Zombies!?! Fuck The Neighbours! free porn video

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Introduction: A long story with many characters. Some rough, some sweet. It will be a bit violent Adriana

I woke up, slowly. I cant&hellip, See.. I CANT SEE! What is that smell? Where am I?

ADRIANA! I hear, it seems like it is coming from further away, panicked.


HELP ME, OH MY GOD HELP ME! Desperation thick in her voice

Her voice seemed muffled, like she was behind a wall. Where were we? God why cant I remember? I have to move. Why cant I get up?!? The airplane! I must be in my seat. Reaching down, I fumble trying to find my seat belt, as I start tracing the lines of the seat belt, searching for the buckle. Why is it so hot in here? Wait. That smell. It smells like, burnt hair. Burnt FLESH.

OH MY GOD! I yell, starting to panic.


Finding the buckle, ripping up on the clasp, the seat belt finally lets me up, I still cant be sure if i can see. Standing up, I start to move into the aisle, afraid of what I might run into, panic that I might not get to her in time. I have to help her, the thought of losing her. I spring into action, I know the layout of the plane, I have been on this style of plane to many times to worry about such stupid things when my soul mate is being&hellip, what? it doesnt matter, she needs me! I get into the center aisle and stop. which way do I go? I look left, right, left again. There, I can see! a small bif of the floor level lighting is still glowing. I rush towards the light, hoping for a way out. As I get closer, more light is starting to filter in through the plane. I dont know why I couldnt see it before. I see a pale light to my right, it is the emergency exit! I rush out, moonlight bathes the scene. To my right, I see what I never thought I would see. Teresa fighting with fury I never would have imagined she could contain. She is so tiny, fragile even, but there she was kicking and twisting with all of her might! Two men were&hellip, Men, somthing was wrong. They looked like they were covered in filth, maybe it was dirt, or blood I dont know. I do know one thing, they were kneeling over her, while she was laying in the dirt. I looked to my left, clouds were starting to roll across the moon, a flash by the fence post! I ran, it must have been 10 meters, there lying on the ground was a police officer, ripped apart!

AHHHHHHHH I screamed.


I grabbed the baton, it was covered in blood!

Fuck, I wish i had some gloves. I said, trying to wipe some of it off on the grass. TERESA, shit I have to help her!


I rushed towards them, screaming. DIE YOU FUCKING CREEPS!

They seemed to be bewildered by this, they both looked up. I knew something was wrong, their eyes had a pale red glow, but there was almost no light, the clouds had almost completely covered the moon. Teresa didnt let the chance pass her by. She had managed to get a nice sized rock, though from where, I have no idea, I think we were on the edge of a farmers field. She smashed into the face of one of the men, sending him reeling backwards, she is not that strong, I dont know how she managed, but it knocked the man flat on he back, like he had no balance. She kicked out at the second man, the one that was still looking at me, looking at me with that faint red glow emanating from their eyes. I stumbled, taken aback, what is wrong with him?

FUCKING SMASH HIM Teresa screamed at me.

I caught myself, mid stumble, two more steps. I swung, over hand, snapping the baton down at the last moment, the last 10 centimeters of the baton connected. The force of the blow seemed to be of astonishing strength. His face just caved in, it was as if he was as soft as ripe fruit, then it was everywhere, his head came apart in a gush of mush and gore. I didnt stop, two more steps. The first man, the one Teresa had stunned was getting up, I bowled right into him, smashing my knee into his face. It was as if I had smashed a pinata, his head parted as my knee traveled right through it. Gore spattering all over my legs and torso, covering Teresa as she tried to get up.

AH, What the fuck! she said.

Babe, are you ok! What were they doing to you! did they rape you? There is a dead police officer over there! We need to get out of here! I rambled on and on, not knowing what to do. What do we do?

Shut up! Fucking shut up, oh my god you are so stupid sometimes! she hissed at me.

Sorry babe, what do you want me to do? I asked.

Help me up, and hide. she said. I need to think.

I rushed to her side, grabbed her under the arms and pulled her up.

She pointed to some bushes, next to some apple trees. Over there, in that bush. she said.

Ok, lets go. I agreed.

Half carrying her, we rushed to the bush, it was only about twenty meters, but my mind was racing, I dont know what we are hiding from. Those men are dead, for sure. Coming to the bushes, Teresa dropped all of her weight, I set her down, and she scrambled under the bush like she was crazy.

Why are you acting so crazy? I asked her.

GET THE FUCK INTO THIS BUSH SLAVE! She hissed at me, fury burning in her eyes.

I cast my eyes down, I had forgotten my place in all of the panic. Yes mistress I intoned. Dropping down to all fours, I crawled into the bush and sat at attention whIle she came up with a plan.

Fuck, I cant belive this shit. she said, muttering to herself like she sometimes does. We are going to need to get some food and water. Did you say there was a police officer dead around here?

Yes mistress, over by the fence there. I pointed to the right.

What are the chances that he got hit by the plane? Pretty fucking slim I would say. she asked me, not really expecting a response. She knew she was the smart one, if she really needed help figuring something out, I would prolly be the last one she would ask. I wonder if those fucking things are everywhere?

I dont know mistress I said. what are those things?

Im not sure, but they behave like fucking rabid dogs. As soon as they saw me, they rushed at me like I was fresh meat. She mumbled. Looking at me she grabbed my chin and pulled my face towards her. Looking me right in the eyes, she said. You may well have saved my fucking life, good slave. You sure did take your fucking time about it, though didnt you?

Sorry mistress. I stared back at her, expecting to be punished. She grabbed the back of my head, closing her fist in my hair, causing my mouth to open. About to scream, she jammed her tongue into my mouth, releasing the clench of her fist enough to stop me from screaming, but not enough to let me go. She hard kissed me, working her jaw and pushing her tongue into my mouth repeditaly, twirling and engaging mine. The kiss pushed me to thoughts of desire.

I started to think of our time before all this had happened. She had dragged me into the bathroom on the plane. Pulling her jeans down to her knees. She had told me to rest the back of my head on the toilet seat. Then she straddled my face and rubbed her pussy all over my face. I love her scent, she is usually so sweet. But we had been rushing around trying to catch our flight. She was a little bit, sweaty. I guess you could say. The musky odor of her pussy drove me crazy though and I pushed my tongue as deep into her as I could, while she rubbed her slimey cunt all over my face.

Yeah Bitch you fuck that pussy with your mouth, you know what your mistress likes dont you? Eat it you fucking cunt or I am going to drag you out into the aisle and let every man on this plane fuck your ass hole. She said to me, I knew she would not back down from her threat. She stares me in the eyes every time she does this to me, using my mouth for her own needs. So I know she means what she says. Yeah, just like that, eat me like I trained you and maybe I will let you drink my piss when your done making me cum on that pretty slut face!

Please mistress, give me more of your sweet pussy. I mumbled into her. Cum all over this worthless fuckpuppets face!

As she started to shake, her orgasim creeping into her, there was a sudden drop. Turbulence causing the plane to drop. Her weight came crashing down on my face, the impact of my head on the toilet seat causing me to see stars. Next thing I knew there was knocking on the door.

Excuse me, the Captain has put the seat belt sign on, we need you to return to your seat right away the attendant said, a hint of unease creeping into her voice.

I am coming right out, let my pull my pants up please. Teresa responded. Then to me Get up, we have to go. she laughs. You have my pusy juice all over your face, no time for cleaning up. you heard her, back to your seat. When you get there, you are going to rub my clit till I finish my orgasim.

Yes mistress, Thank you for letting me taste you&hellip, I started

Another drop, another knock.

Lets GO, this is a serious situation! The attendant was insistent.

Teresa pulled me up, unlocked the door and dragged me to our seats, the eyes of the attendant casting us looks of disgust. Once we got back and fastened our seat belts, Teresa snapped her fingers and pointed towards her crotch, as she spread her legs. I started to move my right hand towards her, sliding my fingers into her waist band. and under her panties.

Then the third drop came, the last thing I remember is my head slamming forward in a blur.

Hey, where are you? she snaps her fingers at me All that excitement has got me so fucking hot. We need to figure this shit out so I can fuck your brains out. she whispered into my ear. then she let me go, and as I was pulling away, she slapped me across the face. Not nearly as hard as normally. It was almost gentle. Next time some motherfuckers are trying to kill me you better not be fucking standing around screaming or I really will kill you, DO YOU UNDERSTAND SLUT?

Yes mistress, I am a slut. I am sorry that I wasnt there to protect you I whined. I licked my lips, hoping that the taste of her pussy might linger there. I was disappointed, it wasnt. Hoping for more I asked. Do you want me to service you now mistress?

No. she shook her head. Looking down at me like I was fucking retarded. we have to get out of here, and find a place to sleep. She thinks about it for a few seconds, then stands up enough to stick her head out of the bush. Scanning the area a while, she drops back down and says to me We need to see if we can find anything useful around here, then we can look for a place to sleep. God I hope there are no more of those fucking crazies

I pointed towards the front of the plane. I think I see a back pack up there, it doesnt look like its burnt. There is a suite case too! I exclaimed. Happy that I had spotted them so quickly. I stood up, like Teresa had, just high enough to stick my head out. I scanned the area, looking left. The plane had dug a deep furrow through the field, nothing but rubble and fire that way. Then to the right, just the ridge and the fence with the dead officer, I thought I should look and see if he had a gun. As I was about to start moving towards him, Teresa tugged on my shirt.

There is something over there, it looks like a campsite or a picnic I think. She whispered Could be sleeping bags or food, we need to check that out now!

I think we should check the cop for a gun. I said in response

Fuck, obviously, good call babe. She leaned in and gave me a quick kiss before she started moving towards the fence line.

we both crept closer, and as we started to get more exposed, I took the lead. I pointed at the backpack and suitcase. Check those, it is safer. She looked like she was going to object for a second. She is supposed to be the leader, but I think she thought better of it. She bit her lip and nodded. Moving towards the luggage. I turned my attention back to the cop. He was fucked up. Now that I really got a good look at him, there is no way he got hit by the plane. It looks like something had been eating him, there were bite marks and scratches all over him. Creeping up closer I could tell that he had been like this for a while. What looked like knee prints were all around him in the soft, freshly tilled soil.

Knee prints. Those men had been kneeling over Teresa. She was screaming that they were trying to bite her. Fuck it, I need his gun. Thats when I heard it. Shambling foot steps, the same faint red glow of eyes. Fucking hell, one of those things had spotted me, I gazed past it. behind it in the field we dozens of little red spots, they looked like pairs of fireflies, it was almost pretty. They danced in pairs, like soul mates&hellip, I wonder if they are soul mates like Teresa and I.


I scooted back, down the hill as that thing came at me, it stumbled into the fence. Falling face first into the body of the cop. Scrambling back, I got my feet under me, starting to stand up as I watched it in horror as it flopped about trying to get up. It was almost funny watching it flail about. What is going on here? I thought as I took a deep breath. I have been dealing with blood and injuries for a long time now. I am a paramedic, I have seen some pretty rough shit. Get your shit together Adriana! I cursed in my mind.

I stood up and planted my feet, waiting. I hissed at Teresa Heads up babe

What? she looked up and said. Fuck, is it only one?!?

Right now, yeah. I pointed up the hill Behind that one is like 20 more, the eyes glow, they look like fireflies.

Now is not the time for your princess fantasy shit! She barked at me. Kill that thing.

It is coming, just stay back. I said as I crouched down a bit, ready to lash out.

As soon as it managed to stand up it started to run at me, two steps away, I started to my swing, down and to the left. Aiming for the leg seemed like a good choice. I thought to myself. They cant be as tough as a normal person. Seems I was right, the baton streaked down, shattering the knee like a baseball bat crushing an apple. As I swung across, I stepped to the right a bit, and the thing fell right where I had been standing. Face first into the dirt, it was an easy thing to step behind it and club it in the back of the head. Would they all be this easy? I thought. I hope so.

Wow, you. Um, youre pretty good at that. Teresa said to me.

I smiled back. I think that this princess gets to be your Princess charming!

I think I like that, but we still have to check that campsite. she said, winking. With a little grin, she said. You said there was a bunch of them over that crest?

Yeah, but they are far away, as long as we are quiet we should be ok I replied, hoping that grin meant she would reward me. Its been a long time since she let me cum. It makes me horney being denied so much.

Did that cop have a gun? she pointed up at him.

No. snapping back to the situation, I told her what I had seen. It looked like he had been eaten by these things, not much but scraps of cloth and gore.

Shit, I need a weapon. she muttered. Then handed me a bottle. Here, there was some Tylenol in that backpack, you must have a headache from when I sat on your face&hellip, and the plane crash.

Yeah, sorta. I thanked her, then asked. What about you?

There was some Aspirin in the suitcase, the Tylenol is no good to me, my allergies wont allow it. she reminded me

Ok, I will lead I said. If I see a weapon I will toss it to you. We can scavenge this site and search for a higher spot so we can look around.

Good thinking, dont forget about eating my pussy either, I never got to finish on the plane! she said. Grabbing my ass and pulling me into her. Her other hand shot up and twisted my nipple. She looked me in the eye and said You might be my princess charming, but dont forget that I am your mistress. Spinning me around she swatted my ass and said Hurry up!

Yes mistress. I said, rushing forward. What the fuck are we going to do? I thought to myself. She will figure something out. All I have to do is protect her.

We crept towards the campsite, it was pretty far. Funny how the big world shrinks to nothing when the only thing you know right now is a plane crash, and a fence. I thought to myself. It must have been about 60 meters. As I was getting closer, I heard something that made me stop. I signaled to Teresa. A finger over my lip. I stood up, looking a little closer at the campsite. nothing seemed strange. Then I heard a moan, just the barest hint of breath escaping. I crouched back down and crept a bit closer. Movement out of the corner of my eye. Beside the tree, past the fire pit. There was one of those things. Fucking hell, are we ever going to be free of them? I thought to myself. I motioned for Teresa to creep up. Then pointed at it. I motioned to her I was going to try and creep up on it and kill it, with out it noticing me. She nodded, then grabbed my arm. I looked over at her and she grabbed a small rock.

When you get close, I will toss this rock. Maybe it will look away from you? She seemed to ask.

That might work, sounds like a plan. I whispered at her.

The thing was laying on its side, facing away from us. But it was all the way on the other side of the site. If it looked this way. It would see me for sure. I dont know why. But at that moment, I just didnt care. I had killed two of them at once earlier, and that last one was so easy. I dont know if you could say I wasnt afraid of them. But I was definitely not afraid of one. I looked back at Teresa and shook my head. Dont, just watch my back.

What? Dont be stupid! she hissed at me.

I didnt care, I was going to split this things skull. What I didnt want was her to get distracted and get attacked when I wasnt beside her to protect her. Watch my back I said! Hissing back and pointing back at her. She put her hands up in front of her and nodded. I turned around and moved through the camp. My heart started pounding. I took a few deep breaths and kept moving, one step at a time. Doubt started to rack my brain. What if I miss? What if this one is tougher? What if it hears me? Then in a clear, strong willed voice. Stop, clear your mind and focus on the task at hand! I scolded myself. In retrospect, this was the easiest kill yet. It just laid there, waiting to have its brains splattered. It was almost anti-climatic. Anti-climatic. Just like Teresa had been doing to me. God damn it I want to get fucked! I thought to myself as I looked around at the camp site. I motioned for her to come up to the sight. There is a duffel bag and a cooler. As well as a couple of sleeping bags and a few chairs. I said as she got to me.

You Ok? she asked me. You, Um, You seemed to be a bit too comfortable just smashing the head off that thing.

Yes mistress, I am always comfortable keeping you safe. I replied. We really should look around thought, I want to get you somewhere safe, as soon as possible. I looked up, with lust in my eyes. If she saw it, I dont know. But she was quick to get moving after that.

I moved to the duffel bag, as Teresa was already rummaging through the cooler. She squealed a bit when she found a few cupcakes and some apples. Good thing the cupcakes were in a plastic wrap, all the ice had melted. Ruining the rest of the food in there, though the apples seemed fine. Sweet! I barked out. In the duffel bag, I found a fucking rifle!

Shush! She hissed at me. Whats got you so worked up?

I found a rifle, and some extra ammo, maybe, I am not really a gun expert. I said, excited.

Let me see. she said, looking intrigued. Then disappointment, swept over her face, as she shook her head. No, those are shotgun shells. Its ok though, we still have a rifle. These might come in handy later though. Here, let me have it. She look up and kissed me on the cheek, saying. Its a good thing youre pretty.

I beamed at the complement. Wait was it a compliment? Who cares, I am taking it as a complement. I thought to myself.

She took the rifle, and looked it over. There was a magazine just in front of the trigger. After struggling with it for a bit, she managed to get the magazine free. Looks like there are a bunch of bullets in here. Its been too long since we went to the shooting range, I hope I can still shoot as well as I did when we were there!

I started to look around. Then, thinking we needed a good way to carry these sleeping bags.

Shove those Sleeping bags into that duffel bag, its big enough, and they are pretty light. I will carry them and the rifle. That way you can protect me if anything gets too close. I dont want to shoot anything unless I have to. Guns are pretty loud and I dont know if it will attract any of those fucking things.

It looks like there is a path up the side of this hill, lets get on top and see if we can see anything. I said, while rolling the sleeping bags up. They should fit into that duffel bag pretty well. I thought.

Ok, I hope we see somthing, I dont want to sleep outside with fucking crazies about. Teresa said, she seemed to have a bit of fear in her voice.

I know, we will see something, dont worry! I tried to sound optimistic. I guess we are in a pretty fucked up situation, and I dont really know what to do. So, I will just stay optimistic. Keep her safe, and she will lead us in the right direction. She has never let me down before.

We headed towards the path, me in the lead. I tried to be extra cautious, creeping around slowly, and watching for anything out of the ordinary. Maybe I was being too cautious, or maybe Teresa felt invincible.

Cough. she cleared her throat. I wanna get out of the open, lets move it! We have the rifle and if we need to we have like ten shots. I just watched you fuck four of those things up like it was no big deal! That last one you didnt even hesitate. What, now that we have a gun you are gonna be all sneaky? Princess charming thinks shes a fucking ninja? She laughs at me.

That was different. There were only one or two. What if we run into a bunch of them? I pleaded with her.

She cut me off. Slave, who the fuck is in charge here? Who has the gun?

I looked at the ground and sighed. You do mistress.

Thats right. She pointed up the path. Lets move

I stood up and started walking, not to much faster, but not creeping. Making, at least I thought, much better time. She obviously didnt think so, as she walked right past me, shaking her head. then looking back in disgust. She is so demanding sometimes. I thought to myself, jogging a few steps to catch up. We crested the hill, and the world seemed to grow a thousand times. We could see a number of buildings off to our east. They looked to be run down, thought it was really hard to tell in the dark. I pointed to the south. Look, not to far from the plane. It looks like a car, Maybe well get lucky and the keys are in it! My optimism showing through.

Maybe. Teresa said flatly, obviously skeptical. Keep looking.

To the east. Fireflies, They must be wandering around in the farmers fields. Glowing sets of eyes everywhere. That is a lot of them. How the fuck did this happen? Dismay starting to wear away at my resolve. How could this happen? I said again. Not sure what sort of answer I would get.

Hey, babe. What matters is we are here together, lets focus on getting somewhere safe. I think I need to reward you for all of you have done. She winked at me.

My eyes lit up, I nodded enthusiastically. Really? Ok, ok lets go! I beamed excited already, My pussy starting to flush as I thought about her sweet caresses.

Calm down, we have to find a place to get before we go anywhere She said, shaking her head at me again.

I stood up, turning north, I saw little glimmers. reflections from the moon light. What are those reflections I asked?

I am not sure, but I think they might be windows. Maybe there is a town over there. she said, more to her self then to me.

But the idea still excited me. Maybe there would be somewhere safe to sleep, and play!

Ok, heres what we are going to do. she said, pulling me down into a crouch. First we are going to check that car. If it is working, which I doubt, it will make our lives a lot easier. I mean, it might be loud, and those things might be drawn to the noise. They seem pretty soft. Maybe we can just drive right the fuck over them you know?

Maybe. I said, thinking about it. I mean, they were pretty squishy when I hit them. She might be right! And maybe we could sleep in the car if it isnt locked.

Sure. she said, but I dont think she meant it. If we get there and we cant use it, we will come back this way, and try to go down the hill to the town. If we run into too much trouble, I guess we will have to fight our way out of it. You think you can handle that?

Yeah. You? I ask in response.

I hope we dont have to find out she sighed standing up.

Making our way back down to the campsite, I was feeling pretty confident, I mean. I had been in a fucking plane crash, killed some monsters and got what pretty much amounted to a promise from my mistress to getting an orgasim.

Hey She called after me. Slow down

I keep calling her my mistress, but really, she was my wife. We had gotten married in San Francisco a year and a bit ago. But the S/M relationship is what it had always been between us. It was natural, and I loved it.

Hey you are going to fast I cant keep up! She called after me, trying to be as insistent as possible without yelling.

We were happy, and while I have expressed my frustrations with her and our sex life, she always denied me, keeping me horney. I think she does it just to keep me ready to please her. Hoping that she will return the favor. Maybe I should just have my way with her for once. She is so tiny, I mean what could she do to resist me? Nothing.

I stopped dead. Nothing. Exactly, what could she do. I turned and looked back at her, a dozen or more steps behind me. Just as I started back towards her to take what I wanted from her, I saw them. Two of those things coming up behind her, I had been so focused on getting what I wanted that I had ignored her calls for me to slow down. Behind you! I called, pointing.

Fuck! she hissed. Without even looking, she swung the stock of the rifle around, taking the head right off the closest one. The momentum throwing her off balance enough that she had to crouch to stop from falling over, she gathered her legs under her. Ready to jump out of the way

I was running now, only a few more steps.

Die mother fucker! she barked at the second one. Springing up from her crouched position, spearing the thing under the jaw from below, using the barrel of the gun to stab up through its skull. It just stood there, shaking. though weather it was convulsing, or shaking from the vibrations of her holding the weight of the thing up. I dont know. I do know that I tackled it away from her, unsure if it was dead or not. When I landed on top of it, she was there again, smashing its skull with the rifle stock again and again.

I stood up and grabbed her, crushing her into me. I am sorry, I shouldnt have been so eager! Are you ok? Oh my god I am so stupid I almost let them get you! I started sobbing. Ashamed that I would be so selfish.

I am ok, let me go, we have to keep moving! How much noise do you think it will take to get them to notice us? They heard me calling after you! You dont think they are going to hear you, fucking wailing like a little girl! Lets move. Stay fucking closer this time you fucking idiot! She said, with scathing rage in each breath.

Sorry mistress. I will do as you say. I replied, humbled by her level headed statements, and determination.

Move bitch she hissed back at me as she started moving towards the car.

We were almost there. Only another 20 meters and I didnt see any of those things. I ran ahead, easily outpacing her. I saw that the drivers side door was open, and things seemed to be clear. I looked in peering through the windows. It seemed too good to be true. Were the keys in there? I started to look around. They werent in the ignition. I look up at the sun visor, maybe? No. Shit. No keys. I said in dismay.

Fuck, I knew it. Thats what I get for letting your optimism blind me. she muttered while walking around the back of the car. She stopped at the fuel door, trying to pop it open.

What are you doing? I asked.

Is there a release lever inside there, check down by the side of the drivers seat. she said, barely registering my question.

Yeah I think so. I said, asking. Why?

Pull it, now! Barking at me.

Ok, fuck. I said under my breath, reaching down to pull the lever.

The fuel door popped open, and she cheered Fuck yeah! throwing me the keys.

Catching them out of the air, I sat down in the drivers seat and started the car. Fuck! Really of all the fucking things to do. Some jack ass decided he needed to put a souped up ultra loud muffler on this fucking car. I could see the fireflies. they were heading towards us. Some faster than others.


I fumbled with the buttons Ahhh which one is it! I must have hit every button twice by the time I got it. She ripped the door open, flung the duffel bag in the back and jumped in. Slamming the door and doing up her seat belt.

PUT YOUR SEATBELT ON! She screeched at me.

Ok, ok I sighed, pulling the belt into place.


I looked up, as the first of the things were getting close enough to be uncomfortable. I flicked the headlights on, and slammed it into drive. If there is one thing I know, as a paramedic, driving like a maniac is it. Pinning it as the first of them jumped on the car, clinging to the car as I speed up. Trying to smash their way through the windows, or pull the car apart, I dont know. What I do know is that when I slammed on the brakes the car stapped A LOT faster then they did. Those things went fucking flying.

We were free and clear, I guess. But to go where?

Fuck those things! Teresa laughed, reaching over to stroke my shoulder. You need to listen when I tell you to do something, this place is pretty messed up! I need you to focus and react. You dont need to know why I ask you to do things, just do them. Do you understand? She said, keeping a positive tone in her voice.

Yes mistress, I am sorry. I replied. Then I blurted out, knowing that she would be upset that I was kind of talking back to her. It isnt my fault! You are always denying me, I am fucking horney all the time, I cant focus on fucking anything but getting off!

I know, I have been cultivating that desire in you for years. Just do what I say. Period. She stated, flatly. Nothing is going to change if you dont behave. You are mine, and that means doing what I say, no matter how you feel about it! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR SLAVE? The last part was said in a hard, even voice that made it quite clear that I would get what she wanted to give me.

Yes mistress Sullen, broken and dismayed. I replied in the meekest voice I could muster. Tears starting to form in my eyes. Where are we going to go? I asked, trying to choke back my dismay.

Just go forward, and dont hit anything, or any of those things unless you have to. She said. We are heading away from the town, so we need to try and wrap around to the other side of that hill we were on. But for now, just follow this fence line, we will see where it takes us.

Ok. I said. I can handle this, just stay focused. I thought to myself.
We drove around the edge of the field, lights blazing. There was something ahead of us. It looked like some sore of steel framed sprinkler, on wheels.

We should be able to drive under that, its an irrigation thing, sprays shit all over the fields to fertilise the crops. Teresa said in passing.

I saw there was a fence behind it, so I tried to follow that, hoping we didnt get stuck in the mud. We need to find a truck. I mumbled, thinking out loud really.

You just focus on driving, try not to get stuck. She said. Patting my shoulder again.

Coming up on our left hand side, I saw the farmhouse, and the gate through the fence. It was open, so we could get off of the field. But there were dozens of those things. The light drawing their attention immediately, the noise rom this custom exhaust screaming out. COME EAT US! and we got closer and closer to them. Fuck these things. I said, pushing my foot down on the accelerator. I was almost at the gate when I jerked the wheel hard to the left. The tail end of the car swung out, clipping a few of those fuckers. Teresa wasnt ready for the sudden change in direction. When I cranked the wheel back to the right to straighten out the tail, her head smacked into the window.

Shit! What the fuck are you doing? she barked at me, holding the side of her head. I have people monsters trying to eat me. Do you think I need my slave trying to bash my skull in?

I said nothing, I have to focus on driving. I pinned the accelerator again, tires spinning in the mud, but catching, pulling us forward. Thank god for front wheel drive. I think to myself. We fly through the gate. I ignore the things in front of us, smashing into them. One of them face plants into the windshield on Teresas side, sending cracks like spider webs shooting through the glass, enough that I wouldnt want to many more of those things hitting it. The blood from its skull spattering all over the window. I twisted the dial to the max, the wipers spring to life. Well I guess I should say wiper. One of those things must have ripped the passenger side wiper off when I launched the first couple off. It didnt matter now, at least I could see well enough to keep going. I was just clearing the house, I pumped the brakes a bit and cranked the wheel to the right. The wheels fighting to purchase on the loose gravel. Shit! I squeaked. Around the corner of the house was an old pickup truck. I spun the steering wheel back to the left, just missing the rear bumper of the truck. There was nothing in front of us. I hammered the accelerator, the stupid exhaust screaming, we flew down the driveway, it must have been a few hundred meters long. At the end of the driveway there was a T intersection, with a fence across the road, it was plainly visible in the headlights. I started slowing down, not sure which way to go.

What is it? Teresa asked

Left or right? I asked her.

I cant see anything with all these cracks and blood. She said, kind of bitchy. What do you see?

There is a fence across the road, and a field behind that. To the left looks like the road keeps going around a bend. I cant see much to the left. I said as we came to a stop. I shut the car off, and opened the door. Stay in here. I said. Getting out, not waiting for a response. I stood up and looked around. I shut the door, softly. I am not sure why, the fucking muffler must have let everyone in the world know we were here. I started looking around, there was nothing to see. To the left, trees and a farmers road, to the right, trees and a farmers road. Fucking awesome. I thought to myself. Looking back from where we came, I saw about a dozen fireflies coming towards us, they were far away, not even half of the distance we had come flying up the driveway. I should just throw it in reverse, and smash all of them! I thought. Fuck it, I need to get her to safety, no need. Pulling the door open, I got in and said. Trees and road to the left, Trees and road to the right. Fireflies behind us, guess they are relentless.

Head left. She said. Lets get the fuck out of here.

Ok. I steered to the left and speed off, slowing only enough to get around the curve safely. We flew down the road for a while. Uncomfortable silence filling the car, I reached down, pressing the power button on the streio. White noise, hit seek. Looking over at Teresa, I said see if there are any stations working would you?

Sure. Do you remember where that town was? She asked.

Generally, yeah. I said.

Lets head that way, when we can I mean. She said, switching through the bands, searching for something. Fuck, its all just white noise! She yelled, smashing the power button in frustration.

Ok, that sucks. I said. Looking over, I asked her. What does that mean? It cant be like this everywhere can it?

I dont know she replied, looking out the passenger window. I need to think about what all this means, what we are going to do. Just drive, keep you eyes open for anything useful, somewhere that looks safe enough to spend the night.

OK, I love you I said, trying not to worry too much.

I know, I love you too. she replied, rubbing her face with her hands.

I turned my focus back to the road ahead. What more was there to do? She told me to drive, to where? Who knows, maybe it was just away, or maybe it was away from this horror story? As we made our way down the road, I noticed there were trees everywhere on my left, I guess the farmers had no use for this ground. On the right side of the road was a shallow ditch, that rose into a short rock wall. Lots of sloppy graphetty. LM+DK, Pictures of crudely drawn cocks, a faded rainbow, and even a BRADY WAS HERE. The road started to climb, a gentle slope, until we were at equal elevation with the top of the rock wall, a few dozen meters and the road, as well as the forest, came to an abrupt end. Another T intersection greeted me, this time though, it was not a fence on the other side, but a stone wall. It was obviously cut into by a drill and blast team. They must have cut into the hill to make room for the road. Hell this might even be a highway. I thought. would be nice to get on the asphalt, a smooth ride would do me some good after what I had been through the last few hours. I looked over at Teresa. She was still holding her face. I figured she needed more time, so I just turned to the right and went. Let her think about whatever she needed to think about. Looking down, I noticed that we had a bunch of gas, almost full. I didnt think this little compact car would be as thirsty as the ambulance I am used to driving. If she wanted to head towards that town, I am sure we can always turn around, she prolly wont even notice. At least thats what I was thinking, not even 15 second pass before we run into more fucking problems. Fuck, you know, it figures. I say under my breath. I guess people cant wait to get in car accidents when the world comes apart at the seams.

What? Teresa says, looking up. Shit. Can we get around you think?

I had already started slowing down, trying to find a way past the RV that was tipped over on its side. I hope so. It is pretty big. I replied. I am pulling into that parking lot, keep an eye out for fireflies.

Ok. she said, turning to look out the passenger window.

I turned the wheel to the right, coasting in, didnt want to make too much noise, kind of hard in this car. But I can at least try. The building we were in front of looked like a veterinarians office, there was a big white storage shed, with a giant red dog painted on it, it was kinda funny I guess. It reminded me of one of the books I read when I was in school. Looking over to the left, I saw that it wasnt as bad as I thought, the RV must have swerved to avoid something, maybe one of those things, and tipped over. That caused a pile up behind it, people impatient to be on their way. The wreckage was limited to the oncoming traffic lane, once we got around the RV, I just hopped the curve and we were on our way again. Reaching over and tapping Teresa on the leg, I said. Seems ok, not really as bad as it could be, and look at that I pointed out the front window. I can see a few buildings in front of us, looks like there are at least a few small communities around here.

Thats nice. She said turning to look the way I was pointing. I wish I could see out my side of the window.

Sorry about that. I said. I needed to get us out of there in a hurry

Its fine. Have you seen anything usefull? She asked.

Nothing yet. I said as I maneuvered around the debris. After we were clear, I started to see more buildings, mumbling they off as I went past. That looks like a run down restaurant on the left, and a burger joint on top of that rise there I pointed. Teresa just kept looking out the window, seeming to ignore my ramblings. The road split like a Y, so I headed to the right, it seemed to be the continuation of the highway.

I think that is a mechanics shop Teresa said. Still looking out her window. Its hard to see in the dark, But it looks like there are big garage doors.

We went past a number of side streets before Teresa turned and looked in my direction. Suddenly, she reached over and grabbed my shoulder with her left hand, Pointing with her right, leaning into it. LOOK! she said, quite loudly. DO YOU SEE THAT?

I hit the breaks, looking to the left. I saw it too. A beam of light, it was far away, and seemed to be higher up, sweeping back and forth. Like who ever was holding it was focusing on one thing after another, stopping to look at each point for only a few seconds. I DO. What do you think it is? I asked her.

Fucking aliens. she said sarcastically. How the fuck am I supposed to know? lets go find out!

Ok, ok. I said. Putting the car in reverse, I backed up far enough to drive up the first side street we came to. Heading up that street was scaring, the amount of horror that much have gon on in this area was sickening to behold. Almost every house we passed had blood smeared across the doors, and walls. There were body parts everywhere I looked, it was like a tacky 1980s horror film, except the Special effects were a lot better. I sped up, no one wants to see things like this. The exhaust singing out our location to anyone, or anything that might be interested.

I am seeing a lot of fireflies, as you call them, inside of these houses Teresa said

Thats when we started to hear the gun shots. One after another, it was almost like a rhythm. there must have been at least ten consecutive shots, then a pause and six or seven more after that. Then after about twenty seconds two more quick shots.

Then the light went out. We had lost our beacon in the darkness. But I still had a pretty good idea as to where to go. The road I was on made a sharp left. We passed another four houses, coming to a four way intersection. Old habits die hard I guess and I stopped, putting my turning signal on. Taking the right, I saw a sign Catholic Church In the spot where the community messages were posted it said. What is missing from CH__CH? I laughed a little bit, underneath it said. U R I turned through the gate, I figured this would bring us towards the light. Figures I said.

What? Teresa asked.

I just turned into a church. I replied. pausing for effect.

And? She said, rolling her eyes.


She smiled and said Be careful, That was a lot of gun shots we just heard ringing out, these people might not be friendly.

I scoffed. Who is going to be up tight when two sexy girls show up at their door?

I dont know, how about everyone that has had to kill one of those things that just happens to look like a sexy girl. She said dripping sarcasm with every word.

I bet none of those things ever drove up in a car! I said. Feeling like I had won the argument.

It doesnt matter, we need to be careful, who know what sort of shit these people might be about. Remember, we need to be cautious, and we need to be sure that we put ourselves first! She scolded me.

Fuck, she was totally right. Not everyone is friendly, and not everyone just likes to look at sexy girls. Sorry, you are totally right, I understand. I said, chastised.

Game face, we are almost there. she said.

I could see the church itself now, it looked like it even had a wall around it. The headlights shining on the wall, I could see a woman, pointing her rifle right at us. Shit, that woman is going to shoot us! I barked.

Stop the car Teresa said. Reaching into the back seat to grab her rifle.

I did as she asked. we came to a stop about 20 meters from the wall.

Teresa started to roll her window down, calling out We dont want to hurt you, look! She dropped the rifle on the ground beside the car. Turn the car off. she said to me.

I turned the key back, shutting off the engine, cutting off that infernal exhaust.

It is just the two of us, we dont know what is going on, there are a bunch of crazy fucks out here! we just need somewhere safe to sleep. Will you help us? We have some food, though not a lot. Maybe we can help each other? she called out the open window.

What is your name? The woman called back.

I am Teresa, and this is Adriana. she waved towards me. Please, we dont know what else to do, we were in a plane crash and these things tried to eat me.

You were bitten? The woman called back, asking for more information.

No, I fought them off with the help of my wife. Teresa said in return. I am going to come closer to talk to you. I am not comfortable yelling, I dont know if those things will attack us.

Sure, I need to look at you and make sure you look Ok before I decide if I am going to shoot you. She said, waving us closer.

Get out, come with me. Teresa said to me, leaning in for a kiss. I hope this goes Ok.

Leaning into kiss her, I said. It will you have to have faith! I winked. then kissed her lightly on the lips.

I got out as she was rolling her eyes at my joke. I put my hands up to show I was not armed. Just then a second Head, another woman, showed up on the other side of the wall.

Whats going on here Ava? The second woman asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Nothing of your concern Sofia. Replied Ava. never taking her eyes off of me.

Teresa getting out of the car, stepped over the rifle said. There are more of you? Thank god! Taking a quite a few steps closer, Teresa said. Is this ok?

I was moving up behind her, when Avas rifle snapped up, pointing right at my head.

Stop right there! She barked. Get on your knees!

Wow, dont be so fucking crazy! Sofia yelled at Ava.

It is for her own protection. She jerked an accusing finger at Teresa. That one said they tried to eat her, she might have been bitten. Now shut up and go get Brady!

Fine, at least hes not a fucking ass hole all the time. Sofia said to Ava, jogging off to the front of the church.

I was down on my knees trying not to freak out.

When Ava said to Teresa. This is your wife, right? You said that?

Yes. Please stop pointing that gun at her Teresa pleaded.

I bet you would like that. Ava sneared. You are going to do EXACTLY what I say or I am going to blow her fucking head off, do you understand?

Why are you doing this? Are you fucking crazy? I yelled at Ava.

I need to make sure she hasnt been infected or what ever the fuck makes people turn into zombies, or what ever the fuck they are! Now shut the fuck up! She barked at me.

Ok, OK I WILL DO WHAT YOU WANT! Teresa yelled back. Please dont hurt her.

Go back to your car, get in the drivers seat, stay away from the rifle or so help me I will kill her where she is. Ava said, calm and collected.

Ok Teresa replied. Starting to walk to the car.

Stop! Ava barked.

Oh my god! What now? Teresa moaned.

I wasnt finished, quit jumping the gun, before I get trigger happy. Ava said. Shut up and listen, I will tell you when to go. Get in the Drivers seat, pull the car closer, so that the lights are facing into the gates. About five steps back, turn on the high beams. Then get out and I will tell you what to do. GO!

Ok, I am going. Teresa said. Walking back to the car. She pulled the drivers side door open, and sat in the seat. She didnt bother closing the door, while she started the car. She must have moved the shifter into drive, because the car started moving. The car passed a few feet behind me, before coming to a stop a few meters from the iron gate. Teresa stepped out and asked. Happy? If that is good I will flip the high beams on so you can get a good look at me.

Yeah thats good. Glad you figured it out. Ava replied, a bit less tense.

Its smart, I understand why you are doing this. Just so you know Adriana, my wife, is a paramedic. That might come in handy. Teresa said, Smiling back at me.

It might. Ava said. But it wont mean shit if youre going to turn into a zombie.
Are they zombies? Teresa asked, flipping on the high beams.

Maybe, maybe not. That is what we call them though. Ava replied. Now move in front of the light and take your cloths off

What? Dont you think that is a bit much? Teresa asked, incredulously.

Not in the least. Do it Ava said, placing her finger on the trigger, looking down the sights.

Ok, god enough with the threats. Ill do it. Teresa replied, exasperated. She started at her boots, tan leather uggs that she loved, they were prolly useless in this sort of situation. Then her sweater, it was pink and had the initials U of T on it.

I thought to myself. At least if I am going to die I will get to see her naked one last time

Teresa continued, muttering to herself. Cant believe I am doing this. She dropped her sweated on the ground, on top of her Uggs. she wiggled out of her jeans, getting them about halfway down her thighs before she stopped, thinking better of it. Fuck it. she said. It isnt like I am stripping for a video. she reached back up and pulled her panties down to, the black lace g-string she had gotten me for our anniversary. When she got her jeans and panties down to her ankles, she kicked them off, into the pile of cloths.

Holy shit! A mans voice. Wat the fuck are you doing Ava! he barked.

Shut the fuck up and get over here Brady, I need you to check this bitch for bites!

Why yes Maam! he replied, breaking into a run.

Are you fucking kidding me?! Teresa barked at Ava.

You have two choices right now bitch. take the rest of your cloths off and let Brady inspect you for bites. Or two, watch me shoot your wife in the fucking head! Ava snapped back.

Ok, ok, god damn it ok. Teresa replied unhooking her bra, casting it on top of the rest of her cloths.

I stared at her naked body, fuck she was so sexy. Five feet tall, maybe a hundred pounds, if that. She had firm full tits with up turned niples. Her dirty blonde hair reached down to her shoulder blades. She was fucking perfect, a real live fuck doll.

Are you sure about this Maam? Brady said to Ava.

When have I ever been unsure about something I told you to do Brady? She spat back.
Maam, I will be quick, I promise. He said to Teresa.

Just hurry the fuck up! Teresa yelled at him.

Sorry Maam. He replied, pulling the iron gate open. He stepped past her, looking over her while the bright light shone on her naked body. He passed knelt down, passing his hands over her flesh, starting at her left ankle, sliding up to her knee. Reaching over, he did the same thing to her right leg, reaching higher, cheking her thigh for any sort of wound. Back and forth her went, checking each section of her body, he never touched her anywhere sexually though. From my vantage point, I could tell that he wanted to. His cock was straining against his pants, and he kept glancing at Ava. I looked around, I didnt see Sophia anywhere though, maybe she wouldnt be part of this.

Turn around. Ava said to Teresa.

She did, without a word.

Brady was standing close, close enough that when she turned, his cock, still tucked in his pants brushed against her.

She jumped back in disgust, shouting. What the fuck is that, pervert! Her jump back had carried her almost to the gate.

Dont you call my man a pervert. Ava said. We are almost done here. Step closer to him so he can finish. Unless you want to watch Audrinas head come apart. Oh and I think you own him an apology for that smart mouth of yours.

I. Um, I am sorry Brady, I. Um, I am in a pretty fucked up situation here. I didnt mean to insult you. Teresa said, looking down at the ground.

Its ok Maam. Brady said, almost as embarrassed as Teresa.

Hurry up and finish checking her over Brady. Ava said. Talk is cheap, I think she wants to show you how sorry she is for her smart mouth

What the fuck is that supposed to to mean? Teresa spat at Ava.

Guess well find out in a few minutes here, wont we? replied Ava

I dont know about this Ava. You know it makes me feel strange. Said Brady.

What are they talking about babe?! I shouted at Teresa.

She just looked at me for a bit. Then she stepped forward and said I love you Adriana

Brady went back to looking her over, he checked behind her ears, down her neck, under her arms, and breasts. He looked over to Ava and said. a few minor cuts and scrapes, nothing that looks like it would be a bite.

Good, good. Ava said, sounding relieved. Now show my man how sorry you are for calling him names.

Honey, I dont think we need to do this. I dont feel right about it. Brady said, looking at Ava pleading to end all this.

Yes, we do Brady, you heard what she said to you, it is only fair that she apologize, proper. Ava replied. Not giving an inch. I can see what touching he has done to you, Teresa, you better satisfy that man right there. My man. Apologize for that smart mouth.

Without a word, Teresa reached down, grabbed her sweater and put in on the ground in front of her. She looked at me, tears in her eyes as she kneeled in front of him. She turned away as the first tear fell. Reaching up, she unzipped his fly and struggled to pull his cock out.

Hurry up cunt you better make his cock feel real good! Ava laughed.

Exasperated with the struggle, Teresa reached up and just yanked his pants down.

Now, as a happily married lesbian, I hadnt seen too many cocks in my life. But this one was pretty big from where i was kneeling. I wouldnt call it huge or anything. But from her point of view, it must have been huge.

Tilting her head down, looking at the ground, Teresa sighed, resigned to get this over with. She had never ever seen a cock in real life till now. For all the orgasims she had, she was still technically a virgin. She looked up, opened her mouth and placed her lips around his head.

Oh, thank you maam, that is mighty fine. Sighed Brady. He placed his hand on the back of her head.

I thought you didnt feel right about this Brady? Ava asked, mockingly. Then to Teresa. You better make that cock spurt all the way down your throat bitch

Teresa reluctantly started to suck his cock, slowly going about halfway down, keeping her hand on the base of his cock so he couldnt push to deep. I could tell he was getting impatient. He put his other hand under her chin, and started to thrust forward. She was trapped, by his grip, she had nowhere to go. Her eyes snapped open as she started to panic, he other hand beating on his legs, trying to single he needed to stop. It was no use.
Drop your hands, behind your back or I am going to make him fuck you silly! Ava shouted at Teresa. When Teresa didnt stop struggling, she shouted again, this time at Brady. Stop. STOP RIGHT NOW BRADY!

What? Why? Ok, ok, sorry maam Brady said to Ava, pulling his cock out of my wifes mouth.

Teresa! Ava barked.

What? Teresa snapped back.

Hands behind your back, you are gonna let him do what he wants to your mouth. Do you get me? Ava asked, a snarky little grin on her face.

For fuck sakes, youre fucking crazy. Ok fine. Teresa replied.

Tell him, tell him what he can do. Ava said, giggling.

Brady, you can fuck my mouth Teresa mumbled, looking at the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks.

What was that? Ava asked.


And? Ava intoned.

And what? Teresa asked. then thinking about it shouted AND CUM DOWN MY THROAT!

With waiting for any urging, Brady stepped forward, grabbing Teresa by the back of the head, clenching his fist in her hair. He dragged her towards the front of the car, then sat down on the hood. Looking at Ava he barked. Is this what you wanna see? He shoved his cock into Teresas mouth, aggressively shoving her down while she gagged and squealed on his cock. All the while staring at Ava.

I looked over at Ava too. I was shocked, she had the rifle over her shoulder, her pants were half way down her thighs. She was fucking DRIPPING wet, furiously rubbing her clit while her boyfriend throat fucked my wife to near unconsciousness. Getting ready to seize the opportunity, I started to stand up. I had barely moved when Ava had the rifle trained on me again.

Dont even fucking think about it bitch! Ava Barked. Sophia!

Fuck you Ava, I am not going to be part of this! I heard from inside the church.

Get the fuck out here Sophia, or I am gonna make him fuck you when I get done out here! Ava barked back. Bring some of those zip ties Brady found

Nothing changed, I sat there, watching my wife get face fucked, rifle trained on me. I looked over and saw that she had vomited all over his cock and balls. I heard the door of the church open, Sophia must be coming out. What kind of shit is going to happen now? I sighed.

Sophia, go out there and ziptie her wrists together. Ava said, keeping the rifle leveled at me.

Which one? Sophia asked

That on, Adriana or what ever her name is. Ava said.

Pulling the gate open, Sophia headed towards me. Sorry, I dont know what to do. She said as she tied my wrists behind my back. Ok, they are tied. You know your fucking sick right? Sophia barked at Ava.

Bring here in here. Ava called.

Fuck! Sighed Sophia. I am so sorry. She said to me, pulling me to and leading me to the iron gate.

I could see Teresa was totally limp in Bradys grip. He was looking down, shaking his head, muttering. I am sorry, I am so so sorry.

After Sophia walked me through the gate, she asked Ava. Now what?

Ava looked me right in the eyes and said I bet you know how to eat pusy like a champ, dont ya?

I just looked at the ground.

Fucking knew it! She said. On your knees, eat this pussy like your wifes life depends on it!

I looked back at Teresa, she might be dead already. I think you fucking killed her already you cunt! I spit in her face.

Without missing a beat, my spit dripping down her face, she said You think so do you? Looking over at brady. Stop it brady, let her wife see she is still breathing.

Brady pulled her head back, after a second or two, she started coughing and retching up thick strands of mucus.

Satisfied? Ava asked. Eat it, NOW

Fucking cunt! I thought to myself. If it will get Teresa out of this mess, I will do anything
I dropped to my knees and shoved my face into her crotch. I had done this enough time to know how to finish her quick. I sucked her lips into my mouth, getting as much of her pusy juice as I could, swirling my tongue through her lips, searching for her hole.

Fuck the whores mouth Brady. She moaned as I engulfed her pussy with my mouth. Cum down her fucking throat

And then it was over. God bless Sophia. She had had enough I guess. If it was the shit that was going down now, or something that happened before, I dont know. I do know that all of a sudden Ava had a bag over her head, zip tied around her neck. Sophia shoved her, head first, into the iron gate. Ava fell like a pile of bricks, Sophia wasnt fucking around and was on her in a second. Ava was totally stunned, not even resisting as Sophia ziptied first her wrists, then her ankles, then her ankles to her wrists.

Sophia stood up, looking down on her handy work and spit on Ava. You sick fucking cunt, I bet if you had the chance you would have gotten off on that too!

Untie me Sophia! I called to her Help me please

I cant, not yet, just hold on, everything is going to be Ok. She said, picking up the rifle. Brady, you can stop that, I know you dont want to do do that.

What the fuck are you doing I screeched. Hes a fucking monster! Look what he did to my wife!

Sophia ignored me. Its ok Brady, you need to stop, help that poor girl, look at her. Gather her up, and take her inside. Ava cant make you do anything you dont want to anymore.

You promise Sophia? He asked.

Yeah, I promise, I got her. She smiled at him. Just like we planned. Com one now, we have to make amends for what happened here tonight. It wont be long before the sun comes out, and I think our new friends are going to need a bit of convincing.

What? I asked. what are you doing?

Saving you dear, and your wife too. Sophia said. Now be a good girl and help me with a few things, like gathering up your wifes clothes. Oh, and go out and get your rifle to, we are going to need more of those. She smiled at me, massaging my shoulders as she stood up to lead Brady away. He was carrying Teresas limp, naked body towards the church. I jumped up, not sure how to take this turn of events. I thought. She helped us, she is taking my wife, what do I do?!? I ran out and grabbed the rifle, then ran to the car, grabbing the baton I had found on the dead police officer, as well as the duffel bag out of the back. I tossed all of it through the Iron gate, then stooped to bundle up Teresas cloths. Throwing them onto the pile of belongs just inside of the gate, I rushed out to the car and turned the headlights off. I figured we might need to start the car sometime soon, didnt want to deal with a dead battery. Looking back to the gate, I saw some light flickering in the windows of the church. Must be candles I said to myself as I walked into the compound. I turned around and latched the gate. I looked around, and noticed there was a heavy bar next to the gate, I wedged in into the locking mechanism so that it take a really brutal it to open that gate from the out side.

What the fuck is this shit! I heard from my side.

Looking down, I saw Ava starting to stir, straining against her bonds. I Laughed. Bitch, you have no idea what I am going to do to you. i said as I grabbed her by her under her arms and legs. Being tied together like that made it really easy to carry her. Maybe i should just toss you over the wall, let those things eat you. Zombies you called them? I asked.

No, no. Fuck you cunt you let me go or I will make Brady fuck your ass till his dick busts out of your face! Ava cursed at me.

You made a man violate my wife. Do you think, that even in a time like this, when fucking zombies are trying to eat people, you will get even the slightest bit of empathy from me? After you did that? You are crazy bitch. Welcome to hell! I hissed. I dropped her there, in the middle of the compound. walking over to the gate to gather up all we had brought with us. I thought about what had happened in just a few short hours. Fuck, we need to get our shit together, this place is dangerous

Same as Zombies!?! Fuck the neighbours! Videos

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 10 Like the School PissBoy Turning Down a Lay On the School Queen

Plans don't survive contact with the enemy, or something like that according to John-John. One might think it's the enemy who tends to not do what the plan tells them, perfectly understandable since the plan generally calls for them to die. As it happens, plans don't survive the actions of the side, which makes up the fucking plan! For instance, Ashley and Joey took out the guards on the second floors. The entire gang was up in arms, but they were heading down and out. The gang leaped...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 13 Like The Stupid Letting The Blind Lead Even When They Should

Bianca didn't look good. In fact, she looked downright fucked up! And she wouldn't shut the fuck up! It started a few hours after she woke up from our fuckfest and found out about Lorena shooting the politician. "It was my fault..." "I shouldn't have left..." "I should have talked to him..." "Why didn't I think..." BLAH-THE-FUCK-BLAH! "How much longer is this going to go on?" I asked the people at my table. They looked at Brandi who was talking to Bianca. I...

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Zombies and Tigers and Swords Oh MyChapter 3

If you can't kill zombies without a lot of noise and commotion, it isn't worth killing them. Chainsaws are a bad idea, they attract a lot of attention, and then over heat or stall or run out of gas. I tried a machete at first, but it was sad, and took a lot of effort to hack and hack. An ax would no doubt get stuck in, and be useless. I suppose a morning star might do, but also heavy and tiring, and I could just envision whacking myself senseless in a crowd of zombies. But thinking about...

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Zombies and Tigers and Swords Oh MyChapter 4

It took two days to complete our "shopping" in preparation to leave the fair city. Only two hours to gather the goods, but the Fabulous Ms. Tiger and I between us put down over five hundred of the brain dead. Ok, I only lopped and chopped around one-twenty, but that still averages one every forty minutes for my waking hours. I am certain Ms. Tiger was keeping score, she seemed entirely too smug in the cock of her whiskers. I was severely shaken at one point, it had been pretty easy for me...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 21 Like Hope Delivering On Its Promise

I guess the thought of losing the accumulated knowledge of humanity lit a fire under the Professor. He even put together a hunting party to go into other professors' homes to raid their book collections. The books filled several trucks. I hoped it would be enough, like I hoped what Bianca had done to prepare for our departure was enough too. I smiled--we were saved!!! I wasn't the only one smiling. The uniforms were so pretty, at least on some of the soldiers. A few of the men looked a...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsEpilogue Like the End of a Story Being the End of the Story

Sword Kellie lopped off the rapist's foot. The second rapist looked up fast enough to see the Left Tower's staff being flicked at his chest. One hundred pounds of steel flung by a Tower's augmented strength ... OUCH! "I think you killed him," I told the Left Tower. He kicked the first rapist out of his way. Slapping the second rapist, the Left Tower shook his head at me. The sixteen year old girl they'd been about to rape crawled away from us. She ended up too close to a jail cell...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 14 Like the Smart Doing Stupid Right And Getting Away With It

"Every five minutes," Bianca told Kellie and Crystal. The two girls were on dirt bikes that they liberated from the University campus. The 'liberated' was for the sake of the police sergeant; he tended to make a face when discussing the looting of anything other than food or necessities. Kellie and Crystal assured him the bikes were absolutely necessary. He didn't buy it! I didn't feel like getting involved since the bikes made the escape from the University campus easier--zombies...

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Zombies and Tigers and Swords Oh MyChapter 5

I was jolted awake in the morning early, just getting light, by the motor home rocking sharply. I was only startled for a moment, until I realized it would be the Mysterious Ms. Tiger returning from her morning stroll. She stuck her head down her personal roof access kitty door dangling the bleeding form of a dead kid. A goat, not a human kid. I asked her to please eat it outside, or on the roof to avoid a stinky mess, and she looked at me as if to say "I know that dummy, I was just showing...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 15 Like the Application of Extreme Violence NOT Solving a Problem

"How long?" I asked before opening my eyes. "Three days," Mr. Valence replied. "Too long!" I sat up and looked at him. "You've only got a tiny scar left. Doctor Larson's new favorite word is impossible," he told me. "I'm guessing the scar won't be around for much longer so it's sort of a complete victory for you." "Not yet," I replied. "They're still alive, right?" "The woman was dead when we got to her. You didn't look like you needed us to bug you, so John-John...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 7 Like Being Glad When A Cop Pulls You Over

Sex smells or so I'd heard without quite understanding why it would matter. If sex doesn't stink like rotten eggs or stale piss, who gives a fuck? If it does, take a fucking shower! I didn't smell anything and I'd had a lot of sex that morning and mid-afternoon. A LOT OF SEX! The girls were taking a shower. I was hoping there would be enough hot water or just plain water for me to take one too. I'd never been the active type so the dried sweat thing got old fast. I could have taken care...

2 years ago
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The heavens opened as John and Olivia cut through the graveyard. "Some shortcut" she thought to herself. Her white t-shirt was plastered to her and she could tell John was enjoying the view of her hard nipples through the wet fabric. "I'll get you for this" she laughed as John reached across and groped her tits. The rain seemed to get heavier. "There's an old house up there" he said. "We should shelter 'til this passes". As they approached the run down house Olivia got a sense of uneasiness...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 20 Like Being Comfortable on a First Date

I watched Bianca walk into my suite. She wore a floor-length wine colored dress. "You want to touch?" she asked. I reached out and ran my hand over her hip. The dress looked and felt like velvet. I smiled and stared up at her. "Not as soft as your skin." "You don't have to try this hard," she said, sitting across the table from me. "I'm a sure thing tonight!" Marina poured a glass of wine for Bianca. Putting the bottle on the table, Marina knelt a few feet away. Elizabeth was on...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 17 Like Someone Saying Fix My Problem Instead Of We Have A Problem

If the knocking was less of an attempt to kick down the door, I would have ignored it. "What?" I yelled. Ashley shook her head at me as she opened the door. An older man and Crystal ran in. "We have a problem!" they yelled. The way they looked at each other led me to believe WE had two different problems. "Out of the way!" John-John yelled to the people standing in front of my door. Joey, Elizabeth, John-John, Bianca, and Mr. Valence ran into the room. They were carrying the Left...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 19 Like a Conversation Going Exactly How You Rehearsed It In Your Head

"Do you remember when I said--we love you and those with the inclination are in love with you?" Brian asked me. He was holding up a dime that had been reduced by four half-moon bullet cutouts. I raised an eyebrow at him. The Bus Terminal was only a couple of blocks from the town's indoor shooting range. Considering the zombies habit of attacking anything they heard, practicing in the range made more sense than on the roof of the warehouse. "I'm in love with you," he said. John-John...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 18 Like a Plan Coming Together

"Ashley needs you at the Tea Party," Jewel said to me. She wore a very short red dress, which clung for dear life to her ass and hips. She did a slow turn for me when she noticed my attention. With her back to me, Jewel raised the bottom of her dress far enough for me to see the black thong. "Tea party?" I asked. "If you're going to fuck her, can you do it on the couch? I'm working here," the Professor said without looking up from his papers. Jewel coughed. "I'm sorry," the...

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ZombiesTo Save A New Man

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 To Save A New Man I woke up; the sun came through the gym windows. I moved from my bunk and didn’t see anyone else. The scene was eerie as if the whole school had gotten up and left, I Checked the time…only 7:30. I put on clothes and headed for the cafeteria for my breakfast ration, the hallways were empty as well. I began to...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 16 Like the Hot Cheerleader Banging Her Nerdy Tutor

"Lounge chairs!" I exclaimed. "This is probably a worse idea than that throne crap." "I didn't hear you complaining when Elizabeth and Sophie were putting suntan lotion on you." Brian smiled and looked behind us. Elizabeth and Sophie lay on chairs behind me, sunning themselves. I was pretty sure I'd never seen a smaller bikini than the white one Sophie had on. "I thought they were only going to wear white," I said. Elizabeth had nothing on that I could see. "Marina set the...

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Alison Goes to London chapter 11 A Dirty Filthy Motherfucking Assfucking Whore

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 5 Like Strippers Giving Back Your Money

I opened my eyes, seeing a white ceiling did not make me happy. "Fuck me!" "Miguel." Ashley and Jewel knelt down at my side. "Are you okay?" "I'm not dead," I said. "What?" Ashley asked. Her eyes were confused. "I'm not dead." "No," Ashley said. "Drink some water." Jewel slipped a hand under my head and put a cup to my mouth. My tongue felt like someone scraped it clean with sandpaper. I drank some before pulling away from Jewel's hand. I wasn't fucking dead....

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 8 Like A LOT Of Sex In The Champagne Room

Rape? Reluctance? Submission? Willingness? Bianca fought, hard enough that Jewel and Ashley had to restrain her a few times. She made no attempt to hurt me though! When the pleasure got intense, she moved with me. Bianca paid her first night of debt, but there was more to it than balancing the sheet with Ashley. The next day, our lunch was more relaxed than any meal we had up to that point. Lorena prepared a small feast of pork and yellow rice. There was a celebratory air to the group!...

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Zombies and Tigers and Swords Oh MyChapter 2

The thing about having a follower or a following, is that it makes you a leader, will ye nill ye. Being a leader makes you think about where you are going, and what you intend to accomplish, because, after all, you have an audience to think about. You might even appear foolish or incompetent, if you don't come up with brilliant goals. It gives some insight to the grumpy old fighter trying to drive away the eager youngling who insists on calling them 'teacher'. Once the master realizes...

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Zombies and Tigers and Swords Oh MyChapter 6

It was a few days later that we encountered the zombie farm. I wondered why there was a collection of zombies trapped behind a tall electrified fence, but I figured it out pretty quickly. I warned Jimbo, and he managed to convince Our Lady the Tiger not to try to jump in and start putting them down. She huffed, and stalked off in a pout, or something like that. They were all female brain deads, all formerly attractive, all young and physically mature- I bet you can already see where this is...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 6 Like Sex In The Champagne Room

The second handjob wasn't the end of the night. We had to stop the roof action though because Ashley told me the Professor and his wife would be up soon. "Uh!" I said. "Didn't we fuck up our guard duty?" "Nah!" Ashley replied. "We're only here to keep an eye on the street. The zombies aren't a problem as long as a large group doesn't head directly at the door. We can hear the werewolves coming, so they're not a problem either. It's also not like any survivors are going to be...

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Zombies and Tigers and Swords Oh MyChapter 7

Children of the Zombies I was glad when they left. It had looked like that Tigress had wanted to attack my future mothers of humanity, but luckily that huge black dog and that strange scrawny youth dressed like a goth with the Japanese sword constantly in his hand got her to change her mind, or I would have been forced to send a .50 cal slug downrange from my sniper nest into her brain as she came over the fence. I like big cats, most likely she was one of those I had freed in my four day...

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The New Neighbours

Last week I got new neighbours, Dave and Jess, they seem to be a fairly nice couple, Dave was an older guy with a beard and glasses, and Jess was a tall thin woman with long red hair and pale skin.The next day I was out in my back garden, the sun was shinning and I was relaxing with a drink when I heard them step out of the house, after a few minutes I could hear them chatting and laughing and feeling curious I wandered over to the high fence to say hello.However i didn't get that far because...

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New Neighbours

New Neighbours.This is a long story but I feel it needs to be told entirely.My name is Tina I am 51 and I have been married to Richard for 26 years, we have two grown up sons who have left home.My life has been I suppose on the whole happy.The only part that was not was as a teen where I got bullied quite a lot, mostly by girls but sometimes boys as well.I have always been big, well fat I suppose with large breasts and being big was the brunt of the bullying.Even into my 20s I was bullied but...

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Penny With The Neighbours

That night my Master used me many times and my ass was sore from the constant use as well as the frequent spankings. The bloody bell on my collar was forever ringing and I swear that the neighbours next door could hear us. Although I had never met them I knew that they were a young black couple, husband and wife and of the professional type. I wished my Master wouldn't be so loud when taking me. He seemed get a perverted pleasure by letting everyone know I was been taken. Finally...

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Heather Preston gets Done by the Neighbours

Heather Preston struggled playfully at the bonds that held her. She lay naked in her back yard. Her arms and legs spread apart bound to metal stakes buried in the ground. She had been left this way by her husband, Jim, as part of their game. Heather loved bondage a ****-fantasy and Jim loved being dominant, so the two made a good couple in the bedroom. One of their little games was to have Heather bound and exposed outside. Where she would be 'forced' to give Jim a blowjob before he left. She...

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Foxy neighbours

Four years ago a pair of foxes decided to set up home under the summer house in our next door neighbour's garden. The garden was surrounded by six foot fencing and they probably chose under the summer house as they were unlikely to be disturbed. The foxes would jump over the fence into our garden when they went out on their nightly prowls resulting in our dog barking at the back door wanting to be let out. When we opened the door he would run straight down the middle of the garden to the far...

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The Wife and the Neighbours

What made the husband flip that morning is not known. It could have been many reasons, like the washing up not done, the bed not made or even the washing not hung out, or it could have been a bit of jealousy against the neighbour who got more consideration from his wife than he did which made him wonder if the neighbour was fucking her, a couple of times he even considered asking him but the opportunity didn't arise at the time. He knew she often got an invite into the neighbours for she had...

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Horny Neighbours

Hey guys, I'm totally inspired by the hot stories I've read here. I'm from Germany, so I'm not a native speaker but I will try to deliver a nice story for you guys and girls. My name is Jacob, I'm 28 years old and I just moved to Berlin with my girlfriend Jessica. We decided to rent a flat in the fourth floor of a nice old house in "Prenzlauer Berg" a really nice quarter with a lot of young people who are either students or are already working. Opposite of our house lives another friendly...

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Erotic Education 7 Naughty Neighbours

Nice new neighbours are at least as naughty and horny as we, I notice with Chrissy when we check them out.Nice naughty mighty moans and sexy sighs I hear at my far side of the plot, surely some new number going on!Nice new occasion for the erotic education of our girls, so I signal them to come with me & be very silent indeed.Nice naughty nubile neighbour lays at her back, half outside her tiny tent, long legs wide-spread, love lips licked.Naughty neighbours interesting intimacies have only...

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Good Neighbours

I saw Miranda across the street as soon as I came around from the backyard. It was a hot, muggy Saturday afternoon on an August long weekend. My neighbour was dressed for the steamy weather in tight little shorts and a string bikini top. Pausing, I drank in that sight with a soft sigh.Miranda was standing over her lawn mower with a sour look on her pretty face. As I watched, she pulled the ripcord hard a couple times with no response from the machine. My neighbour stopped, scowled, then cut...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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New Neighbours

Introduction: After moving from the city to the country, Tom gets to meet his new neighbours I had done alright working in the city in London and had gained quite a hefty promotion linked with relocation to the Midlands. What that also meant was that with the difference in property prices I was able to buy myself a pretty good detached house with gardens in a nice quiet village. My neighbours, Paul and Jane and their daughter Sarah, were fifty yards or so to the left and the next house was...

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Naughty Neighbours

Naughty NeighboursIt was a Friday night and Paul was out with friends and I had just settled down on the sofa with a glass of wine to watch some TV, when the door bell went Jill from next door walked in with a parcel that had been left with her while we were out. I took it off her and asked if she wanted to join me for a glass of wine, she said why not we sat and chatted about allsorts and nothing as we do, I said do you another glass of wine she thought about it for a minute then said why not...

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WifeHusband And Neighbours

I am Rajesh from eastern India, working in well known organization as an engineer, 42 yrs old. My family consists of my wife, Keya and two small children. We stay in company provided flat; our neighbours are also from the same company, all family persons. As company is doing well, we are all happy and well off. Keya, 35 yrs old, a classic beauty, figure is 36-32-36. I used to joke with her that she is having the sexiest ass in the locality. She used to poke me, and then you have checked all the...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 12 Like Permanently Shutting Up A Politician

I was on the roof, practicing my Pushing. "There's a problem downstairs. You're going to want to get involved." Ashley said as she approached me. "What the hell are you doing?" I spun on one finger, using small Pushes to counteract gravity and friction. B-Boy power moves lent themselves to my ability; most people also didn't know what was possible and impossible so I could explain it if I got caught. Letting my rotation slow to a stop, I balanced on a fingernail. It required nearly...

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Indian Wife and Bold Neighbours

It was after a good deal of search that Zoya and Rehaan had finally chosen this house. It was in an upmarket locality of the town. Although the house was small, it was compact and the neighbourhood was good. That is what the agent who had got them this house had told them. Zoya was all of twenty eight years old and married four years back to Rehaan, a software engineer employed with a multinational. Yet another added advantage of this locality was that their immediate neighbors were known to...

Wife Lovers
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fiona and her neighbours

Fiona was going shopping. She had just closed her front garden gate when she turned to see Kathy and Michelle walking towards her with large grins on their faces. Kathy and Michelle were neighbours of Fiona. They shared a flat three doors away on the same street. Fiona had met them for the first time two days ago at Mary’s hen party. Both girls were twenty years old, much younger than forty one year old Fiona but they had enjoyed embarrassing and humiliating her, as did the other women at the...

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Caught Nude BY New Neighbours

Suddenly a crunch of leaves to my left I spun, cock in hand. There not 3 metres from me was an elderly guy walking towards me, looking straight down at my cock in my hand “Hi there “he called, Oh shit! I exclaimed loudly, as I tried to cover my erection with both hands.” I’m so sorry” I quickly stammered, my face flushed with embarrassment “I thought I was on my property! “Smiling at me he said “Don’t panic you are on your property, I saw you leave your house, I was raking up some leaves and...

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Friendly Neighbours

Dropping the last heavy box into the hallway, I clapped my hands together to get rid of the excess dust, rested them on my hips and sighed. It had been a long day of moving house, my least favourite thing in the world, but it was finally done. I looked around my little house and sighed again, from happiness rather than exhaustion this time around. Afternoon sun filtered through the many glass panels in the open plan kitchen/dining area. I had done really well. My new place was small and modest...

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The Neighbours

Chapter One:I had lived in my home with my strict parents for many years now, it wasn't the best home; a small home in an apartment block that had a small, virtually tidy most of the time, swimming pool. I had just turned sixteen, and still a virgin when my first real sexual experiences took place.We had seen people come and go, those with little money, and those who had money and lost it all and needed a run down place to live for a while before they got back on their feet. It was a summer's...

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Zombies Werewolves Vampires and Other Improbable ThingsChapter 11 Like A Politician Shutting The Hell Up

Pretty food is easy to get used to. Towers of rice. Chicken cut in mechanically even strips. Little bowls of beans. Breakfast can be especially cute! It's something about the colors: white, yellow, brown, red, and orange. "You need to make a show of power," the Professor said as he sat down. John-John took the seat on my other side. "Really?" I asked. "Can't I have breakfast in peace? I had a good night, guys. Jewel has this leather bikini thing, except there's nothing covering the...

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Getting to Know My Neighbours

After recently moving into a new block of flats I was enjoying the process of meeting my new neighbours. I didn’t go knocking on doors but would introduce myself whenever I saw someone I didn’t know around the block. One day when I was hanging out some washing, a lady I hadn’t met walked past. I smiled at her and when she stopped, I introduced myself and she told me her name was Hazel. She was a nice, reasonably attractive lady who I guessed, like me, to be in her mid sixties. She said she was...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Interactions With The Neighbours

I consider myself to be a very fortunate person; at the age of nineteen I own my own house. I inherited from my Uncle, along with an extensive library of erotic literature (most of it is simply porn) and what is probably one of the largest private collections of implements designed to cause pain; his ?Cabinet of Curiosities? a true sadists delight.It is a nice house too, detached with three bedrooms, a living room, a dinning room and a kitchen to die for. It also has a good size study, which I...

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It was a hot sunny Sunday afternoon, Leanne and Dean were in the garden pottering around in bikini and shorts when they heard someone speaking.“Hi there, we’re your new neighbours, I’m Julianne, Jules for short and this is my hubby Sam, we moved in a couple of days ago but we haven’t had a chance to meet you until now”Leanne and Dean went over to the fence to greet their neighbours and introduce themselves, Jules, about 5 foot 3, black hair and well tanned was in a skimpy top and shorts set and...

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Fiona and the Neighbours

Fiona was going shopping. She had just closed her front garden gate when she turned to see Kathy and Michelle walking towards her with large grins on their faces. Kathy and Michelle were neighbours of Fiona. They shared a flat three doors away on the same street. Fiona had met them for the first time two days ago at Mary's hen party. Both girls were twenty years old, much younger than forty one year old Fiona but they had enjoyed embarrassing and humiliating her, as did the other women at the...

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My Surprising New Neighbours

If you believed everything my mates told you, you’d be convinced that I’ve shagged most of the world’s most beautiful women. Nothing could be further from the truth, but when they’ve had a few pints on a Friday night after our regular five-a-side football session, they’re even more certain that I must be lying when I deny it.Some of their comments are pretty crude — “C’mon Dave, you old fucker, tell us… does so-and-so suck your dick?” or “I bet S...’s got a nice tight cunt,” or, “Do you fuck...

1 year ago
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New Neighbours

I live in a small town in Central England, on a very secluded road, which has just six houses. In the early summer a newly married couple moved in next door. I’m twenty-seven years old, long dark hair, five feet six inches tall, blue eyes, slim athletic body developed from swimming every day and smallish boobs. I’d only seen the new couple briefly, long enough to say hello and tell them my name was Joanna and for them to say they were Vicky and Ian. From the day they moved in it was clear that...

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The older I get, the more I think back on my life. At 55, I wonder about how I would do things again if I had the chance. I certainly would tried to have experienced more beautiful pussies for sure. I have not lost the urge to admire women discreetly but, having being married for almost thirty years, I never actually pursue them. That changed when new neighbours moved in next to us a couple of years ago. Erica and Bob are in their late thirties and have a couple of young kids. They are a...

Straight Sex
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New Neighbours

I live in a small town in Central England, on a very secluded road, which has just six houses. In the early summer a newly married couple moved in next door. I’m twenty-seven years old, long dark hair, five feet six inches tall, blue eyes, slim athletic body developed from swimming every day and smallish boobs. I’d only seen the new couple briefly, long enough to say hello and tell them my name was Joanna and for them to say they were Vicky and Ian. From the day they moved in it was clear that...

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Noisy Neighbours

I started to wonder whether everything they did on a daily basis was just to piss me off. It had gone from petty stuff, like ‘forgetting’ to drop round parcels that had been delivered when I was at work or letting their dog jump the fence and scare the shit out of my cat, to hanging pictures up at 11pm and parking their car right outside my driveway. I’d always hated my neighbours, and what made it even worse was there was nothing I could do about them. The police didn’t want to know, they...

3 years ago
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Where wife Sarah, son Rick, daughter Christina and Sarah,s late parents lived in London our neighbours normally couldn,t see in our large garden and none overlooked us so nude sunbathing was the order of sunny rare summer days. Next door neighbours Rob and Katrina had teenagers two sons Brian and Steve. Brian actually dated Chris when she was s*******n, but they just didn,t get on that well. One summer Rob decided to get tree surgeons in to trim back some large pines that were growing more on...

1 year ago
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Our new neighbours

My wife Jenny and I recently moved from the South West to the Midlands to a small village. We have been married for just over a year, Jenny is 29 and I am 32. She is quite attractive with a curvy figure but doesn't tend to show herself off much. She has great tits but likes to keep them covered!. We have a great sex life but Jenny is generally quite shy and very innocent. I have asked her many times about her exes and past exploits but she doesn't like to say much and tends to get...

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