ReflectionsChapter 3 free porn video

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There, first seed of 'servitude' was planted. I didn't have to work. I took the team out to dinner. We did talk for a bit about a marketing strategy for a new product line – just long enough to qualify the dinner as business expense before heading home.

I'm going to slowly tighten the screws and if he doesn't balk along the line, I'll give him a bit of wank time in two or three weeks.

"Hey babe, I just got off the highway, should be there in a little while."

Disconnecting the call I didn't give him a chance to say anything.

I pulled into the garage and as I got out of my car the connecting door to the house opened and there stood Terry naked as a jay bird except for that pink CB with a tray holding a full martini glass and a single long stem rose.

My pussy flooded and my heart overflowed with love for him. Damn I was the luckiest gal in the whole wide world.

"Babe, I love you. Go put the tray down I need a hug and a kiss. This was one 'bear' of day for me".

He engulfed me into his strong arms and we tongue wrestled like we'd been apart for weeks. Eventually he picked me up and carried me into the living room. Sneakily, I dropped my pumps on the way – something for him to pick up later.

Terry actually deposited me quite gently in what used to be his chair 'til yesterday.

"There you go Goddess, enjoy your new throne. May I be excused so that I can fetch your martini that I was forced to leave behind."

"Of course darling, maybe on the way pick up my shoes that got dropped when you so abruptly carried me off. Be a dear and put them on the stairs. You can bring them up later."

There, another little thing. All part of the master plan.

The martini and foot massage was pure heaven as I slowly sank into dream land for just a few minutes. I did get a questioning look from Terry when he realized that was wearing stockings, not my usual pantyhose. I ignored it but is was part of the plan. I was going to be 'hot' at all times. I had bought more than a week's worth of new matching undies consisting of low cut or very lacy bras, garter belts and matching panties. Laid on a supply of stockings in different shades and kept a few spares in the office in case some of them got a run while at work. I needed to be careful with what I wore over my new lingerie. I was not going to advertise the new sexy layer to my colleagues. That was only to tease and torment Terry and for the pleasure of an eventual play mates. But now my soaked pussy needed attention and kept me from falling into deep sleep.

"Babe, thank you that was lovely but now something else need attention. Why don't we go upstairs. It will be more comfortable for both of us. No need to carry me. I know you can do it but..."

"Thank you, I'll see you up there in just a couple of minutes. I have to transfer the last load from the washer to the dryer."

I'll be, he actually did laundry. Such a good boy and not even a full day in that CB. I guess the memories of the last two weeks are still very vivid in his mind.

"That's fine babe, I'll see up in my room. Please don't forget the shoes."

"Yes Ma'am"

Did that sound just a bit sarcastic? I decided to let it slide.

As I reached the top of the stairs. "Terry, a glass of ice water would be nice".

I almost hoped that he didn't hear me, so that I could send him back down for it.

It took him a while to get sorted out down stairs, setting the alarm system, turning off lights and stuff. When he came up he had my shoes in one hand and the glass with water in the other. No tray, no rose. Was he trying to tell me that I was pushing too hard. I guess I have to find out.

I was sitting on the bed facing the mirror and brushing my hair when he walked past me to deposit the glass on a night stand. He did have a coaster. So half a point for that.

The low groan when he saw me sitting there in my new sexy lingerie was very satisfying. I could tell that he liked it and clearly that CB was working. I will have to check that in a bit. Maybe add one more spacer ring.

I looked up at him smiling in the hope that it would take the sting out of what I was going to say next.

"Why are you still standing and not on your knees asking for permission to service My pussy. Remember YOU were the one that got lucky this morning. I got shortchanged."

He got down on his knees and tried to scoot between my legs just as I closed them together.

"I heard neither a 'yes Goddess' or 'sorry' from you and there is this thing about coming into my room without knocking".

I saw anger flashing across his face. Now I was really pushing it and he pushed right back. That was totally unexpected...

"Last I remember, this is OUR room. While I on occasion agreed to sleep in the other room, since you claimed my tossing and turning disturbed your beauty sleep, I did not give up the right to my half of the bed and I will be dammed if will knock to gain access to what is also my room. Do I need you to remind you that the tossing and turning was caused by your desire to have me wear a CB that clearly was too small. Without it I'm a very quiet sleeper. It is you who keeps moving around looking for just the right position to press your butt into my groin."

"Maybe this is not a very good idea. Get yourself off. I'm going to sleep in the other room and I'll to have to rethink this whole thing. I was under the distinct impression that this experiment is supposed to be fun for both of us. While I admit to being a tad submissive, being treated like a bloody domestic does not equate to that for me. I don't mind doing stuff for you. You know that. But this 'fetch this and that' and knocking on my own door is just too much."

"Good night"

I was stunned. It all started so nice. Where did I fuck up? These thought ran through my mind as I heard the door to the guest room slam shut and then the unthinkable – I heard the lock turn. He had locked me out.

We've had fights but never, I mean NEVER had we gone into a situation like this. How am I going to fix this and still maintain control? I can't even go and talk to him, smooth things over.

I had an extremely restless night but must have fallen asleep at the end because I woke up from the growling exhaust of his Mustang as he pulled out of the drive way. Another surprise. He usually does not take it to work. Instead he drives his hybrid Escape. When I looked at the clock it was just two minutes before our normal getting up time. It was clear that he was in no mood to talk this morning. Shit.

I got up, took a shower and got dressed – for a second or two I contemplated to go back to my 'standard' undies but decided not to. I had no idea what the day or evening would bring and I wanted to be looking my best if and when I saw Terry next.

I went downstairs, the smell of coffee was a pleasant surprise but the next was not. There it was in the middle of the kitchen table – the lock to his CB. He must have cut open with one of his tools in the garage. Damn, now I was really worried.

It was a good thing that I was extremely busy that morning. No time to dwell on what happened to us.

Shortly after lunch I tried to call Terry but his PA told me that he was in a meeting and could not be disturbed unless it was a case of life and death. Well in some way it was – maybe the life and death of our marriage.

I tried his cell phone knowing that it would go straight into voice mail.

"Hi I'm so sorry about last night – not sure where I misread you but I sure did. We need to fix this. Please let us talk, the sooner the better. I love you."

Well that was all I could do for the moment. The next move was his. Then it occurred to me to check my private e-mail. There it was sitting since 9 AM this morning.


We need to talk. I'll pick you up at six in front of your office. I've reserved a private room at the Chateau for dinner. We'll be on neutral ground an can try to work ourselves out of the mess we're in right. I might have overreacted a bit but better now at the beginning then down the line in six or so weeks. See you at six.

Love Terry"

Well that was something, he started out kind of formal but at least ended with 'love'. So maybe we will be OK and get over this.

The Chateau was one of our favorite places for special occasions. An extra benefit were the private dining rooms that could accommodate parties from 6 to 20 diners. He had snared one of these early this morning. I guess a Wednesday after a long weekend was not a big night out for most.

In one way I was looking forward to this on the other I was really scared. For once I could not plan a strategy. That was one of my strength. Always have a strategy. Now I had to wing it. I had no idea if he was going to call the whole thing off, modify the agreement or something else all together. Like the unthinkable - divorce. Well I guess for once I had to fly by the seat of my pants.

I plodded through the rest of the day and at five o'clock I was in the Ladies Room redoing my make-up and getting myself all fixed up. It seems the Gods had been with me this morning when I got dressed on auto pilot.

Sexy hot mint green undies – the bra just barely covering my areolas. However, that part was made from very thin lace and pretty transparent. Also my nipples would push and deform the fabric under the slightest provocation. To counter this, for the office I had selected a forest green silk blouse – Terry's favorite color.

While in the office I had it tucked in quite loosely in order to avoid the 'nipple effect'. However, now I gave my nipples a sharp pinch, making them stand out like erasers on a pencil, tucked the blouse in nice and tight and opened two more buttons. There was no way Terry could miss this. I was on a war path. I wanted MY man back under MY thumb and had no problem playing the seduction card to the hilt.

I walked out of the office door a minute before six, just as Terry's Mustang roared up the circular drive in front of the building.

In a flash, he was out of the car and around it to open the passenger side door for me. I gave him my 1000 Watt smile, made sure there was plenty of cleavage as well as stocking tops visible.

My darling maybe pissed at me but that did not stop him from being a gentleman. Damn, I sure love that lunkhead. I hope we can repair our rift.

There was not much talk during the short drive to the restaurant.

The valet got an eye full from me and a twenty from Terry to keep the car up front and out of the parking lot.

Once seated I ordered a Kir Royal and Terry mineral water. He never drinks when he drives what I lovingly refer to the 'Beast'. Too much power, too easy to lose concentration and wind up in a wreck.

After ordering the sea food special for the night I gave Terry my full attention making sure that the cleavage was just right.

"So Terry, I agree that we have to talk. So since you feel that you have a grievance, please go ahead and 'sock to me' as they say on the re-runs of Laugh In.

"Clarissa, for starters I want you to know that I love you very much and I want to find a way out of this mess. Maybe I overreacted, maybe not. I'm just not sure. Maybe my subbie streak is not as wide as you seem to think. I just don't know."

I started to say something but he held up his hand.

"Please let me finish. We can discuss, dissect or whatever individual points later."

At that point our salads arrived and we took a short break eating them.

"Like I said, I don't know. Last night started out great. I sort of enjoyed the humiliation – yes it was humiliating, especially since the garage door was still wide open – having to greet you totally nude."

"I would have made up the rooms without your prompting going from the assumption that I would have helped you anyway had you been home. It's something we've done together many times. No big deal. Same goes for airing out the guest room. That was a no-brainer too."

"Would I have thought of doing laundry – probably not. Did I mind getting told to do it? Not really."

"The chair – no big deal. I suspect it is just a mind game. I know you really prefer the love seat where you can tuck you feet under. So any time Goddess requires a throne – it's yours."

I had to smile, Terry was right about the chair. I much prefer the love seat but I will take his chair every time he gives me a foot massage or I want to watch some chick flick while he serves my pussy. But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here.

"So what bothered me so much, that I blew up at you? I first got irritated when you told me to pick up your shoes – again, I would have done that anyway but then you added the comment about putting them on the stairs, graciously permitting me to bring them up later when I was going anyway."

"It was the tone. There was something in it that I can't quite put a name to it. The closest thing I can think of is one of those English plays on PBS. You know, upper crust lady talking to the upstairs maid. It irritated the heck out of me at that point. I began to wonder if there was some kind of plan on your end to reduce me, at least on a part time basis, to a servant."

"I had no problem with the foot massage, you know that I love doing that. Also I was really looking forward to taking care of your pussy..."

We got interrupted as the main course was being served. During our meal we talked by unspoken agreement about office gossip. Terry also told me about a possible trip for three days next week to San Francisco. Normally he would have asked if I could get off and come along. Not this time. Well I have to see.

After our coffee was served Terry continued and I could tell that he was getting just a bit agitated as he recalled last night.

"When you sprung that thing on me, that asking for permission, not saying sorry or knocking on 'your' door, I just lost it. Again more than anything, it was that arrogant tone in your voice. There was something about it that was different. It's not that we have not had similar situations in our role play stuff. The thing is that it always seemed to be playful. To me last night you were dead serious about that. You were just a bitch."

"In the past, you've used an imperious tone with me – it gave me a bit of thrill – but you always smiled. Not last night. I wish you could have seen your face. The evil stepmother in Cinderella had a kinder face."

I was shocked, I had no idea that I had come across like that.

I started to tear up "Baby, I'm so sorry. I had no idea..."

Terry put his hand on mine – first contact since he stopped rubbing my feet last night. It felt good.

"Please, Clarissa no tears. We'll figure this out. We have time. Lou told me that we could stay until eleven and no one will bother us."

Look, I don't mind playing domination games but I have to know that it is a game. I want to find out how wide my subbie streak is and maybe it can stand some widening down the line but I need to know that you love me first and foremost. That wasn't there last night. I my mind it got lost from the moment you dropped your shoes when I carried you to the throne. You had an agenda and you followed through. I know that, that is how operate in business and in our life. I'll bet any amount that you have something in mind, something you are aiming for – I have no idea what it is – but you have a goal of redefining our relationship by the end of the three months period."

I blanched, a good thing that lighting in the room was dialed down to "romantic". I don't think he caught it. Damn if he didn't hit the nail right on the head. Yes that was my goal. Making him subservient and my cuckold – never stopping to love him but yes a redefined relationship. Making his subbie streak as wide as six lane highway. Implanting the Goddess status into his mind on a permanent basis. Now what do I do?

I pretended to sip my coffee as I marshaled my thoughts.

"Terry" - I wanted him to know that I was serious by using his name, not my usual "babe" or other endearments.

"Terry (turning on that 1000 watt smile) I don't have that evil master plan as you call it."

I hoped lightening wasn't going to strike me because this was the very first time I ever lied to Terry.

"What I have is certain ideas and fantasies that I would like to explore with you over these next three months. I want to know how wide your subbie streak is. If it can be widened. You know that I'm a hard driving alpha personality in my job and I would like more of that to carry over into our personal life. I told you before, it's about power."

"I'm truly sorry if I came across last night as a hard hearted bitch. That was not my intention. Yes I wanted to tell you to do things for me the Goddess, knowing that you would do them even when if I didn't tell you to. The part about knocking last night was truly stupid. I guess I got carried away. I should have known better since we had this discussion before when you started to object of being relegated to the guest room. I sincerely apologize for that."

"I want you to know that I love you with all my heart, mind and soul and nothing will ever change that. Never before have I hurt like last night when you stormed out of the room and I heard the lock to the other room turn. I was devastated and cried for hours."

"When I heard you leave this morning, taking the 'beast' and later found the busted lock on the kitchen table, I thought that our marriage was over. Add to that that I could not get you on the phone and I was really worried. I sat at my desk during lunch trying to eat a stale wrap from the sandwich shop downstairs expecting some lady or man to show up, asking my name and telling me that I had been served. I was a total wreck."

"You can't imagine how relieved I was when I saw your e-mail with the dinner invitation. I want to try to fix this. Make it work and come to an arrangement of some kind where we still go exploring without causing serious hurt feelings."

"I think that I need to hear from you how you see our future and how we should go from here. Like I said before, I feel very strongly that we need to explore our desires, fantasies and state of minds. If we stop that and just go on as we have in the past before the CB, the tease and denial, I'm afraid that our marriage will be in danger of going stale, become boring and will sooner or later end in divorce. It would break my heart if that were to happen but..."

"I'm not sure what else to say. I think that the ball is still in your court. You need to try to define more of what your thinking is. I know last night did not go too well, so how do we develop a D/s relationship that does not hurt our love and marriage?"

"Darling (my heart jumped at that) I agree with you that if we don't do something boredom will set in eventually and our marriage will be doomed. However, the same will happen if you – yes you, because you are the dominant force behind this pushes too hard, too fast and too far."

"Thinking back, last night was an overreaction on my part and I'm sorry for that. I'm guessing that some defense mechanism was triggered, not so much by what you did and said but certainly your demeanor like I explained earlier at the start of this conversation."

"I also told you many times and at the risk of you getting pissed off again at me, I'm very insecure when it comes to our relationship. I still pinch myself every so often to make sure I really married you and it not all just a dream."

"Having said that, I need not only to keep hearing that you love me but I need to feel it. Also, I need to know that this is a game to be turned on and off with periods of normalcy, whatever we in the end define as such. I will never submit to a 24/7 D/s relationship. That is not me. I need to give and most importantly receive love from my partner."

With that Terry reached into his jacket pocket and handed me a small gift wrapped package about the size of a jewelry box.

"What is this?"

"Open it silly and you'll see."

I tore the wrapper open and there was indeed a jewelry box. I popped it open and there was a small brass lock and two keys.

My eyes misted over – he loved me so much that he was risking to keep this going. He was not going to dump me. How can I make this up to him.


"Yes I'm wearing it right now. I did add two more spacer rings and right now it's held together with one of those numbered plastic tabs that came with the CB to be used for airline travel so that the whole thing won't set off the metal detectors. Of course now with those new body scanners. I don't know if it would show up or not. Could be pretty humiliating."

We both chuckled at that thought.

"I have some thoughts about signals you could give me, telling me that the game is on like finding you sitting on the throne aka my chair. Finding your shoes in the middle of the room would be telling me that you are upstairs requiring my services or just coming out and telling me that it's time to check on the width of my subbie streak."

I had to smile at that last remark.

"Within those parameters I can accept to be told from time to time that the Master bedroom is 'your room' and entrance is by invitation only. Just make sure that it is an occasional thing – NOT the norm because that will either trigger a safe word or worth end the whole thing. I will not be denied my right to that room, my right as your husband to sleep with you and make love to you in a totally non kinky way. In other words fuck each other's brains out 'til we fall asleep from exhaustion like Monday night."

I was a bit disturbed by Terry's last statement. I may have to go real easy on the cuckold thing. Do lots of checking on the "truth meter" before pushing that issue. This was very dangerous ground. I wanted, I needed to make Terry a cuck. The question was to what extent and how often. Clearly at this point he was not ready to give up any of the marital rights.

"Babe, what you have said makes sense to me. I may want to but I don't think I could sustain being a Domme 24/7. I like to laugh, share stories with you. Cuddle on the love seat with a fire going and watching West Point lose to Syracuse."

That was a sore point, me being from Upstate New York and die heart Syracuse fan while Terry's dad and his brother are West Point graduates. Terry was the first in a long line in his family that did not chose a military career. He did join the ROTC in college and the National Guard and was activated during Desert Storm. He left the guard shortly after the end of his deployment and never talked much about his time in Iraq. In some ways I think he still misses the guard – you know before 9/11 when it was almost like Boy Scouts and two weeks of summer camp. But I'm sure that he is glad that he's out for good. Besides the business just could not function without him.

"You know fight over the sports section of the Sunday paper – Oh wait a minute (I smiled) There will be no more fights. The Goddess claims first right to the paper as delivered each Sunday morning. I might consider letting you have the Style section while I peruse the more serious aspects of the paper."

I did get a chuckle out of him for that last remark. Won't he be surprised if that is exactly what I'll do on Sunday morning.

"On the other hand, I will clearly demand Goddess status should I desire to watch some chick flick as you call them. I shall sit in MY throne while your tongue toils between MY thighs. I hope this will not exceed the width of your subbie streak."

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Hi, all fellow readers of Indian sex story, this is Raj from Bangalore, again with one of my experience with my neighbor lady. Thank you so much for your feedback on my previous two experiences (Fun with Chat Friend and Fun with Stranger who got introduced in Bus). I request you to share your feedback and suggestions to Coming to the sex story, as I recently moved to Bangalore, I took a rented house in a medium sized apartment. There are 32 flats in our apartment and mine is 2BHK. It’s not a...

4 years ago
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Wolf Creek Ch 20

Ada’s return to the Wolf Creek Ranch for the duration of the war years was a period of fantasy isolation from the world gone mad around them punctuated by shocking reminders that they were part of that world. Beth proved to be a real delight for Ada—the daughter she had always wanted but that the Spanish flu had ripped out of her arms. Ada didn’t know how she ever could have gotten the notion she’d had that being the daughter of a Hollywood movie star would make Beth’s adjustment to life in...

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Pleasure Before MarriageChapter 2

The men chatted in one corner with Janice, hugging and kissing her. Beth now came near and said, "Get dressed, James. We are returning home." "Oh mom! MUST I?" "Of course, dear. You are our son, remember?" "Mom, may I stay here tonight? With auntie?" Mom said, "Yes, Beth, why not let the boy stay here for the night." James pleaded, "Please mom." His mom said, "No dear... I think you'd better come home." "Why mom? Why can't I stay here with auntie for the night?" Mom...

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Mind Swapping Chapter 13

Mind Swapping Chapter 13 I had to eat Linda's pussy before they let me remove the black leather corset and take a shower. When I washed my fiery red enlarged nipples, I discovered how sensitive they were. It felt as if lightning bolts were coursing through my body to my enlarged and sensitive clitoris. I had to be careful so as not to make myself orgasm while washing the cum and perspiration from my still aroused body. I dried my body and wrapped the towel around myself so that I...

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Seeds Of Chaos

Aren’t you cucks tired of being the shining beacon of hope in your fantasy porn games? Nobody wants to be the prude white knight who goes around saving virgins from the clutches of evil. Screw that. I could play any number of boring SFW RPGs if that’s the sort of lame-ass experience that I want to have. I want to bend sluts over and have my way with them. I want to force some whore down to deepthroat my massive cock. I want to be the villain. Or, at least, something close to it. After all, the...

Free Sex Games
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A Boy and his GenieChapter 11

The year was 1470. A young man was walking through the markets on the Ponte Vecchio. His Master had sent him to acquire some more painting supplies, though he often liked to explore the marketplace as he did so, to find things which interested him. "Good morning Leonardo," said the man on one of the market stalls. "How's Andrea doing?" "Quite well, thank you Francesco," Leonardo smiled. "He enjoyed those biscuits your wife made." "I'm glad of it, she enjoyed the portrait he drew...

4 years ago
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Sexual Encounters of a Young man10 In Pool with Blonde Virgin Russian Ana

Maanvi started to give him food as he got stomach upset due to outside food for long and on one fine morning when she went there to give him morning Coffee on seeing his erect 9 Inch cock while he was asleep and she was lured into sucking it and then while bathing she fell in bathroom and Montu Kumar treated and helped her and then fucked her. They were facing problems to find a safe and secluded place for regular fucking afterwards so one day he fucked her in the Garden at a lonely place and...

2 years ago
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NuruMassage Chanel Preston My How You8217ve Grown

Zac Wild walks into the massage parlor, sweating and a little out of breath. His step-mother Chanel Preston thanks him again for helping her move that old couch into the trash outside. He tells her that it’s no problem, remarking that it did make him work up a sweat though. He lifts up the bottom of his t-shirt to wipe away the sweat from his brow, revealing his bare midsection, complete with six-pack abs. When Chanel gets a look at his body, she lets out an involuntary gasp of approval....

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HardX Lana Rhoades First Double Anal

Hard X is proud to present the conclusion to Lana Rhoades Unleashed, featuring Lana’s 1st double anal sex scene. Watch Lana tease the camera in a visually stunning opener, celebrating her perfect 10 face and body before heading inside for the encounter of a lifetime. Featuring extended DP footage, ATM’s, and Lana’s first double anal, this is the documentation of a budding superstar indulging in unscripted sex, on her terms. Do not miss the conclusion to Lana’s 4 part...

3 years ago
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My Journey Into DegradationChapter 6

Morning rolled around, Ray's shriveled cock had slipped from my now oily hole sometime during the night. I rolled over and kissed Ray's forehead. I eased from bed and put on my robe. I made coffee and took the pot upstairs to wake Ray. Today was Saturday. It was 'party' day. I could barely keep my emotion down, or maybe that was bile. My stomach was so upset and the voices raged thru my mind. 'Whore.' 'Slut.' 'Fucking tramp.' I was desperate to stop and hopeless snared. I resigned...

4 years ago
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Touring Under PressureChapter 15 Some Initial Tests and Preliminary Results

"Holy shit, you've got to be kidding me?" "Nope. It's true. Cate thinks she's uncovered the key to how Alex activates people. But more than that, she thinks she knows how to detect who's a Seer and who's a Watcher." Dr. Ryan Moore stood up, enthused at the prospects this brought up. He started excitedly pacing around the room. "Man, this is a major break. We've been piecing things together for a long time, but ... So how does—" "She thinks the key is that both the Seers' and...

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BlacksOnBlondes Audrey Royal 05092017

With two strong claps of his hands, one of the world’s biggest Bulls summons his private dancer for some entertainment. His name? Mandingo. Hers? Audrey Royal. She’s a Jordanian slut who loves entertaining well-hung black men. Audrey enters the room in her purple Bedleh, her face covered by a veil…while her fingers gently tap on the Zills. “Dingo” holds off as long as he can as he enjoys her show, but soon he’s standing and Audrey is naked and on her knees,...

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By Oediplex With an il-lust-ration by Pandora’s Box, Used with permission both text and picture are copyrighted material (F/m/M mother, father & son) [Billy’s parents give him a very thorough sex education lesson!] “The time is right, he’s almost fourteen.” said Billy’s father. “I guess your right. Does he know about sex yet?” Billy’s mom asked. Frank and Gail Turner were discussing their son’s need for sex education. A pair of former hippies they had met at Woodstock and...

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BoldlyGirls Blondie Fesser Kesha Ortega Sheila Ortega Sex before the Big Game

The Big Game, the “Super Booty”, is finally here and coach Blondie Fesser give the players a very simple and clear direction: they are not allowed to have sex the day before. Something that the main linebacker didn’t respect. He’s nothing but a sex beast and the cheerleaders – The Ortega sisters – are too irresistible not to fuck them like crazy. He finally admits his fault and Coach Fesser decides to bench him. But nor him neither The Ortega sisters are...

4 years ago
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How I Became Big Sisters Sex Slave

This all started the summer I turned 18. My older sister, Karen, was home from college for the summer. Karen was 20 and had been away at school for awhile, so at first it seemed weird to be living with her again. Karen and I had always gotten along alright, typical brother and sister stuff, but we were totally different types of people. I'm a tall, skinny k**, kinda quiet and shy. I have a few close friends at school, and I've even had a couple of girlfriends, but definitely no major...

2 years ago
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Narasimhan Fucks Indian Aunty Part 2

Nara was still holding back while Rekha mami was already in throes of her third orgasm , she hadn’t even had one before when mama was fucking her.She was even thinking that what was sex all about and even cursing couples who were going overboard about sex. ” ivvaallaan perverts eppo parthaalum sex sex dhan,adhulaey ennadhaan avvalavu sugamo”. She used to think before , but after her nephew’s deep penetration and her third orgasm within a span of 90 minutes completely changed her ideas on...

4 years ago
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Sale Ki Biwi K Chudai

Hi to all friends Aaj me aap logo se sath ek apni aise private bat share karne jar aha hun jo shyad app pad kar sochege ki kash app ko bhi aisa avsar mile mere shadi 2003 me Jaipur me ek bahut ache pariuvar me hui. Mere biwi khubsorat aur mast jawani wali maur sexy hai koi bhi dekha kar chodne ki ischa kar sakta hai. Shadi ke bad mere sale Arvind ki shadi 2004 me hui uske liye ladki dekhne hum Dausa gaye . Lakdi ka naam monica hai ladki bahut hi sexy thi parntu hamre sale ko kam hi pasand thi...

4 years ago
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Attempt for Xhamster Friend Part 1

It started when I headed out to the clubs with my date. My date’s name was Jenny and she was a decent match. We matched on Tinder and unlike majority of guys who settle with the Netflix and Chill, I am a little more old fashioned. After talking with Jenny a little and her teasing me with some sexy dress pictures, we agree to head out to a nice dinner and see where the night can take us. A little bit about Jenny. She is a very sexy 24 year old fresh out of college, just graduated about 3 months...

1 year ago
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Teen 3some in a pool

We'd just finishe school for the day, it was the middle of summer here in oz, so it was hot as hell. So Bridie and Cheryl came over for a swim. We went inside and dumped our bags on the floor. The girls sat down as I poured us all a drink to cool off. We sat and talked for about 10 minutes until we decided to go for a swim, the girls slipped off into seperate bathrooms to get changed and went to my bedroom to get into my board shorts. As I got changed I kept thinking to myself how awesome it...

Group Sex
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Far From The Citys Bustle

It seemed to her like a crazy idea at first, to go out on a boat ride like this. When you went out with a boy, everybody knew you went to a movie or maybe an amusement park, or you went to sit on a bench or just hang around on the street. Of course some of them just wanted to park somewhere, but Jasmine didn’t go for that — or only for part of the date. This boat thing was really different from anything she had ever heard of anybody doing. And she found that it really was different. The sky...

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How I got my comic book collection

As a young boy going through puberty I had hormones raging. I liked girls, but was pretty much a dork. And I knew it. But men who like boys were all about me. I was brought into the fold of gay sex by my neighbor. He made sure not to force it. He got me to where I liked it and sought it out on my own. One of the things most boys did was read comic books and graphic novels. I was no exception. I would walk the few blocks to my local comic book store and buy the few comics I could...

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Well here we were, Friday night, back at our local club after the convention and my minor surgery. Since it had been a few weeks since we were at the club it felt good to be back!Being the day after Thanksgiving the club was packed! It seems the swing community had had enough of family and turkey and were ready to let loose. It has gotten to the point that we know so many people at the club that it takes us about an hour just to say hello to all our friends before we can even get to the dance...

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Siblings cant be Separated

Introduction: Long story We always got along well from the beginning, Sabrina, Kasey, and me. Sabrina was my older sister by a year, she has long beautiful blonde hair which fell over her shoulders. She had the piercing green eyes like the rest of our family. Even though we would occasionally get into petite arguments, we had a great relationship. I was still a baby when I learned that mom was pregnant, I was so eager and excited that I would get a new play buddy. My eagerness slowed down...

4 years ago
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Mousi Aur Chachi Ki Chudai Part II

By: Devandra007 Hi All Readers remember me yes I am Sandesh I am back with my next part. Aapne last part main padha hoga kaisse maine mousi ki chudai ki thi aur uske bagal main let gaya , mousine mere taraf apna muhh kiya aur mere pair k uper apna pair dala aur maine apna hath uske gand pe rakha aur so gaye ab aage. Lagbhag kuch 1 ghante ke bad main meri nind khul gayi mousi ka nanga badan dekh kar raha nahi gaya aur uski right chuchi ko muuh main leke chusne laga aur Hath se uski gand ko...

2 years ago
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Kellys Awakening Part Two

Kelly’s Awakening – Part Two [This story directly continues from the first, picking up from about seven months before the split up, shortly after Kelly and Jennifer became lovers,] In a very short time Kelly had realized exactly what Jennifer was like; she was highly sexual and very possessive. She took Kelly to meet her two sisters once, Amy and Bianca, and she’d asked her new girlfriend what she thought of them. Kelly had said they seemed nice and they were cute, that turned out to be the...

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Sticking Plaster Part 3

“Oh, you like this then, do you?” the Simon masked person asked, noticing Beth’s predicament. Beth went to shake her head vehemently but Alex demanded she stay still whilst she took the picture. Simon had delved into his pocket and reached for his own cell phone, throwing it gently on to the bed. “Take a few for me too, please” he requested. Beth’s jaw dropped. How could anyone be so perverted? Dirty little fucker! Alex paused to swig some more of her drink before picking up Simon’s...

4 years ago
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Lessons From The NeighborChapter 3 The Third Lesson

Megan kissed her husband goodbye and went into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. She left the coffee percolating and went to take a shower. She returned after showering, a towel wrapped around her body, and another around her long blonde hair. She plopped down on the couch with a sigh. The doctor was starting to lose interest again. At first the blow jobs had so excited him, he was asking for them twice a day. Now, it was once every other day, pretty soon, she was sure, it would be down...

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God for a Day

God for a Day By Morpheus It was mid afternoon of a day that had been pretty much like any other. The only good thing that I could really think of about it at the top of my head was that it was vaguely sunny... and of course that I had it off from work. I guess that was two things, but I didn't feel like getting picky. My name was Elliot Blaine and I was a fairly average looking man of 29. In fact, with my 5 foot 11 height, my dull brown hair and nondescript face, it was...

5 years ago
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Young Aunt Needs Cum

This happened not long ago. I was twenty at the time and I just got home for summer break from college. One day my mother said that my aunt Sue wanted me to stop over at her place. I thought it was a little strange. I hadn't seen my aunt in a few years. Sue was my Mom's younger sister. I was guessing she was around thirty years old. I think she was considered the black sheep in the family. She had never been married and was a bit wild in her twenties.I drove over one Saturday and rang the...

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Daddys Schoolgirl

"Hi Daddy, I'm home." she said as she walked in the door, setting her school bag on the floor and kicking off her shoes. "I have a note for you, Daddy.""Bring it here Baby, come sit on Daddy's lap while he reads it." She walks over, swaying her sweet hips just the way I like. She crawls up onto my lap, her school skirt climbing up her soft thighs, my lovely eighteen year old girl; I can't believe she'll be out of high school in a matter of months. She hands me an envelope with my name on it. I...

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Dees StoryChapter 2

Bradford was wet, cold and somehow uninviting, so I moved on to Leeds, not far but what a difference. Especially as it was there I met Chris. Tucked away along a busy side street I found "Brush Strokes" and "Frames & Dames". They shared a single front door which gave access to them both. On the left was what I knew I was looking for, an artists supply shop, "Brush Strokes". Whilst to the right was what I didn't know I was looking for, a small gallery specialising in the female...

3 years ago
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Sixes and SevensChapter 18

Ottawa early July “Mz Grogan, it seems you really are fluent in four languages. You would be surprised how many interviewees say they are fluent, but only have a working knowledge. All our interviewers were impressed. Congratulations.” “Thank you, Mr Desmodine.” They were sitting in his office in Ottawa, the headquarters of ITI, an international company specialising in expert translators and interpreters for governments and multi-national companies. Sam was at last committed to find a job...

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Joan Part 1

Introduction: I like to share my wife – jamaica I am one of the luckiest people in the world. Let me tell about my wife of five years. Joan is the smartest and sexiest woman I have ever known. Joan has a bright open face, shining hair and a sparkling flirtatious personality. She has a body made for sex. She has very firm medium sized breasts that never need a bra, a curvy shape without being chubby, long legs and an ass that is just shy of being a bubble but. She is also an exhibitionist. She...

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Mom may get more then she wanted1

Note: This is a three part story if you want me to continue please let me know with your comments. This is a story about a mom who wanted to spice up her sex life but got in way over her head. Rita and Josh were you average couple she was 32 he was 39, he was a salesman for a large chemical company which took him out of town at least two weeks a month. Rita worked part time in the school cafeteria. They had two sons both in middle school. Rita was a small woman just 5’, she had a great set...

4 years ago
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Great Mom Pt 6

I smiled to myself thinking yeah right, they were going out to dinner to take a rest and then going back to Paul's to probably continue their fun. Oh well, my daughter was having a good time and she was getting fucked by someone I knew and trusted. I followed my sons out into the garage. I opened the front door of the car, popping the trunk. I closed the drivers door and moved to the passenger door, I had left a bag on the floor in there, Ryan went around to the other side of the car walking...

1 year ago
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Fun starts when son discovers sleeping Mommy

This story is completely fictional, ENJOY I return home from a day out with friends. The house looks empty, no noises and the car is missing. I head up to the bathroom and hanging from the shower rod are several pair of Mommy's pantyhose drying, very sexy to me. I look around and in the hamper are a pair of dark sheer pantyhose that Mommy had apparently had on that day. I reach into the hamper and pull out the twisted clingy pantyhose and as they emerge from the hamper the scent becomes...

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Truths and Betrayals of a Young Mans Heart Chapter 10 Final

Introduction: This is the last Chapter to the series, I hope everyone has enjoyed the story, thanks for reading…Peace Im in my squad car listening to the radio and nothing eventful is going on. With my coffee in hand im watching as pedestrians are walking by waving at me nicely. The years have gone by and have been nice. After Maya was born I went into the Police Academy, but I wasnt the only one Dusty and Will followed me. We graduated in the top 10 of our class. Mina supported me through it...

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the night it all happened

The night it all happenedI had been making a plan for a couple of weeks and tonight was the night it was all going to happen. I had been getting ready most the afternoon and was very excited. I knew my husband would be home from work soon and was getting a little nervous about telling him. I thought this is what he has been telling me he wants so I’m just going to tell him it’s going to happen tonight, then I thought, should I just surprise him? Should I tease him? I’m just going to tell him,...

3 years ago
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Surprise Me Surprise You

We strolled about the casino for a bit, dropping a few dollars here and there but not staying in any one place too long. After about an hour, we made it back to our favorite bar, the Agua. Being a weeknight and the weather frigid and snowy outside, the casino and the bars were sparsely populated. The Agua was no exception.A couple of singles sat at the bar closest to the casino. One couple sat in the far corner on a sofa, oblivious to the world around them. We took seats at the bar, too, at the...

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Tiffanys New Favorite Best Friend

My name is Tiffany. I'm nearing fiffty, and recently a granma thanks to my eldest one who just had his first born. Despite all this, I still look amazing from head to toe and I actually feel more like thirty.My youngest one moved out just a few years back and I've been living by myself ever since. I divorced their dadd when my youngest was still in diapers, come to think of it so was my eldest, but it was only at night due to his compulsive bedwetting issue which took the poor boy over a decade...

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How I Became an Executive Assistant

How I Became an Executive Assistant By Sarah Dechand It had been a while since I had thought of Emily, but there she was, right in front of me, in DuPont Circle, looking almost exactly the same as she had when we went out a decade ago. Well, a little bit of gray in her hair, but her skin was still smooth, and eyes bright. And she seemed happy to see me. So I stopped ? and it was one of those awkward moments, where I wasn't sure whether to shake her hand or give her a kiss hello....

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