- 1 year ago
- 36
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It had been a normal, boring suburban day. Chilly and rainy with a wind that cut through you and made it feel at least twenty degrees colder than it really was. Andrea hadn't seen the sun in two days. Another gloomily October in Michigan.
It was only seven thirty and it was already dark. The only good thing about autumn was what was just beginning to happen to the trees all around. Beautiful colors forming from the dying of the leaves.
Of course, Andrea couldn't have cared less about all of that. Tonight was the night she'd be planning for all week. Tonight was the night that her best friend Cindy was going to spend the night and she'd been absolutely giddy all day. She and Cindy always had so much fun just hanging out in her room with the door locked and the shades drawn doing stuff her mom didn't even want to know about.
Usually that fact would be enough to keep her happy and smiling all day long, but not this evening. No, her mom had to go and mess it all up by suddenly developing a social life out of the thin air. Mom's can be such a pain at times.
"What do you mean I have to watch Philip?" Andrea was now whining to her mother as she touched up her lipstick in the bathroom mirror obviously trying her hardest to ignore her daughter who had just asked that question a mere two seconds ago. "Why can't you just get Aunt Rachel to watch him?"
"Andrea, we've already been through this," her Mom replied, her frustration restrained but still noticeable, "Rachel has watched your little brother enough this week. Besides, you're more than capable of taking care of your little brother for a few hours until he goes to bed."
"But Cindy..." Andrea started to protest only to be interrupted by her mother.
"Will just make it that much easier for you. Really, Andrea, you've taken care of your brother before. He likes you, he does what you say and all you'll have to do is give him a snack, put in a movie and then tuck him into bed at nine. After that you and Cindy will have the whole house to yourselves until two. If everything looks good when I get back you might even make twenty dollars so you and Cindy can go to the movies tomorrow and you won't have to rake the lawn until tomorrow. I really don't see why you're complaining about this," her mother said calmly but firmly making it clear that the discussion, whether Andrea wanted to admit or not, was over.
Andrea just crossed her arms across her chest and walked away in a huff to her room while her mother smiled softly to herself. It really had been awhile since she'd actually been able to go out and have fun. Lately it had been all work, parent/teacher conferences, grocery shopping and doctor appointments. When her old college roommate and best friend had called her out of the blue earlier with an invitation to a night of drunken debauchery she just had to accept. She hadn't had more than two beers since the divorce had been finalized two years ago. She was well over do.
That, and she really missed the fun she and Tiffany used to have back in college. That girl had taught her so much about sex and having fun and she was still the same old Tiffany from back in the day. Wild, crazy and flirtatious. She just knew they'd end up in a hotel room like the last time she'd been in town. Just the thought of it made her wet.
As Andrea reached the top of the stairs and found her way to her room she found it hard to resist slamming the door behind her. Deep down inside she knew she had no real reason to be pissed. Her mom was right. Watching Philip would be easy. For a five year old he was actually quite even tempered and he did listen to his big sister. She was actually the one who finally got him potty trained when her mom had all but given it up thinking it an impossible task. Watching her little brother would be cake.
Still, like any normal American child of the twenty-first century she would've preferred to have had her cake and eaten it too. A house to herself was a blessed event. A house to herself and her best friend would have been pure bliss. The loss of that rare opportunity was reason enough to pout for next fifteen minutes alone in her room while she waited for Cindy to be dropped off by her brother, so that's just what she did after she had finished flinging herself on her bed in dramatic fashion and rolled over to stare at the ceiling in weak anger.
It seemed like it was only seconds later that she was startled awake by a loud knocking on her door. She had apparently dozed off and it took her a few seconds to remember enough to ask who was there. The door swung open almost instantly to reveal Cindy standing in her doorway with her usual sarcastic smile firmly set on her cute, slightly tanned face.
Cindy and Andrea was different as night and day in so many ways it almost boggled the mind to think that they were friends. Andrea was the usual product of suburbia with her perfect dirty blonde hair in shoulder length cut framing a small cute, dimpled face with a delicate nose set below and between brightly innocent looking blue eyes. Her clothes always looked new and freshly cleaned as if she had a new outfit made everyday just for her.
She was short and would probably always be, but her body was already showing the signs of smooth, gentle curves that would make her the envy of her classmates for years to come. Her breasts were small, but well shaped. At her age she was already finding herself turning down guys almost twice her age. Not that she had a problem saying no. She reveled in the attention, but, frankly, she just had no interest in the attentions of the opposite sex regardless of age.
Cindy, on the other hand, always wore clothes that seemed to be handed down from her two older brothers and her sister, because the vast majority of them were. They all had that well worn quality about them. Often they even had holes or permanent stains. Her hair was black as the night and went seemingly wherever it pleased without appearing to be too messy or nappy. Her skin had the light brown tone she'd inherited from her father's side of the family and her eyes deep brown from the same side.
Her body was a little more firmly planted on the side of womanhood than her slightly younger friend. Her breasts were a little larger, her butt a little fuller and her hips a bit more pronounced. She was the envy of all the young girls from the trailer park where she lived and spent most of her free time avoiding. Cindy had no problem admitting her hatred of her roots. The only thing her parents were good for was easily stolen money and booze. Even at her young age Cindy was more than acquainted to the joys of alcohol among other things.
It wasn't all economics and physiology, though. Andrea was the cheery optimist to Cindy's dark cynic. When they had first met Andrea had been firm believer in the artistic value of bubblegum pop while Cindy spent most of her time stealing what passed for punk cd's nowadays. Cindy had managed to wean Andrea off of the worst of cd collection with a mixture of Sleater-Kinney she'd borrowed from her sister and some Dead Kennedy's she'd "liberated" from the local music store. Cindy was all about the old school. It was one of the benefits of having siblings up to twelve years her senior.
"What's up, sleepyhead?" Cindy teased as she shut the door behind her and walked over to Andrea's bed to have a seat.
"Nothing," replied Andrea as she rubbed her eyes, "Just waiting for you to get her to tell you the bad news."
"You mean the babysitting?" Cindy said with a frown and an eye roll as she shimmied her backpack off and onto the floor. Andrea just nodded and sneered in response as she sat up on her elbows.
"Yeah, my mom is going out with her old roommate or something. She won't be back until two."
"Old roommate, huh?" Cindy said with a wicked smile and raised eyebrows causing Andrea to giggle.
"Shut up," Andrea said as she got up from her bed, "Not everyone's a pervert like you."
"Moi?" Cindy responded doing her best to look innocent and failing miserably. Andrea giggled again. Cindy did that to her. For some reason she always felt so giddy around her.
"Yes, you. Like you didn't know, you lesbo,"
"I wouldn't talk, missy. You didn't seem to mind my fingers in your..." Cindy started, but was quickly interrupted by a gentle, yet firm push from Andrea.
"Shut up! I was drunk and you know it. That doesn't count. You took advantage of me, you slut." Andrea said adamantly, but somewhat unconvincingly to her still smirking friend.
"Like you didn't like it," countered Cindy calmly.
"That's beside the point. I'm no lesbian and you know it. Just remember that," Andrea said and then smiled meekly. Cindy's smirk was still there on her cute, deceptively angelic face. She knew the truth. All she needed was time and a little luck and Andrea would be hers.
The girls were forced to end their little game of hard to get by the sound of Andrea's mother yelling from downstairs. Andrea yelled her response and then returned her gaze to Cindy. Both girls frowned knowing that it meant that the most boring part of their night was about to begin.
As they made their way downstairs Andrea noticed her mother standing by the door looking at her watch and frowning. She was shocked by how beautiful her mother looked in her sleek, low-cut black dress that had been hanging in her closest since her last big date with the asshole cop she'd dated right after the divorce. It was absolutely amazing. This wasn't the same woman that had fixed her supper only a few hours earlier. This was a thirty-five year old goddess.
From the whistle she heard coming from Cindy she knew she wasn't the only one who thought so. For a second she thought that maybe Cindy had been right about what was going to happen tonight between her mother and this old roommate. She quickly let that thought exit her mind though. Her mom was no lesbian. Was she?
"Nice dress, Miss Evans. You look awesome," Andrea heard her friend say as they reached the bottom of the stairs. Her mother just smiled broadly and thanked Cindy politely before returning instantly to her role as mother to give Andrea her instructions for the evening. It was all stuff Andrea had heard a thousand times before.
"And remember," her mother finished, "If everything looks good and I don't hear anything bad from your little brother or," and she placed emphasis on this part and looked at both girls with a stern expression on her face, "from the neighbors there'll be some money in this for you both. Understand?" Both girls nodded their agreement.
"Don't worry Mom," Andrea said in her best reassuring tone, "everything will be fine."
"Good, now your brother is the living room watching Finding Nemo. Once it's over I want him in bed, so you might get working on that snack. Now, give me a kiss and I'll see you in the morning if you're not up, which you'd better not be." Andrea kissed her mom on the cheek and said good-bye as her mom went out the door.
"Someone's going to get some pussy..." Andrea heard Cindy say in a sing-song voice behind her. She turned around to see her friend smiling a knowing smile and Andrea just rolled her eyes at her.
"Come on, let's go make that snack. We only have an hour and then we can have fun."
For the next hour the girls tended to the minimal needs of Andrea's younger brother. Well, Andrea did while Cindy made herself at home on the couch and enjoyed the movie and chatted with Philip about his day at kindergarten when he wasn't staring blankly at the screen watching computerized anthropomorphized fish do their thing. Not that Andrea cared. Throwing a bag of popcorn in the microwave was hardly a two person job.
Finally, nine o' clock rolled around. The cute, little clown fish was reunited with his father and all was right on the reef and Phillip was already yawning and having trouble staying awake. As the final credits rolled on the screen Andrea picked up her little brother and carried him upstairs to his bed. She tucked him in and gave him kiss goodnight. He was out before she even got to the door.
"He's asleep," Andrea said as her bare feet hit the cool tile of the breezeway to Cindy who was standing in front of the entertainment center DVD in hand.
"Awesome," Cindy said as she bent over a bit and put the disc in the player. "Now I can watch you piss your pants in fear."
"Please. Like I've never seen a zombie movie before," came the flippantly indignant reply from Andrea as she planted herself on the couch. She was quickly joined by Cindy who sat down right next to her despite the abundance of room on the massive sofa.
"Don't try to act all brave like I don't know any better," teased Cindy as she snuggled up to her friend and pulled an afghan off the back of the couch and threw it over both of their legs. Cindy's arm quickly found it's way around Andrea's shoulder. Andrea's head found it's natural spot on resting on Cindy's shoulder with a resigned sigh.
"Oh, shut up," Andrea replied quietly as she made herself comfortable leaning against Cindy's soft body, "the movie's starting."
As they watched the movie the girls remained close only shifting when it was necessary, but never losing contact with each other. Andrea would never admit it, but loved the feel of Cindy's body touching hers. The soft skin, her warmth, her smell. It was all so comfortable and right.
It was weird. She was hardly a touchy feely person. Far from it in fact. She hadn't hugged or kissed her mother in ages. She'd lost every boyfriend she'd ever had (all three of them) because she'd just never been comfortable enough with them. Sure, she made out with them, one even got as far as feeling up her breasts, but it just never felt right.
Not that she was lesbian. At least she didn't think she was. She was just curious. Besides, fingering a girl didn't make her a lesbian. She was just returning a favor anyway. It was more like a drunken experiment than actual sex, right?
That night had been a lot like this one. Cindy had come over to spend the night while Andrea's mom had gone out with her girlfriends for a drink. Philip had been spending the night at his dad's like he did a couple of times a month. They didn't have the same father. Not that it mattered to Andrea. He was still her little brother.
The plan had been to watch a couple of movies then go to bed and wake up the next morning and go to the mall so Cindy could help Andrea spend what was left of her birthday money on some cd's. Andrea was getting bored with the teeny bopper crap she'd been listening to and, though she hated to admit it, Cindy had great taste in music and had knowledge of bands that Andrea had never even heard of. The girl knew her pop culture.
The plan had gone great for awhile. They watched the first movie, some boring teeny movie Andrea had picked out on a whim much to Cindy's dismay. Then they watched the second one, a sad, sappy movie of Cindy's choosing which also sucked.
It was half through the second movie that Cindy had brought out the bottle of irish cream and had non-chalantly took a swig and passed it to Andrea.
"What the hell is this?" Andrea asked as she sniffed the bottle. It smelled sweet and definitely alcoholic. She'd smelled her mom's rum before. This wasn't half as bad, but it was definitely booze.
"Irish cream," Cindy said, still playing it cool, "Drink it. It's good. You'll like it. It might help make this movie interesting."
"But isn't this alcohol?" Andrea asked quietly as if she was afraid of being caught despite the absence of an adult presence.
"Yeah," Cindy had replied a little sarcastically, "Just drink it, Andrea. It aint gonna kill you or anything. It tastes good. You'll like it. Trust me."
That did it. If Andrea had one weakness it was peer pressure. She couldn't stand to be viewed as a wet blanket ruining anybody's fun. It also helped to know that regardless of whether she drank any or not Cindy was going to get drunk. She actually seen her drink before and she'd tried to talk Andrea into joining in then too. Luckily( or unluckily) Andrea had had to go home early that first night so she had an easy out. She didn't have that luxury that night.
So Andrea swallowed her fears as she took a swig from the bell shaped bottle of sweet liqueur and gagged. Cindy laughed at her and urged to take another swig. Andrea looked at her a bit incredulously, but obeyed. This time she took a smaller drink and avoided smelling it. To her surprise it actually tasted pretty good after you got past the slight tinge of alcohol. Like a sweet chocolate milk, but entirely different. Without being urged she took another swig before handing it back to back to a smiling Cindy.
"It's good isn't it?" Cindy asked before taking drink herself. Andrea just nodded as she grabbed the bottle from Cindy and took another gulp. The girls kept passing it back and forth until they emptied the bottle of every last drop of it's contents. By the time they were done Andrea had downed more than her share, but Cindy didn't seem to mind. In fact, she just pulled another bottle from her bag and the girls managed to finish it off before the credits rolled on the second and, as it turned out, final movie.
By the time they were done drinking both girls were a loud, giggly mess. Andrea was spouting off anything that came to her mind and Cindy wasn't any better. Andrea still wasn't quite sure how the subject of sex had come about, but she knew that once it was brought up it became the sole subject of discussion.
Cindy did most of the talking considering that between the two of them she was the only one with any real experience. Andrea remembered her friend going into great detail about the time she let her oldest brother's best friend eat her pussy because she was bored. Her love of detail caused Andrea to giggle like a fool. Apparently he was rather unimpressive.
When Cindy started talking about her experiences with girls Andrea stopped laughing. Instead she listened with rapt attention to every detail they came from Cindy's expressively dirty mouth. Even at her young age Cindy had had quite a few experiences with girls. Many Andrea knew and more then a few came as quite shock. One in particular caught her attention.
"You fucked Becky Silverman?" Andrea had asked in disbelief.
"Hell yeah, she was good too. Why? Did you know her something?" Cindy had responded.
"She was my best friend back in seveanth grade. I can't believe you fucked her. She was always such a prude. She wouldn't even masturbate in front of m..." Andrea suddenly stopped herself, but it was too late. Cindy had her and pounced upon her admission.
"You, little miss virgin prude, have masturbated in front of people? You're fucking kidding me!" Cindy nearly yelled as she smiled broadly. Andrea just blushed and froze. She'd never told anybody about that and she had never planned on it.
"Oh, come on. Don't be all embarrassed," Cindy chided her. "I just told you a bunch of shit and you can't talk about the one time you masturbated in front of some girl? Don't be a pussy, Andrea."
"We didn't do it," Andrea said quietly distressed by the fact that her past was now the focus of the conversation.
"Well, why not?" Cindy had pressed on, "Come on don't be shy. I was just teasing you. I'm your best friend. I'm not going to make fun of you."
"I don't know," Andrea sighed, "She didn't want to."
"But you did, huh?" Cindy asked.
"Well, yeah," Andrea admitted openly, "It was my idea."
"Did you do it anyway?" Cindy pushed the questioning further. The subject intrigued her and turned her on.
"No!" Andrea said loudly. "What do you think I am, a perv?"
"Apparently," Cindy cracked and Andrea blushed causing Cindy laugh gently at her friend. "Oh, come on. If you're a pervert for wanting to watch a girl masturbate and I actually had sex with her what does that make me?" Cindy said as she leaned over slightly as she put her hand on Andrea's arm.
Andrea just kept blushing. She didn't know why she even mentioned it. She had never told anyone about that night before. She had really wanted it to happen. Andrea couldn't have admitted it then and still wouldn't now, but she had been attracted to Becky like she had never been attracted to anyone else before. She'd cried the next morning after Becky had gone home. Not just because she'd failed to see her friend masturbate, but because she knew that it meant the end of their friendship. It did. Becky made herself scarce soon after that.
And now here she was hearing how her new best friend had sex with her old best friend. It was weird and confusing to say the least. Damn it, she was jealous even though she knew she shouldn't be. The booze was definitely getting to her head.
While Andrea sat there blushing and worrying about her sexual identity Cindy's drunken mind was forming a plan. She knew exactly what was going on in Andrea's head. She witnessed it several times and, like a lot of girls of her persuasion, she had moments like these herself. She'd been able to work it out, but not everyone was able to. Some people needed a little help. Cindy was in a helpful mood.
"Come on," Cindy said as she got up and looked down at Andrea. Andrea just looked at her friend confused.
"What?" Andrea said after a pause that seemed to last an eternity. Cindy just responded by grabbing her friends hand and pulling her to her feet.
"Come on," She said as she began to lead her upstairs, "I have something to show you."
Andrea followed wondering what exactly was going on. If she had known at the time she probably would've ran the other way and regretted it for the rest of her life. When they got her room and Cindy began unbuttoning her pants Andrea almost did just that. The only thing that stopped her was fear of missing out on something she'd wanted for so long.
"What are you waiting for?" Cindy asked as she pulled off her jeans and panties in one tug, "Get undressed."
"What... what are you doing?" Andrea asked in a shaky voice even though she knew exactly what Cindy was going to do. The butterflies in her stomach were going crazy even as her pussy began to tingle and moisten at the sight of Cindy's trimmed sex. The butterflies nearly flew out of her stomach when Cindy stepped up to her and grabbed her hands again before placing a soft kiss on her lips.
"I'm going to show what you missed out on, silly," Cindy said with a wink as she reached down to help Andrea rid herself of her cargo pants. Andrea was lost in her thoughts. She was both scared and unbelievably aroused. She wanted to move, to either run out of the room or help Cindy remove her pants; she wasn't sure, but she was frozen.
Cindy didn't seem to notice as she finished unbuckling, unbuttoning and unzipping and began to tug Andrea's pants and panties done in the same manner she had her own. As she lowered herself down to her knees to help the clothes on their way down she found herself staring at Andrea's beautiful pussy. The scent filled her nose. She could almost taste her friends arousal and she almost did, but she kept her urges under control. No need to scare Andrea away by being too forward. With any luck there would be plenty of time for that later.
"Come on," Cindy said as she took back up and smiled softly at Andrea. She grabbed her friends shaking hand and led to her own queen size bed and guided her to take a seat against the headboard. Andrea allowed herself to be led and positioned almost as if she was in a trance. Really, she was. She was simply entranced by the sight of Cindy's pussy.
Once she was comfortable Cindy simply spread her legs and began to slowly massage her pussy as Andrea gasped and stared at her friend in awe. She somehow hadn't expected Cindy to just start touching herself like that. She'd almost thought it was all just an elaborate joke, but the sight of Cindy's long fingers slowly sliding between her already slick pussy lips as her other hand caressed her breasts through the thin material of her t-shirt proved to her that this was for real and, more importantly, this was beautiful.
Cindy's eyes were closed as she patiently began to work her fingers over her sex. She was obviously a girl who knew what she liked. Her trimmed fingers took their time rubbing her swollen lips as her thumb made slow, tight circles around clit. The moisture of her sex glistened in the soft light of Andrea's room as she softly moaned letting Andrea know she was enjoying herself immensely.
While Andrea's eyes were glued to the sight of Cindy's exhibition her own hands lost their lethargy and began to almost unconsciously began to work their way to her pussy. As her fingers grazed her clit Andrea let out a hissing sigh and a shiver ripped through her body. She closed her eyes for a brief second as the pleasure of the mini orgasm coursed through her, but once it faded her eyes instantly returned to the sight before her.
The pure beauty of Cindy's fingers working in and around her pussy as her hips slowly gyrated against the stimulation was absolutely spellbinding. Andrea did her best to mimic her friends movements. When Cindy Rubbed her clit Andrea did the same. When Cindy slowly dipped her index fingers into her depths Andrea followed her lead and let out a quavering moan. The smell of the mutual arousal filled both girls' nostrils.
Cindy's eyes slowly opened as she felt herself approach her first orgasm. Her eyes went from Andrea's fingers madly pumping away at her tight, slick flower up her tight belly that was exposed by Andrea's arm as Andrea savagely molested her tiny breasts under her thin t-shirt to her exquisitely contorted face obviously focused on Cindy's sex. The sight made her want to come that much more. Beauty, pure beauty.
"Oh god, Andrea," Cindy panted to her friend causing Andrea to remove her gaze from her handy work to Cindy's face, "I'm going to come, baby. Come with me. Oh God, come with me."
Andrea just groaned as she redoubled her efforts to obey Cindy's command. She'd never been this aroused. It was unbelievable. At the moment she realized that Cindy was the best friend she had ever had and ever would.
And with that thought she felt her orgasm begin to build and her breathing came in quick pants until she felt her whole being enveloped by a surge of pleasure unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. She screamed with ecstatic joy as bliss shredded her mind and her body tensed up and became rigid.
The sight of Andrea coming was more than enough to push Cindy over the edge as she came with a shivering squeal as her eyes squeezed shut. She saw stars as Andrea's screams of joy echoed through her brain. It was glorious.
Neither girl's hand left their work as they came down from their orgasm. They were too keyed up to stop now. Andrea's fingers were still wantonly pounding away at her wet, throbbing pussy. It was now Cindy's turn to stare in amazement. Cindy, however, was not content to just watch.
Andrea nearly screamed when she felt her fingers being joined by her friends, but her scream was silenced by Cindy's mouth on hers. The feeling of Cindy's fingers working her pussy and her soft lips against her own left Andrea weak. Any desire to protest quickly melted away.
Cindy's fingers were like magic on Andrea's pussy. She was pure putty in her friends skilled hands. She didn't even notice at first when Cindy began to guide her left hand to the moist junction of Cindy's thighs, but once she felt that slick fur touch her finger tips she wasted no time in getting to work.
The girls shifted position until they were on their sides facing each other, bodies close together as they kissed and did their best to bring each other to another glorious orgasm. The scent, the feel, everything was so perfect. Cindy's tongue felt so right in Andrea's mouth. Her warm body felt so good pressed against Andrea.
Cindy's thumb was making tight circles around Andrea's clit as she worked her index and middle fingers in and out of her friends tight sex. Andrea did her best to keep up with Cindy as she tried to keep her head, but as Cindy hit spots she didn't even know existed she had a hard time just keeping her fingers inside of Cindy's sticky hole.
Not that Cindy minded. She was so turned on that even the clumsy ministrations of her inexperienced friend were enough. She ground herself against Andrea's palm. Her main task was bringing Andrea to her second orgasm of the night anyway. Her own pleasure could wait.
Andrea was getting close. Those glorious fingers were driving her mad. Her moans easily escaped the deep kiss she shared with Cindy. Her pelvis pounded wildly against Cindy's hand as she felt it building and then with another scream she came again.
"That's it," Cindy whispered into Andrea's ear as she quivered against the invading fingers that were now thoroughly soaked with girl come, "Come for me. You're so beautiful... So beautiful."
Andrea's hand came out from Cindy's pussy as she wrapped her arms around her best friend and kissed her hard while Cindy continued to play with her through the entire orgasm.
"Oh, god. That was gr..." Andrea started to say as she finally came down from orgasmic high and broke the kiss with Cindy, but the sound of the garage door opening suddenly made her realize that she and Cindy weren't the only people in the world.
Babysitters, I hate babysitters and I hate the word babysitter; I'm twelve going on thirteen and there should be another word for this situation. Mom and Dad are going to a conference and I have to stay with a sitter; two weeks of learning new rules from a strange woman. Oh well, I can make it an adventure and see how far I can push the limits... It's Friday afternoon and Mom and Dad are busy with last minute packing. This is no time for me to be underfoot so I retreat to my room to watch TV...
January 1, 2007 It's the first day of a new year and since I am stuck in this house with nothing to do, I have decided to start that journal I have always planned. As a young writer, it is important to get into the habit of writing every day. After a while it will just be as natural as everything else that I have learned to do on a daily basis. That's the interesting thing about repetition. Something about creating new connections in your brain. Anyway, excuse my grammar or spelling....
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A K little sister Alyssia BabysitterI had been watching Paul and Nicole's two c***dren for a while. She wasvery pretty, about 5'8", nice legs and loved to show them off. She toweredover my 5'6' in her heels, Paul was about 6'1 or so, clean shaven and atrim wide shoulder athletic build, they made a very good looking couple.They would go out, she in a sexy dress and heels, and he in nice pants andshirt, or a suit sometimes dancing or parties I guess, I never reallycared. It was a cool gig, the...
We came home early, that night. The party was not very exciting, so we made excuses and left before 10, even though we had told Heather, our babysitter, not to expect us until after midnight. And obviously, she did not expect us--at least, not right then. Although we made a normal amount of noise driving up to the house and walking in, she didn't hear us at all. In fact, neither of them did. Not she or her boyfriend, lying on the couch in a passionate embrace, seemed to notice as we entered...
Jodie quietly closed the bedroom door behind her and headed downstairs to the lounge. She had just turned 20 and was in her second year at college. Babysitting was, in her eyes, easy money. This was the second time she had babysat for Jack and Sue's kids - twin girls aged 6 and Tom, aged 14. She looked at the clock on the way into the lounge. It was only 8 o'clock but the girls had gone off to bed without a fight. Jodie had read a story to them and they were both nearly asleep when she'd...
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IncestCindy was babysitting for the Indian family next door to her at 16 she was 4 years older than the boy she was looking after who was in his room with his cousins who were all 10, one of the cousins came in said to Cindy ” show me your tits” Cindy looked at him and told him no your to young, the boy looked said ” in my country boys rule you girls obey us” Cindy told him to get stuffed, the other boys came in and all jumped on Cindy and dragged her on to the floor and held her down, Cindy tried to...
Lasst mich mal ueberlegen, wie das alles anfing. Es muss letzten Sommer gewesen sein. Es war Samstag und meine Frau war mit einer Freundin shoppen gegangen. Sonja, die Tochter unserer Nachbarn, war bei uns, um auf unseren Sohn aufzupassen. Ich arbeitet im Garten und die beide waren im Haus. Nach einiger Zeit kam Sonja zu mir nach draussen. Mein Sohn schaute drinnen einen Film und Sonja war das zu langweilig. Aber am besten beschreibe ich Sonja erst einmal. Sonja war 19 Jahre alt und hatte...
Scott Collins was your typical Spring Valley teenager. 5'9" with short sandy brown hair, the 17 year old had graduated last month in the middle of his high school class. Co-captain of the swim team, his record had been enough to get him a partial scholarship to State in the fall. With only part of his education costs taken care of, a summer job was a must, just as it had been for the last three years. Scott was lucky enough to have had a steady summer job as a councilor at the local...
You feel cold stone under you... unable to move you look about with blurry vision to see what holds you. Iron shackles, bolted to the wall. You cannot even remember what happened and your head hurts like crazy. No blood... you were hit hard, but not fatally. A loud noise is heard in front of you as a creaky door opens. You see someone enter... an orc. He approaches you and unlocks your shackles. You hit the ground hard, not ready to support your own weight. The orc yells. "On your feet human."...
FantasyOne day I and AJ and his aunt (bhua) were sitting in the garden drinking tea.Bhua said to us, my daughter (Pinki) from UK will be here 2 days from now we should pick her up at the airport. Sure we will go to airport and pick her up. How old is she aunt? Aunt: she is 19.Me: so she is at right age for fun.Aunt: I told her all bout fun.Me what do u mean told her? Aunt: I told her all about you and my son AJ and maid and Raja.Me: you are naughty auntyAunt: woman got to do what got to do.Me: ...
A man is feminized by his wife and his business partner and framed for embezzlement. Can he survive the humiliations his wife intends to subject him to and start a new life? Thanks go out to Marina Kelly and Kelly Ann Rogers for their very valuable editorial assistance in improving the quality of this story. We find comments (good or bad) to be valuable in helping us to write a good story. Thank you. Chapter 14 Reality came back to Rob a little bit at a time. Sleep was a...
Clean And PureBy: Londebaaz Chohan Sophia had always been very good with her English. The English teacher of her senior year at High School always depended on her to stand in front of the class and read couple pages from the chapter, keeping in mind the pronunciation, grammar and metaphors.Her both parents were very regular at church and when they found out that father Paul needed a volunteer to help him write and practice a speech for Thanksgiving day; they made Sophie to volunteer her time...
Blair's Britain "Damn, where's my bra?" For those of you who don't think there's anything odd about this question perhaps I should explain. I am a heterosexual married man yet here I am typing out my story in stilettos, stockings, satin knickers and suspenders, a satin bra and a slip writing my story. I would never have thought this possible 10 years ago when "Things Can Only get Better" blared through the speakers and a triumphant Tony and Cherie drove to Downing Street. I...
Swap Week: Chapter 8 By RogerGirl Nicole woke up early again to get ready for her last day of work. Waking up early was one thing she wouldn't miss when she returned to her normal life as Nick. She went through her morning routine and also packed a bag with a new swimsuit for the pool party, a pair of short shorts, a pair of flip flops, some stuff she would be wearing with her dress at the dance, and something she would be wearing for Nathan after the dance. She went to the kitchen...
Pea Pod - The Return By: Wholeman ********** DECLARATION: This story is an original literary work. I wrote a story just to stretch my creative muscles. All scientists and Wizards in this work are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or born in the future, is purely coincidental. WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, swearing, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old...
"Sold, to the gentleman with the grey beard!" Harold said as he tapped the table with his small wooden gavel. Ariana stepped forward from the side of the makeshift stage and took the young blonde's hand for the last time. "Good bye, my darling." She whispered softly as she walked the girl through the departing customers, but if Patricia heard her, there was no sign of it in her glassy eyed stare. The tall, elderly man reached Harold's table at the same time as Ariana and his purchase....
Georgia gripped her hand as Nadia, now dressed in a skimpy maid's uniform, led a large and elegantly dressed man into the Library. Nadia said something that Lexi took to be an introduction and bowed before leaving the room. Georgia stood, pulling Lexi up with her. "Mr. Jones, so good to see you again," Georgia said, letting Lexi's hand go and walking the few steps to shake his hand. "A pleasure Georgia," the man said with a slight accent that Lexi couldn't place. Georgia turned and...
Abby likes to work hard and to play hard. She was dressed as Marilyn Monroe from the 'Seven Year Itch' film, in a white flouncy dress and a false pair of breasts to enhance her small natural ones. She would have gone straight to her Goth Club but Gibbs had called her in to undertake some additional chemical analysis. The sight of her standing there, in that white dress with a blond wig on, stunned Tony and Tim. The light was such that they could see through her dress and see the white panties...
Storytime!When I got up this morning and my “date” from the previous night had finished orally polishing my peen, I had a revelation. I thought to myself, “I am really tired of having to teach tricks about how to do sex well. Wouldn’t it be nice to get someone with experience?” And so, I considered trying my hand with older ladies but ran into a snag. “These ladies and I come from different generations; how best should I go about macking on them?”To improve my technique, I thought I should try...
Live Mature Sex CamsTRUE TALES OF A SALESMAN #2 To my readers: If you’ve read #1, then you’ll know this took place before I bought my motor home. Lisa and CandyI had reluctantly agreed to pick up both women and take them to the restaurant where all of us were gathering after the trade show. Both Lisa and Candy owned and operated a small women’s apparel store in a suburb of a big city. They were both very good looking. Their looks probably were a significant factor in their success. Lisa, the single one, was a...
Before the digital camera age, your choices were Polaroid or standard film cameras. On occasion, my wife and I would take pictures of each other and our lovemaking. While the Polaroid was fun, our standard camera had a tripod and a timer so we could take shots of ourselves engaged in all manner of activities. Back then, processors would not develop nude pictures, so we brought our film to the local photography shop, which did its own developing. I always felt odd when I'd pick up...
LesbianInside, Ellen took Dollars into the kitchen. Moss said, "Cents told me you would be willing to ride on New Year's Eve?" "Yeah, Sarge. I'm not busy and that helps you folks keep two in a car and maximize the cars on the road." "Good. I plan to pair you with the newest corporal even though the promotion isn't official until the first. I was going to announce it at shift end but a little sooner won't hurt." He stood up. "C'mon." I followed him into the kitchen and noticed that he...
Note : This story is completely fictional! I can’t forget that night which I spent with my elder sis-in-law for the first time and last time so far. It was an amazing event in my life. I found that sexually deprived (with husbands) ladies are so eager in bed that they want to acquire all pleasures of life at once. Wow! She is “Reboty”-“Rebu” is her nick, standing on 40, and little fetish with a 40-30-38 vital statistics. Somehow I found that her husband can’t fulfill her sexual needs. He is on...
IncestBy : Punjabicallboy Mera name lovepreet hai. Me Punjab ka rahna wala hun or meri age 27 years hai. Me ISS ka reader hun aje me aap ko apn first sex ka bare me batna ja rah hun me meri study kar raha tha. mera ghar ke pass wale ghar ik family na kharid leya tha use family me 4 log tha ek aurt uksa ladka, ladki or ladka ki wife ladka Oman me driving karta tha or kuch dino bad ladka oman chala geya unki saddi ko abi ek sal be nahi hua tha. Deera deera hum logo ki use family se jaan pahcan ho gayi...
Another party on another Saturday night, it's an ordinary suburban house but what's happening inside it is far from being ordinary. About a dozen young teenage couples are standing or sitting in a circle watching two thirteen year old girls undressing each other, I'm not all that interested in watching them, I'm more interested in the sexy little panties I've nestled in, They belong to Sandra, a pretty little fourteen year old and they're pulled right up into her slit, she's sitting in...
A little over a year later, I was living a much different life. Of course, I had moved into a new home which was amazing. But due to the fact that Michelle was not there it seemed empty and pretentious. I was just going through the motions day by day simply putting one foot in front of the other. As I navigated my building on a daily basis either people would look away from me or give me the pity look as I called it. I tried my best to ignore it but I wanted to say something so many times but...
We left off with me with my tongue having been in her areshole and us moving the session to the couch. She straddles me and leave a big patch of girl cum on my jeans before reaching down and undoing my trousers. She pulls out my rock hard cock, dripping with pre cum and pulls my foreskin down to expose my head, she squeezes out some pre cum into her hand and brings it up to her mouth; "oh fuck baby I love the taste of your cock, I'm gonna fuck you with my mouth, you're gonna cum in my mouth...
The story so far: A former international champion ballroom dancer of the Cha Cha, Sierra Ballantyne, buys her mother’s failing dance studio and is unable to turn it around. So she converts it into the Ballantyne School of Seduction against a background of controversy that she sets out to mollify. The young divorcee catches the eye of the publisher of a trendy urban magazine. * FOUR Well, a mini moment of destiny had arrived, thought Sierra Ballantyne, standing up in response to Mason...
Here I was, thirty-five and never married. And the thing was, unlike a lot of men who seemed to devote a great deal of time trying to avoid matrimony, I’d sought it out assiduously for many years, dating a myriad of women without finding the one.After the last time, I’d pretty much despaired of finding the ‘right girl’. Part of this was caused by a belief that I was ‘too weird’ for a serious relationship. Or, at least, this had been my self image; one of disgust with my own perversities. For,...
The crowd thinned out, and the ice was cleaned for the next use. “We’ll have about a forty-five-minute wait to see Peter,” Scott mentioned. “We should be going then, early day tomorrow,” Karen said. Brenda, Diane, Cathy, Dan, and Karen walked towards the exit doors. Scott and Vicky walked together, followed by Brad and Abby. Karen hustled the other four aside so Scott and Vicky could have some privacy while Brad and Abby waited by the stairs to the lower level. Scott and Vicky stopped by...
“C’mon, let’s go take a shower and get this oil off of us,” I said as I got up off of the bed. Tanya followed quickly and pulled off her boots and little skirt before she left the bedroom. I got the shower going until the water was hot and steamy. My shower wasn’t as big as the one at my brother’s but it was a decent size; good enough for two to be in close quarters without actually being totally in each other’s way. We stepped into the shower and leisurely soaped up each other’s body. I...
Aurora had enough of living with her parents but at nearly 18 she was not ready to move out totally on her own. She thought about all of her options but nothing seemed appealing enough for her to make that huge step. She did have a job at the local super market and with summer coming she knew she could get more hours, that way she could pay rent or at least room and board somewhere. After a few more weeks she was getting really irritated and with her 18th birthday fast approaching it was making...
BisexualMy wife Terri and I recently celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in grand style. Like other couples we have had our ups and downs. Like 5 years ago when she caught me chatting with other men about sex and cross-dressing, something I had already been doing for 5 years. She promised to let me experiment with my fetish as long as it was just with her. She also agreed to indulge another fetish I have and wear pantyhose for me when we had sex. We had managed to raise a son and daughter—both now...
Shannon hurried back to the room. She threw enough clothes into her bag for the weekend. She was about to head out when she remembered something. In the back of her side of the closet, she had her lace nightgown stashed. She decided to grab that too. Before she could make it out the door, Lisa burst through in tears. Shannon wasn’t sure whether to stop to see what was up and fake compassion or make her exit quickly. Lisa solved that by turning to face Shannon and asking, ‘Where are you...
We left the county seat at 8PM on our drive south. Our first stop for gas and a bathroom break came in South Carolina. I had dinner before we left and it was the middle of the night, so I opted for just coffee and an old fashioned cinnamon role. One of those that wasn't too sweet nor with too much cinnamon on it. In other words a slightly flavored dinner roll. Simpson on the other hand visited their burrito bar. I am sure you can imagine what a burrito bar in a convenience store on the...
So far: Ricky, now known to everyone outside of his family as River, has made a connection with the large river that flows through a First Nations campground towards Lake Superior. Now, the elders of the reserve have arrived at a ceremony intended to admit River into their tribe. But somehow it all changes, and the elders all bow down and ask to join River's tribe. ------ ------ "What? Wait. Yes. No," Ricky quailed at the site of three dozen older men and women bowing in front of...
Starting a new story line while working on the next installment of A Teacher’s Story. Hope that you all like it. Please comment, I really want to know how you feel about my stories. Hell is paved with good intentions (Samuel Johnson 1709 — 1784) * I had just graduated from Grant High School in Baltimore and was getting ready to go to the local university. It was a great school, but I had really wanted to go away. However, real life stepped in, we couldn’t afford it. In fact the only reason I...
Karen was on her hands and knees looking up at me as John pull up her skirt. He gently pulled her panties to the side and slid his condom coated greased cock inside her. She let out a moan as he slowly penetrated her ass. I admired her shoulder length brown hair, her painted eyes and red lips as she moaned. My cock was hard as a rock as she parted her lips and I slid it deep in her mouth. John pumped her ass harder and faster as I slid in and out of her sexy mouth. I pulled my cock from her...
Things changed for my mother and I. I was a 26 year old college graduate who recently landed a decent job. For the first time in my life, I moved out to live in a small place of my own. My entire life had been spent living with my mother in a downtown apartment, and we became very close as a result. She had even called me her best friend on several occasions. After I left, my mom decided she wanted to move back to a residential area. She grew up in an old Victorian house which she loved for...
Last week I got a phone call from Komal telling me how horny she was and how she wanted me to come over to her apartment and do something about her condition. Having nothing better to do, I told her I would be right over. We have been together a few times and there are very few things that are more fun than alleviating Komal's feelings of horniness. Although not attractive in the conventional way, she is extremely sensuous so we hugely enjoy making love together. That day was no exception....
EroticI had been home a week when I removed the tiny pink computer from my large black backpack. I had seen it when I removed the cold weather gear, but I just couldn’t remember why I had it. I couldn’t remember buying it, and I didn’t remember the general giving it to me. But then all of a sudden when I was on my, now five mile morning ride, it came to me. There was a full copy of his agreement with the state department on the hard drive. I was curious of course. I tried to turn it on but nothing...
In the darkness of night alone walking thro a cold forest of black trees and snow blowing with the wind, the boy named winter makes his way thru the darkness to the moon glowing on his face, but there's no hope in this light. But another light beams his sight and the winds whirl thro him, he can see a figure in this light...a female one like an angel. He walks towards her finally feeling the warmth of the light and-Thud! That was the sound of Xavier once again falling off his bed while...
RomanceFar in the distance the morning sun reflected searing shafts of silvery light from the vehicle's skin. Rasida blinked into her far seeker against the glare. Barely glancing to the left she uttered the single word, 'dushtu, ' and felt the subtle movement as two riders promptly peeled off. "Why the precaution?" Rada, on her right, asked. "Practice," she grinned back. She took off her black cap and wiped the perspiration from her forehead. Glancing up into the sky she told Rada it was...
I didn't have any clue how to find a partner for this, until I saw that my local rag had a 'seeking friends' section in the Personals. It was filled with people seeking fuck buddies (although, obviously, they didn't put it in those words), including guys seeking other guys. Striking up my courage, I answered the ad of a bi guy seeking other bi or bi-curious guys. He didn't take long to reply to my voicemail message, and before I knew it, I was heading to his place. As he lived with...
Chapter 1 I become a slave How could I have been so stupid to end up on a bright Saturday afternoonwith my hands handcuffed behind my back through a park bench while a girl mademe lick her patent leather shoes? The girl was cute but her shoes really stank. It all started when I and my friend Ted and his girl friend Debbie acceptedan invitation at a disco to go back to the condo of two cute blonds. They werereally sexy and we were a bit drunk. I was interested but hesitant until Debbiesaid she...
My wife Tina and I are in our early thirties. We were Highschool sweethearts and got married right before we went to college. Tina's best friends, Debby and Chloe had also married their Highschool boyfriends. The three of them shared everything and had no secrets from each other. We, the husbands of course knew this and so we assumed that they knew everything about us.One day when the three of them were together again my wife Tina asks Debby and Chloe, "Have you ever wondered whether your...
College SexI'm learning, okay? This one took me the longest time by far.. I actually didn't think it was going to go anywhere after part 2. XD Copyright: Blizzard Entertainment. I don't own the game nor am I making a profit. :3 ---- Time had come and gone. Three years, in fact, though Kara didn't seem to notice the time pass. She overlooked the complete transformation of her body; any remaining fat on her arms became muscle, her legs grew toned, her belly void of the "pudge" she had...
My Fantasy part 2 Saturday Waking up Saturday morning after a fun Friday night, my boyfriend next to me, I still really want his handsome friend to myself. Once all up and in the kitchen while making breakfast and chatting, my pussy was soon wet as I kept thinking about Kegans thick cock and handsome body. Breakfast soon finished and in the heat of mid morning, the boys grabbed themselves a few cold beers, I grabbed myself a water and the 3 of us made our way to the pool. Steven and Kegan after...
Five motorcycles drifted up quietly outside the house. Bonnie was on the lead cycle, naked except for the dog collar, with a strap around her tits that held her on the back of the bike. Her hands were cuffed behind her, her mouth was clamped firmly shut, she had a butt plug in her ass, and a vibrating dildo in her cunt.The latter two were held in place by a harness that was padlocked around her waist, and a strap that ran from it down between her legs, split her cunt lips, and ran up her ass...
HardcoreBroken CondomBy Tom Stone ~ [email protected] is only a story. I encourage you to ALWAYS engage in safer sex; wear acondom; wrap your willy, etc etc."Choosing safer sex for you and your partner greatly reduces the risk ofcontracting STDs including HIV -- you can get answers to your safer sexquestions, courtesy of staff members at the SF city clinic"Do not read this if you are u******e or it is i*****l to do so in the areain which...
“Maybe I will! Maybe then I won’t have to deal with such an asshole!” “So you admit it? You admit you’re a fucking cheater.” Matt planted himself on the edge of his bed and crossed his arms, his face twisted in anger. Jessie rolled her eyes. “How many times do I have to say it?” “Keep saying it, I’m not gonna believe you.” “You don’t have to, but I’m telling you the truth. That guy came on to me, not the other way around. He bought me a drink that I didn’t want, and -” “Y’know, you...
Hi! ISS lovers … This is deep from punjab(sangrur). (same name same place!)..This is my first is story (not story but a real life experience).Well I tell you about myself ….I am a cool guy which would be a great catch for every girl!! My tool is normal sized though but I know every technique to satisfy a horny.. So coming to the topic. Yeh us samme ki baat hai when I was 18 and my cousin sister shivani came to granny’s place for further education … When I saw her after so much time see was like...
The response to Angela’s call is faster than Spencer expects. By the time he and Angela get back to the store, police tape is already up and cutting the crowd from the scene. “What happened?” Angela asks the coroner when they walk into the shop. “Ah, Detective Veris,” the coroner says. “From my initial examination it appears something was rammed through the poor fella’s chest then contracted around the heart. Now, it may sound crazy but, I would say it was a hand.” “You’d be surprised at...
Jane and I were having lunch when she told me that her husband, John, planned to have a gang bang party for her. “What did you do to deserve that?” “I lost a bet,” was the reply. I smiled “well, have fun!” “Yeah right! I also have to find a friend to come over to suck the guys, to make sure they stay hard.” Do you know anyone who might be interested?”I am thinking to myself that this might be fun, so I ask, “when is this party going to happen?” “Saturday afternoon,” was the reply. “I’m free...
Serra the Knight sighed as the last of the kobolds fell beneath her sword and wiped away the blood. The foul little reptilians had been too busy raping her predecessor to see her coming, and then spent so much time trying to disarm and capture her that she was able to defeat the small band. “Scum” she spat at the dead monster and sheathed her sword. Her sister knight, Farah, lay on the ground naked and covered in cum. The strong stench of sex made Serra want to gag, but she fought back the urge...