Carol Ch. 02 free porn video

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Chapter 2: Darkness and Dawn

Charlie finally transferred to a college far away, as far from Carol and his memories as he could manage. He began again there, trying to find a way to find something to live for without her.

He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note.

A few times he called her, and she spoke to him, with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn’t like it when he cried, but sometimes…

She offered him no hope, but at least she didn’t hang up.

He remembered bits and pieces of some of those calls for years:

‘Charlie, I promise you’ll get over me. Someday you’re going to find someone really special.’ She whispered the last word.

‘I had someone special, Carol.’

Sadly: ‘Oh, Charlie…’


Crying: ‘What would you say if I told you I was going to kill myself if you don’t come back to me? What would you say, Carol?’

‘Well…. I wouldn’t say no….’

He waited.

‘But you know that can’t happen, Charlie. Please don’t tell me that.’

Sniffing, pulling himself together: ‘I won’t. It’s okay, Carol. I’ll be okay someday.’ He let her off the hook again.


‘I’ll always be grateful to you, Charlie. You taught me how to love. If it wasn’t for you, I’d never have been able to be with Larry.’

‘I’m glad you’re happy, Carol. But who’s ever going to teach me?’

‘Someone will, Charlie. You just have to keep looking.’

He let her off the hook again. ‘I am.’

It was nice when she showed that she cared: but in the end, he found that it didn’t matter much. When he hung up, she was still gone.

He did look. He slept with more than several girls, it was the early 70s, after the Pill and before herpes and AIDS. Sexual freedom was a very real thing, and he got his share of pussy, but in his heart there was still a big empty space shaped like a girl named Carol.

He masturbated often, to magazines and fantasies, he began to smoke marijuana, because it made the pictures seem real and enhanced the fantasies. But he avoiding masturbating to his memories of her. They were still the most moving and exciting thoughts he had, but sometimes he came crying, and cried for hours afterward.

His dearest memories became a place he dared not go. He tried not to think of her at all, but still…

A bit of music, a word, a familiar piece of clothing, a turn of a head with long brown hair–and it hit him like a punch in the heart. He began to smoke more pot, because only then could he feel better just because he wanted to and turn the memories off.

He went to class, and wrote his papers, and talked with friends, and dated now and then, but her ghost was always at his side. It only left him when he was stoned, and then he could be alone with his dirty magazines or with the girl that he was fucking but didn’t love.

She sent him an invitation to her wedding. He bought two bottles of liquor that day, and drank them both on her wedding night. He had never so wanted to get stinking drunk in his life.

He couldn’t do it. He drank it all, but went to bed cold sober.

At least he slept.

He finally graduated, a year late, with the class of ’73. He bounced from one job to another, and tried to fall in love again. He never could.

He even got married once. The woman did not remind him of Carol at all, and she was passionate and loved to fuck, he hoped that he could grow to love her and forget about Carol.

The marriage didn’t last. His wife was self-centered and uncaring of his feelings, and she had a cruel, withholding streak: when she discovered something that he liked in the bedroom, she’d never do it again. ‘You’re supposed to love ME, not THAT,’ she’d say. Then she complained that he was not as passionate as he had been before they married, when she had actually tried to please him.

Even so, he stayed with her long after he knew there was no hope or comfort there–because he couldn’t bear to give someone else the pain that he had known. It was only after he figured out that most people did not hurt that much, or that long, that he finally found the strength to leave.

He tried to remain friends with Carol. He even visited her from time to time, suppressing the ache when he saw her and wearing the mask of an old friend.

Sometimes it slipped, and Carol would squeeze his hand in sympathy, but no more. They never spoke of it, and both went on pretending that he was just a friend.

He met Larry, and even though no man had ever been born that he more wanted to hate, he found he couldn’t. Larry was a genuinely nice guy, and he obviously loved Carol. Charlie was glad. No one deserved her, but at least he wasn’t an abusive bastard, and he made her happy.

Once, they made a connection, when he happened to visit when Larry wasn’t home. He spoke her name, in a kind of pleading tone–by accident, in a way, he wasn’t lost in his need for her at that moment, but was thinking of something else.

She turned and answered, ‘Yes?’ in a tone of such gentle warmth and feeling, and looked at him with such compassion in her eyes, that he forgot what it was. He could only look at her–and how it hurt to do so.

His eyes filled, and she came closer and gave him a hug. ‘I’m so sorry, Charlie,’ she whispered. ‘I know it’s hard for you.’ And she held him while he cried. No more than that was said.

It only happened once.


A day came when they stopped speaking. He had put her off a bit with something he had said in a recent visit, speaking of his feelings for her–and she had told him, gently but firmly, that he just couldn’t talk to her about that any more. She was married now, and there was nothing she could do.

In reply, he had written her a letter, and he went too far. He accused her of being the reason he never got over her, bringing up the coldhearted way she had left him, and then used him so callously, ten years before.

It was all true, but she had been kind to him since, and it wasn’t fair of him to bring it up. They had both been young, and she had done the best she could at the time. She hadn’t meant to hurt him so, and he knew that. And it had been a long, long time before. He should have known better.

But for him, the pain of losing her had never gone away, and he never had a single day, not one, when he didn’t miss her and long to hold her in his arms again and know she loved him. For him, it hadn’t been a long, long time. It was yesterday, last night, an hour ago.

That letter destroyed their friendship. After a short, bitter phone call–‘I have nothing to say’ was all she told him, in a voice as cold as ice–they had no more contact for more than fifteen years.


He tried to forget, again and again. He sought out therapists and talked it out with them for years, he meditated, he read self-help books–‘Letting Go,’ ‘Surviving the Loss of a Love,’ ‘Moving On’–but her ghost walked with him still.

When he looked for pictures of naked women in magazines or on the Internet, he always found himself keeping or downloading the ones that looked like or reminded him of Carol in some way. Sometimes he was even conscious of it, but better to masturbate to pictures of models who resembled her than to the things that he had actually seen and done with her.

That road led to madness and death, he knew. He had been too far down it too many times not to.

He limped through his life like a man with one leg gone. The smallest things were so much effort, it was hard to care about anything. What was the point? It was a struggle to care enough to brush his teeth.

He once described losing Carol, to one of his therapists, as being very much like losing an arm or a leg, you adjust, you live with it, you learn to get along–but you nev
er, ever forget for a single moment what you have lost.

He finally got to a place where he didn’t think about her much. He worked, he read, he watched TV, he masturbated to other things, he slept, and he hammered out a kind of peace of mind from one day to the next.

He no longer cried, or not so much, he didn’t spend whole days aching for her, only minutes, and even that not often.

The dreams were the worst. He would go for weeks with only minimal thoughts of her, shaking them off and pushing them away as soon as they arose, and then he would have a ‘Carol dream,’ and he’d be depressed for days.

He would dream of seeing her briefly, then trying to find her but only getting short glimpses from far away, or of seeing and being near her, but she could not see him. Or of talking and laughing with her and just being friends again. They all left him aching when he woke up.

But the worst dreams were the ones where they were in bed together, and she was naked. They never made love, often she was simply asleep near him, and he was afraid to wake her. Sometimes she took him in her arms. Once or twice he dreamed of kissing her and stroking her back. Even in dreams, it seemed, he could go no farther.

After one of those, it might take him weeks to recover. But they did not come often.

Most days, he simply tried not to think about her, and for the most part, he succeeded.

He lived his life. He learned to listen to talk radio and not the music stations, to avoid certain movies, to beware of thinking too hard about love or relationships or women with pretty hands and feet. And so much more.

He was not happy, for that could never be. He had had to shut down too much of his life and not look in too many places that he knew would hurt him. But he was content.

He lived alone, and found ways to get from one day to the next and smile and laugh. His friends and students thought him sweet and funny, and they liked him.

He no longer even tried to date. He taught his classes, graded his papers, had friends, and was functional. He was doing all right. And then he saw a movie.

‘Forrest Gump’ would change his life. If he had known what the picture was like, he would never have watched it, but it took him by surprise.

He found himself in tears through half the picture, and weeping like an abandoned child at the end. It depressed him horribly for days, and he could not shake it off. The old wound was fresh again, and he knew exactly why.

One day a week or two later, another teacher–a friend named Sharon–found him wiping his eyes in the teacher’s lounge. She sat down beside him and put a solicitous hand on his arm.

‘Chuck, what’s the matter?’

He allowed no one to call him Charlie. He hadn’t for years.

‘It’s nothing,’ he quavered. ‘I’m okay. Or I will be by the time my off period is over.’

‘It’s got to be something, Chuck. I’ve never seen you this way.’

It was true. Charlie had the reputation of being unfailingly cheerful and very funny, always ready with a wisecrack or a joke and a smile for everyone, the few people who knew were invariably stunned to learn that he was chronically depressed, and had been for decades. No one, ever, saw his darkness.

‘You can talk to me, Chuck,’ Sharon went on. ‘Come on. What’s the matter?’

He managed to choke out, ‘I saw ‘Forrest Gump’ last week.’

She blinked. ‘That’s kind of a sad movie, but–why on Earth would it affect you this much? And for this long?’

He looked at her, and his face dissolved. He wept openly.

‘Because my Jenny never came back,’ he managed to say.

She put her arms around him and held him as he sobbed.

The vice-principal happened to come in. He walked over and asked quietly, ‘What’s going on?’

Charlie tried to speak, but couldn’t. Sharon said, ‘Chuck is having a bad moment.’

‘Something to do with school? The kids?’ Teaching can be emotionally draining.

‘No. It’s personal. Love-related,’ said Sharon.

‘Oh. Should I get a sub?’

Charlie shook his head, but Sharon said, ‘I think we better.’

Charlie looked up, then shrugged. He still couldn’t speak.

‘Well, there’s only two periods left. I’ll see if I can get some other teachers to cover.’

‘I can take his eighth,’ Sharon said. That was the last period.

He nodded, then bent down and put his hand on Charlie’s shoulder. ‘I hope you feel better soon, Chuck. We can’t have the school funnyman crying.’

Charlie smiled, his eyes wet, and finally croaked, ‘I’ll be okay.’ The vice-principal nodded and went out.

Charlie looked at his lap. He was bending and straightening a paper clip. He wondered how long he’d been doing it. ‘Thanks, Sharon.’

She patted his hand. ‘No problem.’ She paused.

Then, ‘Tell me about your Jenny.’

He talked for twenty minutes, and cried a little more. He didn’t tell her everything, of course, but enough to get the drift.

‘Twenty-seven years?’ she whispered.

He could only nod, and then he said, ‘I haven’t heard her voice for–‘ He thought. ‘Maybe seventeen. Yeah, it was 1980 last time we talked.’

She looked at him seriously. ‘Chuck, you need to see a doctor.’

‘I’ve been to more therapists than Carters’ got pills,’ he said.

But Sharon shook her head. ‘I didn’t say a therapist. I said a doctor.’ At his puzzled expression, she said, ‘They have pills now that can help you. Antidepressants that really work. And you need some, Chuck.’

He wiped his eyes, then smiled. ‘I guess maybe I do.’

She wouldn’t leave the lounge till he had made an appointment–and requested a substitute–for the following day.

Before she left, she told him, ‘Chuck, I want you to know that you can call me anytime. Day or night. Okay?’

‘Okay. Thanks.’

She looked at him. ‘You know, Chuck, in the movie, Jenny just came back to use Forrest. She was dying and just wanted a father for her boy. Doesn’t that matter?’

He shook his head. ‘No. Not a bit. It’s only important that she came back. It doesn’t matter why.’

He hadn’t told her of that fall, after she left him, when she loved someone else and fucked him anyway.

‘You still want this Carol back? Even after everything she did to you? Now that you know what she’s really like?’

He looked at her with a small, sad smile. ‘Sharon? Do you pray?’

‘Sure, sometimes.’

‘You want to know what I pray?’


‘I tell God that I’d trade all the rest of my life–every day that I have left–for just one hour in her arms, knowing she loves me again. And I mean it.’

She stared at him. He thought she was about to say, ‘That’s crazy,’ or some such thing.

What she said was, ‘My God. I wish somebody loved me like that.’

The next day, Charlie went to see the doctor. He was given a questionnaire, and checked almost all of the symptoms: trouble sleeping, difficulty with routine tasks, obsessive thoughts, missed work, loss of interest in hobbies, thoughts of suicide, and all the rest. The doctor looked it over, asked him a few questions, then wrote a prescription. ‘These will take a few days to start working, and a couple of weeks before you’ll really feel a change,’ he said. ‘Stay with them anyway. But if you start feeling worse, I want you to call me immediately, all right?’

‘Okay.’ He opened his mouth, then closed it.

‘Something else?’ asked the doctor.

‘Don’t you want to know what I’m depressed about?’ asked Charlie.

The doctor shook his head. ‘You can tell me if you like,’ he said, ‘But it won’t change anything. You probably ought to get into therapy too, but that medication needs to come first. It should help you get out from under the pain so the therapy can work. Give it a couple of weeks and see if whatever it is still bothers you.’
It only took a few days, not weeks. Charlie began to feel the darkness lifting right away.

He began to wake every morning without that oppressive sense of hopelessness he’d felt for so long. It no longer seemed like the labors of Hercules to shave, brush his teeth, make coffee and get dressed (on weekends he rarely got out of bed except to go to the bathroom and eat a cold meal or two).

He stopped getting drunk three or four nights a week. He didn’t masturbate so much, and when he did, he enjoyed it more and felt no sense of loneliness or loss.

He actually felt good, and optimistic, and enjoyed common little things again–a cheeseburger, a TV show, a book. He realized he had been dragging himself through life by sheer willpower alone for years and years.

And he found he could go whole days without thinking of Carol even once, and when he did, it didn’t trouble him.

After a week or two, he dropped his guard and tried it. For the first time in many years, he sat down and deliberately tried to think about her, to explore what he felt instead of pushing the thoughts away. Like a tongue cautiously probing a rotten tooth, he tentatively let his mind rest on a few small things that he remembered:

Carol sitting close to him in his car.

Watching ‘Mission: Impossible’ with her in the basement of her dorm.

Meeting her in the Student Union for a Dr. Pepper.

Her voice.

He sat there in astonishment. They were just memories, and old ones at that. There was no pain.

He went farther:

Making out at the drive-in.

Holding her bare breasts in his hands.

That day at the beach, when she first posed naked for him there.

Fucking her as she whined, ‘Chahlie, I’m coming…’

No pain. They were sweet memories, sweet and hot, but that time was long over. Why had they hurt him so? They only made him smile now. He was lucky to have had her when he did.

He was amazed–but the really hard stuff remained to be tested.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes:

Calling her and hearing her say, ‘Hello?’–and then hang up.

Standing outside the door that would not open–and watching her shadow, of her walking away, on her curtains.

–‘It was the best summer of mine! I met Larry!’

–‘Hello, love!’ Right in front of him.

Standing by his car, where she gave him one last, long, deep French kiss on that last weekend before Christmas before she left for home and Larry–and then watching her run away from him, back to her apartment, without looking back.

–‘I have nothing to say.’

He sat and thought of more and more, and shed a tear–not from the pain, but because there was none. He was free.

It was a college romance. They broke up. She never meant to hurt him, she was young and didn’t know how to break it off. Nothing special.

Look how sweet and kind she was to him in later years. Look how she listened and tried to be his friend. Look how big a fool he’d been to blame her and insult her, ten long years after the fact. It had all been him, not her.

He thought about calling her, but decided he’d been enough of a pain in the ass over the years. Best to leave her alone.

He stood up. He felt taller. Then he realized, He was. There was no weight on him now, had not been for days. It was over.


A few days later, as he was walking back to class after his break, he abruptly stopped dead in his tracks.

As happens with dreams, he suddenly remembered he had had a Carol dream the night before. What’s more, he had awakened remembering it. But he had thought about it little, and then forgotten it until this moment.

A month ago, it would have sent him into a tailspin that would have kept him in the dark for weeks, Carol in bed beside him, her breasts bare, smiling and looking into his eyes. Today–it was just a dream, almost forgotten.

A Carol dream. Almost forgotten.

He shook his head in wonder, and smiled to himself. He could hardly wait to tell Sharon. He had told her about the dreams.

Carol? Carol? She was just a girl he once knew.

He went on to class, and thought no more of it.

But later that day, he thought of the last time they had spoken, of the letter he had written and how wrong it had been. It had ended so ugly, he thought.

Not a call, he thought. No, he would not call her. But he would write her a letter, to apologize for everything and tell her what had happened with the pills. She deserved that much, to know he didn’t ache for her any more.

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Big Boob Bed Time Stories....I had just got a new SUV about a month ago. I had not driven it more than 200 miles before it need to be cleaned. I was driving along Curtis Ave when I spotted a sign on my right for a car wash. A local high school cheer leading team was washing cars for $10.00. I checked my watch. I had some time before I needed to get back to the office. I put on my turn signal and pulled in.I smiled as about 4 cheerleaders started to wash my SUV. I rolled down the window and gave...

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FamilyHookups Alexia Anders Screws her stepbro to blow of some steam

Alexia Anders and her stepbrother Ricky are having a hell of a day. They both got dumped on the same day and are now sitting around not knowing what to do well at least Alexia is, Ricky decides he is going to go jack off to pass the time. Alexia is disgusted at first but then starts to think why not go and help. When she approaches Ricky about it, he is hesitant but loosens up really quick, I mean look at his stepsister she’s freaking hot. They fuck each other’s brains out until he cums all...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 46 Crowning Achievemnt

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava – Echur, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My hands smoothed the smooth satin of my blue gown. It hung over the layers of petticoats beneath, giving my figure the shape of a bell, a tight waist that then flared out over my legs. I shivered, my small breasts rising and falling as I struggled to control my nerves. My stomach twisted and churned, reminding me of my morning sickness the last few days. But I knew this...

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My Slave 8211 Part II

Once under the table she saw he was waiting for her, cock out. This was the guest who had brought his submissive with him. A large overweight man, his cock was smaller than the first guests with a slightly pointed head. It did not stand upright but at a slight angle. She wondered if this was simply because his large stomach would not allow an upright erection. He was not circumcised and she could smell that it was not very clean. There was an odor of stale piss, this bothered her; she felt that...

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Who Knew a Physical Could Be Fun

I woke up grumpy. I couldn’t eat or pee this morning. I had a physical scheduled for first thing this morning. Even worse, the doctor had warned me that today I even got a prostate exam. Oh well, I hope his hands aren’t too big. I arrived at the doctor’s office early and waited for my turn. The nurse ushered me into the exam room and drew blood then gave me the little plastic cup I had to pee in. I relieved myself and gave the cup to the nurse, and then I waited for the doctor’s arrival. He...

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Pehli Bar Chudai Ka Maza

Hi mai Niharika, Aurangabad se mai 21 years ki hu, mera figure hai 30-26-32, aur badan puri gori chikni makkhan k tarah, aur gand tak latakti hui kale lehrate baal. Mera teenage se hi boy friends badalte rehne ki adat thi. Ab boy friend hai to kiss to nature tha but apne chut ka darshan kabhi maine kisi ko nahi karwaya. But akhir kar mere 8th boy friend ne chut ki darshan b ki aur uski bhumi pujan b kr li. Aaj aap logo ko yahi story batane wali hu. Umeed krti hu you will enjoy it. Story aaj se...

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Attacked at home Nicks POV

“Damn, hold that thought, it’s probably the Chinese, you get the door I’ll grab the money” she says kissing me firmly and groaning, I know that groan it’s usually a sign she’s turned on. I laugh as I sit up knowing what she wanted to happen; I make my way to the door, and tap her arse as she turns towards the kitchen to get the money out of my wallet “Such a horny girl I have” I call to her smiling and smiling “You love it" she calls back a smile in her voice If only she knew...

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Its Fucking Cold

The front counter of the bakery is much quieter in the aftermath of the breakfast rush. At the back of the store, men tray up and shuffle pies and sweets ready for lunch, creating their own clamour. Ella can hear the trolleys clanking and the big fridge door opening and closing. Jamie, the chef walks past, winks at her. He’s an older man with very little hair and a New Zealand accent, lovely but strange. She doesn’t respond, continuing to ready the front of the shop, replenishing bags and...

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My boss Carl

This is part of a story of things that happened between me and my boss. I moved to UK from Hungary 11 years ago with my girlfriend so we can work. My friend helped me find work with a builder in Liverpool and I was a labourer. It was a good job to get and I was happy. My girlfriend find job as cleaner and we moved into a nice flat. She didn't settle in UK, homesick and no friends and bad job so she moved back home. I wanted to go with her but she told me stay and work. Is better. It was but I...

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The Ride

She was running late. After a quick shower, she towel dried her hair, threw on her delicates, pulled a warm blouse over her head, stepped into a wool calf length skirt, slipped into her walking boots and headed for the door. Snagging her gloves, scarf, jacket and purse, she ran out the door only hesitating long enough to lock it before running for the bus. She prayed the bus was running late, she was lucky. This morning, unlike the rest, the bus stop was thronged with riders. As the bus...

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The Neighbor Next Door 8211 Part 1

So this is a story of how I have for so long fantasized fucking my neighbor’s young and very hotwife. The neighbor next door has two young sons. And both of them have young, hot, and sexy wives. Just one for each! In case you were wondering. So, since I am a teenager in my twenties and a big-time virgin, I obviously fantasize about any young and hot girl or woman I see around. It’s completely natural. So let’s get to the point about how I was seduced by my neighbor. So these two sons of my...

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Learning CurvesChapter 57

Hailey paced around the deck wishing Phil was back. The others had grown increasingly drunk and boisterous. Even the usually reticent Katelyn was talking loudly and growing increasingly coarse. Hailey decided since Phil wasn’t here to babysit them it was her responsibility. She sipped ginger ale while the others imbibed a mixture of cocktails that seemed to have more and more alcohol each time. She regretted not getting Phil’s keycard before he’d left. She could go down and be waiting for...

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Cliffs Housemaid

I had been at work all day trying to get my work done, but it was hard because I had been thinking about my sexy housemaid all day. Thinking how sexy she looks wearing her short skirt and apron and that white headband that I gave her. I have wanted her for so long and had masturbated many times in the privacy of my darkroom, just thinking about her. Sometimes I'd mentally fuck her down there in the ass, sometimes in the pussy, sometimes I'd picture eating her out and sometimes she'd suck my...

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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 07

This is a long story at over 9,000 words. The preparation in advance for the visit to the club involves some difficult, almost punishment, enemas, etc, but there is no scat play or anything like that. At the club walter is involved primarily in M/m sex. If any of that turns you off, you can catch the next chapter, Chapter 08, which will be, I hope, the last chapter of this saga. This story stands on its own, but makes a little more sense if you have read the previous chapters. = = = = = = =...

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Of course you know by now this Wasn,t really Carol Connors, but it WAS and American porn actress who I recognised. Why would a porn actress want to talk to a lowly security guard like me? Okay when younger I Wasn,t that bad looking and worked out a lot so had little excess flab, but that was all. “Joe you,re probably curious as to why I,m here talking to you, well I like you! I get damned bored with what I do! Yes I get lots of money for sucking cocks, getting fucked and eating pussies, but it...

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Scenario 1 Bound

Introduction: The first scenario: Bound. You never know how its going to start, but it always ends the same, He woke up unable to move his arms, he could feel the restraints around his upper arms and wrists. Moving them forward, he was unable to get them above his waist. Gauging from the lack of feeling in them hed been bound and in that position for a while. The ground was cool beneath him, no doubt a tile floor as he could feel the grout indents in his arm. Struggling up to a sitting...

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The Bad Girls Club Chapter 4

"Oh, my Go-uack!" was all Kim got out before I shoved my nine-inch cock down her pretty throat.I pushed in as deep as I could go before her gag reflex kicked in and she bucked and turned her head, trying to dislodge my cock. I pulled back out and she choked and coughed. "You mean to tell me that for all your smart ass talk and all your bragging, you can't deepthroat a cock? You aren't much of a slut, are you? Hell, you barely got half of me in your mouth! What would the guys say if they found...

2 years ago
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A Night at Mchooligans

Steve Cullis watched the three newcomers enter McHooligans pub. Students, was his initial thought. He finished cleaning a pint glass and put it on the rack above the bar. What were they doing here? Were they lost? Did they pay any attention to the local news at all? The three of them were dressed in fancy dress costumes for Halloween. Well two of them were, the third, a skinny blond kid, looked like any other student. He wore baggy blue jeans and a white T-shirt with a cartoon of a sheep...

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Even Big Girls Need Love Part 2

Even Big Girls Need Love Part 2 While we were on the sofa and I was caressing his false dick, or double ended dildo, I wondered how it got hard. "Dave Darling" I asked him looking up at him in what I hoped was a little girl look; "how do you get it hard?" he ran his fingers through my hair, tipped my chin up and said "gently squeeze the balls babe", I had been Donna for less than a day and I was already thinking of myself as a she, and Dave as a he. So I gently squeezed and sure...

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Becoming a slut pt 1

One day while looking through my email I found a response from someone close in age saying they would like to experiment too. For a few weeks we kept emailing each other back and forth talking about hooking up with each other. He told me that a big turn on would be if I was wearing women's clothes. I got excited by that idea because I always liked getting dressed up in my mother's or sister's clothes and acting like a little slut when no one was home. We decide that we should exchange...

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Impure Thoughts Chapter Three

"Hasselblad," I said, more to myself than to anyone else.The word was on the front of a giant camera, about half a metre away from my bare breasts. "Yes, 'Hasselblad', Swedish. One of the finest cameras in the world." Meet Gastone Contini. He's the grey-haired man holding the camera. He is father to Giulia and Marco and husband to Flora, and right now we are in his studio and he taking pictures of me.Gastone arrived home a few weeks ago after a long series of concert tours. There was a...

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Mrscs Second Gangbang

Hello ; This is Robin ( Mrs.C**** ) ; I am a 48 year old and married ; 5'10" tall ; long dark hair and a nice ass. I have high cheek bones and a natural hairy pussy. My tits are small to med. , but nice with dark nipples. It has been 2 weeks now since my crazy night out with my son's friends . Things are different for me at home ; the boys were right ; I need much more excitement now. I work the 4PM to 3 AM shift. That night at Billy's place 2 weeks ago was the hottest night of my life. I was...

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My InitiationPart 6

I was learning a lot about the sorority girls I had to sneak panties from as I watched them from my vantage points around the building. Tonight I watched a guy put a ladder up to one of the double rooms. As he climbed through the window, I watched the two girls, who pretended to be studying, feign surprise as he entered. He tied them on one of the beds in a reverse '69' position and used a flogger on the top girl's ass as they started to eat each other out.Then while they were busy, he stripped...

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ClaudetteChapter 7 A Confrontation and its Aftermath

The silence was deafening. The two players beside Sheila looked ready to rise up and give the guy some serious pain. I said quietly, “It would be best that you moved to another table.” He said, “You can’t tell me what to do. I’ll give you all terrible reviews.” Sheila held up her phone. “I’ve been recording you. Let’s present this to the other media and your bosses. Hopefully, they aren’t Neanderthals. Neither Claudette nor myself are play toys. We will not tolerate your attitude.” I had...

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Fathers Orders

Detective Liu Chang ended his shift at the Southern City Police Station and was leaving for the day when his cell phone rang. “Hello?” he answered. “Liu, we need to speak, son,” said an older man on the other end. “Dad, we’ve been through this before,” Liu said as he walked to his car. “We go through this again. Please come to the house.” “Dad, it’s been a long day and I would like to get home.” “Please son, we need to talk, this cannot wait.” Liu let out frustrated sigh. “Ok, I am on my way...

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Filling in for Amanda

FILLING IN FOR AMANDA or LAB.TXT by Waldo Chapter 1 -- My lab Chapter 2 - Exploration9 Chapter 3 - Meeting other people Chapter 4 - Nick Chapter 5 - Introducing Renee Chapter 6 - The medical exam Chapter 7 - Behind locked doors Chapter 8 - Was it as good for you as .... Chapter 9 - The fight Chapter 10 - My mental condition Chapter 11 - Telling the girls Chapter 12 - The Gauntlet of questions Chapter 13 - The shower Chapter 14 - The Shopping Chapter 15 - The new me This...

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Green Berets for the Sexual RevolutionChapter 12

When my eyes next opened, we had shifted in our half-sleep. Carol and I were now happily yet comfortably entwined. Cathy was spooned onto Gerri. Carol whispered, "Relax for now. I'll start the water when I wake again." "Mrrrp?" "Hmm? Yes, dear?" "Meow?" My eyes flickered open, and I discovered that the only pussies still in bed with me had exceptionally fine hair, and tails very different than those I had last seen on three lovely ladies. Several head butts got me more awake....

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Beths ArmChapter 9

Beall's mare trotted down toward the tavern that had once been the county courthouse while he thought about his conversation with the Brookeses. He pulled his notebook from his pocket and looked at his Saturday jottings. He had written that the dress billed to "T. Brookes" cost one pound two shillings, that would be the stepmother's dress, the one to "J. Brookes" was nine and six, and that one was somebody's else's. The noted measurements, though similar, were not identical so they...

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A new GrannyFinally

I have changed jobs recently and now work in a retirement community as a maintenance man. I did so for a couple of reasons, but primarily to be around sexy old women again. It's been over 6 years since my Ruby died and almost 3 since Betty passed away and I have REALLY missed them. Please read my stories about these INCREDIBLE ladies!I seen a few women here who caused by cock to throb just seeing them. Hoping to enjoy them. But one had started to call for me to correct small items in her...

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Marwari Wife to Open her Thighs Wide

They were a Marwari couple and were my neighbors in the apartment. Husband Vishal was a middle aged guy and wife Shraddha was pretty young lady in her mid 20s. Shraddha is a very attractive housewife, healthy in build, with good height, milky white complexion. But her sex appeal lies in her ¡§In the face kind of breasts¡¨ and nicely rounded ass. Every time I see her, my eyes invariably either get drawn towards her navel or her beautifully round boobs. Many a times I even shagged thinking of her...

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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 63

Ali Alibaba 10:49 pm, November 5th, 2006 3:49 pm, November 6th, 2006 (local time) "Praise to Allah!" cried our leader. "Allah akbar!!" I shouted back gleefully. "Have you acquired the craft?" "Yes." "Are the items placed where they should be?" "Indeed. The infidels have no clue." "Excellent." "Have we all the information we need?" "That and more." "Allah is merciful. Our day of destiny in soon to be upon us." Chapter 278 Ashley 11:10 pm, November 5th,...

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I recently told you about the lovely Ellie, daughter of a very prominent man in the small South Dakota Town I was raised in and how we drifted apart, hardly surprising as I was from a struggling financially family and Ellie,s father owned a thriving business, but sometimes having everything on a sliver platter isn’t,t so fabulous. I,d never had the nerve to ask Ellie for a date as I was terrified she,d turn me down though as long time friends she usually rang me up and had long chats about her...

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Dark Days Darkest Before the DawnChapter 6

It was Friday and Alan and Debbie had asked me at lunch if they could get a ride. Their parents were up in Fort Lauderdale at some event and wouldn’t be back until late that night and it had been raining all day. The bus ride that morning hadn’t been too bad, but they were dreading the one int the afternoon. When I suggested they come and hang out at my place this afternoon, eat dinner with me and my uncle, they were all for it. I had a desktop PC, an Xbox One and a PS4 in my room, so if...

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The New Real Houswife of New Jersey

Mark looked at his watch, and scowled, "Damn it Linda, we need to be at the country club in 5 minutes! What are you doing?" He heard no answer, so he rushed into their bedroom. His wife was sitting on the bed, half-dressed watching "The Real Housewives of New Jersey". He was furious. "That's it, we're getting rid of cable! I told you I didn't want you watching this show. These people give New Jersey a bad name!" he said. "Give me a break Mark. It's just entertainment. We...

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OK. I tried to focus my energies elsewhere, but I can't help it. Anytime I have a spare second, my mind drifts to you. What you're doing. What you're thinking about. And then I read back some of our conversations and I'm right there again. Imagining all the things I'm going to do to you. The things you're going to do to me. And that incessant throbbing starts again and here I am. Softly stroking my pussy. Opening the folds, spreading the moistness allllll over and inside. I'm imagining it's...

3 years ago
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My First Gangbang

Hi to all I.S.S readers. This is Kavitha writing about my personal experience that took place a year and a half ago. First some introduction. I am the wife of Mr. Narayanan. I have a 3 year old kid. My husband is a sales executive and often goes on short tours and has satisfied me abundantly (in every aspect). Hope you guys understand. My brother was staying with my parents and came to Chennai to do some course. He got himself enrolled and made a few friends in the due course of time. They...

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The Kinky Birthday Surprise Phase 2

Will could not believe that Ann would nonchalantly shove a vibrator under his ass and leave it turned on low to vibrate against his cock while she went to take shower – for fifteen minutes no less. Suddenly, he felt his cock getting hard, pleasant sensations and they went through his entire being. He knew it would only be a matter of time before he shot his load into the air.“Decided that you do not need to cum yet,” Ann said as she breezed into the room and pulled the vibrator from under his...


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