Reversed Rings: Dreams Of Kevin And Susan free porn video

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Reversed Rings: Dreams of Kevin and Susan by Eric (Note: This is just a possible continuation of Kevin and Susan's story by Morpheus. It came to me in a dream. The story is now complete. Thanks to Morpheus for his OK on the use of his characters. Note: This is set in the SRU Universe but the Wizard makes only a brief appearance I want to thank Steve Z for editing the story!) Chapter 1 (the more things change, the more they remain the same) Brandy looked at her cute boyfriend and her eyes were shining! "Kevin! I would love to go steady with you!" Daringly, she kissed him in school. A few of her friends giggled. 'Kevin' was hard put to keep his hands off Brandy's sexy breasts. Once she had allowed him to touch them, but she certainly wouldn't do so outside an English classroom. It was Susan's first Christmas as Kevin! 'I am my son and strangely it feels more natural all the time. My grades are in the stratosphere, grade school being a lot simpler to do the second time around with some college behind me. It is a weird time for us both with Christmas and gift giving approaching.' It reminded Susan of when, as the mom, she got Kevin those magic rings for his birthday. That's when they'd swapped bodies. Susan still thought the SRU Wizard should have warned her! What a shock it had been! Kevin sure had enjoyed lording it over her and having sex with 'her' boyfriend Doug! Susan rode home on his bicycle. It was great being so young and energetic. She would have been falling off and puffing away in her old body. As usual he raided the refrigerator. A lovely woman's voice said, "Welcome home, dear! Don't spoil your dinner with sweets." "I wont!" Susan said with a mouth full of cookies. A beautiful woman with lovely blond hair and an excellent figure came gracefully in. She shook her head ruefully. "Honestly Kevin!" After the first few weeks, both Kevin and Susan had been careful how they addressed each other, trying to use the same terms as before. Now it was second nature for Kevin to call Susan 'Dear' or 'Honey' or even Kevin, while of course Susan called Kevin Mom or Mother. The boy in the frig looked guilty. "Sorry 'mom', but I have some great news! Brandy has said she will go steady with me and will come with us to Uncle Nick's for Christmas morning and we are invited to her house for Christmas Eve!" This all came out in a rush. Kevin smiled. Teens were so enthusiastic about everything. "That's great! I know you really like the girl. By the way, I am so proud of you; what a great report card!" Susan flushed with pleasure! "Thanks! When I was a little girl I always dreamed of being an engineer like my dad! But when I went to school, girls weren't supposed to be engineers!" "Well, you can be one now." They looked at each other, each in the body the other had been born with and lived in until a little over four months ago. Now it seemed longer than that somehow. Susan cleared his throat. "Can I have some money? I mean more than my allowance? I would like to buy a nice present for you, and Uncle Nick and grandma and Brandy?" 'God, I have to beg money from the person who used to be my son and is now my mother!' The lovely face frowned. "How much did you want?" "Three hundred dollars!" "I'll think abut it. That's a lot of money." "Please! I will clean the bathrooms until new years and vacuum." Kevin considered. "Okay, but make sure you keep your promise. I'll go to the bank tomorrow and get you the money." "Then can we go to the mall tomorrow?" Kevin laughed at the teen's excitement! "I guess so." "What's the word on your book?" Kevin had published a book about teenagers that was going very well at the bookstores and climbing the charts. It looked to be a major best seller and might even win the Peabody Price. The critics said never had they read a book that bridged the generation gap between teens and adults so well and with so much insight. There was even talk of a made for TV movie. The beautiful face that Kevin now owned grinned with delight. "Up to its fourth printing and still going strong, and the TV movie looks like it's a go!" Susan hugged Kevin! "That's terrific!" It no long seemed strange to be Kevin and hugging what had been his own body! Which in itself was strange. He was glad to note that he was growing taller. Soon he would be looking down on 'his mom'. Susan grinned like a typical boy trying to get something out of his mother. "What are you getting me for Christmas, MOM?" Kevin grinned back. "You'll see!" The typical answer mother's gave their sons. Susan danced from one foot to another! He sure hoped he got a computer, especially one with CAD! "Can I go over to Brandy's after dinner?" Kevin considered. "I suppose so, since your grades are good. But you still have to get your homework done." "Aww..." "You can get it finished faster than we can argue about it." Susan nodded. Sometimes it was so easy to forget what you learned and instead go with the body. Kevin smiled to see Susan gobbling up the food in a tearing hurry. He couldn't wait to see his girl! The door slammed behind him on the way out just as Kevin was yelling, "Don't slam the door!" Kevin was a little depressed. Susan hardly spent any time at home these days and it was lonely. Also, she was getting horny. As big a shit as her boyfriend Doug had been, at least he had been good in bed and a boyfriend. 'I just hope I meet a nice guy soon, that would be my best Christmas present!' Kevin decided to go shopping and buy some clothes to cheer herself up. She lit a cigarette and sailed on out the door. Susan was after her to quit and she was cutting down; it certainly wasn't good for her and lots of men don't like women who smoke. She was down to a quarter of a pack a day and was proud of it. 'If the book does sell to TV I will buy a new car!' Kevin thought, but I certainly am not going to get the Corvette that Susan wants! A nice sensible car like a four door Camry or perhaps a Saturn." Kevin saw the Spells R Us shop and sighed. She avoided it like the plague. Anything could happen to anyone who went in there. Susan had found that out and so had she! Little did Kevin know that she would only see the shop if the wizard thought she needed to be there or he wanted something from her. Kevin enjoyed the glances from the men, and she was hot if she did say so herself. The self-admiration put a little spring into her step. The sales girl gushed all over her and told Kevin how much she loved her new book! It was so wonderful to be famous and recognized and treated like somebody important! Sure beat being a teen suspected of shop lifting! She looked at twenty dresses and finally found one she liked for the dinner with Brandy's parents. It was always difficult to find a dress for such an occasion. She had a purse that would match up very nicely, but needed shoes. Kevin never thought much of wearing heels and so found a nice pair of pumps with two inch heels that were perfect with the new dress. Kevin also bought a new pair of running shoes at the same time. She liked to keep her figure looking trim by running and working out in the local woman's health and exercise center. Kevin was long since past getting any charge out of the naked women there. She also spied a pair of elegant leather boots with elegantly shaped tall spike heels. Despite her dislike for the discomfort of high heels, Kevin decide she just had to have them. They had her size! They were from Italy and were glove soft. They looked great on her and Kevin paid the $150 for them gladly. She would wear them on Christmas, or earlier if she got a date. Most of the men her age were married or were real losers! Kevin stopped for a drink at the neighborhood watering hole. It was still kind of funny to be in a bar. She had a quiet drink with a few regulars and then went on home. Susan wasn't home yet. Damn the boy! He knew it was a school night. He called up Brandy's house. Yep, he was still there. "Please ask my son to come home now. Oh, and thank you for the invitation to dinner. Can I bring anything over on Christmas Eve? I make a good salad!" She and Brandy's mother settled on a salad and Kevin also decided to bring a bottle of wine. Kevin crossed her lovely legs and reached for another cigarette. In June they were supposed to change back to their original bodies and Kevin wasn't sure she could do it. She liked being the famous writer and being the adult and getting respect, and truthfully, she liked being beautiful. But there were concerns. She was 33 years old in this body. Also, she was missing out of all the fun of the teenage years. That caused a laugh remembering some of the misery she had experienced as a fatherless boy, not getting along with his mother and getting no respect from anyone! Well, time will tell. At least the rings are secure in a safe deposit box. It is so great that Susan isn't mad at me any more. He thinks Doug stole them, and that was a break. Susan had thought (truthfully for a while) that Kevin was hiding a ring and that caused much of their earlier problems. Susan hurried home. 'Shit! How could I forget the time? I hope Mom won't be pissed!' Then he had to laugh; the situation was unreal. If someone would have asked Susan in August if she wanted to be Kevin permanently, be a teen age boy, well they would have gotten a resounding NO! Now the thought of living in his former body, being 'Susan' again, was starting to fill him with horror! Shit! It would be awful to be a girl and not have any fun and be burdened by being a single Mom again! And he wouldn't have Brandy anymore! And he would miss all his friends at school and couldn't go on to college and be an Engineer. He would have to put up with periods and high heels and make-up - yuck stuff - and face it, he would be old, well not really old, but now 33 seemed almost ancient! What would happen in June when they were supposed to change back? If Kevin wanted this body back, I will have to give it up! But I don't want to, its my body now! Kevin didn't want it back earlier. Determination grew in him. 'I will do everything in my power to make sure Kevin, the new Susan, is happy and doesn't want to go back, take over my new life. What would I do without Brandy! God, it felt so good to hold and kiss her and touch her tits! Someday Susan was hoping, when they got older, to go all the way! Kevin, well, Kevin needs a man! If I find her one, I think I will be safe. Susan was surprised. 'Mom' had some cookies and milk ready for him! "I thought you would be pissed!" Susan said with a milk mustache. "Of course, I was for a while," Kevin replied, "but hey, don't forget I used to be a teenager once my self!" This made them both laugh. It was another thing, they got along so much better now and loved each other more, Susan thought. He looked across the table at the smiling woman and thought, 'I have the best looking mom in my class. Lots of the guys have kind of a crush on her.' Susan looked down at the empty plate. A snack at hone, huge dinner, huge snack at Brandy's and now this. 'Gosh! I eat enough for three adults now! I should, I am a growing boy!' He got up and gave 'Mom' a peck on the cheek and then went to bed. He could hear Kevin at the word processor. (They really needed a good computer.) She was writing a sequel to her best seller, and had been guaranteed fifty-thousand dollars! Susan laughed. It was strange, the new Susan was a better writer than the old. She lacked a condescending attitude about writing about kids and understood them so well! Also, Kevin seemed to have a real gift for words, maybe even better then mine. That was a strange thought. He drifted off to sleep dreaming of Brandy. In the middle of the night he was awaken by a throbbing. He was having a wet dream about Brandy! Fuck! It was really embarrassing! He would just die if Mom, Kevin, found out! He washed himself off in the bathroom and put on clean sheets. He buried the cum filled sheets in the bottom of the laundry. 'I will offer to do the laundry after school as part of the chores for the three hundred!' Susan thought. Chapter 2 (The Meeting) Kevin kissed Susan good-bye as the former woman who appeared to be a teenaged boy rushed off to school. He couldn't wait to see Brandy again and it was great that this was the last day of school. He would have a wholenine days off for the Christmas break! 'I sure hope 'Mom' likes Brandy's folks and vice versa!' Susan mused. 'She sure jumped at my offer to do the laundry! Doesn't suspect a thing.' Kevin, the teenaged boy who appeared to be a woman, lit up her first cigarette of the morning. "God! Does this taste good!" she mused. "This is going to be hard to give up." The lovely woman sat down and finished her coffee. Her great legs were exposed as the robe slid away from them. Kevin smiled. 'Its nice to have great legs, but it would be even nicer if a man was sitting across from me right now admiring them and telling me how beautiful I am!' Kevin thought. Kevin laughed thinking of Susan. 'I wonder what the boy is up to? It's so unlike the teen to volunteer for anything, let alone the laundry. Of course, he may just be sucking up for that 300 dollars!' Curious, Kevin went through the laundry and at the bottom found the spoiled sheets and underwear and giggled. 'Poor boy, he must have had a wet dream and must be dying of embarrassment! The teenage years are tough.' Kevin had just finished reading a book on how to mother teenage boys and it was full of good information. So for Susan to have a wet dream, probably about Brandy, was hardly a shock. It was tempting to tease him, but Kevin decided not to. 'Better to pretend I don't know.' The lovely face smiled. 'My good deed has the reward of getting him to do the laundry.' The phone rang. Kevin frowned. He hoped nothing had happened to Susan. Who could be calling at this hour? "Hello," she said, worried, imagining poor Susan dead, hit by a truck or something. It was the Mayor's office! It was so flattering! As a prominent citizen of the community and as a person of real and rare achievement, they wanted her on a citizen's committee to help mediate between an environmental group and the town's leading industrial developer. Kevin felt great! 'I'm so important now! As a teenage boy people would look at me and spit; now the mayor calls and kisses my ass.' The meeting was set for two PM. 'God what should I wear?' And did she have time to have her hair styled? Bess her stylist was a darling! She would squeeze her in! She went dashing up to look at her closet. Nothing seemed right! Finally Kevin decided on the suit she wore when she met with her publishers and agent. Kevin looked longingly at her new Italian boots and decided to wear them too! She put on the outfit and decided she looked both professional and sexy! It would work, for between the tops of the boots and the hem of the skirt was a tantalizing flash of sexy leg. And did the higher heels make her legs look great! Perfect. Kevin took off the clothes and took a bath, enjoying the sensual pleasure of the oils and bubbles. She looked at the clock and decided she'd better head on out to the beauty parlor. It was one of the few places that still seemed strange to the new 'Susan'. But every time she used it, Kevin grew more accustomed. She now wouldn't even answer to or turn to the name of Kevin and was quite used to being called Susan by the world. Bess did a great job on her beautiful blond hair and was so excited when 'Susan' told her about the phone call. "Hey, Richard Thorp is still single, and only 41. Handsome and really rich! Maybe you can hook him?" she said. Kevin smiled. "Maybe! But he is supposed to be a real ass hole." "He's rich. He can afford to be an asshole!" Kevin giggled and tipped Bess twenty bucks for the great job and for squeezing her in. Glowing with the confidence of knowing she looked her best, Kevin walked gracefully into the conference room. She was gratified to see that she made an impression on all males present. The Mayor introduced everyone. She knew Thorp from pictures in the paper. He looked really irritated to be there and was brusque and just nodded. The environmentalist who had filed the lawsuit was Rebecca Levy, an intense, dark eyed woman wearing a minimum of makeup, no doubt nature friendly and organic. Rebecca was slim and had a nice figure, which she did nothing to enhance. But it was the third member of the party that Kevin really noticed. She felt sparks! John Rand was a consulting engineer. What a hunk! He was tall with kind, smiling eyes and was dynamically handsome. He looked admiringly at her and then said the magic words, "I think your latest book is great! One of the best stories I have ever read. It's a classic!" Also, his eyes seemed to say, 'you are drop dead gorgeous!' "Handsome, intelligent and has good taste, too!" said Kevin to herself. "This is not a fucking literary society!" cut in Thorp. "Let's get going, if none of you have anything else to do, because I do!" Kevin just smiled pleasantly and thought, 'He sure makes friends everywhere he goes!' Kevin and John were soon not only exchanging admiring glances but also sympathetic ones. Richard Thorp seemed to be an irresistible force and Rebecca Levy an immovable object. Kevin felt also there was something personal to their mutual antagonism. At a break she called home and found that Susan had found her note and was warming up the huge dinner she had prepared for him. He was really proud that she had been asked by the mayor to serve on such an important committee. "How's the wash coming, dear?" asked Kevin. "Just fine!" answered the guileless voice. Hoping John would ask her out to dinner she said, "The meeting looks like its going to go on forever. I don't know when I will be home." "Okay! I'll see you when I'll see you," he replied. 'Hmm, I wonder what Kevin has going on? Oh well, it gives me a great opportunity to ask Brandy over for a little bit of uninterrupted 'studying'.' ******************************* As soon as he hung up, Susan called Brandy. Brandy giggled and said she would come right over. 'God! I really like her!' thought Susan as they cuddled and kissed. Brandy let him fondle her beautiful breasts and her breath became hot and heavy, but when he tried to go further, she stopped him. "I want to, but we're too young to go all the way, Kevin. Our parents would kill us, and what if I got pregnant?!" Because of the hormonal rush, Susan reluctantly had to agree, but it was hard to both not have sex and to put up with his dick, which was as hard as a rock. When he complained Brandy blushed and said, "Maybe I can do something about that. It's something my mom told me to do if I had really had to, well, never mind." With shaking hands she unzipped his pants and pulled them off. The apparent Kevin trembled with excitement. She touched his dick with her warm hands and her touch was the best thing Susan ever felt. Then she started stroking his dick carefully and the impossible happened. It got harder still. Brandy blushed and thought she had never touched anything so wonderful in her life! And when her man came she felt a glow that she had helped her lover find release. Susan fell back. 'I love her!' he thought. 'God, being a boy is great!' Susan remembered how good sex had felt when he, in Doug's 'borrowed' body, had fucked Kevin in Susan's former body. A whole lifetime with Brandy seemed like heaven on earth! She was so sexy and so damned nice! And this time he wouldn't have to have the babies or periods and have a worthless husband who would dump him for a bimbo secretary! That is, if he could get Kevin to agree to remain as 'Susan'. Brandy was so thrilled! She had helped her man and still remained a good girl. And when Kevin said he LOVED HER! She felt that the heavens had opened up and she would just die of happiness! Her friends would just die of jealousy when she told them, she thought with satisfaction. All the girls envied her anyway, Kevin was not only hot, but he was the best-dressed boy in school! No uncouth pants falling down around his butt crack for him, that was such a major gross out. And he was so polite and considerate; he really seemed to understand her feelings! She smiled dreaming of herself in a long, white wedding gown. *********************************** Back at the meeting, Kevin was encouraging and so John Rand suggested, "Susan, it's late. Maybe we should have dinner together and talk over the situation." The beautiful woman agreed with a glowing smile on her face. John took her to a romantic restaurant, 'Juliets'. When the waiter asked for smoking preference, John turned to his lovely companion and asked, "I hope you don't mind going to nonsmoking! I hate the smell of tobacco!" "Not at all!" said Kevin smiling. 'Shit!' she thought. 'What am I going to do? My breath probably smells like a fucking ashtray!' John was such a gentleman. He held the chair for her and there was no mistaking the admiration and desire in his smiling eyes. As soon as possible, Kevin rose gracefully to her feet, saying, "Excuse me," and headed for the ladies room. She sprayed her mouth with breath freshener and took a couple of breath mints. Kevin breathed into her slim bands and checked. 'I think it's okay!' It was a beautiful restroom and Kevin felt comfortable. Some of the ladies rooms were real hellholes with used tampons everywhere. Kevin checked her lovely face in the mirror and freshened her make-up, then smiled with satisfaction at the lovely woman in the mirror, then hurried back to a possible conquest. John was fascinating. He had engineering projects all over the world; he'd even done some work for both Rebecca Levy and Richard Thorp. Kevin had thoughtfully undone the top button of her silk blouse and so, when she leaned forward, there was a hint of soft flesh and the curve of breasts. She was gratified to notice his eyes following and drinking her in, and said, "John, to me they seemed to have something personal in their arguing." "Susan," he replied, "leave it to beautiful woman to be so perceptive and intuitive." (He thinks I'm beautiful, thought Kevin smugly.) "You're absolutely right! They were engaged at one time in college and had a very bitter break up. They have been at each other's throats for years! If they would just listen to reason, I think a good engineer could solve the difficulties! But neither of them wants to budge!" He reached forward and took a slim newly manicured hand. "Enough of them! I just love your book! Such intelligent insight, and you have a way with words. Tomorrow when we meet, could I get you to autograph my copy?!" Kevin flushed a little with gratification, and replied, "Of course." Thinking quickly, she asked, "John, I need to take my car in for some work tomorrow. Could I impose upon you for a ride?" He looked pleased. "It would be my pleasure!" ************************************* Susan walked Brandy back home and they kissed and cuddled the whole way! He had never been so happy! When he got home the phone was ringing. It was Jamie's parents. He asked, "Is anything wrong?" Jamie had been Kevin's best friend, and a few weeks after Kevin and he had switched bodies, Jamie had some kind of breakdown and had been sent to some institution or other. "No, Kevin, you are Jamie's best friend and I was wondering if tomorrow you'd mind coming over and visiting. He's home now and we think he is going to be okay. We're sending him back to school at the beginning of next semester. The private tutor we hired has done marvelously and we think he's back to where he should be with his studies." Susan was dying to ask some more questions and found out that Jamie had been found wandering in the park, not knowing where he was, or even who he was, but now their son knew he was Jamie. "We are trying to get him feeling comfortable and back into a normal routine and we thought seeing you would help." "Of course! I'll have to ask my mother, but I'm sure she will let me come over!" "Thanks Kevin, we knew we could count on you! Jamie is so excited to be seeing you again!" Susan heard Kevin come in, and hid the Playboy magazines he was looking at. "How did the meeting go, Mom?" Susan had decided to call Kevin Mom as a possible part of his campaign to get Kevin to permanently adopt the Susan identity. The lovely face flushed a little. "Fine!" she said. Ah, stars in her eyes...did she meet some guy? "Why were you so late? It's not like you, Mom." Kevin didn't even notice all the Moms. "Oh, John, I mean Mr. Rand and I went out to dinner afterwards to discuss the difficult situation. He's an engineer. I think you would like him, dear." 'Bingo!' thought Susan. "I think I've heard of him. He's a famous consulting engineer?" "Yes." "Other news, Mom...Jamie's parents called. He's home and cured. Is it okay if I go over there tomorrow? His parents would like me to visit." Impulsively Kevin hugged him. "That's great news! I've been worried about him. Tell me all about it when you get home." Kevin sniffed the air. "Brandy's been here. I spell her perfume." 'God what a nose she has!' Susan thought, flushing to the roots of his hair and stammered, but nothing escaped his lips. "Now dear, don't do anything foolish, you both love each other, but you're both very young. It would be a tragedy if she got pregnant!" "Now Mom! It was nothing like that!" "I hope not. If his parents allow it, bring Jamie next week. I would like to see him again." That night Kevin wanted to feel sexy so she put on her most revealing negligee and touched her breasts, hoping that John would be doing it soon! And when she went to sleep she dreamed of John Rand. Poor Susan lying in bed thinking about Brandy got all hot and heavy! He couldn't help remembering her touch on his dick and did he ever get hard! Shit! No more cum in the sheets! He hurried into the bathroom and imagining he was fucking Brandy came buckets! Susan went to sleep dreaming about Brandy. The next morning John called and Kevin got all excited to hear his voice once again. He said he had arranged a meeting with Rebecca Levy and Richard Thorp this morning. Kevin said good-bye to Susan, who was off to Jamie's. Kevin changed his dress three times before she was satisfied. A dozen times she reached for cigarettes and a dozen times she pulled back from them. She was airing out her house and had people coming to clean it and remove as much as the smoke smell as they could. The meeting went worse than before. Rebecca ended up screaming, "God! I wish I were you! I could do better with wealth and power than you would. I wouldn't be such a major asshole!" "Listen you bitch, you couldn't handle my life on a bet! All you do is stop people from doing what's necessary! That's easy! To actually do something is out of your pathetic grasp." "I would like to try! I'd show you!" Kevin smiled a sly smile. Hmmm! She asked Rebecca and Richard if they would like to meet Sunday at her house about 2 for brunch and when Rebecca agreed and then went rushing out Richard said he would come also, since he wanted to have his say too, so Susan wouldn't be brainwashed by the witch of causes! John asked her for a date that night and she tried not to show her eagerness. He was to pick her up at 7 for dinner and dancing. She would have to pick up new hose! First she went by the bank and retrieved the rings from the safety deposit box. The whole town and a major development was tied up from Rebecca's and Richard's impassiveness. It was worth a try. They could see each other's view point better. Susan and I certainly changed and get along better now. Speaking of Susan, I wonder if I could talk him into a permanent switch and maybe accept John as a stepfather? Then she laughed at herself. "I sure am jumping the gun here, it's only our second date." Chapter 3 (Ain't Love Wonderful!) Susan was delighted when his 'mother' gave him the three hundred dollars. He kissed her with more than dutifulness and rushed to his bike to ride to the mall. Kevin sighed, 'Was she ever like that, so impulsive? Well, in fairness, I am being pretty impulsive now. What if I get caught or something goes horribly wrong? She looked at the simple pair of gold rings in her hands. She put them in the strong box she brought from the bank and hid them under some floor boards in the spare bedroom. She wasn't taking any more chances on having them disappear like they did four plus months ago. Kevin looked at the slim watch that used to belong to Susan. Just two hours to get ready for her date. She found herself getting excited. It was the first real date she'd had since she kicked Doug out. 'What a jerk! I sure hope John turns out better and that he likes 'my son'.' Strange to feel so protective and maternal. Or maybe not so strange. Kevin looked at the dress he bought for the evening and hoped it was sexy without making her look trampy! She took a bath and shaved her legs and her underarms carefully; she didn't want any nicks. Then Kevin put on moisturizer, as she sure didn't want to get dried out skin. She then blew dry her lovely long blond hair. 'Life sure can be so weird,' she thought. 'When I was Kevin I even had to be told to brush my teeth. Maybe we should change back - things were much simpler?' Kevin looked in the mirror, at the beautiful woman. 'Face it, you are 33, not fourteen. Is being an adult, being the boss, being the famous writer worth it?' A decision would need to made in June. She smiled. My intuition tells me that Susan doesn't want to go back. 'My Son' is head over heels in love with Brandy; major crush time and he wants to go on to college and be an engineer. It's funny, at one time Susan couldn't wait to get this body back, but he was the one who suggested we stay like this until June. This isn't getting ready for the date! Kevin slipped on some sexy panties, just in case, and then her lace bra and the slip that went with the new dress. When she wriggled into the dress it made her feel so sexy. Kevin looked with satisfaction in the mirror. 'I am really hot! No wonder John was so eager to date me.' Carefully, she put on evening make-up and was ready with ten minutes to spare. On went the heels and Kevin admired herself in the mirror, pirouetting around showing flashes of legs and tits that should capture any man! Carefully she walked downstairs. It would be so embarrassing to fall on her ass and ruin the whole effect. She looked at her watch. Where was the boy? That's right, he was going over to dinner at Brandy's house. The doorbell rang and her heart leaped. She took a deep breath and tried to still the pounding of her heart. She checked her appearance one more time in the mirror and went to the door. She was glad to see that John was looking at her with open admiration. "Susan, you are beautiful!" The lovely woman flushed a little. "Thank you! You look very handsome, yourself." He did, too, in his dinner jacket. Formal clothes made him look elegant and sexy. He offered his arm and they went out to his car. "Get your car back okay?" he asked. For a moment 'Susan' was startled, then remembered lying about needing a ride and smiled and nodded. It was a great evening. They talked over dinner, and dancing with John in her arms was heavenly. They were sitting at their table when John looked nervous. "Do you believe in love at first sight, Susan?" She stared at him with an open mouth, her heart thundering in her breast. She could not convince her lips to move. "Well, I do. I know this may sound crazy, but I've learned to follow my feelings, my hunches. If I don't, I always regret it. Well, I don't want to take the chance on losing you. Susan, I love you, will you marry me!?" She was startled and unbelieving to hear her voice saying, "Yes." Then she shook her head to clear it. "You know I have a fourteen year old son?" He nodded. "And you want to see how we get along before you commit yourself definitely?" She nodded. She couldn't believe it! She was engaged. 'I am engaged to a famous man!' she thought happily. 'I thought the day would never come!' John grinned to see her radiant smile. "Come home with me!" She nodded, still smiling radiantly. John thought Susan more beautiful than ever! "I will call my son and tell him not to expect me! He's very mature and can take care of himself for one night!" When her 'son' answered the phone he was a little startled to hear that his 'mother' was engaged to be married and would be spending the night with her fiancee! "That's great, Mom!" he enthused. "That's really quick work, congratulations." "It's subject to your approval, of course," she said with meaning. "We will talk more about it this week after you have met him. He will becoming over Sunday for dinner and I want you to be nice to him and give him a chance." "Not a problem! He's got to be better than Doug!" He heard musical laughter. "He is! He's a world famous engineer, not a used car salesman. I am better at picking men than you!" she said smugly. ********************************** The former Susan didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh, but laughter won. Life was crazy! Just crazy! "Who am I?" he asked, going to the mirror. An almost fifteen year old boy stared out of the glass at him. There was a queasy feeling in his stomach. 'I am so used to being Kevin! Four months ago I would have been horrified to remain in this body for the rest of my life. Now I would be horrified to be 'my mom', to be a girl and to be so old! Horrified to have yucky periods, to wear all those silly, stupid clothes, not be good in sports and to lose Brandy. Hmm...'Mom' did say he was a famous engineer. He might be able to help me!' The teen looked him up on the Internet. Wow! He was famous! Mom sure looked like she picked a winner! That night he dreamed again of Brandy, but then a female figure came out of a fog, and grew distinct. It was Kevin, in Susan's body. She approached smiling, saying time to go back. He fought and fought, but remorselessly she drew him into the fog and he found himself changing. His figure shifted and she was soft, weak and smooth, he stumbled in high heels, he cramped and bled from a period. He screamed in high shrill voice. He awoke covered with sweat, what a nightmare! John smiled at Susan with his heart pounding. She was undressing, and she did it so gracefully. God, was she feminine, as well as beautiful! She floated into his arms and the touch of her silky flesh was like fire on his body. She felt so good, so right in his arms, like she always should be there. Her wonderful breasts felt so great and her nipples enlarged when he kissed them. He could never remember being this hard before himself. She felt so excited! 'It has been so long since I had a man! And with Doug it had just been sex. It was so much better now that she had LOVE! He loves me! He loves me! I never knew before how wonderful it felt to have a man in love with me! The Universe has shifted. It has a new center. His lips felt so right, his tall strong body burned into her. She could feel his manhood straining upward. She felt so good to get him so hard, so fast. He picked her up in his strong arms and carried her to his bed. It felt so wonderful to be submissive. Sexual surrender for a woman was a victory, not a defeat. They made love three times that night, each time sweeter and more wonderful than before. It was so much better than sex with Doug! That had been nothing, and now with love and affection added to the passion she was swept away on a tide of ecstasy! Her man was asleep in her arms. She would never let him go. Never! Sunday morning she made her man breakfast. That felt good too. 'I am so happy!' John accepted her invitation for Sunday dinner at her house to meet Kevin. 'God! I hope that goes okay. It would be awful to find and catch a wonderful man like John only to have to give him up! They made love again and it was so sweet, tender and passionate. Euphoric, Kevin drove back to her house, barely avoiding an accident and oblivious when a furious man shouted at her, "Woman driver!" The teenage boy grinned at her as she floated in the door, but wisely kept his mouth shut. She kissed him with more than usual warmth, and told him that John would be coming over for dinner and please be on his best behavior! The apparent Kevin's grin widened. 'I am home free! She's in love! I am Kevin forever!' "Congratulations on your engagement, Mom!" She smiled happily. "Thank you, dear!" and she kissed 'her son' warmly, then went upstairs to take a shower and change. 'I love my body because John loves it.' The shower felt so good as she imagined that she was taking it with John and his strong hands were all over her. ************************************* Later at Jamie's house, Jamie's parents had lost the worried expression and now seemed relaxed and happy. Jamie rose up and smiled shyly. "Hi, Kevin," he said. "Thanks for coming over." "Good to see you again!" said 'Kevin', thinking now Shy Jamie looks! For the person in Susan's body it was a jolt to see who once was her best friend. Now he seemed so juvenile, but it was good to see him again, and he was looking well. "Good to see you, Jamie" she said. He turned to her and spoke. "Thank you, Ma'am," he said uncertainly. The 'Ma'am' was a little startling. But she smiled and said, "You can call me Susan." How natural that seemed now. The two boys ran upstairs and started playing games. Susan was startled. Where once Jamie had knocked his socks off at electronic games, now he was pretty bad and Susan won easily. But he didn't seem to mind. "I'm out of practice." The two teenage boys decided to take a walk in the park. 'Kevin' was burning with curiosity, but asked, "What was wrong with you anyway?" "I had a rare form of brain fever, the doctors think. But I came out of it and decided it was great to be a young, healthy teenage boy. Lots better than other things." "Like what?" Jamie pointed at a group of 6 to 7 year old girls playing quietly, under the stern gaze of their mothers. "Oh, like a young girl, with divorced parents, who is always told to be ladylike, has to wear frilly dresses and long hair and never has any fun!" Susan laughed, remembering the days when he was a small girl and how hard it had been being bullied by the boys and told to be a little lady by his mother. A small girl with long hair looked up and stared at them. When she saw Jamie, she got wide eyed and started crying. Jamie just smiled strangely and said, "Why, whatever is wrong, LITTLE GIRL?" The mother came up and hurried the girl away. "Come on Kevin, lets have some fun!" Jamie laughed and the two boys rough housed and played games and even pushed over a few outhouses. "It's like old times!" said a grinning 'Kevin'. "Sure is great!" said Jamie. *********************************** The lovely woman paced up and down, debating the point. Did she really want to do this, to take such a risk? 'But its too important to the town. Besides, it will be great to see what they do!' 'Susan' laughed, thinking of Rebecca Levy waking up as Richard Thorp and Richard waking up as the 'Witch of Causes!' She rubbed her lovely hands together and made a special pot of tea, then put in some sleeping pills. She had studied knock out drops for one of her stories and knew all about them. She carefully made sure of the two gold rings in her purse. Kevin noticed her hands shaking a little. "God! What I wouldn't give for a cigarette! But John hates them! I might lose him if I finds out I smoke. Kevin has said the house doesn't smell any more! I sure hope so!" 'Susan' didn't realize that she thought of her former mother as Kevin, even in her private thoughts. She had a nice brunch prepared and with a mature woman's coolness greeted her guests. Rebecca arrived a few minutes early and made sure that there were vegetables, since she was a vegetarian. Richard came five minutes later and stared at Rebecca like she had two heads and both of them repulsive. "John thinks that he can come up a solution that will be satisfactory to the both of you. Please agree to his proposal, you both just blew him off at the meeting without really listening." Richard just snorted, "I see no need to make changes in my project at this time! He's just trying to gather a fee!" "You both do not fool me," Rebecca added. "John Rand is just the tool of industrialists! His proposal is just a blind for Rapacious Richard!" Kevin was furious with them both. How dare they say such things about her man! What ever scruples she had about the rings disappeared. From earlier meetings she knew they both drank tea and so she had coffee. They argued the whole meal, then finally, as they were starting to drop, 'Susan' said, "Rebecca, did you mean what you said earlier, that you wished you were Mr. Thorp, that you could better?" "Fuck, yes!" she said, drifting towards unconsciousness. "God, you don't know what you're wishing," Richard sluggishly said. "You can't even handle your own life, let alone having 5,000 employees to be responsible for! Your life is a snap. All you do is criticize!" They glared groggily at each other and drifted to sleep. Quickly their hostess got out the rings and hesitated a moment, praying she was doing the right thing, and put them on, first Richard and then Rebecca. Then, before they came to, she took them off and hid them in her strong box, all the while wondering if they would still work? Chapter 4 (The SRU wizard spreads Sweetness and Light!) 'Susan' was very careful to sit down in the same chair and arranged her beautiful face in an innocent smile. Rebecca was the first one to awaken. She looked around as if disoriented, then saw 'Richard' and shook her head as if to clear it. Richard felt like he was in a fuckin nightmare! He was looking at himself. Long, dark hair swirled in front of his eyes. He put up a hand to push it away, and the hand was slender with bitten finger nails rather than the smooth manicure he was used to. He shifted and then stared down. There was no doubt about it, somehow he was in that witch's body! He screamed. His scream woke up Rebecca. She looked across and saw her former body screaming. Was she dead? Then she saw that somehow she was in Richard's male flesh and she, too, started to scream. "What's wrong?" asked their hostess, looking puzzled. Richard brought himself back under control. "I always knew that she was a witch! The bitch has stolen my body!" "I have not!" said Rebecca in strong, domineering tones. "Have too!" screeched Richard. "Not!" "To!" "Quiet!" They turned. "Is this some sort of joke? Are you making fun of my peaceful efforts? Nobody can exchange bodies, every fool knows that. It's impossible!" They opened their mouths to protest, but she cut them off with a wave of her shapely hand. "Look in the mirror, who do you see?" Reluctantly, the two got up. "But..." "No buts, now sit down and eat!" Dazed and confused, the two did what they were told, all the while casting glances at their old forms. When Rebecca saw Richard in her former body starting to eat bacon and ham and eggs, she yelled in a forceful voice, "Stop! Don't put that filth in my body!" He glared at her. "Eat shit! I will eat what I want. Yummy! Tastes good!" he said, smacking his lips. Livid, she picked up a pie and sloughed him in the face with it. Involuntarily, he started crying and then got mad and kneed his former body in the balls. As Rebecca gasped in agony, he poured syrup down her back laughing like a mad woman. Rebecca recovered enough to grab the much weaker female body. Richard struggled vainly as she took him across her knee saying, "I've wanted to do this for years!" and started spanking him. He cried out with outrage, what made his humiliation complete was the sight of Rebecca laughing until tears rolled down her cheeks. Suddenly though, the spanking felt a little good, these new sex organs were getting stimulated. Rebecca must have felt something also, as the spanking slowed and became more gentle. Lying across his former lap, Richard was frightened and fascinated to feel a dick becoming hard and poking him in the belly. Slowly he was raised up, vainly trying to protest when he was seized and kissed. He found himself responding instinctively, after all he was one hell of a hunk! Then Rebecca started eating the pie off his new face and he found it tremendously erotic. Richard moaned in pleasure. Neither one noticed a laughing Susan leaving the room. Sensitive tits were touched and Richard squirmed against the strong male body. Then Rebecca lost it, as powerful hormones raced through this new body. God, was the woman in these arms one sexy babe, what great hair, eyes, tits and ass! WOW! She held the panting woman tighter and the sexy thing rained kisses upon her neck and bit her ears. Rebecca started tearing the clothes off Richard with his eager cooperation. Soon they were rolling around on the floor, naked sweaty bodies lost in passion. At the same time that Richard cried out as a steely dick rammed into an eager pussy, the rings started glowing in the strong box. With each thrust, memories and feelings came pouring in. As their juices were exchanged, so were memories. Richard suddenly remembered his - her - first period and how frightened she had been. Rebecca remembered her - his - first bloody nose when three boys had jumped him. Their cries intermingled with a certain SRU Wizard's laughter. Richard remembered how pretty he had been in his prom dress and how he cried when her date dumped him for a dumb blond at the dance, Rebecca remembered how his father had always told him to be a man, all the while one tremendous orgasm after another caused their bodies to melt in a frenzy of passion and pleasure. Then it was over. Rebecca smiled as she pushed back her hair. 'Wow!' she thought, 'what great sex! Never have I been so satisfied. Richard has certainly improved as a lover! God how I love his strong hand on my breast. It made me feel so feminine.' She giggled a little. Then Richard smiled at her, and it made her feel so sexy. 'God! Who would believe a tight assed bitch like I thought Rebecca was would be so sexy!' thought Richard. He looked at her and was fascinated. He loved the way her eyes danced with delight and mischief. Reluctantly, they got dressed again. Richard almost caught his dick in the zipper. 'How could I be so clumsy! I've zippered up, what, thousands of times?' 'It was strange,' Rebecca thought, fumbling with her bra, 'I feel like I've never put one on before, but that's just stupid!' Also, she had a little trouble with the panty house. Her makeup was a disaster and she fumbled repairing it, but got a little better. She giggled a little. 'Sex has really shook me up.' 'Susan' came back and found the two of them eating; they were ravenously hungry! Her mouth dropped. 'Rebecca' was trying to talk 'Richard' into becoming a vegetarian like her! What was going on? They turned to her. "Thanks for bringing us together!" Richard said, putting his arm around a blushing Rebecca. "We remembered our love for each other! Didn't we darling?" Rebecca kissed her man fondly. "YES! We've decided to get married. I want you to be my Matron on Honor! Please say you will!" Kevin's head nodded even while it was in a spin. What was going on? "Yes, and I will call John in the morning and set up an appointment," Richard added. "We've both agreed on his proposal as a compromise." Rebecca munched absently on a strip of bacon before catching herself. 'Susan' saw it. Oh, my God! Somehow, some way they not only switched bodies but identities. He thinks he is Rebecca and she thinks she is Richard. She had to stifle a giggle, now what was she going to do? The phone rang. "Hello?" "Hello, SUSAN," said a laughing voice. "I want to thank you for putting the rings on those two. I've been hoping to get them in my influence for quite some time, but wasn't able to manage it." He laughed and the laugh chilled her. "They were always too sly or too lucky!" "You did this to them?" "Let's say WE did this to them. After all, you were the one who drugged them and put the rings on them. I am proud of you. I did the memory bit when they were having sex. That was so funny! Now they think they are each other! I so like spreading Sweetness and Light! Of course, their souls are still their own, but it will be still one of my finest hours, an environmentalist and a rabid developer switching bodies and places!" "But, why?" "Why not?" The phone went dead. 'Susan' looked at them, so obviously in love, and decided to leave things alone. Instinctively, she knew that putting the rings back on would only make matters worse! "We're going down to city hall to get our license right away!" said Rebecca proudly. She had finally hooked Richard. Strangely, she staggered a bit on the high heels as they left, but soon mastered them and strode smoothly. 'Susan' heard them arguing on their way out the door. 'Rebecca' wanted a Jewish ceremony, 'Richard' a Lutheran one! Despite herself, she laughed. Then she looked down at the rings - how innocent they looked! Hurriedly, she put them back into the strong box and hid it. She looked at the mess and sighed, what the hell, I will call a maid service in. Later, a few young women came in and made her house immaculate. 'Susan' thought it money well spent as she didn't want John to think she was a lousy housekeeper! For the hundredth time that day her hand strayed for a cigarette that wasn't there! It was so fucking hard to quit, but quit she would. She was terrified that John wouldn't marry her if he found out she smoked! 'Kevin' came running in all flushed and happy. " Jamie, and I had a great time!" It felt so strange, now she was hardly interested in Jamie now, he seemed so callow and so damn young. Still, it was good to see him again. Her son had missed him and it was nice that his problems were obviously behind him. "His folks are picking him up at five, is that all right, Mom?" "Of course, Kevin." The two teenage boys galloped up the stairs and she smiled to hear Kevin saying, "You idiot, don't you remember, that's the door to my room. Mom would kill us if we went barging into her room." 'Well, I probably would. It took me hours to decide what to wear for John's coming over this evening! Let's see, men like steak, so I will grill the porterhouse steaks and make a manly salad and baked potatoes. I wonder if I can get Kevin to give us some privacy so John and I can have some desert!' she laughed a little. Just as she was ready to get undressed for her bath the door bell rang. Shit! "Kevin, get the door!" The damn kid ignored her. She went down the stairs cursing all the way. Jamie's folks were there, looking a little perturbed. She smiled reassuringly at them. "It was so nice to see Jamie again. He and Kevin have been having so much fun they refused to even answer the door!" They smiled at her and treated her with such respect, praising her books! Jamie came downstairs with Kevin. "Have fun?" they asked. "I'll say! We did everything. Kevin's a great pal!" So off they went. "I beat him every game, Mom! And he used to beat me!" "I guess he is out of practice. Well, after I take a bath, you need a shower and wear nice clothes! And for God's sake don't tell John I used to smoke." She was surprised to get no argument. 'Kevin' wasn't about to argue or do anything that would keep him from keeping his body! "You've quit!? Great going, Mom!" He hugged her, pride shining from his youthful face. So 'Susan' luxuriated in the bubble bath dreaming of being John's wife. While she dressed her lovely body, 'Kevin' took his shower. She put on her sexiest panties and silk stockings. Her legs looked great! Then a simple, but clinging dress and as high a heel as she thought she could wear and not look ridiculous as a hostess for a family dinner! She sighed, so relieved. John and Kevin were getting along famously and he even promised to help Kevin with some of his classes and aid him getting into engineering school. The boy's young face was glowing. Discreetly, after dinner he took her aside and whispered, "Great going Mom! He's a great guy. I think we will do super as a family." She was so happy that he liked John! She kissed him, and Kevin seemed embarrassed. Discreetly, he went up to his room to do homework. Susan and John looked at each other and blushed a little. Hesitantly, John got a box out of his pocket. "I Hope you like it, if you don't we can go to the shop and return it and pick out something else." Susan gasped. "Its beautiful! Its the most gorgeous engagement ring I've ever seen!" She thought she was floating right up to the ceiling! She kissed him with all the love within her. She was going to be married! She was going to married! She was going to be married! They had even set the day, Valentine's Day! It was so Romantic! John was pleasantly surprised that she had agreed to be married so quickly without the year long preparation that a lot of women wanted. Well, that might suit some, but she was no teenage girl. She wanted to be a wife and be one now, before he got away! John didn't want to upset Kevin (he was SO thoughtful) so they went back to his house and made love there. Each time was better as she felt so loved and needed. When she got back home, the lovely woman climbed the stairs and went into the boy's room. He was still awake. She kissed him goodnight. "Thank you for being so kind to John! You don't know how important it was to me. What do you think of my engagement ring!? We're to be married on Valentine's Day!" As she was about to leave he spoke. He had planned on what to say but a frog was still in his throat! "What about the end of the school year and our agreement?" The lovely woman paused. "I'm sorry! You're right. You have that choice," she said with a trembling voice. "Do you want to go back? I just thought with Brandy and you wanting to be an engineer and you just seemed so happy being Kevin and 14 that you really wanted to stay the way we were." The person in the teen body paused dramatically. "I will let you stay Susan under one condition." "What's that?" she asked torn between amusement and nervousness. "That once we make the decision, that is that, no turning back, no bouncing back and forth if one of us has it tough. It's too easy an out for disaster." She laughed. "Don't worry! I don't think either of us is a quitter!" She looked at her 'son'. "Deal!" They shook hands on it. Both were happy; it just seemed right and natural, these bodies and lives were their own now. Going back would be alien. "Night, MOM!" he said rolling over to go back to sleep. "Goodnight, KEVIN dear!" said the now and forever Susan as she leaned over and kissed her son tenderly goodnight. Susan hurried to the phone to tell her fiancee the good news that Kevin liked him and thought it great that they were going to be married. The next morning she thought it only polite to tell dad, er, her ex, that she was getting remarried. It was so funny to hear him so respectful on the phone to her. "Michael, I am getting remarried!" "You can't do this to me!" he said. Susan was astounded. "You were the one who deserted us, remember?" "But that's different!" How could I, I mean mom, marry such a jerk? She hung up. That afternoon John came over and they spent a wonderful two hours in bed before they had to go to the meeting at the mayor's office. Rebecca and Thorp were there and holding hands. 'Rebecca' proudly flashed an engagement ring so large that it seemed like a locomotive headlight. The only outward sign of the switch was that Rebecca was dressed much sexier and wore a lot more makeup, and Richard was far more casual and without a tie. Susan giggled. She had to admit that what the SRU wizard did was funny! Mostly they acted normal for their new identities, but every once in a while they would do or say something out of character. Only she noticed it of course. It was hardly surprising. Who could possibly guess. In all the months since we swapped bodies, not one person ever suspected we weren't who we appeared to be! It was strange, it is a real leap of imagination remembering when I was a teenage boy. 'Thorp' took Susan and John out to dinner. Susan smiled to see that Rebecca was no longer a vegetarian. And Richard didn't tell off-color jokes the way he usually did. Susan giggled to see Rebecca playing footsie with Richard under the table. "Though its a little late for us, we are still going to try and have children," said Richard. "That's right! I've always wanted to have a son!" said Rebecca forcefully. Susan got a little worried. That was one thing she and John hadn't talked about. 'Oh, my God, could I handle being a mother?' she wondered. 'Well, if John wanted kids, I will do my best! Anything to keep from losing him!' Susan had to smile during dinner to hear the apparent Rebecca arguing for the environment and the new Richard saying, "Dear, you've got to realize that industry and jobs are important, too! I also have a responsibility to my stockholders!" Kevin was smiling broadly as he went to school. Life was wonderful. Brandy and he were in love. He could keep all his buddies in school! He had a whole lifetime to correct the mistakes he had made in a previous life! How many people get that chance? This time he would be the husband and the boss and Brandy would be the one to please him. Also, he could be an engineer! Jamie seemed very tentative and almost frightened in school, and Kevin mercifully took him under his wing. The way he was acting you would have thought he had never been here before. But soon he was doing better. Boy, Jamie sure liked teasing the younger girls now, though. He didn't do that very much before. But he seemed as girl crazy as ever. He caught Jamie and Tammy, who had been Jamie's girl friend before the problem, making out in an empty classroom! He laughed, leave it to Jamie, he was always hot for girls! Christmas Eve rolled around and his mother and his father-to-be were at Brandy's. He was proud of his Mom, she was very polite and gracious to Brandy's folks. They were in awe of the famous writer and her fiancee, the world famous engineer. Kevin was right. They were thinking their little girl would be lucky to marry into such a family! Afterwards, Kevin hugged his Mom. "Thanks! You were very nice!" She kissed him. "My pleasure!" They stood and she held him critically at arm's length. "You are continuing to grow! We're about the same height now. Soon you will be taller than me." "I can't wait!" he replied. He also couldn't wait to get to his present when they got back! He yelped with excitement upon opening the gift. It was a whole brand new computer system - 128 REM 6.3 Gig hard drive and NT with CAD installed. He hugged his mother fiercely. "Thanks Mom! This is the greatest Christmas present in the world!" She smiled maternally and kissed him for the lovely silk blouse he had gotten for her. It matched up so well with her blue eyes! They begged off visiting Uncle Nick, and instead, flew in John's private bizjet to San Francisco to meet John's parents. They had Christmas dinner with them. John had two sisters who took Susan to their bosom and did they ever jabber away. Soon, with the help of John's mother, their wedding was all hammered out. John's mother took him aside and said that she was glad he had gotten over the death of his first wife and found someone as nice as Susan, she was so lovely and so sweet and so feminine. Not like a lot of these modern women who wanted to be a man! "She will make you a wonderful wife, son! And maybe make me a grandmother!" John laughed, "We haven't talked about kids yet! She already has Kevin!" "Don't talk about kids, it will come naturally in the course of time. Believe me, one of the things a woman in love wants to do after she nests, is have a child with her man. Let it come naturally." Luckily for Susan, she didn't hear this conversation. She asked John's oldest sister to be her bridesmaid and John asked Kevin to be his best man, which really made him feel grown up and proud! The wedding went off without a hitch and Susan made a beautiful bride, dressed in a blue gown that set off her blue eyes and long golden hair to perfection. Brandy was crying happily. Someday she would walk down the aisle and be Kevin's wife. She loved him so much! Kevin was to stay with Jamie's folks during his mother's honeymoon. Jamie seemed almost back to his old self, though he still sucked at video games. But he made up for it in another way. He seemed to be more of a lady killer than ever. Before the honeymoon, Susan took her son aside and kissed and hugged him tightly, embarrassing him. "I love you!" they said to each other. The End

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Kevin fucking a beautiful college girl

Hi, this is Kevin from Bangalore. This is another story to iss. All comments are welcome. It was the end of a long, hard school term and the attractive 18 year old girl nisha had been looking forward to this holiday for ages. She looked gorgeous in her small, tight skirt. She and her parents had come to Bangalore to meet her uncle. To spend a couple of weeks of complete relaxation at the holiday destination and she was determined to get as much enjoyment out of the holiday as possible. Nisha...

2 years ago
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Kevins Story

Kevin's StoryChapter 1It was nearing 6:30 when Kevin Nielsen heard the Jeep Wagoneer pullinto the garage adjoining the kitchen. Moments later, the doorbetween the two opened, and Heather, his mom, lurched through witha bag of groceries in each arm. Kevin jumped down off the high stool he'd been on saying "Here, Mom,let me help with that." He grabbed one of the bags, then leaned indutifully for her kiss on his cheek."Thanks, sport," Heather said. "Mmmm, smells good. What'scooking?""Ragu,...

4 years ago
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Lisa and Kevin

Small town life really doesn't expose one to all the things available in the world. And Lisa was about to have her eyes opened forever to things she had been missing.Settling down at a very young age, she became somewhat bored with being a wife and a mother, but also felt her husband was too jealous most of the time.It seemed like he was constantly looking over her shoulder, always wondering who she was talking to and why. She was a good wife, and true to her husband, but, he was pushing her in...

3 years ago
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Kevin Seduced by Mom and sister

Kevin Seduced by Mom and sisterNancy’s husband Jim got up early, showered, dressed, grabbed his packed bags and headed to the airport. He had an early flight out for business and would be gone all week. She drove him to the airport and dropped him off like she did every other week. He kissed her goodbye, told her he loved her and would see her Friday night. Then Jim disappeared into the airport and Nancy headed for home.Nancy had looked forward to this day for several months. She was excited,...

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Kevins First Time With A Swinging Couple

-Doorbell ringing- *Ding Dong, Ding Dong!*''OMG my clothes are in the kitchen, there is no way i can get ready in time !!'', 18 y/o teen boy Kevin yelled at Lucy..Lucy was desperately trying to put some clothes on..Lucy said to Kevin: ''You better stay here in my bedroom!!'' It sounded like more of a demand than request..Kevin could hear Coach Adams' voice coming from downstairs, so it was not Alice..Kevin was hoping that Lucy picked up Kevin's clothes from the kitchen floor before Coach Adams...

2 years ago
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Kevin Butler

Wednesday morning It was a warm early Wednesday morning in March, with the temperature in the mid-60's. The all night mini-mart on Gulf Blvd. on South Padre Island, Texas was very quiet and 18-year-old Kevin Butler who worked the 11PM-7AM shift was reading 'USA Today'. At about 3AM the quiet was suddenly shattered by a commotion at the front door of the store. When Kevin looked up he could not believe what he was seeing. Three beautiful black women wearing only bikinis and high heels rushed...

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What Kevin Did Last Summer

They never matched the picture. That was the rule. The picture was always fake, of someone else, and even if it wasn't it was out of date, taken during a time when they were younger, fitter, slimmer. Kevin Duncan knew that. Madam Voluptula had looked like an erotic goddess in the pictures he'd seen online. He figured a fatter, older version would still look gorgeous. The Madam Voluptula that opened the door to her innocuous-looking flat was not a fatter, older version of the pictures on...

3 years ago
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Modern Relations part 02 Kevin Masters Alexandra

After Kevin had painted her eyes shut, Alex had entered her own little dark world, getting wetter and wetter as first she sucked his cock and then as she sat passively while he took pictures of her cum covered face. Just giving him the camera had nearly brought her off. Each click of the camera increased her arousal. Pictures were proof and proof is power. Kevin now had pictures that could seriously damage her reputation. She felt small, helpless and… happy. ‘Alex… who is M?’ repeated Kevin...

5 years ago
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Kevin and I 1st

[10/16/2011 7:18:23 AM] Jon: hey slut boy [10/16/2011 7:18:25 AM] *** kevin6666 sent dscn0105_2 02-09-19.jpg *** [10/16/2011 7:18:36 AM] *** kevin6666 sent dscn0234 00-53-41.jpg *** [10/16/2011 7:18:42 AM] *** kevin6666 sent 3.jpg *** [10/16/2011 7:19:13 AM] kevin6666: i'm yours, sir [10/16/2011 7:19:34 AM] kevin6666: turn me into your bitch, sir [10/16/2011 7:20:41 AM] Jon: such a fucking horny slut [10/16/2011 7:20:52 AM] kevin6666: yeah sir, i need to please you [10/16/2011 7:20:53...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Kevin Made Me Gay

Kevin and I have been friends for a long time, not whole life kind of time, but second grade is quite a long time when you’re only eight-teen. I remember the first time we saw each other and I knew we were going to be friends instantly. Kevin was dressed in a brown jumpsuit, the kind worn by ghost busters. I come from a small town and was with my parents at the school, meeting the teacher before the start date. Another family showed up today and that was a tad usually for a normal one-on-one...

3 years ago
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Donna and Kevin Together

This is a continuation of Parts 1 and 2 of ‘Donna from Daycare.’ For more details about how and why this happy couple starts out in bed in her apartment, and for more information on their backgrounds and general information, please read those two parts. * Knowing they had to get out of bed and be responsible people, and wanting to do so were two different matters. For a long time, Kevin and Donna happily lay together in her Murphy bed, either of them whispering to the other how wonderful he...

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High School Kevins Story

High School: Kevin’s Story - Part One.On the first day of high school, Kevin did the rare thing and lost his virginity. Only if was Kevin who got fucked. Kevin was a little guy at 5’4?, and he weighted only 115 pounds. With his black hair and bright blue eyes, Kevin could be quite a looker, but he was so shy that he tried to go unnoticed. For the last decade and a half he had managed to do that. But underneath those clothes he had a body and an ass that would make people cream over.It started...

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Fucked 4 Jo Derek Lyn and Kevin

This follows on from Fucked 3 The Abbey, so read Fucked 1/2/3 first please. C 1997: I was around 21, Derek would have been 39/40, Lyn about 30 , and Kevin about 35.In fucked 3 I had outlined some of my sexual fantasies to Derek. I had met Lyn on a couple of occasions and I thought she was gorgeous (see Fucked 2 ). We had technically sucked each other's tits, but this was for the entertainment of a man.I had met Derek's buddy Kevin once by chance on a train on the way in to work after a night...

3 years ago
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Kevin And Dean Go Camping 2

After the early morning romp that led the best friends to discover that sex is sex, and feels good no matter who is doing the sucking or getting sucked.They had a relaxing afternoon casting from what was now referredto as “The Rock” where Dean took Kevins 10” cock in his mouth.It was hot out and they were just in some gym shorts and tshirtsand snug gym shorts without underwear, and the shorts clearlyshowed the outlines of their bulges.We aint caught nothing this afternoon other than some sun,...

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Donna Kevin Forever

PLEASE NOTE: This is a continuation of the stories ‘Donna from Daycare’ and ‘Donna and Kevin Together.’ Unlike most of my stories, there was a limited amount of sex in those earlier parts, and there isn’t very much in this one either. * Kevin O’Brien woke up and smiled at the sweet face of Donna on the pillow next to the one he was using. He loved her so much as to almost constitute worship, and he knew that she returned his feelings. Both of them had been involved in extremely negative...

1 year ago
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Linda and Kevin

Linda and Kevin met in high school. Kevin was working at the school and Linda was a student there. Linda's friend Tara introduce her and another friend Becca to Kevin. Their other friend likes to sleep with volunteer firemen. Tara wanted to get them together but it didn't work out. Linda and Kevin seemed to have a good connection. They kept their relationship on a download for a while but then they got told out. Tara and the other friend found and started fighting with Linda about it. Kevin and...

3 years ago
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Fun with Kevin

Kevin and I walk out to my car. I ask him where he is parked and he had shown me this large 4x4 truck. It's at least 4 foot off the ground. I told him that I will leave my car here and we can ride in his truck.Of course I'm not able to lift my leg that high, so Kevin offers to help me up. He grabs mey waist and heaves me up. As I'm getting in the seat, I turn to Kevin with my legs spread apart, and tell him thank you. He then takes his hands and runs them up my thigh, all the way to my wet...

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Kevin German

Teil I:Ich heisse Jennifer, bin gl?cklich mit meinem Mann Horst seit 15 Jahren verheiratet. Wir kennen uns schon von Kindeszeiten an und waren eigentlich immer ein Paar. Ausser Horst hatte ich nie einen anderen Mann, er war mein erster mit dem ich geschlafen habe. Mit 19 haben wir geheiratet und Wir wollten beide fr?h Kinder haben. Mit 20 bekam ich meine Tochter Sandra, 1 Jahr sp?ter meinen Sohn Kevin. Eigentlich sind wir eine gl?ckliche kleine Familie, ich brauche nicht zu Arbeiten, da Horst gut ...

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Kevin the neighbor and I bring out Kim

Kevin moved in next door to me about 3 years ago. He is an IT type but like me shares a passion for rebuilding old cars. Kevin is young about 26 average build and He has a lovely friendly wife. Nothing out of the ordinary about them just your typical professional class but very friendly couple. His only unique feature is his rather long past the shoulders reddish brown hair. Kevin and I became great friends from the start, though he is shy and very soft spoken and does not talk much about...

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Kevin fucking his beautiful neighbor

Hi, this is Kevin from Bangalore. This is another story to ISS. All comments are welcome. My husband and I had moved into town and had picked this new apartment complex to live in until we could find a place of our own. It’d take a lot of research to find one of the better neighborhoods as my husband was now becoming established in a well paying job so we’d be able to afford a nicer home than the one we just moved out of. My husband and I are the same age at 27 years old and have been married...

4 years ago
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Kevin becomes Kelly My Kelly

Do you know what it's like be stuck in a dorm room with a male roommate, in an all-male residence hall, during a dry spell? When you can't even masturbate because either your roommate is around, or you have homework or studying to do? I'll tell you what it's like. It's like being starved. Red-blooded guys like me need a woman's touch. We need to be between their legs, making them utter sounds only real men get to hear. We need the warmth and softness of a girl, or we go insane.And I was going...

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Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin

Introduction: Three couples have fun together I arrived home from a business trip late on Tuesday night. Sally, my wife, had left my bedside light on but she was already in bed, asleep. I stripped off, I always sleep naked, and crawled into bed, glad to be home. I reached across to Sallys side of the bed to give her a little squeeze, and discovered that her shoulders were bare. Now that is unusual because Sally normally wears pyjamas in bed. I explored further down her body and established that...

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Kevin and I Kev cant handle it

[5:26:19 PM] kevin6666: :) [5:26:22 PM] Black Stallion: im pretty good :) [5:26:26 PM] Black Stallion: how about you? [5:26:33 PM] kevin6666: same here :) [5:26:44 PM] kevin6666: feeling better now that i talk to you [5:26:45 PM] kevin6666: lol [5:26:57 PM] Black Stallion: lol , im glad [5:27:00 PM] Black Stallion: have a good day? [5:27:19 PM] kevin6666: yeah. and you? how have you been? [5:28:04 PM] Black Stallion: i had a good day and i've been doing well [5:28:15 PM] Black...

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Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin

Just then Sally moaned and pulled my hand to one of her breasts. I squeezed her nipple and massaged her breast and Sally moaned some more. Then, apparently awake now, she threw one leg over my body and pulled herself on top of me. The next thing that I knew was that my cock was deep inside her cunt, and she was lifting up and sliding back down my very erect cock. Her apparent enthusiasm was such that within a few minutes I was pumping a load inside her cunt. She had already enjoyed a loudly...

2 years ago
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Seducing Kevin My Sons Best Friend

My son Jake was home from college on summer break. He'd told me that he would be bringing his friend Kevin to stay with us for a few weeks. My husband Frank, was in Japan with his job for a month. I hadn’t seen my son in a while and was looking forward to spending time with him and his friend. My name is Maria and I'm a MILF (a mother that likes to fuck.) My husband is always traveling and I’m often alone and very horny. I’ve met a few man toys that I meet up with regularly to have sex with. I...

4 years ago
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Kevin Gets His Ass Busted

Sexy little teenage Kevin, looked more like a girl than a boy! And he felt feminine too, inside. After puberty it seemed like all blonde Caucasian Kevin thought of was SEX! He would masturbate when his stripper mother was at work, slipping into her high heels and using her lipsticks! Kevin loved the transformation of himself from man to maiden, simply by being in the heels and lipstick! He just KNEW he could make a grown man hard - if he ever had the chance! Kevin would spend literally HOURS,...

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Kevin and Joy

About ten years ago, Raymond, a guy I once chatted with on messenger, wrote me the following:“My sister Joy is drop dead gorgeous, and she always got the hottest looking guys. When she met Kevin she fell head over heels in love. Kevin is (in my opinion) a genuine hunk. He is 6'2 190 pounds and solid as a rock with piercing blue eyes and jet black hair. Joy and Kevin got married about 7 months ago. It was a killer bash at the reception. My dad went all out because he really liked Kevin (the...

4 years ago
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Donna Kevin Go to the Zoo

Winter had ended and spring was in full bloom on the Friday morning when Kevin O’Brien looked at the calendar in the kitchen of the apartment where he and his family lived in loving closeness. It was April 15, probably the hardest working day of the year for him, as managing partner at the local branch of the big CPA firm where he had worked since graduating from college. He also noted the following Friday, April 22, was Earth Day, and decided the day following that, since it would be Saturday,...

2 years ago
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No, we can't do this With just the towel wrapped around him, he exits the steamy bathroom. On his way to his bedroom, he hears his mother calling him. "Kevin, come give me a hand here." she shouts from her bedroom. What does the old woman want now, I want to get dressed he thinks to himself, getting a little irritated. He likes to get dressed immediately after his morning shower, before he does anything else. But as he has to walk pass her bedroom on the way to his, he might as well see what it...

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Donna Kevin at Christmas

Besides being one of my entries in the Winter Holiday Contest, this is the fifth story in the Donna and Kevin series. It’s mostly about a supremely happy new family celebrating their first Christmas together in a traditional way, but there is also quite a bit of sex in it. * Donna and Kevin and Kerry and Kate O’Brien were about as happy as a family could be. Every day, either of the adults marveled that they could have been so undeservedly lucky as to have found the other, and felt eternally...

3 years ago
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Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin 3

Introduction: Our group gets together again This is the sequel to Sally Sam, Mary, Mark Kevin Kerry and Sally Sam, Mary, Mark Kevin Kerry 2 It is probably best to read those two episodes first. On Saturday morning I woke early. There was something going on beside me. When I opened my eyes I saw my wife, Sally, naked on top of my 15-year old nephew, Peter, also naked. Sallys cunt was on Peters face and I could see his tongue sliding between her labia. Sallys head was bobbing up and down over...

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Kevins place

KevinBack when I was eleven years old I had a friend called Kevin.One day after school we went home to Kevin's house and sat in the kitchen reading comics.After a short time Kevin showed me a magazine with some men and boys in the nude.Kevin said he loved to look at the big cocks and the boys who had erections.I asked Kevin where he had got the magazine and he said he found It in his uncles shed and pinched It.Kevin stood up and I saw a big bulge in his pants.Kevin then pulled down his pants...

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Sally Sam Mary Mark Kerry Kevin 3

On Saturday morning I woke early. There was something going on beside me. When I opened my eyes I saw my wife, Sally, naked on top of my 15-year old nephew, Peter, also naked. Sally's cunt was on Peter's face and I could see his tongue sliding between her labia. Sally's head was bobbing up and down over Peter's groin. No prizes for guessing why she was doing that. I was not surprised or upset by what I was watching. After all, Peter and I had double fucked Sally for the second time, just...

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Showing Kevin how to Please Tara

My husband is often out of town and I’m always very horny and needing to take care of things. I often have affairs, because I really enjoy being with men or even women for that matter. I just love to have sex and often have it. Lately, my step daughter has had her boyfriend living with us. My mind is always in the gutter. I really want to sleep with him. He's eighteen and is about 6’0” and about two hundred pounds. He works out and has muscles on muscles. I think he has a big cock, because I...

4 years ago
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King Kevin

Whenever he woke back up, a few seconds later, he looked at a small metal sphere that had hit him. He rolled into a sitting position and picked up the sphere. It had lots of cool lines on it and a large seam across the middle. He shook it a little and it didn’t seem to have anything in it. After looking around to see if he could spot who threw it, he pocketed the sphere and went back to his house. He unlocked the front door and went inside. His stepmother wasn’t home, nor was his step...

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Present From Kevin

Kevin and I had seen each other a few times. Neither he nor I wanted a relationship and he was more than happy to let me go down on him on a regular basis to satisfy my oral cravings. We generally met up on Tuesdays, during our lunch break. This particular Tuesday it was Spring was in the air and we were able to go out for a walk on a long multipurpose trial that generally was used by cyclists. We walked about a mile and came up to an abandon century old building. Kevin suggested we dip back...

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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 9 Weapons and Arsenals

We arrived at Bob’s office at 3:15 and went up. His receptionist greeted us. “Oh, Linda didn’t say you’d have someone with you. She’s in room 410, go that way.” We went to the indicated door and on into the room. A middle-aged lady sat there surrounded by four monitors and loads of papers. “Hi, you’re Kevin, right? You didn’t mention a friend.” “Ah, forgot, sorry. I was rushing between classes. This is Denise Roberts and she’s one of the people I need to discuss with Mr...

5 years ago
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As evening starts to color Mitchell's Plain a pinkish-orange, Kevin lies in his room, checking out his digital camera. As he goes through the photos that he and Jody took a few days ago, a thought suddenly explodes in his mind. Yes, why the hell not?He jumps up and goes to the kitchen where his mother is busy preparing food. His seventy one year old mother is wearing her pink housecoat. He can see right through the flimsy material of the housecoat. He can see the outline of the half-slip she is...

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Kevin Fucks his Mother

No, we can't do this With just the towel wrapped around him, he exits the steamy bathroom. On his way to his bedroom, he hears his mother calling him. "Kevin, come give me a hand here." she shouts from her bedroom. What does the old woman want now, I want to get dressed he thinks to himself, getting a little irritated. He likes to get dressed immediately after his morning shower, before he does anything else. But as he has to walk pass her bedroom on the way to his, he might as well see what...

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Kevin Fucks his Mothers Ass

As evening starts to color Mitchell's Plain a pinkish-orange, Kevin lies in his room, checking out his digital camera. As he goes through the photos that he and Jody took a few days ago, a thought suddenly explodes in his mind. Yes, why the hell not? He jumps up and goes to the kitchen where his mother is busy preparing food. His seventy one year old mother is wearing her pink housecoat. He can see right through the flimsy material of the housecoat. He can see the outline of the half-slip she...

1 year ago
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Kevin and my sister

The first time I ever saw Kevin he had come to my sorority house with his cousin (by marriage) and had just gotten out of the military, straight from Iraq! So, needless to say he was about 6'3" with an incredible body, and eyes that made me melt. I had to have this man inside me. About a week after I saw him that night, he came back to my sorority house with his cousin to hang out and sneak a few alcoholic drinks with me and my sisters in my room. We were all having a good time, drinking and...

2 years ago
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My bestfriends Jack and Kevin First gay tale

It was a nice spring day. My 2 friends Jack, and Kevin and I went to a baseball game. We do everything together from fishing to watching movies and camping. But this day was different. After a great game we all went to Jack's house to spend the night. Jack is about 5 feet 10 inches tall a little chunky and he is hairy and tan. Kevin is about 5 feet 7 inches and is pale and thin. While at Jacks house we made some food watched some movies, played some video games and decided to go to bed. We were...

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Fun with Kevin

I got the papers served to me.     It was official, I was going through a divorce.   It was going on about 6 months without have sex with someone other than myself.  And quite frankly, I was physically satisfied, but not mentally satisfied.    I had discovered porn, naughty chat, and occasional phone call, was not giving me what I needed - the interaction with someone.     My best friend at work, Christi who is 10 years my junior and very sexually progressive, encouraged me to find some one to...

5 years ago
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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 31 Saturdays a Turning Point

When I woke up, the first thing I felt when consciousness truly asserted itself was a enormous sense of relief. All that nonsense of being forced to do things that were repulsive and humiliating was over; now I could go to classes without being worried that a teacher would try to use my body as an education aid. Not that I had anything against displaying my body publicly, when I lived in Japan my family would go to the onsen where we would bathe nude in the hot spring with other families and...

2 years ago
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Samantha and Kevin pt 1

Introduction: This is the first part in what I hope to be a well received series. Please give feedback. His lips were thick, it was the first thing that she noticed. They looked delicious and perfect. Samantha was a romantic though. She noted the way that he looked at her, or at least the way she thought he looked at her. She noticed how he just said you and your husband, then leaving her to tell him that no, she was not married. In fact, she was too young to be married. Well, at least in her...

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The Hardwoods Kevin Learns to Love the Cock

This story is told from the perspective of thirteen year old Kevin Hardwood. His seventeen year old brother frames him which causes his father to spank him. Kevin gives into Luke's demand to suck his cock so that he won't continue to get him into trouble. It was a hot summer day in the middle of July. I was cooling off in the backyard in the family pool. I had the entire pool to myself with my father away at work and my mother and sister visiting the neighbors. I lazily swam backstrokes...

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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 17 Its Friday TGIF Not

When I awoke Friday morning it felt like I had not slept at all. Groan. This must be a post-adrenaline reaction, the body’s gotta come down from the high. I think listening to the news report must have had something to do with my delayed recovery. When I picked up Denise, she told me that the press had rung her for a statement but she told them that she had fallen, didn’t see much, so she couldn’t tell them any more than the clerk did. Smart girl. She saw the news report too and wondered how...

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Samantha and Kevin pt 1

But he was different, she could tell right away. All because of his lips. They were beautiful. She wanted to feel those lips against hers. It was late at night, or early in the morning depending on your mindset, and a pipe had burst. Water, water, water. He came to help, the royal blue sweatshirt that he wore had his name emblazed on the back, Kevin. He was finally finished; the clock shined a bright 4:06. Samantha yawned, usually in bed hours earlier. She hopped up from her...

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