Reversal Of Fortune - Part 3 free porn video

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Part 3 I must have been starting at the wall without talking for quite a while and was oblivious to whatever that was happening around me. The Psychologist had entered the room and sat besides me and was calling out my name. After a while I came to senses and looked at her and immediately started crying. She consoled me as best as she could but I was in an inconsolable mind. Rajkumari then came near and applied spirit on my arms and gave me an injection. It must have been some sort of sedative and soon I fell asleep. When I woke up, I found myself in a place that looked like a hospital room. Soon a nurse walked in and said, "O you are awake. You had slept very tight for the last 12 hours due to that strong dosage. Here, take these pills." She gave me some pills and water to drink. I meekly took them and she said that they were herbal anti depressants. After a few minutes, the Psychologist came and we had a session for about an hour when I cried out all my miseries. We spoke at length and I felt slightly better. At least there was someone who can understand my mental agony. I felt that I was given a raw deal... that despite winning the bets several times, I got rejected. Then I was given my bland soup as usual and the a nurse and Rajkumari came in. Rajkumari said, "We have to milk you now. Cant let it stay in your chest because it is bad and will cause lots of pain later. Of course, we wont be giving this to Jeevan because you are under medication right now and it would also affect him. We will just throw it away. But at least his semen won't go wasted." The nurse helped me undress my tops and then they started extracting milk from my breasts. Slowly tears started forming in my eyes when I thought about what had happened to me but soon I came around to my senses and wiped it off using the bed sheet. I went in and out of sleep for the next three days. Maybe that they must have been giving me some sort of sedatives and anti depressants. The normal activities of drinking soup and extraction of milk kept happening in the meantime. On the third day morning, my crying had stopped and I was feeling better. I even started to smile at the jokes of the Psychologist and soon got discharged that night. Sex Education Classes The next day, the sex education class started. I thought that it would be a class which teaches on how to suck dicks and get arse fucked but was wrong. Rima started the class by saying, "Welcome to this session. What we are going to learn is everything about sex. Not just on how to satisfy and get satisfied but all that is in sex and around sex. You will learn about your sexual organs as well as simulating non non sexual organs in order to get maximum sexual pleasure. I have researched into various subjects related to sex and have presented a paper on those portions of the Indian text known as Kama Sutra which pertain to sexual activities in humans. Hence I am considered to be one of the very few experts in this. When I live in the outside world, I work as a yoga teacher and also a sex education teacher for adult couples who want to explore and enjoy sexual activities. I teach Yogic Sex based on Kama Sutra." She continued, "First let us explore the organs that are responsible for giving direct sexual pleasure in humans." And there was a detailed study of both the male and female organs. Then she went on to explain the points of non sexual organs that give rise to maximum pleasure in both genders. Like for example when a man scratches lightly behind the ears of a woman of a particular nadi type on some particular days of the month, like full moon days, it gives rise to maximum arousal and pleasure during sexual activities. She also went on to explain about men's pleasure points. She then went on to explain which points in the man's organ we have to touch and the amount of pleasure we have to apply in it in order to give him maximum pleasure. All of us too down lots of notes. She continued her lecture by saying, "To bring out maximum Sexual you have to know astrological chart of the day and both your personal horoscope details. On certain days some nerve points are very active and by touching and putting pressure or pinching some parts of your partner's body, they would get aroused much more and derive maximum pleasure. One need not know detailed astrology for this but the basic knowledge would be of great help. The guys are learning this in their sex education class which my husband takes for them. I shall cover this part for the females. By the end of this course, both of you would know each and every aspect on how to pleasure your partner using astro sex." Then when we were breaking up for the day she said, "I will go through Kama Sutra in detail over the next few sessions. Kama Sutra is not just on how to have sex but also covers various part of life. How to satisfy your and your partner's sexual needs is one part of the book. Even it that part, the book teaches us about the art of happily giving in order to receive maximum benefits. Life is all about giving. You have to give pleasure to your partner in order to get maximum benefits. The more you give, the more you would get. That is the law of nature. That is why this class is very important. We shall meet tomorrow." Living together After the class, Rajkumari met me and took me a room where there were lots of ladies dresses. She said, "select whatever you like and it is yours." I looked at these dresses and was confused. I dint know how what to wear or how to select a ladies dress. Rajkumari then helped me explained this very important part of a female's life. Together we went about selecting a few dresses for me. I had an assortment of ladies dresses like 2 Chudidars, 2 Salwar Kameez, 2 Half Sarees and 4 sarees and two jeans and some T'shirts. I wore and tested all these dresses and it must have taken about 2 hours for the selection. Just as we were finishing, a nurse came and took me to the trail room where she gave me the soup to drink and started to milk me. Rajkumari told the shop assistant to deliver these dresses to Apartment 2 B in building A. I started to enquire as to whose apartment that was when she asked me to be quite and asked me go along with her. Then we went to the the Dean's room. Jeevan was sitting in a couch in the corner. Kavitha and Mala were seated in chairs across the dean's large table. Kavitha said, "From today, you and Jeevan will live together in your apartment." Before I could say anything or protest, she continued, "Be quite and trust me. It is all for your good only." The Dean then said, "You see, there would be no pressure on either of you to indulge in any sexual activity. Rape is strictly prohibited and so is coercion. We have cameras that are fixed so no forced sex please. This is a strict line which must not be crossed by either of you. The first times you indulge in sexual activities will after mutual consent and it would be supervised only. That is, only after both of you express a desire to have sex with each other we would allow you to proceed. But after the first time, we won't have such strict scrutiny on you because by then you would have learnt to respect each other." He then looked at me and said, "Of course, a man's nature is to demand sex but that is his nature caused by his hormones. You will be taught to accept his nature and be an obedient wife in these issues. And by the time you have lived together for a few months, you will understand his needs and his demands for sexual activities and you would not consider these as forced sex. As his wife you would learn to obey and satisfy his sexual needs whenever he wants." He then looked at Jeevan and said, "Currently you will not force her into sex even if you have the greatest urge to do it. You may masturbate, but never force her into sex. If there is any violation Jeevan, you would lose your super male status. In fact the punishment would be so very severe and one part would be that you would lose your manhood and be thrown in to some dirty brothel. I hope you understood and hence be very careful." Then he looked at me and continued, "You will also not make any false allegations against him because the punishment for that would be the same. Remember, your claims of forced sex or rape has to be backed by the cameras." He then looked at Jeevan and warned him, "Don't ever make her upset. Please have control over your mind and your urges to make lewd comments. It hurts her. Women are like flowers and you have to learn to handle them with proper care in order to enjoy it. You also need to remember some flowers have thorns and if you mishandle it then you would get pricked badly." He then looked into my eyes and said, "Yanika, you will accept your feminity fully. This means that you will accept Jeevan to be the boss of the house. As it is in our language, the man is known as the owner of his wife and indeed Jeevan will own you from now on. That means that he shall be fully responsible for your well being. Both of you please get this into your head from now onwards. Ok." I wanted give him an angry retort and was just about to reply when Rajkumari who was standing besides me tightened her grip on my wrists and said, "Yes sir, she understands very well. She also knows what happens to people who disobey." The dean then said, "Why do you speak for her? Cant she answer with a simple yes or no?." Then he drilled his eyes on to mine and asked, "OK Yanika. Did you understand what I said now?." I couldn't look at his eyes and lowered my eyes and meekly said, "Yes sir, I understand." Then I turned my eye balls towards where Jeevan was sitting and saw him having a slight smile and this irritated me further. I felt like crying at what had happened to me but restrained myself. The Dean then asked us to leave and I went along with Rajkumari who led me still holding my wrist. The apartment We then went to my room and she picked up all my stuff and put it in a carton. Then we took the lift to the third floor. She took to me to a door marked with the number 2B and opened it by pressing her thumb on to a small black square and there was a light clicking sound. She then turned the knob pushed the door and it opened. She said, "Bio metric locking system. It was installed by a super male named Dharam. He is an electronics wizard and works in Delhi in a big organization. Last time he came, he designed all our doors with electronic locking systems. We are a campus that is monitored and controlled electronically. Now both your fingerprints have been uploaded on to the system and the door will work when you or Jeevan press your thumb or pointer finger on to that black shiny square. Not that the doors need to be locked, but only to ensure your privacy during intimate moments." I went in to examine the house. It was like a small suite of a hotel. There was a small hall which had a sofa set and a center table. It also had a small TV in one corner and a small book shelf. Next to it was decent sized bedroom. I went to the bedroom and saw that there were two separate single person beds. One was besides the window and had a view of a beautiful garden and wooded area beyond. The view was breathtaking and immediately I put my box on to the bed and announced that this shall be my bed. There were two cupboards in a corner. Attached to the bedroom was a bathroom which had a wash basin in the centre facing the door. The shower area was on the left an Indian style toilet on the right side. By now I had been used to squatting to urinate and defecate and hence that was not a problem for me. What I liked was that the toilet was clean and then Rajkumari said, "It is your duty to see to it that the toilet is kept clean in the same way as it is." I replied, "Why me? Isn't it also his job to keep it clean?" to which Rajkumari said, "Men are dirty and you will see soon when you start living together. They assume that housekeeping is not their responsibility. So if you want to live in a clean house, you will have to learn to adjust with your man and do all the housekeeping work. We will teach you everything a girl has to know about keeping a clean house. Moreover, we need such work to keep ourselves fit and trim. Of course we do have our own yoga and aerobic workouts but still this is needed. We tend to put weight around our buttocks and thighs due to our medication and hence this program is decided in such a way that we get maximum workouts. You would have noticed that we only use the Indian style toilets. That is because each time we squat and stand up it provides us not only with an exercise but also helps in good clearing of our bowels. You know how public urinals are so we girls do not use them unless it is highly urgent. Men have the privilege to open and shoot their urine because they can stand and do but we don't. So when we squat and do, there is a pressure on to our lower abdomen which pushes out all liquid. In fact, it is advised by doctors that men too squat and piss but who listens." We then came out of the bathroom and headed to the hall. Advice from Rajkumari I saw that the hall had a small kitchenette attached on one side and it had a single burner stove. There were some utensils and a sink to wash. There was a fridge in the hall and it was empty. Rajkumari said, "You will have to fill it up with groceries and other items. When Jeevan wants to have something you will cook for him." Immediately I replied, "Why? Can't he cook for himself? Why should I do it for him?." Rajkumari just said in a matter of fact tone, "That is because you are his wife and it is the wife's duty to take care of her man. Everyone in this institution do it. Even the most senior members cook for their husbands. There is a secret behind it and you will realize it later. You have to learn Yanika, we girls have to act like we accept our man as the boss but maneuver our way to make him say and do things as we want. It all happens by us doing some things for them. Men will try to boss over. Accept it initially but slowly they would turn around and become our slaves if we know which strings to pull. In the beginning itself if you fight with him, then probably out of compulsion or other reasons they might give up but remember this that you will never win in the long run. Most importantly both of you will never be happy." We then went to the hall and sat on the sofa and she continued, "Many a times we do have several couples who have misunderstanding and living unhappy lives. But after they attend counseling sessions with their mentors and learn to see things from other's perspective things change and they lead happy lives. Remember, girls are meant to be submissive. But it is only for the outside. There are different methods of communication.... direct and indirect. Speech is bold and direct method, body language, mind games, and such things are indirect things and you will learn in your classes. Be submissive directly with your man. Don't argue or fight. But learn well on how to use your body language and mind games and you will be the boss." She then said, "In the bed too.... Allow him to dominate. Make him feel like he is the real king and he is giving you maximum pleasure. But do your things properly and give him full pleasure and he will treat you properly and also slowly change and start obeying you. Slowly their body language and direct languages change. Eventually your man will start consulting you for many things. This is natural. So remember, no fighting or arguing with him initially till you get together very well." To me it seemed like it was like a lecture a mother was giving her newlywed daughter. She then continued, "Did you notice the change in you?" and I asked her, "What change?." She said, "Earlier whenever someone mentions about you and Jeevan having sex, you would immediately feel repulsed and react with an angry reply. Today you were quiet. That is a change. I think you are now reconciling to the fact that you have to eventually live as Jeevan's wife, right?." I remained silent for a minute and then said, "Well, sort of yes I have accepted my femininity.... but still I cannot accept him at all. I might as well remain without sex for the rest of my life." She said, "O go ahead and think whatever you want too. But the fact is that you would have to accept him as your life partner and live with him till the end. You have to drink each other's fluids. The program is designed in such a way that when you drink directly, both of you would enjoy each other's company. You will have great sex lives till the end. Normal people don't get such fantastic privileges. If you two don't get along then life would be a misery. It would be mechanical without any purpose." She kept talking while she went to the kitchen to pick up a glass and fill it with water to drink, "Please remember this clearly Yanika. For men too it is difficult. Most of them are too straight to accept living with another man even if that man has been changed to a woman.... a very beautiful woman. Did you know that a man can ask for plastic surgery to be done to his woman if he finds her face not to his liking? So be prepared for that too." I immediately replied, "Why man alone gets to chose? Why not me? I want to make his face like Tom Hanks face. Why cant I chose?." She replied, "It is because of two things. One - It is only to comfort men that they are living and making love to a female. If they feel a change in some facial feature would be helpful then we do it. Sometimes the clients ask for it to be done too. For you as a girl, if you have accepted your feminity, then you won't have any problems making love to a man. Two - The surgery is only cosmetic and not a full facial change like they show in the movies. Mostly it is things like a nose job or ear job or eyebrow correction. In your case Jeevan will decide after you two become physically intimate." She continued, "And one more thing is that many a times the male ego keeps pricking them about this fact that they are sleeping with another man. A voice from a remote part of their mind keeps telling them that they are having sex with another man. But being men they don't speak out these things normally. O yes, they do go out and have sex with other natural born females when they start living alone, but still this relationship haunts them sometimes. My man had this feeling for a long time and with due psychological counseling he got ok. He got ok because I had fully and easily accepted my feminine nature and was highly supportive. If Jeevan has similar problems, then with your current nature, you two had it. Your lives are finished." To this I said, "O ya, my life is already finished." To this Rajkumari said, "I am not joking. If you get separated, then without mutual body fluids, both of you would suffer badly. You would grow old within a few months and lose all your energy. Both will start having severe body aches and eventually die in suffering. Remember Tina. Remember the photograph I showed of her two years before she died. Well she dint suffer much because we kept her in medication. She dint take another life partner but took the medicine. But we couldn't prevent her death. In your cases, there would be no medicines." I too replied somberly, "Death is better than living with that jerk Jeevan." Rajkumari replied, "Well Yanika, death doesn't come to those who wish it. There are people who went to commit suicide and did not succeed even when they tried the most sure shot method. They ended up in worse conditions than before with some sort of handicap or other complications. So don't wish for death because it doesn't come in your beck and call." This struck me like a lightning for I was considering suicide rather than have sex with Jeevan. She must have read my mind and continued, "But we do take precautions. Did you notice that there are no sharp knives in the kitchen? And all our plug points are electronically controlled that if someone puts their finger in it then it cuts off immediately. But then, if someone dies then we just cremate them and look for replacement candidates for the other but touch-wood no such incident has happened here for the last three decades." She continued, "Anyway, one of your jobs would be to get friendly with Jeevan and find out if he has the minutest repulsions of sleeping with you. This would help you in the long run. So get to know about him better and if his behavior is abrasive with you, then just brush it aside. You would learn to deal with his behavior and retaliate aptly as time goes by. That's why I say that you must be attentive in class... especially the sex education and human psychology class." After a few minutes of silence, I asked her, "You mean we can have sex with outsiders too?" and she replied, "Yes, as long as you take precautions. But we people don't find such need at all. We satisfy each other so very well sexually that no outsider can ever match us. So members of both genders prefer each other's company. Very rarely some men go out to have sex with natural born girls. As our psychologist says, it is their innate nature to spread their sperm around. But we women don't do such things and also it is a taboo, you see." I replied, "see, I've lost another such privilege.... One more privilege that I've lost in the long list... can't stand and pee, can't go out topless, and this is one more to the list. Why do boys have to have all the fun?." Rajkumari just smiled and said, "You don't know, we have more fun than boys. Only thing is that you still are thinking like a boy. Once you start living as a girl, you will learn that we do have more fun than them. We enjoy life and sex much more than a man." At that moment, Jeevan came along with another super male. He was carrying a box which he kept on to the small center table. He saw the hall then went to inspect the kitchenette. Then he went to the bedroom and inspected it and exclaimed loudly, "What a view. Amazing. I shall sleep in this bed." He then saw my things in the bed and called out, "Yanika, your stuff are on my bed. Can you move them to yours." I got so angry at his bossy nature and retorted, "Who do you think you are to order me? And that is my bed, I came here first and put my things there" and he calmly replied, "Did you forget what the dean said? I am the boss of the house so please do as I order." He then said something that made me real angry. He said, "Ok, let us toss for the bed. With your luck I am sure that I shall win." His words and attitude was so repulsive to me that I immediately I got up to start a fight with him when Rajkumari held my wrist and said in a low voice, "Caaaaalm..... Remember? Acceptaaaance." I calmed down and replied, "Ok, Have it your way. I shall move my things to the other bed." Though I hated it, I went and took all my things from "His" bed and threw it on to mine. At that moment one thing became very clear to me and it was that he was going to be the dominant partner and I the submissive one. As Kavitha had once told me during our lengthy conversations, men like to play the dominant role in relationships and expect their woman to be submissive. A girl must understand this and act accordingly. However the girl might be able to control her man even without him realizing it. She must make her man's dominance like a mirage.... seemingly real but in reality. While the woman must make her control in an unassuming way... indirectly so that it doesn't hurt the man's ego. A man requires to maintain a good ego in order to survive in the world while a woman can survive without an inflated ego. "So be attentive in your classes in order to learn these things", she advised me. I had nothing left at all. I dint know how to handle him. At that point of time I thought that I would never be able to master the art of non direct communication skills that many girls have and that I will never be able to control that arrogant Jeevan. I felt bad.... all my privileges as a man had been taken away.... no not taken away but looted. I lost my ability stand and pee, I lost many other things that men take it for granted. Now they have made me submissive. I really felt defeated. Tears rolled from my eyes and Rajkumari gave me a cloth to wipe it. We were silent for a while and I was thinking, "Ok, at least I don't have to drink his semen directly. I will never do that for the rest of my life. I will also not allow him to drink my milk directly." At that point the chief nurse entered the room and said, "Good to see both of you together." She had two transparent cups, one with a blue stripe in its bottom and the other with a Pink stripe. She also had a breast pump which she placed on the table. She then held the Pink striped one in one hand and said, "This is for the wife and the blue for the husband." She continued, "Since you two haven't got along well and are not drinking fluids directly, this would be the norm from now. We cannot come to the room every time and extract fluids and take it to the lab to make it into a soup. So from now on both of will extract your fluids in this cup and give it to your spouse to drink." She then looked at me and said, "If you want you can mix his semen in water and gulp it. Strictly no heating it. Understand?" and I nodded my head. I was now beyond these things to get any shock. The chief nurse then looked at me and said, "O I forgot. As a part of our treatment, you have to drink 50 ml of his early morning first urine every day. This is a part of our traditional medicine." This was a real shocker to me. I burst out, "What? O no. Why are you humiliating me in front of him. Please don't make me do it." Jeevan then laughed and commented, "This couldn't get better for me." I couldn't take it and started to sob when Rajkumari hugged me. The chief nurse said that she would explain about this and ordered me to be quiet in a stern voice. I slowly calmed down and the chief nurse said, "Good. I will explain it after I instruct Jeevan, so be quiet." She then looked at Jeevan and said, "Jeevan, you will collect your first urine every morning in this blue striped cup and give it to her. Since both urine and semen come from your penis no need to use a different cup. And do not... I repeat, DO NOT, fill it with the first few flow. You need to give her your mid-stream urine so let out a little urine first and then collect it in this cup and give it to her. Give her around 50 ml or so. There is a measuring mark in the cup and you can drink any excess urine yourself. It is very good for your health. And yes, if she is sleeping then keep it on the table but when she wakes up ensure that she drinks it first thing in empty stomach. And yes if you want, you can add your semen in it too. Watch her so that she doesn't throw it away. Do you understand?." Jeevan looked at her and then at me and then replied with a wicked smile, "Yes sure. It would be great to do that. I would enjoy this." This was too humiliating to me but I remained silent. Rajkumari was cuddling me the entire while and it was somewhat comforting. The chief nurse then said, "This is a part of our program. The man's urine consists of several ingredients that really helps in making our medicine. This is the one that would produce masculinisation stuff in our some of our medicine. We will check the nadi of the mother who has already conceived and if we find that the fetus is going to be a female, then we will give her this medicine. If given within one or two months the fetus will become a male... 100%. That is the power of your milk!" And then she said, "Please don't throw it away when he is not looking. Don't cheat. We will find out if you have had his urine by testing your milk after 2 hours. If we find that you have cheated, then you've had it. Understand?." This time I said a meek yes and nodded my head. I was totally defeated and screwed from all sides. I felt sad and thought to myself, "O my god, what has become of my life." Straight talk with Rajkumari The chief nurse left and Rajkumari indicated to Jeevan and the other super male to close the main door and leave the house. They left after closing the door and I leaned on to Rajkumari's breasts and cried and cried while she kept stroking her hands over my hair. That was a comforting thing to do and I stopped crying. I asked her, "Did you face such situations too. Were you humiliated so badly? Did you cry too." She replied, "Well, I'll be honest with you Yanika. In my case I had already sort of accepted my feminity well. I had already become very submissive and was giving good blowjobs to my man and he was drinking my milk directly. And we were getting extreme pleasure by our sexual activities and so in a way it was easy for me to accept to drink his urine. Of course it was indeed humiliating because he used to tease me for drinking his piss. But I brushed it aside and eventually he stopped teasing me." We were silent for a few minutes and then she said, "In your case, it is your stubbornness that is causing lots of problems for you. Let go of your manly ego. Puncture it and you will not be in such a mess. Accept your feminity." To this I said, "Of course, I have accepted my feminity. Why else would I happily choose the dresses. Why else would I learn to behave like a girl. Why else would I hang around with the girls and talk girly talks. When the other girls talk about men and their dick sizes I listen to them with wonder. When they say how good it was to give blowjob I too want to give one. I try giving blowjobs to a dildo and will do it in real too, but not to Jeevan. When they say how they orgasmed when their man sucked their nipple, I too want it to happen to me. But I just don't like that guy Jeevan. So how can you say that I have not accepted my feminity?." Rajkumari kept quiet for a while and said, "If you had accepted you as a girl, you wouldn't have cried when all these things happened. It is your masculine ego that is making you cry every time it gets punctured. Jeevan is not a bad guy. All guys behave like him only... in fact some would be far worse than him." She continued in a matter of fact tone, "So you say that you would have sex with other men... ok, let us look at it this way - what if they turn out to be worse than Jeevan. Have you ever moved with any other man that you feel that they are better then Jeevan?." She then lifted my head and looked directly into my eyes and asked me, "Now tell me honestly Yanika. Do you think that any man, not just a super male but any man from anywhere around the world, would ever allow a woman to dominate him? I am talking about normal men and not some weird cases. Never. Even if we pair you with another man instead of Jeevan, what is the surety that he would also not be a jerk. Do you understand? So answer me now." I just stared at her while her question sunk in to my head. I then said meekly, "You are right. Men are jerks. But I don't know how to handle them. How do I cope up with his taunts?" and Rajkumari replied, "Well, that's what they are teaching you in the classes" "And then, come to think of this and tell me one more thing. You don't mind drinking his cum and urine. And he drinks your milk. Then why not drink it directly?." I replied, "I've also thought about this. Yes. But the reason is that I don't want to give him pleasure, that's why I'll not have any physical intimacy with him." Rajkumari replied in a shocked voice, "What? What nonsense girl? You don't want to give him pleasure? Did you ever think what pleasure he would give you? Did you ever think that you will get 1000 times more pleasure than him? So you don't mind punishing yourself in order to extract your revenge for his taunting you. Shame Yanika, shame on you. I thought that you were intelligent. Think about what I said and you will understand." Rajkumari then left me alone and I was pondering her words. Yes indeed I am punishing myself. But I couldn't accept him as my man, what to do. My mind was adamant in this. More tanuts It was then Jeevan came back. He removed his lose T'shirt that he uses for workouts and for the first time I noticed that he had indeed put on lots of muscles. His shoulders had widened while my hips had done so. His arms and chest had grown more hard muscles while my breasts had grown and had lots of soft tissues. I was now wearing a proper bra that a normal 14 year old would wear. Of course it had a thick padding in order to prevent my "nearly always aroused nipples" from getting too sensitive due to chillness in the air-conditioned room. He came and sat besides me and I moved a little bit. In turn he moved near me and I went to the edge of the sofa. I noticed the smell of his manly sweat and noticed that I liked the smell.... In fact I observed that I was slightly getting aroused. The female hormones were working well I thought. I wanted to smell him more and dint want to move away. The tasks assigned to super males included gym and weight training for three hours a day. This was apart from Yoga practice. Obviously he had just come back from his gym and was smelling great. He then asked me, "You want to drink directly now?" and laughed. He then said, "Ok let me collect it and come. You want to see how large my dick has become thanks to you? You want to see how I collect it? Do you want to see how far it sprays out of my now large dick? eh?", I felt repulsed by his taunts but I remembered Rajkumari's words kept quite. I thought to myself that I shall have my sweet time and he will repent all these things that he did. He got up and went to the bedroom with the blue striped glass and came out after a few minutes and kept the cup on the table and looked at me and with a wicked smile and two sucking sounds he said, "Give me your milk. Or should I suck it directly?." I got up and took the pink cup and went to the bedroom and he came behind. I ordered him to leave and he dint. I threatened him that the CCTV cameras are there and he is intruding into my privacy. I told him that he cannot boss over me in these matters and he left. I shut the door and took my time in pumping out my milk and took it out and set it on the table. Then I picked up his glass and took it to the bedroom and drank it. I did not want him to see me drink it. I also did not add water to it because I was curious to find out how the semen tasted. For the first time his goo hit my tongue and it tasted a bit salty and the first time I neither did I like it nor dislike it. I just thought that this was the stuff that is going to hit my tongue several times a day for the rest of my life. I put my finger in the glass and scooped the remnant of his goo and licked my finger. I then thought like, "Well not bad, but still I will never suck his dick for this." Then I went to the bathroom and noticed the smell of his urine. I came to the bedroom door and opened it and shouted to him, "Why cant you squat and piss. See your urine is all around the toilet and it is I who have to clean it. From now onwards I want you to squat and urinate." He just laughed and said, "What? What did you say? Who are you to tell me to squat and piss. I am a man and I am endowed with the equipment to stand and pee and I will use it. You lost your privilege to do that so you have to necessarily squat and pee. Don't order me around to do as you want. I am the boss of this house." I was too shocked at his arrogance to reply and he continued after a pause, "And yes, now you are a girl and it is your job to clean the bathroom and keep the house clean. And from tomorrow morning you are going to drink my piss too, so don't think too bad about cleaning the toilet." I felt repulsed and with tears flowing down my cheeks I went to the bathroom and poured water all around the toilet and cleaned it. I noticed that he seemed to have a perpetual buldge in his groin region. I don't know if it was a semi hard up or if it is due to his now growing penis. A little later, we went to the main hall and had our dinners and Jeevan sat along with me. It was only Jeevan and I. Kavitha, Nurse Mala and Rajkumari were sitting with their men a couple of tables away and when I approached her table with my plate, Kavitha waved me a gesture to take another empty table which I did. Jeevan joined me soon and sat across. I felt uncomfortable but dint utter a word. He made small talk and kept on boasting about his masculinity and made fun of my girly ways. I felt so very irritated that I wanted to get up and scratch his face with my now long nails but restrained myself by remembering Rajkumari's words. I kept repeating to myself mentally that I will have my day soon. And soon did come that day... .... Continued in Part 4

Same as Reversal of Fortune - Part 3 Videos

2 years ago
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Reversal of Fortune

[ In the spirit of changing times; in the spirit of a long over due redress of well earned grievances of the so-called 'Third World', or the 'Developing Nations' (generally non-white), here's some encouragement to both whites who are more aware of their ancestor's exploitation and suppression of these nations and their people, as well as to they, themselves, who thirst for justice. And, in this particular scenario, we will see what may turn out to be the only truly significant form of redress,...

4 years ago
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Reversal Rings One Night

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Once again, Morpheus created the Reversal Rings universe and I appreciate any opportunity to expand upon it. This is a sequel to my story "Reversal Rings: One Hour." If you have not read the original, you may feel lost a time or two. Again, I make no claims at being a world-class author. This was just for fun. I wanted to take the concept of casual swapping to the next level. This will be the last story involving these characters for a while. I know I...

3 years ago
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Reversal Rings Im Sorry

This is a possible continuation of "Reversal Rings II: Jamie's Story." I thought Jamie's fate was a little harsh so I decided to try and continue his part of the story. I felt Jamie was basically a pretty good kid who acted impulsively, not stopping to realize that what he was doing was wrong. I'd like to thank Morpheus for his okay to do this story. While it isn't necessary to read the whole Reversal Rings story line before reading this, to understand this story, you should at least...

4 years ago
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Reversal Rings One Hour

Author's Note: Morpheus created the Reversal Rings universe and I'm just trying my simple hand at expanding it. This is basically a story about nothing. I've wanted to see a bodyswap story where nothing really happens, just a casual switch. Oh, and this is my first story. I make no claims at being a great author, I just wrote this for the fun of it. Enjoy! Reversal Rings: One Hour By Ipkiss I remember when I got the phone call. It was just past midnight and I almost broke my...

3 years ago
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Reversal Rings Weird Wednesday

Reversal Rings: Weird Wednesday A Spells R Us story by Morpheus ([email protected]) 20 Jan 98 Warning, this story contains adult content. If you are under 18 or offended by this, don't read any further. This is the first of a short Spells R Us sub-universe series that I'm working on called the Reversal Rings. I'm still working on the other stories in the Reversal Rings series. I've always been fond of Freaky Friday type stories, so wrote this one of my own. This is my...

3 years ago
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Reversal of Fortune Part 2

Part 2 After about an hour or so, I was given some "Herbal" pills by Nurse Mala and then taken to a small hall where many people were having their breakfast. I noticed Jeevan standing in a queue to get his plate filled and he turned around and looked at me. I immediately avoided eye contact by lowering my head. Nurse Rajkumari who noticed this commented to me, "that is a typical girlish thing to do. The hormones have started working fast in you." Then she handed over a plate to...

3 years ago
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Reversal of Fortune Part 4

Part 4 The first night alone, together Before we came back to the apartment, Rajkumari instructed me to take two more cups of his fluids and give him two more of mine that night. She said, "Take one cup after two hours and one early in the morning one hour after you drink his piss." Immediately I corrected her with a "Please call it as his liquid and not piss" and she just laughed it off. Then I went to my apartment soon after and went to the toilet to relieve myself. Now a days,...

4 years ago
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The Fortune Cookie

Part 1 The year was entering its final phases. Bonfire Night had just passed and for Paul the times were getting difficult. He had just started that very September his final year at school, and that meant exams. The teachers had all given their lectures on how everything between September and May was to be focused on those all important GCSEs. For Paul getting good results in those exams was important. It wasn't that he feared getting bad results - he was fairly good at most...

1 year ago
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True Fortune Casino

Are you looking for an online casino that you can play until you can’t click or tap anymore? Well, you might as well check out True Fortune! It’s yet another of the numerous online casinos that have become popular over the recent past years. With COVID-19 fucking up everyone’s shit, this industry has only grown in numbers and popularity.Nobody wants to get infected trying to win a buck at a physical casino. Besides, the older adults that frequent casinos shit in their pants while sitting there...

Betting Sites
3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 9

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 9 While Paul was dreaming of being the first woman to become World Rally champion, his parents were also visiting dreamland. Before going to bed, they decided to talk about Paul. "I think he's letting his hair go a bit," said Alex. "No kidding but he's got hair that most girls would die for." "You are right, but it is his choice. It is becoming fashionable for boys to grow their hair out again. Remember the 60's and 70's?" said Laura. "I...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 57

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 57 Laura and Paula felt slightly bad that this fashion contest had been fated for them to win. They felt that some of the other contestants deserved to win too. "That's how things are. You always get more than one worthy winner amongst the competitors," said Joanne. "But only one can be named the winner." "But we have won," said Laura. "Not that I'm complaining, but it would have felt better if this wasn't fated." For Paula, getting this contract...

4 years ago
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Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune - by: Britney Kandey 'Man who fishes in other man's well often catches crabs' was written on a small piece of rice paper, Johnny always got the fortune cookie that would make everyone else at the table crack up in laughter. His girlfriend Emily could only giggle when Johnny had opened it though, they had only been together six months but Emily was one of these girls who never could keep her legs crossed. The fortune cookie had told his fortune indeed, he would soon...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 1

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 1 It was November and already Paul was getting a little tired of school. He had been back just 2 months and the homework was already piling up. It owed much to the fact that in May, Paul would be taking his GCSE exams. The school was eager for all students to get good results and bombarding them with homework seemed the best way of ensuring it. It was Friday, the weekend ahead and what should have been time for putting feet up and going out with...

3 years ago
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Return to the Fortune Teller

FORTUNE TELLER.It was a few minutes after 11:00 at night, but the sign lite this late at night meant she was still open. People probably need their fortunes told late at night with a few beers in them. That's when people get into fights. Break up. Late at night is when love is lost and love is found. It is the time when tragedies occur and dreams come true. Both are impossible to believe and change a person forever.I turned into the driveway.The old crone slowly hobbled through the dark curtain...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 42

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 42 Joanne decided to continue using her bus pass when ever possible, leaving her new car outside the house. "Are you ever going to use it?" asked Paula. "Yes, I will," replied Joanne. "My bus pass expires next month. But with the price of petrol too, I'll be using it sparingly." The matter ended there. Joanne finished college in July for the summer. She had some exams of her own to think about, which included creating several hairstyles. Her own...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie 2

The Fortune Cookie 2 Chapter 1: "Another day studying? Why don't you take time out to check out some girls? That's if you really are into them," asked Phil. He was speaking to his college roommate, Casey. It was the weekend and Casey, as always, was sitting on his bed with his face buried in a book. He was a bookworm and studyholic: Something that long-term friend Phil found hard to understand. He peered over the edge of his book and turned slightly to meet the glance of...

4 years ago
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Reversal of Roles For a Day All Chapters

Chapter 1 The Switch After years of being my Dom, you say you want to switch with me for a day and experience some new things. We will find out just how submissive you can be. I have sent you a large box along with some brief instructions telling you what time you need to be ready for the limo to pick you up, what you are to bring with you and what you are to wear. There are three seperate, plain wrapped packages inside the box. You are to bring the package marked with a one along with...

3 years ago
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Reversal Rings The Wedding

As Best Man, Jim had a good view of the satin wedding dress draped over Ayesha's obvious pregnancy bulge. During the vows, she glanced over. Jim slipped one of the Reversal Rings onto his pasty white finger and nodded quickly. She smiled, her teeth gleaming under the veil, highlighted against her ebony skin. Jim handed the other ring to Rob, the groom. As Rob took Ayesha's hand, she smiled at Jim, grateful for the chance to escape her mistakes. As Jim smiled back, bursting with...

2 years ago
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Reversal By Annie James Prologue Charlotte and Charleen are identical twins. Moreover, as so often occurs with such a pair, they early became best friends and companions. They were quick to learn to take advantage of the inability of others to distinguish between them, and exploited their similarity in all manner of childish adventures and pranks. About the age of ten they invented a new type of prank altogether by creating an alternate identity. A 'brother Charles' appeared on...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 56

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 56 Joanne was not pleased at the news that Paula brought her. She thought at first that Paula was winding her up and refused to believe her. "I'm telling you the truth, you idiot!" said Paula. "I overheard him telling the others that he is celebrating one year of engagement to his girlfriend! If you hadn't been so stupid and asked him rather than waiting for him to respond, I wouldn't have to be telling you this!" Joanne slumped to her bed and shook...

2 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 98 The Fortune Fucker

Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-97”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… I believe in aliens. I know...

3 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 98 The Fortune Fucker

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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SRU The Fortune Cookie

Mel was in a rut, there was no doubt about that at the moment. He, and his friends for that matter, were in a rut. Strike that, they were in a slump. Better yet, they were in a drought, a god damned famine that had lasted for the last two years or so. A hangover left over from their college days. Mel, along with his five friends Carl, Charlie, Tom, Rick & David were a force to be reckoned with on the college campus. It was often said of them that there wasn't a single girl in...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 34

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 34 Paula and Kelly made their way out of the school for their respective lunches. They had just reached the gates when they were stopped. They noticed Kevin and Linda behind them. "Kevin, what do you want?" asked Paula. "What are you doing for dinner?" he asked. "I'm off home. Why?" said Paula. "I'm heading for town," said Kelly. "Debbie and her friends have good memories," said Linda. "I saw one of her gang pointing at you." "So, what...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 18

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 18 It was nearly 9:00am when Paul awoke next morning. Kelly was snuggled up beside him. He started to stroke her hair when she stirred. "Morning beautiful," he said. "What time is it?" she replied, yawning. "Nearly nine," he replied. "I've got to get ready, my dad is picking me up at ten." "Can't you stop a bit longer?" she asked, kissing him. "I've got to leave before your parents show up," he said. "Ok then," she sighed. He...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 13

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 13 Paul arrived home and explained about his reformed friendship with Mike and how his parents had influenced his decision making. "Not really surprising to be fair." said Laura. "Homosexuality was illegal many years ago and is still shunned by many religions to this day. Despite much support for it since, the world in general still hates it." "But do people have to agree with other people? We have our independence." said Paul. "You do, but...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 25

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 25 Friday. The last day of term and as a result, just a half day at that. Paula knew that she would have some spare time on her hands today and she was wondering whether or not she could get some unplanned extra time with Kelly. But first there was still a first period to recover from. In fact, she felt worse. She got up and slowly made her way to the bathroom and took the tampon out. It was soaked in blood and this only made her feel worse still....

4 years ago
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Mollys Fortune

(From A Suggestion By MordMorgan) Molly Kerrigan, like many people, dreaded going to the dentist. It was an apprehension she'd carried over from her childhood. The core of which was her fear of the dreaded drill. Many people dealt with their phobia in different ways, the most common of which was to simply avoid going until they had a problem that had to be taken care of. Thankfully, Molly didn't go that far, realizing at an early age that to simply ignore dental care was only inviting worse...

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Delta OriginalChapter 3 Boarding the Fortune

Lee entered the transporter for the short trip up to the Space Station. The Fortune was attached to the space station waiting for them. Lee headed down the aisle, plopped down next to Rabbit and smiled at him. “Hi, Kyle, ready for the big adventure?” “As ready as I’m going to be,” he replied. “But the real question is when will you be ready for the Kyle Vella adventure?” he asked, as he wiggled his eyebrows and slid his hand up her jumpsuit encased thigh. While gently removing his hand and...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 10

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 10 It was Sunday and the last day of the holiday. Paul awoke knowing that the latest meeting with Paula (as he now refered to her) would have to be discussed with his family. His mother was in the same predicament. He checked to see whether his breasts had grown more or if anything else was different. Nothing had changed as far as he could tell. He washed and for the first time, decided not to use his shaving kit. Since it was now known that he...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 27

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 27 Kelly awoke Tuesday morning wondering what her dad had got to say about her. She went down to breakfast and found him quickly sifting through the morning paper. He quickly glanced at her over the top of it and then retreated behind it again. Her mom just gave her a sympathetic shake of the head. In fact, not a word of the heated conversation was mentioned that morning. "Have a good day at work," said Miriam to her husband. "How long before...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 21

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 21 Paul arrived home with dinner almost ready. "Did you have a good time?" asked Laura. "Yes, met Kelly and her parents didn't know a thing," said Paul. "Thats good. Did you do anything apart from kissing Kelly?" "Watched Lord of the Rings part one," said Paul. "Watching part two next time?" asked Laura. "Probably. Alicia says there are loads of differences between the books and the films. I might try reading it again," said Paul. "By...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 26

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 26 Paula and Kelly decided to go just after 5:00pm. Seeing that they were both making their own way home, they left together. "I'm sorry about earlier Kelly," said Paula. "I really do want to make love to you, but that was not the right moment." "We wanted to do it at her birthday party but that was when you were still Paul," she replied. "I know. If your parents weren't such cows, we may have done it by now," said Paula. They hadn't gone...

2 years ago
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Wendolyn Too Number 4 in STOPWATCHChapter 7 Fortune Teller

The excursion was great. 15 girls took me up on my offer. They were decorous seated in the galley with the teddybear in the corner of the lounge, supervising. The Bleeker girls, from Hart, Michigan, comprised over half the group. Mr. Bleeker, Superintendent of Schools for Oceania County, was combining business with pleasure. He was inspecting his schools while giving the family a break from the daily routine. Mr. Bleeker was prolific: of a family of nine children, eight were girls, aging...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 22

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 22 Laura's shopping trip was nothing more than a trip to the local supermarket, to pick up some much needed groceries. With Paul's voice very much non existant, Laura spoke to him in a way that merely required him to shake or nod his head. However, he had an idea to make communication easier. They were taking a break from shopping and having a drink in a cafe. "It is awkward when you've lost your voice," said Laura. "I lost it for a while before you...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 55

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 55 Dear Diary It is almost 1 year to the day that I lost the last vestiges of my masculinity. To think that months before then, such an event seemed like the ultimate nightmare. But that morning, when I woke up after having my final dream, to find my journey to becoming a girl complete, I couldn't have been happier. I may have lost my birth sex, but I didn't lose my passion for sports cars, and most importantly, I retained my undying love for...

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Night With Chantz Fortune

(pardon the short intro. This will get longer in the next choice) (also to see what the girls looks lik go here ) You had a won a contest to spend the night with Chantz Fortune. She was the star of the movies Boss Bitches 8,9 and 10. Chantz was know as the strap-on mistress. She would use this big strap-on on men and the most ruthless dominatrix out there. She was also the hottest. She look like a regular busty porn start but had a mind of a...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 2

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 2 Paul awoke next morning hoping that his dream was just that and nothing else. He didn't want to be a girl at all. He noticed the fortune paper still on his desk and tried again to tear it in two, but the paper was still as untearable as before. For now, he was just going to go about the day as though that dream had not happened. He was going to go to school, get more homework and enjoy the taste of Kelly's lips again. He waited as usual to get...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 5

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 5 Paul awoke next morning having not had a dream with his female self in it. He had just dreamt of Kelly and the thought of having her in bed with him. It was of course Sunday, and due to the day out with Kelly, he had a day of homework to look forward to. He found that Joanne seemed more cheerful than usual. Her hair was chocolate brown now, having dyed it for the umpteenth time. She seemed to be growing it out too. Her roots were showing her...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 14

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 14 Paul spent the remainder of Saturday and all Sunday as Paula. By the time Sunday night came, everyone was having the same thoughts. "He doesn't want to be a boy again," said Laura. "The changes are definitely mental as well as physical." "He still knows who he is, but he sees himself as a girl," said Alex. "But he seems so much happier. It was a wrench to remove the varnish from his nails," said Joanne. Of the three, Joanne had most enjoyed...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 23

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 23 Paula went to town with Laura and Joanne looking for new school clothes. They took the bus, and on the way, the days events thus far dominated their conversation. "I don't get one thing," said Joanne. "How come the receptionist didn't question Paula's gender?" "I don't know. I'm sure it was the same one I spoke to on Wednesday," said Laura. "It makes no sense. We know about Paula, but she didn't," said Joanne. "We'll have to wait till Monday...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 36

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 36 Paula went to bed Friday night still reeling from the fact that her parents had had sex in a college classroom. But since that bit of skulduggery, they had obviously cleaned up their act. The following morning, Paula prepared for her day at Alicia's. Without a set of earplugs available, she was trying to think of other ways to worm her way out of listening to hours of pop music. "Oh don't try to worm your way out," said Laura. "You may well...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 38

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 38 Friday came and Paula was given the chance to have a few extra hours in bed. Having eventually got up, she washed and dressed before heading down for breakfast. "Morning," said Laura. "You have slept in." "I know," yawned Paula. "What're we doing today?" "Have some more mother-daughter time if you like," she replied. "That would be great. Just wish there was more I could do with my hair," said Paula. "In time. It is near to shoulder...

2 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 19 Fortune Returns

It had been a busy week getting prepared for the Fortune’s second return. Esky had gotten the trip down to two weeks in flight, and they had decided on only one week in a dock on each leg. So, they had a six-week turnaround. Their new Employment agency on Earth had already picked and notified the next group. Now that Lee and Co could order the supplies they wanted to be delivered to the Moon, the ship didn’t have to wait at the space station for the orders to be filled. Justin and Lee had...

4 years ago
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Reversal Rings IV Family Life

Many people have been asking me about the next installment of Reverse Rings, so here it is. I had another part 4, but got rid of it due to its poor quality and wrote a new story. This one doesn't have the return of Kevin and Susan, but the next one does, so don't lose hope. It's coming soon. If anyone wishes to archive this, please contact me first. SRU: Reverse Rings IV: Family Life By Morpheus ([email protected]) The Old Man sat in a well decorated back room, upon an old...

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Reversal Rings II Jamies Story

Reverse Rings II: Jamie's Story A Spells R Us story by Morpheus 22 Jan 98 This is the second of my Spells R Us mini series that I call Reverse Rings. It carries on the tale from the first one, with more of the characters and rings from the first story. It probably shouldn't be read without reading Weird Wednesday first. There isn't any appearance of the Old Man or the store in this story, though he started the mess in the last one. Any comments can be sent to...

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Reversal Rings III Lost and Found

This story goes off in a bit more from the original storyline, and I was a little rushed towards the end and may redo it later. I have a fourth episode already done, but am seriously unhappy with it, having been in a hurry when I did it. I will probably do another episode to replace it, bringing the storyline back to Kevin and Susan a bit more. Reverse Rings III: Lost and Found A Spells R Us story By Morpheus 23 Jan 98 WARNING: This story contains some adult material, so if...

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Reversal Rings V Finale

I know that some of you have been waiting for the return of Kevin and Susan from the first story. Well, here it is. This will probably be the last Reverse Rings story, so I hope you enjoy. This story has adult content in it. If you are under 18 or dislike such material, please go no further. If anyone who wishes to archive, please contact me first. SRU: Reverse Rings V: Finale By Morpheus Kevin stared into the mirror at the reflection of a beautiful woman looking back. The...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 3

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 3 Sunday arrived and Paul dressed up as smart as he could, without going overboard. Alex was going to take him round to Kelly's house and would pick him up later. He picked up his school bag and prepared to go. "Just be yourself, and you should be fine," said Laura as he left. "Nervous?" asked Alex as he got in the car. "A bit. Not of Kelly, just her parents," he answered. "Well, don't be. As mom told you, just be yourself. You shouldn't...

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Harry Potter Hermiones Good Fortune

Posted originally on Hermione had never believed in Divination. Even before attending Hogwarts, she'd always scoffed at the fortunes in her fortune cookies -- You will have many great adventures. Hmph. Generic tripe. It might as well have said she'd meet a handsome stranger on a train. -- when her parents took her out for Chinese food, even though she knew they weren't meant to be taken seriously, especially not with...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 20

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 20 For the Smith family, it was clear that their 16 year old son was disappearing, physically anyway. In his place was appearing a 16 year old girl with all the usual girl interests and a keen interest in motor cars. Paul had acquired a set of hairbands from a hair accessory shop plus some ponytail loops. Though his hair was still too short to use them, he still wanted some. He arrived home pleased with his new items, which included a black dress...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 24

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 24 Paula awoke next morning ready for her second day at school, and it was going to be an interesting one. First PE lesson as a girl plus seeing exactly what that girl who had spoken to her had meant. "Morning sweetheart," said Laura as she came down to breakfast. "Morning mom. Got my PE kit ready?" she replied. "Yes, I've put you a bottle of shampoo in as you requested," said Laura. "It's gonna feel strange being among loads of naked girls....

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 32

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 32 Thursday afternoon came and Paula certainly had plenty on her mind. She checked her pocket diary once more, checking to see if an error had been made. She had recently bought it to make notes of her periods and once again, the calculations were correct: her next one was due this weekend. "I'll just have to hope it isn't a bad one," she thought to herself. She turned away from the subject and moved onto something less depressing: choosing make-up...

4 years ago
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Reversal Rings The Finishing School

The Finishing school ( a Spell R US story, Reversed rings story) by Eric Buffy was pissed, really PISSED! Life is so unfair! Her father didn't understand her.! He took the side of the bitch Claire, the step mom from hell! Buffy paused in front of the mirror - usually the sight of her blond beauty and mature figure gave her pleasure, but not today. Tomorrow she was going to be sent away from her home and her friends to some fuckin finishing school - where without a doubt she would...

4 years ago
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Fortune Tellerpart one

With this being late in the off season of travel, and it snowing up a storm! This was the first time I have seen or even touched snow in my life! I got stuck there at the motel for several days, and struck up a friendship with one of the workers, a lady by the name of Hopakaia. Hopakaia lives at the motel, working in the gift shop and doing the various odd jobs of cleaning, laundry, and the like about the place. She also does some fortune telling for the guests who are interested in that...

3 years ago
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My Life Changing Fortune 8211 Part 4

First of all thank you everyone for suggestion for my previous story. This story is the part of series “My life changing fortune”. Those who don’t know about me I am virat but everyone calls me andy(nikname). I live in delhi and doing mba 2nd year. Basically I am from surat. I live with my long distance cousin bhaiya(rahul) in his 3 storage house. I stand 5’11” tall with a fair skin. I am a football player. So I have a great physic. My tool is about 7.5 inch tall.For more details read my...

4 years ago
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Larrys Fortune

Larry's Fortune by Christina Kahler "What a life." Larry Thomas thought to himself as he woke up and stared at the ceiling of the huge bedroom. He smiled, propped the pillow up behind him and sat up, gazing out the window at the yard man who was busy mowing outside. "Poor slob." Larry thought as he watched the old man toil. Larry knew well that the yard man tended the yard (actually it was more a landscaping job since the lawn and grounds covered almost an acre of land),...

3 years ago
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Good Fortune

Good Fortune by Jack Andrews Nate was at the end of a long business trip. He'd just worked three-and-a- half weeks straight and finally closed a major deal. It was a deal that would most likely give him a major promotion. Nate essentially focused exclusively on work, leaving most of life's other pursuits behind, including dating. Not that he wasn't good looking or socially skilled; he simply didn't make the time. All of his efforts went into his career and if he looked deep down, he...

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