Reversal Rings: I'm Sorry free porn video

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This is a possible continuation of "Reversal Rings II: Jamie's Story." I thought Jamie's fate was a little harsh so I decided to try and continue his part of the story. I felt Jamie was basically a pretty good kid who acted impulsively, not stopping to realize that what he was doing was wrong. I'd like to thank Morpheus for his okay to do this story. While it isn't necessary to read the whole Reversal Rings story line before reading this, to understand this story, you should at least read "Reversal Rings II: Jamie's Story" to understand what is going on. Reversal Rings: I'm Sorry by K.M. kmresponse@h... 5-28-01 A young girl sat alone in a sandbox. This was strange because her mother rarely left her to play by herself. Months ago her six year old daughter started having intense bouts of sadness. At first the mother was upset and irritated at the girl, but she soon started to become concerned. Her mother had taken her to a few child psychologists, but none were able to pinpoint the exact cause, though most agreed she was suffering from an intense feeling of loss. A few, at first, thought it might be attributed to the divorce of her parents, but that had happened a couple years back, and this intensity of sadness was not present then. No, it was something else, but none of the psychologists could get an understandable answer from the child. For the time being her mother tried to make sure her daughter had other children to play with as much as possible, since she seemed less sad then, but only by comparison mostly. Though her daughter felt her mother's sense of 'play' left much to be desired. The child's name was Millicent Davidson. At least that was her name now. Her mother was sitting on a park bench a short distance away reading a book. Millie was trying to play quietly by herself. Gosh, how she hated playing quietly. She desperately wanted to run, and climb, and shout, and basically just have fun, but her mother wouldn't let her do those things. She had to play ladylike, she might ruin her dress, she might scrape her knee, she might hurt her arm, and a thousand other excuses her mother gave her. Her mother... her New mother. Millie thought back to young boy named Jamie McKenzie. A boy who used to do all those things. Run, climb, shout, jump, and so much more. A boy who wanted more. A boy who didn't realize how good he had it. A stupid boy. A boy that she used be, before she made the biggest mistake of her life. But right now there was something else that hurt her even more, and the tears were streaming down her face strongly. "What's wrong Millie?" Millie lifted her head to see a little girl about her age now sitting in the sandbox with her. She didn't hear the girl come up to the sandbox, and was a little surprised the girl knew her name. Millie didn't recognize the girl, and she thought she had already met all of the previous Millie's friends. "What's wrong Millie?" the girl repeated. "I..." sobbed Millie "I miss Mommy." "Your Mommy's right over there," the girl said gently, pointing to the woman on the park bench. Millie shook her head, feeling the long hair on her back. "I miss my real Mommy," she said, once again lowering her head and sobbing some more. After a few moments she briefly wondered why her New Mommy wasn't coming over to drag her away like she always did when she cried in public, but the thought passed quickly. Oh, how she missed her mother. How much she wanted to be held by her, hugged by her, hear her say that she loved her. She wouldn't even care if she was still a little girl, if only those things would happen. Her new mother wasn't really a bad person, she was just too strict, and didn't understand how much she was hurting her child with her enforcements. But even if those problems didn't exist, she could never take the place of her real mother. "It's not easy being Millie, is it?" the girl asked. "No," sobbed Millie, for some reason not noticing the strangeness of the question. Back when she first became Millie she desperately tried to get the ring back, so as to try and change back, but it eventually disappeared. She tried to call Kevin for help, but the phone was always out of reach, and her new mother kept her on a short leash. As time passed she noticed herself changing. She couldn't think at the same level as she could before, and she found she liked to play games that were far too childish before her change. When she realized this she thought of the changes Kevin and Susan went through, and realized was she was becoming a six year old girl version of her old self. "It wasn't very nice to try to steal Ross' life, was it? the girl asked. "No," Millie answered quietly, still not noticing the strangeness of the conversation. Of both her new parents, she liked her new daddy the most. Her new daddy let her run, jump, and play, and even swim in his pool. She often wondered why her new daddy didn't get custody of her, the old her anyway. She knew how much he loved the person he thought she was. It bothered her when she realized she almost made it so he wouldn't be able to see her anymore. "I'm sorry Daddy," Millie said quietly, tears falling from her eyes "I'm sorry." It was quite obvious Millie was talking about her new daddy. "Millie? Here." the girl said extending her hand. Millie looked up at the girl who was smiling at her with compassion. She looked in the girl's outstretched hand. The Ring. "Take it," the girl said. Millie stared at the girl awestruck, and slowly took the ring. "Put it on," the girl said, and Millie complied. After putting the ring on Millie watched her hand a moment, but nothing happened. She looked up at the girl questioningly. "Just keep the ring on until the change has happened, then quickly take it off. Afterwards, I want you to do something for me." The girl told Millie what she expected her to do, and Millie agreed. "And don't worry," the girl said as she got up to leave "your mother won't notice your wearing it." Millie was still too stunned to say anything, and watched as the girl smiled at her and left. ****************** 'Kevin' was walking through the mall. He could still scarcely believe the events of his life these past months, or where they've led him. Months ago he was a mother of a 14 year old boy, now he WAS that 14 year old boy. But that wasn't the most difficult part to believe. The most difficult part for him to believe was that he'd actually grown to like being this boy that he now was. Unbelievable, just unbelievable. As Kevin continued through the mall he suddenly stopped, noticing that the "Spells R Us" store was back again. In the front window he saw a sign. "Kevin, please come inside. I need to talk to you," it read. Kevin rolled his eyes. The name "Kevin" on the sign was written in HER old handwriting, obviously the wizard's usual sense of humor telling him that the wizard still knew who was who. Kevin furrowed his brow and looked down, debating if he should do as the sign said and go inside. As he looked back up he saw there was now an extra line on the sign. "It's Important!" it read. Sighing, Kevin shook his head and headed into the store. Entering the store Kevin walked up to the smiling wizard. "You called?" Kevin said sarcastically, eliciting a chuckle from the old man. "I need your help, or rather someone else does." "Who?" asked Kevin. "A mutual friend of you and your mother's. Jamie," the wizard replied. "Jamie? What's wrong with him?" Kevin asked worriedly. "Nothing you can't fix," the old man said. Month's ago Jamie suffered some sort of mental breakdown and was hospitalized. Though the doctors were never able to conclusively discover what happened to him, they felt he was suffering from some sort of mental regression. There were no trace of defects in Jamie's brain, or history of mental illness in his family. They never did figure out what triggered his condition, but determined that Jamie was sane, and that the only thing they could do was rehabilitate him. So after many months of therapy, and tutoring, Jamie was back to his previous learning level. He returned home shortly after Kevin and his mother got the rings back, and Kevin felt he seemed pretty much back to normal. Even if he did seem to be suffering from amnesia now, and the doctors weren't sure his memory would ever return. "What do want me to do?" asked Kevin. "I want you to take the remaining ring you have and place it on Jamie's finger." "I can't do that," cried Kevin in shock. Though Jamie had originally been his son's friend, Kevin had become pretty good friends with Jamie since his release from the hospital. "If you really are his friend, you'll do this for him," the wizard said gently. Kevin stared at the old man with uncertainty. After a moment something occurred to him. "Remaining ring?" thought Kevin. That didn't make any sense, he and his mother had both of the rings in a safe deposit box. At the completion of this thought, Kevin saw the old man flash him an amused smile. Kevin gave the wizard a tired look, understanding what the smile meant. "You promise after I put the ring on JAMIE's finger, you won't leave him trapped in someone else's body for any extended length of time?" Kevin asked, already having a frightening idea what this was all about. "I promise. Wizard's oath," the old man said holding up the palm of his hand. "All right," Kevin said slowly "I'll get the REMAINING ring out of the SAFE deposit box," causing the wizard to chuckle at the emphasis Kevin put on the words "remaining" and "safe". Later that day Kevin stood in his yard, waiting. He kept thinking of the months gone by. How Jamie had apparently suffered a mental breakdown, shortly after both rings went missing. How he had told Jamie about the rings when he was first switched. Was it possible? "Hey, Kevin." Kevin looked up to see the person he had been waiting for. "Uh, hi Jamie." "So what's up? You wanted to see me?" said Jamie. "Yeah," said Kevin, trying to sound casual "Let me see your hand." Jamie raised an eyebrow at the strange request, but let Kevin take his hand. "You better not be proposing," joked Jamie, causing them both to laugh. "No," snickered Kevin. "Close your eyes a minute." Jamie did so. The next thing he knew he felt something being slipped on his finger, then a wave of dizziness hit him causing him to stumble. When Jamie's eyes opened they looked down at his hand. His eyes went wide, and he quickly took off the ring. Jamie looked at his hand. It looked familiar. He started looking over his whole body. It all looked familiar. Could it be? Could it really be? Jamie looked up and saw a young boy standing in front of him. "Kevin?" Jamie whispered. Kevin's eyebrows shot up. "Jamie?" The next thing Kevin knew his friend was hugging him, crying tears of joy, and right now Jamie didn't care if all the people he ever knew saw him like this. "Oh, god Kevin," cried Jamie, "I though I'd never get back to being me again" "Jamie, you... you were switched? All this time?" Kevin asked, still slightly shocked that his suspicions were true. "Yeah," said Jamie still hugging his friend. Suddenly Jamie gasped, and released Kevin, holding him at arms length. "Kevin, are you and your mother still switched?" Jamie asked worriedly. "You did know?" Jamie nodded. "I didn't believe it at first, but I started noticing things, and subtly tested the two of you. You aren't still switched are you?" "Ummm," was all Kevin could reply. "Oh, my god. We have to get the other ring back." And with that Kevin suddenly found himself being dragged by the arm, as Jamie headed to who knows where. "Jamie wait," Kevin said, barely managing to pull both he and Jamie to a stop. "What?" Jamie said barely managing to keep himself still. "It's all right, there's no rush," Kevin said. "You mean the two of you are switched back?" Jamie asked. Kevin sighed "It's a long story. Come over later and mom and I will explain everything. Right now I imagine your anxious to get home." A huge smile quickly grew on Jamie's face. Home. Mom. Dad. Jamie took off running, yelling behind him that he'd see Kevin later. "Wow,'" Kevin said quietly, and then headed inside. Jamie burst into his house, frantically starting to search all the rooms. As he entered the kitchen he stopped. "Mom?" Jamie's mother turned to look at him. "Jamie, what's wrong?" she asked, deeply concerned to see him crying. Jamie rushed over and hugged his mother fiercely. "I've... I've missed you so much Mom." His mother returned the hug, confused and a little worried. "You've only been gone and hour dear." Jamie laughed. "Yeah," he said quietly "only an hour. I love you Mom." "I love you too dear," and with those words Jamie hugged his mother even tighter. Later that night Jamie was over Kevin and his mother's house. He was a little surprised by the decisions they made after finally being able to switch back, but he knew firsthand how powerful the rings' influence was. In truth there was a small part of him that would miss being a little girl. Just not THAT little girl. Right now he and 'Kevin' were playing video games. "I do not believe this," Kevin screamed throwing the game control down. "You've been stuck as a 6 year old girl all this time, you're not back for half a day, and already back to beating me at these stupid games." Jamie laughed hysterically at that "Man, you guys are even more like each other than when I left." Kevin soon joined in on the laughter. It felt good to have someone who knew he and his mom's secret. The next day Jamie skipped school after asking his parents. They agreed only too readily after Jamie's father got home, and Jamie greeted him in a similar fashion to the way he greeted his mother earlier. Though they were thrilled to discover he'd gotten his memory back. Jamie found he was actually anxious to go back to school, but he had something he had to do first. Kevin also stayed home so he and his mother could fill Jamie in on what HE'd been up to since he left. Jamie walked up to a house and knocked on the door. After a moment a woman answered the door. "Ms. Davidson?" Jamie asked. "Yes?" she answered looking at the teen at her door suspiciously. "I've been asked to deliver this to you," Jamie said handing her a package. The woman took the package "Uh, thank you. One moment," she said as she went to get something. As the woman left a little girl came up to the door to see what was going on. As soon as she saw the boy in the doorway she became extremely frightened. Did the boy come to get her because he was angry she took his body. It wasn't her fault, she didn't know how it happened. It's not fair, she had so much fun when she was this boy in the doorway. Now she was herself again, and her mother wouldn't let her have any fun. She stared at him in fear. She was then surprised, and confused, when the boy gave her a compassionate smile. After another moment the woman returned. "Here you are," she said handing the boy few dollars. "Uhh, thank you," said Jamie. He wasn't expecting a tip. After the boy left the woman opened the package. She pulled out a rather simple looking ring . She looked throughout the entire package, but couldn't find any indication as to who it was from. "Oh, well," she thought slipping it on. "You were really that cute little girl?" Kevin asked, barely containing his laughter. He had seen the girl in the doorway while he waited for Jamie a short distance from the house. "Yup," answered Jamie, somehow not embarrassed. "Think it's about time?" Kevin asked. "Should be," Jamie answered as he started heading back to the house. He then knocked on the door again. The woman opened it smiling. "Millie?" Jamie asked. The woman nodded. "I have to take the rings back for now," said Jamie. Millie looked at her hand, and then at her 'daughter's' hand. She pulled the ring off the stunned little girl's hand, and then her own. She handed them to the boy. Jamie smiled at her "Good luck." Jamie and Kevin headed back home. "Are you sure that was wise?" asked Kevin. "Nope. But her mother will understand her better for it. I have a feeling it will all work out." Jamie said, and then flashed Kevin an amused smile. "One way, or another." The two boys laughed together and ran off. To play. THE END

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Good Medicine Senior YearChapter 23 A Pair of Rings

September 29, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Yes!” Elizaveta squealed. Everyone clapped and the grandmothers put the choker and bracelet on Elizaveta, who was impatiently waiting to come to me. Just before she did, Gennady hurried over, winked, and we exchanged a Russian greeting, causing everyone but Elizaveta, who simply rolled her eyes, to laugh. Once Gennady moved away, Elizaveta quickly came to me and we hugged tightly, then Elizaveta turned to her maternal grandmother. “Grandmother, may I...

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CHAPTER ONE Promotion It was a sunny and pleasant day in downtown Chicago; the sun, high in the sky, was warming the busy streets of the city as Summer was just getting underway. Julia sat outside at a busy corner bistro, alone at a table, just off Michigan Avenue, across the street from the Art Institute. Lost in her own thoughts, she idly strummed her long red nails, as the multitude, people and vehicles swirled around her. She took a quick sip of ice tea and was pleased to see her...

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Reversals Ch03

CHAPTER THREE Consequences Eric was still feeling upset as he turned onto the street for their apartment, coming home from his shopping run. He'd stopped at the liquor store first, for something to relax him later that afternoon, and then the gaming store, where he normally went to blow off some time, poking around at different game manuals, magazines, and comics. Normally, he enjoyed strolling around the store, losing himself there, forgetting about the harsher realities of life; but...

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Reversals Ch06

CHAPTER SIX A New Day Eric woke to the pleasing scent of bacon teasing at his nose, beckoning him to wake. He inhaled deeply through his nostrils, flaring them, drawing in the rich smell on the air as the bacon crackled in a skillet nearby. Eric sat up on the couch with some difficulty, easing himself up, rolling his shoulders to and fro trying to work the stiffness out. He hadn't sleep well on the couch with only a small throw pillow and throw blanket for comfort; but after last...

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Rings of Mistrust

Rings of Mistrust By Carleton Vincent This story takes place in a universe created by Allen W in Rings of Trust. I once again offer my gratitude to this author for writing a great tale. It stoked up the fires of my imagination and inspired me to write the original version of this story. This is a revision of that original version. I have changed the ending significantly. I have also re-edited the entire story and...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 00

Introduction – Author’s notes about ‘The Wanderings of Amy’ and other erotic discipline fiction The ‘Wanderings of Amy’ was my first effort to write fiction of any sort. I had prior experience writing works of non-fiction, journalism, and academic research. However, I had always wanted to write fiction and have had ideas for a couple of political novels for many years. During the summer of 2002, for reasons I myself do not understand, I started to write a story in which I sought to explore a...

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SRU My Darling Daughter Reversed Rings

My Darling Daughter Spells R' Us -Reversal Rings For your consideration a tale of fates, two of those people for whom life hasn't quite given a fair shake. It's the story of Marshall and his child, a man desperate to stay with his darling daughter Arial. The old man at the Spells' R US store steps and takes a hand to right a wrong and in doing so gives out a guarantee and his Internet location. Beware. Wizards are easily upset and not to be trifled with! Marshall thought over...

2 years ago
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Rings Of Transformation

I. "Damn!" Bart Stearns muttered under his breath. It had been the third time Tara Seavers shot him down, and as he watched the girl turn the corner, his eyes were riveted on her incredible butt. It was then that he heard David and Ray laughing at his expense. They both had warned him that he’d be wasting his time and making a fool of himself, but he went ahead and approached Tara anyway. It was a month ago when Ray told him about the beautiful new transfer student. At the time, he had...

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The Binding RingsChapter 6

Jason sprung away form his aunt - guilt, panic, and fright all vying for control. “Quick!” He hissed to Sarah urgently. “Get upstairs and hide - make sure you act normally if you come down!” His aunt looked like she wanted to say something or other - the urgency of the situation didn’t seem to concern her as it did him - but Jason eventually succeeded in getting her up and moving; he had to basically shove her up the start of the stairs until she got the hint and went of her own accord....

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Reversal of Fortune

[ In the spirit of changing times; in the spirit of a long over due redress of well earned grievances of the so-called 'Third World', or the 'Developing Nations' (generally non-white), here's some encouragement to both whites who are more aware of their ancestor's exploitation and suppression of these nations and their people, as well as to they, themselves, who thirst for justice. And, in this particular scenario, we will see what may turn out to be the only truly significant form of redress,...

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Reversal of Fortune Part 2

Part 2 After about an hour or so, I was given some "Herbal" pills by Nurse Mala and then taken to a small hall where many people were having their breakfast. I noticed Jeevan standing in a queue to get his plate filled and he turned around and looked at me. I immediately avoided eye contact by lowering my head. Nurse Rajkumari who noticed this commented to me, "that is a typical girlish thing to do. The hormones have started working fast in you." Then she handed over a plate to...

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Reversal of Fortune Part 3

Part 3 I must have been starting at the wall without talking for quite a while and was oblivious to whatever that was happening around me. The Psychologist had entered the room and sat besides me and was calling out my name. After a while I came to senses and looked at her and immediately started crying. She consoled me as best as she could but I was in an inconsolable mind. Rajkumari then came near and applied spirit on my arms and gave me an injection. It must have been some sort...

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Reversal of Fortune Part 4

Part 4 The first night alone, together Before we came back to the apartment, Rajkumari instructed me to take two more cups of his fluids and give him two more of mine that night. She said, "Take one cup after two hours and one early in the morning one hour after you drink his piss." Immediately I corrected her with a "Please call it as his liquid and not piss" and she just laughed it off. Then I went to my apartment soon after and went to the toilet to relieve myself. Now a days,...

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I guess you would say I'm a pretty successful woman. Well not that "pretty," although I've kept a nice figure and my tits have always drawn stares. I am an executive with a high tech firm with lots of cashed-out options that by now have made me fairly wealthy ... But nothing about my looks or my recent affluence could have landed me David. David is intelligent, sensitive, and movie-star handsome: tall, square jaw, trim but muscular. Think of Hugh Grant. David was a virgin when I met him in...

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Aztec SecretsChapter 9 The Tree Rings

"Well these are the last," Ron said. "I wonder what exactly we'll experience with these." It was a good question. So far, the Aztec rings had transformed us into the lovely brunettes Tina and Amber; the petite redheads Jackie and Alyssa; exotic Asian girls Kim and Shay; and sizzling blondes Melany and Shannon. The island certainly must have been diverse, I thought. Of course, the girls had a lot in common - all were quite buxom (although some more than others), had long, luscious hair,...

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Lady of the Rings

The Lady of the Rings Frodo Baggins crawled upward, the volcanic glass ripping his hands. Behind him, ever faithful, Samwise Gamgee kept pace. Six months it had taken. Across the world of Middle Earth. The fellowship had fallen apart after Lothlorien. Galadriel had warned him that there were members of the fellowship that posed a threat to the mission; to destroy the one ring. 'One ring to rule them all, one ring to bind them One ring to take them all and in the darkness bind...

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The Binding RingsChapter 16

The next morning found Jason heading to school with a definite spring to his step. It was easy to be in a good mood after what he had experienced last night; even now, just thinking about it sent a surge of blood down to his crotch. It was beginning to get difficult to leave the house for something as mundane as school - there was a perfect world waiting for him back at his house, so why would he want to leave? He knew on an intellectual level that it wouldn’t be a good idea to over-indulge...

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Loves MastersChapter 3 Rings of the Master

Monday, October 20th, 1986, was the day Joey, Suzi and I crossed the previously forbidden line as a gift to Joey. That was just an excuse we used as it really was a gift to all three of us. I had arranged for me and Joey to take the entire day off at school. Suzi would join us during the first period then go to her second class before rejoining us at lunch for the rest of the day. It was her idea to give us some time without her to have what she called some boy fun. The three of us met in...

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Aztec SecretsChapter 2 The Feather Rings

After returning home to the large, comfortable house we had rented together, we waited several days before trying on another set of rings. For one reason, we were having a great time as Amber and Tina, having sex almost nonstop. We found that we were spending most of our time in these female bodies. It's not that we didn't like being men - we both did, very much. But the amazing, incredible sensations these bodies were giving us, well we just didn't have much pushing us to spend time in...

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SRU Reversal Rings Switching Lives

This story was custom written for Eric and to his specifications as the prize for a story contest. SRU: Reversal Rings: Switching Lives By Morpheus It was mid-morning and the sun was out and clear, with only a faint breeze keeping the weather from becoming too warm. As it was, the lone woman climbing out of the limo thought that it was the perfect weather for a little shopping. Even without the limo, from the expensive clothes she was wearing and the way she carried herself, it...

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The Binding RingsChapter 39

The flash from the ring he wore momentarily blinded Jason and he blinked fuzzily - his vision a sea of dull lights and coloured spots. His limbs felt dull and heavy - far more than the usual languid feeling he experienced after cumming. Emma was still writhing and twitching beneath him in the aftermath of the Binding and her climax, and she looked oblivious to anything else that was going on. Jason tried to say her name but couldn’t manage to get the words to form - he felt himself slip...

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The Binding RingsChapter 40

“Holy crap.” Jason whispered to himself as he stood on the stairs looking down at the three kneeling women waiting for him. Just as it had been with Emma, they didn’t appear to react to his presence apart from simply holding out one hand outstretched upon which rested their Silver Ring. Jason felt the weight of Emma’s band in his pocket and took a deep fortifying breath; he didn’t feel nearly ready to be dealing with something as huge as this. Only a handful of hours earlier all that had been...

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5 Rings

You sigh as you walk down the street, heading to your family's store. For four generations, your family has run 1 of the world's most prestigious auction houses. While there were many auction locations, there's also a storefront in downtown New York. You had wanted to get away from the family business, majoring in journalism at Columbia. However, after your graduation, it has been tough to find an internship at a news outlet, let alone a job. 7 months have passed and all you have written...

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Nipple Rings A SunDress

I spent the morning doing what I always do, classes first at the local college I attend, and then off to breeze by Dads office to bring him lunch, and today I thought perhaps Id go to the gym and work out for a bit. I pulled my Honda into the parking garage at Dads office, I adjusted the mirror to put on some lip gloss and ran my fingers through my hair. I grabbed the Chinese I had picked up for Dad. I locked the door and walked to the elevator. I pressed the button to the elevator and the door...

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Reversals Ch02

CHAPTER TWO Doldrums It had happened much as Samantha had suggested it would. Shortly after lunch, Julia had been called into a meeting with the vice president of Human Resources. The woman had flown in from New York to meet with people in the Chicago office as part of the reorganization effort. Julia had been escorted into the executive conference room by the woman's administrative assistant, a tall, handsome, well groomed, young man with a nice smile, who'd brought her a coffee just...

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Reversals Ch04

CHAPTER FOUR AGen Julia took another sip of wine and gently rested the long-stemmed glass back to the table as Samantha smiled at her affectionately. The burgundy liquid looked regal in the soft lighting of the restaurant, sitting upon the pearl-white tablecloth adorning their table. Adding to the ambiance, a single rose rested in a slender, glass vase, infusing the air with a delicate floral bouquet. The tables and chairs were simple wood furnishings made from rich, dark-oak which...

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Reversals Ch05

CHAPTER FIVE Reward for Eric Eric sat at their small kitchen table unfocused and bleary eyed, lost in his own meandering thoughts and the predicament Julia had put him in, still struggling with the fact that she could cut him off financially, that he was completely dependent on her for money and everything that came with it. He stared at the empty sink with a sense of shame and humiliation. It had never occurred to him, in all the months that he'd been unemployed, that she'd be...

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Reversals Ch07

CHAPTER SEVEN Sisterly Advice Eric toiled in the kitchen, scrubbing the bottom of the kitchen sink for the second time that day to remove some gunk he'd missed earlier. Rinsing and drying followed. The sink needed to shine for Julia's inspection when she returned home from work. Perfection would be demanded. It had been three days since Julia had declared that they were now in a female lead marriage. Everyday since had been a challenge in humility and service for Eric. As the...

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