Babysitter free porn video

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Scott Collins was your typical Spring Valley teenager. 5'9" with short sandy brown hair, the 17 year old had graduated last month in the middle of his high school class. Co-captain of the swim team, his record had been enough to get him a partial scholarship to State in the fall.

With only part of his education costs taken care of, a summer job was a must, just as it had been for the last three years. Scott was lucky enough to have had a steady summer job as a councilor at the local elementary school's day camp. The only drawback was that whatever he earned at that job was quickly swallowed up by his college fund.

Spending money for sports, dates and such had to be earned through odd jobs on weekends. These usually took the form of yard work, painting and minor house repairs, the same sort of work the young men of Spring Valley had done over the summer since their father's days. Consequently, the competition for these jobs were fierce.

As he neared the end of his senior year, Scott had racked his brain trying to come up with a want ad for the local bulletin boards that would make his services stand out more than everyone else's. But try as he could, he couldn't really come up with one. The honest truth was that there were a lot of guys better at that kind of work than he was. He was looking at a bleak summer.

All that had changed last May when Scott stopped by to visit Susie Kellerman as she was baby-sitting one night. It occurred to him that she was making more than he ever did breaking his back and doing a lot less in return. In a way, she wasn't doing anything that he didn't do with his councilor's job. If he could find a way to present it the right way, he could do the same thing. All he needed was to find the right niche.

Then it came to him. Watching newborns and toddlers was out of the question. Even if he could convince parents that he could be trusted with their care, that wasn't something he wanted to be responsible for. No, he would restrict his services to pre-teen and teenage boys. It would be just like summer camp. In fact it would be even better since inevitably the kids went to bed soon after he got there. All he really had to do was be there in case the house caught fire or anything like that.

The idea took off like wildfire. What young boy wanted some sissy girl to watch him when they could have an older guy come over and hang out. It was like not having a baby-sitter at all.

Six weeks after he posted the notice, Scott had done nine baby-sitting jobs. Tonight he was at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald. It was the third time he'd sat for them, they seemed to have a function to go to almost every Friday night. They were already his favorite customers.

The reason the Fitzgeralds were his favorites were several. First of all, they paid real well. Even including a bonus, when like tonight, they would be out until after midnight. Secondly, their two sons were eight and ten, well behaved and went right to bed when told. Finally, they had cable television, a full refrigerator and let him have full access to both.

Putting his cold can of coke down next to the bowl of popcorn, Scott played again with the television's remote control. That was another reason he loved the Fitzgerald house. Not many people had a 60" projection television - at least not in this town.

"Damn, 77 channels and I can't find anything interesting." the young man said to himself as his clicked past channel after channel.

Scott was about to resign himself to watching some old sitcom when he remembered that the Fitzgeralds also had a rather good video tape collection. He'd watched one on his first time here. Moving to the cabinet, he hoped they'd gotten something new.

By the time he'd gone though the third draw, it was obvious they hadn't. The fourth draw had a lock on it and had been locked the last time. This time to his delight it had been left open.

"Jackpot!" Scott exclaimed as he opened the draw.

His eyes opened wide as he saw the draw was full of an assortment of adult movies. Quickly he ran his fingers across the titles. Taboo Sex, Asian Heat, Lesbian Lust, Anal Delight. It was a young man's dream. Dared he watch one?

Scott glanced up at the clock, it was quarter to twelve. The Fitzgeralds weren't due back until at least twelve-thirty. He could at least watch a little of one.

But which one? He ran his fingers across the boxes one more time until he came to an unmarked one in the back. Intrigued, he chose that one. The box was plain black without any label, the video inside was also umarked but it was all white instead of the normal black.

"Hey, if it was locked up it must be good." he thought to himself as he pushed it into the VCR and dropped back onto the couch.

The giant television screen went black for a few moments, time Scott took to glance up at the stairway leading to the second floor. Billy and Mark had been sound asleep for hours and there was no reason to think they'd wake up now. Beside, you couldn't see the screen from the stairs. If for some unknown reason they did get up, he could hit the remote before they came down the stairs.

The dark screen suddenly came to life with a view of a nondescript bedroom. Scott's first impression was that it was a hotel room and that the picture looked like it was originally filmed with an old movie camera and then transferred to video. It had the same quality as some of his parent's home movies that had been copied like that.

Suddenly a tall long haired brunette backed into the picture. Her back was to the camera and she was dressed in a pair of green panties and bra. The woman spread her legs and shook her backside at the unseen cameraman. Still hiding her face, she began to dance to some music that began to play. Scott didn't recognize the tune but it sounded pretty old.

"This is pretty lame." Scott thought as he watched for a few minutes. He's seen better stuff on HBO and considered getting another tape. Wondering at the same time why anyone would have bothered saving such a film.

He was about to hit the rewind button on the remote when the brunette spun around and lifted her hands to her ample breasts and shook them as well. The cameraman then zoomed in for a tight shot of her bouncing boobs.

"Well, enough of this." Scott remarked as he placed his finger on the stop button.

Suddenly the camera view moved up from the woman's generous endowments and focused on her smiling face. The remote fell from Scott's fingers as he stared in shock.

"Holy shit!" he whispered.

He couldn't believe it, but the resemblance was unmistakable. She was a lot younger, thinner and the hair much longer, but the woman on the screen was Diane Fitzgerald.

"Oh wow." Scott said, his voice returning as the poor quality image held his total attention.

The younger Diane began to bump and grind more and more to the soft music of the soundtrack, massaging her breasts as she moved. Then with a flourish, she removed the skimpy bra, exposing her nipples to the viewer. The camera moved in even closer as her fingers played with her nipples, causing them to grow stiff and hard.

"This is great." Scott thought as he rubbed his hand over the bulge in his pants, a bulge that grew even larger.

Watching intently, Scott guessed that Mrs. Fitzgerald was in her early twenties in the film, which would make it about twelve years old.

Soon the panties followed the bra, revealing a dark hairy pussy. The camera closed on it for a close-up and then pulled out to a wide view. Diane struck a pose which suggested she was delighted in posing nude for the camera.

With a wide smile on her face, she reached down between her legs and parted her cunt lips - exposing a small but excited citoris. Agile fingers began to play with that as well.

Not counting quick glimpses of his older sister when he'd walked in on her, this was only the third time he'd seen any woman he actually knew naked.

The first of course had been Debbie Wilson, the girl he'd lost his virginity to on his 17th birthday. Loosing his cherry to Debbie had been no great accomplishment. The list of guys who'd enjoyed Debbie's charms grew every weekend.

The other had been his current girlfriend Susie Kellerman. So far, the most he'd gotten from her was a quick handjob in the front seat of his Dad's car. He kept trying to talk her into a blowjob, but she kept insisting she wasn't that kind of girl. The one great plus of their nine month old relationship was that Susie had a really great set of tits and she was more than willing to let him play with them.

Onscreen, the little teleplay appeared to be drawing to a close. Diana was shaking her whole body in time to the music and the movements of her hand. A look of bliss covered her face and Scott quickly realized that she had masturbated herself into an orgasm. Removing her hand from the furry bush, she brought it up to her mouth and licked her fingers. In an exaggerated gesture, she used her hand to blow a kiss at the unseen cameraman. The image faded to black and Scott let out a loud sigh. That tape had been pretty good after all. What he didn't realize was that the best was yet to come.

After a few seconds, the screen came alive again. This time it was a sharp and clear video image. The naked woman in this new feature was much more easily identifiable as Diane Fitzgerald. Her hair was cut much shorter and styled similar to the way she now wore it. She was still a lot slimmer that the woman who'd spent so much time giving him emergency phone numbers a few short hours before. The small date and time in the television corner read 03/10/85.

This time the camera appeared to be locked in a stationery position, a tight shot of Diane's head and shoulders filling the oversized screen. Scott watched in fascination as her head bobbed up and down, riding on the long thick cock of an unidentified man. With considerable skill she let the saliva covered cock slip from her mouth and ran her tongue up an down it's length. Then with a broad smile she engulfed it again.

Scott couldn't take it any longer, he reached down and undid the zipper of his jeans. He pulled down the elastic of his briefs and his now rock hard cock popped free. Never taking his eyes away from the tableau in front of him, he began to lightly stroke his cock. Each gentle touch send sparkling waves of delight up along it's length and throughout the rest of his body. It took all of his willpower not to simply grab hold of his eager cock and pump it to orgasm. He knew if he did it would all be over in seconds.

Onscreen, it was quickly obvious that the owner of that unidentified cock was about to release his load under the rapid ministrations of Diane's talented mouth. He could hear the man's low voice caught on the videotape.

"I'm going to cum..." he called out.

Diane's response was to push her head all the way down and deep throat the pulsating cock. A much louder groan from the man told Scott that he had indeed climaxed. Even if it hadn't it was only a few seconds later that Diana slid her head upward, her lips still tightly wrapped against his manhood. As she moved she released her grip slightly and a large stream of sticky while cum dripped down across her chin.

Diane obvious relished the taste as she began to eagerly lick up every drop of the precious fluid. She rubbed her cheeks against the still hard cock, smearing them with the sticky residue. Then, smiling for the camera, she reached out with her tongue and licked her cheeks clean. What she couldn't reach with her tongue she scooped up with her finger and like a child playing with a bowl of cake frosting, licked that clean as well.

"Shit, this can't get any better." Scott thought as she finally gave in to temptation and closed his fingers around an aching cock.

He had just begun to gently pump it when he found that once again he was wrong.

The close up of Diane faded, this time to be replaced by a much wider shot of the young Mrs. Fitzgerald. She was now down on all fours still facing the camera lens. Standing behind her, his hands wrapped around her ass, was a tall dark haired man. From the way she kept swaying back and forth, a motion matched by the man, it quickly became obvious that she had his cock buried deep inside her.

After a few moments, Scott finally shifted his gaze from the delightful sight of Diane's large breasts bouncing in the air to the face of the man who was bringing such a look of pleasure to her smiling face. There was something about him but Scott just couldn't place him. Remembering that the tape was over a decade old caused him to apply a little imagination and his features soon took on a different aspect. His hair was now a salt and pepper gray and he also wore a mustache and beard, but there was no mistaking those deep blue eyes. It was Dr. Samuel Fitzgerald.

The realization caused him to feel a little stupid. Of course it was Dr. Fitzgerald. Did he think the doctor would keep a video of someone else fucking his wife.

"Fuck me, oh baby fuck me!" Diane Fitzgerald called out as she slammed her body against her husband's cock again and again. "Fuck me harder!"

Scott was now jerking off frantically, imagining he was the one fucking Diane. It wouldn't be long before he exploded. He was trying to time his climax to that of the couple on the giant TV.

"Oh baby yes." he murmured as he played with his cock. "Give me your hot pussy."

Scott and the Fitzgeralds were only seconds from climax when the sound of a car coming up the driveway filled the air. Swinging around to pull up to the front door, the powerful headlights momentarily illuminated the room.

Panic stricken, Scott dropped his cock from his hand and quickly pulled up his shorts. Grabbing the remote control, he frantically hit the buttons until the forbidden image vanished from the large screen. Realizing there wasn't time to rewind the tape, he hit eject and quickly grabbed it from the machine.

The frightened teenager could hear voices at the front door as he pushed the normally locked draw of the video cabinet closed. Hopefully it would be a long time before they looked at the tape and when they saw that it wasn't rewound they would never connect it with their baby-sitter.

Scott had just landed on the couch as the front door swung open. He tried to still his racing heart and pretended to be absorbed by the movie on the television. Slowly he stood up and turned to face the new arrivals, then realized to his horror that despite his sudden fear, he still had half a hard on. Hopefully it would go unnoticed.

"I'm sorry we're so late." Mrs. Fitzgerald said as she stepped out of the foyer. "We had some car trouble."

It was only then that Scott looked at the wall clock and saw that it was almost ten after one in the morning. He's been watching that video for over an hour.

"I hadn't really noticed the time." Scott said as Dr. Fitzgerald stepped in behind his wife.

Scott couldn't help but imagine what the 30 something woman in front of him looked like naked. How would her body compare with the younger version of herself that had just excited him so. He'd never really thought of women that age as sexually attractive, but now strangely found himself willing to trade a chance with Sally for one with Diane.

"Were the boys good?" Diane Fitzgerald asked innocently, unmindful of the lust filled thoughts directed at her. "Oh they were great, as usual." Scott replied. "They went right to bed at 09:30 and I haven't heard a peep out of them since." "I'll just run up and check on them." the Doctor interjected as he headed for the stairs. "Good idea." Diane said as she stepped toward Scott. "Oh shit." Scott thought, remembering his semi-erect cock. "Any closer and I'm going to get a boner again."

Just then, Diane's attention was distracted by another woman's voice from the foyer. She stopped in her step and turned her head in that direction.

"Diane, honey, you forgot your compact in the car." said the tall blonde woman who stepped into the room. "Thanks Christine." Diane said as she reached out for the small plastic compact.

Scott's sudden new appreciation of older women suddenly went into overdrive as he looked at the new arrival. Christine looked to be about Diane's age but had a body that could've matched that on the old video. In fact, wrapped in a tight cocktail dress that looked like it had been spray painted on, her breasts looked both larger and about to pop out at any moment.

"Oh Scott, let me introduce my little sister." Diane said. "She gave us a lift home from the club." "Nice to meet you." Christine said as she walked over and extended her hand. "And for the record, we're only twenty minutes apart so you can forget that little sister stuff."

So enthralled had the teenager been by Christine's prominent breasts, he'd totally missed the fact that aside from the different hair color the two woman had a family resemblance that was unmistakable. They been born identical twins but the years had made some changes in their appearence and Diana definitely now carried around a few more pounds than Christine.

"The boys are fine, fast asleep." Dr. Fitzgerald said as he came back down the stairs. "Just let me get the keys to the wagon and I'll run you home, Scott." "Are you sure that's such a good idea, sweetheart?" Diane asked her husband. "You've had an awful lot to drink tonight." "Nonsense, I'm fine." came his response. "Samuel." Diane said in a strong quiet tone that said volumes, coupled with a powerful stare. "Oh all right, I'll call car service for him." he replied. "I think that would be better." Diane agreed.

Scott just sort of stood there trying to be inconspicuous when in reality he was checking out the two sisters. Diane was wearing a blue party dress that accented breasts that Scott thought were even bigger than he'd seen in the video. He knew Diane belonged to the local health club but she never really got back the figure that she'd had before her pregnancies. Christine on the other hand had kept the same form she'd had since their high school days. Scott was again worrying about getting hard as he wondered what she would look like in a video like Diane's.

"They say it'll be at least an hour before they can get a car over here." Sam said as he put down the phone. "I guess that's one of the drawbacks of living outside of town." "Then tell them to forget it." Christine offered. "I'll drop Scott off on my way back home." "Are you sure it wouldn't be too much trouble, Sis." Diane asked. "He lives on the far side of town, not really near your new house." "Not at all. How long could it take at this time of night." Christine countered with a smile. "It's silly for him to sit around for another hour waiting for a ride." "Fine, its settled then." Sam Fitzgerald said as he reached into his jacket for his wallet so he could pay Scott. "Thanks, Mr. Fitzgerald." Scott said as he took the money, even though he was more interested in watching the two sisters out of the corner of his eye.

They were exchanging hugs and kisses and for a fleeting moment, Scott wondered if they ever did anything together. He had always heard stories about sisters and such but never actually knew anyone who knew it for a fact. The thought passed quickly as Christine gave Sam a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.

Scott followed her out the door after saying goodnight to the Fitzgeralds once more. He couldn't help noticing that Christine had a really tight ass as she walked in front of him.

Stepping out into the clear warm night, Christine walked over to a baby blue Cadillac convertible parked in the circular driveway. The car had to be at least 40 years old and in mint condition. Scott respectfully stepped up to the highly polished fender and ran his hand across the metal.

"This is one awesome car." He said, now paying more attention to the machine than female anatomy. "My ex-husband's pride and joy." Christine said with a touch of triumph in her voice. "I sometimes think he cared more about this car than me. That's one of the reasons I enjoyed taking it as part of the settlement so much."

Scott didn't really hear what she said, he was too totally wrapped up in the engineering marvel next to him. This car had magic. If he could take Suzie out in a car like this instead of his father's old Sentra, there'd be no problem getting her to put out.

"I wish, just once, I could drive a car like this." he mused outloud. "Sure, why not." Christine said. "What?" Scott looked up. "I said, sure, why not." Christine repeated.

Scott was sure she was joking until she removed the keys from her small purse and tossed them to him. Even then, he couldn't believe she was actually going to let him drive a car so valuable.

"My husband kept this garaged for most of the year, taking it out only for special occasions." she said as she walked around to the passenger side. "Me, I think a car is meant to be used. What use is a thing of beauty if no one ever gets to see it."

Scott quickly snapped out of his disbelief and sprinted to the passenger door and opened it for her.

"Why thank you. It's nice to see a young man with manners." Christine remarked as she slid into the leather covered seat, giving Scott a good view of her long slender legs.

Closing the door, he stood there for a second, admiring both her legs and breasts which he could now see from above. He wasn't sure which was more impressive, the woman or the car. Her ex-husband must've been a real jerk to have lost both.

"Well hop in and lets go." Christine smiled.

Scott literally ran to the other side of the car and jumped in behind the wheel. The eight cylinder engine roared to life and they sped down the driveway.

On the way back to town, Scott learned a little about Christine Carey, or CC as she was know to her friends. She had grown up in Spring Valley but had moved away after college, which explained why Scott had never heard of Mrs. Fitzgerald having a sister, much less a twin. She'd married an older man, some sort of investment banker when she was 25. The marriage had gone sour and ended in a divorce a little over a year before. After traveling awhile, she'd decided to come back to her roots and moved back to town. In fact, she had just closed on the old Miller place the previous week.

"The house needs some major work, but I think that's the most interesting thing about it." Christine was saying. "I'm looking forward to renovating it. And the best part is that old Mr. Moneybags, my ex, is paying for it." "Wow, you must've had some lawyer." Scott remarked. "No, not really." Christine replied. "In fact he never even contested the settlement. he just signed it and that was that." "I don't understand." Scott said. "Well I'm not really supposed to say anything, that was one of the points in the settlement. But what the hell, he's four thousand miles from here and who are you going to tell." she laughed.

Christine had his full attention, this was interesting.

"It seems that in addition to his interests in money and old cars, my husband also had an somewhat keen interest in young men. Not a bad interest I'll grant you, but one which his fellow business associates really wouldn't understand. So rather than go through a lengthy and somewhat public divorce proceedings, I asked and he gave. It was as simple as that."

Scott had to surpress a shudder. What kind of man would prefer a guy to the hot woman sitting beside him.

"Is that the road out towards the reservoir?" Christine asked as she pointed to a turnoff and changed the subject. "Yes it is." "Would you mind taking the long way around, I used to love going out there when I was younger. That is if your not in a hurry to get home?"

The fact that is was already one thirty in the morning never entered Scott's mind. He immediately said OK.

A bright full moon reflected in the still waters of the reservoir as they turned onto the road that ran around it. Going this way was going to add at least a half hour to the trip home but Scott couldn't care less. The longer he spent with Christine the better. He found her directness fascinating.

Cruising along at a slow speed, they soon passed two cars parked by the water's edge. They were apart a thousand feet apart and the occupants of neither gave notice of the Caddie passing by.

"Is this still the major make-out point that I remember it to be?" Christine abruptly turned and asked as the two cars faded in the distance. "Er...yes." Scott answered, taken of guard by the question.

If they'd been passing by twenty-four hours from now, those two cars would be multiplied a dozen fold.

"It's nice to see that some things don't change." Christine mused. "There's something to be said for tradition after all."

Scott just agreed with a noncommittal response.

"Have you ever brought a date out here?" Christine asked.

Taken aback, Scott turned and looked at the older woman. He was unquestionably not used to someone of her age talking to him like that.

"Yeah, a few times." he quietly answered.

In truth, it was here that he'd gone with Debbie Wilson on his birthday and would be back here tomorrow night with Susie.

"I thought as much." Christine smiled. "I think that at some time or another, every guy and girl from Spring Valley comes up here. They used to call this place the cherry grove because more kids lost their virginity up here than any place in the county."

Scott turned and looked at her again. he just couldn't believe the things she was saying. If she noticed the look on his face, she had no reaction.

"Make a right turn over there." the blonde woman said as she pointed to a small path next to a maintenance shed. "I want to show you something."

Following her instruction, Scott turned onto the path and drove into a heavily wooded area. They went a few hundred feet and she told him to slow down and watch for a opening in the trees. Then to make another right turn into it.

The turn came up suddenly and he had to make a hard right to make it. As the wheels skidded in the dirt he was afraid she was going to complain about what she might be doing with the car. Instead she stared right ahead, seemingly lost in thought.

About twenty-five feet ahead they emerged into a small opening right at the edge of the water line. The clearing was barely large enough for the car, having been partially reclaimed by nature since the last time Christine had been here. Still it was a spectacular view. From right to left you could see the entire reservoir as well as the brightly lit moon above. You could even see the stars forming a frame for the white globe. Best of all, it was far away from the heavily lit area where everyone usually parked.

"It's beautiful." Scott said as he took it all in. "I wasn't sure it would still be here." Christine said, her face still basking in long ago memories. "This was one of the best kept secrets back when I was in high school. It used to be large enough to fit three cars and still offer a little privacy." "Thanks for showing it to me." Scott said in appreciation. "I bet you can't wait to bring your girlfriend up here now." she laughed.

Scott turned a bright red. That was exactly what he was thinking.

"That's OK, there's nothing wrong with that." Christine quipped, a little amused that she had hit it right on the money. "After all, I wouldn't have showed it to you if I thought otherwise."

Scott's color quickly faded to normal. He couldn't help thinking this was one strange woman. Interesting, but strange.

"I couldn't tell you how many times I came up here with a guy. In fact it was on this very spot that Jerry Friedman and I did it for the first time when I was 16."

Scott definitely didn't have a response to her statement of how she lost her viginity.

"Diane use to come up here too." she laughed. "She wasn't always the proper doctor's wife and PTA president that she is nowadays."

Scott just smiled a knowing smile. Yesterday he would've found that statement hard to believe, but not after seeing that video.

Just then, the radio station they'd been quietly playing on their drive started playing an old song. Christine instantly reacted to the song and turned up the volume.

"I can't believe it, that was our song. Jerry and I would listen to it for hours."

Scott watched as Christine closed her eyes and leaned back in the plush seat. The bright light of the moonbeams splashed across her breasts, illuminating the exposed white skin. A broad grin appeared on her face and whatever memories she was enjoying were her own.

The song ended and she returned to reality. Scott almost felt like an intruder during such a private moment. And as before, he knew he was staring at her body. Quickly he shifted his gaze back to the lake.

"I don't mind you know." Christine said. "Excuse me." came Scott's reply. "I said I don't mind." she repeated. "Your looking at my breasts." "I wasn't...I mean...I" Scott answered automatically. "It's OK, really." the older woman said as she shifted position, actually giving the teenager an ever better look down her dress. "When a woman puts on a outfit like this, she expects men to look at them. After all, what's the point of putting them on display if you didn't want them appreciated."

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My name is Brandy. I was a very spoiled child. I was even worse as I turned 18 along with a credit card from my father that was unlimited. Every want, every need was just a card swipe away. I always wanted to turn heads, be the center of attention. At times I used my father's generous credit cards to obtain that. I woke up on a gorgeously warm summer day. I decided I needed a new bathing suit as well as anything else I might find. I took a shower, curled my long blonde hair and...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Natasha Nice Oiling Natashas Perfect Tits

Natasha Nice is looking to spend a calm day out by her pool. However, she needs help rubbing some oil on. Her tits are so huge that she can’t do it herself. Luckily for her, her neighbor was nearby and ready to be of service. His eyes widen when he takes a peak at her enormous breasts. He begins to oil them, without missing a single spot. Obviously the oil runs out quickly. So this is when she turns to him and wants to pay him back for his great service. She pulls his cock out and begins to...

3 years ago
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Another Magic Touch

Note: If you see (WIP) before an option, it means it doesn't yet lead anywhere, but will in the future. Keep your eyes peeled, and do your best to wait for those options to be uploaded! You're cute, talented, and only a little sadistic. On the top of your head sits a pointed black hat, and your garb matches your lovely witch attire. You wear striped leggings beneath your skirt, and on your belt is an ornate book full of incantations and other magical instructions. You're a wizard (or a witch,...

1 year ago
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Girls Best FriendChapter 12 Epilogue

Gil Martin poured two small glasses of sherry and placed them on the tray, then from the shaker-glass, repeated the act with Jan's and his own martini. Humorously, he tossed a towel over his arm in waiter-fashion, scooped up the tray and made the little trek around their luxurious living room, first to a smiling, prettily attired Katie, next to his glowing, fashionably dressed and beautiful wife, and finally to his handsome young son who had shocked him by dressing for dinner. But after...

1 year ago
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Love Prelude

Mike is a 60-something wealthy white man who lives in the suburbs of ?ville. He met Ashley a couple of years ago in a bar where she was working as a waitress. She gave her his number, they went out that same week and they have been together ever since.Ashley loves money and cock, and Mike offered her both. At first it was all about the money, but with time she actually got to like him and after a while she truly fell in love with him, although he was old enough to be her grandfather.One day,...

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My friends mother slut

Eugene's mother - I called her Aunt Vic - was quite different from all other mothers I knew. At home she walked not in his dressing gown, and dresses and shoes on the heels of it always smelled of perfume, and her brown hair was arranged in a beautiful hairstyle. As I understand it, in the summer when it all happened, she was 35 years old, and I am in my 15, it seemed, of course, a little old, but still very attractive.We studied with Zhenya at different schools and met at the training in...

3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 100

Somehow, Jill and I ended up following everyone else as we went upstairs. "Mom, I need to unlock the door." "It's not locked, Jackie." She opened the door, pushed Sara through, followed her in and pulled the door closed. Jill and I looked at each other. "I guess maybe I'm supposed to carry you over the threshold or something." Her face broke into a big grin. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me on the cheek. I put my right arm around her back and lifted her legs with my...

4 years ago
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I Guess My Roommate Is Gay After All

A couple of years ago I had a roommate who everyone always thought was gay but he always claimed to be straight. Big deal, ‘cause I always have kept my male on male adventures to myself and live my life as a straight guy. Since I keep my stuff on the down low, I have learned to hit up the cruisier areas here in Orlando for some discreet fun.One day I was home alone while my roommate was out and I was getting seriously horned. It had been a while since I had done anything with a dude so I...

1 year ago
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More Than Friends part 2

For some unknown reason I still wasn’t going out with Jamie after that night when we first gave in to our feelings. My cousin was coming to stay for a week whilst her parents went to a friend’s funeral in Germany. The last time I had seen her was when she was 12, which was 4 years ago. Although we hadn’t seen each other for a few years we still kept in touch, generally with emails and msn. Lindsey was due to get here at about 1 a.m so I had a day to kill, It was hot and sunny out side...

3 years ago
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Being late

Always being lateShort little story no novel. I work year round at a local manufacturing facility on the east coast. My commute is usually around 20-30 on a good day. As I was getting off one night from evening shift as I was turning left to get home so officer across the street throw his lights on and I'm like Fuck. To keep it simple I ended up with a window tint violation and failure to yield. Whatever. The scheduled court appearance was only set out ten days from the light I got pulled over....

2 years ago
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The Half LilinChapter 9

It was a demon! A demon was sitting with her legs stretched out on my couch, watching a rerun of The Simpsons on my tube! A demon that looked just like me, save that her wings were more reddish in colour and her horns curved down and forward instead of swirling to the sides like mine. She also had hair that appeared to be long and blonde, unlike mine, not to mention the fact she was also smaller than me, and—sad as I was to admit it—cuter than me in my lilin form... I was staring agape from...

3 years ago
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Acting Class Me Sex

My name is Rahul change and my height 5″10 color fair and my dice size 7″5 nd mota 5se thoda jada joga syd. I live in Mumbai bhyandra nd ab apko meri stories sunta hu me abhi acting sikh raha hu or hamri acting class 2 month ki Hai only jisme 2 boys include with me and 3 girl ek chota holl hai jisme hum actng sikhte hai or charo or mirror lage huye hai ha or tin ladkiya aai jisme se mujhe ek kafi had tk achi lagi wo kafi sexy thi ap khud hi soch socho ki Jab wo acting sikhne aari hi to kitni...

4 years ago
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Ria Sehgal Part 3 The Morning After The Party

The door closed and I was naked in front of two waiters who had been eyeing my body whole of last night. What luck for them to find me naked. I knew they would not just let me go. So I told them, please let me take bath and then you can do what you want. Before I could say anything further one of them said, “Dekh saali rand ko. Yeh ussi maal ki beti hai na, jo kal raat gaand hila hila ke ghum rahi thi.” The other said “Han yeh Sehgal Saab ki beti hai. Mast maal rakhe hai Sehgal Saab ghar par....

2 years ago
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Our story My fantasy Part 3

I climb out of the car and Mike follows quickly behind me and says, “you know John?” “Make sure to ask him how well I know him tomorrow.” I laugh and walk into the dealership. A girl near the front greets me and I ask to speak to John. I feel Mike’s eyes on me and I can see her look behind me with a weird face directed his way. I just smile at her and she picks up the phone. Before she can dial, Mike offers to walk me to his office. “Thanks, Mike.” I look at him with a grin and follow...

3 years ago
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Sun Sea and Sensimilla

The Friday night party celebrated the end of the school year, there were about 200 people in attendance. Lots of music, food and liquor, Rodney had brought along a ‘stick of illie’ or marijuana as a bonus, and we all took turns taking a drag. The moon was full or close to it, we felt its effects and were horny. Our little group or clique, about 20 of us were really close. The party drew to a close and someone suggested driving to Negril to go crabbing, we could camp out overnight on the beach...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Tiffany Tatum Burning Desire

Sweet and sensual Tiffany Tatum is looking fine as she comes to the door of Raul Costa’s house with her lips attached to his. Her ass hits the door with her skirt up to reveal her thong. When they finally make it inside, the duo gradually moves into the foyer as they shed their clothes Raul drops to his knees to worship Tiffany’s panties, and she returns the favor a moment later by pulling out Raul’s big dick and slipping it between her eager lips. By the time they make it...

1 year ago
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Fabulous Guy Fabulous Cock

About ten years ago, I regularly chatted online with a younger guy. When I say younger, I am talking about a considerable age gap: fifteen years, in fact.Anyway, I’d been chatting with Mike for quite a while when, early one Thursday morning, he mentioned that he was free that day. As it happened, so was I, and he immediately encouraged and coaxed me to meet him. Over the weeks that we’d been chatting, I’d come to like him and this opportunity to meet up seemed too good to waste. And, being...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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For the Love of Another Chapter 9

The man who had come into our apartment that night was called Max. In the morning, I awoke to find him gone, Mel gone, and Allie asleep on the couch in the other room. She had been crying. Before she slept she had taken off her dress and let it fall on the floor beside her. I went into the kitchen to make her breakfast and, upon smelling bacon, she came to me wrapped in her robe. I was in nothing but my underwear, having just woken up. I had made for her a spread. There were pancakes sprinkled...

3 years ago
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Josh and Valentine Chapter II

DISCLAIMER: There's not a lot of erotica this time around. This chapter is meant more to flesh out the characters, but there's a small bit in there, don't worry. There will be more to the story, I assure you, so for those of you who enjoy my stories, there is definitely more to come.*Writing is hard. Living, while tough in itself, is nothing compared to writing, especially something as difficult as this. It's been two months since my sister, the love of my life, the only woman who I could ever...

1 year ago
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A Woman Walks Into A Bar

My name is Mark Walker and I am one of the bartenders at The Mustang Club, here in Cheyenne Wyoming. It's not a bad place really... certainly not "world famous", but it's a fairly quiet, friendly little place filled mostly with regulars. Being a bartender, you get to meet a lot of interesting people, men and women. And if you remain in this business long as I have, you collect a number of unusual and sometimes quite humorous stories from what you see and hear from your customers.When people...

Oral Sex
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Bird of PreyChapter 2

The redhead dabbed and powdered herself dry, smiling as she listened to the moans of her captive, and totally broken, shell of a husband as he got over his pre-meal caning. Punishing him alone had tired her out and she was so grateful to have found Maria. The Eastern maid had a spiteful energy which was unrelenting, and she applied her natural dominance over males with a relish and vigour which amazed even Elaine. She often accompanied her employer to social events as a perk of the job; her...

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The Great Ray Threeway

"So the guy puts his cock in the alligators mouth and slaps the head of the alligator and nothing happens. So he says. "Does anyone else want to try this?" And this girl kneels down and grabs the guys cock and says, 'Okay. But do you have to hit me?" Ray and I busted up. When we stopped laughing I noticed that Ray looked a little pale. His gaze was over my shoulder. I turned around. "Oh hi Lynn, c'mon in. What brings you by?" "I've been 'in' thank you. The old alligator and...

3 years ago
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Slut Brandi and the BBC part three

Part ThreeIt had been three weeks since my wife's greatest sexual experience, when five different Black guys fed her cocks the size of which she never thought possible or that she would have the capability to accept such weapons inside her. We had enjoyed many nights since the event, watching the video I shot of my cheating slut wife worshipping the black cocks. Brandi excitedly relived the sensations of the huge black cocks, slipping and sliding in and out of all her holes. My cameraman skills...

4 years ago
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The Wedding Ch 23

Newlyweds Heidi and Tim Jackman were on their way to the place where they would be spending their honeymoon. Heidi was wearing a sweater and pants Tim bought her and he thought she looked spectacular. The suitcases holding their things were stashed in the trunk of the car as they drove out of town. Heidi snuggled close to Tim on the car’s front seat and, as they drove, she stroked his leg, giving him wonderful sensations. As they rolled along the highway, they talked about how wonderful the...

1 year ago
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WillowChapter 3

It was so warm and cozy, Page was not sure she wanted to wake up yet. But the odd beeping noises kept intruding into her pleasant buzz. She tried to turn away for the sound but was unable to roll over. Her arms were restrained, the left one over her head and the right one down by her side. She groaned and opened her eyes, expecting to see the sculpted ceiling of the Rose House bedroom. Instead she was confused to see rough bars above her head. She turned her head to assess her surroundings...

1 year ago
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Wet and Wild

What could be better than Atlanta in the summer, having a cookout with your friends, chilling in the backyard, and having a ole good time? My crew is ranked high up on the roster of the who’s who of the Black Urban Professionals who have migrated to the ATL from New York, DC, Chicago, all over to make our mark. You’d think with all our collective success there’d be a lot of drama and egos to be stroked but all my peeps are down to earth and really chill. Being as we are all transplants, we...

3 years ago
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Training Sarah PArt Nine

Shortly after everyone settled in to the fact that some huge shit just went down, Gail and Judy knew that things would never be the same between the four of them. Ginny and Mary were well aware of the same thing, and were noticeably concerned about how the events of the evening would affect them in the long run. As the thrill was leaving the room, Judy offered that since everyone had been drinking, it was probably not a good idea to attempt to drive home, and invited everyone to stay the...

3 years ago
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Our New Life Part 3 Revelations and Restraint

Our New Life Part 3: Revelations and Restraint By Charli Dr. Cannon looked at me and but said to Mistress, "She looks very nice. Please ladies, have a seat. Charli, yours is the one with wheels." She motioned to a power wheelchair sitting at the end of the couch. It looked much more elaborate than others I'd seen and it even had a headrest. It also had a multitude of straps attached to its back, arm and leg rests. I hesitated but the look I got from Mistress told me that I...

2 years ago
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during the story disrupts the flow me: jason b im 22 years old, 6 ft tall, muddy brown hair, average build not too skinny or fat. i would describe my looks as average and i dress in jeans and a bright coloured polo shirt marie h she is 20 years old, i would guess she is 5'8, she has hazel colour eyes and dusty blonde shoulder length hair and she has the most inoscent face, you look at here and you would bet your right arm that she has done nothing wrong ever. now to the...

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I have been fantasizing about this forever and we have been building up to this day for weeks. Anal has always been a desire that the two of us have talked about and it was not too long ago that I started her anal training. I mean, I'm being generous when I call it "training", because it just started. I went from eating her out as usual to licking her asshole like the horny freak that I am. I couldn't think of anything else at the moment. She looked so fucking hot and even though I love the sex...

3 years ago
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wife wants more i make her happy

one day my wife tells me she wants to spice up our sex live and try new kinkyer things i said ok like what she says i'll surprise you tomorrow but you have to try what ever i think of at least once promise i said ok i promise excited about it the next day she comes home with a bag and tells me to get naked and lie on the bed she comes in and pulls out a bottle of anal ease i thought alright she's finally gonna let me fuck her in the ass and then she pulls out a big black strap on dildo and says...

1 year ago
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NubilesET Lacy Lennon Harlequin Romance Bird Of Prey

The Joker broke up with Harley Quinn and broke her heart in the process, but Harley isn’t the type of girl to just swallow her disappointment. Hell bent on revenge, Harley decides that her payback is going to be fucking Mr. J’s closest partner in crime, Mr. King. She ties Mr. King to a chair and makes sure that he ‘s aware of what she intends to do. When Mr. King tries to resist, Harley proves that her sexuality is more than enough to make him willing. She presses her tits to Mr....

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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 13

The eastern sky was a red glow when Tom left town headed south. He wanted to ride out to the Crooms place to make sure all was well with the family that had caused his stay in Newton in the first place. Tom worried that Missus Croom would fall off the wagon and begin her drinking binge again. Millie and Danny were in the barn doing their morning chores when they heard the horse come into the yard. They knew before they reached the door in a dead run that it was Tom. They knew the sound of...

3 years ago
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Friend Trains Me Part 4 Gay

For a couple of weeks, a friend of mine since High School has been blackmailing me into having gay sex with him. Actually, I've been the one sucking cock and getting my ass fucked. He came over to my apartment about three weeks ago and was helping me fix my computer while we took in some of the NCAA tournament basketball games. He identified the virus on my computer but he also found some gay porn sites that I had viewed. I had never had sex with another man before. Nor had I really ever...

2 years ago
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Alice In Wormland

Alice was beginning to get very tired of the lockdown, and of having nothing to do. Once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister had given her, but it had no pussies or cocks in it, "and what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pussies or cocks?"So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of a masturbation session would be worth the trouble and sweat of strumming away for...

Monster Sex
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The Bike and Her Adventures

It was a cool day, a relief from the scorching weather of the previous week. Three bike riders were taking advantage of this turn in the weather before it returned, as predicted to further severe heat. Two were semi-professionals; they were training for a marathon later that month. The other was a middle aged woman who was riding just as an interest. The two experienced riders who had been riding for a couple of hours, pulled up just near a divide in the track that led onto a wooden bridge...

4 years ago
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American Dick An Unforgettable Experience

Hello everyone, this is Anita again. It was the 2010, when i went to U.S.A for my training which was mandatory according to my company rules. Even though i was happy that i will explore new maps, i was kinda scared too. During my long flight, which i changed twice to real Los Angeles, CA; I was very happy to land and see my office van standing outside with a driver. He then dropped me to the temporary accommodation provided by the company. It took me a month to get in routine and understand the...

2 years ago
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Hard to Get

I love teasing guys and playing hard to get. OK, it's a cruel, but I can't help it. I was born a natural flirt, with big green eyes, a tight little body, and luscious brown locks. In high school, I was always known as "that girl." It's a compliment, even though it doesn't sound like one. I never worried about being tossed into the trashcan as a freshmen, or getting soup dumped over my head. I'm a flirt, but guys and girls can't help but like me no matter what. But I learned my lesson...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Helping my Uncle

100% fiction! About a year ago, I lost my job and had to move back in with my widowed mom. She lived in a small house owned by my uncle, who was her brother. My mom and uncle were very close and he even gave me part time work cleaning up around his many rental houses. He visited mom often and sometimes I felt like he was annoyed that I was there. On one occasion my uncle came over and asked me if I wanted to work for a couple of hours doing landscaping on one of his near by houses. He took me a...

1 year ago
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Internation Relations

For the love of my life… I wake up in the morning, and you’re not next to me. It’s kind of weird, because normally I have to wake up and go to work before you stir. Even though you are normally sleeping, I appreciate the opportunity to put my arms around you… Rub myself against you… Thrust my nose into your hair and smell how delicious it is. My fingertips crave your nipples. The palms of my hand are addicted to cupping your breasts. I am addicted to you. Waking up in the morning and doing...

2 years ago
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New Marred Housewife Ko Choda

Hello frind app logo na mare pichli story ka bohot acha response deya app logo k pyar sa mara ko apni ya story likhna pa majbur kar deya dosto app log to janta hi ho ma vishal from haryana sa hun.Any unsatisfied housewife girls she want secraite sex enjoy so mail any time app logo ka time na waist karta hua sidha story pa aata hun dosto mare locanto pa add dakh kar chandigarh sa mara pass ek call aai unhona bataya ki unhona mare add dakhi ishliea call ki vo mare service lena chahti thi unki...

2 years ago
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Trailing Home Ch 10

The next morning, Selena was busy packing things into the wagon when she heard Liam’s voice from inside the tent. She rushed in and stopped in her tracks. Liam was struggling to rise up on one elbow, but he was wobbly and weak, and he wasn’t having much success. ‘Oh Liam, just lie down, sweetheart. You have to take it slowly,’ she soothed, as she gently pressed him down on the pallet. ‘You’re looking much better today.’ Liam’s face had a slight frown, which she took as a good sign. At least...

1 year ago
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A Memorable Night

Hi all, This is Sathish (of course a fake name, because of my own priorities), from Kerala. It’s like more than six years that I am reading stories from Well, I am 25 yrs now. So maybe, I started it by 19. Some stories are excellent like the “Irani Girl” in teacher/student section, that I read some four or five years back. Still I can remember each scene of that story. Wow! That guy did a very good job. Many times I thought of writing some of my experiences. But of...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Unexpected Houseguest Chapter 3

The next two weeks went by and as I had promised, I made some phone calls and talked to some of the people I knew in the D/s life and one day I called Nikki into the living room with me."Nikki, I have been busy the last few days working on your situation," I started "And I would like to take you to see Master Rick, a close personal friend of mine and a good and decent Master."He has been looking for a slave since the last one he had moved away for personal reasons. I told him about you and your...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Tenant8217s Hot Wife Again

Hi everyone, I am back again with another experience that I had in with the beautiful MILF that stays in my house. Previously, I wrote here. I had previously described the extreme beauty of this woman in my story. After fucking her, I went crazy for her and wanted to bang her at every opportunity I could get. We were trying to get some timing settled out where we could have some fun. But it wasn’t working out. Sometimes I was at college or doing some work, at other times, her husband was home,...

3 years ago
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Vaah Papa Kya Lund Haa Tumhraa 8211 Part IV

Hi!Mera Naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname yunghelper (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto (hot gals ) see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa.My hot and horny readers see ek appeal haa- padnee see pahlee ladke apnaa lund pakad lee aur ladkeeya apne chut mee unglee dal lee takee story padne mee zyadaa maza aayegaa aur...

1 year ago
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Hot Sex with my friend8217s wife

Hi! Readers I’m Vineeth from Hyderabad back again. I was really glad to get a good response to my previous experience. This is another real experience I want to share with you guys. My friend Srinivas wife Priya occurred a couple of years ago. She was about 28 yrs old married to my friend, who is business man. After so many months of his marriage he met me accidently and he told me to come to his house. I told ok and left to his house. He welcomed inside the house & told me sit in sofa. After...

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