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Jilly was a bleach-blonde, bubble-headed bimbo.

A lot of my girls could barely stand to have her around, but there were a couple of clients who wanted to fuck the dumbest chick possible– presumably the ones who would feel threatened by a girl with a brain. I usually send Tammy, who fakes idiocy well, but there’s something to be said for a natural talent, and one guy in particular favored Jilly nearly exclusively and very frequently. After he was arrested (on completely unrelated charges, I assure you), Jilly’s… well, I guess you could call it her ‘productivity’… declined significantly. I was this close to turning her out on the street, though I really thought it was a waste to let someone with her face and figure go to waste on a street corner or in a paltry strip club. It occured to me that, as a last resort, I had the ability to mold her into whatever I wanted to. It wasn’t like anything about her would be a great loss if I screwed it up too badly.

Let me explain: most of my girls are fairly open-minded by nature– you don’t get many whores who haven’t long ago had their inhibitions worn away by the prospect of dollar signs– but from time to time they need a little bit of help. For example, Dayna wouldn’t take it in the ass, no matter what her clients were offering to have her there, and since no fewer than three of them personally communicated to me that they were planning on going ‘cross town to Madame Darlene’s dirty little hut unless Dayna delivered the goods, stronger measures had been required.

I called an old employer of mine, Harry Pinchon aka ‘The Great Master Pinchon’, whose ‘beautiful assistant’ I had been in the bad old showbiz days, and asked him for a favor. Not too much later, he showed up as a weekend entertainer for the girls and did his entire stage hypnotist spiel for fun at one of our parties, and I made sure Dayna was volunteered as a subject. Though that night all Harry did was make her bark like a dog and sing showtunes, he embedded a post-hypnotic suggestion that would let him access her later on, at our convenience, and it wasn’t long before our Dayna was happily presenting her rear to all comers, unsolicited.

Or there was the time when Peggy almost got killed by that wacko with the rope fetish, she was unable to perform for months afterward, and any time a man touched her she was brought to tears by the memory of nearly being strangled. Since we don’t have that many female clients, she was essentially a charity case in my house until Harry helped her to forget the incident.

At any rate, I’d found that hypnosis was a great tool, but though I liked Harry fine, I was sick of paying his ass to help out my girls. For whatever reason, he wouldn’t take his fees in pussy, just in cold green, and that was painful in harder times, like after I had to bribe that District Attorney. Now, I’d seen him do his show hundreds of times, and had seen him in the back rooms of countless clubs for ‘private sessions’ (guess what kind of sessions those were?), so it seemed to me I knew how this hypnotism thing went down. If a somewhat goofy-looking middle-aged guy like him could put girls into trance, why couldn’t I?

The answer was, of course, that I could, and very soon did. I tried Dayna first, because I knew she was susceptible, and after an hour’s ‘relaxation exercises’ she was staring blankly at my ceiling and telling me about being abused by her step-father. The tale was pretty gruesome, and I could see why she used to resist having it up the ass. It moved me enough that I resolved to steer the anal-fetishist guys towards Kandy from now on, though I still reinforced to Dayna that she’d give it up to her current clientele as before. I’m a softie, but I’m also a businesswoman and I didn’t want to lose anybody. I have to admit that having her lying there so docile was getting me hot, and it wasn’t long before I was fucking her face, all the time giving her instructions on how to improve her technique, and I have to say it paid off brilliantly because, to this day, she’s still the choice pussylicker of all my most discerning clients.

But I digress: this is not her story.

I started considering my options for Jilly– what was missing in my business model? I had the dommes and the subs (or those who could pretend at either), I had the white girls and black girls and Asian girls and the Hispanic girls, and girls who could fake most other nationalities with the proper cosmetics. I had Sally-Lynn who liked pain, Grace the bull-dyke, Diana the ‘full-figured’ lady, and Fifi, whose surgical enhancements defied the imagination. I had tall girls and short girls, and enough wigs and hair dye to manufacture any requested coloration. What was missing that couldn’t be otherwise faked?

The answer came to me after Clarence told me it would be his last visit. That happens all the time, by the way. The guy’s getting married, or has gone religious, or has gotten through whatever part of his life made him seek my girls out. And a good fifty percent of the time it actually turns out to be true. But not always, and Clarence didn’t seem the type to be leaving permanently. I hugged him, wished him luck, and politely asked him why.

‘I can’t talk to any of these girls, Tess.’

I smiled. ‘That’s not exactly their speciality, darling.’

He reddened. ‘I know, but… before. Afterward. It helps me if there’s some kind of connection.’ I succeeded in not rolling my eyes– at least outwardly. It’s not like I’d never heard this from a client before, but really! A ‘house’ doesn’t get its ‘ill repute’ from a lot of jabberring tender-loving care. The bucks roll in when the girls are hot and ready to trot. Aside from that, as long as they’re friendly and polite and don’t demean their customers (except the ones who want to be demeaned, of course), my girls will be successful, and therefore so will I.

‘I understand,’ I lied. ‘Well, I hope you find what you’re looking for, Clarence.’

‘I probably won’t,’ he admitted. ‘But there’s always the internet.’ And with a wave and a sad smile, he was out of there.

That last bit stuck in my craw, for some reason. Actually, for a very obvious reason: I’ve been in this business for twenty-five years, and the last ten have been touch-and-go because of all the ‘talent’, amateur and otherwise, to be found with a few mouse clicks or a search engine. Don’t get me wrong: I have a website myself, detailing all of my girls and their proclivities, it’s not been entirely bad. But it’s done out of survival more than anything else. I’m old-fashioned, and tend to think fucking for cash should be done discreetly and recommendations passed on by word of mouth. The internet just seems like a good way to get sent to jail when the authorities decide one day to stop turning a blind eye. Regardless, the point is that I’d lost a number of customers over the years because of some bit they found online somewhere, and anytime a customer mentioned it I had to choke down fury. Damned faceless techies who wouldn’t know how to fuck if someone handed them a Kama Sutra and a magnifying glass, but who could throw enough suggestive photos and purple prose together to steal my client base.

I strode from the foyer, where Clarence had made his farewells, into my office. I flopped unceremoniously into the leather chair and opened up a web browser and a search engine, half-heartedly paging through the local set of independent ‘escorts’. I don’t know what it was– Clarence’s words, or maybe I was just on my game that day, waiting for enlightenment– but after the seventh or eighth girl promising ‘a true GFE (girl-friend experience)’ from a ‘college-educated’ woman, it suddenly clicked for me. The thing Clarence had been seeking and, more generally, the niche market my girls failed to fill: the brainy, college-girl set.

Now, I’d never gone to college myself. I had stripped for a couple of years right out of high school, done some burlesque theatre (which didn’t pay shit), then spent the
next ten on my back for Madame Belle’s establishment before taking over when the old coot kicked off– twelve years ago this fall, it was. So my education, while hardly nonexistent (I attended the School of Life, thanksverymuch), was minimal when it came to book-smarts. But I’d done the sexy librarian role-playing enough times (and had my girls do it lots more) to know there’s a certain appeal to the smart girl motif. What I hadn’t counted on, and what had become clear to me in the last several hours, was that there seemed to be a mostly-untapped clientele out there who wanted it to go a little farther than the glasses and the prim hairstyles– they actually wanted to discuss poetry or sociolology or ancient Roman history with these broads before fucking them senseless.

And I had to admit that none of my girls was up to the challenge.

Seeing a business opportunity here, I started paging through the independents again, to see if I could find one that looked desperate enough to want to work for me on at least a part-time basis. I’d just jotted down a couple of email addresses and was about to compose a message to these women when Jilly knocked on my doorframe and stepped inside.

‘Can I come in?’

My reflex was to be annoyed at this unpleasant (and unprofitable!) presence, after all, she was the precise opposite of what I was currently seeking, and frankly I was planning on housing the new girl, whoever she ended up being, in Jilly’s room. Jilly’s former room, I already thought of it as. ‘You’re already in, dear. What do you need?’

What do you need? I stopped cold. What did she need? I ignored, for the moment, whatever it was she was blathering about, and concentrated on what she really did need: a reason for existence. Something to make her worth keeping around this place. And I needed someone around the house with some pretty specific traits– but was it possible, even with hypnosis? Using (I looked, disbelieving, at the vacant eyes across from me…) this as raw materials? Surely not. But…

‘… and I just don’t know if I should do it, ya know?’ She snapped a bubble from her gum and looked at me expectantly.

‘Um… Jilly, I’m sorry, could you repeat that? I was zoning.’

‘Sure! Happens to me all the time.’ She giggled. ‘I was just asking if you think I should get the double-Ds like Nikki said I should.’

Sigh. Nikki hated Jilly, and was always trying to get her to look stupid. Stupider. Once she’d convinced the girl to draw pubic hair on her naked cunt with an eyebrow pencil. At any rate, Jilly’s five-foot-one frame was much too small for double-D breasts, and she’d just end up looking ridiculous– and for johns who wanted ‘ridiculous’, I already had Fifi.

‘Jilly, dear, your breasts are fine.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes, I’m sure.’

‘Okay, Tess, I trust you.’

And those last three words were the catalyst for everything which happened afterward.


It was surprisingly difficult to put her under.

She had all of the calm and attention span of a four-year-old who’d just eaten a fistful of candy, and I had nearly given up after an hour’s trying, having had to remove her gum, her hair clip, and even her dangly earrings. It was these last which finally helped out, as I saw her staring at the glass gems that hung from them, it occured to me to try using those. Harry had always just used his hands as a focus for his inductions, and sometimes some stroking of the subject’s temples, so that was the method I’d adopted, but when I saw her eyes fixed on the removed earrings, I remembered numerous bad movies with hypnotic subjects entranced using stopwatches or diamond pendants. Huh, I thought. The stereotype had to have come from somewhere.

‘This hypno thing is hard, Tess. I thought you said it would be easy.’

‘Trust me, dear. It will work.’

‘Good, ’cause I really want to be able to give better head.’

Ahem. That was how I’d gotten her in the chair, of course. I’d found out by experimenting on Carlita that a couple of suggestions would allow a girl to completely and easily suppress the gag-reflex, and even to provide better ‘milking’ action using rhythmic movement of the throat muscles. Carlita’s ‘returning customer’ rate had skyrocketed: and she wasn’t just for guys with the black antebellum servant-girl fantasies anymore. I’d performed this magic on Su Lin and Peggy as well, and had seen similar effects on the cash they brought in, so I had let Jilly know I thought it would increase the money she would produce. Since she’d been complaining lately that she wanted an ‘iPod thingy’ like Grace had (how in the world would she ever operate it?), the comment about money made her decision for her, after I helped explain it to her.

She laid back on the bed and I tossed one of the gaudy earrings aside, retaining the other for use in the process.

‘All right, Jilly, dear, let’s try this a different way. I want you to look at the… jewel… on this earring. It’s pretty, isn’t it?’

‘Oh, yeah, it’s, like, my favorite. It’s so sparkly, and goes well with my–‘

‘Hush, sweetie. No talking, just looking and listening.’


‘Stare into the sparkles, Jilly. They shine brightly, and as I move them in the light they swirl from place to place. They’re pretty, aren’t they? So pretty that you don’t want to look at less pretty things, just at the beautiful stone and the swirling sparkles. Keep looking, even if it gets harder to do. Keep looking especially if it gets harder to do. Looking at the sparkles, now, not a care in the world, feeling calm and soothed looking at the sparkles. Eyes may be getting heavy, now, but don’t let them close, don’t let them close because then you won’t see the pretty spiralling sparkles. Looking at the sparkles will make them even heavier, make you sleepier, but still you should just relax and stare at them without closing your eyes.’ I looked at her face, now, and this method was obviously having more of an effect. The small crinkles in her brow softened, and her eyes blinked infrequently now– and when they did, it was a long, slow, languorous motion which looked like a struggle between two opposing forces. I kept repeating this monotonously for a couple of minutes, as I saw her eyes go blank. ‘Your eyes need to close now, you can barely keep them open to see the sparkles. Don’t worry, when they do close, you’ll still be able to see them in your mind. You can close them when I tell you so. Keep staring into the stone and let your mind think only of how pretty the spiralling sparkles are… and now you can close your eyes.’

She’d been a more difficult subject than most of my girls, but it was evident she was under. ‘Jilly, do you hear me?’

‘Uh huh.’

‘Do you feel very relaxed and happy?’

‘Uh huh.’

‘Do you still see the sparkles?’

‘Uh huh. Pretty.’

‘Yes, they’re lovely, I’m sure. Jilly, dear, keep looking at the pretty sparkles, but while you’re doing that I’d like you to answer some questions for me.’


‘Jilly, dear, how old are you?’


‘Did you go to high school?’

‘Sure.’ I was surprised.

‘Did you finish high school?’

‘Yeah.’ I was even more surprised.

‘You passed all your classes?’

‘All except biology. I had to give Mr. Morris head every day for weeks to even get a D-. The other teachers I fucked gave me Cs.’ I was less surprised.

‘All right, dear. Have you always had trouble with school?’


‘Can you think back to a time when you didn’t?’


‘How old were you, then?’


‘You were good at school when you were six?’

‘Uh huh.’

‘What made you stop doing well at school?’

‘I was stupid.’

‘But how could you have done well at school before then if you were stupid?’

‘I didn’t know I was stupid until Daddy told me so.’

n that for me, Jilly. What happened?’

‘I didn’t mean to do it. Really! I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to tell Mommy about Daddy’s friends.’

‘Daddy’s friends?’

‘Paula and Cindy and Jamie and Violet and–‘

‘Okay, Jilly. I understand. What happened, then?’

‘Mommy left the house and didn’t come back, and Daddy spanked my butt and yelled at me. I cried and told him that I was sorry, but he kept telling me I was so stupid, that I fucked everything up. That it was my fault Mommy left, and that I would never learn.’

Poor kid. Reminded me of my old man. The bastard.

‘And then you didn’t do well at school anymore?’

‘The next day in school I got two problems wrong in subtracting and I told the teacher it was because I was stupid and I fucked everything up, and she sent me to the principal’s office. He was nice to me and gave me a lollipop, and sent me back to class. I liked the lollipops.’

‘Jilly, I’m going to give you a lollipop, now. Would you like that?’

‘Mmm hmm.’

‘It’s a very special lollipop– it will make you into a genius very quickly. Would you like that?’

‘Sure.’ It sounded unconvincing, I could tell she was going to need some positive reinforcement (I didn’t go to college, but as you can see, I read a lot of books).

‘Once you finish the lollipop, your brain will be like a sponge for knowledge, and every time you learn something new, you’ll feel very excited and sexy. In fact, you’ll have the best orgasms of your life after you’ve learned something new. And you’ll know that you feel this way because you’re learning to be smarter. Do you understand?’

‘I think so.’

‘Jilly, dear, what will happen every time you learn something new?’

‘I’ll feel excited and sexy and have the best orgasms of my life.’


‘Because I feel that way when I’m learning to be smarter.’

‘Right, dear. That’s very good. Now I don’t want you to remember this talk we’ve just had, I just want you to do what I told you, okay?’


‘Good.’ My hopes were not high, but it had been worth a shot. At the very least… ‘Now, Jilly, as you finish off your lollipop, there, let me tell you some new things about your throat muscles…’


It wasn’t long before Jilly was picking up more than just back-issues of Cosmo the other girls left lying around. As I think I mentioned, I’m an avid reader, and I had a decent collection of books. Jilly went crazy over them, finishing off all the Oprah Book Club recommendations I had in the next few weeks. Despite her ‘dumb’ persona, it was evident the girl could read well enough. That or those books really were written at the fifth grade level, as that Time article had suggested.

Soon, however, she wanted more non-fiction, and if there’s one thing my bookshelves lack it’s the tedium of non-fiction. I gave Jilly what I had, but it wasn’t much: some information on AIDS, abortion, and prostitution laws. Practical stuff. She finished it in under a week, spending a lot of time alone in her room with the books. I interrupted her once on a pretext, to see what she was doing in there, and was hit by the smell of sex when she opened the door. That, coupled with her blushed face, let me know she was eagerly frigging herself to get off due to the influence of my post-hypnotic suggestions and her reading material.

When she ran out of non-fiction, I brought up the possibility of going to the library to get more, and she looked at me like I was Moses, leading her to the promised land. She asked to go the very next day, and I called her a cab for the morning drive there, I planned on doing some shopping and then picking Jilly up on the way back home that afternoon.

Now I’m not exactly aware of what went down, but some fraction of it filtered to me through Jilly herself, and I believe what she told me. It seems she’d picked out six or seven books, and finally settled in the archaeology section, finding a book on ancient Mesopotamia and sitting at one of the corner tables. She’d opened the book up, skipped the preface, and by the end of page two her nipples had tightened and her cunt was slick. As she’d read of the priests-kings, of the priestesses of Ishtar, her thighs had slowly parted and her hands slowly crept between their pantiless expanse.

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The first month we were up there and I hadn’t even found a adult bookstore to go play at the glory holes. I was jonesing for strange dick. The day Tom came home and told me about a adult bookstore he found up in Breezewood put a smile on my face. That very night, which was a Friday, Tom and I went to check out the bookstore. At first glance I thought ther would be no action, the place was off a side road, no houses or other businesses around, but it was on a service road for I-70. Pulling...

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ZebraGirls Gia Derza September Reign 03212020

Gia and September have been besties forever. They always have sleepovers and what-not. Well, Gia has always had a “thing” for September. One night, while sharing the same bed…Gia couldn’t help herself. She started to fiddle her diddle under the covers, while staring at September’s perfect ass. Gia tried to be quiet, but just couldn’t control herself. Of course, September woke up and caught her, but Gia couldn’t stop cumming, so September just had to...

4 years ago
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Souvenir Paddles III

Souvenir Paddles - IIII suddenly heard voices coming from the direction in which she’d left. It sounded like the lady and at least one other female. Good grief!! This was getting deeper as we went along. I couldn’t imagine with whom she was speaking but figured I wouldn’t need to wait long to find out. I was right in this assumption.The voices were moving now, towards the room in which I knelt. As they grew closer, it sounded as if there were two girls speaking with my lady. As they entered the...

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Teenage Romance With Bombshell Tenant MILF 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, Abhi here, back again. Extremely thankful and overwhelmed for all the positive feedback after sharing my first story. I met some amazing people from this community who are in for all sorts of fun and excitement. Now, I am going to continue where I left off. So, that night, we parted ways after some teasing chat. I was super aroused and waiting to see what my tenant milf Spandana will do after I acted innocent. I freshened up, did some physics problems, and then went to her place at...

3 years ago
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“Leave it to me, I am going shopping, be back soon.” Nina is taller than most women with a very good and sexy athletic body. Long legs, well-formed thighs, 34B tits with long nipples when aroused and stunning good looks. She is the complete, beautifully spoken lady in public, though very articulate and verbose while having sex. Two hours later Nina came back looking very self-satisfied. “I found a lady for us, she is coming by at seven-thirty tonight.” “How did you organise that?” “I...

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Comixxx Players Ball

It started with a phone call, at most inopportune time. My cell phone was blowing up while I was demonstrating my patented hucklebuck position to my cute neighbor; Jill. The constant clattering of the phone vibrating across my night stand became too much for me to ignore anymore."Hello?""Who's this?" a female voice inquired."Whose phone did you call? I asked back."Xav is that you?" She asked sounding more annoyed"Maybe, who am I speaking to?""It's Katrina, Xav."I was about to ask what she...

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The Battle For Carnal Delights

I’ve never considered myself to be a real writer. The writing(s) I’ve done over the years have been short speeches I’ve had to make for various meetings and have reflected what I felt most passionate about. This being mostly civic minded stuff and far, far away from LUSH type topics. Thus, I’m a little at a loss for words and ways of expressing myself in a LUSH like arena.My fantasy ramblings often do have a bit of truth in it as it is easier for me to write about something I have had some...

Love Stories
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StepSiblingsCaught Jewelz Blu Natalie Knight Slut Scouts

Tyler Nixon loves snooping on his stepsister, Natalie Knight. During today’s exploration of Natalie’s room, Tyler finds a dildo. Natalie walks in on him and kicks him out. Later, Natalie invites her friend Jewelz Blu over to dish about how embarrassed she was. Jewelz confesses that her dildo is bigger so she can practice blowjobs. Tyler busts into Natalie’s room to try to tease her some more, but she kicks him out. The girls relocate to the living room to watch TV, but Tyler...

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DDFBusty Kesha Ortega Kira Queen A Horny Home Showing

Sexy lezzies Kesha Ortega and Kira Queen are on the hunt for a new property, and hunky agent Kristof Cale soon finds that besides getting a nice hefty commission from these horny hoes, he gets to be a part of their XXX home christening. Join the FFM threesome in this Pornworld Busty premium porn premiere as the babes go buck wild on his ballsack, sucking and licking his cajones and his cock. The curvy cuties each enjoy the broker’s big shaft deep in their throats in 69 while Kristof gets...

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Lorna gets adopted

Hello my name is Lorna Gibbons and I have spent the last five years in an orphanage when my parents were killed in an automobile accident, I never expected at 17 that someone would adopt me, but my newly acquired parents were very good people and explained to me that they knew that no one was going to adopt a 17 year old girl, so close to turning an adult, and by that reason alone they gave me the gift of spending my last year in a real family home and not an orphanage. Bob and Linda Channing...

4 years ago
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Rough Justice

This is a story set in the future, where local Officials determine the guilty party when the law is broken. There is then no need to go to Court which reduces costs, but gives great power to local unelected Officials even though they might not be the best to wield such power. This is one story of rough justice. Becky stood at the front of the stage at the local theatre and looked as the audience gave a standing ovation. Becky was eighteen-years-old, and had been the understudy for Emma....

3 years ago
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Travelling DbferChapter 13

I looked at my watch again. It was 5 minutes to 7. I said, "Patti, we are supposed to be meeting another young lady in 5 minutes. We can cancel if you want." Patti looked at me. "Why would you want to cancel, Jay?" I blushed. "Patti honey, I'm not sure what it is about you that makes you so different. But all of the sudden I really don't want to be with anybody else but you." Patti blushed beet red. "Really Jay? You can't be serious?" "I never would have thought it could...

4 years ago
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Hot Nights In Copenhagen

I heard a joke once, “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him you have a plan.” Well, I can vouch for that one. After three months at sea working on a Norwegian freighter, I finally signed off in Alicante, Spain and made my way to the north of Europe, my original destination three months earlier. I had signed on as a galley boy in Brooklyn with twenty bucks to my name and planned to sign off in Lisbon. Unfortunately, two days out at sea Lisbon was cancelled and the first port would be Beirut,...

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An afternoon by the pool Part 3

Carl stood at the marble sink in the en-suite bathroom and washed his cum covered tumescent cock. It was still as hard as it had ever been, the veins pulsing with his still un-slaked lust. The sight of the two girls had driven him crazy with desire. He pulled the foreskin back fully, exposing the angry looking purple glans, a drip of cum oozing from his urethra. He closed his eyes, then opened them again. He picked up his iPhone from beside the sink and selected the last video and pressed...

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Haunted by the Past Ch 10

Rick Estevez was suddenly nervous. Dawn had ordered him to take her to bed and make love to her. He’d been steadfastly holding off. He knew in his heart that once their bodies were that intimately joined, he’d never be closer to heaven on earth again. Dawn flipped on the light switch just inside the door after he closed it. He turned it off again. He walked to where light was filtering in around the covered windows, found the cord and opened the drapes. The room was bathed in a softer light...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Hollywood Agent

ALTERED FATES: HOLLYWOOD AGENT Chapter 1: Laura Jenson was tired. At least she acted as if she was tired, and those who knew her well knew that even though she was the star of over ten highly profitable movies over the last five years, that Laura couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. Laura thanked her lucky stars everyday that the director's and the film editor she chose to work with, knew her acting faults and were only too glad to cover them up and make a ton of money from...

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The Wanderings of Amy Ch 11

Chapter 11 – Bad Girl Christmas break came, giving Amy a welcome break from her studies. However, the break was the calm before a very big storm. Just before her finals, Amy realized that the time had come to pick a major. As she pondered what interested her, she realized with some anxiety that the field she really liked was economics. It was the term paper that had changed her mind about the field. Amy realized that international development was a fascinating topic, and a powerful one that...

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A Girls Life Chapter 8

I slowly and nervously walked down the stairs. We had hardwood floors and you could hear my heels click with each step. Looking down at my heels they were so cute and i loved the bows on the toes. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. I could feel my nylons rubbing together, the hem of my dress swaying back and forth over my legs. My now long hair, as the curls bounced on my shoulders. I could even feel my boobs, which i was so proud of, bouncing with each step down the...

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Ek kahani

Hi friends ! My name is Sourabh Shukla and I am leaving in Raigarh state Chhattisgarh. I am a good looking married man of age 29 years working in a steel industry. I want to narrate my story after reading all the stories. The story about me & my little sister. Her age is 25 year and she also married and a housewife. I tell you the story in hindi which is very easy to understand. Main apni Behan ko bachpan se hi bahut acchi tarah se pyar karta tha. Usme mai ek bahut acchha akarshan mahshus karta...

2 years ago
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The Gallery

Julia stepped into the gallery out of the London rain.  She shook her umbrella and closed it before looking around.  She had come into the city to kill some time, to do some shopping - some of it just window shopping - and maybe to take in some culture as well.  When the showers had started the shops had started to fill up with those retreating from the rain, so Julia had set out, brolly in hand, to look for something of interest.  As she walked through the West End streets the gallery had...

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Journey into Cheating Part 2 Discovering sex clubs

One Saturday night, during my bar shift, I was chatting to my manager, Jack. He was a nice guy in his mid-twenties, a little cocky, but he always made my shift seem like a party. He was very upbeat, charismatic, and cheeky. It made a nice change to hang out with him after seeing my unhappy boyfriend all week. It was a bit of a slow night at the bar, so we were speaking about all sorts of things. He began talking about this older woman that he had slept with a couple of weeks previously and I...

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Passion in a Dark World

I opened the door to the roof, and saw Connie leaning against the railing, looking down over the luminescent city below. She was quite beautiful, though I never had the guts to admit it to her. Her skin was a flawless caramel, and her hair was a dark brown, wavy, hanging over her shoulders and draping across her chest. Her eyes were like gems in the night, fading out even the brightest sun. That night she adorned a tight, white tee, camouflage cargo pants, and black combat boots. In battle, she...

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Vicky Inside Cousin Bhakti At Wedding

Hi everyone, I am a regular reader of this site and read many great stories, though many of the stories are over the top and hard to digest, the idea to share your adventure with everyone strangers gives goose bumps! Please note that this story might be a little lengthy. Ok to the point- My name is Vicky-26 years old I am from Mumbai, a decent looking guy with decent personality and witty sense of humor. First of all I don’t know why guys fake their tool size to be 8-10 inches was their mother...

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Extra classes

This is my first story so please be a bit easy on me. I would love your suggestions for my future stories and you are most welcome to point out my mistakes (although I’ll try not to commit any) And now for the story… Here it goes… It was maybe about 3 months ago that I had joined a private coaching center because I was lagging a bit in studies and my parents wanted me to score well. It was their idea to send me to a coaching center so that I could get some help and perform better and after a...

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My girlfriends friend

The story happened in the wonderful city of Shanghai. Had been living in China for 5 years, where I met my wonderful girlfriend and her friends. We were a close bunch, hanging out often. From the 7 girls, my gf was very close specially with one of them. Monica. A sexy girl who she shared everything with. Including our sex life, my size, my performance, everything. In fact, in many occasions, when being a bit drunk/excited, the sex topic used to come out (something these group of girls enjoyed...

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Uni with Sandra part 6

My name is Danni, I'm 27. This is the sixth story based on my diaries and memories from when I was a teenager.Sandra and I shared a house with another two girls, Alison and Fiona, all in our first year at university. My first story was about how Sandra introduced me to girl on girl sex within weeks of us starting university. My second was about how Sandra introduced me to threesome sex with her and her boyfriend, Pete. My third was about starting to have sex with my new boyfriend, Martin, plus...

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Between WorldsChapter 3 A Womans Misplaced Revenge

Cleveland, Ohio Lake Front Marina, Monday early afternoon "Amanda, except for taking Jane from me, God has been good to me. When I sold my half of the company, I gained a significant amount of money and I had good lawyers. "One of the things I did to get out of taxes is to set up a foundation that my daughters are administrating. It is a sort of "Habitat for Humanity." We provide financial training to people in trouble, and help them get into good housing. After they get into a safe...

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PornWorld Gia Derza Photographers DP Slutty Model Gia Derza On Set

Gia Gerza, a young, sexy, up-and-coming model is in the middle of a photoshoot when realizes that one of the photographers whos been shooting her has a massive erection. Since shes a whore whos looking to advance within her field, she does what all ambitious models do and starts sucking the photographers stiff cock. Feeling slightly left out, Ramon, one of the other photographers pulls his cock out on set as well, and within seconds its also in Gias mouth. The threesome quickly moves to the...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 30

(JAN 1942 FIRST AMERICAN TROOPS IN BRITAIN) The people of Britain were ecstatic to see the arrival of the first American troops in early 1942. The ordinary civilians of the British Isles had been exposed to the chaos of war right in their own backyard with the bombing and rocketing of London and many other targets of the German Luftwaffe. The casualty lists were lengthy with the average civilian suffering the most rather than the military billeted in rural areas far away from the German...

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Ask Me If Im Ready Part 7 The Big Day

The next morning, they were all in line to go in for breakfast by 7:00. Darby couldn’t stop yawning. Nora asked her, off to the side, “Girl, you okay?”“Yeah. We got to go potty,” and she grabbed Nora’s hand and dragged her to the nearest restroom.  Once they were safely out of their dads’ earshot, “I’m exhausted! Somebody woke up hungry in the middle of the damn night!” She tried to look angry but she couldn’t stop smiling. Nora laughed with her. Darby continued, “Nor, can I ask you somethin’...

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SouthboundChapter 15 Action and Reaction

"Good morning, Mr. Andrews, it's Oren Kavanagh. I thought you should know that I had a call from a Mr. Brant Morrisey in Los Angeles, representing Messers Ventriss. He has assured me that they will forthwith cease to spread misinformation as he called it, about Flex-Tek. Will that be to your satisfaction?" "Only if he puts it in writing," I said. "I want a copy of it to circulate to anyone who they have been in contact with." "Goes without saying, Mr. Andrews. I'll make sure the...

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Kinky old Joan longs for kissing fingering pissi

Joan, a savvy and elegant lady had lived a very varied life and was an incurable romantic softy when it came to finding good satisfying sex.Now 68 years old and widowed for two years she desperately missed her husband who had shared her unusual turn on. That was to get her bladder nice and full, then move to lots of deep tongue kissing followed by extreme petting and fingering her hairy cunt and arse and as her climax built, letting out piss squirts. When it came to fucking her could only...

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Daisy Modified ch 05

Daisy at quietly watching the house, wrestling with herself. She'd never done anything remotely like this before. Telling herself that she wasn't being unfaithful, that it wasn't an affair was pure bullshit and she knew it. While it was true that sex wasn't her primary motivation, she had little doubt that she would be used that way at some point. That turned her on - just thinking the words 'would be used' - made her pussy twitch. That was all she wanted. To be used. No. No, that...

1 year ago
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Sexy Little Neighbor

For months I had been waiting to find out who was going to move into the house caddy corner to mine. I had always hoped it to be some sexy coed or something. Over the last month, a lot of interested buyers had gone through the house and left with out offering anything. I was disappointed by the interested buyers until I saw Jenna… I was pulling up to my house in my 65 mustang, when I glanced over at the house and saw this gorgeous little fox. From my view she looked to be around 5`5 and maybe...

3 years ago
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Sex With Sweet Chat Girl

I started my business and I am able to provide employment for about 15 people in my company. One day in the evening, I was surfing a social network site and came across a profile named Namitha.I just sent a message “Hi”. After a few minutes, I got reply “hi”. I replied immediately and she also replied. Like this, we exchanged the messages. The internet was very slow and I sent a message that internet is slow, can we chat in Gmail. After a few minutes, I got a reply with a mobile # and asked me...

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Leslies Revenge

The Linking Spell - Leslie's Revenge by Anon Allsop I was directed into the grand den, instructed to seat myself at a long white ornate couch. I drummed my fingers at the edge, marveling at the splendor of the room I was seated in. A slight noise to my right alerted me that someone was approaching, an elegant older woman in her late 50's walked in and sat down upon a high backed chair that matched the couch. I heard the doors shutting behind her, as I looked up a butler...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 2

While the girls saw how the plane slowly started to roll away from them, one of those other girls started sobbing. She was terrible afraid of those mean looking soldiers, and she hated it that she couldn't understand what they were saying. It made them only more threatening. However, it was also the same for the other girls of course. Only Sylvia, she was trying to get a feel about what was going on. She also didn't understand the men, but by the gestures they made and in the way things...

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