Fortune Cookie (Revised) - Part 27 free porn video

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The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 27 Kelly awoke Tuesday morning wondering what her dad had got to say about her. She went down to breakfast and found him quickly sifting through the morning paper. He quickly glanced at her over the top of it and then retreated behind it again. Her mom just gave her a sympathetic shake of the head. In fact, not a word of the heated conversation was mentioned that morning. "Have a good day at work," said Miriam to her husband. "How long before that becomes an invalid statement?" he replied. He left the house in a less than cheerful mood. Only then did Miriam turn to her daughter. "Ok, he's gone. I don't care what he said to you last night. You are going to continue seeing Paula," she told Kelly. "And in fact, we'll do that today. I just hope they're not going out again." Kelly's face lit up at the announcement. "I'll get ready, shall I?" "Go and find something nice to wear," agreed Miriam. Kelly took a while, treating it like a first date. She brushed her hair again, put on some make-up and chose a light blue top with a black pencil skirt. "Ready?" asked Miriam as she came downstairs. "Ready!" replied Kelly. * * * Paula wasn't expecting visitors that day. She had spent what she had hoped was her last night with Joanne. It wasn't bad, but there was only one girl she wished to share a bed with. She once again looked at her room, wondering if it was near completion. The pelmets and window ledges were done. They had been painted blue while the walls above the upper pelmets were pink. From what she could tell, the room was finished. She only noticed the note attached to the door when she made to leave. "I'll do the shelves and move the furniture when I get back. - Dad. P.S. You might be able to sleep in your own bed tonight." Paula was heartened by the note and took it with her to breakfast. "You mean to tell me that our bunking together is over?" said Joanne, feigning disappointment. "If you were Kelly, I would be far from cheerful," said Paula. "If you two get the chance to sleep together, lock me up so I can't ruin things again," said Joanne. The fact that she blew the whistle on their time back in February and almost ruined their relationship still haunted her. "I don't think you need worry about that," said Laura. "Kelly's father may beat you to it." "But seriously sis, I want to see you and Kelly happy together," said Joanne. "If I was gay, I'd want a girlfriend like her." "Thanks sis. Why don't you try girls, you may like it," said Paula. "Sorry, I want a big strong handsome guy to sweep me off my feet," said Joanne. Paula decided then to refrain from mentioning Joanne's failed affairs again. "I'll be glad to see my room finished so I can get my television back." she said instead. "Why, where is it?" asked Joanne. "On top of the chest of drawers, covered up with sheets like everything else," said Paula. "Well, I don't know what you're doing, but I'm just going for a bus ride," said Joanne. That meant she was going out, to somewhere where there was bound to be shops. She also had plenty of friends from college whom she liked to hang out with. "Stopping here," said Paula. "Watch the telly in the living room." "Well, I've got the housework to do," said Laura. "Ok, see you later," said Joanne putting on her coat. "See ya sis," said Paula. Laura and Paula were doing as they had planned when the doorbell rang. "Strange, not expecting anyone. Unless it's the postman," said Laura. She opened the door to find Mrs Walker and Kelly standing there. "Well, this is unexpected," she said. "We've got nothing else to do, so I thought we'd pop round to visit." said Mrs Walker. "Sure, come on in," said Laura. "Just me and Paula here. She's in the front watching the telly." "Thanks," said Mrs Walker. "By the way, call me Miriam." "Then call me Laura," said Laura. They made their way to the living room where they found Paula sitting watching the television. "Is that all you're going to do all day?" asked Kelly. Paula stopped and turned to look. "Kelly, what are you doing here?" "Just saying hello to the prettiest girl I know," she smiled. "Hello Paula," said Miriam. "Hello Mrs Walker," said Paula. "I'll put the kettle on, shall I?" asked Laura. "Please do," said Miriam. Once Laura had done that, she came and joined the others in the living room. "I suppose I'd better start with the bad news," said Miriam. "My husband will not accept Kelly as a lesbian. It would be best if Paula didn't visit us, in case he finds her there." "But you've come here," said Paula. "Well, the situation is better this way. We can always get home before he does," said Miriam. "And I still get to see you," smiled Kelly. "I'm interested in knowing more about you Paula. When we were here last time, we were still coming to terms with you being a boy becoming a girl," said Miriam. "Well, that chapter is over. I'm a girl through and through now," said Paula. "I know that now, but last time, you only briefly explained your story. I'd like to know a bit more," said Miriam. "I think we can do that," said Laura. "What do you want to know?" "If you want to know the whole story, I'll tell you," said Paula. And so, Paula told them how after getting the fortune cookie, she began her relationship with Kelly and later, started getting the dreams featuring her future self, which signalled her transformation. Miriam listened carefully, as did Kelly. She too wanted to get a better idea of what Paula had been through. The talk only paused once, so that Laura could make the drinks she had promised. "So, at first, I never wanted to be a girl," said Paula. "I thought I'd lose Kelly, my interests, my planned future. But I've lost nothing really, except my manhood." "And you're really comfortable with it now?" asked Miriam. "I am. I really do like being a girl, it's like that version of me in my dreams said." "Well I never," said Miriam. "And you look just like your mother now." "She always has," said Laura. "Even as a boy." "And I think we're safe to tell you, Mrs Walker, but I attended that birthday sleepover party a few weeks ago," said Paula. "You were there?" asked Miriam. "So does this mean you slept with Kelly?" "Yes, we did sleep together," said Kelly. "But nothing happened. Paula was still partially male at the time, even still sounding like a boy." "I didn't want to do anything until I was fully female," said Paula. "We have never made love as girls yet." She went upstairs to find her copy of the photo. "But you did do it when Paula was still a boy?" asked Miriam. "Yes," said Kelly. "But shortly after then, Paula lost her ability to ejaculate." "If you don't mind me cutting in," said Laura. "Paula is okay about becoming pregnant, but regrets one thing. She wishes she had donated sperm before her ability to do it ceased." "Was she aware it was going to happen then?" asked Miriam. It was then that Paula came back in with the photo. She took the opportunity to ask her in person. "I did know," said Paula. "Thats why we rushed to have sex. I knew my days of being able to do it were numbered." "You should have explained it to us then," said Miriam. "You never would have believed me. I didn't even look like a girl then." said Paula. "Plus, I'd been told never to tell my parents." "But you would still like to be a parent?" said Miriam. "Yes, of course I would," said Paula. Kelly looked at Paula with a huge smile on her face. She suddenly remembered something and whispered into her ear. "Kelly and I are just going upstairs. We won't be trying anything," said Paula. "Ok, make sure you keep to that," said Laura. "She looks right at home in this photo," said Miriam. "You'd never have guessed she was still a boy then." "She does. I think your daughter has a copy of that photo too," said Laura. * * * Paula led Kelly into her parents room and went over to the place where her clothes were being kept. "It's in here somewhere, ah, here it is," she said at last, holding up a black dress. "Oh wow," said Kelly. "You've got to model it for me now." "Ok, as long as you don't try to rape me," smiled Paula. "I wish you hadn't told our moms we wouldn't try anything," said Kelly. "Never mind, I'll wait on the landing." Paula however followed her. "I'm going in here," she said and headed into Joanne's room. Kelly waited patiently outside the room. Eventually, Paula came out with the dress on and was also wearing mascara and deep red lipstick. "Oh my God! You look fabulous!" said Kelly. "I want to make love to you right now!" "You'll just have to settle for a snog for now," said Paula kissing her passionately. "To look at you now, I'd say Paul is long gone," said Kelly. "Not true. I just love to embrace my feminine side," said Paula. "I'm so glad you do, because you look drop dead gorgeous," said Kelly. "Wait till my hair is long," smiled Paula. "Don't! You're making me horny," said Kelly. "I suppose I might as well show your mom what attractive young woman has swept her daughter off her feet," said Paula. "Touch up your lippy first," said Kelly. "What about yours?" asked Paula. "Oh, of course," said Kelly. She headed to the bathroom. They decided to return to the living room together. "Mom. I would like to introduce my absolutely beautiful girlfriend." said Kelly leading Paula in. "Wow. You look wonderful in that dress," said Miriam. "Kelly has been begging me to model it for her since I told her I had it," said Paula. "She wore it on her first evening out as a girl," said Laura. "She looks so grown up in it." "She has to wear it on our first date," said Kelly. "Whenever that will be?" "You've got your exams to do yet," said Laura. "But as soon as they are out of the way, maybe then. "I'm just worried about my husband," said Miriam. "He will not accept Kelly as gay." "They'll just have to lie low until he changes his mind then," said Laura. "And it snows in the Sahara," added Kelly glumly. "My dad is.... I can't say it, its too rude!" "We'll just have to arrange more visits like these then," said Miriam. "Or visits to Alicia," said Paula. "Excuse me?" said Miriam. Paula explained how they had been using Alicia's house as a meeting place. "Oh my!" said Miriam. "You have been pulling the wool over my eyes." "We had to. Theres no way we want to break up," said Kelly. "We even considered eloping when we were old enough." "That's it then. You would have defied me till the end," said Miriam. "I hold up the white flag." "Might have to elope anyway if Kelly's dad is still stubborn," said Paula. "Sorry, but I want to change the subject now," said Miriam. "How are the other fortunes coming along?" "Ah," said Laura. "My husband has the honour of being the first to have his happen. I won't say how much but he won a tidy sum on the Grand National." "His fortune predicted this?" said Miriam in amazement. Even Kelly looked amazed at this revelation. "It did. Fortune rides on a pony, or more to the point, a ?25 bet each way on three horses," said Laura. "Good heavens, he must have won a huge amount!" said Miriam. "So, any sign of yours happening?" "I haven't had any dreams yet, and neither has my other daughter," said Laura. "And you say Paula's has yet to come true? I'd say it already has," said Miriam. Kelly and Paula had sat close together, their hands clasped. "Paula reckons she has seen the wedding dress that she wants," said Laura. "Already?" said Miriam. "In my dreams, I was always wearing it," said Paula. "It's so simple and yet beautiful." Miriam looked at her watch. Time was ticking by and she wanted to be home well before her husband got back. "I think its time to go," she said. "Its been nice talking to you. We must make a habit of this." "Do we have to?" moaned Kelly. "Yes, but we can visit again," replied Miriam. "Ok," said Kelly. She tuned to Paula. "See you later sexy." She kissed Paula passionately again as both mothers just watched on. "See you later Kelly," said Paula eventually. They saw them to the front door and waved them goodbye. "Why does there have to be one stubborn person?" asked Laura. "Her dad could be a thorn in both your sides." Paula nodded in agreement. "I take it you like her tongue?" said Laura suddenly. "You what?" asked Paula. "I could tell. The way you were kissing. If either of us were not there, you would have been undressing each other," smiled Laura. "Well, I do love her," said Paula. "And kissing her has become better since I became a girl." "You certainly seem to enjoy it. And I'm glad you do," said Laura. "You two seemed made for each other." "We are," said Paula. "We are." * * * The trip home for Kelly and her mom was short. They arrived home long before Mr Walker was due back from work. "You'd better wash off that lipstick sweetheart," said Miriam. "If your dad sees you with messy lips, it could get nasty." Kelly headed to the bathroom and wiped her lips clean. But as she couldn't bear naked lips at the moment, she went to her room afterwards and applied a fresh coat. "I was with your dad in saying I didn't want a gay daughter," said Miriam, once Kelly had come downstairs. "But that's what you are, and I cannot change it. Paula is very pretty, I have to admit." "She's more than pretty, mom," said Kelly. "She's gorgeous and makes me feel all gooey inside. I felt especially gooey while she was wearing that dress." Miriam knew that dresses like the one Paula had worn today were made to get men's attention. Kelly was obviously attracted to the same things. "So, if you two are going to marry, are you going to wear a dress as well?" asked Miriam. "Of course I will. I'm not butch, and neither is Paula," replied Kelly. "And I think I'll chose a simple dress too." "Ok, we'll talk again later. I'll do you something to eat now," said Miriam. When Mr Walker returned later that day, he didn't seem interested in where they had been. His mind was on work still. "How was your day dear?" asked Miriam. "Ok," he sighed. "The new owners are taking tours around the place. Reassessing the place more like, seeing if there are alternatives to getting rid of workers." He sounded a little more optimistic than usual, though it was clear he wasn't taking anything for granted. "Well, that's good then. Maybe the unions are getting their complaints heard," said Miriam. "I hope so. I don't know what I'd do without this job," he said. "If you think the situation is going to get that bad, I'll find a job. Kelly can always spend the day with friends," said Miriam. "I presume you mean this Alicia, don't you?" asked Mark. "Oh, yes, Alicia. Kelly and her are firm friends, but not in that way. Alicia has a boyfriend from what I hear," said Miriam. "Maybe Alicia can teach our daughter some sense," said Mark. "I'll get the dinner started," said Miriam, deciding not to go further on that topic. During dinner, Mark did bring up that topic once more. "Please don't disappoint me Kelly. I would like a son-in-law," he told her. Kelly said nothing and shovelled more peas into her mouth. "Maybe she'll sort her life out better once school is over," said Miriam in her daughter's defense. "The exams are not that far away now and she'll be under pressure to do well." "True, she's going to need all the time she can get," agreed Mark. After dinner, Kelly went back to her room. Miriam arrived moments later and shut the door behind her. "You don't mind me coming in?" she asked. "No," said Kelly. "I'm just here to talk about your dad and his job. You know there is a good possibility he could lose it," said Miriam. "Yes, he's been on about it for the past week or two," said Kelly. "Well, I was thinking of taking a job, just to help us in case the worst happens," said Miriam. "This might mean you being on your own for most of the day. I suggest you spend some time over at Alicia's." "What about at Paula's?" asked Kelly. "Not with your father's attitude as it is. You can always arrange for Paula to meet you there though." "I will," she smiled. "By the way, do you think my hair would look nice longer?" "Isn't it long enough?" asked Miriam. "Paula has always liked my hair long. I told her I would grow it a bit more."said Kelly. "If thats the case, then do so. How long is Paula planning on growing hers?" "Down to her waist, I think," said Kelly. "Her hair is fabulous. I find it really sexy." "I'm sure you do," said Miriam. "But I'm going to start looking for work right now." "Ok mom, good luck," said Kelly. "Thank you." * * * When Alex had had his dinner, he went back to finish Paula's room as promised. He had picked up some new shelf brackets on the way home and now set about putting the shelves back up. Paula, who was willing to lend a hand, was asked to do so. Only now, did she notice that the old shelves had been painted pink with blue trim. "They look good against the white wall," she told Alex. "Knew you'd like them. I painted them when I did the ledges," he replied. "I think its fair to say that the decorating is done. Just need to push the furniture back." Of the furniture, there was just a chest of drawers (with television on top), the bed and her desk and chair. "Just needs more though," she said. "Mom gave me the shopping list for the wardrobe and dressing table." said Alex. "But you'll have to wait till next week for them." "But I can sleep in my own bed tonight?" "You most definitely can," said Alex. Once the furniture was sorted, Paula quickly went in search of her boxes of cars. While she was unpacking them and putting them back on the shelves, Laura and Joanne came to have a look. "Well, it looks a lot more unisex now," said Laura. "Very nice though." "So, do you think you might need a double bed in future?" asked Joanne with a sly grinn on her face. "Though I'd love to spend every night with Kelly, I think that time is not just yet," said Paula. "Brought your clothes back in?" asked Laura. "Not yet," said Paula. "Ok, I'll go and fetch them for you," she replied. "What about clean bed clothes?" "Ok, but I might decide on some new ones," said Paula. She left and came back moments later with them. Within a few hours, Paula's room was back to normal, except for spaces designated for a wardrobe and dressing table. "A room fit for a girl," she said to herself. "One who likes cars anyway." She found her mobile phone, only to discover it needed charging. "Pity, I wanted to call Alicia," she thought. "Never mind. Got my telly back so I can watch a DVD to pass the time." She switched on her television and put on one of her favourite rally season reviews. All the while, her phone was plugged on charge. But it was getting late by the time the battery was full. "I'll try her though," she thought as she picked Alicia's number from the list. "Hello, you're calling late. Whats up?" said Alicia. "I just thought I'd call, keep you up to date," said Paula. "At this time?" said Alicia. "Very well, update me." "I had Kelly come to my house today," said Paula. "You what? How did she manage that?" "Her mom has decided to see the light. We met in town on Monday and my mom talked her round." "Thats great news. But what about her dad? Is he going to see the light too?" said Alicia. "No. He may never accept her," sighed Paula. "Typical, men are all the same. Always absolute in their ways," said Alicia. "Steady on, I used to be male," said Paula. "I know. You'll never be a feminist, thats for sure, but remember, you'll find men different now, now that you're female." "I know. My dad had the most trouble adapting to me. He's ok now but I can tell he misses the old me," said Paula. "But I love the new me." "Paula, your transformation has been unbelievable. You've taken to your new gender like a duck to water," said Alicia. "That's true. I never thought adapting would be so easy," said Paula. "Too easy to be a transsexual. My cousin has had things hard, even if she is transitioning early." "Any chance of coming around again?" asked Paula. "You're always welcome, though I'm going over to Mike's house this weekend. Been invited to dinner." "Ok. I'll get back to you. Don't let them convert you," said Paula. "I won't. Goodnight," said Alicia. "Goodnight," said Paula, putting her phone down. "I think I might need to put some more money on it." * * * Miriam Walker spent Wednesday out looking for work. She had told her husband that morning what she was up to and he didn't say anything. She knew that he didn't want to be doing this anytime soon. Kelly of course, went with her. On the way, she offered her the chance to spend some more time with Paula. Kelly didn't hesitate to say yes. Paula was glad to see Kelly again so soon, but for once, didn't want to spend time indoors. "I'll get my things and we can go out together," said Laura. "Do you have to come?" asked Paula. "If you think I'm coming just to make sure you don't try anything, don't worry. I'm just coming along to assist you if you want anything," she replied. "Ok, shall we go out then?" said Kelly. "We can always go and watch a film if you like." "Any decent films on at the cinema?" asked Paula. "Theres this new rom-com on at the moment. We could see that," said Kelly. "Alright, we'll see that," said Paula hesitantly. She had never really been a fan of that genre. "Ok, we'll go to the cinema," said Laura. They decided to go to the large cinema on the outskirts. It required two buses to get there. When they arrived, they found the film they were looking for. "It's a 15. So, what sort of humour is in this film?" asked Laura. "A bit of adult humour, some swearing, and some sex," said Kelly. "Ok, but if its too bad, I'm coming out," replied Laura. "Fine with us," said Paula. Laura gave her a sly glance. They went in, got their tickets and popcorn and took their seats, near the back. "That ticket guy needs his head checking. Are we over 15, indeed?!!" said Kelly. "With these beauties, I should say so." "Doesn't seem a popular film," said Laura, eyeing the empty seats. A few others had come to watch the film, but it was far from full. "Its been on a few weeks," said Kelly, now munching popcorn. "I've been wanting to watch this since it came out." Laura found out why half way into the film. It was certainly a comedy, though most of the humour was of the adult kind. The sex scenes were mild, which was probably why it got a 15 certificate rather than an 18. But the reason why Kelly wanted to watch it was because one of the couples in the film were lesbians. Whenever this film couple got close, Laura looked towards the girls. Both Paula and Kelly were watching with keen interest and getting turned on in the process. Kelly's free hand was now rubbing Paula's thigh, and Paula wasn't pushing it away. "Do you mind?!" she said to them. She noticed that Paula was now fondling Kelly's near leg too. Neither seemed to realise she was there. "I'd love to suck her pussy," said Kelly to Paula in a low voice. "Me too," agreed Paula. "Have I got to drag you two out?" said Laura, now getting cross. "Mom. Stop being such a spoil sport," said Paula, suddenly remembering she was there. "We're watching a film here." "You're doing more than that," she replied. Paula turned to Kelly and asked her to stop. She wasn't pleased either. They continued to watch the film till the end without further fondling. "I take it you enjoyed the film?" said Laura afterwards. "What you saw of it." "We watched it all," said Paula. "Very good film if you ask me. Will have to get it on DVD when it comes out." "I was taking hints, may come in handy when we get to do it," said Kelly. "Besides, I need the toilet." Paula joined her in there. "I wish your mom wasn't here. I wanted to fondle you more," said Kelly. "I did too," said Paula. "Will we ever get a chance?" "Not for a while now," sighed Kelly. "I'm due my next monthly in the next few days." "We'd better go. Mom will probably be waiting impatiently outside," said Paula. Kelly nodded and followed Paula out of the toilet. "Ready to go?" asked Laura. "Still got some time on our hands." "Can we get some lunch please?" asked Paula. "Ok, by all means," said Laura. "We will when we reach town." When they did, they stopped off at a cafe and had jacket potatoes each. "You knew about that gay couple in that film, didn't you?" asked Laura to Kelly. "I own up, I did know. But I knew my parents wouldn't let me see it." she replied. "I just hope our relationship will be just as close." "Just as?" said Laura in surprise. "I don't think anyone is as close as you two." "I think when my birthday comes," said Paula. "I want two parties. One for all my friends and another just for me and Kelly." "You mean like a romantic meal for two?" suggested Laura. "I'd like to arrange that, if Kelly can sort things out with her dad," "That would be a wonderful idea," agreed Kelly. "With the perfect dessert." She looked lovingly into Paula's eyes. "But I doubt my dad will ever accept me. " she added in a sigh. "Don't give up hope just yet," said Laura. "He is outnumbered now. Your mom, myself and the rest of my family wish to see you two get married. * * * While they were in town, they went looking for Miriam. She had of course been looking for work. Laura found and searched the job centre but to no avail. They later found her in a supermarket picking up a few groceries. "Any luck with work, mom?" asked Kelly. "Oh hello. Didn't know you were coming into town?" she replied. "I've applied for a job at a dry cleaners. I know its not a lot but it might help." "I thought you might have looked harder," said Laura. "No offense to you, but I might be able to keep Kelly close by if I do get it. I'm still happy for her to hang around with you lot," said Miriam. "So, what have you been up to?" "Just taken them to see a film, one that was right up their street." smiled Laura. "We've just popped down here and had something to eat." "That saves me making lunch when we get home," replied Miriam. "I won't be long now." They waited by the tills while Miriam paid for her few items. Once outside, they continued to walk down the street together. While they were doing it, Paula noticed a shop and persuaded the others to look in the window. "That's the dress I want, or more so will wear," she said to them. They were by the bridal store where Paula had seen her dress. It was still there, along with two others. "I do say you're right," said Laura. "That is the very one you were wearing in my dream." "The one I'll be wearing when I ask this beautiful lady to honour and to cherish me," added Paula. "I've got to decide which one I should have now," said Kelly. "Plenty of time for that," said Miriam. "I would make it official, but I haven't got something," sighed Paula. "If you are thinking of asking me that question, there's no need. You know I'll say yes," said Kelly. While Kelly and Paula talked of proposals, Laura and Miriam whispered to one another. "Do you think you could?" asked Miriam. "I'm sure of it. We could order them next week if you like," said Laura. "What are you going to order?" asked Kelly, catching onto Laura's last words. "Oh nothing, nothing to concern you anyway," said Laura coyly. "So, anything planned for the weekend?" said Kelly to Paula. "No, just going to binge on chocolate eggs all day. What about you?" "Not sure, apart from eating eggs too. I might phone up Alicia and see what she's doing," she replied. "You coming then?" said Miriam at last. "You mean its time to go home?" said Kelly. "I'm afraid so," said Miriam. "No worries, I'll make sure you see each other often." "Ok Paula, I'll see you later," said Kelly and she kissed her passionately. "Bye," said Paula. "If I had a pound for every time you've kissed her, I'd be better off than your dad, horse winnings included," smiled Laura. "I can't help it if I love her. I want to make love to her," said Paula. "I know you do, and I'm not stopping you, but as you've said, you want to do it when the time is right," said Laura. "Before we go, can you get me some more make up? I would like some more nail varnish please." "Ok, but not too many. When you've finished your exams, it would be nice if you could find a part time job. Then you could treat yourself." "Ok, maybe I'll take Jo's advice and get a job in a nail salon," said Paula. "By all means," said Laura. "But what if you enjoy that job and want to go full time?" "I'm not moving from my dream career, I still want to be a rally driver," replied Paula. "Ok, I get the picture. So, how many bottles of varnish do you want?" said Laura. They headed for the chemist and Paula came out with four bottles, plus two new lipsticks. "You're welcome to borrow some of mine too," said Laura as they left the store. "I've been told that by Jo, too," said Paula. "I've enjoyed her company of late." "Well, when we get home, I've got a bit of work to do. Once I'm finished, why don't we do each others make-up." "Can we?!" exclaimed Paula. "Why not? I used to do it with Joanne when she was still learning. Practice makes perfect, young lady." So, when they got home, that is what happened. While waiting for Laura to finish the housework, Paula buried herself in reading Lord of the Rings. "Ready then?" asked Laura. "Sure," said Paula, putting down her book. They went to her room and sat down by her dressing table. Having done each other's nails and face, Mom decided to brush Paula's hair. "It's been a while since I did this with Joanne. You can do mine if you like?" said Laura. "Mom, can I ask you something?" said Paula as she started to brush Laura's hair. "Yes dear. Fire away," said Laura. "You said you used to have your hair longer than it is now. Why don't you have it longer now?" "Women tend to go for shorter styles when they get older. I suppose I could let mine grow a few more inches. Your dad wouldn't mind, he loved it longer," said Laura. "Your hair is growing nicely now, I see." "I know. I love it brushing against my ears. I still get jealous of Alicia and Kelly though." "You'll be joining them soon enough. Just be patient," said Laura. "Now, what about some clothes? I may have some clothes that will fit you." Mom did have some skirts and dresses that were around Paula's size. Paula was soon admiring herself in the tall mirror. "I didn't ever think that my son would look good in a dress," said Laura. "Well, I didn't have a sexy curvaceous body back then," said Paula. "You still miss the old me, don't you?" "I'd be lying if I said I didn't," said Laura. "That's why I'm grateful you're keeping his memory alive by pursuing his dream of being a rally driver. Now, I don't think any girl dressed to the nines, would feel complete without jewellery." Paula's attention switched too the jewellery box on the dressing table. "I haven't got any clip on earrings, I'm afraid, so it will just have to be necklaces and bracelets," said Laura as she searched through the box. "I'll have to measure your fingers for ring sizes." She looked through a drawer in her dressing table and came across a series of rings attached to a small chain. "Here you go. Now we can see how big your fingers are," she said. She proceeded to measure all of Paula's fingers but noted most of all, her wedding finger. "You need to know that one especially, seeing that the most important ring fits on it," said Laura. With the fingers sorted, Paula chose a gold chain to wear around her neck and a bracelet of a similar style. "You like that chain?" asked Laura. "It's beautiful," said Paula. "You can have it then," said Laura. "I have a few things in here I don't wear now." "Oh thank you mom! Thank you!" said Paula, hugging her. "So, how was this little mother-daughter time?" asked Laura. "Brilliant. Can we do it again sometime?" "Certainly. Now, I need to get dinner sorted. The others should be back soon." Paula was left in the room alone. She stood in front of the mirror and admired herself once more. "I feel more like a girl than ever now, and I really love it," she thought to herself.

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 1

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 1 It was November and already Paul was getting a little tired of school. He had been back just 2 months and the homework was already piling up. It owed much to the fact that in May, Paul would be taking his GCSE exams. The school was eager for all students to get good results and bombarding them with homework seemed the best way of ensuring it. It was Friday, the weekend ahead and what should have been time for putting feet up and going out with...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 18

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 18 It was nearly 9:00am when Paul awoke next morning. Kelly was snuggled up beside him. He started to stroke her hair when she stirred. "Morning beautiful," he said. "What time is it?" she replied, yawning. "Nearly nine," he replied. "I've got to get ready, my dad is picking me up at ten." "Can't you stop a bit longer?" she asked, kissing him. "I've got to leave before your parents show up," he said. "Ok then," she sighed. He...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 38

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 38 Friday came and Paula was given the chance to have a few extra hours in bed. Having eventually got up, she washed and dressed before heading down for breakfast. "Morning," said Laura. "You have slept in." "I know," yawned Paula. "What're we doing today?" "Have some more mother-daughter time if you like," she replied. "That would be great. Just wish there was more I could do with my hair," said Paula. "In time. It is near to shoulder...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 36

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 36 Paula went to bed Friday night still reeling from the fact that her parents had had sex in a college classroom. But since that bit of skulduggery, they had obviously cleaned up their act. The following morning, Paula prepared for her day at Alicia's. Without a set of earplugs available, she was trying to think of other ways to worm her way out of listening to hours of pop music. "Oh don't try to worm your way out," said Laura. "You may well...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 25

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 25 Friday. The last day of term and as a result, just a half day at that. Paula knew that she would have some spare time on her hands today and she was wondering whether or not she could get some unplanned extra time with Kelly. But first there was still a first period to recover from. In fact, she felt worse. She got up and slowly made her way to the bathroom and took the tampon out. It was soaked in blood and this only made her feel worse still....

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 26

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 26 Paula and Kelly decided to go just after 5:00pm. Seeing that they were both making their own way home, they left together. "I'm sorry about earlier Kelly," said Paula. "I really do want to make love to you, but that was not the right moment." "We wanted to do it at her birthday party but that was when you were still Paul," she replied. "I know. If your parents weren't such cows, we may have done it by now," said Paula. They hadn't gone...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 22

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 22 Laura's shopping trip was nothing more than a trip to the local supermarket, to pick up some much needed groceries. With Paul's voice very much non existant, Laura spoke to him in a way that merely required him to shake or nod his head. However, he had an idea to make communication easier. They were taking a break from shopping and having a drink in a cafe. "It is awkward when you've lost your voice," said Laura. "I lost it for a while before you...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 10

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 10 It was Sunday and the last day of the holiday. Paul awoke knowing that the latest meeting with Paula (as he now refered to her) would have to be discussed with his family. His mother was in the same predicament. He checked to see whether his breasts had grown more or if anything else was different. Nothing had changed as far as he could tell. He washed and for the first time, decided not to use his shaving kit. Since it was now known that he...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 13

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 13 Paul arrived home and explained about his reformed friendship with Mike and how his parents had influenced his decision making. "Not really surprising to be fair." said Laura. "Homosexuality was illegal many years ago and is still shunned by many religions to this day. Despite much support for it since, the world in general still hates it." "But do people have to agree with other people? We have our independence." said Paul. "You do, but...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 42

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 42 Joanne decided to continue using her bus pass when ever possible, leaving her new car outside the house. "Are you ever going to use it?" asked Paula. "Yes, I will," replied Joanne. "My bus pass expires next month. But with the price of petrol too, I'll be using it sparingly." The matter ended there. Joanne finished college in July for the summer. She had some exams of her own to think about, which included creating several hairstyles. Her own...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 56

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 56 Joanne was not pleased at the news that Paula brought her. She thought at first that Paula was winding her up and refused to believe her. "I'm telling you the truth, you idiot!" said Paula. "I overheard him telling the others that he is celebrating one year of engagement to his girlfriend! If you hadn't been so stupid and asked him rather than waiting for him to respond, I wouldn't have to be telling you this!" Joanne slumped to her bed and shook...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 14

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 14 Paul spent the remainder of Saturday and all Sunday as Paula. By the time Sunday night came, everyone was having the same thoughts. "He doesn't want to be a boy again," said Laura. "The changes are definitely mental as well as physical." "He still knows who he is, but he sees himself as a girl," said Alex. "But he seems so much happier. It was a wrench to remove the varnish from his nails," said Joanne. Of the three, Joanne had most enjoyed...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 8

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 8 Paul went to bed wondering what to put inside his shoes, allowing him to regain his lost height. He was becoming concerned about a lot of things - when would his parents be informed by the mysterious stranger and whether they would they accept him. He felt as though he was gradually accepting his fate at any rate. He just wasn't ready to face it. His future self had left him alone for a few days now. He didn't know whether this was good or bad....

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 48

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 48 Friday proved to be a day for Paula to put aside her success in the go- karting and look to two weeks without Kelly. For Kelly was going away with her parents the next day and when they came back the following Saturday, Paula and her family would be going away. So, for now, Kelly's now routine visit had an extra bit of importance to it. It was just well that Kelly had got over her period and was feeling much more in the mood for kissing. "Two...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 5

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 5 Paul awoke next morning having not had a dream with his female self in it. He had just dreamt of Kelly and the thought of having her in bed with him. It was of course Sunday, and due to the day out with Kelly, he had a day of homework to look forward to. He found that Joanne seemed more cheerful than usual. Her hair was chocolate brown now, having dyed it for the umpteenth time. She seemed to be growing it out too. Her roots were showing her...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 35

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 35 Travelling into town had it's reasons other than to give Paula and Kelly something to do. Kelly was to meet her mom at around 3:00pm as normal. But in the time that remained, Laura followed the girls and let them decide where to go. "Paula, have you tried tying your hair back yet?" asked Kelly. "Not really. I still think it's too short," she replied. They were taking a break from window shopping and sitting on a bench. Laura was at a...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 21

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 21 Paul arrived home with dinner almost ready. "Did you have a good time?" asked Laura. "Yes, met Kelly and her parents didn't know a thing," said Paul. "Thats good. Did you do anything apart from kissing Kelly?" "Watched Lord of the Rings part one," said Paul. "Watching part two next time?" asked Laura. "Probably. Alicia says there are loads of differences between the books and the films. I might try reading it again," said Paul. "By...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 24

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 24 Paula awoke next morning ready for her second day at school, and it was going to be an interesting one. First PE lesson as a girl plus seeing exactly what that girl who had spoken to her had meant. "Morning sweetheart," said Laura as she came down to breakfast. "Morning mom. Got my PE kit ready?" she replied. "Yes, I've put you a bottle of shampoo in as you requested," said Laura. "It's gonna feel strange being among loads of naked girls....

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 3

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 3 Sunday arrived and Paul dressed up as smart as he could, without going overboard. Alex was going to take him round to Kelly's house and would pick him up later. He picked up his school bag and prepared to go. "Just be yourself, and you should be fine," said Laura as he left. "Nervous?" asked Alex as he got in the car. "A bit. Not of Kelly, just her parents," he answered. "Well, don't be. As mom told you, just be yourself. You shouldn't...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 55

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 55 Dear Diary It is almost 1 year to the day that I lost the last vestiges of my masculinity. To think that months before then, such an event seemed like the ultimate nightmare. But that morning, when I woke up after having my final dream, to find my journey to becoming a girl complete, I couldn't have been happier. I may have lost my birth sex, but I didn't lose my passion for sports cars, and most importantly, I retained my undying love for...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 2

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 2 Paul awoke next morning hoping that his dream was just that and nothing else. He didn't want to be a girl at all. He noticed the fortune paper still on his desk and tried again to tear it in two, but the paper was still as untearable as before. For now, he was just going to go about the day as though that dream had not happened. He was going to go to school, get more homework and enjoy the taste of Kelly's lips again. He waited as usual to get...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 23

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 23 Paula went to town with Laura and Joanne looking for new school clothes. They took the bus, and on the way, the days events thus far dominated their conversation. "I don't get one thing," said Joanne. "How come the receptionist didn't question Paula's gender?" "I don't know. I'm sure it was the same one I spoke to on Wednesday," said Laura. "It makes no sense. We know about Paula, but she didn't," said Joanne. "We'll have to wait till Monday...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 49

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 49 Tuesday came and Paula prepared for what would be her first ever visit to Linda's house. After being told to present herself as "girly", she did just that, going for a just above knee height skirt and a sleeveless top. She then put on her "face" and touched up her nails. "You do know where her house is?" asked Laura over breakfast. "I think so, though I've never been there. I think Kelly mentioned where she lived once." replied Paula. "I should have...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 16

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 16 "You don't trust me?!" shouted Kelly. "How could you dad?!" "You've said you like girls, so its only natural you'll be attracted to them," he replied. "Has it escaped you that I only have eyes for Paul?" she replied angrily. "No one else, boy or girl, matters to me!" Kelly had discovered that her father's homophobia was near to paranoia. He seemed convinced that she would still try it with a girl, despite her strong relationship with Paul...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 31

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 31 Paula felt bad about putting off Kelly again. She too wanted to make passionate love but felt that it needed to be the right time. She came to think that Kelly's impatience was down to the fact that her father was still against her being gay and would never give them consent. Her mother on the other hand was now likely to give them consent, but until both her parents did so, Kelly believed the only way was behind everyone's back. She was spending...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 20

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 20 For the Smith family, it was clear that their 16 year old son was disappearing, physically anyway. In his place was appearing a 16 year old girl with all the usual girl interests and a keen interest in motor cars. Paul had acquired a set of hairbands from a hair accessory shop plus some ponytail loops. Though his hair was still too short to use them, he still wanted some. He arrived home pleased with his new items, which included a black dress...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 32

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 32 Thursday afternoon came and Paula certainly had plenty on her mind. She checked her pocket diary once more, checking to see if an error had been made. She had recently bought it to make notes of her periods and once again, the calculations were correct: her next one was due this weekend. "I'll just have to hope it isn't a bad one," she thought to herself. She turned away from the subject and moved onto something less depressing: choosing make-up...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 15

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 15 Paul arrived home and took his bag upstairs. "Come down here. Need you to try these on," called Laura. Paul quickly came back down and went into the living room. Laura was sitting down and she was holding two pairs of trousers. From first glance, they didn't look like girls trousers. "They're plain enough so that no one will tell unless they stare long enough," said Laura. "Unless girls notice," said Joanne. "Never mind that," said...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 28

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 28 Despite a growing interest in clothes, hair and make-up, Paula Smith was still showing no sign in giving up the love of motor sport that she had developed when she was still Paul. This was a real benefit to the rest of her family who still missed Paul. They could see that Paul, though gone, was still present within the new girl. The days leading up to Easter were quiet in comparison to those preceding them. Paula had phoned Alicia up the next day...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 41

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 41 Friday came and that posed a question. This was the day that they ate out. They were more than willing to take Kelly with them, but in her condition, could they find a place which would cater for someone in a wheelchair. They had posed the question to her Thursday evening and she said she was more than prepared to go out. "Don't let me stop you going out. I'll go with you," she said defiantly. So, on Friday, it was decided that she should go...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 46

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 46 After another brief spell of window shopping, Laura took the girls home. As soon as they did, Paula went upstairs and turned on her phone. She knew that there were people who would be interested to learn that she and Kelly had finally made out. "Hi Linda. Just calling to see how you are," said Paula. "I'm ok. Been quiet actually since the party, I mean since Kev and I got intimate. What about you?" replied Linda. "Nothing much here either,...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 58

Fortune Cookie (Revised) - Part 58 It had been nearly 2 years since Joanne had helped win the National Hairdressing Championship. She had gone on to help them achieve 3rd place in the World Championships the following year. But for now, Joanne had other things on her mind. "Wake up lazy bones! You don't want to be late for your own wedding!" she said, waking Paula from her sleep. "What time is it?" yawned Paula. "8:00 in the morning. We've got a lot to do, including your hair,"...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 7

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 7 Paul was seething after his sister's actions. He remained in his room for the remainder of the night and eventually turned in. He started to dream uneasily, and his female self entered. "You seem troubled?" she asked. "Yes, my sister, that spoilt bitch, has ruined my relationship with the girl I love." "Is the relationship off?" she added. "It's got to be! Her parents will bar her from seeing me now," he replied. "Don't give up just...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 30

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 30 Tuesday came and Paula had arranged a meeting with her mother for Wednesday. Laura was to meet her at school and attend the college event with her. The exams were now playing on her mind again as their beginning was now very close. "Morning beautiful," said Kelly. She was waiting outside the school walls and called Paula into a corner. "If we have to be secret, then so be it. My love for you is no secret though," she added, sharing a kiss...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 6

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 6 Paul arrived home and headed upstairs as usual to put his bag in his room. Whilst he was up there, he headed for the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He noticed that his face was softer, though not enough to look feminine. His eyebrows hadn't been touched since he had found Joanne's tweezers, so they helped keeping him looking masculine. The question that bothered him was how long this state of affairs would remain. How long before the face he...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 19

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 19 Paul returned home and went upstairs to change. He had a small number of womens clothes to choose from, something he was keen to improve on. Still, he had some clothes to wear. "Thats better," he sighed, as he came downstairs and accepted Laura's offer of a drink. "How was your day at school, Paula?" asked Laura. "Fine, no jokes, and Alicia is ok with the plan," he replied. "Thats good. How're you going to arrange visits?" she...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 29

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 29 Paula and Kelly left their mothers at the cafe and went to explore more clothes shops. "I really like the fact you want a bikini," said Kelly. "I can just picture the two of us, lying on a beach, soaking up the sun enjoying each others company." "Yes, hopefully before our honeymoon too," said Paula. "We can just have a sign nearby saying "Men Fuck Off. Lesbians in Love."" "I like the idea, but I doubt it would work. Men don't like women...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 33

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 33 Laura and Miriam had left the salon for a reason. The surprise that Laura had promised for Paula had got to be collected. Miriam came along because it also involved Kelly. Laura led Miriam to a jewellers shop a few hundred yards away. "Do you think they have them ready?" asked Miriam. "They are," said Laura. "I phoned the shop on Friday. Now they are identical in every way but for size." "If what you told me about them is true, Kelly should...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 37

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 37 They got off the bus and found themselves on a busy city centre street. "Still busy," said Linda. "Lots of workers, college students and the like," said Laura. "Now, I think it's this way." They walked along a number of long shop filled streets before heading towards the fringes of the city centre. It was a fair walk over all and they were glad when the Sealife Centre came into view. "Bugger, got to ask for 5 adults," said Laura. The...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 11

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 11 Paul awoke next morning to find that his breasts had started to get bigger. Not much growth, but enough to show change. Having washed, he applied some more cream to his nipples and put on the sports bra. "More development, but not much," he said to Laura as he arrived for breakfast. "Morning sis," said Joanne, munching on some toast and marmalade. "Morning," said Paul. "Remember that your "sister" is still a boy," said Laura. "It's ok....

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 40

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 40 For Kelly, the remainder of Tuesday was boring. After having Paula and Linda visit, the day saw no more visitors. She was eager to go home, or to what would be her home for the next few weeks. She eagerly ate her dinner that evening before finally going to sleep hours later. The next day arrived, she had breakfast and a nurse came with her wheelchair. It was fitted with a support for her leg. Another nurse came up to help her out of bed. "Steady...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 4

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 4 Paul went to bed that night wondering what was going to happen about him and Kelly. Kelly was aware that his days as a boy were numbered and wanted him to experience making love before it was too late. It was one thing he was looking forward to, and he knew she felt likewise. But with both sets of parents trying to dictate when they could, it was not going to be easy. He managed to get through the night without meeting his female self. He felt...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 12

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 12 Paul spent Saturday trying to watch the practice and qualifying sessions for the Malaysian Grand Prix. Kevin would be coming for to watch the race and have dinner too. His viewing pleasure on Saturday however, was disturbed by Laura, who had decided that there was a programme she wanted to watch. "Mom! You know I like to watch every aspect of a Grand Prix!" he complained. "We like to watch the television too," was her answer. Paul knew...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 17

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 17 Paul awoke Friday morning having slept happily all night. The experience of going out last night as Paula had been enjoyable to say the least. But the best was to come, for Paula was going to a birthday party/sleepover tonight. The thought of which seemed to settle him for the day. His parents feared he may refuse to dress in his boys clothes as was the case last time, but not this time. "Morning mom," he said as he arrived in the kitchen to...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 39

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 39 Laura and Miriam were still talking in the dry cleaners, completely unaware of what had transpired. Only pausing when customers came in, they were now awaiting the arrival of their daughters. "They should have been here by now," said Miriam. "I'll just take a look outside," said Laura. Paula was kneeling over Kelly, tears and mascara running down her face. A crowd had gathered and the female driver of the car had also come out to see if Kelly was...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 43

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 43 After eating in town, Paula, Kelly and Laura made for home. They walked the distance with Kelly determined to show that her left leg was very much up to the task. Still, she didn't hurry and Paula and Laura were patient with her. Upon arrival, she went into the living room and sat down. "Told you I could make it," she said. "I'll be fine in a few days." "We're not asking you to rush," said Laura. "But your legs will be fine soon enough. How about...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 44

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 44 Paula and Kelly kept their promise to not tell anyone about their proposed use of cherries and fresh cream in their love making. To make things easier for themselves, they decided to spend the rest of the day discussing what to get Linda. "I know I bought Alicia a pendant, but I'm not sure I can afford something like that for Linda," said Paula. "You said make-up," said Kelly. "Get her a gift pack or something. All the big chemists do...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 45

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 45 Paula and Kelly were now aware that their parents would be dining together at the Smith house on Wednesday evening. Both were unaware of what was to follow. "So, seen any more hot new fashions?" said Laura, as they left the dry cleaners and headed down the high street. "Plenty, but the best clothes are inside the shops, such as the lingerie," said Kelly. "I want to see Paula wearing some black lace undies!" "Then buy me some!" said Paula. "At...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 47

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 47 Saturday 26th July. The first weekend proper of the summer holidays. One week today would see Kelly and her parents go away. The following week saw Paula and her family go away, missing Kelly's birthday in the process. This still hurt Paula to a degree, even though Laura had told her that the Walkers were inviting her over on the Sunday after they came back, with a sleepover included. Kelly had been informed of this too, though she was unaware that...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 50

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 50 Paula celebrated her defense of top spot in the time trials with caution, knowing that by the time she next sat in a go-kart, she may find herself really up against it to retain that position. Still, she decided to give Kelly the news when she phoned that evening. But one other thing came up at dinner prior to that. Her meeting with Alan. "First Steven and now Alan. Two boys have shown an interest in me," she said. "I feel sorry that I have to...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 51

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 51 Kelly awoke Monday morning, with mixed emotions. She was now 17 and for a just over a week, 1 year older than her girlfriend Paula. The day was going to be awkward as her parents were back at work and she would be left alone for most of the day. With Paula on holiday, she didn't have her usual place to go. She got up and got dressed, in something casual, as she planned on wearing a dress for the party that afternoon. After brushing her hair, she...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 52

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 52 Paula had enjoyed her trip around the car museum at Caister. It was inside the local castle and did have a few sports cars among the exhibits. She had to settle with just Alex for company as her mom and sister spent the morning looking round the town of Caister. They eventually moved onto the North Norfolk Railway and spent the afternoon looking at the locomotives and riding up and down the line. It was during a stop for petrol on the way back to...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 53

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 53 As planned, the Smiths spent the last day of their holiday walking along the streets of Great Yarmouth, picking up a few souvenirs along the way. They also planned a visit to the Pleasure Beach but Paula found herself unable to go on a number of rides due to her period. It didn't stop her from doing a few things though. She spent a while in the amusement arcades trying to win a toy rally car. She gave up when it was clear she could buy one from a shop for a...

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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 54

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 54 Arriving back at the Walker house, Kelly and Paula decided to make the most of the few hours that they had the house to themselves. "I'll do us some food in a while," said Kelly. "I do know a few things." "Ok, but what do you want to do first, other than maybe suck on my tongue?" asked Paula, sitting down on the sofa in the living room. "Just do some talking," said Kelly, coming in with two cans of cola she had acquired from the fridge. "So,...

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Fortune Cookie 2

The Fortune Cookie 2 Chapter 1: "Another day studying? Why don't you take time out to check out some girls? That's if you really are into them," asked Phil. He was speaking to his college roommate, Casey. It was the weekend and Casey, as always, was sitting on his bed with his face buried in a book. He was a bookworm and studyholic: Something that long-term friend Phil found hard to understand. He peered over the edge of his book and turned slightly to meet the glance of...

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Moms Christmas Cookie Pt 3 of 3

Cookie held a finger to her lips while looking up at the camera.  Then she went over to the door of her room and opened it.  I faintly heard Mom say something over the Christmas music in my earbuds, and then Cookie said, “What do you think, Sis?  Follow them.”Mom responded, and then Cookie gave me a thumbs-up to the camera.  She crawled into bed to wait, striking a sexy pose.The wait for Mom to change felt as if it was taking forever.  I was so nervous that my erection even drooped.  Finally,...

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Moms Christmas Cookie Pt 2 of 3

My cock was bouncing up to tap against her as she moved into position. Then she grabbed my erection, stood it up, and wiggled it through her damp pussy hair. I drew in a deep breath of anticipation just before she slid me into her.She whimpered and I groaned in almost perfect counterpoint as she slowly sank down on top of me. She felt like pure heaven.“Your cock feels so good inside me, baby,” she said as the last of me vanished into her.“I love your pussy, aunt Cookie,” I responded.“Take a...

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This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. oooooooCookie: He’s upstairs in the study. I’m chatting to MonstaMunch.Jellybean: Are you sure? Last chance.Cookie: Go for it, sweetie. Make him happy, please.Finally, the night was here. Lashing rain, howling wind, and the slime of the wet leaves on the path made the walk up to the front door mysterious and exciting.________________Months of chatting online to Cookie had broadened Jellybean’s...


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