A Scarred Wonderland
- 2 years ago
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We stood together at the bottom of the drive. I felt slightly silly in just my coat and a pair of slippers. Serena had wanted me to wear trainers -- she'd said I would look cute bending over with nothing on as I tried to undo the laces. Serena looked sexy in her calf-length raincoat and a pair of court shoes. She hadn't bothered to do up any of the buttons but had simply used the belt to hold it closed. Each time I turned to look at her, I could see a wonderful amount of cleavage. I pondered this; why was I turned on by this display, when in a few minutes we would be naked and I would see much more of her?
The car making its all but silent arrival interrupted my train of thought. We waited for Sylvie to open the door for us. Serena turned to me.
"Strip now, David, and get in the car and kneel."
I slipped out of my footwear and I shrugged off my coat. Even though I can't have been exposed for more than a second, it felt like hours at least. In my haste I almost sat on the seat, but remembered Serena's last instruction and knelt in the way that I had practiced earlier. My pulse was as fast as if I had run a five-minute mile and I concentrated on breathing slowly, lest I faint from hyperventilation. Serena followed me into the car in a much more leisurely fashion; her position mirrored mine and she smiled gently in encouragement.
The limousine started away with a barely perceptible jerk. I stared at Serena's gently swaying breasts. This was not the most sensible thing to do if I was trying to stay flaccid. I realised this as I felt myself start to harden. Serena was no help as she licked her lips and leered at my erection. I closed my eyes and tried to think of something mundane. Unfortunately each activity that I considered seemed to be invaded by the remembered sensation of a pair of lips and a tongue. All too soon I felt the turning that heralded the final few hundred yards along the drive up to the mansion.
I felt myself blush crimson as I realised that I would be meeting my fiancée's mother naked and with an erection! I opened my eyes as we drew to a halt and Serena grinned mischievously. I swear that she was telepathic. I groaned inaudibly as I glanced out and saw Serena's mother waiting for us. I thanked whatever Gods were listening just then, for the absence of Jack. We waited with varying degrees of impatience and trepidation for Sylvie to open the doors of the limousine.
I felt a breeze as the door opened behind me and I slid carefully out of the car. Serena must have had soles of iron, as the gravel seemed to be tearing my feet to shreds. I swayed as I tried to find a position that didn't hurt my feet. The pain distracted me for a while so it was an embarrassing surprise when I looked up and saw that Serena and her mother had come from around the other side of the car. Salome stared frankly at my erection.
"I can see why you don't want to let this one go."
"Since David is finding the gravel a bit uncomfortable shall we adjourn to the grass?"
We all made our way to the grass where Serena knelt gracefully, extending her head forward while holding her hair away with both hands. Salome indicated that I should kneel also. Taking one of the collars that she held, she buckled it onto her daughter and checked it for tightness. I leant forward and lifted my chin expecting her to do the same. She shook her head.
"Oh no, I won't be collaring you. That is only done by your Mistress," she stroked her daughter's hair. "Or your Master, should you ever have one."
She signalled to her daughter, who regained her feet and walked to stand in front of me. I was still staring at her feet when I felt her hand underneath my chin as she raised my head to look into my eyes. Her mother handed her the remaining collar, which she took and placed around my neck. Before she buckled it, she spoke to me -- asking me the questions that we had discussed at various times the previous week.
"Do you willingly submit to me for as long as I shall deem necessary?"
"I do."
"Will you do your utmost to obey me in all things?"
"I will."
"Do you accept punishment as the consequence for being unable to do my will?"
"I shall."
"Will you love, honour and obey me?" She winked at me as she ad-libbed a parody of the wedding service from the Book of Common Prayer.
"I do."
I tried to show her with my eyes and my demeanour that I was serious about marrying her; whatever the circumstances. She started to tear up a little as she realised what I had said.
"Will you accept this collar as a token of the vows that you have just taken?"
"I will."
With that she buckled the collar tight. Even for someone as used to wearing ties as the average British office worker, the collar was different again. I waited as she checked the fit. My breathing was not affected, but each time I swallowed I felt the restriction of the collar. It was an ever-present reminder of my servitude. Serena bent down and kissed me. She had kissed me many times before but for some reason this kiss was different; I felt owned. She stopped kissing me and signalled that I should rise.
"Well done, David." I smiled at the praise. "Now, some rules: firstly, do not speak unless you are asked to respond. Second, I am 'Mistress Jane', or 'Mistress'. Third, apart from 'Yes, Mistress' or 'No Mistress' the first and last word from you should be 'Mistress'. Finally, I want you sexually aroused at all times in my presence, unless I tell you otherwise - but you may not cum unless you are given permission." She looked at me, as I digested the weight of her words. "Do you understand?"
"Yes, Mistress."
She stared at my erection, which had started to flag a little. I followed the direction of her gaze and I blushed as I realised that I would have to do something about it in front of her mother. I started to move my hand and then I realised that I didn't know if I should ask permission. I looked pleadingly at my Mistress.
"Would you like to ask a question, David?"
"Mistress, may I use my hand?" I paused and then I remembered the third rule. "Mistress."
She smirked at my obvious lapse, but she seemed disposed to let it go this once. "Yes, David, you may use your hand to wank for me."
I flushed bright red at her choice of words, but bit my tongue and started to stroke my rapidly declining erection. I'd thought that arriving with a hard-on was the ultimate in embarrassment. I discovered that masturbating in front of your future mother-in-law ranks up there in the stratosphere, along with farting loudly in church and that sort of thing. I was perversely turned-on and in no time my erection was as hard as it had ever been. In an effort to take my mind off things, I stared at my Mistress's crotch and was profoundly pleased to discover that she was as aroused as I was.
"I think that's enough for now. We don't want you to break rule four so early in the proceedings, do we?"
Rule four? What was rule four? I replayed her first instructions in my mind, '... you may not cum unless you are given permission.' I let go of myself as if I had been scalded. I groaned as I felt that terrible weakness that pervades you just as you are about to ejaculate. I believed that I could actually feel the fluid entering the base of my penis. I watched in horrified fascination as it twitched in time with the beating of my heart. Slowly, oh so slowly I felt myself retreat from the precipice as I moaned in frustration. Serena, I caught myself, Mistress Jane watched this performance with a wicked smile.
"Now that you've cooled down I think we can go inside."
She leant forward and gently grasped my cock and started to lead me towards the house. I heard Salome chuckle as I attempted not to place my full weight on my feet in a vain effort to reduce the pain of the sharp gravel.
"Just try and walk normally. It's a lot less painful in the long run."
I did as she suggested and discovered that she was correct; I reflected that my feet were likely to be getting a lot tougher in the next few weeks. I wondered what would happen next, but the constant light tugging kept derailing my thoughts as my new Mistress led me through the house towards the next part of my training.
We arrived at a door labelled 'Supplies'. Serena let go of me and bade me stay and none too soon. My arousal level was dangerously high and it had been all too likely that I would have broken rule four in a humiliating fashion. I waited impassively as she opened the door to reveal a small cupboard full of various odd pieces of leather, some of which I recognised and others that I could fathom no use for. Serena, I caught myself again - this was much harder than I thought it would be - Mistress Jane selected several things and then closed the door.
"Close your eyes."
I did so and then felt something substantial wrapped around my head. Instinctively I tried to open my eyes and realised that I couldn't; a soft sponginess kept my eyelids closed. I felt something being wrapped around each of my wrists.
"Hands behind your back."
Again, I hurried to do as I was told. I heard a faint click and my hands were now all but useless -- trapped behind me. I struggled a little when I realised what had been done, then I felt Mistress' breath on my ear as she whispered calmingly to me.
"Shh. It's all right. I love you. No harm will come to you, relax."
I felt the incipient panic recede as she continued to croon in my ear and rub my shoulders gently. When she felt that I had calmed sufficiently she stopped and I felt the wrapping sensation around each ankle. I diverted myself by trying to imagine what I looked like. The vision of a naked slave collared, cuffed and blindfolded brought a surge of arousal and I moaned in frustration as I realised that I couldn't cum without permission. Although tied as I was, there was nothing I could do about it anyway. I wondered how long this would continue.
"Oh! You look so hot, my darling Slave." I felt a burst of pleasure; my Mistress was pleased with me! Then I felt her hand tugging on my cock again and I moaned again as the feelings started to build. She let go.
"Obviously rule four will be a problem for you, so you have permission to warn me if you are about to cum." There was a pause, "Just say 'Mistress' and I will understand. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Mistress."
She grasped me again and our strange procession continued. Occasionally I heard comments.
"Way to go Sofia!"
"He's a hot one."
"Can I have him when you've finished with him?"
I felt my face burning, but strangely, I knew that had I not been blindfolded I would have found the comments much harder to bear. When I realised this I felt humbled by the depth of understanding that she had displayed in blindfolding me in the first place. Then I realised that if I wasn't careful I was going to cum.
I felt the air, cooling the slight moisture that had gathered from my Mistress' hand on me. In another burst of understanding I realised that this was probably harder on her than on me; at least all I had to do was do as I was told. I resolved there and then to do the best that I could for her, not to shirk anything.
"Shall we continue?"
"Yes, Mistress."
I felt her hand again, for the first time it seemed different, proprietorial. I wondered at myself, but I couldn't shake the feeling, nor could I deny how arousing it felt to be at her mercy. Just as I was beginning to think that I would have to alert my Mistress once more to my imminent release, she let go of me. Unfortunately, I took a half step after she had let go and I collided with her hip. The feel of her bare skin on mine was almost too much in my heightened state and I gasped at the sudden contact. I tried to step back and almost tripped. I felt her hands on my shoulders steadying me. She kissed me on the tip of my nose and spoke to me warmly.
"You're doing very well." She giggled, "For a beginner. But don't worry, I'll make a proper slave of you yet." I heard a door opening and she led me into a room. I felt my wrists being unlinked and I worked my shoulders to ease the ache that had I had begun to feel there. "There's a bed in front of you, about four paces. I want you to walk forward until you feel the edge of the bed on your knees. The head of the bed is on your right. When you reach the bed I want you to lie on it on your back with your arms and legs spread as widely as you can manage. Is that clear?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Off you go then."
I hesitated to take the first step into the blackness. SMACK! SMACK! I heard, then felt two swift hand-spanks to each bottom cheek. I blushed at the childishness of it and almost involuntarily I took that first tentative step. I berated myself for hesitating, she wasn't about to let me injure myself; she loved me. Blind people did this all the time for crying out loud. I tried to make the next two steps more confidently. On the fourth step I was careful to expect the touch of something and was rewarded by the feel of bedclothes at about knee-level. I stood with both legs touching the bed and leant forward until I felt the bed with both my hands. I tried to gauge the width and decided that it was a double bed or larger. I crawled onto the bed and arranged myself as I had been told.
"Well done, eventually." I was unreasonably pleased with the compliment and also upset that I had disappointed her even slightly. Why was I feeling like this? All week long, Serena had been trying to tell me how she felt and I thought I had understood. Now I was actually experiencing it for myself - if only for such a short while - and the feelings were already starting to overwhelm me. The gentle tug on my right ankle alerted me that I was being bound spread-eagled to the bed. I felt hands behind my head and the blindfold was removed. I kept my eyes closed. She kissed them.
"Very well done. You remembered." I could hear the genuine pride in her voice and my heart soared, I had pleased her greatly. "You may open your eyes now."
I opened them to see her face inches from mine, alight with love. I yearned to tell how I felt, but she had forbidden me my voice. It was so unfair, I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and she wouldn't let me! I couldn't even touch her; how could she do this to me? I saw my feelings reflected in her face and her words from last week came back to me, 'You're going to feel exposed and helpless and you will hate me.' Oh God, I almost had and we hadn't been doing this for more than an hour. Feeling so helpless I started to cry and once I started I couldn't stop. She held me then and crooned words of love and caring as I sobbed wordlessly.
Eventually the storm subsided. I was about to speak when she placed a finger on my lips and I remembered rule one. I had gone limp as I cried and she looked at me significantly as she fondled me.
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"Don't you love Christmas?" My best friend, Maggie exclaimed. "Maggie. We went over this.""No, we didn't.""We did. Suit yourself Maggie."It was December 5th, and Maggie was begging me to go Christmas shopping with her. I hate Christmas, and always have. While other kids were wolfing down marshmallows and hot chocolate, I would go to a secluded hill and ski the day away. After 13 horrible years, the memory of my dad's death lingered fresh in my mind. The scar on my stomach served a reminder....
Love StoriesWith winter finally upon up, my husband and I wanted to take advantage of the beautiful weather and have a ski weekend. We found a resort that had executive cabins, doting more privacy, luxurious, fireplaces, hot tubs, etc. I convinced my longtime friend Dan to come along, pooling our money to rent the cabin, saying it’d give me a chance to get to know his girlfriend Katy better. She’s kind of a prissy pain in the ass so I was trying to put forth some effort. The trip was finally upon us. We...
Group SexIt's snowing outside. The coldness clings to the window as she watches the snow fall to the ground. Her warm breath fogs the window disrupting the reflection it makes of him behind her as he walks to her slowly. The closer he gets the warmer her breath. Wishing he would hug her around her waist, she raises her hand to the window pane leaving her waist a defenceless target. He strides to her in measured paces. Arriving behind her, he watches her dark raven hair cascading down her shoulders in...
First TimeThe moon in the inky black sky was a full round slivery glow making the snow on the ground glisten like the diamond mines of Russia. The cold air nipped at the skin on my face and hands, the only parts of my body uncovered by the soft clothing adorning me. The trees surrounding me stood tall and soft snow flakes floated down from the heavens above. The park looked like the scene from a Christmas card; so serene and peaceful, the only noise coming from my boots taking slow steps through the...
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Chapter 1 knock knock knock "Comiiiiiiinnngg!" I here you yell from inside, "soon enough my dear, soon enough" I whisper under my breath, with a grin from ear to ear. "Hello, oh, Megan hi, what a surprise, what are you doing here?" you say after opening the door, stepping out to give me a big warm hug. "Well, it's such a nice day, I was just thinking, maybe we could stop at the park, have a little something to eat" I gesture to the picnic basket I have in my right hand. "Well, I...
He stood in the kitchen looking out the window at the large snow flakes falling upon the already covered back yard. The trees were coated and looked like those one might see on a Currier and Ives Christmas card. They had been calling for snow and it must have started during the night to have this much on the ground. As he took a sip from his coffee cup he was glad to be inside with nothing to do today. He had already started a fire in both fire places and was well fixed for wood with two...
The timing for my trip to Cloudrest proved inspired. The rest of October turned nasty. Sleet and freezing rain do not make for good driving, but boating is even worse. November brought stormy weather, followed by a brief warm spell. At my suggestion, a set of cameras were stationed on Cloudrest's hilltop, giving 24-hour video coverage of things like the main house, the Woodshop and a set of weather instruments. Vivian wrote a program to track and time-stamp the temperature, humidity,...
"We need to borrow the Clarke's mess for the afternoon," Lieutenant Payne had advised Toddy about halfway through the forenoon watch. He didn't really ask, but merely clapped the hapless ship's captain on the shoulder and nodded, "Thanks." He had then disappeared down the corridor. Which explained why the entire Sciences Division, sponsors and concubines both, were now assembled in the ship's mess, sipping on coffee and tea and, in one concubine's case, a bottle of orange Nehi. On...
Anniversary Trip (II) - Sex Slave StripperThis is the second installment of our trip to Las Vegas on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary. See the story "Tenth Wedding Anniversary" for the first part of the story. By the time we arrived in Vegas, it was very late, almost midnight. We were both too tired to do anything but check into our hotel, get a late snack in one of the open restaurants in the hotel and go to bed.At 8:00 AM, I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. Paula is usually...
Mera naam v.Singh hai ye baat hai 27dec 2012 ki mere yaha ek ladki hai jiska naam tripti singh(priti) uski height 5feet3inch hai kamar28 aur gaand32aur chuchi26 hai mere hi khandan ki ladki hai wo dekhne me bahut hi sundar aur sexy hai usko jo ek baar dekh le uska use chodne ka hi mann kare main bhi usko chodne ke liye bahut dine pichhe padda tha jaisa ki main bata du main gaon me mobile me koi dikkat aa jaye to usko main thik kar deta aur usne naya mobile kharida usko mobile chalana nahi aata...
I would like to share and tell you all about my trip tonight to a stripclub. It all started when I left the local bar after having a few drinks and hanging out with some co-workers. I then decided to go to the nearest stripclub, lucky for me I had a free-pass for the place in question :). I went in bought a beer and checked out the "dancers" I am ass and titty type of girl. After like a half hour of looking around and listening to the music I was approached by a "dancer" who called herself...
by Oediplex 8==3~ Based on an il-lust-ration by Pandora's Box, If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustrated. Lena was unhappy, Lena was in heat. Lena had a husband, she hadn't had sex in two weeks. Lena hadn't seen her husband in that time because of a business trip, now he had called to say he had to stay a few extra days, unexpectedly. They had a good boy, Jeff; they...
by Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (Incest, F/m mother & son) If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustrated. Lena was unhappy, Lena was in heat. Lena had a husband, she hadn’t had sex in two weeks. Lena hadn’t seen her husband in that time because of a business trip, now he had called to say...
Special thanks to Phil Gorman 2014 for his expertise in re-editing and proofing. I have always enjoyed helping people and being a candy striper at the hospital gives me an opportunity to do just that. It all started nearly two years ago when mom and I visited one of my aunts who had an operation. I saw a number of young candy stripers assisting a group of young patients. Mom told me that, at fourteen, I was too young to volunteer. Being persistent, I manage to get an application and a booklet...
The young, blonde, Charlotte was wearing the brand spanking new pink striped above the knee dress worn by all the candy stripers in the hospital. However, Charlotta had washed it in hot water and it had shrunk prominently now showing her visible panty line. Doctor R. Robin Shepherd, the ‘R’ stood for Robin. She told Charlotta to now call her as the newest member of the hospital staff, Robin. The pretty blond with long hair, now twenty-three became the hospital’s newest candy...
New Candy Striper By Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The reason is obscure, the guilt very real, the urge undeniable. I had no way to stop myself from getting dressed up in mothers clothes once that urge hit me. Unstoppable, like a freight train, it compelled me to do it, but with each encounter I had with those clothes, I just had to go a bit further. First it was just a dress. Then it was a bra. Panties followed that, and now, well, I'm using makeup now. Every time I...
Apparently nobody found it necessary to explain, why they had to return to the ship all of a sudden. Captain Archer's frequent evasions of a straight answer told her that they wouldn't like it. -=/\=- After almost three hours of meditation T'Pol found herself back in Paxton's Prison holding baby Elizabeth. One of Paxton's guards pointed a phase pistol at her head. Suddenly the door was opened and a guard shoved in Trip's beaten up body. Blood ran down his face. "I should have known...
Chapter 01: The Journey is The Reward.My name is Tom. This summer my Mom (41) and Dad (46) took me to a trip to Europe for my 18th birthday. I wanted to visit Europe for a long time, so my parents knew how much it meant to me. Although I wasn't thrilled that they bought three tickets. I wanted to go alone. Spending the summer with my parents didn't sound all that exciting. But they bought the tickets... and it was still a trip to Europe, so I couldn't say no to that.Although, the timing of the...
Chapter one The old airstrip behind our neighbourhood was such a lovely place to exercise. I always loved skating on my in-liners, but after moving here it has become almost an obsession. The asphalt of the strip has held up nicely since it was closed down for airtraffic, giving me a very smooth surface - which by incident I have all to myself. The strip runs smoothly uphill from where I go onto it, and setting a hard speed uphill for a mile and a half gives me a nice sweat. Going downhill is...
"We all witnessed, what happened yesterday. I'm afraid we will have to face some consequences," the captain opened the morning briefing. "But first things first. T'Pol, how are you and Trip?" "Doctor Phlox has sedated the Commander. He did not have much rest last night. The same is true for me. Vulcans can function for several days without sleep, but my emotional control is still ... unstable. I wish to ask for a day off-duty. I need to attend a task on the surface and spend the day...
Chapter 01: The Journey is The RewardMy name is Tom. This summer my Mom (41) and Dad (46) took me to a trip to Europe for my 18th birthday. I wanted to visit Europe for a long time, so my parents knew how much it meant to me. Although I wasn't thrilled that they bought three tickets. I wanted to go alone. Spending the summer with my parents didn't sound all that exciting. But they bought the tickets... and it was still a trip to Europe, so I couldn't say no to that.Although, the timing of the...
The small group of people, which to Charles' amazement consisted of three different species, entered the living room, where Martin Garret was waiting. "Can I get you some drinks?" Catherine asked their visitors. "Water will suffice," Soval answered and Charles got the distinct impression that, while the Vulcan didn't really need any, he seemed to want to give her something to do. Somehow the Vulcan ambassador in his living room didn't quite match the image of the ice-cool,...
Training TripletsChapter 1 IntroductionIt was a mild Monday morning in November when Racheal and her slave/assistant Jasmine went to visit Mr. & Mrs. Schwartz at their hotel in downtown Miami to discuss the training of the triplets they had found to become proper slaves. The Schwartz’s were recommended by her lawyer, who was in the scene. They were a very private couple who had amassed a large fortune by buying companies and selling them for huge profits. They were in the lifestyle and she...