The Hunger
- 2 years ago
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I am hoping to finish this piece at 5000 words. I am close but I want to get some feedback on how to make this better. Please comment with what works for you, what didn’t, what I can improve, and what should be destroyed. I eagerly await feedback/comments/contructive criticism.
Once I had been a healer beyond repute, sought far and wide for the miracles I and I alone could perform, things have certainly changed. My stone and mortar cottage looked out on lush green fields and the settling dust made the horizon look to be afire as evening claimed the world. Now, the only safety is in solitude, the only peace of mind available is loneliness.
The stones at my back are cooling off, a sign that the Sun is setting. The wind whistles through cracks in the aged walls which surround me and I long for days when I may have been able to repair the damaged areas. To think, all the destruction beset about me because of one beautiful dead girl and the fool of a woman who tried to bend the natural balance at the request of grieving parents.
I was little more than a girl when I was approached by the sorceress. I had opened the door of the cottage my mother and I shared, the cottage I now sit inside, and there she was upon my doorstep. A woman of tremendous power with an age lined face and travel worn clothes. She told me that she had been called to my visit by the voices of the gods. She told me that I would change the world. She was right.
Under her careful and meticulous tutelage I learned to call the names of the ancients, to harness their power for miracles, spells, and incantations. I became a sorceress in my own right though I far preferred the calling of miracles as opposed to other magics. My body changed with age, the crimson tide following the same lunar cycles as other girls, but I was respected for my gifts and abilities.
The first time the king (do you know, I can’t seem to remember his name) came to me he requested my powers but put to the task of helping his wife conceive. I bid him leave my doorstep for his self-serving request. He fell to his knees, his fingers clutching at the hem of my dress. Tears filled his eyes and I saw that it was love, not selfishness which motivated his request. I told him then to have his wife bathed by seven maidens in the river by the forest.
I dressed myself in my finest robes and walked barefoot to the river bank. I chanted and recited the names of the ancients, enjoying the taste of strawberries bursting on my tongue with each pronunciation. Power coursed through me and I let the spirit of the gods fill me to the brim. I placed my hands upon her sex and watched in awe as golden light shone from the tips of my fingers to be absorbed by her body.
She wept in the arms of her maidens as the power healed her, restoring to her what fate had denied. When she was dressed she hugged me and placed a kiss upon my brow. When the announcement of her conception was made the town bloomed in a flurry of activity and celebrations were held throughout the night.
A beautiful young girl was born into the kingdom and her name will be the last upon my lips. Her eyes sparkled with laughter, her footprints marked every path within the city. The beautiful curls of her shimmering blonde hair were like sunlight upon her brow. She played with the children of the town, learning to run, and jump, and skip, and climb. During these joyful times the stories of my miracles spread. I gained fame, renown, and respect. I had forgotten that these powers were not mine, I had forgotten that it was the power of the gods flowing through me which made these things possible. I grew arrogant.
Then the king and queen of the land came to me one evening, tears streaked their faces and blood stained their hands and clothes. They fell to their knees before me, ‘Gabriella,’ they cried, ‘Our little angel has fallen from the lookout tower! You must come immediately.’ I swelled with pride at their prostrate forms, gathered my cloak about me, and followed them to the scene.
Blood pooled in the dirt forming a brackish mud and the tainted soil bespoke of death. The princess, a girl of 9, lay twisted and broken in the shadow of the ivy covered spire. Her eyes were wide and unblinking, her chest as still as a lake on a windless day. I knew in that moment there was nothing I could do, I should have turned away. ‘Pride will kill’, the saying goes, I should have heeded this sage advice.
Damn it all! The scratching sounds have begun again. Nails as dry as the ground which refuses to claim them scrape against wood too old to take the abuse. Dry, splintery snaps fill the night air. The chorus will start soon, the guttural, halting, choking, mangled cry of her name will carry me through the night, filling my mind with nightmare images of all that I will suffer before it is done. Now, where was I in my tale? Ah, yes, I see it as clear as the door in front of me.
Standing before the king and queen, the blood of their daughter soaking into the ground, a dark stain which can never be cleaned. Their pain moves me and in that moment the end began. I let my cloak fall to the ground, the evening wind causing my hair to billow around me. The ancient names – forgotten to all but my teacher (Gods rest her) and myself – dance from my tongue and power courses through my veins.
Golden streams of light flow from my fingertips, their paths an echo of the ivy upon the tower, twisting, curling, crossing themselves before flowing into the mangled body before me. ‘There is no way this can work’, I think to myself (maybe I hoped it wouldn’t work) but there is power in the names of the ancients and not even death can stand before them.
The girl’s eyes twitched and her body shuddered as the golden light flowed into her broken body. The king and queen stood off to the side, holding one another tight, drinking in the spectacle before them. I continued to mutter the names, the intricate syllables spilling from my tongue like oil. A foul taste filled my mouth, the flavor of putrid meat consuming my senses. Even as I speak I can feel the girl’s blood soaking through the thick leather of my boots, soaking into my skin. I feel as though my stomach is being turned inside out. Still the names flow.
The girl untwisted her body, sickening snaps and cracks ringing out as her mangled body re-assembled before our eyes. The golden rays no longer flowed through me, the names no longer trailed from my mouth. I gathered my cloak from the ground, wrapped it once more around my shoulders, and ran back to my cottage as fast as my feet could carry me. The king and queen’s thanks and praise chasing me as I fled from the horror only I could recognize.
The praise faded and shrieks of horror followed. I could see in my mind’s eye the terror spread across the townspeople’s faces as the empty little girl snarled and snapped. Her teeth gnashing together as the hunger began to fill her. Blood spilled from her mouth as her teeth cleaved the muscle of her tongue, the chunk of flesh disappearing down her throat in a squishing, squelching, roiling mass. I shuddered from the images but you cannot hide from what you create.
You were so happy that day, Ashes, springing from floor to sill, sill to bookshelf, tail swishing behind you. I’ve not completely lost it, I know ’tis only your corpse I hold in my lap, but if not you who then would I tell my story to? When my fingers move over your bones I can almost feel the silky fur once shimmering in the sunlight.
I went to the king and queen the next day, my heart full of remorse. I begged them to end her life, to steal from her the gift I had so wrongfully bestowed upon her. The king and queen smiled at me like I was mistaken. He placed his hand upon my shoulder and ushered me from the room, whispering sweet praise and thanks in my ear as his boots struck softly on the marble floor.
They sequestered the princess to the very tower from which s
he fell and life resumed as if nothing had happened. As if, I had not welcomed Hell onto our doorstep. It seemed that no one could hear the sounds which haunted me at night. The snarling, the growling, the guttural coughs, mockeries of the words she might have said if she had not consumed her tongue. I knew that these words were meant for me. I could hear my name in the mangled ‘deadspeak’ and the hunger which fueled her was a knot of pain in my stomach.
I lay awake, hearing her call ‘Gabriella’ while all the world wondered what the strangled cries of ‘Gothel’ could mean. I had birthed a nightmare, a never-ending, life-consuming monster. The hunger she felt, the hunger for a soul lost in death, could never be satiated. The monster lusted for chaos and destruction, was gluttonous for the flesh of the living, the flesh of the pure.
For 9 years the cries continued, growing loudest at night but only I seemed troubled by the sound. Livestock disappeared. The king and queen blamed famine, disease, poor nutrition, for the loss of animals. I suspected a much more nefarious creature. One locked in the room of our tallest tower, the floor covered with years of shit and piss, the oppressive smell of excrement saturating the stones. My mind conjured images of cattle being forced into the room with the girl, one at a time night after night, alive.
I midwifed Death incarnate into the world through my hubris. I knew it then just as powerfully as I know it now, though I have proof now. Proof in the form of the masses which gather beyond these walls night and night again. Ha! My last boastful claim is that I am responsible for the end of days!
Last night I dreamed that I opened the doors and walked out among them. They spread before me like a sea crashing against the rocks. I could feel the mud squishing beneath my feet but when I looked down, it was not mud upon which I walked but the organs and bowels and masticated flesh of those I once knew. Blood soaked my feet and the smell and taste of copper filled my nose and mouth. I walked to her, she was barefoot, unblemished by time or the chaos around her. Her hair was golden and luminous beneath the moonless sky, her eyes were bright yellow like the golden rays which allowed her conception. She beckoned to me and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. This was no little girl such as my senses tried to convince me. The girl before me was a predator. I watched in horror as my feet followed her commands. She pulled me into her arms and I felt the stings of millions of teeth upon my skin.
I awoke that night with a scream so loud I’m sure I woke the dead. . . . Woke the dead! Ha, Ashes, I forgot what a talent for humor I once possessed. No? You don’t think it’s funny enough to laugh? Not even a meow? Silly beast, I’ll explain it. It is funny because I DID wake the dead. I remember that I could not go back to sleep (only in part because of my nightmare) mostly because those damned creatures started in with their scratching, and moaning, and feeble attempts at normal, decent speech.
Where was I? Sometimes the racket is too much to think over. Sometimes fear steals my thoughts. Tonight, oddly, it’s hunger. Hear their cries? Gothel, Gothel, Gothel! Gabriella is my name! Gabriella!
I don’t know how the stories spread or even what the rumors were. I didn’t care about the riders as they came into town. Dread filled my bones. You remember, don’t you, Ashes? My beautiful cat. That was the night I held you in my lap, knife concealed beneath my frock. I stroked you from nape to tail and when your delighted purr filled the room, I slid my blade into your heart. Oh! I’m so sorry about that! I could feel what was to come and I knew that I would need food. The loss of your company has been unbearable and your bones leave splinters in my gums.
If only he had slipped, as she had, when he climbed her tower. But he did not. If only she had consumed him entirely when he stepped through her window. All might have been avoided. Instead she succeeded in only biting him. He shoved her to the ground and climbed back down the way he came. I was the catalyst, he was the change.
The stench of the infection clung to him. His skin developing boils and sores. A hunger which could not be satiated filled him with pain and rage. A fight broke out in the tavern. Many were wounded, many were bitten. There was nothing I could do to stop the coming storm. I huddled within this cottage, barricading the doors and windows and praying to the gods who now abandoned me, that the walls would hold.
I could hear the squelching attacks as teeth pierced flesh. The screams of confusion as loved ones became half-rotted monstrosities which refused to die. Above it all, I could hear her, still in the tower, still calling: ‘Gothel, Gothel’. With one bite, one wounded prince, she had created an army to gather at my door.
The king and queen, too late in their actions, sent men to kill her in her tower. I could hear their screams through the boards on my window. I huddled in bed as she tore at their flesh, the sounds of spraying blood consuming me.
The last time I dared glance through the dusty beams which criss-cross my would be window, I viewed a world mostly unaware of my plight. The events which had transpired, transforming those I once knew into unspeakable nightmares, had not changed the landscape. The same rolling hills and fields (though now they lay un-sewn) rippled in the breeze which traveled the world as they did when I was a girl. The clouds moved unendingly onward. Insects buzzed, flowers bloomed. The end of the world was, as I remember, surprisingly quiet and beautiful. Almost peaceful save for the staggering creatures walking, limping, or crawling across the ground waiting for the doors to the cottage to give way or the walls to crumble down.
The door has broken open, I will not cry, I will not scream. Their hands grip my arms and I’m sure your skull, still bearing my gnaw marks, lies forgotten upon the straw floor of the cottage. Their bodies smell of must and decay, flesh hanging in flaps. Some are missing eyes, some whole chunks of their bodies. The worst are the ones I can still recognize.
Katerina, her left eye missing and a gaping hole where her lower jaw once was, carries the head and shoulder of her infant child. He suckles at her breast, tearing her flesh with the little chips of teeth just breaking through his gums. I want to turn my eyes away but I can’t.
Benjamin, the baker who brought me fresh bread every morning, gaped at me with wide lidless eyes. His fingers were missing, his hands bloody stumps at the end of gray gangrenous arms. I turned my eyes from him, only to have them fall upon his daughter, Sasha. She stood naked in the cold, feeling none of the wind that played through her hair. Her breasts were putrid sores dripping puss down her stomach. Scabs covered her sex and one leg was absent from the knee down.
On and on the army of nightmare creatures, the carnival of horrors, stretched. The contents of my stomach: your barely digested bones, rise in my throat. I try to choke back my revulsion but the acidic taste of bile fills my mouth and I vomit down the front of my dress. There is no escape.
The masses spread before me, they are taking me to her, I know they are taking me to the base of the tower. I recognize my dream for what it was, not an errant conjuration of a fearful mind, but a premonition of things to come, of terrors which wait for me alone. The hunger that fills them all, the terrible pain coursing through their insatiable bodies, can only be satisfied by my death. I begin to shake, my fear consuming me. My tongue trips over the spells and incantations I once knew so readily and despair steals the air from my lungs.
My bare feet drag through the mud, unlike the dream only mud lies beneath me. Growls and shouts fill the air, taunts I do not recognize. Teeth snap together and my progress comes to a halt. They throw me to the ground and th
e mud swallows me. I lift my head and see immaculate bare feet. Delicate toes upon the green grass of the field. I pull myself to a sitting position and find her standing before me.
She wears the same dress though it is stained with dirt, blood, and other unidentifiable substances. I can feel myself shaking, I know what is to come.
She twitches. Her head cocking to the side in a violent movement of uncoordinated muscles. Her eyes meet mine but there is no warmth, no hope, no life. Her hair, once a tangled mass of golden strands, stretches behind her in mud caked masses of brown tangles. Aside from the tongue missing in her mouth she remained as perfect and beautiful as the day I revived her. Her flesh untouched, pore-less, like the skin of a doll. Her skin was pale from lack of sunlight but there were no discolorations, no bruising, no decay.
I had thought it so long ago, the moment the power flowed from me. Not even death could stand before the power I had released.
‘Gothel?’ the pitch of the choking noise makes it seem a question.
‘Rapunzel.’ I cannot help but utter her name.
I force my tongue to speak the ancient names but the flow of power does not come. I look to my left, the hand of the queen is on my shoulder. There is very little of her skin left but the fabric clinging to her identifies the royalty. My hair is pulled viciously. The king reprimanding me for raising my eyes to his wife.
A hysterical laughter breaks free of my mouth. The monsters standing around me take no notice. I am the architect of my own destruction. I have changed the world with one action and now I face the wrath of the new regime.
As her teeth bite into my shoulder I scream. My blood, hot and thick, flows down my chest in little rivulets. She pulls her head away from me, tearing the skin and meat from my bones. My voice cracks from the pain. The smell of copper from my blood is overwhelming and the world spins before my eyes. I struggle to focus but I can see nothing more than her mouth chewing, up and down, up and down, her eyes never leaving mine as she consumes the flesh from my shoulder.
She steps back from me and waves her hand in a dismissive manner. Her prince steps to her side and looks at the blood on her face greedily. His lips are missing along with vast portions of his face, neck, and arms. He moves from her toward me. His footsteps mix with those of the approaching mob, the hungry denizens of the world I created.
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I pushed her hard into the wall. i could see her shaking and it excited me more and made my next move to pin her even more satisfying. she whimpered a little as if i hurt her and to make it stop i kissed her hard, almost knocking her head into the wall. i wasn't normally so roughwith her. but tonight was different i could feel a need in me and in her that made me want her like wolf wants its dinner. and that's what i felt like the wolf and her some prey i hungered endlesy for. but she...
the definition of a whore should have Nadine's picture as reference.....despite her limitations Nadine is a sex hungry piece of meat and she will be the first to admit it. this will be the final chapter of this series due to some significant changes that have happened. Nadine's mom passed away due to alcoholism so she is saddened about that. i have moved on and will not be working in the facility where Nadine lives. phone contact with her is the best that i can do for now. she will keep telling...
“Hairplay”Of all the towns and cities that I’d been in and all the hair salons that I’d seen, I’d never seen one with the name “Hairplay”. Was it deliberate? Was there more to it? Was it just an attempted pun on “Airplay”? Why wasn’t it two words? So many questions, so many images, so much wishful thinking.I’d never been to this town before, never had occasion to, but it had just been added to my “patch” under a restructuring. You know the sort of thing: fire half your staff and double the...
I have spent a few hours (probably days) reading these stories and recently thought people may enjoy reading about a few of my experiences. To start off with I’m no writer but I do my best to use spell check punctuation and complete sentences, but you may find a mistake or two. A little about me, I’m no wonder stud! Just an old biker. I’m 50 with a belly, shaved bald head long beard and an average cock. I can’t “pound” a woman for hours, but I will always make a woman cum before I do and I live...
Another true biker story.If you are a biker and live where it snows there is only one thought that gets you through the long winter:Daytona Bike Week!I been going to Daytona Bike Week since the 1970’s and damn has it changes over those years. Gone are the days of rampant nudity, fights, Outlaws vs. Hells Angels, and general tearing up the town. From the days of 50 guys wearing colors walking down Main Street to moms and k**s every where, One way or another it’s a homecoming to find old friends...
I have spent a few hours (probably days) reading these stories and recently thought people may enjoy reading about a few of my experiences. To start off with I’m no writer but I do my best to use spell check punctuation and complete sentences, but you may find a mistake or two.A little about me, I’m no wonder stud! Just an old biker. I’m 50 with a belly, shaved bald head long beard and an average cock. I can’t “pound” a woman for hours, but I will always make a woman cum before I do and I live...
I had just seconds to ponder how we got here and if I still wanted us to be here. She looked at me quizzically for a last-minute answer. Her nervous smile said she wanted this excuse to get naked in public. I squeezed her hand and whispered, “OK. Go for it.” Naked female cast tapped men and pulled them onto the stage, still dressed. Naked male cast tapped women and did the same. Jake’s inquisitive, searching tune, while racing up the aisle, changed when he reached Sue. It rose in happy...
Several fully naked, actors leaped off the stage and ran into the small, 200 or so, audience. They tapped audience members and lead them onto the stage. My ‘shy’ wife included, but she froze in her seat. I had just seconds to ponder how we got here and if I still wanted us to be here. ~~~~~~~ two weeks earlier ~~~~~~~~ My beautiful wife, Sue, decided it was time for a road trip back to California to visit friends. While I agreed, I wondered what secrets she was hiding this time. We’d only...
The first memory I have is of seeing Haleen's loving smile looking down at me. I was probably 5 or 6 years old, (as near as we can reckon), but in the fur lined, small woven basket she found me in, I appeared as but a new born to her. According to Haleen, she was wondering through the forest, deep in contemplation, when she found herself standing beside a stream she had never encountered before. Thinking that she must have strayed from her usual path, she was preparing to retrace her steps,...
Reddit GoneWildHairy, r/GoneWildHairy! So, you’re into hairy pussies? Never understood that myself, but who am I to judge? Listen, I’m always here for you guys, even if you do like weird hairy pussies. And when you like something, I make sure to find a place where you can enjoy it to the fullest extent. In the case of hairy pussies, there’s no better place to go to than /r/GoneWildHairy. This subreddit has some of the best pics that you’ll ever see of everything from trimmed hedges to overgrown...
Reddit NSFW ListThe demon Jezebel lurked in the depths of Father Augustine's soul. Her corrupted priest drove the gray church van into the slumbering city of Chicago. In the back, amid the weapons designed to fight vampires, lay the three enslaved women dominated by the priest. They were both his whores and his unholy champions. Demonic powers lurked in the souls of the women. They would kill the vampiric threats to Jezebel's client Faust. The powerful vampire had bargained with Jezebel for protection...
They say when a woman gets passed fifty, she becomes invisible, at one time she may have turned many heads or stopped conversations when she entered a room, but now she goes unnoticed.As Audrey came into the function room you would have thought the slim attractive brunette would have attracted the attention of the men filling the room. But she didn't she was also was transparent to them and she was only twenty eight.If she had walked into the bar a plethora of men would of rushed to buy her a...
He turned the key until he heard the click of the lock turning over and pushed the front door open. The entire house was dark, which was particularly odd because his girlfriend was usually up later than him on most nights. He kicked off his shoes near the door, dropped a bag of materials he had bought earlier in the night down on the kitchen floor, and laid his keys down on the cupboard with a clanking noise as the steel hit the tiled surface. Glancing at the clock, his jaw dropped. ‘Shit,...
She walks to the bathroom looking back at him as she walks away. Telling him to follow her with just a single look. Once in the bathroom she turns to face him and she lifts her arms in the air so he can remove her top. Once he has she then removes his. She reaches out and begins to tug at his pants and then he removes hers. She begins to kiss him passionately while moving her hands over his body. She wants him very desperately and she doesn’t know if she can wait. She wants sex now – she needs...
Alone again. Sometimes, well if I’m honest, oftentimes I hate when my husband travels for business. I guess I’m just spoiled, I want him here with me always. Robert’s the ultimate provider. He sees it as his life’s mission to protect and nurture me. Our relationship consumes us, but sometimes his job takes priority. I’ve accepted this and his seemingly constant business trips as the norm, and thus I found myself alone…again. Laptop in hand, I flopped down on my favorite chaise and logged into...
It is time. It has been far too long. Walking down the emptying streets in the seedy part of town, I cannot seem to form complete thoughts. How long has it been? How much longer must I wait. This desire must be fulfilled. Tonight. I have waited long enough. I must seek pleasure of the flesh. The usual place will do nicely. I wonder if she will be there tonight. Tonight will be the night. I see the dingy and run down looking bar near a dark alley. I slowly slink into the dimly lit room. I see...
You are Nick Philmore. At 23, you have had a tough life for someone your age. Raised in the foster care system, you moved from town to town and family to family your whole childhood, finally finding a permanent home with an older widow named Margaret in a suburb of Boston. Although you had planned to go to college when you graduated high school, Margaret fell sick and you instead spent three years caring for her and working several part time jobs to help pay for her care. When she passed, you...
GayChapter 1 He was so young. Couldn't have been more than eighteen. And here I was old enough to be his mother. Lord, my own c***dren were his age.Why was I doing this? It was insane. Respectable women don't do things like this with the young boys they hire to cut the grass.But his cock was so big. I'd noticed it right away in the crotch of his tight jeans when he'd come to the door politely asking if I wanted the lawn mowed. I just couldn't stop myself from seducing him.My cunt had been itching...
My life has always been a typical teenage male's. I am still a virgin at 18 and like any virgin male I continuously jerk off to subdue my urges but of course no matter how many times I try I can never satisfy them. My name is Bryan by the way and I stand at 5'11" and weigh 200 lbs with an athletic build and have short brown hair with green eyes. I am a senior at my high school and am a member of the football team. I live at home with only my mother and sister since my father passes away 8 years...
You push me against the wall the moment I step through the door. Our mouths find one another in the pale yellow light of the moon. Your touch is desperate and hurried. We haven’t seen each other in a week - yet it feels like forever. You rip at my dress, untying the belt and letting it all fall to the floor in a heap of overpriced polyester."This is new," You say, with an approving smile."You like it? I had you in mind when I brought it."I finger the lace of the black chemise lingerie and...
For those of you following our play time, you know I have a slut that I play with in Myrtle Beach. I skipped writing about a couple of our meetings, but I have had more positive reactions than negative ones so I will write about Sunday. For those who may be reading this for the first time, know that we are in a DOM/sub relationship and she is a sub in training. She is a little reluctant to surrendering herself totally so I told her we will take it slow in order to build her trust. She also...
This a story about me and my friend Anitha. She’s my Facebook friend and we became close because of the mutual habit of smoking weed. We used to meet for every week end and book a resort and smoke joints and party hard. Sometimes with friends and sometime alone.Soon her lover too become my friend and we started smoking together. Smoking with girls is my one long fantasy. It became true and we used to spend most of the weekends at resorts. Me, Anita and his lover will become high by breezers and...
Hi guys and girls! This is Manmathan and I from Trichy. I am currently 23 years old and I am brown in colour. Ladies willing to have sex contact me through my mail I fucked only my busty cousin till now. First sex experience is very memorable in everyone life. My first and only sex experience was with my cousin. This is my real life sex story. I had sex with my cousin when I was in 12th standard. My cousin was married at that time. Initially my cousin and her husband were enjoying their...
IncestI have, as long as I can remember, always been a little perv. Getting excited about cleavage and up-skirt shots.My mother forbade me anything even remotely sexual growing up, a picture of a girl in a bikini, magazines or comics were the girls looked to sexy, extreme guidelines that amplified my sense that something was not right with me.I was completely heterosexual in my desires and never (as far as I can recall) m*****ed or experience any other outside influence, more than any other normal...
“Did you call for me ma’am?”. “Yes. Come in Ayesha”. The principal ushered me into her office. Hema ma’am was a middle aged lady, probably in her late thirties. She was little on the plump side and of medium height. She was pretty ruthless and strict about her work, and had a dominating character. “Its been a long time since we had a quality time together”, she said, smiling mischievously at me. I gave a shy smile back. Oh! Don’t blush sweetheart. Come closer”, she said. I came and stood beside...
LesbianShafts of milky moonlight spill through the blinds to paint elongated stripes on the walls and ceiling of my bedroom. The buzzing of cicadas fills the back yard, punctuated now and then by a hoarse bark from our neighbor's collie Jasper.I'm lying naked atop rumpled sheets, sprawled on the bed, the warm humid air of a Georgia evening caressing my bare body. I have one hand tucked between my thighs, fingers resting on a very warm, very wet cunt. My senses, dulled by the night, good wine and the...
IncestIm 27 yr old from Mumbai, the most celebrated and happening city on earth and this story is about the adultery (I still love to call it so) that I committed when I was 18 with my aunty (my mom’s friend), Suja. Flash back – 9 years ago, Summer of 2000 Suja was then 27, unmarried virgin, who used to address and treat my mom as a sister and we used to call her aunty. Till I was 16, I never had any thoughts for her or saw her with lust in my eyes. Suja used to stay with her sister’s family in a...
IncestThe stories posted by me, are actual happenings of incest. I was also involved in one such relation when I was 25 years old. I was 25 years old then. My mother and father had expired I was living with my elder sister whose husband was in Police. I had big boobs and a narrow waist and below that a solid ass. It was overall a sexy figure which invited hungry looks from men but due to my not being very good looking and short height men never wanted to show close contact with me in Public. There...
IncestShe walks to the bathroom looking back at him as she walks away. Telling him to follow her with just a single look. Once in the bathroom she turns to face him and she lifts her arms in the air so he can remove her top. Once he has she then removes his. She reaches out and begins to tug at his pants and then he removes hers. She begins to kiss him passionately while moving her hands over his body. She wants him very desperately and she doesn’t know if she can wait. She wants sex now – she needs...
Straight Sex