Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, And Other Improbable ThingsChapter 13: Like The Stupid Letting The Blind Lead (Even When They Should) free porn video

Bianca didn't look good. In fact, she looked downright fucked up! And she wouldn't shut the fuck up! It started a few hours after she woke up from our fuckfest and found out about Lorena shooting the politician.
"It was my fault..."
"I shouldn't have left..."
"I should have talked to him..."
"Why didn't I think..."
"How much longer is this going to go on?" I asked the people at my table.
They looked at Brandi who was talking to Bianca. I sighed--obviously, the old group had decided Doctor Larson would be the one having this particular discussion with me.
"Are there more kids around?" I asked.
"Really?" Elizabeth asked. She was getting too fond of raising that eyebrow at me.
"Bianca has been pooh-poohing around for two days. It's very distracting!" I said.
"Don't whine, Miguel!" she told me. "It's not sexy. I already have enough issues being the sex slave of a fourteen year old."
"Tell me again when you're twenty-four," she said with a wave. "Or if we find a therapist."
"So is that your way of telling me there are more kids?"
She nodded.
"So I didn't hallucinate the pregnant lady?" I asked with a sigh.
"Nope!" Brandi said, sitting down on the other side of me. "I gave her a check up, but we need an MPR."
"An MPR?"
"Miguel Power Report, which was a lot better than MTUIO--Miguel Tell Us It's Okay." Brandi's eyebrow shot up as she waited.
"Thank you," I said, ignoring the laughter at the table.
"We have to talk about Bianca," Brandi said seriously. She looked over her shoulder at the subject of conversation. Bianca sat at a different table; she looked haggard from the crying and had not been eating.
"Have you noticed the guy with the uniform?" Brandi asked. Everyone at the table pushed their food out of the way. Nobody was looking at me except Brandi.
"Should I have?" I asked.
"He is a police sergeant."
"Stop!" I took a deep breath as my eyes wandered around the room. Turning to Elizabeth, I said, "Get the kids out."
Everyone watched Elizabeth fulfill my request. Bianca stared straight ahead, knowing we had been talking about her. The man with the uniform walked into the room. He immediately noticed the tension in the air.
"How many new people?" I asked the Professor.
"Twenty," he replied. "The kids are from two new families. The sergeant's sister has two kids and the unborn child."
"Pregnant lady is his sister?"
He nodded. "Do you know what the genetic link for survival was, Miguel?"
"It's a number of things, any of which could have saved you from death or turning. None are common, but there are enough to get us to the one in ten." I looked at Brandi. "Bianca?"
"The police sergeant took Bianca aside," Brandi said. "They had a little discussion. Bianca won't tell me what he said, but I think he had some harsh words for her."
"You're telling me that I've been listening to this shit for two days because a new asshole wants the Village Idiot Crown cemented to his fucking head!" My voice rose in volume until I was shouting at Brandi.
The police sergeant took a step forward, raising a hand towards me. I raised my hand! He flew back and crashed into the wall. People would have screamed if my table had not flown away from me.
My eyes met Joey. She moved towards Bianca. Pint-sized blonde threw the first punch! Bianca was trained, but I had made Joey faster, stronger, and tougher. Bianca's eyes widened when Joey took a couple of blows without blinking. Joey took advantage of the momentary hesitation, picking up Bianca and throwing her towards me. Kellie caught Bianca mid-flight and slammed her to the ground. Bianca coughed as she struggled to get air. Kellie turned Bianca onto her stomach. Kellie grabbed Bianca's arms and held them at the small of her back. Joey stepped to Bianca's side, grabbed the blonde's hips and lifted them.
Ashley kicked Bianca's feet apart. The redhead flipped a butterfly knife open. Leaning down, Ashley's pushed the blade under Bianca's pants at the waist. A few cuts later, Ashley ripped Bianca's pants off. A couple of cuts after that, Bianca's bra and shirt were gone too.
A Push left me naked.
Bianca fought, but she didn't have a chance against even one of the girls.
My entire body glowed as I stood between Bianca's calves. I'd done a number on Bianca during our night together. Two days later, most of the bruises still showed. With her ass open and up, I could see the damage of me taking her asshole savagely. She hadn't minded, either time.
The women differed in their recovery tastes. Ashley preferred to be rejuvenated by my power immediately after any overzealousness. Jewel liked to be touched by my power before sex. Elizabeth didn't care as long as she saw me touch her daughter a few times a day. Bianca liked to be healed only after the soreness had set in fully. Two days was too long though, but she'd really been awful with the 'woe with me' crap so I had been avoiding her.
I reached down and touched Bianca's left asscheek. All signs of our night together disappeared from her body. Kneeling behind her ass, I put my dick at Bianca's pussy and pushed in. The girls held Bianca still as my cock drove to her full depth.
"Stop!" Bianca yelled. "Don't!"
She had a lot to say in that vein as I fucked in and out of her box. Nothing in her tone of voice said she meant any word of it. Not that it mattered to me! I could always tell Ashley that Bianca had paid off another night.
I grabbed Bianca's hips. The girls' weight, holding Bianca down, gave me a large amount of leverage. I used my grip on Bianca to thrust harder. She screamed and came! The added power was rather enjoyable for both of us. She liked my cock stroking long and hard; I liked the sound of our bodies crashing together.
Bianca almost bucked free when I came. My cock thickened inside her; she pushed her chest and face into the carpet and surged back. She wasn't trying to free herself so the girls gave her leeway. Bianca screamed again!
Ashley sucked my cock when I pulled out. She cleaned Bianca's juices from me. My dick glistened with saliva when Ashley pulled away. I stood up. Aiming my cock, I bent over Bianca. I didn't give her warning or time. I called my healing power up and skewered Bianca's asshole with one hard thrust.
She screamed! Pain. Pleasure. Heat. All of them at the same time! I'd never done it before. Healed as I damaged! Used my power and sated its effects at the same time! Bianca's voice cracked mid-yell! Her ass shuddered around my cock. The girls gave Bianca more room. The blonde stayed perfectly still. She wanted to move but wanted me to...
I pulled back and fucked her ass hard. The last time had been gentle compared to what I did to Bianca. It was barbaric! I imposed my will on her ass. Bianca took it all! Thrust after thrust! It went on for seconds then minutes. Finally, from one moment to the next my entire body seized. I bore down with all my weight on Bianca's ass. She cried out as I flooded her ass with cum.
The girls stepped away when I stood up. Bianca stayed in position. I walked around to her head and sat on my heels. My dick was a couple of inches from Bianca's face.
"Enough, Bianca!" I said to her. "You are not in control here!"
She turned her eye up until she could look at me.
"You're not responsible for what happened." I said. "Could you have stopped it? Yes ... by killing him yourself!"
Her lips pressed together tightly.
"It wouldn't have saved Lorena from whatever soul torment you think she's suffering. She was done before we ever got to her!" I said. "You don't have control over this bullshit, Bianca. It happened! It is happening! It will fucking happen!"
I looked at the sergeant and back at Bianca.
"Every rich asshole. Every powerful dickhead. Every douchebag who thought they were the king or queen of the fucking universe." I laughed for a second. "Do you know what their shit meant? Absolutely nothing! A star died millions of years ago before there was an Earth. Maybe before there was a Sun! Do you know how many things had to go right for that star's death croak to hit us?"
Leaning down, I smiled at Bianca.
"All their power. All their wealth. All their illusions. It meant nothing! For a few seconds on Zombie-Night, life and death for ALL OF YOU was a random function of genetics. A flip of a ten-sided coin, except mommy and daddy flipped the coin for you. There was nothing anybody could do. Not you. Not every government on this planet. None of you could have saved even one more person, Bianca!"
I snickered.
"Then the real dying started. Have you heard the numbers from the professor? Five percent of couples had one of each. A zombie and a survivor! Can you imagine waking up to the love of your life taking a chunk out of your belly? If you want to imagine it, go ask John-John what his sister's screams sounded like!"
Pushing my cock down, I touched her cheek with it. I shrugged, took my dick in hand, and slapped Bianca's cheek with it a few times.
"You did your best! It was far more than a lot of people did or are doing." I told her. "You can save more people, Bianca; that's what you care about. God knows I have no fucking idea why! This shit stops now, because I promise--I am not going to try as hard as you do."
Bianca closed her eyes. She took a few slow breaths before kissing the head of my dick.
I straightened and walked to the stairs. Joey, Ashley, Jewel, Elizabeth, and Brandi surrounded Bianca. She bawled when they hugged her.
The roof provided a good view of Hohokus. We weren't the highest building in the city, but there were only two higher.
The Professor, Kellie, and Ashley were with me.
"You're doing something to them," the Professor said after awhile. He had spent the last half-hour studying Kellie.
I didn't respond.
"Ashley, Joey, and Kellie," he said thoughtfully. "Elizabeth too?"
To the right, maybe a half-mile away, stood the Hohokus University Tower, the tallest structure in town by virtue of resting on the Hohokus River Cliff.
"The tower would give me a better view," I said.
"I get Ashley, Joey, and Elizabeth." The Professor said. "But why Kellie? You're not lying about hating her. And why not Jewel?"
I got up, walked to the edge of the roof, and looked down. The sergeant was sitting in one of the chairs when I returned.
"That was the most disgusting abuse of power I've ever seen!" The sergeant told me angrily. "You can't treat people like that."
"Kellie, if he opens his mouth again, take his head off," I said.
Kellie's sword whistled as it cut through the air. A line of blood formed on the sergeant's neck where the blade rested.
"There's more zombies out," I told the Professor.
He licked his lips, dragging his eyes away from the sergeant's neck. I nodded to the roofline. The Professor shook himself before standing up. I watched him as he looked down from the edge.
"They could be congregating here." He sat down. "We've gone out a few times."
"Would you like to count again?" I asked. "I'll tell you what. We can send some of the new people out to get the zombies to disperse. You can time how long it takes for that large a number to come back."
He didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. I took the time to push Kellie's sword aside and heal the sergeant's cut. I leaned back in my chair and watched Kellie sheath her sword.
"John-John's right, Kellie," Ashley said. "You don't have any of the muscle memory."
"But Joey took down Bianca with no problem!" Kellie complained.
"You can give up the sword." I tried and failed to not sound hopeful. Kellie sniffed and moved away from us. She pulled a book out of her bag, put it down open to a page, and drew the sword again. Ashley and I watched her swing it around like a dervish.
"Same as Bianca," Ashley said to me. "She doesn't want to accept control is more important. They're all speed and power. If that doesn't work, more speed and more power!"
"Maybe she'll put down the sword," I said.
"It's not going to happen! You've told Kellie that the sword is why you're changing her," Ashley said with a comforting smile. "She doesn't know how fast you are with the healing. Could you have done something if she beheaded him?"
"The brain dies before..." I stopped. "No!"
"There are more zombies on the street," the Professor said finally. "How? Most of them should be trapped inside."
"Want a bigger scare?" I asked him.
"Please don't, Miguel." He put his hands on his face but looked at me from between his fingers.
"They're getting faster. More mobile," I said. "Go watch the door downstairs. Some of them are working the mechanism correctly to open it."
The Professor and the sergeant gasped in fear.
"Sit down!" Kellie yelled at the sergeant when he jumped to his feet.
The Professor ran to the roofline. He knelt at the roof wall to look down. I counted off the minutes in my head; twenty minutes before he came back and collapsed into his chair.
"Why are you the only one noticing?" The Professor asked me.
"I'm not," I replied sadly. "You're better at pretending!"
He nodded, "Brandi has to make up her mind soon, doesn't she?"
"I have a new rule for surviving," I told him. "Recognize what you have control over and pray God gives you the whatever-whatever to handle the rest."
"Bianca might have gotten good use out of that advice before she decided this yutz was worth listening to!" Ashley jerked her thumb in the sergeant's direction.
I stared at the police sergeant. "Kellie, he's allowed to talk again."
The dude was pissed! I watched him trying to gain control. He almost didn't make it!
"I'm glad you're still here," I told him. "It shows a strong stomach."
"You can't treat people like that," he said slowly.
"Why not?"
"Because you can't," he replied.
"I just did, so you're wrong," I said smiling. "You weren't here when Lorena told us about the survivor gang force-aborting her baby for laughs. Are you going to tell her they CAN'T do that either?"
"Oh wait! They did," Ashley said. "They would have raped all the women in our group if Jewel and I hadn't given the leader a threesome. Jewel pulled a train since he got bored with her quickly. I should warn you--I'm a good shot so if you plan to tell me they can't treat people that way, I'm going put to bullet through your eye."
His hands gripped the arms of his chair. "We can be better than them. You have the power to be better than this shit, damn it!"
I laughed.
"I have a problem," I told him. "It used to be degrees, but now it's cattle mentality. I don't have the patience or time for it. How'd you like to be in charge?"
He shook his head quickly.
"Don't worry, I've learned my lesson," I said. "None of ... my people will kill you. I'll give them very specific instructions!"
The sergeant watched the Professor rotate his head to look at me.
"Miguel?" the Professor said.
"I'm dead serious," I told the sergeant. "You're the boss. One hundred percent! No questions asked by me or mine."
"Your people won't accept it," he replied.
"I will take care of them," I said in a low voice. "Either I can or they're not my people."
"You mean it?" he asked.
"Oh, you're obviously a much better leader than I could ever be," I said. "I mean, the way you came in here and questioned then judged what Bianca had to do to survive and keep these people alive! It was an amazing display of leadership."
He sat back.
"Please, I kid! I'm only kidding!" I said. "I'm sure whatever you were thinking would have worked; I just had different plans. We won't have that problem again. Your way or the highway, I promise."
The Professor relaxed and sat back.
"I have some conditions," the sergeant said. "It would be better for everyone if I took command, but I want a few things from you."
"Let's hear it," I said.
"The guns."
"Not my problem," I said. "You can have them all, except whatever my people can carry."
He nodded. "My sister's baby. I want you to make sure she's okay for the rest of pregnancy."
"Hmmm." I pursed my lips. "Now, that's something I, to use your words, can't do."
"Why not?" he asked.
"Miguel." The Professor put a hand to his forehead. "If you can change the girls, can't you make them like you? Or any of us like you?"
I pointed to the sergeant. "Because I can leave tonight if you take charge. I'm not taking your sister!"
Re-orienting my body on the Professor, I put my hands out to him. "Would you like the simple answer, the answer you won't accept, or the answer you will accept because it sounds reasonable to you?"
"Which one is the truth?" he asked.
"A lie wasn't part of my options," I replied.
"What do you mean you're leaving?" the sergeant asked.
"You're pretending that uniform means something," I replied without looking at the sergeant. "It doesn't because there isn't anything behind it. There's you in it and what the people are willing to accept from you because they are also pretending it means something."
"It means something to me!" he insisted.
"Sausage wrapping to a zombie," I said. "You opened your mouth without knowing anything about this situation, didn't you? You dragged Bianca into your fear shithole to make yourself feel better about the crappy decisions you had to make to keep your family alive."
He didn't meet my eyes when I turned towards him.
"We've run into two gangs, and they both tried to kill us," I told him. "Counting us that makes two out of three groups adding fuel to the fires of hell! Actually, it's three for three because Bianca is a fuckup and I'm Satan's lovechild. At least in your eyes, right?"
"There's a vampire out there!" I yelled at him. "In Hohokus or in one of the surrounding towns! He is freeing zombies because he's remembering. He's learning! Obviously much faster than the imbecile I'm looking at!"
"Something about the emergency alert..." the Professor looked up at the sky and lost himself in thought for a few seconds. "The vampires can control zombies."
"Bianca seems willing to care for cattle," I told the sergeant. "I don't need cows; I need..."
"What?" the Professor asked.
I stared at him. "My mother's things for one."
He looked confused.
"Which answer do you want, Professor?" I asked sitting back.
"All of them."
"Okay," I nodded. "I can't make you like me because I can't. I cannot do it, period! Easy answer ... is that good enough for you?"
He smiled and shook his head.
"Because actually you DO have a soul. My power has more to do with my soul than my body. I can change your body but not your soul. Which is why I can't turn every monkey, squirrel, or fish into a new human being even though I can rewrite DNA. The answer you won't accept! Good enough?"
"I'm not a religious person, Miguel"
"Would you accept that you have an energy-matrix?" I asked. "I have a particular energy-matrix that allows me to interact differently with other energy-matrixes than you can. To control the body through the energy in it! To extend my energy out into the world and move it."
He shook his head again. "Still not going to buy a soul explanation!"
"We know more than we think." I closed my eyes. "We learn constantly. The first thing I learned was control, before I knew what I was learning to control. If I made you like me, you'd rip the world a new asshole and kill yourself within three seconds. It's the 'reasonable' answer."
"But if I accept that, it means you could change babies in utero," he said.
I stared at him.
"Let's say, I'll take the last answer," he said. "How would you explain my last argument about making an army of baby Miguels? You can teach babies a lot."
Tilting my head to the side, I narrowed my eyes at him. "I could go do it to the pregnant lady's baby..."
"Define 'asshole in the world'," Ashley said before the Professor could respond.
"A sinkhole the size of Hohokus," I told her.
"James," Ashley said looking at the Professor. "Unless you want to be bent over with a strap-on up your ass, you need to show me that YOU understand control and control yourself right into a shut-the-fuck-up moment!"
"Three seconds is long enough for me to survive," I said.
"So you're the only one," the Professor said.
"I cannot MAKE anyone like me; it doesn't mean I'm the only one."
They froze.
"You should say yes," Kellie told the sergeant. "Take command here!"
We watched him get up and leave.
"You were hard on Bianca," the Professor said finally. "You're much harder on her than anyone else."
"Like me," Ashley said.
"I never understood dog tricks," I said to them. "Shake. Roll over. Jump through a hoop. I wouldn't ask my friend to jump through hoops for a burger and fries."
They stared at me.
I looked right at Ashley. "A Bitch needs to follow commands. Not nine out of ten times, but every time. Sit, down, don't bite, etc. Bianca..."
"Has to do more," Ashley finished for me. "Why?"
"What about Brandi?" the Professor asked.
"What do I have to do?" Kellie asked.
I waved their words away. Closing my eyes didn't help; I knew what I had to do.
"I need to get my mother's things."
The Professor asked. "So you can't make any more like you, but how do we find the others?"
I frowned at him. "I need another element in place--someone who can teach control to the others."
"You can't do it?" Ashley asked.
"Not in the womb," I replied.
"So your mom..." The Professor stared at my hand when I raised it to stop him from speaking.
"I do not talk about my mother!"
"We have a problem," Bianca said.
"I have a problem," I agreed sadly. It was lunchtime; on my plate, an uneaten sandwich sat. A very unpretty sandwich!
A few people from the new group, including the sergeant and his pregnant sister, inched towards my table. It was a couple of days after the Bianca thing, but a very important thing had not changed. My food sucked as badly as it had after the Lorena shot the politician.
I looked at the Professor. "You're married. I'm going to have to grovel, aren't I?"
"Grovel about what?"
"But how can I beg forgiveness when I don't know what I did wrong?" I asked everyone around me. "Was it the whole rape thing with Bianca?"
"You didn't rape me," Bianca said. "I needed a wake-up call."
"Doesn't count as one of the nights you owe me," Ashley said.
Bianca glared at her. "Did I say it did?"
Ashley returned the glare.
"So then it's the whole 'not healing' the new people thing," I said before they could get into it. "It's because that lady is pregnant. Lorena is holding my food hostage. Women and babies!"

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