Rings Of Trust: Tricked free porn video

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Rings of Trust: Tricked "You have to come over after school today, dude," I told my best friend Carl. He looked skeptical. "You're high, Tim," he said flatly. I had just told him about this pair of rings my crazy cousin had given me. "Where'd Paul say he'd found those rings again? Seriously? A gypsy? I mean, that's so insanely cliched my head should explode." "I know," I agreed blandly. "But... that's what he said." "Because he was addicted to turning himself into a superhero?" Carl looked at me as if he'd just swallowed a lemon with a salt chaser. "That's what he said," I repeated. "Dude," Carl said, shaking his head. "That's just sooo crazy." "Fine," I said, frowning at the edges of my mouth. "How about this: if you come over, we mess around with them and they don't work I'll do your calculus homework for a month." That got Carl's attention. He wasn't terribly good at math. "Yeah?" he said sounding a bit less skeptical. "Like would you turn me into a dog or a goat something?" "No!" I laughed. "I'll let you have the gold ring first just to be fair." Carl squinted his eyes for a second and then nodded. "Alright, then. Deal." He gave me a smirk - like he'd just won an easy bet and headed off to his fourth period class. My cousin Paul really had given me a pair of plain rings - one gold and one silver. He claimed that the person wearing the gold ring could completely change every aspect of the person wearing the silver ring's physical appearance. They could even change their mental patterns at the periphery - like making them a little more brave, or a little less inhibited. It sounded crazy to me too, but then he showed me himself, handing me the gold ring - I gave him a nose like Pinocchio and asked a bunch of questions about the rings. He didn't tell any lies except for the first question when he purposefully misanswered his birthday to prove that the rings and their powers were for real. It was pretty amazing! I could hardly wait to get Carl over to my house. Ever since Paul'd handed over those rings, I'd been fantasizing about turning my best friend Carl into my best girlfriend Kylie. Even now I was getting a bit hard thinking about it. Carl and I were definitely not movers in the cool clique at our high school. Silver spoon "it" girl McKenzie Fenner and her boyfriend, star quarterback Brady Johnson ruled over the popular kids as much as we ruled over - well, ruled over Quiz Bowl. You can see my dilemma, right? Even girls who weren't popular thought we were both total losers. We basically had each other as friends - and we both liked the same things: video games, comic books, scifi movies and tv shows and building computers from components we ordered off the Internet. Now I'd have a ridiculously hot girlfriend who had all the same interests as me. Sure, Car-- I mean Kylie would be mad at me. At first. But eventually she'd get used to it and we'd be best friends and lovers. I was so lost in thought I shook my head out of my reverie to find that everyone in my English class was laughing at me. The teacher had called on me to answer her question about Mark Twain about 2 minutes ago. * * * I slipped the silver ring on my hand, and handed Carl the gold one. We'd just gotten home from school and my bitchy younger sister wasn't home yet. We had my parents' house to ourselves for the moment. I handed Carl the gold ring. "I'm literally putting my body into your hands," I told him with a good natured grin. "Don't do anything too crazy, ok?" Carl rolled his eyes again. "You are going to be doing integrals for the rest of the month, sucker," he told me confidently. "You'll see," I said, still light hearted. Carl laughed as he put on the gold ring. "OK, so - now what?" he asked. "Just think of what you want to change." There was a pause of a few long silent seconds, and I felt my hair getting longer - brushing past my ears and past my shoulders. "Holy shit!" Carl exclaimed. "See?!" I said, triumphantly. "I told you it wasn't a lie." Carl shook his head. "Unreal," he said about 10 times in a row. "So that's it?" I asked, a bit amused. "Just hair? Try something else. Maybe a little more complicated." Carl looked at me stupidly for a minute, and then nodded. "OK," he said. "How about..." he trailed off and suddenly I felt a protrusion coming out the small of my back. It slithered up and over the waistband of my jeans. Pretty soon I found my new prehensile tail was wrapping around the leg of the chair I was sitting in almost involuntarily. "Dude did you just give me a tail?" I asked with another full laugh. Carl laughed too. "I didn't know what else to do," he admitted. "Seriously?" I asked. "A tail." I laughed again, and then shook my head. "OK - so turn me back before my sister shows up. I don't know how the hell we'd explain this," I said, flicking my tail at Carl's leg for emphasis. "OK, ok," he murmured with a smile. "That was messed up," he said, as I felt all of the changes reverting. "Tell me about it!" I agreed. "How about we take the rings off for a while? It's probably not a good idea to be playing with them for much longer today." Carl nodded, and he got ready to leave. "Tomorrow," I said, "we'll swap rings, ok?" Carl shrugged. "Sure, that's fair," he said. "See you later, man." * * * The next morning I bounced downstairs. "You're in a good mood," my mom said sounding pleasantly surprised. "I am definitely in a good mood," I nodded. I sat down, sipping my orange juice and buttering a piece of toast. "C'mon Mandy," I called upstairs. "Why is she always running late?" I muttered, checking my watch. I could hardly wait for school to be over. Mandy came down the stairs in her own unhurried way, vaguely frowning. "I hate my hair, my face, everything," she said darkly, daring me to say something. "Oh honey," my mom said, trying to soothe my bratty sister. "You're a beautiful girl. Try to smile. Everyone likes a girl who smiles." Mandy snorted, wrinkling her nose. "Let's go, slowpoke," I said, tapping my wrist. "We're barely going to make it to first period." As I pulled the car out of the driveway, my sister looked over at me and smirked. "It'll never work." I looked at her. "What will never work?" "Your quote plan unquote. It's stupid and juvenile." "You are certainly the expert in those fields," I assured Mandy. "I don't even know what you're talking about," I said, playing dumb. "Oh shut up, dork. You know you talk in your sleep and I can hear you through the wall. So don't play stupid with me Tim." I shrugged. "I seriously don't know what you're talking about," I said, squinting. "Fine," she said after a long pause. "Whatever. But it'll never work." * * * That day at school seemed like it would never end. Mandy had band practice, so I didn't have to drive her home which suited me fine. I knew Carl would be over so we could mess around with the rings again. Since I had a chance, I reviewed all of the documents I'd prepared for Kylie - she had everything she'd need except for the stuff with pictures. She could take care of that on her own, I figured. Once, y'know, she wasn't so pissed off at me. It had been a drain on my college savings account, but so worth it in the end. I had just slid the paperwork back into a manila envelope when Carl rang the doorbell. I knew my mom had her bunco club and my dad was still at work for a couple hours so we'd have the house to ourselves again. "Hey, dude!" Carl said, climbing the stairs to my room. "I didn't see you much at school today. Is everything okay?" I nodded. Carl sat on the edge of my bed. Behind me my computer screen was showing a screensaver. I picked up the silver ring and offered it to Carl. He took it, flipping it in the air like it was a coin. "How come these things are so plain if they're so powerful?" he asked. "I think powerful magic rings are always kind of dull," I answered trying to sound bored. "Like the One Ring, you know." "Yeah," Carl said, sliding on the silver ring. "Wouldn't it be cool if you turned invisible?" "Mmhmm," I agreed softly, putting the gold ring on my finger. I was so excited I could barely control my breathing. Carl noticed something was not quite right. "Dude, what's wrong with you? Do you need your asthma inhaler?" "Not exactly," I said, trying to calm myself down. I thought the band- aid approach was best: get it all over with in one big change. I took a big breath, exhaling through my mouth slowly. "I feel tingly," Carl said. His face looked confused. "Where's your mirror? I want to watch this!" "My mom took it off the wall for cleaning," I lied. "Sorry." "I feel... funny," Carl said. "Really? I haven't done anything much yet." Carl swallowed, his mouth twisting into a grimace. "Dude, are you messing with me?" he asked, starting to get worried. He shuddered for a minute, and I watched his body slowly morph right in front of me from loser dork to impossibly hot. Blotchy ruddy skin was smoothed and lightened. His brown hair, grew longer and darker, naturally curly. Thick fingers turned delicate. A stocky build grew lithe and curvy in all of the right places. "What the fuck!" Carl said. "Are you turning me into a ... into a girl?" The realization dawned on him like a thunderbolt. I could only stare as I watched the transformation continue. "Tim, talk to me," Carl, I mean Kylie said. Her voice was a mellifluous contralto now; I couldn't wait to hear her growl during an orgasm. Kylie's face shifted, cheekbones arching high, her nose slim, full lips with wide ice blue eyes. "TIM!" Kylie shouted. "What did you do to me?!!" I was so hard - my fantasy woman was standing right in front me. With some amount of panic in her face, she looked at me, looked down at herself in Carl's ridiculously baggy clothes and pushed me in the chest. "Asshole! Listen to me." I couldn't help it, I felt my cock jump and cum started to spill into my boxer briefs. Kylie gasped. "You are a sick fuck!" she said. "Sick sick disgusting pervert. I am a DUDE! I was your best friend!" She said a bunch of other stuff too, but I could only acknowledge I had just cum in my pants with a beet red flush in my face. Kylie tried to take off her ring, but she couldn't. I was vaguely aware that Kylie said some stuff to me and then left my room. I could hear her rummaging through my sister's closet through the wall. "I'm taking the emergency $100 your mom keeps downstairs to get a motel room," she told me. "You better change me back tonight Tim. Call my mom and tell her I'm sleeping over here to work on a school thing." She paused as she pulled on some clothes. "So help me Tim I will ... I will make you sorry if it's the last thing I ever do." Kylie stormed down the stairs dressed in a pair of my sister's leggings, some flats, and a loose fitting long tee shirt. I heard my car start and drive off. I sat down and looked at my gold ring and my wet sloppy pants. Did that just really happen? * * * I honestly didn't have much time to process what just happened. My sister came home almost immediately after Kylie left in my car. I made up a story about how Carl needed to borrow the car to buy some extra time to think of a better cover. Meanwhile, I was wondering what to do next, but even that didn't take long to resolve itself. I got a text from Kylie after dinner time that I should meet her at a park near my house in an hour. Time seemed to pass slowly now, and I realized I was sweating - nervous or excited - maybe a little of both? I left the house a little early, bringing all of the documents I had with me, and found a spot near the parking lot under a lamp. I was playing around with a game on my phone to kill time when I heard a car -- my car -- pull up. I caught my breath when she slid out of the car. Was that something I had somehow built into her, or was she doing it naturally? I felt hot around my cheeks as I watched her; she looked pissed. "Are you going to change me back?" First words - yeah I would led off with that too if the roles had been reversed. I swallowed. "I brought you these..." I said, opening my backpack. She squinted as she looked at the envelope. "I don't care," she said flatly, her wonderful icy blue eyes hard. "Change me back, Tim. Right now." I shook my head. "I... can't," I lied. "The rings stopped working. I... You're stuck like this." "What?!" "I'm sorry but I don't know what else I can do. So I ..." I lifted the envelope again. She snatched it out of my hands. "This better be 800- REVERSE..." She opened it and pulled out a birth certificate and a social security card. "Kylie Lynn Miles?" she snorted. "What the hell, Tim? You've been planning this for months, haven't you?" I didn't answer. "Because how else would you have something like this just sitting around in your bedroom?!" Her voice rose and I could feel her anger. "OK, smart guy. You figure out how Carl goes away. And you get me some money so I'm not living under a bridge somewhere for the next month." She tossed my car keys to me and spun around. "And by the way - don't try to figure out where I'm staying or what I'm doing. Be back here tomorrow with some money." I'd already given Carl's cover story some thought. Carl's family had a cabin out by a lake, and I had already planted some clues out there the last time I visited with him, so it was just a matter of coming up with a story to fit the clues. QED. The money angle was something else altogether though. "How much do you want?" I asked. "Thousand at least." "One thousand," I said, trying to hide a frown. "Fine." Just then a cab pulled up and I watched mesmerized as she walked toward it. * * * I got the money she wanted from my dwindling college savings account. I'd definitely have to intercept the bank statements in the immediate future, that was certain. We met the next night and I handed over the money. I noticed she'd changed her clothes: jeans, casual top, some sneakers. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. "Goodwill" she said with a shrug. "Where are you staying?" I asked, starting to feel more guilty about what I'd done. "I told you. Don't worry about it," she muttered. "I'm fine." "Well. Don't be surprised if you hear a news story about how you went missing at your family's lake cabin." She looked at me skeptically. "Really? That's the best you can do?" She shook her head in dismay. "So lame Tim. So so lame." I kind of smiled at her sheepishly and shrugged my shoulders. "Just thought you should know." "I won't see you for a while," she told me matter-of-factly. "Why?" "You'll see," she said, drawing out the words with a rather mischievous smile. God, it looked so perfect on her face. "Bye." She swung the cab door shut and the car sped off. I turned around to head home. * * * And so that was that, I supposed. I had so so many amazing dreams about me and Kylie. I started doing my own sheets in the laundry just because they got me so worked up so fast. It must've been three weeks or so, when all of the sudden I saw Kylie - at school. She was coming out of the administration building following Assistant Principal Fredrickson, smiling and nodding at something he said to her. They were coming right toward me and she looked stunning. She was dressed in tight low cut dark blue jeans and a striped top with a sweetheart neck. Her hair was done and her makeup looked almost professional. Everyone was looking at her. Some with envy, some with lust, and some with curiousity. Me, I think I turned an unpleasant shade of green, and my stomach churned. Kylie puckered up her pink glossy lips in an air kiss for me as she passed. "Who the hell is that?" asked one of the football players near me. "I... I don't know." I said watching her walk away in a set of nude patent pumps. "Find out, dork," he said, punching me in the arm. I was still rubbing the bruise when she went around the corner. I didn't see Kylie again until lunch, when I spotted her sitting with McKenzie Fenner! As usual McKenzie and all of her little sycophantic mean girls were holding court eating their cups of non-fat pro-biotic yogurt and drinking their obligatory sugar free energy drinks they'd probably purge in the restroom after lunch. What the hell was going on? My mind raced with the possibilities. Kylie seemed to fit right in with all of them - she made eye contact with me and I could've sworn she winked at me, before pointing me out to McKenzie and then obviously making fun of me. I couldn't hear what Kylie said, but everyone thought it was hilarious. If only they'd known who Kylie really was! I waited outside of the cafeteria for Kylie to come out. She was surrounded by her own little pack now. She didn't even look at me as I said her name. "Hey!" I shouted. "Hello?" "Do you know him?" a blonde asked Kylie. "Who?" she said, glancing at me. "Him? Uh... Seriously?" They laughed a little. "He seems to think he knows you," a brunette said as I followed them. "Kylie! Hey!" I repeated myself, reaching out a hand to tap her shoulder. "Ah look," Kylie said to her crowd as she turned around. "It thinks it's people! That's so adorable." They all laughed again. I could feel my cheeks start to burn. She looked me up and down disdainfully and then turned her back to me. "Fuck off loser," she said flatly. The pack of girls chattered their way toward the English building. I stood in the middle of the campus with a fists clenched and my face bright red until the bell rang for class. * * * That night I got a phone call. "Hello?" "Hey loser," said a familiar contralto voice. "How'd you like school today?" I didn't say anything. "I had a blast. I'm going to keep having a blast too. Did you know cheerleader tryouts are in a week? I'm going to meet the whole football team!" She sounded way too excited about that. "Kyl - Carl what the hell are you doing?" I asked, sighing. "Making the best of a situation you put me in loser," she said. "I'm having so much fun being Kylie - and by the way? Stop trying to talk to me at school. It's embarassing for both of us."

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Indian DaughterInLaw Tricked

Raj and his friend shyam sat down on the couch with a can of beer each and started to watch the basketball. Raj was a married 55 year old who lived with his wife of 30 years out in the countryside. Raj was a slightly overweight man who had a large beer belly, and had gone completely bold. Since he retired five years ago, he would spend most of his days, and night drinking with his buddies. His wife had gone to her friends for the night, so raj had invited shyam over to watch the basketball with...

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A good wife is tricked

From the ensuite peter heard a gentle knock on the family bedroom door over the sound of the tv. "Come in", he called i'm just in the bathroom."D*d?" his s*n jack called out."Just a minute!", too much to drink last night meant a very full bladder and needs must. As he stood he noticed the reflection in the mirror. His s*n had picked up one of the ankle restraints, which where still attached to the bedposts from last night, and was looking thoughtfully at it. Peter in his haste had forgotten...

1 year ago
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I awoke to the creaking of Nathan's steps as two tall, beautiful boys made their way downstairs. I sat up on his couch and licked my lips, the bitterness of our previous concoction still lingering on my tongue. They both entered the room already shirtless and pulling at their belts. I got to my knees excitedly, eager to continue my fulfillment of the bet. Nathan was the first to get his belt off, and he stepped forward as he dropped his boxers to his ankles. I flipped my tousled blonde bangs...

Gay Male
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It had all started a year ago in a moment of weakness when she had sex with her best friend's husband. They had been flirting with each other for a while. Then one day they found themselves alone when he innocently came by on an errand for his wife. It happened fast, right there in her kitchen, but it was good. When he left that first time, Nancy felt a slight trickle of guilt. The gorgeous 41 year old mother of two, Nancy definitely did not want to lose her husband and her family. But the more...

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Grey Pharmaceutical, I'd worked here for five years, in the office, when the two of them started here, Mandy, a 5'2" brunette, with huge tits and a big hand grabbing ass and Marilyn, a 5'4" blonde, nice body, medium tits and an ass that just begged for a cock, nice and tight. I'd tried my best to get a date with them, they always begged off and one day I found out through the rumor mill that they were involved with each other, but they still continued to lead me on. They would make little...

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The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis 3 In God We Trust

Note: "Thalia Menninger" was played by Tuesday Weld. The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis 3: In God We Trust Created by Max Shulman Produced by Rod Amateau [1959-63] Parodied by Ron Dow75 Dobie Gillis, blond, crew cut, average early 1960s Working- Middle Class Dobie Gillis was at his usual marble bench in the park, bent over with his chin on his fist just like Rodin's statue, "The Thinker", a copy of which was just behind him. He looked up, "I've had a terrible shock. I found out...

3 years ago
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Her Matter Of Trust

CHAPTER 1: A GAME OF CHANCEIt was a hot summer night in Philadelphia and Colin, as usual, was out with Sheryl. He probably wouldn't be home until late. With nothing better to do, Aileen went to the small alcove of their apartment where the computer was set up and signed on. Perhaps she would play a couple games of gin rummy, but what she hoped for most was that Ben would be online.Aileen Reilly had been divorced for almost ten years. Even though she hadn't had a serious relationship since her...

2 years ago
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A Matter Of Trust Must Read

CHAPTER 1: A GAME OF CHANCEIt was a hot summer night in Philadelphia and Colin, as usual, was out with Sheryl. He probably wouldn't be home until late. With nothing better to do, Aileen went to the small alcove of their apartment where the computer was set up and signed on. Perhaps she would play a couple games of gin rummy, but what she hoped for most was that Ben would be online.Aileen Reilly had been divorced for almost ten years. Even though she hadn't had a serious relationship since her...

1 year ago
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Carings Such Hard Work0

At 22, 5’ 5 inches tall with long blonde hair and 38DD breasts and 18 stone you haven’t had that many boyfriends, in the company uniform at first glance you could pass for a nurse though your uniform is a darker blue than a nurse’s uniform. A few months into the job you’re asked to swap the route as one of the girls has gone off sick. On the first day your partner for the route tells you that there are a few old men on the route you need to be wary of, thinking that she meant they were very...

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Cockrings and Chastity Keys

       Cock Rings and Chastity Keys!             TJ Ryder  http://sissytrain.com/Fpage/fpage.html   Maybe it was a little bit of self flattery that I madethe trip to New York City last summer and perhaps it was alsofor experience and inspiration by the exploding shemale culture,but it was definitely more than I expected.   I'm a average looking, (pic attached)5'5, 135 lb passable t-gyrl or shemale or a hundred other nouns being used! 37 years old withsome cosmetics. Not particularly feminine...

3 years ago
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EXIT 33 Trust

We are having a slow day on the ‘big road’ due to the usual traffic snarls along the Interstate highway. My favorite truckstop is just ahead 3 miles down the road. These people go out of their way to make a driver feel welcome … from the manager(s) to fuel clerks to convenience cashiers to floor sweepers. Everybody is so friendly here. Their big neon sign is truly a welcome sight for me.This stop has the nicest / biggest shower facilities and the fluffiest of towels. When I am here, I really...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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WeaklingChapter 10 Trust

I put Martina down. It was as if we are the only two in the room. Tears are rolling down our faces as we stare into each other’s soul. “George, Martina’s mother has asked that you take care of her daughter and show her around,” the Vice Principal informs me. Martina hands me her schedule as I grab her hand and pull her out of the door. We walk down the hallway. I pick her up and twirl her around as she giggles. “What the hell,” I ask Martina as I set her down. I’m excited that she is here,...

2 years ago
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She is in her kennel cage collared with her rope collar and leash in the kennel resting position. She feels her collar and it feels good. She giggles as she thinks how Master trained her to feel the collar. She was to wear the collar as much as she could without displaying it to others that did not understand. She would feel the collar on her neck touch the collar on her neck and could not understand what Master was talking about. Then one day it just hit her on what Master was trying to get...

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CHAPTER 19: BOUND BY TRUSTWhile talking on the way back to the harbor, we were congregated on the bridge with Strong. I had spent days training with these guys wearing nothing but this tiny bikini, although it had been both pieces. This last day, though, was spent completely naked with the intention of drawing attention to myself for an additional surprise effect on the target’s guards. It had worked well and for the rest of the mission and immediately afterwards, I forgot all about it. Now,...

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A Matter Of Trust

Please note -: This story is written for Adults Only. It contains acts of non-consensual sex and some mild violence between females, if this is likely to offend you please do not continue to read it. This story is entirely fictional, including the characters in it. All comments welcomed and encouraged. Or by email direct to [email protected] MATTER OF TRUSTYou had taken a little convincing to make the long trip to Down Under. Sure, it would be the experience of a lifetime, especially...

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I trust my daddy

I trust my Daddy by bullustampurChapter IJoan was on her way home on a Tuesday afternoon. She was a pretty woman, even beautiful, in her mid thirties. Her husband, Tim, was a year older than she. She was thinking back, to the time when they started dating. They were s*******n and eighteen at the time. She sometimes thought about it when they were together for the first time. No, not really when they were together for the first time. That was far to indecisive. But rather, when they fucked for...

4 years ago
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Trust and the Heart

Trust and the Heart R. Douglas Ezell Part One I knocked on Mark's door. After a moment, Mark opened it. "Hey Greg," he greeted, "I'm glad you came." "Thanks," I replied, "it's been a while since we just hung out." "Want a drink?" Mark asked. "Coffee, tea, soda?" "Tea sounds great," I said. "Coming right up," Mark said as he left for the kitchen. I took a seat in the guest chair. On the end table next to me I noticed a silver ring. I picked it up and looked it over. It...

1 year ago
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Learning to Trust

Chapter one Learning to Trust  I had always managed to attract the type of man who would eventually use his fists instead of his mouth to solve his problems.? The latest loser had just left me in a heap outside a bar, my mouth split and a trickle of blood running down my chin.? To make things worse, he had just driven off in my car with my bag inside, which meant I had no money, no ID and no way of getting home. I was just trying to get to my feet, when a hand was offered to help me up.?...

2 years ago
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Do you trust me

My thighs feel all sticky, as if I have been swimming in salt water, and it has dried on them. I start to scratch, and realize my hands are bound to the chair arms. Suddenly fully awake, I remember where I am. Your last question comes back to me, all in a rush. “Do you trust me?” I had replied, a little too quickly, “Completely.” Though that wasn’t strictly true. I had some misgivings at totally relinquishing control. But I had quieted them, saying to myself, it’s only for the weekend, and she...

3 years ago
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Do You Trust Me

Do you trust me? That's what the note said. Just a simple note. Do you trust me? Then the time, place and what to wear. Of course I trust you. Of course I would be there tomorrow night, at the mandated time, wearing the mandated outfit. You know what I like, so I trust you to make this night special. I stood on the corner by my house, waiting. I was wearing a pair of red, four inch fuck me pumps, black thigh high stockings and garter belt, and a trench coat. That's all I was allowed to...

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Trust Fall Ch 10

Trust Fall Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Chapter Ten I’VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT BEN Sheppard since I sealed my panties in that envelope. I thought of him as I met with Jack the appraiser at the bank. I held my legs close together even under the desk and crossed them carefully. Jack was flirty. He didn’t do or say anything inappropriate. He’s a sweet guy. It was all very innocent and low key. But I still felt a touch slutty sitting across from him without panties. He is cute. I...

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Trust Ch 1

When he closed his eyes, no matter how slight, he could see the movement of her dark, golden skin against the paleness of his own. He could feel it and that was torture. He craved her touch and the mercy that it offered. A good fight in the heart of battle had always brought him great pleasure, great glory. That was where he belonged. Now, she was the only true delight of his heart, a respite from this world’s cruelties. She was his afterlife because his world changed the moment he entered...

1 year ago
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A Matter of Trust

You had taken a little convincing to make the long trip to Down Under. Sure, it would be the experience of a lifetime, especially at your age, but Australia was just so far away. Then eventually you were convinced, the brochures helped, and when your roommate Allison agreed to go too, well you didn’t really have a choice did you? And you had a great time here, the time of your life. As two very attractive young ladies you and Allison were a real hit locally, every bar you went to guys and girls...

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SRU The Rings of Trust A New Beginning

The Rings of Trust: A New Beginning By [email protected] This story is a follow up to a story written by Allen W and is based on the SRU:Rings of trust universe he has created. It is my first erotic story so please forgive any errors. Otherwise enjoy to your hearts content Matt....That was what my name used to be. That was before my run in with Kevin and the rings. I had purchased the rings for the outrageous price of 5 dollars a piece from a bizarre old man in a...

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A Matter of TrustChapter 4 A World Of Their Own

When Aileen told Colin the news that they would be spending Christmas up at the cabin he seemed pretty amiable to the idea, apparently the thought of getting away from the apartment for a few days appealed to him as well. It was a four hour drive from Philadelphia to the mountain cabin and they planned on leaving early in the morning on Christmas Eve day, but it wasn't until slightly before noon before they were actually on their way. Not only had Patrick given them the use of his cabin, he...

4 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 16 Life Is Simple Without Trust

We went to a bar where a room had been reserved and the party progressed as expected. I avoided drinking too much – one hangover per weekend was sufficient – and found the heaving, over-stimulated men more than entertaining enough to make up for the half naked woman that was dancing for them. It was arousing enough to wish I had someone to pounce on and share the arousal with. If Joey hadn't betrayed my trust. If I could look at Pharaoh and not think of how much I loved Joey. And I did...

2 years ago
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Trust Fall Epilogue

Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Epilogue IT’S SATURDAY AND I CHECK the mail. There’s a letter from Ben Sheppard. There’s no return address, but I know it’s from him. It’s postmarked from Milwaukee. It’s nice to see my name and address written out in that crisp script in his usual blue ink. It reads: ‘I had a meeting at a restaurant today. They had a TV on and the Brewers were playing the Reds. Seeing the Reds made me think of Cincinnati and when I think of Cincinnati I only think...

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Wonders of the US HighwaysChapter 3 In Ari We Trust

“It’s so small!” Not exactly the words any man craves to hear. No matter what the circumstances. “I told you.” “Yes, but it’s such a surprise to actually see it. How will we fit?” Angie asked. I couldn’t help myself. I wrapped my arms around her from behind and breathed in her ear. “Closely together,” I whispered. I felt her shudder with the chill in her ear, but she didn’t pull away from me. She pushed back into to my embrace and rocked her head against my shoulder. I’ve come to believe...

2 years ago
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A Tortured SoulChapter 28 Trust

She raised her eyebrows at me. “You don’t mean...?” She nodded. “Fuck me in the arse, Paul. Ram it through my back door. Bugger me. Bum me. Use the tradesman’s entrance. Plug the chocolate pipe—” “Okay! I get it,” I said, grinning as I wondered how long she’d spent looking up all those euphemisms on the internet. “I get it, Ness, but are you sure about this? You know it can hurt like all bloody hell, right?” She nodded. “From experience. But what if it’s done right, huh? What if it’s done...

3 years ago
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A Whisper of Trust

Dark came early in winter, and she lit a fire for ambiance in the redwood paneled room. She glanced at the crystal clock above the mantel, and then out the window to the driveway. She had planned this evening for several months, waiting for the perfect situation – timing, weather, and opportunity. The stone house had been meticulously crafted, every detail scrutinized as she personally directed its construction. She ordered fine natural wood – cherry, oak, redwood, cedar, mahogany – using the...

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Trust Your Instincts

I'm sorry, but I have always been a little cynical and recent developments have only strengthened my cynicism. I am having a hard time trusting people now. Let me explain. We are the Kelly's, Raymond and Jackie. Our marriage was only six months old when we moved into our first home. A condo in a very nice area and it will do for a couple of years. We have plans for family but for now apartment type living will do. Jackie is a tall girl at 5 feet 10. She goes well with my 6 foot 3 inch...

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College Ke Trustee Aur Unke Dost Ne Kiya Gangbang 8211 Part 1

Main Rucha Raval hu. Meri Age 22 hai. Main Gujarat se hu aur main gujarati hu. Main mera ye incident ap sab se share karne ja rahi hu, Please comments dena ravalruc ya Facebook mein rucha.raval.75 pe. Main mere bare mein batati hu.Meri height karib 5 feet 5 inch hai, weight 56Kgs hai. Main bohut fair hu aur ekwealthy family se belong karti hu. Meri body size 34-29-38 hai. Mere hairs brown color ke hai aur sholder tak hai aur curly hair style hai. To ye incident is tarah hua. Master degree ka...

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