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Jilly was a bleach-blonde, bubble-headed bimbo.

A lot of my girls could barely stand to have her around, but there were a couple of clients who wanted to fuck the dumbest chick possible-- presumably the ones who would feel threatened by a girl with a brain. I usually send Tammy, who fakes idiocy well, but there's something to be said for a natural talent, and one guy in particular favored Jilly nearly exclusively and very frequently. After he was arrested (on completely unrelated charges, I assure you), Jilly's ... well, I guess you could call it her "productivity" ... declined significantly. I was this close to turning her out on the street, though I really thought it was a waste to let someone with her face and figure go to waste on a street corner or in a paltry strip club. It occured to me that, as a last resort, I had the ability to mold her into whatever I wanted to. It wasn't like anything about her would be a great loss if I screwed it up too badly.

Let me explain: most of my girls are fairly open-minded by nature-- you don't get many whores who haven't long ago had their inhibitions worn away by the prospect of dollar signs-- but from time to time they need a little bit of help. For example, Dayna wouldn't take it in the ass, no matter what her clients were offering to have her there, and since no fewer than three of them personally communicated to me that they were planning on going 'cross town to Madame Darlene's dirty little hut unless Dayna delivered the goods, stronger measures had been required.

I called an old employer of mine, Harry Pinchon aka "The Great Master Pinchon", whose "beautiful assistant" I had been in the bad old showbiz days, and asked him for a favor. Not too much later, he showed up as a weekend entertainer for the girls and did his entire stage hypnotist spiel for fun at one of our parties, and I made sure Dayna was volunteered as a subject. Though that night all Harry did was make her bark like a dog and sing showtunes, he embedded a post-hypnotic suggestion that would let him access her later on, at our convenience, and it wasn't long before our Dayna was happily presenting her rear to all comers, unsolicited.

Or there was the time when Peggy almost got killed by that wacko with the rope fetish; she was unable to perform for months afterward, and any time a man touched her she was brought to tears by the memory of nearly being strangled. Since we don't have that many female clients, she was essentially a charity case in my house until Harry helped her to forget the incident.

At any rate, I'd found that hypnosis was a great tool, but though I liked Harry fine, I was sick of paying his ass to help out my girls. For whatever reason, he wouldn't take his fees in pussy, just in cold green, and that was painful in harder times, like after I had to bribe that District Attorney. Now, I'd seen him do his show hundreds of times, and had seen him in the back rooms of countless clubs for "private sessions" (guess what kind of sessions those were?), so it seemed to me I knew how this hypnotism thing went down. If a somewhat goofy-looking middle-aged guy like him could put girls into trance, why couldn't I?

The answer was, of course, that I could, and very soon did. I tried Dayna first, because I knew she was susceptible, and after an hour's "relaxation exercises" she was staring blankly at my ceiling and telling me about being abused by her step-father. The tale was pretty gruesome, and I could see why she used to resist having it up the ass. It moved me enough that I resolved to steer the anal-fetishist guys towards Kandy from now on, though I still reinforced to Dayna that she'd give it up to her current clientele as before. I'm a softie, but I'm also a businesswoman and I didn't want to lose anybody. I have to admit that having her lying there so docile was getting me hot, and it wasn't long before I was fucking her face, all the time giving her instructions on how to improve her technique, and I have to say it paid off brilliantly because, to this day, she's still the choice pussylicker of all my most discerning clients.

But I digress: this is not her story.

I started considering my options for Jilly-- what was missing in my business model? I had the dommes and the subs (or those who could pretend at either), I had the white girls and black girls and Asian girls and the Hispanic girls, and girls who could fake most other nationalities with the proper cosmetics. I had Sally-Lynn who liked pain, Grace the bull-dyke, Diana the "full-figured" lady, and Fifi, whose surgical enhancements defied the imagination. I had tall girls and short girls, and enough wigs and hair dye to manufacture any requested coloration. What was missing that couldn't be otherwise faked?

The answer came to me after Clarence told me it would be his last visit. That happens all the time, by the way. The guy's getting married, or has gone religious, or has gotten through whatever part of his life made him seek my girls out. And a good fifty percent of the time it actually turns out to be true. But not always, and Clarence didn't seem the type to be leaving permanently. I hugged him, wished him luck, and politely asked him why.

"I can't talk to any of these girls, Tess."

I smiled. "That's not exactly their speciality, darling."

He reddened. "I know, but ... before. Afterward. It helps me if there's some kind of connection." I succeeded in not rolling my eyes-- at least outwardly. It's not like I'd never heard this from a client before, but really! A "house" doesn't get its "ill repute" from a lot of jabberring tender-loving care. The bucks roll in when the girls are hot and ready to trot. Aside from that, as long as they're friendly and polite and don't demean their customers (except the ones who want to be demeaned, of course), my girls will be successful, and therefore so will I.

"I understand," I lied. "Well, I hope you find what you're looking for, Clarence."

"I probably won't," he admitted. "But there's always the internet." And with a wave and a sad smile, he was out of there.

That last bit stuck in my craw, for some reason. Actually, for a very obvious reason: I've been in this business for twenty-five years, and the last ten have been touch-and-go because of all the "talent", amateur and otherwise, to be found with a few mouse clicks or a search engine. Don't get me wrong: I have a website myself, detailing all of my girls and their proclivities; it's not been entirely bad. But it's done out of survival more than anything else. I'm old-fashioned, and tend to think fucking for cash should be done discreetly and recommendations passed on by word of mouth. The internet just seems like a good way to get sent to jail when the authorities decide one day to stop turning a blind eye. Regardless, the point is that I'd lost a number of customers over the years because of some bit they found online somewhere, and anytime a customer mentioned it I had to choke down fury. Damned faceless techies who wouldn't know how to fuck if someone handed them a Kama Sutra and a magnifying glass, but who could throw enough suggestive photos and purple prose together to steal my client base.

I strode from the foyer, where Clarence had made his farewells, into my office. I flopped unceremoniously into the leather chair and opened up a web browser and a search engine, half-heartedly paging through the local set of independent "escorts". I don't know what it was-- Clarence's words, or maybe I was just on my game that day, waiting for enlightenment-- but after the seventh or eighth girl promising "a true GFE (girl-friend experience)" from a "college-educated" woman, it suddenly clicked for me. The thing Clarence had been seeking and, more generally, the niche market my girls failed to fill: the brainy, college-girl set.

Now, I'd never gone to college myself. I had stripped for a couple of years right out of high school, done some burlesque theatre (which didn't pay shit), then spent the next ten on my back for Madame Belle's establishment before taking over when the old coot kicked off-- twelve years ago this fall, it was. So my education, while hardly nonexistent (I attended the School of Life, thanksverymuch), was minimal when it came to book-smarts. But I'd done the sexy librarian role-playing enough times (and had my girls do it lots more) to know there's a certain appeal to the smart girl motif. What I hadn't counted on, and what had become clear to me in the last several hours, was that there seemed to be a mostly-untapped clientele out there who wanted it to go a little farther than the glasses and the prim hairstyles-- they actually wanted to discuss poetry or sociolology or ancient Roman history with these broads before fucking them senseless.

And I had to admit that none of my girls was up to the challenge.

Seeing a business opportunity here, I started paging through the independents again, to see if I could find one that looked desperate enough to want to work for me on at least a part-time basis. I'd just jotted down a couple of email addresses and was about to compose a message to these women when Jilly knocked on my doorframe and stepped inside.

"Can I come in?"

My reflex was to be annoyed at this unpleasant (and unprofitable!) presence; after all, she was the precise opposite of what I was currently seeking, and frankly I was planning on housing the new girl, whoever she ended up being, in Jilly's room. Jilly's former room, I already thought of it as. "You're already in, dear. What do you need?"

What do you need? I stopped cold. What did she need? I ignored, for the moment, whatever it was she was blathering about, and concentrated on what she really did need: a reason for existence. Something to make her worth keeping around this place. And I needed someone around the house with some pretty specific traits-- but was it possible, even with hypnosis? Using (I looked, disbelieving, at the vacant eyes across from me... ) this as raw materials? Surely not. But...

" ... and I just don't know if I should do it, ya know?" She snapped a bubble from her gum and looked at me expectantly.

"Um ... Jilly, I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I was zoning."

"Sure! Happens to me all the time." She giggled. "I was just asking if you think I should get the double-Ds like Nikki said I should."

Sigh. Nikki hated Jilly, and was always trying to get her to look stupid. Stupider. Once she'd convinced the girl to draw pubic hair on her naked cunt with an eyebrow pencil. At any rate, Jilly's five-foot-one frame was much too small for double-D breasts, and she'd just end up looking ridiculous-- and for johns who wanted "ridiculous", I already had Fifi.

"Jilly, dear, your breasts are fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay, Tess, I trust you."

And those last three words were the catalyst for everything which happened afterward.

It was surprisingly difficult to put her under.

She had all of the calm and attention span of a four-year-old who'd just eaten a fistful of candy, and I had nearly given up after an hour's trying, having had to remove her gum, her hair clip, and even her dangly earrings. It was these last which finally helped out; as I saw her staring at the glass gems that hung from them, it occured to me to try using those. Harry had always just used his hands as a focus for his inductions, and sometimes some stroking of the subject's temples, so that was the method I'd adopted, but when I saw her eyes fixed on the removed earrings, I remembered numerous bad movies with hypnotic subjects entranced using stopwatches or diamond pendants. Huh, I thought. The stereotype had to have come from somewhere.

"This hypno thing is hard, Tess. I thought you said it would be easy."

"Trust me, dear. It will work."

"Good, 'cause I really want to be able to give better head."

Ahem. That was how I'd gotten her in the chair, of course. I'd found out by experimenting on Carlita that a couple of suggestions would allow a girl to completely and easily suppress the gag-reflex, and even to provide better "milking" action using rhythmic movement of the throat muscles. Carlita's "returning customer" rate had skyrocketed: and she wasn't just for guys with the black antebellum servant-girl fantasies anymore. I'd performed this magic on Su Lin and Peggy as well, and had seen similar effects on the cash they brought in, so I had let Jilly know I thought it would increase the money she would produce. Since she'd been complaining lately that she wanted an "iPod thingy" like Grace had (how in the world would she ever operate it?), the comment about money made her decision for her, after I helped explain it to her.

She laid back on the bed and I tossed one of the gaudy earrings aside, retaining the other for use in the process.

"All right, Jilly, dear, let's try this a different way. I want you to look at the ... jewel ... on this earring. It's pretty, isn't it?"

"Oh, yeah, it's, like, my favorite. It's so sparkly, and goes well with my--"

"Hush, sweetie. No talking, just looking and listening."


"Stare into the sparkles, Jilly. They shine brightly, and as I move them in the light they swirl from place to place. They're pretty, aren't they? So pretty that you don't want to look at less pretty things, just at the beautiful stone and the swirling sparkles. Keep looking, even if it gets harder to do. Keep looking especially if it gets harder to do. Looking at the sparkles, now, not a care in the world, feeling calm and soothed looking at the sparkles. Eyes may be getting heavy, now, but don't let them close, don't let them close because then you won't see the pretty spiralling sparkles. Looking at the sparkles will make them even heavier, make you sleepier, but still you should just relax and stare at them without closing your eyes." I looked at her face, now, and this method was obviously having more of an effect. The small crinkles in her brow softened, and her eyes blinked infrequently now-- and when they did, it was a long, slow, languorous motion which looked like a struggle between two opposing forces. I kept repeating this monotonously for a couple of minutes, as I saw her eyes go blank. "Your eyes need to close now, you can barely keep them open to see the sparkles. Don't worry, when they do close, you'll still be able to see them in your mind. You can close them when I tell you so. Keep staring into the stone and let your mind think only of how pretty the spiralling sparkles are ... and now you can close your eyes."

She'd been a more difficult subject than most of my girls, but it was evident she was under. "Jilly, do you hear me?"

"Uh huh."

"Do you feel very relaxed and happy?"

"Uh huh."

"Do you still see the sparkles?"

"Uh huh. Pretty."

"Yes, they're lovely, I'm sure. Jilly, dear, keep looking at the pretty sparkles, but while you're doing that I'd like you to answer some questions for me."


"Jilly, dear, how old are you?"


"Did you go to high school?"

"Sure." I was surprised.

"Did you finish high school?"

"Yeah." I was even more surprised.

"You passed all your classes?"

"All except biology. I had to give Mr. Morris head every day for weeks to even get a D-. The other teachers I fucked gave me Cs." I was less surprised.

"All right, dear. Have you always had trouble with school?"


"Can you think back to a time when you didn't?"


"How old were you, then?"


"You were good at school when you were six?"

"Uh huh."

"What made you stop doing well at school?"

"I was stupid."

"But how could you have done well at school before then if you were stupid?"

"I didn't know I was stupid until Daddy told me so."

"Explain that for me, Jilly. What happened?"

"I didn't mean to do it. Really! I didn't know I wasn't supposed to tell Mommy about Daddy's friends."

"Daddy's friends?"

"Paula and Cindy and Jamie and Violet and--"

"Okay, Jilly. I understand. What happened, then?"

"Mommy left the house and didn't come back, and Daddy spanked my butt and yelled at me. I cried and told him that I was sorry, but he kept telling me I was so stupid, that I fucked everything up. That it was my fault Mommy left, and that I would never learn."

Poor kid. Reminded me of my old man. The bastard.

"And then you didn't do well at school anymore?"

"The next day in school I got two problems wrong in subtracting and I told the teacher it was because I was stupid and I fucked everything up, and she sent me to the principal's office. He was nice to me and gave me a lollipop, and sent me back to class. I liked the lollipops."

"Jilly, I'm going to give you a lollipop, now. Would you like that?"

"Mmm hmm."

"It's a very special lollipop-- it will make you into a genius very quickly. Would you like that?"

"Sure." It sounded unconvincing; I could tell she was going to need some positive reinforcement (I didn't go to college, but as you can see, I read a lot of books).

"Once you finish the lollipop, your brain will be like a sponge for knowledge, and every time you learn something new, you'll feel very excited and sexy. In fact, you'll have the best orgasms of your life after you've learned something new. And you'll know that you feel this way because you're learning to be smarter. Do you understand?"

"I think so."

"Jilly, dear, what will happen every time you learn something new?"

"I'll feel excited and sexy and have the best orgasms of my life."


"Because I feel that way when I'm learning to be smarter."

"Right, dear. That's very good. Now I don't want you to remember this talk we've just had, I just want you to do what I told you, okay?"


"Good." My hopes were not high, but it had been worth a shot. At the very least... "Now, Jilly, as you finish off your lollipop, there, let me tell you some new things about your throat muscles..."

It wasn't long before Jilly was picking up more than just back-issues of Cosmo the other girls left lying around. As I think I mentioned, I'm an avid reader, and I had a decent collection of books. Jilly went crazy over them, finishing off all the Oprah Book Club recommendations I had in the next few weeks. Despite her "dumb" persona, it was evident the girl could read well enough. That or those books really were written at the fifth grade level, as that Time article had suggested.

Soon, however, she wanted more non-fiction, and if there's one thing my bookshelves lack it's the tedium of non-fiction. I gave Jilly what I had, but it wasn't much: some information on AIDS, abortion, and prostitution laws. Practical stuff. She finished it in under a week, spending a lot of time alone in her room with the books. I interrupted her once on a pretext, to see what she was doing in there, and was hit by the smell of sex when she opened the door. That, coupled with her blushed face, let me know she was eagerly frigging herself to get off due to the influence of my post-hypnotic suggestions and her reading material.

When she ran out of non-fiction, I brought up the possibility of going to the library to get more, and she looked at me like I was Moses, leading her to the promised land. She asked to go the very next day, and I called her a cab for the morning drive there; I planned on doing some shopping and then picking Jilly up on the way back home that afternoon.

Now I'm not exactly aware of what went down, but some fraction of it filtered to me through Jilly herself, and I believe what she told me. It seems she'd picked out six or seven books, and finally settled in the archaeology section, finding a book on ancient Mesopotamia and sitting at one of the corner tables. She'd opened the book up, skipped the preface, and by the end of page two her nipples had tightened and her cunt was slick. As she'd read of the priests-kings, of the priestesses of Ishtar, her thighs had slowly parted and her hands slowly crept between their pantiless expanse.

It wasn't until she'd reached her third silent, panting climax that she realized she had an audience. Three young men-- high school boys, probably-- had seen what she was doing and were staring, rapt, at a fantasy come true. Unfortunately, at the same moment, someone else discovered her audience, too, and with an offended cry had leapt towards her.

She'd run, then, down the staircase to the front door, and in a huff, trying to appear casual, she'd proceeded to check out the books she had. The librarian, coming down the stairs a minute and a half later, winded, hadn't been fooled, but had apparently not wanted to make a scene. She'd waited until after Jilly had checked out the books, seized her elbow, and dragged her to the front door.

I was there to pick her up when I saw her escorted from the library building by a stuffy-looking old bat in a red blazer. The woman had her by the arm, and as soon as she was out the front door flung Jilly away from her as hard as she could without risking injury. Jilly kept her balance, but in the process her armful of books and a little white card collapsed onto the sidewalk. The elderly woman, no doubt an administrator at the library, snarled "Disgusting slut!" at her and returned to the building. I got out of the car and helped pick up Jilly's books.

I looked at her library card as I handed it back to her, along with all the books she'd dropped. "'Jill'?"

She blushed. "Well, you know, 'Jilly' is kind of ... um ... babyish, don't you think?"

I shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat, sweetie."

So Jill it was.

The second time Jill got kicked out of the library, they almost arrested her, and at that point I forbade her to go back. She was crushed, and sulked for days until I finally told her she could use the computer in my office to connect to the internet. It wasn't a library, exactly, but I was sure that it would be an adequate substitute, for her purposes.

Of course, she had no idea how to use a computer, so I had to teach her the basics, which was kind of a pain in the ass. She was a quick study, though, eager and open, and after she learned elementary mouse-clicking and web-browsing she excused herself to go to the adjacent rest room. I shook my head and laughed to myself, and when she returned flushed and reeking of cunt it became clear she had been fingering herself to a messy orgasm while away.

I indicated she should sit down, got my purse, and headed for the door. She looked embarrassed when I said, on the way out, "Perhaps you could sit on a towel, so you don't ruin my nice leather?" but I heard her clicking away as the door swung shut behind me.

Jill's first customer in her new role was Clarence. It was actually her idea to contact him, as word had gotten around my house that he preferred brains to pussy. While I make it a point not to contact customers at home, I had an email address for him, so I dropped him a brief note: "Think I may have something that would interest you. Contact me for details. Tess."

A couple of days later, he called me and I told him I had a new girl he might like to meet. "She was a college gal who had to drop out in her senior year because her college found out about her escort business and expelled her."

Clarence was skeptical. "On what grounds could they do that?"

How the hell was I supposed to know? I'd just made it up on the spot! "She was doing it out of her dorm room. I'm not sure of the details, Clarence. But I'd like you to meet her and see what you think. No strings attached. Heck, if she decides she's into you, she may even give you a freebie." My girls never did, of course, but there was nothing wrong with letting the customer think it was a possibility.

In the end, Clarence decided to give it a shot, and she met him on a Tuesday night in the downstairs foyer. She had scorned her usual lycra micromini and tube-top, instead opting for something more subtle. She'd raided my costume vault for something a bit more dressy, but not formal: I recognized the Sexy Woman Executive suit, but she'd dropped the businesslike blouse in favor of a transparent top made of form-fitting nylon. She kept the suit jacket buttoned, but it was evident her 38Ds were only covered by a delightfully thin film underneath. I introduced them, and watched as Clarence's eyes bulged.

They moved to one of the fuckrooms, and I moved to my office to watch it on closed circuit.

Jill had classed the place up a bit with a vase of flowers and a tablecloth, and had some bottled wine and fresh bread on the table, at the ready. She was sitting across from him, her legs crossed at the ankle, leaning in to look into his eyes. I couldn't get all of the dialogue, but I caught the highlights. She was asking him about his hobbies, and apparently they got on the topic of crime novels. She was a fan of James Ellroy, he liked Dennis Lehane, they bantered lightly about their difference of opinion, and she touched his hand whenever she made a point. Soon she was laughing out loud with him, and stealing meaningful glances in his direction. Good fake-demure stylings; I wouldn't have believed this was Jilly if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. I suppose really it wasn't: it was "Jill".

After a particularly vigorous laugh, Jill's ankle left its shoe, crossing his under the table, and slowly, throughout the subsequent conversation, it made its way up his calf to his knee. She pointed her toes and stroked his thigh that way, and she was suddenly quiet and thoughtful. She said something to him under her breath, and the look on his face was priceless. He slid his hand from her foot up past her knees and atop her thigh, and she lidded her eyes in apparent arousal when his hands penetrated her skirt. She moaned, leaning back (and pushing her ass forward on the seat) as he penetrated more than her skirt. She made little encouraging noises and there may even have been some words in there, but whatever sounds were coming out of her mouth were having a wonderful effect on Clarence. She suddenly grabbed his wrist under her dress and held the hand to her crotch, grinding on it with full force, and it was only seconds later that she cried out his name. As she panted there, and he panted in his chair, she brought the hand out from under her dress and took his fuckfinger in her mouth to the third joint, sucking it clean.

That was too much for her customer, who smashed the table aside, pushed her down to the floor, and tore his pants off with little ceremony. His lips on hers, his hands cupping her breasts, he was so lost in this scenario that he forgot to put on a condom, but Jill was ready and slid it onto his cock with an artistry even I had to admire, stroking him and cupping his balls as if aroused by the very act. He was ready to burst, and when he was properly adorned he thrust into her with a brute force which astounded me-- keep in mind I'd seen him with at least three of my girls. Nothing compared to this. He pushed hard at her, and was growling sheer animal noises into the cup of her throat, and she urged him on with vigor. When he came, his face was a rictus of near-agony, and Jill matched his tone with intense screams of her own. He collapsed on top of her, and she patted his head as he rested. Afterward, they just laid on the floor and talked of politics, of all things. When it was time for him to go, he picked her up off the floor, kissed her hand in a manner unseen since the 1960s, and asked when he could see her again. She told him she'd have to check her schedule (good girl!), but that sometime soon would be best of all. And with that, he gathered his belongings and moved into the nearby washroom. She was gone by the time he came out.

Clarence tipped big that night, and he left with a smile on his face. He even kissed my cheek on the way out the door.

Clarence's friends Todd and Ahmed called within the week to make appointments with Jill. And that was just the beginning.

Jill was making shitloads of cash for me, now. Not only had I opened up a whole new vista of customers by putting the cultured college co-ed fantasy out there, but the other clients started to favor her more, too. Val Vincent, who used to have a real thing for short brunettes who would spank him and call him degrading names in Spanish, was now regularly seeking Jill out instead of Maria-- a fact which pissed the latter off to no end. I had to break up a catfight in the dining room one morning; I had no idea what a "puta" was, but judging from the vehemence with which Maria had emitted it, it was not intended to be complimentary. Jill had apparently understood the term, though; while I'm not sure it insulted her, I think she was just sick of taking guff from the other girls. She'd plunged into her own tirade en Español, sunk her claws into the Hispanic girl's hair, and yanked her across the table before several of the other ladies had started pulling them apart. I docked them both a hundred bucks that week for fighting-- I can't have that sort of behavior going on in my establishment. Outside of the bedroom, of course; Ted Slobodov pays good money to jerk off while watching two elegantly coiffed and (faux-)Gucci-dressed ladies scratching and hair-pulling and at each other's throats.

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Forest Adventures A short story

We were walking in the woods one day, as we often did back then. It was spring, edging its way in to summer and the leaves had just started to grow back on the trees. We walked and talked as we always did, spanning so many topics, tackling the big issues in life. I walked a little behind her; she was free-willed and tended to venture off the path so she led the way. She wore a lot of skirts and dresses back then. Her bare legs impressively pale, despite being an outdoorsy girl she was cursed...

3 years ago
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Innocent Play With Mom

Hi friends my name is Ritvik 22 years old from delhi, off course d fake name for security purpose. Please comment about my story at Coming to my family. My family consists of a father Ratan age 46, mother Yashoda age 39,me and my sister rinku age 19. My mom is basically from small town so she was married at a very young age. She always maintained herself well as she is used to household chores. My father works in one of the nationalised bank with a handsome salary to run a middle class...

1 year ago
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A Cul De Sac Tail Tale

Mattydale, New York is about as white middle class a populated area as you can find in America. It's a suburb of sorts of Syracuse in the fact that no one says you're from Mattydale unless you're in Syracuse. Otherwise if anyone asks, "I live in Syracuse". My wife RaeAnn and I live in a quiet little sub-division called Morningside Estates. It's not a gated community, but a chaperoned community. There is a guard house, but no gate, and you're asked to stop upon entering to ID yourself,...

4 years ago
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Monica MechanicChapter 1 Monty

Sometimes a solution turns out to have unintended consequences, and so it was with Pēteris. He and his Companions had created what amounted to a honey trap to lure ‘bad guys’ who had Damsels. Unfortunately, as part of their scheme they left behind too much honey, and Hastert made a connection. Fortunately, not the connection, but while his wound was healing and he was regaining strength, he decided that his year’s supply of potions could be used to resupply himself with Damsels. It wouldn’t...

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A few weeks back I met a girl through my office, her name is Marcy. She is divorced, age 30, 5'6" honey frosted blond that weighs about 100 lbs. Marcy has a smile and bubbly personality that you just take a liking to the first time you talk to her. Well, Marcy came in everyday to talk to me and we became the best of pals. She would tell me all her problems and I would help her by listening and offering advise. As it turned out, Marcy was looking for a better job. The one she was in now...

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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 11

I took the Independence Day week off from my pursuits to spend it with Cole and Melissa, and the original plan had been to spend that time on Lake Melones, but Chris had been added to the mix and then, by the first of July, the plans had changed, and we were now camping and sailing on Pillsbury Lake, tucked into the northern California mountains of the Mendocino Range and in the middle of the Mendocino National Forest. It was much more secluded, and I assumed much easier for the hidden...

2 years ago
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Bloodwitch An Erotic Tragedy

This story contains no sexual activity by persons under 18.While cataloging old manuscripts at the University of Bologna, I discovered the following extraordinary document, tucked inside another one and mislaid for centuries. It appears to be a tale told to an Italian traveler in Central Asia, sometime in the 13th century. I have translated it into contemporary English, while trying to preserve the simple and direct style of the language. It is worth noting that the age of menarche [first...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 12 Sheldon Quits

Rudi set the phone back in its cradle and looked at Sheldon, leaning long and lanky against the door frame. "You want to talk to me. I want to talk to you. If we stay here, it's a waste of time. Let's go across the street. We can talk there." The two men left the building, stepping into the sunshine and crossing the street. Rudy said, "Want something to drink? I'm hungry." They went into one of the up-scale sandwich stores along Pearl Street and emerged with containers of drinks,...

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Cheater gets punished by his wife and mistress

I had been fucking a much older man by the name of Ryan for months now. He was my calculus professor. He was in his 50’s and very sexy. Smart, and handsome in kind of a nerdy way. He was married of course, but said that he and his wife didn’t get along, and the way he talked of her, I assumed she was old and kind of boring. I fucked Ryan a few times a week, sometimes in his office at the university. He loved the way, I devoured his cock, and couldn’t get enough of me. He was in love.

2 years ago
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My Boyfriend My Neighbor and Me

My boyfriend is a college student and is often busy working on assignments so, he is unable to stay over. This was one of those nights. Despite my pleas for him to stay so we could fool around, he just kissed me and out the door he went. I wanted him and he knew it. Damn! He does this to me on purpose. Now what am I going to do? I guess I will just have to wait until tomorrow night. I sat down on the couch and started to flip through the channels on the TV when I heard my neighbor start...

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Candy Jimmy and Me

Okay, I admit it. I am one of those guys who would like to see his wife with another man and to anyone else the reason I want to see it would probably make absolutely no sense. But what the hell, there are times it makes absolutely no sense to me either, but for twenty-two years I have wanted it, my wife knows I want it (but not why and I don't ever intend that she ever finds out) and for ten years now she has been saying "maybe some day." The story starts almost two years before I met...

1 year ago
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Camping Fun

How's it going everyone? Feel like sharing some more stories with you all tonight. This one is about a buddy of mine, who I still keep in-touch with to this very day. This story happened back in 2008, when I was going to college in Arizona. At the time I was 19 and my buddy was 21. Precursor to the story, a few weeks prior, while camping, everyone got drunk, including myself. When I would get drunk, I would usually call up one of my best girl-friends and for some reason hand my phone off to...

4 years ago
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The Great Pumpkin Returns A Halloween Sequel

At least, that's how it used to be. Something had happened last year, when Sally joined Linus in the pumpkin patch to wait for the Great Pumpkin. Neither of them would talk about what had occurred, but something had happened last Halloween. Both Linus and Sally had been sullen and quiet for weeks afterwards, barely speaking to anyone. And then little Sally, two years younger than Lucy, had started getting fat. From the way Sally's belly had grown, Lucy had thought maybe the girl was...

1 year ago
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Disclaimer: This story is ongoing w.i.p. It will follow Nereus, son of Zeus trying to navigate the world of mortals after being cast out by his family. He aims to reclaim his place in olympus, but how he achieves this is up,to you. Eventually there will be choices that will alter the end of this story. I plan on writing the whole game here and then port it to twine to create a html game, adding images gifs and videos. Some parts are self written, others are ai generated or enhanced. As of now...

2 years ago
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Ex love

I came out of mumbai airport on road at6.30pm. I was searching mydriver. I saw him on next end of road. I wentthere crossing the slowmoving traffic & sat inside the car. he said inhis local style "youknow about mumbai traffic, that's why Icoudn't take car near you". Isaid "ok now come inside the car & let'smove". car joined thetraffic. I told him to take car at rushab'shouse. Rushab is my schoolfriend. he got aranged married 2 days before.I coudnt attend hismarriage because my companies...

3 years ago
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Meeting Tricas Stunning Mom 2nd Half

I lied down and had both Tricia and Avi come down to my boobs. They both grabbed onto one and began licking my nipples."Oh, once again, I have a mother and daughter getting me," I moaned, feeling each of their heads.That time, I got to lie down and take pleasure. Needless to say, Avi had some chick-on-chick experience, so she definitely had some more joy to bring to the table. Once again, they started licking them very slowly, but that time, they both grasped my jugs harder.I already had my...

3 years ago
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My down fall with texting Part 4

My down fall with texting- Part 4... The weekend at the Golf Club, Jessica get's called in to do an extra Saturday waitress shift and meets up with Gary. By Jessica Kingston I woke up and could hear the light early morning light traffic passing the front of the house, I felt warm, I could feel the body heat from Lucy, I was comfortable and had no wish to get up, especially under my present circumstances, in my mind I re-called the previous couple of days; hoping they were a dream,...

4 years ago
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Tumblr CousinChapter 3

My sister and my cousin stayed in contact after that Thanksgiving holiday, and among other things, I was a frequent topic of conversation. That sounds pretty harmless, at least to a guy, but guys don’t understand the nuances of what I just said. One of the female social patterns men don’t pay much attention to is the one where two women talk about one man in particular. For a guy, it’s relatively simple. If two guys are talking about a particular girl, the conversation might very well go...

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Wife8217s Younger Sister

By : Dineshk88 Hi All, I hope my Ooty trip story took you to the ecstasy of love making and you had a romping session with your partners! Enjoy but at the same time, share your feelings with me and tell me what you liked the most. Let me narrate one more real incident when my wife had sex with her brother inlaw. My wife, Anita has a younger sister in Vizag and her name is Kavitha. She is 29 yrs old, fair in colour and moderately built body, which any married man wants to try once and enjoy. She...

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CassieChapter 10 Times Two

Rachel was about three months old when sadness enveloped the household. We were enjoying an after-dinner coffee, discussing a possible expansion of the house, when the phone rang; Patrick answered. He said "Mmm-hmm" a couple of times and then, "I'll be there as soon as I can," and hung up. With the saddest look on his face I'd ever seen, he said, "Dad died in his sleep last night." There were hugs, tears, and more than a few kisses, and he said, "I've got to get ready to...

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Helpless Stephen sighed as he looked despairingly at the boxes and boxes of markingto do. It was the end of a very long day, and the shadows were already falling.Stephen surveyed the now empty office and it suddenly felt palpably deserted,the only noise that could be heard was the 1960's heating system installedwhich kept the college carefully regulated to ensure its occupants are eitherboiling alive or freezing cold. There was a small knock at the door and Stephenfrowned for a moment; the only...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Chapter 8 Passions Illusion

Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter Eight: Passion's Illusion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Knight-Errant Angela – The Lamp My tongue passed the honey-covered date back and forth to Saniyya, the dusky-skinned and citrine-eyed jinn. The flavor of the date sent a heady rush through me, fogging my brain, making me relax as she lifted my arms to her bed's posts where golden manacles lay. I was in her lamp. I entered it The date tasted so sweet. Her lush body writhed...

2 years ago
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Were You Hit With a Slut Ray Book IChapter 26

One year later... “Regrettably, there has still been some notable resistance to your rule, my dear Dan,” Chrissy pouted as I rammed her ass and Jonny used her twat in a double-penetration. “Yeah, I’m rapidly losing my patience. I’m increasingly thinking of saying, ‘fuck it’ and asking Ben, Julia, and Claire to give people three choices: the Converter, the Atomizer, or the fucking Sterilizer! That would bleach the gene pool more than a little, I dare say. Maybe if humanity gets a fresh...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Kali Roses Third Appearance

Kali is finally a free Woman. She completed her divorce and it’s time to celebrate. She reached out to one of her old hookups Jason to see if he could help her out. She wants a party that will stretch her pussy out and remake it for single life again. Jason, true to his word, brings his buddies Prince and Jamie to lend a hand for Kali with a really Big Cock. Kali needs to be overwhelmed by Dick, 3 Big Cocks to get her fully dick drunk to get over her Divorce. The Men do not give her a...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Romi Rain Reena Sky Camel Toe

Client Romi Rain gets turned on when she sees that her masseuse Reena Sky is sporting some serious cameltoe. She stares at the wedge in her pussy but doesn’t mention it. Instead she compliments the gorgeous brunette masseuse on her staggering beauty. Reena smiles shyly, oblivious to the cameltoe that her tight white yoga pants are putting on display. She offers Romi privacy when she whips off her top and bottoms, but Romi likes to flaunt her hot body. When Reena throws a towel over...

2 years ago
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Becoming Allison Part 1

June 20, 2033, Stony Brook University Hospital and Research Center "Even though this is going to take 4 to 6 hours, David, it will feel like an hour/hour and a half. The first half hour you will spend waiting for it to kick in, and, once it does, the changes that begin happening to your mind will throw off your sense of time. Just be aware. It will be painful, but at least it won't feel like 6 hours of pain." Dr. Sandstrom patted my shoulder, "We will be keeping an eye on you...

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--- Hello Brad... what-s up? --- I was wondering if you heard anything about that fellow who disappeared in Alberta a couple of months back. --- NO! .... We have no idea what happened to Stan... he just walked out the door and never came back. WE are in constant touch with the RCMP though; Canadian police. Bob and Brand move along in their conversation, touching on several business matters before Bob excuses himself. --- I have a meeting to attend Brad; I will certainly keep you...

4 years ago
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Oscar MeyersChapter 7

“My hair is white!” Georgia said glaring at Oscar in response to his comment about how nice she looked that day. They were riding camels side by side about thirty yards behind Jumah. “I like it,” Oscar said with a smile. Her hair had turned to a white color that was almost shocking in its purity. “It’s not blond,” she said holding a strand of her hair in front of her eyes. She wished that it had turned blond rather than white. Her original color had been a hue of light brown that bordered...

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Pleasure Time With ExGirlfriend

Hi to every one. This is my first story in ISS. I have read many fascinating stories and decided to jot down one of my own experience. I am Shrey(name changed) i am 22 now, i have completed my engineering and currently working with a private firm. This story dates back to my first year 3 years ago with my ex girlfriend(Reena, name changed). First of all i will tell you about her. She is avg in height around 5feet and couple of inches more, she has a sound figure, fair, beautiful and many were...

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An afternoon playing

When my husband I were dating, he lived about two hours away. We only saw each other on the weekends. One weekend my roommate and her boyfriend were going to visit her parents. Her boyfriend was picking her up from work and they were leaving straight from work.I was only working half a day and then driving to see my boyfriend. At work that morning my boyfriend called and told me something came up and heneeded to come help his parents that Saturday afternoon. Instead of me driving up to see him,...

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Amandas Anal Ravishment

Amanda Thompson stands in front of a mirror. She holds an angel costume up against her sexy body, admiring herself. She looks up and down the costume, liking the length of it. She decides to try it on in the dressing room.Amanda takes the costume over and summons the saleslady."May I help you?" the saleslady says."Yes, you can. I would like to try this on." Amanda says."Okay ma'am, right this way." the saleslady says.Amanda watches as the saleslady walks towards a row of dressing rooms. She...

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Teacher and her lesbian schoolgirls Part 4

Finally, I have written the next part to this story. Hopefully, part 5 will follow a lot quicker!!!That afternoon I found it hard to concentrate on my teaching, especially as the last lesson of the day would have my two new young lovers sitting at the front of the classroom.Sure enough, just as the lesson began, the two of them walked into the classroom and sat down immediately in front of me, and just as immediately, opened their legs showing me that under their short uniform skirts they were...

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My Whole Family Needed Me1

My Whole Family Needed Me Hi, my name is Zachery; everyone just calls me Zack or Z. I’ve never been much of a stand-up guy. I usually just blend in with the crowd and settle for better than most. I’m a normal 15 year old guy standing at 5’9 160lbs.Working out and playing basketball keep my body in an at least somewhat athletic shape. I am one out of 3 kids that my parents had. My older sister Katie is 17; she is...

4 years ago
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Mom Randi 8211 Part 1

Hi friends myself sandy I am 19 years old and live in siliguri with mom dad and my mom name is migma she is 31 and look like 25 she is very hot if you she her you ll like to fuck her so hard and hard. Dad use to stay out of town and he use to visit once in a month. Let me come to the story it’s was my vacation and used to stay in my home only watching porn etc. On Sunday while I was watching TV mom was wearing a shorts and half sleeves she was look so hot and I pass a comment to her mom kay...

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The Retired Headmaster and the Schoolgirl 2

Continued from part 1 I tried to persuade Tayla to take the ten pounds but she would not. In view of what had just happened I thought it best not to insist. We spent some time after that just looking at each other in a kind of marvellous wonder. Could it be? Yes, our eyes replied, it could be. I left her on the bridge and passed my mobile number to her (the mobile my wife is not aware of). She would not give me any contact details whatever but promised to be in touch. I wanted to know when and...

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Oasys The BeginingChapter 2

Not for the first time Marz wondered "How does someone who completed with honours a degree in Political Science, a degree in Computer Science and a PhD in Sociology end up doing IT research for a news reader who always misquotes the information provided." Marz had just exited the news station legal office after another misquote from his least favourite news reader. "How in the hell can it be my fault," he grumbled, "if the stupid woman won't read the information as...

1 year ago
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A New Beginning

I looked around my empty room. It was the last day in our old house, as we hit the road to a whole new state. I was set to start hîgh schôol with no friends, not that I had lots at my old schôol anyway. I was a short, skinny, nerd. I was only 5’3” and 100 pounds, soaking wet, when I got out of 8th gràde. Just turning thîrteen during summer, I finally hit my growth spurt. I had been a summer bàby so I was always the yôungest in my clàss. But too bad no one at my old schôol saw it. Now I stood...

4 years ago
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Just Getting Bi Part 2

This is the continuation of a previous story you can read here: hopped in the shower and got dressed. Lisa had given me her number so I called her up to see if I could bring something."Hi stud. You aren't bailing out on me are you?""Not a chance! I was just calling to see what was on the menu, thought I would pick up a bottle of wine on the way.""How thoughtful! Beef is on the menu," she giggled, "mostly your beef I hope!""Red it is then, and...

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papa mummy aur main 6

hi friends….meri last story mein aapne padha ki kaise mere dad ne meri gand maari aur phir driver ne bhi…ab aage ki story… driver se gaand marwakar main gaadi mein wapas aagyi…gand markar driver ne meri gaand par moot diya tha isliye thodi smell bhi aarahi thi…main gaadi mein ghusi to papa bade hi utawale hokar mujhko dekh rahe the…maine papa ke gaal par kiss kardi aur gaadi mein baith gyi…driver ne bhi gaadi chala di…ab raat ho chuki thi aur dehradoon pahunchne mein abhi 8 ghante baaki...

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Rachels Debt Chapter 4 Rules of Engagement

-Hey -Dont have this phone number, who is dis -It’s your dear old uncle Along with the text, I included a picture taken from our last session. I doubt Rachel had even noticed the cameras I had installed several years earlier at my late wife’s request. She used to love watching herself when I fucked her. This picture showed the young blonde with her hands bound behind her, her face against the ground. Not evident from the picture, but she had been busy licking my cum off the floor at the...

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Nightmares Are Bad for YouChapter 2

"Oowww my head," Chuck sat up on and continued to groan. He looked up and saw something that almost made him laugh it was so cliché. There were the golden pearly gates and a line of about 20 people. He stood and moved to the line and proceeded to wait. When he made it to the head of the line he heard, "Name please" said a seemingly bored St. Peter "Charles Darwin Adams" said Chuck. "Hmm, nope not on the list, sorry." "What?!" "I'm dead, how can I not be on the list?" right...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Chloe Scott My Buddys Little Sister

Studying was supposed to be my focus today but I hardly got any done. My older brother invited his musician bandmate friend over to talk about their upcoming tour. I overheard my brother saying that this bandmate of his has a weird foot fetish. I didn’t care because I thought he was super hot. I was sure he liked my cute socks because he kept staring and accidentally saying things like toe, feet, and footjob! For some reason when he said footjob I got curious and excited. So when he went to the...

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Fucking Rica in her mommys bed

[imageC:Userslarrabees pcDesktoppur1.jpg][/image] while I was still in Indonesia Rica called me asking me to come visit her, I said that wouldn't be a good idea since she lived with her parents . " Oh don't worry about my parents, they will be at work all day" she informed me. I will be there as soon as I could get there. Now if anyone has been to Jakarta, Indonesia then you know how bad traffic is. It might take an hour just to get a couple miles . Lucky me for some reason the...

2 years ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 36

Pulling off her light dress – underneath which she was wearing nothing – Samantha stepped toward Serena, who looked up at her somewhat blankly, as if stunned by what had just occurred. Samantha drank in the spectacle of the yoga teacher’s naked body, which she had longed to see for so many months. It had been just after the previous Thanksgiving that Samantha had first visited the local yoga studio and been captivated by what she saw there. And thanks to her faithful attendance at Serena’s...

3 years ago
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Southern Exposure Part 2

SOUTHERN EXPOSURE Part 2 Copyright Kristy Leigh 2003. All rights reserved. 3. "Last one up has to kiss a pig!" Lisa yelled. Squealing with laughter, the girls bolted over to the bars and clambered up the rungs in a tangle of hands, feet and elbows. Debbie claimed the first place by virtue of her superior athletic abilities (within the year, she would win bronze at the state gymnastics finals). Lisa and Jessie tied in second, although neither had any immediate plans to visit...

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Twin Blessins Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! “So…” I let the word just kinda hang there in the air between us. They were both looking up me with “are we in trouble” looks. God! My cock stretched and pulled at the back of my zipper. They were just sitting there looking so damn sexy and pouty. A pair of full, garnet stained lips were almost trembling. Was it fear of what I was going to do? Two sets of eyes grew as they followed my hands to my belt and watched as I loosened the buckle and pulled the...

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The New Game II

The first of twenty five men to take me anally slowly withdrew his shrinking cock from my butt hole. I thought to myself oh my god there’s no way I can take 24 more. My thoughts were interrupted by another fat hard cock sliding into my shit hole. I grit my teeth and sucked air through them as he pushed himself deeper into my cum filled asshole. I reached back and found my slippery wet clit and began to slowly rub it as I rotated my hips and pushed back on the fat cock in my pooper. He sensed my...

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Going GoingChapter 18

Kathy and Julie greeted Michelle and the twins warmly, but didn't insist on body contact. Julie was of course nude. The twins had become more acclimated to nudity during the Program but Michelle was clearly unsettled until she saw that no one made anything of it. Julie gave Bob an update of their progress, reporting that she thought they had collected everything needed from Ellen's house. Kathy led them on a brief tour of the house while Julie made coffee and juice. Kathy led the troupe...

4 years ago
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Flambeaux Staug Ch 11

Brian hummed happily as he tapped his hands on the steering wheel of his Buick LeSabre, careening down the road on his way home. He’d been away on a business trip for three days, and had just left the airport after arrival. He was very pleased that he was only a half hour away from his eight year old son Mark and Elizabeth, his wife of eight years. Brian was thirty two years of age, one year senior to his wife. He was an enigneer for Doldrum Plastics and had to go work on some stupid project...

2 years ago
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SRU The Apprentice

SRU: The Apprentice by Grimbo Leon Walters had always wondered about the strange tales on campus. Hell, anyone who heard them would. But to him, they meant nothing. He avoided the fraternities, sports, and any other school activities. To him, the location of his next paycheck was more important. Three years at the university, straight A's the whole time, and he couldn't get any scholarships to finish. It seems that his parents make too much money, but not enough to afford sending him...

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DetentionGirls Kendra Spade Sexual Rehab

Kendra Spade is new to the detention facility and as she’s having her intake interview with her counselor Damon Dice she makes it clear that she’s not having it. She starts talking about how much she misses fucking her stepbrother. Going all out to make Damon uncomfortable, Kendra starts feeling herself up and then moves on to taking off her clothes! Damon tries stepping out of the room for a minute so Kendra can collect herself, but rather than obey the missive Kendra just gets...


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