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Jilly was a bleach-blonde, bubble-headed bimbo.

A lot of my girls could barely stand to have her around, but there were a couple of clients who wanted to fuck the dumbest chick possible– presumably the ones who would feel threatened by a girl with a brain. I usually send Tammy, who fakes idiocy well, but there’s something to be said for a natural talent, and one guy in particular favored Jilly nearly exclusively and very frequently. After he was arrested (on completely unrelated charges, I assure you), Jilly’s… well, I guess you could call it her ‘productivity’… declined significantly. I was this close to turning her out on the street, though I really thought it was a waste to let someone with her face and figure go to waste on a street corner or in a paltry strip club. It occured to me that, as a last resort, I had the ability to mold her into whatever I wanted to. It wasn’t like anything about her would be a great loss if I screwed it up too badly.

Let me explain: most of my girls are fairly open-minded by nature– you don’t get many whores who haven’t long ago had their inhibitions worn away by the prospect of dollar signs– but from time to time they need a little bit of help. For example, Dayna wouldn’t take it in the ass, no matter what her clients were offering to have her there, and since no fewer than three of them personally communicated to me that they were planning on going ‘cross town to Madame Darlene’s dirty little hut unless Dayna delivered the goods, stronger measures had been required.

I called an old employer of mine, Harry Pinchon aka ‘The Great Master Pinchon’, whose ‘beautiful assistant’ I had been in the bad old showbiz days, and asked him for a favor. Not too much later, he showed up as a weekend entertainer for the girls and did his entire stage hypnotist spiel for fun at one of our parties, and I made sure Dayna was volunteered as a subject. Though that night all Harry did was make her bark like a dog and sing showtunes, he embedded a post-hypnotic suggestion that would let him access her later on, at our convenience, and it wasn’t long before our Dayna was happily presenting her rear to all comers, unsolicited.

Or there was the time when Peggy almost got killed by that wacko with the rope fetish, she was unable to perform for months afterward, and any time a man touched her she was brought to tears by the memory of nearly being strangled. Since we don’t have that many female clients, she was essentially a charity case in my house until Harry helped her to forget the incident.

At any rate, I’d found that hypnosis was a great tool, but though I liked Harry fine, I was sick of paying his ass to help out my girls. For whatever reason, he wouldn’t take his fees in pussy, just in cold green, and that was painful in harder times, like after I had to bribe that District Attorney. Now, I’d seen him do his show hundreds of times, and had seen him in the back rooms of countless clubs for ‘private sessions’ (guess what kind of sessions those were?), so it seemed to me I knew how this hypnotism thing went down. If a somewhat goofy-looking middle-aged guy like him could put girls into trance, why couldn’t I?

The answer was, of course, that I could, and very soon did. I tried Dayna first, because I knew she was susceptible, and after an hour’s ‘relaxation exercises’ she was staring blankly at my ceiling and telling me about being abused by her step-father. The tale was pretty gruesome, and I could see why she used to resist having it up the ass. It moved me enough that I resolved to steer the anal-fetishist guys towards Kandy from now on, though I still reinforced to Dayna that she’d give it up to her current clientele as before. I’m a softie, but I’m also a businesswoman and I didn’t want to lose anybody. I have to admit that having her lying there so docile was getting me hot, and it wasn’t long before I was fucking her face, all the time giving her instructions on how to improve her technique, and I have to say it paid off brilliantly because, to this day, she’s still the choice pussylicker of all my most discerning clients.

But I digress: this is not her story.

I started considering my options for Jilly– what was missing in my business model? I had the dommes and the subs (or those who could pretend at either), I had the white girls and black girls and Asian girls and the Hispanic girls, and girls who could fake most other nationalities with the proper cosmetics. I had Sally-Lynn who liked pain, Grace the bull-dyke, Diana the ‘full-figured’ lady, and Fifi, whose surgical enhancements defied the imagination. I had tall girls and short girls, and enough wigs and hair dye to manufacture any requested coloration. What was missing that couldn’t be otherwise faked?

The answer came to me after Clarence told me it would be his last visit. That happens all the time, by the way. The guy’s getting married, or has gone religious, or has gotten through whatever part of his life made him seek my girls out. And a good fifty percent of the time it actually turns out to be true. But not always, and Clarence didn’t seem the type to be leaving permanently. I hugged him, wished him luck, and politely asked him why.

‘I can’t talk to any of these girls, Tess.’

I smiled. ‘That’s not exactly their speciality, darling.’

He reddened. ‘I know, but… before. Afterward. It helps me if there’s some kind of connection.’ I succeeded in not rolling my eyes– at least outwardly. It’s not like I’d never heard this from a client before, but really! A ‘house’ doesn’t get its ‘ill repute’ from a lot of jabberring tender-loving care. The bucks roll in when the girls are hot and ready to trot. Aside from that, as long as they’re friendly and polite and don’t demean their customers (except the ones who want to be demeaned, of course), my girls will be successful, and therefore so will I.

‘I understand,’ I lied. ‘Well, I hope you find what you’re looking for, Clarence.’

‘I probably won’t,’ he admitted. ‘But there’s always the internet.’ And with a wave and a sad smile, he was out of there.

That last bit stuck in my craw, for some reason. Actually, for a very obvious reason: I’ve been in this business for twenty-five years, and the last ten have been touch-and-go because of all the ‘talent’, amateur and otherwise, to be found with a few mouse clicks or a search engine. Don’t get me wrong: I have a website myself, detailing all of my girls and their proclivities, it’s not been entirely bad. But it’s done out of survival more than anything else. I’m old-fashioned, and tend to think fucking for cash should be done discreetly and recommendations passed on by word of mouth. The internet just seems like a good way to get sent to jail when the authorities decide one day to stop turning a blind eye. Regardless, the point is that I’d lost a number of customers over the years because of some bit they found online somewhere, and anytime a customer mentioned it I had to choke down fury. Damned faceless techies who wouldn’t know how to fuck if someone handed them a Kama Sutra and a magnifying glass, but who could throw enough suggestive photos and purple prose together to steal my client base.

I strode from the foyer, where Clarence had made his farewells, into my office. I flopped unceremoniously into the leather chair and opened up a web browser and a search engine, half-heartedly paging through the local set of independent ‘escorts’. I don’t know what it was– Clarence’s words, or maybe I was just on my game that day, waiting for enlightenment– but after the seventh or eighth girl promising ‘a true GFE (girl-friend experience)’ from a ‘college-educated’ woman, it suddenly clicked for me. The thing Clarence had been seeking and, more generally, the niche market my girls failed to fill: the brainy, college-girl set.

Now, I’d never gone to college myself. I had stripped for a couple of years right out of high school, done some burlesque theatre (which didn’t pay shit), then spent the
next ten on my back for Madame Belle’s establishment before taking over when the old coot kicked off– twelve years ago this fall, it was. So my education, while hardly nonexistent (I attended the School of Life, thanksverymuch), was minimal when it came to book-smarts. But I’d done the sexy librarian role-playing enough times (and had my girls do it lots more) to know there’s a certain appeal to the smart girl motif. What I hadn’t counted on, and what had become clear to me in the last several hours, was that there seemed to be a mostly-untapped clientele out there who wanted it to go a little farther than the glasses and the prim hairstyles– they actually wanted to discuss poetry or sociolology or ancient Roman history with these broads before fucking them senseless.

And I had to admit that none of my girls was up to the challenge.

Seeing a business opportunity here, I started paging through the independents again, to see if I could find one that looked desperate enough to want to work for me on at least a part-time basis. I’d just jotted down a couple of email addresses and was about to compose a message to these women when Jilly knocked on my doorframe and stepped inside.

‘Can I come in?’

My reflex was to be annoyed at this unpleasant (and unprofitable!) presence, after all, she was the precise opposite of what I was currently seeking, and frankly I was planning on housing the new girl, whoever she ended up being, in Jilly’s room. Jilly’s former room, I already thought of it as. ‘You’re already in, dear. What do you need?’

What do you need? I stopped cold. What did she need? I ignored, for the moment, whatever it was she was blathering about, and concentrated on what she really did need: a reason for existence. Something to make her worth keeping around this place. And I needed someone around the house with some pretty specific traits– but was it possible, even with hypnosis? Using (I looked, disbelieving, at the vacant eyes across from me…) this as raw materials? Surely not. But…

‘… and I just don’t know if I should do it, ya know?’ She snapped a bubble from her gum and looked at me expectantly.

‘Um… Jilly, I’m sorry, could you repeat that? I was zoning.’

‘Sure! Happens to me all the time.’ She giggled. ‘I was just asking if you think I should get the double-Ds like Nikki said I should.’

Sigh. Nikki hated Jilly, and was always trying to get her to look stupid. Stupider. Once she’d convinced the girl to draw pubic hair on her naked cunt with an eyebrow pencil. At any rate, Jilly’s five-foot-one frame was much too small for double-D breasts, and she’d just end up looking ridiculous– and for johns who wanted ‘ridiculous’, I already had Fifi.

‘Jilly, dear, your breasts are fine.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes, I’m sure.’

‘Okay, Tess, I trust you.’

And those last three words were the catalyst for everything which happened afterward.


It was surprisingly difficult to put her under.

She had all of the calm and attention span of a four-year-old who’d just eaten a fistful of candy, and I had nearly given up after an hour’s trying, having had to remove her gum, her hair clip, and even her dangly earrings. It was these last which finally helped out, as I saw her staring at the glass gems that hung from them, it occured to me to try using those. Harry had always just used his hands as a focus for his inductions, and sometimes some stroking of the subject’s temples, so that was the method I’d adopted, but when I saw her eyes fixed on the removed earrings, I remembered numerous bad movies with hypnotic subjects entranced using stopwatches or diamond pendants. Huh, I thought. The stereotype had to have come from somewhere.

‘This hypno thing is hard, Tess. I thought you said it would be easy.’

‘Trust me, dear. It will work.’

‘Good, ’cause I really want to be able to give better head.’

Ahem. That was how I’d gotten her in the chair, of course. I’d found out by experimenting on Carlita that a couple of suggestions would allow a girl to completely and easily suppress the gag-reflex, and even to provide better ‘milking’ action using rhythmic movement of the throat muscles. Carlita’s ‘returning customer’ rate had skyrocketed: and she wasn’t just for guys with the black antebellum servant-girl fantasies anymore. I’d performed this magic on Su Lin and Peggy as well, and had seen similar effects on the cash they brought in, so I had let Jilly know I thought it would increase the money she would produce. Since she’d been complaining lately that she wanted an ‘iPod thingy’ like Grace had (how in the world would she ever operate it?), the comment about money made her decision for her, after I helped explain it to her.

She laid back on the bed and I tossed one of the gaudy earrings aside, retaining the other for use in the process.

‘All right, Jilly, dear, let’s try this a different way. I want you to look at the… jewel… on this earring. It’s pretty, isn’t it?’

‘Oh, yeah, it’s, like, my favorite. It’s so sparkly, and goes well with my–‘

‘Hush, sweetie. No talking, just looking and listening.’


‘Stare into the sparkles, Jilly. They shine brightly, and as I move them in the light they swirl from place to place. They’re pretty, aren’t they? So pretty that you don’t want to look at less pretty things, just at the beautiful stone and the swirling sparkles. Keep looking, even if it gets harder to do. Keep looking especially if it gets harder to do. Looking at the sparkles, now, not a care in the world, feeling calm and soothed looking at the sparkles. Eyes may be getting heavy, now, but don’t let them close, don’t let them close because then you won’t see the pretty spiralling sparkles. Looking at the sparkles will make them even heavier, make you sleepier, but still you should just relax and stare at them without closing your eyes.’ I looked at her face, now, and this method was obviously having more of an effect. The small crinkles in her brow softened, and her eyes blinked infrequently now– and when they did, it was a long, slow, languorous motion which looked like a struggle between two opposing forces. I kept repeating this monotonously for a couple of minutes, as I saw her eyes go blank. ‘Your eyes need to close now, you can barely keep them open to see the sparkles. Don’t worry, when they do close, you’ll still be able to see them in your mind. You can close them when I tell you so. Keep staring into the stone and let your mind think only of how pretty the spiralling sparkles are… and now you can close your eyes.’

She’d been a more difficult subject than most of my girls, but it was evident she was under. ‘Jilly, do you hear me?’

‘Uh huh.’

‘Do you feel very relaxed and happy?’

‘Uh huh.’

‘Do you still see the sparkles?’

‘Uh huh. Pretty.’

‘Yes, they’re lovely, I’m sure. Jilly, dear, keep looking at the pretty sparkles, but while you’re doing that I’d like you to answer some questions for me.’


‘Jilly, dear, how old are you?’


‘Did you go to high school?’

‘Sure.’ I was surprised.

‘Did you finish high school?’

‘Yeah.’ I was even more surprised.

‘You passed all your classes?’

‘All except biology. I had to give Mr. Morris head every day for weeks to even get a D-. The other teachers I fucked gave me Cs.’ I was less surprised.

‘All right, dear. Have you always had trouble with school?’


‘Can you think back to a time when you didn’t?’


‘How old were you, then?’


‘You were good at school when you were six?’

‘Uh huh.’

‘What made you stop doing well at school?’

‘I was stupid.’

‘But how could you have done well at school before then if you were stupid?’

‘I didn’t know I was stupid until Daddy told me so.’

n that for me, Jilly. What happened?’

‘I didn’t mean to do it. Really! I didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to tell Mommy about Daddy’s friends.’

‘Daddy’s friends?’

‘Paula and Cindy and Jamie and Violet and–‘

‘Okay, Jilly. I understand. What happened, then?’

‘Mommy left the house and didn’t come back, and Daddy spanked my butt and yelled at me. I cried and told him that I was sorry, but he kept telling me I was so stupid, that I fucked everything up. That it was my fault Mommy left, and that I would never learn.’

Poor kid. Reminded me of my old man. The bastard.

‘And then you didn’t do well at school anymore?’

‘The next day in school I got two problems wrong in subtracting and I told the teacher it was because I was stupid and I fucked everything up, and she sent me to the principal’s office. He was nice to me and gave me a lollipop, and sent me back to class. I liked the lollipops.’

‘Jilly, I’m going to give you a lollipop, now. Would you like that?’

‘Mmm hmm.’

‘It’s a very special lollipop– it will make you into a genius very quickly. Would you like that?’

‘Sure.’ It sounded unconvincing, I could tell she was going to need some positive reinforcement (I didn’t go to college, but as you can see, I read a lot of books).

‘Once you finish the lollipop, your brain will be like a sponge for knowledge, and every time you learn something new, you’ll feel very excited and sexy. In fact, you’ll have the best orgasms of your life after you’ve learned something new. And you’ll know that you feel this way because you’re learning to be smarter. Do you understand?’

‘I think so.’

‘Jilly, dear, what will happen every time you learn something new?’

‘I’ll feel excited and sexy and have the best orgasms of my life.’


‘Because I feel that way when I’m learning to be smarter.’

‘Right, dear. That’s very good. Now I don’t want you to remember this talk we’ve just had, I just want you to do what I told you, okay?’


‘Good.’ My hopes were not high, but it had been worth a shot. At the very least… ‘Now, Jilly, as you finish off your lollipop, there, let me tell you some new things about your throat muscles…’


It wasn’t long before Jilly was picking up more than just back-issues of Cosmo the other girls left lying around. As I think I mentioned, I’m an avid reader, and I had a decent collection of books. Jilly went crazy over them, finishing off all the Oprah Book Club recommendations I had in the next few weeks. Despite her ‘dumb’ persona, it was evident the girl could read well enough. That or those books really were written at the fifth grade level, as that Time article had suggested.

Soon, however, she wanted more non-fiction, and if there’s one thing my bookshelves lack it’s the tedium of non-fiction. I gave Jilly what I had, but it wasn’t much: some information on AIDS, abortion, and prostitution laws. Practical stuff. She finished it in under a week, spending a lot of time alone in her room with the books. I interrupted her once on a pretext, to see what she was doing in there, and was hit by the smell of sex when she opened the door. That, coupled with her blushed face, let me know she was eagerly frigging herself to get off due to the influence of my post-hypnotic suggestions and her reading material.

When she ran out of non-fiction, I brought up the possibility of going to the library to get more, and she looked at me like I was Moses, leading her to the promised land. She asked to go the very next day, and I called her a cab for the morning drive there, I planned on doing some shopping and then picking Jilly up on the way back home that afternoon.

Now I’m not exactly aware of what went down, but some fraction of it filtered to me through Jilly herself, and I believe what she told me. It seems she’d picked out six or seven books, and finally settled in the archaeology section, finding a book on ancient Mesopotamia and sitting at one of the corner tables. She’d opened the book up, skipped the preface, and by the end of page two her nipples had tightened and her cunt was slick. As she’d read of the priests-kings, of the priestesses of Ishtar, her thighs had slowly parted and her hands slowly crept between their pantiless expanse.

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This Is Your Carstairs SpeakingChapter 13 The Dhow factor

Again, there are some jumps here and there. This is mostly a ‘housekeeping’ chapter, intended to reset and reposition Martin. Also, how are you guys getting on with Red Dead Redemption II? I’m not sure about it. It’s making me brush a horse and forcing me to learn botany. There are also too many squelchy sound effects. Still, it’s the best vacation I can hope for nowadays. Abbeyseeinya! “Did you have fun?” asked Caroline. She’d heard me fumbling with the key card and opened the door to her...

2 years ago
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Maiden Sex With Aunty

By: Buffalohunk Hello everybody this is my second story in ISS but this s maiden experience into world of sex here I lost my virginity to my aunty who is mother of a kid. It was during my internship period this incident also took place. This is true life incident which turns my life upside down. It also kindled my sexual desire up. Here, I start narrating that incident. As I was doing internship period I have to talk to more people. One day I went to collect blood from blood bank there I met a...

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Carrington Mansion Ch 01

An Englishman’s property inheritance in Midwest America leads to romance between a womanizing son of a recently deceased Duke and a beautiful but feisty attorney. Both harbor an unfulfilled desire to find a mate who’d exceeded their expectations. Chapter 1 In late spring the Mornington Daily News reported at length the death of the Duke of Beaulieu in the county of Hampshire, England, aged eighty-seven. The obituary was noted with considerable relief in the small city of Mornington-on-Test...

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The Female Villain

Hey, there. My name is Shaniqua Brown and by my own admission, I’m a big black bitch from the ghetto. At six-foot-one and 230 pounds, I personify ghetto gal power through and true. My skin is jet-black and I have never wished for it to be lighter. Light skin isn’t an advantage. It’s something people with nothing else going on for them say to make themselves feel better. My breasts are large, my body is thick, my hips are wide and my butt is big. That’s who I am. No sense in denying it. Rather,...

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Shadows of Life Ch 02

Tayla woke up to someone pressed against her back. Heat radiated from the naked, muscular torso. She knew the person was naked because she was naked too. She assumed that her brother had stripped her as he always did so she didn’t overheat and fall ill. But THAT brother slept on her right and was never up before she was. That and her brothers were never completely naked either, But the man spooning with her was. She could feel the evidence of his arousal pressed against her ass. Opening her...

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The Artist

My son’s girlfriend was a fine piece of ass. I know what you’re thinking, she’s your son’s girlfriend, but seriously this girl was the hottest thing I had ever met and I was determined to have a taste. They had been dating for almost a year, and while I knew they were affectionate I was fairly certain they hadn’t fucked yet, and I wanted to fuck her first.One late Saturday afternoon she came over, I watched as she walked up to the house, I was home alone, and it seemed like the perfect...

2 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 44

“Move?” asked Bill with a slight frown. “Yes, we’d have to move,” answered Jerry. He reached over and grabbed one of the hot rolls. He ripped it apart and grabbed his butter knife. His control slipped as he buttered the roll with far more energy than benefited the roll or the butter. He hated the fact that the promotion required moving. He didn’t want to move. Silence descended on the table. Bill and Melissa turned to watch Jenny, hoping to take a clue on how to react from her. Neither one...

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Diamond RoseChapter 8 Di

Jason's open palms covered Di's stomach and thighs as he held her up in the water. She had been practicing the front crawl for him, kicking her feet and pulling long strokes with her cupped hands for a half-hour. He had gotten them in the pool he used to work at before it opened because a friend of his still worked there. She was grateful because it kept her from feeling self-conscious about her scars when she got into the water with him. There was always something wrong with her form that...

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Unexpected Lover

This is the story of how I became lovers with my Aunt, something I had never even thought about until the situation happened for real. To describe my Aunt, shes 5'2, just turned 40, 34d chest, size 14, and average build. She has blonde hair which is dyed, blue eyes..So without wasting further time, lets get on with the story...It was November of 2009 and my Aunt was moving home having split with my uncle and finding a place of her own to live. Being the good nephew I didnt think twice when she...

3 years ago
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The Decision

The odds on it happening were maybe a million to one. Just guessing there since math never was one of my strong suits, but the odds definitely had to be high. It was at Josie's company picnic. I was sitting in one of the porta-johns scattered around the park where the event was being held when a couple of guys walked up to use one of the other johns. They were laughing and one of them said: "Could you ever be that clueless?" "God I hope not." "What do you think he would do if he knew...

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Nowhere Man Book TwoChapter 27

It was a real bugbear, trying to work out the local rules of acceptable behaviour that contravening would be deemed an arrestable crime that could be sorted out before it went too far. Every time Numa and I thought we had a thing pinned down, we found an excuse to strike it out again because of difficulties in interpretation. Brawling was indefinable in a society where often the simple solution to an argument was a fist fight and then make up afterwards. Child abuse was usually solved in a...

3 years ago
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Stolen Days Ch 06

A Few Stolen Days Ch. 06: Sweet Dreams The morning sunlight poured in through the great glass panes that overlooked the deck. Travis was aware that Brandi’s hair was in his face and it may have been the tickling of hair that awoken him from what he would have described as a very vivid dream. He shifted slightly and realized that he was in intense need to relieve himself. He was erect, but he knew from experience that it was not an erection that although it was impressive, it was not terribly...

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Phoenix Pt 3 Ch 11

I hope you enjoy it, anyway. ~~~~~ ‘It’s about time! I thought you’d never go to sleep!’ Elaine laughed cheerfully. ‘And who’s this whore you’re sleeping with, anyway?’ Elaine sat back, grinning mischievously at the two naked brunettes sleepily rousing themselves up to determine what the commotion was. Béla groaned, then asked her pesky sister, ‘Don’t you have a service to conduct, or something? Why is it that every time we aren’t together, you won’t let me sleep?’ ‘I already...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Virgin Girlfriend

Hi friends, I always love to read stories here. I am writing my story here which happened 1 year back. I am Vikram having muscular body and very good physic and my girl friend is Pooja having a great figure 32 27 32 and we started talking each other 2 years back as we lived at the same place in Noida initially she was very shy to talk about making love and always ignored me when I talk to her about making love and enjoyment. We used to kiss each other and play around with each other main parts...

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My Hot Date With Victoria Justice

I had been working on the set of Victoria Justice's new show "Eye Candy" for a couple of weeks when I noticed that Victoria already seemed to be taking a shine to me, always smiling flirtatiously at me and asking me what I was doing later.Well, as any man would do when a girl as hot and as sexy as her is making it clear that she would be interested in pursuing things with you, I asked her out.And much to my surprise, she said yes, so we agreed to meet for dinner and drinks at an upscale place...

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Phantom A Love Story

Introduction: Who is the Phantom? I guess no one told you that Devereux Manor is supposed to be haunted? Amelia paused with trowel in hand, bent on hands knees in the flowerbed, considering Ms. Prices question. The older woman sat forward a little, anxious for a reply, so Amelia took her time formulating one, eventually deciding on: Whats Devereux Manor? Ms. Price blinked. Why, thats this house, dear. Your house. Amelia sighed and sat up a bit, looking sideways at the house. It was still...

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Undercover RoseChapter 99

After our bike ride to breakfast on Friday, we went back to working inside the houses till time for the big breakup, as I thought of it. Sterlin headed for the Vet and Steve headed off to the factory. I checked all the gauges Hannah had installed in the houses. I could tell the temperature in each of the houses as well as the humidity. After I assured myself that the environment was within limits, I began pulling weeds. It was hard for me to believe that we had weeds growing inside the green...

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Story of a battered wife 8211 Part III

Story of a battered wife – Part III My Sister In law (SIL) was another character. She was 23, big boobs, about 5’4′, dark and well built. She normally used to dress in Jeans and Loose tops. Even then her boobs would bounce under her tops. She was like a `BINDAAS” girl. No worries about anything. She was well protected at home by my IN-Laws. She did nothing at home other than ordering me around and making me work my ass off for her. Once my Inlaws and the sons had gone to their village to...

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My Weird Uncle J Cums in My Panties

"There it is again!" I said aloud but to myself as I inspected the unworn pair of panties from my open underwear drawer. With the pads of both thumbs, I ran it along the inner lining of my favorite yellow panties to sample some of the residue, both sticky and slippery at the same time. This certainly wasn't the first time, with much of my underwear having some foreign substance deposited on them, always on the inner lining that sheathed my flesh. Sometimes the liquids were dried and old,...

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Johns Embarrassing Adventure

John was a teenage male who lived in a typical sub-urban American home. He wasn't particulary muscular, or scrawny, just your average blonde boy. He lived with his twin sister Charlotte and his mom. One day, while out for a walk, he found a mystical book which fell from the cosmos above him. Opening it, he saw the first page. "I, the wizard Merlin, who once assisted the mighty King Arthur, have long since died. My spirit has crafted this book. Those in write in it may change reality however...

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The making of my wife the cuckquean Part 4

I watched as Mia lay back on my wife’s torso and smiled up at me. My wife reached around Mia’s ribs, found her nipples and rolled them between my wife’s fingers. My wife’s legs were spread wide and Mia’s back was obviously pressed against my wife’s wet pussy providing pressure and heat, yet now intimate contact. My wife’s chin was resting on Mia’s shoulder and she could see everything that I was about to do. My cock stood straight out and was pointing right at Mia. I knelt down, between Mia’s...

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Carl Naked in SchoolChapter 5

Tuesday Afternoon Maybe it was playing softball outside, or maybe it was Stephanie's attention in the shower, or maybe Beth jacking me off, but I was somehow more comfortable as I made my way to my next class. I was very conscious of the touch of air all over my naked body, which I hadn't been before. It felt good. I sought the word I wanted, mentally working on my journal for Mr. Turner - it felt really sensuous. This had to be what sensuous was. It was like every nerve ending was wide...

2 years ago
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Sarah and Jon

Sarah and Jon By Callie Messenger Sarah looked down through the list of library members and felt a surge of disappointment. There was no J. Davies on the list. There were two L. Davieses, one of whom could be Linda, his wife, but it might not be. She had done so well, considering she had done this alone. The last time Sarah had seen Jonathan Davies they hadn't said a word to each other. He was married by then. Linda didn't know it, but the last time...

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Finding Bathsheba Book 2Chapter 16

Sharon hoisted the large box from the floor and set it on the long table beside her. She opened the lid flaps and started pulling out handfuls of clothes, setting them beside the box to sort. "Mrs. Garner?" Sharon looked up and smiled at one of their young volunteers, who was holding a large trash bag stuffed with clothes. "What do you have there, Nicholas?" "Um, I think it's all baby stuff." "They go over there," she said, pointing across the large auditorium. "Just ask Mrs....

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Thank you for taking the time to read my fantasy; if it tickles your fancy, I appreciate your vote and any comments.This story contains peanuts, so if you're allergic to incest, mother-son, brother-sister, oral, anal, or sex in general, please do not go any further.Enjoy, JJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  The man was huge, donkey huge! Not in physical size but where it counted, in his cock. That's how Jeff earned the nickname Donk years ago when he was just in his teens; Donk, like in a donkey cock.    The...

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my single mom a few doors down

talked to me and the dog on regular basis and always made a point of leaning over to pet the dog, and showing off some wholesome cleavage….40C cups staring me in the face.She caught me gawking at her..and a little smile came over her face, HMM you dirty old man?If you interested in helping me, I have stuff to throw out that is out of my reach, and James is too lazy to get it down for me. Being over 6’, I offered to help, but not to fuck..yetA few days later, I was out for my walk, and she waved...

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UniversityChapter 23

Perth III We found Gino's and got a table for three. Sue arrived a few minutes later. "Hello, Gordy; no, you're certainly not 'Little Patrick' any more. How do you do? I'm Sue Carr." "Hi. You look just like you do on the telly ... just a bit prettier." "Ooh! A charmer." We ordered and Sue looked at me. "So, why did you want to talk to me? I don't need to be very clever to tell you've a reason." "Okay. But it's not a short story." "What's the headline?" "I want to...

3 years ago
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Having Fun With Spitz Ch 2

Raven reacted much as I thought she would. It was just more fuel to her having excuses to make me blush in public. Our games of mutually embarrassing each other had grown incredibly complicated and this was just too much of a slam dunk for her. I’d never hear the end of this. She genuinely wanted to know what it was all about (and film it) so after we both finished with work for that day, we went to have dinner together at the Senza’s home. I don’t remember what we had for dinner that night....

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Bartoks Hunt

Bartok was hungry. He understood that he had a job to do. He understood that the completion of his job was priority number one. However, he could not escape his ravenous hunger. Three times in the past week, Bartok had satisfied his hunger. But this time, he had to look past his hunger. He had to let his victim live. It was his job. And Bartok can always be counted upon to complete his job. He walked through the store slowly, pretending to browse here and there. These small-town markets were...

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Introduction: Our First Threesome with Another Girl Introduction: If you havent read any of my past stories, here is a little backround. Im 29 yrs old, about 52 125 lbs, a mix of Spanish, Mexian and Native American resulting in dark brown straight hair, almond shaped brown eyes and a round latina ass. I have perky B cups and a few colorful tattoos on my shoulders and arms, think suicide girls. My boyfriend Lawrence is 32 yrs old, about 62, White with a 7.5 inch cock that curves to the left and...

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A Morning Workout

It's a nice lazy morning for us. We have nothing planned for the day, so we take our time getting going. I'm already up and moving around, while he lounges on the bed, playing with his phone.I'm still feeling a little sore from my previous day’s workout, so I set up my yoga mat and began to stretch out my overused muscles. I warm up pretty quickly when I start moving, so I dress lightly, wearing only a t-shirt with a lacy bra and panty set underneath.I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths....

Straight Sex
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The Fake Daughter

Gregory White looked at the images, it was an unmistakable confirmation. His laptop had died, and he borrowed his wife’s. He snooped and found all the evidence in her sync folder, uploaded from her phone. She was cheating on him. Logan was two years older than them and had been at school with them. Natalie had gotten pregnant as a teen, days after Greg lost his virginity to her. He was six months older than Natalie. Logically it was assumed he was the father, but now he can prove conventionally...

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The SquirrelChapter 3

The biggest problem with summer is that it ends. School started. Classes and training cut into most of the time I had with Andrea. Her parents would not allow friends over on school nights. She went to a Catholic high school while I attended the large public one. So, we only got together on Fridays and Saturdays and only then when I didn't go to an away meet. Their momma decreed that Sunday was for church and family only. Most evenings I continued working with Julia. But, in a twist life...

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A Party of Four

Chapter 1 I've never written this kind of thing before, so if I jump around a little and get things a bit out of order, well, I hope you can be a little tolerant, after all, few of us are masterful writers and I'm honest enough to admit it right off. So, let's begin. I'm Andy and this happened the summer before I started my junior year of college, I was twenty. My parents had been friends with the McDaniels, Jim and Deborah, for a long time and, in the normal course of things, I had...

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I have never been so nervous in my entire life, what the hell was Ithinking?!Before I start there, let me take you back a bit and describe myself. Myname's Sal and I'm kind of a huge pervert. I've got short black hair andI'm 19 years old, 5'7" and 150lbs. I'm pretty small all in all, but becauseI cycle a lot I've got nice thick legs and a bit of a bubble butt.Back to me being a pervert. I'd never been with anyone before, so I was atotal virgin. I'd recently been getting my rocks off online...

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The Flirt A Heather Story Part 8

Wow, I thought. I don't think I have ever been so physically tired. But I also don't think I've ever been more mentally, emotionally, spiritually existent. Is this just my "first time" experience? Or is it more than that? Is this what it feels like to be in love? I had pushed the notion of love out of my mind, trying not to think like a little girl living in a fairy tale. I didn't want to fall down some terrible hole if "whatever THIS is" turned out to be nothing more than CJ getting a new...


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