- 3 years ago
- 43
- 0
‘Bubba, you son of a b… Come back here!”
Ron knew that could only mean one thing. He quickly tied his little white poodle to a nearby bench and turned towards the direction of the woman’s voice.
Sure enough, bounding over the top of the hill was the fluffiest, happiest golden retriever he had ever seen. If a dog could smile, this one was, running full throttle with its leash flying behind him.
Ron braced himself, opened his arms and called, “Bubba! Here boy! Come on, buddy!”
Hearing his name, the big yellow dog turned and headed towards Ron. Ron was almost knocked over as the large dog plowed into him. He grabbed his leash as Bubba wagged his tail, sniffed him and tried to jump.
“Down boy,” he said trying to calm the animal, who was nothing but movement.
“Bubba!” the woman’s voice called.
Then he saw her, running over the hill, looking for the golden retriever he held onto so tightly. She spotted the two, slowed her run, and started to laugh. What a beautiful sound, Ron thought, and what a beautiful woman.
Now we’re not talking super-model standards – not in the least. But to this sixty year old man, this was a beautiful mature woman, average height, short blond hair and tons of curves. He couldn’t help but notice the way her breasts bounced as she trotted up to him. And her smile – his heart started to race.
“Oh my God, you caught him. Thank you!” she said laughing, breathlessly. He noticed a scent of lavender as she came close to claim her dog. Her laughter reminded him of bells.
“My pleasure. Anything to help a damsel in distress,” he said. Ron’s blue eyes crinkled as he smiled at her.
One of the first things Carol noticed was Ron’s silver hair. It made his eyes seem even bluer. He was few inches taller than she – about 5’10”, she thought. He was very much in shape, with only the hint of some middle-aged spread. When he smiled his face showed the cutest dimples. She also noticed the earring he sported – very cool.
She was extending her hand in thanks when Bubba chose that moment to run around the two of them, binding them closely together. Ron’s hands instinctively went out to catch her, as their legs became entangled. Carol would have lost her balance if it weren’t for the strong arms that gathered her up, and held her close.
“Oh!” she cried out as she clung to him, and started to giggle. “Um, I guess if we’re going to be this close I should tell you my name. Hi, I’m Carol and this bad boy is Bubba.”
They could not escape the closeness and Ron didn’t want to. It felt good to hold her. It felt right, too right. He didn’t want to move, but Bubba chose to reverse his steps and set the two free.
Ron stepped back a bit, but didn’t immediately let go of her waist. The two found themselves just looking into each other’s eyes, smiling. It took the barking of a little white poodle to break the spell.
Bubba yanked on his leash to check out the annoying pup. Ron acted fast and scooped t
the yapping dog up in his arms. He turned to Carol, smiling.
“Hi, I’m Ron. And this noisy, jealous creature is Chloe. Say hello to Carol and Bubba, Chloe.”
Carol giggled and scratched the poodle’s head, while Bubba jumped up and down, sniffing.
“How do you do, Chloe?”
Then, looking at the man she said, “Thanks again, Ron. I really appreciate you going out of your
way to help me.”
Ron smiled and nodded, not know what to say. As Carol turned to walk away with Bubba, it occurred to him that he wanted her to stay.
“Hey, um…are you still walking or is it time to get home?”
“No, we had really just gotten started when Bubba got away from me. Although it feels like I’ve had my workout already.”
“Well, it’s a nice walk to the lake, if you’d like to join Chloe and me.”
Ron didn’t want to come across as desperate, but he knew he didn’t want her to leave.
Carol smiled. She felt an instant attraction to this man. “That would be nice,” she said quietly. All of a sudden, she felt shy. So many thoughts were racing through her mind, but she was sure of one thing – she didn’t want to leave him.
The two set off with their dogs leading the way. It was a struggle for Bubba to walk at such a leisurely pace, but soon he adapted and settled down. They walked for some time before either of them spoke, and when they did it was at the same time.
“So, how…”
“Where do…”
“No, go ahead.”
“No, you go.”
The words intertwined just as their bodies had.
“Please,” Ron said.
Carol smiled, “How often do you come here? I don’t remember ever having seen you.”
“Actually, I just moved to this neighborhood. I recently retired from the military, wasn’t sure where to settle, so I decided to stick around here, close to the base. I’ve got to say, things are looking better and better.” Ron really hoped he hadn’t gone too far, but he only knew one way to be – honest.
If Carol was flustered, she didn’t show it. There was just the slighted hint of pink creeping up her cheeks. “So, you and your family decided to stay. That’s great.”
“No family, just me. I’ve never been married. I refused to do that while I was being sent all over the world. That’s no life for a family, being left alone, sometimes wondering if their soldier would return.”
Carol nodded. “I know. My husband was a career Marine. He made it through Viet Nam, but he was killed in the Gulf War in 1990.”
“Oh Carol, I’m sorry.”
“Thank you, but that was a long time ago. Another lifetime.”
“So do you have any kids?” asked Ron.
“No – just Bubba. Steve and I talked about starting a family, but we didn’t think it would be fair to have kids. We were talking about adopting older children when he was deployed.” She smiled sadly, “At least he died doing what he loved.”
The pair came to the edge of the lake. Silence enveloped them. Ron glanced over at Carol. She looked so sad and lost. He didn’t mean for it to happen, but he turned to her and pulled her into his arms. She did not fight him, but instead melted against him, resting her head on his shoulder.
No words were necessary. The two just held each other, mourning. She, the loss of her husband, he the loss of a family he would never know.
Her body fit with his perfectly. He loved the feel of her luscious breasts against him, the feel of the most intimate part of her, touching the most intimate part of him. It caused his manhood to stir.
Carol lifted her head and pulled back a bit, but didn’t let him go. No, it felt good to be held by this man. She looked at him with her wide eyes, her mouth opening slightly, as if to speak. Ron lowered his mouth to hers, accepting her invitation.
That first kiss was all it should have been. It was soft and gentle, but not shy. Carol’s mouth opened a little more, asking Ron’s tongue to dance with hers. The soft gentle kiss became more intense. It seemed like forever, before the two broke apart.
Ron cupped her face in his hands and looked into eyes that begged him not to stop. He kissed her again, passionately.
Coming up for a breath, he heard her exhale, “Oh God….”
As if knowing this was a time to be quiet, Chloe and Bubba lay at their owner’s feet. Carol’s hands were around Ron’s waist, his rested on her shoulders. Their foreheads were touching, as they both looked down. For a time, all you could hear was the sound of their breathing.
Ron spoke first, “I know this sounds crazy, but I’ve never done anything like this. Jesus, Carol, I’m feeling things I’ve never felt before.”
“No,” she implored him. “Don’t say anything you might regret later.”
“What do you mean regret? Carol, I…”
“Please Ron – please let’s not say anything.” With that, she pulled him close and raised her mouth to kiss him. Gone were the soft, gentle kisses. In their place, were ones filled with hunger and passion.
Ron crushed her to him, and she held him as if she were afraid he would try to leave. She felt undeniable proof of his passion, as he ground his hips into hers.
Hot, urgent kisses took over. Ron’s tongue explored Carol’s mouth. She moaned as he dropped his hands to her rounded backside and pulled her closer still.
She broke their kiss, “Ron, we need to stop.”
He looked at her and questioned, “Why? Give me one good reason why.”
“Because you really need to take me home now.” She kissed him again lightly, tracing his lips with her tongue. “Come on, it’s a short walk”, she said huskily.
The two did not touch or speak as they briskly walked to Carol’s house. She opened the front door and let Ron and the dogs in. Bubba bounced to the French doors that opened to the back yard. She tossed him a biscuit and let him out. Chloe just stood, watching him enjoy his freedom and began to whine.
“It’s fenced in – okay?”
Ron nodded in agreement. Carol broke a biscuit in half, gave it to the poodle and let her out to play.
After closing the door, she turned to him, took his hand and led him down the hallway. Ron couldn’t remember when he had been more nervous, like a boy on his first real date.
As they entered her bedroom, Carol moved to close the draperies and light some candles. The atmosphere was soft and cozy, just like the way she felt in his arms. Ron was still standing near the door. She returned to him, put her arms around his neck and kissed him, long, slow and deep.
When the kiss ended, he buried his face in her neck, and breathed her lavender scent. He was torn. He wanted her, but…
“Carol, I don’t think we should do this.”
“What? Those words may be coming out of your mouth, but your body is saying something altogether different.”
“Look, I didn’t expect to meet you. I’m not prepared for this.”
Carol raised her eyebrows, but smiled and let him go on.
“I may never have been married, but I was no priest. Hell, when I was young it was all about “free love”. I won’t do this unless I can protect you.”
Carol again drew him in for a kiss. Backing away she led him to the small table beside her bed. She opened the drawer and showed him all the protection he was going to need.
“I may have been a widow for twenty years, but I was no nun.”
She turned to him and began unbuttoning his shirt. As confidently as she spoke, her hands shook slightly. She eased the shirt down his arms. Both of his biceps displayed military tattoos. She kissed each one and traced them with her finger. She swept her hands across his broad chest, stopping to rub his nipples. She could hear his breathing quicken.
Ron gently grabbed her hands and held them behind her back, bringing her chest against his. He kissed her passionately, before freeing her hands, taking the waist of her sweater, and lifting it over her head.
Her hair was now tousled and her eyes were bright. The vision that stood before him filled him with excitement. He could see her pink nipples straining against her white lace bra. Using only his fingertips, he ran his hands over the tops of her breasts, down her sides and around to her back, taking her into his arms. He kissed the top of her cleavage, and then ran his tongue down between her soft globes, licking her lightly.
Carol’s hands went to his head, holding him there, and she moved her hips against him. The two stepped back at the same time, each reaching for the other’s belt. Looking into each other’s eyes, belts were undone, zippers pulled down and jeans dropped to the floor. Ron kicked his aside, and then helped Carol step out of hers.
Her white lace panties rode low on her generous hips. The urge Ron now felt was unstoppable. He was going to have this woman. He was going to show her his hunger.
Reaching around to her back, Ron unclasped her bra. Snow-white breasts gently slipped out as he removed the garment. Large pink aureoles and nipples, already hard with excitement, greeted him. Gently, he pushed her back towards the bed and eased her down. As she lay back, she opened her arms to him.
Ron lay down next to her. He covered her face with light, feathery kisses. His hand barely touched her as he passed them over her breasts. Carol shivered at this light touch. Her nipples tightened even more.
He bent over her, trailing his kisses down her neck, towards her ear, to the spot where her neck met her shoulder. Her breath caught in her throat and her hands gripped his arm. Feeling her reaction, he continued nuzzling that spot as he trailed his one hand lazily over her skin.
Carol moved her head to reciprocate his kisses by kissing and nibbling his strong neck. Her attention caused Ron’s hands to become less light and more insistent.
Taking one of her large breasts in his hand, he came away from her neck and lowered his lips to her sensitive nipple. He covered it with his mouth, not sucking it but wetting it and using his tongue to play with it.
Ron was kneading her flesh, moving his tongue, making her nipple hot and moist. Carol began to feel a familiar throbbing between her legs. She moaned as her hips began to move, involuntarily. Ron sucked her nipple into his mouth hard – sending chills up her spine. Her hands gripped his head harder, as he began to take gentle bites. First one breast, then the other – it had been a long time since Ron had made love to a woman and he was going to take his time.
As he enjoyed the bounty of her breasts, his hand began its journey downward. Just his fingertips touched her skin, raising goose bumps. Slowly, so very slowly, he made his way down her ribs, stopping once to play with her navel, before reaching her lace panties.
Carol spread her legs in anticipation. Ron moved his hand lower, reaching down and feeling the wetness that had formed on the lace. He removed his mouth from her breasts and looked her into her eyes. His look smoldered with lust as he brought his hand back up and began to slide it under the flimsy fabric.
He moved his hand over her smooth, bare mound. He smiled at her, all the time looking in her eyes. She nervously smiled back. His finger began to trail up and down her lips, again so lightly she could barely feel it.
From the tip of her slit downward, he kept moving, gently separating her lips. Still moving, slowly, deliberately, he began to toy with her wet opening. Watching her face, he slid his finger deep inside her. He was welcomed by the sound of her gasp.
His finger moved in and out, fucking her slowly, sensually. He never took his eyes off hers. Each time he slid his finger in it was a little firmer and he would hold it in her a little longer. You could hear the sound of her wetness, and her occasional moan.
He pulled his finger out of her and slid it up around her hard nub that was throbbing with need. Watching her, he made slow circles all around it, but did not touch it.
“Oh God, Ron, please…” she begged. Her eyes had a desperate look.
He smiled, circling round and around and around, before touching her smooth sweet pearl. Carol inhaled sharply and went to close her eyes.
“No – open your eyes, Carol. I want you to watch me.” He bent and kissed her belly.
He played with her clit, watching her pleasure climb, and then backing off. Higher and higher he took her, then easing back to let her calm before starting over.
He never took his eyes off her. She never stopped watching him. He smelled the mixed aromas of lavender, candles and her sex.
Ron ceased his attention to her clit and returned to her hot, wet hole. He curled two fingers up and slid them inside. He found what he was looking for immediately. The spongy, ridged texture was prominent, and he began to rub. Carol’s hands tore at the sheets looking for something to hold onto. Ron raised his thumb and gently brought it to rub her clit once more.
Her eyes opened wider as she looked into his eyes. Not only his hand, but his eyes were fucking her. A little harder, a little faster, a little deeper, he continued until he saw her face – her mouth opening in a silent cry.
Ron felt his hand fill with wetness as her back arched, her legs tensed and a soft high-pitched squeal exploded from her. On and on, Ron kept his hand moving, keeping Carol in a continual orgasm.
“No, no, no,” she begged him.
Ron slowed and then gently removed his hand, still watching her he brought it to his face. He inhaled her scent and then put his fingers into his mouth to clean them.
Carol lay back staring at the man who had just taken her so high, as he sucked his own fingers. She tried to slow her breathing, to calm down. Her breasts moved as her chest rose and fell. Her entire body tingled.
Ron took her into his arms and kissed her, pushing his tongue into her mouth, so she could taste herself. Carol’s eyes closed and she wrapped her arms around him and got as close as possible. He ended the kiss, moving up to kiss her nose, then her forehead, before resting his cheek on the top of her head. He held her, being quiet, and thinking – I don’t ever want this to end.
Carol didn’t know if she dozed, but the stillness and the quiet made her wonder. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been made love to so completely – and without being ridden. Damn, what this man could do with his hands. She tilted her head back to look at him. Ron’s eyes opened and he smiled at her.
Very gently she sat up and leaned over, and pushing him flat on his back, she lay half on top of him. His skin felt good under her breasts. She smiled back at him and gave him a soft kiss, before getting up.
Ron had a questioning look on his face as she got out of the bed and walked to the end of it. She reached up and took hold of the waistband of his boxers. He raised his hips as Carol pulled them down his legs and tossed them on the floor. She put one hand on each ankle and gently opened his legs. Ron smiled and put his arm under his head to prop it up so he could watch her. Carol got on her belly, between his legs and came up so that her face was poised over his cock.
Ron waited for her to wrap those full, sensuous lips around him, but Carol had other ideas. With the tip of one finger, of one hand, Carol began to run it up and down the underside of Ron’s cock. Softly, barely touching him, one finger only, she stroked.
It was a sensation unlike any he had ever felt. So light, so gentle, so soft, he thought it was probably the most erotic thing he had ever experienced.
Up and down his cock she ran her finger tip – every so often using just her finger nail. From the base to the ridge of the head, Carol kept up her feather light touches. The longer she worked on it, the more Ron’s cock jumped and grew. She watched his face as she played.
She smiled at him as she brought her finger to the front of his cock, and ran her thumb up and down the back. Two fingers were all she used. Two fingers barely touching him, and never touching the tip, brought him to full hardness.
Ron groaned as he watched her toy with him. His cock was more hard and more swollen than it had ever been. A small drop of precum began to form, and Carol leaned in to sweep it away with her tongue. Ron jumped at the touch. Carol simply smiled and lowered her head.
He couldn’t see what she was doing, but he felt it. First, the hot breath on his balls, and then her hot wet tongue. Carol licked them before taking them into her mouth, one at a time.
The sensations of having his cock tickled with fairy wings and his balls being sucked were almost more than he could bear. More than anything, he wanted to grab her head and force her to take him into her mouth, but he wouldn’t. This lady knew what she was doing, and he had never had it this good.
On and on, she used her fingers on his cock and her mouth on his balls. She felt them tense in her mouth before she heard him warn her.
“Jesus, Carol! I’m going to…” Ron cried out.
Carol had already taken her mouth away but had kept her fingers moving. She looked at him trying to stay in control, and slowed way down. She squeezed his cock down at the base, on top and underneath, and held it. She could tell his urges were subsiding. She rose up and ran her tongue all around the tip, then kissed it before getting off the bed.
Now Ron was the one who was panting. Carol stood up and lowered her panties. Her baby-soft smooth pussy came into his view, and his cock jumped again.
She moved to the bedside table and got out a condom. She removed it from the wrapper and put it in her mouth. She walked back over to him, held his cock still, lowering her mouth on him, she put the condom on, her fingers helping to roll it down the shaft.
She stood up, smiling at him and said, “Take me from behind, Ron.”
Ron leaped out of the bed. Carol got on her hands and knees on the edge of it and wiggled her sexy ass at him, her knees wide apart. He got behind her, seeing her swollen lips and pink hole, glistening with her juices. Taking his cock in his hand, he ran it up and down her slit a couple of times, from her clit to her puckered rosebud.
Carol moaned each time he hit her hard little nub. Ron lined his eager shaft up with her hole, pushing it just a little. His strong hands held onto her hips, and with one long, slow, sensual movement, he entered her completely.
“Ohhhh…” Carol moaned, and she pushed back against him. This was what she wanted – that feeling of being filled with male passion.
Ron started ever so slowly and gently. In and out, in and out, a little more each time. He drew back until his cock was almost completely out of her. He held her tighter and pushed it in all the way again, as she pushed back against him. Slowly he moved in and out, each time almost to the point of fully exiting her, only to push completely in. He noticed each time he reentered her tight pussy, Carol pushed back against him harder.
The next time Ron pushed in he bent forward and nipped her back, then kissed it. Carol gasped. “What do you want, babe?” Ron asked, already anticipating her reply. He pulled back.
Carol looked over her shoulder, a wild look in her eyes. “Fuck me, Ron. Take me!” she cried.
That was all the encouragement he needed. Ron grabbed her hips and began to move harder and faster.
In and out, long firm strokes moving the length of her tunnel. Ron was done being soft and gentle. He held her tightly as he performed his piston-like movements. Harder, faster, grunting with each push.
Carol met him thrust for thrust, with equal urgency. She braced herself each time he entered her, and returned his push with equal force of her own. Sounds of panting, skin slapping as it came together, and moist wet sex sounds filled the room.
“Want you…” Carol panted, her hands gripping the bed.
The two were lost in a fury of passion. Harder, faster, moving, slapping, panting, grunting, over and over, until Carol screamed out.
“Arghhhh!” Ron yelled as his cock exploded at the sound of her scream, shoving into her deeper.
Her pussy – contracting, milking. His cock – jerking, spurting. In and out movements continuing, but slowing as the couple began to calm. Ron finally withdrew.
Carol’s arms buckled and she collapsed face down on the bed. Ron was sweating as he removed the used condom. He walked over and lay down next to her, rubbing her back. She rolled onto her side to face him.
Once more, he took her in his arms and kissed her. He couldn’t look at her face right now. Despite all the tours of duty he had been on, and all the horrors of war he had seen, he had never been more afraid than he was right now. He held her close, her face buried in his neck.
His voice cracked. “Look, I know this isn’t possible. Things like this just don’t happen – not in real life, but Carol – I think I’m falling in love with you.”
Carol drew back to look at him. Ron avoided her eyes. She reached up and took his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her.
“I think I’ve been waiting for you my whole life”, she whispered.
With those confessions, the couple’s lips came together for another long, slow, sweet and ardent kiss – the kiss of two people celebrating new-found love. The only thing that would stop the passion from igniting again was the sound of barking, from two very hungry dogs.
Introduction: Do you believe in love at first sight? He heard her voice before he saw anything. Bubba, you son of a b&hellip,. Come back here! Ron knew that could only mean one thing. He quickly tied his little white poodle to a nearby bench and turned towards the direction of the womans voice. Sure enough, bounding over the top of the hill was the fluffiest, happiest golden retriever he had ever seen. If a dog could smile, this one was, running full throttle with its leash flying behind...
Carol Baker stepped over the threshold of her suburban semi-detached house and into the shade of the hallway. She was a tall, slim brunette with green eyes and a soft, easy smile. Her long hair hung almost to her waist and she wore it loose. Although she’d been at work, her crisp white blouse was pristine and her skirt, possibly a bit too short for a thirty-something, look like it had just come from the cleaners. She was elegant and loved the looks she got from men as they studied her long,...
Over the years, I had developed many friends through my hobbies of CB radio and auto racing. Many an evening was spent enjoying one of our coffee and bullshit gatherings that seemed to spontaneously develop. Someone over the radio would suggest meeting at a Sambo's for coffee, and before you knew it, twenty or thirty people, sometimes more, would show up at the local Sambo’s. Most of us also ordered something to eat while we were there. So, the manager at the local Sambo's allowed us to freely...
CheatingThe first time I played with a girl was with my best friend Carol. I had just got my first bra and I had to show it to her. I pulled up my shirt and she began to look me over then put her hand inside my bra and feel my tits. Then she pulled up her shirt and asked if I wanted to touch her tits. We began rubbing each others tits and feeling our nipples get hard. It did not take long till we had our shirts off and was sucking each other like babies nursing. Every time she sucked my nipple I got a...
"Hi there , you must be Carol" , I was pleasantly surprised.My best buddy had set me up on this blind , double date with his new wife and him , and carol.I love big tits and curvy girls with big asses who's body wobbles when pounding them so Carol is tottaly 'not my type'.She was beautiful, with long straight blonde hair hanging to her waist , big 'doe like' eyes , supple lips , a white even smile but.... she was tiny.Not only was she under 5 foot tall , but she was thin and seemed flat...
CAROLOne of Carols main fetishes, of many was being helpless, it was a main them removing any ownership she did not want to show while I was slow fucking her, telling her what I was going to do to her. When she came, it was hard. The location was on a section of the state park beach we went to a lot. If there were any people they were usually lone men rock hunting or walking their pets. She would be off the beach, behind a sand mound. with three sides woods the other the lake. I would tent...
CAROLThere is a place in Vagues I would take her to. They had a round bed as you walk into one of the group rooms. Carol loved to be cum on, lot of cum, from a lot of strangers, This is including glory holes we played at but that is in another story, she never wiped any of it off. I did not have a fuck toy so I would sit on the outside of the round bed, between her legs, insert two fingers in her so cum would not go in, and very slowly masturbate her. She did not want to be fucked. A lot of the...
I had met Carol through a dating site. She was 8 years older than my 50 years but she was VERY sexy with a nice curvy body. The sex with her was awesome and the more we fucked the more uninhibited she seemed to become. One night while we were screwing I blurted out that I would love to see her fucking and sucking another cock. To my complete surprise she said that she would do that if it made me happy. My cock became even harder than it already was and I asked her if she was serious? Her reply...
Chapter 1 "How did I get myself into this mess?" Carole asked herself. She tested the rope again that held her wrists together. Even the ropes that secured them behind her head and to the chair back wouldn't give a fraction of an inch. The ropes that bound her ankles and legs together didn't give either, and her legs tied to the support bar of the chair kept her feet immobile. Other than moving her head, she was completely immobile. "If I hadn't been so damn arrogant and stubborn, I...
Today Carol was coming over. We have been playing dirty since we were about twelve. We used to sleep over and sleep naked and feel each other up all night. We sucked tits and pussy till we were sore. When she arrived she wasted no time getting naked and kissing me. I shed my clothes and she began to kiss over my body. She sucked my tits and bit them as she loved biting a lot. Her teeth were chewing my nipples as I felt her fingers go into my cunt. She three fingered me and began fucking me hard...
I wrote this story a awhile ago where it was posted on my blog I have since re-visited the story and this is the revamped version I hope you enjoy reading it. Hello I’m Carole 42 years old divorced with a twenty year old Son Frank this is my story.all this occurred five years agoI have always loved my son yes I know a Mother is supposed to love her son or Daughter but my feeling went deeper than that I admit I adore my son at fifteen he is in every way an adult, I also realize the fact that my...
He walked into the local library and saw that Carolee was working behind the counter. He had long noticed her and found her very attractive and she always seemed to be very cheerful.. She was always dressed in either a just above the knee dress with hosiery and high heels, or nice fitting slacks with hose and high heels. Seeing her just drove him crazy and he knew that he had to do some- thing about it today. He noticed that today she had on a green dress and light black hosiery and a pair of...
EroticHi, my name is Carl. Barbara, my partner of 25 years and I had just moved into the house we built. It was to be the last place we live. We are in our early fifties and had been able to retire early due to some wise investments. This house is fully handicap accessible and has a guest quarters on one side of the house in case we need to have someone stay with us when/if the need arises. We’re still in pretty good shape but there are some health problems revealing themselves the older we get so we...
We were young then. We had been in a steady relationship for three years and it was great. She was beautiful and sexy. Our sex life was pretty good and could be described as 'normal'. I felt safe with Caroline. She was blonde, curvaceous. Just beautiful. That night, I was to see Caroline in a different light. Little did I know it but my nice 'safe' relationship was going to become almost too hot to handle. It was a beautifully warm summer night. We had been out for a drink at a local pub...
WatersportsIt was finally Friday. I couldn't wait to get out of work and into the car. Living this far apart from my girlfriend Caroline was difficult. But today was the start of the weekend so I was in a good mood. As it was Friday, it was also a lunch time finish which was even better. As soon a as my work was filed away, I jumped in the car and began the long journey down to Cambridge from Leeds. I arrived at Caroline’s parents’ house about 6ish. Caroline is only 18 so still lives with her folks. We'd...
Caroline verliess den Friseursalon in dem sie arbeitet pünktlich um 19,00 Uhr. Endlich Feierabend dachte sich die hübsche Blondine mit der Löwenmähne und der supergeilen Figur. Mit 175 cm Grösse und einem Gewicht von 55 kg kann man Caroline durchaus als heissen Feger bezeichnen. Ihre 33 Jahre sah man nicht, ganz im Gegenteil, sie wirkte jung und knusprig. Ihre Brüste waren fest und sie brauchte keinen BH. Caroline hatte festgestellt, dass die Trinkgelder ihrer männlichen Kunden deutlich höher...
MatureFrom my bar stool I could see her, the long dark curls, long smooth legs elongated by a pair of silver five-inch heels. The dress was a shimmering silver, covering her modesty from the front, thin straps allowing her to show off her shoulders, the neck leading up to that face. That face, a heart-shape with rounded cheeks and a very subtle rounded point of the chin. Long shiny earrings hung down, her ears hidden in the mass of curls. The lips were full but free of filler, unlike many others...
Quickie SexSpring of the Seventh Year of His Grace King James Music filled the air. Kasia snuggled back into her chair, watching the impromptu party down below. The tavern's second floor patio had a good view of the plaza and street, with the advantage of being well out of the way of drunken revelers. You could also enjoy the music. Another group of musicians were starting up, a fast number her foot could not help but tap along to. She loved Dyngus Day. Kasia couldn't remember if the day after...
Loren Minardi is a sexy babe with one hell of a sexual appetite and this horny girl has come to Private Specials, Rimming Ladies hungry for the taste of cock and ass. Loren kicks things off with some rimming and fingering for her man when her husband, the legendary Choky Ice stumbles in and decides to join in on the fun. A dream come true for Loren as she takes pleasure in licking both guys before enjoying a hardcore threesome, fucking and sucking both cocks, taking an anal pounding and...
xmoviesforyouIt is about my first sexually experience with a girl name Kavita, she was 17-year old dusky beauty. The depth of her eyes was fascinating enough to make anyone fall in love with her. I was in love with her or it was just a passionate attraction, I didn’t know the only thing I knew was ‘I was unable to resist myself to praise her beauty ‘. She was my crush for past one year and I was unknown that god is going to be that much merciful on me and my darkest desires. And one day we met on an...
I don’t recall even getting into bed that night. I woke up the next day and all I could think was how our relationship had suddenly evolved. I was a little nervous about it but I wasn’t scared. If I had known how deep we were going to get into this I might have given it a bit more thought. Well maybe. I really didn’t want to go to work and seriously thought about calling in sick but then I remembered we were supposed to be having an audit today and that meant all hands on deck. So I dragged my...
ExhibitionismAs karen was stood between my open legs in just her underwear and stockings, her arms wrapped round my neck. I was trembling nervously, 'Relax, and enjoy' she said.she pulled my head forward and rested it against her cleavage as I held her bum, then I looked up at her and she kissed me, just a peck at first then a full blown passionate kiss, her hands rubbing over my shaven head as she sat astride my leg and started to rub herself against it. my hands wandered up her back and stopped at her bra...
MY FIANCE and I been dating for all of three months before we decided to get engaged, and with the big day slowly approaching we decided to finally visit her folks over the holidays and announce the big news. I was nervous to say the least considering it would be my first time meeting the family, and also because our relationship was not what you would consider conventional, in the sense that she was almost five years my senior. Nevertheless, I agreed to accompany her back to her hometown where...
“You have got to come to this party,” Mike said, “Jenny throws great parties.” So I went. It wasn’t really my type of party except that the drinks were free and plentiful. But soon after I arrived I saw a girl that I swore that I had seen before. She was small and slender with shoulder length black hair. The black skirt and deep purple blouse put me in mind of one of the goth/dark industrial nights at the local club. When I saw her approach the food table I went too. “Do you go to ‘Hell Night’...
After spending some time in Vehmersalmi at the family digs with the wicked stepmom and the children, I wandered down to the bar with Wendy. I think we both had the same idea in mind, but I noticed the old Rally cars. Poor Wendy. I called. "Dal?" I asked. "Yah?" "Those old cars in the barn," I asked, "Who do they belong to?" "The family, I suppose," he said. "Do they run?" "Mostly, why?" "I want to run one in the nostalgia race," I said. That got a hmm. "The Triumph...
Chapter 1 I glanced out my window, on the chance I would see her car drive up, my dick was hard at the very thought of seeing her, and I could hardly wait. We always had the most erotic sex, and she was a very willing participant. I loved her beautiful blonde short haircut and her beautiful face. She wore black reading glasses that gave her a sophisticated look, the kind of look that said I'm smart, I’m sophisticated, and I love to fuck. She had long legs, stood five foot seven tall, and...
The year was 1985. I was walking on Third Avenue in New York City, probably going to the store for no good reason. It was a gorgeous day. On the corner, a cab stopped at the light. The car was free and the driver smiled at me as I passed in front of his vehicle. I couldn't help but notice how drop-dead gorgeous he was: exceptionally handsome face, long, raven-black hair. I was immediately attracted to him. I raised my hand to hail him down, and he pulled to the curb to let me in. I sat in the...
Ron curiously studies the photos for a few seconds then veins stand out on his forehead. Cheryl becomes frightened when after reading all of the letters including the unopened one. Ron is on feet swearing vehemently with the anguish being evident is tone. Then with a look of pure hatred he is gone. Three horrible days pass and Cheryl is devastated! She forgets the morning ritual and with the house not being cleaned it is very dirty and getting worse. Then as quickly as he left Ron returns...
Greetings . This is Rajesh from Coimbatore Tamil Nadu . I am not a good narrator. But this incident was a real one and I don’t want to make fool anyone . The purpose of sharing my incident here to have some ideas to my fellow people in their life also . Coimbatore was one of the busiest city in Tamil Nadu i am staying in heart of the city. I am now pursue my under graduation in commerce in a reputed college. I am staying in my rented flat so I feel lonely In evening so i used to walk more in...
I am hoping to finish this piece at 5000 words. I am close but I want to get some feedback on how to make this better. Please comment with what works for you, what didn’t, what I can improve, and what should be destroyed. I eagerly await feedback/comments/contructive criticism. -BenevolentDCC ***** Once I had been a healer beyond repute, sought far and wide for the miracles I and I alone could perform, things have certainly changed. My stone and mortar cottage looked out on lush green...
100% fiction! Hi guys this is harsha 24,m, from chennai. i first of all want to thank this wonderful website, it gives pleasure of sharing our real life incident with our fellow friends and enjoy. i love this website more than anything else. My native is from rajasthan and we settled in chennai very long back before my birth. my sex life was started very long bfore while i dont know anything abt cock, pussy or sex plays.......In my family it was just me and my mom sunitha. we dont know abt my...
IncestEverything seemed perfect on that day. Jennifer and Stacy informed that they were spending the federal holiday in bed with me and that I had better get with the program, or they were going to find someone who would. We all three laughed at that. Things around the White House were quiet, so we decided to spend a few days on Hawk and Polly’s yacht, floating around just off the coast of Florida with a flotilla of coast Guard and Navy, supplementing our combined Secret Service details. Hawk had...
Thot Leaks has a title that might have confused the fucking hell out of people a year or two ago, but I bet you’ve already got a pretty fucking good idea what kind of smut they’re peddling. As a professional porn scholar, I’m fascinated by the rise and fall of smut jargon. “Thot” and “Leaks” were both words before the advent of OnlyFans, but they’ve since taken on entirely new contexts. Thots can still be the sluts next door, and leaks can still be the morning, in case...
Free OnlyFans Leak SitesOnce in his childhood, Dale had found a wallet with over one thousand dollars on a sidewalk near the elementary school he attended. He turned it into the principle and was assured that he would return it to the owner. Later that same week a man stopped by his house in the evening and asked to speak with him. The man thanked him for turning in his wallet; but he said one thing before he left that really bothered Dale: "To bad the thief had already stole the money out of it." This incident...
A friend and I were visiting her boyfriend on my spring break. We went out looking for a good time at the bars and it was rather uneventful. We got a taxi home and decided to pick up my car in the morning (being responsible adults of course!) Her boyfriend dropped us off at the car very early in the morning and left for work. My car wouldn't start. We quickly began to call various mechanics to get things figured out. After finding one and having my car towed we walked to the nearest starbucks...
First TimeMy wife was out of town on business when I decided to have some fun. Not knowing how out of control this would get I thought I’d be fun if I had some fun online. I jumped into a chat room with intentions of setting up a threesome for my wife and I once she returned. Being a stranger to all this, I eased my way into the topic and before I knew it I was having a conversation about sex with a guy named Carl. He typed all sorts of nasty things about how he’d love to fuck me and my wife. My dick got...
BisexualIt began like any other night, I was all alone, at home, see my parents go out almost every weekend, I know what you are thinking. You probably assume that I call my boyfriend over and that I have raves, while my parents are out. Despite the fact that I'm old enough to do whatever the hell I want (19) I am a good girl. That night I laid in bed in my tight sweatpants, and my purple tank top, for a minute, my body was getting the best of me. I slid my hands down my pants, and played with my...
I was invited to around to their house for a bbq. When I was there I noticed Joy wasn't there and I asked Esther where she was “Oh er.... she'll be here soon she's er...fetching a friend” she said nervously “Oh really a friend is that's what they call it” I said with a chuckle trying to break the tension “Oh yeah it's like that, just be careful talking about around Carl he's not to thrilled” she said “Oh dear, what's he like?” I asked a little worried myself knowing how I felt about...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...
IncestChapter 5 Charlie had been at the store trying to decide what would go well with drinks, so far he had a bottle of vodka, a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of wine, something to eat was kind of important. He was looking at frozen pizzas when his phone chirped. "Hey just finished up my tickets, I'm going to get out of here before any more come in. meet me at my place?" He checked the address and it was just across town, it wouldn't take long to get there. "Sure thing, I'm just at the store now....
It was late on a Saturday morning and I was feeling restless. I had just come back from my daily run. Today I did 5 miles. At 41 I took pride in keeping myself in shape. I was in my bathroom about to get in the shower. I dropped the robe I was wearing and looked myself over in the mirror. My legs were toned and long. My ass too was high and tight from years of running. Stomach was flat even though I had two kids. The only thing that was a little out of place were my boobs. They were on the...
“Ah fuck” I gasped, feeling my cock squeezed by the tightness of the young cunt that was wrapped around half my cock. Looking down I noted with some pleasure the blood streaks along the length of my shaft. The young masseuse had been a virgin up until a minute or so ago, at least before I introduced my long fat cock into her tight Japanese cunt. Her clothes were laying on the floor where I had discarded them as I stripped her of her uniform. I thrust in and out, sending more cock into her...
It was hard kicking Sylvia out. We hadnt lived together for very long and then again we simply did not have the chemistry to date, let alone live together. Wed never clicked as a couple. So the hard part was not to come to the conclusion that hey – I got to get rid of this bitch. The hard part for a loser like me is to work up the courage to do it. When I did, she went back to stay with the older of her two daughters, Bridget. Around the time we met she was also staying at her daughters...
The police officers dropped me off at the Western Promenade. It was a good place to part ways. It was far enough from the South Walk so that they’d have no reason to ask why I was going there, yet close enough so that I wouldn’t have to spend the rest of the night traveling on foot. It was close enough as well to condominiums like the Escalades, places that were all prim and proper, that aided to quell suspicions. That and it was a public place, one where I could hide in the midst of the...
I had also met a very naughty and adventurous girl, H. She had been giving me the filthy passionate sex that I craved and it seemed to get more filthy every time. I felt like we were on the same wave length and we were having some very naughty fun exploring each others fantasies together. Safe to say, my sex life was pretty amazing at the moment. I had the raw, power of O, who could hit parts of me that others couldn't, and the little, sexy nymph that is H, who was always willing to push...
Second Coming #2: Working Girls By Valerie Hope The anguish wasn't from physical pain. It was from what the male mind feared most: helplessness. There was no way to plant his feet and fight, no way to confront his enemy face-to-face and struggle on his own terms. There was only the darkness and the weight, the guilt and the confusion and the not-knowing, having the screams of the men under his command ringing in his ears and not even being able to utter a sound of comfort or...
Mallory shoved her hands into her pockets as they passed the fountain in the middle of the food court. She didn't like it. This Robert guy shows up, Eli and Cory end up at a monster attack at Eli's work. Robert is supposed to be alone with the Spirit Guard to explain his glowing, Eli and Cory end up watching from the shadows. Now, Robert goes to get a comic, there could be a monster in the mall, and, of course, Eli and Cory are accompanying him. "Something feels off about...
Jamal offered his hand to her and helped her back up. Kimberly still had a hard time to get up in her 5 inch heels. She took the couple of steps back to the bed with her left hand in his right. God he loved white sluts in high heels. As she took a step, her ass twitched. He playfully slapped it. “Daddeee” she squealed! She lay back on the bed with her head on a pillow, spread her legs as wide as she could, began playing with her pussy and started saying “Please Daddy, please fuck me with...
While watching TV - bearing in mind my ma would be there as well - he was less forward, but had started to move my knickers aside and just stroke my girly cunt. I would squirm and wriggle with enjoyment, and I thought my ma was unaware of his attentions, but later realised how wrong that idea was! Then one evening, bedtime storytime came round, and it was a very hot evening, and I was just in a thin nightdress and no knickers, and I was sitting on the bed with my legs crossed, knees drawn up,...
The Flower Girl Caterpillar Girl "Are you sure he'll do it? It really is asking a lot," Tricia said. Francesca shook her head at her sister and said, "Don't worry I'll get him to go along with it." "Yes, but it's not like what you usually do with him. This isn't one of your little sex games to get you all fired up. You're helping me out here. I don't think he'll go along with it, if he doesn't think he'll get any in the end." "Trust me, dear. I know how to get my husband to...
In the normal course of events even the most uncomfortable menstrual flow comes to its natural conclusion and the girl in question; Josette, resumes a normal life. Similarly, the tedious and anxiety provoking business of putting a house up for sale with an Estate Agent can be taken as read. Recounting the 900 mile journey from the English Midlands to the Languedoc in a heavily loaded Volvo estate car would be as tedious for the reader as it might have been for the occupants. Even the large...
If there is one thing I know about, it is sex. I've always been a very sexual creature. From the time I lost my virginity, right up to now. I’m a twenty something, single female, who just loves to fuck. I don’t mind the love making, the passionate stuff, the flowers and chocolate. But, honestly, I just want the crazed, hungry, animalistic, can’t think straight sex. I mean, who doesn't like to have a good romp in the sheets, or a hard pounding in the shower, or bent over a counter, or snog on...
Straight SexShe watched the result of their desires that happened on the pool’s concrete deck wash off of him and down the drain of the hot shower in which they both stood. Even though having got him off happened minutes ago, the thought of it was still hot to her. She kept replaying the moment over and over in her brain as she watched the water flow over his hard body. The thought of his small cock pulsing that hot long stream of pure man-juice invigorated her. Just went to prove that a man did not have...
I shivered, not from the cold, but from what I planned to do in but a few minutes time. I had been planning this for months; I had prayed about it, I had thought deeply about it, I had read up on the subject, and I had asked my friends about it. Most of my friends had accepted it; one or two had tried preaching at me and a few had told me about how they already knew. I hoped my parents fell into the latter group; it would make this far easier. My laptop, sitting open on my desk,...
The Naked Runner I’m Jack, single, 31, just 6 feet and built like a rower; which I am. After leaving the Navy I find the freedom of the outside world stimulating. Not that it’s surprising after being in the enclosed environment that is the Operations Room (CIC or AIC depending on your navy) for 7 years. My fetish if you like, is to exercise naked. Britain isn’t known for the best weather in the world but once you get going, naked or in skinny running gear, it makes very little difference. The...
Jason told the bar staff that anything I wanted was on the house. I nodded my thanks, watched them leave arm-in-arm, and turned back to the bar.“Your wife is a very sexy lady.”I looked over my shoulder and saw Precious smiling down at me.“Yes,” I smiled back, “I think so, too.”“Have they gone to the beach?”“No, they’re going home to bed.”“Oh, sorry, I should have known. I came to return Gayle’s panties before I went for a walk along the beach.”“A walk sounds good. Can I come with you?”“Yes,”...
CuckoldA Helpful Change By Peachy Part 1 Chapter 1 I knocked on the door of old Mrs. Storey's house and waited, feeling anxious. I would have liked to have had a different placement but I hadn't really had much choice. Our school had a work experience program and it had been just my bad luck to turn up to the hall late, so I had gotten stuck with being a home help for this seventy year old lady whose house I was now waiting outside. I'd already picked out my future career as doing caring...
The number on the room door was 2222. It would be our home for the next week. We had flown from our home in the States to Jamaica to visit a place that was legendary...Hedonism II. We were newbie's and everything was fascinating to us. We got there after dark. It was a warm November evening with a smell of the ocean in the air. When I checked in, the lady behind the reservation desk said, "I see you have a reservation for the prude side. We have a room available on the nude side for no extra...
Group Sex