Reversal Rings: Weird Wednesday free porn video

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Reversal Rings: Weird Wednesday A Spells R Us story by Morpheus ([email protected]) 20 Jan 98 Warning, this story contains adult content. If you are under 18 or offended by this, don't read any further. This is the first of a short Spells R Us sub-universe series that I'm working on called the Reversal Rings. I'm still working on the other stories in the Reversal Rings series. I've always been fond of Freaky Friday type stories, so wrote this one of my own. This is my first attempt at a story to be sent in, so please don't criticize too harshly. Susan was walking through the mall, looking for a birthday present for her son Kevin. He was turning 14 in a couple days and she hadn't been able to find a good present yet. She was a bit angry at Kevin and had almost decided not to buy him a present this year. Not after the argument they had the day before. Kevin and she weren't very close any more, not since she and Michael were divorced five years earlier. She thought that perhaps he blamed her for the divorce, and his father leaving, though she thought it wasn't her fault that Michael ran away with his secretary. Kevin had recently gotten more rebellious, and he always seemed to have a chip on his shoulder. He refused to do what she told him anymore. She didn't know how to handle him much anymore, except to keep trying. Kevin didn't like her boyfriend Doug, and was angry at her for dating. Susan was only 33 years old, and looked a few years younger, with her figure still in great shape. She didn't think that it was fair for Kevin to expect her to be celibate and alone for the rest of her life, just because she was divorced. Susan stopped, seeing a shop that she didn't remember seeing in the mall before, with "Spells R Us" written above it. "I wonder when they added this one" she mused to herself. Curious she walked inside to check it out. Probably one of those role-playing game stores she thought. Looking around inside it seemed a little cozy if cluttered. Little odds and ends seemed scattered everywhere, as if the store sold everything. Some of the things looked a bit odd, but others looked normal. She saw some videos in one corner, some costumes a bit further back, and some odd games resting on a shelf. Other things, some not recognizable to her, were on other shelves, not seeming in any particular order. She thought it looked more like a garage sale than a store in a mall. She noticed a large dog laying on the floor, and that sitting behind the counter reading a newspaper was an old man, wearing what Susan recognized from various movies as a wizards robe. She chuckled thinking that this guy really got into the spirit of the role-playing games. The Old Man looked up at her and asked, "May I help you Mam?" "Oh, no thanks," said Susan, "I'm just looking." Suzan walked around looking at things, but nothing really caught her eye. She had noticed a mirror that drew her to it, but she was shopping for Kevin and not herself, so left it, with some regret. Maybe later she thought. "Are you looking for anything in particular?" asked the Old Mans voice from behind her. Susan turned around and told him that she was just looking for something for her son, but didn't know what he wanted or needed. The Old Man nodded understandingly. "Yes, teenage boys are always difficult to get for." She was a little startled. How did he know her son was a teenager? Seeming to guess her question, or read her mind, the Old Man laughed and said, "Children are usually easy to get for, and you're too young and pretty to have a very old son, so that leaves a teenager. They're always hard to get for." Susan thought that made sense. She somehow felt that she could trust this eccentric old man, and quickly found herself telling him her problems. How Kevin and her never see eye to eye anymore, and always argue. She couldn't understand him anymore, and he didn't understand how hard it was on her with him being so troublesome. The Old Man listened sympathetically as she told her problems to him. After she finished, the Old Man said, "I think I have just the present for you," and then he walked behind the counter, carefully stepping over the large dog lying on the floor. He dug around for a few seconds and said, "Aha, here it is," as he pulled a small dark wooden box out from behind the counter. He set it down in front of her. He opened the box and showed two rings sitting inside. He picked one up and showed it to her. She looked it over and saw it was a somewhat plain looking golden looking ring, with faint filigree lines running around it. She looked at the ring still in the box and saw that it was identical to the one she held between her fingers. "They come as a set," the Old Man said as she examined the ring, "and I can't break them up. However, I can give you a good deal on the pair of them." "I don't know. Kevin could only use one ring." "That's all right dear," the Old man said as he picked the ring from her hand and placed it back in the box. "You give one to Kevin," and the Old Man smiled, "and keep the other for yourself. Maybe a matched set would help bring you closer together." Susan was extremely tempted, but held back still. "But I don't know the size, and I don't think either of them will fit me." She put her hand on the box and felt the smooth wood while trying to decide. "Don't worry about that," the Old Man assured her, "they're one size fits all. Part of their magic." Susan listened to him, and decided that the rings might make a nice gift, and help bring her and Kevin closer together. If he didn't refuse to wear it. She thought he might, just to spite her. "How much are they?" she asked. The Old Man looked to think about it for a few seconds then said, "They are actually fairly old and valuable, but no one seems interested in them. I guess they aren't very flashy." The old man scratched the edge of his nose. "I'll tell you what. Since I probably won't get any other customer who would want them, I'll give them to you for $45. All right?" Susan thought that was a good deal and quickly agreed to the price. As she was writing out a check for him, he said, "In fact, I think I can guarantee that these rings will help make all your current problems with your son go away." She thought that this was a bad exaggeration, but hoped it would at least help. As she was walking out of the mall Susan lit a cigarette and thought what a sweet old man he was. She kind of wondered though how she could open up so much with such a complete stranger, but decided that she just needed a sympathetic ear, and the old man seemed harmless and willing to listen. Kevin was walking home from school Tuesday a couple of days later, talking with his best friend Jamie about the new movie coming out that they wanted to see. "If my mom will let me see it," Kevin grumbled. "If she doesn't, I'll go anyway." Jamie was used to hearing Kevin grumble about his mom and her new boyfriend Doug, and was a little tired of it, but just nodded his head in agreement with whatever Kevin said. Jamie thought that Kevin's mom wasn't that bad, and pretty decent looking for a mom. Though he of course would never admit that. "My birthday's tomorrow, and I bet she didn't get me anything," Kevin said, more to himself than Jamie. "She's always bossing me around, and won't ever let me make my own decisions, man. She practically treats me like a little kid, and I'm sick of it. Just the other day we got into a big fight because she got in my room and messed with my stuff. I told her I was going to clean it, but she went in anyway. That messing with my privacy man, that ain't right." Kevin continued to complain about his mom for another minute, then went on to Doug. He didn't really like him too much and didn't know what his mom saw in the loser. Sure the guy had a nice job and all, but Doug was patronizing to him and kept treating Kevin like a little kid. Even worse than his mom. Doug would order him around like he had a right to, and his mom just said that he had to be nice to Doug. Jamie said good bye to Kevin as he turned to go down his own street to get home. "I'll see you tomorrow." After getting home Kevin and his mom got into a fight. His math teacher had called about this failing the latest test and warned that he was about to fail the class. His mom had chewed him out about failing the class, telling him how important school was. Kevin didn't want to be at school. School was boring. He knew most of the stuff the teachers taught, but didn't bother doing the homework or trying on the tests. He just couldn't get interested. He wanted to be out in the real world, doing something, not sitting around all day being bored. When he told his mom this, she yelled back, "You don't know how hard the real world is," and then told him that, "These are the best years of your life." "Jeez," Kevin thought, "if these are the best years of my life, I might as well just shoot myself now." When it was over Kevin was grounded for a week, but decided that this wasn't going to stop him from going out, even if he had to sneak out after his mom went to bed. "She doesn't need to treat me like a kid. I can take care of myself," Kevin complained to the wall. Later that night Doug came over. Kevin was busy cleaning the dishes, which he thought wasn't fair, that was a girls job. He heard his mom and Doug laughing in the living room, which made him a little angrier. They sit around having fun while I'm stuck doing dishes. When he was finished Kevin went to head back to his room, and walked through the living room. He saw his mom and Doug sitting on the couch, smoking and drinking beer, watching some TV show. He tried to ignore them and headed to his room, when Doug said, "Hey kid, go get me another beer." "Get your own beer," Kevin said to him and kept walking, trying to get to his room and away from them. He heard his mom behind him, "Kevin, get back here. That was rude. Apologize to Doug at once." "I'm not his servant," Kevin said. "If he wants a beer he can get it himself." He went and walked back to his room. Susan knew better than to push Kevin anymore right now. He's blow up at her and they'd have a big argument again, and she didn't want that. Maybe he'd calm down later and they could talk. She just wished he would act more mature. Kevin sat in his room, gluing a model Ferraris front bumper on, trying to calm down. Usually working on his models helped him to relax a little. And since he couldn't watch TV or play his games, he didn't have anything else to do. Maybe he'd sneak out later tonight and go to Jamies. Then the door swung open and Doug walked in, and straight over to him. Doug grabbed Kevin's arm, painfully. Kevin felt the fingers digging into his upper arm and swung his free hand at Doug to make him let go. Doug then threw him backwards onto his bed saying, "Next time I tell you to do something you little punk, you'd better do it! I've had enough of your shit, and if you mess with me again, I'm gonna tear your head off! Do I make myself clear? Good!" Then Doug walked out the door, slamming it behind him. Kevin laid on his bed holding his arm, and holding back the tears. This was the first time the bastard had hurt him, and he hoped it would be the last. Kevin didn't think his mom would believe him over Doug if he did tell her. She'd always sided with Doug before and would think he was lying to get rid of Doug. Wednesday morning Kevin got up and got ready for school, then went downstairs. His mom was in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette while reading the paper. When she saw Kevin she smiled and said, "Happy Birthday honey," hoping he was in a good mood today. Kevin mumbled thanks back and poured himself a bowl of cereal, thinking about how he was going to pass the history test today and keep his mom off his back about that. Susan got up and walked into the living room and came back with a nicely wrapped box, the size of a Rubics Cube, and put it in front of Kevin saying, "Here's your birthday present. I hope you like it, I didn't really know what to get you." Kevin looked at it curiously for a minute wondering what it was. It was too small for a video game, and fortunately too small for clothes. He shook it a little and heard a rattling inside. Tearing open the wrapping paper there was a dark brown wooden box within and he wondered what was in it. He popped the latch and peeked inside, seeing a single golden colored ring lying on the bottom of the box. Kevin pulled the ring out and held it between his fingers, examining it carefully. It was golden colored and had faint lines running around the outside. "Uh, thanks," he stammered. He was a little disappointed, but the ring did look kind of cool, though he didn't want to admit it. "I've got one just like it," his mom told him, "they were a matched set when I got them. I hoped you'd like it. You're so hard to shop for." Kevin put the ring on, and felt an odd tingle on his finger. He pulled the ring back off and looked at it again. Then remembering that Jamie was going to meet him in a few minutes he said, "I got to go mom. Thanks for the ring," and ran out the door, shoving the ring in his pocket, putting it out of his mind for the minute. The trip to school was just like normal, except that when he ran into Jamie, Jamie gave him an old video game for his present saying, "I don't play it anymore and I know you liked that one." Scott, the kid who always tried to start a fight with him didn't make an appearance, which wasn't unusual since he'd been skipping school a lot, and all the kids knew it. So far, Kevin thought, today's just like any other day. Big deal that its my birthday. I wish something special would happen, like a great party. Susan put a load of laundry in the washing machine, then sat down to work on her book some more. She had a small following as a children's book author, though wasn't any Dr. Seuss. It paid the bills though. Especially the royalties she was getting since one of her books was being used as the basis of a new cartoon series for kids. The next few pages took some time, but the book was almost finished and she could send the written work to her publisher, who'd have someone do the artwork based off of her brief sketches and notes. Probably DeGual. He'd been doing a lot of work for these publishers lately. After some time she heard the washing machine go off, and went to move the load to the dryer. She thought that it would be a good idea to take a bit of a breather, and went to get herself a cup of coffee. She went to her room and pulled the ring off of her dresser and looked at it. She slid it on her finger, and was a little surprised that it fit so well, but then the old man had said it would. She almost decided that it was magic like he said, but thought that was ridiculous. After finishing her coffee Susan decided that it was time to go back to work. After all, drinking coffee didn't put food on the table. After third period Kevin got slammed into a locker by Scott, who had decided to come to school after all. Probably just to push his weight around. Kevin straightened his clothes out and finished going to fourth period, which was English. He never liked English, but his mom insisted that it was valuable in the real world. That she used it to pay the bills with. Like he needed to know all about adverbs in order to write a children's book. Class was just starting and he was already bored. At least it wasn't history. That class was sixth period, and he had to take that test today. He remembered the ring his mom gave him this morning, and pulled it out of his pocket to look at it. He ignored the teacher and sat just looking at the ring, then slipped it on his finger again. There was an odd tingle at first, then everything started spinning. Kevin got dizzy and closed his eyes to stop the room from spinning, then fell to the floor. He sat there for a few minutes while the dizziness stopped, thinking that the whole class must be laughing at him. He opened his eyes and saw the carpet under his hands and knees was tan, not the old faded green that was usually on the floor. It was the carpet from home. How did he get back home he wondered. He stood up, and felt very odd. He saw blonde hair hanging down the side of his face and held it up to look at. He noticed that his hands weren't right, and that his fingernails were long and polished red. Looking down on himself he got a bigger shock, seeing large mounds on his chest. Grabbing them he found that they were real, or at least felt so. He could feel the weight of them as they stuck out from his front. He recognized the shirt he was wearing as what his mom wore that morning and got an idea what happened. Running to the bathroom he looked into the mirror and saw his moms face looking back at him. He was in shock and made a few faces, trying to trick the image in the mirror into making a mistake, to prove that it wasn't him that was reflected. After a few seconds he sat down on the toilet saying, "Oh my god, I've become my mom," and hearing his moms voice. He looked at his hand and noticed the ring on it, just like the one he'd just put on. Remembering that his mom had said she had one just like it, he realized that this happened as soon as he put the ring on. He pulled the ring off of his finger, hoping that whatever happened would fix itself when he did. He wasn't too surprised when nothing happened. He looked at the ring, holding it up to the light. He noticed that it looked almost identical to the one he had, if not the same. Kevin decided not to put the ring back on at the moment, not knowing what would happen if he put it on again, and just held it in his hand. He wondered how this happened and got up to go to the kitchen. The balance felt different and top heavy, and he had to walk carefully. Fortunately he thought that his mom liked to wear tennis shoes around the house, and almost always wore jeans. He felt his breasts and rubbed them. They felt good. He wondered how women could have these things on their chests and not get distracted by them. They stuck out so far and felt so odd. He found they kind of got in his way when he moved his arms a little, but not as much as he would have thought. He didn't know how long this would last, but hoped it wasn't permanent. He had been a bit curious what it was like being a woman, but didn't really want to become one. At least not permanently. In the kitchen Kevin realized that he was a bit taller than before. About 4 inches, if he remembered right. That's how much taller his mom was than him, though he was growing taller pretty quick. Or had been anyway. He sat down on the stool, feeling as if he was sitting on a cusion, and noticed that his butt was a bit bigger and softer, and then tried to think how this could happen. It wasn't easy to ignore his changes and focus on the problem, but he tried to. Then he noticed the coffee pot was full and decided to pour himself a cup. He'd tried coffee once or twice and hadn't liked it, but since he was in his moms body and she liked to drink coffee, Kevin wondered if she tasted things differently and thought that this was a good test. He found that pouring the coffee into the cup wasn't as easy as he thought, because the long fingernails. But being careful he was able to handle them. He put the cup to his lips and sipped cautiously. It was hot, but he thought it tasted good. He sat there drinking the coffee and enjoying it, which he found a little odd, but kind of neat. It almost felt natural to sit there drinking it. Thinking back on the problem he decided that the rings were definitely responsible. What else could it be? He put his ring on that morning and nothing had happened, but when he put it on a few minutes ago, he became his mom. Then he suddenly wondered, if he was here as his mom, where was she? Did she go to his body? After a bit of thought he decided that was what probably happened, then giggled a bit, thinking of her being stuck in English and going to his classes while he was home. Kevin wondered why it didn't change them that morning but did later on. He looked at the ring again, and remembered that he had it on his finger, or his moms finger when he arrived, but she hadn't been wearing it that morning. Could it be that both people had to wear the rings at the same time to trade places? That made an odd kind of sense he decided, if you assumed that magic was real. And what else could it be, though he didn't believe in magic before today. If he put the ring back on, he might be able to switch places with his mom again, and be back in class. He was about to put the ring on to try, then grinned. Let her put up with that boring English teacher for once. He sat looked at his manicured fingers and thinking. He'd seen them so many times on his mom, but had never considered that he'd have them. He finished up the coffee and decided that this would be his only opportunity to see what it was like to be a girl. He felt really odd to be his mom, but curiosity overcame his reluctance. He walked in front of the mirror and pulled off his shirt, looking at his generous breasts, in their bra. He felt them and rubbed them, thinking that it was so odd to have them on his chest again. They started to feel real good, so he tried to pull the bra off and see them more clearly. He struggled with the clasp in back for a minute before he got it off, and then stood looking at his breasts in the mirror. He rubbed them some more and they felt so good. He felt a surge of embarrassment and fear. What would his mom think if she found out that he'd done this in her body? He'd die of embarrassment. That backed him off for a few minutes, and he just sat there posing a bit in front of the mirror, trying on some poses he'd seen models do in that Playboy magazine Jamie had shown him. He still felt real odd about posing in his moms body. He couldn't imagine her ever doing this, and it looked kind of funny in the mirror, seeing his mom make different faces. But he had to admit, she did look kind of nice. He figured he'd never have another chance and started rubbing his breasts again, enjoying the feeling they gave him. His nipples tingled a bit and started getting a bit hard. They felt sort of like little erections, and he just kept rubbing. His groin started to tingle and feel good to, and he pulled off his shoes and pants and started rubbing his groin a little through his panties. They were getting a little wet, which he thought was kind of weird. He'd wondered what they meant when the boys at school said they made the girls wet. Now he knew, and was a little pleased with the knowledge. He pulled the panties off and looked at his moms body, naked in the mirror. He got his first real look at a womans vagina, and looked at it, and felt it for a few minutes. He felt a bit more embarrassment, but it felt too good for him to stop, so he kept rubbing, one hand on his breast, the other on his groin. It felt so good and the pleasure kept building up. Then he felt himself explode with pleasure, and his groin started twitching inside, sending waves of warmth and pleasure through him. He sat there on the floor in front of the mirror, looking at his moms face in the mirror and enjoying the warmth he felt. He hadn't ever been with a girl before, but he had masturbated and this felt a lot like it did when he was a boy. After a few minutes he got up and went to the bathroom, using a rag to clean himself up between the legs. They had gotten kind of gooey and sticky. He looked a little more at his new vagina, examining it more closely, fascinated with the differences from his usual equipment. When he grabbed his moms clothes to get dressed again, he noticed his panties had a wet spot in them, and didn't want his mom to come back and see what he'd been doing in her body. He'd be grounded for life he was sure, as well as humiliated. Kevin went up to his moms room to get a new pair of panties from her drawer, and dropped the wet ones in the clothes basket, before noticing it was empty. He remembered that his mom was going to do laundry so wouldn't have any clothes left in the hamper. He decided he'd have to hide them until more clothes were put in the hamper, so she wouldn't notice. While looking through his moms panty drawer, Kevin saw some of her shoes on the ground and wondered what it would be like walking in high heels. He'd never try that in his own body, and decided to try some on. He brought the panties and heels down stairs and got dressed again. He had to work a few minutes to get the bra on and snapped in back, but finally managed to get it on. He stood looking at himself in panties and bra again in front of the mirror and felt kind of excited. He finished dressing, and put on the heels. They weren't his moms highest pair, but he didn't think he could handle them. She never wore high heels that often, and when she did preferred the lower pumps. Once he had the shoes on, he stood up and had a hard time balancing. He fell over a couple times but caught himself against the couch. After a few minutes of practicing, Kevin found that he could walk around in them if he went slow and walked sort of on his toes. They didn't feel very good, but he kept walking around with them practicing and finding it easier to walk. Kevin sat down on the couch, and turned on the T.V. He clicked through the channels but didn't find anything interesting to watch. He left it on though for the noise it made. He sat there looking at his hands and feeling himself. He still couldn't believe it had happened. He thought about putting the ring back on, but decided to wait a little bit longer, till after English would be over, so he wouldn't have to go back to that. He looked down and saw his moms purse sitting on the coffee table next to him, and next to the purse was her pack of cigarettes and lighter. Kevin picked up the pack and looked at it in his hands. Marlboro lights. He'd tried asking her to quit smoking once, but she brushed him off. He remembered how he normally hated coffee, but it tasted good in his moms body. He hated the smell of cigarettes to, but his mom was a smoker, so he decided to try one. He carefully pulled one of the cigarettes out of the pack with his manicured nails and looked at it. He put the end in his mouth, and lit it with the lighter. He sucked in and coughed as the warm smoke hit his lungs. He coughed a bit more and looked at the lit cigarette in his hand. He tried again, relaxing a bit, and this time it went down much easier, and actually felt kind of good. He felt a slight calmness through his body, and it didn't taste nearly as bad as he'd expected. He blew the smoke out and watched it float overhead. Kevin got up and walked to the kitchen again, poured himself another cup of coffee and sat drinking the coffee and smoking. After a few puffs, it got much easier and started to feel kind of natural to him. He thought that the body was so used to it,and that it must be sort of reflexive. When he was done, Kevin put the mug in the sink, and made sure nothing noticeable would give his activities away to his mom once they swapped back. He put her high heels back in her room, and put the tennis shoes back on his feet. He stopped in front of the mirror to look at his moms face, for the last time from this view point, and put the ring back on. Nothing happened. He pulled it off and put in on again. Still nothing. He was still in his moms body. He thought either she's taken her ring off, or he was mistaken. Maybe it only works once, or maybe it has a time limit of some sort. He didn't know and began to panic a bit. He forced himself to calm down and relax. He tried to think of what it could be and had almost convinced himself that his mom had just taken off the ring. It couldn't be permanent, could it? Susan had put the ring on, and felt a wave of dizziness. When it passed she looked up, noticing that she was sitting down at a desk, which confused her. She looked around and saw a whole room of kids her sons age, and an adult in front of the room, that she recognized as Kevin's English teacher, Mr. Dobson. She was confused and felt very odd. She looked all around, seeing what was obviously a classroom, and then she looked down and noticed her hands weren't hers. They had short fingernails, bitten back a bit, and then she noticed the rest of it. Her breasts were gone. He put her hands to her chest and realized that these weren't her clothes, but she recognized them as what Kevin had been wearing that morning. She realized that somehow she had become Kevin but didn't have any idea why, until she looked at her hand again and saw the ring. She remembered what the old man had said about the rings. That they'd fix her and her sons problems. Yeah, she thought sarcastically, this is definitely fixing things. Susan didn't know why they suddenly changed, and wondered if it was the rings. She'd put hers on an hour and a half ago with no effects. Why have it effect her now? She decided that it had to be the rings, nothing else made any sense. After all, she'd bought them from a guy dressed like a wizard in a place called Spells R Us. She had never really believed in magic, but had considered herself open minded. Still she had a very hard time believing in this, even with the proof in her sitting here. She wondered what trick the ring would play on her next, and pulled it off so that it couldn't turn her into a dog or something next. After a little bit, she wondered if maybe putting it back on might reverse what happened, so put it back on her finger again, just in case. She wasn't surprised when nothing happened, so pulled it off and put it back in her pocket, just to be on the safe side with its magic. Susan sat through the rest of the class, pretending to pay attention, but really trying to figure out what happened. She had realized almost immediately that if she was here, Kevin must be back home in her body. She was worried how he'd handle that, and the shock it would give him. She didn't think that her son could handle it well, and that he'd probably panic, not knowing what happened or what to do. She decided to call home as soon as class was over, and try to calm him down. After class, Susan found that the public phones were all either out of order, being broken by vandals. Fortunately it was lunchtime, which gave her time to come up with a solution. She felt pretty hungry so pulled out a few dollars and bought a meal, and sat down at a table by herself to eat. Not knowing anyone around her, she didn't' want to attract attention, especially from people who knew Kevin. She saw Jamie walk in, and hoped he wouldn't notice her. Unfortunately he did. Jamie came over and sat down next to her, and started talking a bit, and she nodded her head a few times and mumbled appropriate non committal responses. She felt really out of place here at school. She'd eaten everything on her plate, except for the veggies which she thought tasted horrible, and was surprised to find that she was still hungry. No wonder Kevin ate so much she thought. After eating she said good bye to Jamie and went to the office and tried using their phone. However, they wouldn't let her make any calls on it, the phone being for faculty only. She couldn't come up with a good excuse quick enough, before they sent her on her way to the next class. She felt the familiar pressure of a full bladder, though not quite as insistent, and went to the bathrooms, almost walking into the girls by mistake. She went in and sat down on the toilet before remembering that she was a boy now and could pee standing up. She found it odd to pee standing up, but much more convenient. Aiming her urine was amusing to her, and she began to see how Kevin could sometimes miss the toilet back home. After she finished peeing, she stood there examining her new equipment for a few minutes, curious as to what it was like to have one of these. Afterwards, she zipped up and headed to Kevin's next class before the bell rang. She almost panicked, not knowing where to go, then remembered to check Kevin's notebook. She opened it and found his class schedule taped inside the front cover. She saw that she had to go to his math class next. Fortunately she knew most of his classes and the teachers in them from the open house two weeks before. She was happy now that she'd made Kevin show her where he sat in each class, and for the first time was glad that all of his seats were towards the back of the room. She found it annoying that all the teachers were so patronizing towards her, but liked being back in school, and knowing all subjects so much better this time around. She tried to avoid notice, and laughed at some of the jokes made around her. The boys couldn't understand why Kevin got angry at them when they made a dumb blonde joke, and ignored her after that. "It's going to be a long day," Susan muttered to herself walking into the sixth period history class, and finding out about the big test. Calmed down and relaxed a bit, Kevin sat on the couch again, smoking another cigarette, and enjoying the odd sensation of the smoke going down his throat and into his lungs. He decided that since he was his mom, he might as well enjoy it a bit more, and went into the kitchen. He pulled out a beer from the fridge, and popped it open. He didn't want his mom to pop back while he was drinking a beer, so pulled the ring off, just in case. The last time his mom had caught him taking any of her beer, he'd been grounded for a week. He didn't want that to happen again, especially not with everything else that was going on. He didn't particularly enjoy the beer as he sat drinking it, and remembered that his mom didn't drink to often, usually when Doug or someone else was over. Curious about something else, Kevin walked up stairs, enjoying the feel of his breasts as they bobbed up and down with each step. He went into his moms room and opened the bottom drawer of her nightstand, pulling out the porno magazines she didn't know he knew about. He pulled one open, curious to see if he became interested in guys while in his moms body. The thought was a little scary, but he wanted to know. Looking through it, he felt nothing special, but a little tingling from one picture with a good looking girl and some guy. Apparently he hadn't suddenly started lusting after guys, which he sighed in relief over. Putting the magazine back into the drawer, he noticed his moms vibrator in the back of it, and wondered how it would feel. Feeling mischievous, he pulled all of his clothes of and set them off to the side, then stood in front of the mirror on his moms makeup stand and started playing with himself again. It didn't take much to get excited again. He sat down on his moms bed, and put the vibrator between his legs, while rubbing his left breast. It felt so good, he just kept moving the vibrator around his clit for awhile, and orgasmed again. He kept at it, enjoying the feelings of raw pleasure that washed through him, and went off again, with another explosion of pleasure. Then he tried putting the vibrator inside of him, pushing it slowly in, thinking that it felt so weird having something go inside his body, but good as well. He kept this up for a bit longer, and then stopped, and lay on the bed, just enjoying the pleasure spread throughout his body. He lay there for half an hour before deciding to get up and get dressed again. He straightened up his moms bed and tried hiding the evidence of his experimenting. He really enjoyed the experience, but was afraid of his mom finding out what he was doing with her body, and didn't want that to happen. Kevin went back downstairs, and sat on the couch again, flipping through channels and drinking another cup of coffee, feeling a little bored. He decided to empty the dryer for something to do, and moved the load of laundry from the washer to the dryer. He folded the clothes like he'd seen his mom do a thousand times, and found it kind of relaxing. After folding the clothes he found he had to go to the bathroom. He went to the toilet and pulled down his pants, and grabbed for his penis before remembering that he didn't have one at the moment. He sat down on the toilet, and felt the urine coming out from between his legs, and feeling the same relief he always felt when going to the bathroom. He carefully wiped himself dry after he finished and went to his own room to play a video game. He quickly grew bored of the game when he had more interesting things going on. He went back to his moms room, and sat down at her makeup table. He looked at himself in the mirror and the very light makeup his mom had applied. He didn't want to mess with that, but found her jewelry box, and started putting on her jewelry. He tried on her bracelets, her necklaces and changed ear rings. He even tried on some rings, just not THE ring. When he was finished, he realized that the laundry must be done, and went downstairs to fold up the rest of the laundry. When that was done he sat on the couch again, and started digging through his moms purse. He tried putting some lipstick on, and took a couple tries before he got it so that it looked good. He saw her car keys in the purse and got an idea. He wanted to see how other people treated him. He wanted to be a grown up in public, to be treated as an adult, and with respect. He also wondered how it would feel to have other people see him as a woman, so he grabbed the keys and walked out the door. The car was an automatic, which was fortunate since he didn't know how to drive a stick. Kevin's Uncle Nick had let him drive his car in the big lot behind his yard several months ago, and taught Kevin how to drive a bit. He wasn't real good, but Kevin managed to back the car out and drive over to the mall. He had to go kind of slow an cautious since it was the first time he'd driven on the streets, but it wasn't very far, and he grew confident and more comfortable very quickly with it. Susan was getting real annoyed by the time she finished history. She'd had to take Kevin's test for that class instead of him, and got a better grade than he would have. She'd come up with a story about needing to call her "mom" to pick her up after school, and talked the school office into letting her use the phone. After making sure the lady at the office desk was out of hearing range she called home. It rang 8 times without an awnser before she hung up. She got worried, that perhaps Kevin had panicked and called the police or done something else. He wasn't mature enough to handle the change she thought, then worried that perhaps her assumption had been wrong. What if they didn't change places? What if her body was still at home, lying unconscious on the floor? Or worse yet, dead? She really got worried and wished that the day would finish so that she could get home. Hanging up the phone and thanking the office lady for the use, she went to her last class, art. She prayed things would be all right, then thought, "God I need a cigarette right now," then realized that this wasn't true. She didn't feel any real urge for a cigarette, and desired one only out of habit. "At least," she muttered to herself, "I know Kevin wasn't smoking behind my back" Kevin enjoyed the attention paid to him as he walked through the mall. People weren't just ignoring him like usual, and he noticed some men were looking at him a bit appreciatively. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. Partly embarrassed about the attention and his being seen in public as a woman, and partly excited and proud. He went into a few clothing stores and such, because he felt that's what women did while at the mall, but wasn't interested in anything or buying anything. He noticed that the store clerks he talked to were very polite to him, and going out of their way to help him rather than the patronizing tones or ignoring that he usually got. He liked being taken seriously for a change. He started getting hungry so went to the food court to get something to eat. He was about to order a large burger and fries, then remembered that his mom never ate that much at once. He ordered a smaller burger and fries, and drank a diet coke, thinking that's what his mom always drank, so it must taste good to her. He found that he felt full after eating most of the meal, which was different since he would normally eat at least twice as much, and still be a little hungry. After walking around a little, Kevin noticed a store he hadn't seen before. Spells R Us. He guessed that this might be the place his mom bought the rings. He was about to go in, then remembered that school would be out in just a little while, and his mom would probably be back home. He quickly left the mall and started driving home. Jamie had the same art class as Kevin, so Susan had him next to her while she tried working on the drawing project. Jamie had noticed that she wasn't drawing the same as Kevin usually did, and commented on it. She decided to trust him with what happened, feeling the need to share her problem with someone. She started to tell him what happened but before she finished, he started laughing, thinking that she was joking with him, and she started laughing too, and agreed that she'd been joking with him. She knew that he wouldn't believe her without a lot more convincing, and if she tried she'd just look foolish. Oh well she thought, just one more class here and I can get home and check things out. During class, she tried the ring on one more time, hoping it would work, and wasn't surprised when nothing happened. She didn't bother taking it off again. Kevin got home, and had a mischievious idea. He pulled out some of the leftovers from the fridge and started to prepare them for dinner. He thought that was what his mom was probably going to cook for dinner anyway. He'd used to help his mom cook dinner sometimes, so knew what to do, though he hadn't helped her in some time. He was at the counter, preparing stuff for the pan when he his mom came rushing through the door looking really worried. He looked up at her and smiled and, trying hard to sound like his mom usually did, and said, "Hi honey. How was school today" The look on his old face was funny as Susan started at him confused, wondering if she'd somehow been wrong completely, and if she wasn't just Kevin, with a copy of his moms mind put on his own, or just delusional. Kevin watched the looks passing on his moms, or actually his own face with amusement, and tried not to let it show. "Are you all right honey?" Kevin asked sounding concerned, "You don't look so good." He thought this was even funnier and saw his mom sit down at the table for a minute just looking at him in the funniest way. He couldn't hold it anymore and laughed, "so" he asked her, "How did I do on the history test today?" He laughed some more as first relief than annoyance passed over his old face. "I think you did very well," she told him. "At least I know now that I'm not crazy. How could you do that to me?" she asked him, beginning to find the humor in it. "Sorry," he apologized, not sounding the least bit sorry, "I just couldn't help myself." They both just sat there looking at each other, seeing their own bodies for the first time in the this different view point. Kevin thought he looked a bit shorter than he had always thought he did while in his moms taller body, and Susan had just realized that she was shorter. She hadn't really thought about it all day, being about the same size as most of the kids at school. They got up and went into the living room, and sat down, just looking at each other some more. Finally, Susan, relieved that Kevin was taking it so well, started to tell Kevin how she spent her day. How twice Scott had messed with her. He agreed that Scott was a pain in the butt, and she felt that she could now empathize with him when he'd tell her he'd been in fights. It had been all she could do not to hit Scott. Kevin told her that he'd just stayed around the house, finished laundry and played some video games. When she told him that she'd called him and didn't get an awnser, Kevin said he'd gone for a walk for a while, trying to clear his head. She thought that Kevin had taken it very well for what had just happened, and briefly wondered if he were in shock, then decided he wasn't. He'd sounded to clear and focused. Kevin told her what he'd decided about the rings, that they both had to be worn at the same time to work. She agreed with him, thinking that it made sense. She got a bit excited, and relieved thinking that they could swap back in just a few minutes. Kevin was about to pull out the ring, and swap back, but decided to have some more fun for awhile. He liked being taller than his mom, and being the adult for once, so told her he was sorry, but right after he'd changed into her, he'd taken the ring off, and had somehow lost it. He thought the look on her face was priceless, as worry and fear washed over her, then he comforted her a bit, telling her that he was sure that the ring was somewhere in the house, and that they just needed to find it. Kevin figured on waiting till this evening, or maybe tomorrow morning just to make her sweat some more, then "find'the ring again so that they could switch back. He told her that he had spent quite a bit of time looking for it earlier, with no luck. Susan was a bit worried about this, and frantically started to look around the house for about fifteen minutes before deciding that it was too large, with too many places the ring could be at, at gave up for the moment. She hoped that he hadn't lost it while going for a walk, and got a bit angry at him for being so irresponsible as to lose the ring. How could he lose the ring, knowing how important it was? Since Kevin had already started working on dinner, Susan let him finish it. It would be nice to take a break from cooking she thought, even if only for one day. While Kevin was fixing dinner, she decided to go to the mall and check with that old man, and see if he could reverse this. Feeling a bit hungry, she first grabbed a small snack from the kitchen first. She couldn't believe how much she kept wanting to eat as Kevin. As she was eating her sandwich, Kevin came in. Trying to sound like his mom did, Kevin said, "Now honey, you know you'll spoil your dinner," to her, and she chuckled a bit. She couldn't blame him for his constant snacking any more. Kevin was enjoying this game a bit, and as Susan started to go out the door he said, "Where do you think you're going young man? You're still grounded." He was obviously enjoying having the shoe on the other foot, so she decided to play along for a minute. "I'm just going out Mom. I'll be back in a little while," and left. She almost went to her car before realizing that Kevin had no license and was too young to drive, and if anyone saw her, she could attract attention and trouble. With regret, she went and grabbed Kevin's bike and started to ride to the mall, hoping that she could get there and back before dinner. "Oh well," she thought, "if I'm a bit late, he'll see what it's like for me when he's late for dinner." She found that the old line that "it's just like riding a bike" wasn't too accurate. She hadn't ridden in years and had a hard time keeping her balance, and was wobbling rather badly at first. It did come back to her after a few blocks, but she still had to pay close attention so as to not lose her balance. She hit one curb, and bounced down on her bike rail, and spent the next few minutes on the side of the road holding her groin in pain. She couldn't believe how much it hurt. "How could boys put up with this?" she wondered after the pain faded enough for her to get back on. She was a bit more cautious after this. The trip to the mall took a lot longer than it did by car, and she was panting a little when she got there. Susan did find it nice though that she wasn't nearly as tired as she would have expected. She'd been going all day, and was still full of energy. "At least there's something good about being a teenage boy," she thought. She went in and started looking around a few other shops before heading to Spells R Us, and feeling a little hungry again, went to get something to eat. She was surprised that the clerks seemed a little rude to her, or mostly ignored her. One salesman in a jewelry store was very patronizing towards her when she asked about the price for a nice set of earrings that she saw. Not the polite helpfulness she usually got. She went in to Spells R Us, seeing the same Old Man sitting behind the counter again. he looked up at her and chuckled, saying, "Good afternoon Susan, how did your son like his present?" She was a little startled for a second that he knew who she was, in her sons body. But then he probably caused it to happen she thought. She wasn't too happy and told him about how she had traded places with Kevin, and how Kevin lost his ring for the moment. She asked the Old Man if he could help fix their problem and put them back in their right bodies. The Old Man scratched at his chin for a second, thinking. "Well," he said, "I'm sorry, but only those rings can reverse what happened." He looked at her for another few seconds then continued, "Your son was right in how they work. They have to both be worn at the same time to work, and pulling one of them off resets them, that way you wouldn't keep switching back and forth while wearing the rings, unless one of them was pulled off then put back on." The Old Man put his hand on Susan's, saying, "I'm very sorry, there's nothing I can do unless you get the ring back." He sounded sorry Susan thought, so held down her anger instead of yelling at him like she really wanted to do. Thanking him, she turned around and left the shop. The Old Man chuckled to himself after she had left his shop. He'd lied to her. He could think of half a dozen things off the top of his head which could change things back, one way or another, but what would the fun of that be. When Susan got back home, she saw that dinner was sitting on the stove being kept warm. It didn't smell bad she thought, and was surprised to realize that she was hungry again. She went into the living room to get Kevin so they could eat, assuming that he hadn't eaten without her. She stopped in the doorway, shocked to see Kevin sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette. "What are you doing?" she said to him in a stern and angry voice, and began to go on, but he interrupted her. He looked embarrassed to be caught smoking, but covered it up quickly and tried to act confident. "Well," he said, "telling me not to smoke now would be kind of hypocritical. It's not going to harm my health, since I'm in your body and you always smoke anyway." He stopped for a second for emphasis and continued, "And also, you're addicted to nicotine, and since I'm in your body, I'm stuck with it." He looked at her and in a more quiet voice, trying to be understood, he said, "And I was curious about how you could smoke these things. But while I'm you, it feels completely normal." He was a bit embarrassed and hoped she'd understand. She nodded understanding, still not liking it, but realizing that he was right. He wasn't harming himself in any way, he was just doing what she did, and it would be hypocritical of her to say that he couldn't smoke while in her body. She didn't like it, but she'd accept it, for now. She also suddenly realized that the cigarette smoke stank a bit, and she almost coughed. She decided that once she changed back, she'd have to quit smoking. She wondered what else he got curious about today, but put that out of her mind as he put out the cigarette and went into the kitchen to put the dinner on the table. She noticed off handed that he was smoking and put out the cigarette like he'd done if for some time, not like he'd just started today. She hadn't realized that her habits and some mannerisms would stay with her body. She wondered how much of Kevin was in the way she was starting to move. She'd found it odd all day walking with such a different balance, but had gotten much more comfortable about it, and was noticing it much less. She was thinking about this when they sat down for dinner and ate. Susan told Kevin what the old man had said about the rings while piled food on her plate. She put more than she usually did. She noticed that Kevin didn't have much on his. Less even than she usually ate for dinner. Kevin wasn't too hungry, having eaten several hours earlier at the mall, but he was getting a bit hungry again, so ate some. He saw that his mom had put a lot of carrots on her plate, and almost giggled. She always loved carrots and insisted on cooking them a couple times a week, while he hated them. She always made him eat them anyways, and he thought this was a good time to get even. He'd taken a bite of a carrot earlier, and found that he liked the taste of it. His mom was going to be a bit surprised when she realized how they tasted to her. Susan noticed that Kevin was looking at her, and wondered why. She put a fork full of carrots in her mouth, and felt her stomach turn. She spit them out, thinking that he somehow ruined them. They tasted absolutely horrible. She looked up to see Kevin laughing at her. "You have to eat all veggies honey," she heard her old voice say to her, "they're good for you." She turned red with embarrassment, remembering how many times she'd had to tell that to Kevin. He laughed a little, sounding more like a giggle in her body, and told her that they'd swapped tastes, and that he liked what she used to, and she now liked what he did. The carrots tasted horrible now and she didn't plan to eat any more of them. finishing off everything else on her plate first. She was going to get up from the table, when she Kevin sternly said to her, "You're not leaving the table until you've finished your carrots young man," in the exact tone of voice, and words that she'd used on him when he was younger. Susan felt embarrassed, and promised never to make him eat carrots again once they changed back. Not wanting to be a hypocrite, she forced herself to eat all the carrots on her plate, hating herself for dishing so much of them on her plate in the first place. When they had finished eating, Kevin lit up a cigarette again, right in front of her. She couldn't believe he'd do it in front of her. She'd always smoked an after dinner cigarette, and Kevin seemed to be mimicking her some. She realized he was purposely copying what she did and said, just to tease her, and perhaps as a kind of petty revenge for when she'd had to reprimand him. She kept quiet, despite her displeasure, but almost lost her temper when Kevin turned to her and said, "I cooked dinner, so you get to do the dishes and cleanup," and walked into the living room. "He's right," she told herself reluctantly as she started to clear the table, "he cooked so it's my turn to do dishes." Kevin was in the living room on the couch,watching a show on TV (that he always liked but never got to watch because he was usually doing dishes), and smoking his cigarette. He was having a bit of fun messing with his mom, but figured that he'd have to end it pretty soon. It was nice having the shoe on the other foot for a change. He grinned and yelled into the kitchen, "Are you almost done honey?" in a sweet voice, knowing his mom had just started. He knew she'd be annoyed, because he always was when she asked him that right away. She yelled back to him, "I wish you'd quit this game, it's beginning to get old," and kept on cleaning. Susan was really getting annoyed of this game and planned on finding that ring this evening, even if it took both of them all night. She promised herself she wouldn't go through with another day of school. And she wanted to end this stupid game of Kevin's. She was getting tired of him throwing her own words back at her. She grabbed another plate and scrubbed it clean, and as she was putting it in the rinse, she heard the doorbell ring, then the door open up. "Oh no," she muttered. Doug always came in on his own, and she'd forgotten that he might come over tonight. She couldn't let him catch them like this, and she certainly couldn't tell him what really happened. She put down the plate, and decided that she had better go into the living room and have Kevin try to get rid of Doug tonight, when suddenly she felt a pain in her upper arm, as Doug grabbed her. She yelped for a second wondering what was wrong with Doug, when he leaned into her face with a nasty look on his face and whispered to her, "Remember what I told you last night, kid? That if you mess with me one more time, I'm going to kick your teeth in? Just remember that tonight," then he let her arm go and left the kitchen. She was shocked that Doug would do this to her. Was he doing it to Kevin? It certainly made sense, and explained why Kevin hated him so much. No wonder Kevin was upset with her all the time. She held her arm, and listened to Doug saying hi to Kevin, and Kevin talking to him, pretending to be her. Fortunately she thought that the two of them never had many dishes to clean, as she finished up the last of them in a few minutes. She went into the living room, wanting to talk to Kevin and get rid of Doug. She decided that after she got back into her own body, Doug was definitely history. As it was, she was extremely pissed at him, though forcing herself not to show it. She noticed that Kevin looked uncomfortable sitting next to Doug and kept trying to scoot away from him. ", Mom?" she asked, catching herself, "can I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure, uh... honey," Kevin sounding a little relieved that the calvalry had arrived, and Doug looked threateningly towards her. Kevin turned to Doug and told him it would be just a minute, and walked into the kitchen with her. Susan asked Kevin straight out about Doug the night before, keeping what just happened with Doug to herself. She didn't need to worry Kevin any more. Kevin told her how Doug burst into his room and threatened him, but tried to make it sound like no big deal. Susan wasn't happy about it, but it was just what she figured. She was only surprised that she found out about the threats so soon after they started. She thought about the problem for a minute, and really wanted to get rid of Doug so he didn't find out about what happened, and so that they could search the house for the ring. She especially didn't trust Doug anymore after his threats. She'd liked him almost as soon as they'd met, and never imagined that he would threaten her son before, and was blaming herself a little. Susan knew that Kevin couldn't impersonate her successfully for very long with Doug, and told him to say he was feeling sick, and get Doug to leave. She thought that should do it. When they went back to the living room, Doug looked a little suspicious at first, wondering if Kevin had told his mom what happened, but decided he must not have after Kevin, looking like Susan sat back down next to him on the couch, though keeping a little distance. Kevin coughed a few times, and started pretending he was sick, trying to make himself look tired. He found that it wasn't too hard, since he felt more tired than he usually did this time at night. Apparently his mom wasn't exaggerating when she'd told him before that she didn't have the energy she used to. Susan sat down in the chair, hoping her presence would curb the conversation, and so she could monitor it, and keep Kevin from making any major mistakes. She saw that Kevin had thought to change the channel to the show she usually watched, so that Doug wouldn't notice anything odd. He looked bored but was trying to look interested in the show so he wouldn't have to talk much with Doug. After a little bit, Doug turned to Susan and told her to "get me and your mom a beer, kid." She got up and got a beer for him, and hesitated over getting one for Kevin, but decided it would look odd if Kevin didn't have one too. She hoped he'd have enough sense to not drink very much. She came back in to see Doug trying to wrap his arm around Kevin's shoulder, while Kevin kept pushing it back, complaining he didn't feel well. Doug was starting to look annoyed. Susan brought the beers in and put them down on the table. She noticed that Doug didn't even say "thank you." She sat back on the chair, watching Kevin slowly sipping his beer, and Doug trying to get closer to him. She was surprised how well Kevin was pulling off the conversation with Doug. She hadn't realized that he'd listened in on her and Dougs conversations so much, and surprised her with some of the comments he made, about things she was embarrassed to think he knew. Doug was obviously getting annoyed about her being there, and she realized it was pretty odd, since Kevin almost never sat with them when Doug was around, and that she they hadn't been arguing like normal. Then Doug turned to her, saying, "Hey kid, can you get out of here for a bit. I want to talk to your mom alone.." Susan was getting real annoyed, realizing that whenever Doug talked to her, he kept calling her, kid, sport and other things like that. He kept talking to her like she was dumb, and his patronizing was beginning to get very old. She was surprised when Kevin turned agreed with Doug saying "Yes honey, I'd like to spend a few minutes alone with Doug." What was wrong with Kevin? What was he trying to do?, she started to protest, then in a strict voice, Kevin said, "Now dear, go to your room," and then she noticed with a slight grin on her old face, "And remember, no TV or games. You're still grounded." Angry with Kevin for this stunt, she stomped upstairs, and slammed the door loudly to Kevin's room, hoping she looked realistic enough. She wondered what Kevin was doing. Did he just realize that they weren't acting like normal, and just covering for them so Doug wouldn't get suspicious? She didn't know, but sat in Kevin's room letting herself calm down. Downstairs Kevin was playing sick and told Doug that he was tired and going to bed early. It took some talk, but Doug left. Kevin was relieved, thinking he'd never get rid of that guy. He didn't like Doug, but he kind of liked the attention Doug was paying to him, when he hadn't been trying to grope Kevin. He was glad that his mom was there to keep Doug from trying to go too far. He lit another cigarette, and enjoyed the smoke going down his throat before he let it back out. He was amazed at how quick he was getting used to this. He hardly had any problems with his fingernails getting in the way anymore, and kept forgetting he had breasts. Taking a long look in the mirror, he went upstairs to tell his mom that Doug was gone. They spent an hour looking everywhere, but finding no sign of the ring. Susan started yawning, and Kevin realized it was past his usual bed time. He briefly considered "finding" the ring right now, but decided to let his mom sweat a little more. He didn't feel like going to bed now, and just wanted to stay up and watch a program coming on T.V., that he couldn't watch if he switched back. Kevin decided to "find" the ring in the morning, before going to school, and staying as his mom for the night. Kevin pointed out how late it was to Susan, and again mimicking her said, "Its past your bed time young man, and you have school tomorrow." Susan wasn't amused. Especially at the thought of having to go through another day of school. However, she knew Kevin was right. His body needed lots of sleep at his age, and she'd need it to go through his classes in the morning. She only prayed that they could find the ring before going to school. She was about to go to her own room, when Kevin reminded her that they'd changed pl

Same as Reversal Rings: Weird Wednesday Videos

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Reversal Rings V Finale

I know that some of you have been waiting for the return of Kevin and Susan from the first story. Well, here it is. This will probably be the last Reverse Rings story, so I hope you enjoy. This story has adult content in it. If you are under 18 or dislike such material, please go no further. If anyone who wishes to archive, please contact me first. SRU: Reverse Rings V: Finale By Morpheus Kevin stared into the mirror at the reflection of a beautiful woman looking back. The...

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Reversal Rings IV Family Life

Many people have been asking me about the next installment of Reverse Rings, so here it is. I had another part 4, but got rid of it due to its poor quality and wrote a new story. This one doesn't have the return of Kevin and Susan, but the next one does, so don't lose hope. It's coming soon. If anyone wishes to archive this, please contact me first. SRU: Reverse Rings IV: Family Life By Morpheus ([email protected]) The Old Man sat in a well decorated back room, upon an old...

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Reversal of Fortune

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Reversed Rings Dreams of Kevin and Susan

Reversed Rings: Dreams of Kevin and Susan by Eric (Note: This is just a possible continuation of Kevin and Susan's story by Morpheus. It came to me in a dream. The story is now complete. Thanks to Morpheus for his OK on the use of his characters. Note: This is set in the SRU Universe but the Wizard makes only a brief appearance I want to thank Steve Z for editing the story!) Chapter 1 (the more things change, the more they remain the same) Brandy looked at her cute boyfriend...

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Darkroom Wednesday

This is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...

3 years ago
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Reversal of Roles For a Day All Chapters

Chapter 1 The Switch After years of being my Dom, you say you want to switch with me for a day and experience some new things. We will find out just how submissive you can be. I have sent you a large box along with some brief instructions telling you what time you need to be ready for the limo to pick you up, what you are to bring with you and what you are to wear. There are three seperate, plain wrapped packages inside the box. You are to bring the package marked with a one along with...

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Reversal By Annie James Prologue Charlotte and Charleen are identical twins. Moreover, as so often occurs with such a pair, they early became best friends and companions. They were quick to learn to take advantage of the inability of others to distinguish between them, and exploited their similarity in all manner of childish adventures and pranks. About the age of ten they invented a new type of prank altogether by creating an alternate identity. A 'brother Charles' appeared on...

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Reversal of Fortune Part 5 Conclusion

Part 5 Facial and Sex Reassignment surgery That evening, Kavitha called us and asked Jeevan when she can schedule my operation and that if he wanted any facial job done to me. He said, "I leave the choice entirely to her" and looked at me. I said, "I can have the operation as soon as you people can organize. I would like to reshape my nose and lips to make it more feminine." She nodded and noted something in her diary. We went back to our apartment and continued our usual sexual...

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When Millicent Met Maria One Wednesday

When Millicent Met Maria One Wednesday. By Maria Ski Author's Note: This is not an autobiographical tale but a work of fiction. It was a Wednesday afternoon in March and like most Wednesday afternoons I was off. For some strange reason the college gave us Wednesday afternoons off. And I took advantage of it. As I lived at home it gave me the chance to indulge in my little hobby of cross-dressing. With the full knowledge that my mother was at home and that she approved. Well it...

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Rings of Fate

THE RINGS OF FATE "David, I'm going to the mall, keep your eye on Susie?" mother called up the stairs. "O.K. mum," I called back, my heart rate picking up. As soon as she was out the door I searched through her bedroom for the rings that I'd seen her and dad use. Dad was an archaeologist, he had obtained these rings from an Arabian associate, they were very, very special. "Where are they?" I searched frantically until I came across the ornate little wooden box in dad's...

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SRU The Welsh Rings

Hi, all. This is the first story I've ever done for SRU and I have to admit it's something of a surprise - I never thought I'd do one. I hope you all like it. Disclaimers: This story is mine, and don't you go saying otherwise (Except, of course, for Spells 'R Us...). I give permission to anyone with a free site to archive this (you could let me know, if you've got the time). If you think this is good enough to try to charge money for it, you'd better be willing to offer me (and...

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The Rings of Trust The Beginning

The Rings of Trust-The Beginning By Allen W. Writer's note: I am hoping to create a new-shared universe and have therefore placed the rules for the Rings of Trust at the end of the story. It is my hope that there are some authors out there who might find the concept of the Rings of Trust to be interesting enough to write a story or stories using them as the plot device. If you are interested in writing a Rings of Trust story and wish to contact me, I can be reached at [email protected]....

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Rings of Trust The Test

The Test By Elliot Reid "It's a test, Mark," said Amy. "A test?" I looked at my girlfriend, eyebrows raised. "What, a compatibility test or something?" "Something like that." Amy was seated on the bed, nude, cocking her head to one side, gauging my reactions. "We've been going out for a year and you said you wanted to take it to the next stage and I guess this is where we test whether that's going to work or not." "This magic will do that?" I looked at the pair of rings...

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SRU The Rings of Trust A New Beginning

The Rings of Trust: A New Beginning By [email protected] This story is a follow up to a story written by Allen W and is based on the SRU:Rings of trust universe he has created. It is my first erotic story so please forgive any errors. Otherwise enjoy to your hearts content Matt....That was what my name used to be. That was before my run in with Kevin and the rings. I had purchased the rings for the outrageous price of 5 dollars a piece from a bizarre old man in a...

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SRU Reverse Rings Naughty But Nice

The rings used in this story are the second pair of rings introduced by Eric in his Finishing School story, not the original pair from my original story Weird Wednesday. I'm not going to go into all the rules for the rings this time, so if you want to know what they are, you can read Weird Wednesday, which is on Fictionmania. Because these are a different pair of rings, they do have slightly different characteristics than the original. SRU: Reverse Rings: Naughty but Nice By...

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Four Rings

Four Rings by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr It took Hale a long time to make the Rings. He made four, each a different size, intended for different purposes, but they would all do the same thing no matter how worn. Hale was a brilliant scientist-cum-magician who had lived a very long life. He was old and he didn't like it; the slow wasting of his body by the unstoppable affliction of age was unbearable to him. He had tried and tried to arrest the aging process but nothing had...

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Rings of Trust Tricked

Rings of Trust: Tricked "You have to come over after school today, dude," I told my best friend Carl. He looked skeptical. "You're high, Tim," he said flatly. I had just told him about this pair of rings my crazy cousin had given me. "Where'd Paul say he'd found those rings again? Seriously? A gypsy? I mean, that's so insanely cliched my head should explode." "I know," I agreed blandly. "But... that's what he said." "Because he was addicted to turning himself into a superhero?" Carl...

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Maid Joannas New Nipple Rings

Maid Joanna's New Nipple Rings By Joanna Maguire My Mistress had attached nipple rings to my breasts routinely as part of my daily punishment many times over the years I have served as maid Joanna. After my last punishment, where I had received only 30 lashes. I was told I must leave the nipple clamps on until I was told to take them off. Three days later I was still wearing the clamps. It had been indeed painful wearing the nipple clamps for that first day. That night I...

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Rings of Trust Tricked

Rings of Trust: Tricked "You have to come over after school today, dude," I told my best friend Carl. He looked skeptical. "You're high, Tim," he said flatly. I had just told him about this pair of rings my crazy cousin had given me. "Where'd Paul say he'd found those rings again? Seriously? A gypsy? I mean, that's so insanely cliched my head should explode." "I know," I agreed blandly. "But... that's what he said." "Because he was addicted to turning himself into a superhero?"...

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The Rings

This is just a run-of-the-mill cheating wife story for those who are addicted as I am. The prolific JPB has probably done this story line already but maybe I've taken a new slant on it. It was several weeks ago that it happened. It was a Thursday morning and I was up trying to get our two kids ready for school when the phone rang. Since it was only 7:30 I wondered who could be calling. Caller ID said it was an out of area code number which made me wonder even more. "Hello." I spoke into...

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SRU Rings of Transformation

Disclaimer: This story contains sexual content, and unless you are at least eighteen years of age, you shouldn't be reading it...thank you. Author's Note: This particular story is set in the "Spells R Us" Universe. It has more than my usual transformation, and I promise a "good read". It is my fourth story in this genre. Additional Thought: If you deem my story is worthy, I'd love to hear some feedback! Spells R Us: "Rings of Transformation" by JR Parz I. "Damn!" Bart...

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Rings of Confirmation

Simple: One ring makes the answer to any yes-or-no question always 'YES'. However, this not only compels others to agree -- it also magically makes the statement indubitably True, shaping reality, physics, or society to its accordance. This works on everyone and thing; even those that do not understand the speaker's language, cannot hear them, or are inanimate. (If you are wondering, 'But how about--' the answer is yes, even that. It as powerful as the bearer wishes to utilize it. [See below...

Mind Control
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Ash Wednesday

He was only a few weeks shy of 40 when Cain called him, and on days when he felt guilty about the whole thing he hid it behind that excuse: midlife crisis, staring into the abyss of mortality, the appeal of youth, that whole thing. But the truth was he'd found her attractive even before that. In the last photo he'd seen of her she must have been thirteen, and in that moment right before recognition set in, he'd thought, "Wow, she's hot." Long legs, what they used to call "coltish," but...

1 year ago
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A Rainy Wednesday

Without a second thought he says, “I can give you a lift”. Now normally...on a regular day when the morning goes to shit I would've said I’m ok...I would have thanked him and returned to the call to my sister. Today wasn’t a regular day….it was Wednesday. It was supposed to be sunny. It wasn’t, and this handsome man..whom I wished would talk….and explore naughty things with me had just offered me a ride. It was a rainy Wednesday. An overcast day that once again the WeatherChannel had guessed...

Sex With Stranger
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Ear Rings

Ear rings: It all began when I said: "There is no way my daughters are having their ears pierced. I'd as soon wear ear rings myself." "We have a deal then," Lucy replied. "Look, I wear the trousers in this relationship and I make the decisions." "We'll see," was all that she replied. I thought nothing more of it. I continued in my job as the main breadwinner and Lauren continued to be the dutiful wife. My oldest daughter, Philippa, would occasionally say that she wanted...

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Reality Rings The Maid

John Kent had the perfect life. He also had a maid, and she wanted that life for herself. Reality Rings: The Maid by BobH (c) 2012 John Kent In my study I poured myself a Scotch, sighing appreciatively as its familiar odour assailed my nostrils. This was the start of a long weekend break for me, my first in quite a while, and I intended to relax and make the most of it. Many people think TV news presenters have an easy job, but there's a lot more to it than you see...

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Movie Wednesday

They sat on the couch, the bowl of popcorn in her lap. Nathan reached over from some popcorn, eyes never leaving the TV. Summer swatted his hand away playfully, eyes focused on the movie, smiling as she popped another piece into her mouth. Nathan rolled his eyes, settling back against the couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table. This was their usual Wednesday night tradition. It’d started years ago when Summer had been dumped and she’d come crying to Nathan. Nathan had been annoyed...

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Every Wednesday

My office mate George, finally admitted that since about a year ago, the bastard had been dating my sweet wife.That night we were having some drinks after office and George got too much alcohol; so he was very communicative with me and he finally slipped his little secret….His fetish was a woman who wears coats with nothing underneath. So, before dating him for the very first time, my sexy Ana had purchased a short black leather rain coat to wear for him… When George told me that, my cock...

3 years ago
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Rings of Transformation

Thanks to Bill Hart for the creation of the Spells R Us Universe. This tale has more than my usual transformations. Rings of Transformation by JR Parz I. "Damn!" Bart Stearns muttered under his breath. It had been the third time Tara Seavers shot him down, and as he watched the girl turn the corner, his eyes were riveted on her incredible butt. It was then that he heard David and Ray laughing at his expense. They both had warned him that he'd be wasting his time and...

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Wild Wednesdays

A couple in the swinging lifestyle make their weekly pilgramage to a private club. Wednesdays have been punctuated by a young woman who puts on quite a show in one of the anything-goes areas. Caitlyn's husband is in the crowd of onlookers while she sits alone in the public area. She's not alone for long.Wild Wednesdays“Mind if I sit down?” asked the black man with the muscular build.“What, you’re not going to join the others?” she said. He looked toward the wide doorway that led into the back...

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The Rings

The Rings The usual disclaimers apply to this story. If you are under 18 or whatever the legal age is in your country to read sexually explicit material then please do not read any further. The same is true if you are offended by transsexualism, lesbianism or for that matter any of the topics that can be found in this web site. Equally this tale is fiction and if any of the characters or events bear any resemblance to any person dead or alive then that will be...

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Sharons Wednesday

The bus ride home always felt so much longer on Wednesdays. It was the anticipation and the excitement that did it and Sharon was filled to the brim with both. At times she would wonder why she hadn't started to get bored of this yet, every Wednesday for over a year now, but if anything she was more and more pleased every time the school rang out on those extra short days in the middle of the week. Then she'd have a light skip in her step on the way to the bus stop, no matter what the...

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Rings of Possession

How do the rings work? There are 5 rings you can use, and you are able to switch between the different bodies of the ring wearers to your pleasure. The necklace has a small pendant with a valve, which you can turn to transfer your consciousness to one of the rings. To switch back to your original body, you simply turn the gem and your soul will immediately pop back into your body. You are unable to switch directly between the rings, rather you have to return to your own body and switch to the...

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 23 A Pair of Rings

September 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Yes!” Elizaveta squealed. Everyone clapped and the grandmothers put the choker and bracelet on Elizaveta, who was impatiently waiting to come to me. Just before she did, Gennady hurried over, winked, and we exchanged a Russian greeting, causing everyone but Elizaveta, who simply rolled her eyes, to laugh. Once Gennady moved away, Elizaveta quickly came to me and we hugged tightly, then Elizaveta turned to her maternal grandmother. “Grandmother, may I...

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CHAPTER ONE Promotion It was a sunny and pleasant day in downtown Chicago; the sun, high in the sky, was warming the busy streets of the city as Summer was just getting underway. Julia sat outside at a busy corner bistro, alone at a table, just off Michigan Avenue, across the street from the Art Institute. Lost in her own thoughts, she idly strummed her long red nails, as the multitude, people and vehicles swirled around her. She took a quick sip of ice tea and was pleased to see her...

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Reversals Ch03

CHAPTER THREE Consequences Eric was still feeling upset as he turned onto the street for their apartment, coming home from his shopping run. He'd stopped at the liquor store first, for something to relax him later that afternoon, and then the gaming store, where he normally went to blow off some time, poking around at different game manuals, magazines, and comics. Normally, he enjoyed strolling around the store, losing himself there, forgetting about the harsher realities of life; but...

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Reversals Ch06

CHAPTER SIX A New Day Eric woke to the pleasing scent of bacon teasing at his nose, beckoning him to wake. He inhaled deeply through his nostrils, flaring them, drawing in the rich smell on the air as the bacon crackled in a skillet nearby. Eric sat up on the couch with some difficulty, easing himself up, rolling his shoulders to and fro trying to work the stiffness out. He hadn't sleep well on the couch with only a small throw pillow and throw blanket for comfort; but after last...

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It happened last Wednesday

Let me describe my pet how she was dressed that Wednesday: chubby lady in her late 50s, dressed in her small maid uniform, long to the waist, snow white apron in front barely covered fresh shaved pussy lips, black stockings and high heels. Her ass, colored in soft rose color, as result of light caning by tinny whippy cane earlier that morning, was exposed, as usually.She was beautiful! Like an angel. An angel with rose behind. View at her bending in the waist and make her pussy lips visible...

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Yankee Swap Chapter 16 Wednesday

Yankee Swap, Chapter 16: Wednesday Disclaimer: (Repeated here for this chapter.) Know this before you read further. This and some of the following chapters depict sexual harassment and physical assault. I am not trying to glorify it, but rather to shine a light on it through Kim's reaction. While there is truth in this, it is not all women's truths. Kim is afraid to rock the boat and thinks she can handle things and so her tormentors are not challenged or reported until it is...

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Fashion House 2 WEDNESDAY

Wednesday Wednesday morning seemed to be a repeat of Tuesday morning. I awoke alone in bed and there was satin robe lying across the bed. It wasn't the blue one but rather a long silver one with embroidery that matched the negligee. I got up, and went into the bathroom knowing I needed to relieve myself. I walked to the toilet, pulled my panties down and sat. "If I'm going to experience being a woman then I might as well start now," I thought. Next I went to the sink and...

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Same Time Wednesday

It’s Monday and work is agonizingly slow. I’m the only staff today and I might as well not even be there. Nobody is really browsing books, nobody is really selling them. Usually when things are slow I clean, organize, go over the schedules, or read. I was reading, but the written words surrounding me, both wise and beautiful, are ignored. My nose is all but pressed up against the computer screen as I read erotica. I’m dressed in a mid-length frilly summer skirt and a see through blouse. My...

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Same Time Wednesday

It’s Monday and work is agonizingly slow. I’m the only staff today and I might as well not even be there. Nobody is really browsing books, nobody is really selling them. Usually when things are slow I clean, organize, go over the schedules, or read. I was reading, but the written words surrounding me, both wise and beautiful, are ignored. My nose is all but pressed up against the computer screen as I read erotica. I’m dressed in a mid-length frilly summer skirt and a see through blouse. My...

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Spring BreakChapter 3 Wednesday

Wednesday The wake-up call came way too early. I picked up the phone and heard the automated message start, then I dropped it back in the cradle. My back and arms were sore, the price I was more than willing to pay for the previous night's pleasures. My two lovers stirred in the bed. I leaned over and kissed each of them on the cheek. "C'mon, girls. It's time to get up." "Five more minutes," Leah groaned. She was never a morning person. The other girl in my bed rolled over on her...

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Missy and David Naked in SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

I had gone to bed pretty early Tuesday night. The painkillers they subscribed for me helped. I didn't stay up very late after David had left. I didn't even eat-now there's a miracle. I did, however, stay up long enough for my Dad to get home. Unfortunately. That man takes 'unsympathetic' to a whole new level. And, of course, all he cared about was that "it would get around" if I dropped out of The Program. So, he called Mr. Tilling and twisted his arm, nice and hard. I'd still be in...

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Rings of Mistrust

Rings of Mistrust By Carleton Vincent This story takes place in a universe created by Allen W in Rings of Trust. I once again offer my gratitude to this author for writing a great tale. It stoked up the fires of my imagination and inspired me to write the original version of this story. This is a revision of that original version. I have changed the ending significantly. I have also re-edited the entire story and...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 00

Introduction – Author’s notes about ‘The Wanderings of Amy’ and other erotic discipline fiction The ‘Wanderings of Amy’ was my first effort to write fiction of any sort. I had prior experience writing works of non-fiction, journalism, and academic research. However, I had always wanted to write fiction and have had ideas for a couple of political novels for many years. During the summer of 2002, for reasons I myself do not understand, I started to write a story in which I sought to explore a...

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SRU My Darling Daughter Reversed Rings

My Darling Daughter Spells R' Us -Reversal Rings For your consideration a tale of fates, two of those people for whom life hasn't quite given a fair shake. It's the story of Marshall and his child, a man desperate to stay with his darling daughter Arial. The old man at the Spells' R US store steps and takes a hand to right a wrong and in doing so gives out a guarantee and his Internet location. Beware. Wizards are easily upset and not to be trifled with! Marshall thought over...

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Rings Of Transformation

I. "Damn!" Bart Stearns muttered under his breath. It had been the third time Tara Seavers shot him down, and as he watched the girl turn the corner, his eyes were riveted on her incredible butt. It was then that he heard David and Ray laughing at his expense. They both had warned him that he’d be wasting his time and making a fool of himself, but he went ahead and approached Tara anyway. It was a month ago when Ray told him about the beautiful new transfer student. At the time, he had...

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The Binding RingsChapter 6

Jason sprung away form his aunt - guilt, panic, and fright all vying for control. “Quick!” He hissed to Sarah urgently. “Get upstairs and hide - make sure you act normally if you come down!” His aunt looked like she wanted to say something or other - the urgency of the situation didn’t seem to concern her as it did him - but Jason eventually succeeded in getting her up and moving; he had to basically shove her up the start of the stairs until she got the hint and went of her own accord....

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Reversal of Fortune

[ In the spirit of changing times; in the spirit of a long over due redress of well earned grievances of the so-called 'Third World', or the 'Developing Nations' (generally non-white), here's some encouragement to both whites who are more aware of their ancestor's exploitation and suppression of these nations and their people, as well as to they, themselves, who thirst for justice. And, in this particular scenario, we will see what may turn out to be the only truly significant form of redress,...

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Reversal of Fortune Part 2

Part 2 After about an hour or so, I was given some "Herbal" pills by Nurse Mala and then taken to a small hall where many people were having their breakfast. I noticed Jeevan standing in a queue to get his plate filled and he turned around and looked at me. I immediately avoided eye contact by lowering my head. Nurse Rajkumari who noticed this commented to me, "that is a typical girlish thing to do. The hormones have started working fast in you." Then she handed over a plate to...

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Reversal of Fortune Part 3

Part 3 I must have been starting at the wall without talking for quite a while and was oblivious to whatever that was happening around me. The Psychologist had entered the room and sat besides me and was calling out my name. After a while I came to senses and looked at her and immediately started crying. She consoled me as best as she could but I was in an inconsolable mind. Rajkumari then came near and applied spirit on my arms and gave me an injection. It must have been some sort...

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Reversal of Fortune Part 4

Part 4 The first night alone, together Before we came back to the apartment, Rajkumari instructed me to take two more cups of his fluids and give him two more of mine that night. She said, "Take one cup after two hours and one early in the morning one hour after you drink his piss." Immediately I corrected her with a "Please call it as his liquid and not piss" and she just laughed it off. Then I went to my apartment soon after and went to the toilet to relieve myself. Now a days,...

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