- 3 years ago
- 38
- 0
Chapter 2: Darkness and Dawn
Charlie finally transferred to a college far away, as far from Carol and his memories as he could manage. He began again there, trying to find a way to find something to live for without her.
He wrote her from time to time. If she answered at all, it was a polite two-line note.
A few times he called her, and she spoke to him, with warmth and even a hint of concern, especially if he was crying. She didn’t like it when he cried, but sometimes…
She offered him no hope, but at least she didn’t hang up.
He remembered bits and pieces of some of those calls for years:
‘Charlie, I promise you’ll get over me. Someday you’re going to find someone really special.’ She whispered the last word.
‘I had someone special, Carol.’
Sadly: ‘Oh, Charlie…’
Crying: ‘What would you say if I told you I was going to kill myself if you don’t come back to me? What would you say, Carol?’
‘Well…. I wouldn’t say no….’
He waited.
‘But you know that can’t happen, Charlie. Please don’t tell me that.’
Sniffing, pulling himself together: ‘I won’t. It’s okay, Carol. I’ll be okay someday.’ He let her off the hook again.
‘I’ll always be grateful to you, Charlie. You taught me how to love. If it wasn’t for you, I’d never have been able to be with Larry.’
‘I’m glad you’re happy, Carol. But who’s ever going to teach me?’
‘Someone will, Charlie. You just have to keep looking.’
He let her off the hook again. ‘I am.’
It was nice when she showed that she cared: but in the end, he found that it didn’t matter much. When he hung up, she was still gone.
He did look. He slept with more than several girls, it was the early 70s, after the Pill and before herpes and AIDS. Sexual freedom was a very real thing, and he got his share of pussy, but in his heart there was still a big empty space shaped like a girl named Carol.
He masturbated often, to magazines and fantasies, he began to smoke marijuana, because it made the pictures seem real and enhanced the fantasies. But he avoiding masturbating to his memories of her. They were still the most moving and exciting thoughts he had, but sometimes he came crying, and cried for hours afterward.
His dearest memories became a place he dared not go. He tried not to think of her at all, but still…
A bit of music, a word, a familiar piece of clothing, a turn of a head with long brown hair–and it hit him like a punch in the heart. He began to smoke more pot, because only then could he feel better just because he wanted to and turn the memories off.
He went to class, and wrote his papers, and talked with friends, and dated now and then, but her ghost was always at his side. It only left him when he was stoned, and then he could be alone with his dirty magazines or with the girl that he was fucking but didn’t love.
She sent him an invitation to her wedding. He bought two bottles of liquor that day, and drank them both on her wedding night. He had never so wanted to get stinking drunk in his life.
He couldn’t do it. He drank it all, but went to bed cold sober.
At least he slept.
He finally graduated, a year late, with the class of ’73. He bounced from one job to another, and tried to fall in love again. He never could.
He even got married once. The woman did not remind him of Carol at all, and she was passionate and loved to fuck, he hoped that he could grow to love her and forget about Carol.
The marriage didn’t last. His wife was self-centered and uncaring of his feelings, and she had a cruel, withholding streak: when she discovered something that he liked in the bedroom, she’d never do it again. ‘You’re supposed to love ME, not THAT,’ she’d say. Then she complained that he was not as passionate as he had been before they married, when she had actually tried to please him.
Even so, he stayed with her long after he knew there was no hope or comfort there–because he couldn’t bear to give someone else the pain that he had known. It was only after he figured out that most people did not hurt that much, or that long, that he finally found the strength to leave.
He tried to remain friends with Carol. He even visited her from time to time, suppressing the ache when he saw her and wearing the mask of an old friend.
Sometimes it slipped, and Carol would squeeze his hand in sympathy, but no more. They never spoke of it, and both went on pretending that he was just a friend.
He met Larry, and even though no man had ever been born that he more wanted to hate, he found he couldn’t. Larry was a genuinely nice guy, and he obviously loved Carol. Charlie was glad. No one deserved her, but at least he wasn’t an abusive bastard, and he made her happy.
Once, they made a connection, when he happened to visit when Larry wasn’t home. He spoke her name, in a kind of pleading tone–by accident, in a way, he wasn’t lost in his need for her at that moment, but was thinking of something else.
She turned and answered, ‘Yes?’ in a tone of such gentle warmth and feeling, and looked at him with such compassion in her eyes, that he forgot what it was. He could only look at her–and how it hurt to do so.
His eyes filled, and she came closer and gave him a hug. ‘I’m so sorry, Charlie,’ she whispered. ‘I know it’s hard for you.’ And she held him while he cried. No more than that was said.
It only happened once.
A day came when they stopped speaking. He had put her off a bit with something he had said in a recent visit, speaking of his feelings for her–and she had told him, gently but firmly, that he just couldn’t talk to her about that any more. She was married now, and there was nothing she could do.
In reply, he had written her a letter, and he went too far. He accused her of being the reason he never got over her, bringing up the coldhearted way she had left him, and then used him so callously, ten years before.
It was all true, but she had been kind to him since, and it wasn’t fair of him to bring it up. They had both been young, and she had done the best she could at the time. She hadn’t meant to hurt him so, and he knew that. And it had been a long, long time before. He should have known better.
But for him, the pain of losing her had never gone away, and he never had a single day, not one, when he didn’t miss her and long to hold her in his arms again and know she loved him. For him, it hadn’t been a long, long time. It was yesterday, last night, an hour ago.
That letter destroyed their friendship. After a short, bitter phone call–‘I have nothing to say’ was all she told him, in a voice as cold as ice–they had no more contact for more than fifteen years.
He tried to forget, again and again. He sought out therapists and talked it out with them for years, he meditated, he read self-help books–‘Letting Go,’ ‘Surviving the Loss of a Love,’ ‘Moving On’–but her ghost walked with him still.
When he looked for pictures of naked women in magazines or on the Internet, he always found himself keeping or downloading the ones that looked like or reminded him of Carol in some way. Sometimes he was even conscious of it, but better to masturbate to pictures of models who resembled her than to the things that he had actually seen and done with her.
That road led to madness and death, he knew. He had been too far down it too many times not to.
He limped through his life like a man with one leg gone. The smallest things were so much effort, it was hard to care about anything. What was the point? It was a struggle to care enough to brush his teeth.
He once described losing Carol, to one of his therapists, as being very much like losing an arm or a leg, you adjust, you live with it, you learn to get along–but you nev
er, ever forget for a single moment what you have lost.
He finally got to a place where he didn’t think about her much. He worked, he read, he watched TV, he masturbated to other things, he slept, and he hammered out a kind of peace of mind from one day to the next.
He no longer cried, or not so much, he didn’t spend whole days aching for her, only minutes, and even that not often.
The dreams were the worst. He would go for weeks with only minimal thoughts of her, shaking them off and pushing them away as soon as they arose, and then he would have a ‘Carol dream,’ and he’d be depressed for days.
He would dream of seeing her briefly, then trying to find her but only getting short glimpses from far away, or of seeing and being near her, but she could not see him. Or of talking and laughing with her and just being friends again. They all left him aching when he woke up.
But the worst dreams were the ones where they were in bed together, and she was naked. They never made love, often she was simply asleep near him, and he was afraid to wake her. Sometimes she took him in her arms. Once or twice he dreamed of kissing her and stroking her back. Even in dreams, it seemed, he could go no farther.
After one of those, it might take him weeks to recover. But they did not come often.
Most days, he simply tried not to think about her, and for the most part, he succeeded.
He lived his life. He learned to listen to talk radio and not the music stations, to avoid certain movies, to beware of thinking too hard about love or relationships or women with pretty hands and feet. And so much more.
He was not happy, for that could never be. He had had to shut down too much of his life and not look in too many places that he knew would hurt him. But he was content.
He lived alone, and found ways to get from one day to the next and smile and laugh. His friends and students thought him sweet and funny, and they liked him.
He no longer even tried to date. He taught his classes, graded his papers, had friends, and was functional. He was doing all right. And then he saw a movie.
‘Forrest Gump’ would change his life. If he had known what the picture was like, he would never have watched it, but it took him by surprise.
He found himself in tears through half the picture, and weeping like an abandoned child at the end. It depressed him horribly for days, and he could not shake it off. The old wound was fresh again, and he knew exactly why.
One day a week or two later, another teacher–a friend named Sharon–found him wiping his eyes in the teacher’s lounge. She sat down beside him and put a solicitous hand on his arm.
‘Chuck, what’s the matter?’
He allowed no one to call him Charlie. He hadn’t for years.
‘It’s nothing,’ he quavered. ‘I’m okay. Or I will be by the time my off period is over.’
‘It’s got to be something, Chuck. I’ve never seen you this way.’
It was true. Charlie had the reputation of being unfailingly cheerful and very funny, always ready with a wisecrack or a joke and a smile for everyone, the few people who knew were invariably stunned to learn that he was chronically depressed, and had been for decades. No one, ever, saw his darkness.
‘You can talk to me, Chuck,’ Sharon went on. ‘Come on. What’s the matter?’
He managed to choke out, ‘I saw ‘Forrest Gump’ last week.’
She blinked. ‘That’s kind of a sad movie, but–why on Earth would it affect you this much? And for this long?’
He looked at her, and his face dissolved. He wept openly.
‘Because my Jenny never came back,’ he managed to say.
She put her arms around him and held him as he sobbed.
The vice-principal happened to come in. He walked over and asked quietly, ‘What’s going on?’
Charlie tried to speak, but couldn’t. Sharon said, ‘Chuck is having a bad moment.’
‘Something to do with school? The kids?’ Teaching can be emotionally draining.
‘No. It’s personal. Love-related,’ said Sharon.
‘Oh. Should I get a sub?’
Charlie shook his head, but Sharon said, ‘I think we better.’
Charlie looked up, then shrugged. He still couldn’t speak.
‘Well, there’s only two periods left. I’ll see if I can get some other teachers to cover.’
‘I can take his eighth,’ Sharon said. That was the last period.
He nodded, then bent down and put his hand on Charlie’s shoulder. ‘I hope you feel better soon, Chuck. We can’t have the school funnyman crying.’
Charlie smiled, his eyes wet, and finally croaked, ‘I’ll be okay.’ The vice-principal nodded and went out.
Charlie looked at his lap. He was bending and straightening a paper clip. He wondered how long he’d been doing it. ‘Thanks, Sharon.’
She patted his hand. ‘No problem.’ She paused.
Then, ‘Tell me about your Jenny.’
He talked for twenty minutes, and cried a little more. He didn’t tell her everything, of course, but enough to get the drift.
‘Twenty-seven years?’ she whispered.
He could only nod, and then he said, ‘I haven’t heard her voice for–‘ He thought. ‘Maybe seventeen. Yeah, it was 1980 last time we talked.’
She looked at him seriously. ‘Chuck, you need to see a doctor.’
‘I’ve been to more therapists than Carters’ got pills,’ he said.
But Sharon shook her head. ‘I didn’t say a therapist. I said a doctor.’ At his puzzled expression, she said, ‘They have pills now that can help you. Antidepressants that really work. And you need some, Chuck.’
He wiped his eyes, then smiled. ‘I guess maybe I do.’
She wouldn’t leave the lounge till he had made an appointment–and requested a substitute–for the following day.
Before she left, she told him, ‘Chuck, I want you to know that you can call me anytime. Day or night. Okay?’
‘Okay. Thanks.’
She looked at him. ‘You know, Chuck, in the movie, Jenny just came back to use Forrest. She was dying and just wanted a father for her boy. Doesn’t that matter?’
He shook his head. ‘No. Not a bit. It’s only important that she came back. It doesn’t matter why.’
He hadn’t told her of that fall, after she left him, when she loved someone else and fucked him anyway.
‘You still want this Carol back? Even after everything she did to you? Now that you know what she’s really like?’
He looked at her with a small, sad smile. ‘Sharon? Do you pray?’
‘Sure, sometimes.’
‘You want to know what I pray?’
‘I tell God that I’d trade all the rest of my life–every day that I have left–for just one hour in her arms, knowing she loves me again. And I mean it.’
She stared at him. He thought she was about to say, ‘That’s crazy,’ or some such thing.
What she said was, ‘My God. I wish somebody loved me like that.’
The next day, Charlie went to see the doctor. He was given a questionnaire, and checked almost all of the symptoms: trouble sleeping, difficulty with routine tasks, obsessive thoughts, missed work, loss of interest in hobbies, thoughts of suicide, and all the rest. The doctor looked it over, asked him a few questions, then wrote a prescription. ‘These will take a few days to start working, and a couple of weeks before you’ll really feel a change,’ he said. ‘Stay with them anyway. But if you start feeling worse, I want you to call me immediately, all right?’
‘Okay.’ He opened his mouth, then closed it.
‘Something else?’ asked the doctor.
‘Don’t you want to know what I’m depressed about?’ asked Charlie.
The doctor shook his head. ‘You can tell me if you like,’ he said, ‘But it won’t change anything. You probably ought to get into therapy too, but that medication needs to come first. It should help you get out from under the pain so the therapy can work. Give it a couple of weeks and see if whatever it is still bothers you.’
It only took a few days, not weeks. Charlie began to feel the darkness lifting right away.
He began to wake every morning without that oppressive sense of hopelessness he’d felt for so long. It no longer seemed like the labors of Hercules to shave, brush his teeth, make coffee and get dressed (on weekends he rarely got out of bed except to go to the bathroom and eat a cold meal or two).
He stopped getting drunk three or four nights a week. He didn’t masturbate so much, and when he did, he enjoyed it more and felt no sense of loneliness or loss.
He actually felt good, and optimistic, and enjoyed common little things again–a cheeseburger, a TV show, a book. He realized he had been dragging himself through life by sheer willpower alone for years and years.
And he found he could go whole days without thinking of Carol even once, and when he did, it didn’t trouble him.
After a week or two, he dropped his guard and tried it. For the first time in many years, he sat down and deliberately tried to think about her, to explore what he felt instead of pushing the thoughts away. Like a tongue cautiously probing a rotten tooth, he tentatively let his mind rest on a few small things that he remembered:
Carol sitting close to him in his car.
Watching ‘Mission: Impossible’ with her in the basement of her dorm.
Meeting her in the Student Union for a Dr. Pepper.
Her voice.
He sat there in astonishment. They were just memories, and old ones at that. There was no pain.
He went farther:
Making out at the drive-in.
Holding her bare breasts in his hands.
That day at the beach, when she first posed naked for him there.
Fucking her as she whined, ‘Chahlie, I’m coming…’
No pain. They were sweet memories, sweet and hot, but that time was long over. Why had they hurt him so? They only made him smile now. He was lucky to have had her when he did.
He was amazed–but the really hard stuff remained to be tested.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes:
Calling her and hearing her say, ‘Hello?’–and then hang up.
Standing outside the door that would not open–and watching her shadow, of her walking away, on her curtains.
–‘It was the best summer of mine! I met Larry!’
–‘Hello, love!’ Right in front of him.
Standing by his car, where she gave him one last, long, deep French kiss on that last weekend before Christmas before she left for home and Larry–and then watching her run away from him, back to her apartment, without looking back.
–‘I have nothing to say.’
He sat and thought of more and more, and shed a tear–not from the pain, but because there was none. He was free.
It was a college romance. They broke up. She never meant to hurt him, she was young and didn’t know how to break it off. Nothing special.
Look how sweet and kind she was to him in later years. Look how she listened and tried to be his friend. Look how big a fool he’d been to blame her and insult her, ten long years after the fact. It had all been him, not her.
He thought about calling her, but decided he’d been enough of a pain in the ass over the years. Best to leave her alone.
He stood up. He felt taller. Then he realized, He was. There was no weight on him now, had not been for days. It was over.
A few days later, as he was walking back to class after his break, he abruptly stopped dead in his tracks.
As happens with dreams, he suddenly remembered he had had a Carol dream the night before. What’s more, he had awakened remembering it. But he had thought about it little, and then forgotten it until this moment.
A month ago, it would have sent him into a tailspin that would have kept him in the dark for weeks, Carol in bed beside him, her breasts bare, smiling and looking into his eyes. Today–it was just a dream, almost forgotten.
A Carol dream. Almost forgotten.
He shook his head in wonder, and smiled to himself. He could hardly wait to tell Sharon. He had told her about the dreams.
Carol? Carol? She was just a girl he once knew.
He went on to class, and thought no more of it.
But later that day, he thought of the last time they had spoken, of the letter he had written and how wrong it had been. It had ended so ugly, he thought.
Not a call, he thought. No, he would not call her. But he would write her a letter, to apologize for everything and tell her what had happened with the pills. She deserved that much, to know he didn’t ache for her any more.
Introduction: Do you believe in love at first sight? He heard her voice before he saw anything. Bubba, you son of a b&hellip,. Come back here! Ron knew that could only mean one thing. He quickly tied his little white poodle to a nearby bench and turned towards the direction of the womans voice. Sure enough, bounding over the top of the hill was the fluffiest, happiest golden retriever he had ever seen. If a dog could smile, this one was, running full throttle with its leash flying behind...
‘Bubba, you son of a b… Come back here!” Ron knew that could only mean one thing. He quickly tied his little white poodle to a nearby bench and turned towards the direction of the woman’s voice. Sure enough, bounding over the top of the hill was the fluffiest, happiest golden retriever he had ever seen. If a dog could smile, this one was, running full throttle with its leash flying behind him. Ron braced himself, opened his arms and called, “Bubba! Here boy! Come on, buddy!”...
Carol Baker stepped over the threshold of her suburban semi-detached house and into the shade of the hallway. She was a tall, slim brunette with green eyes and a soft, easy smile. Her long hair hung almost to her waist and she wore it loose. Although she’d been at work, her crisp white blouse was pristine and her skirt, possibly a bit too short for a thirty-something, look like it had just come from the cleaners. She was elegant and loved the looks she got from men as they studied her long,...
Over the years, I had developed many friends through my hobbies of CB radio and auto racing. Many an evening was spent enjoying one of our coffee and bullshit gatherings that seemed to spontaneously develop. Someone over the radio would suggest meeting at a Sambo's for coffee, and before you knew it, twenty or thirty people, sometimes more, would show up at the local Sambo’s. Most of us also ordered something to eat while we were there. So, the manager at the local Sambo's allowed us to freely...
CheatingThe first time I played with a girl was with my best friend Carol. I had just got my first bra and I had to show it to her. I pulled up my shirt and she began to look me over then put her hand inside my bra and feel my tits. Then she pulled up her shirt and asked if I wanted to touch her tits. We began rubbing each others tits and feeling our nipples get hard. It did not take long till we had our shirts off and was sucking each other like babies nursing. Every time she sucked my nipple I got a...
"Hi there , you must be Carol" , I was pleasantly surprised.My best buddy had set me up on this blind , double date with his new wife and him , and carol.I love big tits and curvy girls with big asses who's body wobbles when pounding them so Carol is tottaly 'not my type'.She was beautiful, with long straight blonde hair hanging to her waist , big 'doe like' eyes , supple lips , a white even smile but.... she was tiny.Not only was she under 5 foot tall , but she was thin and seemed flat...
CAROLOne of Carols main fetishes, of many was being helpless, it was a main them removing any ownership she did not want to show while I was slow fucking her, telling her what I was going to do to her. When she came, it was hard. The location was on a section of the state park beach we went to a lot. If there were any people they were usually lone men rock hunting or walking their pets. She would be off the beach, behind a sand mound. with three sides woods the other the lake. I would tent...
CAROLThere is a place in Vagues I would take her to. They had a round bed as you walk into one of the group rooms. Carol loved to be cum on, lot of cum, from a lot of strangers, This is including glory holes we played at but that is in another story, she never wiped any of it off. I did not have a fuck toy so I would sit on the outside of the round bed, between her legs, insert two fingers in her so cum would not go in, and very slowly masturbate her. She did not want to be fucked. A lot of the...
I had met Carol through a dating site. She was 8 years older than my 50 years but she was VERY sexy with a nice curvy body. The sex with her was awesome and the more we fucked the more uninhibited she seemed to become. One night while we were screwing I blurted out that I would love to see her fucking and sucking another cock. To my complete surprise she said that she would do that if it made me happy. My cock became even harder than it already was and I asked her if she was serious? Her reply...
Chapter 1 "How did I get myself into this mess?" Carole asked herself. She tested the rope again that held her wrists together. Even the ropes that secured them behind her head and to the chair back wouldn't give a fraction of an inch. The ropes that bound her ankles and legs together didn't give either, and her legs tied to the support bar of the chair kept her feet immobile. Other than moving her head, she was completely immobile. "If I hadn't been so damn arrogant and stubborn, I...
Today Carol was coming over. We have been playing dirty since we were about twelve. We used to sleep over and sleep naked and feel each other up all night. We sucked tits and pussy till we were sore. When she arrived she wasted no time getting naked and kissing me. I shed my clothes and she began to kiss over my body. She sucked my tits and bit them as she loved biting a lot. Her teeth were chewing my nipples as I felt her fingers go into my cunt. She three fingered me and began fucking me hard...
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Straight SexKavlas, king of the Dardrics, was happy today Kavlas, king of the Dardrics, was happy today. News from the frontline had reached him, that the long running war with the Iceans was over. Their warrior queen had surrended to his forces, and was being transported back to his capital in chains. It had only been a matter of time of course. The Iceans were fools, allowing women equal status with men in their society. How could any army in which women fought alongside the men in equal numbers,...
A morning sometime in Early AugustCyndi sat at the dresser putting on her makeup; a lot more makeup than she used to apply but she had watched the other girls carefully and had learned what to do and what to expect.A large flat screen television was playing porn movies above the large, round bed. The screen flickered badly and there was a strange white noise behind the grunts and moans but Cyndi was now so used to the sound that she hardly noticed.She felt happy; happier than she had been for a...
Wife LoversThe traveller plodded along, astride his weary stead on a narrow winding trail. It was late afternoon and both animal and man desired an end to the long day's journey.It was the year 1855, well-nigh twenty years into Queen Victoria's reign, a sunny Spring day, nightingales singing, insects humming, green hillocks ablaze with wildflowers. In short, a splendid day to be alive and roaming through the countryside in merry olde England.He was a young man, barely out of his teens, lean, muscular...
HistoricalI was always wanting to grow up and be like the neighborhood teenage girls in my neighborhood. They were always flirting with all the young guys in the development. One day, they were just kids playing with Barbie dolls and a few summer’s passed and they looked like Barbie dolls. Mary Evans was a Hispanic girl who had a dark complexion with black curly hair and brown eyes. She was tall and had a really full bosom. She walked around so sure of herself and all the boys in the neighborhood were...
TabooThis story involves i****t between a brother and sister. It begins with erotic photographs but ends where most stories do, with a couple of good orgasms. I love feedback, especially hearing how it made you feel. Please rate this story and give me comments.*In high school, the majority of guy's actions are largely influenced by the floods of testosterone raging through their bodies. The only difference for Jude was that he turned his passion into a hobby. Ever since he opened a professional...
Monica was a nasty teen slut and had popped her own cherry with a cucumber when she was barely 12 and had been fucking her older brother nearly everyday for five or six months now. They went at it like a pair of stray dogs anytime they could be alone. She had just turned 14 and was as horny as a female cat in heat while her brother was two years older than she was, so you could pretty much guess how he felt. During the summer while they were out of school and old enough to be left alone...
It's a pretty well known fact, men watch porn. Single, in a relationship, even married- they've all got a stash somewhere. That's what struck me as odd when I asked my husband Davy about it one night. We were relaxing in the afterglow of some outstandingly good sex, flopped sideways across the bed with the sheets in a tangled mess around our sweaty bodies. The fan flipped lazily through the air above us, sending a light breeze to cool our tangle of limbs. I lay against him, my mind a pleasant...
BDSMI knew I was in trouble when I heard a voice say '...what you looking at bitch...' not thinking I was day dreaming as I watched a burly, well built senior working out in the schools gym. Shuddering, I tried to explain that I was only watching how he maneuvered the weights and switched to heavier ones... He raised his hand and said '...stop lying, I saw how you watched my dick. You want some of don't you, well, you gonna get some like it or not...' I started to walk away when suddenly he longed...
Candice Dare is trying to sell houses. However, she’s using her best ASSets to get the deals done. She makes her costumers sign on the dotted line by seducing them with her big juicy ass. This time around Rico Strong happened to be her client, but to get him to sign that line she had to do more than just parade her ass in front of him. He wanted to pound that ass, and that’s exactly what he did. He slammed her pink gash in several different positions then moved on to pounding that ass. Thats...
xmoviesforyouFriday dawned. Much to my dismay. She found me outside of calc. "I'm swimming until 5. Is 6 OK?" she asked. "That's fine," I managed. "Great," she said. She gave me her dorm and room number, and said "See you at six," and off she went. Giving me a lovely few hours to panic. And panic I did. What with Jake playing a game tomorrow, he wasn't around at all, so I couldn't even get a pep talk from him. By the time five o'clock rolled around, I was contemplating throwing myself...
SATURDAYValerie woke from a hazy dream, or at least that was what it felt like. She found herself standing at a sidewalk beside the gate of her lush condominium. Valerie was 19, a brunette, and in her final year at high school. She had been retained along the way, having no interest in studies. She had a moderate bust and her fair skin was silky smooth, her long legs had just the right amount of flesh which always attracted male eyes to peer up at the tight bum and other secrets her short...
Carol’s job was hosting a Christmas party. She decided to wear a skirt and no panties. I was turned on by the idea. The company party was being held at a hotel about a half hour from where we lived. She said that they expected about 30 people to show up. We arrived at the hotel that evening. The parking lot was almost full but we found a place towards the back. We entered the lobby and made our way to where the event was taking place. As we entered the room, one of Carol’s...
Lila was riding in the passenger seat as Janet drove. They were on the way to the warehouse store for a pallet of bathroom tissue and several cases of cat food, or some such. Lila wore a navy twinset with no bra, a matching tweed skirt, and under that, a sheer black thong. Black boots completed her ensemble. Janet was wearing a royal blue knit dress with a ribbed bodice and buttons all the way down the front. Lila knew a back way to the store and was giving directions. It was somewhat ironic...
The sandwich shop: Tina was on her hands and knees along with four other girls in the bathroom. They had an enema tube in their anus that was attached to a bottle of saline solution on the wall. Their asses were up and their heads were down as the solution filled their guts. This was free anal week at the sandwich shop, which meant that a sandwich and a cup of coffee for twenty dollars got the purchaser free anal. One of the employment Patriarchy laws said that women and girls were entitled...
Amy yawned and stretched, her tank top riding up to reveal her softly rounded belly, below which she was bare. She was exhausted after a long day at work, and she’d been up all night typing up a paper for class tomorrow. She turned on her flameless candle on her bedside table, casting a soft dim glow over the room and removed her glasses. She hadn’t been asleep for long when a soft noise woke her. “Scritch…scritch, scratch.” She shrugged it off, turning over onto her back and attempting...
Linda got up this Sunday morning feeling like she would throw up. She managed to drink some orange juice and forced herself to eat some of the breakfast she prepared for her family. She managed to keep it all down and told Mike of her problem. She called it morning sickness but it lasted most of the day. She had to force herself to eat and drink fluids to stay healthy. She went to the local gym with Mike and both of their daughters. Alexis unloaded about the resume she had to write today...
Somewhere, lost in the frosty heights of a forgotten mountain range, there was an old cabin. The cabin itself was not special in any way, simply a crude construction of logs, planks, and stonemasonry. It was only slightly unusual in the fact that it had a cellar, a feature that was not very common to its genre, but that, too, was a simple, rustic construction, and one that would never occasion much comment. The cellar's walls were of cold, rough granite, no doubt dragged to this forsaken...
Hell, I had no idea that being a bounty hunter was going to be so easy or so profitable. I had more money than I knew what to do with. An Indian could easily live in complete comfort for five or more years with this much money. My conscience began to gnaw at me a little bit—here I was a rich man and couldn't spend so much money and my family back at the village needed some things that the money could easily supply. There was no question about it, I had to go home a give some of my riches to...
This is the meat that was provided on that late summer day...When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are working on their own fantasies. Directly or indirectly, they are paying for the services. And entertaining the boyfriend, fiancee or spouse is not on their list.That is why I could only hear of most encounters, or get the rare extra photo that was given to my wife. I became used to dropping...
Almost every night for the past week, I had stood at my window looking across at the window and watching this beautiful woman slowly undress, and reveal her curvaceous body for me. Each night, I stood and stared, stroking my thick hard cock in my hand and jerking for her as she danced and stripped knowing full well I was watching her every move. Each night, stroking my cock harder and faster until I exploded a wave of cum that spewed across the window in front of me, before she would blow me a...
Voyeur‘I’m too old to be on a family vacation!’ She thought, exhaling dramatically as she lay on her hotel bed, firmly massaging her temples with her fingers. “Honey, are you coming to aqua aerobics with your sister and I?” her Mom called out from her adjoining room. “All that liquor you’ve been drinking is going to catch up with you…” Her Mother’s judgmental tone was giving her a headache. She closed her eyes, “No, go with out me,” she replied, trying to hide her annoyance. She kept her eyes...
Alba – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after slip-space rupture. Alba heard the scuffle as the remaining Jackal launched its ambush on the Imp, along with the squeal that informed her of its outcome. She readied her carbine, aiming the reticle at the shadowy stairwell down the corridor. There was only one way that the Imp could come, and the radioactive rounds from her carbine would punch straight through his jet-black armor with ease. His helmeted head emerged, but she hesitated once again as he...
Yes, she is still hanging in the swing. She cannot help but look at his face. He smiles, were it not for where she was and what he had already done to her he would seem almost friendly but as he closes and locks the door she knows that nothing has changed. The humiliation and pain will continue. He walks over, turns her till she is off the chamber pot then moves it aside while holding her so she does not turn and get lower. He moves the nasty cloth away from beneath her too. 'I...
Hi all, in my last story you read how i needed 10,000 from Roshan…(if u have not read part 1, please read it for context. Roshan called me later…. Me : Hi Roshan Roshan: arre chamilya…maan gayee tu? Bol kab choosegi? Me: Roshan, I just need 10,000. can u meet and we can talk?? Rosha: don’t waste time chamiya…main lodi garden aa jaata hoon. Maine tujhe kaha tha ke advance interest main ek blow job in a public place. Aaj kal andhera jaldee ho jaata hai. 7 pm? Kab se wait kar rahaa hoon...
The texts were very platonic for most of three days. That third day was a Friday. Lisa had a long rest of her week at work, and started talking to Jace a little more. Right before lunch Jace hears his phone go off. “Hey, I need to get away for lunch, want to have lunch together?” Lisa sends him in a text. Jace isn’t sure how to react. He had been dreaming about Lisa since the last time they saw each other. Incredibly vivid dreams of the things he wanted to do to her. “Yeah, were do you...
Sometimes I wonder how he could even be my son. Stu, god I hate that name and although I’m happy to be rid of his mother who insisted on naming him, every day I am reminded of the silly cow and the years of frustration and water treading I wasted with her. I am alone now, happily single and thriving, thank you very much. I own my own business, nothing large, mind you, but I employ several workers and sales people, to get my little invention onto the store shelves of hardware stores nationwide....
Movement in the van woke me. Dora, in thermal pyjamas, was carrying a bowl of cereal to the table, which she must have replaced after getting out of bed and rolling up the sleeping bag. “Morning,” I croaked. “Morning,” she replied, glancing up at me as I peered down from my eyrie. “Coffee.” I muttered, barely comprehensibly. She obviously worked out the communication, though. “I didn’t want to boil the kettle and wake you. And I don’t know how you like your coffee. Not to mention, I don’t...
You know what it's like! I was back in the big city, it had been a long time since I'd been back there and I was kind-a nosing around for old times sake. I'd actually been called to my company's head office for a meeting, where I thought I was going to be dragged over the coals for insubordination. But instead I got myself a promotion, so I was feeling pretty pleased with myself that day, and maybe a little too excited to undertake the long drive back home again. I'd discovered that I...
Waking on Friday morning to movement in the bed, Haley opened her eyes to see Jay retreating to the bathroom to take a leak. She glanced at the bedside clock and noted that it was a few minutes after six. Just a few seconds later, Haley noted that Jay was back in bed snuggled up to her and the clock read eight-oh-five already! And, Haley felt something strange! She could account for Jay’s two hands wrapped around her, with one on her arm and one on her right breast. But there was at least...
Hello friends, your Shalini is back with another encounter. you know what happened in part 1 now I was sleeping on bed with only bra and by body is covered with bed sheet when I open my eyes I saw Kiran is sitting opposite to me and said what a pussy is yours it was so awesome can I do it again. I was angry and said Me: today is yours last day kiran go pack your things in office. Kiran: oh look at your lips madam. He came near me held my shoulder in his both hands & I closed my lips tightly...
As I followed Jan back into the bedroom, my head was spinning from reading Lucy's texts. She never mentioned Megan, so I had to wonder if they were still together or not. My best guess was that they weren't. Why else would Lucy be interested in patching things up with me? "Baby, come back to bed with me. I need some more of what's between your legs." Jan was sitting on the bed, a glass of wine in her hand. She could tell that something was bothering me, despite my assurances to the contrary....
Love StoriesWe were hanging around and partying a lot near the U of M a few years ago. there was a message board at the bar looking for d& D players and since the bar was not looking promising we decided to give it a try.My wife was dressed for a night on the town at bars or clubs and probably a little too provocative for the D&D crowd. We arrived at the address and as we entered, We were given some basic choices for characters and names and after about 15 minutes we were set up. Most of the people...
I am Raj, 29 years marketing professional, living in Coimbatore India. My story is about my Mom who now is 44 years old. My mom is very pretty but quiet bulky as most of the Indian women in there late 40’s, she got marriage in her 15th year and i born she is 5″6 feet with a heavy body frame, she has black hairs and brown eyes, She is very fair and one thing which I like most about her is her big boobs, they are 42 D (that’s what mentioned on her bra)!! I managed to peek into the bathroom a lot...
IncestOne lovely Afternoon, I just thought about checking upon my close friend after trying his number couple of time and it was not ringing.I knocked on his door, what i heard was a lady voice, " whos there" I responded "its me"... to her the voice doesnt seems to register, she came at the door, wow there you are, she said, she was just coming out of the bathroom, while i was still asking her about my friend, how long has he been out, when is he gonna be back, then I heard another voice calling out...
Before I continue, I posted a video to my profile of a beautiful girl giving a blowjob to a black man. Since the first time I saw this video years ago, I loved it. You can tell as you watch that she loves pleasing him, she loves sucking him. She loves making love to him. I always imagine being her, wishing I could be her... kissing him before she feels the fullness of his cock in her mouth. I have masturbated and shot my cum all over myself many times watching this video. I came close to living...