TV Babysitter free porn video

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TV BABYSITTER My name is Clinton Crayle and I'm a very different kind of private detective. My specialty is untangling the kinky sex lives of the very rich. My fee is $l,000 a day and I'm seldom out of work. My clients know discretion is absolute and I guarantee my results. So, if you're rich and in a jam, come to my office. Jerry Crown did. "Mr. Crayle, I need a baby sitter," he said. "At a thousand dollars a day - plus expenses -- it must be some baby," I answered. "It is," he insisted. "It's my twin daughters, Beth and Liz. And they're far from babies!" This was starting to sound Interesting. "Go on," I urged. Jerry Crown hesitated, then continued. "My daughters are eighteen years old-barely adults, but built like ... Well, let's just say they're stacked. They're also undergoing psychological treatment for certain problems. Anyway, since their mother passed away, I have to keep a pretty close watch over them. Very close." "Why?" I asked. "Last year, while I was away on a business trip, the girls got in serious trouble with the law. Only the fact that they were juveniles at the time--plus lots of my money--kept them out of jail. As it was, they were probated into my custody for a year. They can't move out or disobey me without risking a stiff jail sentence. Since then, I've been trying to keep them out of even worse trouble." "What kind of trouble do you mean?" I could tell that Jerry Crown was avoiding something. "My daughters are lesbians, Mr. Crayle," he admitted. "They've made a lot of the wrong kind of friends in the City. And I'm sure you can imagine the kind of things two wealthy, beautiful girls that look nineteen or twenty could get into. It's been a constant struggle for me to keep them out of the City and away from that crowd." "Maybe you're trying too hard," I suggested. "It could be, your daughters would act a lot better if you gave them more freedom and tried not to make them feel guilty about the way they are." "I can't chance it," Crown said. "After what happened last year, I just can't take the risk. And I must leave town on business next week." "That's what you want me for, eh?" "I'll be gone a week. That's seven thousand dollars for you if you keep my girls out of trouble." "I'll take the job, Mr. Crown, on one condition," I explained. "I want to make it clear that I'm being hired to keep your girls out of trouble with the law. I'm not going to enforce any moral codes or treat them like prisoners. What I will promise is to keep you from going through the courts with them again. Understood?" "Understood." That was Friday. Monday morning at ten, I saw Beth and Liz for the first time. We were at the Airport, where Jerry Crown was handing over the reins to me. "Here are the keys to the cars and houses," he said. "I sent a letter to my Banker giving you full access to my accounts. Here are my checks and bank cards. And here," he gestured, "are the twins." Beth and Liz, standing demurely behind their father, smiled sweetly at me. He'd sure been right about their looks! Though small and petite, both girls were long-legged and ripely built. Their firm breasts swelled against the matching blouses they wore. Twin bottoms curved invitingly in their blue jeans. They wore their dark hair long and wavy, falling over their shoulders. I could see that Jerry Crown was right about them being easily able to pass for adults, but he was wrong when he said they were trouble. They were dynamite! We made introductions, but they were pointless, since I never was able to tell the girls apart. Soon Mr. Crown was winging away on business and I was driving their luxurious van back to the Crown estate. The girls were models of good behavior for the whole trip. Once home, they showed me around the grounds and through the large house, helped me get settled in a comfortable room, and fixed lunch. Could these be the two hellions that Jerry Crown had described? The afternoon passed quietly, but after dinner we all began to get a bit restless. "I'm bored!" Beth (I think) complained. "There's nothing on TV tonight and the book I'm reading is a complete and utter waste!" "We could play cards," I suggested. "It's really not as dull as it sounds, and Poker is a good way to get to know someone." "That's a thought," Liz agreed. "But I hate to play for money, and poker just doesn't work unless you bet something." "I know!" Beth stated. "We could--no, you probably wouldn't let us." "Wouldn't let you do what?" I was sort of anxious to prove to the girls that I was going to be much more liberal with them than their father was. "Well," Beth lowered her eyes and smiled modestly. "We could play for our clothes. You know, Strip Poker. As long as we didn't do anything it wouldn't really be naughty." "And it would certainly be a way to get to know each other!" Liz put in. "Hmmm..." I considered. "Well, I expect you to go to your father with all kinds of wild stories about me, anyway, and he's already agreed not to believe a word of it. So I guess it wouldn't hurt." My affability surprised them, but they laughed delightedly and Beth went for a deck of cards. For me, it seemed a perfect chance to make points with the girls. And I must admit, the idea of seeing those lush bodies fascinated me. "Dealer's choice," Liz stated the rules. "Table stakes and anything opens. Last one with clothes on is the winner." "What happens to the first one who loses all her clothes?" I asked. "Does she just sit it out?" "It may not be a 'she,'" Beth said, returning. "No, the loser will get a chance to win his or her clothes back by performing penalties. The higher the stakes, the greater the penalty. Game ends when two players lose their clothes and have to do what the winner orders." "Sounds good," I said. "Cut for deal." For the first hand, I dealt five card draw. We each ante'd up a shoe and I looked at my cards. Two Jacks and an Ace! "I'll bet my other shoe, socks and belt," I said. The girls stayed in. They were dressed casually, pretty much as I was, in slacks and blouses with medium high heels and nylon stockings, plus a little jewelry. I took two cards and got a third Jack. "I'll raise with my watch," I said. Beth dropped out. Liz said, "I'll see your watch with my bracelet and raise you slacks and blouse against your pants and shirt." "Hmmm," I said. "The young Lady's in a hurry to cool off. I'll see that bet and call you." "Four deuces!" Liz displayed them triumphantly. "Now show something better." I was surprised and dismayed! This little amateur had beaten me. Crestfallen, I pulled off my pants and shirt and put them in a neat pile with my shoes, socks and belt. I felt awfully embarrassed in just my underwear as Liz laughingly dealt the next hand. "You sure were right about this game not being dull, Clinton," she said. "Come on, ante up!" Reluctantly, I put in my T-shirt to feed the kitty. The cards I got were worthless and I dropped out as soon as the girls began betting. Beth won her shoes and stockings back from Liz and put them on before dealing the next hand. "Well, Clinton," she smiled. "Looks like if you're going to play this hand, you'll have to do it in your skin. Feed the kitty!" "Come on!" I protested. "At least let me keep my shorts on while we play out the hand!" I was really sort of shy about stripping down in front of these young girls and I wanted to put it off. "Sorry," Beth said. "Shorts go on the table before the cards go down. But I'll tell you what: Liz and I will loan you some clothes to wear while you play. You won't be able to bet them, but at least you will be covered. What do you say?" "Sounds good," I said. Anything seemed better than being naked in front of these teenagers. Liz hurried off and returned minutes later. "This is all I could find that would fit you," She said, a mischievous smile playing around her lips. "But I think you'll look nice in it." What she handed me was a red silk mini-skirt, short to begin with and slit up the sides to the waist. It would cover my genitals and most of my ass, but that would be all. And a pair of high-heel shoes! "I can't wear this!" I argued. "And I don't need shoes. Especially not high heels!" "You can wear what we give you or go naked," Liz said firmly. "Or are you afraid to play cards with a couple of kids?" That did it. I pulled on the ridiculous skirt and wedged my feet into the shoes. The girls laughed heartily as I pulled off my shorts, red-faced, and laid them on the table. "You're a good sport, Clint," Beth said. "Really you are. Now for the deal." This time around, things looked a little better. A pair of Kings and a Jack. "I'll bet Clinton's, shoes," Liz started the betting. "I'll see that with my own shoes and raise you my stockings," Beth said. "Clinton, are you in?" "What can I bet?" I asked. "Well, let's see, the stakes are pretty low right now, and we still have to draw...How about this: If you lose, we put make-up on you and curl your hair. How about it?" "Make-up?" I was startled. "Whatever for?" "Just as a penalty," Liz urged. "Come on, be a sport!" "Okay." My cards looked pretty good, really. "You're on. I'll take two cards." Eagerly, the girls dealt me my cards and drew some for themselves. Mine were excellent. A second Jack and a Ten. That gave me two pair. "Well, Clinton," Liz looked at me. "I'll bet your pants and shirt. That's high stakes." "I'll match them with my own slacks and blouse," Beth said. "Do' you want to bet for it?" "How much?" I asked, the two pairs warm in my hands. "Hum," Liz considered. "How's this: If you lose, we shave off all your body hair." "Shave me," I wondered what the girls were thinking of. "What's the idea?" "Don't you see?" Beth explained "If you win this hand, you'll have practically all your clothes back and I'll be down to my underwear. If you lose, you'll have to play out the next hand looking like a lady. How about it?" I looked at my cards again. "I don't know." I hesitated. "Come on!" Liz said. "I'll throw in the rest of your clothes and my slacks and blouse, too." This was my chance. "I'll take that bet," I said, showing my cards. "Kings and Jacks. A pair of each. Read 'em and weep!" Liz's face fell. "Damn!" she said. "I've got two pair myself, but they're only twos and threes." "You both lose!" Beth laughed gaily as she put her cards on display. "Three Queens and two Aces. A Full House!" I looked at her cards in shock. How had she done it? Reluctantly, Liz stripped down to her bra and panties. Then both girls turned on me. "Time for you to pay up--Girlie!" * * * It was a changed man who dealt the next hand. I still wore the silly looking skirt and uncomfortable heels, but the girls had changed the rest of me considerably. My legs were smooth and hairless as was the rest of my body. Since Liz was down to her underwear anyway, she took charge of lathering and shaving me, rinsing me off and soothing my flesh with skin cream. Except for my crotch and the hair on my head, I was smooth as a billiard ball. Beth took me over then, curling my hair, applying lipstick, rouge, and eye shadow - even false eyelashes and fingernails. Then she had me paint my toenails a bright red. "There!" she said when I slipped the shoes back on. "Look at the Baby- sitter now!" Shamefully, I looked in the full length mirror. What a sight! My hair was girlishly curled, a perfect crown for my femininely made-up face. My red lips looked full and sensuous and my long eye lashes batted sexily beneath my arched eyebrows. From the neck down, my hairless skin seemed pale and silky, my bare chest and smooth arms, and my legs, looking longer in the high heels. The skimpy skirt still hid my male fixtures but seemed to accentuate my hips and ass, giving teasing glimpses as I walked. "I was embarassed at first," Liz joked. "Wearing just my undies. But now that it's just us girls here I feel much more comfortable." "Very funny!" I fumed in my finery. "We'll see who's laughing after I deal this hand." They were. LIz won her clothes back Beth broke even, and I had to perform another penalty. "Okay, Clinton, time for your Penalty," Liz spoke, buttoning her blouse. "I want you to dance around the room with a rose in your teeth!" "And put one in your hair, too," Beth added. I blushed. "Where am I going to get roses?" "There are some in a vase out on the patio," LIz said. "We'll wait here while you get them." I should have called it quits right then, taken back my clothes and resumed my role of Baby-sitter. Oh, how I wish I bad! But I still thought I could get more cooperation from the girls if I played along with them. The patio was in the back of the house, off the kitchen. I meekly minced to the door. After assuring myself that I wouldn't be seen I slid open the sliding glass door and stepped out. The roses were on a lawn table on the other side of the patio. Shivering a little, in the cool night air, I looked around. High hedges on every side. No one could possibly see me. I scampered over to the table, heels click-clacking.... SNAP!! The sound of the patio door lock snapping shut coincided with the outside lights flashing on! Startled, I turned back toward the kitchen. Inside the kitchen, on the other side of the glass door, Beth and Liz were laughing riotously as they watched me, standing there in shock. What were they going to do? In a tizzy, I scampered over to the door. "Let me in!" I called, pounding on the glass. Beth stepped over to the wall and pressed a button. "What's the matter, Baby?" her voice crackled over an outside intercom. "You're not cold out there, are you?" "Unlock the door!" I spoke up to the intercom. "I can't stay here like this!" I gestured down at my feminized body and skimpy skirt. "Be a good little girl and dance for us, and maybe we'll let you back in," the intercom replied. "Girls, Please!" I protested. "Someone might see me." "Someone certainly will see you if you don't start dancing," came the cold reply. "We'll call the police and tell them there's some pervert outside. And you know how tough they can be on men who bother young girls. Dance!" "No! Don't!" I pleaded. "I'll dance! See?" I began hopping about on my high heels, feeling horribly embarrassed. "Don't forget the roses!" Quickly, I took two red roses, fixed one in my hair, and clamped the stem of the other one between my teeth. As I began dancing again, I asked myself, how had two teenage girls done this to me? But Beth and Liz were just getting started. As I danced, I saw Liz snapping pictures of me with my own cell phone. It was mortifying, but I knew there was nothing I could do about it until they let me back in. At last, Beth told me to stop and turned off the patio lights. Thankful for the protective darkness, I hugged my shoulders and looked imploringly into the kitchen. "You put on a show for us," came the intercom. "Now we're going to put on a show for you. It's all in pantomime, so pay close attention." The intercom clicked off. The girls turned up the lights in the kitchen, making the patio doorway into a small stage. They stood in front of this and began the performance. First, they kissed. Passionately, knowingly, their tongues and lips met. Finally, they broke off and left the kitchen. Minutes later, they returned, carrying the clothing I'd packed with me for a week's stay, plus what I'd lost at poker and a small attach? case. As I watched, they picked up each article of clothing and looked at it curiously, as though wondering what I'd use it for. They would whisper to each other and then either shake their heads or nod. If they nodded at a particular item of clothing, it was folded neatly and put back into the attach? case. But that didn't happen very often. Usually, they shook their heads "No." When that happened, one of them would shred a garment with scissors and the other one would knot up the shreds and throw them into the trash compactor. Never were clothes made so thoroughly useless! Finally, they finished, when one minimal outfit had been packed in the attach? case, and the rest destroyed. Beth and Liz walked close to the window and made me watch as Liz put my cell phone into the case and then locked It. Then Liz left the room with the case as Beth turned the intercom back on. "Well, Baby-sitter," she spoke. "Did you enjoy our little show?" "What are you doing?" I wailed, shivering in the slit skirt and heels. "Where's she taking that stuff?" "Oh, she's just going to leave it with some friend of ours until we need it again. As for what we're doing, let me explain something to you: "Last year, Liz and I were pretty hung up about being Gay. We didn't know how to handle it, and when Daddy left town, we went wild. "Since then, we've learned how to adjust to the way we are, but Daddy hasn't. He treats us like rebellious prisoners, and I guess we can't blame him. But Liz and I. will be past our probation in a few months, and we want to prove that we can behave like responsible adults, without supervision. When Daddy gets home, you're going to tell him that we can get along perfectly fine without a Baby-Sitter." "Anything!" I interrupted. I knew that with my clothes, and those pictures of me in this awful state, the girls held all the cards anyway. "I'll do whatever you say. Just let me in!" Beth laughed. "Sorry, Babysitter! I have some things to do, and you'd be in the way. So you can just play outside for a while!" and she snapped off the intercom. Outside, in the dark I wondered what to do. I saw Beth pick up her cell phone and make some calls, but I couldn't tell what she was saying. Where had Liz taken my clothing? Obviously, the girls were planning something elaborate. Finally, Liz returned. The two girls kissed Hello and talked for a while. Then Liz - carrying something --unlocked the patio door and let me in. "Oh, thank you!" I shivered, my teeth chattering. "It's cool out there." "And you're not wearing much," Liz teased. Then she showed me what she was carrying -- a cattle prod! "This is just to show you who's boss," she said. "You're in no condition to argue with one of these things. Now I know Beth told you what we have planned, but let me lay down the rules: you either do exactly as we say, or your reputation as a detective is shot. We can spread those pictures of you all over the net, and think how much business you'll get then!" I understood. A man in my profession, working for the very rich, lives on his reputation. "I'll obey, Ma'am," I said meek as a mouse. "Good. Now sign some of these checks. Ten or Twelve ought to do. We can fill in the amounts later." I obeyed. "Now, put that rose back between your teeth and come out to the garage," Beth said ominously. "We are going for a ride!" As the van pulled out into the night with Beth and me in the back, I wondered where we were going. Probably to some friend's house where I'd have to spend the whole week being feminized; it was so awful, not knowing, being whisked off in makeup, heels and that frivolous slit mini- skirt, a flower in my hair and one between my teeth--at the mercy of these teenagers! Beth reclined in a chair while I huddled on the floor. "My, your legs are sexy!" she mused. "You could almost sell me on sex with a man when you look like that!" "That's no man!" Liz snickered from the front seat. "Look at it! It doesn't even deserve a male name!" "You're right," Beth agreed. "Let's call her something else. What's a good name?" "Well, she looks just darling like that, so let's call her Darleen. It fits." "Perfect!" Beth said. "Darleen it is!" She turned to me. "So you will answer to that name and show perfect obedience at all times, Understand, Darleen?" I nodded glumly. "And don't look so down-in-the mouth, Darleen! People will think you're not enjoying yourself. I want you to smile at all times." Somehow, I managed some kind of smile with the rose between my red lips. "That's much better. Say! Why don't you really enjoy yourself, Darleen?" "What-what do you mean?" I asked fearfully. "I want to see you play with yourself!" Beth said. "It should feel nice in that silk skirt--go ahead. Masturbate!" "Oh, please, Miss," I pleaded, "I don't want to." "Darleen, you're being a very naughty little girl," Liz turned and spoke from the front seat as she stopped for a red light. "Now are you going to mind us, or do we have to stop and take you out for a spanking?" "No, no! I'll mind! See? I'm playing with myself, already!" I began eagerly fondling myself through the skirt. "That's not good enough, Darleen," Beth said firmly. "Get a hard on--and hurry!" I began fooling with myself more fiercely. It was so awful, having to do this in front of a young girl. Somehow, I forced myself to forget about my plight and concentrate on my sexy captresses. Slowly, I became aroused. Excited. As my hands worked, tiny damp spots appeared on the skirt. "We're here!" Liz called. I felt the van pull to a stop. "Okay, Darleen, stop making love to yourself," Beth ordered. "As soon as Liz gives the all-clear signal, you're to follow me. It's only about twenty feet from here to where we're going, but you'll have to run like hell to keep from being seen!" "All Clear!" LIz shouted. "Come on!" Beth threw open the door and jumped out of the van, pulling me with her. Neon lights flashed about me. I could hear traffic noises behind us. We were in the heart of the City! I was transvestite on a downtown street! But there was no time to think. Beth was running rapidly toward a store front. I followed, heels rattling desperately on the sidewalk as Liz brought up the rear. Somehow, we made it into the store unseen. I looked about me in fear and confusion. It was some sort of clothing store. Dresses and frilly underwear hung about in gay profusion. Suddenly a soft voice spoke up. "Beth! Liz! How heavenly to see you again. Oh, I've missed you so much!" A tall, attractive woman was approaching us. She wore a one piece blue satin jumpsuit, pinkish blouse, medium heels and some tasteful jewelry. Her dark hair was somewhat short, but well-styled. "Why, girls!" She looked me up and down. "What have you brought me?" Smiling broadly, Beth made formal introductions. "Evelyn, this is the friend I told you about on the phone. Her name's Darleen. Darleen, this is Evelyn Traynor, the owner of this store. Curtsy for Evelyn." Shivering with dread, still holding the rose between my smiling lips, I curtsied. "How perfectly charming!" Evelyn laughed, her small breasts bouncing. "I just know Darleen will love the 'Skin Out" treatment. Let's get started right away. Come on, Dears," She led us to the back of the store. As I minced behind her, with Beth and Liz following, I looked about the store. Everything seemed to be so frilly! There were loads of scanty panties and well-padded bras, shelves of nighties and evening gowns - even maid's outfits! But I didn't see any practical, everyday clothing. What kind of store was this? At the back of the store was a partially screened off room, set up like a beauty parlor, complete with an elaborate recliner chair. I was forced to sit there. Then Liz began strapping down my wrists and ankles. "Oh! Miss Liz!" I spoke meekly, in a feminine voice. "What are you going to do to me?" "Don't worry, Darleen," Liz was smiling knowingly. "Evelyn will take good care of you. Beth and I are going to pick out some nice clothes for you, so you wait right here and mind Evelyn like a good girl." There wasn't much else I could do, with my arms and legs strapped to the adjustable chair. I sat there helpless as Beth and Liz walked out while Evelyn busied herself at a cosmetic table. "How lucky you are!" Evelyn said brightly. "Finding two attractive mistresses like that. And they're buying you the Skin-Out treatment, too. I just know you'll love it!" "Er-What is the 'Skin Out' Treatment, Miss Evelyn?" "Well, dear, I know how important it is for you to feel feminine all over, yet you don't want to lose these." She flipped up the front of the skirt and gently pinched my cock and balls. I squirmed. "Not permanently, anyway. Fortunately, I've got some very clever friends, and together, we came up with the 'Skin Out' treatment -- a series of devices to make you totally feminine." "But-but listen," I whispered. "Please believe me! I don't want to look like a woman. Those girls have forced me to come here!" Evelyn chuckled throatily, turning to me, with a pair of scissors. "Oh, come on, now, dear. Fun's fun, and I know how you masochists love to protest, but really!" She snipped at my skirt and pulled it from my hips, leaving me naked before her. "Do you expect me to believe that two young girls forced you to shave your body and put on make-up and that silly skirt? And then dragged you here, screaming and kicking in your heels? Honestly! And what's this on your skirt?" She held the skirt up close to my face. All too clearly, I saw the drops of semen that had leaked out earlier. How humiliating! "So, keep kidding yourself, but don't expect to kid me," she went on, "I didn't build up the world's best TV shop by buying that sort of nonsense!" "TV shop?" I wailed. "You mean that this is a store for transvestites?" Evelyn was starting to turn a crank on the chair. My back was slowly lowered until I was bent over backwards, my knees bent, legs spread wide apart. "As If you didn't know!" I heard the laughter in Evelyn's voice, but I couldn't see her - or what she was doing. For that matter, my head was arched so far back I couldn't see any of myself! "I think you're going to be one of my greatest creations!" Evelyn said. "Here, try this on for starters!" And she put something down over my genitals. An ice pack! "Ooo!" I squealed. "Oh! It's cold! Take it off!" I tried to buck with my hips, but this only put my privates deep in her knowing hands. "There, there, now," Evelyn soothed, "I know It's a shock at first, but really, it helps us get the most wonderful results." I finally subsided, and she left the ice bag on me while she busied herself with my hair. "Really, you have lovely blonde hair, dear," Evelyn said. "I'll just fasten in a matching hairpiece to give you a sexy long-tressed look." And so she worked. I felt two sharp pin-pricks on my chest. The ice pack came off and was replaced by something tight and confining. And she kept talking... "...Now all this is held on with a special bonding latex, dear. The kind they use for special effects make-up in the movies. It has to be removed with a special solvent. I'll give the girls a bottle of it, so don't try to take off anything yourself, or you'll rip the skin right off!" I wondered what she was talking about. This was all so confusing I Now Evelyn put a blindfold on me and returned the chair to its normal position. I felt her loosening the ankle and wrist straps. "I'm going to get the girls, now, and show you off to them. We will be a few minutes, so you just wait right here. No peeking, now!" I heard her walk out. Immediately, I stood up and pulled off the blindfold. If there was a chance of escape, I had to take it. I looked around. The mirrored walls threw the image back at me from a hundred angles. I froze in shock at the sight. The girl in the mirror was honey blonde. Long golden hair in lion mane tresses swept back across her shoulders and down her back, framing her beautifully made-up face. But it was MY face! My shadowed eyes were wide, and my pouty red lips formed a surprised "0" at seeing the rest of me. I had breasts! Large, well-shaped boobs jutted out from my chest and jiggled delightfully. I fumblingly touched them, and realized they were genuine--those pibn-privks I felt must have been some kind of swelling shots! I stared at the mirror in dismay as they bounced and swayed lewdly. But an even worse surprise awaited below! My long, sexy legs tapered up to my smooth, rounded hips. And between those legs was a furry, well-trimmed pussy! It was only much later that I learned exactly what had been done to me. While my genitals had been temporarily shrunk by the cold ice pack, Evelyn had put a small, semi-flexible cup over my testicles, pushing them up between my legs. The cup was secured by the same latex that held on my synthetic breasts. At the same time, my ice-cold-shrunken penis had been slipped through a small, curved plastic tube mounted on the cup. It would permit me to empty my bladder, but its shape would effectively prevent a manly erection. In fact, the cup and tube were so arranged as to conceal almost every trace of my genitals. But that wasn't all! The whole apparatus was covered with a blonde wig, cut to a triangle shape and glued on to complete the picture. And what a picture! A sexy, well-built, totally nude woman. Me! I turned this way and that, studying myself in the mirror. "Oh, look, Evelyn, she's posing!" It was Liz. Surprised, I spun around and tried to cover myself with my hands. "Oh, Evelyn!" Beth gushed. "She's simply divine!" Her eyes devoured me. I noticed that, without thinking, I had frozen into the classic female position, knees together and slightly bent, right hand covering my vulva, left forearm pressed over my breasts to hide the nipples. This was so confusing! I knew that I was a man, and that my real nakedness was well- hidden. But I felt just like a bashful nude female. What was happening? "Well, girls." Evelyn's voice was cold with displeasure. "Darleen has been very bad. I left her sitting there blindfolded and gave her strict orders not to move. And look at her. Just look at her!" "That is naughty," Beth said. "What do you think we should do to her?" "Well, for one thing, I simply refuse to sell her any clothes. She was so anxious to see herself naked she can just stay that way!" "Stay naked?" I gasped. "Like this? Oh, please, Miss Evelyn, don't wake me stay like this. It's just awful!" I hugged my soft body to quiet my frightened shivering. "Sorry, Darleen," Liz piped up. "Evelyn has spoken. And I see you've ruined your nice skirt, so you can't wear that anymore. Well, put on your shoes and move that sexy ass. We'll just have to go elsewhere." "Go?" This was becoming more horrible every minute. "Where could I ever go like this?" "You'd fit in well in a nudist camp!"! Beth laughed. "You're perfectly dressed for volleyball. But we've got other plans for you. Let's go." "Oh, Mistress, please don't make me go out like this! I'll pay you. I will. Only just let me be a man again!" "Sorry, Darleen," Liz's voice was cold and firm. "You got yourself into this, now you can just go along with our plans for you. Or would you rather we just kick you out on the street and get those pictures posted?" Awful as this was, I knew that being abandoned, naked and feminized would be even worse. I obediently stepped into my high heels and was escorted to the door, still covering myself with my hands. Evelyn gave me a farewell pinch on the bottom, and, after checking the street, we dashed back into the van. Crouched on the floor at Beth's feet again, I realized the true hopelessness of my position. The girls had me totally helpless now, changed beyond recognition. The only way for me to get back to my true sex and identity was to follow their every order. And they obviously had some interesting ones planned! Meanwhile I huddled there, trying to cover my massive breasts with my hands, missing the familiar feel of my male organs, now concealed and inaccessible to me. Evelyn had been right. The "Skin Out treatment" had brought a completely feminine feel to me. My own sex had been taken away from me, and left me with a new, submissive identity: the nude Darleen. But Beth was talking. "Now, Darleen, it's very important for you to start taking orders. You see what came of disobeying Evelyn. Well, where we're going, insubordination is punished much more severely. Therefore, you must obey any command, perform any service, that anyone tells you to. Liz and I really want to return you to male-hood at the end of the week, but if you don't cooperate, you'll find that you're in much worse trouble instead. Do you understand, Darleen?" "Yes, Miss Beth," I replied in a meek, feminine voice. "I promise to cheerfully do what anyone tells me, if you'll only give me back my Identity!" "That comes at the end of the week," Liz said. "But why you'd want to go back to being a clunky man when you make such a luscious gal is beyond me. Anyway, your promise to be obedient and cheerful is going to be put to the test. We're at your new home." The van pulled to a stop. Home, I thought: Whose home? Where would I be staying and what would I have to do? We got out of the van. We were in a deserted underground parking lot. I wanted to run for cover, but the girls calmly escorted me to an elevator, walking slowly. I scampered in my high heels, trying to hurry them, but it was no use. What if someone saw me like this? I kept trying to cover my goodies with my hands as the girls pushed the elevator call button. Seconds later, the elevator door whooshed open. Inside the luxurious compartment, a muscular young man stood at the controls. His hair was dark, matching the short swim trunks that were his only clothing. "Beth and Liz!" He smiled brightly, ignoring me. "Good to see you again. Angie's waiting for ya." "Thanks, Johnny," Liz returned the greeting. Then she introduced me. "This is Darleen. She's a little shy, but I'm sure she'll get over it." "Darleen," Beth ordered casually, "curtsey for Johnny and kiss his swim trunks." Shocked, but too frightened to disobey, I curtsied. "Gladly, Miss Beth," I smiled. Then I crouched down and planted a kiss on the waist band of Johnny's trunks. How awful! "Is there anything else I can do now, Miss?" I asked, femininely. "Yes," Liz smiled, "You can stay crouched down like that. You will just have to duck-walk in your heels for a while." And in that way, we got into the elevator and rode to the top. There, the elevator opened onto an office penthouse. Johnny escorted me and the girls to Angie's headquarters. I had an excellent view of the girl's bottoms in their short skirts as I followed in my duck-walk into the luxurious office. "Girls!" Angie's voice was sharp, neither male nor female. Angie wore no makeup, but had polished fingernails. Angie had soft features, but a man- style haircut. I couldn't make out the figure in the three-piece suit Angie wore. "What have you brought me?" "We've brought you Darleen," Beth said. "She's here to put herself at your service." She turned to me. "Darleen, stand up, curtsey, and swear your obedience to Angie." Blushing all over, I stood and curtseyed. "Miss Angie." I smiled through my humiliation. "I am Darleen, and I will do whatever you tell me." "Nice!" Angie approved. "Good figure. How is she on spankings?" "You know," Liz looked thoughtful. "We've never spanked our little Darleen!" "Well, no time like the present! Right?" Angie said. "Darleen, ask Johnny to spank you." Trembling inwardly, I approached the macho Johnny. "Sir, will-will you please spank me?" "Certainly!" Johnny grinned broadly. "Just let me sit down here. Now put yourself bottoms-up across my lap." Shamefully, I obeyed. There was a mirrored wall on one side of the room, and I could see what a sexy, silly sight I made draped over Johnny's knee, bottom high, breasts swaying down toward my face. I could also see the breathless anticipation in the faces of Beth and Liz. Then my thoughts were interrupted. Crack! Smack! Smack! Johnny's hard open palm began landing on my ass, bringing burning pain! "Ooo! Oh!" I cried, writhing, "It hurts! Oh, it hurts! Please stop! Pleeese stop!" The awful spanking stopped. Johnny put his hand down to my face. "Kiss the hand that spanks you, Darleen," Beth laughed. I quickly kissed the warm palm. Johnny abruptly straightened his legs and I rolled down off his lap onto the floor. He stood over me a momentas I crouched there in a nude, feminine ball, then he went over to the stereo and put some music on. "Dance for us, Darleen," Angie ordered. "It might cool off your butt!" The girls laughed. I began dancing to the music, blinking back the tears in my mascaraed eyes. What had I gotten myself into? Who were these people and what kind of place was this? My ass swayed and my new breasts jiggled naughtily as I tried to move my high-heeled feet in time to the rhythm. "Hmmm," Angie looked thoughtful, "Dances okay. And she looks smart enough to serve drinks. Can she give massage?" "She can learn!" Beth giggled. "I'm sure she'd just love to practice on Johnny." "That may be," Angie nodded. "But customers at the City's best and most expensive bisexual nightclub and massage parlor expect value for their money. Darleen looks like a good, submissive shemale, but will she deliver?" "Well, like a lot of masochists she pretends to hate all this," Liz remarked, "But when you remember that she's really a rather wealthy and influential man, it's easy to see where her head's really at. She may protest but no man, put in charge of two sexy looking girls like us, would let us do this to him if he didn't really want it." "Yeah," Beth put in. "Would you believe that this morning he controlled all the cash and gave all the orders? Hell, he could have made us strip down and serve him. And look at her now!" Dancing there, bare-breasted and red-bottomed, I felt eyes on me. My long hair swished around my shoulders as I danced. "You're right," Angie said. "She may need some discipline, but she's got real potential. I'll take her." "Very well," Liz said. "Here's our check for One Thousand Dollars. You'll notice he signed it himself. In return, you agree to keep her here working for you and return her to us this weekend." It suddenly dawned on me: these two teenage girls were calmly selling me into sexual slavery! My mind raced frantically. "Stop dancing, Darleen," Beth called out. "Come over here and kiss us goodbye." Timidly, I covered myself with my hands again and scampered over to them. The girls turned their, backs to me. "On the ass, Dear!" Beth sneered. Obediently, I crouched down and kissed them goodbye. As they stalked out, Johnny pulled me to my feet. "Start getting her in training," Angie said. "We've only got her for five nights, and I want to make her the most popular nude shemale slave our customers have ever had!" thEnd!

Same as TV Babysitter Videos

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New Jock TalesFreshman yearChptr 7HomecommingPt 1

It was Wednesday before home coming. We had had successful wins the past two weeks on the road, scoring a total of 57 points. That definitely put us in the running for playoffs, but still five games to go. The school was once again a-buzz with excitement. And homecoming was gonna be rough—cause we had to play the Tigers once again. After a win over them on opening day, and busting up their three year winning streak, they would be out for revenge. Mindy Atkins caught me in the hall-way and...

4 years ago
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Pastor discovers that he wife is a slut for black men

As Pastor Richard Knowlton sat in his office at home while trying to prepare his sermon for that coming Sunday, he looked out of his open doorway to the view across the way where his lovely wife Nell was drying the dishes. So beautiful, so pure and innocent looking, the sight of his lovely wife caused Rich (as he liked to be called) to reflect back a few weeks earlier as Nell left with their son and her parents on the cabin cruiser. Seeing them off at the dock, it was planned for Rich to later...

3 years ago
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Big Plump and Round with Passion

I don’t ever remember not being “chubby.” I even think I was born that way. Growing up I took a lot of teasing about it and it got worse in middle school. Of course, I was never into sports but I did have a group of guys who let me hang out with them, mainly because I would help them with their studies. Everything changed one summer after puberty hit all of us about the same time. We were starting to all get boners for no reasons, all the time. We jerked off as much as possible, which helped a...

1 year ago
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Norton Towers the apartment block for sexy girdle

After six months as the general handyman and all round sexual helper to the residents, it was obvious that all the lovely mature bbw/chubby ladies were blatant or potential exhibitionists who loved flashing and enjoyed sex. And, even better, if they were married, their husbands positively encouraged it. Putting those elements together I dreamed up a plan that would increase their group of like minded enthusiasts.First I spoke to Gwendolyn to see what she thought“Robert as I understand it, what...

2 years ago
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Alice In Wormland

Alice was beginning to get very tired of the lockdown, and of having nothing to do. Once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister had given her, but it had no pussies or cocks in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pussies or cocks?"So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of a masturbation session would be worth the trouble and sweat of strumming away for...

Monster Sex
4 years ago
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BethChapter 59

September 6, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, After a great breakfast and hugs and kisses from Dad and the Moms, Dad dropped the lot of us at school on his way to the university. It is so nice that the high school is only a two-block deviation from Dad’s route to work because that will result in us getting rides to school most days. As planned, we wore our first-day-of-school dresses, although we also each carried a backpack. All that was in them upon our arrival were lunches and our practice...

3 years ago
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A Bikini Beach Summer parts 2021 END

A Bikini Beach Summer by Daphne Xu Part 20 Disaster Thanks to ElrodW, Bikini Beach's creator, for invaluable comments on this story. The Bikini Beach universe and its principal characters are copyright 2001 by him. Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or Grandmother are potentially non-canonical and wrong. As this story is told from a particular point of view by the protagonist, this includes comments by the narrator....

4 years ago
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Lamante marocchino

L’amante di mia moglie è un muratore marocchino. E’ un bell’uomo, quarantenne, prestante sia fisicamente che sessualmente.L’abbiamo conosciuto due anni fa quando venne a fare dei lavori a casa nostra.Mia moglie Laura, anche se tra i cinquanta e sessant’anni era (ed è ancora) una donna desiderabile e lui cominciò a corteggiarla spudoratamente anche in mia presenza. La cosa, inizialmente, mi diede fastidio ma poi cominciò a farsi strada in me il perverso desiderio di vederla posseduta da...

2 years ago
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My Real Life Story Part 1

Hello, I’m N (I am not going to reveal my name for privacy ). From the first day, I remember that I liked aunties more than any actress. This sex story describes my desperate attempt to seduce a number of aunties, finally, I succeeded. This first incident happened when I was in high school, I live with my parents, I’m their only son. The place I live is a bit remote, not the city, so it was kind of village. There was my heroin, her name was Suma. She was not that good looking, bit dark in...

2 years ago
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 9 Bullied

Paul had been half afraid of something like this: Mia was flirting with them. Them, plural. Mo and him. “They’re with me,” Mia was even seeing off a girl who’d been dancing a bit close. “See?” she grinned at him and Mo, as the girl moved away to safer territory, “you’re the hottest guys around.” She’d had a few drinks and was looking a bit wild. That would also be why she was calling him hot, he could only guess. She’d got them into a licensed restaurant and now into this club, and was...

1 year ago
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Loving on the Moonlight

All senses jumped to alert, and she wondered what it could be? Was it a hapless animal just making noise? Was it a pervert spying on an unsuspecting woman? Or was it something more dangerous that belonged to the night? She grabbed up a log, the longest one she could find and held it at the ready for chucking. “Who’s there?” she demanded evenly and tried to ignore the fact of how undressed she actually was at this point, oh how humiliating; if this was Fiorye back and spying, she’d...

1 year ago
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Blowjob on stage

It was the last night of the football season of my junior year and only my third football game I had ever been too. I was known at school as the actor, singer guy not the jock. But I had met her only the day before. She was 15, 105 lbs and in the marching band, and played the flute as well as the clarinet and other woodwinds. Little did I know that later that night, she would be playing an entirely new instrument. The band was finishing up the halftime performance. I ran over to see her and...

First Time
4 years ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 11

He didn’t remember checking into the Hartford hotel room the night he left her parent’s home in the suburbs. He woke up with a half-bottle of scotch by his bed feeling not only depressed but physically sick from what he drank the night before. It was way past check out time, and every ten minutes or so the Mexican maids knocked on the door hoping to clean the room, and every time they knocked he yelled for them to “get the fuck out of here, I’m sleeping,” but they knocked every ten minutes,...

1 year ago
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The Demise of a Dour ManChapter 8

The following morning Moira rang Jean Carnoustie who greeted her warmly and immediately asked about David. "Back safely in one piece and coming up this afternoon to spend the week with me." "Wonderful! I'm delighted for you both." "Jean, the reason I'm ringing is to ask you for more help." "Go on." "I have decided that I shall be leaving to go home with David on Sunday. My brother is coming up from Liverpool on Saturday and the three of us are going to confront my father that...

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