Second Coming #2 - Working Girls free porn video

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Second Coming #2: Working Girls By Valerie Hope The anguish wasn't from physical pain. It was from what the male mind feared most: helplessness. There was no way to plant his feet and fight, no way to confront his enemy face-to-face and struggle on his own terms. There was only the darkness and the weight, the guilt and the confusion and the not-knowing, having the screams of the men under his command ringing in his ears and not even being able to utter a sound of comfort or reassurance, much less to provide that comfort. The first thing to shatter was his logical mind. He had no way to generate conclusions from what he witnessed, no way to deduce that after all the effort, time and expense the Fuzzies had already invested in himself and his men that their deaths were unlikely. Only blind, unreasoning dread at their plight and hopeless, soul-deep frustration at his inability to affect it. That was a purer vision of hell for the lieutenant than any fire or brimstone Catholic-school fantasy. Which is not to say that there wasn't pain. The lieutenant could hear and feel the searing pain in his chest and throat, the wet sickening crack and squelch of his bones and cartilage as the unseen machines and hands did whatever they pleased to his body. Wet, burning tendrils from the bio-machinery snaked into his eyes, ears, throat and nose. The strange wet attachments on his shoulders and buttocks could be felt pumping fluid into his flesh, fluid that burned or chilled its way down his veins and arteries. There were long stretches of time where he felt as if the cells of his body were being ripped apart one by one. But the real pain was the not knowing. And, as the human mind was so remarkable at doing, slowly the lieutenant found a way to cope with it. Once his emotions settled from lack of fuel, he was able to accept the helplessness as his reality. It was where he lived now, at the mercy and whim of another being. His mind began to seek freedom in smaller things, the things that were allowed him. And suddenly, the lack of control and the terrifying vulnerability lost their sting in the process and became different, somehow - strangely comforting. At intervals that the lieutenant couldn't cognitively measure, the bleak darkness was ripped apart and replaced with images - sounds and sights that fell on him as fast as a boxer's fists on a punching bag. He breathlessly tried to sort them out, to utilize his brain's ability to categorize and digest information, but his consciousness was overloaded. The sights were familiar, somehow, but he couldn't sort them through. He could only sift through the debris of his consciousness and look for clues, like the first time he'd ever been to a strip bar after graduating from basic training, and the way the dancers moved to the music that inflamed him more deeply than he'd ever expected. His first bicycle. The girl across the street, so proud of her lost front teeth. The color pink. The way the wind felt when you hit seventy in a convertible. The taste of chocolate frosting on a vanilla cake. The smell of baking bread and Chanel No. 5. The way silk feels against your cheek. I will not break, the lieutenant told himself. I will be strong. The helplessness wasn't so tough anymore, now that the lieutenant realized that the true measure of his strength and toughness was in how he weathered this storm, his all- too-human ability to endure. He began to see the pain, the images, the treatment - all of these as fires in which he was going to be shaped and formed. The test of strength lay in keeping the shape that he desired inside, no matter how hot the forge or how heavy the hammer. A hard knot of resolved formed in the lieutenant's heart and he persevered. The images were relentless, the pain beyond control, and the echoing cries of his platoon enough to haunt his sleep for a lifetime, but he would remain. He would not be broken. Every time he returned to awareness, he immediately took mental stock of himself, to track his own progress and the changes being forced on him. He could feel his body changing minute by minute, in tune with the pulsing injections on his shoulders, which pushed mutating chemicals through his blood constantly. These were unavoidable. The lieutenant didn't waste time trying to fight what couldn't be fought. His defenses were dug in the ground of his mind. Like any good tactician, the lieutenant didn't try to defend the whole vast territory of his brain, but only the key emplacements where the core of him resided. Let the images and the chemicals take him over in the unimportant places. All that mattered was that this lieutenant had soldiers to bring home, intelligence to report and an enemy to conquer. His goal was to escape and pass on his information, to learn about this enemy and find a weakness in him that humanity could exploit. He was a leader and a soldier, and above all a human. And if it killed him, he would show these damned Nbaru just what the word 'human' meant. *** He woke up alone and in darkness. The restraints were gone, but he didn't even try to move. They'd been in place for so long he didn't even think to test them any more. When he commanded his arm to move and it did, he sat back in complete shock, unable to even contemplate freedom of movement for a while. "Hello?" he said into the darkness. The voice, which echoed, startled him. The last voice he'd heard from his own throat was a thick, gravelly baritone. The melodious, husky mezzo-soprano, which echoed in the darkness, came as a shock. But at least it was pretty. For some reason the lieutenant couldn't fathom, that word - 'pretty' - meant more to him than he ever thought it would. He swung his legs over the edge of the cot effortlessly, but was surprised to notice that his feet didn't quite reach the floor like they'd done before the torture. The air was almost uncomfortably cold against his skin, like his skin was twice as sensitive as it had ever been. As soon as his weight settled, two unfamiliar sensations came to him. The first was the ever-present mass between his legs, which should have spread out and tucked under against the rail of the cot, was gone. What was in its place was a void and a sensitivity that the lieutenant's brain couldn't quite comprehend. It was as if all the letters were recognizable but the words didn't make any sense. The second sensation was the soft heaviness that bobbed, swung and finally settled on his ribcage. Hands went up and explored, describing the soft globes in the darkness. His touch on the skin was intoxicating and the nipples - which seemed immense in the near-total darkness - stiffened deliciously at the slightest contact in the chilly air. Softness settled onto his shoulders and tickled his back, just below the shoulder blades. It fell in slowly drifting tendrils around his ears and across his face, a luxurious and pleasurable feeling, and settled onto the incredibly sensitive flesh of his chest and added still more to the flood of sensation his hands were eliciting. His brain slowly found places to file these new sensations from anatomy that had never existed in its experience before. His long hair had settled over his shoulders and down his back. His hands were gently exploring his generous breasts while he unconsciously pushed the sensitive nub of his clitoris against the rail of the cot. A damp heaviness was beginning deep in his middle, lubricating the walls of his vagina. It's done, he thought to himself. More sensations began to filter through and be filed away in the place in his brain processing new experience. The primary feeling was exposure and the lack of the restrictive garment he'd worn since his captivity began. It left an uncomfortable feeling and made him long for something tight and restrictive to take its place. But it warred with the incredible sensation of his new, more sensitive skin, which begged to be touched and seen and admired. The lieutenant knew without seeing that his skin was smooth, unblemished and perfect - it was pretty. Perhaps even beautiful. Just like his hair, and his breasts and his legs and his differently padded backside. All of it had to be pretty. If it wasn't he would make it so. Pretty was important. Beautiful even more so. Any imperfection could be solved - exercise and diet to change his shape, and he'd more than enough knowledge of color and painting from his activities before the torture to be able to create something pleasing to look at. The part of him that was still the lieutenant broke through and reminded him that beautiful wasn't the only thing that was important. He had to find his men. Thick, soft lips parted over straightened teeth. 'He' had to find 'his' men? First of all, there was no way of knowing that his men were even men any more. Secondly, it was ludicrous to think for a moment that a creature with such beautiful hair, beautiful skin, beautiful breasts could ever be described by 'he' or 'him.' She leaned forward to stand and go and find her comrades. And collapsed in a shocked heap on the cold tiles of the floor. The moment she'd put her weight on her feet, her ankles and arches exploded in pain and buckled beneath her. The long experience in the restrictive boots had changed her center of balance and somehow altered the bones in her feet and ankles. Only by pretending that the boots were still in place, walking on her toes and taking small steps, could she make her way to the wall to feel her way along. An oblong slash of light appeared in the darkness around her, limning her lush curves with harsh yellow light. It was the first glimpse she'd ever gotten of herself and she could only just take in the upturned, spherical breasts and the long-nailed fingers, the unblemished tan flesh and the golden-white tendrils of soft hair tangled in the lush feathery length of her eyelashes before the tall man-shape blocked the light and the door swished shut behind it. The lights in the chamber came up gradually, leaving the lieutenant with her back pressed against the wall while the tall, russet-colored Nbaru strode lithely across the room towards her. All thought of finding her comrades fled. Just the sight of the tall, beautiful alien set her on fire inside, driving all thoughts from her fogged brain except to please this magnificent being who was approaching her. Her nipples and clitoris became even stiffer, hardening into hot little points of ecstasy as her skin flushed and her breath came in shallow, panting gulps. Tiny little beads of moisture made their way between the engorged lips of her nether regions and something in her mind told her that she was 'ready' for the beautiful, majestic creature that was now in front of her. She dropped eagerly to her knees (it was very difficult to stand) and her hands began to work frantically at the unfamiliar fasteners of the Nbaru's leggings. Careful with her long nails not to cause her beautiful companion any discomfort, she tugged and untied and tried to undo the garment. Finally her desire overcame her reason and what she was unable to unfasten she simply tore with nails and teeth until the Nbaru was nude from the waist down. Cognitively, she knew that the alien was no larger in size or girth than, say, she had been once, but with her smaller stature it seemed enormous, as thick as her wrist and bobbing enticingly only inches from her panting lips. With no thought of controlling herself, the lieutenant began to stroke the alien's penis with her fingertips before taking a firm grip on the base and guiding the pink-purple head between her waiting lips. She reclined in her cot an immeasurable time later, sighing contentedly in a sated torpor. Gone were the days of only images, left like flotsam in her mind to be sorted through with difficulty. This time she remembered every second in vivid detail, every time clawed fingers tangled in her soft blonde locks, the feel of every raised vein and bump against her tongue. The exquisite cup-brimming-over feeling starting deep in her middle swept her away in screaming pleasure as her long-nailed fingers had manipulated her clitoris while she ministered to her lover with tongue and mouth. The sweet pleasure/pain which had threatened to wrest consciousness from her as she'd knelt on hands and knees on the cot and her perfect lover had slid his throbbing length deep into the wet emptiness between her thighs, remembered the soft slap as his thighs met her buttocks and the chirping screams she'd sung for him. His soft, clawed hands around her waist, pulling her back onto his length as she screamed out another orgasm. The rough touch as he tilted her head backwards and bathed her waiting tongue with the salty, musky heat of his own release, the little growling noises her lover made in his throat as she teased his much more sensitive member with a soft pink tongue, milking out the last lingering drops of his pleasure. Lavishing his well-muscled chest with little baby kisses, tasting the sweat of their union on his skin, running her own fingers through the impossibly soft hair of his mane. Gently kneading the hard muscles of her lover's back and shoulders, working out tension and fatigue, and finally confirming something she'd always wondered about the Nbaru - they were, indeed, catlike enough to purr when they were contented. It was the sweetest sound the lieutenant had ever heard. She forced herself out the lethargy and focused back on finding her comrades. The still-male remnants of the lieutenant's mind were shocked at the ease and the depth of desire for what she'd just done, but the newly-female mind, which directed her, was very at ease and pleased with the outcome. It had been a very natural and pleasurable experience, well in the nature of a female to do. There was nothing to be ashamed of or angry about. And it had been a whole hell of a lot of fun. Now that there was some light in the room, the lieutenant was better able to take stock of the situation. Her room was featureless except for the cot and the door, but one of the room's walls seemed to be made of a different material than the others. She turned to face the blank expanse as it slowly became transparent, revealing several Nbaru observers including Mree and S'kaaru. The lieutenant felt herself becoming wet and heavy again, but something about the demeanor of these Nbaru kept her in check. "You performed well," Mree said. "How do you feel?" "Mmm," the lieutenant said. "I feel so totally wonderful." "Did you enjoy yourself?" "Oh, God," she replied. "It was, like, unbelievable. I loved it." Mree grinned. "And your plans to outsmart us, human? Where do those stand?" The lieutenant pouted adorably as she tried to concentrate. Even though she could remain focused on finding her comrades with a little effort, little pretty things and fun things and sexy things kept skittering across her brain and made her unable to focus on anything else without a great deal of difficulty. She dimly remembered her plans to try and outsmart the Nbaru, but now that she knew how beautiful, how powerful and sensual the creatures were, how incredible they made her feel and how big, strong and physical they were, she didn't think those ideas were very good any more. Anything that put her pleasure in jeopardy was a plan she didn't wish to pursue anyway. "I, like, don't know," she said, blushing and vamping like a Lolita, running a long fingernail teasingly across her lower lip. "You're so, y'know, strong. And I'm just a girl." It was the first time she'd ever said it aloud. It felt wonderful, strong and thrilling like an orgasm. The Nbaru grinned happily. "You will rejoin the others of A Group shortly," Mree told her. "But, I can't walk," she said petulantly. "And I miss the body sheath." "Of course you do," Mree said. "We'll provide for that before we take you back to the others." The door slid open again and this time a large oblong container slid in before the door closed behind it. It rolled into the center of the room and opened automatically. Inside were some articles of Earth clothing, which made the lieutenant 'ooh' in delight. She made no effort to hide her excitement as she slipped the skin-tight black sequined tube top over her head and secured it over her generous, shapely breasts. She still jiggled deliciously when she walked, but the tight hug of the fabric reminded her fondly of the tight garment she'd received when she was captured but still left enough of her taut, smooth skin exposed to make her feel beautiful. Then she slid the skin-tight, flare-leg jeans over her smooth legs and buttoned the fly before fastening the studded leather belt, which had been threaded through the loops. They were the ultra-low variety, which sat across her wide hips and exposed a lovely expanse of tight belly, clinging suggestively to the tiny little 'pooch' of her mons veneris. Finally, and most importantly, were a pair of Lucite 2-inch platforms with a six-inch heel. She slipped the sling over her heel and stood comfortably for the first time since she'd awoken. They kept her toe pointed comfortably down and balanced her weight properly through the ankle, just as the boots had. Two Nbaru guards entered the room shortly after she'd finished dressing and had begun wishing she had a mirror so she could arrange her hair, possibly even some makeup so that she could delight in changing her own face to become more beautiful. The sight of the two burly guards made her wet and horny all over again, but these two made no move towards her. So, instead of fulfilling her desire - madly, she wanted them both at the same time, which scared her a little but excited her more - she contented herself with adding a swaying strut to her walk and a girlish toss to her hair as she strode in front of them, trying to inflame their desires, to make them regret not fucking her the instant they saw her. Judging from the tight, drawn expressions on the guards' faces by the time they led her down a long hallway and through another door, she'd succeeded admirably. The two Nbaru even scuffled briefly to be the one to open the door for her - watching the two magnificent aliens fight over her favor made the lieutenant almost dizzy with delight and satisfaction. Trailing her fingertips across the muscled chest of one while running her soft lips across the other's shoulder, she entered the door they'd led her to and left them with a devilish smile over her shoulder at them. Inside were more women, all dressed in tight, revealing Earth clothes, as she was, all beautiful beyond description. They chatted and sat in a loose circle, passing around cosmetics that they'd found in a large box, which sat in the midst of them. Although the faces were changed, the lieutenant could still recognize A Group. There was the other resistance fighter, the one who'd been awake with them in the processing room. There was the lieutenant's old squadmate, now a beautiful statuesque beauty with a long, curly mane of shockingly red hair. They greeted her with a girlish squeal and an outflinging of arms, all of them hugging her tight and commenting on how beautiful she was, kissing her tenderly and asking her questions all in a babble. "I'm so glad to see y'all again," the lieutenant told his friends. "I was so totally worried." "Oh my God, I know," the former resistance fighter said. "We were just talking about you, wondering if you were, like, okay and everything." "Completely," the lieutenant reassured them. "I would have been earlier except they sent this totally yummy Nbaru in to me and I just, like, had to fuck him." "I totally understand," his former squadmate said. "They, like, did that for me, too. I can't wait until next time. My little baby told me that he wanted to like, fuck two human girls at once sometime and I was, like, oh my God, I totally want to do that. Maybe we can do it together." "Cool," the lieutenant said, honestly aroused and excited by the prospect. "We were just sitting around getting pretty and trying to think up names," one of the resistance members, A-Five, said. "Wanna help?" The lieutenant sat next to her squadmate and took up a tube of cream foundation. "I want a pretty name," she announced, spreading the rich color on her cheeks. "And, like, since it's A Group they should all start with 'A'. Then we could be like sisters." *** As more and more of the girls arrived from their facilities, the 'Name Game' spread and they sat around in their respective groups, trying to pick pretty names for pretty girls as they primped and preened in the little mirrors that the Nbaru had provided. All of them had, with the assistance of their comrades and a little difficult concentration, managed to remember enough of their old lives before the transformation to remember some of their old names, which made it easier for them to introduce themselves to one another. It hadn't taken long for the Nbaru to return. Mree was there, accompanied by S'kaaru and a few guards. They appeared through another transparent wall, making the women all wet and naughty with anticipation but unable to act. So they just vamped instead, trying to incite as much desire in the Nbaru as possible. "The time has come for us to tell you your purpose," S'kaaru told them. "You have been recruited. For the next few solar cycles you will remain here on this vessel to receive training. You will be allowed limited freedom in non-restricted areas. Then you will be shipped down to one of our dwelling complexes to be adjuncts to our forces below." "Like, what do you mean?" one of the ladies dressed in a scandalously cute little pink tube-dress asked. "The bulk of our ground forces are non-breeding males," Mree clarified. "Part of their service contract is access to sexual gratification. You will be used to provide that service to the soldiers on the planet." The women chattered and squealed in delight - it was a dream come true, to be put to work servicing the sexual needs of a whole compound full of delectable and horny Nbaru. And servicing their own sexual needs in the process. "But, so, like, why not use real human women?" one of them asked. "That is not for you to know," Mree said. "Suffice it to say that we do not wish to have to deal with the disposition of any genetic hybrids of our two races." "Huh?" another asked blankly. She was a wide-eyed blonde with ripe curves who had once been the scientist of the lot, D-Two. "He means we can't have babies," one of the lieutenant's squadmates - a gorgeous olive-skinned brunette with DD breasts who had once been called 'Berto explained. "Oh," D-Two giggled. "Cool." "On the planet you will be given access to anything you need to help you in your service," S'kaaru said. "You will have full choice of all the Earth clothing, footwear, cosmetics and fragrance that you wish. Such things please our soldiers greatly." The girls clapped and giggled, thrilled at the prospect of a shopping spree back home. "However, there is only one rule," Mree said sternly. "You are not to engage in sexual congress with any Nbaru wearing this insignia." He held up a short strip of fabric striped green, black and red with the edges bound in silver metal. "This denotes that the male is a breeding male and has a mate. Your service is to extend to non-breeding males only. No exceptions. Any human woman found in sexual congress with a breeding male will be executed immediately. Do you understand this?" The women nodded assent, suddenly serious. "You will be given assigned hours to provide service in predetermined locations where you can be singled out and selected by our soldiers. Outside of these hours you have freedom in all non-restricted areas," S'kaaru said. "Are there any questions?" Mree concluded. "Yeah," asked the willowy, lissome brunette with the freckles who had once been the lieutenant's squadmate Gonzo. The long hooked nose was gone forever, now a perfect little slender girlish arch with a button tip that begged for a kiss. "Are you, like, gonna keep gassing us every day? A lot of us were wondering if you'd, like, keep that up." "No," Mree told them. "Instead, you will be issued measured doses of the vapor to use at your own discretion instead. I believe you humans referred to these doses as cigarettes. We took the raw vegetable material and made some modifications to it, removed all disease-causing agents and added some additional chemical agents which benefit human homeostasis." "So, we were only, like, smoking cigarettes?" another resistance fighter asked. "That's cool. But why?" "The scent of your tobacco pleases us greatly. The chemical humans name 'nicotine' has been known to elicit heightened sexual response in Nbaru," S'kaaru explained. "Oh, cool," the short, curvy redhead who had once been the resistance colonel gushed. "It totally makes them horny. I'm gonna smoke, like, all the time, then." The other women giggled, but added the weapon to the arsenal of things that would help them compete for the attentions of the Nbaru. A small part of the lieutenant's mind recognized this as a 'divide and conquer' tactic filed it away for future reference, but made no outward sign. "It is now the end of the solar cycle," Mree announced. "A Group will separate and be guided to quarters for rest, now." "We, like, don't want to be called just 'A Group' any more," the lieutenant announced. "We made up pretty names. Can you, like, use them instead?" Mree touched a control on his panel. "I am recording now," he said. "We will use them in the future once they have been studied and approved." "Okay, so, since we were like, 'A Group,' all our names will start with 'A,' okay?" the lieutenant said. She pointed to the women who had been the two men left unconscious during the initial processing. "Their names are Aimee and Andi." The lieutenant then put a hand on the shoulder of the Texas resistance fighter who'd been called 'Randy' and put an arm around his squadmate who'd been named 'Hank.' "Randy's new name is Ashlyn and Hank is Amber from now on. And I want to be called April. Is that cool?" The former colonel of the resistance and his major, once named 'Steve' announced their new named to be Brittany and Bethany, while introducing the other freedom fighters in their group as Bobbi, Bridget and Brandi. Todd, April's old squadmate and second-in-command from the days before she was a shapely, large-breasted honey blonde, took the name Courtney and introduced Gonzo as Cassi. Rick, who had been Ashlyn's old squadmate in the resistance, was Chelsea now and the other two in the group were Cami and Christi. 'Berto, once their gunner and the leader of D Group proclaimed her new name to be Darcy, her scientist friend to be Dawn, and the three remaining women in her group to be Danica, Danielle and Dori. The Nbaru were grinning from ear to ear. Everything had worked out beyond Mree's expectations. Clearly this would be the finest group of transformed women he'd ever put together. Perhaps the addition of the traumatic transformation - which he'd originally used solely as a punishment for insubordination - was the key to it all. Certainly the soldiers on the planet would appreciate these human females more than the somewhat robotic ones they'd received beforehand. And every Nbaru knew that a non- breeding male who was actually breeding was all the more willing to follow orders and risk his life for the Defense. And the Defense was all that mattered. *** The rest of the stay on the starship was largely uneventful. Their freedom was limited - mostly just the common room and the separate sleeping quarters off to the sides and then the activities room where they ate and exercised. They were awoken by lights - the Fuzzies didn't like the sun, so they regulated their time with automatic lights set to their home planet's twenty-one hour day - had a quick meal and a long period of exercise. The girls all knew that the Fuzzies liked human girls who were fit and trim, so they all worked out constantly in their little gymnasium to keep themselves desirable. Afterwards they had a prison-style group shower, where the oversexed young women more than once had engaged in a little bit of sport with one another. Since the clothing that the women had on board was limited, they tended to trade around the few garments that they had. All of the women had only one pair of shoes, and that was sacrosanct - they could barely walk in anything less than a four-inch heel, after the modifications made to their feet and ankles. Then a long, pleasant morning of doing makeup, chatting and smoking - the Fuzzies provided them all with as many of the plain gold-foil packages, as they wanted, full of the long and slender white cigarettes. After the noon meal, which the girls made for themselves, they were ushered into the activities room for selection by those lucky non-breeders on the ship who'd drawn the lots for the day. Sometimes the Nbaru staged small tests of strength or wrestling matches for the rights to one girl they both desired, but instead of being vicious or beastly they all seemed highly ritualized. The losers were oftentimes attended to with more dedication than the victors. The girls ministered to the pleasures of their Nbaru for the afternoon and evening before the aliens had to resume their duties. Then the girls relaxed over the evening meal, sharing the stories of their sexual encounters and speculating on the next day. For the part of the Lieutenant that was still actively on the mission, pillow-talk had proved to be invaluable for intelligence-gathering. April was a favorite among the shipbound Nbaru, and she loved to chat afterwards, giving her 'signature' massages and just asking innocent questions. It only took a few days for her to find out many of the reasons why the Nbaru had done what they'd done to her people. The three-planet empire of the Nbaru was a lot like Earth, apparently - rich in natural resources, covered over by beautiful seas beneath a benevolent red sun. The Nbaru were a clannish race, governed by a council of alpha-males of the various planetary tribes. They'd taken to space several hundred years before humans, exploring first the systems surrounding their home and then expanding slowly as they mastered the difficult concepts behind interstellar travel, based on the principle that space was made of both waves and particles. They'd discovered Earth in the mid-1960s, observing humanity through monitoring from space and through secret landings and listening posts. The first thing that the Nbaru had noticed about the planet Earth was the immense number of females among the indigenous species. On Nbaru, females were rare - a ratio of one female to every five males. Nbaru females were nearly worshipped for breeding potential and over the centuries had evolved into haughty, standoffish creatures who utilized their breeding potential for material gain and political advantage. A strong feeling of resentment existed between Nbaru males - particularly the non-breeding majority - and females who lived lives of privilege and material comfort. So the feminine iconography of the times when the Nbaru observed Earth was like a vision into heaven. Plentiful, beautiful and willing women of all varieties, sexually open and dedicated to male pleasure were everywhere the Nbaru looked, on the airwaves and in publications, in fiction and in fact. They'd even gone so far as to think it was some sort of religion - originally the Nbaru thought that the billboards showing beautiful, sexual women were religious icons. So they'd come in force, using their non-breeding males as a military machine, promising them harems of attractive, willing Earth women - whom the Nbaru considered exotic and highly sexually attractive. The political females on Nbaru were willing to support the expansion only on the condition that there would be no breeding with Earth women whatsoever - such an erosion of their political power base posed an unimaginable threat to native Nbaru females. None of the Nbaru scientists were even sure that a successful breeding of Nbaru and human was even possible, but it was beside the point. Volunteers for the army were overwhelming. A full fifteen percent of the Nbaru population was under arms for the opportunity to mate with a human female. But it didn't work out according to plan. The human females they'd found weren't quite what they'd expected. For one thing, they weren't dedicated to male pleasure. For another, they fought as hard and implacably as did their males. And only a small percentage turned out to be as exotic and beautiful as the iconography had suggested. Even the ones that the Nbaru captured who had been depicted in the billboards and movies and magazines made no real effort to be exotic, to wear the exciting costumes and cosmetics which had thrilled the original observers so. So Nbaru science had found a solution. They discovered that the human males were much more supportive of the culture of beauty, willingness and feminine perfection than were the captured females. So a process was developed which would convert the males they'd captured into visions of feminine perfection, predisposed to male satisfaction and to their own beauty and allure. As an added bonus, the conditioning process also added submission and deference to these new females, which was a welcome change from the typical domineering and authoritative Nbaru females they knew. It explained a lot to April, why she was so obsessed with her clothes, hair and makeup and why she felt an overwhelming desire to be attractive to the beautiful Nbaru. She knew she was a favorite among the ship's non- breeders, and it made her feel special and unique. She was asked for by name and showered with gifts and compliments from her 'clientele.' A part of her knew that she'd been converted into no more than a whore, some kind of strange interstellar hooker, but it didn't lower her sense of self-worth. It increased it, actually - to think that the Nbaru had devoted so much time and effort to create her as some kind of fantasy come to life made her heart thrill and her pussy wet just to consider it. And if what these magnificent beings wanted of her was for her to act like a sex-crazed fashion plate, then she would be the most enthusiastic sex-crazed fashion plate she could possibly be. When April looked back on the sad, solitary existence of life as David Camden, she could only look at her life now as a wonderful gift, and she would act like the most lascivious porn star imaginable if that was what the Nbaru wanted in repayment. Which was how she found herself standing in a small room with S'kaaru and Mree, nearly shaking with the effort of containing herself sexually around the breeding males, asking for permission to expand on a delightful idea she'd had. "I was, y'know, wondering, like, if there was some way to open a club back on Earth," she told them. "Someplace that the Nbaru boys could go that was, um, like, more exotic than just, like, coming into our living room and picking one of us out." "Explain," S'kaaru asked. "I was thinking, like, what about a place where Nbaru - any Nbaru - could go to just enjoy us, y'know? I mean, we're attractive to you too, right?" she giggled. "So how about a place where we could, like, dance for you, give you massages, where the breeders could enjoy us, and the non- breeders could relax and drink and pick out which one of us they want to fuck? They could even, like, fuck us onstage or something so everyone could watch. Or us girls could fuck each other and turn you on. A sex club." Mree turned to S'kaaru. "Politically, it is within our contract to do this." "But is it wise?" S'kaaru asked. "Our females never specified no contact," Mree countered. "Why should we not enjoy watching the fruit of our hard labors?" "Absolutely," April said. "We can't fuck you, but there's no law against letting us, y'know, make you feel good. And we like making you feel good." "The council would never approve," S'kaaru said. "Does the council, like, have to know?" April asked. "You are very shrewd," Mree told her. "I will tell you this, Human April. I will allow you to organize your 'sex club' on a limited basis. You will report to myself and S'kaaru for anything you need. I will allow you one Earth season to operate your club. If there are no problems, you may continue to operate. If there is one incident between a human woman and a breeding male - one incident - the club will be shut down and you and all your volunteers will be put to death. Is this acceptable?" April smiled brightly. "That totally makes sense," she said. "Except that, y'know, the girls can't keep order. We, uh, like, have problems saying 'no' to y'all. We'd need somebody who could keep something bad from happening." S'kaaru pondered a moment, then said, "There are several of my soldiers have expressed an interest in service on the planet in order to remain closer to you and your companions. Perhaps some of them would volunteer to maintain order in your establishment in exchange for special privileges." "This is very extraordinary," Mree said. "And it dances along the edge of legality. I view it with great suspicion, Human April. I do not expect this to succeed, and you and your companions might be risking your lives for no reason." "Us humans have a saying," April replied. "Die young and leave a good-looking corpse." "But you will not show external signs of aging," Mree said. "We have altered your genetic structure to keep aging from destroying your looks. Your corpse will remain 'good- looking,' as you put it, up until the end of your lifespan." April pouted sexily. "We still want to try." "Very well," S'kaaru said. "If Mree is in agreement, we will allow you to try." Mree nodded. "I shall be watching you very closely." April bounced up and down happily, hugging S'kaaru impulsively and kissing his and Mree's cheeks in girlish delight. "This is so cool! I totally can't wait to tell the others! Thank you so much!" "Why is this so important, Human April?" S'kaaru asked, absently touching the cheek she'd kissed with a stunned expression. "It's like this," April said. "We're all, like, real happy and stuff that you decided to change us, but humans need jobs, okay? We can't just, y'know, sit around and stuff waiting for some cute Nbaru to come by and fuck us. This way we'll have something else to do while we're waiting." "Interesting," S'kaaru said. "We knew that humans placed great pride in their respective occupations, but I was not aware that they relied on them for social organization. I must make a note of this." "It's totally true," April told them. "Humans need jobs. It makes us feel good." "Then you may tell your companions you have jobs, Human April," Mree said. "But remember my conditions. Not one single incident." "Yeah," April said, bouncing happily. "Not one. This is so cool! Gotta go tell the girls! Love ya!"

Same as Second Coming #2 - Working Girls Videos

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Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...

Reddit NSFW List
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Second Comings III The Mask of Anar

(Note: this is Part III of the Second Coming series. Part I was released last December, Part II a few days ago, confusingly titled Second Comings – Sex Type Thing. This current posting is Part III, and they should be read in order for the tale to make much sense. Thanks to ‘rightbank’ for pointing this out!) Second Comings III: The Mask of Anarchy May Justin Lake sat behind Sharon Hastings as she drove towards Boston on the Mass Pike, Jordan Secord sat beside Hastings, looking out the...

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The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls

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When my mistress informed me that she would be going away on a business trip for several months I was secretly quite pleased at first, until she informed me that I would be staying with a friend of hers; Mrs Chappell. The dread set in, I knew any friend of hers would not bode well for me. My thoughts turned to my recent dealings with another friend of hers, Miss Allison and I inwardly shuddered. I was not told when she would be going, but about three weeks later, on the appointed day,...

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Dolcett County Ponygirls

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Pleasure Island Ponygirls

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Second Comings

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Coming Back for Homecoming

“That’s crazy. Let’s just stay watch the game. We’re going to get caught.” “No, we’re not. And even if we are, what are they going to do? It’s about two years too late to expel us. And it’s not like they’re not going to call the cops. After all we’re alums. Potential donors.” Clara was right, although that attitude came naturally to her. Although she came from an enormously wealthy family, she was not in the least snobby or stuck up. It was impossible, however, for her to be unaware of how her...

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SecondChances Chapter 23 La Vie en Rose

It was already dusk when I got into my car. The radio was still on. Chumbawamba's "Tubthumping" was playing. "How appropriate" I thought to myself. The Radio gods must be telling me something. I pulled out of the driving singing, "I get knocked down, but I get up again. You are never gonna keep me down..." As I drove, I rehearsed what I'm going to say to Chase. I'm going to tell him the truth. Well - a variation of the truth. I won't mention time travel or future events. I certainly...

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Thanks P. for help with editing the story. SECONDHAND Another uneventful gray day of my life was coming to an end, and I had just closed the door and turned off the light at the back of the shop when there was a frantic knocking. A tall, white-haired woman in a long fashionable coat was standing outside, with two large black bin bags. I went up to the door and said, "We're closed! Sorry!" "What shall I do with these clothes, then?" the woman asked me, exaggerating her lip...

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Runners Make the Best Ponygirls

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An Interest in Ponygirls

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Workmates aged 14 and 16 end up working on each other alone in a tent HOT

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Game of Thrones House Blackfyre Rebirth Reworking stroy

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Youre a Celebrity Reworking

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The Workingmans Sauna

Tommy was a magnificent bottom who most alphas would give their eyeteeth to have him in their clutches. He had the smaller stature of a world-class gymnast with a defined muscular frame that brought lustful tears to horny men’s eyes and excessive saliva to their lustful mouths. Tommy’s skin looked like alabaster. The light dusting of hair on his body and the mop of long hair on his head was the colour of an alloy that could only be created, from mixing gold and copper. Tommy’s boyish features...

Gay Male
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Living Next Door to Heaven 130 Homecoming

Every day after school the next week, we had basketball tryouts. There must have been fifty of us because Coach Hancock and Coach Mitchell were picking both the varsity and JV teams. Every guy in the school seemed to be there to try out. They ran drills. They ran dribbling practice. They ran shooting skills. They ran layups. They ran rebounds. Mostly, they ran us. I don't think I'd ever run so much. Fortunately, I'd biked a lot. My legs and lungs were strong. Whitney told me I had to do...

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Shemale, tranny or as some like calling them t-girls, I like them. Im not talking cross dressers, I'm talking about the ones with titties, curves and sound like a woman. Being a bi male, to me its the best of both worlds. I like watching porn of them and honestly I prefer the ones of them doing a strip tease, ending with them stroking their cock and cumming all over themselves. I met one, unknowingly, once while playing around on a chat site. I was cruising thru the members "online" when I came...

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Homecoming Princess

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For the Cowgirls

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For the Cowgirls

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Straight Sex
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Social Networking Site To Bed

Hi friends, myself dinesh (name changed), a engineer by profession, from bhubaneswar, odisha. I am a fan and a regular reader of iss. I like incest and desi section stories a lot. Now I am gonna to narrate my story, which happened with me a year ago. It happens between me and one friend from facebook. Please give your feed-backs on my mail id after reading this incident. I am working in a engineering firm here in bhubaneswar, I am 28 now. At that time I was 27. My height is 5′ 7″, and m just...

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its late on a wednesday evening and i'm veggitating in front of the tv when my phone rings. its you, saying you're in germany and on your way home. you say you're landing in MA as a diversion for bad weather and, knowing i live in the state, am i close to the base where you're landing? i say 'yeah, it's a few miles away. why? do you need a ride when you land?' you say you dont wanna impose, but yes, you'd like to see me and if it's ok, will i pick you up? 'sure baby, no...

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By Samantha G. At different times in our hurried lives, certain events will happen and shape who we are, as well as what we do. These events help to prepare us for the road ahead, and hopefully a more defined goal. These events can also cut us free from ancient ghosts that haunt us. Ah, the roaring nineties. George Bush was president, and preparing for war. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Gas was one dollar and sixteen cents a gallon. And Janet Jackson’s “Rhythm Nation,” was...

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Long Time Coming0

The surprise was that he was there. She hadn't expected that. She had made sure he knew she would be there; but it was just in small talk, she tried to tell herself. Secretly, she hoped he would be there. But she couldn't admit that to him. She could barely admit it to herself. And now, there he was, getting off the elevator and walking across the room toward her. She put on her best "What are you doing here?" look as he approached. "Hi. Surprised to see me?" he asked....

1 year ago
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Mikes homcoming party pt1

One afternoon out of the blue Mike rang me. I was so excited! He said he had been traveling and that he was back in town and wanted to throw himself a welcome home party. Of course I agreed and got all the info on where and when. Mike wanted me and Melissa to come so I told him that I would call her and find out if she was available. I knew that she had to work that night so I called her and left her a message on here machine, giving her the address and time. As was instructed I dressed very...

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Long Time Coming2

My mom and dad had split up when I was a kid about 2 years old, but my dad had sent me to stay with her once when I was 7. She lived with her boyfriend in a mobile home park. One night after going to the bathroom, I was going back to my room when I noticed the door ajar to their room. I heard a faint laughter, and chose to peek in. My eyes were bedazzled. My mom was at the foot of the bed with her legs pulled back and apart with her boyfriend on the floor on his knees. She had her pussy spread...

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Inspired by oncomingstorm

He is on his back lying on the bed with his eyes closed tightly while his partner gently strokes her warm, delicate oiled hands all over him, relaxing him and teasing his most delicate and sensitive areas, she leans forward and softly kisses his neck and around his mouth while slipping a silky black blindfolded over his eyes. Raising his strong arms above his head and securing them to the headboard with soft satin ties she brushes her luscious firm breasts against his torso, working her way...

2 years ago
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Small Towns and Homecomings

Hey everybody, long time reader, first time poster. I couldn't get this story out of my head the past few weeks so I decided to put it to (digital) paper. Please feel free to leave a review, or you can contact me at [email protected] if you'd prefer. The usual caveats apply, and please don't repost this without permission. Thanks for reading! _________________________ Small Towns and Homecomings By Akira Marx Where was that line from, "You can never go home again?" Maybe it...

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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 40 Homecomings

A weary Mickey McKellar tried not to make a sound as he stepped into his familiar entry hall, but the clink of his keys in the bowl by the door sounded like the gong of a church bell to him in his current hyper-aware state. He glanced down at his stained slacks; his cock was straining against the material – still! – after more sex in this day than he’d ever had in any previous week, or month. His undershorts were long gone, probably left in the back room of the doughnut shop. He would have...

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The Nature of the Game6 Unwelcoming Home

The doorbell continued ringing incessantly. “I’m coming, I’m coming. Jeez! Give me a chance to put on a damn robe.” Rudolf Morgan hurried down the stairs, his robe trailing behind him as he struggled to fasten it. His wife, Ruth, trailed behind. Jacob stepped out of his room. “Be careful. You never know who it might be, especially at this hour.” “I know how to use a peep hole, Jacob.” Rudolf finally got his robe fastened. The intrusion started with someone knocking and then pounding on the...

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Enter the DarknessChapter 8 Of Goodbyes and Homecomings

August, 1986 Agent Killian warned us that the people in New York had been talking to the people in Washington, D. C. for the last two years, plotting to kill me. This meant that we were switched from a flight from Syracuse to Dulles to a flight from Buffalo to Baltimore-Washington International Airport. A Sergeant in a Lincoln Continental waited for us at the curb outside of baggage claim with a sign saying "Alexandra and Sgt.-Maj. McKiernan" in medium-sized letters. He nodded respectfully...

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Sissy Sisters Shortcomings

SISSY SISTERS' SHORTCOMINGS by Throne "B... but..." Arnold blinked back tears. "I can't wear this if someone is coming to our house." He stood there in a sleeveless belly shirt and thong panties, the former with a splotchy pattern of reds and greens, the latter in bright yellow. On his small feet were dainty orchid-colored, backless slip- ons. There was no hair anywhere on his slender body. His wife Delia, who was several inches taller than him and carried a good bit of excess...

4 years ago
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The Homecoming Date

They were so excited. It was their first night together. ‘My god, she looks so beautiful,’ Matt thought as she peeled the bra from her bountiful breasts. But please forgive me, I am getting ahead of myself. They had been talking to each other for a little bit now. They met in high school, in their junior year advanced chemistry class. Neither of them really cared for the class. Her name was Elisabeth. Matt was already in the class when she transferred into it. When she opened the door,...

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Homecoming Themes

This story took a while and numerous rewrites to get where I wanted it to be. Yes, it is somewhat long, but I believe that it's a good demonstration of how a character can easily change without even noticing it him/herself. There was a lot of effort to build the characters in an easily accessible way. Let me know what you think. This story is inspired by the story Changes by Trick over at Go ahead and read that story as well....

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The Schoolgirls

The Schoolgirls by Jayme Erin Hendricksen How far will a young talented female musician go with her boyfriend to advance her musical career? My name is Gretchen VanAustin. I'm 23, a child of money, spoiled, artistic, intensely creative, devious, bisexual, a talented guitarist, and I yearn to be a rock star. And I'm becoming one, with the help of my group, the "Schoolgirls". And I'm about to tell you who is probably the most responsible for my path to success, and why. His...

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Homecoming week pt 1

After my encounter with Andrea in our local gym, the rest of my weekend was pretty uneventful. Besides me replaying that amazing night in my head over and over, and going on my morning runs, it was a pretty long weekend. The weekend seemed to drag out forever, simply because I was waiting to see Andrea again on Monday. That Monday was the first day I was ever excited to go to school and not just because it was Homecoming. After my first 2 hours were through I could hardly contain my...

3 years ago
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It is a beautiful autumn day a week before the big game with the homecoming dance afterward.Rebecca is a freshman at this college who is cute as a button but, oh, so shy. She is five feet tall with long red hair and bright green eyes. She is curvy and could stop traffic if she really wanted to. But she dresses for comfort not to impress anyone. There are enough other girls that dress to get attention.She has decided to go ahead and invest in a sexy off the shoulder red dress for Homecoming. She...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 12 Homecoming Weekend

For the next few weeks, things stayed in a routine. An overworked, stressful, pressure-cooker of a routine, but a routine nonetheless. We played our games, and our practices also progressed very well. My professors kept on piling on the work, but we still found a little time to goof off and relieve the pressure, if only temporarily. We lost a non-conference game to the University of Miami Hurricanes by an embarrassingly lopsided score, but we had an excuse. More than half the team was struck...

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A Dreaded Homecoming

CHAPTER 1 Barbara Thompson came close to panic as she read the email from her daughter on the eve of Nikki’s homecoming after spending the last two years in England finishing her Fine Arts Degree at great expense. Barbara and husband Bass (Basil) had used the money set aside to buy another commercial property in their town of Lynch to ensure their eldest received the education she desired. The email read: ‘Hi mom, my degree with honors is in the bag and I’ll be home in two weeks. I have...

3 years ago
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Homecoming Part2

HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she would not have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her...

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Unbecoming A Princess

Note, this is technically a Star Wars fan-fic but to avoid any legal issues all characters are unnamed or their true identities are left vague and unclear. It can be considered a prequel of sorts to Return of the Jedi. Unbecoming A Princess I was torn up inside. The love of my life had been taken from me by the most villainous crime lord in the galaxy. My friends and I were plotting a way to break into the 'palace' and rescue him. My friend, a holy knight of a long-dead...

2 years ago
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Homecoming Ch 08

Homecoming Ch. 08 Edited by Frinkles© 2007 This chapter was edited to correct a date discrepancy/error that was driving me crazy — no more, no less. Everything else in the story is exactly the same. Alright, alright…UNCLE! For those of you who are disappointed in Daniel’s actions, believe me so am I. The guy is human. He’s a bit of an idiot at times. He’s letting his little head do the thinking rather than the ‘big’ head. He knows he screwed up which is why he’s in the dang farmhouse praying...

2 years ago
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My Best Friend 20 Homecoming Pt 1

Author Notes: Last we saw Jay and Amanda is when Jay learned that one of his family relatives was coming to stay with him and his parents for some time. His cousin, Moira. As far as Jay knows is he is unsure what his girlfriend, Amanda, thinks of his cousin. That and he’s unsure if Moira likes Amanda. The only thing he knows for sure is that Moira approves of Amanda, at least that’s what he thinks. The only thing is he is unaware if his weekend arrangement is going to change or not. What will...

1 year ago
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Homecoming week pt 2

The rest of the week was pretty frustrating as Megan’s and Christie took every chance they could to tease me around school. I managed to survive the week of football practice with Christie and the squad practicing around in short shorts and sports bras. Christie was a huge tease as she would often talk dirty to me during our nightly calls and even email some naughty photos. She told me not to jack off all week because she wanted me to save it for Homecoming. Through it all, I received good...

1 year ago
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My Best Friend 20 Homecoming Pt 1

Author Notes: Last we saw Jay and Amanda is when Jay learned that one of his family relatives was coming to stay with him and his parents for some time. His cousin, Moira. As far as Jay knows is he is unsure what his girlfriend, Amanda, thinks of his cousin. That and he’s unsure if Moira likes Amanda. The only thing he knows for sure is that Moira approves of Amanda, at least that’s what he thinks. The only thing is he is unaware if his weekend arrangement is going to change or not. What will...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 18 My Homecoming Date

Mrs. O'Toole called in for Molly on Tuesday, too. Josh told me that Molly was feeling better, but she didn't want to come to school limping so badly, so she wanted to wait until Wednesday. I had the feeling that she also didn't want to face Joey or Jilly, either, and I couldn't blame her. All the Bulls were walking around the school hallways like puffed-up peacocks, telling tall tales of glory and conquest to any fool that would listen. Josh also said that he wanted us to meet again at...

4 years ago
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Britney Late Comings Chapter Three

Britney, Part 3: Late Comings - [email protected] Intro: It was later on possibly Sunday afternoon when Jess called and arranged a quick meeting for a chat and catchup. I rushed away eager to see Jess, who I must admit I was starting to get a big crush on again. We met for Coffee at our usual place, Jess was feeling better from her bout of sickness which was the first of the positives of our conversation. Jess was not her normal self however. I could see she was just...

1 year ago
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Second Comings Sex Type Thing

Sex Type Thing ‘This snow is, like, totally outrageous, dude!’ ‘Outrageous? How so?’ ‘What? Dude! Look at the snow, wouldya? It’s coming down so hard, it’s like so totally bogus, ya know?!’ ‘Bogus. Ah. So, what was your question?’ ‘That thing in your last lecture? You called it the romantic impulse. I just don’t get it.’ ‘Ah, I see, what has you confused?’ ‘Well, the whole romanticism thing? The whole concept has me, like, bummed out, man.’ ‘Indeed. You said you were a History major,...

1 year ago
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As a part of the Gamma Films family, Girl Sway (or is it Girl’s Way? I am not entirely sure…I’m going to just go with Girls Way because I like it better) is one of the production company’s most popular sites, and one of the most popular all lesbian porn paysite providers on the web. Gamma Films is also known for its other premium paysites, such as 21st Sextury, Fantasy Massage, and Pure Taboo., however, has attained, arguably, the best reputation when it comes to all lesbian...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Chapter 14 From Prom Night to Homecoming

The Greatest Lie, Chapter 14 From Prom Night to Homecoming Alexandra Rios [email protected] For me, my hometown, L.A., is not the sexy, sweaty night clubs of West Hollywood nor the porn scene of the North Valley. Though I feel more at home there, that side of L.A. is not my home but rather the world into which my transsexual destiny exiled me. Home is the leafy, moneyed boulevards and side streets of Brentwood and Bel Air, California. Beneath the swaying palms and in the...

4 years ago
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HOMECOMING Even though it was November, it felt like spring in Tucson. Raised in the cold Midwest, Kelly felt there was something fundamentally wrong with a Homecoming game that lacked the crisp bite of impending winter, but who was she to complain? If she had been in the Midwest, she wouldn't have been able to wear a short jean skirt and flat summer sandals to go with her jersey and U of A earrings. She could not deny that the loved how cute the outfit made her feel. When her two...

3 years ago
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Homecoming With Kelly

It was early in October of 1977. Kelly and I were high school seniors. Our school celebrated homecoming for an entire week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after school we had crazy contests like tricycle races and stuffing a Volkswagen (for which the puny little freshmen had a built-in advantage). Thursday evening was the parade through downtown followed by a big bonfire at a farm just a mile away from the high school.Kelly looked great that night, as always. She was wearing a pair of short,...

2 years ago
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Senior Year Part IChapter 15 Homecoming

Friday October 14 I woke to my hound licking my face. It seemed someone had to go out... right now! I managed to put on a pair of shorts without passing out from the pain and hobbled down the stairs. Precious met the two of us at the back door. She was starting to really show. I did a little internal calculation and figured she should have her kittens in a couple of weeks. I groaned when the cat darted into my apartment as Duke went out. I was in no mood to play ‘find the kitty.’ When I made...

2 years ago
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Heather and Lisa Working Girls

Heather and Lisa sometimes worked together and often worked separately but today they'd been given a mid-afternoon assignment to go provide two hours of sexual entertainment to Ron Williams. Both girls were very cute and had sexy petite bodies that the guys always seemed to enjoying seeing naked and then engaging with them in all kinds of lusty sexual play. Heather was the shorter of the pair and she was a sexy looking petite blonde. She had a nice pair of rounded breasts that sat high on her...

3 years ago
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Femdom with egirls

// I'd like to use the first chapter as an author's note. Feel free to skip ahead if you don't wanna read this, but I encourage you to at least take a look. First of all, I obviously don't own any of the pictures used, the girl in the cover of this story is @jennalynnmeowri and at the start of the story, all of the girls will be referred to as their Instagram @s Second of all, please do not leave disrespectful comments on any of their photos, and don't take this story too seriously, as it ISN'T...


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