Dr. Grey Ch. 04 free porn video

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At 9 am the following morning Karen was again in the waiting area. The shot that Grey had given her the night before had helped a great deal but she had again woken this morning with withdrawal, convincing her further that she had indeed become obsessed with, and therefore lost without, Doctor Grey.

Inside the office Grey worked at his computer, composing himself whilst remembering the fantastic sex Karen had given him the previous night. If sex were his prime motivator, however, Grey would have settled for last night and have let Karen go. Up to this point there was scant evidence against him and even scantier reason for Karen to consider him as anything other than a saviour. The fact that she was here again showed that power was the primary motivation, sex the secondary bonus, and that he would take it to where he wanted to go no matter the risks.

The receptionist told Karen to enter and she almost ran into the office. She needed to talk, badly, and she knew she needed his soothing presence almost as much. She could not repress a sense of delight as she saw him again and part of her, a part that made her ashamed as soon as it appeared, flashed back to the incredible orgasms of the previous night. She chided herself for being so obsessed and placed her faith in Doctor Grey to provide some answers soon.

Grey smiled and invited her to sit in the chair. She’d come dressed as non-sexually as she could, with a long flowing skirt and matronly cotton shirt, and it amused him to see she was desperately trying not to arouse him. It was clear she had accepted her supposed obsession completely backed up, no doubt, with an insatiable desire to smell his cologne again.

‘Hello Karen, how are you today?’

‘Feeling shaky again.’ ‘That’s to be expected as, of course, you are still obsessing with me it seems. Today we are going to focus on aversion therapy, are you familiar with it?’

‘Not really.’

‘It’s where a patient is given the object of their obsession to such a point that they become bored with it. It is also where making the target seem less attractive sours that obsession. Take last night for example, you enjoyed the sex but now will have awoken feeling intensely guilty for being unfaithful to Simon, yes?’

‘Yes I am, though I still feel shaky because I was not close to you.’

‘It will take a more intense dose of aversion, Karen, but already you have begun to associate sex with your obsession, myself, with guilt. We have attached a negative emotion to the positive elation of achieving your obsessive goals and today we are going to enhance it further.’

Karen relaxed in the chair, reassured that Doctor Grey would take her from her pain soon. She felt so lucky to have found such a patient man as a therapist, she thought, for it must have been so embarrassing for him last night.

‘By the time we have finished you will feel relaxed with Simon as a lover and me as a therapist once more. I’d like to test how you feel at the moment by coming towards you, to see how it feels when I approach. Ok?’

‘Ok Doctor Grey.’

Grey moved slowly towards Karen as she sat in the chair. She felt nervy right up the point he was 4 inches away, when the cologne triggered her addictive responses. The familiar wave of calm and loving washed over her and she sighed with the relief.

‘How does that feel Karen?’

‘It feel very soothing, Doctor Grey. Is that bad?’

‘It’s to be expected as your obsession is now within reach again. We need to talk over your sexual history again, Karen, so sit here and I will fetch the lubricant.’

As soon as Grey went away from her she began to feel uneasy again. It was clear to her that she must be besotted with him, for not even in her most passionate days with Simon was she ever this needy for his presence. She longed for Grey to return to the chair, a fact which Grey knew and used to tease her as he leisurely returned with the gel. The cologne did its work anew and she felt calm once more.

‘Now Karen, if you remember yesterday we used a screen whilst you applied this gel. In this manner you were able to expose yourself without feeling any guilt. Well, this time I want you to apply it whilst still in the chair. I will place my head on your chest and look directly at your crotch whilst you do, ensuring I have a clear view of your vagina. You will feel the guilt of exposing yourself to a man other than your husband and that is what we are aiming at, understand?’

Karen hoped she would feel guilt for, at the moment, the presence of Grey had in fact soothed all her guilt from the previous evening. She sighed with contentmant as Grey placed his head on her chest, before she raised her skirt to her hips and exposed her light-blue panties. A small wriggle and the panties dropped to her ankles, leaving her pussy exposed as she began to apply the gel.

Grey smiled at the view as he enjoyed his newly found power over Karen. Just a few days ago she was keeping her legs tightly closed to him and now, here she was, openly lubricating her naked pussy for his entertainment. All in the name of therapy.

Karen did indeed feel a twinge of guilt as she completed her lubrication, thinking that Simon was the only man who had ever seen her pussy for 20 years before Doctor Grey. Many men had tried, some had made their intentions plain, but with this man it was different. He was reluctantly sacrificing his own dignity in order to restore her own.

When Karen had finished Grey stood up and placed the gel on his desk and, unseen to his patient, added a dash of cologne from within his suit onto the chair. The aroma would ensure she felt relaxed and continued to associate those sensations with him.

‘I want you to keep yourself exposed during this initial session so that I can view your vagina easily, Karen, in the hope that it will maximise the guilt feelings. Now, I’d like to talk a little more about your sexual history, starting with your youth.’

Grey sat back down in his chair and began to ask questions. Each question was addressed directly to her eyes, whilst each answer was heard with him enjoying the view from between her legs. Karen felt his gaze but just could not get past the sensations of calm to feel much guilt at all, no matter how hard she tried.

‘What was your first ever sexual experience?’

‘I gave a hand-job to a classmate during a science lesson. I was 14.’

‘When did you first give a hand-job to Simon?’

‘When we got our first house, about 18 months after we met.’

‘With your exhibitionist tendencies and love of daring, why wait for the house?’

‘He’s very reserved when it comes to any sort of sexual contact out of the house.’

We are going to change that today, Grey thought. It was time to change targets. ‘What are your daughters called?’

‘Mary is 18, Susan is 20.’

Grey began to ask general questions about the girls. They had boyfriends in the past but had never had any form of sexual contact with them, because they had signed the pledge to save themselves before marriage.

‘Does Mary confide in you Karen?’

‘A little.’

‘I’m worried that part of your problem, Karen, may be to do with fear of the sexuality of your daughters. I’m going to ask a couple of questions about Mary to test my theory, if that is ok?’

‘Ok, Doctor Grey’

‘Has Mary ever had an orgasm?’

‘No, in fact it really gets her down that her friends are sleeping with their boyfriends and she has never been able to make herself climax. She blames it on a lack of fantasy, for how can she fantasise about something she has never known?’

‘What kind of panties does Mary wear, Karen? Do you think she is secretly trying to attract a guy who will oblige her?’

Karen thought for a while.

‘No, she wears the same type she did when she was thirteen.’

Grey noted the information for future use before widening the conver
sation again. He was simply waiting for the gel to take effect and, thanks to the nakedness of the pussy in question, it was easy to see how wet it was becoming.

Karen looked at Grey as she answered and kept feeling his gaze return to her pussy. As time went by she not only lost any residual guilt but she felt that incredible sense of arousal again. Grey must affect her on the subconscious level, she concluded, for even over there he was turning her on. She thought this might be relevant to the therapy and raised it.

‘Doctor Grey, for the last few minutes I have been finding myself becoming incredibly aroused. I think it is because you are looking at my vagina.’

Grey feigned disappointment.

‘I had hoped for a guilt response of course, Karen, but maybe we can still generate one. It’s about time we checked to see if the gel needs replacing anyhow, so I will do the test this time instead of you. Again, with a man other than Simon touching your vagina, it should cause some guilt to be associated with your desire for me.’

Grey moved slowly around behind the chair and reclined it into the couch again. Ok Mrs Edwards, he thought, as you are so insistent, I will feel you up a little.

‘Karen, whilst I am doing this I would further like to test if other parts of our therapy from last night were effective. I am going to remain clothed and go into the sixty-nine position with you, however under no circumstances are you to touch my crotch. I want you to stare at it and see if you feel as aroused as you did in your bedroom, meanwhile I shall check the lubricant.’

Grey assumed the sixty-nine position and placed his cock, doused as it was in double-strength cologne, an inch from Karen’s face. Even through his trousers the undetectable scent sent a shock wave of new arousal through her system, which Grey noted with satisfaction as it made her pussy twitch before his eyes. He softly smelt her pussy juices and gently blew his warm breath over her clitoris, all the while apparently studying the state of the lubrication. His objective here was to tantalise, to maximise her arousal and switch on the latent animal in her even further. He would not let her climax until he was ready.

Grey looked between his legs to see Karen panting, her tongue just barely out of contact with his crotch and a look of wild passion in her eyes. He allowed it to last 30 seconds before moving off the couch, declaring that her lubrication looked fine. It was all Karen could do to restrain herself from shouting that she needed his cock and her passion stunned even her.

Karen regained some of her composure as Grey returned the chair to the upright position. By the time he had moved behind his desk again she was ok, if flushed and very breathless.

Grey noted that time and realised that Simon was due in five minutes. It was time to prepare for a session again but first he had to brief Karen for some of her role in it.

‘Karen, Simon is due to have his appointment in five minutes. I think it may help if you were to observe the interview, albeit clandestinely.’

‘Why, Doctor Grey?’

‘He would feel intimidated to talk frankly in front of you but, as this is the man we are hoping for you to focus on, I hope that a frank exposure of his good qualities will help in that progress. You are suffering from a sexual obsession about me and that is obviously going to blind you to some of the good points in Simon. This will help us create a counter-attack in your psyche.’

It made sense and Karen agreed.

‘Ok, the best place to hear both sides of the conversation would be between us. He’d see you, of course, unless you hid under my desk. It will be comfortable, it’s large and will conceal you well and it will give you a clear line of hearing. If I need to say anything to you I shall pass you a note but, whatever you do, do not make a noise or indicate in any way that you are there. If Simon feels we are being less than honest it could ruin your future therapy, for he is a vital part of it.’

Karen agreed and moved under the desk. Grey was right, it was large, open and comfortable as well as being discreet.

Simon came in and Grey smiled at him as he invited him into the chair.

‘Thank you for coming in at such short notice Simon. I am afraid the prognosis is not good and time is very short, for I fear Karen is on the edge on an irretrievable breakdown, however I have some idea for direct therapy that may help.’

‘I am all ears, Doctor Grey’

‘I will not say to whom she has developed an involuntary sexual obsession, merely that she has become overwhelmingly fixated on this man and that we need to break her of that fixation quickly. There are two ways in which I intend to do this. The first is to attach as much guilt onto her obsession as possible, sour the milk if you like, for I think we both know Karen has a very strong sense of marital duty to you. The second is to get her to refocus her sexual energy where it belongs, with you.’

Simon looked shocked at the news, yet comforted that this professional man seemed to have the solution.

‘How do you think that can be achieved?’ he asked.

‘Basic sexual-therapy counselling involving you both, here in my office. I warn you it will involve you having to open up all areas of your sexual life with me now and also, when Karen come back in an hour or so, discussing your sex-lives together with me. You must hold nothing back Simon, especially when she returns, or I fear we may not be able to intervene in time to save her and your marriage. The stakes are that high and the therapy is that blunt but can Karen count on your support?’

Grey pitched it as an appeal to Simon’s protective nature, his loyalty to the wife he clearly loved and also to his sense of sexual threat at the mention of another man who had turned Karen’s head. Grey knew how to make a man agree to something and it worked.

‘Of course, I would do anything for my wife Doctor Grey,’ he said.

Underneath the table Karen could barely keep her eyes off of Grey’s crotch as the scent of the cologne beckoned to her. Grey had sat tightly underneath his desk, partly to ensure Simon had no chance of seeing beneath but mainly because it meant Karen could do little but stare at his belt-line. He knew especially in the super-aroused state he had left her after the sixty-nine, that she would be panting down there.

‘Ok Simon. What is your favourite sexual position with Karen?’

‘Doggie-style, Doctor Grey, I like to see her ass.’

That exchange opened a twenty-minute conversation in which Grey skilfully probed Simon for his sexual history, noting when Karen looked quizzically at new revelations. It is clear that Simon had kept secrets from her and that was going to help Grey’s cause considerably, as he prompted Simon to expose his deepest skeletons.

‘Have you ever spanked Karen, Simon?’

‘No Doctor Grey, she would not like it and I would not dream of ever asking her.’

‘But earlier you said you liked to spank women. Who have you spanked to have come to that conclusion, Simon, a girlfriend?’

Simon looked coy for a moment but then seemed to accept that, for Karen and his marriage, this was no time for secrets to survive.

‘Kinda’. When Karen was pregnant with our first child I had an affair with my secretary. She used to get spanked for making mistakes and, in return, she would blow me in the office and occasionally let me screw her on business trips. It was good fun but it fizzled out once Karen and me began to have sex again.’

As Simon spoke, Grey looked at Karen’s face. It had gone white with shock, despite the calming effects of the cologne, and she looked as if she had been shot through the heart. Grey pretended to be making notes on Simon as he slipped one to Karen under the desk.

I want to explore the guilt-association again Karen it read but you must do what I ask without question. Is that OK?

nodded, her face recovering from the shock of Simon’s revelation and showing that the cologne had not allowed her sexual arousal to dwindle. If anything, Grey noted, her face had a new edge. She may not be feeling guilt thanks to her addiction but there was a definite, if subtle, look of revenge there that only Simon’s infidelity could have generated.

Grey handed her a new note.

Blow me to completion whilst I talk to Simon. Take your time and remember, in order for maximum aversion and guilt, swallow my cum completely.

As Grey felt Karen’s hands caress his crotch, he timed his next question so that is would drown out the subtle sound of his zipper being slowly undone.

‘You mentioned that your secretary blew you in the office sometimes, Simon. How did you manage to do that without being seen?’

Simon smiled at the memory as his wife prepared to make a new one for Doctor Grey. As Simon replied, Karen had pulled Grey’s naked cock from inside his trousers and had begun to slowly lick the tip.

‘She used to sit me down against the door, on the floor, and pull my trousers down. She knelt over me and that gave her good access.’

Grey thrilled as he felt his cock being teased, before Karen’s incredible mouth sucked him into her warmth. Her tongue was in all the right places, her motion soft yet determined and best of all, she was blowing him within feet of her unknowing husband. The next question just appealed to Grey’s sense of the dramatic.

‘Did you not ever consider getting your secretary to hide under your desk, blowing you as you met with a client?’

Simon laughed.

‘The thought never occurred to me! Sounds like fun though.’

It is you fool, thought Grey, especially when you can look her partner in the face whilst she is doing it.

‘Did you ever come in your secretary’s mouth, Simon?’

‘No, I’ve never got a woman to swallow me. There is nothing in the world that would make Karen swallow a man’s sperm, no matter how much she loved him.’

Grey could not resist looking at Karen’s bobbing head as he heard Simon reply. He could feel himself building into an incredible orgasm and had to move quickly to avoid losing his professional mannerism. He told Simon to recline the chair and sit in quiet contemplation for a few moments, whilst he made notes on their session. With Simon looking at nothing he silently sat back and awaited his reward from Karen.

Throughout the whole thing, Karen had been trying desperately hard to feel guilt at giving head to another man whilst her husband sat by oblivious. The cologne had made all negative feelings hard and the gel in her pussy compelled her to obey her animal side, but the clear difficulty was the knowledge that Simon had turned to another woman when she was carrying their child. He had seemed almost boastful to Doctor Grey if anything, something that made her rage inside and embrace the pleasure of this illicit moment all the more easily.

Her pussy melted once more as her eyes locked with Grey’s, celebrating the impending release she was going to give to this most generous of men and looking forward to tasting his cum. She knew that swallowing Grey, an act of completion denied to her husband, was wrong but it seemed to help to even Simon’s fun with that slut of a secretary. She hungrily consumed the warm stream as it finally burst forth into her mouth, feeling Grey shudder silently before he deftly re-zipped himself and turned back to back Simon.

‘Ok Simon, I am completed here for the moment. Go grab some lunch and come back in an hour. You are not to call Karen in the interim, as I will be preparing her for the group session afterwards. You can meet her in here then.’

As Simon was leaving, Grey added an aside, ‘Have no fear Simon. Having met you this morning I feel more sure than ever that Karen’s therapy will proceed exactly according to plan.’

Karen emerged from under the desk a few moments after she was sure that Simon had gone. Grey suggested that she eat with him, in order to avoid Simon during lunch, and he ordered some sandwiches for them both. They sat down and discussed the aversion therapy and Grey reassured her that, even though she may not consciously be feeling guilt yet, he was sure her sub-conscious was already loosening its obsession over him.

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Billy moaned as the redhead licked his shaft. His hips jerked like crazy; he was so close, he was gonna.... gonna... gonna... He shot out into her mouth and all over her face. He was helpless, cum gushing out of his dick. This was the life. This was the life. This was... ...not his life any more. He opened his eyes sadly. It was morning. His thighs were all wet and slippery from his wet dream. But there was no morning wood to greet him. He slipped his hand between his thighs...

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Im A Slut Wife Now

My name is Andrea. I am 40 years old, married for 22 years, and I have two k**s. My husband, Thomas, and I have fun together, make each other laugh, still have great sex several times a week and every day I'm happy to go home to him. I have always been focused on being a good mother and wife so I didn't have too much time at the gym but I made the most of that time. I wanted to make sure Thomas never had eyes for other women. I believe myself to be an attractive woman and I know my husband...

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What I Want

What I Want What I WantBy Darqside The first time I met her, she was leaving the same hallway door I was about to enter, we were both on our own way to or from class in college, but that single moment that I met her changed everything. I wanted her. From that single encounter I recalled with exact clarity her height, the blonde tufts of curls in her hair, her deep blue eyes, long eyelashes, and pink lips. She was wearing a blouse with black dress pants, perhaps for a presentation or...

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Secretary to the CEO

Secretary to the CEO by theduck1930 I’m a retired CEO of a small-cap company. Our market was agriculture chemicals. Rather a smelly business. If you had ever sprayed weed control products on your lawn you could appreciate what I just said. I had worked my way up the ladder starting as a janitor around the formulating mixers. The odor could knock your socks off if it had not been for everyone wearing a respirator. Every day when I came to work I could smell the plant as soon as I opened my car...

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CHAPTER ONE I’ve spent the majority of my life as a “good girl”, I’ve never lied, cheated or stole…well unless you count the time I stole gum from the supermarket…I was seven at the time. I just turned twenty-seven and I’ve only been with three men. I got married when I was twenty-four, we divorced after only a year. I’ve dated a little since the divorce but nothing very serious. As good as people think I am, I do have a bad side that no one knows about. It’s something that if anyone knew I...

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Ring of TruthBlog 16 A Gay experience

24th November 2004 I spanked Sarah on Sunday. It was only the second time that I had done so and she more or less provoked me into doing it. She was on her period and a bit grumpy to start with and when I tried to get her to name a date for moving in with me she snapped at me and said tartly, "Perhaps I never will." As she turned away her thoughts came through,

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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 9 Strapped In

A little after four o'clock, I called the suite. Pyx was working at the Flames, filling in for a sick co-worker, so Vonda crawled over and answered. I spoke before she could say a word. "Get your belt on." Vonda hung her head. "You saw." "Of course I did. You stood up and stretched." "I'm sorry, Master. My legs were cramping and I did it without thinking." "That's alright. Wear your belt for three hours, and all is forgiven." With trembling hands, Vonda locked herself into...

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29 November 2006Chapter 9

The crowd thinned out, and the ice was cleaned for the next use. “We’ll have about a forty-five-minute wait to see Peter,” Scott mentioned. “We should be going then, early day tomorrow,” Karen said. Brenda, Diane, Cathy, Dan, and Karen walked towards the exit doors. Scott and Vicky walked together, followed by Brad and Abby. Karen hustled the other four aside so Scott and Vicky could have some privacy while Brad and Abby waited by the stairs to the lower level. Scott and Vicky stopped by...

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BigTitsRoundAsses Kay Lovely The Horny Tutor

Kay Lovely needed help studying for her upcoming exam. She headed over to her new tutor’s house but she must have gotten the wrong address cause she ended up at Peter Green’s house instead. There, he pretended to be her tutor and asked her to come inside. At the house, he accidentally spilled water all over her shirt making her have to take her shirt off. Her shirt came off revealing her perfect tits. At this point, Kay started to realize that Peter wasn’t her real tutor. So she decided to get...

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Baby Powder Scent

Baby Powder Scent Players: John and Susan The scent of baby powder often invokes the mothering instinct in many women. For some women that instinct may even overcome a man thought too big for diapers. Of course once diapered there's no good reason not to give him a breast. John eased onto the stool exhausted. Too tired for conversation he simply nodded at bartender Claire. Claire, with understanding and a sympathetic look she nodded back and slipped a frosted glass under...

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Awakenings Ch 37

After Maggie was gone Scotty leaned over and said, “Things are starting to heat up. Check that out.” He nodded towards a table near the dance floor. I followed his gaze and immediately started to chuckle. I'd been so focused on Maureen that I'd neglected to pay attention to what was happening on the rest of the ball room floor. At the table Scotty was pointing towards a woman in her mid thirties was kneeling on the floor between her partner's legs. His trousers were unzipped, his erect cock was...

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A Simple Parlor Trick First Take

It was a delightful little party at my best friend Hugh's house, with about a dozen of us present all told. His parents were out of the city, and with their gracious permission we were granted access to Mr. Blackbourne's stupendous collection of liquor. The drinks offered pleasing warmth on a harsh winter afternoon. It was still light out and we were hesitant to imbibe too much so early, so we'd gathered some chairs in a circle and were swapping stories. Edward, my other best friend,...

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Spiritual UnionChapter 8

"So Lesley ... Is she Irish or something?" Julie asked on the ride home from classes one evening. Her hair was still slick from the pool, and the soft scent of chlorine was present in Trish's little car. "I'm a little curious about that too." Trish spoke up brightly. Her face took on that same faraway look that crossed her features whenever Lesley was mentioned. "I don't really know." I admitted, shifting slightly in the passenger seat. "She's got an accent I can't really...

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Adriana and I by writtenroles

I closed the door behind me, flicked the lights on, and turned to face Adriana. "Nervous, baby?" She teased, giving me a sly smile. Her black skin was flawless, and her long, frizzy hair framed her pretty face. She was a few inches taller than me, with wide hips and full-bodied arms and legs, dressed in nothing but a very thin sleeping gown. The plunging neckline showed the dark brown edge of one areola, teasing a glimpse at the round, firm breasts beneath. "A little bit," I admitted with an...

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A Mother In Need

Mom wasn't an especially happy lady, but she was very determined to make a good life for us. She had assumed that responsibility after dad, or should I just call him Bill, left us for another woman.I hated it when she would tell me how much I looked like him but then she would smile and the sparkle in her eyes would make me putty in her hands. Mom had asmile that wouldmelt any ones heartwho saw it. She wasn't a gorgeous woman but she was very neat and clean. Her slight chubbiness added to her...

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Tiffanys Fall From Grace

It was early in July, around the tenth, and my brother Randy was out of town for two weeks, attending some football camp. Randy was the quarterback at our high school, and good enough already that he'd had college coaches calling and coming out to our house to talk to him and my dad about their athletic scholarships, and Randy's future prospects. I'm Tom, only fifteen years old, and nothing at all like Randy. Where he is tall, intelligent, very athletic and good looking, I am five foot...

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Friends With Benefits With Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hello, everyone, this is Rajeev again, thanks for all your emails and comments on my stories. Today I want to narrate an experience with one of the readers of my stories. As usual please provide me any comments and any ladies looking for fun in Bangalore you can contact me at complete 100% secrecy guaranteed Now diving into the story, I had not checked my mail for a few days as I had gone home post my return from Bangkok, normally I check my mails almost every day. Once I was back in Bangalore...

3 years ago
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New neighbour 2

I ran down the stairs, still wet from the shower, hurriedly wrapping a towel around my waist. Fumbling for my keys, I unlocked the door, not paying attention to who it was stood on the other side of the glass. Finally I pulled the door open and there, stood on my front door step, was my new neighbour, the woman from my fantasy just moments before.'Oh, uh, hi' I mumbled, suddenly very aware that I was practically naked.'Hi' she replied, cheerily, 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you' she...

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Listening to the Radio turns people on

In the background the radio played romantic music as Sebastian stood in the shower thinking of the evening he had arranged with his dream girl. He couldn't believe that she had agreed to go on a date with him.He has first glimpsed her across a room at a drinks party. It was her animation which made him notice her. The majority of people in the room were over fifty and in the midst of a group of predominantly grey and white haired people the black hair tumbling over her shoulders drew his eye...

Oral Sex
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Smart Housewife Who Learned How To Solve Her Family Issue

Doston, I am a disappointed person nowadays. Not because of I am cheated, but purely because of trusting her blindly who forced me to fell in love only to cater to her temporarily loneliness. She fooled me by taking me into her love completely. I was madly in love with her. I spend a lot of money on her without my wife knowledge. But now everything over. I became ex. for her, she is with some other guy now, who I know. People used to tell that she need couple as friends always, and when one...

1 year ago
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Divorced Daddy

My parents got a divorce, and that totally changed the relation I had with my dad. It all started two months ago, when my parents called me and said they had something important to tell me. When I got there, they told me they were getting a divorce and that my dad has already been living out for a month. I got a bit sad, but I accepted it; I thought that if they’re divorcing it'is because they’re having a bad time together, so it’s really the best for them. Even though I ask...

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Inviting the new neighbors to a BBQ 4 Repost

“I don’t even want him to touch me anymore” said Deni, breaking the silence, a somewhat random thought escaping her lips, “but I can’t not let him”. “I know honey, I understand” I said, trying my best to be understanding, not that I could stand the thought of him fucking her either. “and we’re going to have a baby”, she added, “I’m so happy it’s your baby and not his” I kissed her lovingly, holding her tight to me and she kissed me back, a tear running down her cheek, soaking into the...

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Hunger Is Only Skin DeepChapter 10

“Please call up August of Lisa,” Jonathan says as he grabs his keys. “I don’t want you alone tonight.” Sasha nods her head and then kisses him. “I will and be careful.” “Always am,” he says with a smile and then he is out the door. Sasha call up August and Lisa right after. August explains how she is able to come over but Lisa is not. Lisa has to run numbers by their client from Hong Kong before closing the deal with him. So while she is busy at the business dinner, August is coming over....

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Mothers LegacyChapter 2

Panting like two marathon runners we both reached the shower at nearly the same instant. Mom's butt was pink from the cracks I landed and she reached back to try and rub the sting out. "You really know how to get to a girl don't you. My ass is sore but it's a nice sore." She kissed me and when the shower water was up to temperature she grabbed me by the dork and pulled me into the stall with her. Her shower was very modern and was finished in granite. The shower heads (twelve) were all...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Abigail Mac Noelle Easton Busty Beauties

Abigail Mac and Noelle Easton are both blessed in the boob department, and they love to play with their own tits as well as each other’s. Under the guise of trying to decide on a seductive outfit for their double date with Preston Parker later that night, the girls end up taking off their bras to caress one another’s huge knockers. Their all natural tatas jiggle and quiver as they warm each other up for the pleasure that’s still to come. Once both girls are topless, Noelle...

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Der Einkauf

Der Einkauf Eine Geschichte von Claudia Monroe Es war drei Uhr nachmittags an diesem sonnigen, warmen Fr?hlingstag. Peter stand vor seiner Haust?r und f?hlte sich ?berhaupt nicht wohl in seiner Haut. Genauer gesagt f?hlte er sich sterbenselend. Am liebsten w?rde er sofort im Boden versinken. Wie jeder vern?nftige Mensch wei?, tut uns der Boden in den meisten F?llen nicht diesen Gefallen. Er klingelte, klopfte. "Nun hau' endlich ab, du m?sstest dich doch ganz ...

3 years ago
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Initiated by Baxter Chapter 2

Taking the name of the place out of him was hard enough, Matt knew how to be inconvenient sometimes. After some sweet talking he slipped it, Video Gallery. Finding the address on the White Pages was easy enough, and the place was as inconspicuous as the name implied: just a boring white on black logo on the facade with a single obscure movie poster on the front door. Matt might’ve fooled me in the end but who knows, I had to try. Once I finished my third cig and didn’t see anyone close by, I...

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My sis is irresistible0

Let me introduce myself, my name is Tyler and I am 18. I live with my mother (Nancy) and my sister (Stephanie) and we live in Washington. My sister and I have both gone to public school our entire lives. All through high school my sister and I have been a grade apart and that has made a few things a little hard on me when it comes to her. You see, she is very popular and every guy in school wants to be seen with her. She is 18 years old is 5"4" and weighs about 110 pounds sopping wet. But...

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Getting caught with Joanie

After reading all of the life diary entries that i had made in my blog, One of my online friends on Hamster asked me to write a story for her involving her and her wife. I did so and sent it to her and she loved it then asked me to post it in my blog for all to see. So, here it is, my first fictional story. I hope readers approve. Joanie was kneeling in the bedroom, wearing full feminine lingerie, bra, panties, suspender belt, stockings and high heels. She had on a shoulder length blonde wig...

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Balck Meat does wife

To Dean it was just another adventure. His wealthy parents had died in a car crash a few years back. Dean was happy to let his older brother run the family business. He lived quite happily off his share of the dividends and interest from the family fortune. He was twenty-five and didn’t have any plans of settling down soon. Why should he? He was rich. He could do whatever he wanted and if he fell, well, money has a way of making sure you always land on your feet. Dean was a cat man and he knew...

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Poor Petra 2

“Alcohol!” I announce, as we tumble in, and I skip off towards thesmall kitchenette area that’s in one corner of the room. “Yeah!” chorus the boys. “Just make yourself at home, guys,” I say, grabbing some beers from the fridge, bending right over in the process so as to provide the same enticing view that Danny got treated to when I dropped my bag in the taxi. I’m such a fucking little tease! We have some of those beanbag floor cushion affairs, typical student stuff, and the four of us get...

Group Sex
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Part two Fall of a PTA Mum

"We're halfway there," Ashley said. "This process must always be thorough. Now stay on your knees.""What else do you want from me?"Ashley gave the most naughty grin. "You were always good with your mouth, so we'll see what else you can do with it."With her slender dress still hiked up, pussy and ass showing, Principal Myers casually walked to the drawer where she had hidden a small box. She placed the box on the desk and opened it.The Principle picked up the content, which had a long strap...

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The Transformation part II

I was in the closet dangling surrounded by mirrors for what felt like an eternity. Mistress Anna, my once friend now dominatrix, had helped me to the best orgasm of my life but my penance was to stay handcuffed in her closet seeing my sissified self in all the mirrors she had set up around me. I felt ashamed and aroused all at once. It was probably a few hours later that the plug finally slipped from my ass as I started to doze. The glass plug thudded on the carpet and woke me from my daze....

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The Case of the Absentee Husband a Michelle Hammer Mystery

Hammer's the name, Michelle Hammer, I'm a P.I. Being an ex-cop I know official procedure in dealing with crimes, but more often than not I'm riding the ragged edge between legality and what it takes to get the job done. My office is above McGinty's Tavern in the circa 1930 Sanborn Building which is convenient for both of us since he's my landlord and his corned beef on rye with mustard sandwiches are first rate. I was having a beer and a sandwich and shooting the breeze with McGinty, a...

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Mom I Love You 8211 Part I

It all happened in the year 1991. I was 21 then and now I am an established doctor in Kolkata aged 43. My mother’s name was Mala, a woman from village and was married off in her early 15 and in 16 she gave birth to me. But the bad luck occurred and my father died early. She had to go back to her maternal house with me and she raised me with very hard work. I was reading in MBBS 5th year and with the money of stipend I took her to a tour to Kashmir. We were travelling in a two-tier AC...


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