Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, And Other Improbable ThingsChapter 12: Like Permanently Shutting Up A Politician free porn video

I was on the roof, practicing my Pushing.
"There's a problem downstairs. You're going to want to get involved." Ashley said as she approached me. "What the hell are you doing?"
I spun on one finger, using small Pushes to counteract gravity and friction. B-Boy power moves lent themselves to my ability; most people also didn't know what was possible and impossible so I could explain it if I got caught. Letting my rotation slow to a stop, I balanced on a fingernail. It required nearly constant Pushing. I wouldn't have been able to maintain it without Jewel and Ashley playing the part of morning chaser after my night with Elizabeth. A very good night with Elizabeth! A Push flipped me to my feet.
"What's going on?" I asked, following Ashley down the steps.
"I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise." She sounded annoyed and happy at the same time. Regardless of Ashley's submission to me, she still worried me at times.
Everyone was in the common room. Shouting! Ashley pushed her way through the crowd. A couple of men stared at her in surprise at the ease with which she moved them. The members of the old group were surrounding Kellie, who lay on the floor. They were facing off against the new group of people.
"She got bitten!" Someone from the new group shouted. "She can't stay here!"
"Kill her!" the old lady, Catwal, shouted. "She's going to turn."
"Shut the hell up, hag!" Brandi screamed back. "No one is touching her."
Bianca's hands were white on her shotgun. John-John and Mr. Valence stood by Bianca.
"We have to be reasonable," the Assemblyman man said in his most sincere sounding voice. Still smarmy! The politician noticed the silence behind him. He turned to see me standing past his support base. I didn't like what I saw in his eyes. He took a step to the left and closer to Bianca. The motherfucker placed himself between the old group and me! He did not count on Ashley being a Miguel Political Party zealot. If she had pushed him any harder, he would have gone through a wall.
Kellie watched me walk up to her. She was cradling her right arm. The bleeding had stopped, though the wound was still open. The edges of the bite had already turned green.
"This isn't about her," the politician said from behind me. "She's a danger now. We can give her a weapon and food, but she can't stay here!"
"You go out the door before Kellie goes out," Bianca replied angrily.
The shouting kicked off again. I turned to look at Ashley. She shrugged. I looked at Joey. She shrugged too. I looked at Elizabeth. She smiled and shrugged. These people really couldn't ... I studied each member of the old group. As my eyes touched them, they silenced. Spinning around, I put each of the new group people under the same scrutiny. The politician stared back at me when I got to him.
"Are you going to spank them?" Matt asked me. Annabelle stuck her head out from behind him to smile at me.
"Tell me, Matt, why would I spank them?" I asked.
"Because they're going to hurt Aunt Kellie without letting you fix her," he replied.
Behind me, the old group sucked in air. Turning my head, I could see John-John and Bianca in their formal 'I fucked up' pose--feet apart, hands at the small of their back, and their eyes straight ahead. The new group took a step away from me. The politician took two! The hag Catwal got behind a couple of her newly acquired sycophants.
"Matt, I am going to take my belt off," I said. "Can you take Annabelle back to your room and play a little with her?"
"I want to watch!"
"I know, but I hear you've made Annabelle your little sister," I said. "I saw the adoption paper. It's got your signature and everything, so it's official."
Annabelle came out from behind Matt. She put her hands on her hips and looked up at me. "I'm not little. I'm big!"
I nodded solemnly before addressing Matt again. "Do you think that your sister, no matter how big she is, should watch me spank these people?"
He shifted his weigh from one foot to the other.
"I'm probably going to use bad words," I told him. Matt sighed with all the drama a little boy could muster before taking Annabelle's hand. I watched them leave, giving myself a few seconds to calm down.
"Elizabeth," I said without looking at anyone in the room. "Why did you shrug at me?"
"Annabelle had genetic issues," she replied. "From what I know, you had to rewrite her DNA."
"So..." I urged.
"That's a fucking miracle, no matter how you say it or write it!" Elizabeth said. "I don't see how a zombie bite could need more than my daughter did."
I looked at Joey and nodded.
"You can walk on water, can't you?" she asked me.
I sighed, before glancing at Ashley.
"If you think I don't know my place, we can go upstairs and you can remind me," Ashley told me. "To be clear though, I'm the one who went to get you."
I took a deep breath. Kneeling at Kellie's side, I scratched my temple.
"Kellie, I hate you," I said to the blonde. "Unless you're a fucking moron, which is possible considering the company you're keeping..."
"Young man," the politician said. "There's no reason for that!"
"Would you prefer--complete fucking idiot?" I asked him. "How about, with no offense to the truly mentally challenged, a fucking retard? And hmm ... I can cure the mentally challenged because it's a physical thing, but I can't do anything about you because stupid is your lifestyle choice!"
He backed away from the force of my voice.
I looked back at Kellie. "I hate you, and like I was saying, unless you're a moron or a politician, your friends and you gave me plenty of reasons."
Her eyes filled up with tears before she turned her face away from me.
"Look at me, Kellie." I waited for her blue eyes to meet mine. "Obviously, these people hate you too, because they were going to kill you for no reason. It's either they hate you or there isn't enough brainpower among them to figure out that one plus one doesn't equal zero. I don't remember whether I said I could stop you from turning, but damn ... I can cure cancer, grow perfect breasts, and fix genetic mistakes. I would think maybe, just fucking maybe, they'd ask if I could do something for you."
I put a finger on the zombie bite. Clear liquid flowed out of it before the cut closed. I pulled my finger away when the color of her skin returned to normal.
"Which do you think it is?" I asked her.
"They hate me," she replied with an assuring nod.
"So I'm not a party to stupidity enduring?" I asked. "It's survival of the fittest time. God damn it, stupid needs to die!"
"They hate me, Miguel! I'm sure that's it."
"You should consider social lessons, dear," I told her. "It's for your own good, maybe next time they won't be so willing to kill you."
I stood up and headed for the door.
"Miguel," Kellie called out.
I stopped.
"If you hate me so much, why help me?" she asked. "Why are you changing me like Joey and Ashley?"
I spun around slowly. "I'm still a teenage boy and you're a hot chick with a sword."
The politician was recalculating; I could see it in his eyes.
"Bianca!" Neither Bianca nor John-John had released their stances. I smiled at the Assemblyman. "Bianca, darling, I'm hoping you people will outgrow this 'save us, Miguel!' bullshit. But in the meantime, I would really, REALLY appreciate it if these situations were handled without me. You need a little healing, I get it, but I'm not a referee. If you need some downtime, maybe John-John or Mr. Valence can carry the weight for a few days."
John-John snorted and stared at the Assemblyman.
Bianca was naked, lying facedown on my bed, and handcuffed to the headboard.
Ashley patted my chest. "Bianca didn't want another night in my debt."
"What?" I asked.
"I went to get you for the Kellie thing. I'm pretty sure a truly 'glorious' leader should have thought of it first," Ashley explained, walking around me. "Bianca decided to pay up right away."
Ashley closed the door.
It wasn't the first time with Bianca and considering all that happened the first time, I felt comfortable taking my clothes off. I was also pissed about the Kellie thing! Bianca did not react as I got on the bed. Pulling her by the ankles, I extended her arms fully. A small amount of pressure from my knee made Bianca spread her legs. I got between them. Grabbing Bianca's hips, I raised up her ass. Bianca brought her knees forward. With Ashley and Jewel, I'd been too on edge to think about it. This time, I chose not to think about it! Bianca was on my bed willingly! A short, curvy package of blondness with a gorgeous ass on my bed rang all the bells!
I grabbed my cock. Bianca's pussy was wet. I smiled; she needed it. Kellie was an excuse! I got the head into Bianca and took hold of her hips. She wriggled as I pushed into her.
I didn't think about it. I fucked her! Bianca made it through the first and second of my orgasms. On the third, her body couldn't hold the position any longer. She slid down to her stomach.
I put my shins on her legs, lifted up, and slammed into her. Her asscheeks shook from the impact. The sound was glorious! I did what I told Matt; I spanked the hell out of Bianca's ass.
She passed out! And I kept fucking her! Bianca urged me to fuck a passed out Elizabeth, so I knew she wanted me to keep going. I pulled up and let gravity plow me into her pussy. I thickened in Bianca. I screamed to hold it in me. I pulled up and slammed into her. Pulled back and slammed into her!
Bianca yelled as an orgasm brought her to consciousness. As I fucked her, Bianca fought the handcuffs. She broke the bedpost and freed her hands from it.
"Please! Please!" she whispered.
I ground my hips against her ass. A pair of Pushes freed Bianca's hands. She tossed the handcuffs aside. Putting her hands underneath, Bianca pressed up and back, raising her ass. She turned her face to the side and reached behind her. Bianca spread her asscheeks. Straightening up, I thrust into her with short strokes. I came; Bianca screamed. As we were coming down, she rolled her ass up and down. Her hands still held her cheeks apart.
I pulled out of Bianca's pussy and raised my hips. She growled when my dick grazed her anus. Bianca's hands squeezed her asscheeks tighter. I forced my cock into Bianca's ass. She pushed back, getting me deeper and deeper. I paused to get up on my feet. Leaning over Bianca, I let my weight drive my dick as deep into Bianca's ass as I could go.
She was sweaty from the sex: her ass, her back, her hair, and her face. Nobody could have confused how she got that way!
I put one hand between her shoulders and pushed down. Bianca turned her face so her right cheek pressed against the bed. I put my other hand on Bianca's face. She trapped my thumb with her teeth and sucked on it. I held her down!
It was violent.
My thrusts wrecked Bianca's asshole as I pushed her deeper into the mattress with my hands. She made no complaint! Her hands stayed on her asscheeks, keeping them apart. I lost myself in the feel of her willingness!
Bianca wanted it as badly as I did. All of it!
I fucked and fucked. She came and came! My eyes rolled back. Bianca screamed as my final thrust rammed me to depth. Her hips collapsed; the drop drove me deeper into her ass. She passed out as my cum jetted into her.
My sandwich invention was in a fact a memory.
"Just like my mom made them," I said.
"You didn't tell me your mom made these for you," Lorena said to me.
The smell took me back--toast, bacon, and egg yolk. Like my mother, Lorena had cut the sandwiches into two triangles. I picked a half up with each hand and looked at them. I knew how they would taste--exactly as if my mom made them for me.
The Assemblyman sat down at the table. "We need to talk."
John-John, the Professor, Brandi, Kellie, Ashley, Joey, and Elizabeth took the seats around me.
"I thought my mom was crazy and that she hated me," I said. "Comes to pass--you remember the bad stuff easier than good stuff. The bad stuff was the crazy. And the torture!"
"Your associates manhandled some of my people," the Assemblyman told me.
"It wasn't torture like in the movies. Before I became sexually mature, pain is how I paid for using my power. Headaches like you wouldn't believe! It's what I remembered, how I begged her to let me stop, but she ... I fucking hated my mom. I'm pretty sure I still do!"
"I understand the situation here, but I firmly believe you need some guidance from an experienced, proven leader," the Assemblyman said.
"After she killed herself, I learned the truth." I brought the sandwiches to my nose and breathed in their aroma. "Robert and his pig parents showed me there was love in the little things my mom did for me. I hope she was crazy, but I know she loved me. Love and necessity! She used to say those two words all the time, but I didn't believe her."
I bit into the center of the half sandwich in my left hand. After swallowing, I bit into the center of the other half.
"My mom made them exactly like this," I told Lorena.
"Why do those people have black eyes?" I asked before taking another bite. A couple of the new group members had them; one of the others was holding his side in a telling fashion.
"Bianca left Mr. Valence in charge last night," John-John said.
"Criminal!" the Assemblyman exclaimed. "How dare he put his hands on people in that way? You can't possibly condone it, Miguel."
"Is she coming down any time soon?" John-John asked. "Bianca, I mean."
"She's FTFO," Ashley replied. John-John shook his head and shrugged questioningly.
"Fucked The Fuck Out!" Elizabeth said. "I was there, not as bad as Bianca. I don't think she's going to be down here until this afternoon."
"She needs the rest," Brandi said. "Yesterday proved we're not thinking clearly. I can't explain it--we just didn't think of Miguel! We can't afford Bianca being compromised by lack of sleep."
"I thought of Miguel," Ashley said but everyone ignored her.
"She put me in charge for the daytime," John-John told me. "If she stays in your bedroom for round two, Valence will take over again tonight."
"That madman cannot be allowed any power," the Assemblyman complained. "He's a thug!"

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