In Wonderland free porn video

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A tip of the hat to the brilliant IronicLaconic, whose help with proofing this proved indispensable.


Our apartment is perennially scented with a tinge of tiger lilies. Not from a plush bouquet of flowers – the pollen would have driven me insane, but from the Diptyque candles I’ve been habitually planting in his place ever since I moved in. And as I let myself back into our home, the scent mingles with that of a fresh breeze from an open window.

The house smells and feels empty.

I kick off my high heels. Black pointy pumps, last season’s Prada. On any other woman the heels would’ve looked ordinary enough, if not a little posh and expensive. But on my feet – an exquisitely dainty size 4, with an equally fetching set of legs to go with – they look fucking fantastic.

No, I’m not being conceited. Quite the contrary, for that matter. The women who notice my petite feet tend to first coo about how cute my shoes are (anything looks adorable at that size, even if it’s a pair of white Converses), and later lament about how broad theirs are and how it makes for pumps being an absolute hell.

The men, however, react rather differently. Their reactions can vary from a dismissive glance to a full-on double take, ending in either a comment along the lines of ‘wow, your feet are really small,’ to an exclamation-filled side-by-side comparison. ‘You’re a four? Jesus, that’s less than half my size’ (suddenly basic arithmetic is a topic of fascination), then we line our feet up together, gasp gasp laugh laugh. And that’s when I see it. It’s a mere spark of interest, more intrigue than full-on lust, but it’s the single thread of electric that will get the magnet going.

Sometimes men aren’t the most subtle creatures. A part of me thinks that they’ll enjoy anything petite and dainty, anything smaller than them. But I’ve learnt enough about men to know that no two are ever alike, or even remotely close.

I digress.

Shoes off, bare feet cool on the floor, I pad into the study where a broad wooden desk holds four colossal computer screens – two iMacs and two prototype organic screens, accompanied by a stack of hardcover books and a framed photo of us. This is his sanctum, the solitary pod of mystique and maverick that he retreats into every day. To this day I maintain that it’s physically impossible for anyone to focus on four screens at once, but it’s his nightly routine as a means to relax from work.

I start fishing out some papers from my briefcase, intending to file them into a cabinet tucked away in my corner of the room. I’ve barely gotten around to doing it when I hear a cheery chirrup from one of the computers.

i’m not the prying type, and the nature of his work has nipped my past curiosities in the bud. Choosing to ignore the alert, I’m about to resume with my work when the electronic trill rings out again. Probably a message of some sort, I think, but I’m quickly proven wrong when the computer starts chirping rhythmically, as though waiting for me to come over and silence it.

With hesitant steps I edge over towards his seat to get a look at the screens. The screens are black but the sound is still chiming out at a static rhythm. Weird. I’m unsure of what to do, which isn’t really in my nature. The alarm-like ringing in the room doesn’t help and I can feel myself becoming increasingly bewildered.

I mean, I can’t just touch his computer…Jesus, the first time I’d done that, three months into our relationship…I give a little shudder at the thought of it. I’d been so naive, having thought myself immensely clever, and stumbled onto a labyrinth I wasn’t meant to navigate. I’d broken through most of the firewalls and encryptions with a cup of tea in hand (lavender chamomile in my favorite Van Gogh mug), and a cat-got-the-cream smile on my face. All done in my jammies, too.

Please, it’s not as if I was to know that what I did was a federal offense. And to be fair, when your boyfriend calls you on the phone, hissing like a madman to ‘get away from the computer, get away from the computer’, any sane person’s reaction would be to treat it as a prank. I know I did. Wasn’t one of my better judgement calls.

I won’t make the same mistake again. Looking at the computer makes my heart start to race, but almost immediately I decide that it would be best to pretend I’d never heard the computer in the first place. And if it really happens to be an urgent matter, one of life and death, I would be totally exonerated of all responsibilities, no matter what they may be. With a sigh I’m about to move away from his desk when the words write themselves in a minimalist white font dead center on the black screen.


I start a little at the sight of that phrase. It can’t be.

This message is meant for me. For a minute I stand there staring down at the computers, arms akimbo, trepidation keeping me rooted to the spot. I re-read and re-read and re-read those two words until I can think no more.

This is real. He wants me to do this.

Gingerly, I reach out and touch the Herman Miller chair, giving it an experimental stroke, feeling like a child who’s just been allowed to touch her newborn baby brother. This is it. This is the throne he has never shared with anyone, not even with me…and now he’s sent me an open invite.

I won’t lie, I’m a little afraid, but it’s a good kind of scared. It’s the same kind of fear that creeps on my skin whenever I’m on my tiptoes, peering over the edge of a tall balcony. It’s the same kind of fear I had when I was trying out for the MIT chess team (daunting enough for an adult, completely terrifying for a fourteen year old).

The same kind of scared I was the first time I found myself alone in a bedroom with him.

The best kind of fear.

Breathing in deeply, I settle myself into the plush chair and swivel myself into position, pulling myself up to the desk. I’ve seen him work at this desk enough times to know better than to look for the keyboard and the mouse. All I need to do is hover my hands over the table in front of the screen, like I’m waiting to play the piano. Flex all my fingers, starting from the pinky to thumb, to activate the positioning system.

The laser keyboard flickers to life, glowing white against the dark ebony of the desk.

An almost inaudible electronic whine starts, only discernible because of how quiet the room is. The processors are kicking in, networks are opening up, programs are running themselves. My surprise is about to unfold itself before me.

The words disappear, replaced by a thin white progress bar on the screen. As soon as it finishes loading, the following message pops up.


The question isn’t quite what I expected. We know each other well enough, and truthfully I was anticipating something along the lines of a dynamic Gorrelinium fractal for me to solve. I lean back into the chair, cross my arms and frown at the screen, running a list of possibilities through my head. Notice anything new? How about the fact that I’m touching his computer, for instance?

There’s the obvious, which calls for me to examine the room for clues. Immediately opposite his desk is my smaller glass-topped one, set to face his. The only things on it right now are two holders full of watercolor pens and white markers, and the desk doesn’t have any drawer space to conceal anything.

Shelves run throughout the length of the wall to my right, bearing a trove of ancient tomes that we acquired as a joint collection. Red, brown and dark blue leather with their titles embossed on the spines in a fading gold ink. Mostly in French and English for me, Latin and Germanic for him.

I squint at the books, pondering the possibility that a clue has been slipped into the zoo of papers. Statistically probable, but it doesn’t sit well with me. That smug little bastard likes hiding things in plain sight, challeng
ing the nature of one’s skills of observation. It took me forever to notice that my favorite mug wasn’t actually my original favorite mug (he said that replacing it without me knowing was like eating watermelon on a summer’s day. Never quite forgave him for that, though)

I turn back to the shelves of books and sigh, pulling a face. A small voice in my head insists that he wouldn’t have hidden anything in there. Maybe I’d peruse them later, if all else failed. It wasn’t high up on the list.

Unless he hid something in the safe behind the Derain painting that flanks the door, the only other option would be his desk. My left knee brushes against a small recessed drawer, lacking a keyhole, guarded by a stamp-sized square of black glass. Fingerprint recognition.

I smile to myself, remembering the first time I met him. I was supposed to meet up with a few friends from my alma mater, but work dragged out a lot longer than I’d expected. Heading to the bar wearing an office-friendly dress and blazer hadn’t been my ideal choice, but I shrugged it off and told myself that I wouldn’t be dressing up for anyone worthwhile, anyway.

How wrong I’d been.

Everyone there was dressed much more casually – jeans, shirts and pretty frocks. I recognized his foreign presence immediately, the only person at the table I knew I hadn’t met before. As I went through the motions of apologizing for my lateness I couldn’t help but sneak glances at him.

He wasn’t particularly good-looking, per se, but he had a pleasant physiognomy. Cute-ish, in the right angles. He was tall, though, and tall is always good. Tall is always fantastic. Perfect for those days where you need a chest to snuggle your face into. There was nothing extraordinary about his physique either. Lean-skinny, long legs, toned forearms.

What really had me breathing hard was the presence he exuded. I’m not sure I can describe it accurately, but here’s a try. He was the obvious outsider in our group of friends and said little throughout the night, but he never looked ill at ease. Aside from the sporadic pithy jokes he’d shoot into the conversation, all dry and sarcastic and unruffled, he drew little attention to himself.

As if that helped detract from his status as the dish of the night.

I don’t know why, but I found myself immensely attracted to him. Okay maybe I know exactly why – I’m a huge sucker for those introverted geek types with a secretly witty interior. The types that were the nerds back in high school and eventually grew into themselves over time. Their prolonged isolation enriched their individuality. These men could be weird as coconut sherbet and it didn’t bother them the slightest bit.

Confidence and self-assuredness like that, I found fucking attractive. Correction, present tense. I find, and I always will.

I spent most of the night feeling like my high school self again, trying my best to seem totally normal, having to modulate every laugh and joke, keeping the bitchy/friendly ratio in tune. I didn’t want to seem too interested, so I exercised great restrain. He didn’t seem to take any real notice in me, which disappointed me a little.

Do you men realize how it makes us women feel when you pay us no attention? Jesus, it does things to you. No matter how good we look, even if we’ve decked ourselves out in bombshell-level warpaint and slipped on the head-turning, eye-staying LBD we know we look good in, the unreciprocated interest drives us insane. In fact, it’s a cussable lot worse when we’re all dolled up and you look like you don’t even care.

It gnaws at our pride. It leaves us feeling a little upset, pouty and a lot less confident. It leaves us with a faint thirst for your approval, and the more difficult you are to impress, the more we want to hook you in. That’s how it was with me and him. I was dying to know more about him and he looked like he barely noticed that I was even alive.

Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have made the first move, but you get the gist. It’s nice to be wanted. Women love being wanted. Heck, I fucking love being wanted. And when this factor is removed from the equation, suddenly everything is thrown off balance.

So yes, I was sitting there, stealing furtive glances at him, when my ex-labmate Gareth starts talking about his work. Everyone is more than eager to listen – one of the perks of being a forensic toxicologist is that you end up with really torrid tales to share with everyone. My face twists as he describes, in juicy detail, the body that was found dangling from a chandelier in a colonial mansion near the countryside.

The victim was a young woman, her scalp brutally peeled off from eyebrow to neck, belly split open as she was suspended from the glass ornament by her bloody entrails. Her murderer had painstakingly pulled out each and every tooth from her skull, and apparently the condition of her face fared no better.

‘I think I’m going to be sick,’ a girlfriend warned.

‘How are they going to identify her?’ another chimed in. ‘I’m assuming there wasn’t any identification to be found?’

Gareth shook his head, but before he could answer I pulled on my self-made vainglorious crown of know-it-allness.

‘DNA match, I suppose,’ I shrugged, trying to look humble. ‘Granted, the database is going to be a huge restriction, but it’s as accurate as technology can get these days.’


All eyes snapped to look at Him. I’d expected Gareth to correct me, not this…not Him.

‘Dactylography.’ The words tripped off his tongue, clipped and pure, like a grammar teacher.

Damn. He obviously knew his stuff – terminology always gets me hot. Stop rolling your eyes, don’t judge me just because I like my men brainy. There’s an entrance exam into my pants, and it makes applying for Harvard look like a round of Mario Kart.

I’m about to rebut when my brain finally kicks into action. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I’d jumped the gun on my answer without thinking, too keen on being the first to get the right answer, and now that I’ve had two seconds to repossess my senses, even I can see how glaringly wrong I am.

Drat. Now all I really want is to shrink and disappear from all the shame. God, of all people to embarrass myself in front of.


‘Identical twins,’ I say the words with a tone of defeat, acknowledging my mistake. Technically, a DNA test would have been more difficult to challenge, but twins could share DNA, not a fingerprint. ‘Still, statistically speaking – ‘

‘Statistically speaking, yes, fingerprint matching is a lot less accurate. But as a matter of principle…’

‘…yeah, I know.’ I brushed my hair off my face, suddenly remembering the crush I used to have on my Applied Math tutor, ‘Didn’t think that through.’

And that was it. Gareth picked up the conversation without missing a heartbeat, conjuring and manipulating all of us along with every word, looping us into a real-life game of Cluedo through the night while I sat there stealing glances at my man of mystery. My fingerprint sleuth, with the clear face and highborn brow.

My puzzle maker and clue master.

My – wait a minute, I’ve been sitting here at his desk for five minutes, blanking out like a retiree on a porch in Florida. Enough daydreaming, I shake my head and remind myself to concentrate on the task at hand.

The message on the screen stares back at me. NOTICE ANYTHING NEW?

My strongest hunch so far would be the bookshelf, but even so it’s a halfhearted choice. It’s not like him to slip the second piece of the puzzle in there. The locked desk drawer is highly improbable – he likes games more than he likes challenges, and he knows that I can bypass the biometrics in a heartbeat.

I try my best to slip into his skin, to look at the world through his lenses. It’s never easy, trying to get into the head of the man you love. Moments like this are when I wonder if I really know him well enough to call him my ow
n. Whether I know him well enough to predict his next move at checkers. Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. I’m looking forward to finding out.

Every ounce of my instinct is screaming at me to look at the obvious. My eyes run over the landscape of the room while my brain tries to recreate an eidetic visual recreation of it, to serve as a reference. There has to be something different – maybe the arrangement of my pens, or the position of my desk. It could be the tilt of my chair or the –


The stack of books on his desk. They used to be arranged upright, standing vertically, but now they are stacked up into the shape of a pyramid with the thickest and biggest lying flat as the base. I screw my eyes shut and force myself to recall the number of books I normally see at this desk – one, two….five. Yes, five. The numbers tally.

So that is it, then? All he’d done was rearrange a pile of books on his table? How the fuck is that supposed to be a clue?

At first guess I wondered if it might be the geometric progression of the books’ dimensions. Given my field of expertise and the nature of this game…it seemed very likely. Then again, a puzzle of dull, diminutive data like that wasn’t very him. He thrived on the scintillating border between the abstract and the unequivocal, throwing in mythology with algorithms and philosophy with microbiology.

Knowing him, this won’t be straightforward. It’d be a mad prolixity between two trains of thought that no one else could ever have joined. But I’m not just anyone.

And I think.

I stare at the stack of books and flick through the matrices of probabilities. Mathematics. Chemistry. Geography. Arts. Biology. Anthropology. Literature. Phy-

Halt. Anthropology. Pyramids, yes, no? Likely.

Pyramids – possibilities are endless. Can range from geography to architect to pharaoh himself.

If not pyramids, it could mean –


Oh, oh, oh! you clever little creature. God, if you were here right now, I’d rip your shirt off and have my way with you for the entire weekend. My darling, my sugar, you are all kinds of exquisite.

A confident smile spreads across my face as I peck the answer out on the keyboard.


I press enter.

The screen goes black for an instant and the following message comes up on the screen.


Come see what it’s like to what?

As if to answer my question, the font dissolves into the beginning of a slideshow. The first image materializes on the screen, and it’s enough to still the breath in my chest.

It’s a picture of me. I remember the photo shoot well enough – we’d done it about two months ago, just he and I. Don’t know why, but I never pestered him to see the products of the shoot. Too bad I didn’t ask, I might have been able to see this sooner.

And boy do I look good.

I’m blindfolded in all the pictures, which was just what he wanted. Thick and elaborate black lace, trimmed at the edges with sateen, tied around my eyes with the ends dangling behind my head. Tight black tank top, thin enough to look like a second skin, thick enough to be completely opaque. Black denim cutoffs, the edges fraying, flattering my toned thighs to the extremes.

Look, I’m being exceedingly modest when I say that I look hot in the picture.

It’s a fantastic photo, caught at the perfect moment. It was captured against a stark white background (white paper, if I remember correctly). My hands are above my head, held together by invisible rope, my whole body stretched out and taut as if suspended from above. I’m actually on my tiptoes, holding myself up and my head is cocked to one side, chin tipped upwards, lips slightly parted.

I looked like a girl who was entirely lost in my own world. If you were innocent enough, you’d think that I was dancing. I could be a dancer practicing her moves for Swan Lake, lithe and lissome and a little sad.

Or I could be a girl who was caught mid-striptease. If you look really closely, you can see that I held one hand a little lower than the other, like I was about to skim one hand down the back of the other outstretched arm in a sort of sultry dance move. And you would wonder if I was just about to spin around and show my ass to the photographer – my expression sure looked like it – the blindfold added a tinge of erotic tension to the photo.

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A couple of weeks ago I was helping Kay’s husband move some building supplies into a house he was working on when together we hatched a little surprise for my youngest sibling. It all started when Steve said that things were getting a little stale and boring for the two of them and did I have any ideas for spicing things up. I jokingly said, “Sure, let me join you!” I laughed and sat down on the last bundle of flooring that I had just brought in which was probably a good thing because, Steve...

1 year ago
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The Club Ch 1 Welcome

Chapter 1 - Welcome I was out on my own. I had moved away from my family and to a new town. Not earning enough to stay anywhere but a guest house where I could only afford to rent one bedroom. I was working two part-time jobs but it was a start. Eighteen and being out on my own felt good. I had a room on the second floor and there was a communal bathroom. The other people there were all long-term residents. They all seemed nice. They ranged in age and sex. There was a very elderly lady in her...

3 years ago
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Miss Parker

This is my first attempt, so please be gentle. All feedback appreciated. Part 1. At 23 years old Miss Caroline Parker had graduated with a 1st class honors degree in history and had completed her teacher training. Her preference was for a secondary school teaching position, but with history being a less popular subject than Math or English, there was nothing available. To he honest about it, she was not really trying that hard. With large debts to repay, Caroline knew she had to get a job, but...

4 years ago
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Sophia Continued Pt 02

This is the second part of Sophia Continued and should be read in conjunction with part 1 and parts 1 to 4 of Sophia, by Castlestone for it to make sense. My purpose in continuing the story is to provide closure to Don and Maria in their relationship. Castlestone is a tremendous writer, and I must thank both him and also Yellowperil, Castlestone’s editor for some tremendous help. Before he became unable to contact, castlestone had completed two further chapters which he had sent to yellowperil...

1 year ago
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Meri Pyaas Part 8211 1

Hii doston mein Sarika Shravani apni ek dastaan apke sath bayaan karne ja rahi hoon.Umeed hai apko pasand ayegi aur aap mujhe apna feedback par de sakte ho. Darasal ye kahani mere sath beeti ek ghatna ka swaroop hai jise mein aap sab ke sath share karna chhati hoon. Kahani per jaanese pahile me aapko apne bare me batati hoon,mein 17 sal ki hoon aur pichle saal hi 10th pass kiya hai ek girls school se aur ab college jaati hoon,aur mere pitaji government servent he aur mere maa ab is duniyan me...

2 years ago
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I Thought Someone Was Hurting You

I Thought Someone Was Hurting YouCat was walking all the way to Jade's house to work on a science project, it was 90 degrees outside on a Saturday afternoon. When Cat finally reached Jade's house, the door was unlocked."Jade?" Cat asked walking in."AAAAAAAH FUCK!" Cat heard Jade scream from upstairs."JADE!" Cat screamed, she heard a couple rough slaps."You like that slut?" said a semi-familiar voice."Oh my god, someone's up there rayping Jade!" Cat screamed trying to find something to grab. She...

4 years ago
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My Boyfriend and I Teach My Younger Sister

"Here's what I'll do," I said to Tom. "I'll set my alarm early for Thursday morning and listen to the radio to see if school's been cancelled. If it is, I'll call you on your cell phone and let you know. You can come over after my parents are gone." We had a plan. I also had a way to make our "demonstration" seem totally unplanned. Thursday morning came. I had set my alarm for 5:30. As soon as it went off, I turned on the radio and listened for school cancellations. When I looked...

2 years ago
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Family Relations

"Jared! Wake your brother up and get down here. I have some good news for you." My mom, Tina, yells to me from downstairs. I go into my twin brother's room, which used to be our sister's room, to find him lying on his bed with the covers kicked off, naked. Seeing him lying there makes my cock hard as I remember sucking each other's cocks when we were younger and sleeping in the same bed. I gently shake him and tell him that mom wants to talk to us about something. He groggily gets up and makes...

2 years ago
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MRS HENDERSON'S PROBLEM? 2NO PROBLEM.!Harriet, Claire and Simon all moved to a wonderful house out in the country. It was large and secluded with quite a large area of land. Their nearest neighbours were 11 miles away (About 18KM) So they had plenty of privacy, which they made full use of. Sex was now an outdoor activity as well as indoor. (When the weather allowed of course.)They made some alterations to the house. The main one was the addition of the swimming pool and the outdoor hot tub.So...

1 year ago
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At it like Bunny Rabbits

It was just a normal lad's night out. We'd been to a few pubs and bars, had the usual chats about football, and were feeling pretty rowdy when we got to the club. I spotted her as soon as I walked in. She was dressed as a bunny rabbit and looked sexy as hell. Her short black pvc bunny suit clung to her figure and her cute pink fury bunny ears on her head really stood out in the crowd. She also had on a black bowtie, black silk gloves up to her elbows, and on her legs, fishnet tights and black...

2 years ago
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The Property Problem

Remember: Your ratings decide weather I make a part 2 or not! Max is a real estate agent, and he has just discovered that his new client will pay millions for the property connected to a Kristen McLaren’s residence. He has talked to her on the phone once before, and she wasn’t interested in selling. The next day he decides to pay her a visit. She seemed very annoyed on the subject, but she allows him in. Kristen is a 5'5" blond with a killer body, yet Max didn’t seem to notice. She...

4 years ago
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For King and Country

A flash of lightning tore the sky apart, momentarily lighting up the castle’s ramparts. The storm was still far away over the sea, but the approaching clouds would release showers of fine spray, wetting the stones. The young king continued his walk around the ramparts, checking that all guards were in place. He cursed the blast of wet wind that hit his face. Why had his father’s grandfather built his castle in this godawful place. He knew the answer. Situated on this promontory with sheer...

Gay Male
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Lets All Nap Now Please

Oh but aren't these the busy fizzy days. No time for nothing! Rush, rush, rush, do this, do that. Lord it makes me dizzy just in the telling. So here it is, Saturday afternoon, the wife's in the bedroom reading the little guy a story. I have a bit of religion on my brain. I'm praying like a crazy man let's all nap now, please! Oh, but I fully expect to break with the faith yet again within the hour. I'm a pragmatic guy. If miracles don't happen, forget it! If nothing else, I say to...

3 years ago
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Gimme an F

I awoke to the sound of silence. Shaking my head, I quickly recognized that it was Saturday morning; and after looking at the clock, I realized that I was alone in the house. My wife Betty had told me a few days earlier that she had to go in to work for a half day on Saturday and told me that I'd be able to sleep late because my daughter Maria had cheerleading practice, and that she'd drop her off at the practice gym on her way to work. Looking at the clock, I could see that the plan for...

3 years ago
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The Farmers DaughterEpilogue

Deputy James Flanigan of the U.S. Marshals parked in front of the old and worn double-wide trailer. A beat-up Ford Bronco II sat parked alongside the oil saturated driveway. Flanigan glanced at his passenger. Ronald, “Dude, call me Ronnie,” Thomas, sat there with a confused expression. Ronnie said, “Why are we here? I thought I was going into the witness protection program?” Flanigan sighed; why did he always get the dumb ones. “Mr. Thomas, you’re going to need your clothes, and maybe you...

2 years ago
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My first Time35

Before I get into the details let me describe for you the players in this incestuous tale! Lisa is about 37 years old now and stands about 5'8" , deep dark hazel eyes, with soft straight hair to the middle of her back! My cousin was a cheerleader, danced numerous different dances, and participated in countless beauty pageants from birth up to placing 2nd in Miss Teen NC competition! She is about 3 years older then me,but even as a pre-teen she had developed nice looking big tits that you...

3 years ago
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Fifteen Shades of Role Play

I was driving cross country and had pulled off Interstate-80 in search of something more satisfying than a chain-restaurant meal. I really can't recall much about Rick's Café in New Paris, Indiana. But I will never forget the woman I met there."I hate eating alone," she said. "Don't you?""Why not join me?" I asked, gesturing to the empty chair. Rachel was in her mid-20s. She had pale green eyes, an unruly mane of auburn hair, and a lithe, dancer's body that turned half the heads in the room as...

Love Stories
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before sleeping 3

a cold weather on mountains.... you are waiting in a little wooden hut in a dark forest... toooo dark outside... and freezing cold. you are laying naked on the bed front of fireplace, which the only light is comming from... just howling winter and crackel woods in flames making only sounds to your ears, and your waiting making you to sweat... suddenly you are noticing one more diffrent but very soft sounds... like some paws are going up the stairs.... and stopping front of the door. something...

2 years ago
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One thing I have noticed since I became a libertine is how ridiculously easy it is to get girls to have sex with you. All that is needed is an air of confidence, reasonable grooming, and an interesting proposal. Usually. Sometimes, of course, you get a slap in the face for your trouble. Leanne was next on my list. Absolutely gorgeous, twenty two years old, five foot tall, busty and delightfully rude. Eldest daughter of a close friend, sex with her would have the frisson of forbidden fruit, not...

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My Sister My Lover

My young sister Sally and I had spent a somewhat lonely life after Mom died as Dad spent a lot of his free time with his new girl-friend.At first, we managed to cope sexually, me having a steady stream of girls who were more than willing to let me feel and finger and fuck them, poor Sally wasn't so fortunate.She was a pretty girl and, by the time she turned sixteen, had a fantastic body with a personality to match.For some reason best known to her, she simply wasn't interested in boys, seeming...

4 years ago
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The Damp Spot Again

Rachel stood in the middle of her living room, large eyes surveyed the furniture in a sweeping arc, taking in the expensive carpet, the beige leather sofa, coffee table with its customary one or two magazines carelessly strewn on the polished ash effect top. Jim's television sat brooding and silent in the far corner, silently observing her return to her home after so long. Her reflection dimly mirrored her image in the black glass. A still, thin figure, dressed in jeans and a shirt as it...

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Amelia and GregChapter 8

Amelia resumes the Narrative: We appeared in the hotel room just long enough to drop off our travel clothes before Greg transferred us again. This time we appeared just outside of a large restaurant and bar, then entered quickly, as it had already cooled off with the setting of the sun, since it was still April. We were greeted by the Maitre D’ of this flashy and expensive restaurant. “Good evening, Doctor O’Brien, will it be a table for three this evening?” he asked in his suave and...

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Miss Disaster about to find out that fantasies do indeed go wrong sometimes...  Her online nick name is Miss Disaster and he thinks it suits her perfectly. Not because she is clumsy, but because she brings destruction into his idyllic small town life (ok, maybe not so idyllic now, as he is on the verge of a divorce, partly thanks to this crazy one). More disturbingly, he welcomes the chaos that comes in the package with her. And only if he could just sit back and watch the destruction happen, but no,...

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Pleasure With My Neighbor Aunty

Hi ISS readers, this is Raj from Chennai. This is my first sex experience with my neighbor aunty Saranya. Okay let’s get started. I finished my engineering in 2014 and got placed in a MNC company so I moved to Chennai from my native place. My uncle family is living in Chennai for about 20 years so my family told me to stay with my uncle. So I started living with my uncle and aunt. I used to go in shifts. One day I was sleeping in day time, and someone rang the doorbell, I got up and opened the...

2 years ago
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The Trio

By : Amrita I’m a handsome Hindu Bengali young man, named Anirban Mukherjee, aged 27, working in a multi-national Company at Kolkata. I’m tall, dark and healthy and with high libido. I love married Sudeshna Bose who’s my younger by 4 years. She’s a ravishing beauty, very fair in complexion, horny and with a voluptuous body 34D 29 35 that makes any male’s mouth water. She’s also a Bengali girl who’s still a student of MBA (Marketing). I married Sudeshna last year just after her graduation or...

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The Seeingeye Dog and the Shy StudentChapter 7

Patricia felt a change in her eyes as soon as she woke up the next morning. Strangely, she began to notice shadows and could discern movement after years of only seeing the same boring blackness for many years. The blurry outline right next to her bed proved to be her trusty seeing eye dog with his wonderful long wet tongue and his instinctive nature that always knew when she was in need of something hard up in her private parts. She patted Sampson’s furry head with both of her hands and...

4 years ago
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Snippets Leslie or Sex in a van on a hot summer day

(or Sex in a van on a hot summer day) These are true stories from my life. They depict various experiences with partners I have had. These stories include sexual acts, and if you may not, should not, or don't want to read this, then do not read it. This is a hobby, as well as a way to reminisce, perhaps in one or two case, even to brag. My writing skills are not on a par with much of the other authors. I know this. Write to let me know you liked, or did not like a story, maybe even why. I...

4 years ago
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Bad Girl AmberChapter 6 Amber Dumps the Boss

I do DEFINITELY lead guys on, I do that a lot - make them think they have a chance, string them along. Specially older guys, as I say. My boss for example, Roger, who's pretty senior at the company, and who got the hots for his sexy young secretary (that's me) something rotten. Course every guy there has the hots for me (giggle), but Roger got it particularly bad. Guess it's quite frustrating for a middle-aged guy, having to look at a gorgeous sexy young girl all day every day Monday to...

3 years ago
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Blind Date

Copyright© 2005 'Please Dad!' My son pleaded. 'Do your own dirty work.' I replied for the fifth or sixth time. 'It's not my fault. It's Tess's. As usual.' He moaned. Tess was his older sister and as was usual with my eldest child, she was trying to organise his life for him, whether he appreciated it or not. This time she had arranged a blind date for her single brother and had bullied him into agreeing to meet one of the sisters of a work colleague of Tess. I could hear her...

1 year ago
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Trina Gets Tutored

When the professor dismissed the class, Trina gathered her books and headed out the door. She was nearly out the building when she heard her friend Kara calling out to her.“Hey, Trina, hold up. Why are you in such a rush?” Kara asked as she ran to catch up.“I’m not. I just have to be somewhere else soon,” Trina said.“Oh, that’s right! You’ve already started your tutoring gig,” Kara remembered. “So, who’s the tutoree? Anyone I might know? Or is there some kind of tutor-to-tutoree confidentiality...

College Sex
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Good Manners

Good manners Synopsis: The Danish public last told patience with the youth drinking, having sex and destroying property. So new and tuff laws are passed in the government and this is the story about a young man being put through the system. (13-09-2006: This is part one only. Work is in progress.) Good manners 1. In court As the final of the three youngsters stood before the judge in the courtroom they all joked loudly. The whole trail had been influenced by their disturbing...

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A Fresh StartChapter 133 The Buckman Crisis

Sunday, September 17, 2000 We flew home and I felt exhausted and drained. My very future was on the line, and it seemed like the Fates were conspiring against me. By the time I got around to watching the news that night, we had gone international. Both Honduras and Nicaragua were demanding my head, although the U.S. could keep the other pieces. Honduras was screaming that I had defamed them somehow, even though I hadn’t made any public pronouncements at all. Nicaragua, now being run by the...

2 years ago
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The NeighborhoodChapter 7 A neighbor watches the fun

JENNIFER’S STORY I think I’ve mentioned I’ve got a consulting business where I help other businesses develop their business and marketing plans. I was the CEO of successful startup software company, and that carries a lot of cachet, not to mention cash. My consulting business is a nice little concern. I make enough money to pay most of the mortgage, kids’ tuition, and other bills (income from investments made with all the money from selling the company pays the rest and leaves some to...

1 year ago
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Young Masters and the Bua Part 1

Jamal, Dev, Karim and Mike are residing at a small apartment. All of them were in service in different offices and their ages are between 27 and 30. They have a “Bua” (Bengali term of Housemaid). Her name is Mary standing on 32. Tall height, bright complexion and 38-28-38 with an attractive look and smile. She lives in a slam and her husband is a poor rickshaw puller. She used to come twice to the apartment. Once in very early in the morning to make breakfast of those four and wash cloths and...

Group Sex
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Meri Bua Horny Desi Aunty Part 8211 2

Hii readers! I am back with new story. Story meri bua ki chudai ki jo unhone mujhe sunayi. Pahli kahani to aap logo ko bata chuka hu pahle part me, ab agli kahani pesh hai. Ab main bua ko sabke samne bua ki tarah dekhta tha aur akele me unhe dekhkar kuchh aur sochta tha. Bua bhi aise hi maje leti thi par wo jyada open thi. Akele me mere ling ko daba deti yaa apni gand se ragad deti. Ab main bhi chalte hue unke chutad daba deta tha aur kabhi kabhar chutad par thappad bhi laga deta. Wo mana karti...

3 years ago
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The Poppet

The Poppet. By Clare Talton. The traffic was awful but eventually I managed to get home, but damn it if that lazy bitch of a wife of mine didn't even have my dinner ready. My name is Jonathan Millway and I'm an executive in a large financial company down in the city, life is good and easy, although my wife is lazy and can't even give me a couple of son's as she's defective and can't have kids. Oh, she wants us to go to some doctor or something for tests, but I really don't see...

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