Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, And Other Improbable ThingsChapter 18: Like A Plan Coming Together free porn video

"Ashley needs you at the Tea Party," Jewel said to me. She wore a very short red dress, which clung for dear life to her ass and hips. She did a slow turn for me when she noticed my attention. With her back to me, Jewel raised the bottom of her dress far enough for me to see the black thong.
"Tea party?" I asked.
"If you're going to fuck her, can you do it on the couch? I'm working here," the Professor said without looking up from his papers.
Jewel coughed.
"I'm sorry," the Professor told me. "The shopping lists are driving me a little crazy."
"I thought the plan was to grab trucks and take everything," I said.
"We don't have enough drivers," he said. "It'll work though! People packing things into the warehouse while others drive. We will be sleeping at the Terminal on your schedule, but it's going to take a few days to clean out the Wholesale Club and the stores around it."
"Tea Party?" I asked Jewel again. Whatever Ashley was doing had to be more interesting than the Professor's paperwork!
"Ashley invited some women from the Projects group and the stragglers to a little get together," Jewel told me.
"In my apartment, of course!"
Jewel nodded. "They're behaving, but there's something you need ... Come on, I didn't put on this dress to annoy them. Not completely anyway!"
Standing up, I walked over to Jewel and pulled the dress up over her hips. "I'll follow you."
She giggled and strutted to the stairway.
The women were sitting in the living room. Unlike Bianca or myself, Ashley didn't have an issue with her chair resembling a throne.
"You didn't tell me praying lady was here!" I hissed at Jewel. "I'm going back downstairs."
She stopped me by grabbing my dick. "We only have one more night in this building, Miguel. There are a few of us who want to give it a proper goodbye in your bed. Enough women that we have to start early!"
"What does it have to do with her being here?"
"I was going to say my goodbyes on the loveseat now," she replied.
"She's going to hate it," I said looking at the praying lady.
Jewel shrugged.
"Hello, darling." Ashley stood up and hugged me. Her lips kissed me gently; I forgot the others for a few seconds and deepened the kiss. When the kiss ended, Ashley caressed my cheekbones with her fingers before smiling and nodding to the loveseat.
I tried not to watch the show in the room, but it was a little too delicious. Ashley played the role of a noble titled lady with the other women playing the part of visitors of significantly lower station. The fact Ashley was dressed right out of a stripper catalog made the whole thing more fascinating. The three women spent a good half hour kissing the stripper's ass! They were verbally dancing, but eventually, like someone had rung a bell to announce serious talk time, the conversation turned.
The fat man was being an asshole! A grabby asshole using the perceived Authority of his ex-wife's future bed situation (with me) to keep women quiet about how far his hands ranged.
"Darling," Ashley said to me. "You look bored. Tense too, very tense!"
Ashley pointed at Jewel and a spot between my feet. "Jewel, honey. Take care of him with your mouth."
It started out normal; as normal as it could be considering Jewel stripped down to her tiny thong and the other women went back to meaningless pleasantries. Jewel helped me out of my pants before kneeling between my feet. I wanted to be polite to the two women, but the praying lady being in the room while Jewel blew me ensured I wasn't going to be taking it into the bedroom. Jewel didn't go for the foreplay; taking a page out of Sophie's book, she spit on my cock and tried to swallow me in one gulp.
Things got weird after my first orgasm--somehow, the praying lady was naked on the floor with her ankles locked at the small of my back, hips completely off the ground, and with my cock dive-bombing her pussy over and over again. The other two women were naked too; one was kissing me and the other was kissing the praying lady. The praying lady was kissing another chick! My dick got harder as I fucked in and out of her. I wanted to come, but I wanted it to keep going too. Ashley must have read my body language. She pulled me out of the praying lady, lifted the woman off the ground, and carried her into my bedroom. I would have been right behind her except one of the other two women had my dick in her mouth. Finally, I made it onto the bed, pushed Ashley's face out of the way of my dick, and fucked into the praying lady again.
The action went all the way!
I had the praying lady on her stomach. My cock was stretching her asshole and delving deeper inside her. The woman sobbed in discomfort, but she made no attempt to stop or complain about it.
One of the other women didn't have it as rough with the anal sex. She was play-acting even though it was obvious to me she'd enjoyed that aspect of sex quite a few times. It felt unfair after the praying lady suffered so I healed this woman's ass to its original tightness. Maybe a little tighter! I swear the praying woman laughed when her friend's cries changed pitch and volume.
We went back to the living room after the action. The three women lounged in their bathrobes. Ashley sat on her throne except she only wore a t-shirt and panties. Jewel was bouncing on my cock; my hands were on her ass. Everyone except me was freshly showered.
"Charles, the one you adoringly call 'fat man', is a problem, my darling," Ashley said to me. "I'm going to have another Tea Party in a couple of hours. He's going to be the guest of honor. May I borrow the Towers and Brian? I'm sure Brian will be quite good at directing the action."
I didn't want to hear ANY details so I waved an affirmative.
"There's one other thing," the woman with the not-so tight asshole said. "It's about Marie's husband."
The third woman blushed before lifting her chin proudly. Jewel settled down on my cock and twisted her head around to listen to the conversation. She kept her hips moving on me the entire time. I put my head back and concentrated on the feel of the pussy that had taken my virginity.
"My husband had a mistress," Marie said. "Has a mistress since I've caught him on his cell phone with her!"
"She's alive," Ashley said. "I'm not sorry she lived considering the alternative. I am sorry you have to think about it in these circumstances, dear."
"He wants to go get her," Marie replied. "He hasn't said anything, but he's stressed."
"Outrageous!" the praying lady said. "We can't ask the group to endanger its members for something with such a prurient beginning. It could cause a lot of strife with people, especially now that we're all friends. She won't do well here!"
"I completely agree," Ashley said. "We are adjusting to Melissa's group, but not every new group has worked towards unity. The latest group came in with a strong leader in Melissa. She understands what it takes to survive, but some of her people may push it to see what they can get away with. Miguel has also made it clear that tomorrow is our last day in this building. If his mistress is still alive when we're settled, your husband can bring it up."
"Thank you," Marie said. "But there's a child."
"Oh..." Ashley said softly.
"My dear, I am so sorry," the praying lady whispered.
"I can't have children," Marie said. "I thought that was why he went to her."
"You couldn't have children," Ashley said.
"I can't..."
"I'm sure Miguel fixed it, didn't you, darling?" Ashley asked.
Jewel unmounted her pussy from my cock to bring me back to earth.
"Of course not," I told Ashley.
"You can't?" Ashley sat up straight, concern written on her face.
"There's nothing wrong," I said to Marie. "Genetically, you weren't intended to have kids. It wouldn't be healing you; I would be changing you."
"Darling," Ashley said. "For a woman like Marie, not being able to have a baby is a wrongness. It's a wound!"
"She's not like you," I told Ashley. "You and the others didn't know what I was going to do to you exactly but..."
"We gave you permission," Ashley sat back and looked at Marie. "Miguel is right! He drew a good line for the rest of you. You happen to fall inside the line itself. The others will need to discuss if we want to convince Miguel to draw a different line or to allow for exceptions."
"He changed Annabelle," the praying woman said. "Some of her problems were genetic."
"True." Ashley nodded. "In that case, the Professor suggested a show of power and the rest of us agreed. Elizabeth's love for her daughter also made the situation predictable. Annabelle was dying and Elizabeth would have done anything to save her. Children are special cases and you're not a child, Marie."
"I'll do whatever it takes too," Marie said, glancing at me out of the corner of her eye. "I want a baby. Not now, but if we're safe someday."
"You don't seem the type to use the Authority that doing 'whatever it takes' would transfer to you. Considering your husband's situation, it wouldn't be a good idea to give him the Authority either," Ashley told Marie. "Like the fat man, he might find himself invited to a Tea Party."
"Or in need of a heart," the praying lady woman said.
"Changing you is something that needs to be discussed further. Just between us ladies though, Brandi and Joey are sure to look on your request kindly," Ashley told Marie. "Anyway dear, you want us to go get the woman and her child?"
Jewel's hips moved on me again. I took a nipple into my mouth and sucked hard.
"I want my husband's son to be safe," Marie replied. "I could do without seeing that woman but ... if a child can have both parents in this hellhole, we should do what we can."
"You're a beautiful soul, Marie," the praying lady said.
"God, the haughty look on her face," I whispered to Jewel. Slamming my hips up, I lifted Jewel completely off my dick. She came down and took me to depth. "I want to fucking make her gag on my cock, and then fuck her pussy raw, and then make her cry again when I drill her asshole one more time!"
"So do it!" Jewel hugged me tight. "Keep her here all night crying! Force her to learn to take your cock down her throat!"
Jewel's orgasm set me off. She slid down my legs to clean my cock with her tongue.
"Are you planning to give up your husband?" Ashley asked Marie. "I don't think that's such a good idea. A lot of women are beginning to feel safe and secure. A home wrecker in our midst would cause issues! We pretend to but adults can be quite ugly to children so the boy would be a pariah."
"I don't know," Marie replied. She cried for a minute before gaining control. "I don't know what to do; I still love my husband."
"Doctor Larson is adjusting well to her husband's assigned concubine and his privilege to Marina's body," Ashley told Marie. "I could arrange for a similar assignment between your husband and the whore."
"I don't like the thought of THAT woman wearing the white," Marie said. "It's what they call it, right? Wearing the white?"
Ashley looked at me. I mouthed Joey's formal name--Josephine.
"It wouldn't be allowed," Ashley said. "Josephine is their leader. They might say first among equals, but it amounts to the same thing. To a great extent, Josephine sees Miguel as the boy who Healed her and asked for nothing in return when she would have given him everything."
Marie nodded. "She wouldn't allow a dishonest woman by his side."
"I'm not a good person, dear," Ashley said. "I've lied and stolen. We have to work together. The group. Men. Women."
Ashley watched Jewel lick my cock with long strokes for a few seconds.
"The White girls. The Mistresses. Myself. And Bianca when she's ... well, Bianca. Soon, Diana. WE have to trust each other." Ashley smiled at Marie. "I will lie to you, but I will not lie to Josephine. I recognize a line exists that cannot be crossed, as does Josephine. This woman had sex with a married man. For years! She bore his child. I don't judge her, but Josephine sees herself in Elizabeth, Marina, and Sophie. She would not stand for Miguel looking at this woman and seeing a reflection of his Josephine."
"He's taken his men's wives as mistresses," the praying lady pointed out in a strange tone of voice.
"How did you find out about her, Marie?" Ashley asked while staring at the praying lady.
Marie shook her head, refusing to answer.
"You are here," Ashley met each woman's eyes. "If an alert comes on that says go to this other place and the government will save you, I expect most of you would go running."
Ashley smiled as Jewel took my cock into her pussy again. "Our commitment is to Miguel so we would stay with him to the end. Women have a direct way to express their loyalty; the men have found a different way. Make no mistake--judging a man in our group is judging the women in our group! They're good men, even Jack Valence in his own way. Ladies, you understand that sometimes a woman has to be a bad person so a good man doesn't need to act against his nature. Keep those opinions and judgments of our men to yourself! You do not want me to be the one who keeps the men's hands from getting dirty. You don't have to agree with the wives being Miguel's mistresses, but as long as you accept his protection you will not speak ill of it."
"I should, shouldn't I?" Grabbing Jewel ass, I held her in place so I could control the thrusting.
"Yes, choke her haughty ass with your cock ... but later. Fuck me now!" Jewel bore down with her pussy, making me fuck through the pressure. "Jesus, fuck me forever!"
"Of course, we could always invite the woman to a Tea Party with the Towers," Ashley said. "They're going to have to do some distasteful work with the fat man. I'd like to throw them a bone!"
"No," Marie said. "I wouldn't want her to get confused. You're right, Ashley. Those girls take very good care of Doctor Larson. I'm sure, pretty soon, Brandi won't know how she ever got along without them. Stephanie takes such good care of their apartment and making sure the Professor and Doctor eat."
"It would be for the best if we didn't bring the woman into our time together," the praying lady said.
"Okay," Jewel said, climbing off me. "Make her cry again!"
The praying lady didn't run screaming out of the room, nor did she lose a bit of her haughtiness. Not while she was coughing around my cock. Not while I pounded her pussy. Not while she cried after I tightened her asshole and rammed my cock in. Not even as she was leaving! With ass and pussy full of my cum, the woman held my apartment door open and looked at me.
"My name is Caroline," the praying woman told me. "Not the New Hag. Not the Sergeant's replacement. Not the Religious Lady or whatever you're calling me in your head. My name is Caroline!"
I stared at the closed door for a few seconds. Shaking my head, I looked around the room.
Ashley had her face on the carpet with her ass in the air. She must have ripped the t-shirt and panties off because I could only pieces of them.
"Please," she begged, humping the air. "My ass! Please, Miguel, my ass! I'm so horny. Those bitches ... That fucking snotty bitch Caroline licked my asshole while your cock was buried in hers. Fuck me! Fuck me!"
I watched people come in and leave the common area. It was like the roof all over again; they wanted to make sure of my location. With the size of the group, it meant constant traffic.
"You know, Miguel," the Professor said from the end of the table. He was studying a map of the state. "I understood getting a concubine and the privilege of Marina's body meant I had to do work. I also thought I was to offer advise where my years and education lent themselves to a different point of view. I'm rather enjoying my home life so I'd appreciate it if you gave me the opportunity to fulfill my responsibilities."
"I think I fucked up," I told him.
"TEHTEHTEHTEH!" I raised my hand to stop. "This is a No-Kellie zone."
"I thought you might be served by a younger voice, like Brian, in that arena," he said with a shrug. "Then it must be about the Tea Party."
"I did Caroline," I said. "HARD!"
"So things went as I expected," he replied. "Very good!"
"What?" My head popped up. "Actually, you know--I want people to stop throwing shit out there! Long sentences that say more than 'Tea Party' or 'I expected it' from now on."
He laughed and put away his map.
"I suggested it to Ashley," he said.
"You're a tyrant, kid."
"Exactly why you should have let me leave a long time ago," I said. "This will get worse. I'm sixteen, dude! This can only get worse!"
"A benevolent and apathetic tyrant, but a tyrant nonetheless."
"I'm pretty sure I have no idea what those words mean," I told him.
Interlacing his finger, the Professor put his elbows on the table and stared at me. "Kid, every group survives within certain social structures and conventions; laws, traditions, known rules, and unspoken rules. In fact, all relationships function in this way."
"I think you're full of crap, Professor!"
"Our group is too new and fluid for there to be laws," he told me. "But the fundamental underpinnings which will become our laws and true traditions are arising."
"We could all be dead tomorrow," I said. "So much for whatever is rising ... except the dead."
He didn't laugh with me!
"You have established that you are the Power and Authority in our little society," he told me. "You've also defined what it means for you to pass Power to another by changing the girls and the Towers to be significantly more survivable in the world after the Zombie Apocalypse. Sex has become the anointing of Authority for your acknowledged lovers to use or give to their husbands or both. As soon as that happened, new traditions were going to become formalized to deal with vacuums in the system."
"Seriously, I have to sit here for this?" I put my face in my palm. "Can I make it a law that you have to get to the point sooner?"
"Bianca, Mr. Valence, John-John are soldiers," he said. "They think in straight lines from grunts to the General, Boss, or Higher Authority."
"Higher Authority?"
"Bianca protects them but she serves you," he said. "When she accepts it, she'll be a whole person finally."
"A 'whole person? That's the kind of shit you need start with a good explanation about rather than just throwing it out there."
"It's part of our unspoken rules," he told me. "Thou shalt NOT speak about your life being better now than it was before Zombie-Day."
"Are you fucking serious, dude?"
"Yours isn't?" he asked. "No Robert. No pig foster parents. You don't have to hide what and who you are. You have Joey. You have Kellie. You sit at the top of the pile!"
"Six billion people are dead, Professor!"
"And that's why we don't talk about it, Miguel," he said very seriously. "I'm alive. I'm young. My wife accepts the concubines you assigned to me. I have it good and I don't have to grade papers."
"Brian said something like that," I told him. "About me winning--he didn't have an issue talking about it like you do."
"He may establish a tradition of being the one to speak the unspoken. It's necessary in every society; artists tend to provide the service."
"So the Tea Party?"
"You have soldiers in the top positions. My role is the wizened voice of experience so I only suggest," he said.
I snorted. "Things like Tea Parties."
"Bianca's new second in command, Diana, isn't an improvement in the area of non-linear thinking. The thing is, Miguel--we can't solve every people problem with straight lines, especially when we're talking about frightened people."
I nodded slowly.
"I thought Ashley could balance law with tradition," he said.
"The backdoor," he said. "The whispered word in the right ear so to speak."
"I think I'm lost again."
"Ashley has as much Power and Authority as the others," he said. "She doesn't exercise them because her first priority is survival. It's her second priority, which makes her useful. Ashley wants people to know that she has status and position."
"You're using her," I said.
"Yes!" he replied with a smile. "We wouldn't want people to feel powerless."
"But Ashley is loyal to me," I said. "Only to me."
"She calls herself your Bitch," He said with a nod. "They know it too! It's a fundamental fact that you are the sun we revolve around. Our lives depend on you! Ashley is the one you trusted to cauterize your wound. Her need for acknowledgement and her absolute loyalty make her perfect for circumventing the normal lines of power while reinforcing how our society needs to work."
"I'm going to pretend I actually understood that," I said. "But Professor, I nailed the praying lady, Caroline. She hates me!"
"So what?" He shrugged. "I don't agree with all your decisions."
"You kept that man alive in the knowledge of his own death," he said. "It was cruel and unnecessary, Miguel."
"He stabbed me!"
"You didn't have to be cruel. I'm not saying he didn't deserve it, but you didn't have to do it that way," he told me simply. "You also haven't told us everything. Your awareness would have helped early on."
"My range has increased. I also hold my power longer," I said. "I wouldn't have let you walk into a zombie feast. Well, I might have let Danny and Stephen walk into a room full of zombies.
"I don't understand. What do you mean your range increased?" he asked.
"I was always in debt to my Power," I said. "I didn't really get a decent range until the girls started keeping me on empty most of the time."
"You run on empty?" He seemed utterly shocked. "But you have sex constantly! How much power can you store?"
"I've only gotten up to the big Empty, maybe a little bit more when I got power-drunk and de-aged you," I said. "It's good enough, maybe when we're at the terminal I can build a reserve."
"Anyway!" I said, waving my hand to dismiss the subject of my power. "What does you not agreeing with me have to do with nailing the praying lady?"
"The Hag wanted you to de-age her also. If she had your power, she would have set a price of everything for that service, so she couldn't ask you because she didn't want to give you everything. It never occurred to her that you wouldn't set such a high price," he told me. "The Sergeant ... I don't know, maybe two Alpha males colliding."
"I don't care enough to be an Alpha," I said.
"You're right," he said. "He was a monkey looking down from the tree at this new hairless ape who walks on two legs, tames fire, makes tools, and tries to explain the stars."
"Sometimes you sound more religious than Caroline."
"Those two disagreed with you on just about everything! Caroline disagrees with your decisions, Miguel, but it's mostly a knee-jerk reaction," he said. "When she looks at you, she sees a teenager, a class of people not known for impulse control or thinking about consequences. She also thinks we should be helping more people."
I looked down at the table and tapped it with my fingers.
"While she has more concerns than I do, it does not mean she's any less invested in keeping our group together and alive," he said. "Caroline accepts that you bind us and vastly improve our chances of survival."
"Caroline can say what she has to say because she's fucking you now. People will feel like their concerns and worries are being heard or at least spoken loudly. There's a way for more delicate issues to be addressed in private with a power-that-be, namely Ashley. All of it functioning with the present system instead of against it like the Hag and Sergeant tried to."
"I'm going to be fucking Caroline again?"
"The Tea Party invitees aren't there for tea, kid," he told me. "I'm sure Caroline will be at most of them. She seems to have a lot to say, so she'll want to be sure everyone understands that she performs her civic duty therefore she has a right to be heard by you. Not to mention, you might misunderstand her words, but it's a little more difficult to misinterpret her pussy squeezing the last drag of cum out of your dick. You seem to be incredibly tolerant of any woman that has gone around the world in your bed."
"Let's me see if I get this right," I said. "I have to let Caroline say her shit and even listen if she's not spouting stupidity, because I can ask Ashley to invite her over for tea and nail her to my mattress or floor or couch or wall."
"Yes," he replied.
His laughter roared around the room.
"She's right!" I protested. "I'm sixteen! She always has that look on her face like she's better than me. She also cries when I'm in her ass, but she doesn't try to stop it or make me slow down. Caroline takes it and cums at the end too. I can't help myself! How can a woman look haughty with a dick in her mouth?"
The Professor kept laughing for a good minute.
"On that advice thing," I said when he stopped. "Can I ask a question?"
"Of course," he said seriously.
"What if someone thinks there's an unspoken rule, but someone doesn't know about it or doesn't think it's a rule at all?"
"It depends."
"OH! Why the fuck did I know you were going to say that shit?"
"Calm down," he said. "Do you think it isn't different if Marina and Elizabeth are in the situation versus the fat man and Bianca? Or say if the White Girls think something is unspoken but Melisa's group doesn't think it's a meaningful point."
"Jesus, stop calling them the White Girls," I said. "They're White Maidens!"
"Oh, you named them!" he replied. "I like it. White Maidens! Joey's going to love it."
"Whatever! Fuck! Just don't call them White Girls anymore, it's so annoying!"
I put my palms together and patted my fingers against each other. "Okay, so I have to agree with you, Professor. Who thinks what makes a huge difference! But how do I fix it if I think there's an unspoken rule and someone just pissed on it."
"You make it a law," he said. "And you punish the stupid fucker who can't walk and chew gum at the same time."
"You don't disagree with me too often, do you?" I asked him.
"Not so much," he replied. "So the Tea Party was edifying?"
"I heard what they had to say." I shrugged. "I didn't understand that shit you were talking about, but since I no longer feel like making Caroline a heart donor, I get gist of it. Ashley is a release valve! You'll have to give me the lecture again someday.""
He studied my face. "Something else happened, didn't it? The ladies told you something they didn't know they were telling you."
I nodded.
"What do you need?" he asked.
"They're coming," I replied. "If what you said about the Tea Party is right, Ashley will want all the invitees to understand she's just being a good Bitch. They'll come to me!"
There were a couple of extra women. The fat man looked nervous enough to let me know those two had been victims of his groping.
"Stop!" I said when Ashley nodded to me. Her eyes widened; she looked around at the group of women.
"Charles, come here," I said. Ashley's brow furrowed. I directed Charles where to stand with my eyes. The women showed increasing concern.
"Marie, I'd like to speak to your husband," I said.
With people checking on me intermittently, I could wait and they'd figure out the shit was about to hit the fan. Surprisingly, they came to watch. At least, as soon as they figured out that it didn't involve the shit flying onto them. Brian brought in a platter of sandwiches. Mr. Valence, Brian, and John-John sat at the table.
"So you're the schmuck," I said when Marie led her husband to a spot next to Charles.
"I can explain..." he said.
"Marina," I looked at her behind the Professor. "If he says another word, break his legs."
"Isn't that my job, Boss?" Mr. Valence asked in a disappointed tone of voice.
"You get to break his arms," I replied.
"I'm good with that!"
I stared at the two men as I ate one of the sandwiches.
"Mr. Fat Man," I said to Charles. "You've been playing grab ass with the ladies. Naughty! Naughty! Naughty!"
Smiling at the women around Ashley, I shook my head. "They are about to respond in a manner far out of proportion to your crime."
The women tensed; the two victims looked angry.
"Don't get me wrong," I said to Charles. "You shouldn't have! You probably think they're fair game because I've done worse in this very room to Bianca. You've heard much worse happens in my apartment."
"I was..." Bianca said, stopping when I raised my hand.
"Not having a choice because God put a world-sized gun to your head isn't what I would call willing, Bianca! WE remember another way!" I said. "People think they need me so they go with the flow. Fat Man, they don't need you!""

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