CAROL - I HAVE BEEN A BAD CAT 3 free porn video

Hun being fucked by that tree I realy licked, my mind as I masturbated those men and the way there cum felt between my fingers. Looking up at the tree that when I would rotate my pelvis with the not bending lem in me, deep in me, finding the lim places I have never been touched before. My mind made the tree real and like it was matting me. I would stair at it waiting for its cum to shoot into me. My climax was so hard and then a man forced my clit down on the lim and rubied it on the rough bark, I begged for more.
I watched you and could see in your eyes what was going on. I have a new toy for you, we will play with now. you have once again been a bad cat as you know, and this from now on will be what you have instore for being one.
you will be blind folded to start. you will be startling a six inch wide object and be on both your hands and knees which will be well tied so you can not move, there will be a rope tied to a hook in your ass then to your hair. I will be the one controlling the device. It is a belt that moves around two rollers, it has a single flap on it to start, the number of the flaps will increase as we go along. When the flap hits you it will be your cunt and clit that takes the slap, The sound of the slap is louder then the hit. It will not heurt, it will sting. I will not allow it to move any faster then you want it to. The faster the belt moves increases the hits. If I see your clit extending I will continue if not and you say to stop I will, your mind will tell you your need. Is there anything else you want to know - No
Well to start it was no where close to what I thought, but on the other hand what I asked for at the tree. When the flap came around the first time it was near gentel. It felt like a long time to the next one. After a few slaps I asked for it to hit me faster. It was the third time I asked the sting started to be continuous. I really did not know if I was reacting to the sound of slap at first or the feeling of the slap and then It became evident, then both. My mind said more and I asked the forth time, and I climaxed, The next round was a match of the first, with the same result but this time I wanted to be fucked. When you came to me and told me you have a nine flap belt I just closed my eyes.
When you said we now going to the tree I did not know what you were going to do. We walked down a path toward the lake the fishermen use. There was a spot where you could see into the woods for a distance, you said it was a dear trail, we walked a ways and you stopped. There was a soft breeze that made the unbranch sway back a forth. You looked around and found a tree with a branch sticking way out from the trunk. You pulled out your knife and cleaned off the very end of it, you then put a rubber over the end. While you put the blanked down and drove several stakes in the ground I got naked. You placed me so that my feet were toward the trunk of the tree and inserted the lim. Then pulled it out and cover the rubber with Vaseline. I was positioned so that when the breeze would move the end of the lim it would come nearley out of me and then go back in causing a short wiping action. My legs and arms were stacked down, spired far apart. you walked back down the dear path toward the main one clearing the branches so I could be seen, then you came back to me. You said you were going to leave me to my thoughts, put into my had a small two way radio and walked to the main path.
For a little while nothing happened then a breeze made the lim move, I was being fucked. The wind would pull the end of he lim out slowly but when the breeze stopped it would wipe back because its end could not move, by rotating my pelvis I could control where the end went inside me. Once I settled down and looked at my soundings my mind went to work. I was totally helpless, the tree was in total control. It got so the tree wold get me close to climax and tease me by stopping. Then came a sound, It was not from the direction you were in but further down the path then I was. It could be anything. I did not alert you, the cat just lie there, eyes closed, with its mind saying let what ever it was have you. It came right up to me and stopped, when I look up it was a boy, about twenty two., he was studding the situation I was in. He rayed his bow down and took off his things. Just then a breeze came through and made me grown. He knelt down, put my head between his knees, put one hand on his balls and with the other started to masturbate, I just looked a the long thin cuck waiting for he cum, he groined and I open my mouth and he sprayed his cum in my mouth and on my chest and tits. The tree kept fucking me and I climaxed with him, He then kissed me and I let my tung enter his mouth. he put on his things and left me. His cum tasted good and once again I relaxed waiting for the thrust of the tree cuck.
I started to think what it would feel like to be matted. To me that word is total submission. It is a beuteful word, The helplessness when the cum is shot into you and the ball of the cuck is locking it in you. The lim kept moving. I must have been there several hours but it seemed like a minute, then you came back bringing two men with you. You brought me something to drink, lifting my head and seeing the cum the boy shot on me. You said nothing just bent down and kissed me. You told the men they cold cum on me any where they wanted to and that I would suck there balls and cucks. They sat for awhile just looking at how the tree was fucking me and how when it did my body would react asking for more. Then came a big wind wind, nearly pulling the tree cuck out of me. When it came back it whipped hard and kept whipping, I Looked up at the three of you and climaxed, the men were stroking themselves and their cum shot out of the cucks in long streams all over me and the blanket. I asked you to slap my clit fast, very fast and I went into a Violante climax, nearly pulling the stacks out of the ground. I rayed there limp.
You then removed he lim leaving the rubber on the end of the tree cuck so we maybe be able to find my friend again. We walk down the path, my dress over your arm, to the Jeep passing several men that just stared at my cunt and its extended lips,

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