Dr. Grey Ch. 03 free porn video

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The call came as Grey was at home. It was half-past nine, which meant that she was clearly more addicted to the oils than he could have possibly hoped for. Karen was in a call box outside her home, in floods of tears. She told him that the oil had faded quickly and that she needed, really needed, to see him tonight to get some more.

“My skin is crawling, Doctor Grey, and I am really scared. Simon is beside himself with worry and the kids are terrified!”

“It’s ok Karen, I’ve got your address and I will be over in 20 minutes.”

She was pathetically grateful to him and he wallowed in it. Now was his chance to meet and evaluate the family scenario, probe for weaknesses and plan his attack.

Grey arrived at the house and was greeted by Simon. He was a well-built and good-looking man, clearly another who had aged with grace.

“Simon, where is Karen please?”

“Upstairs on the bed with the kids.”

Grey allowed Simon to show him the way and entered the bedroom. From two such handsome parents had come two really beautiful daughters who, clearly, followed their mother to the gym on a regular basis. Grey mentally undressed them both as he began to check on their mother.

“I think Karen and I need to talk alone for a second please. Could I ask you all to wait downstairs?”

The family left as Grey sat on the edge of the bed.

“Karen, I think you are suffering from an extreme mental reaction to something here in the house. You are fine when you are with me but this is twice in two days you have had these breakdowns when at home. What were you doing just before you began to feel like this?”

“I was with Simon, in here, watching TV. The kids were downstairs playing a video game.”

“I think we need to have a quick session tonight to see if we can figure out why. Here is a little more oil to help calm you a bit.”

He gave her a handkerchief and she swallowed down the scent like a soul that is gasping for air. The relief was incredible and she felt high, loved and at peace all at once. She rested back on the bed and closed her eyes.

“I presume it’s safe to say your vagina needs lubricating?”

Karen laughed despite herself. It was no longer a question she feared but it was still odd to hear it said in such a matter-of-fact manner.

“Yes, it’s not been the most erotic of evenings and I could do with a chance to talk to you properly.”

“I have some of the gel with me. I want you to go into the bathroom and lubricate yourself again, though it’s probably best if you bring your panties back here in case the kids found them on the floor.”

Karen got up took the handkerchief and the gel to the bathroom. Grey knew it would take at least 5 minutes for her to apply the gel and return, which gave him the chance to look around a little.

He looked in the drawers and found a stash of old love-letters from Karen to Simon. He sped read a few and thrilled at how he was about to destroy the inner-sense of innocence that filled each and every page. He also found, in Karen’s underwear drawer, an 8-inch dildo that instinct told him she kept a secret from Simon.

Simon had secrets too, unless Karen had approved of the collection of porn magazines he had hidden in his closet. Karen was not the spanking type, Grey concluded, yet every one of the magazines featured it exclusively. It had been a decent initial hunt.

Grey returned to the bed and waited for Karen to return. She had her panties bunched into her left hand and then slipped them under the covers of the bed when she thought she was unobserved. Grey had little interest to see what he already had today, at least in the clothing line.

“Karen, your family are going to be worried. I am going to go talk with them for about 40 minutes, just to give them a background and reassure them that all this is temporary. I want you to lie here, take inhalations as needed, and relax with your eyes closed. Ok?”

“Ok Doctor Grey and thank you so much for coming here tonight.”

I haven’t cum yet, he thought, but the night is early.

Grey went downstairs and talked to the family. By the time he was finished he had made them believe she was suffering from mental collapse, due to some trauma that he was going to help eliminate. He came over as every-inch the professional man and they held onto his every word as if it were sacred.

After 45 minutes Grey knew that the gel would be working. He excused himself and said that he was going to have a short session with Karen, laughing internally at the double entendre, and that they were not to be disturbed.

He entered the bedroom again and closed the door. Karen was lying on top of the covers, breathing her freedom away with every inhalation, looking like an angel.

Inside her mind, however, Karen was anything but peaceful. Yet again she had felt a massive arousal and tightening just a few minutes ago, it surely could not be in anticipation of the therapy session could it? That was absurd as she only had eyes for Simon, even if Doctor Grey was a distinguished man. Her thoughts calmed as Grey sat on the edge of the bed.

“I am more and more convinced, Karen, that this problem is of a sexual nature. I want to talk over your sexual life a bit more.”

“Ok, ask me anything”

“Is this your side of the bed?”


“Do you ever use a dildo or vibrator to pleasure yourself when Simon is away?”

Karen hesitated to share her secret but then relented.

“Yes, I have a dildo in the drawer over there. Simon does not know about it because he would feel hurt, you know with me getting pleasure out of anything but him. It’s a white lie but a necessary one, Doctor Grey, because he is away on business so often.”

“Bring it to show me please.”

Karen got up, fetched the dildo and gave it to Grey. She then lay back and closed her eyes anew.

“Does Simon have an 8-inch penis?”

She was going to ask why it was relevant but, of course, if Doctor Grey thought it was then it clearly was.

“Yes, I got that to exactly match his thickness and length. As I say I wanted it to help me be with him, not to replace him in even the slightest way.”

Grey knew now that he held Simon’s cock in his hands and the imagery appealed. He had this guy by the balls, if he only knew it, and he was going to crush them slowly and painfully. Grey placed the dildo beside him on the bed.

“I want to talk about body-image now Karen. How attractive do you find your physical appearance?”

Karen replied that she thought, overall, she was attractive and that she was pleased with how she looked. As she replied, the short-living oil that Grey had given her began to wear off. She could feel the panic beginning to rise.

Grey knew that the oil would be wearing off about now and it presented him with an opportunity.

“You never get a chance to study yourself from all angles in a mirror though, Karen, and rarely can you study yourself naked. I am wondering if your body-image may have a deep-down flaw?”

“I am feeling panicky again , Doctor Grey. What’s happening?”

“Don’t worry Karen, it’s a reaction to us talking over a sub-consciously painful thing. I want to try an experiment that will help us reveal your true self-image, after which you should have calmed enough to allow the oil to help you again.”

“Ok, anything, just be quick please. I am so scared.”

“With your permission I want to take digital photographs of you from every angle. I am afraid I am going to have to ask you to have faith in my integrity, for these shots would have to be naked, however I assure you they are important for your therapy. If you decide not to then it’ll mean we have taken this session as far as we can for tonight and, I f
ear, the oil may not help you until we can talk again.”

Every instinct within her decent soul screamed against this suggestion but even that crescendo was insufficient to drown the fear, physical pain and cold sweats that withdrawal from the oil was inflicting. All she could focus on was that she needed the oil to work. She tried to compromise.

“Couldn’t Simon take them for you?”

“I’d still need to see them, to discuss them with you. Simon may also object and that would again end the session tonight. Should I ask him anyhow?”

Karen could not take the risk of Simon saying no and Grey knew it. She looked ashamed but had to agree.

“Karen, I want you to take your time when you are undressing. Give your mind a chance to embrace your self-image and try to bring out the sub-conscious thoughts. Just listen to me and I will guide you.”

As Karen got up off the bed, Grey deftly substituted the old handkerchief for a duplicate new one. This one had enough oil for another hour. He gave it to her.

“As soon as your sub-conscious begins to open up, you will feel the soothing oils help to calm you down. They cannot make you calm, of course, but they are acting as a focus for your mind. Only breathe from the handkerchief when I tell you. Stand in front of me please, about 3 ft away, facing in my direction.”

Karen was nervous, ashamed, in withdrawal and yet hopeful that this might yet make her terror go away. She stood in front of Grey, wearing the same outfit she had done at his office.

Grey stood up and took a shot of Karen from the front, sides and the rear. He took his time and gave her a chance to become used to his presence.

“Ok Karen, try the handkerchief again. Let’s see if we have got your sub-conscious attention.”

Karen inhaled from the handkerchief and suddenly the oils were working. Her fear melted, her aching was gone and instead she was on a complete, dreamy high once more.

“How’s that Karen?”

She sighed contentedly.

“It feels wonderful. You were right, Doctor Grey, as soon as we started doing something to make my sub-conscious focus, the oils worked.”

“You are at peace with yourself because of this Karen, so please try to look pass the obvious embarrassment for us both. Please remove your sweater.”

Karen removed her sweater as Grey went around to her front again. He had set the principle and now it was time to enhance the fun of the practical. Her bra was lacy and black, just like her panties had been, and she looked like a model from a Parisian catwalk.

“I think you fear how people see you Karen, as well as how you see yourself. Simon may be the trigger in this house, or he may not, however you may be afraid of what he is seeing when he is with you sexually. Does that make sense?”

As the premise had been accepted then it made sense to Karen. She nodded.

“I am going to ask you to allow me to take shots from the positions that Simon is in when you are being intimate, as well as those general naked shots we talked of. I will, of course, not touch you.”

“Ok, I’m not happy about it of course but, at the end of the day, it’s clearly something I need to address inside my mind.”

“Take off your bra please”

Grey took shots of her incredible, firm breasts from every angle. He did not forget to take pictures of her naked back as well, just to maintain the charade.

As she stood there the gel inside her pussy made her feel an exhibitionist thrill. She was shamed to admit it to herself but this was not as bad as she thought it might be.

“Karen, please take off your jeans and allow me to take pictures of your vagina.”

The decent, faithful woman in her made her hesitate but it was already too late to go back now. This is what she needed to do in order to be healthy again.

Grey maintained his professional air even as Karen took off her jeans, exposing her complete nakedness for the first time. He had done it, he had won the first battle. Now it was time to make his puppet dance a little and to revel in the control he had over her.

Grey could hear Simon coming up the stairs but he had no fear. Simon trusted him too much just to barge in and the worst he’d do was knock. Grey, in fact, wanted him to knock.

“Karen, does Simon like to see you standing up but bent over? Does it excite him?”

“Yes, it does”

“Then we need a shot or two. Please come over here and stand in front of me, face the door and bend over.”

As Karen did as she was asked, Simon knocked on the door.

“Is everything ok?”

Karen froze with fear. Please do not let him come in…

Grey continued to silently take shots of Karen, placing his face an inch from her buttocks before replying. It was nice of Simon’s wife to bend for him, he thought, especially when her husband was only on the other side of an unlocked door. He fixed his gaze on her bent-over pussy.

“Everything is fine Simon. We should be done in about 90 minutes but already Karen is feeling a lot more relaxed.”

“Making progress Doctor Grey?”

“I’m looking at an opening as we speak which I hope Karen and I shall explore tonight. It’s a little tight at the moment but, with the right approach, I am hoping I can expand it and allow us both to explore new territory. As I say, 90 minutes or so, but we need peace and quiet please.”

“Ok, sorry.”

Simon sounded genuinely apologetic and it was all Grey could do not to laugh.

“Karen, does Simon perform oral sex on you?”

Karen was still trying to get over her shock at the knocking but another inhalation helped calm her.

“Yes, he often does on the bed.”

“Lie on the bed please, spread your legs and I will take some more photos.”

Grey smiled as he saw how wet her open pussy was. The gel was working wonders, despite her own nature, and it was only a matter of working the situation well now. A few more shots for the trophy cabinet and he was ready to move on.

It was important to Grey now that Karen get within 4 inches of him. His cologne was odourless but is was a special combination of his own, working with the oils to heighten their affect but also overidding them within the brain. In short, with his cologne, he could make Karen feel safe when near him but have withdrawal symptoms the moment she could not smell it. It also had one other useful ingredient, namely that it worked to enhance the gel inside Karen’s vagina to new levels.

“I need a shot of you as you are embracing , Karen. Please come here and embrace me, whilst I set the camera to timer.”

As Grey was fully clothed , Karen did not feel too uncomfortable granting his request. She put her arms around him and felt a sudden surge in both her pleasant mood and her aching pussy. Instinctively she held him tighter, crushing her breasts to his suit as he placed his hands on her naked back. The camera flashed as she felt him hold her so gently, respectfully and almost with reverence. She was suddenly aware of how much gratitude she had to this man and she had to stop herself from enjoying the embrace too much.

As she pulled away she instantly began to feel nervous again.

“I am feeling nervy again Doctor Grey.”

Grey looked saddened, as if he had been hoping that something that was true had not been.

“I think we need to talk more Karen. Sit on the bed please.”

Karen sat down.

“I think you have developed a sexual crush on me, which is why you are happy and content in my office or around me but not when you are with your husband.”

Karen looked shocked but, as she moved closer to Grey, she felt that overwhelming sexual urge mix with her elation once more. Maybe he was right? How could that have happened to her? It made sense, for she was so sexually ch
arged in his office today as well.

“I don’t know, I cannot say no because I have to admit I feel incredibly turned on right now, despite myself, but I simply do not know.”

“It’s not a major problem, Karen, and it has a simple, if somewhat direct, cure. You have seen me as this father figure and have translated that into wanting me as your protector. If you were to have sex with me then you would see I am just a man, same as Simon, and your infatuation would be broken.”

There, it was said. Grey knew this was the point at which she either rejected him forever or sold her soul to him. Karen was vulnerable, confused and in need of an answer to her hellish decent into terror.

“I love my husband Doctor Grey.”

“I know you do Karen. This is therapy only, to allow you to go back and love him for the rest of your life.”

Karen moved back to think and the fear hit her again. She needed to be close to him, that was plain, could this end the nightmare?

“When?” Karen asked

There, it was agreed. Not if, but when.

“Now is as good a time as any Karen. Have faith in me, let me guide you and we can get this over as swiftly as possible.”

Grey stood up, taking the cologne out of range to ensure she was nervous. He needed her to be in order to exert maximum control.

“Let’s get you used to me first, Karen. Come here and slowly undress me.”

Grey watched breathlessly as Karen removed his jacket, then his shirt. The cologne calmed her but even so her hands shook. As she reached for his belt he took her hand away.

“No Karen, maybe we do not need to go this far. Let’s try an experiment. Kneel down before me and look at my crotch whilst it is still clothed. If you do not feel the deep desire to undress it, then it’s safe to conclude that our theory is wrong.”

Karen knelt before Grey, her face a few inches front his clothed crotch. Grey had put a special dose of the cologne all over his penis, which intensified the gel in her vagina even more than the cologne. It acted best when in contact with the vagina or mouth but this should be good enough for now, he thought.

As Karen stared at his crotch she felt her pussy moan. There was no doubt in her mind that she wanted to see his cock, with an intensity that convinced her that he must be right. She was obsessed and needed to end that obsession.

“I need to see you,” Karen said.

“Ok, Karen, then I shall allow myself to become aroused to aid in our therapy. In order to break the obsession we need to keep Simon in view as well. We are looking to compare and contrast him with me, so you must give me everything you give to Simon. In short, you must attempt to give me the best sexual experience you are capable of, as if I were your husband and not just your therapist.”

Karen nodded. Grey checked the clock and saw they had 40 minutes left. It was plenty of time to enjoy his victory.

“Karen, undress me and then take me to the bed. In order to keep the link I want you to place me on Simon’s side.”

Karen removed his trousers and the affect of the cologne on his penis became stronger. Grey looked down in triumph at her arousal, for she was just as much an animal in heat now as an intelligent woman.

With his boxer shorts removed, Karen was able to see his erection clearly for the first time. It was about an inch longer than Simon’s but thinner, however the cologne made her consider it the most exciting sexual site she had ever witnessed. With a great effort she tore herself away from it by standing up, before leading Grey to Simon’s side of the bed.

Grey lay down as Karen looked at him.

“Karen, I want you to perform oral sex on me now. At all times try to do it as well as you can and keep focusing on Simon, if possible.”

She needed no second invitation. As a starving man to the feast, so Karen went down on Grey with intense enthusiasm. His cock tasted fantastic as she began to rhythmically suck and stroke it. All she could think of with regards to Simon is how it had never felt this arousing to blow him.

Grey looked down on Karen’s bobbing head and enjoyed the situation even more than the sex itself, although she had not been boasting when she had said she was great at giving head. He was on Simon’s side, in Simon’s bed, with Simon’s oh-so-proper wife giving him oral as Simon sat downstairs, giving them space. The double joy was that they were going to pay him extra for a house call.

After a few minutes of the most delicious suckling, Grey was ready to cum. He remembered what Karen had told him in the office.

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Crunching and chewing. The foul stench of dead flesh assaults my nostrils. This is the first thing my mind registers upon regaining consciousness. Then comes the pain. A raw, aching pain in my jaw. I dare not move my mouth for fear that my jaw might fall limply off its hinge. Luckily it doesn’t happen. I’m tucked into a dark corner of the cavern, surrounded by leaves and dried bones. This must be where the dragon feeds itself. I’m still intact, with only minor scars from the b**st’s talons and...

1 year ago
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Peeking at Niece

Note : This story is completely fictional! My wifes younger brother and his wife had been having problems for years. He was in and out of jail and his wife was an alcoholic and drug user. The last time he went to jail my wifes niece and her mom were not getting along so the niece came to live with us. She was a very with long blonde hair and a very slim figure but very small tits. My wife and I had always been very open about sex and we had done some swinging and had a few threesomes. Our kids...

2 years ago
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Man With No Past

I went into fleet at sixteen when the war started. I had no family and was an orphan so a city official had to sign the legal papers. The first two years were hard but during several battles I earned medals of valor, gallantry and heroism. That brought promotions until I volunteered for the special operation teams. I passed the tests and my rank was taken when I went to the course. It had been abbreviated to six weeks and when I graduated I was commissioned a lieutenant junior grade. The...

2 years ago
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I Love Panties by fbailey

I love panties. What I actually mean to say is that I love to see panties on girls or women. Hell, I love to smell them too if I can get the chance that is.One Saturday I was in the biggest shopping mall in town. I was sitting on a bench tucked in between two potted shrubs. I was in the perfect position to watch the girls go up the escalator. On occasion I could even see a hint of panty on a girl. I had my cell phone out and ready to capture the moment. I had obtained two pictures. One was of a...

2 years ago
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From a D to A

Introduction: Hey guys:) Thanks for all the encouraging comments! Still new here, so plz go easy! Mr. Derrick walked around, handing people their report cards. Jessica waited patiently for hers, hoping for something at least a little above a D. When he handed her the report card, however, Jess heart sunk. She had a D. And not even a D+, a D-. Her parents were going to kill her! She groaned as the bell rang. Jess knew she had to do something about this before it got to her parentsafter all, it...

4 years ago
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First Time With Neighobour Aunty

Hi, In continuation from my last sex story from hotmalluraj ID. I am Raj and back after my first move. We moved to a new house, it was a big colony and we got introduced to many people. One of them was Mrs. Sharma, she was a nice homely lady, divorced with two kids, elder daughter use to stay with her and son used to say with her husband. Mrs. Sharma being a homely lady used to wear sarees at home, I used to bunk my college classes and come at sit at her house chatting with her. Her daughter...

2 years ago
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Alone and AfraidChapter 3 Helping Taylor

I drove over to a store for cellular products. I had to break in and then had to find the alarm and switch it off. We found a phone she liked and I managed to activate it on my account. I called her and then had to show her how to answer and operate it. I put my number, Bert’s, and Ed’s into it explaining who they are. We left there and I said, “What kind of car or truck would you like?” She smiled. “I want a Ford. Dad always said they were the best.” “They are a good brand.” We pulled in...

3 years ago
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It was a going away party. There were words to be said, things to be done. Some things to be undone, if possible. The next day, they would be gone, and only God, if He existed, knew when, or even if, they would ever return. Captain Marco Kensington woke slowly. Very slowly. The computer monitoring his vitals was careful. Precise amounts of stimulants were being fed into him at calculated intervals. He rose from the nothingness of suspended animation into a fog of barely conceivable reality....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Africa Slave QueenChapter 4

The confident sexy reporter had been in the camp for nearly a month when the routine of sexual repetition began to go strange. She wasn't sure if she was hallucinating, dreaming or dead but the world seemed distant, then she there was big stretches of time which seemed almost outside her body. She was in a bed with bright lights then blackness then glimpses of that German bastard who had raped her with the help of the soldiers and nurse. She sensed passage of time but didn't experience it....

2 years ago
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Survival of the Sexiest

Sometimes you just have to make things go your way or the world will pass you by.My name is Roma and I work in Sales, and as you will find out, I still work in Sales. But that nearly wasn’t to be. The company I work for was going through a difficult patch and it was clear there were about to be redundancies with Sales always getting the brunt of these things. If we’re not selling, it must be Sales’ fault. I, however, knew it was a lack of good marketing, and decided that I should market myself...

Office Sex
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High Rise Voyeurs

I am a senior partner at the top law firm in the city and my wife is the chief neurosurgeon at the top hospital in the city. We both have a rare weekend off together and have an opportunity to enjoy one of our sexual pleasures. We are both voyeurs and exhibitionists. This weekend we are indulging in voyeurism. We live in an exclusive, private residential tower on the twentieth floor. I am just getting home at six in the evening. My wife Julie calls out, ‘Hurry up Jake, the show is just...

2 years ago
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A Trip to the Country

Bradley was, in the opinion of Lady Carrington, the perfect butler. Proper, polite, and he ruled the staff with the iron fist that kept Lady Stirling's household in perfect order ever since the tragic death of her husband. Invisible until needed, the man could predict your every whim and satisfy it instantly. He appeared at her shoulder with the glass of ice water before even she had realized her throat was dry. The heat was oppressive in the drawing room on this August afternoon with its...

1 year ago
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Taken by a stranger in public

It was a warm summers night. My long backless ball gown clung to my body, the split exposing my right leg almost to my hip, the curve of my breasts and my stiff nipples clearly visible through the gown in the absence of any bra or any underwear at all for that matter.I was at a charity ball with my partner at a nice hotel just on the outskirts of town. The drink was flowing, we were dancing and I was having a great night. The fact that my outfit was getting a good bit of attention was turning...

3 years ago
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An Angel of Mercy in Starched Whites

This is a story about a naughty nurse and a willing patient, did she mean to jerk me off, or was it all a dream?I have no real fetish for the naughty nurse, but I recently saw a movie from the 1950's with the prim and proper nurses in white and this idea popped into my head. None of it is true, in fact I at 65 plus years old I have never been in a hospital in my life so this is a fantasy!!She was dressed in white, from her neckline to the tips of her toes and her long slender fingers were...

3 years ago
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Escape From Buggery Ch 15

The Sodomite pilgrims couldn’t be described as great conversational company. In fact, as they had all had their tongues removed, they weren’t able to converse at all. The conversation they had with each other was conducted in sign language and mouthing, but this was enough for them to organise themselves pretty well. Despite their various mutilations, they were astonishingly self-sufficient and capable. They knew exactly which roots, fruits and berries could be safely eaten. They were expert at...

1 year ago
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Antons TroublesChapter 10

Anton stood at his window looking down on the street below. He was feeling profoundly sad, unaware of the tear about to leak from the corner of his eye. The events of the past three weeks had been an incredible assault on his fragile sensibilities, carrying him from a self-imposed isolation and a shunning of the world around him, into the depths of despair over the loss of his Sophia, through a forced acceptance of that horrible reality, then to the singular joy, transient though it may have...

3 years ago
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In the mall sissy femdom story Part 9

Part 9Rose came back in a few minutes. The entire time she was gone I listened to thetwo girls going at in across the room. There were more than a couple squealsand a few damns as Nancy took Monique up and down an oral roller coaster. Icouldn't see anything other than my own vulnerable reflection. Unfortunately,that excited me and yet another drip of pre-cum formed at the end of my stillfirm dick. When Rose reentered the room she ignored the other two occupants andcame directly to me.Again...

3 years ago
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He Wheeled Into My Life

I’ve always been a hopeless romantic at heart. Ever since I discovered the teen romance section at the local library, my hormones skyrocketed, and it wasn’t long until I moved onto adult romance. For years, I’ve longed for a soul mate. I loved how fantasizing the love and adoration from a man made me feel sexy, but it was frustrating at the same time. I found myself being let down, time after time, by men who were losers. Expectations were a mile missed. Recently, the man I dated was a complete...

1 year ago
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Best 10 Indian sex stories of February 2022

Dear Readers, we hope you will enjoy playing Holi this month. Till then, read the stories that were most enjoyed in the month of February 2022. 1) By In this mom son sex story, a strict and disciplined mom becomes a horny cougar slut for her son. Her son seduces her with his sex talks and small advances. ‘I replied cautiously, “Mom, I can’t see you unsatisfied like this. What’s the problem with me? I’m your son, not any outside person. I have grown up now. I’m not a kid anymore.” Mom- Never...

3 years ago
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Be Careful What You Wish For A Marci Tale

Be Careful What You Ask For By LindaK Mark had been pestering his wife for days to do some kink play. He was a closeted cross-dresser who loved bondage, both giving and receiving. His wife, Ann had reluctantly agreed over the years to accept his dressing provided he kept it to the home. She even helped him improve 'Marci's' image through makeup advice, clothing tips and even toning down his kink clothing to outfits more suitable for a 'woman' of his age. If Ann was honest with...

2 years ago
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Breakfast is Served

Drawing the covers back, hearing the hiss of the material against your spread legs. I see they are pulled back slightly, giving me full and unhindered access to your throbbing cock. My tongue sweeps my lips in anticipation, noting its length and girth. I watch it throb with each beat of your heart and notice the glistening, diamond drop of pre-cum at the tip. I can’t help the purr from rumbling softly in my throat as I crawl cat-like up the bed and settle between your legs. Stormy eyes darken...

3 years ago
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Juicy Jennifers first friend 1

Jennifer is my first female friend from our teen times together. We are neighbours. We play many games.I am a few years older, but she looks a lot younger than her age. Petite, pretty and slim. Almost flat-chested.Jennifer loves to play hide and seek. She proposes some price to pay, every time I'll catch her in her hiding.I am all the time fond of her bell bottom. I secretly day-dream about spanking her ass, as I know it's a turn-on!Jennifer accepts my proposal. We will takes turns as spanker...

2 years ago
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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 6 Old Wounds

Lara groaned. Her head was pounding and her eyes felt like sandpaper. She and Ben had been up until ... when? drinking and toasting. Oh god, how much had she drank? They'd finished off one bottle of that shoe varnish that Quohog claimed was whiskey but after that ... They'd spent the last part of the night telling wild tales and comparing scars. Everything else was a blur. Oh God, had she? had he? Eyes still clenched against the world, Lara felt down with her hands to tell if she was...

3 years ago
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DeborahChapter 22

Richard played golf on Wednesday morning which was a good thing as it kept him occupied. He played reasonably well, which came as a slight surprise to him considering his distraction, and he enjoyed his opponent's company. They had known each other a long time. That did not stop him being at the tree on time. Deborah had beaten him to it. He glanced round. No one else was in sight. "You beat me to it," he said gathering her in his arms. "Hello, my darling!" "At last!" she said into...

4 years ago
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Uski Newly Married Wife Mili Gift Mein 8211 Part 11

Urvashi ek do din mein wapas jane wali thi.Wo kuchh udas thi.Pr chud chud kr khoob mast ho gai thi.Uske boob bhi bade ho gaye the.Wo raat ko mere paas nangi hi soti thi.Urvashi ko gaand mrwane ka khoob chaska tha. Dopahar ka time tha.Manoj tv dekh raha tha.Reena us se baat kr rahi thi.Reena ko dekh kr mera mood ban gya.Maine usko pichhe se pakad liya.Wo chunk gai. Reena-are kaun hai?Chhodo mujhe… Raj-tum ko to ab chod kr hi chhodunga meri jaaan… Wo ye sunte hi chunk gai.Manoj k samne wo ye...

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Worshipping at Aphrodites Feet Ch 01

Naama entered the courtyard, just as the younger classes were letting out. She was beyond class as one of the fully fledged. She smiled at the giggles of the youngest just beginning to take instruction in the arts, the knowing, confident looks of those in the middle class who thought they’d learned everything there was to know and the cool, assured looks of the ones who had learned everything the instructors could teach them in the classroom and who had experienced at least one assignation of...

3 years ago
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Opposite Gender Part 1

Have you ever thought what it would be like to swap your gender? Come on! We all have thought about it at one time or another, both women and men! Open up your mind and as you read this story, imagine what it would be like for you to swap genders. Enjoy! I am a 16 year old boy living in a town some approximately 35 miles or so north of San Francisco, California. I have been going to Petaluma High School and have felt these urges that I dare not let out around school. I am afraid of being...

4 years ago
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Pooja The Sexiest Babe

Hi guys, this is Kevin once again with a story of the sexiest babe I met. I hope you guys are having a great time. I got a great response from girls and guys. Thank you so much. I’m sorry I didn’t see few invites so I couldn’t reply to you all back. Many of you really liked Now let’s move on. We have discussed so many girls from Diya, Priya, Shreya, Ayesha, and Reshma. Let me know who your favorite is. Those who are new, please read my previous entries. You will have a clear picture of the...

1 year ago
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Stormy Weather A Love Story

It was raining like hell out. I’d just gotten off work and stopped by the 7-11 to pick up some sodas to take home. She was sitting on the curb, shivering and cold. Her clothes were totally soaked and she didn’t have shoes. There wasn’t a soul around this time of night, being close to midnight and stormy. As the headlights of my car hit her, she lifted her head. What a sad sight she is. I get out and run inside, get what I need and back out to my car. “Mister, will you help me, please.”

4 years ago
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A Night with the Girls

As you walk into work on a warm summers day humming your favorite song, as your boss screams at you to get to work. Just then you think to you're self 'I wish i would have come in early today' and instantly you're at your desk and all of your morning work is done. Then your boss comes over and says, "WOW! now that's some hard work you just got done, come into my office." As you go in you say to yourself 'I hope I get a raise'. As you enter your boss' office he says, "you're getting a big raise...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Demoness Chapter 1

"Damn humans. I promised mom I'd go to school with them, but it's just getting worse by the second. I can't walk 5 feet without bumping into some random pevert who begs me to fuck him." Drena said into the phone. "Don't worry, s*s!" exclaimed her brother whom was talking to Drena through the phone. "They could **** you." Drena paused for a second and replied,"I am not a ****e, I am a r****t! I am a succubus after all.""Heh, sooo... whatcha wearin'?""Don't phone sex me.""I wasn't. I wanna know...

2 years ago
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Sex Toys Boxer Shorts

Sex Toys: The Boxers ? by: Robyn You've seen the commerical. Two women sitting on a bench discussing who is wearing boxers and who has briefs on. I've seen the commerical many times but I never understood it before. I hear that your choice between boxers and briefs has something to do with the size of your dick. Tiddy whity's are small penised men while boxers are more endowed men. Throughout my life, I have always considered boxer shorts to be especially comfortable. What that...

3 years ago
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That was Wonderful Baby

My hands were shaking slightly as I fumbled trying to take my keys out of the ignition. I knew why I was here parked outside some random apartment an hour from home, but my nerves were getting the best of me. I shoved the keys into my pocket and closed the car door before heading up the driveway to the back basement apartment. I took a deep breath and knocked twice on the door. After a few seconds the curtain on the door slide open and a cute smile filled up the window.The door opened and I...

3 years ago
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My Dream of You

Upon the beach rests a pair of shorts and loose linen shirt, presumably the clothing I had on when I arrived here. I slip into the clothing and spy a torch lying a short distance away. As I approach the woven wicker and bamboo contraption, I again spy the flash that drew me out of the warm waters. I snatch up the torch, which somehow by the magic of this place lights up with merry crackle, illuminating the way before me. The cool light of the stars and moon is quickly replaced by the...

4 years ago
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An encounter

I have been separated for over 3 years now and hadn't been with a woman in that time. I finally met someone a few months ago and we had a lot in common in our lives. Our first date was coffee then a game of pool. Our second date was a movie and a drink. Our third date, however, was where things got really interesting.We went out for dinner at a local restaurant and had a nice time. I thought we were done for the evening when she invited me back to her place to watch a movie. I accepted. We got...

1 year ago
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SweetHeart Video

SweetheartVideo! Let's talk about the ‘L' word. No, not the sappy, sentimental one. The one about the best kind of girl-girl bonding anyone woman can ever experience and any guy can ever see – lesbianism. Sadly, most homosexual females in the real world are either too focused on their careers, attending to their cats, or planning their next trip of hiking through the Ozarks, rather than making out at the bars for our delight.But sites like SweetHeartVideo.com have you covered. No matter who you...

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