios, una blusita ombliguera que mostraba mis senos, y no use sosten, asi que mis pezones se veian perfectamente a traves de la delgada tela; mi sobrina se vistio tambien muy sensual de zapatillas, de una microfaldita que le preste, muy bella, muy ingenua pero muy seductora se veia; tia y sobrina eramos una tentacion e invitacion al pecado auténticamente.
“Oye tia, pero si lo calentamos, nomas tu te lo coges ehhh, yo quiero llegar virgen a mi cumple, nomas le entrare al cachondeo si acaso, porque me gusta el señor”, yo sonrei afirmativamente.
El profe se quedo de a seis (sorprendido) cuando nos vio entrar al salon, no supo que decir, viendo los cuerpos de ambas; yo me hice la enojada y empece a reclamarle porque calificaba tan bajo a mi amiga (no le dije que era mi sobrina), y puse mis senos en el escritorio agachandome, creo al pobre se le empañaron los lentes¡¡¡ yo apuntada al examen con mis dedos y èl solo me veia mis senos. N un rato, le dije ·”que profe te gustan mis senos, no les has quitado la vista de encima”, el se apeno, pero antes de cualquier reaccion, tome mi blusitay la baje, mostrandole mis chiches, que brincaron juguetonas “te gustan profe? Quieres tocarlas”… “señora, por favor, dijo el, como le voy a faltar al respeto, no juegue con fuego”, conteste “al respeto? Amor en el table donde trabajo me las quieren tocar todos”, el profe me miro sorprendido “como que table, eres (ojo ya me tuteo) una puta?”,
Conteste y actue “claro que si amor, trabajo en el club con mi amiga Caro” (para darle confianza) al tiempo que empece a bailar, con una salsa que puso mi sobrina en su celular, y ella tambien se unio al baile erotico; y asi las cosas se dieron, como siempre, sin planear, ese caliente baile mio y movimientos, se convirtio en un baile erotico de las dos, primero nuestros cuerpos de ambas feminas se juntaron, luego el sentirnos las dos asi, en esa situación de seduccion y adrenalina, nos calento, y nos besamos las dos; pronto nuestra ropa empezo a caer y nos quedamos desnuda; mire al profe, estaba exitado cañon, ya se habia abierto el pantalón y se estaba masturbando; me acerque a èl me hinque y se la empece a mamar, tenia una buena verga, grande, lechosa; el hombre maduro gemia… entonces mi sobrina se hinco tambien y se unio a la labor de sexo oral del profe, oia yo la respiración jadeante de los dos, ella y el; las dos con nuestras lenguas repasabamos de arriba abajo el pene del afortunado profesor, sus testículos peludos, todo.
Luego le ofreci mamar mis senos, se los pude en la cara, los tomo como bebe, mientras mi sobrina seguia mamando; unos minutos después senti que este cabron ya se queria venir, lo pare y le dije “espérate mi amor, aun no, y nos acomodamos, mi sobrina acostada en el escritorio con las piernas colgando, para que el profe le hiciera sexo oral, y yo me hinque frente al profe, abajo del escritorio casi, para mamarlo; era una escena super erotica, esa especie de “trenecito” de orales, el a mi sobrina, yo a èl. Mi niña (asi le decia yo) gemia, pues el profe resulto buen mamador, y yo le apretaba los huevos de vez en vez para que no se viniera.
Mas de una vez quizo montarse en mi sobrina para cogersela, pero recorde que ella me habia dicho que no queria penetracion, porque queria llegar virgen a su cumple; y lo jalaba yo engullendo su verga y tocandole su ano con mi dedo (cosa que le fascino a este cuate)
Luego cambiamos, me acoste en el escritorio yo, (que duro estaba, pero con lo caliente ni sientes) abriendole las piernas, invitandolo a penetrarme; el amigo no lo dudo y se subio al escritorio, y a mi, poniendo su verga en mi sexo y dejandomela ir con todo, senti riquismo, vi a mi sobrina dar dos pasos atrás, metiendose los dedos en su sexo, masturbándose.
El profe no tardo mucho, lanzo un gemido…y me lanzo su leche caliente…

Apenas se bajo vi la carita de mi sobrina, estaba prendidisima, y claro no la podia yo dejar asi, por lo que ahora la invite a ella a subirse en mi, pero en un 69, “anda chiquilla, ven a probar en mi vagina los mocos de tu profe”, ella no lo dudo y se acomodo de volada; la hice y me hizo gemir delicioso, en ese 69 lesbico.
Y bueno, sin querer, esta escena habia puesto “firmes” otra vez al profe, que nos veia y se masturbaba. Estallamos las dos, cada una en la boca de la otra.
“Mira quien ya reacciono otra vez” le dije a mi sobrina; ella lo miro, con mirada de lujuria; y se bajo de mi, ordenandole al profe:
“ahora si, profe, sientate aquí en esa silla, ahora te voy a enseñar yo”; entonces le dije a caro, que eso la iba a desvirgar, a lo que ella contesto viendome con una sonrisa puicara”decidi tener hoy mi regalo de cumpleaños, tia, esta verga y sentir lo rico que es ser penetrada”,asi que se monto en el hombre, abriendose las piernas sobre èl (que estab sentado) y tomando la verga en sus manitas y enfilandola a su vagina, super mojada; ahí ofrecio su virginidad a EROS, el gemido de dolor al romperse el himen, mezclado con el placer de sentir aquellas masa de carne entrando en sus entrañas, mezclada con muchos jugos vaginales, con mi saliva inclusive (por el 69 que acababamos de tener), era el anuncio del iniciose una vida erotica llena de placer para mi sobrina.
Vinieron ah muchos recuerdos para mi, como tambien mi cuñado y mi hermana se encargaron de mostrare lo mismo a mi edad preparatoriana…Lesbos y una buena verga. Era o su alumna, su diversión, su perversión, su morbo…. Su puta.
O cuando mi amiga Linda me compartia s u novio, a el, ay maor, le gustaba vernos a las dos hacer el amor, y luego cogernos a ambas, lo hicimos en el salon, el su auto, el un parque, en casa de mis tios, en la recmara de èl, (j avez entro su papi y nos encntro en pelotas a los tres, a su hijo, la novia y yo, y el señor… se bajo el pantalon y solo dijo “compermiso hijo”…y entre los dos hombres nos cogieron, tratandonos como putas¡¡¡).

No se cuanto tiempo volaron mis recuerdos a mi mente cuando “regrese” al momento, me estaba masturbando pesnado en aquellos ricos momentos, mientras mi sobrina y el profe estallaban en u orgasmo casi perfectamente coordinado.

Al final, nos vestimos como grandes amigos; el profe se despido de beso en la boca de ambas; y a mi sobrina le dijo “no te preocupes, con esa forma de coger y esa tia y tu, tienes 100”

La realidad es mas fuerte que la ficcion o fantasia¡¡¡ Gustas conocerme? Los viernes voy en mexico DF a mis paseos eroticos a la zona rosa, o los sabados con frecuencia voy a Cuernavaca en plaza Cuernavaca) a gozar rico mis travesuras; ven, te invito…


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Melvin a Whateley Tale

This story is a Fan-Fiction saddled in the Whateley Academy Universe created by Maggie Finson and other Authors. Please notice that English isn't my native language and I'm still working on my grammar. First of all I want to thank the Canon Authors for their incredible inspiring tales as well as my editors and collaborative Authors Nuuan & Shadowsblades check out their stories if you have time for it. Thanks also for reading this little introduction, I hope you have fun...

3 years ago
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Akka selvi udan kaama uravu

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil kudumba kama kathaiyai padithu magizhuvom, en peyar kamal vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku kuda pirantha akka oruthi irukiraal aval peyar selvi vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Enaku en akkavai migavum pidikum. Naan kalluri kadaisi aandu padithu vanthen, akka veetil irunthaal. Avaluku thirumanam seivatharku mapilai paarthu kondu irukiraargal. En sontha akka udan nadantha kaama uravai patri ungaludan pagirugiren, en kalluriyil en nanbargal kama inaiyathalangalil kama kathai...

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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 3

Chapter 9 A new wardrobe and a Day at work After Sara and I managed to comfort Dr. Otto that I wasn't a threat, I finally was allowed to go back home. My clothes however didn't fit any longer and Sara seemed to understand what bugged me. "You know we should do something about your clothes Melanie." "Ain't no way around that?" I winced. "Don't you worry I happen to know the best tailor in Dunwich. Do you already have your school uniform ready?" I had not and I was pretty...

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Taking Kelvins 10 in Black Rod

Yo this ya boy Kelvin hit me up stayin in a hotel 10 in black dik here for ya........The top was a reply to my ad last month and I replied back and sent him my number give me a call I saidRing Ring a short while later and I answered.....Yo this Kelvin you sent me yo number......Yeah hey how's it going I asked......Nu much right now just trying to get in some ass that was your pic on the ad he asked....Yeah that's me in some girly stuff you like it ? I asked......Yeah so what you bouts ?...

2 years ago
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Melvin and His Python

The first boy that fucked me was very hot, I was like 16 and he was 17. He had like this Jock look, when he took his shirt of he had this perfect body that i loved to leak. But, when we had sex he just wouldn't make me cum right you know.But any ways his name wasnt Melvin so... Melvin was this nerdy k** that lived down the street he was very good with computers, he would never charge me for fixing up the viruses and stuff.So one day am talkig to my friends and i see him getting picked off by...

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Melvin a Whateley Tale Part 2

Chapter 5 Mom? Bastogne winter unknown date I moved through the snow my black hair flying loose in the wind behind me while covering the girl in my arms with my body. It was freezing outside and the snowstorm reduced the sight to a mere few meters. I decided we would need some cover and I knew that the best way to find some was to walk to the towards the enemy lines. Howitzer were always build in some kind of trenches. Moving towards the rumpling sound of the ongoing bombardment I...

3 years ago
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Finding Elvis Ch 09

Chapter Nine: Taking control When we were finally cleaned up and back downstairs, it was time to look for Lurch. Having Lurch catch us in flagrante was going to make questioning him one of those interesting experiences I usually tried to avoid, but there was a price to be paid for anything worthwhile. The sex had definitely been worthwhile, hell, the sex had been both fun and fantastic, but there was a killer on the loose, and events were proceeding whether we liked it or not. I turned to...

2 years ago
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Finding Elvis Ch 03

Chapter Three: A busy morning Before heading to Gretchen’s place, I asked her to stop by the hotel room so I could get my things. I left a note for Ted and Lisa telling them that I would be back in the morning to see them off to the airport. Whether Gretchen and I did anything or not, I wanted to have more than just my short black dress, and since I was already there, I just packed up all my other clothes. If I needed to, I could check into some other hotel. The drive out of the city and to...

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Finding Elvis Ch 07

Chapter Seven: Fighting the system A shiver of horror washed through me as I turned back to Gretchen. Her right hand was smeared with blood and she was as pale as a ghost. My first thought was personal: how the hell do I get myself mixed into these unbelievable situations? I shoved that thought away. There would be time for personal thoughts later, but right now, as much as I wanted to sweep her into my arms to protect her, Gretchen needed Hawk the cop, not Hawk the wife. I shook my head. I...

4 years ago
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Finding ElvisChapter 2 Family Counseling

I shook myself out of my stupor and grabbed Kat, yanking her back. She fought and screamed imprecations at Gretchen. Ted and Lisa held Gretchen back after she took another swing at her step-mother. It looked like they had their work cut out for them. Gretchen was really straining hard. "Enough! Ladies!" I shouted, to no avail as they both continued to struggle against our restraint. Gretchen was finally pulled back by Ted and Lisa's combined strength. Kat turned to me and hissed, "Let...

2 years ago
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Finding ElvisChapter 3 A busy morning

Before heading to Gretchen's place, I asked her to stop by the hotel room so I could get my things. I left a note for Ted and Lisa telling them that I would be back in the morning to see them off to the airport. Whether Gretchen and I did anything or not, I wanted to have more than just my short black dress, and since I was already there, I just packed up all my other clothes. If I needed to, I could check into some other hotel. The drive out of the city and to her place was an odyssey of...

2 years ago
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Finding ElvisChapter 5 When it rains

I was still in shock when Gretchen leaned over, took me into her arms and held me. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I never thought... I never thought this would really happen. It was just supposed to be a joke." My thoughts ran around the inside of my head, like a dog chasing its own tail; going nowhere, but getting there really fast. I covered my eyes with my hands and pulled myself together. I needed to think, clearly and logically. Leaping up and trying to run away from this would be...

2 years ago
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Finding ElvisChapter 7 Fighting the system

A shiver of horror washed through me as I turned back to Gretchen. Her right hand was smeared with blood and she was as pale as a ghost. My first thought was personal: how the hell do I get myself mixed into these unbelievable situations? I shoved that thought away. There would be time for personal thoughts later, but right now, as much as I wanted to sweep her into my arms to protect her, Gretchen needed Hawk the cop, not Hawk the wife. I shook my head. I couldn't believe I even thought of...

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Finding ElvisChapter 10 Shopping trip

I blinked. I blinked again. "Two what?" I asked Gretchen. "Billion. Two billion dollars. In the trust fund," she said in a small voice. I stared blankly for a few moments as I tried to get an idea of that much of anything. I finally gave up and turned back to look at Gretchen. "That's actually not as much of a problem for me as a million dollars. Two billion is so big that I can't get my mind around it. It's just not real. Let's just let things settle down and deal with the issues...

4 years ago
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Finding ElvisChapter 11 Cleaning the Kat box

"What?" Gretchen exclaimed. "That's preposterous. Why the hell did you do that?" "It seemed like a good idea at the time," he said with a shrug. I leaned my elbows onto the counter. "But, did you kill them?" I asked quietly. Admittedly, there were a few people that killed and that I missed as suspects, but David just never pinged on my radar. Frankly, I wondered if he was one of those who loved so deeply that he would confess to a crime he did not commit. I had seen it more than...

2 years ago
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Finding ElvisChapter 12 Run over by the wagon

The main dining room looked as ritzy as the rest of the house, and of course, had crystal and silver all over the place. The polished table could have seated twenty people, but today only had four places set out. Ted and Lisa were seated close together on one side and the other settings were across from them. Grabbing my chair in one hand, I moved my things so that I was sitting at the corner nearest them and Gretchen pulled hers next to mine. That put us at a comfortable distance from them...

2 years ago
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Finding ElvisChapter 13 Reap the whirlwind

It seemed like I'd only just fallen asleep when the house exploded in light and noise. It was after I sat bolt upright in bed, I discovered that it was only my head that exploded. I winced in pain and covered my ears as some horrible cacophony, at what sounded like 150 decibels, blared from the portable CD player sitting on the dresser. Standing next to the open curtains and window was Gretchen, dressed in her ratty workout gear. She grinned evilly at me. "I'm working out in here this...

4 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 5 Elvish Heat

Book One: The Quest Chapter Five: Elvish Heat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Blath Forest, The Kingdom of Secare Angela kissed me. My heart stopped. Her lips were hot and soft. Her large, naked breasts pressed against my traveling robes. My nipples hardened and a flush of heat washed through me. I closed my eyes and let the strong woman hold me, her tongue claiming my mouth. My head spun. The fear and excitement...

2 years ago
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Elvin and Nadine

I sneaked cautiously through the dark house to her bedroom. I was trying to realize a dream, I wanted to lie next to a girl, be in the same bed, be near her warmth and softness. At sixteen I’d never done that, been in bed with someone of the opposite sex but I knew deep in my balls I would enjoy it. I silently pushed the lever on her door then slipped ghost-like through the narrow opening then clicked the door closed behind me. I could see her lying on her side, facing away from me, bent at the...

1 year ago
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Elviss Birth Day

The night before this guy responded to my very first posting of a personal Ad. Next day, Jan.08 I took the day off work and he wanted to meet. We did, I was honest saying it was my first, He said it was his first. We both were nervous. He said my ad about my fantasy was also His fantasy too. So what we have is two guys willing to help each other out I guess. He got a room and called me to say where he was, He said he had 2 hrs to kill. I went to where he said. I knocked on the door he opened it...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 1 the QuestChapter 5 Elvish Heat

Acolyte Sophia – Blath Forest, The Kingdom of Secare Angela kissed me. My heart stopped. Her lips were hot and soft. Her large, naked breasts pressed against my traveling robes. My nipples hardened and a flush of heat washed through me. I closed my eyes and let the strong woman hold me, her tongue claiming my mouth. My head spun. The fear and excitement of the fight against the monster morphed into pure lust. I moaned into her kiss. I had forgotten about everything. The tentacle,...

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Emergency Accomodations1

“I’m sorry sir but with the unexpected flooding in Dentonville we opened our rooms as emergency accommodations, it is our policy to help in such situations. We let families have the suites.” “Then what the hell about us, am I supposed to shack up with my sister?” “Sir, we have only this one room left and if you don’t take it I doubt you will find another in town tonight. It does have a fold away couch, one of you can sleep on that.” The reservations clerk softened the offer by adding “We...

4 years ago
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*Trisha’s story* His lover #4, Trisha, was on her knees, hands behind her back ready to pleasure John. John set his semi-hard cock head on her tongue, running his fingers gently through her dark brown hair, then her cheek bone. “I love your body round with child.. Our child. But Trish, I’ve grown tired of wilting in your mouth.” He said so as he withdrew his now limp dick from her lips, walking to the lounge in their room with unmasked displeasure on his face. Trisha stood and brought...

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Sheltered accomodation

In the summer off 2009 i was doing some contract work for a local authority based here in the north west.It was a tuesday afternoon and was called out to do a small electrical job in the local sheltered accomodation block i know the block well as i live local to it its full of retired ladies and gents,and occasionally have seen some of the ladies walking past and secretly thinking i would love to bang was mrs taylors i was going to see i rang the buzzer and she let me in,she answered...

4 years ago
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Vixen Accomodates

Shortly after school began for her second year at Seaside U., Vixen established an interesting and pleasurable relationship with the college dean. He was a distinguished-looking man in his mid-forties with a shrewish wife and three demanding children. His Friday afternoon assignations with the lovely sophomore became the highlight of his busy week and a way for him to find relief from the pressures of his home and job. For Vixen they were an exciting duty as well as a joy for the dean was a...

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She heard him approaching from behind. Putting down the vegetables and peeler, she stepped back, spread her feet apart and bent over on the countertop. He raised the back of her short dress and his hard shaft probed for the familiar target. She made small pleasure noises as it gained entry and filled her warm and wet receptacle. She could tell it was the wider and circumcised brown cock, even if the longer and uncut black one hadn’t just been in there ten minutes earlier. His brown hands cupped...

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Emergency AccomodationsChapter 2

Shelby graduated the next morning and by early afternoon was on her way back to our home with our parents. I still had a few days of finals left so I would leave in eight more days. For those eight days my hours were not only spent cramming for tests, my mind was full of my sister. I could have sent her text messages or emails but I didn’t. She hadn’t sent me any either. For those eight days I wondered what the hell we should do about her carrying my baby. More to the point, what she should...

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Emergency AccomodationsChapter 3

I went back to finish my college degree, Shelby found a job and an apartment in Asheville, about 180 miles from our parents. We corresponded by email, text and occasionally by phone. We resumed our normal family relationship, the sexual interludes were relegated to history. Even though we weren’t screwing any more, I used my memories as stimulation when I took matters into my own hands. After jacking off while thinking about my sister my nuts would relax in total satisfaction but my cock...

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Emergency AccomodationsChapter 4

Shelby’s lifelong best friend Rachael became my lover. She still lived in our hometown so we slipped into an intimate relationship much to the delight of my sister. I never forgot what my sister and I did twenty minutes before she got married and even though we didn’t talk about it, whenever we got together after that my libido was on alert. I also kept hearing the persistent echo of her words, “It’s too bad you live so far away.” About 15 months after the wedding Rachel and I were visiting...

2 years ago
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Emergency AccomodationsChapter 5

“Where are you going?” Lonnie asked. “Our dad is sick so Shelby and I are driving home to sit with mom until dad recovers.” “Is it serious?” “For mom anytime any of us gets sick, it’s serious. That’s why we need to go, mom will be frantic with worry so my sister and I need to be there for her.” That was the conversation I had with Lonnie after Shelby convinced me to spend some time with her. My sister might have settled for a few hours in her own bedroom but I decided that she needed to...

1 year ago
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Rugby Players Find Accomodation Part 3

As soon as I had taken my seat I saw that Colin had taken Danny and Gary over to the other side of the room where it was obvious they were having a heated argument. “It’s not their fault!” I said to Darren who was sitting next to me and I decided to go over and try to explain things. “Stay where you are! He’s just jealous, that’s all!” He and another guy called Ken, who was sitting on my other side put their big hands on my shoulders and held me down. Presently Colin and the others returned to...

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Rugby Players Find Accomodation Part 4

It was the strangest thing to try to resume where I had left off in my work the previous day. Since about 6 pm the day before my whole life had changed and here I was at 9 am the following morning trying to organize my mind around work! It wasn’t as if it was first thing in the morning and I could think of yesterday as just some fantastic dream. Barry and I had just fucked each other’s asses in the shower less than an hour ago! When I settled my account with the B&B lady she had casually...

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Rugby Players find accomodation

It was not the sort of occasion when you would expect anything exciting to happen. I had this job for the summer vacation which meant I had to travel around doing interviews all day and staying in Guest Houses each night. So it was evening and I had just found this B&B. The landlady had shown me to a twin room which seemed fine. I was relaxing in the garden at a table with a parasol and enjoying a cool drink while she chatted to me about the problems of running the place. Presently we noticed a...

1 year ago
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Rugby Players Find Accomodation Part 2

Those last few minutes before we left my room at the B&B were moments of sheer comedy. Barry, the big rugby player with whom I had offered to share my room, had just put an end to my virginity after I had come out of the shower. The other seven of his team mates had arrived at the door ready to go off for their evening meal but at a most inconvenient moment. (See Part1) Barry had claimed he was asleep but was clearly in a state of disorderly undress and he looked suspiciously flushed as he...


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