My Life With Serena
- 3 years ago
- 36
- 0
"Elyse Laughton is dead."
I blinked twice before arching both eyebrows, hearing her words and yet absolutely certain of the identity of the young woman standing on the porch in front of me. "Dead? Uh ... You're going to have to explain that one."
She sighed, "It's a long story."
"I'm willing to hear it."
"Oh, for God's sake, Ben," Sasha grumped as she pushed past me and stepped out onto the porch. "Let the girl inside!"
With a weak smile, Elyse let Sasha grab hold of her hand and lead her inside. Since they were all still in the house and eating breakfast after this morning's five-chicks/one-dick orgy, Peyton, Andie, Jamie, and Casey had all come to the end of the hallway, curious to see who was at the door. Elyse took one look at them and stopped in her tracks. "Oh, dear. Am I interrupting something?" she asked with a wince.
I looked up at the four girls awaiting us, Andie and Jamie dressed in their slinkiest and Peyton and Casey having appropriated a dress shirt and a baggy T-shirt of mine, respectively. Technically, each of them was clothed, but it was obvious that their attire was designed more for sexual seduction than coverage. "What? No, no. These are my ... friends." I hesitated before the last word. The term 'harem girls' didn't seem appropriate. "We're just having breakfast. Are you hungry?"
Elyse eyes lit up at the mention of food. I grimaced, wondering just what kind of hellhole she'd crawled out of to look so rabid at the prospect of breakfast.
"Shouldn't we get her cleaned up?" Sasha asked pointedly before blushing in embarrassment. "I'm sorry; I don't mean to imply that you're dirty or anything. But--"
"No, it's okay," Elyse muttered. "I'm probably filthy right now."
"Let her eat something first," I suggested. "Maybe something light, like toast and some juice? Then you can get cleaned up and eat some more."
"Thank you, Ben. You're very kind." Suddenly, Elyse's face twisted into a grimace. It didn't appear to be physical, but she was feeling some kind of emotional pain. And as a deep frown creased her features, I couldn't help but reach out and wrap her up in a fierce hug.
"Ohmigawd..." I breathed while she started crying into my shoulder. "What the hell happened to you?"
She didn't answer except to keep crying. So I just kept hugging her while she shuddered in my grasp. And I hugged her. And I hugged her some more.
Eventually, she quieted down and the shuddering subsided. Breathing deeply, Elyse went so still in my arms that I began to wonder if she'd fallen asleep on my shoulder. But when I pulled back just a bit to look down and see, she stared back at me through tear-streaked eyes.
"I'm sorry," she muttered quietly.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Sorry for what?"
"For being here. For putting this on you. You don't owe me anything, and after what I did to you when we were younger, I deserve for you to put me right back out on the street."
I gave her a stern look, and my answer was already out of my lips. I didn't think about it, didn't stop to worry about the consequences of my verbal commitments or wonder what kind of shit I was getting myself involved in. It was kind of a hallmark of my decision-making process, the White Knight instinct that the girls around me either appreciated or derided, depending on the situation. There weren't any immediate thugs to beat up, but I was jumping into the fray without a moment's hesitation. And I promised her right then and there, "I will never put you out on the street. I don't know what the hell you're messed up in, but nobody is going to hurt you on my watch. Got it?"
She started crying again.
This time, though, the waterworks didn't last very long. Instead of just standing there, I led Elyse into the living room and put her on a chair at the dining table. Sasha had left us the first time Elyse broke down crying, and she'd already arranged a plate of toast, eggs, and orange juice on the placemat.
With heartfelt gratitude and moisture in her eyes, our new guest looked up at me and the five girls around her before saying, "Thank you. This is already more than I'd hoped for. Thank you all."
"You're welcome," Sasha said, sitting down on the chair beside her and reaching out to rub the back of her hand. "Whatever it is that you're going through, you're in the right place now. I'm Sasha. That's Peyton, Casey, Andie, and Jamie. Ben, I gather, you already know."
"Elyse and I went to high school together," I said quietly.
She had already taken a bite of the toast – three actually – but the dirty, dispirited, and disheveled young woman shook her head in the negative before staring off vacantly. She fought to swallow the food in her mouth, and once she did, in a haunted voice, she began, "I told you, Elyse Laughton is dead. My name..." She blinked, and her shoulders visibly sagged before she turned and gave me an apologetic look while she finished, " ... is Serena Grey."
The name thing was still confusing me, but Peyton wouldn't let me interrogate the poor girl. She and Sasha took charge, with Peyton insisting that explanations could wait and that we should let the poor girl eat, and Sasha leading the way into the first floor bathroom so that "Serena" could take a shower.
Casey was already following them, I think more curious than interested in helping out. I, of course, was expressly forbidden from entering, and Peyton ordered Andie and Jamie to keep me occupied. Nobody was in the mood for Andie's and Jamie's usual method of "occupying" me, so the girls settled for grilling me about Elyse and our background while we sat on the living room couches. Five minutes later, Casey joined us as well, having left the actual Elyse-support to Sasha and Peyton.
I told the three girls what little I knew of Elyse. I mentioned her being the Cheer Captain and a social rival to my then-girlfriend Adrienne back in high school, although I didn't bother to go into details about her seduction attempt during Spring Break or any of the other drama she'd caused me. I explained that I'd only seen her twice since then, the first time my sophomore year when we'd had a chance encounter on the street, and the second time almost exactly two years ago at a party in the hills. Again, I didn't mention the circumstances around those meetings. I certainly wasn't about to tell them about the triple-penetration or the Voyeur Room at Carter's house.
"So that's it? A girl you barely knew in high school and only bumped into a couple of times in the last four years has come to YOU for help?" Casey looked skeptical. "I don't buy it. There's more to the story you're not telling us."
I sighed. "There are details around the manner in which we bumped into each other that I'd rather not go into right now, but I'm honestly as mystified by her arrival as you. I have no idea what she's been through to end up looking like that, nor why she'd come HERE of all places. I'm serious: I barely know the girl, and I certainly have no clue why she's telling me she's dead and that her name is 'Serena Grey'."
Jamie frowned. "Are you SURE she's your friend from high school, and you're not mixing her up with someone else you know?"
"I'm sure," I stated seriously. "She's Elyse Laughton ... or at least, what's left of her."
Andie hadn't said much, and she still didn't. Instead, my bottle-blonde "cutie" merely wrapped her arms around me in a hug, laying her head on my shoulder and squeezing me just to let me know she was here for me. I appreciated it and patted her forearm.
Casey and Jamie spent the next couple of minutes asking me questions, mostly further variations on 'How do you know her?' and 'Why would she come to you?' When I didn't come up with anything new or relevant, they switched gears to talk about Elyse's physical condition.
"Did you see her dress?" Jamie wondered aloud.
"Looked like she'd been wearing it for a few days," Casey replied with a nod.
"And she wasn't wearing any underwear, period."
"I noticed the lack of bra. You sure she didn't have any panties?"
Jamie shrugged. "I didn't see a line. Maybe she had a G-string or something else ... maybe. But that dress was pretty sheer."
"And it was filthy. Like she'd slept in a gutter last night."
"Or something. Her hair and face were all messed up too. Did you see the bruises? They're faint, but you can tell someone's been beating the shit out of her."
Casey made a face.
"We should loan her some clothes," Andie finally spoke up. "She's a lot bigger than me, though. Jamie, do you have something that'll fit her?"
Jamie nodded but replied, "Sasha went upstairs during breakfast and got some of hers, already."
Casey stared off into space, shaking her head slowly. "What the hell happened to that girl? I mean, you hear about people falling into some bad shit, like in the news. But I've never seen someone look so wrecked. Hey Ben, was she always skinny like that?"
I shook my head. "Not like that. She had a good figure. Liked to keep herself slim, mostly her ego if I remember. But she'd never been anorexic or anything. Definitely not ... hollow ... like that."
"Did you see how fast she finished off that plate of food?" Jamie said, her voice still full of amazement. "I mean, how long has it been since she ate anything?"
Casey suddenly sat up. "You think she escaped from somewhere? Like, maybe somebody is gonna come after her? With like guns and shit?"
Andie's grip around my neck suddenly tightened. "Maybe we should call the police."
"Not a bad idea," I agreed. "But I think we should at least let her explain a little more about her situation. If there's someone after her, then hell yeah we'll call. But there are scenarios under which the authorities would bring her more problems than solutions. The last time I saw her, she wasn't exactly ... well ... in a normal situation. But at the same time, she didn't look like she was being held against her will. She was with her boyfriend, and they were into a pretty intense scene and all, but not like this."
"What WAS it like?" Casey asked. "Sex? Drugs?"
I shrugged and nodded.
"Really BAD shit?"
I grimaced. "Not my kind of scene, which is why I never went back. But like I said, she seemed to be comfortable with where she was at. Then again, that was two years ago. A lot has apparently happened since then."
It turned out, that was a major understatement.
Elyse was a brand new woman when she came out of DJ's old bedroom. Sasha and Peyton had taken the time to really clean her up and dress her in one of Sasha's comfortable pajama sets. They'd even taken the time to let her apply some makeup, and despite her skeletal figure and gaunt cheeks, Elyse was still a strikingly beautiful young woman.
Now devoid of the dirt smudges and with her bruises covered by foundation, nothing marred the elegant structure of her face. Her prominent cheekbones were model-esque, and the makeup enhanced the shape of her already alluring green eyes. Already standing 5'11", she looked even lengthier with her slimmed-down physique. Yet whatever weight she'd lost in the past two years, she hadn't lost much definition in her tits. They were still very big, very round, and very firm, especially as they were now supported by a borrowed bra. Plus, those extra inches of height left a strip of her bare belly exposed between the hem of her pajama top and the waistband of the matching pants, and I'm somewhat ashamed to say that despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn't help but feel sexually attracted to her.
But the beauty of her body aside, there was no escaping the deep frown on her face. One look at it and any sense of arousal was dashed. I sat up straight and watched as she approached me before coming to a stop in front of the couch, looking at me expectantly. But I was so busy checking her out from head-to-toe that it took Andie poking me in the ribs to make me say anything.
"You look nice," I managed to croak.
Elyse gave me a small smile. Canting her head to the side, she asked, "Can we talk?" Her eyes darted to Andie, still draped around me, as well as to Casey and Jamie. And then she added, "Alone?"
"Oh, of course," Andie chirped, letting go of me and sitting back.
"Sorry," Elyse apologized. "You've all been so kind, but--"
"Don't have to explain," Jamie interrupted. "It's okay."
I got up off the couch and gestured toward the stairs before leading the way. Elyse followed, and Sasha and Peyton headed for the couches to join the others. No doubt Jamie and Casey would grill them as much as they had just grilled me.
I went straight to the armchairs in my sitting area, and Elyse closed my bedroom door behind us before joining me. I chuckled to myself, thinking of all the really intense conversations I'd had in these two chairs over the past year. I already knew this would be one more.
"So about the name..." I began, eyebrows raised as Elyse sat down opposite me.
She perched on the edge of her seat, knees together and arms across her midsection, her palms holding onto both elbows. Clearly nervous, Elyse glanced out the window for a moment before fixing her gaze on the floor between us. "Yeah, the name thing..."
"Do you want me to call you 'Serena' or something?"
She made a face. "I'd rather you didn't. THEY called me that." She trailed off without explaining who 'they' were.
"Um, okay. 'Elyse' it is. But now I'm even more confused."
She took a deep breath and exhaled for a long few seconds. She was clearly trying very hard to maintain her composure, and her head was bowed as she fidgeted with her hands in her lap. "The short answer is that legally, I'm not Elyse anymore. My driver's license says that my name is Serena Grey. That's the name I've used – the name they've called me – for the last several months."
I blinked twice, surprised and even more confused than before. "Okay, maybe you should start at the beginning. Or actually ... maybe you should start with why you're here. You're 'Elyse' to me and that's what I'll call you. But I guess what's really important is what you think I can do for you."
She winced and looked up at me with large, luminous green eyes. She took a deep breath and blinked several times, clearly concentrating with furrowed eyebrows. And when she spoke it was with the careful diction of one who had rehearsed what she had to say.
"I know you don't owe me anything. And I know I don't have much to offer you." She stopped, blinked a few more times, and almost nervously fiddled with the top button of her borrowed pajama top, as if she were readying herself to open it. "But I came to plead for help. I won't ask for much: just a roof over my head and maybe a meal or two. I can't stay on the street anymore, and I'm really hoping you'll ... you'll..."
She began sniffling as her rehearsed speech started breaking down. I waited a moment to see if she'd recover herself, but when her face twisted into a grimace and she clenched her eyes shut as if in pain, I reached out to reassuringly rub her knee. But the instant my hand touched it, she jerked away, twisting both knees to the side as she recoiled against the backrest with obvious fear in her eyes.
"Hey, hey!" I exclaimed instantly, raising both hands in the air as I backed away. Sitting upright in my own chair, I kept my distance and explained, "Not trying to hurt you."
Blinking rapidly, Elyse studied me for a few seconds, weighing my words before nodding rapidly. I started to relax, but when her head kept nodding rapidly with no sign of stopping, I started to worry about Elyse's mental stability.
But she explained while nodding, "I know you're not. I know ... I know..." Her voice trailed off as her gaze turned to the side while she kept nodding, as if in doing so she could convince herself of my innocent intentions. All of a sudden, she stopped nodding, and she looked over at me with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry. After everything I've been through, I think I'm just a bit jumpy about guys touching me unexpectedly."
"No touching, got it," I said with an exaggerated smile and my best impression of open, honest eyes.
"I'm sorry I reacted that way."
"You don't have to apologize."
"No, I do. I mean, I didn't have a problem with it when you hugged me by the front door. Actually..." She blushed as she glanced up at me. "I kinda liked it. It felt nice. I don't remember the last time a guy just ... hugged ... me. At least not without him wanting ... well..."
I grimaced as her voice trailed off. "The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable, alright? I'll keep my hands to myself."
Pursing her lips, Elyse nodded and straightened herself back out again, although she was still bent over with her hands in her lap. She went quiet and furrowed her eyebrows again, trying to figure out what to say next.
"So back to what you think I can do for you," I began. "Roof over head, a few meals: those are easy. I've got plenty of space, and we've got plenty of food."
"I don't have any money," she said, her head bowed in shame. "I honestly have nothing to pay you with."
"I'm not asking for payment."
She took a deep breath, and as she exhaled she rather nervously glanced up at my face. "Where I've been, everything has a cost."
"Well, I might ask you to do a couple of chores around the house," I said breezily with a smirk. "Do the dishes, fold my laundry, go take notes in class so I can sleep in, that sort of thing, and we'll call it square."
Elyse snorted, quite loudly and quite rudely, and she blushed bright pink as she covered up her mouth and nose with one hand. I knew she'd been thinking about sexual favors as payment, and apparently my response bemused her.
"Really," I began more seriously. "I'm not going to ask anything of you. You're clearly in need, and I already promised I'd never put you back on the street. I want to help you, no strings attached, alright?"
Elyse started crying, and she'd gone back to hugging herself with her palms on both elbows. As her face turned ugly and she bowed her head, she looked so pitiful and frail that the instinct to reach out and physically comfort her kicked in again. But I remembered the way she'd reacted when I rubbed her knee, so I held myself in check for about three seconds.
Still, she kept on crying and I didn't know what else to do, so I reached forward again, quite deliberately and quite slowly as I showed her my hand and let her see me approaching all the way. This time, Elyse didn't recoil as I touched her shoulder and began rubbing it. And after a few seconds of doing that without any adverse reactions, I moved over to kneel beside her chair. And for the second time today I wrapped her up in a warm hug.
As before, it took a little while for Elyse to calm down, but eventually her tears stopped and her breathing was slow and steady. Her face buried against my shoulder, she went still enough that I wondered again if she'd fallen asleep. But when I turned my head to look down at her, she took a deep breath and sat back in her chair, wiping at her tears with both hands.
"I'm sorry," she muttered. "I don't mean to keep breaking down on you."
"It's okay," I replied gently. "I can't imagine what you've been through."
"No you can't," she mumbled even more softly, and she threatened to start crying again. But inhaling deeply, she forced herself to remain calm and finished wiping away her last tears.
"I just want to help you," I said sincerely.
"You've already helped me," she replied, her voice sounding stronger as she sat up a little straighter. "Just by letting me be here. You ... well ... I guess Sasha and Peyton ... have fed me and clothed me and let me feel safe for the first time since ... since ... Fuck, I don't remember the last time I was someplace safe, but I feel safe here.
I nodded. "You are."
She eyed me a little warily. "I'm sorry, but I've heard that before. Kind man off the street, looking like the type who wants to rescue the damsel in distress. And then in the middle of the night I find his hand over my mouth and his erection pressing against my hip while he..." Her voice trailed off.
I shrank back in my seat, trying to appear as unthreatening as possible. "That's not me," I stated softly.
"I know." She did that nodding thing again, continually nodding while she repeated, "I know, I know, I know. You're not that kind of guy. You've been nothing but kind to me since you opened that door. You haven't leered at me, or tried to cop a feel. You've talked to me like I was a human being, not a toy."
I grimaced, thinking of what kind of people she must've been around who didn't treat her so kindly.
"Look, I really have no reason to trust you," she began, desperate hope in the eyes of a still wary face. "I don't know you; you don't know me. But you said you wouldn't put me out on the street and I want to believe that. Despite being lied to by every guy I've ever been around for the past three, four years, I want to believe you. Because even though I don't know you, I know Adrienne. I know her secrets, I know what she went through, and I think I know what you've done for her. And now she's a world famous supermodel jet-setting around the globe."
I arched an eyebrow. "You ... thought I could do the same for you or something?"
Elyse barked a short laugh, and flashed me the first genuine smile I'd seen from her in a long, long time. Shaking her head, she replied, "No. Of course not. But... (sigh) ... I've pretty much hit rock-bottom here..."
She trailed off again, her eyes unfocusing as she returned to some dark place I couldn't imagine, nor did I really want to. I waited her out, and at length she started talking again.
"You really don't know where I've been or what I've had to do for the last few months." Pursing her lips and still hugging herself, she continued with an almost catatonic stare to nowhere, "It's ugly ... and filthy ... and I don't even really want to think about it, especially about these last couple of days. But I'm trying to crawl out of the hellhole I've put myself in, and really, I have nowhere else to go."
"Nowhere? No other friends or relatives?" I arched an eyebrow, but tempered my skepticism when she shrank before me. "Not trying to foist you off on someone else. It's just that I find it hard to believe I was your number one option. C'mon, you barely know me and have no reason to believe I won't take advantage of you."
Shaking a little with nervousness, Elyse started doing that nodding thing again. "You won't ... you won't..." She blinked a couple of times before muttering, "Adrienne promised me."
That rocked my head back. "Adrienne? You've actually talked to her recently?"
"Just this morning." She let go of her elbows and glanced out the window. Keeping her gaze there, she continued explaining, "Took forever to get through her handlers and actually get her on the phone. It was her idea that I come to you, actually."
I furrowed my eyebrows at that.
Elyse looked back at me and shrugged. "She gave me your address, and she also said she'd call you, but I'm guessing you two didn't get in touch?"
With a frown, I dug into my pocket to retrieve my cell phone. I certainly hadn't talked to Adrienne or gotten any messages from her this-- Oops. I guess I had. My phone's Call Log showed both a missed call and a voicemail from Adrienne, and I also had a text that read: call me back asap. Im snding elyse to u.
Checking the timestamps, I gathered that Adrienne had been trying to call me while I was on the phone with Kim this morning, and I must have been so engrossed in that conversation that I didn't notice the call waiting beeps. Afterwards, everything had happened so fast that I simply never checked my phone until just now.
"Um, okay..." I muttered. "I was pretty busy this morning and must've missed her call."
"Busy? Yeah, I'll bet." Elyse's eyes darted downward and to the side, in the vague direction of my living room which would currently be occupied by five scantily-clad coeds. A look of apprehension filled Elyse's face, her wariness coming back. "What's with that, by the way? I'm trying to trust here. I really have nowhere else to go, and I want to believe so badly that I'm not making a huge mistake coming here for help. But I'm sorry, the last few guys I knew who kept groups of girls around them for pleasure were not very nice men."
"Carter?" I asked quietly.
Elyse picked her eyes up, looked at me for a moment, and averted her eyes once more. She shrugged noncommittally.
"Even after all this time, you're still with him?"
Head down in shame, she sighed, "Him ... others ... just part of that scene..."
I grimaced, and given her current state, I felt the need to explain, "We're not friends, you know, Carter and I. We only met the couple of times."
"Oh I know. If you were friends, believe me I'd have seen you more often. You probably would have fucked me a few times by now as well." The bitter tone in her voice made it clear that such a sexual encounter wouldn't have been entirely consensual.
"Yeah, well ... I'm not like him."
"I hope not..." She wouldn't look at me as she went back to hugging herself and doing that nodding thing again. "But the thing is ... the jaded part of me sees five girls wearing skimpy PJs, you know? And I get to wondering what kind of leverage you're holding over them."
I held my hands up straight away. "It's not like that. We're all friends. You just met them; do they seem like they're here against their will? Every girl downstairs is here by her own choice."
Elyse stared off behind my right ear, and she swallowed thickly. "I always had a choice, too," she mumbled. "But my choices were always between a rock and a hard place, forced choices to the point where I really had NO choice."
I blinked. "Elyse ... what HAPPENED to you?"
She sighed and looked away. "Crystal meth happened to me."
"You became an addict?"
She snorted. "I think 'addict' is putting it mildly."
"But you're not anymore."
"Of course I am," she scoffed before shaking her head sadly. "I'm just ... I'm just trying to crawl my way out of the hole."
"So that's what this is about? Escaping Carter?"
She shook her head and started staring vacantly behind me again. "No. Carter's an asshole, and he's a manipulative, sociopathic bastard, but he's never held me against my will. I was always free to walk away, only ... well ... It was my choice, you see. My choice ... My choice..." she mumbled in a haunted tone, as if it were a mantra that had been drilled into her time and again.
I sensed her drifting again, and I leaned forward and put my elbows on my knees. The movement drew her attention, and she snapped back to reality.
"I always had the choice to leave," she explained with a resigned sigh. "But I couldn't. In the end, no matter how much it hurt, I always chose to stay..."
I frowned, not quite understanding.
"I chose that until now. This isn't about escaping Carter. This is about escaping my addiction." Elyse started crying again. "If anything, I'm going to need YOU to hold me against my will."
Hold her against her will? What? My sense of alarm rose as she began choking up, her breathing erratic, with panic in her eyes.
Thrusting her hands forward, she presented me with her wrists and practically sobbed, "Hold me here, alright? Don't let me go back to him. Don't let me go back to the drugs, no matter how much I scream at you and order you to let me go."
I put my hands on the armrests and rolled forward onto the balls of my feet, instinctively putting myself in a better position to defend myself as Elyse's eyes got wilder and her movements became more spastic.
Her lips quivering, she shook her head and let the tears roll while crossing her arms over her chest and gripping her own shoulders so tight I thought her fingernails might draw blood. She started rocking back and forth, whimpering and crying while she explained, "I've tried this before, you see. Tried and failed. I've asked other friends to protect me from myself, to not let me go back to my addictions. In the end, they always caved." Shaking her head, she added bitterly, "Everyone always caves."
I wanted to tell her I wouldn't cave, that I'd succeed where others had failed. But the fact was that I didn't know enough of what the hell was going on to make empty promises like that. And as much as I wanted to reassure her that I was here to help, I couldn't stand the idea of only being the next in line to let her down.
Elyse started laughing out of nowhere, a crazed look on her face before she abruptly stopped and looked at me with the saddest, most haunted eyes I'd ever seen on a human being. Shaking her head slowly, she cried again and whimpered, "Maybe they cared too much to see me in that kind of pain, even though everyone knew it was in my best interest that I break free. Maybe they didn't care that much about me, remembering too much of the grief I'd caused them so that deep down, they really wanted me to fail. I dunno."
Introduction: It is 1850 and Serenas father blackmails me into seducing her to save her from Lord Bunty Buntingthorpe Written hopefully in the style of the mid 19th Century. Long sentences. Commas where today we would use periods. A Country house in Devon in the 1850s Serena The sun was setting over the western horizon bathing the hill tops with a warm red glow and casting deep shadows across the valleys. I stood on the terrace outside the ballroom admiring the view. I heard someone behind...
Dr. Bowman directed JJ to assist Serena in preparing for the installation of devices. Serena was completely unfamiliar with the process so Dr. Bowman cautioned the nurse to explain each step prior to proceeding. Nurse JJ started by carefully placing Serena’s clothing in a carry bag. Her name was already on the bag and Serena wondered what made them so sure she would participate. Before she could ask, JJ directed her to step up on the exam table and place her legs in the stirrups. JJ went over...
Fantasy & Sci-FiChristine continued to show Serena around the school. Serena was glad she came to this school. It had all she needed and she could get. Christine held Serena’s hand as they walked to the next class, which was literature with Ms. Karen. Ms. Karen was a short woman with white blonde hair. She had on a black pencil skirt and a white ruffle blouse. “Hello Ms. Karen” Christine said as she closed the door. “Hello Christine. Who is this?” Ms. Karen said looking at Serena. Ms. Karen looked...
The journey to the estate was beginning to feel like routine. Unlike my last few trips, I was once again clothed. Serena was naked as always. I spent the time looking at her and thinking. The last few weeks had been some of the strangest of my life, but one thing had remained constant: my love for Serena. The weight of my gaze made her look up and catch my eyes, for some reason she blushed and moaned gently then resumed staring at the floor. I leaned forward and captured her mouth with mine;...
Even wearing an old tank top and a pair of yoga pants she's still beautiful. Her creamy soft skin shines brightly from the soft glow of the television screen. Her long golden blonde hair flows down her shoulders like a waterfall. The small tank top does little to hide the bountiful bust underneath. Her soft creamy stomach was showing underneath her shirt. she always did like showing off her well toned body. how can something so toned and firm also be so soft and supple. My eyes travel to her...
Serena was a young woman who was cute but shy. A BBW with no self confidence. Her mom had watched her struggle with not being able to land a date or even so much as a kiss. Serena's mom Penny didn't understand she had been the school slut when she was in high school she had at least two dates every weekend from her sophomore to senior year. She was also a BBW but she was proud of her body. The fucking ads now a days and all the anti-overweight propaganda was killing her daughter. Serena...
Well, I asked for it and they gave it to me, and they were right. I did leave and I gave no one else any consideration. I ran for me and to hell with everyone else. I remembered the look on Sally's face as well. I had handed her a real hot potato and just turned away leaving her with the mess to clean up alone. I never even bothered to check up on her after telling her I would be there for her. "I can't explain how I felt to you guys. Only understand that I now know I let some people down...
After Serena's visit to The Fetish Shoe Shop, Mrs Wyles, the owner, was in touch with her again. This time she wanted to know whether she would be willing to be photographed wearing her fetish shoes for publicity for the shop. Mrs Wyles pointed out that of course her face would not be shown in the photos. Serena agreed and Mrs Wyles told her that Roger, her photographer would soon be in touch with her. Roger phoned in a few days and made an appointment to visit her. One the day of the visit...
Normally, she was on time before the bell, but instead she decided “why not make an entrance being late”. So the late bell had rung and she walked into her homeroom class. She took her seat which was located in the back, where she noticed a new student. The girl was sitting in the seat next to hers. So she made her way to her seat and looked at the girl, getting better details. The girl was pretty. She had luscious brown hair that looked incredibly smooth, fair even skin tone, her uniform...
I met this girl, Serena, at speed dating. I was getting a couple of different vibes from her. First, she was probably crazy in some way. And second, she was this brilliant ball of sexual energy. We matched up and I gave her a call. We decided to go out to a Mexican restaurant. With lots more time than at speed dating, I was able to confirm both vibes during dinner: she was definitely on the bizarre side. She also had such a tomboyish look about her, that if it weren't for the sexual energy I...
The special delivery package had only a padded envelope containing a DVD. It had no label but the protective case was marked, "For the Personal and Private Collection of Brad T." Three shots of Canadian whiskey had not calmed his nerves and the tension of a day of grueling meetings had not subsided as Brad sat nervously in front of his big screen, contemplating. Brad could not even remember what transpired in those meetings. He was lost or unfocused most of the time.Brad picked up the remote...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI've long been of the opinion that everybody has at least one incredible adventure in their life. I had some wonderful experiences during my thirty seven years, but I felt that my own incredible experience was still in the wings. As it turned out I was right. But now that it has happened I want to share it with the world. It was a brilliant spring day, the kind that has always filled me with good feelings and energy. I've never been athletic or anything like that. I always hated PE class...
"Come on, Darling, or we shall be late." She shuddered a little at the word late; the time was ten minutes to ten. I stood for a moment and looked at her. I was amazed at the transformation; this was a Serena I had never seen before; she glowed. As she moved I could hear tiny bell-like sounds. I looked for the source and found tiny bells hanging from the rings in her nipples. She was still wearing the chain attached to the ring above her clitoris and attached to that was yet another tiny...
Also: This is a rather slow paced story. If you want something different, read something else. - - - - - - I'm Audrina. 15, with red curly hair, brown eyes. I'm short, only about 5'3. I'm curvy, with big breats and a round, firm ass. But my middle has a bit of flab, and my thighs are bit meater then I'd like...but whatever. I look better then most. This story is about me and my bestfriend Serena's first sexual encounter together. It was a sunny, hot summer afternoon....
Beautiful Serena It was cold as I drove back to the cabin. The country lane wound into the darkness as the snow covered my windscreen. Turning yet another bend my head lights caught a glimpse of black fur through the pelting snow…what the fuck was that? As the car straightened, the lights were able to light her up. “Walking in this weather…she’s fucking mad” I thought. A tall red head was stumbling along the grass verge, her long hair holding onto the snow as if it would never fall again, and...
I woke alone and still bound, but for some reason I wasn't uncomfortable. I lay relaxed and waited for my mistress to come for me, content in the knowledge that when she did I would be ready to serve her. When she did arrive I smiled in genuine pleasure to see her and was rewarded with a blinding smile in return. "Good morning, Slave. How do you feel?" "Mistress, good morning. I feel great, Mistress." As I was speaking, she undid my bonds and before she could say anything, I slipped...
I am a married female aged 52 living on the south coast of England. I am very bisexual and having an affair with my friend Serena who is 43. My husband Rob knows I am bi and knows what I am doing with Serena. Her husband Mark does not even know she is bi.She visits me twice a week for lunch and we end up fucking and sucking each other. Rob would love to watch us having fun but Serena won't let him. I give him all the details when he gets back from work and I usually wank him off while I'm...
I wondered about the things that he had told me. The images of Serena and Jack faded under the repeated assurances from him that he had never indulged himself that way. Indeed he had no intention of doing so. I contrasted this with Serena's behaviour; she certainly behaved as if he was her Master. It was all very confusing. I wondered at his final words to me, '... we can work something out... ' given how his original assurances were borne out, I did feel better in trusting him. But I...
We stood together at the bottom of the drive. I felt slightly silly in just my coat and a pair of slippers. Serena had wanted me to wear trainers -- she'd said I would look cute bending over with nothing on as I tried to undo the laces. Serena looked sexy in her calf-length raincoat and a pair of court shoes. She hadn't bothered to do up any of the buttons but had simply used the belt to hold it closed. Each time I turned to look at her, I could see a wonderful amount of cleavage. I...
Given I look very human I blend in with the rest of you, therefore you wouldn't know that I'm a witch by looking at me. I eat, drink, and sleep - and when I fly I’m a passenger in a plane and not on a broom. Incidentally, I'm nearly two hundred years old. Relax! I don't look that old. In fact, I physically turned fifteen years old last July. Confused? I'd be. Now, where should I start? I guess everything stems from a Halloween Party that I attended eleven years ago. I...
My girlfriend, Serena, is fuck crazy! She can’t get enough of my cock, sucking it, licking it, sticking it up her arse, then back in her mouth, no holes barred and she lets me come anywhere I like. She’s a really small Indian girl, just over five feet, little but perfectly formed pert titties, an arse to die for, perfectly rounded and a neatly trimmed utterly lickable tight pussy. I think I might be the luckiest man alive.A few days ago she woke me by sitting on my face and giving me the most...
I still remember the first time I saw her. I was Ten years old and my family had just left our apartment in the city for a house in the suburbs. As the Movers emptied the van I found myself wandering around to the back of the House drawn by some compulsion to the rusted swing set in the back yard. As I kicked the dirt patch underfoot I felt someone was watching me. On the edge of the property was a person, she was hazy and out of focus much like someone would look from a distance on a Hot day....
I've included the conclusion of the last part, but if you haven't read the first part you really should go and read it. Also: another part to come soon. (: --- Serena stood, eyes locked on mine as she started walking towards me. "It's what I do too." She said quietly when she reached me, moving her body even closer and making it so that our chests touched and so that there was no room between us. "And you know.. after watching that video, I'm wondering if you want to...
SASSY SISTER SERENA'S EROTIC EDUCATION AND ABUSE BY 'BIG BRO' PROF POET- PETERSister Serena seeks Love Lessons as Sex Student Submission & Slavery at Big Bro Professor Poet-PeeSweet sister Serena is a yearning yummy young seductive starlet seeking sexual satisfaction in seducing 'mighty men' with her husky voice to come for her on the phone, while she has her left hand between her lustful love lips fingering fanatically 'fanny' for 'family fantasy': 'fucking father' - as long as mother is...
Serena got slowly to her feet, grinning at me. Our eyes were locked on eachother and the contact seemed so intimate even though we werent touching just yet. My best friend and soon to be lover lay back on my bed, her dark hands clutching the quilted breadspread in anticipation. I let my gaze travel across her body for several moments so that I might drink in this vision of beauty and remember it for a very long while. I watched her shiver under my inspection and finally moved towards the bed on...
Serena danced around the room her energy seemed boundless. I'd tried to exhaust her with oral sex, but I'd wasted my time. Well okay, not wasted exactly, but you know what I mean. It was late and the car would be here soon to take her to the estate. Earlier I'd removed his rings from her and replaced them with small studs. Tomorrow I'd put my rings on her and then, apart from giving her a slave name, she'd be mine. I'd felt that this was needless and melodramatic, but Serena had been...
The hotel room door clicked shut behind us. I pulled Serena to me and kissed her. I took possession of her mouth as she moaned and melted into me. I burned with my love for her, but before I could give into my lust and my love I had some things to attend to; or rather my Slave did. "I love you Slave, are you ready?" "Master, not yet. Master." Her adoption of formal speech rules signalled to me that the dance had begun. She slipped out of her dress and she was gloriously naked before...
My big sis Serena is a senior and I’m sixteen and a sophomore. I usually stay after school and participate in some of the many activities available but today I didn’t feel well and got home before she did. I was so quiet laying on my bed she didn’t realize I was there. As usual she had some guy with her who she always told Mom she was studying with. I soon heard some noises that didn’t sound like any schoolwork I knew of so I crept quietly down the hall and her door wasn’t shut. I guess she...
So it would start off in the brand new year 2018 I finally move out of California with my lovely wife, Krystal Marie Bearden Willis, and where on our way leaving in a private jet with her mother Melissa McCarthy, and her mother Serena Sutherland, and even her Mother, so thats Krystals great grandmother Paula Dean. An here we are all packed up and riding on Paula & Serena's Private Jet headed back to Texas where Krystal and I are going to be living in a luxurious mansion by both her gran and...
Serena, come gia accennato nelle altre storie, mi aveva sempre detto che non mi avrebbe mai e poi mai fatto un pompino.Perchè?perche non le piaceva, le faceva schifo...ok, pur di stare con lei lo accettavo compenso ero completamente dominato da lei, eseguivo ogni suo ordine/voglia come uno schiavo.mi piaceva da morire.una sera d' inverno,eravamo d' accordo che come sempre dovevo andare a prenderla a casa.destinazione discoteca.verso le 19.30 mi scrive:cambio programma, ci troviamo...
I’m 18 years old and I really can look after myself but my mum insisted I went and stayed with some neighbours while she was away for a few days.Mind you I didn’t mind as it was with Auntie Serena and Uncle Mark. They weren’t really my aunt and uncle but as they were the same age as my parents I was bought up to call them auntie and uncle.You see Serena was very attractive, and had gorgeous kissable lips and always wore a deep red lipstick. Whenever she spoke to me I found myself looking at her...
By the time we arrived home it was late evening. I got out before Sylvie did and took Serena's coat from her. Sylvie opened the door and I draped the coat around Serena's shoulders before we walked to the front door. It was still only mid-afternoon but I felt shattered. I took the keys from the coat pocket and opened the door; Serena shed her coat and stepped across the threshold. "Darling, you look worn out. This has been very tiring for you, hasn't it?" "I don't know why though,...
I am Serena, a happily married woman. I must have been in my late 30s when I got a job in the office of a local printers. In the office was the wife of the owner and their 18 year old son Marc who was waiting to go to university. In the factory there were about 15 men. I had been married to Mark for about 15 years and always been faithful to himl. In those days I was a smoker and in the coffee breaks and lunch times I would take my coffee and go into a back yard and have a smoke. I had only...
(In a previous story I introduced Serena and made mention of an incident that happened while she was on vacation at the beach. Several people have asked me to relate that story. I'm sorry its taken so long to get to it. I finished rubbing the oil over my legs and stretched out on my blanket. I had lowered the canvas chair, adjusting it to the point where it supported only my upper body. I wiped my hands clean on a towel, picked up my book and slipped my sunglasses back on. The sun felt...
Swiss College - Ordinary Morning What was this? In the middle of a happy, sexy dream... what is this feeling? Jeanne snuggled closer to Aisha's warm back and tried to go back to sleep. She slipped back into soft, silky sleep clouds for a few seconds but the feeling was back again. Not unpleasant, but very clear. There was no way to deny reality; it was time to wake up. She slowly opened one eye and looked at the clock. The wooden clock, a 19th century piece from Germany that fit in well with...
Scott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
HardcoreScott and Carol are an ordinary couple living in an ordinary middle class community on an ordinary street and in an ordinary house. Carol is an ordinary housewife and Scott is an ordinary nine to five vice-president at mostly ordinary advertising agency. He goes to work from Monday through Friday and Carol spends her time watching Oprah and soap operas. Their sex life has been ordinary as well but that is about to change. Actually, it has been Carol who has felt a slow but persistent change...
My name is Serena. I guess you could say that I’m a good girl, I have just turned 18 and I have maintained honor roll throughout high school. I even still have a few faint freckles. I believe in modesty, but I’m nowhere near, a prude. I have always been able to make friends with guys easier than I have girls. I have a pretty amazing sex-life with my boyfriend, Cole, but my sexual urges to be dominated haven’t necessarily been mentioned to him. I’m 5’2′ inches tall with fair skin with a sort...
Look, I know I'm not supposed to pick up hitchers. It's not smart for me, and it's not smart for the hiker. But it was a rainy afternoon, and the guy up the road looked really dejected. He was somewhat small anyway, and his shoulders slumped over as he slogged through the mud. All alone in the half-dark like that, he reminded me of my cat when I had rescued him as a stray from a sudden downpour. The kid had a yellow poncho on and wasn't carrying any bag or even a gas can. I supposed he was...
Karen was reading the magazine a little too intently as she waited outside his office. She was not alone in the waiting area, sharing it as she was with an older lady who looked like she was about to cry at any moment and a teenage boy who kept up a constant rambling conversation with himself. If it was simply their presence that made her nervous she would not have felt so churned up inside but, truth be told, she was far more concerned that things had gotten to this stage at all. She’d always...
The ad plays on the tv for the fourth time since I sat down in front the tv. It's like the satellite is trying to tell me something. I have been considering getting a few tickets for the last couple months. I want to take my sister out to that new resort, which she has been longing to go to. Chelsea has been more helpful to me the last year than I can begin to describe. When I got t-boned by a semi, she left college, moved in with me, and took care of me. I got a huge...
So it would start that you come all the way, from Texas to bring me back, an to be your husband, we're sitting in a McDonald's eating, and you tell me "Well for one Mr. Willis, all of us in the lone star state absolutely love your music and your type of entertainment, and I was wondering if I could persuade you of coming back to Texas with me, and letting me help you start your record label on a bigger platoe." I say "Well I love the West Coast, I'm born and raised in San Jose, I don't know if...
I was absolutely right. She did fit right in my lap. I thought she would, so that wasn't a surprise. What was a surprise though was that she seemed to be a mighty aggressive woman who was both femme and barely five feet tall. Her name was Nan. I had met her after a concert by the city's Symphony Orchestra, where she occupied the position of first flute. I had enjoyed a solo performance she had done as well as meeting her after the concert and having a very pleasant chat. It was only after I...
Im matt 35 year old business man, i work in the city (ill keep my location private) and travelled there daily on our wonderful public transport system. I would catch the same train there and the same train back everyday, monday to friday, without fail. Now those of you who catch a train will know that its often difficult to find a seat or even enough space to stand so the occasional brush of my cock by some female stranger is a guarantee so ill stomach the horrific public transport this...
I was still in a bit of a daze as I followed Diana out of Becky The Brown's office and through the University halls to visit Gladys The Grey. "So what exactly is it that you all do here?" I asked the elusive Diana."You mean Ms. Becky didn't even tell you?" Diana sighed. "Typical. She was in such a hurry to smother you in soggy snatch sauce that she didn't even get to the job description. It's not my place to tell you about things, but I can say that it's important work. You should join with us,...
‘Your love scenes just aren’t up to much,’ said the director. It hit her in her stomach like a red hot burning arrow. ‘Maybe you just need a break, Katie,’ he said gently, knowing that an actress’ confidence is integral to her performance, and if he ruined her confidence, his film would be in tatters. ‘We have had a fairly strenuous filming schedule. Take a week off – relax, don’t do anything stressful. Then come back and we’ll try again.’ On the way home in the limousine, she was on the...
Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. My friend Rafael in Brazil suggested I try doing some stories set in the Marvel Comic Universe instead of just DC. Here is the first effort. Usual requests, please enjoy, and please let me know what you think. Thanks Steve Using the X-Men Comic Title Literally - Ex-Men Banshee and Jean Grey by...
DAWN -- MONDAY, MAY 24, 2004, SUMMER BREAK -- "Morning, Mom," I greeted as I walked into the kitchen. Mom was already seated at the breakfast nook table, sipping coffee and looking over the newspaper. "You're up early," she commented. "I would have thought you'd be sleeping in now that school's out." "Yeah, well somebody gets kind of horny in the mornings," I grumbled, rolling my eyes upstairs to where my boyfriend had fallen asleep again after re-filling me with his cum. Mom...
I switched off the news. I’d seen enough; it was time to go. I might have waited too long. The thing was, I loved the life I was leading and I didn’t want to leave everything behind. I looked around my luxury condo, taking everything in for the last time. This whole world was about to end and I already knew how much I was going to miss it. I had painstakingly selected every piece of furniture. Every decorative item was perfectly placed. Buying the kitchen alone had taken more than a month and...
My vignette: OSL: Elyse is a prerequisite for this chapter. If you have not read OSL: Elyse, stop reading now and go back to read that vignette. Otherwise this chapter won't make much sense. ELYSE -- JULY 2003 -- It wasn't raining. Aren't funerals supposed to be held under gray clouds and damp air? Every time I thought about a funeral, I imagined people huddled under black umbrellas wearing black clothing while forlornly watching the casket being lowered into the ground. And always it...
One Friday evening shortly after Serena's sixteenth birthday her mommy and daddy were sitting in the living room after she went to her room to watch TV. When Serena left the room her daddy, David put one of his adult movies in the vcr and began to watch it with Lilliana, his wife. He began to get horny watching the sexual action on the screen, and started to play around with his wife, Lilliana. Although she usually got very turned on by his caresses, tonight she wasn't feeling very...
-- MONDAY, JANUARY 16, 2006, WINTER BREAK -- I awoke early... really early. It was not yet sunrise, and all the lights were off in the room. But we were only a day or two past the full moon, and silvery beams of light peering through the cracks around the window curtains gave me enough illumination to make out the features of my bedroom. I found myself in a familiar position: spooned behind a warm female with my left arm beneath her pillow and my right arm wrapped around her body. My...
Hi readers, this is the first sex story I have ever written. So please be kind and let me know how you like it. Your comments will make me a better writer. Before I start this story, a brief description about me. My name is Nikita. I am 26 years old, single and independent girl. My friends always say how cute I look but what they don’t know is how much I love sex. I am 5’3″ tall and I weigh 54 kg. I have a fair complexion, shoulder length brown hairs (coloured), pink lips, and I am slightly...
David Jones stood atop Cefn Bryn, one of the higher points on the Gower Peninsula. It was early spring, or late winter, depending on how you wanted to look at it, and the air was unusually clear for the season. The twenty-or-so houses and pastures that made up Nicholaston spread out at the bottom of the hill, about a hundred feet down, and pressed up against the small cliffs overlooking the bay. Out beyond the bay, ghosting over the dark green Atlantic waters, he could make out a bit of...
-- JANUARY 2005, JUNIOR YEAR -- "You're kidding." I think I felt my jaw hit the ground. Dawn chuckled, covering her mouth with a hand while her eyes twinkled. "After all that?" Bert just shrugged. "Chevelle dropped the program. If it's any consolation, I went up and asked her point-blank if it had anything to do with you. She said it wasn't. She'd just decided for herself that Business wasn't her career path." I rubbed my forehead. Dawn was right. After all THAT. I could have...
(episode 17)After I finished writing and posting, “The Ménage-A-Trois,” I began to reminisce about all of the great times my friends and I had my last 2 years of college living in that rental house that we had restored in exchange for free rent. It was perhaps the most memorable 2 year period ever for me. It began with that friends-with-benefits period that lasted a few months peaking out during Fall semester of 2006 of my Junior year at the University of Georgia.Chip and Vic, my two best...
College SexBEN FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 2004, SOPHOMORE YEAR I breathed shallowly while forcing myself not to panic. If Dawn was in trouble, she would have either said so in her text, or the text itself would have been much shorter. Still, she said to hurry so I was walking pretty fast. Dawn's apartment was only a couple of blocks away and it didn't take me long to get there. I was about to knock when I realized the front door was cracked open just a bit. The sense of panic set in again. Something was...
Ordinary Joe - A Beginning Anna Feie I was just an "ordinary joe" when this all began over a decade ago. That Wednesday so many years ago enabled me to change my life forever. Curiously, I never had the urge to think about being a woman before that fateful day. The day that I won 219 million dollars in the lottery, I was looking at 138 million dollars after taxes to be paid to me over a 30-year period or just take the cash option of 112 million. Guess what I did, I took the cash...