Monique s House of Leather
- 3 years ago
- 67
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Monique - Change of Directions
Monique and I had met online several years back. It was an alternative personal site.
We developed a deep and loving relationship and ?played? when we could. It started out
that I topped most of the time. However, as things progressed she took the dominant
role and we both were very happy with that. Over time things got more complicated,
especially due to the driving distance between us. We only managed to see another
over weekends. It wasn?t enough. In the course of a few weeks one negative event after
another occurred and the relationship ended badly. She was very angry and
Time passed. And though I never stopped loving her, I kept my distance. Had it not
been for a loan she gave me, we would not have kept in touch. But I did owe and every
month I sent a check along with an email that kept track of the running total. Several
months ago the business I was involved in faltered. I was unable to keep up with my
payments and sent Monique an email of that fact. The response back was a bit
The first thing you managed to do was hurt my feelings by your insensitive and rude
behavior. Then you walked out of my life. Instead of apologizing to me in the
subsequent note you sent, you insisted that I had been at fault for what occurred. Now
you tell me that the money you owe will not be repaid for some undetermined period of
time. Does it appear that I am some stupid sap, that I can be taken advantage of? You
will repay me one way or another. Either you will accept what I am writing here or I will
make life VERY difficult for you. That may just include legal action.
You will come to my house every other weekend. The first time plan to stay for 3 nights.
I will assign tasks to you. Completion of those tasks will ?buy? you another two weeks of
my interest free loan. Failure on your part in any way will cause some drastic changes.
Finally, you will not be here under normal conditions. Bring ALL of your BDSM toys. If
anything is missing the deal is off. You are to arrive at 8pm on Friday. When you arrive,
call from your cell phone and further instructions will be rendered.
I gasped. I knew she meant business. She always meant business. I sensed I was in
trouble, yet at the same time, I was excited. I still loved Monique and I think she knew it.
I sent back a reply accepting the proposition. She responded with directions to her new
house on the other side of town.
Friday came and I packed 3 days worth of clothes. I took the ?toy bag?, the make shift
seat we created and the spreaderbar we handcrafted from an old broomstick. The seat
was Monique?s idea she got from a time we went toy shopping at our local hardware
store. It stared out as regular plastic milk crate. Monique had me modify it by cutting out
most of the middle of the front. Turning the crate upside-down, she then had me cut out
a hole toward the front atop of the crate. After filing all edges until they were smooth and
adding additional support with Duct tape, she had me secure several kitchen towels
across the now top of the create thus creating a comfortable seat. The contraption could
thus be placed over my head and Monique could sit with her pussy right over my mouth.
I was excited at the prospect of seeing her again - regardless of the conditions. Monique
is a gorgeous brunette with dark brown hair, 5?5? tall, brown eyes, very slender with
sexy long legs and the most beautiful breasts. Monique has A-cup size breasts with
large oval nipples that once she becomes excited stand very erect - a total turn-on.
I raced to her place and arrived 20 minutes early. I called her number as instructed, but
there was no response. I was surprised she did not pick up since I noted her car parked
in the open garage. I tried twice more, but no answer. I waited. At precisely 8pm I
redialed the number. Monique answered. ?It?s me?, I said, ?I?m outside.? I did not get
another word out. Monique interrupted me. ?Park your car so that I can get out of the
garage. Take yourself and the toys inside the garage. If you brought any other clothing,
leave them in the car. Once inside, close the garage door. Remove all of your clothes
and place them in the trash bag I left for you. You are to be naked. Place the collar
around your neck and attached the leash. Tie your balls so that there is a loop in the
back for the leash. Secure the leather cuffs around your writs and ankles. Lock the
wrists and then the ankles together with the locking bolts. Put in the mouthgag. I will be
doing all the talking henceforth anyway. I also left you one of my stockings. Put the
blindfold on and secure it with the stocking. I will test your ability to see. And if you can
see there will be consequences. Finally add the steel handcuffs so that your hands are
secured behind your back. You will wait on your knees. I will fetch you when I?m ready.
I followed her instructions to the letter. The floor was cold. The air temperature was not
quite so bad, but my nipples were becoming very erect anyway. My raging hard-on
would not subside. Time passed. In fact, I knew that a lot of time passed as my knees
were beginning to ache. I could hear sounds from behind the door that led inside the
house. Sometimes I thought she would appear given that I could make out footsteps,
but then nothing. I dared not to do anything. I knew it would be a fatal mistake. Time
continued to pass, my knees were now sore, my body cold, my erection was starting to
fade when the door finally opened.
I could hear the sound of Monique?s footsteps as she approached and took hold of the
leash that was half on the floor before me. She also picked up the toy bag based by the
sound of it. ?You are not to stand up. Follow me,? Monique said. Monique pulled the
leash and I crawled after her on my knees. It was difficult with the interlocked wrist, the
steel handcuffs and ankle cuffs that left very little room to maneuver. Thankfully I
remembered the path leading inside her home, at least I did not trip up the small step
going in. Monique led me through the kitchen based on the feel of a linoleum floor, and
onto carpet. The whole process was very difficult and at times I thought I would loose
my balance. My guess was that I was now in her formal living room. Monique led me to
a spot and then I heard her rustle around in the toy bag where she had retrieved
?I know that you enjoy play. Part of the reason why you are now in the position you are
in. But make no mistake, we are not playing?, she said at me. ?Not only will you learn to
offer me respect and total obedience, but you will know that I am always to be treated
like the Goddess that I am. To start off, if and when I will allow you to speak again you
will address me as Goddess. There are only two basic sentences that you will say:
either ?Yes Goddess ? or ?no Goddess?. That is unless I require a specific answer. Then
and only then will you verbalize anything. In the meantime you will not be permitted to
speak at all. In fact, your current position here is as my dog. As such you may bark, you
may whimper, howl, pant, yelp, or wag your fucking tail, but you never speak. If you are
asked a question you will bark: once for ?yes?, twice for ?no?. And, if you should have a
major problem you may bark three times to request permission to ask a question. If
permission is granted you will pose your question and I may answer it. You will not
elaborate, ever. You can count on the fact that for the time being you will never receive
permission to speak. You should also know that as my fucking dog you have achieved
the lowest rank possible in this household. My cat will be treated better. Finally, you will
begin your duties here by paying for that horrific behavior you exhibited towards me
when we parted company.?
My excitement and the happiness I felt at finally receiving attention waned faster than a
speeding bullet. My sense was that I was in trouble, big trouble. My mind raced back in
time to the days that led to our breakup. I knew that I had handled the situation and
myself poorly. I was hoping that Monique would have been more forgiving, but I realized
that was a nonexistent possibility now. Monique said: ?there is a saying that goes
something like ?this is going to hurt me more than it will you?, but in this case it is not
applicable.? The first lash rained down on my exposed back and buttocks as I was still in
a kneeling position. Goddess had chosen the leather cat-o-nine tails to flog me. With a
whoosh sound the second stroke met my flesh and this time with a great deal more
force. Without interruption and at a steady pace Goddess delivered stroke after stroke
after stroke. What started out a little painful became extremely painful after just a few
minutes. I let out cries of pain, but with the mouthgag firmly in place all one could hear
were muffled sounds. As Goddess exuded more energy and strength into each lash she
became verbal. ?You fucking piece of shit. Do you have any idea how much you hurt
me; hurt my feelings? Do you have any idea how often I lay in bed crying over us, over
you? Well, from now on all the crying that will be done around here will come from you!?
As her words poured forth, the intensity of each stroke increased proportionately. I felt
my ass and back were on fire. Tears flowed from my bound eyes only to be soaked up
in the blindfold. My body shook and trembled. My muffled moans became muffled
screams. As suddenly as she had started she stopped. I felt the heel of her shoe
stabbing into the left side of my ribs forcing me to fall to the floor.
Goddess took hold of my cuffed feet. She bound rope around my ankles and pulled it
back and through the D-rings of my cuffs pulling me into a small hog-tied package.
?There, dog. That should keep you still and waiting patiently,? she said as she left the
room. I could sense nothing but my burning back and ass. I could not roll, or move or
shout or somehow stop the pain. My head was spinning, my breathing was intense and
deep. I was sweating from the punishment given. I tried to calm myself. Quite a bit of
time passed before I settled down and the pain subsided to a bearable level. Goddess
knew her timing. She reappeared just as I had reached that settling moment. I now
expected further punishment to commence, but to my surprise Goddess had other
plans. She untied the rope from my cuffed hands and feet. She removed the steel
handcuffs and unbolted the leather handcuffs from behind my back. Moving my hands
toward front of my body, she secured the cuffs once more. Lastly she took the
mouthgag out. ?Up?, she said indicating that I was to get on my fours. ?Remember, you
fucking dog, if you do anything other than bark, this last exhibition was just foreplay.?
?Woof?, I responded in acknowledgement.
?Now follow me. It is dinner time for you?, she said as led me into the kitchen. I crawled
over the cold kitchen floor to the spot Goddess desired by being pulled forcefully with
the leash. ?I have gone to the trouble of buying you appropriate food. This is what you
will eat twice a day, every day?, Goddess said while she pushed my head down with the
heel of her shoe into some type of plastic bowl. ?Eat, you disgusting piece of shit. Eat
and enjoy. That is all you will get.? My mouth dug into the bowl and scooped up some
dry tasting stuff. As I chewed my first mouthful the disgusting taste almost made me
gag. Goddess clearly noticed my reaction as she laughed at my predicament and me.
?Too dry? Not tasty enough, you fucking pig?? ?Woof?, I responded in agreement. ?Well?,
she said in a sarcastic tone, ?I don?t really give a shit if it is. But, if it would make it
better, I can add a little moisture to it if that is really what you want.
Do you want some moisture on your dog food, bitch?? ?Woof? I barked. ?Very well, you
may get your wish this time.? Goddess grabbed my hair and yanked my face into a
horizontal position. Facing skyward Goddess said: ?open your bitch mouth and
whatever you can?t get will go into the bowl with your dog food. I opened my mouth as
instructed. Within seconds a stream of hot piss flowed over my lips. I attempted to
swallow quickly all that I could muster. But Goddess must have been saving it up for
some time because the flow just did not cease. Nor did she attempt to stem the flow
from time to time allowing me to swallow, as she would normally do. Her piss covered
my face, chest and I imagined the floor as well. As soon as the last drops flowed from
her pussy she commanded: ?clean me bitch.? I reached upward until I found her wet
pussy lips. Despite the fact that her pussy was covered in urine, I pleasured in cleaning
her anyway. Carefully I ran my tongue up each side of her lips before cleaning the
center of her pussy. ?Finish your food, dog?, she commanded pushing my head back
into the bowl. To my surprise enough piss had splattered into the bowl that the dry food
had become moist. It now tasted like disgusting dog food in piss. I ate it all anyway.
Once finished I thought that Goddess would take me away, but apparently she had left
the room. I sat there on my hind legs with paws up in the air and barked to draw her
attention. Minutes later she entered the kitchen by the sound of her heels clicking on the
floor. ?You are not quite finished you pig.? I heard her kick the bowl to the side. Grabbing
my head she forced my face to the floor and into a puddle of piss that had not made it
into the bowl proper. ?Clean up the rest, pig. Lick it all up. I don?t want a drop left when
you are done.? I lapped up what was in front of me. ?There is more?, Goddess said
some distance from me. I moved my face and tongue around but could not find another
puddle. Goddess laughed. ?Sniff, you fucking dog. Sniff around. You?ll find it.? I did as
instructed, but the blindfold and being covered in her urine prevented my senses from
identifying the spot.
Whack! The crop crashed down on my ass. ?That means you are getting closer. If I hit
you twice, that means you are moving further away. There is just one more puddle.
Let?s see how pain free you manage to find it?, she said. I slowly moved my head and
body to my right before placing my tongue on the floor. Whack! Whack! The crop stung
my already sore ass. I quickly moved left by a foot or so and put my tongue to the floor.
Whack! Whack! I groaned from the pain of the last two strokes. I moved back to my right
and forward. Whack! Whack! The stroke went to the exact spot as the last few and the
sting turned into serious pain. I yelped and moved backwards enough to go past my
previous position. Whack! It hurt just as bad as the last strokes, but at least I was
coming closer to the target. I put my tongue to the floor and felt around; still nothing. I
moved back a little more. Whack! I tried to ignore the pain, but yelped a little. Moving
back slightly I found that last puddle of piss and eagerly licked it dry. ?Good bitch, you
found it after all.? I focused my head in the direction of her voice, but before I could take
a sitting position on my hind legs, Goddess had taken hold of the leash.
Pulling me behind her we excited through her kitchen sliding glass doors onto the patio.
?Time to do your duty, dog?, Goddess said. She positioned me at the edge of the patio.
With a swift and sudden kick in my ass she had me tumble forward onto the grass.
Luckily it was early fall and I wasn?t forced onto a freezing cold tundra. ?Anywhere you
want pig. But, do not take your time or you will suffer all night. I moved about blindly.
Not knowing where I was I did not stray but a few feet. ?Lift your fucking leg to relieve
yourself just like all dogs do?, she shouted. Although her house was not close to her
neighbors, I was mortified that someone could have overheard her shouting at me. I
focused and thankfully for the long drive and amount of time since I last went, I felt that I
could go. I lifted my right leg as ordered and began to piss. Knowing that I could not use
my hands to hold my cock away, piss simply ran down my leg. I finished. Goddess
called out: ?come here dog. Follow my voice until I tell you to stop.? I moved slowly in
the direction of her voice. Carefully I negotiated forward afraid of bumping into the brick
marking the edge of her patio. ?That?s it. Closer, dog. A little closer dog. Now stop!? I
came to a quick halt. ?Stay!? ?Now, up on your hinds legs. Put your paws in the air.? I
raised my hands into a begging position when, with a tremendous force, a jet of water
hit my body. Goddess had taken the hose and was spraying me down from top to
bottom. ?Turn dog. Now get on your feet.? The hard spray did not miss a spot. When the
stream hit my cock and tied balls directly I yelped in agony.
Almost collapsing from the ordeal of being cleaned up, Goddess took hold of the leash
inches from my collar and with verbal instructions allowed me to walk onto the patio and
up to the edge of the kitchen. ?Down, dog. Back on all fours as you belong?, she said. I
moved down as told and found a towel below my knees. Goddess took another towel
and dried off the rest of my body. She was downright delicate and playful as she dried
my cock and balls. My cock jumped back to a full erection within seconds. Goddess
continued to play with my cock making it as rock-hard as it could possibly get. ?Does my
bitch like this?, she asked? ?Woof?, I responded. ?Does bitch want more?? ?Woof?, I
barked, then waiting a few moments only to repeat my affirmation: ?Woof!? Goddess
was jerking my cock quickly moving me toward orgasm. I started to pant and buck my
hips forward with each stroke of her hand. As I was getting close Goddess stopped
dead. I felt a rope being wrapped around my already tied balls, then up my rock hard
shaft encasing it to the tip. Then I felt some type of clamp or clothespin placed just
below the head of my cock.
?Not so quick bitch?, Goddess said as she pulled me after her by the leash. Still not
being able to see I followed slowly causing Goddess to pull hard from time to time to get
me to speed up. ?Stop?, Goddess said, ?now up the stairs we go. I will tell you once we
are at the top.? I crawled after her to the top of the stairs. Once on the second floor we
made a right turn leading to her bedroom. Goddess pulled me to the edge of her bed. ?It
is late and before I rest for the night you will need to perform a few other duties?, she
said. I could hear some noise that I interpreted as her removing clothing. Goddess
finally pulled my leash forward until I could smell the sweet perfume emanating from
between her legs. ?Now stick out your tongue and show me that you are at least worth
being my dog. You fail now and regret will not be the word to describe how you?ll feel by
the time you are released?.
The tip of my tongue darted to the bottom of her vulva and ever so slowly moved up on
each side of her pussy lips. First the left side, I gently brushed past her outer lips
making sure to reach below the fold that was matted down by the outpouring of her
juices. Once I reached the top I quickly moved back to my starting position and
repeated the same on the right side. Her lips thickened and expanded and her pussy as
a whole opened like a flower on a beautiful spring day.
I repeated my movement though with each ride up I moved in closer and closer to her
insides. I could sense that it was driving her insane, but the tell-all was when she
reached down and shoved my face deep inside her. My tongue penetrated her pussy
like a cock. Slowly and deeply I pushed inside her before moving back out. After 5
minutes of tongue fucking Goddess I moved out and up to her clit. Swollen and
throbbing, I circled her clit with my tongue adding more and more pressure with each
pass. Interspersed with my circling I frequently jumped back to pump her pussy. Each
time I returned to her clit I added more pressure, finally combining it with a gentle
sucking of her clit. It drove her to the point of ecstasy. ?Mhhhhhhhh... that?s good...
faster... a little harder.... come me good.... harder.... c?mon... harder?, she
moaned as her body began to shake and quiver. My tongue roamed in the same
deliberate motion over her clit as before. I knew that my pacing was exactly what
Goddess needed to explode. The moment of her explosion came none too soon.
Goddess grabbed my head in both hands and rammed it into her sweetness. ?Ahhhh!!!!!
That?s it me... stick your tongue deep inside me?.fuck me with that tongue....
Ahhhhh!!!!!..... that?s it, that?s it, I?m coming... Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!! Goddess came. Her pussy
contracted in a thousand spasms and I knew she was exploding like fireworks on the 4th
of July. I circled her clit twice more and then a stream of her juices flowed. I knew that
she would not want me to touch her now oversensitive pussy. Thus I moved down
below her pussy and kept my tongue out so that every drop that rolled down was gently
I remained in that position until I realized that Goddess had spread her legs wide and
pulled me into her ass. ?Now continue?, she said. ?Start by kissing my asshole.? She
spread her legs wider yet offering me full access and I promptly began to kiss her
asshole. I place a gentle kiss, followed by a more deliberate kiss. Soon I began to
tongue her asshole, circling it in ever-tighter spirals. ?Put it in, bitch. Stick your fucking
tongue in my ass. Fuck me with your mouth bitch! Fuck my asshole you worthless dog,?
Goddess commanded in a stern voice. I circled her asshole one more time before
plunging in. I stiffened my tongue as best I could and pushed inside. I had hoped my
prior efforts would loosen her up a little, but her asshole remained fairly tight. With great
effort I pushed inside her time and again. ?That?s it bitch, you fuck my ass. Fuck me
good?, she commanded as she pushed toward me finally forcing me off the bed and
onto the floor.
Without my ever-loosing contact to her asshole, Goddess squatted down on my face
spreading her cheeks wide so that I could penetrate deeper. In the new position and
with deeper penetration, Goddess soon reached a new sexual plane. She began to
verbalize every aspect of what was happening, what she wanted, while adding
humiliation to boot. ?Now bitch, stick it in - deeper. Deeper I said! I want you to fuck my
ass with your tongue like you have been dreaming about fucking my pussy with your
cock.? I pushed harder and increased the pace to the point my tongue was about to fall
off. ?That?s a good bitch. Yeah? deeper.? I pushed as hard as I could. My face was
virtually glued to her ass cheeks. Keeping my tongue stiff and forcing it as deep as I
could into her hole seemed to become more and more impossible with every new push.
Yet, I kept add it. Goddess seemed delighted as she moaned with my every effort.
?Hmmm? uhh? yeah? good dog!? It was obvious that she was getting close to her
next orgasm based on the flood of juices that made it onto my upper chest and throat
Suddenly she commanded ?now back to my pussy you fucking dog.? With lightning
speed Goddess shifted her body back so that her pussy was over my mouth. ?Lick it!
Put your fucking tongue in me.? I pushed up into her dripping pussy. My face was
completely soaked by her juices. So much so that it was difficult to breathe. Her cum
filled not just my mouth but was in my nose as well. She shifted again ever so slightly
leaving me at her clit. ?Lick my clit! Circle it! Harder, bitch! Faster, you worthless fucking
bitch! Faster, damn it I said.? I circled her clit putting pressure on her throbbing knob.
Goddess started to shake a little as she continued to build her orgasm. ?Now back to my
asshole. Stick it in.? She shifted. ?Deeper you fucking whore. Yes! Yes, bitch. Make me
cum?. ohhh?. yessss?.. that?s it bitch! Make me come. Back to my clit. Hurry bitch.
Back to my clit. Now my pussy. Ahhh?.!? Goddess just kept shifting and going and
going. I had anticipated a massive orgasm. A big bang, an explosion rivaling the birth of
the universe but it wasn?t happening. My tongue was about to cease working when it
dawned on me that there would not be an explosion. Instead she had been coming in
an endless wave. I kept licking and sucking and fucking her asshole, pussy and clit as
and when she demanded. After, what seemed like an eternity, she rose leaving me
spent on the floor. I was soaked from head to toe. Soaked in my own sweat and her
juices. My tongue throbbed. My energy level had dissipated to nothing.
I could hear her breathing on her bed. Quiet sighs emanated as she calmed down. I
was too spent to do anything. My tongue was throbbing from the workout. In fact my
entire body ached. My cock was still raging and hurt a great deal assuredly from the
rope that was still tied tightly around the shaft and balls. And, I still could not see. I lay
there resting and hoping that I may be allowed a reward for my efforts. Goddess
Monique took her sweet time recuperating from her massive said and as soon as my mouth opened wide
and my lips were parted Goddess began to relieve herself. This time a small stream
came forth followed by a slight pause. I swallowed. She repeated this five or six times
before she instructed me to clean her. I lapped her pussy that was saturated with her
cum and piss until I had absorbed it all. ?Woof?, I barked indicating that it was clean.
Goddess took a few seconds, I assume to inspect, and rose from the chair.
I heard her leave the room and return a few minutes later. She lifted the ?chair? and
placed it aside. ?On all fours dog,? she said. I scrambled onto my knees. She pulled me
into the shower stall. Goddess removed the rope tied around my genitals and my cock
sprung to attention in a microsecond. I then heard her take hold of the handheld
showerhead. ?Up on your hind paws?, Goddess said. And as soon as I attained the
position she turned on the faucet. Freezing cold water hit my throbbing cock. I did not
expect this. I had assumed that she would clean me off before bed, but the cold stream
of water hitting my cock and balls was a total shock. My erection faded within seconds.
Obviously this was what Goddess had desired. As soon as I went limp Goddess slipped
on the chastity device I had made.
It had used a cock ring and some wire to build my personal chastity device. The wire
was secured to the bottom of the cock ring and it extended about 2.5 inches. At the end
of the extension a smaller ring was formed. It was just large enough for the head of my
flaccid cock to pass through. At the base of the cock ring two wires extended down by
about 1 inch with loops for a padlock. The whole thing was then wrapped in vinyl
electrical tape for safety. The device was a perfect fit. Once locked the cock ring could
not be removed. And with the slightest blood flow, the slightest erection, the device
would lock the head of the cock in place not allowing for the device to be removed even
if the lock was opened. Before my body could recover from the shock of the cold water,
Goddess had pulled my cock into the chastity devise and quickly locked it. With the
sound of the steel lock clicking shut, I began to get excited. My member started to grow
sealing my fate. My cock was forced into painful, downward sloping, semi-erect state
from which there would be no escape. Although I could touch myself, I could not bring
myself to an orgasm, quite the predicament.
?Come?, Goddess said, ?it?s time for bed?. She pulled the leash and I followed her back
out of the bathroom into her bedroom. ?I have a special place for you?, she said.
Goddess unhooked the leash and took hold of my collar. I heard her open the closet
door. First pulling me by the collar and then pushing me with her foot, I was guided into
something. ?Feel dog?, she said inviting me to use my cuffed hands to familiarize myself
with my surroundings. I reached to my right and felt steel bars. I continued to feel my
way forward and felt more steel bars. I continued feeling vertically as well. It quickly
became apparent I was in a cage. ?Turn around dog? Goddess said. I turned in the tight
space toward Goddess? voice. ?This is your new home. This is where dogs sleep. This is
where you will spend all your time when you are not needed or wanted. Get used to it.? I
heard the door clang shut and a lock being put in place followed by a click. No doubt it
was the locking mechanism to the cage. Goddess continued: ?and, because tonight is a
special night for you, the first in my presence since, I have decided to really make it
memorable. Now come forward. A little more, a little more and stop.
My face was pressed against the steel cage door and I felt Goddess' breath as she
began to whisper: ?I know you are so excited by having your own cage. I know that
because your cock is throbbing and pulsating. I want you, my pet, to think about how
good my pussy tasted after such a long time. Think of how good it would feel for you if
you could just get that cock of yours into my wet, sweet, hot, tight pussy and shoot your
load. Think of how all that pent-up cum would fill me up. Imagine how you would feel. All
that sexual energy just exploding and allowing you to finally rest.? The effect of her
words was predictable. More blood rushed into my already semi-erect cock causing
massive discomfort followed by simple straightforward pain.? Goddess continued:
?imagine you could see me, taste my erect nipples. Or, being able to stroke yourself as
you eat my pussy.? My hand shifted to my cock. Pre-cum flowed like Niagara Falls. It
coated my entire right hand. Goddess took notice. ?See how excited you are. Now eat
your fucking pre-cum. Lick your paw clean.? ?Woof?, I responded and lifted my hand to
my lips. Quickly my tongue lapped up the pre-cum. ?And we have not even come to one
of your favorites, doggie,? Goddess continued. ?Imagine that I would allow you to jerk off
as you drink my golden nectar. Can you see yourself stroking that dick as it flows into
your anxiously awaiting mouth.? Her comments made me delirious. I began to bark and
whimper softly: ?Woof.? ?Woof.? ?Woof.? I was hoping Goddess would allow me relief.
She laughed at my whimpering. ?Sleep tight doggie. And if you should disturb me here,
you will spend the night in the garage - chained. Am I understood?? ?Woof?, I responded
in acknowledgement and curled up. ?You may remove your blindfold now and if you are
good you will actually be allowed to see me tomorrow bitch?, she said. The door closed.
I lay there, uncomfortable, in a cage, my cock locked and still throbbing and my mind
racing. What would tomorrow bring? I will see my Goddess again. I wondered if just
seeing her would bring me to orgasm. I needed to cum so bad. The thought of her,
being used by her, for her pleasure, was driving me crazy. The thought just would not
vanish. It passed through my mind in an endless cycle. All the while the chastity device
kept the cycle going as well. The sensation of the head of my cock pushing hard against
the tight steel ring at the front of the chastity device added a physical dimension to the
mental torture. It caused the cycle to remain in full swing. I lay awake for some time
before I somehow managed to drift off to sleep. It had been a log and tortures evening.
I began to regain consciousness, slowly at first. It was some noise that roused me from
my sleep. I opened my eyes. It remained dark since the closet had no light forthcoming.
Behind the door was rustling. Goddess was up. At first I did not know what I should do. I
lay there a moment and pondered if and how I should let Goddess know that I was
awake. I decided I should bark, quietly: ?Woof.? I paused a few moments. ?Woof!? I
barked again, slightly louder. I could hear her come toward the door and in anticipation I
moved on all fours facing the sounds. The door flung open and yet little light entered the
closet. I noted that a blanket covered the front of the cage. My eyes adjusted and I
could see about a bit more clearly. The cage was long enough for a German shepherd
and just high enough for me to kneel on all fours without touching the top. The door was
indeed locked by a padlock. I looked down. It was then that I saw that the blanket I had
slept on was stained from a puddle of my pre-cum. I remained on all fours hoping
Goddess would appear. Suddenly I could see her outline. She stood before the cage.
?You may greet me now by kissing my ass,? she said. The blanket was lifted exposing
Goddess? beautiful ass before me. Her knees were bent. Her hands rested on her
knees. She leaned back so that I could reach her ass at the front part of the cage. I
moved forward pushing my face into the bars and gently pressed my lips to her cheeks.
I kissed her slowly, deliberately and passionately. I started on her right cheek and
pecked my way across to her left cheek. ?Again?, I heard her say and obediently I
repeated my gentle kisses across her backside. ?Good dog?, she said. There are things
you will need to do this morning. However, you do not have permission to look at me
above my knees unless I say so. You will remain on all fours in my presence at all
times. If you need to raise your head you will close your eyes. You have not earned the
right to wallow in my beauty. Now, I am going back to the bathroom and then back to
bed. You are going to make me coffee, bring it to me here. You will also bring me my
cigarettes and my lighter. They are on the table downstairs. While the coffee is brewing
you have permission to shower using the downstairs guest bathroom. Shave your groin
and relieve yourself. You will wait to exit your cage until I have left the room. Now turn
and face the back wall.? I turned and heard the lock on the cage click and Goddess
opening the door. I dared not move. I then heard the bathroom door open and close and
I slowly crawled from my cage.
I quickly walked downstairs to the kitchen, pulled out the coffee and coffeepot. I filled
the pot with water poured enough coffee for four cups and headed to the bathroom. As I
entered the bathroom I saw that Goddess had placed a towel on the floor. There was
also a shaver on the sink. I removed the cuffs, the collar, locked at my encased cock &
balls and jumped in the shower. The hot water felt good as it ran down my body. I
decided not to linger. I quickly shaved my groin as best as I could, washed my hair and
body and toweled dry. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair and replaced the cuffs,
collar and leash. I placed the towel on the rack and went to the kitchen where the coffee
was done percolating. I prepared a cup for Goddess (with just the right amount of milk)
and looked about for her cigarettes and lighter. They were left on the kitchen table. I
quickly grabbed all items and headed back upstairs to Goddess? bedroom.
As I neared the door, I went on all fours and placed the cigarettes and lighter in my
mouth. Reaching her bedroom door I scratched lightly and barked. ?Enter dog?, she
said. ?Crawl over here and hand me the coffee.? I moved toward the bed on three limbs
making sure to keep my eyes on the cup. Not just to prevent spillage, but to make
certain that I would not look at Goddess. With head bowed I handed the cup upward.
Goddess removed the coffee from my hand. ?Lay down dog? she said, ?right were you
are?. I did as instructed and curled up next to the bed. I could hear Goddess sipping her
coffee and I hoped that I had all proportions just right. ?Hmmm??, I heard Goddess
comment as she continued to sip. ?Cigarette, dog?, came the next command and once
more I reached up averting my eyes to the floor. Goddess took the smokes and lighter
from my hand and I could hear the distinct sound of the lighter generating it?s flame.
Goddess took several drags from the cigarette and said: ?you have done well. You
managed to follow all of my instructions correctly, including not bringing me an ashtray.
Very good, dog. Of course you realize why I don?t need an ashtray, don?t you dog??
?Woof?, I replied. ?Then close your eyes and open your mouth.? I turned my head
upward with eyes closed. ?Open wide and stick out your tongue, dog?, she commanded.
As I opened wide Goddess flicked the ash in my mouth. ?Swallow, dog?, there will be
more. Goddess repeated the process until she was done. Goddess laughed, ?you won?t
have to eat the butt, dog. I have an ashtray right here. Lay down.?
Goddess continued to sip her coffee. I could sense she was on her last sip when she
said: ?crawl over to the other side of the bed.? I slowly rose to my fours and crawled
around the bed. As I reached the other side of the bed, I saw that Goddess had placed
the ?chair? atop a towel. ?Woof?, I barked indicating I had reached my destination. ?Get in
position, dog?, Goddess responded in kind. I quickly moved on my back and pulled the
crate over my face. A towel covered the opening of the crate. I placed my hands on both
sides of the crate and waited. I could hear Goddess get up from the bed and move
toward me. With a quick motion she pulled back the towel covering the opening and sat
down. My eyes stared up at her pussy lips. My cock stiffened forcing the chastity device
to harden around my cock head and shaft. Her pussy lips began to open ever so
slightly. ?Open wide dog, your morning drink is about to be served.? ?Woof? I barked. I
opened my mouth and a small trickle of piss came from Goddess? pussy landing
perfectly in my waiting orifice. ?Swallow and do it quickly,? I head her say. A small jet of
her piss filled my mouth and ceased. As soon as my mouth was filled I gulped down her
precious fluid. Once my orifice was cleared the next jet of piss came forth. Again, I
swallowed quickly. Goddess continued in this pattern until finished. ?Clean me dog?, she
said and my head moved slightly upward so I could run my tongue over her pussy. I
quickly licked both sides and the opening of her pussy making sure that no drop was left
to soil Goddess.
?Woof? I barked indicating I was finished. However, Goddess remained seated.
?Hmm??, Goddess murmured. I saw her fingers reach between her thighs and diddle
with her clit. ?Make me cum, dog. I want to start the day just right. Use that dog tongue
of yours and make me believe that you have worth.? I lifted my head slightly and began
by placing gentle kisses to the right and left of Goddess? pussy. Then I began to probe
the outer part of her lips by stroking my tongue from bottom toward the top just as I had
done the night before. This time, however, I had the pleasure to see. I was hard as can
be in my semi-erect and locked state. I repeated my strokes on each side, coupled with
more gentle kisses just next to her pussy, Goddess began to open up. Her pussy
swelled and thickened. Moisture was emanating and I heard Goddess moan ever so
slightly. I moved my mouth back over each of her lips and suckled on them as lightly as
a breeze would stir silk drapes. Goddess? moans increased in frequency and volume as
I proceeded to gently part her lips and run my tongue between her slit and closer toward
her clit. I repeated my motion time and again. Finally I circled her clit gently, stiffened
my tongue and moved inside her pussy, pumping ever so slowly but more and more
deeply. ?Ahhh?.?, Goddess moaned ?that?s a good dog. Keep that tongue working
where you are. Good dog!? I pumped her pussy more strenuously and with more vigor
with each stroke. As her level of moisture progressed to wetness I moved up to her clit
and circled it with increasing pressure. Goddess was getting close and began to
verbalize final instructions that would take her over the edge. ?Now my pussy, dog. Go
deep, I want you deep. Now faster! Use your dog tongue and go back to my clit. That?s
it. That?s it dog, make me cum. Ohh?. Ahh?? Goddess? body quivered as she came. I
knew to back off and stop all action immediately. After a few minutes Goddess
instructed me to clean her. She had cum harder than I thought. Once more I reached up
and carefully lapped her lips and scooped her come from the inside. It was not easy to
perform this task without getting her excited. ?Good dog, now stop?, she said as she
rose quickly covering the opening of the seat with the towel. I lay there quietly awaiting
her next order.
I could hear Goddess turn on the shower and cleans her self. I could hear her leave the
bathroom. I knew that Goddess was getting dressed based on the rustle of her clothing.
After some time she turned her attention back to me. Goddess removed the seat. I
quickly closed my eyes as my face was still turned upward. ?You waited for instruction
to look?, Goddess said. ?I am so proud of you. For that you will receive your first reward.
You may now look at me, dog.? I opened my eyes and looked at Goddess who stood
over me. I was in heaven. Although Goddess still had on her morning robe, she was
perfectly ready to go out on the town. Her hair was fixed properly, her makeup in place.
?Woof!? I barked, paused and repeated: ?Woof!? Goddess smiled at me. ?Come dog,
follow me?, she said. I got on all fours and grabbed the leash in my mouth. Quickly I
scurried after her down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Goddess sat on a chair next to the kitchen table and motioned for me to come to her
feet. I looked at her beautiful face and barked once more with delight. My cock was still
attempting to escape the chastity device, but as semi-erect as it was, there was not the
fainted hope of release. ?As I said, you will now receive your first reward. First you may
kiss my feet.? I rushed beneath the table on all fours and I placed gentle kisses from
heel to toe on each foot. Goddess reached her hand below the table and petting me on
my head. ?Does my dog want to come?? ?Woof!? I responded. ?Show me how bad dog
wants to come. Beg for permission to cum.? I started to pant. ?That?s it dog, show
Goddess how badly you want to cum. I interspersed my panting with an occasional
?Woof!? Goddess slowly lifted her foot and pushed me over onto my back. Still beneath
the table Goddess instructed me to turn sideways. First she placed her right foot on my
face and her left on my semi-erect cock. ?Lick?, she ordered and I licked the sole of her
foot. All the while she gently massaged my encased cock, making me squirm in
discomfort and utter excitement.
?Looks like doggie has a problem. Given your excitement your cock cage can?t be
removed. ?Woof!? I responded. Goddess stood up. ?Stay?, she said as she moved
toward and opened the freezer. I could see Goddess removed ice from the icebox. She
returned to her seat and reached down handing me a key. ?Here dog, you may unlock
the padlock. Take the ice and rub your cock and balls. I?ll give you 2 minutes. If you
have not managed to remove the chastity device I will simply re-lock it. I took hold of the
ice cubes. With my right hand I rubbed a cube over my cock, especially the head. With
my left I rubbed the second cube over my balls. It did not feel good at all especially
since my cock was hyper sensitive, but the ice had the desired effect. My erection
No sooner than Goddess said time is up, I slid the chastity device off. Goddess laughed.
?Now that was just in time, dog. Imagine missing out on your one opportunity to come.
Imagine being locked up for God knows how long. Having to service me, drink my
nectar and not even having the chance to come to a full erection, much the less cum.?
Her words worked wonders. My cock jumped back to full attention in seconds. ?Give me
the chastity device and key and get on your back.? I reached out from under the table
and handed her the items. ?Now the cubes.? Again I reached up and Goddess took the
half-melted cubes from my hand. She relaxed back into the chair, crossing her legs so
that her foot dangled above my face. I looked up wanting to kiss her foot, but dared not
move. She remained in that position for a while. ?Want to kiss me toes, dog? Run your
tongue up and down the sole of my foot, she asked. ?Woof? I responded. I heard her
chuckle. ?You may. And if you are good, maybe?, she paused for a second adding
further emphasis to the word ?maybe?, ?I will allow you to come for me.? I reached up
toward her foot and began to gently kiss the bottom of her sole. I moved from the back
of her foot toward the front planting kisses along the way. As I reached her toes,
Goddess shifted her foot downward. I kissed each toe first, then I suckled on each.
Goddess said: ?open wide? and as my mouth parted she pushed her foot inside. I
sucked away treasuring the moment. My passion did not go unnoticed.
?Lay next to me here? Goddess said as she reached below the tables edge and pointing
toward the floor on her right side. I pushed my body out from underneath the table and
next to her chair. Using hand motion I was positioned such that my cock was directly by
Goddess? foot. Goddess slowly lowered her foot on my throbbing erection pushing it into
my stomach. My panting increased as Goddess pushed my cock into my stomach with
a slight rubbing motion. Goddess pushed my head between her toes with her left foot
and she used her right foot to quickly run back and forth of my head. I could feel my
balls tightening and pre-cum oozing from the opening of my rock hard member. Not
missing a beat, Goddess, using her big toes smeared the pre-cum over the tip of my
head creating an even more intense sensation. More pre-cum flowed. Finally she
released the cock from between her toes and pressed down on with her left foot.
Carefully she scooped all the pre-cum up with her right foot and held it over my face.
Without any hesitation I liked her foot clean.
?Dog want permission to come now??, Goddess asked. ?Woof!? ?Woof!? ?Woof!? ?Woof!?
I responded. ?Get on your fours dog, she commanded with a stern voice?. I jumped on
my fours faster than a lightning bolt. ?You may take your right paw and put it on your
doggie dick?, she said as she placed a bowl of dog food below my raging cock. ?Now
doggie, jerk it a few times. And when you come, dog, you come into your bowl.? I
understood the consequences of what was about to happen, but my excitement was
simply off the scale. My hand began to move back and forth. At first slowly. I looked at
Goddess Monique. I wanted to explode so hard and I knew it would be over in seconds.
I was attempting to savor the moment. Goddess knew what I was up to and she wanted
it done then and now. She smiled at me and ever so ladylike she pushed the top of her
robe aside allowing her left breast to be exposed.
I was done for. My hand pumped my cock just a few more times as I looked at her
gorgeous breast and in her eyes. Within seconds reams of cum shot forth and into the
bowl filled with my breakfast. Goddess smiled. ?Did you enjoy that dog?? she inquired.
?Woof!? I responded, looking at her with thankful eyes. ?Good. Now enjoy your
breakfast.? I bent down and began to eat the cum-covered dog food. ?Interesting?,
Goddess commented, ?once again you managed to moisten your dry food.? I continued
to eat the sperm covered food. After consuming about half I was filled. I raised my head
looking at Goddess. I was attempting to indicate that I was done. She looked at the
bowl. ?Are you done, dog?? I barked once. ?Are you sure?? I barked once more. ?OK. If
you are sure than I guess you are done. But, new food will not be issued unless what is
there has been consumed. And looking at the amount of cum still in there, I would think
it best to eat it now before it dries and gets stale. It matters not to me. I?m eating steak
tonight.? I once again looked at the bowl, but could not put another morsel into my
mouth. I looked at Goddess and barked once. ?Very well?, she said. Goddess stood up
and moved behind me. With a quick motion she pulled me back so that I was on my
hind paws. Quickly she reached around front and she once again pulled my now flaccid
cock back though the chastity device. With the device in place, she handed me the lock
and said, ?secure it?. I did as ordered, snapping the lock shut.
?Now dog, follow me?. We moved in front of her cleaning closet and Goddess opened
the door. She removed a bucket, a cleaning solution and a small scouring pad. ?I am
going on some errands. You will clean the kitchen floor ? thoroughly, then both
bathrooms including the tub. You will use only this scouring pad?, she said as she
dropped the pad before me. ?You will wait here until I leave. I expect the kitchen floor to
be shining without a single scruff or any other smudge mark. You will have all day to
manage this duty, but I expect that you will struggle to finish by the time I return.?
Goddess turned and walked upstairs. I remained on all fours in front of the closet. After
15 minutes Goddess returned dressed to kill. Still on all fours, Goddess stepped before
me. ?Now clean my shoes with you tongue. I want my shoes to shine.? I bent down to
her shoes and licked from front to heel making sure not a spot was missed. My
restrained cock began to expand and hurt once again, as I was flush with excitement
with every lick of her heels. Goddess knew exactly that her command would have this
effect. ?Don?t forget the heel, dog. Lick it good. Make sure it?s shiny and glistening. Don?t
think about that restraint cock of yours. If you do it?ll only hurt more. Of course my mind
could not focus on much else other than her shoes and as such my cock pushed forth
and grew locking itself into place. I groaned. ?That?ll do dog?, Goddess said. ?Now of to
work you go, my bitch. Make sure to not miss any scuff marks.? Goddess grabbed her
purse, keys and headed out the door locking it behind her. I took hold of the scouring
pad, fetched a pale, filled it with soapy, luke-warm water and went to work. I started at
the far corner. As I was scrubbing I focused all of my attention on the floor and
eventually my erection faded, as did the accommodating discomfort.
The day raced by. I did not realize how quickly the time past until I heard the door open
and Goddess reemerge from her trip. I had managed to complete the kitchen floor and
had just started working on bathroom number one. It meant I was far from completing
my task. I attempted to hurry and began scrubbing furiously when I heard Goddess
voice. ?Where are you dog? Why am I not being greeted! I dropped the scouring pad
and raced to Goddess. I crawled as fast as I could toward the door, groveled at
Goddess? shoes and kissed them. Goddess inquired immediately: ?did you complete the
tasks assigned, dog?? I kept my head down and barked: ?Woof? ?Woof? indicating no.
Goddess said: ?stay? and moved into the kitchen, obviously inspecting the work. She
returned after a minute and stood directly before me. ?Look at me bitch.? She grabbed
my hair and lifted my head upward. Before I could focus on her beautiful face I was met
with a hard slap. Whap! And again: Whap! ?You stupid fucking dog! Not too bright are
you? Whap! A third slap rained down on my right cheek. ?What did I tell you. Not a
scruff mark.? She grabbed me by the collar forcing me to crawl after her. I was choking
by the time we arrived in the kitchen. ?See this?, she said pointing to a spot on the floor
that I had clearly missed. ?Woof? I responded. Goddess forced my face to the spot mark
on the floor. She stepped on my head grinding it into the floor. I fell to my side, eyes
closed as she continued to put pressure on my face with her heel.
?And what kind of a greeting did you offer when I returned? None! You stupid fucking
animal. You are done?, Goddess said. ?You are done here in the kitchen and you are
done all together.? Goddess grabbed my collar again. She yanked from the floor and
behind her up the stairs. I tried to keep up with her pace, but I stumbled, falling face
forward on the stairs. Goddess let go of my collar and came in behind me. ?Move you
fucking dog? she screamed at me while kicking me in the ass all the way to the cage. ?In
you go! Right now! I don?t want to see you. I do not want to hear you. For all I care you
can rot there?, she yelled as she locked the door to the cage, turned and slammed the
closet door shut.
I lay in the cage trying to figure out what was going to happen. The possibilities seemed
endless. Thoughts rushed through my mind and the worst possibility was that Goddess
was so furious she might punish me by forcing me to leave. Time continued to pass. It
was difficult to judge since it was permanently dark in the closet. I dared not make a
sound. I did not move an inch. I kept an audio vigil. I hoped for some sound or noise.
Nothing. No Goddess, no sound. Suddenly and without warning the door swung open.
Goddess bent down and unlocked the cage. ?Out you go, bitch?, Goddess hissed. I
crawled out of the cage and to her feet. I attempted to kiss her shoes, but Goddess
would have none of it. She reached down and attached a leash to my collar. She
yanked the leash and led me out of the room. We went down the stairs and into the
garage. Goddess moved to the back wall of the garage where on the right side a bolt
with a hook was placed about seven feet from the floor. Goddess moved on her step
latter. She took my hands and reached up. There she secured my cuffs to the bolt
locking them in place with a carabiner. ?I have not decided what to do with you.
However, your situation looks very dim. I will be back, she stated as she turned and
walked back in the house.?
After some time Goddess reappeared. She switched the light on. It took a moment for
my eyes to adjust to the light but as soon as they did I could see that Goddess had on
an outfit that accentuated her beauty and complete power over me. I was enthralled by
her beauty. She wore black leather 6? stiletto heels and matching thigh highs. Her outfit
consisted of a leather and chain top and bottom. The bottom, I knew was a thong that
unsnapped in the middle with chains running across the front. Several thin chains ran
across her chest exposing her beautiful breasts. Her hardened nipples stood out
between the chains. My mind raced, my cock stiffened and once again reached the
limits of the chastity device. Then I noticed that she held a cane in her right hand. She
held up the cane and said: ?this will be your punishment. For the shit job in the kitchen
you will receive 2 lashes. For the half-completed job in the bathroom you will receive 3
lashes and for the lack of completing anything in the upstairs bathroom you will receive
5 lashes. And for failing to greet me you will receive something extra special later. Now,
that makes 10 lashes. Turn and face the wall.? I quickly turned by body facing the
garage wall. ?Count aloud and thank me for each stroke. You miss one we start over.?
My erection faded in anticipation of the pain that was about to be received. With a
?swoosh? the cane met my ass and a sharp pain raced through my body. I shook for a
split second before the full sensation hit my nerve center. I winced, but managed to bark
once. ?Swoosh?, the sound came again and the cane met my flesh in the exact spot as
the first stoke. My breathing became very rapid. The pain once more traversed my
body, this time it was twice as bad as from the previous stoke. I stammered ?woof?
Woof? ?Swoosh?, came number three. This time above the previous mark. My body
shock. I tried to bark, but tears and cries were all I could muster. ?What? You fucking
lowly piece of dog shit. Can?t take it?? Before I could utter any sound another 'swoosh'
and more pain shot through my body. ?Swoosh, again the cane came down. A sixth
stroke followed in direct succession. ?Swoosh?, number seven. My mind began to
withdraw from reality. ?Swoosh?, number eight. I entered subspace. All I remember was
that I began to collapse. My knees buckled and I slumped toward the floor. Only my
secured arms kept me from falling all the way. After a short while I regained my focus.
Goddess was no longer present.
The pain lingered. After a while Goddess reemerged. Without a word she approached
me and unlocked the carabiner freeing my hands from the bolt. Instantly I went down on
all fours and kissed Goddess? shoes. Without further ado Goddess reached for the
leash and pulled me behind her. We entered the house and proceeded to her bedroom.
Goddess pushed me face forward on the bed. She placed my body so that my head
was at the midpoint of her bed. She then stretched my arms securing both cuffed hands
to the far posts. She tied rope around my legs just above the knees and secured these
to the near posts. I was spread apart as far as it was possible and my ass was fully
exposed. ?To teach you to never disrespect me, never to fail in greeting me properly
again you will be taught a lesson you will never forget.? I thought I was going to receive
more lashes and began to prepare mentally for what was to follow. Yet Goddess had
something else in mind.
She suddenly appeared before my eyes wearing a harness with a sizeable strapon
attached. I quivered. It was one thing to be caned or whipped, but another to fucked. I
had surgery years ago for hemorrhoids that left my ass unable to take a strapon of most
any size. I wanted to plead for mercy. I barked. ?Woof? ?Woof? I waited a moment and
repeated ?Woof? ?Woof? To avail. ?I am going to fuck you like the animal you are. But
before I begin you will suck my fucking cock like a whore, you fucking dog. Suck it!? As
soon as I opened my mouth Goddess jammed the cock inside. ?Show me how you love
to suck cock. Show me what a cock sucking bitch dog you are!? The rubber strapon
penetrated my mouth. ?Take it bitch? Goddess yelled pushing it further toward the back
of my throat. As best I could I moved my head back and forth sucking her cock. ?I said
deeper you fucking dog.? Goddess pushed the cock forward to the point my gag
reflexes began to become active. I started to choke. ?Suck it bitch. Suck my fucking
I moved forward taking as much as I could into my throat. In and out the cock moved. I
was scared that at any moment Goddess would come behind me and penetrate my ass.
My mouth began to dry up. It was apparent. ?What no spit, bitch? Need some
moisture?? Goddess laughed. She pulled back and grabbed my hair forcing my face up.
?Open you fucking mouth bitch?, she commanded. I opened up and Goddess spit into
my mouth. No sooner the spit hit my tongue was my face lowered and the dildo was
reinserted. I continue to suck while receiving a barrage of verbal humiliation. ?You
fucking little dog bitch. Look at you, sucking cock and loving it. Maybe I?ll have you suck
cock for money. Maybe that?s one thing you can learn to do well. You are one pathetic
little dog bitch.? As difficult as it was being tied in this position I continued to take more
and more cock down my throat. My eyes began to water as I was trying not to succumb
to the gag reflex.
?Enough of this shit?, Goddess said as she pulled the cock from my mouth and moved
off the bed. I could feel her move in behind me. Her hand, now coated with a lubricant,
reached between my cheeks. She probed my ass at first inserting one finger, then two,
then three. Slowly her fingers started moving in and out of my ass. I felt good while she
was using two fingers, then quite uncomfortable with three. But suddenly the strapon
began to push inside me. Pain shot from my ass up my spine to my head. ?Woof?
?Woof? I barked, but it was too late. Goddess pushed hard and deep inside me. ?Yeah,
now you are my true bitch. Now you know never to disrespect me again.? Goddess
began to move in and out. Slowly at first, then her rhythm increased. It mattered not.
Each stroke caused more pain. I could feel my asshole beginning to tear. ?Woof? ?Woof?
?You can bark all you want bitch, I am going to fuck you until I cum. What you don?t
know is that the back of this harness has a dildo for me, which is moving in and out of
my pussy with each stroke. Ahhh? and it feels so good.? Goddess continued to
increase her pace and with each thrust forward came another humiliating comment.
?Make me cum, dog whore!? Thrust, she penetrated again. ?Yelp bitch!? Thrust. ?Piece
of shit!? Thrust. ?That?s it, doggie. Now bark!? Thrust. I barked: ?Woof? ?Woof? ?Woof?
?Woof? Goddess was now slapping my ass as well each time she came forward. Her
fucking me continued. Tears flowed from my eyes. The pain was too much to bear.
?Yes, I am going to come? ahhh? by fucking my dog in the ass. Uhhh?.? Goddess
uttered before her body collapsed on my back. She remained there for a brief moment. I
could feel Goddess removing the harness.
With her strapon still buried inside me Goddess moved back onto the bed in front of my
face. Legs spread wide she offered her exposed pussy. ?Clean my pussy, bitch?, she
commanded. I turned my tear filled face towards Goddess. She quickly took hold of my
face, moved forward and shoved it into her dripping pussy. Gently and with deliberate
strokes I licked up her juices from each side of her pussy. First I licked to the right and
left of her labia. Then I cleaned below her swollen slit. Finally I cleaned her inside.
Careful not arouse, I licked and slurped up all I could find. ?See bitch, you are good a
some things. Cleaning my pussy, being my cock sucker, being my dog whore and, of
course, my live-in toilet.? She paused and looked at me. ?Well. I?m done. I have to relax
from all this excitement. Don?t go anywhere, I?ll be back?, she said sarcastically as she
got up and left the room.
Still strapped to the bedposts, her strapon inside me, my ass cheeks on fire, my cock
locked away and my mind broken by the humiliation, I wanted her even more. Her
ownership was cemented. I closed my eyes. Time passed.
Goddess reappeared. ?It?s almost bed time. I bet you are dehydrated from all that
sweating and fucking you have been doing all night.? Goddess slowly removed the dildo
from my ass. I heard it fall to the floor. She proceeded to untie my hands and legs from
the posts and took hold of the leash once more. ?Down you go dog.? I pushed back until
my knees and hands met the floor. I saw the cock lying on a towel below me. It was
covered in lubricant and a little blood. I was not surprised. Goddess pulled the leash and
led me to the bathroom. ?Get a drink? she commanded as she pulled me close to the
toilet. I placed my head inside and started to lap. I was indeed thirsty. I couldn?t get
enough water in me, so I bent further in order to suck. Again, this did not go unnoticed.
Goddess came over top and pushed my face under the water line. I did drink, but soon
started to run out of air. I pushed up and Goddess pulled my head out. ?Not to be
believed?, she said. ?Dogs lap. They don?t drink. Obviously your training for today is not
completed. Very well.? Goddess took the leash and pulled me behind her down the
stairs and onto the patio.
?Lay down, dog?, she commanded. I rolled onto my back all four paws in the air. It was
the most submissive posture I could offer. Goddess walked over and placed her shoe
on my chest. She stepped up and onto my chest digging her heel into my flesh.
Goddess step off and turned placing her shoe on my face pressing it down on the hard
and cold stone. ?Before I allow you to retire to your cage you will learn the lesson of
being a good pet to me. Dogs lap their liquids. You will now learn the art of lapping like
a dog.? Goddess took her shoe off my face and straddled my head. Standing tall with
both hands on her hips Goddess proceeded to unsnap her crotch exposing her pussy.
?Open your filthy mouth you fucking dog?, she snarled. My mouth opened on command.
Goddess spread her legs a tad wider. ?I have been saving this for you all day?, she said.
?Shame is that you could have enjoyed an orgasm as you consumed my golden nectar,
but given your difficulty in learning your role and the lesson I need to impart that will not
A stream of her piss shot forth. ?Stick out your tongue and keep it out?, she
commanded. With mouth open and tongue out Goddess proceeded to piss. Her urine
streamed all over my face and upper body. Her golden liquid was heavily scented. In
seconds I was covered. My hair was wet. My face and chest were drenched. A large
puddle had formed beneath me. Goddess finally finished. She snapped her fingers and
ordered: ?clean.? I moved upward and between her legs. I carefully lick her pussy and
the inside of her upper thighs making sure that not a single drop was left. Goddess
stepped back. ?Up on all fours dog?, she commanded. I moved back on all fours with the
puddle below me head. ?Now dog you will learn to lap.? Goddess stepped forward and
placed her foot on my head. She forced me down pushing my face to the patio floor and
into her puddle of piss. ?Lap it?, she commanded. I did as instructed. With my face
solidly pressed to the stone I moved my tongue into the puddle and obediently lapped
the piss off the concrete patio. Goddess had deposited a vast amount and it would have
taken significant time to get most of it. After a few minutes Goddess commanded me to
stop. ?Roll in it?, she commanded. I got off my knees and started to roll back and forth
on my back. ?Stop. Stay there you filthy dog.? I now lay with paws in the air in the middle
of the remaining puddle. Goddesses looked, shock her head and walked inside.
She emerged after ten minutes with a towel. ?Up, up you go, paws in the air?, she
commanded as she took hold of the garden hose. Just like the evening before I raised
my hands into a begging position. The cold and powerful stream hit my chest first. I
turned my face a little to the side as the stream of water proceeded upward. Goddess
was kind enough to lessen the force as she cleaned my face and hair. ?On your feet,
dog and turn.? I rose and slowly turned clockwise. Goddess? spray moved up and down
not missing a spot. ?Now stop and spread your legs bitch?, she commanded. I did as
ordered and closed my eyes as the water moved toward my groin. As soon as the
stream met my balls I winced and yelped. ?Stay still doggie. All parts must be clean.?
Seconds later the force of the water vanished. I opened my eyes. Goddess handed me
the towels and ordered me to dry myself. I do so quickly. ?Stay on your feet?? she said
as she grabbed my leash and pulled me behind her. As we came to the door she had
me put the towels down on the inside and I was ordered to clean my feet prior to
entering the house.
Once inside Goddess removed the wet cuffs from my wrists and ankles placing them
into a plastic bag. ?Down bitch. Hungry?? I had not thought about food or hunger. Yet I
had not eating since the morning. ?Woof? I responded. ?Go eat?, Goddess said pointing
toward the kitchen. I crawled into the kitchen and found the bowl left from the morning
on the floor next to a water bowl. The cum-coated dry food lay untouched as I had left it
this morning. I moved my face into the bowl. At least it did not smell any worse than
before. I ate with Goddess standing behind me watching. The more I consumed the
hungrier I got. In no time I had eaten all that was in the bowl and to my surprise I was
still hungry. I turned around and saw Goddess sitting in the dining room still watching
me. I put my front paws in the air and barked. ?Woof? I turned back to look at the bowl,
followed by a quick turn back toward Goddess followed by another bark. ?Woof? ?Doggie
needs something? Show me doggie. What do you need?? I tried to pick up the bowl with
my teeth, but could not. I pushed the bowl toward Goddess with my nose. She rose,
walked toward me and picked up the bowl. Goddess moved toward the kitchen counter,
pacing the bowl on top. ?Come?, she commanded and I crawled to her feet. ?Now that?s
a good dog?, her hand reached down and I received a loving pet on my head. ?Woof? I
barked in a thankful acknowledgment of her kindness. ?We are making strides?, she
continued before turning and pulling a box out of the cabinet.
I stayed next to her feet on all fours as Goddess prepared more food. After a minute the
bowl was once again placed on the floor. I scurried over and in addition to some dry dog
food, Goddess had added an assortment of nuts. I ate about half of what was placed in
the bowl. The salt of the nuts made me thirsty and I moved over to the water bowl. I
lapped the water this time. Once finished my head came back up and next to me stood
Goddess. Once more I received approval: ?that?s a good dog?, she said, ?now follow me.
Carry your leash, it?s time for bed.? I picked up the leash in my mouth and trailed behind
Goddess up the stairs.
Entering Goddess? bedroom I saw that the towel and strapon were still on the floor.
Goddess rolled the cock into the towel and placed it into the bathroom sink. She
returned to the bed sitting cross-legged at the edge. ?Come here dog?, she said while
motioning with her hands. I crawled over and kissed her shoes. Goddess reached down
and lifted my head gently with fingers under my chin. I looked up into her eyes. She
seemed kind and warm. Goddess removed the leash. ?I know that it has been a difficult
day. So much to learn.? Her hand moved from my chin to my hair. She stroked it a few
times as she continued: ?tomorrow, if you are a good dog, maybe I?ll let you take out
your doggie dick. Possibly I may allow you to hump my leg. We?ll see. Now into your
cage.? ?Woof? I responded as my cock swelled in an instant. I rubbed my side against
her leg as I turned and crawled over and into the cage. Goddess followed. She closed
and locked the cage door before shutting the closet door. I felt happy. I lay down on my
right side and sleep came over me in seconds.
I woke the next morning less happy than when I had passed out the night before. My
ass was very sore. In fact, it was on fire. That was the price I knew I?d pay for the
fucking I received thanks to my errors the day prior. It hurt really badly. I got up on all
fours experimenting to find a position that would offer a little more comfort. Being on all
fours was at least a little better than lying on my side. Anything to take the pressure off
the now throbbing hemorrhoids. Goddess must have heard me rustling. The closet door
opened and Goddess appeared in her morning robe. She reached down and unlocked
the cage. ?Out you come doggie?, she said. I quickly moved out of the cage and to her
feet kissing them over and over as my morning greeting. ?You may climb up on the toilet
to relieve yourself doggie. Then I want you over here by my bed. ?Woof? I acknowledged
and crawled into the bathroom. I climbed up on the toilet seat holding on to the basin
and positioned myself so that my locked cock pointed into the middle of the bowl. It did
not take long before I finished relieving myself. Off the toilet I went and using my chin I
pushed the flushing lever down.
I knew Goddess was watching and using my hands would not have been a wise move. I
crawled over to the edge of the bed where Goddess was seated. Her legs crossed, she
had me move to her right side by pointing her finger. Once more I moved down to her
feet kissing them. Goddess padded me on the head and said: ?I have a surprise for you
doggie. It will be a big step for you in your newfound role as my pet. I looked up and
Goddess smiled. She reached behind her on the bed and pulled forth a black plastic
shopping bag. ?Are you excited, doggie? Do you want to know what I have - just for
you?? ?Woof? I responded, pausing before offering a second ?Woof?. ?Show me?,
Goddess added. I raised my paws in a begging fashion and sat up. ?Woof? I repeated.
Goddess smiled. Give me your right paw. I held out my right paw and she took it into
her hand. Out from the bag came a glove in the shape of a paw. It looked exactly like a
dog?s paw. Goddess slipped it over my right hand. The glove came with a metal ring
around the top edge and a small locking mechanism. Goddess secured the paw and
said: ?now the other.? I reached my left hand and a second glove was secured. ?Down
you go doggie.? I moved back to the floor. The gloves allowed me to either make a fist
or curl my hands. They did not permit me to completely stretch my hands out. It felt a
little wired at first, but it was by no means uncomfortable. Goddess then reached down
and unlocked the chastity device. I was still semi-erect and the device could not be
removed, but at least for now it was unlocked.
?Now that is perfect. Real paws for my dog. Do you like them doggie?? ?Woof? I
responded. Goddess continued: ?you do realize that the paws carry with them your
inability to play with your doggie dick. From now on you will not be grabbing and
stroking your doggie dick anymore. You are going to have to find relief in other ways.
Hmmm? What ways can doggie find relief for his aching doggie dick and balls??
Goddess reached down and grabbed my already fully laden balls, giving them a gentle
squeeze. ?I will have to think about that. In the meantime I need my morning orgasm
and since you can?t get out of your chastity device we will have to use this.? Once more
Goddess reached into the plastic bag, this time producing a face harness with a
mounted strapon cock and a bulb that fits in the wearers? mouth. Goddess lifted my
head placing the harness over and into my mouth and locking it securely behind my
head. With her right hand she gently lubed the cock before laying back. My locked cock
was raging. The thought of the lock on the chastity device being open and my now
inability to even remove it, even if my cock was not hard, made me crazy. Goddess had
spread her legs and was resting her feet on my shoulders. I now stared at Goddess
moist pussy and her long delicate fingers probing and playing. ?Hmm, that feels so
good. Ohhh? wouldn?t it be nice if I had a real man with a real cock now.?
Her right middle finger moved gently over her pussy starting on the outer lips and
drawing upward. Slowly her finger crossed over as Goddess reached her clitoris. Back
down the left side she came before using two fingers to gently spread her lips apart and
inserting them. Her fingers slid in and out a few times before she pulled them out
completely and bringing them up to her clit. She circled her clit adding more pressure
with her middle finger. Her motions were repeated time and again. Each time her hand
reached her clit for the rotating massage, her pussy would glisten more. Her juices were
beginning to flow. All the while Goddess had pushed her robe open and was playing
with her beautiful perky right breast, rolling and pulling her nipple and at times pinching
it. Her hand moved over her entire pussy once more. Then she parted her now fully wet
lips with her left hand and brought her right two fingers to her mouth. Sucking on her
fingers she came back down and inserted them into her waiting pussy. In and out her
two fingers moved interspersed by several quick rotations on her clit. Finally the
command came. ?Move closer doggie. Come and bring me my cock.? Her breath was
short. I moved in and was guided by her left hand so that the cock attached to my
harness was flush with her opening. She guided me inside her ever so slowly with her
hand while moving her body a little closer to the edge of the bed.
Closer and closer my face moved toward her pussy. Finally my nose was flush with her
neatly trimmed mount and the cock attached had penetrated her all the way. Her
perfume consumed me. Taking hold of my hair, Goddess slowly pulled me back out a
ways, then pulling me back in. After several time I knew the pace of how she wanted to
be fucked. Forward and back my head went penetrating deep into her beautiful pussy
with each stroke. Goddess had always enjoyed long and slow deliberate strokes. My
face moved tightly against her body as I came forward. And as I withdrew the cock it
was almost the tip of the head. I kept the deliberate pace going until Goddess
commanded me to speed up.
At an ever-increasing rate I plunged in and out of her pussy that was so wet with her
juices that they splattered on the harness, my neck and chest. Goddess began to moan.
?That?s it doggie. You keep pumping. You fuck me good. You love fucking me like this,
don?t you, doggie?? I barely managed a ?woof?, but it was not just difficult due to the bulb
in mouth, it was also that my entire concentration was focused on keeping the proper
rhythm and depth as I was withdrawing from her. ?Good doggie. Now a littler faster.? I
speed up. ?My head was now bopping back and forth at a pretty quick rate. Finally
Goddess took hold of my head with both hands and guided us floor. Straddling my face
Goddess begun to pump up and down at a furious rate. ?Ahhh? yesssss? that?s it.? I?m
gonna cum soon.? Her body rocked up and down for another minute before her pussy
came crashing all the way into the harness. Goddess grabbed my hair to hold my head
steady as she now rocked back and forth across my face; the cock buried deep inside
her. ?That?s it bitch, you hold steady?, she yelled as her rocking motion peaked and her
body shook from the explosion happening directly above my face. Goddess let out a
final ?ahhhh!? before collapsing back and onto my body.
The cock still inside I had to keep my head up to prevent an early exit. Goddess hated
motion after cumming given her hypersensitivity. I did all I could to hold my head up and
in place. Finally the order was given: ?take the cock out, doggie?. I moved my head back
to the floor withdrawing the cock from Goddess? pussy. Goddess got up on her knees
and then over to her bed. She lay there resting for a good five minutes before she came
over to me to unlock the harness. She took hold of the dildo and smeared what ever
juices were left on it on her ass and asshole. Swiftly she mounted my face. ?Do not
open your mouth, dog?, she ordered. ?I want you coated with my perfume for the rest of
the day. Goddesses repeated her back and forth motion, first over my face, then down
my chest. Lastly she turned facing away from me and moved over my mouth. ?Clean my
pussy, inside and out, dog.? I lapped whatever juices remained and I barked once when
I was done.
Goddess rose and proceeded into the bathroom. Wanting to stay in her good graces I
picked up the dildo and harness with my mouth and followed her in. ?Good dog?, she
said as she took the harness from me placing in the sink next to the strapon from last
night that was still wrapped in the towel. Goddess sat down on the toilet getting ready to
relieve herself. ?Woof? I barked wanting her to use me. ?No dog, not now. I want my
pussy scent on you and nothing else.? ?Woof? I barked and turned to head back into the
bedroom. ?Go lay down. Go to your cage?, Goddess ordered. I did as instructed and
waited in my cage. I heard the shower run and Goddess singing. After some time she
came out. She closed the door to the closet. Though the cage door was open I waited.
Shortly Goddess opened the door and motioned for me to come out. She was dressed
in a skirt, with thigh-high stockings, a light pullover and, of course her heels. ?Come
here?, she said. I crawled over to her. With a quick pull the chastity device came off my
cock. ?See?, she held up the two-ring device and lock still hanging from one of the loops,
now your doggie dick is finally free.?
I looked down, wanting to stroke my cock, but the paws prevented me from doing that.
Goddess smiled and motioned for me to follow her. I followed her down the stairs and
into the kitchen. The automatic coffee maker was done percolating and Goddess took
out a mug and poured herself a cup. I was not hungry, but crawled over to lap a little
water from my bowl. With cup in hand Goddess moved to the dining room and sat. I
followed a few seconds later, lying down at her feet. I could hear her sipping the coffee
Then she rose up. My head moved up as I was expecting to follow her, but she looked
at me and told me to stay with a quick motion of her hand. She walked to her front door,
opened it and retrieved the Sunday paper. Returning to her chair Goddess placed her
heels on my body and proceeded to read. As I lay there her perfume from this morning
filled my nostrils. I closed my eyes and returned to our session. My cock grew.
As Goddess was reading the paper I became more and more excited and stared to shift
a little. Goddess peered under the table to see what I was doing since her footstool was
now in motion. Subtle as ever, she shifted her legs such that they were now crossed.
One heel was still on my stomach and the other dangling above my face. I tried to reach
up to kiss the heel of her shoe, but it was just out of range. Without uttering a word
Goddess lowered her heel toward my face. I wanted to suckle her heel, but it remained
just out of my reach. She sensed my struggle and desire and finally Goddess moved
her leg so that I had access. She brought her heel into my mouth and I started to suck
on it like I had sucked her cock last night. My cock was rock hard and starting to ooze
with pre-cum. ?Slide out from under the table dog,? she said. I moved out from under
next to Goddess chair. ?Does my dog want to play?? ?Woof? I answered. ?Stay as you
are, dog.? Goddess moved her right foot over my cock and pressed down. Pre-cum
flowed onto my stomach. Without blinking an eye Goddess scooped the pre-cum with
the bottom of her shoe and brought it over my face. My tongue reached out and licked
off what was there. The process was repeated until all pre-cum was removed. It made
me crazy with lust.
My cock was simply throbbing and with my paws locked into place there was nothing I
could do to relieve myself even if I had permission. While on my back I looked up at
Goddess. I lifted my paws in the air and began to beg audibly. Goddess stood up and
placed her foot on top of my cock again; this time pressing down so that the tip of my
cock protruded out from the tip of her shoe and her heel planted firmly in my balls. ?I
guess we are back to the discussion of in what ways can my pet find relief for his aching
doggie dick and balls? We know doggie will not be stroking it anymore. Maybe I should
just step on it. Will that make it shoot?? ?Woof? I responded, panting and begging wildly.
?Nah, I see no reason why I should do the work to make doggie happy. I have too much
work already. I need to feed my dog. Wash my dog. Train my dog.? She paused. I
wanted to rise, but her foot held me firmly in place. More pre-cum oozed from the head
of my throbbing cock. Without missing a beat Goddess again scooped the pre-cum and
then shifted her right foot over my face. Once more I quickly lapped the pre-cum from
the sole of her shoe. Her foot returned to my cock I once again pressing down with heel
dug into my balls. I wanted to rise and ever so slightly I began to lift my head. Goddess
looked down at me, acknowledging my desire and with a slight nod of her head
permission was granted. Goddess lifted her foot off of me and I jumped onto my fours.
I crawled over, next to her right leg, lifted up in a begging position with my cock straight
out and balls wound tighter than a snare drum. I lifted my paws. ?Woof? I barked. She
looked down at me. I began to whimper softly. Goddess pushed me back on all fours.
She leaned back in her chair. ?Looks like doggie can?t control himself.? Her eyes were
piercing and her voice changed. ?Can my bitch control himself? ?Woof? I answered.
Pausing. ?Woof? I repeated. ?We?ll, let?s see.? I had a chance. I sensed that if I could
manage my desires Goddess would allow me relief. I backed off by about a foot and
went back in a begging position. ?Roll over dog?, came her next command. I did as
ordered and remained on my back. Goddess rose and stared to walk toward the door. I
did not move. ?Heel?, came the next command. I jumped to all fours and rushed over
taking my place behind her right heel. Goddess started to walk back into the dining
room. I followed her on her right heel one foot behind. No move went unnoticed. ?Sit?,
Goddess commanded and instantly my ass was planted on the floor. ?Stay? she said as
she continued into the kitchen where she sat down in a chair that she turned facing me
and away from the kitchen table.
She snapped her fingers. I looked and did not move wanting to know the exact nature of
that command. ?Come?, she said and repeated the snapping of her fingers. I moved
hastily into the kitchen stopping before Goddess? legs. ?Sit?. I sat. Goddess opened her
legs only to show she was not wearing underwear. ?Sniff, bitch?, she ordered. I moved
forward ever so slowly bringing my nose closer between her legs. Her scent was
wonderful. I began to sniff like the dog I was, moving ever closer. ?Like that smell,
bitch?? ?Woof? ?Wish you could get your doggie dick in there?? ?Woof? My cock raged. It
stood straight, unwavering, throbbing and it had yet to be touched. ?Does doggie want
to fuck Goddess? pussy?? ?Woof? My nose was now practically touching her pussy. I
continued to sniff and dared to do nothing else. ?Doggie want to lick?? ?Woof? ?Back!? I
moved backwards until I was a foot away from Goddess. ?Does my bitch want to come?
Does doggie want to fuck me? Now? Right here?? Goddess pulled her skirt back a little
and spread her legs a touch wider exposing her moist pussy to my eyes and pointing.
?Want to stick your doggie dick in here?? ?Woof? I paused. ?Woof? Goddess just looked
on. I went up on my hind legs in a begging position with my paws raised in the air, my
cock pointing straight ahead. I yelped. Pre-cum was no longer just oozing, it was now
flowing. ?No doggie dick will enter this pussy. But you have been learning and are
becoming more obedient. I will offer you a chance, one chance to cum.
Goddess pulled her skirt back down. She closed her legs putting both feet closely in
front of her. ?Come here bitch?, she said pointing at her feet. I came back down from my
begging position and crawled forward. When I reached Goddess? legs she reached
down and took hold of my nipples. Pulling hard she ordered: ?up; up on your hind legs
bitch.? I rose. Goddess began pinching and pulling nipples harder forcing me to move
closer and closer to her body. I could feel my cock touching her nylons. Goddess
continued to pull me in toward her. My cock raged. My mind was delirious with sexual
need. With every millimeter I was pulled closer my cock would push further between
Goddess? nylon clad legs. I could feel that the head of my cock had pushed well past
her legs. Finally she drew me in so close that my balls touched her legs. ?Do not move
even the slightest unless I tell you?, Goddess began to whisper in my ear as she now
twisted my nipples in a hard outward motion, ?sometimes dog bitches like you can be
rewarded by being allowed to hump something. This morning could be your lucky
moment if you manage not to loose your composure at the last moment. I know your
doggie dick is more than just throbbing. I know your doggie dick is like a ticking time
bomb. I know you could cum with just one stroke of my hand or a few pumps between
these sexy silk stockings I am wearing. But you do not have permission. You need
permission to hump. You need permission to cum. All you need is for me to say CUM
doggie. A snap of my fingers would do the same trick. Just one snap and you can be
free of all that pent-up sexual energy. Does my dog bitch want to cum for me??
I could hardly make a sound. I muttered ?woof? as I tried with all my might not thrust
forward. Goddess? hand moved down the inside of her legs stooping to barely touch my
balls that were tightly swollen and pressed against her legs. ?Did you hear me doggie
bitch? I asked, does my dog bitch want to cum for me?? ?Woof? ?Now?? ?Woof? I heard
Goddess giggle. She moved back into the chair away from my ear still tightly gripping
my nipples, still twisting and pulling them. Suddenly she let go and rose from her chair.
The sensation of anything touching my cock had gone. She pushed the chair to the side
and walked around me. My head followed her as I remained on my hind legs with paws
in the air. ?Stay? she said and left the kitchen. After a few minutes Goddess returned.
In her right hand she held a riding crop. Goddess approached and stopped in the middle
of the kitchen. She motioned for me to crawl over to her. As I came closer, Goddess
turned so that her ass was facing me. She brought her legs tightly together and lifted
her skirt with her left hand exposing her beautiful shaped ass. ?Closer doggie. I want
your nose between my cheeks and your doggie dick between my legs. Remember that
you need permission to hump and you need permission to cum. I pushed my cock
between her stocking clad legs. Once more, the sensation was mind blowing. ?Sniff my
ass?, Goddess said and my nose penetrated her cheeks and sucked in the aroma
offered. My cock throbbed between her legs, but I made sure not to move a millimeter.
Suddenly I felt the tip of the riding crop hitting the tip of my cock. I felt great! The blood
rushed even more intensely into the head of my cock bringing me closer and closer to
Goddess continued to flick her crop over the head of my cock as I remained buried
between her cheeks sniffing her scent. My cock was now throbbing mercilessly. Without
warning Goddess suddenly stopped hitting my cock and snapped her fingers. ?Woof?, I
cried out as my hips started to pull my cock back between her silken legs, only to
plunge it forward. My cock, still extremely sensitive, was ready to burst. I pulled back a
second time, plunging forward. My cock rubbing against the smoothness of the silk
stockings sending shivers and spasm through my entire body. I started to shake. I thrust
back and forth a third time. ?Woof?, ?Woof?, ?Woof?, ?Woof?, ?Woof? I pleaded for
permission to cum. I was at the edge and ready to blow. One more thrust was all I
needed. Goddess snapped her fingers once more and ordered: ?Cum?. I pushed
forward quickly, withdrew, pushed again and I felt the first stream of cum shot out of me
splattering over the kitchen floor. I pulled back again, pushed forward and a second
stream of cum shot out. ?Finish? she ordered. My enraged member pushed back and
forth through her stocking clad legs once more. A third wad of cum shot forth. I
continued to hump her legs for another 15 seconds. I could feel more cum oozing forth.
I began to collapse toward the floor. Goddess stepped forward and turned. She grabbed
me by the collar forcing me up and on all fours.
Goddess reached over to the counter and retrieved her digital camera. She pointed at
the vast quantity of cum that was covering her kitchen floor. ?Lick up the mess you
made, dog. I want a clean floor.? I moved forward and started to lap the cum. Snap,
snap, snap. She shot picture after picture of my face on the floor licking up my own
cum. ?Look up doggie and give me a begging position? she ordered. I looked up at
Goddess, paws in a begging position. Snap, snap, snap. Goddess laughed. ?These
pictures will be priceless. A doggie face covered in cum. Paws in the air. Begging.
Goddess laughed as I was ordered to finish. Goddess sat back in her chair and
continued to take pictures as I spent a good five minutes thoroughly cleaning the floor.
When I finished I approached Goddess who remained seated in a most relaxed manner.
Her legs crossed. Her arms crossed. ?Woof? I barked. Goddess looked at me. I
repeated: ?Woof?. ?Is that a thank you, doggie?? ?Woof? I barked in acknowledgement.
?You are welcome. Now come a little closer bitch? she ordered. I moved forward slowly.
?That?s enough.? Goddess moved her shoe forward and into my face. She pulled back
holding it out in front of me. The sole of her shoe was caked with cum. No order was
required. I knew what was expected. I leaned forward and licked every drop of cum off
the sole of her shoe. She repeated the process again with the other shoe. I licked up all
that was caked on the sole of her shoe. Goddess then pointed at her stockings. She
held out her right leg first. I crawled over and cleaned the insides of her stockings with
my tongue. Then her left stocking clad leg. ?You are not finished bitch!? Goddess said
as she rose and pointed at one spot of cum that I had missed. I dutifully crawled over to
the spot and scooped up the last of my cum using my tongue. ?Good?, Goddess said,
?now you may stay here or go to your cage. I am tired. I?m going to watch football. And I
want quiet.? ?Woof? I barked and crawled upstairs to my cage to lay down. On the verge
of passing out a thought rushed through my mind: why did I choose the cage?
I drifted off and I must slept for a few hours. When I woke I could still hear the TV
downstairs. Goddess was watching football. I crawled from the cage and proceeded into
the bathroom to take a drink from the toilet. My head moved down toward the water and
I lapped. I was parched and it took quite a while to quench my thirst. Finally I had
enough and pulled back. The lapping caused water to splash my face. I lifted my right
paw and wiped the water on the inside of my arm. I crawled down the stairs and into the
family room where Goddess was seated on the couch. I approached slowly and offered
a quiet bark as I entered. I crawled over to Goddess? feet, bent down, kissed her heels
and curled up next to her foot. Goddess? hand reached down and she pat me on the
head. ?Good dog. You stay.? The game continued and at the conclusion Goddess rose
and said: ?I?ll be right back. Stay.? She walked out of the room and returned after a few
minutes. ?Roll on your back doggie?, she commanded. I shifted my body a little and
rolled on my back with paws raised in the air. Goddess reached down and slipped the
chastity device back over my flaccid cock. No sooner the lock clicked closed blood
flowed back into my member causing the apparatus too fully secure itself and restrain a
full erection. Though I am sure that Goddess noticed, she paid zero attention. Reclining
back into the couch she crossed her legs and continued to watch the post game report.
I rolled back to my left side, curled and rested. I was content to simply lie at Goddess
Suddenly it dawned on me why I had chosen the cage. I had given myself completely to
Goddess, accepting her wishes and demands. She demanded and expected a well-
trained pet. Not only had I to comply, I wanted to comply. I wanted to be Goddess pet
dog. I became hungry. ?Woof? I barked and got up on all fours. Goddess looked down.
?Woof? I repeated while moving my head toward the floor as tough a bowl lay before
me. Goddess understood. ?Hungry, dog?? ?Woof? ?Go eat,? she said and I crawled out of
the family room to the kitchen. The bowl still had a mixture of dry food and nuts and I
lowered my head and ate until nothing was left. As I rose Goddess stood above me
looking down. ?Doggie want more?? she inquired. ?Woof? ?Woof? I responded. Then I
turned to the water bowl, but it was bone dry. ?Woof? I barked drawing Goddess?
attention. I pointed to the water bowl with my nose. ?That?s ok dog, follow me.? She
snapped her finger and I sprung up and crawled behind her right heel following her to
the bathroom.
Goddess entered the bathroom and walked to the toilet. She lifted her skirt and sat.
Moments later she urinated into the bowl. I sat obediently next to her. When finished
Goddess shifted her body forward and over the toilet seat rim. She opened her legs.
?Clean me dog?, she ordered and I moved around to her front and lapped the last drops
of piss from her pussy. ?You may now drink,? she ordered as she rose and readjusted
her skirt. I placed my head into the bowl and began to lap. Goddess remained by my
side. After a few minutes of lapping the water and piss mixture Goddess said: ?you have
made major strides and I have decided to keep you for now. However, this is not a full
time gig. You have to return to your responsibilities. You will return here on Friday in two
weeks. You will go through the same process as last time. Come into the garage,
remove your clothes put on the collar with leash, tie your balls with the loop. I do not
want cuffs. Obviously you will be wearing your paws. You will wait on your knees. I will
fetch you when I?m ready and give you your beloved paws. Your training has just begun.
For the time being you will continue as my pet. As you develop I will use you in different
ways. You are now to leave. I have placed a few items in the garage for you that you
can wear. Give me your paws.? I sat up and offered my paws in a begging fashion.
Goddess opened her hand containing the small key and proceeded to unlock both
paws. I looked up at her and spread my legs looking down at the chastity device.
Goddess smiled. ?That dog,? she pointed ?will not be removed.? ?Woof? I acknowledged.
I came back down and crawled to her feet kissing them until I was ordered to stop. ?Now
go?, Goddess said. I crawled out to the garage, removed my collar, put on my jeans and
Polo shirt and slipped on my shoes. The car keys were in my Jeans pocket. I quickly
went to the car and drove home. During the trip I thought about the events and one
thing was for sure: I love her and was happy to be her pet, her bitch dog. I was hard
thinking about it. The chastity device made sure I would not forget.
To be continued.
Author contact: [email protected]
She was 5’8 in her cycling shoes but it was the legs that stretched to heaven that caught my attention, strong legs but not to heavy or bulky like typical cyclist’ s legs. Firm calves and well-defined thighs ran smoothly into tight buns that filled the Lycra shorts more than adequately. The shorts were tight, cutting into her pubic area. Most men would have killed for her washboard stomach, which was a perfect link to her perky breasts. Her nipples were standing up creating tight little nubs...
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She was 5’8 in her cycling shoes but it was the legs that stretched to heaven that caught my attention, strong legs but not to heavy or bulky like typical cyclist’ s legs. Firm calves and well-defined thighs ran smoothly into tight buns that filled the Lycra shorts more than adequately. The shorts were tight, cutting into her pubic area. Most men would have killed for her washboard stomach, which was a perfect link to her perky breasts. Her nipples were standing up creating tight little nubs...
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Disclaimer: If you're underage, stop reading. If you're offended by transgender or transsexual ideas, stop reading; and if you're unlikely to enjoy erotic descriptions of sex, stop reading. This story is definitely adult material. Finally, if mermaids aren't your "thing," read this story anyway; it might change your mind. Please read "Changes In Paradise, parts 1 - 13," if you haven't already, and please take a moment to post a comment to the site on which this story appeared, or...
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His text was short and to the point: Go directly home. Strip down to collar. Get everything ready for me. A shiver went all the way through my body. I sent a short text in reply indicating that I understood and would comply. My pussy contracted and my clit started pulsing. I started packing up quickly and made my goodbyes for the day as naturally as I could, electrified with the knowledge that I was going home to meet my Master. I forced myself to drive the speed limit even though I wanted to...
His text was short and to the point: Go directly home. Strip down to collar. Get everything ready for me. A shiver went all the way through my body. I sent a short text in reply indicating that I understood and would comply. My pussy contracted and my clit started pulsing. I started packing up quickly and made my goodbyes for the day as naturally as I could, electrified with the knowledge that I was going home to meet my Master. I forced myself to drive the speed limit even though I wanted to...
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April 2, 1997 A Change of Direction: An Alternative Ending to Mike Allegretto's Change of Pace This story is based on and derived from the situations and characters developed by Mike Allegretto and Caitlin B. in their collaborative story, "A Change of Pace", posted 2/16/97 on ASSTG. If this story is published on any newsgroup under this author's account, it is done with the express permission of the original authors. No archiving or redistribution of this work is permitted...
I guess you can call me an old fart. I remember watching the Beatles come off the plane for the first time from England--on TV, of course. I remember the Monkees and their laughable attempts at synchronizing their guitar strumming and lip-synching with the music that was playing ... I saw Pelee play soccer. I remember Look magazine's coverage of the first heart transplant. I cried when the first man stepped onto the moon. I've got a great-grand-niece that's a pre-teen, for Christ's sake!...
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When Jon woke up, he could feel rain hitting his skin. Slowly he sat up and looked around, shaking his head. He quickly realized that he was naked and that he sat in the middle of a forest. Slowly he looked around, noticing the smoking pieces laying around. Slowly a bit of his memory came back. He had been on the way home from a business meeting in a neighbor city and had taken the, slightly longer, route over the mountain pass to enjoy a bit the storm raging over the mountainside. Then, on the...
In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...
FantasyJack and Dianne had lived a comfortable life in Melbourne..... the capital city of Victoria, Australia. Jack, the senior accountant of a major corporation had worked 30 years. Dianne, a housewife who loved entertaining. But, after 30 years of work, Jack and Dianne wanted to enjoy their remaining days in comfort and peace. Fresh air beckoned.....a country lifestyle. Jack and Dianne packed up, and bought a lovely house in Toolern Vale, Victoria. The air was clean, the horses were...
I was single, bored and masturbating way to often. I was young, innocent, and i was in my last year of high school. I had done everything with a previous girlfriend, from kissing to sex and I was straight of course, but had a pure obsession with older men. I spent a lot of my time, stripping, rubbing my hard cock, fingering myself at the sight of and older man fucking a younger boy. I went on websites, playing with them over webcam and still do to this day. But I was still a virgin, wanting...
Hi, everybody! This is my third story here and the reactions and steamy emails I have received for my previous story have been overwhelming. I particularly have a thing for women older than me and I have been to their service of all those who have contacted me. I welcome all suggestions and emails especially from women and girls in Bangalore. I’m 26 years old now and this story is about a year old with my then girlfriends who was of my age. I’m 5.10 with an athletic physique with a well-endowed...
ChangesKatie: Beginnings By Lacey_Katie My cousin Lisa met me at the airport. She reminded me of Nicole Kidman, just not quite as tall and as pencil-thin. Lisa was, and is, a natural redhead, 26 years old, and she wore a royal blue blazer, matching skirt which reached her mid-thigh, and navy stockings. She highlighted that with small gold earrings and a matching bracelet. She was 5'8" tall, around 125 pounds which made a great figure. I later learned it was 36D, 24, 36. Lisa...
Just a heads up, this story is a bit odd and the TG elements in it are fairly light, but I do hope you enjoy it. And I wrote this story for my own amusement while playing around, so if you don't like it... too bad. The Role Exchanger By Morpheus The college courtyard provided a scene much like every other morning, being filled with a throng of students. Several dozen young men and women were scattered about, going about their normal routines as they awaited the start of...
This story was written as a serial over the period of several months. The Role Exchanger 2 By Morpheus Part 1 It was a nice Saturday in the quiet suburban neighborhood, with the people who lived there going about their normal business. There was nothing to break the usual peace and calm... until now. There was a strange flickering in the very air as a glowing blue ball of light slowly moved across the sky above. Reality itself seemed to rippled around the alien entity... Then...
This story was written as a serial for my Yahoo group The Role Exchanger 3 By Morpheus Part 1 A glowing ball of blue light slowly moved through the atmosphere, guided by an alien intelligence as it sought out its next destination. Humans who knew of this strange being called it the Role Exchanger, though it didn't think of itself as such. In fact, the very idea of names was alien to this being. The Role Exchanger shifted direction and descended from the...
Note: the author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. THE CHANGEOVER By Wyrdey There are many scholarly theories about the Changeover - why it happened, how it happened. They talk about 'social forces' or 'chemical pollutants' or 'historical inevitability'. None of them are even remotely true. The lunatic fringe have their theories as well - They prefer 'the wrath of god' or 'alien intervention'. They're closer, but still...
CHANGEDAY: FIVE YEARS by BobH (c) 2009 Changeday was upon us again, four Mondays after the last one, and just like on every other Changeday there was a palpable tension in the air. It was 6.50pm - ten minutes to go, ten minutes before we switched from the alpha phase to the beta. "Daddy, I don't want Bryan wearing my yellow dress!" said Sophie my six year-old daughter. "Daddy bought it for both of us!" protested her twin brother. "It's not just for you!" "He's right,...
======================================================================= DISCLAIMER: The following story is based on the ChangeDay universe, created by BobH. However, below I use exact dates that are NOT conducive with the universe canon and should not be confused as such. As part of my creative process, it helps if I have exact dates, but, again, these dates are NOT universe canon. If you feel the inspiration to write in this universe, I would suggest contacting BobH first. He's a...
This story was written as a serial story on my Yahoo group over a period of several months. The Role Exchanger 4 By Morpheus Part 1 The cramped office was filled with the sound from the air conditioner, a sick grinding sound which strongly suggested that the equipment was quickly nearing the end of its life. The man sitting behind the desk scowled in annoyance at the sound, silently cursing the noise which kept distracting him from his work. Of course he could just turn...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland in Deutschland Teil 1 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________- Es war der erste Juni als es das erste Mal passierte. Ich Mirko 18 Jahre war grade zu Besuch bei Paul (19) und seiner Freundin Heike (grade 18). Wir waren kurz vor unserem Abi. Ich bin ein stabilere Junge kurzen...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 2 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul, und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Heiko zog nach der Verwandlung meine Kleidung an, w?hrend Paula und i...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 3 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Heiko zog nach der Verwandlung meine Kleidung an, w?hrend Paula und ich i...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 4 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 5 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 7 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 8 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 9 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 10 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 11 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 12 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH , welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 13 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 14Ich wartete, dass ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt...
ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 15 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...